16 THE MORNING OR EG ONI AN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1910. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. A CANADIAN' FARM INVESTMENT. Applications will be receive AT $9.50 PER ACRE for any port km from Sejt. to 6UCO ACRES on the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY IX SUNNY CENTRAL ALBERTA. CANADA. Adjoining land sells for $12. 13.0o0 acres sold since Oct. WRITE FOR LTST OF PORTLAND MEN WHO HAVE PURCHASED AND A.K THEM IF THEY ARE SATISFIED. J3asy payment covering 6 years. PROFITS ABOUT 50 PER CENT EACH YEAR. FRANK LANE. COLUMBUS. OHIO. 58 ACRES. 2 miles from Forest Grove. $65 pr acre. This is brush land; soil pood, no rucki. S3 acres. miles south , of Troutdale, $ I lo per acre. Brush land. good soil, (taslly cleared. 2o acres, near Wilhoit Springs. 20 per acre; 3o acres improved, small orchard. 505 acres, near Falls City. $21) per acre; TX aires in cultivation; A-l for stock ranch. F. S. AKIN. 623 Chamber of Commerce. . 20-ACHE FARM. Fruit and berry farms close to Portland, pay. This is near Portland, has fine soil, d rainage. river and electric line trans- T ortation ; easy terms. Q. M. M' BRIDE. "THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME." 5. 10 or 20-acre .tracts, ready to plant, sightly, levels rich black" sandy loam, on the Willamette River, very desirable for fruit and vegetables, water and rail trans portatlon, one hours' ride from Por'.iand. This means something to the man who wants a home, wjnts to bo independent and edu cate his family. Price $150 per acre, easy term; larger tracts for colon ice a specialty. DEAN IiAXD CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. 10-ACRE FARM. 14 miles from Portland; river mid elec tric I'ne transportation; all In cultivation; $1000; easy terms. G. M. M'BRIDE. 200 Stark St. 43 ACRES 27 acres in tine cultivation. In acres of which is first-class beaverdam and in cultivation ; lies on main county road, 16 mil- from Portland ; fair house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced and cross-fenced ; this place is In nice open untry, on grav eled road, on R. F. D.. telephone and milk mute, rinse to R. R, station; cattle, imple ments and tools go with, place at $.Vi00, eHsy term; the beaverdarii alone is worth the money. CH API N H ER LO W . 332 Chamber of Commerce. M. 1652. AGED party desire? to sell their 5-acre tract, 1 mile cast of Vancouver rear carline; ex cellent opportunity for right party. X 664, Oregonian. MlMcclLuneoue. A NEST-EGG investment. We can sell you 10 acres of land right on the United Rail ways and only 2 miles west of Burling ton at $2f per acre, and sell it to you on your own terms. Portland will be the biggest city in the West when the Panama ( anal is complete and before many years this little investment will make you inde pendent. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 5, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. ARE you booking for a farm or acreage 7 Don't fail to call at "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY." 70S and 709 Corbet t Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yon righ t. It surely will be to your advan tage to ee us before buying. We don't publish our list. CHICKEN RANCH. 20 acres near carline. covered with timber, only 1 mile from Burlington; will make a fine chicken farm. $1560; $200 cash and balance $fl per month. SMITH-WAGONER COMPANY, 311-312 Lewis Bldg. WILLIAMS AVENUE. Income property, near Russell; price $R5oo cash, income $432; a buy with a future. CA RTER-DUG A N CO. , 820 Chamber of Commerce. VIEW POINTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. We are offering some beautiful sidehili bungalow sites at prices that will interest you; these are close in and the view of city is unobstructed; easy terms. See owner, 503 Corbet t bldg. A NEW 4-famlly apartment' house. West Side ; on two car lines ; pays 13 per cent, -net on investment of $5300; substantial investment; from owner! must seil. Ad dress Y 671, Oregonian. 35 ACRES, Willamette River front, on main county road, just south of Oak Grove, $26,500 Risley & Starkweather, Risley Station. Oregon City carline. TO EXCHANGE. EXCH AXiiE '5-room modern house, one block from Mount Scott car. will sell for $2000 or exchange for small farm in Southern Oregon; want some improve ments; would prefer Woodburn district. Brown, 411 Couch bldg. $3500 WORTH of stock In a prominent man ufacturing concern of Portland to trade for city or close-in acreage. Room I. 83 5th st. WHAT have ynu got to exchange for 14 acres, nine miles from Portland, on elec tric line, particulars, call Room 323. Lum ber Exchange. 2000 SHARES in Oregon Mining & Irri gating Co.. Baker City; par value $1 a share, to trade for acreage. Room 1. S3 oth st. CLOSE-IN quarter block on East Side, one block from carline. with 8-room house, to trade for farm. Room L S3 5th st. NEW fi-room bungalow on Waverly-Woodstock carline. corner lot, elegant vfcsw to trade for farm. Room 1. 83 5th st. SIX-ROOM plastered house and two lots; $1500; to exchange for vacant land or acre ige. 506 Board of Trade. NEW 6-room house, corner lot, close to car line. East Side, to trade for small farm Room 1. 83 6th st. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. SO ACRES, some Improvements, for anvthlng same value; $2500. w 665, Oregonian. 2 JVOslOU LOTS in Woodstock to trade for t -lse-in acreage. Room 1. S3 5th st. iJ-1" rade mortgages or auto for lots. AJ fifTo, Oregon kin. ffOtt SALE ILMISER LANDS. CURRY COUNTY TIMBER loo.ooo.ooo fet yellow fir and Port Or- iord cedar; price $40im 25 OOO.Otio feet to be had cl.e to it at 50c per loop. 418 Henry bldg. IF-JU.n0wd land crip and want to locate good timber, write or call M'FARLAN'D INVESTMENT CO 311 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Or."' 800 000.000 font of good timber for sale at $1 par 1O0U E. T. Price. 