Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 07, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Thrice Refused. Mrs. F. I .
Myer, of El Paso, Tries to .
Kill Teamster.
Developments of Willow Creek
Shooting Show Victim Had Been
Sued for Breach of Promise by
"Woman Who Is Now Dead.
MAXHRAS, Or., Feb. 6. (Special.)
"After asking me three times within 20
minutes to marry her. and after refusing
her each time, the woman shot me." de
clares J. B. Haynie, the Porter Bros,
teamster shot last night at Camp No. 2,
In Willow Canyon, by a ""well-dressed, un
known woman," whom it developed to3ay
is Mrs. Elecdra L. Myer, of Bl Paso. Tex..
MO years old.
(The body of Mrs. Myer. who committed
suicide by poisoning while being brought
here in a wagon, is in charge of the Coro
ner, who will hold an inquest early this
Owing to the serious condition of Haynie
the attending phyeician refused to allow
him to explain the case further, though it
Ib understood that Mrs. Myer, who is the
divorced wife of Jake Myer, of Parral,
Mexico, a traveling man, has been fol
lowing Haynie about the country ever
since she was separated from her hus
band. The dead woman. It Is believed here, was
an affinity of Haynie, when he resided in
Texas, where he was railroad section fore,
man, and where he met Mrs. Myer.
Haynie has been in this section of the
country for about a month, and, it Is un
derstood that he has relatives near Forest
Grove, near where he was born and
'It was six months ago that Mrs. Myer
came to this section of Oregon from Texas,
after her divorce from Myer. It is said
that. Mrs. Myer had considerable trou
ble in Texas and was the participant In
several escapades there.
British Columbia Salmon Trappers
Fear Joint Treaty Will Fail.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb. . Owners
of salmon traps in British Columbia
waters view with consternation the de
bate In the House of Commons in Ot
tawa on the recommendation of Dr. Da
vid Starr Jordan and Professor Prince,
the international commissioners for regu
lation of salmon fishing In waters on
both sides of the boundary.
The Frazer river men say that the
Puget Sound trapmen maintain that
they will not be bound by any treaty of
regulation of the United States govern
ment, but that the State of Washing
ton has solo Jurisdiction over them. The
Canadian salmon canners profess to fear
that a Joint treaty would be ignored
south of the Canadian line.
First Organization to Be Formed in
British. Columbia Province.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) Within the next few days promi
nent business men connected with the
fruit industry . In this province will
gather here to form a board of con
trol for the purpose of holding in Van
couver this year the first Canadian
apple show.
According to present indications next
season's apple crop will be unusually
Kood, and so It Is planned to hold the
apple show here the first week In No
vember so that exhibitors will have
an opportunity of competing also in
the American National apple show to
be held In Spokane later in November.
Three Washed Asltore Kecently Are
Thought to Be From Czarina. .
GARDINER. Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.)
The driver of the stage between here
and Florence yesterday came upon the
dead body of a man on the beach about
a mile north of the mouth of the I'mp
trua River. The body was wholly naked,
except for a pair of shoes, and was so
beaten by the waves as to "be unrecog
nizable. This is the third body found north
of the I'mpqua River within a week.
AH are believed to be those of seamen
from the Czarina, which was wrecked
off Coos Bay on January 12.
(Continued From First. Pae
men Gohl would have no dealings, as
lie was possessed of a mania for union
ism. The union sailors coming to Ab
erdeen from the coast ports had noth
ing to smuggle.
Aside from that there Is practically
no place to dispose of smuggled goods
here and no good way of shipping them
to other cities.
Oohl's accounts as agent of the Sail
ors' Union of the Pacini- have been re
viewed by officers of the local union
and found to be correct. Members of
the union declare- that their organiza
tion knew nothing of Gohl's private
life, and while they are loth to believe
him the arch-murderer he has been
painted, they say that If he is proved
guilty In a fair trial they will make no
effort to sav him from the gallows.
The apparent magnitude of Gohl's
operations is making the case difficult
for the local authorities to handle. At
first It was believed that Gohl had
not committed more than three mur
ders at the most, and the sensational
reports that were brought to the police
and county officers were discounted and
thought to be only phases of the popu
lar hysteria that followed Gohl's ar
: rest. Investigation of many of these
stories has led the authorities to change
their minds, and now they believe Gohl
has murdered many.
