Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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WANTED Real estate; will pay cash If of
fered cheap; will get you exchange for
other property if jnu do not want to sell
outright. Submit your possible wants and
!t me advis you. No con-.mifision f I
buy. See me before selling. T. J. Leonard,
02o Hoard of Trade bldg.
WANTED 2 to lO acrfg within 10 fare
limit, either near carllne or on good auto
road; we have the buyer and your prop
erty Ik locaied right can get quick atlon.
Answer quick. Ward Realty Co.. 303 Ab
Ington bids- Main i75.
W E want several vacant lot that are offered
at bargains. We can use peveral of thfee,
especially in th? Alberta di-nrlcu. ard on
the Waveriy-Woo.'siock cariine. Smith
Vagnner Co.. 311-312 ltvU bidg.
LIST your property with ux; If the price i
right we can s-'il it for you.
Dealers and Brokers in Real Estate,
S2o Chamber of Commerce bldg.
OWNER of lots and a 5-room bungalow
wants to trade for a 7 or 8-room modern,
home on Portland Heights, or in a choice
dietrlct on East Side. Don't object to
reasonable mortgage. Main 8407-
WANT Invent s:;Ouo in vacant property; must
be good buy.
Swetiand bldg.
Will pay cash and 5 monthly,
with 8 per cent fop 5 or H-ronm home on.
West Side. XV 6I2. Oregonian.
WE have buyers for bungalows in Sunny
fide. Irving ton and Alberta ; bring photo
If you, have them. The "Williams Invest
ment Co., 605 Lumbermens bidg.
WANT ED Not leas than !'.' acres ; must
be on Willamette River; will pay $ 1 no to
$2m per acre; owners only. W. H. More
house Investment Co.. 233 Alder su
WANTED Corner lot wnh seven-room modern
houf- in Irvineton. not eostinr over S.VOi!
i-a.h. Union Hank & Trut Company, 235 f
Stark vst.. cor. Second.
Will pay cash immediately f'-r site;
vcsffipa Ily pricesd. W O'.H . Oregonifiii.
IRVJX'JTC 'N New bungalow. centrally lo
cated; turee bedroom.-, owners repiy. y
' 0 1 . Or go n i a r. .
OREGON t!m be- lands offer the best in
vestment in the country. W'e can purchase
outright for you idoiins now bing pat
ented, at prices that win incroapp three
fold in th ree years smal'er investors ma v
purchase our stock at $Hu per share and
receive pot11s rro rata.
Lewis Bidg.. Portland. Oregon.
have for sale 1 60 acres first-class fir
timber. O.ooO.OuO feet, that I will sell for
$25n-u. 1 hts land is situated near Oak
land. Or., in Douglass County, and Is
mile from a logging stream: it's a snap.
Address the owner. Hugh Miller, Oakland.
DO YOU want to be located on S.OOy.OOO O.
fie C. timber by reliable party? P 6&7, Ore
gonlan. WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinda Kinney A
Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bidg.
FOR LEASE 10-acre beaverdam land, near
Metzger Station. I. S. Smith. Beaver
ton. R. V. D. 1.
FARMS for rent. 35 acres hops to le
Mh ft., Portland.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness,
FOR SALE A choice hunch of horses, one
pair of bays. 5 years old, weighs 1400;
mare and horse ; one pair of bay mares,
and S years old, 2?MHi; one brown horse.
7 veam old. 140(; one sorrel horse, 7 years
old. weighs LiuO; one pair of blacks. 4 and
years old; weigh 27i. horse and mare;
no one in Oregon drives a atylisher team
with action and gentler than that pair Is.
Call 505. Albina ave. ; take L car.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can bo
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. 6 tables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
1 4 brood mares, some with foal, from
the Ladd & Reed Broadmead farm. Freed -i
man Bros.. 4S! Overton at., bet. 13th and
14th. Take "ti" or lth-st. car.
WELL-MAT'HED. sound, young, fat team
t gildings, suit aide or express, deliv
ery or country livery. Owiht will be at
COS WatihitiKton st.. Feb. 3 and 4.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horse
always on band. Sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. SLablaa. 246 Front.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladles'
Waiting-room. Prices moderate. 24S Front.
HUBERT & H ALL. 880 Front, buy. sell, rent!
horses, vehicles; low rates on business riga.
HORSES. mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for rale. 204 Montgomery.
,;o rt-YEAR-OLD marc, city broken, wagon
and double harness. C 1132.
KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world;
M"line. the bett car made for the nnne.
We als have a number of four-cviinriVr
cht9, slightly usd but In first-class condi
tion, left here for un to sell at real bar
gain price.
New and second-hand automobiles
bought, sold and -exchanged. If vou are
looking for a good car at a bargain,
touring or runabout, call and look over our
slock. Cash or terms. 266 11th at.. Port
land. A V TOMOBlLEs New aTd second-hand.
Ueo. R. Flora, 4 70 E. Burnside st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine cas engines re
palred. James D. Fail. 244 2d at.
AUTO machine, shop part 1y equipped, fine
location, long 1. as-e. p (;!C., Oregon fan.
LEAVING city. nuM jH1 mv new litlo car;
has been run lin miles.- x rtil. OrcconiaiK
PI a no a. Organs and Musical Instruments.
K1MBAI-L organ, octaves. A I condition,
very cheap. Call 394 East Clay st.
Birds. Dogs, Vet Stock.
EABIjE and white and black and white fox
terrier puppies, thoroughbred. ma Fast
Irvmg st. Take M-V car to 76th st.. walk
2 blocks north.
DURHAM bull for salt: age :t vears. Bo
14S. Gent email Bros.. Clackamas, Route
S. Price. $40.
FOR PALE No. l freh cow. Home phone
T 1o.H3. 2.M Bain.
