Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Emanuel May Sells South
west Corner at Fourteenth
to S. M. Blumauer.
Montana Capitalist Pays $85,000 for
Sixth and Pine PropertyHold
ings Xear Gossage Options
Go Cheaply.
An Important deal on upper Washing
ton street was closed yesterday when S.
yi. Blumauer, of the J. W. Sweeney Con
struction Company, now building a rail
road to Tillamook, purchased 50x100 feet
at the southwest corner of Fourteenth
and Washington street for $112,000. The
property, which is directly across Wash
ington street from the Portland Theater,
has 100 feet frontnge on Washington
street. It was purchased from Emmanuel
May, formerly of tho Union Meat Com
pany. The sale was mado through the
agency of Goldsmith & Company.
Two-story frame store buildings oc
cupy the site. These bring in a rental
of $550 a month and afford a good reve
nue on the amount Invested. Leases on
the stores extend for another year and
until their expiration Mr. Blumauer will
not plan any Improvement. When the
Tillamook line on which he is engaged
Is completed Mr. Blumauer will improve
the property for business purposes.
Value Almost louble.
This sale, but one of many big sales
recently negotiated on upper Washing
ton street, represents another instance
of the increase in values in property on
that thoroughfare. Mr. May held the
property for five years, having bought
it for $65,000.
Other deals closed in the same neigh
borhood within the last ten days are
the sale of 100x100 feet at the corner of
Twelfth and Washington for $200,000 and
the transfer of an inside lot 50x100 feet,
on Washington street between Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets.
Montana Capitalist Buys.
A Montana capitalist whose name ha?
been withheld bought a site 50x80 feet,
on the east side of Sixth street, near
Pine street, from I-oewengart and Rosen
""baum yesterday for $85,000. The lot Is
occupied by an old frame building rent
ing for $450 a month.
The property is described as lot 7,
block 60. Couch Addition. It is not known
whether the new owner contemplates
improving the property but in the light
of the advancing prices of property In
the tmslnei-s district the deal is consid
ered a remarkably good one. The sale
was made through the agency of Chapin
& Herlow.
A sale in the warehouse district, near
the property recently taken under option
by the late Jerome B. Gossage, was made
yesterday at a figure which makes the
prices offered by Mr. Gossage seem very
high. W. II. Kesh, the jeweler, pur
chased a quarter block at the southeast
corner of Twenty-third and Wilson
streets, from H. B. Stout for $0000.
He also bought an undivided half in
terest in a half block at Twenty-first
end Roosevelt streets, also In the ware
house district, from Charles IDlerke for
$10,000. Both properties are unimproved
and were purchased as an Investment.
The sales were made through the agency
of Goldsmith & Company.
-Temblor Is Noticeable In Tall Office
Buildings of City.
A slight earthquake shock was felt in
Fortlarul aboxit 4:45 P. M. yesterday. It
was of brief duration and was noticed
chiefly in tail office buildings.
"The quake wemed to consist of a
flharp, almost vertical jolt, followed by
two milder waves,' Raid John McXulty,
nautical expert, in charge of the local
branch of the United States hydrographio
office, in discussing the temblor. "Its
trend was north and south, magnetic,
according to the compa&s in my office.
Apparently, from the nature of the
shocks. Portland is very close to the
epi-central, as the spot directly over the
dist urbanoe in the earth's crust is
"Since this office is not smppliod with a
seismograph, I am unable to tell posi
tively wlver1 the center of the disturbance
was located, or to compute the force of
the shock."
Other reports received by The Orego
Jiian agreed wit li M r. McXultys regard
ing the time and dtiration of the shock.
Fiflccn-Oum-p liuttcr Packages, So
Stamped, Jleld Xot rnlan fill.
BAKER CITY. Or., Feb. 7. (Special.)
, Deputy Food Inspector Maris, of Port
land, found a condition here on -an in-
("pectlon trip that makes the Oregon
frtatute repirirdins- the weiprhts of butter
j look like a mistit. According: to the law
' all butter packages must be either eight,
I 16 or 32 ounces in weicht. The inspector
. found on sale in local stores butter in
. packages with only 15 ounces guar-
Tfe consulted the prosecuting attorney's
ofrtee. but that official refused to take
action, contending that n. merchant had
i a right to sell butter in any quantity he
' saw fit so long as he gave (he customer
! all the weight that he agreed to.
c Mifrlit lie Worse Orr. Stx-lally,
Says mi Optimist.