Boasts Hard to Prove.
It is to get first-hand evidence upon
this point that the two men supposed to
have been members of Gohl's gang of In
timates are being urgently sought.
With the air filled with conflicting
stories and reports, however, and with
most of these reports dated back two or
three years and being based entirely upon
things that Gohl boasted of. It Is difficult
for the officers to get tangible facts.
Chief Dean was closeted with a man yes
terday from half past 5 to half past 9 In
the- evening, endeavoring to gain some
positive Information about the reported
killing by Gohl of four men on a sandbar
In the bay.
In spite of the four hours the Chief de
voted to this inquiry, he cannot yet say
positively whether this occurred or not.
He is Inclined to believe the story, how
ever. Aside from information of value, every
body working on the case Is getting a
vast amount of information that is purely
fanciful. Reports that Mrs. Gohl is a
cousin of Jessie James, the bandit; that
men have been going about the water
front warning all sailors not to talk
about Gohl and many other wild rumors
have kept the police' and others on the
Jump, and made the real work more
Gohl's record has been traced back to
his native home In Germany. When
serving in the army there, he killed a
fellow-soldier and escaped punishment
only by flight to Australia. There he also
got into difficulty and left. He was
mixed in criminal troubles at a long
shoremen's strike at Eureka. Cal.. before
coming here. At this point he obtained
Information regarding men now promi
nent in the) Sailors' Union of the Pacific,
which he declares he will use against
William Gohl, in Jail in Aberdeen,
Against Whom Authorities Seek
Kvidence of Manx Murders. ' .
them unless they support him In his
coming trial.
Gohl gives his age at 35. but the police
say he-4s more than 40. He married soon
after oomlng here. His wife is seeing
him daily and transacting business out
side for him. communicating with friends
and cheering him. The night of his ar
rest he was left alone in a dark cell and
soon began crying out In despair, so that
the police expected a confession. After
a visit from his wife he "braced up," and
since has busied himself entirely with
plans for his fight for freedom.
Oregon Agricultural College to
Teach Industrial Pedagogy.
Corvallls. Feb. 6. (Special.) The new de
partment of Industrial pedagogy created
by the board of regents last Summer
will take up regular Instructional work
at the opening of the second semester.
Announcement has Just been made' of the
courses to be offered by the department.
Owing to the absence of Professor Ress
ler in attendance on teachers' institutes
during much of the first semester, reg
ular class instruction was not begun.
Students now in college who will teach
next year in nerlr.iiitiiT-0 rnmm
mestic science and art and manual train
ing will be registered for the second
semester. Training will be given In
class-room management, in methods of
planning and teaching the lesson and the
other phases of the pedagogy of in
struction; in the organization of the
courses in each of the industrial subjects
adapted to the age of the pupils in the
public schools: and in observation and.
practice teaching, making use of both
the college classes and the pupils1 In the
Corvallls public schools.
Inquiries for Instructors are being re
ceived, the demand for those qualified
to teach household economy and manual
training being about equal. A number
of county high schools, among others
Crook and Klamath, will Introduce agri
culture next year. The city schools of
Medford and Pendleton have done so this
year, both employing graduates of the
Oregon Agricultural College.
In order to meet the demand that will
be made for teachers next year, plans
are being formulated to conduct a Sum
mer school for teachers. The regular
members of the faculty will be assisted
by able instructors, to be secured from
the East and from amorfg the leading
schools of the state. A college circular
is in preparation to be issued about Feb
ruary 15.
Four Would Head Fire Department.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) Thomas Trembath. of Columbia
hook and ladder company; Roy Wood
ward, of Fountain hose company;
Charles Croner, of Cataract hose com
pany, and Elmer Hendrickson, of Hill
hose company, are candidates for the
position of chief of the fire department
at the annual election the first Mon
day in March. Dwight Bain Is the
only aspirant for assistant chief. Wil
liam Mulvey. of Columbia hook and
ladder company and Ben Baxter, of
hose company No. 5. have been nomi
nated for fire commissioners.
Hulf-Dozen Quit at McMinnville.
M'MIXNVILLE. Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.)