VERY email black and tan dog, reasonable
Addrenn r; tfc, Oregonian.
fcEI.LIXO mv piac: I ortcr my 5-vear-old
Jersey famflv milch cow at a fmrgafn;
must b- s.dd; hhj- nff-r cm-.-
.If red. i;iti East 5m h tit. Phone Tabor
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
-" at lowest possible prices Kirk
Hoover, 3ia Water st. Phone Main 7451.
A 5445
ONE Peerless one-man cement brick ma
chine, complete with 400 travs; one Sea
man lO-brick machine. che.-p for cah
Astoria Fuel & Supply Co.. Astoria. tr.
HOISTING and inviting engine; we buy seM
or rent. Hallway Equipment Co . 74
First st
NKARl.- new victmia ith extra ss cabi
net and $175 of hU-h-. ia..s records, all for
$30o. R orosnnian.
ONE gasoune dratrsaw for sale, complete
bargain. 4.rrgon Fuel Co.. lath and
O itrvm.
LAW BOOKS F'R SALE sr. vol,., broken
sets: Rood condition: 2 per cent of cit
t t0', Oregonian. ' "
A.VEKiCAN factory rebuilt typewriters J 'O
to rental terms. Main SS7o x,rii",.
Test Typewriter Co.. 222 Ahlngton bidg.
DOUBLE drum donkey engine with
cables; first-class condition. O c.S. Ore
gonian. OKFTCE furniture In ftne shape: will sell at
half price; good as new; must sell at
once. R H02. oregoiiian.
l'ii;itVOoi) st timpano. fr sale. Eiuitv
Inv. Co., 50S Gerliniter bidg. Main ;.i251. "
CHEAP nine-foot showcap and CA-unter near
ly new. W1 'Worvetor bUig.
NKW. rebuilt, pocond-haml. rental at c;;i
rates. P. D. 'o.. 2-il tark. M. 141-7.
UXL'Itt; for sale. Phone East 1775.
MlscelUtnee a.
GIGA NT I C removal sale Get your fine furs
at cost during my removal, w hlcb is
on until the 15Th of February, when I wiil
nx've to my new location, between "Wash
ington and Alder streets, .em 11th at. Rather
than move my present stock I wiil sacri
fice name at ar.I below cost, making this your
unsurpassed chance of obtaining fine furs
at price lower than ever offered on fuxe
of quality. Highest prices- paid for raw
f urs. Come early and ret the cream,
wr. ic'a la always Included In money-savins
A. REINER. 148 Fifth Si.
SEWIN.J MACHINES Do not fail to visit
the "White sewing machine store THIS
WEEK. SPECIAL, SALES 120 drop-head
machines, slight iy marred; all standard
maks machines for rent and repairing.
M. D. Jone. Prop. 420 Washington sc.
' ccr. llta.
200-borse power motor, generator ewt, belt
ed units, complete with circuit-breakers and
panels, alternating and direct current ma
chine; idea! drive for Industrial plant; com
plete Information furnished at room 201 Ore
go man blcg. 1
SEWIXG machines Do not fall to visit the
Whir sowing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPBTAL SALES 1 2( drop-head machines,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chinea for r?nt and repairing. H. IX Jone?,
Prop. 426 Weehington su, corner 11th.
FOR sule New 20-h orsepower firebox boiler
and 15 engine. D. F. Moelinke, Oregon
City, or.
FOR SALE cheap, complete, -20-barrel ca
pacity, roller process flour miil machinery.
E C. Mc Kenny, Wilsonville, Or.
SCHOOLKOOKS bought, sold and exchangee a:
Hyland's, 211 2d st, near Salmon. lob 5ta
at., opposite Foatofflce.
500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.23. Ryder Ptg.
Co.. 357 B irnsld at. Main 553G.
&0O BUSINESS card SI tf you mention thia
ad. Rose City Prtntery. li24 3d.
I FliR.MTL'RE for sale, with
or without
piano. Phone Main 1 120.
WANTED Men's c as to ft clothlcg and
shoes; wa also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 2d u .North. Phone Main 273-
WE want to fcorrow $60,000 for 5 years oa
8100 acres of land worth S40 per acre.
Will pay 7 per cent interest. payable
- seml-ancually. Room 304 Henry bid?. .
SELL joar second-hanl furniture to the
Ford A'jcdca Co.. or you'H get Ivtss, Vboaei
A 2445. Main fc95L.
WANTED Land to clear for farmer; no
stum;) puller or powder needed ; work
well done. T !4. Oregonfan.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and
shoes- and bicycles. Main 2080. 200 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
l-elts. hides, wool. furs. Phones A ?613.
Main J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia.
ROOMING-HOUSE wanted for cash; must
he in good location. Room 8, G62 Wash
ington. SECOND-HAND adjustable dress form
wanted. East Z,?4?. Phone mornings.
HIGHEST prices paid for men's cast off
clothes. 204 3d- st. Phone Marshall 745.
WILL buy second-hand roll-top desk if
reasonable. W G05, Oregon ian.
WANTED Light horse and covered wagon.
Phone East 2502.
BRlfH to cut or !otf to clear and grade by
con tract. E H 92. Ore gon i an .
WANTED To buy. a slightly used baby go
cart, phone c 2G5C!.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
W A NT to trade real estate for launch and
boat house. Main 8407.
WA NT 1 5 good men to sell horseradish
from house to house In Portland; also one
or two to clean and grind, call room 201,
Swetiand bidg.
WANTED Man or man and wife to take
small farm. 15 miles from city, on good
roa d. on shares ; Rood orchard and vage
table land. Inquire 207 Commercial block.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In hook
keeping given by an accountant. 301
Merchants Trust building. 6th and Wash
HONEST partner with $200 for traveling
motion-picture show; first-class proposi
tion, money fully secured. Call 520
Washington st.
MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly;
easy inside work; learn business in short
lime: lessons reasonable. 50' Washing
ton. WA NTED A salesman who can sell ; no
failure, but a clean cut. successful man
wanted: you can make $100 a week. Call
forenoons. 302 Lewis bidg.