J'ORTWNU, Feb. 7. (To the Kriitor.l
What is the matter with this country,
anyway? Anything? Is there any valid
reason for all this hullabaloo, agitation,
accusation and fear lest somebody's
rights are forever lost and the country's
affairs actually turned over to the ene
mies of publk- rights and private inter
ests? "What are we In danger of that
it is necessary to listen eternally to the
professional "sentinel' whose duty, as it
seems. Is to warn thoughtless people of
the designs which all sorts of malefactors
are cultivating upon their liberty and
chattels? The eternal din along this line
-eases to le even interesting as a diver
sion, and one wonders why it continues
and when it will end.
If the country Is being hurt by exist
ing conditions, what class of our people
are the victims? What should be con
sidered lirst in the examination? Is it
the high price of living? Then, let me
see. There will Too & general admission
that the hardest times known since be
fore the Civil War, prevailed during the
years Intervening between 1893 and 1897.
But nothing is better remembered than
that at no time in our National history
have prices for all the necessaries of life
been so low as then or more difficult to
get. Indeed, the price -of wheat, flour,
butter, eggs, bacon, patatoes. wool, sheep,
cattle, horses, clothing, sugar and all
other articles consumed by our people,
poor as well as rich, was so low that the
cost of living became practically unbear
able and almost unable to meet. Soup
kitchens were in evidence everywhere and
the unemployed found refuge by the mil
lions in Coxey's army all on account,
so Mr. Bryan said from 10,000 "stumps"
of the very low prices which prevailed
for all necessaries of life.
To be sure, conditions are not perfect,
nor will they ever be while governments
are administered by the sons of Adam
with all their imperfections, but when
95 per cent of the people are better off
In every way than their fathers and
grandfathers were, why go into hyster
ics over visions of conjured disaster or
dreams of imaginary dissolution?
The railroads should be regulated in
many instances, to be sure, but there
was never a time in their history when
a man could go so far and with so much
comfort at so little cost as today, or a
time when so many people were able to
travel and do travel. Doesn't this mean
anything to the thinking person who
hears the blatant one howling himself
Dae to Arrtv
Name. From. Data.
Henrik Ibsen. . Jionkonr. - -In port
Breakwater, . . .Coos Bay. ... In port
Roanoke San Pedro... In port
Sue H. Elmore. TillamooK In port
Hose City San Francisco Feb. 7
Santa Clara.... San FranctsccFeb. R
Alliance. ... ...Coos Bay.... Feb. 30
Falcon . San Francisco Feb. 1 2
Geo. W. F.lder. .San Pedro... Feb. 13
Kansas City. San Francisco Feb. 34
Bella HonRkonc. - Apr. 15
Golden Gate. .. Tillamook. .. .Indeft
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Feb. 8
Roanoke Ban Pedro... Feb. 8
Breakwater Coos Bay.... Feb. 9
Rose City .San Francisco Feb. 11
Santa Clara., San Francisco Feb. 12
Alliance -....Coos Bay Feb. 12
Henrlk Ibsen.. Honirkonr - Kb. 13
Falcon San Francisco Feb. 1-4
Geo. W. Eider. .San Fedrt. .. Feb. 1?
Kansas City San Francisco Feb. 1H
S-slJa Honickong Apr. 22
Golden Gate. . . Tillamook Inaeft
Knlered Monday.
Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian steam
ship (Smith), with general cargo,
from Hongkong and Japanese ports.
Breakwater. American steamship
(Macirenn), with Reneral cargo, from
Coos Bay.
Cleared Monday.
Glenalvon. British shtp (King),
with lumber, for Sydney and Mel
bourne. Breakwater. American steamship
(Macgenn). with ballast for Coos
Belen, French bark (Boudrot),
with ballast for New Caledonia.
hoarse about the "tendency of the times ;
toward a general and necessary uprising ;
of the people in defense of their rights?
