TIIE MORNING OREGONTAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,. 1910. STRANGESTPLAY OF AGE GIVEN ACCLAIM Foremost People of Culture in Europe Go Wild at Great Performance. NO HUMAN BEINGS IN CAST, A. Guitry, Mine. Lebargy, Gallipaux and Coquelin Lauded 3Iost Re peated Calls Fail to Bring Au thor Before the Curtain. PARTS, Feb. 7.- Before a remarkable &udience comprising: all the elite of the literary, artistic and dramatic worlds of Far.3 as well as of othr capitals, Edmond Rostand's "Chantecler," the most remarkable play of the age, was griven in a dress rehearsal last night at the Porte St. Martin Theater. As an artistic success nothing could have been greater. The exquisite verse is said to be up to all traditions of Rostand's art and skill. Even the beautiful verse of "Cyrano de Ber gerac," which was said to be ahead of all previous efforts of Krencli dram atists, is easily equalled and by many thought to have been surpassed. "o Human Beings in Cast. Absolutely unique is "Chantecler," or in English, Chanticleer." No human character appears upon the stage. All the pTts are taken by fowls, birds- or animals. As the cast characters are necessarily as large as the actors who take the parts, everything else on the stage ij on a corresponding scale. The brilliancy of the first act, which was -preceded by a charming prologue delivered by Jean Coquelin, preparing the audience for the atmosphere of the piece, fairly set the theater mad with enthusiasm. But the second and third acts, which were somewhat tedious, were less favorably received. Author Does Not Appear. In the last act, however, enthusiasm was revived to the boiling point. There were five calls after the curtain fell, but M. Rostand himself did not appear. M. Guitry, who took the part of "Chan tecler," or the Cock, stepped before the curtain and simply expressed his thnnks. The piece was Hvondeff ully staged and the plot thrilling. A. Guitry, Mme. Simone Lcbargy, the hen-pheasant, Gallipaux, the blackbird, and Coquelin, the dog, carried off the honors. The secret of the many delays inci dent to the presentation of the play is now explained by the changes made at the end of the play. The hen-pheasant after vainly trying to induce . Chanti cleer, who has boasted that the sun awaits his summons to rise and whom Flie has enticed to the forest, to pro long the night 36 hours in their nup tials, betrays him. and hereturns to the barnyard to his faithful hens. The critics generally consider that the brilliancy of the verse surpasses pven "Cyrano,' if that be possible, but the artistic note struck is sc high that they doubt whether the play will bo a. popular success after curiosity has worn off. It is rumored that M. Rostand him self will play the role of Chanticleer at the "benefit to be given for the flood .sufferers. , Chanticleer, the hero (Guitry) is filled TAith illusions about his place in the world. He imagines lie is master of the inn; that the pun rises at the end of night because Chanticleer has awakened, and crowed. The play dispells this illusion tn the heart of Chanticleer alone. The first act opens with the sun rising on a' barnyard. A mountainous manure pile is on one fide of the stage. A fence, which seems Immense, though it is in proportion, sep.irate-s ihe yard from a road beyond, which is a forest' back ground. To the right a wooden shoe, for gotten by the farmer's wife, is of the size it would appear to the chicken, and a chair completes the scale illusion, its log, which alone are seen, being eight yards high. In the center of the stage with his com panions of -the barnyard grouped around him, Chanticleer hails the sun, whoso first rays gild the scene, in a hymn full of the poot's lyric magnificence. On the manure pile porches the blackbird (Gal 11 paux. jealous of the cook, and breaking into his noble tentiments with jibea and, pirn si after the maimer of Cyrano. The dog (Jean Coquelin) is the droll moralizer of the piece. Ohanticleer falls ' In love with a beautiful hen pheasant (mraonc) who is wooed by a lighting cok. The second not is tho scenic gem of the piece, showing he tipper branches of blunted pine in the heart of a forest, the- human-birds perched in the brandies. The owl calls the roll of the birds of the. night, each, as- his name is