Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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Hop Dealers Look for Resump
- tion of Buying.
Business Improves in tle Local Pro
duce Market Slack Demand for
All Kinds of Grain Eggs
Are Weaker.
The hop dealers look for a good amount
bf business this week, especially as there
w& nothing at all dohe last week. "What
ever buying takes place will probably be
of an export nature, as the Eastern trade
1im as yet shown no inclination to take
hold. As the growers maintain the Bame
firm views as formerly, no concessions from
previous prices can be expected.
A a Eastern hop man estimates, in the
Journal of Commerce, American stocks in
first hands as follows: Oregon aOTOOO, Cali
fornia 12,000, Washington 2000, New York
4000; total 38,000 bales of the crop of 1909.
In addition, about 2000 bales 1908s, 6300
fcales 1907a, and 6S0O bales 1906s left In first
hands, or a total of about 53,100 bales of
Jiops of all descriptions In growers hands In
all sections of the United States, which
compares with a total of 62,000 bales on
February 1, 1909.
The TVatervtlle Times, of February 1. re
ported the New York State market:
Conditions continue as heretofore reported
a firm market with do sales. Very much
activity cannot be looked for on this market
for the rtst of the year, even should prions
advance, for. owing to the brisk sales that
occurred her early in the season, most of
he 19U9 growth has tKjen disposed of. In
terest in this locality Is chiefly centered in a
few choice growths, for which 37 cents was
refused in. one Instance at least, when tit?
market was at its height here. The holders
of these have not weakened and are prepared
to await the future action of the market.
The English Brewers' Journal says of the
situation ;
Despite the abnormally small amount of
business transacted during the month this
market remains very firm. What purchases
bave been made, consisting only of a few
parcels, have no-t in any degree affected
jrices, which are considered to be compara
tively low, seeing that stocks are so re
markably short. Inkied, it is freely stated
in the thorough that there are not 10,000
cwt. of Kntjliah hops remaining in the mer
chants' hands -an exceptional position at
this season, which has no parallel probably
within the last HO years.
1-ondon trade circulars dated January 17
report tlw market:
Manager and Henley There is more in
qui ry ; the small quantity of hops left in
growers' hands makes it difficult for buyers
to find suitable parcels for their require
ments. W. If. and H. Lee May The hop market re
mains tlrm w it h exceptionally small stocks
in all hands.
Nu Buyer or Seller of Wheat la This
Trade was practically at a standstill in
tli! local wheat market yesterday. There
w re no buyers or sellers, and it was almost
impossible to get any idea as to values.
Htuestcrn at points on the O. R. & X. Is held
p t hlRh prices, as very little remains, but
Northern Pacific blues tern is offered com
paratlvely cheap. At Seattle, the dealers
were talking us low as $1.12 for this va
riety, but that basis was altogether too low
for scllors. About $1.15 was considered a
fair price in this market.
Oats and barley were also quiet and. were
quoted at last week's tigures.
The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer
chants' Exchange follow;
American visible suuuly
- 435.000
SIS 1,000
Feb. i, '09
13, 440. 0O0
7. 1910
lima. . .
190S. . .
17. ..
llMltt. . .
lt5. . .
l!M4 . . .
. . 4 tS. l!7ti, 000
. . 44,fti2.00O
. . 47.7IQ.uO0
. . ilK.OJts.ooO
. . 3it.L00.000
. .48.420. 000
. . .rrt,5'lti,000
Jan. 119
&, 70.000
l'Vhruary Hi,
February 11,
February 13,
February 1 4
"February s.
February tt,
Kehruary 1 0,
1!02. .
February 11. 1901
Quantities on passagi
Feb. 5
V. K .
. 24.000.O0O
. K.LtiO.UUO
33,960,000 25,720,000 37,200,000
World's shipments, flour included-
Week Week Week
on dins ending ending
Feb. Jan. U9 Feb. 6, '09
Bushels Bushels Bushels
. 2.4'i6,00O 3.113.000 1.S13.0O0
. 2,SS.0o0 824.000 tf. 112, 000
. l.ftSO.OuO 2.120.0O0 " 1,910,000
19 2.000 4SS.0t0 HS8.000
. 4. 072. 0O0 2,000.000 1,304,000
64.000 232.000 8.000
V. S., Can. .
Argentine ..
Australia . .
Dan. ports..
Russia .....
Total 11.362.000 8.782.000 H.SS5.O0O
Loral receipts, in cars, were reported by
the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hav
Monday 3i 1 is 14 17
Year ago 87 3 20 H 17
Season to date.77N2 1142 l44t lift! 1003
Year ago 9104 134ti 7ii uy 1932
I'enlers Working Oft Stock a Rapidly a
Egg receipts were larger yesterday than
any day last week and if the warm weather
continues, the supply will grow. Dealers took
the vlow that it was not a good time to hold
on, ami soma oflVtv'd eggs at concessions.
This gave the market an easier tone.
Poultry arrivals were very light and th-a
markft showed all the firmness of last
week. ;
Some of the jobbers have begun to ad
vance chevso and the indications are that
higher prices will bo genenal In a few days.
No change has appeared In the butter
Bright Weather . Put Life Into the Front -Street
The favorable change in the weather was
a good thing for the fruit and vegetable
trade. After an inactive period lasting about
two weeks, business opened up briskly. Xot
only green produce of every kind but oranges
and apples were also in good demand.
Tho day's receipts Included three cars of
bananas, two of oranges and one each of
lemons, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and
mixed vegetables. An express shipment of
Cuban tomdtoes coma in in rather poor
"hafT TIie' were, offered at $3.50 per crate.
Bank Clearings.
Bank Hearings of th leading cities of the
Northwest yesterday were:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $l..i.U.7SS $175,591
jT,'attIe 2.131.75 374.093
nacoTfia 1.039.92 R6.J4 4
bpokane . 7i9,593 .111,333
Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc.
"WH HAT Track prices: Hluemem $1 15.
n.Mulrml: dub. Jl.Oo; red Rulaa SI 04 v-i.
ley. fl.oS; 40-fold. 1.00. - . .
R A RLEY Feed and brew Irs;. $2S per ton
FLOLR Patents. SO. IS per barrel
tratghu. $." To; xtort. 4. SO; Y.,Ily $s
Sra ham. $5.70: whole wheat, quarters'. $5 90.'
COKN Whole. S;i-V cracked. $3d per ton
MrLLSTVFFs Bran, $24. ir 20 per ton;
middling. $34; shorts, $233 2S; rolled bar
ley. ;t2 u 3U.
OATS Xo. 1 white, $31 r-r ton.
HaY Track prices: Timothy: Willarn
tte Val'.py. $iS tf20 per ton: Eastern Ore
gon. $21v2I; alfalfa, $1718; clover. $16
greAn hay. $1617. '
Vegetable and Fruit a
FRESH FRUITS Apples. HO box;
rsars. 91 4$1.&0 per box; Spanish Malasa,
$a.50 Q ptdr barrel ; cranberries, $S a 9 per
POTATOES Carload, buying prices; Ore
gon, iOtQ 800 per sack; sweet potatoes, 2S
VEGETABLES-Artichokes, $1 1.2S per
dosen; cabbage. $1.752 per hundred; cauli
flower, $1.75 per dozen ; celery, J4.00 per
cme; hothouse lettuce, $1.25tl.6 box; garlic.