The cost of living is, indeed, high, but
the wheat-raiser is not growling about
the high cost of bread, nor the producer
of eggs and butter because the prices
of those necessaries of life reach sky
ward. The sheep-raiser is not growling
because he receives a high price for
his flocks nor the grower of hogs on
account of the frightfully high figure he
gets for his pork. Nobody is complain
ing, in fact, about the high cost of liv
ing in any case where the article in
volved Is produced by himself. The
farmer wants to sell his wheat for $1 a.
bushel and eggs for 50 cents a dozen,
but unless he buys sugar as cheaply as
when his wheat sold for 50 cents and eggs
for 15, there is a trust somewhere which
is driving the people to the wall, and.
so on.
Yet we have fine churches, high schools,
academies, colleges, universities, fine
trams and carriages, automobiles, aero
planes, streetcars which will carry you
a dozen miles for 5 cents, a splendid
climate and productive soil all over the
United States, healthy people forging
ahead in every possible line of industry,
everybody employed and a cry for more
and yet, the growler growls while the
howler howls and the insurgent Insurges
because he is a born insurger!
There are some people who are truly
thankful for the thousand and one bless
ings and advantages enjoyed in this day
and generation which were no part of
even the wildest-dreams of our ancestors
of past decades or centuries, and then
there are others born in the shadows
and living in an eclipse of gloom un
grateful, unhinged and unhappy. Along
this line it might be added that there are
actually men who claim to be consistent
and earnest Republicans, really attached
to the Republican party and its prin
ciples, who believe its leaders are such
an aggregation of dangerous men that if
they should assemble together and ex
press a few opinions, the result would
be the .undoing of all that the party
stands for! Let us pray.
I'ortlaml Party Inspects Valuable
Apple-Growing Tract.
WOODBt'RN. Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.)
A party of 20 Portlanders, including Fred
R. Schikora and Dr. H. M. Patton, pres
ident and vice-president respectively of
the Wood burn Orchard Company, spent
today here Inspecting the properties of
the company, where the work of planting
200 acres of apples is now in progress.
E. P. Morcom, president of the Wood
burn Commercial Club, acted as official
host to the party, whose members are
loud in praise of the Woodburn fruit
growing district. The advent here of the
electric railway has resulted in crowding
the -streets of Woodburn daily and con
siderable building is contemplated. Among
the prominent structures that will be
erected this year will be a Masonic Tem
ple. Several streets will be paved next
Yakima Ort'liardists Guarantee Sal
ary If State Kails Them.
NORTH YAKIMA. AVafh., Feb. 7. (Sjk--rial.
Fruit men of Yakima County today
Opned a blanket note by which they
gnaranteo the salary of Deputy Fruit In
spector Clarence Starcher. The note Is
h-ft at the bank and Starcher may draw
his salary monthly. Each fruit man who
signed agrees to pay the bank &5 if the
Legislature fails to reimburse.
Yakima County will thus hare fruit in
spection this peaeon. Benton and 'Kit
titas counties will probably follow the
sajiie course.
Soutli Bend Enumerators l"p.
SOUTH EEXD. Wafh., Feb. 7. iSpe
cial.) The examination of candidates for
census enumerators was held yesterday
afternoon at the A-street schoolhouse
under the supervision of Postmaster
Wright. Superintendent Kegley had in
formed Mr. Wright that he had received
29 applications but only a dozen nien ap
peared to take the examination. Several
women had applied but did not report.
A greatly Increased consumption of pea
nuts in Germany is reported.
Henrik Ibsen Yields Quantity of
Contraband Goods..
Master Oenles All Knowledge of the
Presence of Stuff Same Is
Thou gilt to Be Property of
Chinese Steward,
Ten silk. waiBts, ten cotton waists and
a bolt of silk were discovered, secreted
in the quarters of Captain Smith on
board the steamship Henrik Ibsen, ar
riving at Portland yesterday morning
from Hongkong and Japanese ports.
The discovery was made by customs
inspectors searching the vessel and the
contraband goods seized. Captain
Smith denied any knowledge of the
presence of the stuff in his room and
it is supposed that the articles had
been secreted there by the Chinese
steward or one of the servants.
Recent orders regarding strict search
of inward-bound stamships for contra
band articles, particularly opium, has
caused collectors and inspectors to ex
ercise particular vigilance. Collector
P. S. Malcolm, of the Port of Portland,
issued orders for a thorough search of
the Henrik Ibsen. While no "dope"
was discovered, the articles mentioned
were found secreted in the room of the
master. They were not enumerated in
the list of stores and did not appear on
the manifest of cargo. Under revised
statutes 2S-9. the stuff was contrabrand.
