Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1910, Image 11

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Pacific States. Home.
Conntln;-room Main 7O70 A 095
City circulation Main 7070 A ft095
Manaslor Editor Main 7070 A 6093
Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 6095
Componlng-Rootn Main T070 A 6095
City idltnr Main 7O70 A 605
3-jpt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6095
rUon Louis James. In - "Henry VIII."
Tonight at 8:15.
DRPHETJM THEATER 'Morrison, between
Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. ThU
afternoon at 2:15. and tonight at 8:15.
BAKER THEATER (Third, between Yamhill
and Taylor) "The Rig-ht of Way." To
night at 8:16.
PORTLAND THEATER ((Fourteenth and
Washington) -redwood Dick's Last
Shot." Tonlirht at-8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Vaudeville. This afternoon -at 2:10; to
night at 7:30 and 0.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington
Motion pictures. Continuous, from -1:30 to
10:30 P. M.
Union Conference to Meet. The
N"orth Pacific confererce of the Seventh
Day AdventiKts will meet Thursday in the
church on Kast Eleventh and Everett
Btreeta, and continue until February 20
Inclusive. It will be the most important
gathering of that chfcrch In the North
west for the year, and a large number
of delegates will attend from Oregon.
Washington. Idaho and Montana. Elder
Georg A. Irwin, vice-president of the
general conference, and I. H. Evans,
treasurer, will be present. Elder C. W.
Flaiz, president of the Xorth Pacific con
ference, will preside. Plans for the en
tertainment of the delegates are In the
hands of Elder W. F. Martin, superin
tendent of the Portland district.
Mining Men to Organize. Plans for
organizing a branch of the American
Mining congress In Portland will be out
lined at a meeting of a number of local
men interested In mining to he held at
4 o'clock, on the afternoon of February 9.
The need here for a mining organization
has long been felt a necessity. Among
those who will take an active part in the
matter will be Frank Watson. L. B.
Reeder, H. W. Bailey. J. F. Wickham,
W. F. Frier, T. T. Geer. H, t. Staley,
J. M. Blair. K. A. Sessions and H. P.
- WilliamB.
A Dividend of 20 per cent on claims
filed and approved having been ordered
by the United States Circuit Court for
the District of Oregon, creditors are noti
fied to present their books, certificates of
deposit, or other evidence of lndebtendess.
for payment of the above dividend at the
office of the receiver, corner of Second
and Washington streets, Portland, Or.
P.. 8. Howard, Jr., receiver of the Title
Guarantee & Trust Co., Portland, Or.,
February 4, 1910.
School Attendance 36,000. The public
schools opened yesterday morning for the
Spring term, and a notable -feature of
the day was the first session in the Jef
ferson High School, which has Just been
completed. About 36.000 children are now
In attendance in the Portland public
schools. New rooms are rapidly being
added in the various buildings where re
quired to accommodate the growing de
mands made for pupils.
Cat Clcb to En Oroan izbd. Wit h a
view of organizing a cat club, a meeting
will be held at room 202 Sherlock build
ing, Friday night, and all who are in
terested in cats are invited to be present.
Those who are active in promoting the
organization are-: C. I. Mlnton, J. E.
Howard, Mrs. H. E. Allen. Dr. M. JU
Austin and Mrs. H. J. Breeze.
"West Park Street. For sale, 50x100,
with beautiful, expensive and well-built
bungalow, facing east, on Park blocks.
This is an ideal site and one of the
prettiest homes in the city. It will be a
valuable property a few years hence,
being only seven blocks from Morrison
street. Union Bank & Trust Co., 233
Stark street, corner Second.
Government Wants 500 Heifers. The
Chamber of Commerce is in receipt of
the- specifications and rules for the sub--mlmlon
of bids to the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs at Washington, for the
purchase of 600 heifers, to be delivel-ed at
the San Carlos Indian agency in Arizona.
The specifications will be given to any
eme asking for them.
All-Dat Meeting Planned. An. all
day session of the Ladies' Aid Society,
of the First Presbyterian Church,, will be
held Wednesday, beginning at 10 A. M.,
in the old Manse, at the comer of Thir
teenth and Alder streets. Members are
asked to bring or send woolen goods
for carpet rags. A large attendance is
Beaver Hili. Coal Best household
coal on the market; clean, lasting, econo
mical. Slabwood, either four-foot or
short; good, heavy country mill wood,
never been In water. Portland and Sub
urban Express Company, 96 North First
St. Phone Main 868, Home A 3358.
