Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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OREGON TLMBER LANDS offer tbe best
investment in the country. We can Pur
chase, for you claim now being patented:
at Drlces that wiil increase two-fold in
1 hr" vears. SmaJier Investors may pur
chase 'our stock at 100 per share and
participate in profits pro rata.
:k he O. Jfc C. K. H- lands afford a Kreat
op port unity to those willing to become
bona tide settlers on the land. Two mil
lion acres are open right now "by act of
Congress to actual settlers at $2.54) per
acre. There is no reason why any per
ron desiring a claim snould not go out
and. take it. The land is there for you.
as a heritage from the nation, and actual
st Tiement for the purpose of appro
priating a claim for a home, and aiding
in build ins: up the country, will entitle
you to a deed at the price fixed by law.
The Tailroad has no right to charge more,
and has not the power to prevent you
from taking the land. Beware of lo
cators charging fees for filing useless ap
plications, not based on actual settle
ment. Railroad is contesting its obliga
tion i.i court, but will doubtless be com
pelled to sell.
fompicte information on all timber
land rtiatters.
01 4-J 7 Lewis Bids;.. 4th and Oak Sts.
Hi ACR BS fine land. unimproved, near
Portland, for vacant lots. $1500.
4o acres best apple land, near "White
Salmon ; want good rooming-house or
house and lot.
' ' Oerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder.
lO a ores, beaut if ul ly located, near Or
chards. 4 S miles from Vancouver and
only mile from electric carllne: 4 acres
in bearing fruit trees; will trade for Port
land property. Room 1, S3 5th st.
4 'j acres in cultivation, including new
3-room house, barn, chickenhouses, well,
etc. ; 3 blocks from electric depot; county
road; West Woodburn; trade for city
property. S3 5th st.. room 1.
NICE 5-room modern cottage, nicely lo
cated, to exchange for lot between Haw
thorne ave. ar-d Sullivan's Gulch, not fur
ther out than :;oth st. Conant Realty Co.,
room 5. Alder.
R acres, acres in bearing orchard. i
mile from electric carllne, only 12 miles
from Portland; will take good 5 or 7
passenger auto for firet payment. 83 5th
-.. room 1.
FOUR-HOLE gas range for sale or -will
trade for good sewing machine. Lin
coln Investment Co., 246H Yamhill St.,
room 20I.
We- have a new 6-room house with cor
ner lot on East Side to trade; will take
auto as part payment. 83 5th st., room 1.
0- ACRE bearing orchard with an income
from $50t0 to $20. 000 per year; exchange
for income property or paying business.
no6 Board of Trade.
$35ftO WORTH of very fine stock In Port
land Mfg. Co., doing a fine business, to
trade for Portland property. 63 Cth St.,
room 1.
I WILL trade you my property, free and
clear, for your equity in any house or
lot. See Angeles, 32&i Washington at.,
20 ACRES highly Improved apple "land, close
to town of Hood River. Easy terms. Can
take other property in part payment. B 702,
Oregon! a 11.
FRBB and clear Eastern Washington prop
erty for Seattle vacant property, large or
small. 313 Central bldg.. Seattle, "Wash.
IP you need money and have city lots) or
equity to .511. mum be cheap. Oi II at room
221. Henry bldg.
WILT trade paying beach property and cot
tage for farm land. State kind, location
and price. N 706. Oregonian.
$.sOO; corner. Ferris, 3 Washington bldg.
LOTS to trade for merchandise stock. 506
Board of Trade.
ill NINO stock for lot, equity or cheap land.
Mayor 58 Oerlinger bldg.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
WILL trade diamonds for property or auto
or furniture. 324 First st.
LIST your property -with us; If the price Is
right we oan sell it for you.
Dealers and Brokers In Real Estate.
S2) Chamber of Commerce bldg.
WANT to buy from owner. 5-room modern
cot t age or bungalow, make small cash
payment, balance equal to rent; East Side
or north of river near carllne. R 7U6,
WANT ED Not less than I6O acres; must
be on Willamette River; will pay $100 to
J2O0 per acre; owners only. W. H. More
house Investment Co., 238 Alder at.
W ANTED- Party to build house for desir
able tenant on long lease; must be located
on West Side north of Washington st.
X 714. Oregonian.
I HAVE $2000 cash to Invest In cheap
lots. Vernon district preferred. What
have you ? Give full particulars. AK
HW. Oregonian.
GOOD vacant lot. West iside. would con
sider 6-room house and lot, cheap. Lo
cation and terms. AN 097, Oregonian.
WH have 2 customers for vacant lots on
Union ave. What have you got? Good
noueh & Seltz. 132 Fifth st.
WANTED Lots in Swlnton, Falrport. Ken
ton and adjoining additions. M 705, Ore
goniun. WANTED To buy quarter block in Upper or
Lower Alblna; give price and particulars
In first answer. X 7041, Oregonian.
NEW 6-room modern house, furnace, elec
tric lights, tin, near car and school. AD
705. Oregonian.
HAVE you some land to subdivide? Let me
mnke you a price. AJ COS, Oregonian.
4.11011000 feet yellow flr relinquishment in
Siletz; can. be stripped. feet yellow fir In Yamhill Coun
t y, verv chenj.
51 Dekum Bldg.
4O.otHi.O00 feet yollow flr for sale near coast
and R. R. : 75 oents per M feet stumpage;
also several sections at BO cents per M.
Blair &. Russell. Abington bldg.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kin da Kinney A
Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bids;.
Homes, Vehicle and Hsrae
Fat and handsome, w eight 2600. age 7
and S. full sisters, used by Metropolitan
Coal Co.. bought green, have become ten
der in front, not lame; -warranted work
ers; worth $3O0 upon a farm. tXti Wash
Short-legged, handsome, safe, sound,
stocky built mare, weight 130O, warranted
to pull a tons, good walker and driver,
worth $2H) to use, and money refunded if
not satisfactory to work double or single.