W A NTED Young man to show property
and work in office; only little money re
quired ; am alone; rustler can make big
money. 225 Fifth st., room 3.
IF YOU have ambition and Integrity and
rot making $175 per month, call 210 Com
mercial Club bldg Must be able to give
PHYSICIAN wanted, registered in Idaho, to
travel with a responsible medical company-
as assistant in office. R. C. Ander
son. Oregon Hotel.
WANTED Boy 17 or 18 years old to work
in cigar and fruit store; reference re
quired. -Call f rom 1 1 A. M. to 2 P. M . ,
4MVfc Washington st.
EXPERIENCED special edition advertising
solicitors, commission, $5 to $25 daily; in
experienced men not w anted. Benedictine
Pre"i. Goodnough bldg.
Ship dally; no fare held from your pay.
5 1 to laborers wanted.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N 2d St.
WANTED Man of some education and
ability, who desires to study law and can
not attend a resident law school; fine op
portunity. O Oregonian.
FINE opening for young man with small
capital: must be wide awake. Call 326
Washington st., room 417.
WA NTED Salesman acquainted with arch
itect and contractor, to take a profitable
side line on commission. O 665. Oregonian.
PERFORMERS wanted for medicine com
pany comedians, sketch teams, etc S. R.
C. Anderson. Oregon Hotel.
WANTED Photo and portrait agents,
something good. Cutbertn Studio, Dekura
WANTED Boy about 1J for light office
work. A pply between 10 and 12 A. M.
M. Jacobs & Co.. 234 1st St.
SALESMEN for the road: ladles' garments;
good address and reference required. Ach-
"'son Cloak S- Suit Co.
MAN and wife to work on farm. 12 miles
from Portland, near cariine; must be ex
rerienrfd farmer Phone Main it51.
50oo MEN to know about our $3 sample
bats for fl.50; hats reblocked 50c. The
Hattery. o!5 Alder; basement.
HAVE money-mker and want young man
0 help: little money required. Call 320
Washington st.. room 417.
WANTED -Office b-y over 14: give refer-
n. e and phv-e of last employment ; give
1 number in je:ter. S 6S0. Oregonian.
WANTED Young man to assist In clean
ing works. Call 4s0"j Washington st.
WANTED Experienced drug clerk; steady
position. Address B 92. Oregonian.
BLACKSMITH wanted for out-of-town.
Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.
V A NTED Experieced window washer, for
ffie building. O rt04. Oregonian.
WA NTED Colored porter; office work.
Room a. 2301, Yamhill st.. 9 A. M.
BRIGHT boy. Call early. ' 498 Worcester
WANTED Coat salesman to work, city.
Addre T ttfG, Oregonian.
WANTED Man who can do pressing and
repairing. CaM 147 Grand ave North.
WANTED A first-class furniture finisher.
W tutO, Oregonian.
CARPENTER, also concrete man. for Val
ley town. Call 145 V, First.
BOY about 17 years of age wanted for of
fice work. T 0;O. Oregonian.
W A N TEI Two cord wood choppers ; work
near Portland- o Board Trade bldg.
Wanted, all round, capable lumber su
perintendent, to take charge of large go
ing sawmills in Washington; must come
well recommended said be prepared' to j
Invest in the company's stock; first-class
salary to right kind of man. Address R
60S. Oregonian.
WANT r. few active, reliable salesmen for
managers of sale offices to be opened in
principa 1 town? in Oiegon ; Eastern man
ufacturer's line; weii adverti.sed A chance
to secure a clan. profltanle business with
out competition; one hundred ffly to five
hundred dollars necessary to carry your
stock, depending on population of town.
See' Mr. Younirer. room 200. Ho! Ore
gon. 0-12 A. M.. 2-5 P. M.. 7-lO P. M I
wish to apologize to those whom I kept
waiting yesterday and w a unaole to see.
I have secured an assistant and vrill be
here today at the same hours. I have a
few good towns that -are not yet taken.
BANDS AW YER. $4: cut-off man.
cabinet makers. $:i to $a.0.
Bridge carpenter foreman on construc
tion. $3.50; 2. carpenters. $3; free fare.
Lumber bookkeeper for out-of-town
company. $60 room and board.
Experienced restaurant checker. $50 and
Other work. New orders daily.
C. R. HANSEN & CO. 3K N. 2d St.
WANTED Able-booiei men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
Zo must be native born or have first pz
tere; monthly pay $15 to $0; additional co;n-1-eiuw.tion
possible; food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance Tree; after 3 years'
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances; service on beard hlp aijd
ashore in all part of the world. Applv at
New Grand Central Hotel. Portland, Or.
MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for
foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads;
account increasing business: no strike;
age 2o-:i0; good vision; $SO-$10o monthly;
promotion ; 1524 men sent to positions in
1 i0 ; send stamp; state age. weight,
height. Kail way Association, care Ore
gonian. 10.0OO POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
. Instructor; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. B4
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire
men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac
count increasing business; no strike; Age.
20-30; $75-$100 monthly; promotion; 1200
men sent to positions in last rour months;
Fend stamp; state age, weight, height.
Railway Association, care Oregonian.
oOO PAIRS cf pants waiting for legs-. Pants
for lean an! fut legs, long and hort lg.
Not a leg show, but a sale of pants at $2.50
a pair, values to $4; alo 200 fmit: must go
at $8; all wool, guaranteed; values to $25.
Knew Sample Suit Shop, S15 Oregonian
bldg. Jlmmie Dunn. Mgr.
WANT ED First-class Jewelry salesman;
one who understands watch repairing pre
ferred ; by department store. Apply be
tween hours of 10 and 12 A. M. and 3 and
5 P. M. to Gevyrtz Bros., corner East
Burnside and Union ave.
WA NTED Strictly first-class bookkeeper
and accountant, to go to Altoona. Kan.,
and take charge of the books at glass
factory. Address In own handwriting,
stating age, whether married or single
and wages desired. Kerr Glass Mfg.
