Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 26, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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LET me pay you 10 per cent down, build a
house, secure a term building loan, and
give you a second mortgage payable
monthly for the balance due on your lot..
Am a practical builder and want ten lois.
Gl v-locatlon and price. AB 679, Oreso
nlan. LIST your property with us; It the price is
right we can sell it for you.
Dealers and Brokers In Heal Rat ate.
82o Chamber of Commerce bldg.
FROM 600 to 20flO acres of plow land adapt
ed to fruit ; must be near transportation,
facilities and choice land ; give full par
ticulars. V 676, Oivgonian.
House and lot; will pay about $1000;
small payment down and about $13 per
month, p 675, Oregonlan.
HAVE buyer for lot within ten block of
27th and E. Ankeny; can pay half cash;
must be good buy. Ward Realty Co., 305
' Ablngton bldg.
2 WANT & home, ft to 9 rooms and reawnahle
distance from heart of city ; must be good
buy; owners only. C 670, Oregonlan.
WANTED r to 6 -room modern house pot to
fxceM $2200; can pay $:J0O cash. Y 676,
IP you have a vacant lot for sale, see W. J.
Baker for Quick sale. 510 Board of
Trade bldg.
WILLIAMS ave., inside business lot. S5xl".
ne-ar Shaver Bt.. cheap for cash. 863
Williams ave- Phone Woodlawn
WANTED Modern home. West Side. for
rflRh, $4.r(o to $tH on; North Port-land pre-
ferred. W 076, Oregonlan.
H BLOCK In business district. V 675, Ore
gonlan. A GOOD lot on East Side, from owner. S
676, Oregonlan.
APARTMENT site on West Side, from
owner. T 676, Oregonlan.
WANTED Large tracts of farming land
from looo acres up; suitable for coloniza
tion ; near to transportation. Give full
particulai-s, if possible maps or plats in
first letter. Address or see manager
foreign department. Union Bank & Trust
Company, 235 Stark St.. Portland.
WANTED One or more quarter sections of
rut over land adapted to fruit; spot
cash. L 675, Orvgonian.
Horr, Vehicles and Harness-
PAIR bay mares, weight 2ro0 lbs., good
pullers; new, stwed trace breeching har
ness; price $225. Pair well matched
roan mares, weight 1025 lbs., sound, young,
good travelers and suitable for delivery'
or country livery. PFice $180. AJso nice
bay mare, little thin, rides or drives; price
. $60. Call 606 Washington st.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons,
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
FAIR black mares, weigh 115o lbs. each, are
sound, yount, fat and suitable for any
purpose; also pair matched bays, weigh.
2650 lbs.. 6 and 7 years old; 2 sets sewed
trace truck harness with collars, all c m
plete, one 3 1-3 wide tire, halt" truck farm
wagon. Go6 Washington st.
itAY horse. 5 years old, sired by Dazzler, he
by Alberton, dam thoroughbred; this horse
Is 15-3 high, city broke, can pull buggy a
2:30 gait now; will trot in 2:20 this year;
owner leaving city; bargain. Call 331
Market or 5th and Montgomery. Mr. John
son. MUST SEI,!., Good 2700-lb. team hordes, new
harness, $lUtt; one chunky 2350-In. team of
mares and harness. $loo; al? 24iMb. true
team 'horses with harness, $l5o;.tarm wagon,
ail kinds of single ami double harness and
saddles1. Walrod Transfer Co.. 2e9 Front st.
If you want a buggy, carriage or light
wagon, cheaper than factory prices, call
851 East Oak St., two carloads to select
MNAP $150 buys entire rig. bay horse. 1100
Ids., safe for lady's use.; new rubber-tire
top buggy, hamt-made harness, whip, robe.
BOH Washington. Ask for No. 5.
FIRST-CLASS hVavy draft and driving horses
always on hand. Sold with guarantee a
represented. V. S. Stables. 48 Front.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies
wait Ins -room. Prices moderate. 24S Front.
WANTED A hore between 1HH and 1200
lbs.: must bo sound and true. Phone East
3583. B 1585. 2SS Grand ave.
FOR SALE team of horses. 30o0 lbs.; 1
set of harness, 3 2 -inch v. agon ; price
$450. Inquire 691 Johnson st.
SADDLE PONY Drive single or double;
weight. S5o; $25 if sold at once. Nobby
stables. 12th and Flanders.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for tale. 294 Montgomery.
UPOOD MARES. 1100 to 1800 lbs. Nobby
Stables, cor. 12th and Flanders sts.
BLACKBOARD, good condition, for sale or
trade for horse. Room 10, 302 Front st.
HUBERT & HALL, 380 Piont. buy, sell, rent,
horses, vehicles; Tow rates on business riga.
eM ALL delivery team; will ride or drive
single; $05. 335 1st st.
KNOTC. the fastest Mock car In the world;
Moline, the best car made for the money.
We alo have a number of four-cylinder
cars slightly used but In first-clacts condi
tion left here for us to sell a; real bargain
WESTERN AUTO CO., 53i Alder St.
New and second-hand automobiles
bought, sold and -exchanged. If you are
looking for a good car at a bargain,
touring or runabout, call and look over our
stock. Cash or terms. 266 11th St.. Port
land. WANTED To buy. high-grade. second
hand automobile; must be reasonably new,
good condition and a Irargain. Address A,
care Portland Hotel, Portland. Or.
WANTED Runabout; must be good and first -c
Ias cond 1 1 ion and c hea p. A G 663. Ore
eon Ian.
i'OR SA LE Cheap, an auto express. Carter
car In A-l condition, new touring body
and new express body. Call East ft 0t5.
