Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 26, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Centralia Envoy Here Asks
Lower Freight Rates.
City Buys Mine and Sawmill Ma
chinery In Portland Irer
Tariff Oupht to Aid Its
Rapid Progress.
To nee what can be done toward
securing lower freight rates between
Portland and Centralia, WaBh., J. E.
Barnes, secretary of the Centralia
Commercial Club, was in Portland yes
terday. He declares that while 70
per cent of Centralia's business is with
' Portland the freight rate between that
"point and Portland is imuch higher
than between Centralia and Seattle,
"It costs us 50 cents a ton more to
ship coal to Portland than to Seattle,"
said Mr. Barnes, "which means $20 a
carload. That means cheaper coal for.
Seattle than for Portland."
Mr. Barnes said a conservative esti
mate places Centralia's population at
8500; while three years ago it was but
B500. The town now has more than a
mile of paved streets and more than
another mile is in process of paving.
The first paving was done during the
3907 panic. Within the last two years
two miles of street have been graded
and crosswalks and curbs put in.
Three Coal Mines Active.
Aside from the lumbering industry,
extensive at Centralia. several large
coal mines are In operation.,
"The Washington Union Coal Com
pany, which is virtually the Union
Paciflo Railway Company, has acquired
6000 acres of coal land and has spent
$300,000 in developing a mine at Tond,"
aid Mr. Barnes. "The Mendota Coal
& Coke Company, of Mendota, Mo., has
acquired 8000 acres of land from the
Kastern Railway & Lumber Company
and has expended about the same
amount of money as the Washington
Union Company in development. A
number of similar concerns have come
in, so that at least six coal mines are
now in process of development.
"The Wilson Coal Company has an
extensive mine at Kopiah, with $100,
000 worth of machinery. It was not
necessary for this company to spend as
large an amount for development as
the other two concerns, as the Wilson
""company makes use of the T. O. & C. V.
, Railway, while the two other mine
companies were obliged to construct
; railroads. Centralia ships, about 2000
tons of coal daily. ,
; Seven Suwrnllls Thrive.
"Centralia has seven . sawmills, with
: a daily cut of 300,000 feet of lumber.
; The largest of these is that of the
Kastern Railway & Lumber Company.
, The Lumber .Manufacturers' Agency, of
Centralia, handles the output of 14
mills. The agency's annual sale of
lumber amounts to about $1,500,000.
"The Centralia Commercial Club is
a young organization, launched only
this month. Its members, have raised
a rund or -000 for advertising pur
poses, however, and expect to boost
their town."
; Mr. Barnes said Centralia is pur-
, chasing more than half its sawmill
; machinery in Portland, selling Port
j land in turn large quantities of coal,
, Train Service Won't Be Kesumed
Till Thursday, Says O. It. & X.
the resumption of train service on
the Shanlko branch of the O. R. & N.
Is not possible before Thursday and it
may be Friday before the line is re
opened, according to reports received
from the scene of the trouble by th
O. R. & N. general offices yesterday.
All mail for Central Oregon that has
r been going by way of Shanlko is now
held up at The Dalles under instruc
tions from the Postmaster General.
" Prineville, Bend, Madras and Redmond
-have been without mail since Saturday
the Pomeroy branch of the O. R. &
N. is now open, but trains are not yet
running between Starbuck and Boles.
i-, The main line to Spokane and the mai
jllne between Portland and Huntington
3are In fall operation.
: F. L. Hurley, a Wasco stock man, I at
ine aewara.
F. L. Lamping and wife, of Seattle,
rived at the Nortonia yesterday. -
Dr. R, AT. Hall, of La Grande, is in
, -tne city and registered at the Cornelius.
Mrs. M. Ct Ijevy, of Cascade Locks. Is
among the arrivals at the Portland.
(-oionel E. Hofer, editor of the Capital
city journal, of Salem, is at the Oregon
.vi rp. ... . Mcivean, or i-Jugene. was
among the arrivals at the Oregon last
1 night.
J. B. OartwTigtvt, proprietor of the
Seaside Hotel, came -to the Imperial yes-
j leraay.
Leon Cohen and wife, of Pendleton,
are at the Portland for automobile
I week.
. v. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson, of
1 Salem, are among the arrivals at the
'! Lenox.
G. R. Burke, one of the fish warden
' of Oath lam et. Wafrti., is staying at the
. Imperial.