called, answering and opening two luminous pyes. which ehine in the semi-obscurity of the stage, groen. yellow or blood red. Thcs birv'.s declaim the hymn of the night and afterward conspire together to rid themselves of their arch enemy. Chanticleer. "With him gone, tliVy be lieve, the sunlight will be- forever quenched, and they will be masters for evermoie. Tn the third act Chanticleer learns of the conspiracy of the night birds and fights a duel with his fnlse friend, the gamecock, killing him, despite his steel gaffs and redoubtable skill. This is the beginning of the end for Chanticleer. The treachery of his friends poisons his optimism. The hen pheasant; the prize of the combat, offers the con solation of her love in a fine outburst and then draws his head under her wing and bids him "sleep " Vhen the fourth and last act opens Chanticleer, wooed by love, has Klept so long that the sun has risen without him. "And I have not crowed," he- mid. The dream of his life, all his belief in his wo mi reus power, crumbles. So he wa not the ruler of the sun. All the tenderness of the hen pheasant cannot bring back the lost Illusion. His hens did not know it. The birds of the night still believe in him. He has his follow ers and his enemies as before. The- sun 'still rises, when he. Chanticleer, crows. If the dog doubts, he is silent. But the Iron that has entered his soul is the death of the glorious Chanticleer. Kostant in an interview explains the history of his conception of "Chantl , cleer" : -ln 1001." said he, "while taking a walk in the outskirts of Cambo, 1 was passing a humble farm, when 1 suddenly stopped before the barnyard. It was just an ordinary barnyard containing the usual pigeon loft, wire nettings, manure pile, and within, tlie animals, hens, ducks, guinea fowl, geese-, turkeys, a cat asleep, a dog wandering about! in brief, a com mon spectacle. watched with interest, when, sud denly, in stalked the cock. He entered proudly, boldly, like a ruler, with dis dain in his eye and a certain rhythmic movement of the head that produced the irreki&Uliitt iuxessiun of a hero. He ad- vanced like a king among his subjects. I saw in this spectacle a play." DEAD WOMAN LIVED HERE Mrs. Myer Infatuated With. Haynie, Says Portland Man. It developed in Portland yesterday that-'Mrs. E,lecd.ra C. Myer became ac quainted with J. B. Haynie in 1906. Haynie was employed as a passenger brakeman on the Southern Pacific run ning out of El Paso. The acquaintance became an infatuation on the part of Mrs. Myer, and was the cause of & di vorce obtained by Jacob Myer, her hus band. In the Summer of 1908 Haynie came north in search of employment and was soon followed by Mrs. Myer. On her arrival here she went to the Saranac rooming-house on Sixth street, operated by old friends of El Paso days, B. H. Young and wife. Mrs. Myer started a search for Haynie through private de tectives and finally located him at Ta- coma. She went North and Joined Haynie, who was employed by the passenger service of the Northern Pa cific The next heard from Mrs. Myer was in May, 1909, when she removed to Van couver, Wash., and established a resi dence. Mrs. Myer engaged Walter G. Hayes, a Portland attorney, to repre sent her and began a breach of promise suit against Haynie in the Washington courts. The woman claimed $10,000. The suit was brought to trial and Mrs. Myer lost the decision because it was ascertained that Haynie had a wife and five children at Stamps, Ark., and that Mrs. Myer knew the facts at the time she contracted her relations with Haynie. Mrs. Myer then went to Seattle Jid conducted a rooming-house during the A.-Y.-P. Exposition. She returned to Portland on January 29 and again went to the Saranac for rooms. Interviewed as to the happenings after the arrival of Airs. Myer, Mr. Young said last night: "Mrs. Myer came here one week ago last Saturday and remained until Wednesday, February 2, when she left on a hunt for Haynie. On Tuesday she wrote out her will and called Mrs. Young and myself to her room to witness the document. It left all her property to her former husband at El Paso. The property of value was listed as being mining stocks and jewelry, and the val uation -was fixed at $1000. "The fact that she was making a will excited no particular attention from