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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE 3IORXFXG OKJBGOXIAX, - TIITJUSDAT, Vl. T? T? T TX- 1nn . - ' " . - . A&AiX - ., -I T X V.7. - - " TODAY- EW IODAY J I restate, r restate. r Sale Lots. Kor 8,1H . ! REAI- . BURNSIDE STREET 'INCOME BUSINESS CORNER 80x100 $125,000 f Present income over 5 per cent on the price. This is the best corner on Kurnsirfe, either as a speculation or to be improved. A. P. - Palmer-Janes Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. imiMimMiimHimiMMiiw I lOOxlOO I 12th and Glisan Sts. I $40,000 1 TERMS. I Portland Trust Co. ! I S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. lMlWlWMIMIIIWKimillttO BEST ON THE MARKET Quarter Block Near S. P. & S. Ry. Station. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. E. MADISON ST. HOME, $1,000 Ntoe moflern two-story, large "-room house furna.e an. I flmpiac-. rb and el-tric. full of mcnt oHJimtnt. laundrv trays, xtra lar-e rrtoinp. on a I-.t f.t'xiiMi; ftrret Improvements ana cement nidi walk paid, on E. Madteon, hear 21st; walking distancfl arnl one block ' from oar. in the niio.Rt of fine homes; price $63GO 1 (H-ft cat h. balance to suit. GRUSSI 8 ZADOW 817 Hoard of Trade B,1E., 4th and Oak. Tenth and Yamhill Corner "() feet on Yamhill bv 00 feet on Tenth St.; one block from & Kinp's new hnihlintr; -within a year Ihis property will be in -the center of the . best uptown business district. Trice, ff-TJ.Ono. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. 100 FEET OF I TRACKAGE I Lot 100x100 on 15th Street. I ! $28,000 I f Portland Trust Co. I S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IT'S AH IDEAL HOME You liave admired that !-room liouse tvlth 100x114 lot on the S. V ,-or of Knst Ash anil Kant Otli sts. " It's for mile. Is strictly modern, has furnace Itreplace. etc.. wttli plenty of beautiful flowers, hhIo KaraK'-: also 20 choice hearing fruit trees. Owner lias left cltv and says make price and terms t. move it quick. Now hurry. EDW. P. MALL CO. o0!-310 AbltiKton Kids- A SNA 6-room modern house on KIlllnKs worth avenue: four blocks to school an.l church: apple and walnut trees on the lot; $1000 cash, balance small pay ments. 1 ' The Crossley Company 70!) Corbett Bids. UNION AVE. 60x100 the X. K. corner Union ave. and Kust Couch, just rlpo to im prove and size of ground will work out to advantage. Owners wish to raise price. Hurry. Price $ EDW. P. MALL CO. :M:-;;hi AhinRton Bl.I. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 3 Two porches full basement, fc i laundry tubs, tin-plate, etc. etc Only ifiNOn. Kasy terms. '' ' t HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. 308 MILL STREET r.OxlOO and that 10-room house- price 9o0t. the best buy south of Jefferson This property is cheap! "erson. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 -TnTngton Rldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Lam Amount. Preferred. t.OKlJAK I) WIKUHR K, U Stark, sc. I 1 i FOR SALE BY OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU 316 acres, all fenced and in cultiva tion, house and barn. $15 per acre. $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent; in Morrow County. 2160 acres, Morrow County, 1100 acres In cultivation, all fenced, srood wells and springs, good buildings, stock sheds, etc.; near school and postoffice: $18 per acre, half cash, balance 7 per cent. 9S0 acres. Grant County, all fenced, 400 acres first-class grain land, fair buildings, 5 living springs, plenty fruit for ranch use, 92 bearing trees; price $15 per acre. 194 acres, all under cultivation.' all fenced; house and barn; one mile to school; $15 per acre. 2S0 acres, fine stock ranch. Jackson County. Oregon; 90 acres in alfalfa, fine ditch and- water right, fine buildings, all tools and machinery needed on ranch. 200 head of cattle. 12 head of horses, range for 600 head of cattle, all hay and feed; would make a fine sheep ranch; good outside range; price $20,000. LOO acres, Klickitat County, good house, barn and all outbuildings, 185 acie,s under fence and in cultivation, part' of which is wild hay. balance timothy: one of the best stock ranches in Klickitat County; $40 per acre, half cash. 291 acres. I.ane County, fair improve ments, all farm land, 60 acres of vetch and wheat, 4 horses. 6 cows, young cat tle, hogs, chickens, 300 bushels oats, 100 bushels wheat, 50 bushels vetch seed. 35 tons of hay: all implements and tools necessary; price $16,000, $6000 ea.h, balance 6 Her cent. Hetalls ORKXiON LANDS INFORMA TION BIHKAV, 606 Board of Trade B!dg. i I Kings Street I Lot just off Washington ' 50x100 I $15,000 I Park Street f AVithin two blocks of Burn- I side street, Corner Lot. t A barjjain at $25,000 ! Portland Trust Co. I S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Unusual Bargain 19-ACRE BEARING ORCHARD IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Has complete nursery equipment, including $1000 hot-house. Located on river bank. Deep soil. Splendid opportunity for securing: an income producing orchard that will pay for itself in ONE YKAR if properly handled. Has bearing orchard of Spitzenbergs and Yellow Kewtown apples. Price $7500. Terms MEDFORD LAND & ORCHARD CO., 307-309 Lewis Bldg., Portland. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. & Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bids BAIRD BROWN. 312 Henry Bids l:e.-k. William G., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. 54 tf. Chapin A Herlow, R32 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C- E- & Co., Board ol Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 1SS. 208 Oregonian. KIRK & KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Parrlsh. Waiklni & Co.. 2.10 Alder L PALMER-JONES CO.. H. I'. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Sheffield & Riely, 23 Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison. ScUk. Geo. D., .264 Stark t. Main or The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Hoiladay Addition). M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Wa.ker S T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. 1 or Sale Lots. rOHTLAXI) 1RI-PT COMPANY BANK. --z v vjm .w-uu.y can certifi cates. Third and Oak sts. 1'OHTI.AXD IRVST COM PANT BANK, t cent Interest paid on saving ac counts. Third and Oak sts. SNAP Irvlngtnn lot. in the loop district ;"' price for cash, near Knott st. and Broadway car. Owner. Main 761. KOSSMERB.i..t. 60xlfj; graveled etreet. ce ment w,lk. all j-aid; $rt.H.. etsy terms J. 1. HAYES A c.. .toa Swetland hld'g A CHOI' K lot in l.aurelhurst: will take $M cajih. balance easy terms. p fiyl t-ireponian. ' BAN DOX lots. $35 each. Send for descript ive circular. HAl.t. & BIXK'H. 321 Lumbermen's Bldg. IF TOU own lot will build you a house oa i?rm"-,?aitmaa Co- 3" Ablngtoa bldg. PORTLAND TRVST COMPANY BANK. Twenty-three years in business. Third and Oak sts. OET your well dug or pump repaired by experienced man. R. B. Spooner. Lents. IAT for sale, 2o-foot frontage on Macadam road. In Southport. c 6SK). Oregonian. FOUR fine lots. East Hoyt. $2100. Room 3. Wasliington bldg. 13TH and Clay, fine lot .suitable for flat or apartment. A 6y0. Oregonian. $U'ic IMl'ROVKD corner lot. 1 block car ellwood. L. 6. Oregonian. 4.-..w Wide fractional V-t with good hous 1-th St., West ie. T 6t3. Oregonian. S-N"AP $1050 each. Easy terms, two lots be tween E. 24th and E. 25th. In addition adjoining Colonial Heights on the south and Ladd Addition on the east, where 40 Toot lots are selling for S1900 up. Thes lots command a beautiful view of the S!-Z ? are 2 minutes' walk from town. J HY CAN I SELL THEM SO CHEAP? These lots are a portion of a tract of about 30 acres adjoining Jdd Addition which has been held for years under lease as a vegetable garden. Last year the work of improvement was commenced and finished over a portion of the tract and a few lots in the Bnisr d portion offered for sale. The hard Winter s.opped the work, but the contracts are let to finished same Immediat-elv ir thie property had been platted 2 years ago. as it rhould have been at the time J-dd Addition was. these lots would sell today at higher prices than the Ladd V21?1' S !he I""0Perty is higher and more desirable in every way. The purchaser of tts few lots that I can still deliver at ia year.J Pf,"ing prices win make S30n 8tW on the buy before the end of August. Arrange to see these unusual bargains SennHelV caEnot Buarantee delivery ln- tR.5M,?'iBER: graded streets, cement sidewalks, curbs, water, etc.. etc.. are all n now and paid for at above price. Noth 7,'.; assume except a sewer assessment $L'5O0 building restrictions. S new house, under contract to start Immediately - A" B- W-IDNEY. 822 Board of Trade. Main 6974. H.ETLA.VDTh. are g.-d Investment: T . 'n Mrlow, within S TRUfcT r of the car: we have a CO. gain prlc on tbi3'- 'f's a bar" 60x100, In Merlow, $700. 50x100. East 24rh and Car ruthers: cement walks In: this 1 i'iW; Ladd' tract; price P2R'EI-A-VI TRCST CDSTPANI, K&Cor. Third and Oak Sts. PINE LOT. 50x100. $JS. Beautiful lot on 43d st.. In Lenox Add.. atd .A??t;rVer",w,t, "'"ring fruit tree. Silii, di nlns a fln" residence, about blocks from car. There are 2 of these canh,av both of them or take rrmohnthe- Pr'Ce 600; 25 cash ! ,,, GRUSSI ZADOW. 317 Board of Tracks Bldg.. 4th and Oak. Wlt l.lUPTTD ,TTT. ....... . A fine lot. oOxlflo. on Raleigh street between cth and 30th. In a swell resi dence district; $350 below the market KndV.sr5",?0"e'! part rs tl1 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. TFraEnciI,fivt' h,B , "nd ''"y " !iTLf ''."" hlock frm carline; lot. of building in this vlclnitv and values advancing rapidly; a bargain if Taken at once; call forenoons. 1 laKen at V. VINCENT JONES. 302. Lew is bldg. SsTj.n'S? JP' 7 lots near ut ,l)tli and Slekiyou sts., for onlv ST'.o for the whole tract. Will never again b2 offered at that pric-, LJt9 all around held Pfl'S0t?.an ,w,ce that ount. c. F MS:' rm 5 Mulke" b'o-. 2d and E2?-I AND A 1 Improvements in; ON TUB TRLST "EST SIDE; corner of Vaughn ndNewton ets.; full lot; price PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY . E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. a I?,ION "reet and E. 26th. 5 lots on the ; .corner of said street, choice In every particular. Belongs to a non-resident, who needs money; $0.('i for the whole 5. If taken H s,T V,--,"- Pfl uw & Co.. room S Mul J"y bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. , ... ,fe,E13 ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irvlngton, high ground with mountains in view; all clly improvements: carline; easy terme. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, 322 Corbett Building. WEST PARK ST. CORNER. r .a cholce apartment site on Park st. Ji,i.B. barain- n'y $12..VjO; nothing ? , cneaP- considering location. Vanduyn & -Walton. B15 tThamber Commerce. WEST SIDE FRACTIONS. ,iT'ral f,rac"onal Inside and corner lota, wa king distance to postoffice; good for flVT-h P Zl' r' Vanduyn & Walton. 515 t hamber of Commerce. MUST sell. 4 choice lots facing on OraVs crossing, lit Scott carline; will take J2." down and lo a month per lot or w-n UOreE'o'arg."Y fr " VACANT LOT i 00 on. 37th' on block from car fine location, price :oo- terms GOODNOt GH & SEITZ 1J2 QUARTER BLOCK. 