THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26. 1910. 1 illli -tr j !! V rfilV f)H II Ml Regular $20 Pre-Invent'ry $7.89: These capes made of fine quality broadcloth, some made with fancy braid - trimmed toe effects. Plain tailored satin trimmed and mili tary capes. Single and double cape. A 11 satin lined and flannel lined. Castor, cadet, gray, ca tawba, tan and black. New Middy Blouses for SPRING 1910 Made in regulation style of battleship duck, in all sizes. Prices $1.95 $2.25 BLACK HAND SECRETS OUT fckrrcrnment Kxposes Bylaws in To ledo, O., Prosecution. TOLEDO. .O.. Jan. 25. Rules and regr- illations governing the alleged Black Hand organization, threatening: letters to intended victims and selections from their voluminous correspondence to each other containing: obscure refer ences to their supposedly sinister rela tions, were presented at the trial here of 14 alleged Black Hand conspirators today. With this the Government rest ed its case. Under the caption "Society of the Banana and 'Faithful Friends." the con stitution provides penalties of death, stabbing two to five cuts with a knife, branded on the body, designation of "traitor" or "swindler," or deprivation of a share in the profits for three months, according to the gravity of an offense against the obligations placed upon the member. Death is prescribed for revelations of secrets. Among the offenses mentioned were cowardice, failure to use the knife as ordered, dealing sparingly, attempting to harm a re How-member or his family, neglect of "inspectors" to keep order. and absenting oneself without notify ing the "local." '4. .McMlnnvllIe Calls Election. McMINNVILLB. Or.. Jan. 25. Spe cial.) The City Council, acting upon the petition of 60 per cent, of the voters of the city at the last gpneral election, lias made an order calling a special election on Monday. April 4. for the pur pose of allowing the people to vote on an amendment to the charter, permitting the extension of the boundaries of the city. There are some thickly populated suburbs lying just outside of the present boundaries, which it is desired to annex. Butterick Patterns Victor Talking Machines LaVida Corsets Pioneer Montesano AVoman Dead. MONTESANO, "Wash.. Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Julia Bower, 66 years old, who died at her home in this city Saturday, was a pioneer of Montesano. coming here with her husband 20 years ago. She had been partially paralyzed for about three years. Sho was born in Germany. Airs. Bower i survived by her husband, two daughters and two sons. City En gineer Bower 1 a son of the pioneer woman. 1 Pre-Inventory Wednesday Sales SALE fr jrp SALE Only Four Days : J IA fl fj MiyWM 1 BlW nlv Four Dav More I Cjfa I More The Quality is there or they would not be in the store. It's the price today that attracts attention. Down to where all profit disappears. Serviceable Practical Leather Items 19c 75c Coin Purse, Pre - Inventory . With metal frames all around. Fine for silver and gold. $4 Music Roll, t998 $1.75 Handbags, d 1 19 Pre - Inventory . . . P ' Ladies' Handbags in seal grain leather, moire lined, sin gle or double strap handles. Fitted with coin purse to match. $1 29 $2 Hand Purse, Pre - Inventory w L -TT-- J-T.trap Purse in seal, calf, velour, morocco. All have inside coin pocket, but ton snap outside. Pre - Inventory. Made of fine seal grain leather. Fold once. Leather lined. $1.75 Music Roll, Pre - Inventory. . Roll-up Music Roll of fine seal grain leather. 35c Shaving Pads, 1 Q Pre - Inventory. . . ' s C Made of fine leather and lots of paper for men . who shave. 75 c Soft Bag, na Pre - Inventory. . . Soft square bag with draw strings. Hand-shopping bag. SALE OF LACE CURTAINS Three lots, aggregating over 1500 pairs sorted at 3 attractive prices--89c, $1.29 and $3.85. You'll find exceptional bargains in these lots, such as $7.50 L a c e Curtains, Pre - Inventory J Q 85 Price...,. pJ 700 pairs of Bobbinet Lace Curtains in Cluny, Marie An toinette, Irish Point and Re naissance effects, of. imported nets in white or Arabian color. $7.50 Couch Covers, Pre - Inventory d Q 45 Price xpJ 100 Oriental Couch Covers made of extra heavy quality of reversible tapestry in beau tiful patterns and colorings. $3.00 .Curtains, d 1 29 Pre-Inventory. . . . P 300 pairs of 2 and 3-piece lots of Lace Curtains in Cable Nets, Nottingham, Bobbinett, in plain or figured centers; white or Arabian color. $1.75 Lace Curtains, Pre - Inventory d Q Price VOC 500 pairs of Nottingham Curtains and Ruffled Swiss in plain or figured centers, 2 and 3 yards long. Here Is a Big Picture Special Overshadowing any previous offering: of the year Just think of it, an 18x22 Carbon Framed Picture in a sepia brown finish, with a two-inch carbon brown frame, and a