Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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Taxpayers, by 193 to 50, De
cide for $350,000 Bond
Con struct ion on S I r act u re to Take
Place or Lincoln High Will Be
Completed In 18 Months.
Vote Cast Is Small.
" Bonds to trve amount of $.T50.0V) were au
thorized by the taxpayers at the srhool
election yestprriay. the vote beinj? 193 for
find 50 ftgainst the proposition.. After the
rnnvaM and the result announced, T. N".
Kleischner, chairman of the Board of Ed
ucation, announced that the 'Board win
proceed with the work of actual construc
tion of a new Uncoln High School at
once. Tt will probably bo completed with
in IX months.
"The first tbtnpr to do." raid Mr. Fleisch
nr. 'in for tho Board to determine the
manner of aecurinjr plans " and ppecifica
rionr. Some of the members have- ex
prewd a desire to select , an- architect
and abide by hi plans, thus away
with the wranple that resulted In the
case of the Jefferwn High School, whan
we had a number of architpcts bidding:
in competition and nearly all were dis
pleased. Other mPTnbers feel thit the old
plan is best, provided the Board makes
it known in advance that it will be the
final Judg-p of what is best to be selected
when all of the plan? are In hand.
Headquarters Is In Question.
"As to the building:' itself. It Is too
early to make any statements as to Jts
construction, but I will say that H !s
doubtful as to whether we will combine
an administration "headquarters. There
are objections' to doinj? this, and we may
decide to build a headquarters building
elsewhere. . It lias not, however, .-.been
determined as yet.
"If we would put the administration
nrrices in tne new Lincmn msn swnooi, u
would be nereppary to ufp the top Moor
for the purpose, necessitating the instal
lation of an elevator. This would entail
additional expense for operation and
would make a good deal of difference in
the building also. That we must have
an' administration headquarters, there is
no doubt, as the district is fretting so large
tho.t this is absolutely necessary. We
have things scat tered all over the city
now, when everything in the administra
tion line should be grouped.
"We are greatly pleased that the tax
payers authorized the bond issue, and
we will proceed to actual work upon the
building as rapidly as possible. The reg
ular meeting of the Board will be held
Friday afternoon and It is possible we
will take up and consider the subject at
that time."
The polls were open in the office of
School Clerk Thomas from 1 to 4 P. M.
yesterday. While- the voting was light,
this was largely due to the fact that no
holiday was declared, and It is difficult
to get out a large vote on a business day.
It had; been, anticipated that there; might
be a litth opposition to the bond issue,
but nothing;- serious developed, as only 50
votes were recorded against the proposi
tion. Those who acted as clerks of election
were R. K. Warren. V. R. Bishop. John
Mock. W. R. Hall and Robert Foulkes.
The site selected by the Board of Edu
cation for the proposed new high school
building is on the block bounded by
Couch, Davis, Seventeenth and Eight
eenth streets. It was purchased more
than a year ago for $95,000 and is con
sidered an ideal place for the West Side
High School.
, Tilncoln. ITlcl Yet to Be Vsetf.
It will, of course, be necessary to util
ize the present Lincoln High School
building until the new one is completed
and ready for occupancy. It is out of
dat1 and inadequate to present-day needs,
making the completion of the new build
ing a matter of great urgency. It will
be sold when abandoned by the Board of
What action the Board will take rela
tive to the proposed administration build
ing Is problematical, but the members
must face this problem soon, as Mayor
Simon is urglnir the Board to remove its
offices from- the City Hall. -The rooms
occupied by the Board of Kducatlon . and
the superintendents of instruction are
needed by municipal departments so much
that the Mayor recently took up the sub
ject with Chairman Flelschner and asked
him to arrange some means whereby the
city may . have the rooms In the near
Chief Booster Will Visit Commercial
Club of Other Cities.
Tom Richardson, of the Portland Com
. mrrclal Club, the acknowledged kins of
publicity promoters, loft yesterday morn
Jiir for a totir of towns tributary to
-Portland. In each of which ho will be the
frueBt of tho commercial organization.
Th last visit will be mado February 11
at Goldcndalo. Wash., where a big
booster rally is to be held.
Tonight Mr. Richardson will be the
truest of the Pocatrllo. Idaho, club. Fri
day night he will be in Caldwell. Idaho,
lind Saturday he will deliver an address
at a noon luncheon of the Boise, Idaho.