Hh; Washington st.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
marcs. If not as represented they can be
reiumea. v e also nave on nana several
delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 4
Hawthorne ave.
Honest. safe workers. weight 2400.
sound and good, true pullers and safe;
mk 8-1. used upon a truck, worth $200
upon a farm. Washington st.
ONE span mares, 5 and 6 years old. weight
200 lbs.; one span matched sorrel mares,
7 and S years old. weight 12 HK lbs. ; one
span matched sorrels, 5 yeas old. weight
32AO; those are no plugs, 226 Russell st.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving borse
always on baud. Sold with guarantee, mm
represented. U. 8. 8 tables, 246 Front.
FOR 8 ALE or trade, every day, two carloads
of new buggiea. carriages and light wagons
at factory prices. Sol East Oak et,
FOR SALE Imported black Frenou Perche
ion stiiUion. years old. at a bargain. In
qui iK Fashion Stable. Washington st.
Best accommodations for travelers, ladles'
waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front.
a (iOOD teams and new harness for sale
cheap. 350 Burnside st.
HUBERT at HALL. 380 Front, buy, tell, rnt
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rlaa.
HORSES, mares,
kinds for sale.
rigs and harness
2$4 Montgomery.
Horses. Vehicles tod Harness.
TEAM matched blacks, harness and wagon:
team geldings, weighs 20 lbs., sound and
-warranted to pull a freight car, 7 and 8
years old ; this team Is worth $4K to a
farmer-, harness is sewed; trace truck har
ness with, breeching: wagon is 3 -gear
wide tire, peter Schulltler, best made; this
outfit goes at $325, guaranteed, and trial
Riven; must be satisfactory or money re
funded. 66 Washington at. Mr. An
drews, owner.
PO R S A L E) A choice b u nch of ho dm, one
pair of hays. 5 years old, weighs 140o; mare
and horse; one pair of bay mares, 5 and 8
years old,' 29u0; one brown horse, 7 years
old, 340: one pair of blacks. 4 and S years
old, weich -TOO, horse and mare; no one In
Oregon drives a etyliaher team with action
and gentler than that pair is. Call 5o5
Albina ave.; take L car.
14 brood mares, some with foal, from
the Lad d A Reed Broadmead farm. Freed -man
Bros., 489 Overton St., bet. 13th and
14th. Take -S" or lOth-st. car.
pianos. Organ and Musical Instrument.
NICE new standard piano, only used six
months, at a great sacrifice on account
of owner having to go East. $50 cash
and balance on easy payments if de
sired. Call at 125 13th st. from 1 to 5
NOTE $1000. 7 per cent. Union avenue lot,
adjoining pressed brick building. Call 974,
Commercial rt.
FOR SALE $125 Reed-French balloon puz
zle certificate; make an offer. p 7o8,
$125 REID-FREXCH piano credit check
for sale. What will you give me? Phone
Sellwood 1018.
PIANO check, $125, Reed-French, or at
Ellcrs. $131.25, sell cheap, ' have piano.
A J 699. Oregonian.
2 REED'S piano checks, $125. sell at $15.
311 17th st.
$12.". Reed-French piano certificate for $5.
Phone East 2324.
$125 REED-FRENCH piano check, sfII
cheap. R. B. 50O, East 3-Oth, Seliwood 107.
$125 CHECK on Reed-French Piano Co. for
$15. 534 Thurraan st.
A REED piano check for $125 for sale.
Phone B 2302l
125 CREDIT check on Reed-French piano,
very cheap. Phone Woodlawn 53'6.
KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world;
Moline, the best car made for the money.
We also have a number of . four-cylinder
cars, slightly used but In first-class condi
tion, left here for us to sell at real bar
gain prices.
WESTERN AUTO CO.. 531 Alder st.
Xew and second-hand automobile
bought, sold and exchanged. If you are
looking for a good car at a bargain,
touring or runabout, call and look over our
stock. Cash or terms. 266 11th. at.. Port
land. MODEL lO Bulck, with double rumble seat,
fully equipped, good as new; a bargain.
266 Eleventh .
AUTO WANTED Six-room house and two
lots on carllne, close In, $1750. to ex
change for good 3 to 6-paasenger car. AK
606, Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILES $650 lor Franklin touring
car. Geo. R. Flora, 470 E. Burnside at.
60-H. P. THOMAS, would trade for smaller
car or real estate. K 708. Oregonian.
AUTO to exchange for equity or first pay
ment in equity. If 710, Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engine re
paired. James D. Fall, 244 2d at.
Birds, Dogs. Pet Stock.
THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn eockereli
and B. P. Rocks. Phone East 5464.
WELL-BRED foxhound pups for sale. M, G.
Smith, Aurora. Or.
GIGANTIC removal sale Get your fine furs
at cost during my removal sale, -which ia
on until the 15th of February, when I will
move to my new location, between Wash
ington and Aider sts., on 11th Bt. Rather
than move my present stock, I will sacri
fice same at and below cost, making this
your unsurpassed chance of obtaining fine
furs at prices lower than ever offered on
furs of quality. Highest prices paid for
raw furs. Come early and get the cream,
which is always included In money-saving
A. RE-INER. 148 Fifth st.
200-horaepower motor, generator set, belt
ed units, complete with circuit-breaker and
panels, alternating- and direct current ma
chines; Ideal drlvo for Industrial plant; com
plete Information furnished at room 201 Ore
gonian bldg.
SEWING machines Do not fall to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,'
Prop. 420 Washington st., corner 11th.
ONE linotype machine No. 3. In perfect con
dition, with one motor and one magazine,
$150u. One machine In 'perfect order. No. 1,
with one magazine and motor, for $050. H.