Company, city.
LEARN more about civil service positions
t-nd examinations. You ought to. Don't
cost you much. Free book No. 3 may
help you write for it. Our students sat
Portland. Or.
WANTED Men's underwear salesmen, to
cover territory Denver West.- Only those
thoroughly familiar with men's under
wear, having an established trade In above
territory need apply. Robert Reis & Co.,
5rt0 Broadway. New Citv.
WA'NTED Two cabinetmakers In city. $3
up; camp blacksmith. S00-. carriage riders,
$2.25; tallyman. $n: others.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d st.
MAN to work on farm with me; will locate
you on good homestead In retuprn for
three months work. Write R. I Wolle
son, Rockland, Idaho. Formerly from
WE aid our member!" to secure ainphiyment.
Constant demand f.'r young men of ability
and integritty. Snecial employment mem
bersh I p. Y. M. O. A. s
WANTED First-class advertising man and
window trimmer and also to assist manag
ing the store. Apply Mr. Silvertield. care
The Silvertield Co.. 4th and Morrison sia.
WANTED Steady young man to do a'l
kinds of work in store; one familiar with
glass and glazing preferred. T 602. Ore
gonian. A SALESMAN: no canvassing; $25; seourltv.
Call forenoons. 2Stj 13th st.. off Jefferson.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
general housework; good wages. 354 10th
A GIRL wanted for housework, no cooking,
,mall 'washing, two children past 6 years.
Inquire 54S 2d st.
343 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
2 GIP.L3 between 2o and 30 years for
shooting gallerj ; good wages. Apply to
Miss Huber. 40 H 3d st.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework, small familv. 734 Ir
ving st. A 11S2, Vain S235.
W A NTED Two experienced girls on coats
and one apprentice. Call 303ja Washing
ton st., room 207. f
WA NTED A girl - for servant for general
housework ; no washing, no cooking. 335
M o ntgomery.
SALESLADIES for the road; ladies' gar
ments; good address and reference re
quired. A:hcson Cloak & Suit Co.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
320 & Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8S36 or A 3206.
OIRL for general housework, washing In
cluded ; wag?s $25. Apply mornings, 42-4
Otegon st. Phones East 242, C 15GS.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework, 3 in family, good wages. Ap
ply mornings. 807 Love joy st. Main 1S77.
WANTED Young man for light work in
exchange for tuition in telegraphy. Ore
gon College. S3 5th, near Oak.
PUBLIC stenographer can secure desk room
fre for light services. Must have type
writer. A E 82. Oregonian.
MAID wanted for general housework in
family of three. .Uo 2!Uh ?t. North Wil
lamette Heights. Phone Main 8563
WANTED First-class finishers in ladles'
tailor-made suits, also pkirtmakers. 12'Jf
5th st. A. LIppmarTs.
WANTED Mlddle-ag.d woman to a.!st with
general housework. Phone Main t!17.
WANTED Girl for rnral housework; good
piain cook. Sol Marshall st.
"WANTED TO girls at once. The Yale
Laundry. 500 East Morrison.
COMPETENT girl for second work, with
city reference. Apply t;5.".. Johnson at.
OPERATORS and finishers on pants, steady
work. 34i 1st.
GIRL for general housework and assist
with children. tSOG Everett.
LESSONS in shorthand and tvpewritlng by
expert. 5 a month. 200 14th. Main 3S03.
GERMAN or Ewedish girl for general
housework. 1uk Thurman st.
GIRL? WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. anrt East Taylor.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting;
expert method. 304 12 th. Main 6S30.
til RL warned f--r h 'iework no cooking 31
West Park. A 7104.
WANTED A girl for general housework. Ap
ply mornings. 721 Johnn st.
GIRI for -enera! housework, small family;
good wages. 775 Kearney eu
2 COUNTRY hotel cooks, $45 and $40.
3 waiTrRse- country . $25.
Dishwasher. $:t: other kitchen help.
Family help of all kfnus.
New places daiiv.
345i Washington st., cor 7th, upstairs.
WANTED Two girls for general housework
ou t of ci t y . wa ges f at'i : fare paid ; cooka.
$30 up; waitresses. $25 up.
Large list of new jlaf dally.
Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison st.
YOUNG lady of pleasing address to secure
t-u Inscriptions for th- Spectator. leading
weekly. Salary and commission. Apply 8.30
to 0:30 A. M.. I :15 to 2 1. M. 320 Chamber
of Commerce bldg.
! , , ,
WANTED Lady bookkeeper and stenog
rapher, steady position, wages, $12.50 per
week. Answer in own handwriting. Give
phone number and reference. AB 69o,
a responsible medicine company, good sal
ary and transportation. AJ 0S4. Orego
nian. TWO milliners wanted Experienced trim
mer and saleswoman; give references and
state salary required. Daly Bros.. Eu
reka. Oal.
WANTED Bright. neat young lady to
learn; experienced clerk preferred; small
wages to start. Cutbertn Photo Stucuo,
Dekum bldg.
WANTED 5 lady solicitors for Portland
and to travel ; from $3 to $5 per day.
Address "D," Oregonian, Vancouver.
WANTED Experienced cook; some house
work; second girl 10 help. 115 N. 22d. cor
ner Giiean.
CHOCOLATE dippers, good wages, steady em
ployment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th
and Davie ftj.
TWo first-class cloak and suit salesladies.
Worrell's Sample Cloaks and Suits. 134 6th
St.. cor. Alder, opposite The Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. 210 Graham ave. Phone Wood
lawn 186K
GIRL for genera) housework, small familv;
Herman girl preferred. Phone A 3873. b$7
Madison st.
WANTED An experienced !adv marker and
distributor. Call Portland Laundry Co.,
rt h fond Couch.
WANTED -A good cook for home on Port
land Heights, near cariine ; pay good
wages. Phone Main 20S5 or A 1366.
SCHOOLGIRL to help with work for room
and board 2T.8 llth.
