THE MOUSING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1910. RESIGNATION OF HERMANN VEILED Defense Blocks Prosecution's Efforts to Show How and - ' Why He Quit Office. HENEY -MAY REST TODAY Government Xow Aims to Shatter Testimony Favoring- Itefendant. Several Denials Recorded. More Letters to Be Read. After repeated efforts yesterday At torney Heney failed to gret before the jury the facts concerning the retirement of Blnser Hermann from the office of Com missioner of the General Land Office. It is said that Hermann was requested to retri-rn and his attorneys fought desperate ly to prevent the aged defendant from answering Heney'e questions on the sub ject. The prosecution sought this evi dence as an inference that Hermann's resignation was a sequel to secret land fraud investigations ordered by Hitch cock. Judge Wolverton sustained the objections of the defence. Prosecutor Heney's promise of Saturday that he would close the evidence for the Government at noon Monday was not ful filled, but the indications are that he will rest the case today. Harvey W. Scott testified on direct examination that the reputation of Hermann "as a man and a citizen" had been good and that he had never heard it questioned until accusa tions In connection with the present case began. Retirement Deemed Right. Mr. aeott was shown an editorial article published December 30. 1902. in which It was indicated that The Oregonlan would Interpose no objection to the retirement of Blnger Hermann from the office of Commissioner or from his Senatorial candidacy, and referred to him as a sleek and oily politician who had been cared for in public office for many years. The article was admittedly written by the witness, who volunteered responsibility for all editorials printed in the paper, and made reference to the attitude of Secre tary Hitchcock in forcing Hermann to retire as an indication of the pursuit of an upright course in Investigation of the -land frauds. Attorney Heney will continue the ex amination of Mr. Scott this morning, and will use a number of political editorials written during the period following the termination of the public services of Her mann. Attorney Heney will then place the defendant on the stand in re-cross-examination, and the case will probably be submitted to argument in the after noon. Smith Contradicts Hermann. Direct and rebuttal testimony alternat ed between the attorneys In the case during the day. Heney, in "attempting to discredit the testimony of Hermann, called Scott Smith, ex-private secretary to Secretary Hitchcock. Hermann testi fied on direct examination that after re ceiving the Holslnger report, revealing in detail the frauds of Hyde and Ben son through their manipulation of the school lands and ascertaining that one or more rriembers of his office force were In collusion with the Califomians, he took he took the report to the Secretary and made the 'lawful revelations." At the Washington trial. Scott Smith testified lhat he could not remember whether Her mann brought the Holslnger report to Secretary Hitchcock. Yesterday, three years later. Smith said he had refreshed Ills memory and was positive that Hitch, cock had heard of the existence of the report and ordered Hermann to bring it to the office of the Secretary. "Hermann arrived in about ten minutes, and was received with courtesy, but the Secretary of the Interior was exceedingly chilly. The Secretary was very much wrought up over his information," said Smith. Other Denials in Testimony. Smith disputed the testimony of Her mann that tre Commissioner and Hitch cock talked over the contents of the re port. He testified that the Secretary dis biissed Hermann promptly. It was also testified by Smith that he had not seen Emmett Callahan, a Baker City attorney, in the office of the Secretary, although Callahan said he tuade a number of visits to Mr. Hitch cock while in Washington representing Protestants against the formation of the Blue Mountain reserve. The defense seemed to sustain setbacks hy the testimony of Tim Davenport, ex State Land Agent, father of Homer Dav enport, the cartoonist, and a pioneer of Oregon, and the redirect examination of Land Clerk Brown. Mr. Davenport related an account of a visit to Washington in 18f7. while Her mann was Commissioner of the General lind Office. His mission was to procure the enactment of a law allowing the state to trade surveyed school lands for in demnity lands, located in the Cascade for est reserve. 