The Henrik Ibsen entered yesterday
with one of the largest cargaes brought
to Portland from the Orient since the
Norwegian steamships entered the
service of the Portland & Asiatic
Steamship Company.- While the value
of the cargo and the tonnage were ex
ceptionally large, the amount of duty
which will be paid at this port is small.
This is due largely to the fact that the
cargo is made up of crude stuff, princi
pally, and that little or no duty is
Sulphur forms the principal part of
the cargo of the Henrik Ibsen. Of this
there is 18,536 bags, taken on board at
Hokodate, Japan. Gunnies, Chinese
merchandise, tin and spices made up
the cargo. Not a single case of pine
apples appeared on the manifest, al
though it was expected that there
would be a large shipment of fruit
from Singapore.-
Railroad freight was short, there be
ing only a small amount of brushes,
curios,' straw braid and matting for
points in the East. Practically all of
this will be cleared from Portland.
The complete cargo on the . Henrik
Ibsen consisted of the following:
For Portland Rice. 3713 bags; matting,
806 rolls; dry goods. 44 packages; mer
chandise, packages; gunnies. IftWO
bales; coacoanut, 30 cases; pepper, 200
baps; mace, 0 baps; tin, 43R slabs; dry
goods, 16 cases; tea, 2S3 chests; nutmegs.
40 boxes; tapioca, 1400' bags; coffee, 470
bags; wire rope, S pieces: sugar, 240 boxes;
Cassia bark. 500 bushels; peanuts. 210S
bacrs; sulphur, lS,i:i6 bags; feathers. 25
bales; ornnf-es, 30 boxes; paperware, 6 pack
?ees; curios, 21 packages; bamboo poles,
4J1 bundles, screens. I package; circular
saws, 1 ; toys, 1 package; straw braid. 71
Railroad freight:
New York Forty-six boxes brushes, 24
cases curios. 54 bundles straw braid.
Montreal Thirteen boxes brushes.
Toronto Eight boxes brushes.
Chicago -Four cases curios and five
cases of straw braid.
Ietrott One case curios and seven cases
straw braid.
Milwaukie Twenty-six cases straw braid.
Baltimore One thousand and three rolls
Vessel Carries Full Cargo of Fir to
Australian Ports.
Carrying 1,841,283 feet of lumber, valued
at $23,095, the British ship Glenalvon.
Captain Kiif. cleared for Sydney and
Melbourne yesterday afternoon. The
cargo was dispatched by the American
Trading Company, and the ship will
leave down this morning. The Glenal
von arrived in Portland harbor February
10. 1909, from Antwerp. For months the
Glenalvon was on the disengaged list.
Lumber shipments, foreign, for . the
month of February total 8,083,876 feet.
and before the week ends the figures
will beat 10,000,000 feet. The Glenalvon
is the first sailing vessel to get away for
the month. Three other lumber carriers
are in the harbor loading, and the steam
ship M. S. Dollar has about completed
cargo for Australia. February shipments
will come close to a record for a single
month. Coastwise shipments are holding
up well.
O. It. & X. Boats Again Tied: Cp.
Middle Waters Are Clear.
Snake River has been closed for s
second time this Winter on account
of ice. and boats belonging to the O.
R. & N. Company have been forced to
tie up awaiting an open river. The
steamers Lewiston and Spokane, oper
ating between Riparla and Lewiston,
were taken out of Winter quarters sev
eral days ago but the formation of new
ice prevented them from operating suc
cessfully. Ice has cleared out of the Middle and
Lower Columbia and the steamers
Bailey-Gatzert and J. X. Teal are mak
ing regular runs. At the Big Eddy
there is a small amount of slush ice,
but not. enough to cause trouble.
Boats of the Open River Company will
be placed in service on the upper river
late this month.
Vnited States Craft AVill Receive
Minor Repairs Here. .
