9 Arnold's Knit Goods and Arnold's Infants' Wear Merode Underwear We Are Agents for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns We Are Agents for LHjfaey Ctxt Glass Richardson Linens Custom Shade and Drapery Work at Lowest Possible Prices tore SSio-p ts, Millinery,' "Waists, "Waslr& Goods, TIIT2 MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1910. Gre O S Stii SilKs SaleFancyRibbons 65c Values Now 39c Watch us shorten prices during this short month. Faney Ribbons in plaids, Persians, plain taffetas and moires ; a meritorious show ing of many novel patterns. Profit by this short-price offer O of vals. to 65c, sp'l., yd. 3 7 C Women's Umbrellas $5.00 Values $2.98 In lowering this price we make it easier for you to raise the umbrel la. Ladies' lisle Union Taffeta Um brellas, also Silk Umbrellas, black and colors, fitted with fancy han dles; values to $5, aq on special sale, ea. P a J 0 Correct Styles in Women's Shoes g:S3 Correct styles in women's footwear for Spring. Dame Fashion's mandate is that tan shoes, button or lace, are much in vogue for early Spring wear. Following are a few of the styles and prices: STYLE XB150 Women's tan Russian calf, 14-button Boot, espe cially suited for short skirts ; royal tops, short vamps tf pj f. and new European lasts. Excellent values, at, pair j) 3 J STYLE X154 Women's tan Russia colt lace, blucher, tuxedo pat tern, welt-sewed, medium extension soles and short rt A f vamps. Very good values, at this price, the pair x V7 J STYLE X155 Women's dark brown kid blucher, welt-sewed exten sion soles, medium toe and heel; a very sensible d- A ff Walking Show, which we place on sale for, the pair iPT"JJ STYLE XB400 'Women's tan Russia colt Button Shoe, with a low military heel, over the new Turk last ; splendid street O C 3hoe and a great favorite with young ladies. The pair )3 3U x Wo m e r's Combinations Reg. $2.5Q Values $1.49 $2.25 Petticoats at $1.29 . An unrivaled exhibit of pure white Undermuslins is now at your disposal, at prices much lower than you will expect. Ladies' com bination Suits, lace-trimmed Corset Covers, Drawers, cut full, and made np like home-made garments. Regular values tf 1 yf Q up to $2.50, on special sale at this low price, the suit A Women 's Cambric Petticoats, nicely made, with underf lounces, etc. ; neatly trimmed in laces or embroidery. Regular val- J Ofi ues up to $2.25, on special sale at this low price, ea. X CmiJ Ladies ' Cambric Gowns, high or low-cut necks, Hub- rf A bard or chemise styles; stock. values to $2.50, special JL Women's Drawers, cut extra full, trimmed in lace or embroidery. Made with circular or plain flounces. The White Store's Q ' best offering of values to $1.35 pair; rummage price, pr. O C U. S. AFTER ITER Government to Adjust Umatilla Water Rights. OLD CLAIMS ARE INVOLVED .Department of Justice Orders Suit Under Recent Oregon LawHear ings to Be Held at Several Different Points. In an effort to determine the amount of water which may be available for the Umatilla project, the I'ntted States has begun action for the adjudication of eoo.or more water rights which are known to exist along the Umatilla (liver and Its tributaries. Many extend as fftr back as 30 years, and in securing their recog nition before the State Board of Control it will be necesKary to Rather the testi mony of many of the pioneers of East ern Oreson. Much of the testimony as to the earlier appropriations and their priority riRhts to water for irrigation purposes will depend upon the dates of the application of the flow of the stream for beneficial purposes. The Department of- Justice lias ordered the proceedings begun xinder the laws of the State of Oregon ,an net haling been passed by the last legislature making provision for such adjudication. United States. District Attorney McCourt will be assisted by Special Assistant Oliver P. Morton of the Reclamation Service in, the litigation. The suit will be given prompt hearing, for the reason that It was the Jirst one llled under the new act. The Oregon statute provides that upon peti tion being presented the water rights riled on any stream system may be determined. All Flow Appropriated. The entire flow of the Umatilla River and the streams which empty into it above the location of the Reclamation Service dam at Kcho. which water is available for diversion to that project, was long since appropriated through fil ings in the proper state offices, leaving nothing for the use of the Reclamation Service except by purchase. It Is be lieved to be true, "however, that the In dividual tilings for water rights are for a. much larger number of cubic feet of