Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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THIH weak we hae on sale the fine house
hold furnishings of Mrs. Chapman, of 694
Irving street, consist trig of line mahogany
dresser end chiffonier, coat $17, both
pieces will be sold for $4 3 ; fine library
table. $1S; parlor tables, $12.50, and some
beautiful rockers and chairs; also a $t5
xl2 Axmlnster rug fr $25; $36 hall rug
4x12. $1. ami other smaller rugs and cur
tains. We have an extra fine assortment
of all kinds of household goods that we
have bought at "exceedingly low prices and
we will sell them on a very close margin.
Our flvv stores are full of bargains for
the balance of this month and we will
sell them on ths Installment plant at the
reduced prices, too. Our terms are
down and sma fl monthly payments.
627. 629, 631. 633, 635 Washington St.,
Cor. of 20th St.
Phoiww: Main 1108 or A 3793.
BE WING MACHINES Do not fall to visit
the White sewing machine store TH IS
WEEK. SPECIAL SALE3 120 drop-head
machines, slightly marred ; all standard
makes machines for rent and repairing.
H. I. Jones, Prop. 420 Washington St.,
ccr. Uth.
200-horse power motor, generator set, belt
ed units, voivplete with circuit-breakers and
pine!, alternating and direct current ma
chines; ideal drive for Industrial plant; com
plete information furnished at room 2ol Ore
gonian bldg.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4 -ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 813 Water at. Phone Main 7452.
A 5443.
WANTED Men's cast oft clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
"highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," '7 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WAN'TED A 42-inch second-hand 4-drura
sander; must be in good condition ; name
lowest price, make and full particulars.
A K 672, Oregonian.
fcELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you'll get la. Phones
, A 2445, Main S85L -
, WANTED Hives of bees; state price, quan-.
t It y , kind of hives. In answ er. J 07 0,
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents' seoond-hand clothing and
shoes and bicycles. Main 3080. 200 3 at.
; WANTKD I second-hand motor. 2300 volts;
0 cycle 3 phase; 1 second-hand 26 H. .P.
vertical boiler. Phone Main 1020.
HIOHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool, furs. phones A T618.
Main 51'JS. J. Leva. ISO Columbia.
FPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phone East 10G7.
WE buy, sell or exchange anything: pay high
est prices; sell for less. Main 6207.
CU8TOM-HOUSJD ana railway mail clerk ex
amination will soon be here. Begin your
preparation with mm early; saUu-iea from
$SiH up. The waste-basket s:t more ap
plications thaa we tid last year, because
they were too lat n. Wake up. Book No.
HO is free to you; write for it. Padua State
School. McKay bids;., Portlaad. Or.
HOl'GHTON, MIFFLIN CO., Publishers,
Piston, are about to open new Western
offices for the sale of their complete line
of popular subscription publications. Ex
perienced agents and managers are in
vited to meet the general manager. For
Appointment address Mr. C. S. Olcott,
Hotel Portland. Portland. Or.
30.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year,
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructor; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 84
! Nortn 4th St., Portland. Or.
A FEW MORE active and capable men
wanted; best and most popular manufac
turing enterprise in city; Just getting ready
for buHtne; profitable and agreeable em
ployment to risht parties; must invest not
1 less than U to insure good faith. Ad
. dress first leter to K 07O, Oregonian.
MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire
men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac
count Increasing business; no strike; Age.
20-30; $73-$100 monthly; promotion; 3200
men sent to positions In last four months;
send stamp: state acre, weight, height
Kail way Association, care Oregonlan.
ELECTRICITY, automobilln g, plumbing,
bricklaying taught In few months on
actual Jobs; no cash expense; 200 students
last year. Catalogue free. Positions se
cured. United Trade School Contracting
Co., 232 A 11 so, Los Angeles.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, good position out
of city, must be accurate and reliable ;
salary I1O0 to $125; alHo good active book
keeper for city poflttlon, $ lOO per month ;
also competent man to keep books even
ings. Address W 070, Oregonian. y
HEAL estate salesmen who have had ex
perience can make btg money on this; It's
a good live proposition; only experienced
men wanted. American Trust Company,
2tK Chamber of Commerce.
CALL today. 10 to 12, wanted young man,
services and small capital; take half inter
est and heip; cash business; can make $125
month; experience unnecessary. 826Vx
Washington at., room 417.
iTHREE live wire salesmen for public serv
ice proposition ; commercial success ; big
returns and responsible positions To those
making good; good address and references
essential. AN 670. Oregonian.