me. I had (heard, her talk ahout Haynie, but will not state what she said. That is for her attorney to give out. I will not say whether she did or did not make threats against his life. I looked upon it as a family matter tha I should not mix up wiiii, euia so long as sue aid not start anything around my house I was willing to keep out of it. "Mrs. Myer was chasing after Haynie for a year and a half and you can use your own judgment as to whether she was infatuated with him or not. I met her in El Paso, where Mr. and Mrs. Myer ran a rooming-house. Myer is a mighty fine man and is engaged in the cattle and mining business down there. The woman was writing to her former husband and about six months ago he asked her to return to him. She spoke as if she might do it. and I wanted to encourage her in that if possible. "When Mrs. Myer came here about a year and a half ago she had $1600 In cash and a mortgage for $S00, which she afterward -converted into cash. She spent all of that sum in following Hay nie. She was expecting a check to reach here today for the sum of $500, and I have reason to believe it came. "She was a very determined woman, smart and well educated. After she lo cated Haynie the last time she did not let any of us know where he was, and in that way headed off any attempt that we might have been inclined to make to advise him that Mrs. Myer was going to see him. Haynie lost his position on the railroad through his relations with Mrs. Myer, and he had gone . to the grading camp to work until the affair blew over. I have one of her trunks at this hotel, together with some other ef fects belonging to her. She has another trunk at Vancouver." Questioned as to where the property was held, mentioned in the will Mrs. Myer left, Young referred the inquirer to Attorney Hayes. 700 SLATED FOR ARREST Men Illegally Registered "Will Be Watched For In Seattle. SEATTLE, Feb. 7. More than 700 ar rests will be made at the polls Tues day on the charge of illegal voting if the men whose names were placed In the hands of grand Jury detectives and deputy sheriffs today attempt to have a pay in the selection of candidates for Mayor. Duplicate poll books were prepared to day and opposite the names of the 'men suspected of illepal registration was placed the word "Arrest." Detectives in the employ of the grand jury will be stationed at the Third and Fourth precincts of the Fifth Ward, where it is charged illegal voters were colonized by William Hurley, now held at the county 5ail under a grand jury warrant charging illegal registration. CANADA TO. SHOW APPLES First Organization to Be Formed in British Columbia Province. VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 7. (Spe- cial.) Within the next few days promi nent business men connected with the fruit industry in this province will gather here to form a board of con trol for the purpose of holding in Van couver this jiear the first Canadian apple show. r According to present Indications next season's apple crop will bo unusually good, and so it is planned to hold the apple show here the first week in No vember so that exhibitors will have an opportunity of competing also in the American National apple show to be held in Spokane later in November. SW0PE CASE OPENS TODAY Coroner's Inquest JJegrins on Death of Millionaire. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 7. Interest in the Swope catse will turn tomorrow to the inquest over the body of the dead mil lionaire. At 9 o'clock Monday morning Coroner Stewart will begin the inquest at the Courthouse in Independence. Under takers and assiitants who cared for the body will be examined. But on Tuesday it is thought members of the Swope fam ily will be called to the witness stand. BROTHER SHOOTS SISTER Spokane Girl May Die Because Usual Gun Was Loaded. SPOKANE. Wash., - Feb. 7. (Special.) Accidentally shot In the internal or gans by a 22-calibre revolver in the hands of her brother, aged 10, while playing, Sophia Young, aged 12, is in a dying condition. The doctors thought if they operated on her. the shock would kill her. The gun had been around the house for a long time and wan thought not to be loaded. INSURGENTS LOSE ONE IN EVERY SIX Reports of Government Victory - at Santo Tomas Still Received. ZELAYA'S HEADSMAN DEAD General