WANTED First-class all-round woman
b;iker at the Hill. 265 14th st.
GIRL for general housework. 088 Love joy st.
Call mornings.
WANTED Some ladies or gentlemen to
travel; good salary. V 69 S, Oregonian.
WANTED Vaudeville team. Acme Theater.
205 Russel St. ; man. and wife preferred.
FISX TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po-i-ns
to A-1 Instructors. 611 Swetlanif
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED About March 1. position bv
bright, capable young man; good habits,
best references; has had several v?a-"
experience as stenographer. bookkeeper
and general office man in various linea
especially familiar with lumber business;
now practically manager of mill. J 60y.
TINNER who understands hardware, deflres
pv. sit ton in country More; sober, i-quare man
Reawnatfie. References. Pleare address
for present or near future waiun, N 603
EXPERT accountant, capable of managing
large office. Hank reference given and bond
furnfehed. Rin.m 425. Princess Hotel.
ACCOUNTANT! and stenographer; be of ref
erence. Wishes to locate in Portland. Room
425. Princess Hotel.
POSI1NON wanted by expert Fisher-Elliot
machine operator; moderate salary V
003. Oregonian.
Fl RT-LASS office man. bookkeeper and
stenographer, desires location with pro
gressive house. Y 700. Oregonian.
POSITION as- bookkeeper or stenographer by
experienced man. N ' 604. Oregonian.
MARRIED man from the East, wants place
on farm experienced in general farming,
also in handling stallions and training
young horses; no Eastern Oregon ranch.
AD 607. Oregonian.
A THOROUGH LY experienced furniture,
carpet and atuvc man desires position in
city or country; best of references; wage
Jio object. L 604, Oregonian.
MA N and wife will take cook house and
board men, or will work for salarv; good
cooks; references; In or out of town. V
O0S. Oregonian.
BY active young man. position as janitor;
apartment -house preferred ; can attend to
heating; best of references furnished. H.
C Gage, phone Main SOSd.
YOUNG man, 23. wants position where he
can make showing and advancement:
broke, must have work; references. W
i04. Oregonian.
Ot NO man, used to all kinds of pipe
work, handy with tools, can run pipe ma
chine. Osier & Merrill machines, wants
position. G. S.. 010 Thurman st.
.Ol man, fine appearance. steadv;
would like to represent manufacturing
concern on Pacific Coast; good references.
Box 1O0, Los Molinos. Cal.
GOOD Japanese young man wants a posi
tion to do any kind of work in private
family. A 4. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese couple wants place, man as
cook, wife wait on table and housework.
327 Everett st.
UKO ERY c!erk. 10 years' experience, city
or country ; best of references; wages no
object. A E 605, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young married men,
handy about machinery. Address 1251 E
Main n. Tabor 467.
COMPETENT all-round cook In a restau
rant or hotel, city or country. R 600.
( iregonian.
OA RDENER wants landscape and garden
work, rose trimming, lawns, etc. O 602
TOT, N G man attending business, college wants
place to work for room and board. N 627
CHINESE cook want, work In family. Main
STEADY Japanese wants position In family,
plain cook. T 699. Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. 208 Everett. Main 4650; A 4073.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
AN experienced bookkeeper, cashier and of
fice assistant, with some knowledge of
stenography. desires a responsible po
sition. G 600. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants deak room; will
work or pay Lent. Chamber Commerce
bldg preferred. B 601, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants desk room; will
work or pay ren t ; Cham ber 4 'ommerce
bldg. preferred. B ftl. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position; has had
some experience. Phone East 52S2. after
6 P. M. Address M 601, Oregonian.
POSITION by experienced stenographer;
reference. p 0. Oregonian.
Drons makers.
ANGELES Dreesmaking Parloi. 326 U Waah
Ington st.. suite 216. Main 8S2. A 53l.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by day
or garment. A 442; 20O Jefferson st.
DRESSMAKING $2.25; work guaranteed.
Main 1273.
LADIES TAILORING, alteration specialty.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia. Apt 21. A 4 709
FAMILY sewmj? by the day; good work. H
DRESSMAKING done by the day. Cail Main
(::: 3.
HOUSEKEEPER, widow with girl of 13. S
t3. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes posi
tion in rooming-house. Y 000, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper for widower or bachelor. M
t0. Oregonian.
a r - e, c:ri. oes references, desires1 po
sition cashier, tiling. anTant bookkeeping
or exchange girl. Main 2O30, A 4775.
POSITION as housekeeper by competent
woman with one child. AF 600. Ore
gonian. GOOD woman desires- housekeerlr g. widower.
St. Louis, 245U Wash. Main 2039.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, very best
of references. A 261 S.
PRACTICAL nurse, best references. AF
605. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes more engage
ments, maternity a specialty. B.2S02.
REFINED child's nurse
AF 6itk Oregonian. .
best reference.
EXPERIENCED woman, city reference, de
sires care Invalid child. Main 2o3. A 4775.
TRAINED nurse wishes more engagement;
terms to suit. Main 1076. A 3158.
WANTED By good family hotel cook, work:
understand preparing all kinds of meat and
am good pastry, salads cook, or would, take
family work if second help is kept. V ou.
Oi egon ian.
TWO girls, experienced In chamber work,
would like work at once. Call or write 255
N. 16fh st.
BY experienced cook, camp or mill board 1 n g -house;
will extract to furnish help. Mrs.
L. B. Chapman. Estacada, Or.
EXPERIENCED girl wants general house
work. 327 J 7th t.. Korth.
M iscelxaneooa.
YOUNG married lady. going to millinery
erhool, wLnhe to work for room and board;
school hours from 0 to 4. Phone East 345.
3 FINNISH girls wieh to get places as cham
bermaids or waitresses or as family servants.
545 Savier St.. comer 10th.
EXPERIENCED German teacher wants pu
pils. Main 107". 120 N. 18th t.