For Sale.
tOO-horsepower motor generator set, belted
units, completo with circuit breakers and
panels. Alternating and direct current
machines. Ideal drive for Industrial plant.
Complete information furnished at room
201 Oregonian building.
Mothers to Convene. The Mothers
and Teachers' Circle will meet in the
assembly room of the Holman school to
morrow at 3 P. M. All mothers are cor
dially invited to be present. Small chil
dren will be cared for in the kinder
garten. Nt-RSES Are Hostesses. Graduate
nurses of Portland hld an informal meet
ing. In the rooms of the Medical Society,
In the Medical building yesterday after
noon, when a number of nurses, not
members of the association, were enter
tained. New Yorkers to Honor Lincoln. The
New York State Society, of Oregon, will
not Tnot tonight, but will hold a IJncoln
anniversary celebration the- evening of
February 13. at Oddfellows' hall, at East
Alder and East Sixth streets.
McKinlbi Post to Meet. MoKinlev
Post. No. 4S. O. A. R., will meet at
Warren's hall, Montavllla, at 2 P. M.,
Thursday, in conjunction with the Relief
Corps, for installation of officers. The
public is invited.
Mothers to Meet Wednesday. The
Mothers Home Training Circle, of Sunny
side, will meet in assembly hall, Wednes
day, February 9, at 3 P. M. Mrs. Irons
will address the mothers and teachers on
humane work.
Kenton to Have Paper. D. N. Byer
lee, formerly of the St. John Review, is
making arrangements to start a weekly
newspaper in Kenton. It will be called
the Peninsula Press, and will appear
about May 1.
Ai.bina W. c. T. U. Mkcts. Albina W.
C. T. U. will hold a special business meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Donaldson, 810
Fremont street, Tuesday afternoon.
"Lmtihts" diamond engagement rings,
finest quality, all sizes; every stone guar
anteed, prices 25 to J500. TTi Wash. at.
Rosenthal SisTEns. hairdressers and
manicurists, prmamntly located at 110
Seventh St., Imperial Hotel bids;.
Dr. Gustave E. Bri-srb announces the
removal of his office to the Electric
building, suite Sll.
A New Class for beginners in domestic
science will open Thursday, morning at
the Y. W. C. A. .
Swiss watch repairing. C. Christens n.
aecond floor Corbett bide, take elevator."
Thb second term in gymnasium is Just
opening at Y. W. C. A.
Wooster's Portland's great variety shop
Oregon CJ. A. K. Remembersi Lincoln.
OREGON CITY. Or., Feb. 7 (Special )
Mead Post. No. 2, G. A. II., Depart
ment of Oregon, met In regular session in
the Willamette hal! Saturday. The sub
ject of the commemoration of the birth of
Abraham Lincoln, was taken us, James
Harding will consult with the- ladles of
the W. R. C. and decide on the pro
gramme that is to be carried out in Ore
gon City. This will in no way conflict
with the big dinner which is contemplated
by the members of the Veteran Drum
Corp of the Department of Oregon an
nounced for that day.
Rose City Park Presbyterian Congre
gation Gains Minister Wlio
Passed Youth Here.
Rev. Boudinot Seeley, Jr of Phila
delphia, has accepted a call to the pas
torate of . the Rose City Park Presby
terian Church. He will arrive here Fri
day evening to assume his Portland
Rev. Boudinot Seely, Jr., Called
From Philadelphia Pariah by
Hose City Park Presbyterian
duties. Mr. Seeley Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Seeley, of 135 Thirteenth
street, this city. He took his academic
and preparatory course in the Portland
Academy under the supervision of Dr.
J. R. Wilson.
Following the completion of his pre
paratory studies in the Portland Acad
emy, Mr. Seeley entered Williamstown
College, Mass., where he won his liter
ary degree. His theological training was
obtained in the Union Seminary of New
York and in Princeton College, New Jer
sey. Portland calls him from the Ger
mantown Presbyterian Church, of Phila
delphia, one of the foremost churches of
the City of Brotherly Love. Mrs. Seeley
Is a daughter of Tyler Woodward, of
The Rose City Park Presbyterian
Church, to which Mr. Seeley has been
called, was organised recently. The gov
erning board is composed of: Rev. Henry
Marcotte, moderator; O. N. Wonacott, L.