Examination of applicants for census
enumerators was held in the Columbus
school building at this place today. Owing
to the fact that this was the only place
In the county where the examination was
held, there were applicants assembled to
the number of 5S. Three of the number
were women. Half a dozen or more of
the applicants were appalled at the vol
ume of the task before them and for
feited their right to compete for appoint
ment by deserting. ' '
Driver I'uiler Wheels Resourceful.
(Special.) Albert Eaton, who resides
near Olene. was thrown from his wagon
yesterday and badly Injured. He fell
beneath -the wheels, one wheel passing
over his body and ttie other over hiB
head. He believes that the wheel
stopped on his head and that by the
use of the lines to which he still held,
he was able to release his body by
backing the horses.
Poultry-Kalsrers Hold Flection.
WOODBURN. Or., Feb. 6. (Special.)
At the annual meeting of the Clacka
mas and Marion County Poultry Asso
ciation the following officers were
elected: L. S. Mochel. president: George
W. Speight, vice-president; Mrs. Ella
Plank, secretary and treasurer; J. F.
Plank. Mrs. E. E. Settlemler and An
drew Koch'er, executive committee.
Bay City Sees Comet A-1910.
BAY CITY. Or.. Feb. . (Special.) A
clear sky having favored Tillamook
County, the residents of Bay City have
had a splendid view of Comet A-1910.
the past few evenings. Many pretty ef
fects are produced before the visitor
makes its exit beyond the Paeifio Ocean.
Annexation to Multnomah Op
posed; Eastern Clackamas
Wanted as District.
Commercial Club Declares in Faror
of Change Oregon City In
convenient as County Seat.
Ma Meeting Planned.
The Ertaoula. Commercial Club
has ceclared Itself against annexa
tion of that district to Multnomah
' County and has launched, a move
ment to form a new county out of
the eastern portion of Clackamas
County; and has called & mass meet
ing to Initiate the movement.
The Club holds that annexation, to
Multnomah County would be Injuri
ous to the school and property inter
ests of that district and expresses
the opinion that Multnomah County
will 'not take upon Itself the burden'
of maintaining a big district of un
developed country.
It is declared by the club that
Eastern Clackama County has been
discriminated against, has not been
given representation and that West
ern Clackama has been unfair In the
distribution of taxes. It declares
that a county can be formed In
Eastern Clackamas that will have a
population of 6000 and property valu
ation of more than 16.000,000.
Kstacada and the surrounding- dis
trict have started a movement to form
a new county out of Eastern Clackamas
and make Kstacada the county seat.
This plan took definite form within the
past few days and is evidently expedited
by the steps1 taken "at Oak Grove to
annex the northern portion of Clack
amas to Multnomah County.
A week ago a committee of citizens
went to Oregon City to ascertain facts
and figures on which to base the move
ment and at a special meeting- of the
Estacada Commercial Club the investi
gators submitted their report. As a
result, annexation to Multnomah County
was voted unwise, and the club de
clared itself in favor of the formation
of a new county. The following re
port was adopted:
Portland, as a county seat, is more to
be desired than Oregon City, as it is more
convenient to get to and mall communica
tion Is much better, for it takes two days
to get mail to Oregon City with the ar
rangements in vogue. While this Is true,
we flrmly believe in a short time Portland,
and what are now its surroutiding suburbs,
will be Multnomah County, standing aloof
from a county district. It wo united with
them now the same exsense would soon be
incurred again In ret ran scribing records, etc.
Al&o to make Clackamas River the divid
ing line between Clackamas and Mult
nomah Counties is impracticable, working
a detriment to our school district and prop
erty interests by placing them in two dif
ferent counties, and for the further reason
that ths City of Portland, the large factor
in suet, division, does not want us. They
do want and should have adjacent and
suburban territory, but will fight shy of a
long stretch of mountains and unimproved
country districts.
