Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Agents for Libbey Cvxt Glass "1847" Rogers Silverware-Finest Hcwiland China-Electroliers, Etc. On the THix-d Floor
Bedding, Mattresses, Springs, Pillows, Blankets, Comforters, Etc., Standard Qualities-Best Values-On the Fourth Floor
Today Starts the Annual February Sale of
HitcKeiiL Goods, Qraniteware,
Woodenware, China, Glassware, Dinner Sets, Cxitlery; Silverware
The all-important event to Housewives, Hotel and Boarding-House Keepers who Have household
wants to supply Marvelous money-saving opportunities in all . lines of Kitchen Utensils, China,
Glassware, Cutlery, Etc., Etc. Standard wares at prices you will quicKly recognize as being worthy
of careful consideration It is the time of the year when every table and Kitchen need can be
supplied at a minimum cost This annual event was prepared for many months ago when- wholesale
prices were fully 2Q per cent lower than today, when manufacturers offered special concessions to cash buyers "We invite
you to share in our good fortune The sale continues until further notice with new attractions and better bargains every day
KitcKeo. Goods, China, Cutlery, Glassware Reduced rcw
Wo ode n war e
At Low Prices
Wooden Salt Boxes, best regular 25c f
values, at this special low price, ea. JL S C
Porcelain Salt Boxes, regular 35c ty
values, at the special low price of C
Porcelain Salt Boxes, regular 50c O Q
values, at the special low price of OuC
Covered Bread Boxes, best regular ty
35c values, on special sale for, each C
Knife Polishing Boards, regular 40c
values, at the special low price of, dcC
Knife Polishing boards, regular 25c "1
values, at the special low price of A t3 C
Dish Mops, regular 10c values, during
the February sale at this price, each 3 C
Dish Mops, the best regular 5c values,
during the February sale, special, each C
Fiber Chair Seats, the best regular ty
35c values, on special sale for, each t C
Wood, Chair Seats, regular 10c values, '
during February sale at this low price C
7-pin Folding Coat and Hat Racks,
best regular 15c values, special for
Towel Boilers, regular 15c values,
on sale at this Bpecial low price, ea.
3-arm Towel Racks, theregular 15c
values, on special sale at this price
Rug and Carpet Beaters, the best
regular 15c values, special' at, each
6-hook Coat Racks, regular 25c val
ues, on special sale at this price, ea.
Covered Sleeve Boards, best regu
lar 25c values, on special sale for
8-arm Folding Clothes Dryers, 25c
values, on special sale at this price
Regular 50c Bread Boards, on sale for
for. .35
NicRelware BatH
Room Supplies
18-inch nickel Towel Bars, regular f
15c values, on special sale for, each X J C
20-inch nickel Towel Bars, extra O
heavy, regular 50c values, special at J C
30-inch nickel Towel Bars, extra f
heavy, regular 75c values, special at J3 J C
Nickelplated Tumbler Holder, best r f
regular 65c value, special for, each QvfC
Heavy nickel Robe Hooks, regular
20c values, on special sale at, each X 13 C
Heavy nickel Robe Hooks, double, a
regular boc value, special price, ea.
Combination Soap and Tumbler P rf
Holder, $2.00 value, special for J) X 00
Combination Soap and Tumbler P f
Holder, regular 65c value, special at 3J C
Nickel Comb and Brush Holder, rf "J ty p
regular $ 1.60 value, special for p X t O
Tumbler, Soap and Tooth Brush (J ty A J
Holder, regular $3.25 value, at
Nickel Sponge and Soap Hold- d 1 "I C
er, regular $1.35 value,special P X X O
Glass Shelves, nickel brackets, rt J p
regular $2.25 values, special at X ff
Two-arm Towel Racks, our regular y Q
$1.00 values, on special sale at, ea. (j
Wall Towel Racks, nickel, regular A P
60c values, on special sale for, each rjj C
Best Bath Tub Seats, regular t - O C
$1.65 values, on special sale at p X O
White Bath Tub Seats, best regular yn
$1.00 values, on special sale for, each O C
Automatic Bath Tub Seats, the J - yp"
best regular $2.25 values, each X O
Shaving Mirrors, our regular O P f
$4.50 values, special price, each p 3 i vf
Brushes at These
Regular 12c Dust Brushes, special for. . 9
Regular 45c Dust Brushes, special for. .33
Regular 20c Stove Brushes, special at.. 15
Regular 10c Scrub Brushes, special at..