E. Carter. A. V. Beesey, O. L. Ferris,
W. E. Carter and D. J. Russell. The
church cost $10,000 and is being built
on East Firty-fifth and Hancock streets.
Thus far $5600 has been expended on the
property. Of this sum $4600 was raised
in the neighborhood, and $1000 came
from the Church Extension Board. The
Rose City Park Presbyterian Church
was organized after consultation with
other denominations, the various creeds
deciding as the Presbyterian membership
was strongest there, it should have the
Pusli Club Delegations to Meet
Thursday at Commercial Club.
Delegates, appointed from the push
clubs and civic organizations of the
city to prepare an amendment to the
charter providing for laying water
mains, "will meet in the auditorium of
the Commercial Club building next
Thursday night at 8 o'clock. L. E. Hic
has the matter in hand.
It is desired that all delegates ap
pointed should attend this meeting.
Each club is entitled to one delegate,
and most of the clubs have appointed
their delegates. A very great interest
is being taken in this matter, for it
is felt that the improvement of many
streets, especially on the East Side, de
pends on gett-ng water main. How
ever, it is realized by the leaders of
this delegate movement that to frame
an amendment to the charter for lay
ing water mains will not be an easy
Councilmen Rushlight and Ellis have
been working on the problem for some
time, and I E. Rice has been gather
ing information. Roth the Councilmen
have said they will assist in framing
an amendment. An effort will be made
to frame an amendment that will be
fair to all concerned.
Man Accused of Locating People on
Pre-empted' Land Is Sought.
Constable "Wagner and his deputies are
searching the city for J. C. Burke, a
timherland dealer, for whom Justice
Olson issued a bench warrant yesterday.
Burke has not been seen for the past
week and it Is feared he may have fled
from the Jurisdiction of the court. He
was arrested on complaint of a number
of victims who charged him with having
located them upon railroad land near
Bandy. Or., which had already -been
deeded, charging each victim $50 for the
fraudulent service. It was charged that
he had located as many as three victims
on the same piece of land, i
At the time of his arrest Sam Mc
Cartney, a local capitalist, and Mrs. J. C.
Burke signed his bonds for $1000. The
Burke home is at 576 East .Ninth street.
Mrs. Burke, it is said, tloos not know
her husband's whereabouts. Justice
Olson intimated that after a reasonable
time had expired for the officers to ap
prehend Burke, he would issue an order
making his bonds forfeit.
Built three years, six large rooms, two
rooms being 27x14: furnace, hot water
heater, cement basement, walks and
steps; every convenience: grounds 75x100;
ornamental and fruit trees and berries.
Unobstructed view of mountains and
river. Ground alone is worth $4300.
Streets parked and paved with bitulithic.
One block from "W" car and two blocks
from end of Sixteenth-street car. This te
the cheapest buy on the "West Side. $3000
can handle this deal for first payment.
InQUire 1014 Savier, near Twenty-ninth,
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart
ments for ladlea. 906 Wtsa, near 6tL sb
r - -1
U I - t
I j . - Sf )
New Bills Open at the
Vaudeville Houses
IF THERE wasn't another thing on
the Orpheum bill besides Wralter C.
Kelly In his inimitable presentation of
a day's doings In a courtroom down
South no one would feel disgruntled,
for he Is the best recipe for a grouch,
or even a peeve, that ever walked out
before an audience. And It's a critical
audience, too, that stares coldly on
Monday afternoons a sort of sit-back-and-defy-an-actor-to
-make - 'em - smile
audience. '
But Kelly as a laughgetter takes all
the blue ribbons. His portrayal of the
Southern Judge, who disposes quickly
of the cases in the docket "so he can
go nshin," " Is fidelity personfied. In
rapid succession the erring cullud folk
recite their woes, with interpolations
and interruptions by the "Jedge," that
show not only a keen insight into
human nature, but a close and intimate
knowledge whereof he speaks.
This entire space might be devoted
to a story of Mr. Kelly's methods and
the howls of laughter, not the gentle
appreciative cackles, but loud howls of
joy, accompanied by shaking sides and
wild clutches at the seat; but there
were other things on the programme.