100x100 feet. 2 house, " northwest corner of 10th and Col lege street.. Price 1S.5H 1 PARRISH. WATKINS & CO 2DO Alder St. SKmT S'-Beautiful lots near Patton and Klllingsworth aves. $30 cash. Located near ruhlic school and new Jefferson High School Plttenger. owner. 119 Klllingsworth ave. U Jj or fat. John car. T"IjAT site .i 1 j!a,T ""lOO on Belmont St.: very de- r--ble.r 4-apartment flats; will sell for $-io0 If taken this week. OWNER. East 5.".4 'i'!30s71o'T, "f1 1',h near Filinr. cent U. tS end OI W' W" car- 10 P" 220 Lumber Exchange bldg. uii.iuun & HITTER. d'S.ir1,1,'11' Bt' bet- Tillamook ial-Jv. mpso,n:-3 liLr-e fruit trees, con l th v'i gee owner- 4 East mook -o"11- Broadway car to Tllla- fiVn ' Tv,e"' Clinton at., sewer ?S ,alk, bondd: 20 minutes from i,ad -Morrlsn sts.; $.!00 cash. $10 a month. Apply sa2 Worcester bldg! MUST sell my equity in Westmoreland lot pn account of sickness: one of the best 'Laf-t: r"1 'ak les" than I paid JOCT .Morrison St., Main 1003. FLAT SITE, corner on East Tenth and Harri son eu... 60x70 feet. Price $4000. term PARRISH. WATKINS A CO " 250 Alder at. I"2.o.SaJ,tMr "'"'IT lot in Ridgemont. $150: $15 per month. $10S down; no intereet no taxes, and all Improvementa U fiio Oregonian. CORNER 7.0x100. 2tlth and Brooklyn sts.. close to two carllnes; the best buy in the T'4,a,eCtbfdtg.Jl,,0- A- BackUS- 519 Board'o! TOR SALE Two lota In Rose City Park on East 4Sth st. near Siskiyou St.. six ....... , pi ice, tou; cash. SM50 balance $20 a month. N !I2. Oregonian! 1 V5.ASRESA frand view, wood lot for V ii i?i ''-""" town lots. Call on ?' i.H I'3?,3'11?- ast- 'W'hitwooa Court. United R. R.. 5c fare. MUST sell fine comer lot; beat part Penin sula: much leas than value; also Al lnslrii lot on Ea Side; eaey terms. AM BS6 Ore gonlan. ' FOR SALE by owner, fine lot In Irvlngton r""kK: nT,"1 0tT locatloh; a Cleared rSd? for building. It wduid pay you to Investi gate this proposition. X 673. Oregonian. CORNER. 100x100. fully Improved on Til lamook St.. restricted district, easy terms Phone Tabor 431; B 2OS0. terms. For Sale Houses. $3000 SACRIFICE sale new modern 6-room home. full basement, corner lOOxlOO fenced, fruit, flowers, 2 blocks from car Phone Tabor ISO. FINEST view property on Portland Heights modern residence Just completed; -, rooms' price $9500. Owner. v CUT. Oregonian WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. St. 161S. A 19S4; all covered waioni: and experienced men. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. 496 Eatft -vith tL North. Call and see It. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY B4NK Small check accounts received. Third and Oak sts. " TWO lots, house, woodshed. etc. $Juo terms; near car. Room 3. Washington bldg. IN Woodstock. modern 5-room cottage J2OO0; $2T.O down; owner must sell at once. Phone Sellwood 1036. SMALL house, lot. Kern Park. 1600 . Board of Trade bldg. " I HAVE some choice lots close in- will sell on very easy terms. P 6t'2. Oregonian. 8-ROOM bungalow, modern. 1 block iron car. Tabor 1377. $1600 cash. SOME choice residence lots in Southnort-40-foot frontage, c 002, Oregonian. iTS.e" t'ulekIy ne ot the nt lots In Irvlngton; Improvements all In; grand view of mountains. Only $1125 If taken before oebr'SrX07- r,Th!" under actual va ue- H: 602. Oregonian. . - - ., - I I UWMrx I HMIMirWh ... I ... ' $2200 NEW 5-room bungalow, all shingled, dark stain: double construction, lined with paper; 30x47 feet over all; paneled dining room, china closets, bookcases, hallraek; -wired end piped; cement tubs; 7-foot baee ment; plumbing complete: good automobile garage. Lt Scxloo. Terms. A beauty 5 rooms and attic, piped for furnace, fireplace, strictly modem and first-' dare; lot 5lxH. Small cash payment, bal ance quarterly and Interest 6 per cent Price 21K0. These are both west of Walnut Park and new Jefferson 'High School, on the Penin sula, near Kllllnginvorth ave. The best place In the city for present and future values, fee Plttenger. 119 Killlnssworth ave. U. L or St. J. car. A FINE COLONIAL RESIDENCE of 12 rooms and attic of 3 rooms: furnace; 4, fine fireplaces; garage or stable. AN IDEAL SITE In point of view, location and sunshine; ad mirably adapted for residence or sanitarium. SPACIOUS GROUNDS (About 30 full lots.) Close to restricted residence district, with paved streets, where lots are selling at $2lh. and only 30 mlnutea walk to down town business property. $28,000. $S000 Cash, Balance at 6 per cent. STRONG Sc CO. 605 Concord bldg. PORTLAND SEEING IS BELIEVING. We know that if you will let us TRUST chow you this home of seven ixioim, with sleeping porch, CO. beamed ceiling, large fire place, furnace; In fact, there if nothing lacking: you will say thie; It is worth $45f". Yes, it ii. but we offer it at $40(100. $.v.0 cash, balance easy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. FURNISHED HOME BELOW VALUE, owner leaving city .offers nearly new house on 50x100 lot, with entire outfit of furniture of high quality, at sacrifice price; 6 rooms and bath, gas, electric light, sewer. Furniture cost $1.0; lot ad joining property sold for $lSOO. I offer realty and furnishings for $3800. 'with. $16uo down; near Hawthorne and. 50th st. Call room 21, Breslin Hotel. 422-s Wash ington st. Phones Main 7954. A 5370. WE ARE BUILDING MORB HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WB SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. ' BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WB WIL FURNISH TH3 MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. ZO8-9-10 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PREPARE TO BUILD NOW. Make a good start and build in the Spring. We build on easy payments. If you have the lot we will furnish the money on terms to suit. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 902-3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. LET US SHOW YOU. A cozy home on E. 13th az. ; 5-room bun galow near Alberta carline; extra large rooma and clst; fine residence district; price $2500, $1200 cash. F4 PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO. Phone Marshall 646, A 7183. 902-3 .Lewis Bl. WEST SIDE HOME, $7500. R rooms, modern, large verandas and aleeping-porch, fine view of river and moun tains, on paved street, one block from car. garage. located on Willamette Heights; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FRONT ST. 7-ROOM HOUSE. Good 7-room house on Front, near Whit taker, good location and easy walking dis tance, house in good order throughout and a bargain at $3000, part cash, balance long time. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trad3 Bldg., 4th and Oak. PORTLAND $500 cash will buy this fine east front home; 6 large, roomy TRUST moms, beautiful view; 2 -blocks from Rose City Park car; price CO. $3'KiO; eay terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third end Oak Sts. A FINE seven-room house and full lot. close In. on East Side, in a splendid neighbor hood, nearly new, modern plumbing, large pantry, street improvements paid; only $25O0 cash required. Inquire forenoona. V. VINCENT JONES 3u2 Lewis bldg. $1770 CASH will enable you to buy a new house worth $3500 for $2S50; the house was built by the owner for his home, and has been occupied by him about 2 months; It is in a choice East Side location. l'(j blocks from. car. W. J. Smith. 43S Cham ber of Commerce. M. 7917. PORTLAND In East Salmon at., large 7 TRUST room home; modern plumbing CO. full lot; this Is worth the roonev, $4150. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS. 5 rooms, very desirable. $11)0(1. $5O0 cash. 5 rooms, beautiful place, $21 imp, 1300 cash. 7 rooms, very artistic. $3OO0. $500 cash. NORTON & SCHENIDER. 2864 Washington St., Room 612. 10-ROOM RESIDENCE, $4000 Modern, all conveniences, beautiful lot bearing fruit trees; i block off Union ave.: easy terms; no better bargain in Portland. NORTON SCHNEIDER 2S6 Washington st.. Room 612 PORTLAND On East Flandere. near East TRUST 2Sth St., 5-room home, fuil- CO. lot. modem plumbing; well worth $3000; make us aa of fer. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS One of the beet-located and prettiest 7-room houses In Port land Heights, at a wonderful sacrifice. This lot, 60x100. Is alone worth the price asked for the place. The Shaw-Fear Co.. 245ti Stark st. Main 35. A 35(0. NICE HOME CHEAP. $3000. 33x100 and nearly new 6-room modern house; 37th street, close to Bel mont; easy terms. r i. c i. j.i.c;. 508 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Wash Sts. BUNGALOW with large comer lot. Sunny side, near Belmont car; new and modern well furnished ir.s!rie, frontage and eleva tion right; reduced to $4000, $1250 cash bal ance easy: immediate posseaseton. Culver G23 Chamber of Commerce. ' PORTLAND WEST SIDE HOME On TRUST Marshall St. : modern in every CO. way; o rooms; cash price. $12,000. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sls. WTE OFFER A BARGAIN In an 8-room home, modern every way and In fine location. If you are wanting to buy It will pay you to see us THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO 605 Lumbermens bldg. SPECIAL 1 am building 2 houses, one for myself. Do you want the other oner Easy terms. Good location and direct from owner. I can save you money. Phone B 2767 or call 126 East 2Sth st after 6:30 P. M. A 6-ROOM HOME AT ARBOR LODGS with two full lots, fine river view nice lawn and fruit, only (2WO; easy terms see this today. The Williams Investment Co., 605 Lumbremen's bldg. BUY a home from me on easy terms. I have a dandy 0-room bungalow, hard wood floors. $3600. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermen' bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. $5000 for 5-room house and large lot on West Side, close In. Howard Land Co 420 Swetland bldg. ."iu v-o.. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 30xl0 feet. East Harri on near Tenth st. Price $2000- terms PARRISH. WATKINS & CO. 250 Alder St. $3600 9-room house on Belmont, close in -walking distance, very cheap ' MARTIN J. HIGHLEY. 132. Third St. 5-ROOM bungalow, new and modern. 12-00 easy -terms. ' HALL & BLOCH. 321 Lumbermen's Bldg. EAST MORRISON ST. Lot 33 1-3x100 mod ern 5-room cottage, fruit and flow-era $2500. See Queen Inv. Co.. 410 Falling bldg! SOME choice bungalows and houses good locations; easy terms; Equity Investment Co.. DOS oerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder? $3000 5-room house on 21at, near Clinton carline: a snap. MARTIN J. HIGHLEY. 132 Third St. SNAP 5-room modern bungalow, brand new close to Rose City Park car. fireplace etc' Owner. Main 761. . ' lc- 7-ROOM house, full, lot, 300 feet from the carline, in Piedmont, onlv $"500 MARTIN J. HIGHLEY. 132 Third St. $2750 5-room house; full loc- on E 36th near Clinton. ' MARTIN J. HIGHLEY. 132 Third St. $2600 5-ROOM bungalow. Sellwood. by owner L 601. Oregonian. ROi8 riTTw PARK KOjrlOO. reasonable, sightly. Fbone East 56J4. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AND A GOOD INVESTMENT. A fine 50x100 lot. Improved with un usually well built 2-story flat. 6 rooms each, all elegantly finished In natural wood, fine billiard room, best of plumbing and baths, fireplaces, gas and electricity, large reception hall, in choicest residence district, with beautiful view. This is a good buy and shows better than 11 per cent net on the c&ah Invested. See us for price. D1ETZ-MUEL1.ER CO.. S15-3I8-317 Ablngton Bldg. PORTLAND IT'S A NICE ONE 6-room .n,.