, THE 3IORMXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY .3, 1910. 21 HOP MARKET SOUND Active Trading Season Is Yet to Come. PRICES ON A GOOD BASIS Witli Xo Competition Vp to the Present Time. Values Have Been "Well Maintained Steady Tone in Wlieat Market. Only a few lots of hnps have changed hands thl -wsck. There has been no falling off In the demand, but growers are not In & mood to sell at the cu rr en t rrlee. T he market la very steady at 2a H cmta for good goods. General conditions warrant a better price, hut s long a the buyers have been able to get ibopw at this figure, they have seen no reason to advance their bi'Js. Now, with the hold rrs tightening up again, however. It may be fcecreNtiry foT them to raise their offers. The sound position of the market l ehown ty the fact that the present price has been maintained in the absunoe of any real compe tition. It iha been a one-man market and fcothlng more, for nearly ail the hops bought in the past month have been secured by Car tnfchael, either through hie own agents or through other dealers. If prices hold steady -with only one ex. orter operating, and in the faoe of an un sold stock, of lS.Of.-O or 30,000 balea in the rtate, it is Interesting to figure what would tiappen If a number of Eastern buyer would fLlso come into the market. Tht thy will -ppear before Ion g can be taken aa a cer tainty, and It Is uLho conceded that the x ffort rfeman4 will phovr no ehatement. It is the probability that there will be both t. foreign, end domestic demand for hope in the near future end a consequent elevation of rrIoe an a result of the competition, that Lp keeping the growers and other 'holders In a firm mood. There 1 reason to believe that the American brewers have not yet secured th1r season's requirements. It is known that there are Reveral breweries In this coun try which toper h-r will need lo.OOO bale.. Thesis hops they have not yet bought. A rood many other brewers have contracted for their needs, but thew j'aper hops will not make a vny good quality of ber and some toady must pet Into the market on their ac count be for1 long. April and May are the principal brewing months in thls country, and as it takes about a month to get hoi EJast. the heavy buying should hep in before the cloee of the present month. It Iff true that mow of the brewers l:a e some hops on hand, enough for their early brewing, but they are not likely to run cli 's, v.Ith tht pruHptft o? an exceptionally active H.-er ?eun before them. Huying for Knslish f!ipnnt is likely to oontinue t hroughout the season and It may i" how an Increase. The poeltlon of the Eng 1'sh market if well known. Knland could tnke all the hops left in the tTnited States, es timated at S4.fN to 87. (wo bales, and still not eijiiiil htr importations in previous years. Tp to the middle of January the Imports Into K UK land w re only about 27,000. bales, ns Kuinst .tbV"0 ha Is in the came period hist .;ir an J 8".vr bn?e. tn the corrvponriins t imp t wo oars ago. JOngland usually buys ca many iurman hops a American hops, but sMe -nn gpt but a mll quantity from the "'ntincnt this season and. es is well known, her own crop was almost a failure. Jn view of all theie. circumstances, ,.lt is ras.mab!e to believe that the Oregon market will asain reach the 25-cent mark, and it may, o higher. DRECiON WOOL liKlN'UK GOOD PRICK. S.arg lH of S(ale Sell at "3. Cents Scoured at lioKton. Fiber and Fabric eays of the trade In Ore 4: on wools tn the rVton market: "The rtret sale cf Oregon wool reported for s-nve time Is announced. It was one of 2U), twt pounds of tine maple wool on a olean basis ff about 75 cnts, and shows that the market 3. by no means wak. Two or three of the largest Boston firmp reiv that the mills have Sid samiIo bags under consideration for some line, but have insisted on red need prices. ' iNo conccpsMons will he given, however, at least not tint II tr"o u hole market is weaker, end at the moment there are no signs of this. "More contracting for 1110 wools has been fitoing on In the Weei, but mostly by one ofton house, and It is not ready to make ; T'tbllc at what prises they are doing business, f "W ith the bulk or the trade, aheep raisers j.f ricp hok ell out of reeson and decidedly ?riky. As a matter of fact, it Is extremely ; doubtful If dealers couid at today's market .sat a new dollar for an old one on wi-ot for uhlch they have