AUTOMOBILES New and second-hand.
Geo. R. Flora. 4 70 E. Burnsido st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d St.
Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.
FOR ALE Two new high-grade pianos,
upright, bargaf n prices. 25-year warrants,
patent repeating action, 3 pedals and
muffler. Bell metal plate, beautiful In
struments, beautiful tones, worth $550 and
$650; will sacrifice; must sell: going away.
D. O. Bean, general delivery; terms if
FINE Schaff Bros.' piano at one-half paid
for It. Flat 34, Gladys Court, 3d and
Mill sts.
35ft UPRIGHT piano. A-l condition, $125.
446 3d. A 1725. Main 3758.
Birds, DogH, Pet StoeK.
The largest bunch of fine horses they
have ever offered at the annual horse
sale. Saturday. Jan. 29. D. M. Ratclifre,
manager and auctioneer.
FOR SALE An extra good family milch
cow, 4 years old, with calf by her side:
Jersey and Holsteln. Address B 667, Ore
gonian, or lnautre room 300 Oregonlan
SELLING out my aviary of fine finches and
canary birds; singers and females, cheap.
Phone C 2273. E 666, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Two fine male bull terrier
pups, cheap, 7 month old. Call Tabor,
2O0 before 6 o' clook.
TWO heautiful Spit puppies. $5 each. 715
East "3d st. Phone C 2699.
Vk E E dirt vicinity East Ankeny sT and
2Sth. See Hynson, 3201a Wash, st,
231 Stark St. Main 1407
1)ANPV little portable house. ready for
housekeeping; $70. 1295 Corbett st.
COO BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder ptg.
Co., 357 B-.irnside st. Main 6536.
ONE barber chair tor sale cheap. 8
Union ave.
MANURE for aaJa Phone East 1774.
SEWING MACHINES Do not fail to visit
the White sewing machine store THIS
WEEK. SPECIAL. SALES 120 drop-head
machines, slightly marred; all standard
mekes machines for rent and repairing.
M. D. Jones. Prop. 420 Washington sU,
cor. llth.
200-horsepower motor, generator set, belt
ed units, complete with circuit-breakers and
p-aneie. alternating . and direct current ma
chines; Idoal drive for industrial plant; com
plete Information furnished a,t room 2ol Ore
gonian bldg.
3 per cant interest paid - on savings ac
counts. Third and Oak &ts.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-f t.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7431.
A 5445.
SAFES Large assortment second-hand safes
slightly used, very cheap; now and second
hand vault doors; rvew safes, all sizes. Call
or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 6th,
Twenty-three years In business.
Third and Oak Sts.
7iKt4 DOUBLE drum donkey engine with
cables ; first-class condition. O 078, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Conn cornet, late model, in
good condition; a bargain. . N 662. Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE: Ann Arbor Columbia hay press,
17x22, used but little. Al condition;
cheap. K 676, Oregonian.
8CHOOLBODKS bought, sold and exchanged at
Hy land's, 211 2d t, near Salmon. lt& 6th
St., opposite Postoffice.
000 BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this
ad. Rose City Rrintery, 192 3d-
WANTED Men's cast oft clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 Sd st. North. Phone Main 8273.
HOM E WANTED For two small children
attending city schools; best, of references
required and given. Address, with terms,
etc., O 66t, Oregonian.
WANTED Section 2 of Sunday Oregonlan
for July 16, 1909. to complete State Li
brary Hie. Address State Librarian, Sa
lem, Or.
PIANO WANTED Will take the best care
of a good piano and pay $3 per month
rent for it; no. dealers. Address E 078,
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones
A 2445, Main S95L
I WANT a partner in canvassing outfit;
good seller. Call mornings, 450 5th. Very
little money.
WANTED Hives of bees; state price, quan
tity, kind of hives, in answer. J 670,
Oregonian. .
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing and
shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 200 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubeer, copper, brass,
nelts, hides, wool, furs. Phones A 7618,
Main 5198. J. Levo. 138 Columbia.
WANTED private dancing lessons, Monday
evenings. T 677, Oregonlan.
GUITAR, cheap; state price and particulars
in first letter. O 676, Oregonian.
GOOD musician wants to take care of
piano for use of same. East 300.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WE buy, sell or exchange anything; pay high
est prices; sell for lass Main 6297.
Man to take charge of construction,
mostly bungalows; must show results; give
experience and wages expected. T 679,
WANTED Man, thoroughly acquainted with
chick en -raising, to stock and raise for
market, on ten acres, close to town, on
shares ; must be sober and give refer
ences. D 678. Oregonian.
WANTED A few experienced city can
vassers to take orders for a new inven
tion; a great seller. Address Safety
Stove Pipe Co.. 202 Flanders st.
WA NTED 2 solicitors for the best money
maker in Portland. Call room 220, Lum
berman's bldg., today. 1 to 5 P. M.; only
live men need apply.
WANTED- Druggist to buy interest and
take charge; owner .called East; good
opening, fine location. Phone Sellwood
CALENDAR; art and novelty salesmen; line
Just received; big commissions. G. R.
Hubner, Coast representative, 609 Swet-
' land bldg.
WANTED 1OO0 legs for 500 pairs samnle
pants; Price $2.,t, values to $4.00. Some
raincoats left, tdzes :;5 to 37. Take-away
prices. .Ilmmle Dunn. 315 Oregonian bldg.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition in book
keeping given by an accountant. 301
Merchants Trust building, 6th and Wash
ington. SALESMEN A few good salesmen capable
of earning $1 00 to $200 per week ; ad
vancement. United Wireless Telegraph,
41 Corbett bldg., Portland.
WANTED About April 1, man and wife on
a well-equipped fruit ranch in Hood River
district; steady employment to rignt parties.