C. Gillespie, Goldfleld. Nevada.
TO0 WORTH of office furniture, 4 solid oak
roll-top desks, 4 revolving chairs, 4 leather
seated library chairs library table, type
writer desk and chair; a snap If talcen at
once. 2til Oak St., new Lewis bldg.
FOR SALE Old Glencoe schoolhonse at
East 4ft th and East Morrison ets. : will
make good apartment-house- can be moved
easily. Inquire of R. H. Tnomas, School
Clerk, City Hail.
BEST dry flr and oak wood, either sawed
or 4 -ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, SIS Water at. Phone Main 7451.
A &445
WANTED to sell cheap, check for $125, in
credit, won in recent balloon contest. In
quire Elevator. Columbia bldg.
HOISTING and logging engine; we buy, sell
or rent. Railway Equipment Co.. 74
First st
FOR SALE Rarest collection of old coins
and currency on the Coast; price reason
able If sold at once. J 607, Oregonian.
7xlO DOUBLE drum donkey engine with
cables; first-class condition. O 678, Ore
gonian. SCHOOLBOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at
Hyland'a. 211 2d st, near Salmon. ld 0th
at., opposite Postofflce.
FOR SALE 15 tons refrigeration plant,
complete; icemaklng facilities for 5 tons.
C M. Ice Co., 129 N. 3d.
CORDWOOD stumpage. sell cheap. Equity
Investment Co., 0O8 Oerlinger bldg. Main
500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.25. Ryder Pt.
Co., 357 Burnside st. Main 5336.
600 BUSINESS cards $1 If you meation this
ad. Ross City Prtntery, 1924 3d.
NEW. rebullts. second-band, rentals at cut
rates. P. D. C. Co.', 231 Stark. M. 1407.
BL'Y Swastika stock and have an Income for
a lifetime. 310 Oak st.
BIRDS for sale. Phone East 3700.
WANTED Men caatoft clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prloes paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 Sd st. North. Phone Main tS73.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phone
A 2445. Main S85L
WANTED Clothing. be-, price paid for
ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and
hoes and bicycles. Main 2O80. 2&0 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool, furs Phonea A T61S,
Main 5198. J. Leve, 186 Columbia.
HIGHEST prices paid for men's cast off
clothes. 204 3d st. Phone Marshall 745-
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED MUch goats; alsrt burro. Address
V. Jeffcott, 738 Hawthorn,-- Portland.
WANTED Neat man with little money to
act as cashier in a fine, paying business.
Inquire at L"2o 5th st.. room 3.
WANTED Younar man to act as news
agent on railroad trains. Cole News Co..
l32 Johnson st.
FRED SAUTER, call 'or phone Sellwood 101S
or address W. A. Davies. Portland.
WANTED Boy to drive wagon. Stable 418
.East Everett.
SOLICITORS Easy work, good pay. 8134
Washington su. room 15.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 -and
35; must be native born or have first pa
pers; monthly pay $15 to $0ft: additional com
pensation possible; food, clothing, quartern
- and medical attendance free; afier SO years
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and. allowances; service on beard ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at
New Grand Central Hotel. Portland, Or.
All-round operator to work in Port
land. GVtod salary to the right man.
No booze-fighters need apply. Phone
Slain 4J6.
MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for
foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads;
account increasing business; no strike;
age 20-30; good vision; $50-$100 monthly;
promotion; 1524 men sent to positions in
l&OP ; send stamp ; state age. weight,
height. Railway Association, care Ore
gonian. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructor; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of College. 34
North 4th st, Portland. Or.
500 PAIRS of pants waiting for legs. Pants
for lean and fat legs, long and short legs.
Not a leg show, but a sale of pants at $2.50
a pair, values to $4; also 200 suits must go
at $8; all wool, guaranteed; values to $25.
Knew Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian
bldg. Jimmie Dunn, Mgr.
LEARN more about civil service positions
and examinations. You ought to. Don't
cost you much. Free book No. 30 may
help you write for it. Our students sat
Portland, Or.
WANTED Competent salesman, who la well
and favorably known to the trade of East
ern Washington and Idaho, can find &
good position with a wholesale hat h ousts.
Address Chapman Advertising: Co., Port
land. Or.
FIRST-CLASS office clerks having experi
ence in railroad disbursements, accounts;
should be good penmen, quick and accu-
t rate at figures; must come well recom
mended; give age. experience and salary
expected. AH tid7, Oregonian.
MAN, capable of managing harness business
and who can raise $2000, can have an
interest In and manage a paying business
in best Puget Sound city. Address, giving
full references, M 70S, Oregonian.
IF you are a high grade salesman I can as
sist you In making $150 a week ; no one
else in the business pays as well as I do for
first-class men- all others will be denied
an interview: Call 9 to 11. 302 Lewis bldg.
MAN to work on farm with me; will locate
you on good homestead in retuprn for
three months work. Write R. L. Wolle
son, Rockland, Idaho. Formerly from
WANTED A refined gentleman not over
25 years of age can secure a permanent
position with us. Reply with references
and your phone number. AM 008, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man.
one experienced in automobile business
preferred. State age. references and sal
ary expected. AL 095, Oregonian
YOUNO man to help in shipping department,
willing to work and capable of advancing
38 to 20 years old. Apply lO A. M. Hudson
& Oram Co.. Front and Oak.
TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates all have
positions. Address or call evenings. Expe
rienced operator, room 10, 252 Columbia
MAN wanted to work on sand scow out
side of city; one who can furnish. Govern
ment license for gasoline over 15 tons.
State experience. AB 702, Oregonian.
WE aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integritty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. C. A.
Ship dally; no fare held from your pay.
COO laborers wanted.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N 2d St.