617 Rothschild bldg. small tracts also for sale at a reasonable figure. a FOR SALfe BY OWNER, 100 acres tim her. Sec. 9-4-11. White Salmon RWeV Wash., about 4.000,000 feet K 075 Ore- goitian. FOR SALE By owner. 3.045.000 feet tim ber -nonr Forest Grove, S3000 v 7i Oregonian. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Kxch&nge bldg. .EOR RENT FARMS. 46 ACRES. 2'- miles from Wllmmville and Ore gon electric, 25 acres plow land. 5 of creek bottom, good orchard and buildings; terms $2irO cash. Address A. A. Wood. Gaston Or R. F. D. No. 1. 125-A"RE farm, good land. 12 miles from Salem. Box 113 Turner, Or. " WANTED-TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. $04 McKay bldg. C J. Mccracken, WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST your property with us; if the price is right -we can sell it for you. CA RTER-DIKJAN CO.. Dealers and Brokers in Real Estate, &2o Chamber of Commerce bldg. I WANT inside tot, 50x100. on Going and Wygant streets ; state location, terms and price. B ti'tS. Oregonian. I WANT a (home, & to 9 room and reasonable distance from heart of city ; must be good buy ; owners only. C 670, Oregonian. LOTS in Irvington Park; give lot and block number; a! prico for cash or terms in first letter. F 672, Oregonian. IF you have a vacant lot for sale, see W. J. Baker for Quick sale. 519 Hoard of Trade bldg. FOR Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 4-0 Hawthorne ave. MUST SELL Good 2700-lb. team horses, new harness. $19o; one Chunky 235o-lb. team of mares and harness, $100; also 2400-lb. true team horses with harness, $15u; farm wagon, all kinds of single and double harness and saddles. Walrod Transfer Co., 289 Front st. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES. WAGONS. If you want a buggy, carriage or light wagon, cheaper than factory prices, call 351 East Oak St., two carloads to select from. FIRST-CLASS havy drafc and driving horses always on band. Sold with guarantee as represented. U. S. Stable. 48 Front. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers. Ladles waiting -room. Prices ssoderate. 243 Front. A HORSE between 1100 and 1200 lbs. must be sound and true. Phone East 35K3, B 13S5. 2-S8 Grand ave. SADDLE PONY Drive single or double; weight, 8.0; $25. if sold at. Qnce. Nobby stables, 12th and Flanders. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for s a.le. 294 Montgomery. EI'OOD MARES. 3 400 to 1S0O lbs. Nobby Stables, cor. 12th and Flanders sts. HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy. sell, rent, horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. SMALL delivery team; will ride or drive single ; $05.' 3:15 1st st. Automobile KNOX, the fastest stock car in the world; Moline, the best car made for the money. We also have a number of four-cylinder cars slightly used but in nrst-cloes condi tion left here for us to sell at real bargain prices. WESTERN AUTO CO.. MI Alder St. PACIFIC AUTO CO, New and second-hand automobiles, bought, sold and -exchanged. If you are looking for a good car at a bargain, touring or runabout, call and look over our s'.ock. Cash or terms. 266 11th St., Port land. WANTED Runabout; murt be good and first class condition and cheap. AG 663, Ore gonian. 1900 MAXWELL, runabout for sale: fully equipped; nearly new. Phone A 3409. AK 009. Oregonian. ATTTOMOBTT.ES NTw and uprnnd-hnnd k Geo. R. Flora, 4 70 E. Burnside st. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO bargain for cash or diamonds, near ly new. value $450. See 4fcoottf room 12, 341 Morrison St., 9 to 10 A. 2d., or 2 to 3 P. M. Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock. WOODBURN FARMERS ANNUAL HORSE SALE. The largest bunch of fine horses they have ever offered at the annual horse sale. Saturday, Jan. 29. D. Jt. Ratcliffe, manager and auctioneer. FOR SALE An extra good family milch cow. 4 years old, with calf by her side. Jersey and Holstein. Address B 667, Ore gonian, or Inquire room 309 Oregonian bldg. 3 FRESH COWS Jerseys and Holsteins; rich, heavy milkers; would exchange for dry cows. 1175 Gay st., St. Johns car. Phone Woodlawn 1650. SOME good Boston Terrier puppies for sale at Humane Hospital, 131 Fifteenth, be tween Wash, and Alder. FOX TERRIER pups for sale; prettily marked litle fellows. 49 N. 4th st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES Do not fail to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred ; all standard makes machines for rent and reoairing. H. D. Jones, Prop. 420 Washington st. cor. llth. FOR 9 ALE. 20O-horsepower motor, generator set, belt ed units, complete with circuit-breakers and panels, alternating and direct current ma chines; ideal drive for industrial plant; com plete information furnished at room 2ol Ore gonian bldg. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft-, at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 745L A 5445. FURS All kinds of fine furs selling at great reduction. It will pay you to call In and see me before purchasing elsewhere. A. Reine-. 148 5th st. SAFES Large assortment second-hand safes slightly used, very cheap; new and second hand vault doors; nw safes, all sizes. Call or write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Nearly new two-toned green Axminster carpet, dining-room table, chairs, etc. Call after 10 A. M. 332 College st. Main 1075. A COMPLETE massage outfit, including electric garment, shower bath tub. etc., at a great bargain. Room 12, Hamilton bldg. WANTED Section 2 of Sunday Oregonian for July 18, 1909. to complete State Li brary file. Address State Librarian, Sa lem, Or. FOR SALE Conn cornet, late model, in good condition; a bargain. N 002,- Ore gonian. FOR SALE -Ann Arbor .Columbia hay jress, 17x22, used but little. Al condition; cheap. K 076, Oregonian. BCHOOLBOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at Hyland's. 211 2d st, near Salmon. 108 5th St., opposite Fostoffice. TYPEWRITER BARGAIN 231 Stark St. Main 1407 LA RGE flat-top desk, 6 draw erf, cheap. Phone Main 493. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.25. Ryder ptg. Co.. 357 Burnside si. Main 5536. 6O0 BUSINESS cards $1 if you mention this ad. Rose City Printery. 192 3d. MANURE for sale. Phone East 1775. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's casteS. clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 Sd st. North. Phone Main 8272. WANTED A 42-inch second-hand 4-drura sander; must be In good condition ; name lowest price, make and full particulars. AK 672. Oregonian. HOME WANTED For two small children attending city schools ; best of references required and given. Address, with terms, etc., O 000. Oregonian. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 895L WANTED Hives of bees; state price, quan tity, kind of hives, in answer. J 670. Oresonlan. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 20SO. 290 1st. WANTED 1 second-hand motor, 2300 volts; 60 cycle 3 phase; 1 second-hand 20 H. P. vertical boiler. Phone Main 1920. HIGHEST prices paid ruboer. copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs Phones A T01S, Main S198. J. Leve. 136 Columbia. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East JOB". WE buy, sell or exchange anything: pay high est prices; sell for less- Main 627. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 3 bakers. Oregonian. Address box AL 65, KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Ratchetsetter. citv. " S2.75; gang .tr'mmerman. city, $3; 2 lathmill men. city, $2.50; gang edgerroan, $3.50; wood turner, $3.5l; rfp sawyer. .$2.50 Stickerman, city, S3 up. Lare list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 N. .2d St. CUSTOM-HOUSE ana railway mail clerk ex amination will soon be here. Begin your preparation with us early; salaries' from $800 up. The waste-basket got more ap plications than we did last year, because they were too late. Wake up. Book No. 80 is free to you; write xor it. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland Or. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to leaun barber trade in 8 weeka; help to secure positions; gradu ates earn from $15 to $23 weekly; expert , instructor; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th St.. Portland, Or. A FEW MORE active and capable men wanted; bst and most popular manufac turing enterprise in city-; just getting ready for business; prof-table and- agreeable em ployment to right parties ; must invest not less than $loo to Insure good faith. Ad dress first leter to K 670, Oregonian. MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac count increasing business; no strike; Age. 20-aO; $75-$100 monthly; promotion; 1200 men sent to positions in last four months; send stamp; state age, weight, height. Railway Association, care Oregonian. ELECTRICITY. automobillng, plumbing, bricklaying taught in few months on actual jobs; no cash expense; 200 students last year. Catalogue free. Positions se cured. United Trade School Contracting Co., 232 Aliso, Los Angeles. COMPETENT bookkeeper, good position out of city, must be accurate and reliable; salary $100 io $125; also good active book keeper for crty position, $100 per month; also competent man to keep books even ings. Address w 670, Oregonian. WANTED Educated lady with tact, accus tomed to cultured society, to Interview mothers whose addresses we furnish. Lucrative and permanent enrfployment. HJ 079, Oregonian. CALL today. 10 to 12. wanted young- man, services and. small capital; take half inter est and help; cash business; can make'$125 month; experience unnecessary. 3l!GV& Washington st., room 417. TRAVELING salesman for Pacific Coast States; experience and established trade necessary. Denzer. Goodhart & Scheuer, wholesale hats, 721-723 Broadway; New York. THREE live wire salesmen for public serv ice proposition; commercial success; big returns and responsible positions to those making good; good addrss and references essential. AN 670, Oregonian. WANTED Man. thoroughly acquainted with chicken-raising, to stock and raise for market, on ten acres, close to town, on shares; must be sober and give refer ences. D 07S. Oregonian. JANITOR wanted; must be a hustjer. under stand taking care of furnace. Call between S and 10 A. M. todny. Office Drexel Hotel 2d and Yamhill sts. JAPANESE for general, housework in small family of adults; references required Call Savon Hotel. UU llth.st., from 3 to 4, today and Wednesday. MAN and wife (no children for general farm work, man must be able to handle a 4-horse team; wife to do general house work, K 677. Oregonian. WANTED 2 collectors for the best money maker in Portland. Call Room 229. Lum berman's bldg.. to-day. 1 to 3 p. M. ; only live men need apply. BOOKKEEPING Private tuition in book keeping given by an accountant. SOI Merchants Trust building, 6th and Wash ington. WANTED Man between 25 and . 35 years, with general business experience, one with knowledge of checking rail and steamship freight preferred. T 671. Oregonian. bALLSM EN A few good salesmen capable of earning $100 to $200 per week; ad vancement. - I'nited Wireless Telegranh 410 Corbett bldg., Portland. WANTED About April 1, man and wife on a well-equipped fruit ranch in Hood River district; steady employment to right p"3rrietf C o5, Oregonian. WANTED 500 men who appreciate bargains 1n high-grade suits, price $8.75 to $16.75. values $15 to $a5. Jimmie Dunn. "Knew'' Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg OPPORTUNITY CLUB ORGANIZERS. Make $M to $10o weekly; (permanent work and unlimited advancement. Address K 672, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED special edition advertising solicitors, commission, $10 to . $25 dally -inexperienced men not wanted. Benedic tine Press. Goodnough bldg. WANTED Man and wife on farm. Call between 12 and 3 at the office of J. M. Strowbridge, northwest corner 2d and Yam- t hill. 2d floor. YOUNG man for clerical position. Commercial- Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bids. YOUNG MAN a assistant bookkeeper and stenographer; state age and salary. AB 670. Oregonian. 