"WOMAN wants work Friday and Saturday;
references; no half da ye. Wood lawn 1611.
POSITION by refined young woman; no
laundry. D 603. Oregonian.
VOCAL lef.-Tns by experienced teacher; es
pecial attention to beginner. A 7753.
Gl RL would like any kind of work evenings
and Sundays. 3 601. OregonUn.
CAPABLE cook, hotel. $40; girl assist boarding-house.
Main 2u39, A 4775.
A LADY wishes position to pose for artist.
Apply M 602, Oregonian.
AN exDerienced teacher will tutor children.
10 E. Yamhill st.
a sub-agent. Buy vour goods at rock
bottom, undersell others, get your own
prices; best line- agents' specialties ever
offered: know what sells; have hundreds
working, all delighted, making big money.
T ou can. Hickson made $24 first day ;
Mrs. J. Lee. Ok la., made $75 first day,
$275 In 5 weeks. Write; new territory
Just opened; time limited; don't delay.
C. E. SWARTZBAL'GH. Toledo. O.
WANTED Agents for colony lands In Old
Mexico, richest land on earth. Ideal cli
rrfate, low prices, easy terms. Call or ad
dress rooms 4iH -402. Lumber Exchange.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nnrsery Company.
Salem, Oregon
WANTED Agents for electric light regu
lator; turn down like gas; saves light
bills. ANYLITE CO., Newberg. Or.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repair
the same for you as though the property
was our own ; references any bank in
245i Stark St.
Phones A 3500: Main 35.
WANTED S-room modern house In Irving
ton or Holladay Add.; state location, price
and terms; must be a bargain. C 690,
WANT to rent, 5 or 6-room modern bunga
low, close to cariine; prefer some fruit
trees; no children; can give references.
T 6!6. Oregonian.
WANTED To lease, year or more, subur
ban home near cariine, 6-room house or
larger, . acre or more, fruit and garden.
R 614, Oregonian.
WANTED Nicely furnished room, with steam
heat, by young married couple, no children.
O 604. Oregon lun.
Room With Board.
YOUNG lady, employed, desires room and
boar. I in private family. V 604, Ore
zontan. GENTLEMAN wants board and room in pri
vate family where he can feel at home. L
603, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms In a prl
vate house, close in. AD 605, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Opened Jan. 17. new and beautifully fur
nished; hot and cold water in every room.
Public and private bath. Permanent and
transient. 265 1 bth at, opp. City HalL
Grand and Hawthorne ave.; new manage
ment, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone in every room; largest rooms, in city
tor permanent people: en suite or single,
with bath. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc-; rooms $lo month up; suites with
running water, $22. 50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phone and baths free.
HOTEL LARRABEE. 227 H Larrabe l.
near Holladay ave.; every modern con
venience, newly furnished, reasonable;
new management; permanent and tran
432 Washington, Cor. llth.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, bath,
nicely furnished rooms, $$ per week up;
transient rate. 75c up.
Corner lth and Washington St.
Room, single or on suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates; steam heat, private bath,
hot and cold water in all rooms; beauti
fully furnished; tourist trade solicited
TWO-ROOM suite. team heat, hot and cold
water, electric light, nicely furnished
brick building, one or two people, $7 per
week. 422 Washington U. near llth.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main st-.
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern convenience, op
posite the Plaza,
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5'47
NICE furnished room, steam heat, hot and
cold water, electric light, brick building
J4 weekly. 422 Washington su, near
0th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished:
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
ONE large furnished front room, all con
venience. The La n do re Apartments 88
10th at.
LARGE front room suitable for two gentle
men, all conveniences; close In ; $4 week
Aster House. 7th and Madison.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free 327
Stark, -corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Etem.
HOTEL EUCLID 18th and Washington;
beautifully furnished room; also suite
with bath. ,
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington, ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold running
water, modern convenience; $16 and . up.
TWO newly furnished room In flat, light,
bath. heat. phone. kitchen privilege.
547 i Yamhill t. phone A 4J90.
FURNISHED room. Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE REX Modern room. $2.59 to $5 per
week. 543 Washington su
Furnlsfaed Rooms.
Seventh and Ankenv St.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, ell for vour ben en t.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rate for those who appreciate clcanliuca
and comfort. Free bu Free Phonea.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, at ea ra
ti ea ted. hot nnd cold running water in all
rooms, rivhly Turnished. nnest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more thai) some cheap lodging-house;
nice large bfftco on grcun J floor; every
thing nrst-class; rates, 5uc. 75r and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Cail and
ee us. 128 6th t.. North.
3d and Jefferson Sts. X
Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and 3d; Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, stduiu
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath. laa
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy,
single room or suites: permanent and
transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phono
A 7731, M. 8630.
SS N. 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large of ace on ground
floor, elegant bv;ds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rates only $2.50 and up
per week: 50c and 7oc per day. 3 blocks
from Union Depot.
131 Eleventh St.
New, modern brick bunding; Just opened
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, prfvalo
baths, excellent location. Just off Wash
ington t.; special rate by week or month.
THE EVERGREEN Beautifully furnished
room, running hot and cold wuier, free
phone, bath and heat; also laundry priv
ileges; reasonable prices. 00 East Sth st.,
cor. Washington su Phone Eat 13up.
Furalfchrd Rooms In Private Faantly.
FOR RENT In beautiful private home,
nicely furnished alcove for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen; very reasonable and walking dis
tance. Phone A 573.
NEWLY furnished rooms: every modem con
venience; home comfort; reasonable. No. 3o
X. 16th st., near Wash. Phone Marshall 12U.
S 51 ALL, clean room, private family, no heat:
good location; young man; r'iViynee; $6
month; East Side. II 004. Oregonian.
FURNISHED front room suitable for two
gentlemen, walking distance. Phone M.
SINGLE room for gentleman: clean, quiet,
modern residence. 52S Morrison, near
16 th.
NICELY furnished room; furnace heat and
bath; walking distance. Phone M. 42S8.