Regular 15c Scrub Brushes, special at..lO
Regular 4o Vegetable Brushes, special.. 3
Regular 5c Vegetable Brushes, special . . 4J
10c Vegetable Brushes, special price, ea. . 7
Toilet Brushes with long handle, y Q
best regular 50c values, special, each J C
Floor Brooms, excellent quality, the 7 Q
regular $1 values, special price, ea.. QC
Tinware at
Red. Prices
2- quart Sauce Pans, regular 14c f
values, on special sale for, each s C
3- quart . Sauce . Pans, regular " A
18c values, special price, each X TT C
5-quart Sauce Pans, regular "1 J
23c values, on special sale at X V C
14 - quart Bread Raiser, reg- A V
ular 95c value, special for, ea. C
2-quart Water Dipper, regular py
10c value, on special sale at, each C
6-hole Muffin Pan, regular 20c f P
value, on special sale at, ea. JL JP t
8-hole Muffin Pan, regular 23c
value, at this special price, ea, X C
12-hole Muffin Pan, regular ty O
30c value, on special sale, each C
2-quart Covered Buckets, regular
12c value, on sale at, special, ea.
4-quart Bailed Milk Cans, reg- ty O
ular 30c values, special for, ea. v
Oblong Covered Dinner Pails, O f
regular 40c values, for, each5vr C
Regular 8c Wire Soap Dish, each. .6
Regular loo Wire boap Dish, at..lJJ?
Regular 20c Wire Soap Dish at.. 15
No. 8 Wash Boiler, with cop
per bottom, regular $1.00 value y C
No. J) copper bottom Wash Boiler, rf -m
regular $1.25 value, special price JL
No. 7 Waffle Irons, regular f
90c values, on special sale for 3 C
No. 8 Waffle Irons, regular r f
$1.00 values, on special sale for J C
Aluminum Sauce Pans, regu- f
lar 75c vals., special price, ea. J J
Cut Glass,
Cut Glass Oil Bottles, reg
ular $6.00 values, special
Cut Glass Oil Bottles, reg- J A Pop
ular $6.50 values, special PtT O
Cut Glass Mustards, 'regu- O O f
lar $5.00 values, special at iJ
Cut Glass Celery Tray,
regular $9.00 values, for
Cut Glass Celery Tray, (t Q Cri
regular $12.75 value, each 1 O J
Cut Glass Celery Tray, H - y O C
regular $16 value for p XX O
Regular $10.50 Cut Pitchers at. .8.25
Regular $11.50 Cut Pitchers at.. $8.35
Regular $18.00 Cut Pitchers. .$12.50
Regular $3.50 Cut Nappies for. .$2.45
Regular $3.60 Cut Nappies for.$2.75
Regular $4.50 Cut Nappies for.. 3.45
Regular $5.50 Jelly Dishes for..S4.10
Regular $6.00 Jelly Dishes for. .$4.50
Regular $4.00 Cheese Plates at..Sg3.10
$12.50 Sandwich Plates at, ea. .$9.35
$8.50 Covered Comport at, ea. .86.25
$10 uncovered Cut Glass J C (
Comport, special price p 3v
Cut Glass' Water Bottles,
regular $4.00 values, for
Cut Glass Water Bottles, J A "
regular $5.50 values, each X 3
Cut Glass Water Turn- J Q J
biers. $15.00 values, for P O O
Cut Glass Water Turn- ( - f
biers, $22.00 values at J) X .DU
Cut Glass Water Turn- tf A 7 f
biers, $32.50 values at J)4 vl
BasKets Are
Low Priced
Oval Clothes Baskets, regular O
50c values, on special sale at 3 7 C
Oval Clothes Baskets, regular J
S5c values, on sale for, each f3 C
Oval Clothes Baskets, regular Q
$1.00 values, special for, each (j C
Oval Clothes Baskets, regular Q
$1.15 values, special price, each (j O C
Oval Clothes Baskets,- regular tf
$1.35 values, on special sale, each X
Extra fine Willow Clothes J
Baskets, $2.00 values, for P X 00
20c Willow Market Baskets, each..lO
35c Willow Market Baskets, eaoh..22
60c Willow Market Baskets, each..45J
Ritclen Goods
Redviced Price
Universal Food Choppers, best in market :
Small family siee Food Chop
pers, regular $1.00 value, each J C
Medium family Size Food 9
Choppers, regular $1.25 value 5 C
Large family size Food
Chopper, $1.50 value, ea.