'The state had passed a law increas ing the price of school lands which were available for lieu land base from $1.25 an acre to tl.50 an acre." Mr. Daven port testified, "and we saw a chance to make about $60,000 additional school funds by securing such a law. We already had a law allowing the exchange of unsur veyed school sections inside reserves. Hermann Answers Telegram. "I called on Mr. Hermann and asked his assistance In the matter, and he readily agreed that It was a good thing. After my return I wrote him several letters, three I think, but never re ceived a reply until after I had tele graphed htm." The letters will be offered In evidence this morning. Land Clerk Brown testified that in IS99 the State Land Board adopted a practice of withdrawing from sale all school lands which were incorporated in a forest reserve withdrawal. The object of this testimony was to estab lish a reason for the contention of the Government that Mays, Jones and Sor enson might have arranged for advance information from Hermann as to the date of the withdrawal of the Blue Mountain Reserve. Such a notice would enable the conspirators. Attorney Heney contends, to rush to Salemi and pur chase the school lands before the with drawal should become known officially. Attorney Heney will contend that Her mann's alleged telegram to Mays, dat ed July 25. 1902. was in fulfillment of such an agreement. One Point Thought Strong. After traveling1 across the continent the Washington correspondent of The Oregontan. Harry J. Brown, did not give testimony of great value to the prosecution. Mr. Brown said that on July 22 he received Information of the recommendation which Hermann would that day make in fhe Blue Mountain Reserve, and that he telegraphed the news to Portland. The witness was not oitive, but he thought the news of the action of the Assistant Secretary In approving the withdrawal had been ob tained from the - office of Secretary Hitchcock. Heney considers as impor tant an admission of the witness that the Blue Mountain Reserve was the only Oregon withdwal of which the newspaper man received information prior to the approval of the Secretary being announced. To assail the evidence of C. A. Holm-Strom,-the Government called L. H. Mc Mahon. The witness said he went to Salem since this trial began at the re quest of Tracy C. Becker, of the prose cution, and engaged Holmstrom In con versation. Holmstrom. he said, de clared a strong opposition to the prose cution of any more land frauds. Holm strom had testified that Hermann was not at the office of Meldrum in Sep tember, 1902, when Attorney Heney asserts the Blue Mountain conspiracy was outlined. More Witnesses Found. - 43y consent of Attorney Heney, coun sel for Hermann was allowed to intro duce the testimony of two witnesses, found between the adjournment of court Saturday and Monday morning. They were William M. Reece. now residing near Eugene, and Richard Morton, a former resident of Clackamas County. Mr. Reece testified that as a resident of Iowa and a constituent of Chairman Lacey, he was appointed clerk of the House committee on public lands in al$95, and that he remained in such position until 1907. He was in Washington, he said, during the Hermann trial as Com missioner of the General Land Office, and remembered that Hermann frequently conversed with Chairman Lacey. and at one time appeared before the committee with reference to the lieu land act of 1S97. He asserted that Hermann urged the repeal of the lieu land act, or its amendment in such manner as to force applicants for indemnity lands to ac cept lands on the outside of forest re serves of the same quality or value as those surrendered to the Government Report of Frauds Made. On cross-examination Mr. Reece testi fied that he had heard of land frauds being committed in the public land states, and that the attention of the committee was at one time called to them through Secretary Hitchcock, who advocated doing away with the timber and stone act of 1878. Richard Morton gave evidence of no particular importance to either side. He knew Meldrum, he said, and at one time went to the office of the Surveyor-General to employ him In the survey of a piece of land. He was not positive whether Hermann or Mays was present. In the examination of his first witness In rebuttal. Attorney Heney seemed to aid the defense. W. W. Cathcart, when called last week as a witness for Her mann, testified that he visited the office of Meldrum in 1902, when Hermann and Mays were not present. That was a year