WANTED Bright young man with some
experience in office work and able to do
collecting ; must have best of reference
and be a hustler. AC 691, Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable man used to farm
produce; good salary; also snare of the
profits; small Investment reouired. Par
ticulars, 417 Board of Trade,
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book
keeping given by an accountant. 301
Merchants Trust building, 6th and Wash
ington. WANTED Office boy; must be bright and
neat and have some knowledge of "office
work. Call at American Can Co., office
14th and Front sts. Ask for Mr. Turrell.
WANTED Competent all round newspaper
man and printer experienced in trade
paper work preferred. No -incompetent
need apply. Address AJ 697,, Oregonian.
WANTED Eeergetic young man with knowl
edge of wholesale and retail drugs; give age,
experience, references and telephone number.
AH 712. Oregonian.
BOY wanted to work at soda fountain, IS
to 21 years old. Coffman's, 350 Wash
ington at.
WANTED First-class ladies tailor to go to
Spokane, Wash. ; free fare. Apply 129 hi
5th sU Lip p man.
WANTED Man for fruit farm, must have
farm experience and be good teamster.
Apply early, R. Chiloott, 204 McKay bldg.
WANTED Salesman acquainted with arch
itects and contractors, to take a profitable
aide line on commission. O 665, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Want an experienced
young man. Commercial Abstract Co., 408
Commercial Club.
MAN for stove plumbing and repair work;
state where you have worked. AK 695,
SALESMAN for an Eastern Carbon & Ribbon
Co., to handle established local business.
Box AJ" 6&6. Onegonian.
MEN to clear land In exchange for good
Portland lot or team. McCoy, 364 North
26th, 5 to T evenings. W car.
PRACTICAL machinist for small up-to-date
shop -.out of town ; give age, experience;
references. W 711, Oregonian.
WANTEib Youth, 16 or 17 years of age, to
work la a clothing store. Bowman Bros.,
3d and Burnside sts.
WANTED Young man for light work
around college in exchange for tuition.
Oregon College. S3 5th, near Oak.
WHAT have you to trade for wheat land
in Eastern Oregon? Write M. Litzmaurice,
Condon, Or.
directory. Apply today, 310 Lumber Ex
cnange oiag.
BOY about 16 years of age wanted for of
fice work and as messenger. AN 703,
WANTED First-class stock salesman: come
prepared to give references. New West Pub
Hshing Co.. 317 Henry bldg.
COMPETENT cook, for family of 3;. other
n eip in nouse. 01 n orth 1 6th.
WANTED First-class cook, with referen
ces. 40 20th. Portland Heights.
WANTED Ftrst-class sktrtmaker. A. Llpman
129 Fifth.
WANTED A girl for general housework; $
auuaa. rnone juast itt;u.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting.
304 12th st. Main 6890.
HIGH school pirl wanted. 503 Mill st.. West
Side. A 5t57; Main 5212.
GiRLS wanted. Western Model Co., 28 Front
STRONG girl and woman for cook in hotel.
Hotel Baumann, 412 North lth.
GIRL to asFist with general Housework. Phone
GIRL for general housework, S to 3- S92
Jackson. Main C7S0.
WANTED Girl for general - housework.
good wages to right party. 324 Jackson.
WANTED Girl use to dairy lunch work.
Apply 526 Washington st.
GIRL wanted to assist with housework.
503 Johnson st.
WANTED Girl for general housework
. small family. Phone Tabor Sf3.
WANTED Second girl, family of two. Call
arter ;i a. .m... 14 .Norm itn. wages 2U.
WANTED Apprentices. Elite Hairdresslng
Parlors. 109 Seventh.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
GIRL wanted to assist with general house
work. Apply mornings. 747 GHsan st.
H E A DWAITRESS. $40; waitress. si
place. $40 ; count rv.
Cook count r $40.
Household hel of all kinds.
New orders dally.
343 Wash, st., cor. 7th. upstairs.
YOU are still in time to take Instruction In
millinery and complete the course before
the busy season commences. Boston School
of Millinery & Dressmaking. 274 William
GIRL wanted; general housework; family of
3; small house. Apply mornings. S6S 17th
st.. corner Elizabeth, Portland Height.
Phone Main 339.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, small familv. good place for
right party. 791 East Salmon st. Phone
B 19SS.
WANTED A middle-ajred lady to do cham
ber work; one who stays at home nights;
must live near th and Hoyu Will paj
0. 3S1 North 6th st.
WANTED Refined middlQ-aged lady can
secure steady employment with, us after
February 13. Reply with references and
your phone number. AM 697, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED saleslady to present first
class proposition to business houses and
automobile owners; splendid proposition
for right party. Address J 693, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework, small family. 794 Ir
ving st. A 1182. Main 8235.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 600 Roth
child bldg.. 4th an4 Washington.
826i Waihinnon St.. Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
must be good cook; good wages. Apply
mornings. 741 Irving st.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work; best wages. Apply 735 Irving st.,
near 22d.
WANTED First-class stenographer by large
wholesale house. A-B 713, Oregonian. Ref
erences required.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
- good wages; references. Apply forenoons,
" SI 6 Johnson. Phone A S089.
8439 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstair.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED A girl for a shooting gallery. A
live one. Wages $2.50 per day. w. Herman,
220 Madison between 1st and 2d.
WANTED Competent girl to do general
housework. Apply 304 N. 24th st. Phone
Main 4142.
WANTED Young lady to make out bills
and do light bookkeeping; state wages ex
pected. J 698. Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper;
state experience and salary expected. AJ"
6a8. Oregonian.
A COMPETENT girl fo cooking, where sec
ond girl is kept ; good waes. 6S9 Ev
erett s.
WHOLESALE house requires services of an
intelligent and ambitions woman; exper
ience unnecessary. D 7O0. Oregcnian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
houf-ework. family of 2. Applv o6
Hoyt st. before 9:30 or after 12.