Hotel and R e s t a u rant rf P rf
Food Chopper, $2 value J) X O O
No. 9 nickel-plated Tea Ket- Q
tie, regular $1.25 value, special J 13 C
3-quart extra heavy Tea 1 O Pf
Pot, regular $1.75 value P X aOO
2-quart Old Dominion Coffee Q P
Pot, regular $1.25 value, each 7 O C
Regular 10c Wire Strainer for, ea. . 7
25c Wire Sink Strainer, at, each.. 18
Regular 5c Egg Whips, special at. . 3J
Regular 12c Soup Strainers, for. . 9
Regular 5e Coat Hangers, special.. 3i
Regular 15c Pan Lifters for, each. .10
Regular 10c Tea Pot Stands, each. . 7
Regular 5c Potato Mashers, at, ea. . 3
regular $1.15 values, special at
Wood Salad Fork and Spoon, ry P
regular 35c value, at, the pair 3C
Wood Salad Fork and Spoon, A p
regular 60c value, at, the pair g
2-quart Pudding Pan, blue with white
lining, 4 coats heavy enamel, f
regular 27c values, special at X J C
2-qt. Coffee Pots, blue and white lined,
with four coats heavy enamel ;'Pf
regular 75c value, special for J
Kitchen Goods
Redtxced Price
Japanned Cake Boxes, regular A f
50c values, special price, each X Vr C
Extra heavy Japanned Cake iJ
Boxes, regular 85c Values, for C
Extra Flour Bins, 100-lb. AO QA
size, regular $3.50 value O J
Steel Wood Carriers, regular
75c values, on sale at, each 13 O C
Galvanized Tubs, our regular f
Galvanized Water Pails, our QJ
regular 30c values, special, ea. 3 C
Dover Egg Beaters, our regular
10c values, on special sale at, ea. C C
Kitchen Knobs, great values, on P
special sale at low price of, each 3 C
Regular 10c Can Ooeners, special.. 5
Regular 12c Gas Torches, special..
Regular 25c Gas Torches, special ... 19
Regular 5c package Gas Tapers at. . 3
50c heavy Forks, on sale at, doz..35
Regular 40c Steel Table Spoons.. 30
Heavy Steel Tea Spoons, 20c
dozen values, special at, dozen X J3 C
Tin Table Spoons, 20c dozen
values, on special sale at, doz.
Tin Tea Spoons, regular J0c dozen
values, at this special price, dozen f3 C
Wood Cake Mixers, best regu- y P
lar 35c values, special for, ea. 4 C
Holly Wood Butter Spades, f
value 35c pair, special at, each X J C
Regular 10c Steel Fry Pans for. . 8
Regular 25c Steel Fry Pans for. .19
Regular 50c Cast Iron Kettles at..39
Regular 60c Cast Iron Kettles for. .4T
$100,000 Worth Dinner
ets, Grj&atly Reduced
Buy fine Dinner Sets att the low
est prices ever quoted on sets
of equal style and quality All
Rinds, all grades Exceptional
assortment Matchless values ,
TaRe advantage of this offer
S e m. i-Porcelain
Dinner Sets on Sale
60 -pc. Dinner Set, $10.25 value, $ G25
60 - pc. Dinner Set, $11.75 value, g. 7.QO
100-pc. Dinner Set, $13.70 value, $11.25
100-pc. Dinner Set, $16.00 value, $ 9.QO
100-pc. Dinner Set, $21.50 value, $16.85
Syracuse P inner Sets
60 - pc. Dinner Set, $24.00 value, $13.00
100-pc. Dinner Set, $35.00 value, $19.50
Haviland CHina
60-pc. Haviland China Dinner Set, $41.80 value, special. .$33.45
85-pc. Haviland China Dinner Set, $87.00 value, special. .$43.00
112-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, $182.00 value.. $ 109.20
116-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, $296.00 value.. $1 T4 .OO
60 - pc Hav. China open-stock Dinner. Set, $44.60 value $31. 75
100-pc. Hav. China open-stock Dinner Set, $65.00valne. .$4565
112-pc. Hav. China open-stock Dinner Set, $89.50 value. .$64.00
50-pc. Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, $5.68 value, at. .$4T45
60-pc. Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, $7.20 value, at. ,$5.7Q
$11.20 100-pc. Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, handles. . $940
$18.25 117-pc Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, hndls. .$14.25
DuringtHe Sale
Electric Reading Lamps, O 7 J
complete, $5.00 values for P
Electric Reading Lamps, rt O Q PJ?