contracted. It la estimated ttljPt something llkt- 10.000,00 to 16.O0O.4XHi jnnds have already been taken by Extern ri aJT. ' 3IOKK m'YLXti OF WHEAT FOR MEXICO gtuMness for Soiit hern Account Reported ITom Vancouver, B. C Not much business Is under way in the wheat market, but a fairly steady tone pre vails and the possibility of Important de velopments imparts a more cheerful tone to the market. One of these expected develop ments is the demand from Mexico. It was learned yesterday that some purchases for .Mexican shipment have been made in the Xorth, particularly at Vancouver, B. C. There have also been inquiries here from the Southwest for club wheat and country fid vices yesterday reiorted Eastern Inquiry for red wheat. No new business with Cali fornia baa come to light, as the Southern buyers are reluctant to take hold now. Another slight advance in San Kranoisco t-arley quotations occurred yesterday. The market here was quiet. Oats were steady with sales at $H2 reported. Local receipts,, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Elour Oats Hay Mondny -to 1 10 4 20 Tuesday V7 - 1A 11 1$ Wednesday ... l 7 4 1 "Y tar aro 1 4 1 1 20 Season to da to. 77 1 J 1 1:7 140.1 3rt3rt 1 Mfl2 Iwr ago UtSi 1340 74t oiS ltfOO Kank Clearings. Bank clear inns for the Northwestern cit ies yesterday wtTtf as follows: Vorttniui $ 1 .tlo.r.St $2S0.VW S.-att !e I.4f 4H.041I Trtcoma ir.H Spokane 77o.iMO 157,074 PORTLAND MAKKETS. . Oraln. Flour. Feed. Ete, WHEAT Track prices: Bluestexn, Si. 16; cl;:l. 1.01; red Kussian. $1.04; Valley. 4o-fold. 1.10. n.VKUKY Feed and brewing.. $2S3T2 per ton. FIaU'R Patents. $t.l3 per barrel; strali;nu. ?." v-ort, f-.50; '.illpy, f5.Jt; graham, 45.70; whole wheat, quarters. S3. 00. OO UN V hole. $:tr; cracked. 536 per ton. ML'LLSTVFFS Bran. 'J4ff2i per ton; middling. shorts. 28 ; rolled bar ley, j tATi No. 1 white. $r.2 v11" ton. HjY Track prices: Timothy: Willam ette Valley. $lS.n -i per ton ; Eastern Ore gon, a If alia, $17jlS; clover. $16; grain hay. $117. Vegetables) and Froitm. FRESH FRUITS Apples, II OS box; pears. 111.60 per box; Spanish Malaga, per barrel; cranberries, $Su S per barrel. POTATOES Carload, buying prices: Ore Kon. 7diS.r.c per back ; fwttt potatoes, l-j r-f 1 j.o;nd VKGKTABLES Artichokes. SI S 1-35 per dwn; (HUli.ige. S1.75j - per hundred; caull flowtr. 1.75 per doz. ; celery, ja-oVvft per irate; eKcpiant. S1.7S; hothouse lettuce, $1 1.2 i bo ; peas, 10c lb. ; garlic. 1 Sc lb. ; ; horseradish, 9n iOo rvr pound; pumpkins. ls-lso; huUsUm. ;aa ps:r Oui.; MuruUk 7p8c per lb. ; squash, 2c ; tomatoes. $4-25 per crate. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, $22.73; lemons, fancy. $5.25 ; choice. $4.50; grape fruit $3.53i34 per box; bananas, bvtoc per pound; Japanese oranpee. 1 1 .6" g 1.75 per bundle: uuieerlr.fes. S1.75 per box. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. SI. 50 per sack; carrots. $1.25; beets, $1.50; parsnips, $1.50. OXIOXS Oregon. Sl-50 per saclt. Dairy and Coantry Prozac a. BUTTER City creamery extras, 3739c; fancy' outside creamery, 35 4; 37c Pr ib-; tore. 20&22Hc. (Butter fat prices average c per pound under regular butter prices-f EGGS Fresh Oregon extras. 32 "9 33c per dozen; Eastern. 173 22c per dozen CHEESE Full cream twins. - 1619e per Dound; young Americans, lHi;0c PORK Fancy. 11c per pound. POULTRY Hens. 17& 18c; Springs. 17 18c; ducks, 21 22 c ; geese. 12&'i4c; tur keys. 1 1 ve. 7,c ; d reused, 22 30c ; squabs. $3 per dozen. VEAL Cxtras. 12 13c per pound. Groceries, Irted Fruits, Etc DRIED FRUIT Applet, 10c per pound; peaches, 7c; prunes, Italians. 4 5c; crunes. French. 4 if-5c; currants. lOc: apri cots, 12c; dates, 7?c per pound; fig?. IOo half pounds. 1.2 per box; 5o six-ounce, $1-75 per box; 12 12-ounce, 7oo per box. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. 12 pur dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.u5; 1-pound fiaia, 4.2.10 Vt; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. vOc; red. 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeyes, 1 pound tails. $2- COFFEE Mocha, 24 28c; Java, ordinary, 17S 20c; Costa Rica, fancy IS 20c; good, Ifllbc; ordinary. 12 I tic per pound. N UTS Walnuts, 15c per pound; Brazil nuts, . 12 14 15c; filberts. 15c; almonds, 16 u 17c; pecans, 15 16c; cocoanuts, 80c $l per dozen. BEANS Small white. 5 He; large white. hc; Lima, 6c; bayou. 