That Oregon City, our present county seat,
is inconvenient to get to and has discrim
inated against the rural settlements, par
ticularly Eastern Clackamas, by not giving
us the property representation and by treat
ing us as children. to be seen and not
heard." as well as in the distribution of the
revenues of our taxes, which have not been
These facts, in our opinion, justify us in
making preparations to form a new county
In the eastern portion of Clackamas County,
and to this end we advise the calling of a
mass meeting in our city at an early date
to consider the question, which is of such
vital Interest to our rapidly developing
Clackamas is a large county, containing
1861 square miles, a division of which,
north and south, can be made that will re
sult In great benefits to both sections and
give the western portion greater population
and assessed valuation and leave us. for the
new county, a population of not more than
6O00 people and a valuation of over $6,000,
OOO of taxable property. There are 12 old
counties in the State of Oregon that have
now lees population than we would have ts
start with. We have all the conditions re
quired for a new county. Do we want It?
The question is. do jaou want representation
in the management of your county affairs!
Oo you want a more convenient county seat?
If so, attend the mass meeting and work
for a new county. You will be advised ia
This action will complicate the an
nexation movement and present a prob
lem for the annexationists to solve at
their meeting today in the Commercial
Club rooms. The Question of nnva-
.tion of Northern Clackamas, and the
oi a new county will have to
be submitted to the entire state, if
the plan progresses.
Southern Pacific's 2 0-Mile Track to
Klamath to Cost Heavily.
MERRILL. Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.)
It is practically certain that the line
of the Southern Pacific from Merrill
will go to Klamath Falls as its junc
tion point with the main line north
Rlgrht-of-way Agent Worden said last
night the line will cost $500,000 to
build the 20 miles, as the grade will
have to be carried over the flume of
the Government irrigation ditch and a
bridge across Lost River.
The spur to Merrill will later become
a part ofthe transcontinental short cut
to the Northwest, so in the building of
the proposed 20 miles between here and
Klamath Falls the construction work
will be done with "roadbed and rails
designed to carrjt overland traf nc later.
Gulches Full of Snow Make Placer
Miners Glad.
BAKER CITY, Or., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) The heavy snows in the moun
tains is welcomed by placer miners.
They say that a crop of nuggets next
Spring is assured, for all gulches are
filled with snow.
V. O. Hanna has had machinery
hauled to Burnt River district, where
he will installs new system of mining.
He purposes pumping' water from
Burnt River by gasoline power to the
benches nearby, which are proved rich
placer ground.
Hogs Bring: 94 Apiece.
EUGENE, Or., Feb. 6. (Special.)
Miller brothers. farmers near here,
brought in two hogs yesterday, weigh
ing 400 pounds each, and sow them to
a local butcher for 11 cents a pound.
Bverybpdy is interested in
how to make money, and one
of the best ways yet discov
ered is to folio w that good old
maxim: "The way to make
money is to save it" It's al
most wickedly extravagant
to go on using ruinous pld
fashipned heating methods.
won v Ideal
L Radiators IB oilers
for Hot-Water and
themselves in their
They do not stop saving money for you at that stage, but continue as long
as your house lasts. Your full 100, investment is returned, yet the savings
dividends keep right on. Can you ask for a better, safer, 'more sensible in-
vestment man inair .Buildings so equipped bring 10 to 15
higher rentals or when sold, command the full higher price.
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators also pay other good dividends
their soft, even warmth protects the family- health, their cleanliness reduces
A No. 152 IDEAL Boiler and 865 ft. of 38
in. AMERICAN RADIATORS, costing the
owner SI 38, were used to Hot-Water
beat this cottage.
ittoetad?!SS'.!lj?.K!d,-c"n bT bmfh o y reputable, competent Fitter. This did
T of labor, pipe, valves, freight, etc, which installation is extra and varies
according to climatic and other conditions. v vu,ca
Senator Flint's Successor May
Be ex-Governor.
XTnlike Caesar, Henry T. Gage De
clares He Has Never Had Desire
to Enter Senate Iee C. -Gates
Doubtful of Juggling Law.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) Senator Flint's definite announce
ment that he will not be a candidate for
re-election, while the occasion for the In
cerest regret among his personal follow
ing and very generally among the busi-
Sesa men of Southern California, was
nderstood to be Inevitable by those
closest to him.