GIRL for general housework. Ap-olv 2T7
12th a.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. Apply 706 Flanders.
WANTED Lady barber. 112 4th st. Beat
job In city.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor.
MAN or woman with ?50 who will spend
short time In preparatory work wiU be
started in remunerative business; good
work ; will insure advancement and op
portunity to travel. Address P 707, Ore
gonian. IF you are a specialty salesman and desirs
to make money with a household article by
selling either to the jobber or consumer, be
ginning March 1, address for conference G
14, Oregonian.
sitions to A-1 Instructors. 611 SwetlandT
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
"WANTED By an experienced male book
keeper, a set of books to keep In the
evening. AK 688, Oreonian.
BUILDING superintendent, estimator and
draftsman would like position. AH 63,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher wishes position. AH 606, Orego
nian. Miscellaneous.
YOUNG man. experienced, wants position
as hotel clerk in or out of town; can fur
nish good references a to habits, charac
ter, etc. R 708, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese desire a position in hotel,
apartment-house or family ; do any kind
work; experienced, speaks English. T. S
Mat, H 707, Oregonian.
JAPANESE school boy, small family (with
children) preferred, do cooking If neces
sary. AN 698, Oregonian.
E D lTC AT E D. exp eri ence d pharmac 1 st , de
slrea position ; personal and business ref
erences. P 705, Oregonian.
YOUNG man and wife want work on farm;
steady and reliable; something permanent
ie &u6iaciory. t ius, uregonian.
RELIABLE. well-educated man, wants
steady position, any kind. Address R
703, Oregonian.
YOUR building. Jobbing repairing wanted
by experienced workmen. Phone Tabor
WIDE-AWAKE young man desire posi
tion with reliable real estate firm. Al
reterences furnished. Ai 6tt, Oregonian
CHAUFFEUR wants work, private family or
garage ; all repairs ; 6 years last place.
F. C. B.. 860 East Pine st.
KIRfVr -CLASS Chinese cook wants position,
restaurant, hotel or boarding-house. Main
CHAUFFEUR'S position; 4 years' experience;
good references. M TOO. Oregonian.
YOUNG man want position as cook, helper
or dishwasher. Phone A 3311, room 36.
POSITION by American chef, city or coun
try, hotel or cafe. A M 696 Oregon I an .
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. 263 Everett- Main 4659: A 4073.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
AMBITIOUS and experienced young lady
would like office work of some kind. O
703. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as private secretary. Ex
perienced. Call Main 216.
EXPERIENCED seamstreps would like
work by the day in family; can make
gentlemen's shirts and any sort of family
sewing. Phone evening. East 4548.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326H Wash
ington St., suite 216. Main 9S2. A 53S1.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists. 1 up; fine
work; references. 629 E. Mill. East 5266.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day. experienced. Phone Tabor 4S3.
DRE.SSMAKING or plain sewing, by the
day. or garment. A 4482. 210 Jefferson.
LADIES TA IIXDRING. alteration specialty.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia. Apt 21. A 4709
COMPETENT dressmaker desires plain sew
ing; references. 035 East Main St.
Hon sekeepera.
CAPABLE woman and daughter, place aa
housekeeper, daughter to attend school
and assist. Phone mornings. Main 4821.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes posl
sitlon in rooming-house. N 714, Oregon
ian. ,
MIDDLE-AGED woman. German, wishes po
sition as housekeeper baebelor or wid
owers home. 1011 Union ave, store. East
"WOMAN wants work by day; references; no
half day. East 2030.
PRACTICAL nurse. 15 years' experience
no objection to little housework. M 1030
or A 3143.
TRAINED nurse, hospital graduate, desire
nervous cases, city or country. Inquire
Y. W. C. A.
PRACTICAL nurse, maternitv preferred. St.
Louis. 245 S Wash. Main 20;tS. A 4775.
Lesson given in plain and hi ch -class
cooking. pastry work, decorating, etc.
Dinner? and banquets cooked at home.
Phone Mr. Grant, A 7334.
GIRL wants steady iplce, dav work, for
Wednesday and Monday. Main 449. Call
MIDDLE-AGED woman would keep hours
for elderly couple who prefer home com
forts and good cooking to style ; good
wages. M 709, Oregonian.
PARTY making trip through Idaho and Mon
tana wishes line to handle. M 707, Ore
gonian. EXPEP.I ENTTD German girl wants da
work washing, ironing, cleaning. Phone
Main 4.VJS.
GERMAN girl. 17 years of age. wishes to
do light housework. Call 2 to 5. 344 19th
st. North.
WOMAN wants work cleaning or plain
sewing. Address box 252, Arleta, Port
land, Or.
A GOOD, competent lady cook, day or
night, best o it y re f er ences. Cal 1 East
"031. room H
WOULD like position in store or any kind
of service, by an ambitious woman, p 709,
I WA N T two d ays' w or k. Wed n esday and
Friday. Phone after 6 evening. Tabor
WANTED Work hy day washing, Ironing
or housework. Phone East 4541.
WOMAN want day work. Woodlawn 965.
Call evenings.
COOKS, hotel, families, " housekeepers, wait
resses. St. Louis. 24dH Wash. Main 2039.
WORK, by the day by a reliable woman
from the east. Main 8398.
EXPERIENCED young woman wishes day
work. Main 6713.
EXPERIENCED cook wants position. Call
at 184 17tn st. North, from 1 to 3.
LACE curtains laundered carefully, called
for and delivered In 24 hours. A 7230.
WANTED A few good agents In Idaho to
devote all their time In selling a policy
with guaranteed coupons and other at
tractive features. It Is special work, and
you won't wan', to sell anythtng else. 500
stockholders. Personal leads furnished.
Liberal commissions. Idaho State Life In
surance Co. Home Office, Boise, Idaho.