6c; pinlc, 4 c; rea Mexican, 7c SUGAR Ury granulated, fruit and berry, f0.5; beet. 55.65; extra C, $3.55; golden C, $5.45; cubes (barrel), $tf.4o; powdered (barrel), $6.30. Term on remittances within 15 days, deduct c per pound. If later than 15 days and within 80 days, de duct per pound. Mapie sugar, 15 l&c per pound. SALT Granulated, $1-4.50 per ton, $1.90 per bale; half ground, loos, $10 per ton; &o, $10.50 per ton. HONEY Choice, $3.25 8.50 per cafe; strained, 7o per pound. Fun. The following prices, based on the Jtondon January sales, are for large, full-furred skins well- handled: FURS Mink, Northwest Canada and Alas ka, gU.SO'jx-U; Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Idaho and Utah, 5.50-it 7; Ortgon, aa!i lngton and California. $4&5..?V0; British Co lumbia and Alaska Coast. $4 & 5. Red fox. Canada and Alaska. Ss'ij 10; Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana, $7. Lynx, Alaska and British Columbia. 23; Pacific Coast, $22. Raccoon, 75c U 1. irkuiik, Canada, $2.50; Pacific Coast. 75c i 1.50. Wolf ana coyote, Canada. 4& 5 ; Idaho, Montana. Wyoming, $2.75&3.25; Oregon, Washington. Utah. Ne vada, $l.r0' a. Beaver. Oregon, Washing ton. Canada. Alaska. $5. SO.'fx 7 ; Idaho, Mon tana, ITtah. Wyoming, O.50 ir 7; cubs. $2 Co) 2.50. Otter. Canada., Alaska, $12..0U 14; Oregon, Waahington, Idaho. Montana, $ 10 il Wildcat, Alaska, Canada, British Columbia, $34.50;' Pacific Coast, $1.75 2. 5. Gray fox. Pacific Coast, 1.75 2.50; Bear, black end brown. Alaska. Canada, $10 (& 20; cubs. $12'tf 35; Pacific Coast, slot? 15; cubs. $5'h 7 ; grizzly. perfec-t. $25 (n 35. Badger, 52. MusUrat. Canada. Alaska. -40c; Pacitlc Coast. 3uc. Marten. Canada. Alaska, 12U 18; Pacific Coast. $lufa 12. Flsiter. British Columbia, Alaska, $15 20; Pacinc roam. $!Crf 15. Wolverine. C,:d S. Silver fox. $noo$j. 500. Cross fox, $H) 15. Sea otter. $200.H 450. Blue fox. $ 10. Wlxxte fox. $12ra0. Swift rox, -Hc. Ermine. 40c. Moun tain lion, 4..&10. Ringtail cat. :j(&75c. Civet cat, 10j30c. House cat. fif.i 25c. Provisions. BACON Fancy. 27c per pound: standard. 22c ; choice, 2 I c ; En glisli. 2 '' 2 VC DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 15 Vic; smoked. ICi'-c; fchort clear back, heavy dry salted. 15 K-zc, smoked, ItJc; OreRon exports, dry salted. 10c; smoked. 17c. HAMS 10 to 13 pounds. 17-c: 14 to 1 pounds. 17Vic; 13 to 2o pounds, l7,c; hams, skinned. 13c; picnics. l;tc; cottage roils, 15c ; boiled hams, 24 (fx 25c ; boiled picnics. Sic. LARD Kettle rendered, 10-. 17c; stan dard pure, 10s, ltt UjC ; choice, lUs. 15 J,3c; Compound. 10j. 1 1 U c. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each, 60c; dried beef sets. 10c; dried beef outsides. 17c; dried beef ineides, 21c; dried beef knuckles, 2oc. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet. S13.5U; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, fli',50; mess beef, x tra, $12; mesa pork. $25. Hop. Wool, Tildes. TCtc. HOPS 1009 crop, prime and choice 20?i 3?lJtc; tOSs. 17fect l!M7s. lle j.er pound. WOOL- Eastern Oregon, lb.23c pound; olds, nominal. MOHAIR -Choice. 25c pound. C ASCARA BARK lJ-c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. ISlSc per pound; dry kip. lS!&18jc pound; dry calfskin. 2lc pound ; salted hides. lOi lO'c; salted calfskin. 15c pound; rreen. lc less. OFFER WHEAT FREELY 15CT XO BUYERS IX THE SEAT TLE MARKET. Shipment of Mancliurlaii Corn Is Due Today Butter Market Is Steady. SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 2. (Special.) All activity died out of the grain market today, and although holders offered bluestem wheat freely at $1.16, no sales were reported. Two hundred tons of Manchurian corn is due here tomorrow. Thre Is a good demand for this and the entire shipment has boen disposed of. liay is dull. .The railroads have laid an embargo against all shipments from Eastern Washington points until the 300 or 400 cars now In the yards are cleaned up. Meanwhile track timothy commands about $22.50 and sells at $24. Several bar ley dealers are reported to have sold short to a considerable degree during the recent flurry here. The local butter market is pteady. The recent cold snap has apparently shortened up the cream supply, and until the weather moderates no change is expected locally. Eastern and California butter Is easier and this has an unsettling effect here, but owing to the uncertainty in getting cars through from the East, few shipments are expected. KggB are