after the meeting which, the prose cution contends, was the beginning of the Blue Mountain conspiracy. Attor ney Heney recalled Cathcart for cross examination, and accused him of show ing an unusual interest in the Hermann case. Cathcart testified that he came to Portland In January, and soon after met Rowland of the Surveyor-General's office on the street. He Informed Row land he "had come down to see what you are going to do to my friend Hermann." Cathcart then boasted that he had a son named Hermann Lester Cathcart. "I am not ashamed of the boy, his name or the man he is named after," he said. Promise of Job Denied. Attorney Worthington was allowed to recall H. L. Patterson for further cross examination. Patterson had testified for the Government that he had seen Mays and Hermann in the office of Meldrum in 1901. Attorney Worthington asked Patterson if he had ever talked with W. C. Greaves, of Oregon City, concern ing the trial of Hermann at Washington in 1907, and had announced that a posi tion in the Secret Service had been prom ised him as a reward for the part he was playing in the Hermann prosecution. Patterson denied that he had ever talked with Greaves about the case, or that he knew Greaves more intimately than to speak to him in a casual way. W. C. Greaves was then called to the witness stand. He testified that he. had known Patterson for a good many years and became acquainted with him while they were both employed in Portland as truck drivers. "I met Patterson soon after he re turned to Oregon City after the Her mann trial." said Greaves. "We came together at the corner of Seventh and Main streets, and I asked him how he had been treated. He said he had been paid his expenses for the trip and had the promise of an appointment in the Secret Service. Some time later I en countered Patterson in frontof the postr office and asked him about the appoint ment. He said he had not received it be cause of some 'hook or crook." " Defense Evidence Attacked. Attorney Heney again took up the re buttal testimony, and attacked the evi dence of Herman Baumhoer. Baumhoer had testified that he knew all the par ties accused of the conspiracy, and as an employe of the office of the Surveyor General had been called to the private office of Meldrum to deliver the note books which Meldrum asserted had been examined by Hermann and Mays. At torney Heney recalled Meldrum. who tes tified that Baumhoer visited his private office fully 30 minutes before Hermann and Mays came in, and that Baumhoer was not called .for after the men ar rived. ' HAYN1E WAS. WELL KNOWN Victim- of El Paso Woman Has Uncle at Forest Grove. FOREST GROVE, Or., Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) J. B. Haynie, who was shot at Willow Canyon, Crook County, by Mrs. Elecdra L. 'Myer, of El "Paso, Tex., was well known here, where his uncl. John Haynie. a teamster, resides. Haynie went to the Madras country about eight weeks ago to look after the interests of At torney J. N. Hoffman, who is interested In some oil properties in that section. It was Attorney Hoffman who appeared as counsel for Mr. Haynie again tho breach of promise suit instituted against him toy the dead woman, which case was tried at Vancouver, Wash. Attorney Hoffman has always consid ered that the woman was insanely mad and said that after the trial she told Attorney Walter G. Hayes, of Portland, that she would shoot him (Hoffman) if she ever got a chance. J. B- Haynie's family is said to reside at Stamps, Ark., and he has been in the habit of remitting money for the support of his family regularly. Mrs. Myer visited in Forest Grove at one time for a brief period. SUICIDE VERDICT IS RENDERED Madras Jury Gives Results of In quiry Into Mrs. Myer's Death. MADRAS, Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) At the Coroner's inquest today ever the body of Mrs. Elecdra L. Myer. of El Paso, Tex., who shot J. B. Haynie, also of El Paso, at Willow Creek Canyon Sat urday night, the jury brought in a verdict of suicide by poison. No word has yet been heard by authorities here what shall be done with the body, but it is under stood that it will be sent to El Paso where her divorced husband makes his home. Haynie continues to improve and tells various stories of the trouble at the rail road camp when tho woman shot him. Save this Recipe for Cough . Syrup It's Splendid Tou can make this unequaled cough syrup at home In five min utes, and you will find it a very handy household remedy. A few doses usually