NICELY furnished rooms, $2 up: steam heat,
bath, phone. 325 12th.
NICELY furnished rooms-. $6 and up; phone,
bath and heat. 173 North 17th st.
FRONT suite; hot and cold water, phone,
bath; $25 month. 163 N. 16th. near Irving.
1 2 PER week, furnished sleeping-room. 25 L
6th st.
FOR RENT Single room, lurnished, modern.
714 Washington -t.
$0 MONTH, nice, clean room, heat and
bath, close in. 452 5th st.
1 FURNISHED room ruit ibie for two. 121
13th. bet. Washington and Alder.
N IC E f urn ished nxnw; hea t a nd ba th ; mod
em. 203'-a Weldler St., near Williams ave.
BASEMENT flat of 4 rooms, furnished. Call
at i:t;o 7th st.
Rooms With boara.
THE MARLYN 554 Couch. corner 17ti,
handsomely furnished throughout, electric
lights, running water, steam heat and clos
ets in every room; table board. A UoM,
Main 5523.
PORTLAND Women' Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 51 C Flanders su Miss Frances N.
Heath. SupU Woman's Exchange, 1S6 5th
U Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt-
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th st.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rate.
GOOD board and warm rroms for $6 a week,
easy walking distance; free phone and bath.
The Llndell. 209 Market.
THE MANSION, cor. Sth and Jefferaon
Large, elegant room, open fireplace; suita
ble two or three; also single room.
BY January 1, fine front suit e. also single
room. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
FURNISHED room with board. 3t) North
17th st. The Simonde.
"THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with of.
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
NICE front room. private family, home
comforts; walking distance; breakfast and
dinner If desired ; middle-aged or elderly
gentleman preferred. AF OHM, Oregonian.
PLEASANT well furnished rooms with
board; employed people; reasonable. 120
North 18th.
NEATLY furnished room, with board; walk
ing distance, terms reasonable. 210 Va 14th
COSY room for two. with board, furnace
heat, reasonable, homelike, also singlu
- room. Main 6485.
ROOM and board, free bath, phone. 552
Morrison st. Main 6223.
ROOM and board in strictly modern flat; fine
location. Phone Main 4573.
FRONT rooms with or without board.
302 Salmon,, near 10th.
LARGE well furnishesd front room, suitable
for two men. 515 East Taylor.
FIK.ST-CLASS board an.i r.w.m for two. In
private family. 545 Yamhill pt.
$20 PLEASANT room mand board ; all
modern conveniences. 47u Main st.
BOARD and well-furnished room for two;
home privileges. 241 22d st. North.
A partm en t .
Grand ave. and East Stark; well furnished
3-room apartments possessing every mod
ern convenience, including steam heat, hot
water, private baths and phones; while
these apartments are as up to date as anv
in the city and about as close to the busi
ness center, the prices are considerably
less; now ready for occupancy. Phone
East 300; no children.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and OMnmhi.
4 block from Morrison st.; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, S and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; Janitor service; rent reasonable.
THE KING-DAVIS Comer of King and Da via
sts., new brick building, high class; most
convenient and comp.ete 3 and apart
ments in city; satisfactory references re
all outside rooms,
utes walk from
rent. Main 2506,
-7th and Jefferson sts.;
modern and only 5 min
P. o. Very reasonable
A 3149.
THE LAURETTE apartment-house, highest
class in Portland, has one 3-room apart
ment, unfurnished; five minutes f - om
Portland Hotel. llth st.. near Salmon.
ST. CROIX apartments. 170 Si. Clair st. ; un
furnished two-room apartment, private bath,
both phone; reasonable rent; adults.
THE Re rkant the most exclusive fur
nished apartment In the city; one vacant.
624 Marshall st. Take W. or 16th St. car.
FIVE-ROOM apartment. beautlfullv fur
nished. Brain tree Apartments. -"j5 12th.
Phone Main 7741.
THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-room
apartment, all conveniences, walking dis
te.nve, only $20. 2oth and Washington st
ST. CROIX apartments. 170 Su Clair St.;
modern three-room furnished apartment,
private bath, both phones; aduit s only.
.NEWLY furnished 3-room apartment,
strictly modern, furniture fur sale, part
ment for rent. $35. AB 697. Oregonian.
rooms, bath, steam heat, $20. 305 1 1th
at. Phone East 4014.
J THE fHETOI'A lfcth and Flanders, 4-roora
modern apartment. Phone Main 44S.
IRIS APARTMENTS 5 large rooms; stetim
heat, hot and cold water; $45.
NEATLY furnishesd 2-room apartment, 5
minute to Postofr'ice. Phone M 4m7.
JEFFERSONI AN. lth and Jefferson; three
modern furnished rooms. $0
Apartment. ,
$3o WEST SIDE. 4 -room steam-heateS
apartment, modern, nice building. fur
n ished with pas ranse. bedstead an 4
spring and dresser; also dining-room tv
ble. lisht fixtures and shades. Call Jans
tor. 4.M llth st. ; take Montgomery car.
5-ROOM modtrn upper flat, choicest Iocs
tion. walking distance. 40 Park s
between Harrison and Hall. Inquire 2B9
First st.
MODERN upper flat, six rooms. 12$ NortO
iNth stret-t. between Giis.n and Hoyt
Vartln & Campbell, 3bl Worcester bids.
Mam 7101.
FOR RENT A handsome 5-roorx heated
flat, with bath. Inquire 120 23d. corner
Glisan North ; good location for doctor.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co., Main IC1S, A 10S4. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
-ROOM modern fiat. 731 HovtitMnquirs
23 2 6th st. Main ,
NOB HILL flat, 5 rooms, modern, fireplace,
furnace, attic. H. A. Webber. Main 20SS.
NEW flats, fine view, on the East Side; rea
sonable; for sale by owner. 40 E. 30th sU
FOR R EXT 6-room modern flat, corner
llth and Hall. Apply 32S 7th st.