water than the Individual actually make a beneficial application of. and that tha Furplus water cannot be retained by such claimants. Such surplus water would he available for the Umatilla project res ervoir, as well as a large percentage of the flood waters which run from the Umatilla watershed. In many instances it is believed that actual users of water have neglected to t'tle their claims, in the state offioa and will depend upon proof they may be able to produce as to the date when they nctually turned the water into their ditches. Attorneys Glean Evidence. That the proceeding is considered to be of unusual Importance is Indicated by the fact that Attorneys J. H. Raley and O. W. Phelps are engaged in securing Mocha Gloves $2.QOValues$1.4 45c Great rummage and inventory clearings in our Glove Dept. To make this sale more effective we offer standard quality 2-clasp Arabian mocha Gloves in colors, stock vals. to $2, rtv -m AO special price, pr. tp A, 75c Cashmerette Gloves Now at 19c We will start this week with a greater determination than ever to close out all short lines. The Glove Store offers Ladies' Cash merette Gloves, blacks and col ors; about 00 pairs; Q vals. to 75c, sp'l., pr. i 1 C evidence for clients who are involved in a water right controversy. The suit in question is between the Swift Packing Company, purchasers of the famous Hunt ranch, and other users in Umatilla Coun ty. Attorneys Raley and Phelps passed through the city yesterday en route to San Francisco, where they will take de positions. . In beginning the suit. District Attorney McCourt will not concede that the Gov ernment right to appropriate water be comes subservient to the state laws, and will avoid injecting that question into the controversy. The Department of Jus tice is the complainant for economical reasons. It is believed to be less ex pensive to bave the various rights de termined and the flow of the Umatilla ap portioned by action of the State Board of Control than to proceed under the Fed eral statutes. Evidence will be taken before Commis sioner Saxton. the Eastern Oregon mem ber of the State Board of Control, and hearings will be held at Pendleton, Echo and other points. The sum of $5000 was appropriated by the Legislature for ex- penses of the adjudication work. The money is now available. DAY OF PRAYER OBSERVED Services to Re Held Today by Foreign Missionary Society. The Columbia River Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will observe its annual day of prayer in Grace Metho dist Church today. The women will as semble at the church at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Corea, Japan, Malaysia and Gugarat are the foreign ' mission fields to be discussed. The programme will be as follows: Devotionals. Mrs. Benjamin Young; "Our Thank Offering," Mrs. "V. B. Say ler; prayer, Mrs. W. B. Hollingshead: solo, Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor; "L41a vatl Singh, the Story of an Indian Girl," Mrs. L. C. Dickey; prayer, Mrs. Rich mond Kelley: "Corea," Mrs. C. A. Mor den; "Japan," Airs. Frank G. Wooley: prayer. Mrs. William Parker; "Malay sia."' Mrs. John O. Goltra; prayer. Mrs. John J. Hall; solo, "Gugarat," Mrs. A. E. Ayers. of India; prayer and conse cration by the president; Mrs. J. B. Candlish, secretary. RANCH SELLS FOR $55,000 J. M. Kennedy, Washtucna, Wash., Makes Hope for Fortune. SPOKAXE. Wash.. Feb. 8. (Special.) J. M. Kennedy has sold his ranch, 12 miles east of Washtucna. Wash., to E. A. Hooper, son of the late A. J. Hooper and a member of the Hooper Land & Livestock Company. The ranch com prises MOO acres and brought $55,000 cash. The transfer includes 400 cattle, 20 tous of hay, horses and farm ma chinery. Mr. Kennedy Is one of the oldest set tlers in Adams County. He came West to make his fortune in 1819. during- the itold rush Into California, and located on Cow Creek, in Adams County, in lSi3, and raised cattle and sheep. At one time he and his partner, Lewis Nelce. owned several thousand head of cattle, but in the Winter of 1881-2 lost practically all. Mr. Xeice then moved to WaitsburK. Wash., purchased land and stock and is now reputed to be worth ll.000.000. Only Ou "BROMO QtTIIN"K. That Is LAXATIVE J3ROMO QtTIKINE.IXHfk far the slcnatur of B. W. GROVE. Csed tha Werl4 avu to Cora a Cold in On lm.T- 2do. China for Decorati'g Plates Now 23c We quote short prices on all odd lines of white China for decorating. 45c Cake Plates, special, ea..25 75c Cake Plates, special, ea..50 90c Salad Bowls, special at . .50 $3.50 Salad Bowls, special. $2.35 $4.50 dozen Plates, special. 