AGENTS Housecleanlng is just about here.
I have the greatest carpet and rug cleaner
that has ever been invented; sells at $1:
sample, 50 cents. Sells wherever carpets
are used. E. L. Aikln. 426 Pacific block,
SALESMEN A few good salesmen capable
of earning 4100 to $200 per week; ad
vancement. United Wireless Telegraph,
410 Corbett bldg., Portland.
We have, the best paying proposition
in Portland. If you are a salesman ap
ply 506 Board of Trade.
8ALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem, Oregon
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repair
the same for you aa 'though the property
was our own ; references any bank in
246 k Stark St.
Phones A 3500: Main 35.
MODERN 6-room cottage on West Side,
beginning of March. AL 697, Oregonian.
WANTED Cottage on West Side; state lo
cation, price, terms. O 707, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
WANTED Unfurnished apartment of 3 or 4
rooms and bath; must be within 10
minutes walk of Postofflce. Address AN
699. Oregonian.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for two
persons; separate beds; not exceeding $3o
per month. D 714, .Oregonian.
Room Witts Board.
YOUNG marrtod couple with small child
wishes board and room with private fam
ily, within walking distance. P 706, Ore
gonian. LADY employed wishes room and board
where a boy S years old will receive
mother's care; near Ladd School prefera
ble. N 707, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants good 'home in exchange
for company and light help. K 705, Ore
gonian. GENTLEMAN want room and board.
State terms and how to get there. AK
697, Oregonian.
YOUNG German wishes room with board,
with nice German family or widow. Ad
dress Julius Meyer, new Hotel pereklns.
Furnished Room.
131 Eleventh St.
New, modern brick building; Just opened
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location. Just off Wash
ington at.; special rate by week or month.
Opened- January 17. new and beautifully
iurnisnea; noi ana com water in every room.
Public and privute bath. Permanent and
transient.. 265 5th St., opp. City Hall.
Grand and Hawthorne ave. ; new manage
ment, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone in every room; largest rooms in city
for permanent people; en suite or single,
with bath. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
HOTEL AVALON Corner 11th and Wash
ington, is now under new management,
being thoroughly renovated, newly car
peted, tinted throughout, hot and cold
running water in every room, rent reason
able. HOTEL LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee st-.
near Holladay ave. ; every modern con
venience, newly furnished, reasonable;
new management; permanent and tran
sient. THE BAKER
Opened Jan. 17. new and besutifullv fur.
nished ; hot and cold water in every room.
Public and private baths Permanent and
transient. &tn St., opp. iJity Hall.
422 & Washington, Cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold wajr. baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $6 pr week up;
transient rates. 75c up.
Washington and 17t, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; t& weekly up. A 2647, AL 547.
Cth and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient, v
2 suites for rent, modern in every re
spect; 1 suite for rent unfurnished. C. L.
W illiams.
NICELY furnished rooms, bath, hot and cold
water, gas and electric lights, $2.50 up.
2os 17th st. Phone Main 7i23.
LARGE front room suitable for two gentle
men, all conveniences; close In ; $4 week.
Aster House, 7th and Madison.
NICELY f urnished 'comfortable rooms, $1.50
to $2.o, free phone, lights, bath, etc. No.
2 14th . N.
HOTEL EUCLID 18th and Washington:
beautifully furnished room; also tuite
with bath.
LANDAN APARTMENTS, 2S8 10th, 3 rooms
for rent, running water, steam heat and
all conveniences.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
FURNISHED rooms, Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
ONE furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2;
rent reasonable. 73T Savier st.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per
week. 648 Washington st.
Furnished Room.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
Ons whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate clean I !no&s
and comfort. Free bus Free Phonea
140 ROOMS.
New. modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn t cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice largo office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates. 50c 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see u 12$ 6th St.. North.
3d and Jefferson St.
Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and 3d; Just completed, new
furnishings, hot and cold water. steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, la a
tory. convenient, rooms large, light, aii y.
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 773L M. 860U.
88 N. 6th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large of rice on ground
floor, elegant ld8, everything absolutely
new and clean ; rates only $'.50 and up
per week; 60c and 76c per day. 3 blocks
from Union Depot.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
cutside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $:tu; elegant
public parlor; phonea and baths free.
THE DREXEL ROOMS Some choice fur
nished rooms, single or eu suite; steam
heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, all
night elevator service, reasonable rent to
steady roomers; transient solicited; rooms
$1 per day and up. 24Gi Yamhill st.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sis.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
ELEGANT rooms with every modern conven
ience, beautiful grounds; home privileges;
walking One beautiful suite with
gas plates. 90 East !th Bt., cor. Washing
ton. Phone East 1390.
FOR RENT- Furnished room for two gentle
men, modern, with bath connected; 5
minutes' walk. Call Sunday -or after 6:30
P. M. 230 to 10th st.
NICEa.Y furnished, outside, walking dis
tanco, reasonable, bath, phone. ii 7sl5.
624 Flanders.
FOR RENT One or two roomp. suitable
for ladies or man and wife; close in. 4o4
Jefferson at. cor. 12th.
SWELL auite of rooms, connecting. Nob
Hill; suit two gentlemen, steam lieat,
walking distance, moderate. Main 8075.
NICE single room, walking distance; $6 per
month. 389 oth.
$S MONTH 1 room, walking distance, near
sieei oriage. fnone K litiD.
NEATLY furnished outside room, in upper
flat. 370H 13th. Phone A 4605.
FURNISHED rooms. 344 N. lth st-, near
WI LL give fine room to lady for 5 1 per
weeK ; private family. Phone East oiM4.
SINGLE room for gentleman ; clean, quiet,
modern residence. 528 Morrison st.
NICELY furnished rooms, $2-$2.50; steam
ue ., uaui, p none. .-lo lata St.