In command of Captain G. L. Carden.
the T'nltod States revenue cutter Man-
The safest medicines are those which leave the system In the best con
dition after their use. This is one of the principal virtues we claim for
S. S. S. Being made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, it f3 not in even
the smallest degree harmful to any system, but on the other hand its veg
etable ingredients make it one of the finest of tonics to build up the health,
in every way. A great many blood medicines contain strong mineral
ingredients which unfavorably affect the bowels, stomach or digestive sys
tem, and any blood-purifying effect they might have is therefore offset by
their injurious action on the general health. S. S. S. is the one safe and
sure blood purifier. It goes into the circulation and rids the blood of every
impurity or pollution. It strengthens the circulation and adds nourishing
properties to the blood and greatly assists in the cure of any blood disease.
S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious
Blood Poison and all like diseases, because it purifies the circulation.
S. S.S. may be taken by young or old with absolute safety, and with the
assurance that it will cure all diseases and disorders due to an impure or
poisoned blood supply, even reaching down and removing hereditary taints.
Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write.
Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It.
Xatnre warns you when the track of health
is not clear. Kidney and bladder trouble com
pel you to pass water often through the day
and get up many times during the night.
Unhealthy kidneys cause lumbago, rheuma
tism, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache
In the -back, joints or -muscles, at times have
headache or Indigestion, as time passes you
may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark
circles under the eyes, sometimes feel as though
you had heart trouble, may have plenty of
ambition but no strength, get weak and lose
If such conditions are permitted to
serious results are sure to. follow; Bright's Dis
ease, the very worst form of kidney trouble,
may steal upon you.
Prevalency of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize the alarming ln--crease
and remarkable prevalency of kidney
disease. While kidney disorders are the most
common diseases that prevail, they are almost
the last recognized by patient and physicians,
who usually content themselves with doctoring
the effects, while the original disease constantly
undermines the system.
A Trial Will Convince Anyone.
If you feel that your kidneys are the cause
of your sickness or. run-down condition, begin
taklnsr Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the treat kid
ney, liver and bladder remedy, because
your Kidneys oegin to get better,
help the other organs to health. In
eiwamp-iiuoL. you anora natural neip to ma
ture, for Swamp-Root is a gentle healing vegeta
ble compound a physician's prescription for
a specinc disease.
You cannot get rid of your aches and pains
if your kidneys are out of order. You cannot
feel right when your kidneys are wroner.
Swamp-Root Is Pleasant to Take.
If you are already convinced that Swamp
Root is what you need, you can purchase the
regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles
at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but
remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rooc,
and the address. Binghamton, N. Y., which you
will And on every bottle.
SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root, you
may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent abso
lutely tree by mail. The book contains many of the thousands of letters re
ceived from men and women who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy
they needed. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our
readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co..
Ktnghamton. N. Y. Be sure to say you-read this generous offer In The Port
land Daily Oregonian. The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed.
ning has arrived in port and will remain
for about three weeks. The Mannlns-
Is at anchor between the Burnside and
Morrison street bridges, and yesterday at
tracted a great deal of attention from
people crossing the river. Repairs will
be of a minor nature and local contrac
tors will be asked to submit bidB.
The Manning is stationed at Astoria.
and her territory extends from Cane
Blanco to Cape Flattery. Captain Car-
den, her commander, recently arrived
t Astoria from the East. He reliever!
Lieutenant CMalley, who had charge of
the craft temporarily. Captain Carden
has spent the past two years of Eurooe
in the interests of the Department of
Commerce and Labor. As an ordnance
officer he was on board the Manning
during the Spanish-American war. The
Manning carries, besides Captain Carden,
three lieutenants, three engineers, an ord
nance officer and 63 crew. She has four
Astoria Marine Notes.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) The
steamer Johan Poulsen cleared at the
Custom-house Sunday for San Francisco,
with a cargo of 170.000 feet of lumber,
loaded at the Astoria Box Company's
plant. 500,000 feet loaded at Rainier and
30.000 loaded at Prescott.
The steamer Coaster also cleared for
San Francisco. She carries a cargo of
625.000 feet of lumber, loaded at the
Hammond mill.
The eteam schooners Nome City and
Northland arrived today from San Fran
cisco, and will load lumber at various
points along the river.
Apprentice Buried! at Itiverview.