C 675, Oregonian.
W A N T E1 D H' liable man used to farm pr o
duce; will guarantee good salary, also share
of profits-; small investment required. Call
248U, Stark St.
WANTED i"0o men who appreciate bargains
in high-grade suits, price $8.75 to $16.75,
valuer $15 to $35. Jhnmle Dunn, "Knew"
Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg.
EX PERI ENCED special edition advertising
solicitors, commission, $10 to $25 daily;
Inexperienced men not wanted. Benedic
tine press, Goodnough bldg. ,
W A NTED Young man Sf city shipping clerk
for wholesale house; estate age, exoc-rlence,
reference all in one letter. N 676, Ore
gonian. WANTED -Man and wife on farm. Call
between 12 and 3 at the office of J. M.
Strowbrldge. northwest corner 2d and Yam
hill. Sd iloor.
BOOKKEEPER, young, well educated, quick
at figures. Address full particulars to O
679. Oregonian.
CYLINDER and platen pressman: steady
position for good man. Address Raw
lings, Albany, Or.
5000- MEN to know about our $3 sample
hats for $1.50; hats reblocked 60c. The
Hattery, 315 Alder; basement.
YOUNG men for telegraph service, quickly
learned ; day and evening classes; investi
gate. Oregon College, 83 5th. near Oak,
JANITOR, single man, dne used to house
cleaning for best Class apartment-house.
P. O. Box 223.
EXPERIENCED hotel clerk; must have
recommendations. Hotel Franklin. Ap
ply between 10 and 11 A. M.
WANTED Salesman acquainted with arch
. itects and contractors, to take a profitable
side line on commission. O 665, Oregonian.
SPINNER t( operate a 240 spindle jack;
guaranteed $2 per day: write at once.
Bandon Woolen Mills. Bandon, Or.
HERE is a rare ch ance for h onest youn g
man with $2.0 cash, as partner in a good
, business. 22ft 5th st-, room 3.
WANTED Photo and portrait agents,
something good. Cutbertn Studio. Dekum
WANTED Six clothing salesmen to apsist In
a p-cia! sale outside of the city. Address
L 679, Oregonian.
WANT P. di Ronne to call at Hotel Hood
and leave address, c. de Ronne.
Call early. 418 Worcester
PHOTO counon and portrait agents; good
nTer. Davts, S42tt Washington st.
WANTED Upholsterers and couch makers.
Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur.
TWO lunch waiters wanted at once. The
Auto Restaurant. 528 Washington st.
DENTIST wanted ; must be registered in
Oregon. W 6 1 7, Oregonian.
PARTNER with $100 for half interest in
good business, 565 hr Williams ave. .
WANTED Boy to deliver packages. Welch
Printing Co., I41j 1st st.
WE secure positions tor our members.
Special membership, Y. M. C A,
SOLICITOR. WAJiXE-IJ 747 iorthjup- t.
WE want an affable and forceful man who
can Impress others to represent us in fol
lowing up advertising inquiries from pros
pective home builders; a man who can
get the business. To such we .offer an
excellent commission arrangement and
a drawing account each week based on
the previous week's record. This position
means big money and high-class work
with everything furnished except the abil
ity. You must furnish that. State your
experience and other qualifications fully.
AB 07-8, Oregonian.
WANTED Salesman; a large, well-known
Portland corporation, whose offices and
directors are the most prominent bankers
and business men in Portland, desires to
employ three high -class salesmen to sell
its bonds and stock to bankers and in
vestors in Oregon, salary or commission,
- or both ; good local references required
Address M 676. Oregonian.
CUSTOM-HOUSE and railway man clerk ex
amination will soon be here. Begin your
preparation w ith us early ; salaries from
$80O up. The waste-busket got more ap
plications! than -we did last year, because
they were too late. Wake up. Book No,
$0 la free to you; write for it. Pacific States
School, McKay bldg., Portland. Or.
Boston, are about to open new Western
offices for the sale of their complete line
of popular subscription publications. Ex
perienced agents and managers are in
vited to meet the general mansger. For
appointment address Mr. C. S. Olcott,
Hotel Portland, Portland. Or.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from, $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructor: tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 34
North 4th St., Portland. Or.
REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. We are
operating in Tiie Deschutes Valley and
need a few good experienced salesman who
know how. Big money to be made on this
proposition. Only e-xperienced men wanted.
American Trust Co., 2o0 Chamber of Com
merce. MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire
men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac
count increasing business; no strike; Age,
20-30; 75-S100 monthly; promotion; 1200
men sent to positions in last four months;
send stamp: state age, weight, height.
Rai I way Associa tion, care Oregonlan.
ETjECTOICITT, automoblllng, plumbing,
bricklaying taught In few months on
actual jobs; no cash expense; 200 students
last year. Catalogue free. Positions se
cured. United Trade School Contracting
Co., 232 AIlso, Los Angeles.
WANTED Man and wife on farm, near city.
Wages 50 to $ per mnntn.
12 N. 2d at.
WANTED A lady and gentleman music
teacher, both must be conservatory gradu
ates, thoroughly understanding theory and
harmony. We a'eo require ability as cor
respondents. Must be able to express
yourself intelligently by letter. Unneces
sary for others to apply. Splendid oppor
tunity for advancement. Permanent po
sition, good pay. S 678. Oregonian.
WANTED A couple; woman a good cook
and housekeeper, man handv with auto
and general work. Phone Main 876.
WA NTED Experienced commercial and
studio finisher. Sunset Photo Co., Grand
ave. and East Ankeny.