WANTED Typist and clerk in railroad gen
eral office; must be familiar with Rem
ington tabulator; stating salary expected ;
no other need apply. T 073, Oregonian.
3ER MAN couple, middle-aged, to manage
ranch In Eastern Oregon ; general farm
ing; good Inducements to right party. X
Otirt. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book
keeping given by an accountant. 301
Merchants Trust building, 6th and Wash
ington. ED V an between 25 and 35 years,
with general business experience, one with
knowledge of checking rail and steamship
freight preferred. T 071. Oregonian.
"WANTED About April 1, man and wife on
a w-il-equiiped fruit ranch in Hood River
district; steady employment to right parties
C 675. Oregonian.
XV A NT E D 500 men w ho appreciate bargain s
in nign-graao muta, prii-e . ,o to 10.75
values $15 to $35. .Ttmmle Dunn, "Knew"
Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg.
WANTKD Young man to work in bank;
must be good stenographer; write II. W.
McPhali, cashier Willapa Harbor State
Bank. Raymond. Wash.
EXPERIENCED special edition advertising
niMiuiutri. commission. $ to to s-yr dally;
inexperienced men not waif ted1. Benedic
tine press. Goodnough bldg.
A OOOD collector and salesman who can
f urnlsh horse and wagon and give bond
ior noneeiy. Aiiarens j oregonian.
A GOOD money-maker tf you have $r0 to
in veki 1 1 until a touay. iiuiH Morrison,
60OO MEN to know about our $3 sample
nniB ior i. (it; nais reoiocKea 00c. Th
Hattery, 315 Alder; basement.
GOOD money to an Al salesman, citv and
road work. Call today between 10 and 12
ja, iao i i hi n ave.
YOUNG man for bookkeeninir work - itonnf
rapher and typewriter preferred. Apply
330 Sherlock bldg., 3 to 5, Monday.
BOY wanted to learn hardware business, ?20
month; stage age and references. V 674,
HERE Is a rare chance for honest young
man with $250 cash, as partner in a good
business. 225 5th st.. room 3.
SECOND cook; must be a neat and experi
enced man. Meves Lunch Room, 105 6th
LAI"NDRYMAX, all-around man, permanent
position, good salary; must roe at once
01irry's New Laundry, La Grande, Or.
WANTED Photo and portrait agents,
something good. Cutberth Studio. Dekum
DENTIST Must be flrst-class operator and
have Oregon license. 814 Abington bldg.
PATTERNMAKER wanted for out of town.
Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.
PHOTO couoon and portrait agents; good
r.Ter Da via, 842 Vfe Washington St.,
WANTED, energy and push; worth $3 to
$5 per day. 313 H Wash, st., room 15.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED 3 bakers. Address box AL 65,
EXPERIENCED hotel olerk at Rainier Ho
tel. 12.S 6th st. N. ; must furnish reference.
GOOD salesman wanted; no canvassing; se
, curity required. Box AD 672. Oregonian.
i TEACHER piano. 611 Swelland bldg.
W A TKD Alan rr woman to buV good pay-
lng business. $75 cash will handle this
deal and will clear you $30,0 a month. A
0 hi, Oregonian.
AGENTS WANTED G-Ilt-edge proposition;
big money to hustlers. Standard Metals
Company. 40tt GerlLuger bldg.
WANTKD iFirst-claa pastry cook for ho
tel. JW5 14th st.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sition to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
GOOD stenographer; state experience and
in what line; will pay good salary; short,
hours; new company Just starting, there
fore chance for promotion; will buy new
typewriter; state make preferred. E 671,
LADIES out of employment can earn from
$3 to $4 a day: easy and profitable em
ployment; something every lady uses. Call
or write, 202 West 6th St., Vancouver,.
LADIES for telegraph service; easily
learned; good wages when competent: in
vestigate. Oregon College, 8a 5th, near
MILLINERY sales-woman, thoroughly expe
rienced, up to data, capable of managing
large salesroom ami assisting,, buyer. R
600, Oregonian.
WANTED Younfr lady about 19 for photo
studio to learn ; experienced clerk pre
ferred : small wages to. start. Will G-.
vTuth berth, Dekum bldg.
WANTED Experienced shirtmakers; also a
few to learn ; positions steady. Mount
Hood Factory. 2d and Couch.