12Mc Tb: horseradish, SfilOc per pound; green
onions. 8.1c per dozen; radishes, 25c per dozen;
sprouts. 9c per lb.; squash. 2c; tomatoes, $3-50
per crate.
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. $2 1 75;
lemons, fancy, $5.35; choice. $4.50;. grape
fruit $3 &0&4 per box; bananas. 5!?SVic
per pound; Japanese oranges. $1.50 1. 75 per
bundle; tangerines, $1.75 per box.
O.NION3 Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
Dairy and Country Prod oca
BUTTER City creamery extras, 37390;
fancy outside creamery, 35 37c per lb.;
stire. 20Jc. (Butter fat prices average
lHc per pound under regular butter prices.
EGGS Fresh Oregon extras, 32 & 320
per dozen; Eastern, 17i22c per dozen.
CHEESE? Full cream twins, ltfc per
pound; young Americas, 20c.
PORK Fancy. 11c per pound.
POULTRY Hens. $17&18c; Springs; 17&lSc:
ducks, 2(f&22ac; RPee, i:il4c; turkeys, live.
2t-rfj2-"c; drfised. 27'&ooc; squaba, $3 per dozen.
VEAL Extras, 12 13c per pound.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc.
DRIED FRUIT Apples. 10c per pound;
peaches. 7c; prunes, Italians, 45c;
prunes, French, 4 Sc; currants, 10c; apri
cots, 12.c; dt.tee, 7c per pund; figs, 100 half
pound?, $3.25 per box; 50 six-ounce, $1.75 per
box; 12 12-ounce, 75c per box.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$2 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.U5; 1-pound
Cats, $2.1ti ; Alaska pink, l-pound tails.
DGc ; red. 1- pound talis. $1.45; aockeyes, 1
pound tails. $2.
COFFEE Mocha, 24 -ft 28c; Java, ordinary.
17g 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. lS20c; goou,
161Sc; ordinary. 124i 16c per pound.
NUTS Walnuts, 15c per pound;- Brazil
nuts, I'Ahrif 15c; filberts. 15c; almonds.
16 j, 17c; pecans, lSldc; oocoanuta, S0c(l
per dosen.
BEANS BmaJl white. Sc; large white.
4c: Lima, 640; bayou. 60; piak. 4sc;
red Mexican, 7c.
SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry,
$6.05 ; beet, $5.85; extra C, $5.55; golden C,
$5.45; cubes (.barrel) , $0.45; powdered
(barrel), $0.30. Terms oc remittances
within 15 day a deduct 4c per pound, if
later than 15 days and within 30 day, de
duct hkc per pound. Maple sugar, 151
per pound.
SALT Granulated, $14.50 per "ton, $1.80 per
bale; half ground, luos, $10 per ton; 6o,
$10.50 per ton.
HONEY Choice, $3.253.0 per case;
strained, 7c per pound. '
BACON Fftncy, 25c per pound ; standard,
21c; choice. 2u'-c; English, 19'-r20c.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry salt, 15c: smoked. lGi-.c; short clear
back, heavy dry jalted, ltic; smoked, 17c;
Oregon experts, dry salted. 10c; smoked. 17c.
HAMS 10 to 33 pounds. 17c; 14 to If
pounds, 17c; 13 to 20 pounds, 17c; hams,
skinned, 17c; picnics. 121,.e; cottage rolla.
lSc; boiled hams, 23(g24c; boiled picnics, 2.c.
LARD Kettle rendered, 10s 17Vi: standard
pure, lua, IOV4C; choice, 10, 15c; compound,
SMOKED BEEF Beef toneues, each, 60c;
dried beef sets, 19c; dried beef outsides, 17c;
dried beef insides, 21c; dried beef knuckles,
PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet,
$13.50; regular tripe, $10; honevcomb tripe,
$12; lunch tongues. $ lit. 50: mess beef, ex
tra. $12; mess pork, $25.
The following prices, based on the London
January sales, are for large, full-furred skins
well handled ;
FL'KcS Mink. Northwest Canada and Alas
ka. $O.50'S'y; Colorado, Wyoming. Montana,
Idaho and Utah. $5.507; Oregon, Wash
ington and California. $4(&)5.50; British Co
lumbia and Alaska Coast. $-4 "5 5- Red fox.
Canada and Alaska. $S'jt l0; Oregon, Wash
ington. Idaho and Montana. $7. Lynx. Alaska
and British Columbia, $28; Facitic Coast.
$22. Raccoon. 75c & 1. Skunk, 4'auada, $2.50;
Pacific Coast, 75c fa- $1.50. Wolf and coyote.
Canada. $4 '3 5; Idaho. Montana, Wyoming,
$2.753.25; Oregon, Washington, Utah. Ne
vada, $l..r0' 3. Beaver. Oregon, Washing
ton, Canada, Alaska. $5.50-7; Idaho, Mon
tana, Utah. Wyoming. $6.50 fa-7; cubs. $2
2. 50. Otter. Canada., Alaska, $12.30rijl4:
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, $10
rd 13. Wildcat, Alaska, Canada, British
'oIumbia, $3 ft 4.50; Pacific Coast, $1.75
2.. Gray fox, , Pacific Coast, $1.75!&J2.50;
Bear, black and brown. Alaska. Canada, $18
(i 20; cubs. $12t5; Pacitlc Coast. $10-315;
cube. $57; grizzly, perfect. $2535.
Badger, $2. Muskrat, Canada, Alaska, 40c;
Pacific Coast. 30c Marten. Canada. Alaska,
$12& IS; Pacific Coast. $1012. Fisher,
British Columbia, Alaska, Sl"320; Pacific
Coast. SO 15. Wolverine, $0 S. Silver fox,
$300 & 5l0. Cross fox, $1015. Sea otter.
$200450. Blue fox, $S 10. White ox,
$I2ra20. Swift fox. 40c. Ermine, 40c. Moun
tain lion, $?S0tO. Ringtail cat. 35&75c. Civet
cat. lo 'a 30c. House cat, r 25c
Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc.
HOPS IfiOO crop, prime and choice. 209
31 He; 196Ss. 17He; 1 SK7 a. 11 Vie per pound.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, lO-Q- 23c pound;
olds, nominal.
MOHAIR Choice. 25c pound.
C A SCAR A BARK 4 Vic p?r pound.
HIDES Dry hides, lRfgilSVic per pound;
dry kip, lSlSc pound; dr- calfskin. 10(&)
21c pound; salted hides, lOloic; salted
calfskin, 15c pound; crn. 1c less.
Height of Step, in Isolation to Wom
en's Health, liseussed.