FURNISHED room for one or two gentle
men; Dam, gas, neat. j-none Main 3J07.
ROOMS for young men; modern conveniences.
Phone East 168. 62 Bast 10th.
FOR rent 1 large front bedroom : 1 aide bed
room; gentlemen only. 512 Market. A 17&6.
Rooms With bosra.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. G3 0 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, 186 Cth
t. Mrs M. E. Bretherton. Supt.
NEW well-furnished suite in private boarding-house,
steam heat, hot and co:d
water, modern, near 23d st. car, also
single room. 735 Hoyt st.
355 TAYLOR, bet. 7th and Park, furnished
unfurnished or partly housekeeping rooms.
ELEGANT, large, front room, suitable for
two. in a firet -class boarding-house. 374
GOOD board and warm rooms for $6 a week,
easy walking distance; free phone and bath.
a 110 liinacii, ou AiarKN.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and- 167 10th St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
ROOM and board at The Sterling, .535
voucn sc.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for two. with
ail home comforts. 18 Ella at.
LARGE room, with board. 446 3d, The
Rooms Witb Board In Private Family.
NICE room, with board, for one or 2 In
modern private home, five minutes walk
from Postofflce; reasonable to desirable
parties. Main 4504.
2 FRONT rooms with or without board.
302 Salmon, near .Otb.
COSY rooms, choice board, also table board;
business people. 712 Hoyt st.
FIRST-CLASS board and room for two, in
private ramiiy. 040 lamnui si.
ROOMS with or without board,
san st.
LARGE loom, with alcove and board. A
328. ftlo Morrison, cor. luth.
ROOM suitable for two gentlemen ;
cooking. 47t Taylor t.
FIRST-CLASS room and board. 550 Hoyt,
.Main i-o.
WARM room for two with board; homelike,
also single room. Main U4S5.
ROOM and board in strictly modern flat ;
fine location, prices reasonable. 428 Mill st.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison at.; new brick
building, completely firet-clasa, furnished
In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments, orl-
vate bath, reception hall, ateam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unf ur-
nunea; janitor service; rent reasonable.
TH0 KING-DAVIS Comer of King and Davis
sts., new brick building, high cla.s; most
convenient ana complete s ana 4-roum apart
ments in city; satisfactory references re
quired. THE SHEFFIELD 7th and -Jefferson sts.;
all outside rooms, modern and only 5 min
utes' walk from P. O. Vtry reasonable
rent. Main -oOtt, A 8149-
TH E LAURETTB apartment-house, highest
class in Portland, has one 3-room apart
ment, unf urnished ; five minutes f;om
iortianu wottii. 11th st., near Salmon.
FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated. Janitor serv
ice, modern apartment partial base
ment), finest in city for money. Apply to
j an nor, uiiu jvearney.
RELL K A N, the most exclusive 'furnished
apartments in the city, 3 rooms and bath
both phones. Take W or 16th st. car. 624
3iaiajia.ii at.
ST. CROIX Apartments. 170 St. Clair St..
unfifrnished i:-rom apartment. private
nam, noin ptmnes. reason a hie rent, adults.
NOB HILL The furniture of nicelv fur
nt shed 3-room apartment for sale, apart
ment tor rent. t'none A ui.0.
WANTED By Feb. 16. furnlphed suite or
Finau liat. stam-newted. two adults. State
terms. B 712, Oregonian.
IONIAN COURT 4-room furnished apart
ment, private bath, elevator service.
Phone Main 111)2. 570 Couch at.
THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-room
apartment, al! conveniences, walking dis
tance, only $1S. 20th and Washington sts.
NEWLY furnished, trictly modern 3-room
apartment fr rent; furniture for sale, if
renter desires. Phone A 7-.S.
FIVE-ROOM apartment. beautifully fur
nished. Brain tree Apartments. 205 12th.
Phone Main 7741.
FE B. 15, one 5-room up-to-date apartment
The Mordaunt. cor. ISth and Everett.
Main 6U46. A 11; 1
IRIS APARTMENTS 5 large rooms; steam
heat, hot and cold water; $45.
3-room apartments, f urnished j reasonable.
APARTMENT 1S, The Iuretta. 220 tlth
ot-iween xtimon and Main; 3-room
apartment, unfurnished: large hall, bath
room and large closets. Steam heat, gas
ratine, refrigerator. private telephone-,
waxed floors, electric ami gas liKhi.
Everything new, modern and first-class.
Only five minutes' walk from Postofflce.
Kent $;ts. immediate possession. Tele
phone a 702o or call after Sunday noon.
Ask for Mr. Fink.
ORDKI.EIOH A PART M K N TS New. br 1 1 k?
1. ....... niii i .nl .-tvilllv; WCII IUIIliiini
mt-room apartments posssine every mod
ern convenience, including steam heat, hot
water, private baths and phones; wtiil
thesw apurtm.T.ts are as mi t. date as any
in the city un.l about as (loss to the hus,
neaa center, the prices a-e considerably
less; now ready for occupancy. Fhonu
East iiUO; no children.
ST. OROl X Apartments. 17 St. lair St.,
modern .'i-room frnilid apartment, pri
vate bath, both phones, adults onlv.
5-ROOM modern upper flat, choicest loca
tion, walking distance. 40G U Tark St..
between Harrison and Hall. Inouire 22
First st.
MODERN upper tlat. six rooms. 1 2 North
1"th street, between ciUsa.ii and Ho t.
M artin A:- Campbell. 3ot Worcester bldg.
Main 7Uil. (
MODERN S-room f tut fronting river, otic
idock north of Steel R-riduc; beautiful
location; $22.00 per month. 2S2 Margin
FOK RENT A handsome ft-room heated
flnt. with bath. 1 n n u i re 3 20 2.1d, corno r
Otisan North: Rood location for doctor.