Commercial Club, returning: Monday to
Vale. Or. He will next visit Ontario. Or.,
Grande. Or.. Baker City, and make
k short stop at The Dalles on his way
to Ooldendale.
North Bunk Railway Clerk Had
Lived Ixuir in Portland.
Robert A. Adams, whose death oc
curred January 27. ws a clerk in the
offices" of the North Bank road and had
been a resident of Portland IS years". He
was born in Coffeeville. Kan. The
jieral occurred last Saturday, from
Stands' Church. interment being
st. in
lilverview .vnietery.
. He leaves a widow, who for a lone time
has been manager of the suit department
at Unman. Wolfe & Co.; also two sons.
FYancto. and Xlelo. He was a brother of
H. ri Adams", genera! manager of the
North Bank road. He was a member of
the "Woodmen of the World.
Completion to Wood bum Celebrated
With Aid of Salem.
WOOPBfRX. Or.. Keb. 2. It was a
fcreat night in Woodburn last night,
when a carload of Salem boosters ar
rived over the newly completed Valley
Electric "line, to help the citizens of"
thi-j city celebrate In fitting style tho
completion of the road from West
Woodourn to Woodburn. The visitors
were members of the Salem Board of
Trade and the Salem Business Men's
Leaae. They were greeted by a big:
gathering: in Oddfellows' Hall, with E.
P. Morcom. president of the Woodburn
Commercial Club, in the chair. Mayor
Robert H. Scott welcomed the guests
and Colonel E. Hofer, of Salem, re
sponded. Among other speakers were:
J. H. Seltlemler, founder of Woodburn;
Mrs. Maude Moehel, president of the
Woodburn Woman's Club, and the fol
lowing Salem visitors: Senator T. B.
Kay. C. S. Waters, C. I . Dick, W. J.
Staley, P. D'Arcy, M. O.- Buren, Aug:
Huckectein and others.
Mr. Buren said Mrs. Mochel's speech
was the best of the evening, and upon
his suggestion a collection was taken
up for the Woman's Club; it amounted
to $32.
A telegram from President Frank
Robertson, of the Valley Electric, stated
his Inability to attend the jollification.
The regular schedule of the Valley
Electric, ojerated by the Oregon Elec
tric -wen1: Into effect this morning.
Twenty-two trains in and out of Wood-,
burn will be run daily.
Defendant Is Accused of Selling
Office Furniture After It Was
Property of Another. .
J. C. Reed, a real efitate dealer, in
dicted by the grand jury on a charge
of" obtaining money under false pre
tenses, was arraigned before Presiding
Judge Morrow in the Circuit Court yes
terday afternoon", and pleaded not
guilty. He will be tried February 8.
It is charged that on November 9 he
sold to C. S. Ogsbury the furniture
in his office at 507 McKay building
for $500. The furniture is alleged to
have been the property- of another.
When Deputy District Attorney Page
was about to arraign Augustus Walk
er, Attorney AlIan'R: Joy made objec
tion.. Walker was Indicted once before,
he said, and Judge Gantenbein allowed
the case to be resubmitted to the grand
jury that an error in the indictment
might .be corrected..- Mr. Joy contended
that this is the same Indictment amend
ed and- that, having been once ar
raigned. Walker could not be again
haled before the court for the same
offense. In deciding that this is a brand
new case. Judge Morrow took occasion
to rap the grand jury system. Walker
is alleged to have secured $1000 from
John Rometsch by falsely representing
a mortgage signed by A. E. Carter In
Walker's favor to be of value. The
accused man will'pleaci Monday morn
ing. Charles Keran. jointly Indicted with
George Burke for alleged water-front
thefts, pleaded not guilty on three
counts yesterday,
charcoal sacks at 1 cent each.
Frederick B. Stewart's estate was ad
mitted to probate in the County Court
yesterday, and Inga M. Stewart, the
widow, appointed administratrix, to act
under $6000 bonds. The estate is worth
$17,700. Stewart died January 21, leaving
no will. The widow and two sons are
the only heirs. County Judge Webster
named James A. IowIing, Joseph K.
Quick and J. G. Thatcher as appraisers.
Lizzie C. Davison's Lawsuit Over
Property Cioes to Supreme Court.
The lawsuit of Lizzie C. Davison, the
milliner, against her divorced husband,
John B. Davison, is to be taken to the
Supreme Court. A notice of appeal has
been filed. At the' time Davtsion was
married, in 1S91, he was on the police
force in the city, and was later a bridge
tender. He secured a divorce in South
The ex-wife then brought suit to have
him declared the trustee instead of the
owner of property, he holds in his name.