complete, $5.25 values for P3
Electric Reading Lamps,
complete, $75 values for O
Electric Reading Lamps, tf Q Cf
complete, $11.75 values at tCt3vJ
Elec. Reading Lamps,
complete, $48.00 value
Great Sale Gas
Reacli'g; Lamps
For February
Gas Lamps, complete with mantle, burn
er, shade, 6 feet tubing; y C
$4.40 value, special price (OimD
$7.00 values, with mantle,
burner, shade and tube, at
Gas Lamps, complete, reg- rt f
ular $7.75 values, special O 4 J3
Gas Reading Lamp, com- tf Q A
plete, regular $11.25 value $)Q J
Gas R e a d i ng Lamp,
complete, $13.00 value
February Sale
Great Saving's
No. H Tea Kettles, 75c .value, at..59
lVa-quart Tea Pot, 38c value, at..29
2V2-luart Lipped Sauce Pan, A
regular 19c value, special for X J C
4-quart Lipped Sauce Pans, r
regular 23c values, special for JL i3 C
5 - quart Lipped Sauce Pans,
regular 27c values, special, ea.
lV-uart Coffee Pot, 35c value.. 25
17-quart Dish Pan, 60c value, at..35
2-quart Kettles, regular 17c f
values, on special sale at, each A J C
24-quart Lipped Kettles, 19c fy
value, on special sale at, each X a C
3-quart Lipped Kettles, regu-
lar 20c values, special at, each
4- quart Lipped Kettles, regu
lar 23c values, on sale for, ea.
5- quart Lipped Kettles, regu
lar 27c values, on sale at, ea.
6-quart Lipped Kettles, regu- ty A
lar 30c values, special at, each uH'C
8-quart Lipped Kettles, regu
lar 37c values, special at, each
2-quart Covered Sauce Pans, y A
regular 30c values, special, ea. TfC
regular 35c values, special, ea. ff
3-quart Covered Sauce Pans,
regular 35c values, special, ea. 1
4-quart Covered Sauce Pans, 1
regular 45c values, special, ea.
6-quart Covered Sauce Pans,
regular 50c values, special, ea.
4-quart Milk or Rice Bowls, ty
regular 90c values, special, ea. 4 C
12c Deep Jelly Cake Pans, special... 10J
February Sale
In Silverware
Great Values
4-pc. Silver Tea Set, reg- d rj
ular $7.50 value for, set P O X O
4-piece Tea Set, $8.00 value at..$5.60
4-pc. Silver Tea Set, with
tray, regular $8.50 value
4-pc. Silver Tea Set, with
tray, regular $8.75 value
4-pc. Silver Tea. Set, with
tray, regular $12.25 value
4-piece Silver Tea Set, d 1 El
with tray, $16.00 value J) X X . O
3-pc. Silver Tea Set, reg- ( A f
ular $7.25 value, special pO TCV
Silver Dessert, Sugar and tf 1 O C
Cream, $2.00 value, pair X aOO
Silver Dessert, Sugar and d O Q
cream, $3.75 values, pair p O O
$2.85 Silver Spoon Trays for. .$1.97
$2.65 Silver Spoon Trays for.. $1.85
$5.45 Silver Cake Baskets for. . $3.95
$5.90 Silver Cake Baskets for. .$4.30
$7.85 Silver Cake Baskets for..$5.90
Silver embossed Bread Tray, f
regular $1.50 value, special at 3 O
Silver Beaded Bread (J f
Tray, $2.25 value, special J) X 3U
Silver Bread Tray, extra J Q C
heavy, $5.00 value, special J)0 Ovl
Silver Bread Tray, extra (? A A f
heavy, $o.7o value, special JXXVl
$18.00 SUver Coffee Set at.. $11.75
$4.25 Silver Comport; special. .$2.95
Regular $7.75 Silver Baker at..$5.10
$1.50 Silver Bon Bon, special at. .Sl.lO
$2.45 Silver Bon Bon, special at. .$1.75
Silver Salt and Pepper tf 1 O f
Casters, $1.75 value, for tj) X 07
Silver Salt and Pepper, tf Oi"l
regular $1.65 values, pair ) X mtj
Silver Salt and Pepper, regu-
lar 25c value, special at, pair X O C
Cooking Casseroles, with tf f
lining $7.00 values f or J) O O LI
4-piece Coffee Set, regu- rf? f f
lar $12.65 value, special 3 J
Footed Fruit Bowl, regu- rt f
lar $7.80 value, special at P O X J
a paving
l-quart covered straight Sauce Pan,
regular 25c value, on sale for, each
2-qt. covered straight Sauce Pan,
regular 30c value, special at, each
4-quart covered straight Sauce Pan, O (JJ
regular 45c value, special at, each 3 i3 C
8-quart covered straight Sauce Pan, f
regular 75c value, special for, each vJJ
10-qt. straight covered Sauce Pan, ty
regular 90c value, special for, each C
2-quart Covered Buckets, regular J
23c value, on special sale at, each X Cr
1-quart deep Pudding Pan, regu
lar 13c value, on special sale at, ea.