5-ROOM lower flat, elegantlv furnished.
2-24 N. ISth st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall st.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gaa ranges, electric lights, hot water,
bath, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month upi
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best In city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or 16th-st. car north
get off at Marshall su No dogs allowed.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite. S
rooms, bath, hot and coltt water, phone,
gas and electric lights; also single room
from $2.56 up ; elegant large front room,
sTiftanle for 2 gentlemen. 208 17th at.
Phone Main 7i23.
ONQONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill; take
W. car at depot; furnished 2, 3 and 4
room housekeeping suite by week $5.50,
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
bath and phones tree. Main 4687, A 4730.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2.
$S month, 3 for $12; cottage. 4 rooms. $20;
lower Hat. 4 room. $16; unfurnished house,
garden. $10. 64 "6th North. W car fyom
depot. 3d or Morrison to 26th. blk. north.
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished hou
keeping rooms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas.
xurnace neat. 4uu Vancouver ave.
NICEI-Y fnrnf.shfxl houslc renin- room nr1
Man. .vso J-Tunt st. Main
At! 1 T.' VODOliJOV s.sw C,K
tueteiy rurniahed housckeepina suite, rea
f r (j 1 tfm 11 1 u 1 . 1 ( uiL'MiBuinr run m
$1.50 week, large, clean furn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
TWO and 3 very nice large modern house
keeping rooms. 403 2d st.
THE MILNER, 350 " Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all convenience.
THE ELMS 101 1 tth st.. 2 and 3-room
apartments, furnished, heat, phone.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14.00.
031 i Washington st., cor. 20th.
Housekeeping Room In Private Family.
SWELL furnished front parlor. kitchen,
privilege heat and rooking gas, bath and
phone ; oilier housekeeping suites wit h
running water, very reasonable. 173 North
17th. A 750S.
HIGH-CLASs suite rooms with piano, all
modern conveniences, stii tattle 3 adult st.
$40 per month ; also sleeping-room,
kitchen privileges, $ 1 4. 52S Morrison,
near 10th.
A front suite of 3 unfurnished rooms.
light, airy and roomy; no interference with
anyone whatever: $25. 3"0 Mill St.
THREE large, pleqsant rooms, front sit-tinp-ronm.
bedroom, bath and pantry off
kitchen, free phone: young couple pre
ferred. 60 1 East 12th at., corner Powell.
3 DESI R a RLE unfurnished front rooms on
second floor. running water, electric
lign's. no children. 60 21st st. N., near
Washington. .
2 FRONT rooms, furnished, housekeeping,
every convenience, walking distance. 211
Sherman st.
3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. gas. bath, sink in kitchen. 405
1st St.. flat K.
NICELY furnished sioplng-room with house
keeping privileges, in strictly modern fiat.
252 llth st.
1 LARGE front furnished housekeeping
room: gas -and water; no children. 4SS
Everett st.
ROOMS for light housekeeping on 27th St..
near Clinton ; reasonable. Phone Sell
wood S32.
SUITE completely furnished; also front room,
with fca ranee. 146 N. 16th. Phone Main
5173. Walking distance.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping euiten and
sleeping-rooms; good neighborhood; walking
distance. 315 12;h at.
THREE furnished housekeeping room, rent
reasonable, to permanent people. 563 Ir
ving. Main 8135.
HOUSEKEEPING room, also front sleeping-room,
nicely furnished, gas. bath and
phone. loS 12th st. near Washington.
Sl'ITE 'f 2 rooms; gas range, sink, free phone;
no o:her roomers; bath any time (hot water
he.iur). 3S4 Park st.
TWO or 3-room housekeeninir suites, neat lv
furnished: gas. bath, and phone; rates
reasonable. 22U 5Lh St.
DESIRABLE housekeeping-rooms at 246
Jefferson St., reasonable; modern; range,
gas. water.
THE lower floor of a modern home. In
good distriit. one bio-k of Hawthorne
ave. Phono Tabor 1 147.
LARGE furnished room with small kltrhen
complete; separate entrance. 542 Morrl-
3 ROOMS, furnished, gas. bath and phone,
walking distance; adults only. 249 Grand
ave. North.
1 OR 2 furnished housekeeping rooms first
floor. 45- Yamhill.
NIOEl-Y furnished housekeeping rooms, all
conveniences. 540 Morrison st.
FOR RENT Two. three or four furnished
housekeeping rooms. 36S Columbia st. .
FURNISHED lower floor of private house,
good neighborhood. 77 Glisan st.
WF.LL-KURNISHED housekeeping room.
4K0 Washington st.
FOR SALE One-chair barber shop. 035 Al
bina ave.. comer Blamlina. L car.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on first
floor. 140 13ti st.. near Morrison.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. nice
ard. bat h. phone. Main 2266. 3S7 1 st at.
TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms In a
modern double cottage. 271 Market st.
3 Nl 'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor. 21 1 Ot h, corner Salmon.
TWO furnf.shrsd housekeeping rooms, 425
East Ash t. Phone East 107.
TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping.
Ground flour; no children. 372 6th st.
2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent 52H Market.
2-ROOM furnishesd housekeeping suite. 351
Everett st.
2 NICE large, convenient, completely fur
nishesd rooms, reasonable. 412. TOth st.
EA ST SI DE Three modern housekeeping
rooms; adults. 313 Cherry st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. "11
First st.. corner Stark st
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $12 and up; phone,
bath ard- heat. 173 North 17th st.
4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mode it.
conven Jnceji ; rent $16. Phone Main 7773.
$in THREE fusnished rooms; gas plate
steel range. 6I-S 7th. Main 452U.
W ELL- Ft" RN ISHED two-room housekeep
ing suite. 3'J5 Salmon St.. cor. 1 0th.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
3S0 Mxth.,
THREE room?, unfurnished, first floor, bath,
pantry, new house. 805 E. 27th. W W car.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. 251) E. 6th st. North.