She alleged that the money with which
the property was purchased wa acquired
by her in the millinery business. The
husband answered that, he invested the
money judiciously and therefore had as
much right to it as she did. Judge Mor
row decided the case against her, and
her lawyers decided to appeal. They will
have the case tried de novo.
Suit Over Real Estate Transaction
Decided in Defendant's Favor.
Circuit Judge Bronaugh decided in
favor of M. J. Higley yesterday the suit
brought against him by I'. Zeitfuchs and
E. A. Clem, to recover $625 for securing
a purchaser for real property in Couch
Circuit Judge Cleland took the suit of
the White Motor Car Company against
E. O. Potter under advisement yesterday
morning. The company demanded $111!
for repairing a White automobile, alleg
ing the bill was unpaid. Potter said that
he refused to pay the bill because the
motorcar would not run after the com
pany had repaired it.
Oscar P. Bliss recovered from L. S.
Browning $160 by order of Circuit Judge
Catena yesterday. Bliss sued for $291.50
on a real estate deal.
Question of Who Pays for Water
Mains to Be Settled.
The contest over the right of the
city authorities to charge abutting
property-owners with the cost of laying
water mains is to be taken to the Su
preme Court. Circuit Judge Morrow
sustained yesterday a demurrer to tho
complaint of the Irvington Real Estate
Company against the city, thereby
Quashing the suit.
The attorneys for the plaintiff .there
upon gave notice of appeal. The le
gality of the election at which this
amendment to the city charter was
voted, and the power of the Water
Board to lay the mains, arc questions
raised in the complaint.
Court Xotes.
E. F. Noland was indicted bv the crand
Jury yesterday for assault and batters-
on G. W. Wilson. January 27. This was
one of six indictments, five of which are
withheld from publication. A not true
bill was returned against John L. Schuy
lerman, accused of having unlawfully
opened a scaled letter on October 25. 1909.
aaaressea to the L nited Wireless Tele
graph Company.
Sarah Maione has filed in the Circuit
Court a divorce suit against Thomas E
Malone. charging him with having de
serted her November 27. 1908. They were
married November 2. 1907.
The Oregon Wood Distilling Company
brought suit in the Circuit Court yester
day to recover $472.53 from J. C. O'Gor-
man, a balance alleged to be owing on
J'J4o6 worth or ctiarcoal furnished O'Gor
.man between February, 1907, and Febru
ary, 1909, and for the mending of 5tM0
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. rotund money If it fails to cur.
K. W. GROVE'S sicnalure is on each box. 25c
Oregon Electric
Construction of the branch line connecting Woodburn with West
Woodburn has been completed, and passenger service will be inaugu
rated on the above date with 22 DAILY TRAINS between WOOD
BURN and WEST WOODBURN. Connection made at West Wood
burn with all north and south-bound Portland-Salem trains except the
8 :40 P. M. from Portland and the 8 :50 P. M. train from Salem.
6 :30
. 7:50
. 9:15
. 2:00
. 3:50
. 6:30
Board Decides to Lay Them
Only Where Paving Laid.
Kxtenslons Will Be Confined to
Streets Which Are to Be Hard
Surfaced This Year Mayor
Made Profit on Everett Work.
Operations of the Water Board as to
the installation of new mains this sea
son will be largely confined to streets
that are to be paved with hard-surface
materials, according to the policy out
lined ' at yesterday's session. A list
of these thorougfares is to be checked
up by Commissioners Wilcox, Ains
worth and Mackay, City Engineer Mor
ris and Chief Engineer Clarke, of the
Water Department. The urgent cases
will then be rushed, bids being sought
for these ahead of all others.
There are approximately 79 miles of
streets to be hard-surfaced where wa
ter mains must be Installed, accord
ing to a report submitted by Superin
tendent Dodge and Engineer Clarke,
and it will be the aim of the board to
give its first efforts to these streets, in
order that the pipes may be laid ahead
of the paving. Mayor Simon will not
permit any cutting of pavements for
the installation of mains, except in the
few cases where it is absolutely neces
sary. He is strongly opposed to this,
and at the outset has had a fixed policy
against it.
Can Only Pave 60 Miles.