firm at yesterday's prices. Veal sold up to the top, with not enough, arriving to meet requirements. The orange market has been greatly upset by the recent sale of a large number of frozen oranges. Local dealers criticixe Cal ifornia shippers for sending such stock north and state that the loss will fall prlncipally on them. While good sweet potatoes sold as high as $2.50 today, a large amount of cheaper stock is offering. Cuban tomatoes sold down to as low as $3. QCOTATIONS AT SAX KKAXC1SCO. Trices Fatd for Produce In the Bay City Market. SAN PR AN CISCO. Feb. 2. The follow ing were the Quotations In the market to day: iMtllstuffs Bran, $25 5027.50; middlings. $3:; ig :ui. Vegetables Cucumbers. $11.5(V; garlic. 4 (fi 5c ; Kocen peas, S 15o; string beans, nominal. Butter Fancy creamery, ROVtc; creamery, seconds. Site; fancy dairy. 2!c. Eggs Store. 3c ; fancy. 32c. vlieese New, 17'y lSic; Young Americas, 1S"i 2 ic. Hay Wheat. ?14'ti 1f; wheat and oats. $12 fr lite : alfalfa. $ y 12 ; stock. $7 '9; straw, per bale. 50 75c. Fruit Apples, choice. 75c'ff$l ; common. 50toi5c; bananas. 75c'a$S: limes, $4fi4.50; lemons, choice. ?2'u25; common. $ij150; oranges, navels, $ 1.75 '0 2.50; pineapples. $2d 2. SO. pies, S2 9 2.50. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin. 89 10c. Hops 19 $r 25c per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1.1S'1.25: Sallnas Burbanks. $1. 33 1.53; sweets, $1.70 S 1.S5. Receipts Flour. IS; quarter sacks; wheat, l."70 centals; barley. :?150 centals; beans. 4K sacks; corn, 005 centals; potatoes. SO IO sacks; bran. ISO sacks; middlings, 80 sacks; hay, 5lO tons; hides. 22y5. Dried I'rult at Nevr York. XEW TORK. Feb. 2. Evaporated apples, meady. Spot fancy, 3 0 4 4j tier choice, vc; prime, 6- c; common to fair, 6 Prunes, firm. California, 2Aj0c; Ore go ns. OiiOc. Apricots, steadv; choice. J 1 (&" 1 1 4 c; ei tra choice. 1 1 iy 12 V c ; fancy. 12 fili.V-c. Peaches, firm; choice. ti3'7c; extra cnoioe. 7c; fancy, 7ii Sc. Raisins, steady; loose muscatel. 4 "ff 5 c; choice t fancy, seeded, 5Si fiNic: sedloss J.3aiw4o; London, iajtrs, 40-15liii BREAK AT THE LUST Stock Prices Crumble Just Be fore the Close. LEADERS ARE HIT HARQ Failure or the Bond Firm of Fiok & Robinson Has a Bad Effect on Sentiment Iedeniption of Bank Notes. XEW TORK, Feb. 5. The stock market today had to digest the failure of Firfk & Robinson, announced after the market closed yesterday. Manifestly there was no great relish in doing; so. The primary declines, which were within one point limits, brought out prompt support and recoveries followed. The failure b.d features about It that placed it out of the usual lines of its partic ular business, notably in the extent to which its commitments were in bonds of properties in the constructive stages. The liabilities, while large, did not In themselves give occa sion for fears of direct consequences to the general market. The incident directed new attention, however, to th-e market for bonds in general, which has not been effectually relieved at any stage of the extensive specu lative movement in stocks. One reason advanced by bond dealers for the sluggish demand for high-grade, well secured bond issues is the preference of in vestors fur inferior grades offering a higher joturn. The high cost of living is blamed for this peculiarity In the situation. Thus far the decline in the Interest rate on money has failed to correct this defect in the bond markt. A diversion of investment from fixed Interest securities into stock shares with claims to divert the increment of profit Is an actual tendency In times of expanding earnings or even of price Inflation by re dundant currency or increased gold produc tion. The stock market toda was almost inert in prer-unee of the doubts in the minds of speculators. A sustaining effect was caused for a time by the buying of Reading The news of that stock did not go beyond reports of the souroe of buying. The va riety of those reports left an Impression of unreliability. There was some further pressure on the specialties which suffered most in yester days liquidation. The copper group was hurt by a sharp d-icline in the price of cop per In London and unsatisfactory reports of the trade position of that metal. Foreign stock markets, as well as .New York, were affected by this factor. The monthly financial statement of th "'ted Ktates treasury shows a total of cur- fnine?Lm--Ioa ?f ba"k notes for tne month or M0.Sti4.o4o, which establishes a new rec ord. The foroj of the return flow of cur rency from the country's circulation receives a striking Illustration in this figure The final break came with great sudden ness and In some cases with sensational vio lence I nited states Steel, Southern Pacific American Smelting and others sold lower than in the period of greatest weakness last w.?ak c!"S tone was feverish and- Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. S2.S8S.O00. United State, bonds wre unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QCOTATIONS. e. . - Closing Am Chamter, t ":.!?!'; . '.upper 24.7'K) H'., Am Agricultural .. iron 441 Am Bt et Sugar . . Boo 37 " Ana Can Df .... 4:11-, 3t Am Car & F-un. s,'k " ii'ti "eh ' t'i.1 Am Cotton Oil Am Hd & pf. 3,.,, ssit "s5 Am Ice Securi .. 00 1 -.-.i t,,-" Am T.ineeit nil 4 M 01 1.UW '. Slitj. tisti lciren ... WW lf.g igi j()S Am Sugar Ret .. suO 12 rin? l-',u Am I' & Tel 1.SU0 13G'a ISoi lTiSi, Am Woolen ..1."3V ' zk'i "sr.i: Anaconda Mln fo r. r.co Kit:" V 7 t" n'ua'. UO PI C: :t' Atchijn -.. 10.SOO 115U 115 do preferred . livj Atl Coast Line 2o " ig " 107 do preferred fil Bethlehem ISteeU. ' B rov.k Pa o T ra u . 2 K) 72 7 i ; 71 u Canadian Pacific .. ivso 1S0 170,2 371fC Central Leather . . 3Mi 3814 'J..s2 do preferred 30ft Central of N J 50O 8mV ,("" 3,, Cfce & Ohio .... 1.0O0 84 fru. 85 Chlcaijo A Alton .. "istj f,7 Ch I era j?o G t West . 2" -O 311. ;u , 1 iota Chicago & X W... 700 1o"U C. M & St Paul.. 3474 146- C C C Ift St L... l.no SI U 79 0a? Colo Pjel & Iron.. 2,fon Rfj Mivl Colo & Southern.. 700' B8-j fS 53 do lt preferred. 81 do 2d preferred .. go Consolidated Gas .. 3. ADO 345 144' 144i Corn Products ... .VK 19i4 ' 1S IKi rel & Hudson 60O 174 17314 173 D & R. Grande 40 do preferred ... 2lK &i fO " 7&ii ri.Lillera' Securl.. 40 31 30 .V. Ee 2" ' 2fiji 28--; 2KU do 1st preferred. 1.800 4Q 45 45 do 2d preferred. S5 General Electric .. SoO 152 1M Ot Northern pf ... 1.6X l:t5 138 1344 Ot Northern Ore 1.700 71 70 Illinois Central 140 Interboroueh Met.. 7 0oo 20 19a4 1 do prt-f erred 1.0.000 51 nu 50 Inter Harvester . . Rf'O 12:- 1 ma; 120 Inter Marine pf . . ano 2i 2o U Int Paper uO t.1 . 12a; 121 lnt Pump WO 48 4 4ft Iowa Central .... 2o 2.'i 22 22 K C Southern . . . 300 37 37 36 do preferred t'ui, Louisville & Xash 1,000 345 145 144 Minn A St L 43 .4 M. St P & 8 S M. 2oO 135 1.15 134 Missouri Pacinc . . 5" 60 ttHi tlfl Mo. Kfln & Texas 8.700 414 41 4J do preerred ... ..... 70 National Biscuit .. 10 1 lo 110 lop National Lead ... 600 8-i 82 82i Mex Nat Rv lit pf i N T Central 2,S0A 11854 117 1174 N T, Ont & Wert. 500 444 44 44 Norfolk & "Wesl . 2oo ft" North American . . IOO 77V, 77 77 Northern Paclllo .. 3.fiOO 135 "J 134 U 134 Pacific Mail f0 33 30 30 Penney vania 18.0O0 133 133 133 People'n Gas 2.VW 300' los; 18 P. C- O & St L... 2tO 10 9fi Preached Steel Car. S0O 41 41 V4 40g; Pullman Pal Car 190 Ry eteel Spring. . V0 41 40 40 Reading 141. 2oo 1 fi 1 1 5 15 S Rerublto Steel ... l.flOO 3 351,; 85 do preferred ... frx 30. t; 100 lm RocVc Ieland Co.. 5.400 42V 41 41 do pre f e rred 82 ft L S F 2 rf- 2,0O0 JU 4R 4S St L Southwestern SOO 27 24 27 do nreferred 72 floa-hefrieId . 75 Southern Pacific .. lft. 700 127 1244 1254 Southern Railway. 7"0 29Sg 2S 2S do preferred 70O fir, Tenn Copper .... 2i 34 S4 "3 Texas? & Pacific Bo Tol. St L A Wet. 200 45 45 44 do preferred 6 T-nloa Pacinc .... 55, 7v 1 3f!4 lR4vi do preferred ... IOO ps ftg T 9 Realty 5"0 75 75 75 T" S Ruhber 8"to 42 41 41 IT 8 Stel ST.Z.KO S2 S' 8.1 do preferrel ... 1.4AO 123i 122 122' T'tah Copopr . 2.0OO 5-" -iUi 4! ".4 Va-Caro Chemical, l.ooo ."2 fi' 50 Wabash l ino 204 2 a 20 do preferred 7.300 47 45 4ft "U'estern Md 474 "n-ejtlnp-hour "Elec 30 71 71 P0 l "V"emem t-'nlon SX 71 704 701 "Whoel &c L Erie 51 ipcoiifin entrai 41, Pittpbursr Coal 3nO 22 '70O Gft o 2 5ti Am Steel f.y ... 00 119 La-lede Gas . . . . " 7.SOO H4 U 101 Total sales for the day. B67.SoO shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. Feb. 2- Closing quotations: L". S. ref. a reg1O0!N. Y- C. yn 3,s Ol do coupon ...lOO-S No. Pacific 3s.. 73 V. S. 3s res. 101'No. Pacific 4s..lO0 do coupon 101 Union Pacific 4s. 101 t. S. new 4s reg.114 VlWis. Central 4s. 94 do coupon 1 14 a .Japanese 43 90 B r. & r. g. 4s. . vo: Money. Exchange, Kic. XTIW YORK. Feb. 2. Prime commercial paper. 