Fred Lindsay, for instance, makes good
in a novelty act in which he uses long
whips in a really marvelous manner.
The whips are fully 25 feet long, with
brief handles, and in the muscular and
dexterous digits of Mr. Lindsay, they
writhe and leap like things alive. The
whipster is assisted by a man who al
lows himself to be lassoed and thrown,
nonchalantly smokes while Mr. Lind
say neatly whips the cigar in halves,
and later holds In finger tips succes
sively a cigarette, an envelope and a
lighted match, all of which are sliced
in twain by Mr. Lindsay. The pro
grammes didn't state the name of the
assistant. One only wonders where the
act would be without him.
Julia Frary Is an ample maiden, who
scores a big hit, and you can play that
word both ways. Her singing is ex
cellent and her manner goes her voice
one better. She Just seems to reach
out and grab the good-will of the audi
ence. She was recalled several times
in her "Glide" song, not so much for
the song Itself, but because she sings
it differently, and infuses a spontan
eity and charm that Is irresistibly In
fectious. Charles W. Hawser and Edith Hlnkle.
assisted by Maxfleld Morse, present a
modern playlet, "Superstition," which
was received yesterday with as much
interest and Joy as Its former visit
produced. There Is an actual plot, a
rare thing In tabloid plays, which tells
a bright and gingery tale of political
intrigue, with a minor thread of senti
ment. It Is presented with real dra
matic interest by the trio of capable
Uproariously effective are the Simian
fun-makers. One of them who does
most of the work ought to be billed
in letters as big as Clark's name on
the programme. He's just a medium
size monkey, of ordinary appearance,
but he has a repertoire of tricks
crowded into his tiny head, and such
knowing eyes peering out from the
wizened little face, that he Immediately
becomes a personage of Importance.
The Reed brothers are one of the big
acts, and do a lot of unique gymnastic
and acrobatic stunts that are little less
than remarkable. They are like posters
of a patent medicine ad. "before and
after taking." The before taking is an
attenuated ensemble of tall legs and
taller arms, who is sans joints, sans
flesh and seemingly sans fear. The
other one Is a strong man of the ap.
p roved type, who really does, some re
markable stunts.
Abel and Irwin present a black-face
act that affords amusement.
But oh, you Walter C. Kelly!
53ATTJRED as tha pretentious act
I this week at the Grand are seven
acrobats, the Montrose troupe. The
stunt, like the majority of foreign
vaudeville contributions, Is capably
and artistically done. With utmost non
chalence, the bakers' half dozen of
gymnasts give a series of startling
and skillful feats.
Winifred Stewart, billed as a phe
nomenal baritone, comes near reaching
the'baso profundo timbre of a steamer
whistle. Strangely enough in her
deep-seated repertoire she fails to
spring "Asleep In the Deep." In the
coon shouting variety of song Miss
Stewart is happier, the ballad selec
tions each" being accompanied by a
group of correspondence school ges
ticulations. Miller and Mack are decidedly Cohan
esque. Attired in twin-like garments
they do a song and dance act, laying
more stress on terpsichorean ability.
Their team work is good and they exe
cute some new steps.
A spectacular sub-tropical novelty
Is "The Frogman." Everglades of
Florida are represented with Herbert,
a contortionist in the shape of a frog.
Herbert twists himself Inside out In
'numerous languages, ties himself in a
true lovers' knot, and thus metampor
posed perches tei mid-air seated amiably
on a toothpick.
Matthews and Bannon present a far
cical military skit which extracts
laughs. Their burlesque of "Secret
Service" Is the particular bright hit.
"Half-Back Hank" has a cast of
characters which includes a retired
merchant, bis daughter, a "Half Back"
and a pedigreed pup, all honors going
to the latter. Miss Monroe, who plays
the daughter, also plays a saxophone,
but unfortunately does not confine her
self to music. The usual illustrated
ballad and Instructive Fathe films fill
out tbe bill.
Judge J. W. Robinson, of Olytnpia, is
at the Oregon.
W. S. Crowell. a, banker, of HJedford.
is at the Seward.
Sam Van Vactor, an attorney of Hepp
ner, is at the Perkins.
F. i. Fisher and wife, of Albany, are
registered at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs H. "W. Newton, of Spo
kane, are at the Xortonia.
A. B. Robinson, a miner from Juneau.
Alaska, is at the Cornelius.