SCHOOL TEACHER. to spend spare time end
Saturdays on work; good money. H 675.
COOK WANTED On dairy ranch. For par
ticulars address Riverview Dairy, Lewis
& Clark, Astoria, Or.
MAKE money writing short stories; big
pay; our free booklet tells how. Press
Syndicate, San Francisco.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l instructors. 611 -Swetlana.
EXPERIENCED subscription solicitor for
Portlands leading weekly; liberal com
mission. Aipply 329 Chamber of Commerce
8:30 to 9:30. 1:15 to 2 P. M.
WANTED Experienced shirtmakers; also a
few to learn; positions steady. Mount
Hood Factory, 2d and Couch.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. Good
Rotdiii Candy Co., Vancouver, Wash,
Carfare paid.
343 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Refined, capable woman tor re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Koth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
LADY cashier for "Doll Rack." 273 Couch
st.; wages $1.50 per day. Inquire between
11 and 12.
326 3 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8S36 or A 266.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family, wages $25. 581 E. Taylor,
near 14th. Phone B 2440.
DESK ROOM for public stenographer, with
machine, in exchange for light services.
329 Chanlber of Commerce.
ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position
with wholesale house; experience not nec
essary. R 068, Oregonian.
COOK for manager's house in small town;
wages good and work light. X 679, Ore
gonlan. LADIES for telegraph service; easily
learned; good wages when competent; in
vestigate. Oregon College. 83 5th, nr. Oak.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for general house
keeping for 3 men; out of town. Wm.
Stoddard. 4 06 Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be good experienced cook; family
two, $40. Call forenoon, 185 N. 2:5th.
GIRL to assist with housework and at
'u?nd school; small wages. Call 425 Broad
way. WANTED Young woman for light house
work; must understand cooking; pleasant
home; wages $25. Call 590 East Alder st.
GOOD plain cook to assist with general
housework. 274 N. C5th st., corner Over
ton st. '
WANTED Brrght young woman to operate
night telephone exchange ; $35. Address in
own handwriting. N 675, Oregonlan.
GIRL to assist with light housework and
care of child ; good home. 1010 East
Main st.
STENOGRAPHER wanted; one who has
had experience. 523-525 Board , of Trade
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
. general housework. 794 Irving st. Phones
A US;:, Main 8235.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
1131 Franklin st., Willamette Heights.
Phone A 2420.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting
expert method. 304 12th. Main 6890.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. 79 Kearney.
WANTED Good strong girl for general house
work. 771 E. Burnside st.
WANTED At once, woman for kitchen one
who can cook. 376 Yam hill st.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Tvpewritlng by
expert, J5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3SD3.
GI RL for general housework ; $5 per week
:;60 13th st. " f
EXPERIENCED wine framemakers. Apply
Lowengart & Co.
WANTED Good cook snd housework girl,
no washing. Call mornings. 654 .Irving.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
741 Washington st.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Morrison
Restaurant, S63 East Morrison st.
WANTED Girls to make sntrt and overalls
Mt. Hood Factory, 238 Couch.
YOUNG GIRL to essiet in light housework.
601 Jefferson.
GIRL wanted to assist with housework. 747
Glisan &t.
WANTED Girl for general housework small
family. 490 Tillamook st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. Phone East 927.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 715 Lovejoy st.
GIRL "for general housework. Inquire 10S9
Thurman st.
EXPERIENCED GIRL for general -house -x
.work; good wages. 828 Kearney c
A GOOD, strong woman to do general
housework, in small family, country town,
good wages, would consider man and wife
- with good references; please call Wednes
day and Thursday. 131 Eleventh St., toe-
tween 3 and 4 P. M-, Savon Hotel.
MIDDLE-AGED lady for family of two:
good place for Uie righi party. Phone
Woodlawn 120. Call at 292 Portland
boulevard, Arbor Lodge Station.- Take
St. Johns car.
WA NTED Good Swedish, Scandinavian or
German woman for general housework ;
small- family In country town, good wages
and good home. Call at Savon Hotel, 131
llth st., between 3 and 4 P. M.
WANTED Educated lady with tact, accus
tomed to cultured society, to Interview
mothers whose addresses we f,urnieh. Lucra
tive and permanent employment. H 679,
MILLINERY saleswoman, thoroughly expe
rienced, up to date, capable o managing
large salesroom, and assisting buyer. R
660, Oregonlan.
GIRLS between 20 and 80 years for shooting
galleries; good wages. Apply to Rose Flem
ing. 249 First st.
WANTED A bright, rustling salesman, un
der 33 years of age. F 677, Oregonian.
GI RL for general housework. Apply 702
Marshall st.
GIRL for general housework; good place for
right girl. ' 962 Savier st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Paqtory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
AN EXPERIENCED and competent office
man desires position of responsibility with
firm or corporation ; good penman : can fur
nUd; highest references and bond if de
sired; an interview solicited. A 675, Ore
gonian. POSITION by young man, -bookkeeper, sten
ographer, collector, correspondent for sev
eral languages, experienced in duplicating,
printing, typewritten letters or similar
work. M 675, Oregonlnn.
ADVERTISING manager now employed with
large Eastern firm wants to go west as
advertising manager or sales manager.
Address W COO, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position
in city ; six years' experience on payrolls
and books; no business college training.
Y 673, Oregonian. '
STOP! READ! WRITE to D 676. Oregonian,
if you want a good stenographer, 3 years
railroad experience ; $75 per month.
MIDDLE-AGE gentleman, total abstainer of
liquor and tobacco, with good references,
wants, steady position, inside work, - as
fireman or watchman, night or day ; will
give $10 for a steady place at fair wages.