40 4 to 5 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual bus iness In hankers bills at $4.R.'!7"'&4.S3S5 for 6U-day hills, and at $4.St20 for demand. Commercial hills 44-:1 M. S3 4. Bar silver rilic. - Mexican dollars 14c. Government bond, steady; railroads, ir regular. Money on call, easy. 2 $-2 per cnt; ruiing rate. 2; closing bid. 2; offered t 2s per cent. Xlzna Joans very soft uA trrfirr dull:-00 days. 93 per cent; 90 days, 34; six months, 4 per cent. Feb. 2. Steady. per ounce. Money, Hi 5 2 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for hort bills is 2 9-19$r2t. per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months toilis is 2 9-lo2 per cent. Consols for money. St 15-16. consols for account, gl 1-ia. SAV FRANCISCO. Feb. 2. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.84 sterling on Lon don, sight. $4.S6'i,. Silver bars 31 He. Mexican dollars 13c. Drafts Sight, 7tic: telegraph, 12t3C. otern Minlns; Stocks. BOSTON. Feb. 2- Closing quotations Allouex 45 Mohawk Am a lg. Copper. 79 1 Nevada. Con. . . . A. Z. L. & Sm. 31'Nipissing Mines Arizona Coin. .. 42jNorth Butte ... Atlantic jOld Dominion . . B C C & C rts. . 19 (Osceola B & C C & S M. 1' TPnrrott S A C) Butte Coalition. 2o 4 iQuincy Cal. & Arizona. 70 . Shannon Cal. & Hecla 6."0 ISuperlor Centennial . . . . 2S i-up. & . Bos Min Cop. Ran. C C. .76 Sup. & Pitts. Cp. Franklin 20 ITamarack Granby Con. ... 93 'U. S. Coal & Oil. Greene Cananea 93 'C S. S. R.' & M. 1. Royalle (cop) 22 do preferred ".. Kerr Lake .... S't'tah Con Lake Copper ... 70! Winona 7 22 7 ; R5 j 45 154 A 19H 34 A . 15 54 14 13 0A 37 40 10A 140 La Salle Copper 15 Wolverine . Miami Copper . 24 I RECEIPTS ARE LIGHTER TOXE IX THE LIVESTOCK MAR KET IS STEADIER. Prices Io Xot Advance, However, as the Demand Is Still Backward. Receipts of livestock at the local yards are beginning to fail off somewhat. Shippers have been notified to hold back shipments as far as possible until the accumulation ccfU4d be worked off and this they now seem to be doing. The effoct on the market is apparent in a generally healthier tonW. though values have not yet responded. This can be attributed to the slow demand 1 1 ora the packers, who have been disposed to hold off while valuee were In the act of receding When the position of the market is again fully established, a renewal of buying can be looked for. Receipts at the yards .yesterday were loS cattle. 40 calves. 05 sheep and 7 hops. Shippers at the yards yesterday were: W, O. Cumnilngs. of Stanfield. one car of cat tle; Prineville Land & Livestock Company, of Shaniko. four cars of rattle; J. K. Reynolds. of Condon, two rars of cattle, calves and hogs, and Lincoln Overton, of Brownsville, one car of sheep. Prices quoted on the arious classes of stock at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Best steers. $5; fair to irood steers. $4.50& 4.75; strictly good cows, $3.75 i4.ru; fnir to good cows. 33.50; light calves. 5ij5.50; heavy calves. $434.50; bulls, S3 50 (& 3.75; stags. -$3 4. HOGS Top, ; fair to good hogs, $3.50 8.75. SHKEP Best wethers. $5.50.falr to good wethers. $5 fir 5.50; good ewes, $4.75 a 5; lambs, G.50. Eastern Livestock Markers. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Cattle Receipts esti mated at 1 0.O00 : market. lOfia l.,c higher. Beeves. 4.35ir7.70; Texas Meers, $3.90 5; Western steers, $4.15gTH; stockers and feed ers. $3.155.45; cows and heifers, J2.20 0.70; calves, $70.25. llogs Receipts estimated at 23.O00; mar ket. 5o higher. Light. S.2fi-S.0; mixed, $$.25 G S.72 : heavy, JS.35 i 8.75 ; rough, $3.35 8.50; good to choice heavv, $8.50 ftp S.7T; pigs,. $7.lO8 20; bulk of salits, SS.oOtfi 8.70. Sheep Receipts estimated at 15.000; mar ket, strong to lOc higher. Native. $4.10tfj 6.40; Western, $4.25 (&1 0.45 ; vcarlings, $78: lambs, native, $ti.255 8.50; Western, $U.25 B-50. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 4KK; market, ll)(. loc higher. Na tive stfers $57.25; native cows and heifers, $2.75g3.25; atockers and feeders. $3.40 5-SO; bulls, $3.00$ir5.l0; calves. $4t9; West ern steers. $4.73 (tvij.ZO; Western cows, $:jt&5. Hogs Receipts. 70O0; market, 5c higher. Bulk of sales, $S.25 S.55 ; heavy, $S.50& 8.02; packers and butchers, $8.35 Si S.00 : light. $8. 10 8.43; pigs. $7S. Sheep Receipts. 5OO0; market. 10c higher. Muttons. $4.50 Q.25; lambs, $7 8.50; fed Western wethers and yearlings, $5 7.75 ; fed Western ewes, $4.50 5.75. OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. 