PORTLAND, Feb. 6. (To the Editor )
In a communication by Mrs. Nina Larlow,
in The Oregonian of last Sunday, on "Lower
Car Steps Fight," ehe quotes Mrs. Cath
erine Maxwell, "a valued professional
nurse," saying: "Men should have taken
up th is matter long ago for the sake of
the coming children whose future might be
marred easily by imperfections bequeathed
them by these high car steps."
As I understand this statement. Mrs.
Maxwell fears that the child might be born
with some blemish, abnormality or imper
fection, as a result of its mother having
to take a high step on boarding a streetcar.
If this Is so, it is very strange that all the
celebrated medical men who have written
on y e natal Influence have not mentioned
it. They have all goue deeply into the
subject, tfut have entirely Ignored the high
car step. Probably the reason why "men
have not taken up this matter of the high
rar step." causing the child to be born
with a blemish, is because it is not true.
Climbing a ladder or walking up stairs may
be dangerous to the woman with we:tk
heart or lungs, but she can have absolutely
no effect on the unborn child. " It Is not
the high step, but the low stop which plays
havoc with the female function and ofton
causes miscarriage, as every physician
knows. A sudden step down of a few
inches is often sufficient to cause prema
ture birth ; but who ever heard of a high
Ktp doing suo.h damage? I don't know the
Mrs. Maxwell referred to. but if she made
the statement above mentioned, she Is very
far from the fact. I should like to know
where she gets ber authority. I don't be
lieve that" any reputable physician will sus
tain her In this statement.
Mrs. Larlow asks. "How about low steps
in Pan Francisco 7" Well. I have lately
visited ftin Franciseo and ought to know
how about It, as I was a constant patron
of the streetcars when there. Portland is
many years behind San Francisco in lis
streetcar accommodation, aa we41 as in
many other things useful and ornamental.
This is how this question Is settled in Snn
Francisco: They buitd a solid stone plat
form about 12 inches high alongside the
ear track and about the middle of the
block. This Is not unsightly and is no ob
struction to the "street. The people who
want to board a streetcar take their statid
on this platform. When the car comes
along, there is a perfect I v easy step from
this platform Into the car. The problem
of the high car step is solved and everybody
is happy. The oar company avoids a lot
of abuse and the people are saved a lot
of profanity and ill-temper.
Law SlKiuld Allow Youngsters to
Earn Needed Money, Is Stated.
PORTLAND. Feb. 7. (To the Editor.")
I protest against any legal interference with
Portland newsboys, under 10 years of age.
selling papers in the streets. For the past
14 years I have sold on the streets , tlje
morning, evening and. weekly newspapers of
this city, almost continually that is, until
about the last four of the aforesaid 14 years,
when other business ventures required my
I am proud of the fact that when I was
only about rt years old I was almost com
pelled, although not forced, to start out in
the world by selling newspapers on Port
land's streets . Why should a newsboy of
this city, or of any other place, be licensed?
Is there any person who thinks this is Jus
tice to bring about such a law. backed by
the municipality of the city, or backed by
the class of people with pro-privilege, pro
corporation leanings? For the sake of civili
sation should the newsboy be bossed by
an overseer? If so4 what about the emanci
pation proclamation?
Should there be any restriction or pro
visions, such as age limit, corners selected
for the sale of these papers, and other such
rules, which would have to be adhered to,
by. in many cases, the support of a widowed
mother, and deprive the small lads of their
God-Riven rights, only to benefit the few at
the bead of the so-called NewFboyi" Associ
ation of Portland? That is like takisi- tha
crumb out of a baby's mouth.
And With Heavy Liquidation
. Prices Give Way.
Indications of Manipulation on the
Part of the Powerful Capitalist
Groups Money Markets
XEW YORK. Feb. 7. Extreme prostration
of demand was the conspicuous feature of the
stock "market today. Te heavy liquidation.
In consequence, made several inroads on prices.
The extent of the selling last week and of
the resulting declines1, followed by the week
end rally, had inclined speculative sentiment
to look for a steadier market. The renewed
outpouring of etocks and the determined ab
stention of effective support threw speculative
sentiment back Into depths of depression.
Buying 'was on s scale to be relied on al
ways except in periods of -downright panic,
but orders of this class today were encoun
tered only at steady concession in prices and
an attempt to bid up prices in face of the
flood was not to be detected. That every
sale -was met by a purchase goea without say
ing and that such purchases have represented
a passing of stocks from stronger to weaker
hands for some time pat Is the conviction of
a considerable body of opinion In the stock
As to the sources of liquidation there ex
ists a fairly denned division of opinion. On
one side i the view that the great capitalise
groupe. which accumulated conMantly last
year, mfeeed an opportunity to sell out at the
high prices by carrying their campaign over
into the new year, being overcome meantime
by the requirements of the money market and
the conviction that the political outlook threat
ened the welfare of the corporations. Another
view is that distribution of l3t year's accumu
lations was actually effected while prices were
held up by manipulation, following which the
lull in prices is seen with complacencv bv the
powerful capltalut groups'. If not actually fos
tered by professed alarm and by recall of cred
its through the control held over the great
banking institutions.
The securities and money market were un
disturbed. The private discount rate declined
In Paris and also in London, deaplte with
drawals of gold from the latter center for
phpment to ICurope and to South America.
The local money market was- eafy, but the
rapid fall in price of stock induced some re
call of credits, where margins were not re
paired. The day's extreme declines- ran between 4
and 6 points for t4ie stocks in which the bulk
of trading occurred.
Bonds- were irregular. Total sales, par value
S2.8t1.00O. United States 2 advanced H and
the 4a coupon declined hi per cent on call.
, Sales-. High. Low. Bid.
Allis Chalmers pf. K 38 37 ii 37
Amal Copper .... Te,JiO 71 72i
Am Agricultural 50 42 41 41 u.
Am Beet Sugar I.k 354 32u fltt
Am Can pf J.4'0 74"s 72 72'-!