T 678, Oregonian.
BY SINGLE man as gardener, competent In
fruit, flowers, vegetable and glass garden
ing; competent to take charge institution or
commercial truck garden ; reference. Ad
dress John X. Schaefer, 204 'Madison, room
. cook, and baker, respectively, want posi
tions in hotel or boarding house. Worked
together at Hobart Curtis for years. Fong
King Co.. 95 4th. st.
CARPENTER on estimations of all kinds. 85
years at trade, wants position, architects or
ral estate, as foreman. J. W. M., 91 N.
- 7th.
OUT of employment ; offer low rates on
combination fixture work, wiring, general
pipe fitting; pump repair; all kinds stove
repair; references. Phone B 2075.
ICE and coll storage expert wants position;
German, ige 31, married ; references: now
is the time to repair your plant. L 677,
BY experienced shoe and furnishings sales
man and buyer; J years' experience In
Chicago ; best references. Address H 677,
TEA M work wanted by reliable man and
team, suitable for express, delivery or
furniture wagon; have wagon for general
hauling. F. Groat, 991 Mallory.
RELIABLE, well educated man. speaks' En
glish, French. Spanish, German, wants any
kind of work; references. AE 671, Ore
gonlan. REFINED Young man wishes care of in
valid, in private house or sanitarium. O
673. Oregonian. '
YOUNG man wishes position running an
elevator. Best of references. S 679, Ore
gonian. A JAPANESE boy wants a position as cook
or any work in the evening. S 677, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. N 627,
FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position,
restaurant, hotel or boarding-house. Phone
JANITOR work wanted, exchange fr room;
also bookkeeper, engineer. L 677, Ore
gonian CUTTING wood contract desired by a gang
Japanese. F. T. Matsuda. 30 N. 3d st.
STRONG cung man wishes position on fruit
or poultry farm. AB 672, Oregonlan.
BOY, 18, living with parents, wishes to learn
good trade. E 677, Oregonian.
MEAT CUTTER wants position in high-class
market. A. Fischer, 127 B. loth.
BY RELIABLE man. as night watchman or
collector, or anything. AG 674, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS reliable colored chef, position,
hotel, rerft. or club. Phone A 2-410.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. 268 Everett. Maih 4659; A 4073.
POSITION by man cook; temperate and
steady. P 069. oregonian.
A STEADY Japanese wants position as por
ter or chamber work. W 675, Oregonian.
GOOD plain cook, Japanese, wants position
in family. N 668, Oregonlan.
- Bookkeepers and Stenographers. -
POSITION as bookkeeper, or copying at
home or in office; experienced; abstract
ing a specialty. Phone A 2S71.
EXPERIENCED young lady position
as cashier or stenographer. T 075, Ore
. gonlan. .
BY experienced bookkeeper, best of refer
ences. Can use typewriter. Phone E. 7392.
BY experienced bookkeeper, best . of refer
ences. Can use typewriter. Phone E. 739.
EXPERT stenographer desires position
Phone A 52o9.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine
work; references. 529 East Mill. East
PLAIN sewing, men's shirts, shirtwaists,
"children's clothes, etc 430 Alder st.
EXPERIENCED ladles' tailor and dress
maker wants work at home. M 7710.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Main
DRESSMAKING done by the day. Call
afber 6. M,ain S193.
LADIES' TAILORING, alterations specialty.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt 21. A 4709
ANGELES Dreesmaking Parlors, 326 Wash
ington St., suite 218. Main 982, A 5381.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes mere en
gagemen t s ; 16 years experience ; teems
reasonable. Main 6158.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes situation to nurse
invalid or child. Phone Main 7972. 569
Everett st.
PRACTICAL nurse, reference. 1275 E. Yam
hill st. B 2892. .
GERMAN girl wants housework. 523 24th
st. North.
PRACTICAL nursa, Al city references, nerv
ous diseases specialty. N 677, Oregonian.
LADY of refinement, good family and as
sociates, qualified housekeeper; gentle
man's home preferred. to have full
charge; references given and required.
' P 678, Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese woman desires position In
family, to do cooking and housework. AB
675, Oregonian.
LADY would like care of invalid; willing
to do light housework. 740 E. llth, tiouUi.
- Iomeetica.
TWO women wish room In exchange 1 for
services morning and evening. Inquire
Young Women's Christian Association.
Main 5267. Hours 10 to 4.
WANTED-- By refined young lady, to ex
change service and company mornings arid
evenings for room and board. Mi. O. Fritz,
27 i Washington, room 27.
GIRL wants to assist with housework and
attend school.' Holladay school district.
M. 24 51. Catholic Woman's League, 311
Stearns bldg.
WOMAN Wants work housecleaning, etc..
Thursday, Friday and Saturday; refer
ence. Phone East 123D. Room 26.
EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives lessons
."K beginners specialty; references. Maiu
POSITION as cashier in motion picture
theater.-- Address 493 Vancouver ave.,
RELIABLE German girl wants work as
janitress or by the day. M. 2451. Cath
olic Woman's League. 311 Stearns bldg.
EXPERIENCED German girl wants day
work; washing, ironing, cleaning. phone
Main 469S.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes a po
sition. F 606. Oregonian.
A LADY wants work by day or hour. M.
9390. room 3S.
WOMAN wants day work by hour. Phone
A 32 71.
BY the day; references ; Thursday', Friday
and Saturday. Phone East 20:i9.
LACE CURTAINS laundered carefully;
called for and delivered. A 7652.
LADY Competent, wishes position as ticket
seller In theater. F 676, Oregonian.