conquer a deep seated cough. This recipe makes a full pint for only 54 cents, and lasts a whole family a long time. Tastes good. too. There is nothing better at any price. Take a pint of granulated sugar, add half a pint of warm water and stir for about two minutes. Put 2 ox. Pinex in a pint bottle and fill up with the sugar syrup. Take a teaspoon ful every one, two or three hours. You will also find this simple remedy excellent for whooping: cough, bronchitis, hoarseness, chest pains, etc. - This recipe will not work with . any of the weaker pine prepara tions. Use the real Pinex itself, which Is the most valuable con centrated compound of Norway White Pine Extract. Your drug gist has it, or can easily get it for you. Strained honey can be used in stead of the syrup, and makes a very fine honey and pine tar cough syrup. "Some of the best known drug gists here, as Laue-Davis Drug Co. (distributors), and others think so well of the above pre scription that they guarantee it to give perfect satisfaction or refund the purchase price." As soon as Haynie is able to be moved from the locl hot.i tier. VA fB .. 1 the care of a physician, it is said he will urove, ana live with an uncle. . until he is able to travel south to his family in Texas. RECEIVER ASKED FOR FIRM Deschutes Irrigation Company Alleged- to Have Defaulted' on Bonds. In a suit of equity filed in the United States Circuit Court yesterday, a re ceiver was asked for the Deschutes Irri gation & Power Company, which holds about 100,000 acres of land In Crook County. The suit was filed by Frank R. Shinn and Louie G. Addison, of Columbus, O., who represent the Eastern bondhold ers, and Frederick S. Stanley, Roscoe Howard and the Merchants' Saving & Trust Company, of Portland, are named as respondents. The affairs of the Irrigation com pany have been in litigation for some time, this being the second suit brought against the company, and the story of its financial deals Is long and compli cated. It is alleged in the complaint filed yesterday that the company has defaulted in paying .the amounts due on bonds March 1 and September 1 1909. The court is asked to foreclose a mortgage given by the cofhpany In 1904, as well as to appoint a receiver. FISH CONFERENCE CALLED Extent of Ground to Be Determined .for License Purposes. SALEM. Or.. FpVi 7 fln.i t lr Van Winkle, Assistant Attorney-General; State Engineer Lewis and Master Fish Warden McAllister leave tnni-rh tr,r Chinook, on the Washington side of the v-.uiuniuiH. near Astoria, to confer with the Washington officials regarding the fishing sands affected by the recent Su preme Court decision. It is the plan to arrive at some agree ment as to the extent of the fishing ground that belongs to Oregon, so the licenses may be collected by this state. WIRELESS SERVICE READY Station, at The Dalles Communicates With Interior. THE DALLES. Or., Feb. 7. (Specal.) The wireless telegraph station, on the Columbia River beach at the foot of Union street, is completed, with the instruments and wires all in place and thorough tests have been made. Communication has been established with Spokane, North Yakima, We natchee. Walla Walla and St. Helens, where other wireless stations have lately been located. , CREW CAPTURES BUCK Launch Lassie Men Make Hani While Animal Swims. SOUTH BEND, Wash.. Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) The crew of the passenger launch. Lassie, which makes hourly trips be tween this place and Raymond, inter cepted and captured a large buck deer, as it was swimming the river a short distance above this place. The boys were offered $10 for It on the spot, but refused the offer. They have not decided what disposition they will make of it. Pythians Present Jewel. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) Colonel C. V. Savidge. of Olympia, grand chancellor of the Knights Pythias of Washington, paid an official visit this evening to the local lodge. He officiated at the ceremony attending the presenta tion of a veteran's Jewel to J. W. Went worth, who has been a member of the Vancouver lodge. No. 6, since its organi zation, nearly 30 years ago. Besides the grand chancellor, the local lodge had as guests 25 members from the K. of P. lodge at Camas. Degree work was put on. and following the business session a banquent was served In honor of 'the visitors. ' Oregon City Discusses Charter. OREGON CITY, Or., Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) The Oregon City Hill Improve ment Club will meet tomorrow evening