5000 MEN to know about our $3 sample hats for $1.50; hats reblocked 50c. The Hattery, 315 Alder; basement. BOOKKEEPER, bookkeeper and stenog rapher, salesman, country store. 313 Wash., room IS- WANTED Salesman acquainted with arch itects and contractors, to take a profitable side line on commission. O 665, Oregonian. GOOD money to an Al salesman, city and road work. Call today between 10 and 12 M, 535 Union ave. fcPlNNER to operate a 240 spindle jack; guaranteed $2 per day; write at once. Bandon Woolen Mills, Bandon, Or. WANTED -Illustrated -ong-jinger who can play piano; good salary. Call Miss Strobel M. GGiy. BOY wanted to learn hardware business, .$20 month; stage age and references. V 674 Oregonian. HERE Is a rare chance for honest young man with $250 cash, as partner In a good business. 25 5th st.. room 3. WANTED photo and- portrait agents, something good. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. WANT P. de Ronne to call at Hotel Hood and .leave address. C. de Ronne. WAN1 ED Boy about 16 or 17 years of . age. Apply Factory, 233 Couch. A MAN to close sales; no soliciting; $36 se curity. X 67 6, Oregonian. WI LL exchange new mission furniture for painting work. Room 515. 326 H Wash. st. PHOTO couoon and portrait asrents; good r.Ter. Davie, 342 Washington st. WANTED- Upholsterers and couch makers. Carman Mfg. Co., lsth and Upshur. WANTED Good boy over 17 to open cases. Apply Lowengart & Co., 92 Front st. WANTED, energy and push : worth $3 to $5 per day. 313 Wash, st., room 15. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership. Y, M. C. A- W ANTED Teacher, piano. 611. Swetland. SOLICITOR WANTED 747 Northrup st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A couple; woman a good cook and housekeeper, man handv with auto and general work. Phone Main 876. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-1 instructors. 611 Swetland. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS between 20 and 30 years for shooting galleries; good wages. Apply to Rose Flem ing. 249 First st. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 400 Tillamook st. WANTED A bright, rustling salesman, un der 35 years of age. F 677, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family; no children. 186 N. 18th' st. LADIES interested in Irish lace call at 219 Marquam bldg; one lesson free. FA MTLY c-oke. $-15; second girl, $3o. . 6t. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2t'39. . WANTED 2 teachers, piano and .kinder garten. 611 Swetland bldg. WANTED A girl for general housework. 394 College street. GIRL for general Marshall st. housework. Apply 702 GIP.LS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TODAY. Cooks, kitchen herpers, waitresses!, cham bermaids, housekeepers, dishwashers, girls for general housework and other good po sitions at good wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Dept.. 205 Morrison St. GOOD stenographer ; state experience and in what line; will pay good salary; abort hours; new company just starting, there fore chance for promotion ; will buy new typewriter; state make preferred. E 671, Oregonian. MILLINERY saleswoman, thoroughly expe rienced, up to date, capable of managing large salesroom and assisting buyer. R 660, Oregonian. WANTED Young woman for light house work ; must understand cooking ; pleasant home; wages $25. Call Sunday, Z'M) E. Al der st. A GOOD strong woman for general house work, in country town; good wages; no children. Call Hotel Savon, 131 llth St., from 3 to 4 Tuesday and Wednesday. YOUNG LADY living -at home, as apprentice In photography. Sunset Photo Co., Grand ave. and East Ankeny. WANTED Experienced shirt makers; also a few to learn; positrons steady. Mount Hood Factory. 2d and Couch. LADIES at home day or eenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1 .50 doz. upward ; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. GIRLS wanted to work on men's neck wear. Columbia Neckwear Mlg. Co., 291 ' Stark st. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. Good Rordin Candy Co., Vancouver, Wash. " Carfare paid. WOMAN COOK Small hotel, familv style. Inquire Riverside : Hotel, St. John, Or. Phone Jersey Oil. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st-. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Refined, caDable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609" Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St.. Room 307. Main SS36 or A 3206. ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position with wholesale house; experience not nec essary. R 668, Oregonian. COOK WANTED -On dairy ranch. For par ticulars address Riverview Dairy, Lewis & Clark, Astoria, Or. COOK for manager's house in small town; wages good and work light. X 679, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl to do general housework in family of two. Call Room 14. Belvedere Hotel, between 10 and 12 o'olock. A. M. YOUNG LADY as stenographer and as sistant bookkeeper; state salary and ref erences. AB 670, Oregonian. WANTED Illustrated song-singer who can play piano; good salary. Cail Miss Strobel, M. 6C5. WANTED Girls as apprentices to learn to make wire frames. Apply Lowengart & Co., 2 Front st. STENOGRAPHER wanted; one who has had experience. 23-525 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework. 794 Irving st. Phones A 1182. Main 8235. WANTED A good girl for trenersl hon-' work; good wages; no washing. 395 East 12th N. WANTED Experienced girl to care for 2 children and second work. 794 Irving st Phne A 1182, Main 8235. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1131 Franklin st., Willamette Heights. Phone A 2420. GIRL to assist general housework, small family. 745 Overton st. Phone Main 5003. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. The Nurtonia, llth and Wash. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, tvpewriting expert method. 314 12th. Main 6890. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93. WA NTED Competent girl for general housework. 715 Lovejoy at. GIRL for housework, no cooking. Phone East 1103. BOY WANTED To work in shipping de partment. 129 First street. TEACHERS for Mission school. Apply 206 2d st... 7 o'clock P. M. WANTED Girls to make shirt and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. Phone East 927. GIRL for general housework. Inquire 1089 Thurman st. YOUNG girl wanted for general housework in small family. .Phone C 1O06. YOUNG LADY wanted to wait on table. 312 Burnside. GIRL to do housework. 702 Northrup st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AN EXPERIENCED and competent office man desires position of responsibility with firm or corporation ; good penman; can fur nish highest references and bond if de sired; an interview- solicited. A 675, Ore goniaji. ADVERTISING manager now employed with large Eastern firm wants to go west as advertising manager or sales manager. Address W.660, Oregonian. STOP! READ! WRITE to D 676, Oregonian. If you want a good stenographer. 3 years railroad experience; $75 par month. ABSOLUTELY reliable and competent book keeper and accountant, 10 years experi ence, wants position. X 677, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED shoe and gent's furnishing salsesman wants position ; references and papers. F 679, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced sten ographer and timekeeper; willing to Jeave city. R 665, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position in city ; six years" experience on payrolls and books; no business college training. Y 67 ;i, Oregonian. YOUNG GERMAN man, experienced, wants position hotel or all-around the store; best inferences; good education. X 678, Ore gonian. ICE- and col 3 storage expert wants position; GvTiiiuii, age 31, married; references; now is the time to repair your plant. D 677 Orest niau. BY experienced shoe and furnishings sales man and buyer; 15 years" experience in Chicago; best references. Address H 677, Oregonian. TEAM work wanted by reliable man .and team, suitable foa express, deljvery or furniture wagon; Ifftve wagon for general hauling. F. Groat, 991 Mallory. SOBER, married man, experienced in all kinds of houtae and garden work, desires position a houseman, gardener, janitor or watch man. R 664, Oregonran. RELIABLE, well educated man, speaks En glish. French. Spanish. German, wants any kind of work; references. AE 671, Ore gonian. YOUNG -man attending business college wants place to work fur room and board. N 627 Oregonian. POSITION By steady young man, counter waiter or short-order cook in small res taurant. D 079. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position, restaurant, hotel or boarding-house. Phone A3S56. JANITOR work wanted, exchange fT" room; aUo bookkeeper, engineer. L 677, Ore gonian , GOOD Japanese wants to do any work in family. V 669. Oregonian. CUTTING wood contract desired by a gang Japanese. F. T. Matsuda, 3o N. 3d st. STRONG, jcung man wishes position on fruit or poultry farm. AB 672, Oregonian. MEAT CUTTER wants position in high-class market. A. Fischer, 127 E. 16th. BY RELIABLE) man. as night watchman or collector, or anything. - AG 674. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS reliable colored chef, position, hotel, rest, or club. Phone A 2490. " JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. 26S Everett. Main 4659; A 4073. GOOD plain cook, Japanese, wants position in family. N 66S. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. A GERMAN, experienced Eastern market gar dener, expert cauliflower grower, wishes position managing a truck farm or get a tract of suitable land and work with owner in partnership. Send letters B. D. H., 480 East Grant at.. Portland, Or. r . , 3 FIRST-CLASS CHINESE Cook. second cook, and baker, respectively, want posi tions In hotel or boarding house. Worked together at Hobart Curtis for years. Fong King Co., 95 4th st. fcl X C A X I ON WAME U FE MALL Bookkeepers and Stenographers, WANTED Position by lady having three years' experience in bookkeeping and gen eral offlco work. AJ 667. Oregonian. B Y experienced bookkeeper, best of refer ences. Can use typewriter. Phone E. 7392. GIRL wants office work; no experience. D 675, Oregonian. EXPERT stenographer desires position. Phone A 5209. Nurse. PRACTICAL, middle-aged, experienced nurse; all kinds, elderlv, invalids, infants. Main 338S. EXPERT P" Vr,TT- In all MnH. n..inn- viRllds, infants, elderly. Main 2039, A PRACTICAL nurse, reference. 1275 E. Yam hill st. B 22S92. - Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladies tailor wants work at home. Phone Main 7710. ' STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine work; references. 529 East Mill. East 5256. EXPERIENCED ladies' tailor and dress maker wants work at home. M 7710. SHIRTWAISTS, baby outfits, trousseaus, a specialty. 549 E. Yamhill. East 3354. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Main LADIES' TAILORING, alterations ppecialtv. Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia. Apt 21. A 4709 DRESSMAKING $2 per day. Phone East 1371., ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 Wash ington st., suite 216. Main 982. A 5381. WANTED Dressmaking and ladies tailor ing. 375 Taylor st. Phone A 2930. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED young woman in general housework and cooking, wishes position. . Address 335 San Rafael st. Anyone paying small wages need not answer. CAPABLE housekeeper in widower's home. St. Louis, 245 W a sh . Main 203 9. Domestic. TWO GIRLS want general housework. Please call at 790 Montana ave. LADY would like care of invalid; willing to do light housework. 