53. OO t ' Great RummageSale Brass Ware Goods Here a few specials in Brass Goods. Ink Stands, $2.00 values. .1.33 $3.00 Ink Stands, special. .2.10 Ink Stands, $6.00 values. .$3.95 50c brass Vase 35c ; $1.25 vaL 85 75c Paper Knife, special at.. 50 $1.40 Tea Caddy, special at.. 90 Rummage ISO W. M. HARE IS DEAD Pioneer of 1853 Had Seen Busy Public Service. WELL-KNOWN AS ORATOR As Presidential Elector He Made Noteworthy Campaign of State for Grant "Was Grand1- Master of Masons in 18 71. HIIJSBORO, Or., Feb. 6. (Special.) William Davenport Hare, pioneer of 1853, and for many years a noted ora tor of the Northwest, died at the fam ily home this morning from pneumonia. Mr. Hare was born in Wheeling, W. Va., September 1. 1834, the oldest son of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Hare, de-, Bcendants of old English families. His mother, Frances Ellen Hare, lives in Astoria and is 99 years old. In com pany with Jesse Edwards, of Benton County, Mr. Hare came to Oregon in 1853, over the Council Bluffs route. Arriving- at Portland, he secured" a po sition as purser on the steamboat Fashion, and served three years, act ing at times as pilot and captain. In 1857 he was delegated to copy the records of that part of Washington County, which had been annexed to Multnomah by legislative enactment. At the conclusion of this work he was appointed auditor of Washington Coun ty vice William Caldwell resigned. In 1858 he was elected County Clerk. V W. M. Hare, Pioneer ( 1853 and Well - lv Down Orator of ICarljr Daj-a, Made Cajnpaig-n for Grant as Nominee for Klector. r Rummage Prices on Renaissance Lace Curtains The Fourth Floor Carpet and Drapery Store offers 800 pairs of Renaissance Lace Curtains at greatly reduced prices; 39 different styles to choose from; all hand-made, lace-trimmed and best quality of French net. We place them on sale at the following special prices: $ 4.00 vals. 2.65? 5.00 vals;' S 3.25 $ 5.50 vals. $ 3.65$ 6.00 vals. $ 3.95 $ 6.50 vals. 3 4.15$ 7.50 vals. S 4.95 $ 9.00 vals. S 5.95 $10.00 vals. $ 6.50 $11.00 vals. 7.25 $12.00 vals. $ 7.85 $15.00 vals. $ 9.85 $16.50 vals. $10.85 $17.50 vals. 811.65520.00 vals. S12.95 $21.00 vals. $13.85 $23.0 'vals. $15.35 $9 Waists $ Waists $2.95 i In the garment store, second floor, will be shown a notable gathering of Women's Waists, many of which are this sea son's newest and best designs They come in both fancy and tailored effects Match less array of style and value For today's selling we offer 25Q lingerie and tailored waists grouped in one lot for easy choosing Lingeries are of sheer lawn and batiste, embroidered and lace trimmed effects Tailored waists are made of high-grade, guaran teed linen; some are hand-embroidered, others are neatly styled in tucRs and pleats In this lot is a line of new and exclusive styles just received from our buyer who is in New YorK, searching that great fountain of supply for bet- ter and more attractive values than we've ever shown before Values to $9; special for today at L,ot No. 2. A showing of equal merit 3QO fancy waists in this assortment Fabrics are chiffons, nets and colored silKs, in a large assortment of this season's best styles; all sizes and all wanted shades Your special attention is di rected to the fact that these waists are made over correct models, which insure perfect fit These values up to $7.5Q are offered for today's selling, each TT From now on every express will faring xis JlH CW v7Ulla waist, skirts, dresses, etc Visit this c often, it will really be a delight to I00K a.t them Season's most fetching styles will be shown in bl pleasing -variety Most modish garments that fashion has designed, are being picKed up and forwarded byourbuyers and served six years. In 1864 he was admitted to the bar and opened a law office in Hillsboro. In 1859 he wedded Henrietta Schofield, a sister of Ben jamin Schoneld, of Cornelius, Or., and a sister of Supreme Judge Schofield, of Illinois. There were six children: Jo seph Coulson Hare. Fourth and Carru thers streets, Portland; Mrs. Frances Ellen O'Connor, Hillsboro; Mrs. Martha Mann, wife of Grant Mann, Cornelius; Mrs. Henrietta Morgan, widow of the late County Clerk, George Hogan, Hills boro; .Mrs. Ruth Pruyn (deceased), Hillsboro; Thomas (deceased) and Wil liam G. Hare, of the law- Arm of Bag ley & Hare, this city. Mrs. Hare died in 1890. ! In 1893 he married Miss Mary A. Anthony, a cousin of Susan B. An thony. His second wife died two years ago. In 1870 Mr. Hare was elected to the State Legislature and in 1872 he was named as one of the Grant electors and made an active campaign over the state. He was a brilliant orator and one of the best extemporaneous speak ers in the