for the purpose of further considering the proposed amendments to the city charter in relation to street and road Improvement that Is shortly to be pre sented to the people. Alexander Stays at O. A. C- OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis. Feb. 7. (Special.) Cap tain IT. G. McAlexander, Captain of the 13th Infantry, U. S. A., and for the past three years commandant of the O. A. C. cadet regiment and professor of military I can place at once between 1000 and 6000 acres of wild land, provided same is good for agricultural purposes. Must be reasonably close to railroad; also the price must be right. Write giving full particulars or call at 203 Corbett Bldg. H. L. GHAPIN, Real Estate AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th and Morrison Sts. Phones Main 117 and A 4224. 1X11 IS JAMES Assisted by Aphie James TO.MOHT 8:15 "HEXRY VIII." - Special Price Matinee Tomorrow Last Time Tomorrow Night "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" Evenings si. 50 to yc; Matine-a 31.00 to 25c. BAKER THEATER Meln 2. A 53SO Oeo. Tu. Baker, Manager Tonight, All Week. Bargain Mat. Wed.. THE RIGHT OF WAY Iramatized from the powerful novel by Sir Gilbert Parker. Strong cast Original Production. Sat. Mat., 25c. SOc: Evenlnrs. 25c, 60c 75c. 91.00. Next Week "Wildfire." Sf Am . A 1020. MATIN EK EVBI DAT. 15-25-500 RIGHTS THEATER ,5-25-Su-75C WEEK FEB. 7 Mr. Tfred TJndsT. Walter C. Kellr. "The Virginia Judge": Charles W. Bowser. Edith If inkle and Company pre senting "Superstition," Abel and Irwin. The Reed Brothers. J. IV. Clark's Simian Com medians. Jnlla Frary In "Songs of the Day." Pict-ires. Orchestra. GRAND Wt'KK OF FEBRUARY 7. World's .i-ett Ae- Moritroae Troupe t People 7 Mathews A Baonon. Miller Mack, Hu bert. Jim Rutherford A Company, Wlnni f red Stewart. Fred Bauer. Grand&acope. Matinee every day. 2:30; any seat. 15c Evening performances, 7:30, 9:15; b&Ioony, loc; lower floor. 25c; box seats, 60c. Portland Theater Matinees Thursday and Saturday. TONIGHT ALL. WEEK PORTLAND THEATER COMPANY In "DBADWOOD DICK'S U6T SHOT." Popular prices. 20c to BOo; matinees. 10c ana 2o. Next week. "Sal. the Circus Gal." same comjiarry. science and tactics, has been detailed for another year at the college. Captain Mc Alexander took charge of the military work here in the Summer of 19OT. Last year the Inspector ranked .the college first among th agricultural colleges and as one of the three highest out of the 90 military Institutions'. Soldier Dies in :Post Hospital. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash., Feb. 7. (Special.) George Losey, Com pany K, First Infantry, died at the post hospital at Fort Walla Walla Saturday from pneumonia, losey was a veteran of the Civil War and of various other wars since that time. He had been In the First Infantry, now stationed at Van couver Barracks, for a number of years and would have been retired In a short time. O. A. Students to Study High XViving. OREGON AGRICULTURAL. COL LEGE. CorvHlHa TO h 7 f&nni,i .re discovery of the Increased causes of liv ing will be the first task undertaken by the Student Economics Club, which has Just been organized at this college. The ciuo nas oeen created lor the purpose of Investigating and discussing contempo rary economic problems. The following students have been elected to office: President, E. B. Stanley; vice-president, A. A. Asbahr; secretary and treasurer, A. V. Swarthout. The club will meet twice each week. Oswego Pioneer Is Buried. OREGON CITT, Or., Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) A. McMeath. aged 71' years, who died at Oswego yesterday, was burled In the Oswego Cemetery today. Tho deceased , was a well-known citizen. A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as it acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans ing the system effectually, when con stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds and headaches. To get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. ' cmtx jut'- m r,afltlMiitrrjyA i Monday,-Feb. 14th Is EASTMORELAND Opening' Day Next Sunday's papers will hold a full-page announcement there will be a burning interest in it for YOU. Watch for it. ' - See our beautiful colored en largement "of the Reed Institute site, on exhibition in our windows it is worth your while. 55k ft B -fH ask aTA sUi THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, CR. ETROPEA?i FTLAX MODKRX KESTACRAJfT coer oqcb anxxioir douabb. 