2. Oat tie Receipt 8O0O; market active. 10 15c higher. Native steers. $4(7 cows and heifers. 3'a4.15; S' ext ern steers, $3. 35-6 ; cows and heifers, $2.&U 4.75; cannersv $2.253.25; stockers 'and feed ers. $2.805.30; calves. $3.5o-S; bulLa. mags, etc., $3&5. Hogi Receipts 640O; market 10c higher. Heavy. $8.458.60; mixed, ?S.308.4O; light, $8.409.45; bulk $8r308.45. Sheep Receipts) 4mx: market irvjfl5c high er. Yearlings, $0.407.40; wethers. $5.25 6.10; ewed, . 4.&0fti5.75; lambs, $7.50S.35. Coffee and Stijrar. NEJW YORK. Feb. 2. Coffee ftitures closed dull, ret unchanged to "five points higher. Sales were reported of 250O begs, including; Septemfcer. 1.10c and December 7.05c. The. world's visible supply of coffee decreased 014.244 baa-s for the month of Janaury, compared with a decrease of ."R8.703 for the same period last year. The world's visible supply for September 1 was 15.755.029 bags, compared with 15.341,489 la?t year, apot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 88c; No. 4 Santos. 9 0 c. Mild, coffee, quiet ; Cor dova, 9fSHc. Sujrar Raw. firm; Muscovado. RO test, $3.67; centrifugal, 90 teat. 4.17i; -molasses sugar. 89 test, $3.42 Refined, stesdy, crushed, $5.85; granulated, $5.15; powdered, 53.25. Metal Markets. - NEW YORK. Feb. 2. The market for standard copper on the New York Metal Exchange was weak today, with spot and February closing at 13.O013.20c; March and April at 13.0013.12c. The London market was lower, witfc spot closing at 59 12s 6d and futures at 00 10a Local deal ers quote lake copper at 13.62 U 13.87 c ; electrolytic at 13.37 13.02 Vc, and casting at 13.12 13.50c. Arrivals of copper at this port today were 15 tons and exports, according to customs returns, were 157 tons. Tin was easy, with spot quoted at 32.50 4S- 32.75c; February. March, April and May at 32.30tT 32.ftOc. The London market was Largest SAXONIA T win - For Futl Particulars and Uralses 5 2S V7 THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO Ltd, Hew York. Boston. Chicago, Minneapolis. Philadelphia. St. Louis, The Top of a 1 1 UJLj Street THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SAFE FOR HORSE OR AUTO RESOURCES Loans and Discounts. Overdrafts U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation... Other Bonds and Premiums......... Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures Customers' liability under L. C Due from U. S. Treasury. $ 12.500.00 Due from Banks 322,868.09 Cash 552,135.23 lower, with spot, closing at 147 13s and futures at 14i 73 Gd. Lead was dull, with spot quoted at 4.67 t 4.7214c New York; 4.55CH.00 East St. Louis. l"he London market was higher at 13 7a Gd. Spelter waA weak, with spot quoted at 5.ni (V UOc New York and at 5.05 5.75c East Louis. The London market was unchanged at 23 5s. The Knglinh iron market was lower, at 61s 3d for Cleveland warrant Local I v no change was reported; No. 1 foundry North ern. $lS.54i& 1O.0O; Xo. 2, $18 25(18.75; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, $18.50 (5 10. no. PORTLAND, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, TACOMA.- Dcwning-Hopkins Co. BROKERS Eatabllnhrd 1S93. Storks, Grain. Private Wires 201--3-4 Conch Bills. TRAVELERS' GLIDE. All Modern Paffty revic-on Wireless, etc.). London Fariw liiimtmrc. iAmPrika Keb. li-Hres. Lincoln. Mch 'l tVennsvlvanla. Feb. l! 'Pres. Grant. AU h. 19 tOraf Valder..Feb. 26 tAmerlka Slch. 26 tKais. Auir. Vic . Mch SitPnnpylvanta .. April 2 TRitz-CHrlton a la Carte Restaurant. t nam Durf Italy tHanihurg direct. Omila Plymouth. AND THE TIil A CONVENIKNTLY REACHED BY OCR MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE The splendid, lare steamships crvcixN.vri. moltke, a hambcro, sail January 25. -9, etc., for Gibraltar. Naples and Genoa (.with, occasional calls at the Azores and Madeira Islands). Excellent connections with steamers ot Hamburg & Anglo-American NWe Co.'s services up the Nile throi-sh K('PT. Tourist Oept. for Trips Kverywhere. Hambiirft-Anifrirati IJne. 100 Powell St., San Francisco, and Local liailroud Agents in Portland. nFW7FAfANn New Serrtc via Tahiti. "L" AiLrlLrllll Delightful South Sea Tours AIKTRAffA for Health and rt-UOllVMLlrt Pleasure. New Zealand, the World's Wonderland. Geysers, Hot Lakes, etc. The favorite S. S. Maripoaa sails from San Francisco March 10, April 13. etc., connecting at Tahiti with Gnion Line for Wellington, N. Z. The only passenger line from V. S. to New Zealand. Wellington and back. S2B0: Tahiti and back, $125. 