- bungalow: large living-room. TRLST with fireplace, beamed celi- ing, dining-room is paneled co and corniced, kitchen Is a mod em Dutch, with drop table and Ironing biard; we know that you will like it: price $360O; $H down, balance easy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. A SNAP THAT HAS NO EQUAL. 5-roem house and 25xl0O lot. close In on the WEST SIDE, can be had If taken at once for $500 LESS THAN IT IS WORTH; good Income property and values in this neighborhood are Increasing rapidly. For price and full particulars call DIET 25-MUELLER CO., S15-316-317 Ablngton Bldg. PORTLAND It's Juset as cheap to ouy a , , new home as it is to rent a TRLST house. See this: 5-room bunga- low. Just being finished; fur UO. nace, fireplace, good view; price only 28.o. $250 cash, balance ea sy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HOME NEAR MT. TABOR. New 6-room hniuv on ht.jcl, mm V, Tabor car; paneled dining-room and finished first-class in everv rearied - rtr. Ian. a closets, full basement: a snap at $2650. $500 PORTLAND REALTY A CONSTRUcx. TION CO. (A 13) Phone Marshall 646. A 71S3. 902-3 Lewis BL SI'NNTKIDE KNAP Strictly modern home on fine corner of xtn st.; cement basement, with furnace: reception hall, parlor, dining-room and kitchen downstairs? 4 nice KeHrnnm. aH bath upstairs; large attic; price reduced o tav; zi.m casn. a bargain. KAI FFMAN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. $rt.V)0. 8 rooms. hardwood floors, plastered, paneled walls, beamed ceilings, built-in buffet. 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets, finished In fumed oak and white enamel; choice lo cation, bitullthlc street: the best buy in Irvlngton. O 6i2. Oregonian. PORTLAND Good 5-room home In Monta TRl'Sr villa. within 2 blocks of csr- CO. price $15t'0; $250 cash, balance easy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BARGAIN New modern 6-room house, full base ment, lot 50x114, with fruit trees In back yard; a snap at $3250; terms. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ 132 3th. SEE THE PH-T1TRB of the modern 4-room bungalow we offer for $1650. It sure is a bargain. The Wil liams Investment Co.. 605 Lumbermens WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. $7250: lot 75x100. improvements in. fine view. - six-room modern home; a bargain. CHAPIN &. HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN 4-room modern cotfsce o block to car. only $2000 ; half cash. The v llllams Investment Co.. 605 Lumber- 7-ROOM modem house. East loth n, rlsin street, 40x70 feet of ground. Price PARRISH. WATKINS & CO. 20 Alder (. . ALBINA BARGAIN. 40x149, on Stanton, near Williams ave.. fine location for home or Hats; this Is lelow market values; price $0(H. Howard J-and Co., 420 Swetland bid? $800 5-ROOM house and lot JOr i ivn w blocks from Alberta carline; must be sold; owner leaving town; price JSOO. "W. L.unK v.u., ADingion bldg. LiARGB 6-room cottage on East Ankeny, in 11-2 -mile circle; $3oU. EJ 6H.',, Oregonian. For Sale Business Property. HIGH-TONE APARTMBXT SITE. Over full lot cloee to upper Washington St., in a, choice apartment locality. The prioe is attractive for quick turn. Don't delay Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. f25,0O0 FAMILY HOTEL, SITE1 Tipper Washington et.. over quarter block; the cheapest buy on the market, and in locality where much activity in prospect very soon. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Cham ber of Commerce. lO MINl'TKfr walk from P. O. and the Port land Hotel, full 5(xl4 corner on Market near 16th. Improvement bring per mmth; only $25o. 14 cash. C. FVPfluger & Co., room 5 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison FACTORY SITE SNAP. Over an acre on switch in South Port land; street on three sides; only $7500 Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Com merce. APARTMENT-HOUSE, cloro in; income over Avirr, criiw net on price; corner lot 60x100; J. I. HAYES & CO., 302 Swetland bldg. Acreage. 110 ACRES with modern house and two barns, 12 miles from Portland - a. line place for subdividing; 40 acres, hour from Portland, on Elec tric Line; can be subdivided and old at 100 per cent profit this Spring. acres, near Portland. 4 blocks from station, on tiiectric Line; deep rich soil, living spring. Now is the time to buy acreage. Terms on all above. BAIRD & BROWN 312 Henry bid's. 10 OR 20 ACRES SECTION LINE ROAD. . 20 acres on Section Line road. 8 miles from city; H under cutivation. balance easy to clear; 2 acres in strawberries; email house and land that will grow any thing ; 2-acre tracts across the road sell ing for $500 per acre; price of this Is $:i4K per acre for quick sale; part cash; will sell 10 acres or all of It. See THE OWNER, 31T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak 20 ACRES. RARR ROAn We have 20 acres on the Barr road, near the Reamea road, which we offer for sale at $5o per acre less than any other acreage In that vicinity; look this up and make us an uiier. uooa terms. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. SECTION LINE ROAD 65 acres fronting on section Line Road, running through to Powell Valley road; fine for subdivision; a rare bargain and may be obtained for a short time at $273 per acre. Strong & Company, 605 Concord bldg. A BARGAIN 20 acres fine rich land. S miles from center of Portland, on fine road: 20 acres adjoining sold for $175 per acre; this can be bought for $125 -per acre cash; a real bargain; see us. Ward Realty Co., 305 Ablngton bldg.. Main li75. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close In; choice river front; 50o acres to subdivide. Kinney & Siampher. filil Lumber Exchange bldg. A 48SL 20 A"RES fine apple land. Mount Hood district; easy terms; snap. Mavor, 58 Gerllnger bldg. 6EID our 2 -acre place under farm beading Ohapin & Herlow. Homesteads. WE can locate you on 320 acres of rich Government land In S. E. Oregon. In the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lines and affording the best opportunity left in the U. S. to get a homestead; our agent has been on the ground four years, knows the country thoroughly and leaves with a party of locaters about February 1; consult him at our office. The HART Land Co., 146 Second st. FOUR homesteads, lying c!oe to good road within 5 miles of good town; 1 timber re linquishment, a, 000.000 feet yellow fir some cedar. We can locate you i-n Tilla mook. Lincoln, Crook, Lake and Klamath Counties. Davis & Beutkamp. 510 Dekum bldg. WILL leave Portland February 5 with par ties to locate on 32vl-acre homestead In Cen tral Oregon. Location fee. $75; location fees on Coast. $10O; relinqulAhmentr? $250 up. NImmo & Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg 320-ACRE homesteads In Christmas Lake -uiu con norK vaneys (Southeastern Ore gon), on R R. survey. Call today. Pie gott & Robinette. 14 Muikey bldg. cor 2d and Morrison sts. W are locating 320-acre claims near Lake view. Or- fIr.Mn t fa Uror T . . B. Hartley Co., 411 Swetland bldg. TWO minion acres of O. C. R. R. lands are required by act of 'Congress to be sold to actual settlers only at $2..iu per acre; railroad is contesting in court its obli gation, but will probably be forced to con vy to all those who shall actually ico upon these lands and sottle; applications by Tionpettlers can give no rights. Full In formation free. OREGON TIMBER-HOLDING CO.. Le-wis Bldg.,. Portland. Oregon. MY relinquishment with T.OOO.oon finest tim ber in Siletx. $1200. N 687. Oresonian. For Sale -Fruit Lands. BPtITEBERO SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 10, 20. 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only ort?U,? iPonL Poland, on railroad. Price IT,; 40- . 5(K Der tract. BETTER and ,? wlth u by appointment. m1.1 r write tor full particulars. Lib eral term a SinCt?i-RLA5" IVESTMKNT CO.. 310-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Marr" 4 Palmer. Rales Agents. FOR sale Rogue River orchard. 20 acres. I', from Medford. containing 1 aore ?-year-o d Yellow Newtowns. and 4 acreS 2-ear-old Kartlett. tio.l 4 feet black loam, j iwndy clay, coarse gravel for 20 feet ?iir h??e: Meal frult so"- Pr- l-.o"0: terms half cash, balance one. two and three jeans. Address Owner, box 5sS. -Medford, THL best buy in Hood River: 20 acres un lmpnoved. close to R. R. station, church I and "or"- ajoinlng good or- S . . yof want a "naP - s Trade Aps"a Clty lnv- Co- "7 Board of FiRmSiLE by.,?wner: 80 acrea ' Iatd about 3 miles south of Gresham. Or., in Clack- price asked; will make a fine apple or OregonTan cleare1: i9s "r acre. S 858. , ., acrT' 3'--- mes from Salem: "C'ion: T acrs of prunes. 2 acres or cnerrlee, apples ai d pears; good house also prune-dryer. Pi ice .iOoo. Rox -16. R a. Salem. Or. Phone Farmers! 215 For Sale Farms. SACRIFICE. A FARM BARGAIN. 35 ACRES. 3o acres, all under tine state of cultiva tion and an elegant location: land lies level and tine black soil; 1 acres of SrNT 5 orchard and 3 acres of apple orchard Just coming In bearing: 2 good ! fend.eS-nnln, st,r'am- " fenced and 2? . KOvl barn. with 2 good sneos; tin 8-room house, good chlcken-,a-nd 2 rnl'Ken parks, and outbulld JJihv T ln "op: 10 acres of tlm- nV.,,? nd,cl,,V,''': balance of land in line pasture; 1 mile from town and railroad; line." fro,m Fort Grove and electric line, personal property, fine team. Stude baker wagon and 2 sets harness, spring mow0.",- bUuKK5' Mccormick binder and fan nir"k; 2 P'0- harrow, cultivator, .ralth i,',.?'MiJh'',''ork and "nt- black-1 3horouVhn;eS'dir m'": and sma" BLCDZEV-C!g-VvH4vK PORTLAND." OREGON A. CANADIAN FARM INVESTMENT Applications will be received AT 13.50 PER ACRE lor any portion from 54 Sec. to 6000 ACRES on the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY IN SUNNY CENTRAL ALBERTA. Canada. Adjoining land sells for 112 13,000 acres sold since Oct." WRITE FOR LIST OF PORTLAND MEN WHO HAVE PURCHASED -AND ASK TH EM IF THEY ARE SATISFIED. Isy payments covering 6 years. PROFITS ABOUT B0 PER CENT t EACH YEAR. FRANK LANS, COLUMBUS. OHIO COLUMBIA RIVER FRONTAGE ei. ac:TK' a" Kood. rich land, with 750 i.Vi .teP-ter Irontage. about 14 acres in full-bearing orchard, balance under cultl i.S tIon. except 3 acres of Cottonwood tim ?(' . ranch buildings; abundance of iS e dW1Ut.; it miIe frr,m railroad station ?fT, b-.,R' R': railroad through tract. ai(2I inK- ra" nd water transportation: ice? !?re- JR; F' D- ma" ""1 telephone ferwee free delivery of groceries, meats, etc.. in fine neighborhood and 3 miles from Vancouver. on the fa mous "River Drive Road." Land slopes to the south, affording finest view of Van couver. Portland, the snow-capped mountains and eurroundlng country. Ideal country home site. Price. If sold in next 10 days', only JU.500; $75x cash, balance to suit THOMPSON & f WAN, Citizens' National Bank bldg.. Vancouver " ash., and 110 2d St., Portland. TROUT STREAM THROUGH LAND 8 blocks from electric carline. 5-cent ear fare. 6 acres, all good, rich land all un der high state of cultivation: about 34 acres in full-bearing orchard; 2-story house barn, chicken and outhousees; fruit-dryer chicken yards, co. ; variety of small fruits. Joining city limits of Vancouver. City school privileges, free mall and telephone service. An Ideal chicken and berry ranch. Ilrt cheap at $4."oo; terms THOMPSON &, SWAN. Citizens' Nat, Bank Mldg., Vancouver, ah., and llo 2d St., Portland. 