Am Car & Foun. fi"jt M 57
Am Cotton Oil .. 1.201) r,x; 57 L 57 S
Am Hd & Lt pf. I,8o0 3.1 ' 33
Am Ice Securi . . J)0 21 ' 2(Hi ,o14
Am Llnsred Oil.. 34 .' 33
Am Ijocomotlve 2.WK 4! 47' 47
Am Smelt &. Ref . . B3.&"0 SI 7i 77 U
do preferred . . . 1. 8O0 10 104 i J 5
Am Sugair Ref 2.V 120 1ii 19
Am Tel Sc Tel.... 2.tKM 13i 134 133 Mi
Am Tobacco pf .. .0 9MJ 91 9i
Am Woolen 401) 32 i 32 32
Anaconda Mln Co. 1.5o 4fti 4 47
AtohLpon 27,4m 1141 lHH 1116
do pvferred ... 0C0 lO.t 1(2JH 1024
Atl Coayt Line'-. 4iH 320 124'. 124U
Bait & Ohio .... 8,700 1104 3u8 lr
do preferred ... P2
Bethlehem Steel .. 2W 2.S 2fi4
Brook Rap Tran . . 0. 2' 7 1 ' t fiKU m
Canadian Paclfla ,vvi 17S 378 1 ITSti
Central Leather 4.JOO 37- 354 3SU
do preferred ... 400 lOtt lOoU ltR
Central of N ,.J 3,
Chea & Ohio 2,.VK fif 7714 7
Ch lea go A Alton . . ,V tf Tirt f,4 u 54 A
Chicago Gt We.t.. l.Oort 24 27 28
Chicago & NT AV".. 1.4O0 154 J 1"J56 irciVi
C. M & St Paul 18.300 146 144 U 1444
f1. t C ft St L ..... 77
Col.i Fuel Tron. . 4.000 35 3314 33
Colo & Southern ... l,10O 57V. 55 54
do IflL preferred. 30 SI SO so
do 2d preferred. " "!X 7nt 70t 70
Consolidated Gaa .. l.ftort 343 130 1304
Corn Products ... 1.2f"0 17 174 17
Iel ft .Hudson l.fM 172 1R0U 170
D ft R ttrande ... 2.000 3i 37 ' 37t$
do preferred ... 5iO 7.ii 774 T-4
OistiUers' Securi .. 1.0OO 2J 28', 28
Krie R.lftO 27 '4 25 ai 25
d. lft preferred . 1.30O 43 41 42
do 2d pre f erred . 3 0 34 32 i 3 5
General Electric . . 2.iV 15 147 ' j 147
Gt Northern pf ... 0.00O 335t 132 133
Gt Northern Ore .. 4. H" 70 051.; B5tJ
Tllinoln Central . . 1.200 13t4 l.IRi IHH
Interborough Met. . ft. 1'0 1 D 3R 3 S i'A
do preferred .. . 5.400 414 45 45 ti
Tnter "Harvester 4m Kt. S5 84
Inter Marine pf .. l.W tr io1
Int Paper ftOO 32 12' 12
Int Pump 1.4iO 4 43 i 44
Iowa Central .... loo 2t"-fc 2n- ift.
K C Southern ... 1,.VW 3i4 34 4 34
do preferred 2'M 09 00 7
Louisville ft Nash l.OOO 143 141 142
Minn & St Tui 42
M. St PASS M. 200 134H 333 133
Miour1 Pacific . . S loo OS iWXC 0i
Mo. Kn ft Texas 8.000 41 V, 3s4
do preferred ... 1 OO 70 70 70
National Biscuit .. 2rf 3f 305 I0414
National Lead . . . 7.KK) 784 75 74T4
Mex Nat Ry 1st pf 3
N Y Central fi.50rt llfti; 315 llrt
N V. Ont & West. 1.0A0 45 43 u 4::
Norfolk ft West... 3.2tO pfi 07 H 07
North American . . 3.000 77 'i 75' 75H
Northern Pacific .. 12.4" 1354 132 133
Pacific Mail 700 30 20'4 2014
Pnnsvlvanla S1.2N 131 12t 130i
People's Gas 4.000 30R Ofi 3014
P. C C ft St L... 3i0 ftOi 1514 05
Prefpfd Pteel Car. l.Ojto 3l 3.K14 30 14
Rv Steel Spring. . . 5r0 3S 35 35 ti
Reading 153. -O 350 355'', 1505
Republic Steel ... 1.40 34 ti 33 33
do preferred 1,"hm JtOti 00 fiO
Rock Island Co.. 27.5oo 444 41 41
do preferred l.K 83 RH; 82
St L ft S F 2 pf. 2.40 40 45 45
St L Southwestern l.OoO 25 25 2514
do preferred 800 71 60 7o
SloPB-Sheffleld 2.10O 734 71 V. 72i
Southern Pacific .. G5.50O 1244 12 l 1204
authern Railway. 3,foo 28 25 204
do preferred ... 2.7 O 044 01 fto
Tenn Copper .... OOO 31 i 30 301
Texas ft Pacific. . S.0frf 2S" 204 20
Tol. St L & West- HO 44 44 42
do preferred SOO 03 tj 03 03t4
TJnlon Pacific . . .lTO.ROO 38,1 3TO4 380
do pre f erred ... 1 ,o o 07 H Oft ti ffi 14
TT S Realty
l.nno- 7-'! 734 734
U S Rubber 4.100 37 35 3534
U S Steel 304.0i0 704 75 75 U
do preferred ... 8.O0O 12 1104 118
Utah Copper R.800 4H 44 H 44H
Va-Caro Chemical. 7. 10 40 47 47-i
Wabash . .-. 3. too. 20 14 isa;
do preferred ... 12.00O 43 40 404
WeMem Md l.OOO 404 454 45 14
Westinghous Elec. 200 05 MU, 04
WeMern T'nion ... 8X) 70 00V4 60
Wheel ft L Erie 5
Wisconsin Central 40
Pittsburg Coal S.4O0 20 18 TO
Am Steel Fdy 4O0 5 P4 54,
T'nlted Dry Goods 1174
Laclede Gas ..... 6.100 004 07 99
Total sales for the day, 1,813.200 shares.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Closfng quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.ioo'x. T. C. gn S4a904R
do coupon . . . looj No. Pacific 3s. . 73
U. S. 3s reg. 102 j No. Pacific 4s. -.100
do coupon . . .102 ll'nion Pacific 4s. 10
TJ. S. new 4 reg.114 fWis. Central 4s. 04
do coupon . . .114 'Japanese 4s. . . . 904
D- & R- Q. 4s.. 05 B
Eastern Mining; Stocks.
BOSTON. Feb. 7- Closing quotations
AHouex 43A!y (ami Copper . .
Araalg. Copper . 724! Mohawk
Am. Z. L. AM-. 30A; Nevada Con.
Arizona Com. .. 30 Nipissing Mines.
Atlantic S4lNorth Butte
B C C & C its. 10 North Lake ....
B ft C C ft S M. 17 lOld Dominion ..
. 04 A.
Butte Coalition. 23 Osceola
v"al. & Arizona. ;0 Parrott (S' ft C)
ai. necia...o-v yumcy . ........
Centennial 22Ajshannon
Cop Rang C C. . 75 .Superior
K- Butte C- M. . 04 Sup ft .Bos Min
Franklin IS'- .Sap ft pitta Cop
Giroux Con Ors'Tamarack
Granby Con. 87 V. S. "oal ft Oil.
Greene Cananea U. S. R. & m.
I. 'Royale tcop.) 20 do prefererd
Kerr Lake 8'Utah Con. . "
Lake Copper . . 71 V ' Winona
13 i
6 0B
La Salle Copper. 15 Wo1verine .
Money Kx change. Etc.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Money on call, easy
2fc2" per cent; ruling rate, 2; casing
bid. ; offered at 2,.
Time loans dull and eaT; V davj, 34j93
per cent; 60 daya, 3; six month's. 4f?
iruna mercantile paper, 4 go per cent.
Sterling exebarge weak, with actual business
in bankers' bills at $4.8375-64 835 for 60-day
bills; and at f4.W for demand.
Commercial billj ft.S3V4.83. '
Bar silver 61 c.