selection of subjects far above the usual Hundreds of the ' masterpieces of the most famous artists are to be found in this sale There is no room in any house that these pictures would not be appropriate Price is no gauge of the value. Pre-Inventory Price 78c The Lipman-Wolfe White Sale $1.50 Ladies' Night Gowns, Clearance HQ Price... VOC Made of good cambric and nainsook ; high, circular and square neck; embroidery in sertion, beading, ribbon, lace and insertion trimmed. $1 Ladies' Cam- CQ brie Corset Covers - C C i r c u 1 a r neck, daintily trimmed with 3 or 4 rows of lace, insertion, . beading, rib bon, embroidery and insertion $1.50 Ladies' Corset Cov ers, Clearance 7 Q Price , Nainsook and Cambric Cor set Covers, circular neck, prettily trimmed with fine and dainty laces, insertions, bead ing, ribbon and medallions. $1.50 Ladies' Cambric Corset Covers TQ Clearance price.. C Nainsook and Cambric Cor set Covers ; circular neck, prettily trimmed with fine and dainty laces, insertions, bead ing, ribbon and medalions. $1.50 Ladies' White Cam bric Petticoats, QO Clearance Price .. OC Cambric Petticoats, deep flounce, embroidered edge, cluster tucks, dust ruffle. $1.75 Ladies' White Pet ticoats, Clearance d 1 1 0 Price I Made with deep flounce, trimmed with lace and inser tion, embroidery, hemstitch ing and tucking. $4.50 Ladies' White Cam bric Petticoats, Op8 Clearance Price. . p. With deep embroidered flounce, with lace insertions and edgings. $1.25 Ladies' Night Gowns, Clearance 7Q Price yC Made of cambric, high, cir cular and square neck; em broidery and lace edging. French banding with em broidery insertion, bead ing, ribbon. . 65c Ladies' Cam- QQ brie Corset Covers -'C Circular neck, trimmings of lace, insertion, beading and ribbon. $2.00 L a d i e s Night Gowns, Clearance t 1 49 Price P I Made of fine nainsook dain tily trimmed with fine lace, in sertion, beading, ribbon, em broidery; circular neck. 35c Ladies' Cambric Drawers, Clear- O Q ance Price y C Made of fine' cambric, deep ruffle, with cluster tucks in ruffle and above ruffle. Open only. 65c- Ladies' Cambric Drawers, Clear- QQ ance Price s C W i t h deep lawn ruffle, trimmed with lace edge and cluster tucks. $1.00 Ladies' Cambric Drawers, Clear- CQ ance Price. . . ... . . Deep ruffle, lace, insertion, e m b r oidery, cluster tucking and hemstitching. $1.75 Ladies' Fine Draw ers, Clearance J 1 10 Price q I Fine Nainsook and Cambric Drawers, deep flounce, dain 1 tily trimmed with fine laces, insertion, beading, ribbon and medallions. Clean-up, Veils and Handkerchiefs Before Inventory Chiffon Made Veils, Pre-Inventory Prices : Various styles fine chif fon cloth Automobile Veils. Large variety colors at greatly reduced-prices. $1.83 values S2.50 $2.83 values $3.50 $2 Chiffon Veils Q O Pre-Inventory. . OC Plain hemstiched Chiffon Made Veils 1 to 3 yards long. Large assortment, good colors. 25c 'Kerchiefs, Q Pre-Inventory ..- s C One hundred dozen slightly mussed and soiled plain white hemstitched and embroidered Women's Swiss Handkerchiefs. Large variety of patterns. Handkerchiefs, C f Pre-Inventory . .. -J vJC 200 dozen W o m e n's Plain White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, pretty em broidered corner effects, several styles. ioc 'Kerchiefs, C Pre-Inventory . C 500 dozen lot Women's Plain White Striped and Cross-Barred Hemstitched H a n d k erchiefs and plain white all-linen and all-cot- ton initial handkerchiefs. 35c Initial Handker chiefs, Pre-In- 1 j ventory Price.. ' C 100 dozen Women's Ini tial Handkerchiefs, various odd styles, broken lines, all initials in the lot, but not in each style. ' Inexpensive, but very at tractive and useful specials i2c Featherbone Col lar Foundations Q Clearance Price... -C In sizes 12, 12, 13, 14, 1454 and 15, in b 1 a c k and white. Dress Shields The celebrated Royal Odorless Dress Shields. Every pair guaranteed. 20c size, 2 for 16 25c size, 3 for 19 30c size, 4 for 24 35c size, 5 for 28 Neckwear Specials Pre-inventory Prices Odds and ends Plain, and Embroidered Linen Collars 12jc values . . .5 35c values 15 . $1 Ladies' Neckwear, Pre-Inventory O "7 Price .D i C All new dainty styles, Venise novelty styles, net and colored effects. $3.00 Neckwear ft 1 37 Pre-Inventory. . P Many pretty styles in Rabats, Jabots, Collars; in net, Venise and linen ef fects, in an endless variety. Ostrich Feather Boas, Pre-Inventory Prices : Ostrich Feather Boas in white, black and brown, in round and stole effects. $35.00 values for $17.50 $32.00 values for 5j513.50 $30.00 values for 12.50 $25.00 values for $11.50 $22.50 values for $10.50 $15.00 values for Jj 7.25 5c Dozen Fasteners, Pre " Inventory Q Price, dozen JC Defender Socket Fasten ers, black and white, all sizes. But- 6c ioc Dozen Pearl tons, Pre-Inventory Price . . 