746 E. llth. South. FIRST-CLASS cook, private familv; wages $40. Telephone Main 3555; A 5624. M xscclUuaeoas. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes situation a infant's nurse,, light housekeeping or lady companion: best of references. Call Grand Central Hotel. Third and Flanders St., room 211. WIDOW lady, experienced in rooming-house business, wishes position as housekeeper. F 665, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS Ttf take home, reasonable prices; call a,nd delivery. 311 17th et. S. WOMAN would like any kind of work in restaurant of eoffe house. Call 864 E. 12th st N. Phone Woodlawn 1106. GIRL wants day work for Wednesday. Thursday, Saturday. Call evening. Main 4469. HOTEL cook out of town, $40; housekeepers, chambermaids, dishwasher, nurse. St. Louis. Main 2t39, A 4775. LACE CURTAINS laundered carefully; called for and delivered. A 7652. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes a po sition. F 666, Oregonian. A LADY wants work by day or hour. M. 9390, room 38. LADY Competent, wishes position as ticket seller in theater. F-070, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman does laundry or cleaning daily or hour. Marl in. Main 1493. WANTED Washing, ironing and house cleaning. Phone Sellwood ' 1432. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work of any kind. A 2490. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon . AGENTS, see me at 456 5th. Rings, 20c; razors, 4 9c. Call mornings. WANTEl-XO KENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs the aa-ine for you as though the property was our own ; references any bank in Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St Phones A 3500; Main 35. Rooms. COTTAGE Must be close in, on paved street and rent cneap. G. H. Stone. 149 3d st. ROOM wanttd in exchange for work. Jajiitor, bookketper, engineer. E) 679, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG couple, wishing quiet, seek board and room In refined family: $35 a mon; state telephone number. AB 673. Orego nian. WANTED Room and board In private family by refined married couple ; must have place to keep dog; give particulars and price. A 67 6, Ore gon kui . WANTED Room for day sleeping on West Side; must be quiet ; state price and loca tion. A 677, Oregonian. WANTED board and room for baby boy, two years old. K 679, Oregonian. FOR RE NX. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL B RES LIN. 422 Washington, Cor. llth. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up ; transient rates, 75c up. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner loth and Washington Sts. Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low monthly rates; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all roomsv beauti fully furnished; tourist trade solicited. MOELY furnished front room, brick build ing, steam heat, hot and cold water, use of bath, right in business section; $6 per week for, oie or two. 422 Washington st., corner 1 1th. HOTEL LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee St., near Holladay ave. ; every modern con venience, newly furnished, reasonaMe; new management; permanent and tran sient. THE DORMER. 283 Thirteenth, corner Jefferson ; rooms single or en suite; steam heat; depot and Jefferson cars pass the door. Phone A 4076. NICE furnished room, steam heat, hot and cold water, use of bath, brick building, $4.50 weekly; also good room at $3. 422 a Washington si. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas onable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647. HOTEL EUCLID 18th and Washington, beautifully - furnished room; also suite with bath. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington, ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold running water, modern conveniences; $16 and up. TH E LANDORE A PA RTM ENTS. 288 lOt h st.; 2 large front rooms newly furnished; ex cellent view; rent very reasonable. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. ROR RENT. Furnished Rooms. -OOK! LOOKt LOOK! HOTEL MINNESOTA. SS No. 3th st, S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building. 3 blocks from Union Depot; steam heat, porcelain baths, elec tricity and gas, fine large office. BEST BEDS IN THE CITY and the BEST PART OF IT ALL you can get a room with steam heat FOR $2.50 PER WEEK; $50c and 75c per day. JUST OPENED AND VERY NICELY FURNISHED. You will have to hurry if you get a room here as they are going very fast at these prices, TRANSIENT TRADE SOLICITED. P4O IT NOW. DO IT NOW. Homelike, Homelike. Homelike. NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and comfort. Free bus Free Phones. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in ail rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; every thing first-class; rates, 50c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.56 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th st.. North. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk Washington and 3d; Just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convergent, rooms large, liht, airy, singlt? -rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731, M. 8639. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building; Just opened ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private baths, excellent location. Just off Wash ington St.; special rates by week or month. THE BAKER Opened January 17, new and beautifully furnished; hot and cold water in every room. Public and private baths. Permanent and transient. 265 5th St., opposite City Hall. , THE DREXEL Swell modern rooms; new fire-proof building, new furniture, free phones in all rooms. $4 per week and up; heart of city. 2d and Yamhill sts. ; take S. car. Union Depot; get off at Yamhill; block east ; transient , rooms, $i per day. HOTEL SARGENT. Grand and Hawthorne ave.; new manage ment, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone in every room; largest rooms in city for permanent people; en suite or single, with bath. W. M. Robinson, mgr. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement, newly renovated throughout- 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $3o; elegant Public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. FURNISHED rooms. Eim Place. formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth. THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week. 54 Washington st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 395 THIRD ST. NEWLY furnished front room for two ladies 226 2d st. THE ANGELES, 272 6th St., nicely furnished room, bath and phone, $3 to $5. Furnished Rooms in Private Fosntljr. THE EVERGREEN Beautifully furnished rooms, running hot and cold water, free phone, bath and heat; also laundry priv ileges; reasonable prices. 9o East SUi St.. cor. Washington st. Phone East 1390. LA RGB front room In private familv ; heat, light and bath. 646 Marshall st. Phone A 3386. 357 1 2TH ST. 2 nicely furnished f ron t rooms, thoroughly modern house, every convenience ; no children ; references. SINGLE room for gentleman, clean and quiet, in family of two. cnt rally located; modern. 171 16th. Main 7753. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, good heat, suitabl-a for one or more persons; reasonable. 213 13th st. 2 NICE rooms, cor. Mill and East Sth sts. Phone East 2263. JiESIRABLE,. room for gentleman, running water, furnace heat. $10. 347 Hall st. SINGLE rooms for gentlemen, clean and quiet, modern residence. 5JS Morrison. 25S 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, house new, every convenience; gentlemen only. NICELY furnished rooms, free bath and phone, close in. 473 Alder st. $9 MONTH, fine room, bath, splendid do cation, close in. 452 5th st. LARGE, nicely furnished room, all con veniences. 223 West Park st. NICELY furnished room; light and heat; $16 per month. 331 7th st. NICELY furnished r,xra for one or two gen tlemen. 4o8 Main St. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi vided. 551 Morrison st. Rooms With Board. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington hi., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished ; every room has a private bath, telephone ; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the mini mum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and in spect ; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 51 Z Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange, 186 Sth st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. THE MARLYN, 554 Couch St., handsomely furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam heat, attractive dining-room and good board. Phones A 2081, Main 553. THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St., cor ner Morrison, Select family hotel; reason able rates. NEW addition to private boarding-house, just finished; steam heat, modern, near carline. 733 Hoy t st. NICELY furnished front room with board; reasonaMe, easy walking distance. 178 Ella st., 1st south of Washington. ELEGANT large front room, suitable for 2, In an up-to-date private board ing-house 374 Park st. GOOD board and warm room for $6 a week, ensy walking distance; free phone and bath The Lindeil, 269 Market. THE MANSION, cor. 5th and Jefferson Large, elegant room, open fireplace; suita ble two or three; also single room. BY January I, fine front suite, also single room. 452 Morrison, corner 13th. "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with of without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th. ROOMS with first-class board. 535 Couch st., cor. 16th. The Sterling. Rooms With Board In Private Family. NEWLY furnished outside corner room, strictly modern. lO minutes walk to P. O.; tltost employed preferred; $24 each for two. 404 Clay. Main 9425. ROOM and board, one room with seeping porch. Phone A 3828. 515 Morrlsun st. cor. Sixteenth. BOARD and room. 149 15th st., between Morrison and Alder; also single room. ROOM AND BOARD in private family for two gentlemen. 639 pettygrove st. LA RGE front room for two ; good board. Phone East 2006. 595 East Taylor st. BOARD and room, home privileges, rea sonable. Phone A 7127. 260 Nartilla st. YOUNG MAN to share room and board with - another, private family. East 1915. $20 Pleasant room and board; all modern conveniences. 470 Main st. NEWLY furnished room with alcove. 595 East Oak, cor. 15th. B 2619. CHOICE! table board. 712 Hoyt st. Apartments. THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1, 4 -room unfurnished apartment. Refer ences. Apply Suite 2. ROR RENT. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely tii-st-class, furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone; some unfur- HishH- 1nnit.il i . run rcatnuu Ma THE KING-DAVIS Comer of KJng and Davis sts., new brick building, high class; most convenient and complete 3 and 4-pJom apart ments in city; satisraotory rcferencee re quired. FOR RENT 3 and 4-romi apartment, mod ern, furnished and un:'urnihtd apartment; steam heat ar.d both phono. Eist Ankeny- car; two tine storeroom. Kentucky Apartments, 2Sth and East Glisan. LAURETT E apartment, highest class in Portland. one 3-room and bath. fur nished, 545; five minutes from Portland Hotel, llth St., near Salmon. THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-room apartment, all conveniences, walking dis tf.nve, only 20. 20th and Washington sts. JEFFERSONIAX. 16th and Jefferson, fur nished a and 3-room apartments, $ JO and $30. NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large rooms; East Side; $35. Main 5501, Tabor 131. FIVE-ROOM steam-heated, splendidly fur nished .partniem. cloe-e in. Inquire limont, 00 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3143. NEATLY furnished 2-room apartments. 5 minutes to Postoffice. 304 Montgomery. 8-ROOM apartment for rent, new furniture for sale. Phone A 7395. 