Mexican dollars 4e.
Government and railroad bonds Irregular.
PAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. Ster'ing on Lon
don. t days', $4.844j; sight. $4.b6!4.
silver bara. 51 c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts Sight. 6c; telegraph, 10c.
TX)NTON. Feb. 7. Bar silver, steady at
23 d per f
Money, l1'gl per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market for
ehort bills to 2 P cent; for three months'
bills. 2Hr per cent.
Consols for money, 81 I0-I6; do. for account.
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON,, Feb. T- The condition of
the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust funds
Gold coin S813.27S.R09
Silver dollars . -,.2.600
Silver dollars of 1800 3.S77,vK
Silver certificates outstanding... 4S4,tid2,00u
General fund
Standard silver dollars in general
fund 6. 470, 048
Current liabilities M0,45ti.322
Working balance in Treasury of
fices 23,692.6vtf
In banks to credit of Treasurer
of the United States 35.107.0S3
Subsidiary silver coin 2,2S9.741
Minor coin 1.10S.0M5
Total balance in general fund... 83,24ti,51d
Receipt Are UgTrt and Demand Is
Slow Waiting- for
Another day passed) without business at the
stockyards. Receipt have been so light re
cently that there has been little to work upon,
and at the same time there has been no de
mand to speak of from the packers. Kvery
body Is waiting now to s"e what develops
when Mock again begins to move this way.
The general opinion is that there will be some
recovery from the low level to which prices
recently dropped.
The receipts over Sunday were 63 cattle and
234 sheep. The shipper were N. -S. Felt
hause, f Payette, Idaho, one car of sheep,
and IV. R, Laughlin, of Baker City, two cars
of cattle.
Prices quoted on the various clas.w of
stock at the yards yesterday were as follows:
CATTIK Bert steers. 5; fair to 'good
steers, $4. 504.75; strictly good cows, $3.75
tfi4; fair to good cows. $3&3.50; lifcht calves,
.Vff.50: heavy calves. $45; bulls, $3.503. 75;
staice, $34.
HOGS Top, $9; fair to good hogs, $S.50S
SHEEP Rest wethers. $5.50: fair to good
wethers, $55.50; good ewea, f 4.755; lamb,
Eeetern, Livestock Markets.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. Cattle Receipt esti
mated at 10,HX; market H&15c higher.
Beeves, $4.35&7.i5; Texas ethers. $3.a-3;
Western steers, $4.106.1o; Blockers and feed
ers. $3.10tr5.45; cows and heifers, $2.uo.5;
calves, $7j.25.
Hogs Receipts estimated at 38.000; market
R-fflOc higher. Lisrht. 8.158.55; mixed. $H.'Jt)
CS.e7; heavy, H.25S.70; rough, H.25ff 8.40;
good to choice heavy. $S.4O&S.70; pig.
8.15; bulk of sales, $S.5oi8.tf5.
Sheep Receipts estimated at 12.000; market
lfrl5c higher. Native. $4. 250.50; Western.
4.50?f.fl0; yearlings. $7.25-j $.25; lambs, na
tive, 0.75-S.75; Western. $0.75t&8.8O.
KANSAS CITT. Feb. 7. Cattle Receipts
7OO0; market 10&15o higher. Native steers. $5
t& 7. 25 ; cows and heifers, $2.756.25; stockers
and feeders, $3.V&;i.4; bulls. JSrwd'o.lO;
calves. f4&8.7JV; Western steers 4. 750.50;
Wei?tern cows. $35.
Hogs Receipts 6OA; market BlOc higher.
Bulk of sales, $8.3S.On: heavy, $8.558.05:
pa kr and butchers. $S.408.60;- light. $8.15
8.50; pigs. $7-38.
Shetp tReceints 12,0V: market TV higher.
Muttons. 4.750.25; lambs, 6.50&8.5t; fpd
Western wet hers and year I in gs, $5-7 . 75 ; fed
Western ewes, $4.5t6:
OMAHA, Feb. 7. Cattle Receipt 28nO;
market 1015c higher. Native steers. S4
7.1U; cows and heifers. $3. 25'' 5.20; Western
eteers. S3.75-S6; cows and heifers, $2.oVg,4.50-.
canners. $2.25(53.25; stockers and. feeders, $3
5.30; calves, 4-8: bulls, stasf. etc.. $3f?5.
Hogs Reoeiit 37f; market loc higher.
Heavv. $S.5twa8.60; mixed. $8.45(5' 8. BO; liffht.
$M.35i.6o; pigs, $77.75; bulk of salea $8.45
Sheep Receipts lo.OftO: market 10??15c high
er. Yearlings. $0.75tfi 7.0O; wethers, $5.75$;
ewes $56.15; lambs. $7.75378.75.
Another Car of Florida Grape Fruit
Due This Week California
Eggs Purchased.
SEATTLE. "Wash., Feb. 7- C Special.)
Another carload of Florida grapefruit Is
due to reach Seattle Thursday night. It
will sell at $5.25 to $3.50 a box. The car
that recently arrived Is about cleaned up.
"What little was offered today was held at
stiff prices.
Another carload of Cuban tomatoes I
due in a few day a. Mexican tomatoes
shipped north for Seattle commission men
were due to have reached San Francisco to
day. Arrangements had been made for the
San Francisco agents to wire the jobbers
here if the fruit was food enough to ''ship.
As no word was heard today from Wan
Francisco, it was concluded that the toma
toes were overripe and will not be for
warded. . The potato market was very weak today.
About $14 Is the top track price and job
bing prions range all the way from $Ui
to fiS.
Celery was quoted at $4.50 today. "Cauli
flower was lower at $2. The first ship
ment of Cuban eggplant arrived. It is held
at 25 cents a pound.
Owing to the demand for live poultry to
meet the requirements of the Chinese New
Year, the price of hens advanced today to
22 cents and the supply is still limited.
Chinese were heavy buyers, placing con
tracts to meet all requirements of the week.
There was also a good demand for ducks
from the same source, but not enough were
offered to meet the demand.
Eggs were in fair supply and steady at 35
f?3d center Some Alaska business was re
ported at 37 cents. California eggs were
purchased today for immediate delivery, the
last drop below having enabled California
eggs to- be laid down here at about the
same price as local eggs.
Considerable Eastern butter Is rolling, due
to arrive the last of the week.
Grain prices wersj nominally unchanged.
Price Paid for produce in the Say city
SAN" FRANCISCXl. Feb. 7. The following
were the quotations in the market today:
Millstuffs Bran, $25.5U$i 27.5o; middlings.
Vegetables Cucumbers, flgzl.GO; garlic, 4-g
5c; green peas, Si 1 5c; string be-ana nominal.
Butter Fancy creamery. 34 He; creamery
eecon&s, 33c; fancy dairy, 29c.
Eggs Store, 28c; fancy, 30c
- Creese New, liSl&c.; Young America.