W. J. Patterson, a railroad promoter
, and builder of Baker City, is at the
iMrn. A. S. Ksn. wife of phyeician at
the Dalles, is among the arrivals at the
F. B. Waite. the Sutherlin land
:- owner and promoter, arrived at the
Perkins yesterday.
W. H. Kldridge. a Salem . capitalist, is
staying at the Imperial, and is accom
,1 panted by his wife.
David Wilson, capitalist and promoter
1 t of Calgary, Alberta, arrived at the
. Portland last night.
"W. D. Myers and wife, of Ashland
; reached the Ramapo yesterday and will
remain for the week.
H. F. Davidson, president of the David
son Fruit Company of Hood River, is
waving at the Perkins.
F. W. Jobelmann and wife, of New
York City, are at the Nortonia while
seeking a Coast location.
J. C. Hoptetler, of The Dalles, is staying
at the Cornelius. He is a son of the.
Postmaster at The Dalles.
W. T. Sledden. an automobile enthu
siast of Seattle, is staying at the Oregon
. j while taking in the show.
V- Dr. If. M. Bills, of Albany, is staying
.at the Portland wtill attending to pro
1 fessional business in the city.
.Frank Patton and wife of Astoria.- are
among the automobile enthusiasts stay
( Ing at the Portland for the week.
' D. E. Rand and A. W. Goodman, apple
: growers of the Hood River district, are
,! among the arrivals at the Imperial.
Frank Chambers nd-wife, of Eugene,
arrived in the city yesterday and are
making headquarters at the Oregon.
Dr. W. H. Lytle, of Pendleton, presi
dent of the Oregon Board of Veterinary
Surgeons, arrived at the Oregon yester
day. H. L Truax, dealer in general mer
chandise at Grants Pass, is at the
Perkins and is accompanied by his
K. J. Jacobson, owner of one of the
argest farms in tne vranuj ii
XKilles. is making headquarters at me.
nr TTT-ederiek C. Page arrived from
Medford yesterday to view the airship
t the Armory. He is staying ai "
Harry Truax. manager for tne Grants
Pass Mercantile company,
the automobile show and Is registered at
the Perkins.
Senator J. X. Hart, of Bauer city.
joined the politicians arouna u uuu,
the Imperial yesterday mm
several days.
B. H. Hartman, cattle owner 01 tne
Condon country, arnveo. at wie
esterday in quest or lniormanun b iu
market prices.
--. unrrfq winters and family re-
.." vniav to their home in Albany.
They have been staying at the Imperial
several weeks.
F. J. Rico and wife, of Salem, arrives
Due to Arrive.
Pr,ltwt .Cnnl Rnv. .
. In port
TOaba "H Ban CronMlM In TOTt
Eue H. Elmore. TlllamooK. . . Jan. 20
Sajita Clara. . . .San Franclnccjan. 27
Alliance Com Bay Jan. 1
Geo. w. Klder. .Ban Pedro. .. Jan. 80
Golden Gate. . . Tillamook . . . .Jan. 80
Falcon Ban Kranclsco Feb. 1
KaiiSRi CltT-.. Ban Francisco Feb. ' 1
Henrlk I been. . .Houkcnf. . . .Feb. 8
Roanoke. ..... .San Pedro... Feh. 6
Eelja HonekonK....Apr. 13
Scheduled to
Name. For.
Jan. 26
Breakwater. .. -Coos Bav
Rose City. . ... ..Ban Francisco Jan. 23
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook- . . Jan. -&
Santa Clara.. Ban Francisco Jan. 20
Alliance Cooa Bar Jan. 20
Geo. W. Hllder. -Ben Pedro. .. Feb. 1
Golden Gate. . . Tillamook. . . .Feb. 2
Falcon . Ban Francleco Feb. 2
Kansas Ctty. .'. Ban Francisco Feb. 4
Roanoke Ban Pedro Feb. s
Henrlk Ibsen. . Hongkong. ... Fob. IS
Belja Hongkong Apr. 22
Kntered Tuesday.
Ernest Legouve, French bark
(Caudal), with cement from Ham
burg. Roanoke. Am. steamshlD Hian
nah). with general cargo from San
Rose City. Am. steamship (Mason),
with general cargo from San Fran
cisco. Cleared Tnesdar.