A'asquez, Still Pursuing ' Fleeing Kebels, Attributes Suc cess to Well-Executed Ambush. Canards Are Alleged. t MANAGUA, Feb. 7. Reports of, a ffov merit victory at San Tomas continue to be received here. According to offi cial dispatches from General Vasquez, every eixth man among the insurgents was killed or wounded. Among those in the casualty list on the government eida are Captain Pari nilli. killed, and Colonel Miguel and Cap tain Navarro wounded. Navarro formerly was governor of Managua penitentiary, and it was he who executed Zelaya'a or ders for shooting and torturing political prisoners.' General Mena was in command of the Insurgents at the battle and toward the close of the fight was reinforced by Colonel Zeledon with 300 men. This pre vented the insurgents from being en- tirely cut off. General Vasquez in his advices says be is still pursuing the enemy. He attrib uted the victory to a well-executed am bush. The report that Nicaragua and Hon duras are preparing a revolution against Guatemala is declared here to be an in surgent invention, doubtless to discredit the Madriz government. SIOUX IMMIGRATION FEARED ladrlz Gives Plans of Chief Little Bison Temporary Setback. BOSTON, Feb. 7. Because President Madriz of Nicaragua feared the ex pected transplanting of 800 Sioux In dians from North Dakota to the terri tory was a ruse to give Btrength to the insurgent army under General Es trada, the plans of Chief Little Bison of the Sioux tribe, have received at least a temporary setback. Chef Ldttle Bision who went to Nicaragua to prepare the way for the immigration of his brothers, arrived to day on the steamer Esparta from Port Limon, Costa Rica, accompanied by Mrs. Little Bison, a white woman. Little Bison said that, when he reached Costa Rica, President Madriz was suspicious of his intentions and appealed to the Costa Rlcan govern ment to prevent the entry of the In dians into Nicaragua. The chief then was submitted to constant surveillance. .He managed, however, to elude his watchers and slipped into Bluefields on .Jiuary 27. There he had a conference with- General Kstrada. The Insurgent leader was sanguine that the war would end favorably for. the insurgents within six weeks. TARIFF DEFENSE, EXCUSE TWO INQUIRIES INTO COST OP LIVING LIKELVV-- Politics at Bottom of Anxiety of Con gress to Determine Cause of Exorbitant Prices. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Whether the Senate and- House will conduct rival in vestigations into the cause of the high cost, of living Is a question that concerns Republican political leaders more deeply than any other problem now before Con gress. If both bodies conduct such an exami nation, the leaders fear that different conclusions may be reached, and that such different reports on the eve of the Congressional elections will prove em barrassing to the Republican majority. Nevertheless, Republicans of the Senate apparently are determined to make such an Inquiry and to conduct it with the most dispatch, regardless of the views of the House leaders. The lodgQ resolution reported from the Senate committee has been amended s to provide for a committee of seven Senators and it probably will be reported tomorrow from the committee on con tingent expenses. That the object of the investigation is political is generally ad mitted. Especially, it seems, do the Republicans want to refute charges that the tariff is responsible for the increases. They will try to show that there is a wide differ ence between wholesale and retail prices. and that the tariff is not responsible for these differences. It is reported that President Taft de sires the effect of the tariff upon neces saries of life to be determined by the inquiry, and that he will not tolerate any effort to gloss over any ill effects. JOINT TWICE DISLOCATED Twice Also Shipman's Shoulder Bights Itself, Unexpectedly. W. Shipman. of 27H Front street. walked two miles with a dislocated shoul der to police headquarters shortly before midnight last night and on reaching the door of the station bumped against the door-casing and threw the shoulder back into place. He then called for a doctor to see if the shoulder really had reset itself and Patrolman J. G. Montgomery proffered his services. Shipman threw his arm up over his head, declared it felt as usual and then Officer Montgomery took hold of the man, when instantly the shoulder went out again and all of Montgomery's efforts to reset it failed. A little later the shoul der unexpectedly shot back into place again and Shipman departed rejoicing. The man's shoulder was thrown out of place originally in a friendly wrestling bout. CREW OF KENTUCKY SAFE Shipwrecked Sailors "Will Land To- x day at Kej- West. KEY WEST. Kla., Feb. 7. The Alamo, with the crew of the steamship Ken tucky, which foundered off the Caro lina coast Friday, arrived at midnight ft s - i1 ill ? 