Hay Wheat, $141?19; wheat and oats. $3 2
$5'16; alfalfa. $&&12; stock, $7i&&; straw, per
bale. 50 75c
Fruits Apples, choice. 76c$?$l : common. 50
75c; bananas. 75cii$3; limes. $4-34.50; lem
ons, choice, $2i?2.50-; common, $11.&0; or
Hops 18,Si22c per pound,
anges, navels, $ 1.20 1.7 5 pineapples, $2
Wool South Plaine and San Joaquin.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $l.irfrl.25; Si.
Unas Burbanks, 1.25f(il.Zo; sweets, $1.9i
Poultry Roosters. -id, $51?5.So: .young. $7'fjt
9: broilers, small. $&g4: large, $4.5t6; fryers,
t-tHffl: hens, $010; ducks, old, &.50tj.60;
young. $7&9.
Recelpts FTour, 42S4 quarter sacks;
wheat. 5 centals: barley, 7705 centals; corn,
5 centals: potatoes. 7J."vS sacks; bran, 340
sacks; middlings, 40 sacks; hay, 790 tons ;
wool, 144 bales; bides, 1,550.
Wool aa St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 7. Woo T'nchangwl. Ter
ritory and V"sern mediums, 252c; fine me
diums, 'JoAq; fine. 1221
Opening Weak, Wheat Rises
Abruptly at Chicago.
Bulge' Due to Decrease in tlie Visible
Supply to a Lower Point Than
for Twenty Years at -This
CHICAGO. Feb. 7. A weak start 1n
wheat today was quickly changed to an
abrupt advance by a decided decrease in
the visible supply of the grain in the
Vnlted States. The available grain fig
ures dropped lower than for 20 years at
this date, totaling 25.524, OOO bushels. Prices
advanced from lSi lc above the low
points of the day. May climbed from $1.08 S
tfi 1.104, the other futures advancing" less
sharplv. The close was strong, with May
at l.oo.
Large receipts of corn kept prices weak
through the day. fluctuations being within
a narrow limit. The close was a trifle re
moved from the low points, with May at
Trade In oats followed closely the pat
tern set by corn. Liberal arrivals helped
to depress prices and counteracted the ef
fect of the bullish wheat market. ' Closing
prices were slightly above the low point,
with May at 4 tic.
In provisions, May pork closed at $22.20,
1 7c higher. The advance in other pro
ducts fas from STc
v 1.01
- Open.
.. $1.09
. ,.654,
5 '
l.Oo vfc
July ,
15 7 .
A.i .65 H
ib .65
-65 Va
Mav .
July .
Sept. .
May .
July .
6 .45. .46
43 V .4 2? .43U
.lOVi .40 V .40 U . -0 H
22.10 22.30
21.9.7 22.15
12.10 12.1S
22.0J Va
July 12.05 12.1V
May 11.75 11.87V 11.75
July 11.75 11.82V 11-75
11. SO
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Rye No. 2, 81VC.
Barley Feed or mixing, 6264c; fair to
Choice, 67 U 73c.
Flax Seed No. 1 Southwestern. $2.05; No.
1 Northwestern. $2.15.
Timothy seed $4.20.
Clover $3.25.
Iork Mesa, per barrel, $22.O0(S 22.25.
Iard Per 100 pounds, $3. 17 V 2. 20.
Short ribs Sides Uoose), 11.62 V (Q-11.8
Sides Short, clear (.boxed.), $12.00 fa:
Gmin statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 5,15, 000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 954,000 bushels, compared with S83.00O
bush?ls. the corresponding day a year aj?o.
The visible sxipply of wheat in the United
States decreased 939.000 buahels for the
week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean
passage, 6,392.00 0 bushels. Estimated re
ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 36 cars; corn,
649 cars; oats, 195 cars; hogs. 20.000 head.
Receipts, tohipments.
Flour, barrels . .
"Wheat, bushels .
Corn, bushels ...
Oats, bushels ...
Rye. bushels . . ,
Barley, bushels
2 4,'7O0
... 22, SCO
. . .541.200
. . .218.600
.. .103,500
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Flour Quiet and
about steady. Spring patents. $r.40(&'.7i.7.'.
Receipts, 28.200 bbls. ; shipments, 2tJ,3U2
Wheat Spot, irregular. No. 2 red, $1.23
1.2H elevator domestic and $1.20 nominal
f . o. b. afloat ; No. 1 Northern Duluth and
No. 2 hard Winter, $1.24 nominal f. o. b.
afloat. Lower cables and large world's ex
ports sent wheat prices down at the start,
but the market rallied and advanced sharply
on the decrease In the visible supply, better
receipts and damage in the southwest. May
closed. $1.17; July. $1.0SVi- Receipts, 4S,
OOO bu.; shipments, 274,175 bu.
Hops Quiet
Hides, wool, petroleum Steady. .
Grain at San Francisco.
SAX FRAtvCISCP, Feb. 7. Wheat
Steady. Barley Steady.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.90
4 2- Barley Feed, $1.32 (ft l.'SH ; brew
ing, $l.:i71 H1.40. Oats Red, $1..V l.tSO;
white. $1.02 1.70: black, $1.50ra 2.30.
Callboard Sales Wheat, no tra'ding. Bar
ley. Mav $1.37 ; December, $1.27. Corn,
large yellow, $1.75S1.8(.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 7. Wheat May,
$1.104 1.10; July, 11.09 m 1.10. Cash
No. 1 hard $1.11 &L12 ; No. 1
Northern. $1.11)1.12; No. 2. $;
No. S. $1.04 St 1.08.
Flax 2
Corn No. 3 yellow, 57 i 58 M o.
Oats No. 3 white, 44 44 c
Bye No. 2, 74tfz:76c.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON', Feb. 7. Cargoes, very dull;
Walla Walla for shipment, ttd to d lower a,t
4)s. English country markets, 6d cheaper;
French country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 7. Wheat March,
Pa l 4d; May, 7s 10d; July, 7s 9d.
Weather damp.
Grain? Markets of the Northwest.
LEWISTTON. Idaho, FVb. 7. (Special.)
Markets unchanged. Bluesrem. t7c; 40-fold,
i0c; club and Turkey red. 87c; red Russian,
85c; oats, $1.20; feed barley, $1.12.
TACOMA. Wash., Feb. 7. Wheat Blue
stem, $1.151.1J; club, $1.06; red Russian.
SEATTLE. Waph., Feb. 7. Milling quota
tions: Bluestem. $1.12: club, $1.0; fife. $1.00;
red Russian. $1.00. Export wheat: Bluestem,
$1.0fl; ftfe, $l.t9; red Ruasia.n, $l.i4. Car re
ceipts up to noon: Wheat eight cars, oats three
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. The market for
the standard copper on the New "York
Metal Exchange was dull, with spot and
all deliveries up to the end of April clos
ing at I3l3.20c London market higher
early, but lost the gain, closing easy, with
spot quoted at 58, 7s. Od, and futures at
60, 5. Local dealers quote lake aX 13.62
13.75c; electrolytic, 13. 87fe 13.50c; cast
ing. 13.12 13.37c
Tin was dull, spot quoted at 32. 45 32.70c-;
February. a2.47 & 32.62 .c and March,
April and May., 32.4l5a '32.65a. London mar
ket closed easy, but at a net gain, with
spot quoted at 147. 10s and futures at
140. 2s. 6d. ,
Lead dull.- with spot quoted at 4.67
4.72c New York and 4-54.55c East St.