Roanoke, Am. steamship (Han
nah), with general cargo for San
at the Xortonla yesterday and will be
interested spectators at the airship exhibit
at the Armory.
George Gerllnger, of Dallas, accom
panied by Mrs. Gerllnger. reached the
Portland yesterday and will remain
during the week.
Mrs. Hulda Abbott, of St. Helens, is
staying at the Lenox while overlook-
ng the automobile exhibit and visiting
friends in the city.
William E. Valk, a Washington witness
n the trial of Binger Hermann, is stay-
ng at the Oregon while awaiting the
pleasure of the court.
F. L. Decarle, representing the manu
facturers of incinerators who are bid
ding for the Portland contract, is reg
istered at the Perkins.
P. S. Davidson, of Hood River, regis
tered at the Portland yesterday and
will remain during the week. He Is
accompanied by Mrs. Davidson.
R. H. Thompson, speed enthusiast
among the owners of the horseless
vehicles, arrived at the Perkins yesterday
and will remain during the show.
H. Flavei. of Astoria, is among the ar
rivals at the Imperial who are devoting
the week to the big automobile exhibit.
He is accompanied by Mrs. Flavei.
O. K. Farnsworth. wife and daughter.
Teel Young, and Mrs. Lewis Bisbee com
pose a party of Heppner people whp are
staying at the Lenox for the week.
L. C. Thompson, a Carlton real estate
man, is at the Perkins wnne examining
the exhibit of cars suitable to handling
homeseekers in large numbers during this
Fred Blakeley, engaged In the real estate
business at Roseburg,. Is in the city this
week in the interest of some of the acre
tracts which are now interesting in
vestors. M. W. Hendrix, heretofore engaged in
architectural work in San Francisco, has
removed to Portland and will make this
city his home. He is now located at
the Lenox.
Ftobert R. MoGaughey . and Fred R.
Mills, of Baker City, came to this city
yesterday and are mixing with the auto
mobile show crowds. They are staying
at the Portland. .
Frank M. Fretusee, of Seattle, and C.
13. Hunter, of San Francisco, are among
the automobile agents who are in attend
ance at the Portland show, and are stay
ing at the Xortonla.
Deadly Danger in .
Diseased Kidneys
Few People Really Know What
Kidney and Bladder Dis
eases Lead To.
They frequently 'become incurable, if
neglected. And they often terminate
fatally, where the neglect fs continued.
Serious and dangerous disorders of the
gravest character, these diseases of the
bladder and kidneys cannot receive at
tention too quickly, once they have at
tacked the human system.
All derangements of the kidneys and
bladder are the result of that deadly
poison uric acid in the system. Some
of the consequences following closely
upon a -neglected uric acid condition are
these: " .
Chronic Inflammation of the kidneys,
bladder jand passages, inflammatory
rheumatism, dropsy, gravel and gall
stones, chronic nerve disorders, dia
betes, Bright's disease, etc.
DeWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills
very quickly eliminate from the system
every trace of the deadly uric acid poi
son. They accomplish this by reason
of their well-known antiseptic, cleans
ing, curative, healing and trtlmulating
action upon the kidneys, bladder and
Mr. John Rlha, of Vinlng. Ia., writes:
"There are a dozen people here who
have used these Pills, and they give
perfect satisfaction in every case,, I
have used them myself with fine re
sults." De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are put up In airtight, sanitary glass
containers (to preserve full strength
and curative qualities), and are sold by
K. C. DeWltt & Co., Chicago. 111.,
want every man and woman who have
the least suspicion that they are af
flicted with kidney and bladder dis
eases to at once write them, and a trial
box of these Pills will be sent free by
return malt postpaid. Io It today.
Between 31emoloose Island and The
Dalles the River Is Blocked
Solid by Frozen Water.
Ice prevented the steamer Bailey
Gatzert from reaching The Dalles Mon
day Monday night. The boat succeeded
in reaching a point a short distance be
low Lyle. Above Lyle the ice was packed
solid and was heavy. Captain Sherman
reports that he will hardly be able to
proceed as far up stream as The Dalles
until the first of next week. The river is
rising steadily but the ice is not moving
to any extent.
It was the intention of the Open River
Transportation Company to plaoe the
steamer J. X. Teal in service on the run
between Portland and The Dalles yester
day but owing to the ice blockade be
tween Memoloose Island and The Dalles
it was deemed advisable not to begin
operations until the first of next week.