1st class. SOUTH SKA ISLANDS (all of them), three months' tour, $40O. Book now for sailings of Dec 2S and Feb. 2. Line to Hawaii, $110 round trip. Sailings every 21 days OCEANIC S. & CO., 073 Market street, San Franc tec o. COOS BAY LINE Tho steamer BREAKWATER leave Port land every WedueMlay, 8 X. M... from Alns worth dock, for ioitli Bend. MaraliUeld and Coos Bay points. Frmaht received until 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class. $10; second-class. (7. including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streak or A Ins worth dock. Phone Main 24S. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. is. b. Santa Clara sails for Eureka and San Francisco Jan. 1, 15. 20; Feb. 12. 2rt. at 4 P. M. S. S. Eider sails for Eureka, ban Franclscjj and Los Angeles. Jan. 4, 18; Feb. L 10. at & P. M. S. S. Roanoke sails for San Francisco and Los Angeles Jan. 11, 25; Feb. 8. 22. at 8 P M Ticket office 132 3d st. Phones Main 1314. A 1H14. H. Youngs, Agt SAJT FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only direct steamers and daylight sailings. From Ainsworth .Dock. Portland, 4 I. il. SS. Kansas City, Feb. 4, 18. SS. Kose City. Keb. 11, 25, etc. From Pier 4u, San Francisco, 11 A. M. SS. Rose City. Feb. 5, 10. KS. Kana City, Feb. 12, 26. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A., 142 Third St. Main 402, A 1402. J. W. H.4.VSOM, Dock Agent. Ainsworth Eock. Main 268. A 1234. Offer the unsurpassed in Luxurious and Comfortable Ocean Travel By the great 20,000 too stewnen "CARONI A" February 19 a Tftw m m ait . .. . triple - screw turbine in the World Feb. 5, Mar. 19 a r - Screw, - 1 4,300 tons RiservationM apply to Is Gritty -i" til STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF lumbermens National Bank At the C16se of Business January St, 1910 LIABILITIES Capital .TrT Surplus and Undivided Profits.. Circulation Reserve for Taxes ' Drafts acee"pted under L. C Dividends Unpaid Deposits ..$1,818,033.63 2,394.70 250.000.00 205,319.26 800.00 28.112.15 420.00 887,503.92 $3,192,583.68 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF LADD & TILTON BANK JANUARY 31, 1910 RESOURCES Loans ami Discounts Overdrafts Bonds and Stocks... l Bank Premises , Cash on hand aud due from Banks..., Total , LIABILITIES Capital Stock fuly paid 1,000.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ti33 195.87 Demand Deposits $t.)3(i.90t'.(it Time and Savings Deposits 5.706.84G.50 12,043.753.16 Total. . OFFICERS W. M. HDD, Treal!eiit RDtVAKU COOKI.VtHAM, Vi-Pr. M. DtNCKLBV, Cn.hler CONDENSED STATEMENT BANKING DEPARTMENT HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JANUARY 31. 1910 ASSETS Loans and Discounts.. Bonds, Securities, etc Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures Cash on hand and due from Banks., LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits , Deposits STATEMENT Security Savings and Trust Company PORTLAND, OREGON At Close of Business January 31, 1910. RESOURCES Loans .- . $4,034,723.49 Bonds, Warrants 1,218,123.83 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit...... 16,764.67 Caeh and due from Correspondents 2,553,576.48 LIABILITIES Capital . . ; Surplus and Undivided Profits Letters of Credit. Deposits CONDENSED THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON t Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business January 31. 1910. ASSETS Loans and Dis counts . . . . . $ 5,794,946.86 Unted States Bonds at Par Municipal and Rail way Bonds Bank Building' . . . . Cash aud Excha i 954,000.00 959,607.04 125,000.00 3,794,051.77 Total .$11,627,605.67 .$ 250.000.00 39.837.17 . 246.600.00 3.556.45 420.00 112.50 . 2.652,057.56 $3,192,583.68. .$ 0,807.417.45 18.278.4S . 4,998.321.94 75,000.00 . 3,377,931.15 . .$ 14,276.949.03 . .$14,276,949.03 R. S. HOWARD, JU.. a. mat. Cashier J. W. I.AUU. A-. ciaUler WALTER M. COOK, At. Cashier .$30,607.24 .. 53,647.64 . 40,947.20 5,000.00 . 102,693.09 $332,895.17 .$ 50,000.00 . 19,129.62 263,765.55 $332,895.17 OF CONDITION OF $7,823,188.47 .$ 500,000.00 ? . 387,782.16. . . 28,338.25 . 6,907,068.06 $7,823,188.47 REPORT OF LIABILITIES Capital $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus . 500,000.00 Undivided Profits.. 218,899.34 Circulation 692.700.00 Deposits 9,216,006.33 Total.. .$11,627,605.67