Louis delivery. English market unchanged
at 13. 8a d.
Spelter closed weak, 'spot quoted at
6.13c New York and at 5.52 5.67 c
East St. Louis. English market unchanged
at 23. Bs.
Locally Iron was unchanged.
" " "
v Iried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Evaporatetd apples,
steady, spot fancy, 30 (& 11c; choice, 9
0c; prime, 6ii&6c; common to fair, 6
Prunes, steady. VTalifomla up to 30-40a,
SQflHc; Oregons. 6&c.
Apricots, steady; choice. ll??llc; ex
tra choice, ll12ic; rancy, 12.13c.
Peaches, quiet; choice, 64. 7c; extra
choice. 77c; fancy, 7VSc.
Raisin, firm; loose muscatel, 4f?54c;
choice to fancy seeded.. 5'&64fcc; needless,
354c; London layers, $L13 1.25-
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Coffee futures
closed steady. 10 points higher. Fales re
ported of 26.500 bags. Including February
at 6.95c: March, 7.0O 7.05c; May, 7.1"tp
7.1fic: September, 7.20c; November and Ie
c em ber, 7.1oc. ot quiet. N. T Hlo,
Is Made of Bitumen and Stone
The bitumen makes it elastic; the stone
makes it lasting. A residence street lasts a
litetime when paved with
For Full Pmrtiatfrnrt mmd Rtttrratioas mpply (
ll-HJc; Xo. 4 Santos. 9. Mild quiet;
Cordova, HVic.
Sugar Raw quiet : Muscovado, .Sfl test,
S.o4c; centrifUKUl. . test, 4.14c; molasses
sugar, .81 test. $3..10c. Refined steady;
crushed, 5.85c; granulated, 5.15c; pow
dered, ft. 25c.
Ialry Prodncel in the Kast.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Butter Firm. West
ern factory. 22 24c ; Western lm itation
creamery, HZr(i -de.
Oheese Kirm. -
Kggs -Steady. "Western ffr.i. 29'529c;
seconds, lSVjc; refrigerators. IMlMc.
CHIf AGO. Feb. 7. Butter, weak. Cream
eries. 24fti i:fec; dairies. 2-2 -2c.
Eggs, steady ; .receipts. 5r02 cases; at
mark, cases Included, l'J25c; firsts, 27c;
prime firsts. 28c.
Cheese, steady. Daisies. 1717ic; Twins,
lttk 17c; Young Americas. 1J H ltii, c;
Long Horns. HilCc.
New Tork Cotton Market.
X&W YORK. Feb. 7. Cotton Spot closed
quiet, 10 .points net higher. Mid-uplands,
16 2oc; mid-u)f, 15.4.c; sales. 3oo lales.
Futures cloned firm, t4i 19 points higher.
February. 14.!tc; March. 14-lHic; April,
I4.y4c; May. 15. 05c; June, 14-tHks; July.
1 4.t5c ; A u feu t. 1 4.:t8c ; September. 1 ,"t.42c ;
October. 12.lHJc; November, 12.t4c; Decem
ber, 12.70c.
Klgin Butter Market.
ETXHf. HI-. Feb. 7. Butter. flrm 27c.
Sales for the wek. 4."7,60 pounds.
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to W.
F. Church, lots 15. 16, 17, block 3.
West Portland Park $ 150
Same to same, lots 18 to 22 block 42,
West Portland Park 210
H. E. Noble and wife to Eva B. Dav
enport, land beginning at point of
Intersection of the line dividing lots
'A" and "Si" with Buchanan st.
In St. John Heights 500
H. EL Noble and wife to Marvin T.
Davenport, same property 500
Portland Realty & Trust Co. to Kath
ryn G. Brown, lots 6, 19, ana west
4 feet of lot 20. block 10. Wood
mere . . 10
Anna M. Ha user et al. to J. M. Carr.
Int 4. block 11. Piedmont 4,000
Joseph Chandler to C. L Roter
mund, 40xHK feet commencing at
Intersection of west line of East
2th st. and north line of Ellsworth
street 1,000
Security Abstract & Trust Co. to E.
M. Rasmussen, lot 9. block 3S, and
lot 10. block 45, Rose City Park.... 1,300
R. L. Stevens (Sheriff to John H.
Lewis, beginning where north line
of caruthers street intersects east
line of Patton county road 11
Edsil Billings and wife to H. 1
Noble, lot 16. block 8, Cloverdale
Extended 1,600
Arthur W. Giese to W. C. Dunning,
lot 6. block 5. Giese's Add 900
Mill Land Co. to John Paris, north- 1
erly 31 feet of lot l. block 1,
Acme Add . . . 500
Firland Co. to C. P. Pension, lots S,
4.. block 9. Firland 1
Western Oregon Trust Co. to Gertrude
Gloyd Woodward, lots 6. 7. bloca
10, Creston ' 2,100
Security Savings & Trust Co. to S. M.
Hepler, lot 21, block lo, Gregory
Heights 10
Margaret HefCman and husband to J.
C. Hardman. lots 16, 17, block 2,
Hardlman's Add. 1
Emilia L. Wright to Victor Land Co.,
lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 0. block 24, Wil
lamette Add 100
George c. Baumex and wife to Mc
Danlels Investment Co.. lot 12,
block , Central Alblna 2,750
McDaniels Investment Co. to George
C. Baumez, lots 8, 9. block 4, Cae
sar Park 1,700
Richard Williams to Louis Klnkela,
lot 5. block 4, Williams Add 1
Louise Lehman and husband to Kate
.Murtinger, lot 11, block 14, East
Portland Heights 724
J. W. Briscoe and wife to Fred L.
Olson et al., .southerly half of lot a,
block 2. McMUlen's Add 3,000
Roue City Park Association to Fran
ces D. Cox et al.. lota 12, 13, block
S3.- Rose City Park 1.000
Charles O. Benson and wife to Aletta
Tempi In, lot 11, block 2, Beulah
Heights 2,025
S. C. Prieetle and wife to May E.
King, lot 8. block 3, Foxchase Add.. 475
S. Wunderle to Anna Katherln
Glutsch, Subdivisions 4, 6 of lot 23,
Newhurst park ' 300
Earl C. Bronaugh and wife to Wil
liam Emmrich, lot 11, block 1, Bro
naugh Add 650
Etta Lurene popptno and husband to
Benjamin B. Rogers, lots 19, 20,
block 5. Park Add 1
F. E. Potter and wife to Llllle J.
Perry, lot 2, block 0. Arleta Park
No. 3 350
Robert B. Beat and wife to Mlna M.
Blackman, lots L 2, block 10, Por
ter's Add " 10
C J. Cullison and wife to C. H. Mur
ray, lot L block 25, East Creston... 1,650
Mrs. H. A. McClaran to George C.