Captain William S. Buchanan, recently
appointed superintendent of the Open
River Company, will assume charge of
the operation of the steamers February
1. Boats on the Upper Columbia will be
placed in commission as soon as possible
after Captain Buchanan takes charge. It
is the intention of the owners to maintain
a regular service to Lewiston and Pasco.
No Trace Seen of Four-Master Since
- January 13, Says Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or.. 'Jan. 25. (Special.) The
four-masted schooner Virginia, en route
from San Francisco for this port, ar
rived off the mouth of the river Jan
uary 13, and sailed in as far as No. 6
buoy, but was forced to turn back on
account of the strong ebb tide. Since
that time no trace of her has been seen.
While some alarm is felt for her safety,
shipping men believe she has been driven
north by a succession of storms and has
been unable to beat her way back. She
is one of the best built boats of her
class on the coast and is in command of
Captain Knudsen, an experienced navi
gator in these waters for years.
Captain Buchanan, who has been ap
pointed superintendent of the Open River
Transportation line, relinquished the com
mand of the Government steamer Arago
today. He will be succeeded on that ves
sel by Captain Mathieson, of the steamer
The schooner Oliver J. Olson, which
arrived Monday after an exceptionally
fast run from Callao, Peru, did not make
so good a passage on her trip to the
South American port. The Olson sailed
from Grays Harbor on August 25 with
a cargo of lumber for Callao and did not
reach the latter port until November 24.
On account of adverse winds, the
schooner was driven far out of her course
and Captain . Kallenburg stopped at
Pitcairn Island, where he exchanged
quantity of flour and other provisions
for vegetables. He says the colony there
now consists of 193 persons and all were
anxious to secure papers, magazines and
other reading matter.
French Craft Reaches Portland With
Cement From Hamburg.
With a full cargo of cement from
Hamburg, the French bark. Ernest Le
gouve entered at the Portland Custom
House yesterday. The vessels arrived
up late Monday night In tow of the
steamer Oeklahama. The craft made
the run from Hamburg in 161 days and
had bad weather during a large nart of
Come to my office and let me give you the real facts con
cerning your case. I will do this free and searching examina
tion without placing you under the slightest obligation to take
treatment unless you desire. If you are a young man, re
member that a young man's neglect is an old man's regret. If
you are an old man, get the "today habit" -it is better than
ten tomorrows. f
A mote in the gunner 's eye is aa bad as a spike in the gun.
The -eankerworm of delay causes half your troubles in this life.
If your health is impaired from Any cause, and you have
not-detected it, it is your own fault.
Nature never took an unfair advantage of a man in the
world. You may have violated her laws time and again, but
no matter how indiscreet or unjust to yourself and Nature, she
never allowed the natural results of this violation to take
place without sounding the alarm in ample season for amends.
If at times you are unable to sleep soundly, no matter how
comfortable the bad, if the muscular system, as well as the
nervous system, is partially or completely exhausted because
it has been, overtaxed, remember that judicious treatment is
necessary to prevent an ultimata breakdown, for these are
among the many syzaptoms Natar sends oat a'T a warn
ing. Nature wacts-you- to
Take Advantage of This Warning
and- help yourself baf ora it is too lata. When the system needs
moro water or food, thirst and hunger remind you of this fact.
When yon have headache, dizziness, lack of memory, physical or mental debility, it is an an
nouncement by Nature that something ia wrong, and if you are tiot sore vhat jt is, .better oon
axxtt a doctor whose experienoa qualifies him for examination and decision.
Early in my professional career I realized that the maladiea of mankind weretoo many and
vastly complicated for any one man to master and gave up the impossible task. I put aside
a flourishing general practice and prepared myself for the duties of a specialist. I sought the
leading hospitals, studying and practicing under the moat teamed modern professors in my line
of specialty practice. My purpose was to acquire such skill, experience and scientific equip
ment as would be most useful to me and benefioial to my patients. How well I have succeeded
thousands of cured patients will testify by reputation in the euro of
Varicose Veins, Blood and Skin Disorders, Kidney
and Bladder Troubles, Ulcers, Sores, Painful Swell
ings, Nervous Debility and All Other Ailments of Men
I determine the condition by a scientific analysis of the urine, .and the severe urinary
troubles I have cured by my systematic course of treatment, after being unsuccessfully treated by
other specialists, give me such confidence in my method to assure you a cura.