Mr. Wilcox Inquired of the Mayor
how many miles of hard-surface pave
ments will, in all probability, be laid
this coming Summer. The Mayor re
plied that, to the best of his Judgment,
considering everything, it would be im
possible to lay more than 60 miles.
"I do not believe." said Mr. Wilcox,
"that we will be able to 'lay so many
mains as should be laid this Summer,
owing to the scarcity of labor and other
conditions, and I believe we should
confine our operations very largely to
those streets that are to be paved with
hard-surface materials."
This proved to be the opinion of the
other members, Messrs. Ainsworth and
Mackay, and the Mayor also heartily
agreed. He further suggested that
there be "more co-operatlnn in the fu
The promise for streetcar service direct to Alameda Park is now
fulfilled by established fact. This morning: the regular Broadway
cars began running direct to Alameda Park on regular Broadway
The Alameda Land Company, in order to secure this great
advantage for the residents of Alameda Park, have paid $12,000 to
extend the carline to the Park.
This extension was advertised to be completed with cars in
operation on February 3. This promise has been fulfilled to the letter.
In order to allow all persons who have been considering the pur
chase of lots, the opportunity to buy before the advance in prices,
this advance has been-postponed until March 1. On this date all prices
will positively be advanced. '
Everyone wishing to see Alameda Park may now take Broadway
car at Fifth and Washington street and go direct to this beautiful
residence section.
With the coming of warmer weather the street improvements
will be rushed as fast as men any money will do it.
Scores of homes are to be built this Summer.
The present prices on Alameda Park lots are positivelv fifty per
cent lower than surrounding values. Concrete examples of this will
be given upon application. Just one instance: Several daj-s ao a lot
100x100 on the corner of Twentieth and Thompson streets, Irvington,
sold for $6000. A lot of the same size, with superior location and
with superior improvements being installed, may be had in Alameda
Park for $2000, exclusive of improvements, which will make it about
$3000 when the improvements are all installed. This is but a typical
example. Other lots may be had for as low as $850.
All who have as much as 10 per cent of the purchase price to lay
down may buy now in Alameda Park, and secure not only a choice
location but also the low price, which will positivelv advance March 1.
Further particulars may be had of the Alameda Land Company
owner of Alameda Park, 322 Corbett Building. '
Raflway Co.
Arrive Woodburn.
Arrive Woodburn.
Arrive Woodburn
Arrive Woodburn.
Arrive Woodburn.
Arrive Woodburn.
Arrive Woodburn.
.. 8:05 A. M.
. . 9 :50 A. M.
10 :30 A. M.
. .12:40 P. M.
. . 4 :00 P. M.
. . 5 :30 P. M.
. . 8:10 P. M.
F. NEVINS, Traffic Manager
ture" between Chief Engineer Clarke,
of the Water Board, and City Engineer
Morris. This, said the Mayor, is neces
sary if the water mains are to be laid
ahead of the pavements, as they should
be. instead of the water pipes being
laid on unpaved streets, for which, in
numerous cases, no provision has been
made for paving. He then referred the
list of streets where pavements are to
be laid to the members of the Board for
consideration, and an effort will be
made In the near future to secure bids
for the Installation of these mains.
The outcome is problematical, as it has
been very difficult to secure good bids
on the laying of mains under the present
law of taxing the cost to abutting prop
erty. Contractors are not desirous of
taking chances of. the collection of their
money under this provision of the law.
City Can Outdo Contractors.
The Mayor reported to the Board as to
his work as a contractor in laying an
eight-inch main in Everett street last
Pall. He completed the work In record
time and made a profit of $76.19, and with
interest on the bonds of $13.69, netted the
city $31.58, which he turned in to Super
intendent Dodge by check.
"This; shows that we can beat the con
tractors all hollow when it comes to the
city laying mains," said Mr. Wilcox, who
Is a strong advocate of the proposed
amendment submittted by the Mayor re
cently, but now recalled by him because
of opposition. "If we had the right to
lay mains, we could do a great deal," he
A contract aggregating $55,000 for mains
In the Laurelhurst tract was let to the
Barber Asphalt Paving Company, and
the Mayor' announced that he had ar
ranged with Oskar Huber, the manager,
to give the city a, bond for $25,000. guar
anteeing the city against any possible
loss in case the property-owners should
refuse to pay their water assessments. In
addition to this, the regular bond, for the
full contract price, must be given by the
company. The indemnity bond will be
furnished by the Laurelhurst Company.
Waivers from all of the property were
niea, enabling the board to award the
contract to the lone bidder.