5 PER ACRE Great wheat country 100 acre farm in the rich delta of the s'onora River, near American line, in Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate; deep garden soil; corn. . wheat. cotton. beans. alfalfa, dates, oranges, lemons, all vegetable products; good market; 150. 00O acres now opened to American farmers; first 10.000 acrea at o per acre; half cash; this is realty $100 land See or write us immediately, c. M Wooster Company. 703 Market St.. San Francisco. Cal. THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME - 5. 10 or 20-acre tracts, ready to plant, sightly, level, rich black sandy loam, on the W lllamette River, very desirable for fruit and vegetables, water and rail trans portation, one hour's ride from Portland. This means something to the man who wants a home, wants to bo independent and edu cate hi3 family. Price $150 per acre, easy terms; larger tracts for colonies, a specialty. DEAN LAND CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. FARM BARGAIN 607 acres. 4l7 acres farm land. 200 acres timber land with good sawmill site; all the land is in small valley in Western Oregon and the soil Is good; all farm land can be irrigated: will sell one-half interest in this place for SPO00 or will sell any part to suit pur chaser: school on place and one mile to P. O. Owner in Portland, call at once. M. E. THOMPSON vO. Henry bdg., 4th and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. Main 60S4. A 3:127. A REAL SNAP. 152 H acres, 46 miles from Portland, 16 acrea under plow, 30 acres more easy to ctoar; a thriving orchard of 17 Royal Anne cherry, 8 pear. 27 peach and 65 apple trees; market for all produce right at place: 6-room house, barn and other out buildings; price $1750; cash $1400, balance terms. STROUD & WIGLE, 434 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Or. FARMS FOR SALE. I HAVE 17 SMALL FARMS, CONTAIN ING FROM 2 TO 20 ACRKS EA SH 11) FARMS, 20 TO 40 ACRES EACH 27 FARMS. 4D.TO HO ACRES EACH. 22 FARMS, .so TO 1(50 ACRES EACH. 23 FARMS. 160 TO 0(10 OR MORE W. J. SMITH. 438 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. FOR SALE I have for sale several good farms In Yamhiil County, ranging lnBsixe from 40 to :t70 acres; some very fine fruit and w-alnut land; 22 miles from Portland, close to railroad elation- price end terms reasonable. W. B. BURKE. 620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town- this land Is very suitable for platting and la at present ln good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster. 302 Worcester block. Portland. Or. ON Willamette River, near Newberg. lew) acres of finest land, all level, best of soil, 100 acres clear, house and barn; this lies right across the river from Newberg; only SS5 per acre if taken- at once. c. F. Pf lu ger & Co.. room 5, Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE 2t5 ACRES. 140 acres In cultiva tion, balance 'oak timber, fenced and cross fenced, watered by springs and creek; good 10-room house, pump on porch, bam 40xtJO good outbutldlngn. 15-acre orchard close to Portland. 2 miles to R. R. Owner. T 6Wi Oregonian. FRUIT OR POTATO LAND. SO ar..- 35 miles from Portland. 2 miles from Ry. southern slope, ail tillable, best of soli, fine spring, S20 per acre.-, terms NORTON & SCHNEIDER. 286ti Washington St.. Room 61 Phone Main 48e. SEND for our list of Wlllameou Val'ev farms before huytng: lands shvs-n fr'. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or I " M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO. nARGAl.NS. FARM DEPARTMENT. 12.50 PER ACRE XO-acre ranch, Tilla mook Co.. Or., near town and cheese fac tory; nice lying tract In a good district; some beaverdam land: only $1000 for this farm. TILLAMOOK CO. FARMS WANTED Farmers write to our office and tell us your lowest prlc?. with terms, giving In formation complete; we will find custom ers. This applies to ALL OTSEK DIS- ' TRICTS in Oregon and also CLARK CO., - nshlnston. f"' 3Hi acres fine farm. Polk Co.. railroad station and school on place: an e'ecant bungalow-, modern t hrougliout, or chard, crops, sloping land, barn and gran ary, good farm house; can cut this farm to sell. :" 10) acres. Western Lane Co. ranch, easily cleared, near school house and town; good dwelling and spring. !.. li.o-arre ranch. Washington Co.. 3 miles good town; near railroad, has 3 , acres apple orchard, fine soil. 40 miles moSVy "d: buy ,hls aRd mke " l.-.o per acre. !0 acres. Columbia Co.. -1 miles Portland, on railroad; a fine ,airy.-fi,rm: nl-e home; will subdivide. ..i XT'" cear Scappoose; beat i, - aPPle land. Iovelv acenerv. f !7T 32 acres tine bottom land, faoatlv Lilt J S"?' on railroad; two cottages: will divide Into two tracts ii"iiT'iS acr,e?- 'arm and orchard, fine, near Port-Jnd - hor9e' wagon, water. or?h'HT1UlL acres- Yamhill Co.. with crop. ?k2 ' berr'ts- running water. some nrt fl'rJ ".W -ro-"" house, ill vehicles Ki.t farm implements, cows. hogs, horses, chickens. H. H. furniture; soil etra good DOiyR?F"tJv?honS- P'-At-E WILL BLt 1N AI.CE SOON. nVl Yam"'l 'o.. a big farm InL r?;?', some timber ln It. all build ings and Implements, the cleared land is worth price asked for all: part cash balance long lime, il per cent .o 400 acres. Yamhill Co.. all cleared, new house, nice rolling land. 2 big barns farm tools, wagons, buggv. nil growing crop;. ::oo head of stock ; rvervth Ins S '0"V ni"hln better to be found Co wIh, a.crM tine fru" r,,rn': Clark .'.-,iva lns,"n- r-c:,r Portland, cation " acrcs' cxtra eood. same lo- !:i'""m:,r.a,cr's- Clark Co- Washington. 1.imiV 100 acres. Clark Co.. T, miles Portland, elegant Improvements, all stock JIT? 