My consultation and advice is always free, whether you take treatment or not. If you cannot
call at the office, write for self-examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Office hours, 9
A. M. to -8 P M. Sundays 10 to 12 A. M. All advica in plain -envelopes.
the time. The Legouve was minus a
main top-gallant mast on arrival at
Captain Caudal reports that the main
top-gallant went overboard during the
storm of January 13 at appoint about
200 miles southwest of the Columbia
River. It was on this date that the Ameri
can ship William H. Smith was dis
masted. The Smith was towed into Puget
Steamer Oregon Strikes Snag.
While bound down stream from Up
per Willamette River points the steam
er Oregona struck a snag and punched
a small hole in her hull forward. The
accident happened at Crissels. The
boat was beached before any of - the
freight was damaged. The steamers
Eugene and Lang were sent to her
assistance and the cargo removed. The
hull was numped out and a patch
placed on the hole. The Oregona wlll.j
arrive In Portland this morning and
will leave up on regular schedule.
Heavy Cargo on Henrilt Ibsen.
From Hongkong and Japanese ports the
steamship Henrlk Ibsen, of the Portland
& Asiatic Steamship Company, is due to
arrive at Portland February 5. The ves
sel will bring a full cargo consisting of
jute, gunnies, sulphur, pineapples and
Chinese merchandise. The cargo on the
Ibsen will be the heaviest to airive at
Portland for some time, due largely to the
accident to the steamship Selja which
prevented that vessel from proceeding to
Hongkong on: the last voyage.
Schooner Wilhelmina to Be Bought.
NEWPORT, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.)
The Lincoln County Transportation
Company, recently Incorporated by
Captain George Tyler, of Newport: F.
C. Savage and A. H. Hill, of Portland,
will soon purchase the schooner Wil
helmina of Coos Bay and place her on
the run between Florence. Waldport,
Yaquima Bay and Portland. Her ca
pacity is 130 tons of merchandise or
150 tons of lumber and she has a
speed of ten knots per hour. Captain
Tyler will be in command.
Marine Notes.
The steam schooner St. Helens is load
ing lumber at Prescott for San Fran
cisco. For Tillamook Bay ports with freight,
the steamship Golden Gate sailed yester
day afternoon.
The gteamship Roanoke sailed for San
rearo anu an riaiiuisw 1AJ w. .,.. .0
with passengers and freight.
The steam schooner Svea left down for
Hoffman's yesterday afternoon. She will
load lumber for San Francisco.
The French bark Andre Theodore is
scheduled to leave down this morning in
tow of the steamer Oeklahama.
With passengers and general cargo for
Coos Bav oorts the steamship Break
water is scheduled to sail tonight.
Arrivals and'Departures.
PORTLAND, Jan. 25. Sailed Steamship
Golden Gate, for Tillamook: steamship Svea.
for San Francisco; steamship Roanoke, for
San Pedro and San Francisco. -.
Astoria, Or.. Jan. 25. Condition at the
mouth of the river at u P. M.. rough; wind,
southeast 50 miles: weather, raining. Ar
rived down during the night and sailed, at
11:30 A. M.. steamer Nome City. lor San
F"saniSFrancisco. Jan. 2.1. Sailed at 2 A
M Steamer Klamath, for Portland. Sailed
at noon Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Co-
Snn Francisco. "Jan. 25. Arrsved Steamer
Mariposa, from Tahiti: schooner Spokane,
from Port Gamble; steamer Roy Somers.
fmm RnivH Harbor: schooner Alpena, from
Newcastle, Aus. ; steamer Watson, from Se
attle; steamer iuniduiv, nut" . n ma.
Sailed Steamer Siberia. for Hongkong:
steamer Klamath, for Astoria; steamer J. B.
Stetson, for Astoria: steamer Admiral Samp
son, for Grays Harbor.
Belfast. Jar. 25. Arrived Carlton, from
Tacoma via Las Palmas.
- Liverpool, Jan. 25. Sailed Ivernla. for
New York. Jan. 25. Arrived Minneapolis,
from London. Sailed Kronprlnz Wllhelm,
for Bremen.
VntnnrqlFo Jan. 20. Arrived Amnsls.
Corner Second and Yamhill Streets.
When the kidneys are sick, sharp.
darting pains strike you in the back.
loins or sides pains that almost take
your breath away and often make you
cry out in agony.