RELIABLE colored woman wants day work
of any kind. A 2490.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem, Oregon
FOUR or 5 furnished housekeeping rooms,
or small cottage, close in. Phone East
68. room 26. after 6 P. M.
WANTED To lease, by first of March, un
furnished flat or house. 12 or 15 rooms,
close in. s 675, Oregonian.
A NEATLY furnished house, by young cou
ple; give particulars; not exceed $J5. V
677, Oregonian.
W '-Z want a modern 5 or 6-room ho one in
Hawthorne district; must be a snap; owners
only. 318 Ablnton bldg. -
FOUR gentlemen desire 5 furnished rooms
en suite, or flat ; must have bath. and
modern conveniences ; one room for par
lor; West Side preferred, walking dis
tance; state prices. N 678, Oregonian.
BY young couple, 2 or S nicely furnished
rooms on East Side, with piano or use of
one ; must be reasonable. L 678, Ore
gonian. BY RELIABLE couple, furnished 4-rcom mod
ern house, gas, bath irt Sunnyside, or Mount
Tabor. M 678, Oregonlan
ROOM wanttxJ in exchange for work, janitor,
bot'kketper, engineer. B 679, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
BACHEIjOR wants board in private family
on East Side; Protestant, musical and so
ciable ; references given. AC 675, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man wants board and room in
plain Catholic family. Y 679, Orego-n-ian.
, -
TWO -room apartment in new modern apart
ment house. R 675, Oregonlan.
WANTED Room and board In private fam
ily in Irvington. AB 676, Oregonian.
WANTED board and room for baby boy,
two years old. K 679, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
131. Eleventh St...
New, modern brick building: just opened
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, Just off Wash
ington St.; special rates by week or month.
Opened January 17, new and beautifully
furnished ; hot and cold water in every
room. Public and private baths. Permanent
and transient. 265 oth st., opposite City
Swell modern rooms; new fire-proof
building, new furniture, free phones in all
rooms, 4 per week and up ; heart of
city, 2d and Yamhill sts.; take S. car.
Union Depot; get off at Yamhill; i block
east; transient rooms, $1 per 'dayr
Grand and Hawthorne ave.; new manage
ment, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone in every room; largest rooms, in city
for permanent people; en suite or single,
with bath. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
cutside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $lO month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $3o; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free. .
THE EVERGREEN Beautifully furnished
rooms, running hot and oold water, free
phone, fTath and heat; also laundry priv
ileges; reanonable prices. . 90 East th St.,
cor. Washington st. Phone East 1300.
422 Washington. Cor. llth.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished reoms. $3 per week up ;
transient rates, 75 o Op.
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
i Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates; steam heat, private baths,
hou and cold water in all rooms; beauti
fully furnished; tourist trade solicited.
NICELY furnished front room, brick build
ing, steam heat, hot and cold water, use
of bath, right in business section; $6 per
week for oie or two. '-.122 & Washington
at., corner llth.
HOTEL LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee St.,
near Holladay ave.; every modern con
venience, newly furnished. reasonable;
new management ; permanent and tran
sient. THE DORMER.
2K3 Thirteenth, corner Jefferson; rooms
single or en suite; steam heat; depot and
Jeirerson cars pass the door. Phone A
NICE furnished room, steam heat, hot and
cold water, use of bath, brick building,
(4.50 weekly) also good room at $3. 422 Vn
Washington st.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
F " 1 1
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. Jfcf. 5647.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable;, permanent and transient.
AUDITORIUM, 208 H 3d; large parlor bed
room, private bath. 2 or 3 gentlemen pre
ferred ; transient rates 75c up.
MEN to room at Victor House. r Clean beds,
reading-room. ' $1 per weeft and up.
171 H Front st.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington, ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold running
water, modern conveniences; $16 and up.
TH E- LA NDORE A PA RTM EN T9. 288 10t h
St.; 2 large front rooms newly furnished;, ex
cellent view; rent very reasonable.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat: 50c to $1 day. S2 to S4 week.
FURNISHED rooms. Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Aanex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2-50 to $5 per
week. 54S1 Washington st.
NEWLY furnished front xoonx for two ladles.
Q26 2d-V
Furnished Rooms,
SS No, 5th at.. 6. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, 3 blocks from Union
Depot ; steam heat, porcelain baths, elec
tricity and gas. fine large office. BEST
OP IT ALL you can get a room with
steam heat FOR $'2.50 PER WEEK; $50c
and 75c per day. JUST OPENED AND
have to hurry if you get a room here
as they are going very fast at these prices.
ro IT NOW.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free bus Free Phones.
140 ROOMS.
New. modern, fireproof building, steam
, heated, hot and cold running water in ail
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
riore than some cheap lodging-house;
Tiice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; ' rates, 50c. 75c and $1
per day; $ and ui per week. Call and
, see us. 12S 6th St.. North.
3d and Jefferson Sts.
t Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and 3d; Just completed; nev
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light airy,
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phono
A 7761. M. 8639.
HOTEL EUCLID iSth and Washington,
"beautifully furnished room; also suite
with bath.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
FOR RENT Furnished front room, heat,
light, hot and cold water, bath, phone,
$.50 per week; one block from Washing
tow. 4 North 17th.
NEW ffurnlshed rooms, with private fam
ily; light, heat and bath; $2. J2.50 and $3
per week. 115 23d st. North.
LARGE front room in private family; heat,
light and bath. 546 Marshall st. Phone A
FINE, modern suite, suitable for six gen
tlemen; rent $2o per month; board If de
sired. Call A 52JSO.
357 12TH ST. 2 nicely furnished front
rooms, thoroughly modern house, every
convenience; no children ; references.
WELL furnished heatod rooms, new house.