Northwest. He was ap pointed Collector of Customs at As toria, and Berved eight years in this office. From 1882 to 1886 he was State Senator from Washington County. Well Known as Mason. He was made a Mason in Tuality Lodge, of Masons, in this city in 1862 and in 1871 was chosen grand master of Ore gon. He was prominently connected with the Ancient Order of United Work men in the days of the great strength of that order, and was several times the state executive of the organization and was also supreme representative. Judge Hare's conception of life and death is summed np in a. memorial he delivered in the State Senate in 18SS, when, in paying a tribute to the late Henry Warren, Senator from Yamhill, he said: "The Stoics tell us that death is ob livion, that human affection only bids us o er the tomb of our departed friends. plant the sprig of acacia and blooming flowers; the moderns, however, tell life to do all this, and also build monuments of marble to their memory and upon these monuments write epitaphs: but the best epitaph that can or will be written will be the deeds and acts of a life. Death is not oblivion; 'tis only the opening of a better and higher life. Men in tbis life build their own characters, and the high est aim of every man should be so to order his own life, that when the end comes, it can truly be said of him. "He lived a life void of offense towards God and man.' " Church Cornerstone Laid. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Feb. 6. (Spe cial.) Impressive ceremonies marked the laying of the cornerstone of the Second Presbyterian Church of Van couver this afternoon. Rev. Henry Marcott, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, of Portland, de livered the sermon, in which he main tained that industry on the part of church members and ministers was a prime factor in the upbuilding of an ernclent church. Dr. Calvin S. White, of Portland, delivered the oration at the laying of the cornerstone. - Rev. D. O. Gormely. of Tacoma, synodical mis sionary for the State of Washington, gave a historical review of the estab lishing of the new mission church. The city council of Easton. Me., vot.d bv a large majority to ash the legislature to amend the city charter so as to give tne munlclpa.1 suffrage to women owning 9500 worth of property. Morgan & Robb, 250 Stark St., will writ your Firs Insuranco for you. iSale of Women's Handbag's Regular $7.5Q Values at $4.39 Now don't hang onto that old Handbag any longer. If you are tired of it, take advantage of this chance to get a new one at nearly half price. These are made of seal, walrus and patent leather, with single or double strap handles. A splendid assortment jf small, medium and large sizes, fitted with fine coin purses. Regular values to $7.50 ea., A O Qk on sale at this special rummage price ipTC.O Final Sale Belts and NecKwear Regular $1.00 Values at 36c Fancy collars, jabots, venise lace, Dutch collars; also fancy. elastic belts; some are jet-trimmed. You will find many surprises' in store here, as the values and styles are much better than the price. Former prices up to $1.00, on O ty special sale at this very low price, each J Q C 3.65 Inventory SALE. $3.65 $2.95 new suits. department HEALTH IS MENACED A. L. Mills Denounces Delay in Building Crematory. GUILD'S LAKE POOR SITE Pettiness of Ward Politics" Is Blamed Complaints Against Milk -Supply Not Unfounded, Is the Speaker's Firm Belief. A. Li. Mills, president of the First National Bank, emphasized Portland'-s need of a garbage crematory in his ad dress on the "Public Health" at the Unitarian Church last night, by re ferring to the fill at Guild s Lake as a "five-acre garbage park, maintained by the "City Beautiful." " - He declared this a menace to the public health to agree upon a site," aa the reason no crematory has been built. The speaker maintained that Guild's Lake is a poor site for the new crema School Children who have a dish of delicious crisp Grape-Nuts with cream or milk, for their morning meal, study better and do not get faint and hun gry before noon. This food is made of whole wheat and barley, and is scientifically baked for many hours. It is easily digested by children and adults, has a delicious flavor and makes strong, healthy bodies and brains. "There's a Reason" , Find "The Road to Well ville," in pkgs. It's worth reading carefully. POSTUM CEREAX. COMPANI LTD.. Battle Creek, Mich. Sale Trimmings, Appliques nands and Tassels at Half Price At the Lace Counter there will be acfive selling of Trimmings. A big showing of black jet and spang led trimmings, garnitures, appliques, bands and tas sels. In this