Johnson, lots 1, 2, 3, block 11. East
Portland Heights 2,000
Henry Suckow and wife to Patrick
Burns et al., lot 8. block 11. Al
bina 2,500
George c Marcy and wife to B. J.
Zirba, north half of lot 4 and all of
lot 5. block 13, West piedmont .... 1,900
S. J. Hubbard and wife to St. John
Lumber Co.. east half of fractional
block 6. James John's Add. to St.
John T5
Mabel D. Wright and husband to Cora
M. Vernon, lots 38. 40, 42, 44. 40,
48, block 41,- Irvington Park 10
Oregon Co. to H. C. Campbell, lot 2
in block T"; lot 1, block "U," and
lot 3. block "V," Tabor Heights l
Wilhelmine M. fiturgis to Theodore
W. Sparks, part of lot 15, Ravens
view x
Ira B. Sturgis and wife to Theodore
W. Sparks, same as above 1
M. A. Jones to J. E. Hall, west 40
feet of lot 3. block 3, Abends Add.. 1,100
B. M. Lombard and wife to O. W.
West, lots 5, 6, block 6, Olmsted
Park 2,500
W. A. Storey (Sheriff) to Seld Gain,
lot 12, block 16, Taborside 15
Thomas Filzinger to P- A. Marquam,
Jr., lot 11. block 16, Taborside 15
R. L. Stevens (Sheriff) to Thomas Fil
zinger, lot 11, block 16, Taborside.. 1
Seid Gain and wife to P. A. Mar
quam, Jr., lot 12, block 16. Tabor
side , 1
Butterworth Stephenson Co. to Joseph
F H andler, lots 18. 19, block 36,
Kenton . 1,900
University Land Co. to same, lots 8,
9. 10, block 54, University Park 900
Myer S. Rafleld and wife to John
Verran, north 34 fet and west 65
feet of lot 6. block 7. WllHazns
Ave, Add y. goo
Rose City Park Association to U. P.
Palmer, lot 12, block 94. Rosa City
Park 700
Isaac Ackerman et aL to Rosa Ack
erman. part of lot 1, block 16, and
lot 3, block 51. city i
Richard Swain and wife to Lillian
Conser et al., 1 acre in R. Swain '
lO-acre tract , , . q
Edw Dleck to John Verran. north 34
feet and west 63 feet of lot 6,
block 7, Williams-Ave. Add 5 200
Columbia Trust Co. to School District
the unsurpassed in Luxurious
Comfortable Ocean Travel
By the grrat 20,000 to. tfeamen
-CARONIA- February 19
"CARMANIA" March 5 0
Largest triple igtw turbine in the WorM CJ y
Twin-Screw, 14300 ton.
- w -3VV I
Xo. 1, a triangular parcel In lot
lo, block 65, Fulton Park 1
Glen Harbor Realty Co. to Robert 11.
Blanding, lot 1, block 4. Glen Har
bor 2H0
Thomas B. Philips and wife to J. M.
Culley. 100scKk feet beginning ;;
feet east of northwest corner of
block 34. Waverly S.OOO
Overlook Land 'o. to I. Anna Par
ker, lot 9, block 11, Overlook 1,300
Entile Ctosset and wife to Theresa
Leighton, land beRinnlng on half
section line 4t;t.4 feet north of cen
ter of Sec. 7. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E
Cbarles Phelps and wife to Waunetta
M. Starker, lots 6, 7, block 6. Chest
nut Hill 1.50O
Portland Trust Co. to G. A- Tennent.
lot 10, block 9. Tremont Place .... 110
Security Savings & Trust Co. to John
Porteous, lot 5. block 21, Irving -ton
'. 10
Security Abstract Sc. Trust "o. to
Elizabeth M. Klink, lot 9, block 14.
Elmhurst M 10
Total $53,345
Room 6. board of Trade bid.
Abstracts a specialty.
GUARANTEED rertificates of title and ab
st rafts made by Title & Trust t"o., Lewis
"hide1., or. tth iinrt Onk .ts . Pnrtlnnd. Or.
Timber Lands
McGrath & Neuhausen Co.
701-2-3-4-5 Lewis BIdg.
Downing-Hopkins Co.
Established 1803.
01-2-3-4 Conch Bids.
KTW 7FAI ANTI New Service via Tahiti.
lU-If &LirUrVnU rellffhtful South Sea Tours
ATISTRAI IA for Re8t Health and
nuUilUlLin Pleasure. Js'ew Zealaud,
the World's Wonderland. Geysers, Hot
Lakes, etc The favorite S. S. Mariposa
sails from Ban Francisco March 10, April
13, etc., connecting at Tahiti with
Union Line for Wellington,' N. Z. The only
paHPenjter line from U. H. to New Zealand.
Wellington and back, $260; Tahiti and back,
$125, 1st class. SOUTH SKA ISLANDS (all
of them), three months' tour, $400. Book
now for sailings of Dec 2S and Feb. 2.
Line to Hawaii, $110 round trip. Sailings
every 21 days OCEANIC S. S. CO.. 673
Market street, San Francisco.
Going to Europe ?
Safety citeadlnes a -Comfort
on the
Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg-.
S. S, Pennsylvania Fb. 1U. 2 P. M-
S. S. Graf Waldersee. . .Feb. 26, 11 A. il.
Hamburg di-ct.
For Oberammenraa Passion- pi a y Berlin
ExhihititHi 1ULO; UruHHela Exhibition 1U10.
and all other interesting European events,
inquire of our Tourist Ifirt meiit.
loti lo we II St.. San Francisco, and local
railroad agents in Portland.
S. S. Santa Clara sails
for Eureka and t-an
Francisco Jan. L 15, 2U;
Feb. 12. 20. at 4 P. M.
S. S. Elder sails for
Eureka. San Francisco
and Los Angeles. Jan.
4, IS; Feb. 1. li. at S
P. M.
S. S. Roanoke sails for
San Francisco and Los Angeles Jan. 11, 25;
Feb. 8. 22. at 8 P. it Ticket office 132 3d
at. Phonti Main 1314. A 1314. II Youngs. AgL
Only direct steamers and daylight Balling'
From A Ins worth Dock, Portland, 4 P. it
S. 6. Rose City, Feb. 11, 2D, eto.
S. P. Kansas City, Feb. IS, Mar. 4. y
From Pier 40. San FranclBPO, II A. M.
S. S. Kansas City, Feb. 12. 2t.
S. S. Rose City. Feb. 1. Mar. 3.
M. J. KOCH K, C. T. A., 142 Third St.
Main 4a. A 142.
J W. RANSOM, Dock Agent.
Ainsworth Dock. Main 2W, A 12.14.
The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port
land every Wednesday, 8 P. M., from Ainsworth-dock,
for North Bend. Marauneld and
Coos Bay points. Freight received until 4 P.
M. on day of sailing- Passenger fare, first
class. $10; second-class. $7. Including berth
and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third
and Washington street, or Alnswurta dock.
Phone Main 2&