West Side, walking distance, reasonable.
Phone Main 2219, 5 to 8, evenings.
SINGLE room for gentleman, clean and
quiet. In family of two, centrallv located;
modern. 171 16th. Main 7753.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven
iences, good heat, suitable for one or
more persons; reasonable. 218 13th st.
2 NICE rooms, cor. Mill and East Sth sts.
Phone East 2263.
DESIRABLE room for gentleman, running
water, furnace heat. $10. 347 Hall st.
258 '-j 13TH ST. Nicely furnished roonw, house
new, every convenience ; gentlemen only.
$9 MONTH, nice clean room, bath, splendid
location, close in. 452 5th.
A FEW nicely furnished rooms. Call at
209 10th st.
FURNISHED room, with privilege of light
housekeeping. $10. 59 13th st.
FURN1-SHED suite, 3 rooms, large parlor,
bedroom and bath. Call at 209 loth st.
$2.00 WEEK Furnished sleeping room. 251
6th st.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, all con
veniences. 2'2Z West Park st.
$2.50 NICELY furnished room. 294 llth st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi
vided. 551 Morrison st.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange. 1S6 5th
st. Mrs. M. E. Brethertan. Supt.
THE M ARLYN, 554 Couch St.. handsomely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam
heat, attractive dining-room and good
board. Phones A 3081, Main 5523.
THE COLONIAL; 165 and 167 10th st., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
ELEGANT large front room, suitable for 2.
in an up-to-date private boar'ding-house.
374 Park st.
GOOD hoard and warm rooms for $6 a week,
easy walking distance; free phone and bath.
The Lindell 269 Market. .
THE MANSION, cor. Sth and Jefferson
Large, elegawt room, open fireplace; suita
ble two or three; also single room.
BY January 1, fine front' suite, also single
voom. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
"TIIE CALVARD" Suites or single, with ot
. without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
ROOMS' with first-class board. 535 Couch
st.. cor. 16th. The Sterling.
Rooms With Board u Private Family.
NEWLY " furnished outside corner room,
strictly modern. lO minutes walk to P. O. ;
t hose employed preferred ; $24 each for
two. 404 Clay. Main 9425.
"GOOD rooms In modern home north of
Washington, west of 20th st., with or
without board. phone A 3762.
ROOM and board for two gentleman will
ing to room together. 414 y Jefferson st.
ROOM AND BOARD in private family for
two gentlemen. 6."irt pettygrove st
F1RST-JLASH room and board for two In
private family. 545 Yamhill st. -
BOARp and room, home, privileges, rea
sonable. PTione A 717. 260 Nartilla st.
CHOICE table board.
712 Hoyt et.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely tirst-class. furnished
in 2. 3 and 4 -room family Apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished ; Janitor service ; rent reasonable.
THE KING-DAVIS Corner of King and Davis
sts., new brick building, high class; most
convenient and complete 3 and 4 -room apart
tne n t s in clt y ; ea t lf actory references re
quired. LA URBTTE apartment, hlghept class in
Portland, one 3-room and bath, unfur
nished, $4-". ; five minutes from Portland
Hotel. llth st.. near Salmon.
THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-room
apartment, all conveniences, walking dis
tp.nve, onry $20. 20th and Washington sts.
ment for rent. 701 Washington st. Both
NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large
rooms; E&st Side; $35. Main 5501, Tabor
FIVE-ROOM apartment. beautifully fur
nished. Brain tree Apartments. 2i5 12th.
Phone Main 7741.
THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1.
4-room , unfurnished apartment. Refer
ences. Apply Suite 2.
NEATLY furnished 2-room apartments, 5
minutes to Postoffice. 304 Montgomery.
5 LARGH rooms. Iris Apartments; gas range
hot and cold water, steam heat; $46.
4 FARMS for rent, 35 acres hops. 132 Sth st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 1618, A 1984. All covered wag
odb. all experienced men.
-ROOM modem fiat, 731 Hoyt st. Inquire
132 6th st. Main 6278.
MODERN flat. 192 McMillen st. Inquire
18S McMillen. Phone Main I8O0V
$16. MODERN 4-room flat with basement;
adults. 7H0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
CHOICE FLAT, close to business center
Apply 66 19th North.
NEW, modern upper 5-room corner flat, with
' furnace and attic. 4754 7th st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
NICE furnished housekeeping -room a, SX4XM)
WaniJi:tozL cor. 2uih.
Housekeeping- Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnishes! apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best In city for money; short distance from
Union Depot, or 16th-st. cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ONEONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; take
W. car at depot; furr iehed 2. 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50.
by month $2o and up; hot and coid water
baths and phones free. Main 4697. A 4739.
WELL-FURNISH ED housekeeping room. 2.
$8 month, 3 for $12; cottage. $16; lower flat,
4 rooms. $16; unfurnished houses. $10. $13.
364 26th North. W car from depot, 3d or
Morrison to 26th, block north.
$1.25 TO $X.O0 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas,
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
DESIRABLE two and tnwe-room unfur
nished suites. Fif tii st-. 305 lj Jefferson.
Beautiful central location.
HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. 2 rooms, neat,
close in, reasonable. A 7243. 3S N. 21at st.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 titan ton. U car.
$1.50 -week. large, clean furn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
WELL furnished housekeeping room. 489
Washington st-.
461 East Morrison, cor, 8tli Completely fur
nished housekeeping suites; reasonable.
THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite; all
conveniences; very reasonable; adults only.
1 H4 Grand ave. N., near Holladay. Phone
East 4980.
PLEASANT front suite, ground floor, gas,
bath, phone, heat; also single room com
pletely furnished for housekeeping. 573
Irving st.. near ISt h.