1 HOTEL OREGON 2 COENJEB SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS I Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up S EUROPEAN PLAN x WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. I F", J. Richardson, Pre. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM Boropean Plan Rates to TPamlltea - Oar Bus Meets All Trains Sample Sottas wttb Batns Tor Commercial Travelers. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE (fljfei 0. W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor. THE NEW SEWARD Corner lOth and Alder The leadlnjr hotel of Portland, opened July 1909. Modern In every detail, furnished la elegance. Most beautiful corner lobby In Northwest. Commodious sample rooms. European plan. Rates J1.60 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. 11 W. M. SEWARD, Prop. OPENED SEPT., 1909 HOTEL LENOX CORNER THIRD AND MAIN STS. PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Hot snd Cold 'Water. p A'l'L'g Lon Distance Phone RA,t' in Every Room. $1.00 and Up OTPERS THE MAXIMUM OP COMFORT AT A MINIMUM OP EXPENSE. Situated amidst the most perfect surroundings, fac ing the broad Pacific, with the beau'.iful Santa Inez Mountains forming the background. Can accommodate 1000 guests, and offers the best in service and equipment. Has its own Country Club, situated in a beauti ful park of 2000 acres. Its Golf Course is the sport iest in CALIFORNIA, and a competent instructor is in attendance. Polo, Tennis, Boating, Fishing and Motoring every day in the year. Guests of the Hotel are entitled to all Club privileges. Open aU the year round, and is operated on the American plan pnly, with rates from $3.50 a day and upward for each person. Wire your reservations at our expense. L MJLO M. POTTER, Manager. HEAPQFARTRS FOR TOURIST ud (OMMEIUIAL Special tBtet mad to funUlf and ain- I?le ftentlem-sn. Tb mMHemcnt wilt be pleMed at mil ttm to show rooms and jrWw price. A mod ern Torklftb Bata establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, "NEW PERKINS Fifth, and Washington Sts. Opened June. 190S. A hotel In tho very heart of Portlands business ar tlvlty. Only hotel equipped with -wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern In every respect. Kates f 1.00 end up Cafe and trrill; muslo during lunch, dinner and after theater. l l Svretland, Sec. and Mist. PRICES rlllEEg SB'B'E'fi-EESf! flipttfcaim sB'E'fi-E EES ?rn rKbS&aBBSSEESai?Sn! THE CORNELIUS "The Eonse of Welcome," corner Park and Alder. Portland's newest and most modern hotel. European plan.' Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. ' H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO , Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnished Rates $1.00 and Up Special Rate for Permanent European Plan. 'Bus Meets All Trains. M. B. POLET, PROPRIETOR. PRIVATE BATHS Jifslil ATJCTIOX 8AUS TODAY. At Bcker's Auction House. 2 Pari street. Furniture, rugs. etc. Sale at li o cloett. Baker & Son. auctioneers. . A 11 First St.. big furniture sale. 1 M bv th Ford Auction Co. MJTBTlXtt NOTirr.S. rJJV1' TOR RENT lTth ani Marshall Dancing; school. lo.iKeec. entertainments, re, onabke. latn 1181. A. AND A. S. RITE Mesttnt tonight, social only. By ordel Ven. Master. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER JCO. !S4, O. E. Regular communication this (Tuesday) evening, Masonla Temple. S o'clock sharp. Degrees order w. M. ELIZABETH SILKNITTER. Sec SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. 1. o. O. F.- All members are requested to meet -at I O O. F. HalL First and Alder sts.. A ednesriay morning at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of our late brother. E. B El liott. All members ot tho order are in vited to bo present. R. OSVOI.D, Sec. PIFD. COWGILL, In this city. February 7. at th family residence. ,4 Belmont street, Jo sephine Mary Cowglll. aged 61 years, wife of H. E. CowgUl, mother of H. E., Jr., Leigh, and Grace Cowglll. Announcement of funeral later. SHAVER In this rity. Feb. 7. at the fam ily residence. S4S Crosby St., Mrs. Sarah. Shaver, aged 73 years. 6 months, 7 days. Announcement of funeral later. FCXERAI, XOTICE. HERALTr At the family residence. 2r0 Jentry at.. Nashville, on Mount Scott car line, February 7. sirs. Sopha Herald, aged yeArs. 3 months and 18 davs. Friends invited to attend funeral services which will be held at Lenta Methodist Episcopal Church at - P. M. today (Tues day 1. February S. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. ELLIOTT In this city, February 7. at 828 Michigan ave Edward B. Elliott, aged 40 years, beloved husband of Mis. E. B. Elliott, brother of W. C. Elliott and father of Howard, Miles and Paul K. Elliott. Funeral from th ntiove residence at lo A M. Wednesday. February rt. In terment in L O. O. F. plot, (ireenwood cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. PATTERSON At Roseburg. Or., February t. James B. Patterson, aged 80 years, father of Mrs. A. B. Hutchlngs. D D. Patterson and the late w. H. Patters. The funeral services will be held at Fin ley's parlors at 2 P. M. Wednesday. Feb ruary . Friends invited. Interment Zioa Cemetery. DELAET In this city; February , at hl late residence, 21t Union ave., Peter De laet, aged 72 years. The funeral services will be held at the St. James' Church Vancouver. Wash., at 1 :3o p. M. todai " Tuesday. Friends Invited. Intermer't. Vancouver. "Wash. ANDERSON The funeral services of the late Dora B. Anderson, -wife of C J An derson, will be held at the residence of her sister. Mrs. O. J. Burns. S56 East 7th street North, at 2 P. M.. today (Tuesday! Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. HOWATT In this city. Feb. 6. Harry B Howatt. aged 32 years. 11 months! Friends Invited to attend funeral services which will be held at Holman's chapeL Third and Salmon sts., at 2:30 P M to day (Tuesday), Feb. 8. Interment Green wood Cemetery. HTJSTON In this city. February 7, at the. home of her son, 03 Depauw street, Eliz abeth Huston, aged 7S years 7 months 13 days. Funeral Tuesday, 1:30 p. m at the home. - ,.?I,f ;Ent Fmieral Director., 7th and line. l'none Main 430. Ladr as sistant. Oftlce of County Coroner. ZEI.I.F.R-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Directors. 604 Williams ave.; both phones; lady attend, ant; most modern establishment in the city. EDWARD HOI. .MAN CO.. Funeral Direct, oro, 220 lid st. Lady Assistant. Phono M. 607. J. TP. r'IM.KY BON. Sd and Madison. TLady attendant. Phone Mala 0. A lsna. RAST 6IDK Funeral Directors, anoceMora to h S. Dunning, Inc. 2. 62, B 626. EBICSON CO. Undertakers; lady assist, ant- 409 Alder. M. 613S. A tSSS, 1ERCH, undertaker, 4S0 Kast Alder. Phones. 781. li 1888. Lady assistant. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 100a, Dully or ounday. . Par IJnn. One time. ............................ . .120 game ad two consecutive times, ... .....220 Same ad three consecutive times ...30a Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .660 bla words coanl as one line on cash ad" vertlsements, and no ad counted for lesa than two lines. When an advertisement la not ran consecutive times the one-time rata applies. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. & Co. M. S349. SO Hamilton bldg. BAIRD & BROWN, 812 Henry Bldr. Beck. William O., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A- H. Co 202-3 McKay bldg-. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict, 002 McKay bids. M. 64 d. Chap In A Herlow, S32 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. A Co., 603 Corbett bids. Fields, c. 23, & Cow. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co.. Main 188. 204 Orasonlaa, KIRK A KIRKIIAM. Lumber Ex.. 236 Stark. Parrish. Watktns A Co.. 250 Alder at. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Sheffield A Rlely. 23 Russel bids;., 4th an 4 Morrison. Schalk. Geo. D-, 2S4 6tanc at. Main or A 682. The Oregon Real Estate Co, Grand an, and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). M. EL Thompson Co., cor. 4th and! Oak sts. Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bide HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal CHURCHLET BROS, wood and coal dealers, office and yard 13th. ana Marshall. Phonea Main S31. A 393 L florist Cut Flower always fresh from vi iotour own conservatorlea Martla Forbes Co, 347 Wash las 10 a sr. Bet phonea fonl Richmond and Wallsena Australian. Independent Coal A Ice Company., opposite city Library Both poopea OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Mam SOS. aKCKETABv, Mata sea. HUMANE OFflCtK. Bast 77. NEW TODAY. WILL BUY LOT AND BUILD YOU A HOUSE IN LAURELHURST WILL H. WALKER 823. Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mailt 8535. NOB HILL ArAnlDltMl Mlt. Northeast corner 2 4th and Northrup, 85x100 $12,500. Will Divide. OWNER, Room 520 Seward Hotel. MORTGAGE LOANS ISAAC L. WHITE 331 Sherlock IV dor. MrRTr! a. rip- i hamc Large Amounts Preferred. GUJJDA It li A WIBOKICK, 243 Stark St. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 323 Worcester Bids. "Phones Main 337, A 401$.