5 LARGE rooms. Iris Apartments; gas range, hot and cold water, steam heat; $45. THE DAYTON Fine six-room apartment; heat, hot .vater, etc. Inquire 60S Flanders. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfe Co., Main 1618. A 19S4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. 6-ROOM modern flat, 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 13 6th st. Main 678. FURNISHED 3-room flat. 440 12th. Call aft ernoons or evenings. Phone M. 4it25. MODERN flat. 192 McMillcn st. Jnquirs ISS McMillen. phone Main 1S66. TH RE E-ROOM unfurnished modern flat. Inquire 225 Market. Phone Main 516. $16. MODERN 4-room flat with basement; . adults. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. CHOICE FLAT, close to business center. Apply 66 lath North. NEWLY furnished six-room fiat, rent reason able. Phone Main 7712. NEW, modern upper 5-room corner flat, with furnace and attic. 475 7th st. Housekeeping; Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping, including- gac ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath1, laundry, reception-room, all free ; furnished apartments $ 15 per mont h up; single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up; best in city for money; short distance from, Union Depot. S" or lOth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. ONEONTA, 187 17th, near Yamhill; take W. car at depot; furnished 2, 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5.fiO, by month $20 and up; hot axd cold wter, baths and phones free. Main 4697, A 4739. W ELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2, $8 month. 3 for $12; cotta.no. $16: lower flat. 4 rooms. $16; unfurnished houses. $LO. $13. 314 261 h North. W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. $1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas. furnace heat. 4o6 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT Single, housekeeping room, suitable for single lady, close in ; rea sonable. A 743. 3S X. 21st st. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. 2 rooms, neat, close In. reasonable. A 7243. 3S N. iilst st. $ 1.23 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $ 1.50 week, large, clean f urn, housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. 461 Fast Morrison, cor, 8th Completely fur nished housekeeping suites; reasonable. TH E MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms. J14.0O. 631 Washington st.. cor. 20th. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. 3d and Morrison; fur nished housekeeping rooms. Apply room 36. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. "3 SWELL front housekeeping rooms, newly f urn idled, steam heat, hot water, bath, laundry, free cooking gas. walking dis tance, also room suited to lady with kitch en privileges. 656 Glisan. Main 8o73. N EWLY furnished housekeeping suite; all conveniences; very reasonable; adults only. 164 Grand ave. X., near Holladay. Phone East 49so. PLEASANT front suite, ground floor, gas, bat.i, phone, heat; also siugl room coin-ph-"vly furnished for housekeeping. 373 Ir .iig st.. near lSih. TWO nice furnished rooms, can be. used for light housekeeping ; private f am i ly ; fra phone, bath, reasonable. 212 Hall. MODERN furnished housekeeping-rooms; steam heat; walking distance. 93 Union ave. FIVE furnishesd room?, bath, pas, etc.; cheap to reliable parties. Phone Main 6027. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms, bath and phone, 2 rooms for $14 or 3 for $1S. No children. 528 Market st. 3 NICELY furnished housekeepinp-rooms ; gas. bath, phone. Woodlawn 1969. 102U Garfield ave. TWO nicelv furnished housekeeping room?, line location neai- steel bridge; tree bath and phone. Apply 350 Benton st. $22 NICE 3-room furnished fiat, basement, closets, gas, nice neighborhood. East Side. Tabor 1768. H 16." 1. FINE, modern suite, suitable for six: gen tlemen; rent $2 per month; board if de sired. Call A 52SO. TWO very elegantly furnished housekeeping rooms and two single rooms ; heat, gas4, bath, convenient. 731 Union ave.. North. FOR RENT 2 housekaeping rooms, nicel v furnished : running water in kitchen. 4o5 1st hi., hat K.. TWO housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, gas. bath, separate entrance, cheap. Phone Main 3C69. FRONT parlor and kitchen, completely fur nished; walking distance. 1 46 N. 16th. Main 5173. FRONT' housekeeping room, with alcove kitchen, bath, phone; $14. 163 N. I6th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. East 6th St. North and Burnside; house No. '20. $T PER week, front suite of housekeep ing rooms, walking distance. 294 llth. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, two and three rooms. 389 6th si. SLEEPING-ROOM, with kitchen privilege, clean, quiet plaee. 52S Morrison, near 16th. 354 CLAY Unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Main 7147. FURNJSH ED housekeeping rooms. 1st and 2d Moor. 149 13th, near Morrison. 3 FRONT rooms, coin p let el y furnished, for housekeeping, close in. 214 1 3tii st. NICELY furr.tehed housekeeping rooms; ai? convenience. 549 Morrison st. 3 FURN1S H ED housekeeping-rooms ; bath, yard; 512.50 month. Inquire 692 Front st. FOUR finely furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance. Phone A 4694. FOUR and - two-room housekeeping suite, tirst floor; reasonable. 421 7th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable. 2S8 13th St. LA RGE front housekeeping room, fur nished. '51 6th st. SINGLE ROM M Furnished for housekeep ing. 165 16th st. N. 1 ROOM with alcove, bath and phone, no children. $12. 372 6th. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 425 East Ash. Phone Est 107. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern. Phone Main 6067. 140 N. 16th st. 4-ROOM cottage. $15. Apply at 292 Stanton street. FOR RENT House, stable. 3 lots. R. A. Taylor. E. 49th and Hawthorne. B 1516. HOUSE, fi rooms, bath. 1S9 Mill at. Mas Smith. SS N 16th st