Funeral services over the body of
Apprentice Sidney R. Wager, who was
killed Saturday morning by being thrown
from the punt of the British ship Manx
King, was held yesterday afternoon at
the chapel of Dunning & Gilbaugh, Sev
enth and Ankeny streets. The body was
interred in Riverview Cemetery. Officers
and members of the crews of the various
British vessels. British Consul James
Laldlaw and friends attended the fu
neral. 2 6 Vessels Load In Month.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 7. CSpeciaL)
During the month of January there were
36 vessels which loaded lumber at the
various mills in the Lower Columbia
River district. Two of them went to the
Orient and the balance to domestic ports.
Their combined cargoes amounted to 16,
693,617 feet of lumber.
Marine Xotes.
The French bark Belen, with ballast
for New Caledonia, will leave down this
The steam schooner Jim Butler is
loading lumber at the Inman-Poulsen
Mills for San Francisco.
The steam schooner Northland, Cap
tain Erlckson. arrived up last evening
with passengers and freight from San
With passengers and freight from
San Francisco the steamship Rose City,
Captain Mason, arrived up yesterday
afternoon. The Rose City made a fast
run up the coast.
From Seattle the steamship Ramona,
Captain Nelson, is due to arrive this
morning. She will take the place of
the Breakwater on the Portland-Coos
Bay run.
Nels Lillydale, a sailor, who was being
cared for by the National Hospital Asso
ciation, died yesterday morning, and an
effort Is being made to locate his brother,
who Is in Portland, but whose address
is unknown. '
The steam schooner Cascade has
been sold to the Inter-Island Navlga
tion Company of Honolulu. The vessel
continue, f..'
Kidney, Liver fe Bladder
Kir T1.KX one two or Dire 1
tmspooafuls befor r'Ur
meals Md at bedtime.
Children leas ftrcardlnr to i
ly commence wiih Bmil
doses and locreaa to full doar
or more, as thm cm would
dy I.
mQOrO Iff Kill in
y. liver, bUd
i troubloi and
i disorder do to wtik kultic-vs.
such as catarrh of lb bladder.
icravrt. rheumatism, luinbivc
ana Brunt s Ultra. wtiKa
the worst form of kidney div
as soon
caaa. It is pleasant to take.
nirikiD oxlt by
they will
Sold by all Draggists,
Swamp-Root ts always kept up to lta
high standard of purity and excellence.
A sworn certificate of purity
with every bottle.
was formerly owned by Charles R. Mc
cormick & Company, and was built at
Fairhaven in 1904. -
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, Feb. 7. Arrived Steam
ship Eoae City, from Sttn Francisco: steam
ship Henrik Ibsen, from Hongkona- and
way porta; steamship Northland, from San
Francisco; steamship Nome City, from San
Astoria, Or., Feb. 7. Conditions at the
mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. smooth;
wind, south, 4 miles: weather, clear. Ar
rived down at midnight and sailed aX 12
noon British steamer Bessie Dollar, for
Shanghai and Hankow. Arrived down
durlnir the nlsht and sailed at 0 A. M.
Steamer J. Marhoffer, for San Francisco.
Arrived at 7 and left up at 8:45 A. M.
Steamer Rose City, from San Francisco.
Arrived at 7:15 and left up at ll A. M.
Steamer Northland, from 4?an Francisco.
Arrived at 11 A. M. and left tip at "i45
P. M. Steamer Nome City, from San Fran
cisro. Arrived at :l P. M. and left up
Steamer Ramono. from Seattle.
San Francisco. Feb. 7. Arrived at 7 A.
M. Steamer Kansas City, from Portland.
Arrived at 9 A. M. Steamer Asuncion,
from Portland.
Seattle. Feb. 7. Sailed yesterday Brit
ish steamer Stephanotls, from Portland, for
the Orient.
Falmouth. Feb. 7. Sailed February S
French bark Bidart. from Portland, for
San Francisco. Feb. 7. Arrived Steamer
Kansas City, from Portland: steamer. Her-
VJJ!?."- from lloji; steamer Carlnr. from
illapa; steamer Yellowstone, from Oravs
Harbor; bark Andrew Welch, from Hono
lulu; barkentlne Oardlner City, from Ta
coma. Sailed Steamer Asuncion, for Port
land: steamer Melville Dollar, for Grays
Tides at Astoria Tneodar.
flgh. Irw.
0:54 A. M.