Beginning with the announcement in
the local press October 1. that Flint had
HI, Weak and Emaciated, He
stored to Health by Vinol
"Our little daughter, six years of age,
after a severe attack of the measles,
which developed into pneumonia, was
left pitifully thin, weak and emaciat
ed. She had no appetite, and her stom
ach was so weak It could not retain
food. She lay in ithis condition for
weeks, and nothing the doctor pre
scribed did a bit of good, and we were
beginning to think she would never re
cover. "At this time we commenced to give
her Vinol, and the effect was marvel
ous. The doctor was amazed at her
progress, and wb,en we told him we
were giving her Vinol, he replied. It
la a fine remedy, keep it up.' We did
ao, and she recovered her health and
strength months before the doctor
thought she could." J. W. Flagg
Portland, Me.
Vinol cures conditions like this be
cause in a natural manner it increases
the appetite, tpnes up the digestive
organs, makes rich, red blood, and
strengthens every organ in the body, -
end payers
Low-Pressure Steam heating will
large fuel economies and absence
A No. 1-21 W IDEAL Boiler and 422 ft. of
3a-in. AMEBIAN Radiators, costing the
owner S220, were used to Hot-Water
heat this cottage. ,
to Dept. N-12
practically decided to retire from public
life, the knowledge has spread among the
personal friends of the Senator that there
was little hope of inducing him to change
his mind.
Seven or Eight Likely to Run.
In consequence of this situation and
while every effort was being made to pre
vail upon Flint to become a candidate
again, much dlsculssion of men available
for the office and much casting about for
Senatorial timber has brought the names
of seven or eight men, one or more of
whom almost certainly will become can
didates. From the moment of the announcement
of the certainty of the retirement of
Senator Flint many Republican leaders
expressed their conviction that ex-Governor
Henry T. Gage was his logical suc
cessor in the United States Senate.
When Governor Gage was asked
whether he would enter the race if the
leaders of the Republican party urged
him to do so, he replied:
You will find
the furnace you
ought to buy at the price
you ought to pay
in our stock
They are supplied with all the
extras you usually find and
then some. Our furnaces are all
set up in the proper manner. The
difference between a furnace
rightly or wrongly installed is
like the difference between an
incubator and an eggplant. Re
solve to do good heating in 1910
and have your wants supplied by
The . W. G. McPherson Co.
v 328 Glisan Street.
Heating and Ventilating Engineers
Hot Water, Steam and Warm Air Apparatus
one-nail the drudgery
house-cleaning by banishing
ash-dust and soot from the
living-rooms,v and save much
wear on furnishings and
decorations. -
Tell us of building you wish to heat Our
information and catalog (free) put you
under no obligations to buy. Write to-day.
v Prices are now most favorable.
2S2.2S6 Michig Avenue.
"I have never had an ambition to go
to the XTnited States Senate and my
views in that regard remain unchanged."
"Successful Manipulator" Necessary.
He was then asked who, in his opinion,
would-be the probable successor of Sena
tor Flint in the United States Senate.
"Senator Flint's successor," said Gov
ernor Gage, "will probawy be the most"
successful manipulator of the primary
election law, whether qualified or un
qualified." ,
.Lee C. Gates is the choice of the lead
ers of the Lincoln Roosevelt League of
the party, but he has no, decided wheth
er he can afford to make the race.
Vancouver Gets Fifth Mall Carrier.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) Another mail carrier is to be
added to the force of city mail car
riers in order that batter service may
be given the business sections of the
'quickly pay for
of renair "hiiio
S AqssicaITS i
Radiator co ib
ADVANTAGE 17: The Joints
of an IDEAL, Boiler do not
come in contact with the fire
nor will thev rust. Hence,
an IDEAL, Boiler outlasts the
building yet becausebuilt in
sections it is easilf increased
or decreased in size if bunding
is later altered.
city. The free delivery of mail In
Vancouver was established ' in Septem
ber, L305, with two mail carriers, and
within the past four years the force
has been doubled and now the in
creased amount of mail demands a fifth
'If troubled with indigestion, consti
pation, no appetite or feel bilious, give
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets a trial and you will be pleased
with tne result. These tablets invigor
ate the stomach and liver and strength
en the digestion. Sold by all dealers.
' Aioay Aboam Everything
Is Guaranteed an Absolutely
Pure Whiskey
John Ecklund
Penny Bros.
KeUey's Liquor
j ii M, sj si a
L. Wrfww.Ty "" , I,