5-quart deep Pudding Pari, the best J
regular 20c value, special price, each X i3 C
2-quart Milk Pans, 13c value, at, each.. 11
4-quart Milk Pans, 17c value, at, each. .14
6-quart Milk Pans, 23c value, at, eaoh..l8t
Deep Loaf Bread Pan, regular 23c 1 Q
value, at the special price of, each X C3 C
Oblong Biscuit Pans, regular 20c
value, at this special low price, each X 3 C
Regular 15c Seamless Pint Cups, each..l2
9-inch Fry Pans, regular 27c value, ea..22
11- inch Fry Pans, regular 42c value, at. .34
934-in. Cake Molds, regular 43c value.. 35
Regular 38c Colanders, special price, ea..29i
12- quart Seamless Water Pails, best
regular 75c values, special price, ea. O C
11c Pie Plates, 9-inch,- special at, each. . 8
12c Pie Plates, 10-inch, special at, each. .10
Cutlery Dept.
at Values
6-inch Butcher Knives, regular 25c J Q
values, on sale at low price of, each X (j C
8-inch. Butcher Knives, regular 50c O f
values, at this special low price, ea. 3 5 C
6- inch Butcher' Knives, extra heavy, ty j
regular 35c values, special price, ea. 4 C
7- inch Butcher Knives, extra heavy, J f
regular 50e values, special price, ea. J 7 C
Large French Slicers, best regular rf
85c values, on special sale for, each J3 O C
Kitchen Slicers, the best regular 50c y -values,
on special sale at this price jQQ
Regular 25c Bread Knives on sale for. .18
Regular 25c Knife Sets of three, sp1..15
Kitchen Knives and Forks, six to A
the set, regular 60c values, special at TrJj C
Regular 25c Kitchen Steels, special at. 18
Double-plated Table Silverware, rt "1 0
regular $1.50 Knife Sets,.sp'L $ l.U
Double-Plated Silver Forks, . regular ff f
$1.50 values, special at this price, set p X
Double-plated Silver Table Spoons, the f
regular $1.50 values, on sale- for, the set 5) X
Double-plated Silver Tea Spoons, f
75c values, on special sale at, the set OvJ C
Stag Handle Carving Sets, reg- tf ty AT
ular $3.25 value, specia at, set J)Tr3
Stag Handle Carving Sets, reg- t A
ular $5.50 values, special at, set JTr X U
Plain Handle Carving Sets, $9 tf
values, on special sale for, set f3 3
Stag Handle Bird Carvers, best d "1 A
regular $10 vals., at, the pair P X t,3
Christy Bread Knives, regular 50e y r
values, on special sale at this price 07 C
White Handle Bread Knives, regu- Q
lar $15 values, special price, each i O C
White Handle Table Knives, AO P
regular $4.50 values, the dozen j)0OvJ
White Handle- Table Knives, j A f
regular $5.75 values, the dozen 8TOvl
Curved Blade Steak Knives, d O f
black handle, $4.50 value, sp'I. tj) O O vl
Straight Blade Steak Knives, g ty
black handle, $3.50 val., special O
Curved Blade Steak Knives, tf C C f
white handle, $6.75 value, sp'I.