assortment will be found the most de sirable patterns and colors; in fact, shades that will harmonize with almost any color fabric. To effect a speedy clearance, we offer them at half the ly regular selling prices take advantage of sale $2.QO Embroideries Now 98c Regular $1.75 Flouncings 79c Fine swiss Edges and Insertions, also batiste, cam bric and nainsook, 12 and 18-in. corset cover embroid eries, fine batiste flouncing, etc.; stock f Q values to $2.00 a yard, special price, yd. 5 O C Also 27-inch Flouncings, elaborate designs, AX in fine swiss; values to $1.75, special, yard C you will expect for New Phippsand Qage Mats $1Q to $15 An early showing of new Spring Hats Phipps and Gage models, in turbans and Colonial effects, both imported and domes tic patterns, in Milans, Tuscans, etc., and trimmed in velvets, wings and new, novel ideas, only to be understood or appreciated by seeing. The milliners have surpassed our fondest expectations in the production of these hats. "We invite your inspection and criticism. See window display. They are priced at from $10.00 to $15.00 each. SPECIAL In order to make room for the incoming stocji, we will offer for a grand final clean-up, a lot of trimmed Hats, worth up to $5 and $15 each, at 40 and OS Electric and Gas at Rummage Clearance Sale Prices $4.50 Lamps at $2.5Q Here is an opportunity to let your light so shine that you, as well as your associates, will en joy it. Priced at short prices for this short month's selling: $ 4.50 Electric Lamps S.50 $11.00 Electric Lamps $ 6.15 $13.50 Electric Lamps $ 7.75 $17.50 Electric" Lamps SIO.35 $19.50 Electric Lamps $10.35 Gas Lamps, complete, priced at: $ 7.70 values, special at $4.85 $10.20 values, special at 6.45 $14.90 values, special at 8.00 Don't put off owning a. nice Reading Lamp. Take advantage. tory, because of the long haul neces sary, and that Sellwood, South Portland, and Albina garbage will continue to be dumped into vacant sloughs. He criti cized the City Council for "carefully draining the llfeblood of a site from the crematory measure before submit ting it to the voters." He also spoke of the unsanitary carts now in use. Advanced Programme Favored. Mr. Mills declared himself in favor of flushing the streets, of more hard surface pavements, of enforcement of the anti-spitting ordinance", of contin ued market, inspection and medical ex amination o'f public school children and of pure milk for the city. He eulogized the Visiting Nurse Association, the Consumers' League, the Council of Jew ish Women, the Portland Women's Club and the Fruit and Flower Mission, be sides saying that the Board of Health is giving Portland more protection than the fire or police departments. Port land's Board of Health expenditure of 7 when the bread, make' if his OIjITMPIC Tn ooenTn-nlisTi successful sults vou must use a pure, and nutritious flour such as made- from plumpest, hardest grains carefully selected by experts from the entire Northwestern wneat "There Isn't any Just as good. Its better than .ever. AT YOUR GROCER'S PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., PORTLAND. OREOOM Lamps, Andirons $8 Andirons at $0.50 Half "the comfort, of a nice fire place is gazing at an artistic set of andirons. They give a rich, attractive appearance. Hun dreds of kinds for your selection. $ 4.50 Andirons, pair, S 3.50 $ 5.50 -Andirons, pair, S 4.25 $ 7.90 Andirons, pair, $ 6.25 $ 9.50 Andirons, pair, , 7.50 $10.00 Andirons, pair, S 7.75 $11.50 Andirons, pair, $ 9.20 $12.00 Andirons, pair, $ 9.50 $16.00 Andirons, pair, $12.50 Take advantage of saving oppor tunities in the Crockery Store. $19,843 in 1908 was compared with Seat, tie's $116,000. The speaker spoke of the fact that until two years ago Portland had no ambulance, remarking that "the unfor tunate victim of an accident was jolted and tortured in the police patrol to the hospital, while persons with contagious disease were conveyed in an express wagon. This barbaric treatment is un heard of in Eastern cities of the size of Portland." he continued. "Today thera is an ambulance service, but no at tendant physician to render first aid to the injured." Milk Supply Impure. Regarding the milk supply, the) speaker said the complaints were not unfounded; that 287 cases of typhoid fever last Fall preceded in the Sum mer by the deaths of 94 infants, in spite of a pure water supply, pointed almost conclusively to impure milk. Morgan & Robb, 250 Stark St., write your Burglary Insurance. can t "A young wife should not feel hurt her husband reters to 'like mother used o mother used Ivlotfcer. bakinar re wholesome Olympic, MIENf crop. I ll oi.vm Pir