BEAUT IFUL suite of - housekeeping .rooms;
moderate price; also swell suite of rooms,
suit two gentlemen; steam heat, laundry,
walking distance. Main 8075.
NEATLY furnished alcove room, with kit
chen, for housekeeping; phone, bath. 4J2
Burnslde. st.
TWO nice f urnisnnd rooms, can be used
for light housekeeping ; private family ;
free phone, bath, reasonable. 212 Hall.
W ANTED Housekeeping rooms on East
side. walking distance and reasonable.
East 506.
406 4TH ST. Furnished housekeeping
rooms ; running water, reasonable rent,
alking distance; aio single rooms,
MODERN furnished housekeeping-rooms;
steam heat; walking distance. 93 Union
FIVE furnishesd rooms, bath, gas, etc.;
cheap to reliable par tie. Phone Main
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
fine location near steel bridge; free bath
and phone. Apply 350 Benton st.
$22 NICE 3-room furnished flat, basement,
closets, gas, nice neighborhood. East Side.
Tabor 17GS. B 1634.
FINE, modern suite, suitable for six; gen
tlemen; rent $20 per month; board if de
sired. Call A 5280.
TWO very elegantly furnished housekeeping
rooms and two single rooms; heat, gas,
bath, convenient. 731 Union ave.. North.
FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms, nicely
furnished: running water in kitchen. 405
1st st.. flat K.
FRONT parlor and kitchen, completely fur
nished; walking distance. 146 N. 16th.
Main 5173.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms by week or month;
steam heat, hot water, bath, best location
in city. 350 Alder.
FRONT housekeeping room with alcove,
kitchen, bath; phone, $14. 163 N. 16th st.
SUIT of housekeeping rooms, l single house
keeping room. 5332 Washington.
FRONT alcove light housekeeping; also 2
rooms, first floor. 450 Yamhill.
1 ROOM with alcove, bath and phone, no
children. $12. 372 6th.
4 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, bath,
yard; $12.50 month.. 692 Front st.
NICELY FURNISHED housekoping io-;
bath, gas and phone. 34S Montgomery st.
COUPLE nice single housekeeping moms,
with heat. 54 N. JRth Marshall. 1117.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas,
hath; no children; $16. 526 Kearney.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, two
and three rooms. 389 6th st.
354 CLAY Unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
Phone Main 7147.
N K'KLY f urnlshed room for housekeeping ;
gas. bath, phone. 472 Taylor, near 14th.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. 1st and
2d floor. 149 13th. near Morrison.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 742
Savier St., near 23d; $ lO month.
FOUR finely furnished housekeeping rooms;
walking distance. Phone A 4694.
WHEN you move you'll need new furni
ture. Buy it judiciously and the savings
will exceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-SENT PRICES made us one of
the largest furniture houses in the city
in two years.
lookers shown same courtesy as buyers,
6 1-7 5 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
East Ankeny and RusseM-Shaver car lines
pass our door.
8-ROOM house, with bath, two toilets,
stationary trays, cement basement, hot
water furnace, gas range, gas and elec
tric lights. located at the south-wesi
corner of Grand ave. and East Everett.
Price $40 per month. 522 Chamber ol
Commerce. Phones, A 48S." ; Main 9294-
10-ROOM house. Nob Hill district, gas. elec
tric lights, eteam heat, cement -basement,
in flrst-ila.!K condition, rent $55.
11-moin -house near the above in the same
condition, rent $50. Smith's Agency. 105
Sherlock bldg.
FOR RENT iModern "bungalow, 4 rooms,
bath, toilet, and cement basement. 1098
Maryland ave.. 1 block to car. A. B.
Richardson. 221 Com. Club bldg.
A NtCE modern house should have modern
furnishings throughout; Eastern prices
and easy terms at Calef Bros., 3OO-B70
East Morrison st
8-R(X"M modern hotife. with gas, electricity,
furnace, concrete baem-nt, one block from
earline end school, cor. E. 50th and Tayfr.
Apply 246 Washington st.
Newly varnished and tinted. East Side.
Deshon. 407 Lumbermen's bldg., M 201S.
ON 4S" or "F" earline, 6 -room house, $18.
newly painted and papered. Apply Jones
Drugstore, 800 Front st.
UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished
complete by Calef Bros. easy rent plan at
Eafetem prices. 360-37O East Morrison st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
4-ROOM cottage. $15.
Apply at 292 Stanton
FOR RENT 4-room house. Phone Sell
wood 4ol.
NEW 5-room cottage on Gams st., bet. Hood
and Kelly: Inquire 42tfH 6th.
7-ROOM modern house, full lot. Lovejoy near
24th. I. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT lO-room house. Nob Hill. In
quire 747 Glisan st.
lO- ROOM house, suitable for roomers.
DESIRABLE modern 6-room house, walking
distance. East Side. A 72S3.
Furnished Honses.
NEW. modern house, 8 rooms, neatly fin
ished, mav be had for room and board
of 2 ladies. Phone Richmond 1551; no
children wanted.
8-ROOM house, hardwood floors, furnished
in mahogany th rough out, including piano.
Main 380$ or A 3S8.
BEAUTIFUL 6-room house, large lawn, fur-
nace. piano, hardwood floors, lii minutes
walk to town. 3 49 E. G ilsan. near Union.
A NEATLY furnished 5-room cottage, mod
ern, no children. 593 West Main. Phon
Main 8382.
LARGE front houskeeplng room; furnished.
251 6th st.
THREE-ROOM house. furnished,
JSasX 75th. Call 3o .North. 18th.