. .7.1' feet 6:00 A. M 3.7 feat
. .S.S feet!:40 P. M...-0.9 feet
ll.a A. M
Hood River Winn Debate.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Feb. 7. (Special.)
The decision in a debate between the
High School teams of Hood River and
Park Place, which took place here last
night, was won by tne local debaters.
The question debated was, "Resolved,
That life imprisonment, with restricted
power of pardon, should be substituted
.for capital punishment in Oregon." The
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
w a egg
or pay me ns yon cct
pHK5 ththae".
ft? rmedfc0inesand "-"itant' cS
I am an expert specialist, have h-4
30 year.' practice In the treatment of
ailments of men. My offices are 'he
best equipped In Portland. My methods
are modern and up-to-date. My cures
are and positive, t do not treat
symptoms and patch m, I thoroughly
examine each case, flna the cause, re
move it and thus cure the disease.
I CIRB Varlcwae Vein. Contracted
Aliments, Piles and specific Ulood Poi
son and nil Ailments of Men.
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning. Itching ami Inflammation
stopped in twenty-tour hours. Curea
effected in seven days.
insures every man a lifelong cure,
without taking; medicine into the stom
ach. M"R"M Vlslt Dr. L 1 n d s a y-s private
"-' Museum of Anatomy and know
thyself in health and disease. Admis
sion free. Consultation free. If unable
to call, write for list of questions.
Office hours a A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. t 1 F. M. only.
inflammations. Irritations
or ulcerations of all mu
cous membranes, nanatn
ral discharges from nose,
throat or urinary orjrans.
Sold by Druggists
or In plain -wrapper, cx-
pre&s prepaid on receipt-1
of Si, or three bottles,
Booklet on request.
ALC 0 K 0 L-op'uw-tob acco
Habits Positively
Cm-ed. Only snthorired Keeley In
stitute in Oregon. Write for illns
trsted circular. Keler Inatttnre.
P. i
i 1
1 -A 'i
s J'Sxl
It ?T Catarrh. CldU
yg E Geaaca! Co.
Thorough and Permanent
different doctors have different Ideas In
regard to cures. Some call a suppression of
symptoms a cure. They dose for drug: ef
fects and claim that nothing- more can be
done. But the real ailment remains, and will
bring the real symptoms back a pa in, per
haps the- same as before, but very likely
leave the patient in a much worse condition.
I claim that nothing1 less than complete
eradication of the ailment can be a real cure.
I treat to remove the ailment, and not mere
ly the symptoms. I search out every root
and fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay
I want every man who is afflicted with
any special ailment to come and talk with
me confidentially about his case. A word
of suggestion will often aid a patient to get
on the riKht road to a quick and lasting- cure
if his case is taken in time. Kven ailments
that have reached an advanced stage yield
readily to my meoMcines and distinctive meth
ods of treatment.
My treatment is absolutely pain
less, and perfect results can be de
pended upon in every instance. I
do no cutting or dilating whatever.
Contracted Ailments
Be sure your cure is thorough.
Xot one of my patients has ever
had a relapse after being dis
charged as cured, and I cure in
less time than the ordinary forms
of treatment require.
Free Museum
Masks. Models. Plaster Casts. Skulls. Skeletons, lifelike models In
wax; also many natural specimens preserved in alcohol.
LAND. Over 500 pieces in this exhibit, which is entirely apart from
o jr medical office. It is interesting and instructive to a hih de
gree. All men visiting Portland should see DR. TAYLOR'S FREE
Seek Aid Now Pay When Cured
Examination Free
I offer not only FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis with
out charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get ex
pert opinion about his trouble.
If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open
all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M-, and Sundays from 10 to 1.
Hood River debaters were Eva Brock,
Helen Orr and Merrill Gessling. The
visiting team consisted of Lei and Hen
dricks, Olga Hanson and Fay French.
Fuel Famine Now Broken.
SOUTH BEND. Wash.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) For more than a month past this
city has been In the throes of a fuel
famine owing to the closing down of two
of the mills for repairs and to the care
lepsrfess of fuel dealers in not keeping up
their stocks of coal. This state of
affairs has existed at some time during
every Winter for years past and now, to
YOU NEED HELP Do Not Let False Pride or Modesty
Prevent You From Obtaining Relief at Once
For over 20 years I have been bulld
' ing- up weak, nervous, broken - down
men, who have become mental and
nervous wrecks, and am the Specialist
who cures by Electricity with Absorp
tion. It cured 15,000 men last year and
It will cure you. It will pay you to
call and see me and investigate my
New System. I dlagrnose by exclusion.