'n;r','"''nts. orchard, rolling land PhU f.,"'ekn,rv' H P- and Phone; see i,-farm- ,ne fade's made. Inrft 7T a0re"' strictly high-grade and ha,v, ranch. Eastern Oregon; cheap at double price asked MrARLAXn INVESTMENT CO 31U-31 1 Corbett Bldg. 40 ACRES IN , SUNNYSIDE. 40 acres In Clackamas County. 2 mlle from railroad. 3 miles from electric line- 22-. ?r'u" undf cultivation. S acres in bearing rrtllt. aprles. pears and cherries: all kin.' or small fruit: about 4oO cords of wood: is S 2 "iP' to clear; finest kind of fruit land; iLrlL b-'fse. . rooms; good barn.: team ot horses, wagon, hack and all farming Im- Prtc.en,"t- S.,L'9t he " to be appelated. -V22r f" Peraor': worth more money. ' ery easy terms. Owner going East. ..- GRUSSI & ZADOW. 31 ' Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. Miscellaneous. ARL. you looking for a farm or acreage? - Don't fail to call at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY." 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. ' ' It costs you nothing and we treat yoa right. it surely w 111 be to your advan tage tc ee us before buying. We don't " publish our list. ' WILL sell my equity in lot In Belle Crest for one-half; chance to get a good lot cheap; leaving town. AD 0S. Oregonian. SNAP Bayocean full lot. ocean front. 75l. .IOO cash. Phone owner. East 3573. XO EXCHANGE. 28 ACRES, fire black soil, S blocks from Bonita Station, also on S. P. Rv. and county road. 20 acres cultivated: this will suit the critics; take all or part ln city property. 1H0 acres. Clark County. Washington, half orchard land, very easllv cleared, balance good pastune; can be had at bar gain, or will take good property. 30 acres perfectly drained land at W Itch Hazel, highly Improved, new bun galow and buildings, for city property. U section on G. T. P. Ry.. 70 miles S. E. of Edmonton. Canada. 1 mile from sta tion; first choice homestead at $L'0 per acre; sure to double in short time; want Oregon property. Clodfelter Bros.. 414 Couch bldg. 10 ACRES fine land. unimproved. near Portland, for vacant lots. 40 acres best apple land. White Sal mon, for rooming-house or house and lot. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO. 50S Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. 3 BLOCKS FROM ELECTRIC CARLINE. 5 acres, beautifully located, near West woodburn, 4 acres Improved, with some fruit: new- :t-rcom house, barn, chicken houses, good well; 011 main county road. 83 5th st.. room 1. 10-ACRE TRACT. o acres in fruit trees in bearing, balance In cultivation; 200 feet from good school 4-. miles from Vancouver. ii mile from oectric carline; Portland residence de sired. 83 uth st.. room 1. WILL trade my business property, with 6 room modern house and store, rent for $.V month. :io:t-:5 Larabee. near Steel bridge for nice residence or corner lot, close in. Phone East 4476. w.i a Bood lmla" house In desirable location or vacant lots to exchange for equity of 27.o ln new, modern Irvlngton e- Address A 607. Oregonian or phone FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY afri cultivation, with fair oe,".'.1KilTult t.:ees an1 ac"1 tra beiries; 4 Vi miles from Vancouver i mile from electric line. S3 5th St.. room 1 IRI:?iITONW;e ,,av' tw modern homes In Irvlngton for sale at sacrifice prices; better Investigate now. BAIRD & BROWN 312 Henry bldg. 20 ACRES good unimproved land. 14 miles. iS?,71 Vs ngeles. near carline; price JUOOO; for Improved farm near Portland. L. Mangle. Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. TRADE FOR A SMALL FARM New H-room house, with hnrl. -.n.inn corner lot. Klllingsworth ave.. to trade for small farm or close-in acrea s:: 5th st.. room 1. NICE level lots in Ohehalis. Wash., for land Tr rrno" PP"'': I take trade up to 10,000. Owner. 80S Board of Trade .-PASSENGER STUDEBAKER AUTO Last year machine. In fine condition.' to trade for city property or close-in acre age. 83 5th st.. room 1. HAVE good patent, worth at least lonno wanted to trade for real estate, city pro?: erty preferred. F. J. Weber, 654 Vaughn 2 CORNER lots In Waverleigh for sale- will trade for poolroom and confectionary. Room 221. Henry bldg. '' ' WILL exchange for farm land modem 8-room house on car. West Side; price 3800. 33!) fherlock bldg. HAVE a good house and lot: trade for lots or acreage. Angeles Trust Co.. 326 i Washington St.. room 417. YOU can trade any kind of property at' room 1019 Board of Trade. " BRUSH runabout to trade for lot. Call at 221 Henry bldg. 4-FtOOM ' cottage, large barn, fruit trees TiOO: terms. Room 14. Washington bldg. WILL trade diamonds for property or auto or furniture. Main 6207. MINING ,0fk r"r cheap land or lot equity. Mayor. 51 is lerlinger bldg. w 1 TANTEP ANO ITR SALE LAN D SCR LP. , A?,''!',a-1 .cntry home, thoroughly adapted -for chickens, ducks and fruit. 2i acre all in very high state of cultivation; all renced with heavy woven-wire fence- o.) fine apple trees. 1100 choic eberry bushes containing strawberries, raspherrifs, black berries and loganberries; running stream the year round. Fine new 7-room. modern plastered house, witii concrete foundation Cost 2oO0. Plenty of lumber for rhlcken . iu7 "n. s-cent carline. just beyond Capi tol Hill: fine view and open country. Pr'ce S-1..00: SlHtn cash, balance on time. Acre age adjoining this selling for C1250 an acr in the rough. Chapln & Herlow, 3.13 Cham lier of Commerce. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Improved farms within 15 miles ot Portland; we are selling farms right along and would like to have your place on our list, as we have more clients than we have suitable property; give us a trial we get results. Ward Realty Co.. 305 Ablngton bldg.. Main 1B75. ' WASTED TIMBER LANDS. TI304BEMcKay'1bIa'.a.nt,l J' Cradtu