1 7 I -I r . -x sr 1 I f K " - - "(" if ; " r : I J- . E:K iv - ' v 4 Z I -r f ,- i i . Copyright Hart Scbaifoer & Marx - MERCURY IS AT ZERO FORTY-MILE BREEZE DRIVES PEOPLE FROM STREETS. Buffalo Fisherman. Is Found Froien to Death in His Sled on Ice of Lake Erie. . NBW YORK. Feb. 7,--Intense cold, driven to the bone of man and beast by a cutting' wind, gripped the Eat last night. Iu New York City the mercury stood at one degree above zero at midnight, equaling the low record for the season. A 40-mile gale swept New York end vicinity throughout the day and night, driving pedestrians indoors and causing great suffering to those who are exposed. Streets were practically deserted last night. An unidentified man was frozen to death in Boston; a fisherman met a sim ilar fate in Buffalo, while off Atlantic City a tramp steamer- was forced (to an chor because of the gale. Up-state tn New York, a driving snow made condi tions worse. At Utica the mercury was 14 below. The extreme cold drove hun dreds of homeless men and women to the municipal lodging-house and dock for shelter. At Buffalo three degrees below zero was registered at 8 o'clock last night, the lowest in several' years. There was a slight fall of snow. Herman Snyder, a fisherman, was found dead in his sled with his dogs two miles out on Iakt Erie. At Boston the mercury tumbled last night at the rate of two degrees an hour until at midnight the thermome ters registered zero. The wind blew 26 miles an hour. One man was found frozen. Philadelphia reported the thermometer seven degrees above zero last night, the coldest of the "Winter. In "Western Penn sylvania the temperature was two to 10 below zero. CORPORATION BILL DUE TAFTS MEASURE MAY SEE CON GRESS TODAY. Final Draft Differs Materially From Original and Represents Months of Study by Cabinet. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The long looked for Federal Incorporation bill to embody the recommendations made in the special message by President Taft will be Introduced in Congress tomor row, probably by Senator Clark of "Wyoming and Representative Parker of New Jersey, chairman, respectively, of the Senate and House committees on Judiciary. The final draft. In outline, differs ma terially from the earlier drafts and represents several months of study by the President and his Cabinet. No corporation, formed under the terms of the proposed act, will be per mitted to purchase, acquire or hold stock in any other corporation; ifor could any corporation organized under the act or the laws of any state or 'foreign country for the purpose of any like business, acquire or hold the stock of a corporation formed under this act; and no such corporation would be per mitted to have banking powers. Forfeiture of character may result if any corporation organized under the act enters into any contract or combina tion, or engages in any conspiracy against interstate or "foreign trade or commerce or shall monopolize or at tempt to monopolize any part thereof contrary to the Sherman act, or shall otherwise violate the laws of the United States. The characters of all corpora tions are made -subject to alteration, suspension or repeal by Congress. COOK IS SENTENCED TODAY American Conductor May Get Term In Mexican Penitentiary. MEXICO CITY, Feb. 7. A telegram from Quadalajara says that the prose cuting attorney in the case of Conductor James Cook has recommended to the judge that the prisoner be sentenced to a term in the penitentiary. The prosecutor charges that the Amer ican was guilty of criminal negligence. If not actually implicated, in the robbery of a freight train in his charge. Special Sale of Men's Overcoats and Cravenettes Regular $20, $22.50, $25 and $30 Values