250 Grass Ocean Pearl Buttons, sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 22. Never sold for less than 10c a dozen. Sale of Edition de Luxe Set of Books Yesterday without an advertisement or any formal announce ment of a sale, we had one of the largest sale days in edition de luxe sets. 4 During December we held two sales and can state without fear of contradiction that they were the most successful ever held by any store in Portland. We told of the greatest values, of the unusual price reductions. Laid particular stress on the quality of paper and printing. Asked close inspection of the leather bindings. Invited criticism of the illustrations. We were postitve that all would pass muster. Tomorrow we offer 100 edition de luxe sets and call your atten tion to the editions, to the binding, to the printing, the very best grade of paper, the illustrations, the book work. We also call your attention to the numbered editions numbered for the reason that only a limited number of sets were published. We also call your attention to the name of George Saintsbury, the best known of all translators of foreign authors, to Gebbie & Company, to the John Grant editions, to Boswell's Johnson, edited by Augustine Birrell. To determine and satisfy yourself on the wonderful values that we offer in these sets, we ask you to make comparisons through out the city. The immense values offered by our book store will be more appreciated than ever. Our advice make comparisons loses none of its wisdom by repetition. Largest in Portland Largest in Portland Merimee, 8 Volumes Edited by George Saintsbury Bound in buckram gilt top deckel edge illustrated with contemporary drawings and portraits in photogravure and etching. Regular $15.00. Special $9.98 Bryce s American Com monwealth 2 volumes green cloth gold decoration. One of the best sets on the market. Never offered at this price before. Special $1.29 De Maupassant, 1 7 - Vols. Subscription Edition Bound in blue silk cloth gilt label gilt top deckel edge illustrated in photograv ure. Regular price $24.50. Special $15.98 Fielding, 1 2 Volumes Illustrated in Photogravure Bound in blue silk cloth gilt top deckel edge paste label. Regular $18.00. Special $9.39 Rousseau, 4 Volumes Published by Gebbie & Co. Bound in green crash red leather label gilt top deckel edge illustrated in photo gravure by Leloir. Regular $12.00. Special $6.39 Smallet, 12 Volumes Beacon Classics Bound in green buckram gilt top deckel edge printed on Stratford linen paper il lustrated in photogravure. Regular $18.00. Special $9.98 De Musset, 1 0 Volumes Illustrated in Photogravure ' Bound in red crash gilt top deckel edge paste label. Regular $20.00. ' Special $9.98 Hallam, 3 Volumes History of the Middle Ages Full green cloth gilt top deckel edge. Illustrated. Special 3.50 Dickens, 1 5 Volumes 240 Full Page Illustrations Green cloth, gold lettering and decora tions. Regular $18.00- Special $10.50 Balzac, 1 6 Volumes Fully Illustrated Cloth John Morris edition the most inexpensive Balzac on the market. Special $9-98 Thackeray, 1 0 Volumes Bound in Three-quarter Leather Gilt top illustrated. Regular $15.00. Special $9.39 Bronte, "The Sisters" John Grant Edinburgh Edition Bound in green crash gilt top deckel edge illustrated. Regular $20.00. Special $10.25 Guizot France, 8 Volumes 54 re(i morocco gilt top illustrated. Regular $15.00. Special $7.98 Dickens, 1 5 Volumes Bound in Green Silk. Cloth Gold decoration illustrated. Regular $12. Special $5.98 Handy Volume Richmond Edition Bound in Red Silk Cloth -T-Gold decorations illustrated. Special I.98 Taines English Literature Jled Cloth, Gilt Top 4 volumes paste label 64 photogravure and half-tone portraits. Regular $6.00. Special $1.98 Jane Austin, 1 0 V0umes . John Grant Edition Green buckram gilt top deckel edge illustrated in photogravure printed in Ed inburgh. Regular $15.50. Special $9.98 Kipling, 6 Volumes Bound in polished red buckram gold decorations. . Special $2.98 Scott, 1 2 Volumes Illustrated in Photogravure Bound in 54 red morocco gilt top illus trated in black and white. Regular $18.00. Special $9.98 BusnelFs Johnson' Edited by Augustine Birrell 8 volumes bound in 94 re3 morocco gilt top deckel edge illustrated. Regular $15. Special $9.98 Prescott's Conquest Mexico 3 volumes J. calf gilt top illustrated. Regular $6.00. Special $2.98 Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella 3 volumes. xz calf gilt top illustrated. Regular $6.00. - Special 2.98 Motley, 3 Volumes Rise of the Dutch Republic y2 calf gilt top illustrated. Regular $6. Special $2.98 Prescott, 2 Volumes Conquest of Peru 2 volumes 54 calf gilt top illustrated. Regular $4.00. Special $2.25 Emerson's Essays, 2 Vols. Yz calf gilt top. Regular $4.00. Special $2.25 1