Barber Company Must Show.
The Barber Asphalt Company, by Mr.
Huber, had submitted applications for
time extensions on three water mains of
90 days each, but all were tabled, as the
Mayor and the members- of the board de
sire to see whether there is good cause
for these delays-. A fine may be levied.
In the case of a necessary repair in a
20-inch main at the foot of Pettygrove
street, the board ordered the repair made
and payment to be had from the general
fund. City Attorney Kavanaugh had
rendered an opinion to the effect that the
work must be charged to the abutting
property, but his opinion was ignored in
this instance.
Business Men Go on Junket.
ROSEBURG. Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.)
Among those-joining Roseburg's business
men's excursion, which left this city this
morning for a four-day trip throughout
the county, were: B. A. Mahan, J. A.
Murray, Mose Rice. Fred Raymond. H. T.
Fashion Demands Long Graceful Lines I
I These demands are absolute. The effect can only be right when the foundation is right. Never before, perhaps;
was correct corseting quite so important to the Woman of Fashion.
J Gowns fitted over C'B a la SPIRITE CORSETS ate invariably distingue, while the wearer enjoys that freedom
and support, without which, graceful walk and easy carriage are impossible. CB a la SPIRITE CORSETS are
offered in styles to fit every type of figure, graduated through 40 different models to meet individual peculiarities. In
quaky, make and finish, these corsets represent the nearest to perfection in modem corsetry.
J The CB a la SPIRITE Boning gives support and pliability without adding to the weight.
The CB a la SPIRITE Seams hold the boning securely in place, so the corset never "rides" or twists.
J The CB a la SPIRITE Stitching never rips or unravels, adding greatly to comfort and durability.
The CB a la SPIRITE adjusts itself to support the abdomen and back, and allows deep, full breathing without increasing the
size of the waist. ' AT ALL LEADING RETAILERS
MeClallen, S. Jowphson, - Dr. Sely. I.
Abraham. Ij. E. Mlllede, Nath.n Fuller
ton, .George Neuner. H. C Darby, J. H.
Booth, W. E. Cling-pnpeel, I Kabat. D.
C. 'Fitzer, Darby Richardson, H. Guest,
Winnie Gaddis. Henry Harth, Ll B.
Riches, It B. Wallace, R. E.- Smith. O.
W. Clark, Rev. Mr. Baker, A.'.C. Marsters,
E.-B. Barber, C. D. Beale andB. Fenton.
Acol Con pie Seeks Divorce.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe
cial.) Agrnes L. Bolton, agred 64 years.
"It's the Baking Powder, not much like your old-style kind
that cost three times as much and wasn't half as good."
"Well, it's just wonderful. Everything you make is light as a feather-and
the best I ever tasted. In my time, I thought I was a fine cook when I could gt
a cake to look like that. And to think it always comes out right ! How foolish
I've been to stick to the high-priced kind, forty or fifty cents a pound and nb
better than they were fifty years ago!"
Baking Powders have improved along with everything else in the - last
fifty years. Wc guarantee that today the Best at Any Price is
The modern, up-to-date leavener, the summit of perfection in Baking Powder.
If you don't like it any other, your grocer will' return your money.
Guaranteed to comply with all Pure Food Laws-PaWu
Guaranteed to please you best Satisfaction
Guaranteed to save you money Economy
No "Trust" prices, a 25-ounce can for 25 cents.
Get a can on trial from your grocer ; get it today.
has filed suit for divorce from her hus
band. Nelson 1-'. Bolton-, who is over 70
years old. She allesr-s ruel and in
human treatment and states in her
complaint that her husband has fre
quently accused her of stealinjr from
him. They were married 10 years ago.
Eugene Pythians Meet Saturday.
EUGENE. Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.) The
Knigrhts of Pythias lodfre of this city is
making (Treat preparations for a bisr
meeting here Saturday nipht. Grand
Chancellor F. Menefee. of Portland, as
well as Vice Grand Chancellor D. K. To
ran of this city, will bo in attendance,
-besides other' .eminent, state officials of
the order, including a team from Port
land who put on the initiatory work for
the Dramatic Order, KniKhts of Koras
san. a' side decree ' of the Kniahts of
Pythias lodre. A class of So members
will be initiated by the "Doky" team, in
cluding brethren from Roseburs, Junc
tion, Cottage Grove and thisl city. These
lodges comprise what is known as dis
trict No. 6.