George Chandler, a cattle-raiser, of
Baker County, Is at the Imperial.
X. W. Bethel, a railroad engineer, of
The Dalles, is registered at the Perkins.
George W. Taylor and wife, of Med
ford. registered yesterday at the Cornel
ius. W. D. Hofius and Moritz Thomsen,
both Seattle capitalists, are at the Ore
gon. . '
Willard Case. a. tlmberman at Kalaraa,
Is at the Perkins, accompanied by Mrs.
Dr. W. V. Hutchinson and J. M. Camp
bell, both of Cascade Locks, are at the
Frank Sweeny, son of a Spokane capi
talist, accompanied by Mrs. Sweeny, is at
the Portland.
J. H. Carroll, a railroad man from St.
Louis, Is at the Portland, accompanied
by his daughter.
H. S. McGowan. of McGowan. Wash.,
a member of the Legislature of his state,
is at the Imperial.
John Felix Loyer. a lumber dealer, of
San Francisco, is registered at the Xor
tonia. He is accompanied by his family.
Bliss X. Davis, assistant superinten
dent cf the salary and allowance dl-
$450 Per Lot
Finest residence property
on the market at anything
like such a price. Fine homes,
fine neighborhood;, close in;
5 - cnt fare, good service ;
right in the position to catch
the expansion of the best res
idence districts; highest
prioed and most desirable on
the Fast Side.
F. B. H0LBE00K CO,
1 "Worcester Bldg.
Ground Floor.
MOTHERS should teach
their little ones the daily
use of some good dentifrice
and by so doing spare them
much pain and annoyance
Tooth Powder
cleanses, preserves and beau
tines the teeth, prevents tooth
decay and imparts purity
and fragrance, to the breath.
vision of the United States Postoffice
Department, arrived In Portland yester
day to make arrangements for secur
ing leases for sub-postoffice stations.
Mrs. Edmund P. Sheldon (Miss Eleanor
Gardiner), of Oakland, Calif., arrived
last week for a few weeks' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gardiner,
on Union avenue. Mr. Sheldon is on an
extended business trip to New York and
other Eastern cities. He is studying
trade conditions as connected with the
wholesale lumber market. Mrs. Sheldon
expects to Join him in New York In
March or early April.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) Portland arrivals at the Palace
Hotel here are: A. E. Doyle and ife,
P. C. Bates and wife, Theodore B. Wil
cox and family. John Ducey, C. A. Mor
rison, C. B. Simmons, S. A. Spencer and
wife. Dr. B. E. Wright and wife, J. C.
Lewis, A- R. Jacobs, Mrs. C. E. Curry,
Miss H. Jacobs, Miss Francis Jacobs,
Mrs. Alvin Bordy, Mrs. R. L. Smith,
John Clarke and wife, B. R. Smith and
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. (Special.) Port
land people registered at Chicago hotels
today as follows: R. L. McDowell, at
the LaSalle; J. H. Vogt, at the Congress.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. (Special.)
Travelers from the Pacific Northwest
registered here are:
From Portland At the Imperial. W.
W. Williams.
From Seattle At the Breslln, F. H.
Star; Park Avenue, Mrs. H. H. Mill
burn, Miss W. Thomson; Grand, Miss J.
From Spokane At the Hotel Astor,
D. H. Wallace, J. Smith; Marlborough,
R. Dorn.
From Astoria At the Broadway Cen
tral, M. S. Copeland.
Shipment of Pig'n Whistle candies just
arrived. Sig Sichel & Co.; three stores.
Rock Sprlnca Coal.
The best house coal. Libert r Coal &
Ice Co., exclusive agents, 25 - North
Fourteenth street. Main 16S3 A Slaa.
Piper Heidsieck chewing tobacco is
the best you can buy, and you can buy
it in any cigar store you pass.
Plant SIbson's Roses. Phone Sellwood 930.
Bat Many Drop It.
A young Calif, wife talks about oof fee:
"It was hard to drop Mocha and Java
and give Postum a trial, but my nerves
were so shattered that I was a nervous
wreck and of course that means all
kinds of ails.
"At first I thought bicycle riding
caused it and I gave it up, but my con
dition remained unchanged. I did not
want to acknowledge coffee caused the
trouble for I was very fond of it. At
that time a friend came to live with us,
and I noticed that after he had been
with us a week he would not drink his
coffee any more. I asked him the rea
son. He replied, I have not had a
headache since I left off drinking cof
fee, some months ago, till, last week,
when I began again, here at your table.
