Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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E-M-F. Company's Factories, Nos. 1 and 2, in E
the Finished Product, Two Famous Cc
Over 10,000 E-M-F "30" Cars Are Today on the Roads in the Hands of Owi
That's Why the Demand For This Car Has Alway Exceeded the Possible I
... , - ' - ' ' - - - . '- - I 1 ;
PER ANNUM . : ' -r--'r HObiK. W iLr JViiii u
Brief Specifications E-M-F "30"
MOTOR 30 h. p., 4-cylinder, 4-inch bore
by 4-inch stroke; develop thirty horse
power and then some. Silent, flexible,
TRANSMISSION Selective sliding gear
type, 3 forward speeds and reverse. In
corporated in rear axle, following prac
tice of $4000 to $6000 cars.
REAR AXLE Semi-floating type; no
malleable castings housing sections
made from steel stampings. E-M-F "30"
was pioneer in this improvement.
FRONT AXLE Drop forged from nickel
steel in one piece I-beam section.
Slightly dropped in center.
STEERING GEAR Irreversible worm
and sector type, as in high-priced cars.
FRAME Pressed steel.
WHEEL BASE 108 inches; tread, stand
ard, 6654 inches special 61-inch tread for
southern roads.
LUBRICATION E-M-F automatic vac
uum feed simplest, surest and best ever
IGNITION Dual system, consisting of
Splitdorf Magneto 10,000 on E-M-F cars
and never a complaint; also set batteries
for emergency use.
BRAKES Four, all acting on rear hub
TIRES 32x3j4 Morgan & Wright Quick
WEIGHT With top, storm front and all
tanks full, 2150 pounds light enough to
be economical on tires heavy enough to
withstand hardest usage.
BODY Five-passenger tonneau touring
car wide seats.
COLOR Body dark blue running gear
PRICE $1250 f. o. b. factory at Detroit,
Mich. Mohair Top, $65 extra. Glass
front, $25.
Full Specifications and Technical Description on Request
Here Are the Reasons Why E-M-F Company Can
Give Buyers Better Value Than Other Makers
E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" automobiles are manufactured in- two
mammoth plants owned by the E-M-F Company and directed by the one
head not assembled from parts made in small plants all over the country.
Here all intermediate parts-makers' profits are eliminated. From the
pig iron and the raw steel plate to the finished automobile, including body
and even tops and storm fronts, every part save only magnetos and tires,
are manufactured in our own plants and under the watchful eye of the,
head of this concern.
To give an idea of the magnitude of these operations is well-nigh,
impossible. Words will not suffice and figures such as one million and a
half square feet of floor space convey little to the ' average mind. Too
great to comprehend. The accompanying photographic reproductions give
but a faint idea, though they convey more than mere word descriptions.
If you ever have an opportunity to visit these plants it will be well'
worth your while and will be a revelation to you, You are cordially
invited to do so. '
Only those who have enjoyed a tour of these tremendous factories,
starting in the foundries where cylinder castings, crank-cases and gear
housings are made; thence through the drop-forging department one of
the largest in this country and one of three capable of forging a front
axle or a crank-shaft complete at one operation ; thence through the
mammoth rooms full of automatic machines whose operation . has some
thing almost weird in it to one accustomed to seeing these wonderful
machines that seem ta think; thence through the various departments
where component parts are machined, ground, treated, and finally the
great assembling rooms.
To see the jraw material go in at one end and the finished car with
polished body and shining brass come out at the other end is a sight that
fills the visitor with wonder and admiration. And his greatest wonder is
occasioned by the fineness of the work which he sees and which he learns
is necessary in order to turn out cars at the rate we do. Absolute
accuracy absolute interchangeability are essential.
Because of the superior equipment; the financial resources; the,
splendid organization; the wealth of experience; the engineering skill; the
ability to buy materials at prices smaller makers cannot touch; and finally
by producing in tremendous quantities by the most up-to-date automatic
machinery making every part in the one plant and each plant devoted
to the manufacture of but one chassis model the E-M-F Company can'
produce a better automobile than is possible to any other concern in the;
world at anywhere near the price.
Here are a few figures that give an inkling of the volume of materials'
that pass through these two plants :
Plant No. 1 makes 60 E-M-F "30" cars every working day when
running full capacity no overtime. Annual output 15,000 E-M-F "30"
cars. .
Plant No. 2 has a daily capacity of 125 Flanders "20" cars and will
produce in the next twelve months 25,000 cars. Deliveries begin latter
part of this month.
These two plants consume 25,000 tons of steel per annum; 75,000
pounds of aluminum; 740 pneumatic per day; 160,000 spark plugs
per annum; forge the blanks and cut 270,000 steel bevel gears per year;
230,000 steel spur gears and 80,000 spiral gears. Foundry makes 55,000
cylinder castings Flanders "20" four cylinders are cast en bloc. Testers
use 2000 gallons of gasoline and 185 gallons cylinder oil per day. Sixty
railroad cars are necessary to ship each day's output. Over $2,000,000'
per month is paid for materials alone exclusive of labor or other items.'
Over 12,500 men are directly and indirectly employed in the manu
facture of E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" cars.
Annual revenue for cars and equipment, over forty millions of dol
lars ($40,000,000). That makes E-M-F Company the largest individual
manufacturer in the Licensed Association of Automobile Manufacturers,'
which is to say largest in the world.
E-M-F "30" TOURING CAR, $1250.
ose, District Sales Manager for Wasliingfton, Oregon, Idaho J