at $15 The nearness of Spring lends aggressiveness to our efforts to clean up this Winter stock. We'd a good deal rather give you the benefit of our extremely low prices now than to carry these goods through until next Fall; we're willing to allow you something on the price a good gen erous slice of it to pay you for doing the carrying over. Many of these overcoats and raincoats are Hart Schaffner & Marx goods. They're all perfect in fit, style and finish, and were good values during past season at $20, $22.50, $25 and $30. We offer you unrestricted choice of entire lot at See Display in Morrison-Street Window First Shipment John B. Stetson Hats for Spring Have Arrived Sam'l Rosenblatt ik. Co. Corner Third and Morrison Streets Family Cough Syrup Cures Any Cough In Five Hours. XEW PRESCRIPTION" HERE. Here is given the most effective cough prescription known to the medical world. It is a mild laxative, too, and this is what a body needs when suffering: with cough and cold on the lungs. A cough or cold indi cates poisons in the system, causing inflammation and congestion. Nearly all cough syrups relieve, but make the trouble worse by their constipating effects. This prescription not only re lieves quickly, but it cures any cough that is curable. Get one - half ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one ounco compound essence caxdlol and three ounces syrup white pine compound. Mix in a bottle. Take for acute cough or bronchitis twenty drops every half hour for four hours. Then one-half to one teaspoonful three or four times daily. Give children less according to age. A tew hours treatment will cure and heal the throat and lungs of all but consumptives. Cut this out and give it (to' some friend who may need it to be saved from an early death by consumption. All Monta.illa cars ran through Laurelhnrst. Only 15 minutes' ride. Take car on Washington street,, between Fifth and First. Salesmea on the ground. Office, 522 Corbett Building. Painless Dentistry wii i in i. jj --'0)lt t town people ' UUUgBOIS no lahea in one das if necessarr. gWill givsyou gooi 22k raid sr boi!! M crown (or 53.5B Moltr Crown 5.00 22kBridg.Teotb3.50 Gold Filling. 1.00 Enuul Filling. LOC Sihw Filling .50 Inlay Filling 2.50 Good Rubbor . Plata -5. GO B..t Rod Rob- bar Plato 7.50 fit. W. JL WUE. rmamaa urn Mmj PalnloM ExVlion .50 WORK GUARANTEED POfT IS YEARS Painleaa .Extraction t ree whan pl&teaor bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free, Ton cannot Ret bette painless work done anywhere. All work fully cnax Knteed. Modern electric equipment. Best inotkoxla. Wise Dental Co. H7ICS BOOM: A. HV to) f. M. fcuuUy. to 1. Rheumatism is instantly relieved by LOAM'S MIMEM Prtcot, SSc, SOc, aad SI-OO MUDLAVIA-Nature's Treatment where yoe bathe in black, ooft mad that draws ooi pain and poison. Thousands cured. .Big- Hotel oen year. Send for book, R. B. Kramer, Pres., Kramer, Ind. I fCr77iW-r4 TAKE I L!v:J I Bj ",LUi"" " ' ? $.15 ,0 Don't merely ask for "a drink of Pepper." Always ask for Old James E. Pepper. r s Then you'll get what pect the best whiskey Old James E. Pepper Bottled in Bond Put up In full quarts, full flve, full pints and half pints. Order from your druggist. - DISTRIBUTORS BLHER-FRM DRUG CO. Stb and Everett Sta., Portland, Or. W-yirriiwit.il .... iiMi.ii. j " n ' t in ri THE QUEEN Aboil Its pure Natural Carbonic Acid Gas acts as a Gastric Stimulant and Tonic and promotes the Digestion and Assimilation of even the Richest Food. Liberal Free Sample Especially valuable in aural affections of children mild, pure, and sanitary. Specially recommended by physicians for children with cold in the head, which so often briners on chronic nasal catarrh. Contains no harm ful drugs. Sold only in sanitary, convenient tubes and recommended bv over 35.000 drueeists in 25c and 50c tubes. If yours hasn't Kondon's, postpaid on receipt ot price, Kondon Mia Company Minneapolis. Minn. pit it '. I you ex- made. mans OF TABLE WATERS. Catarrhal Deafness Avoided and Cured Prove this to yourself by writing us to day for a free sample, postpaid, of this permanent, safe and speedy cure aro matic, soothing, healing. Or ask your favorite Druggist ior a 25c or 50c tube will be sent you or absolutely tree sample oy M Virginia irtmirt ninw imi tiiwiH 1 ' "Sl I Hi f