I will give you FREE a thorough ex
amination and make chemical analysis
and microscopic examination In every
case where it is essential to the wel
fare of the sufferer. I do not experi
ment or practice guesswork in any
sense. I CURE and cure for life, re
Perfected In Old Cum Which Hav
Been Nestected or Unalttllf allr
Are Yon a Wreck or a Man?
Do you lack Energy and Ambi
tion for Business Pursuits? Do you
feel Melancholy and Discouraged?
Do you lack: Confidence In Your
self? Have you lost the Strength
you once had? Are you as tired in
the morning as at night? Are you
Tired after Slight Exertion? Do
yon feel Nervous and Irritable,
Memory poor, etc Does your Back
Fain or Ache? Are you losing
Flesh? Zo you feel you are not
the man you once were? Don't
suffer longer. There is a cure for
you, by my Modern Scientific
Methods for Nerrout, broken
down men. My System cannot fall.
I cure when others fail.
We have added to eur office eanlpineat, for the benefit of ME3V OM.T,
a FREE MtSECM of Anatomy and srnllerjr of scientific wonders. Man,
know tnysclf. Life else models iUnartratlns; the mysteries of man, sbow
1ns; the body la nealtn and disease, and many natural subjects.
Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the results
of long experience, honest, conscientious work and the best service that
money can buy. If you are ailing consult us. Medicines furnished in our
private laboratory from $1.60 to $8.60 a course.
If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours 9 A. M.
to ,8 P. M. daily. Sundays 8 to IS only.
?lFor Women Only
Dr. Sanderson s Compound
avin and Cotton Root Pills.
Tho best and onlv reliable
remedy for DELAYED PER
IODS. Cure the most obstin
ate cases in 3 to 10 days. Price $2
per box or three boxes $5.00. Sold by
druggists everywhere. Address T. J.
P1KKCE. 311 Allsky bids., Portland, Or.
Tho Ladlns Specialist
Specific Blood Poison
No dangerous minerals to drlv
the virus into the interior, but
harmless, blood-cleansing remedies
that remove the last poisonous
Varicose Veins
Absolutely painless " treatment
that cures completely in one week.
Investigate my method. It is the
only thorouKh and scientific treat
ment for this ailment being em
ployed. remedy the existing famine and prevent
Its recurrence in the future. C. J.
Souter has imported teams, contracted,
the entire fuel supply of the Doty Lumber
OomDanv. near Ch.-,tinli ArHoH,
cars of coal and promises the people of
mis city an aonnaant supply of fuel
mi Brason9 01 tne year.
Take LAXATIVE BBOMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it falls to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c,
Mortran & Robb. 250 Stark St.. can
write vour Rurelary Insurance.
Certainty of Cure
Is What You Want
No Matter the Cause
I want you men In whom are
sown the seeds of early follies,
later excesses or disease, you
whose failing; memory, wrecked
nerves, lame back, disordered
stomach, warn you disease is at
work undermining your physical
and mental strength, to call at my
offices and learn of my methods
of curing- the ailments of men after
all others have failed entirely. I
make no charge for my counsel,
and If I accept your case will guar
antee you a perfect and permanent
cure or no pay.
Woman a Specialty
The well-known Chinese DR.
8. K. C'1A'. with their Chi
nese rumedy of herbs and
roots, cure wonderfully. It has
cured many sufferers when
All Other rmHlra Vi a
failed. Sure cure for male flf r&.M i
and female. chonic. private r-"' j A I
diseases, nervousness, blood iinn n u PU4U
poison, rheumatism, asthma, Ji0. O.K. unktl
pneumonia, throat, lungr trouble, consump
tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oyer,
at ion. Honest treatment. Examination for
ladies by MRS. S. K. CHAN. Call or write 8.
Morrison St.. Bet. 1st and 2d, Portland, Or
Toons- Mine Chinese
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all dieeases of
men and women. Consulta
tion and pulbe diagnosis
tree. If you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
247 Taylor su. bet. 24 and
ii iiimi n