I don't see how anyone can like coffee,
anyway, after drinking Postum."
"I said nothing, but at once ordered
a package- of Postum. That was five
months- ago, and we have drank no
coffee since, except on two occasions
when we had company, and the result
each time was that my husband could
not sleep, but lay awake and tossed
and talked half the night. We were
convinced that coffee caused his suf
fering, so he returned to Postum, con
vinced that coffee was an enemy, in
stead of a friend, and he Is troubled no
more by insomnia.
"I. myself, have gained 8 pounds In
weight, and my nerves- have ceased to
quiver. It seems so easy now to quit
coffee that caused our aches and ails
and take up Postum."
Read the little book, "The Road to
Wellville." in pkgs. "There's a Rea
son." Ever read the' above letter! A new
one appears from time to time. They
re genuine, true, and full vf human
We are introducing Staf
ford's Inks by giving free
one Royal Automatic Ink
well witi. one quart of Staf
ford's Commercial Fluid at
the regular price of 85 cents
the quart.
Stafford's Inks and Pastes
are absolutely highest qual
ity and chemically perfect.
Fifth and Oak Streets
Look well as long as they
last last longer than ordi
nary collars and more
15c. each 2 for 25c
Cluett. Pea body & Co., Makers
ARROW CUFFS. 2Sc a Pais -
soie Agents.
Three Stores,
Presents the
In its entirely new $5,000,000 fire
proof building, rebuilt since the
fire, and the
, In its suporb situation
As superior examples of modern
hotel building and hotel keeping.
Get th
Original Genuine
TheFood Drink f or All Ages
fid in any Ullk Trust
Insist on "HORLICK'S"
Take m pncke horn
Baking Povder
Best at Any
FredPrehn, D. D.S.
407 Gerlinger Bldg.,
u una Aiaer cits.
Phones: Main 2202.
A 2202.
Residence Phone.
Main 4237.
-v. Hii j ".ft., "i
For this occasion low round trip rates will be in effect
Feb. 9 and 10 from Portland and points east to Roosevelt,
return limit Feb. 13. Round trip from Portland $5.10.
Portland & Seattle Ry.
Representatives of the commercial bodies, the press
and railroad companies will attend, leaving Portland at
9 A. M. Thursday, Feb. 10, returning to Portland at
noon- Friday.
Join this party and meet the representative men of
Klickitat County, a rapidly growing section in Portland's
territory. ;
Passenger Station, 11th and Hoyt St.
Is the Best Cheap Coal in the Market Today
Special Attention Given to
Hotels. Apartment Houses and Buildings
Phones Main 353, A 3353
S. S. ROSE CITY (E. W. MASON, Master)
Reduced Rates and Quick Trip to Los Angeles
142 3d St. Main 402. A 1402. Atnsirorlh Dock. Main 268, A 1234.
i linn 'in i inn pi 1 1 1 in II i ill
All Mtntavilla cars ran through
Laurelhurst. OrJy 15 minutes'
ride. Take car on Washington
street,, between Fifth and First.
Salesmen on the ground. Office,
622 Corbett Building.
if ilJamette Fuel Co
Front and Everett.
M 1225, A 122S.
la especially valuable during the Sum
mer season, when outdoor occupations,
and sports are most In order.
yield to It, and It Is particularly agree
able when used In the bath alter vio
lent exercise.
Of every description by
mati. Amber, brier end
meerschaum. Artificial
eotarUis;. Bis Sichai
Ce, e Id St.. Portland.
- OF
Portland, Oregon
G. L. MACCIBBOS, Cashier.
. Transacts a general banking
Receives deposits subject to
check in any amount.
Opens saving-: accounts for
any sum from $1 up.
Pays interest on time depos
its and savings accounts.
Really Different
The fit of a Shoe bought at
244 Wash. St., near Second.
for Dancing, Deportment
and Physical Development
rbrlstsnsen's Hall can bs rented, flrst
clsss affairs only. For terms apply to Mr.
Chrlstensen. office at ball., corner Eleventb
and Yamhill streets, Portland. Oregon.
Phones. Main 6017. A 6S0.
Taught Privately.
301 Merchants Trust Bldg.