It is almost impossible to mistake
these kidney pains, for they seem' to
center about the small of the back
where the kidneys are located..
And still there are many persons who
think backache is merely a muscular
trouble something that is expected to
pass away with a little rest, aided, by
a plaster, or by rubbing with liniment.
There is no plaster nor liniment that
will reach the inside caose sick kid
neys. What is needed is a kidney medi
cine a kidney stimulant, to start the
kidneys working as they should a
healing, soothing tonic, to relieve and
cure congestion and inflammation in
the kidneys.
Sick kidneys can not get well alone.
They need quick help. And if it is not
given, the useful work of the kidneys
stops. The t filtering of the blood is
suspended. Poisons circulate freely
with the blood attack muscles, brain,
nerves and vital organs. The kidneys
swell and throb and that is what makes
those sudden stabs of pain in the back.
Sold by &11 dealers.
from Hamburg-, etc., via Punta Arenas for
Shanghai. Jan. 22. Arrived Belle of
Coot land, from Nana! mo.
Liverpool, Jan. 25. Arrived Lnsltanla,
from New York. ,
Marseilles. Jan. 23. Arrived Madonna,
from Naw Yorta
Auckland. Jan. 25. Arrived Llmeric,
from San Francisco.
Marseilles, Jan. 25. Sailed Venzia, for
New York.
Boston, Jan. 25. Arrived Cretic. from
Genoa and Naples.
' Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
H.Kh "Water. Low Water.
2:17 A. M 7.5 feet7:55 A. M 3.0 fet
1:27 P. M 8.0 feetiH:2-S P. M... 0.9 foot
Uncle Sam Acts on Two Would-Be
iPTotection of the United States Gov
ernment was yesterday officially with
drawn from 9.' Shandeling, a naturalized
citizen, who for the lost five years has
resided t Johannesburg; South Africa.
The decree was signed by Judge Wolver
ton in chambers.
The action of the court was secured
through the revival of an old statute of
the United States providing that an
absence from the country for a period
of live years should operate as a can
cellation of a certificate of naturaliza
tion. The law Is being revived by the
State Department to lessen the chances
of this Goernment becoming entangled
with other nations in caring for American
interests abroad. The suit was brought
by District Attorney McCourt.
Simon Soupal, now residing at "Van
couver, B. C is named in another suit
of a similar character which is now pend
ing before the court. Soupal secured
naturalization papers in Multnomah
County in 1S96, soon after removing
the territory of King Edward VII.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a
very valuable medicine for throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and
cures painful breathing and a danger
ously sounding cough which Indicates
congested lungs. Sold by all dealers.
Portland, Or.
f S3 . '
D ftlierainhTljjTs
Are Twinges That Tell You of
Hidden, Dangerous
Kidney Troubles.
v "tvery Picture
Price 5o cents. Foster-Miixurn Co.. Buffalo.
A Ttioron
Permanent Core
For Every Ailingi
T&T- -w- Whose Case I Undertake
1VC1JL 1 For
Not a Dollar Need BePaid
Until You Are Well
No man could make a fairer or mora trtht
forward proposition than that. I maktt this offer
because I KNOW that my methods will cure
any case that I acoept for treatment. Under no
circumstances do I ever attempt to treat Incur
able cases. If I attempt to treat your case,
therefore, depend upon it that I will cur you.
If ailing you can depend upon it that the
service I offer you Is the service you need and Is
service such as can be rendered by no other phy-
Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think their case
Is Incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could not be cured;
but, remember, that is only because he did not understand your ailment and
could not cure you. It did not mean that you could not get help from an
expert or experienced specialist.
I Cure to Stay Cured
oy a method that involves no painful processes. No other physician employs
a like method, and so thorough is my work that there need not be the
lightest fear of a relapse Into the old condition. It is not a question of
whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until
it Is too late. My method Is perfect and quick. The cure is absolutely cer
tain. I especially solicit thoae- oases where many so-called treatments have
failed or where money has been wasted on electric belts and other appli
ances. Men's Ailments My Specialty
I have limited my specialty In practice to only a few of the more Impor
tant ailments so that I could KNOW these thoroughly. My experience along
this one path for 25 years quallfloa me to say positively that such troubles
as Varicose Veins, Contagious Blood Poison, Contracted Ailments, Ob
structions can be cured perfectly -ao as to stay cured. Of course. I use
different methods than the ordinary physician. Most of these are original
with me and were devised for just such oases aa the ordinary courses of
treatment fail to reach.