VI HEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co., Main 10' S, A 1D84. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
MODERN it-room lower flat, select neigh
borhood, rooms lisht and airy. 780 Mar
shall. FOR rent 5-room upper flnt, 412 Jackson;
walking dUnanve, et ide. Sod. Main
MODERN a-room flat, large, light rooma.
207 McMiilcn at., a blocks N. Steel bridge.
Phone C 2tS7.
NEW. modern uoper fl-room corner flat,
with furnace and attic. 475 h 7th at.
-ROOM modern flat. 731 Hoyt at. Inquire
132 6 th su Main 627S.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts
Newly furiiished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water,
bath, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments 513 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or ltUh-st. cars north.
Set on at Marshall st. No doi allowed.
ON MONT A. 167 17th. near TamhllU take
W. car at depot ; furn lehej 2, 3 and 4
ruorn housekeeping suites by week $5.30,
by month $2o and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phone tree. Main 4697. A 4739.
WELL-FCRN1SHKD housekeeping rooms. 2,
$8 month, 3 for $12: collage, 7 rooms, $27. B t;
cottage. 4 rooms, $16. 3tV4 2th. North. YV
car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th,
block north.
NICELY furnished 3-room housekeeping
Ruite; hot and cold water; gas and elec
tric lights. 2US 17 th st. Phone Main
$15 THREE housekeeping rooma, fur
nished. C. & S. Realty Co., 39th and Bel
mont. Tabor 865.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms and
f!ntn at Front and Market st. Inquire
Hall. SSO Front. Main 22W and Main 478.V.
$1.25 TO"$2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rcoma. Laundry, bath, phone, gas.
furnace heat. 4o6 Vancouver ave.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
3 ROOMS neatly furnished ; good neighbor
hood, 5 minutes to P. O. Main 4097.
$1.50 week, large, clean furn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
THE MI LN E R, 350 Morriaon, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.'
NICE furnished housekeeplng-rootaa. $14.00.
31 H Washington at., cor. 20th.
4i1 EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th; two and
three-room housekeeping aultca.
WELL-Fl'RXfSHED housekeeping room.
4S8 V Washington st.
Housekeeping koomt In Private) Family.
WEi.L-LIGHTKD front room for one or two
gentlemen, in private family, including batX
telephone, furnace heat and light; 18 min
utea" walk to Postofflce; 1 block from car.
Easii. 2647.
LOWER floor of private home for rent,
furnished, to neat, reliable parties, adult
only, no dogs. Call after 10 A. M., 3s7
Oregon st.
NICEIjY furnished front alcove, with
piano, suitable for 2 or more; 30 minutes
fnurt Postofflce. Free bath and phone.
226 12th. near Salmon.
NICELY furnished front alcove, with piano,
suitable for 2 or more; 30 minutes from
Post office. Free bath and phone. 22 tf
12th, near Salmon.
TWO very nice completely furnished rooma
on East Side. $li; well worth the money.
Hart man & Thompson Rent Department,
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
HJGH-CLASS suit.? rooma with piano, all
modern conveniences, suitable 3 adults.
$40 per month; also sleeplng-room ;
kitchen privileges, $14. 52$ Morriaon.
1 LARGE front furnished housekeeping
room; gas and water; no children. 48S
F.verett st-
EI.EGANTLT furnished rooms, light house
keeping privileges, every convenience,
swell location off Washington, 46 N. 21st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single
and en suite, modern, reasonable, 45t
103 N. KITH Fine front suite, hot water,
bath. phone; also single housekeeping
rooms, $il.
2 WEFL-FURMSJiED housekeeping rooms
In private family, walking distance, very
reasonable Phone Eaat Gi49.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooma with
Imth and sink in kitchen: gas range. Sell
wood 311.
VERY desirable two-room suite; all conven
iences; no objection to children. 427
3 MCELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping, gas, bath, heat, phone; adults.
Gi Hawthorne. Phone East 3426.
APARTMENTS completely and elegantly
furnished for housekeeping in new build
in q-. 355 Sixth.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, ga.
bath and ihone; no children. It 72 6th st.
3u4 ('LAY t'nf urnished housekeeping; room
with small kitchen. Main 7147.
THREE furnished rooms. to adults only :
walking distance. 24i Grand ave. North.
NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat, bath,
phone; S2-$2.50. 325 12th.
4 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooma. In
quire 727 First St.
354 SA LMOX Two very desirable rooms,
furnished for housekeeping; no children.
NICE auite of rooms, with housekeeping
privileges. 553 Everett St.. corner 17th.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 420
E. Ash. Phone E. 107.
FT'RXISHED room, walking distance, near
Steel bridge; $S a month. Phone E. 1165.
H Ul'SKKK V, P IMj suite, light room, gaa
range, walking distance; $4 week. 3R9 6th.
3S6 PARK Modern 2-room suite. $18. Tel
ephone M. 4419.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms now vacant at 32
Ufa .
2 NICF.I-Y furnished rooms at 392 Jeffer
son st.. corner loth.
FURNISH Ely housekeeping rooms, every
convenience. 574 Glisan st.
SUITE $16, gas ranare, furnace heat. 148
N. 16tu. Phone Main 5173.
2 NICE large, convenient, completely fur
nishesd rooms, reasonable. 412 30th at.
8-KOOM house. 75 East 1th st. north, near
Davis. Phone Main 7105.
FOR RENT, house, stable, V, lota. R. A.
Taylor. E- 4:th and Hawthorne. B 1536.
SUBURBAN home. S-room house, barn and
fruit. $15 per month. Phone East 5418.
HOUSE, 5 rooms, bath. $16. 189 Mill near
Front at. Max Smith. S8 North 16th.
4-ROOM cottage for rent, with, bath, $13.
Inquire. 22 Stanton at.