Evf5 contracted ailment I treat
is tho!oughly cured; my patients
have no relapses. When I pro
nounce a case cured there le not a
particle of Inflammation remaining
and there is not the slightest danger .
that the disorder will return In Its
original form or work its way into
the general system. No ailment Is
o trivial aa to warrant unoertaln
methods of treatment, and I espe
cially solicit those cases that- other
doctors have been unable to oure.
My treatment is absolutely pain
leas, and perfect results can be de
pended upon In every instance. I
do no cutting or dilating whatever.
My colored chart, showing tbe
male anatomy and affording: an In
teresting; avTudy In man'i ailments,
free at office
Free Consultation
Call at the office, if possible, for free advioe, examlnattotv-and -diagnosis.
If you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank.
I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every-case that
comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis wlthaut
charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion
about his troubles.
It insures an enjoyable. Invig
orating bath; makes every pora
respond; removes dead skin,
starts the circulation, and
leaves a glow equal to a Turk
ish bath.
Woman a Specialty
Tbe -well-known Chinese EB
S. K. CHAN, with their Cfai-
1 nese remedy of herbs and
) roots, cure wonderfully. It has
j cured many sufferers when
failed. Sure cure for male
j and female, chonlc. private mi&r? 4 J
i diseases, nervousness, hloodugo O v PUJlM
, poison, rheumatism, athma. HJIVO.O.n, btiAII
pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump
. tlon, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
of all kinds. Remedies harmless. JTo oper
ation. Honest treatment. Examination for
. ladles by MR- S- K- CHAN. Call or write 8. ;
I Morrison. 6t, Bet. 1st and, 2d Portland, Or.
You won't be rid of the trouble tirrtil
the kidneys are cured.
There ' is no other remedy for Bick
kidneys quite equal to Doan's Kidney
Pills. This simple vegetable formula
has been In use for 75 years and has
never been excelled because it is a
remedy for the kidneys only does not
act on the bowels nor on any other
organs. It soothes while it stimulates,
relieves all congestion and irritation,
cures backache, regulates the urine and
restores a perfect filtering of the blood.
J. C. Buckler, 8 E. Ninth St., Port
land, Or., says: "In my estimation there
is no remedy equal to Doan's Kidney
Pills In curing kidney disorders. There
was an extreme soreness across the
small of my back and stooping or lift
ing caused sharp twinges In my loins.
I tried one remedy after another, but
without any good effect. When Doan's
Kidney Pills were brought to my at
tention, I procured a supply and was
benefited by them from the first. I
continued their use and they soon com
pletely removed the pain from my back
and regulated the passages of the kid
ney secretions."
N.Y., Proprietors.
Treatment, and
The Leading Specialist
I cure varicose veins in one week
and the patient need not be detained
from his business a single day. If
you have sought a cure elsewhere
and been disappointed., or If you
fear the harsh methods that most
physicians employ in treating this
ailment come to me and I will cure
you soundly and permanently by a
gentle and painless method. Don't
delay. Varicose veins have dangers
and bring disastrous results. If you
call I will be pleased to explain my
method of curing. ,
No dangerous minerals to driva
the -virus to the interior, but harm
less blood-cleansing remedies that
remove the last poisonous taint.
C. Gee Wo
This avreat Chln
doctor la well known
throughout the
Kortbweat baoaut
'Of Ills wonderxol
and - roarveloua cures.
and la today hat
aided by all hla
pa-tlenta axa th
rreateat of hla kind. Ra traata any
and all dlaeauea with powerful Chinas
roots, herbs and barks that ara anttralr
unknown to the medical sclonc of this
country- With theae harmless remedies
he fuaranteai to cure catarrh, asthma,
lane troubles, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomach, liver and kidney troubles, aviso
private diseases of men and women.
Patients outside of city writs tar
blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp.
The C Gee Wo Medicine Co.
St.. Near Morxtsoa.
Portland. Or.
IHa.wwi.wi. Habit8 Positively
Cured. Only authorized Keeley In.
stitute in Oregon. Write for illns.
trated cimolar. Keelcr Institute.
!lt. 1U S. Portland. Oreson
" If t helIn isTerol
. It's Yvif Kidneys Jf