LADIES-at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
WANTED A kindergarten teacher for small
private echool. Please address Mrs. George
Gerilngcr, iallas. Or.
GIRLS wanted to work on men's neck
wear. Columbia Neckwear Mlg. Co., 291
Stark st.
EXPERIENCED - chocolate dippers. Good
Roblln Candy Co., Vancouver, Wash.
Carfare paid.
GIRL for general housework and plain
cooking; good home and good wages. 2JS4.
Park at.
WOMAN COOK Small hotel, family tyle.
Inquire Rlversioe Hotel, t, Jonn, or.
s Phone Jersey Oil.
343 H Washington st.. cor. 7 th, upstairs.
PJione Main 2692.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible uoaitlon. viavt Co.. HW totn-
f child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
32U3 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main RH38 or A 32C&
ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position
with wholesale house; experience not nec
essary. R OttS, Oregonian.
CHOCOLATE DIPPErt, must be first-class.
Call after 10 A. M. Swetland s. 2ti'J Mor
rison. WANTED Girl. German preferred, to cook
and do nouseworK ; goo a pay. pnonea
Main 6GO and A 55S1.
WANTED An experienced girl for cooking
and general housework; best wages. A
ply 735 Irving st.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
no laundry. 410 Mornson st.
WANT a lady to do light housework. Ap
ply 44 jeLierson st.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting;
expert method, 304 12th. Main t8iM.
COMPETENT girl for general housework; good
wages- and tfieady place. o;4 lOtii st.
GOOD cooic. where secVnd girl is kept. 274
North 25th, cor. Overton.
GIRL for general housework, small family,
77H Marshall st. After 9 A. M.
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 200 14th. Main 389-i.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 715 Lovejoy at.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages and steady place. 554 loth st.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught in 6
weeks. Terms reasonable. , 415 Alder st.
GIRL for housework, no cooking. Phone EUst
TEACHER piano and violin. fill wetland
WANTED Girls to make shirts and overalls.
Mt. Hood Factory. 2:t3 Coueh.
WANTED Girl for general housework, small
family; no children. 1SU ;. isth st.
TEACHERS for Mission school. Apply 205
2d St.. 7 o'clock P. M. -
WANTED-r A girl for general housework.
304 College street.
GIRL for general housework.
Marshall st.
Apply T02
GlRLto assist with general housework. 5
per week- 360 13th st.
GIP-LS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL for general housework ; good wages.
770 Johnson 3t.
GIRL to do housework. ?02 Northrup st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BRIGHT, energotic young man, 19 years
old, commercial college graduate, wan ts
position with a real estate firm, bank or
trust company, or any similar employment
where chances for advancement are good;
excellent references and bond furnished
if required. A 609, Oregonian.
ADVERTISING manager now employed with
large Eastern firm wants to go west as
advertising manager or sales manager.
' Address W G6t, Oregonian.
WANTED -Position by experienced sten
ographer and timekeeper; willing to leave
city." R 605, Oregonian.
AN experienced bookkeeper and stenog
rapher; can save you one salary. AN 66a,
A 1 FRENCH chef, thoroughly experienced
In all branches of cooking, wants posi
tion in hotel, club or private family. Ref
erences, foreign. Eastern and- local. Ad
dress B 609, Oregonian.
SOBER, married man, experienced in all kinds
of house and garden work, desires position
as houseman, gardener, janitor or watch
man. R 604, Oregoniian.
RELIABLE, well educated man, speaks En
glish, French. Spanish, German, wants any
kind of work; references. AE 671, Ore
gonian. BY flrst-class circular sawyer and fiJer, all
around millman ; best of references. Box
1 04. Ch eh al 1 s. Wash .
EXPERIENCED collector wants position with
reliable bujines firm; best of references. W
jt,S, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want place on a farm by
, month or on share; experienced. Address
C 6T9, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending business college wants
placo to work for room and board. N 627.
FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position,
restaurant, hotel or' boarding-house. Phone
JAPANESE wants position, few hours
work or schoolboy ; experience general
housework; no wages. AG 671, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by flrst-class tinner,
aiso plumtber, city or country. p. E.
Garber, 6i5 Washington st.
WANTED An experienced gardener and
general man ; would like care of place;
strictly sober. M 674. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with experience wants job on
small farm or ,dairy AL 672, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants to do any work in
family. v 669, Oregonian.
FIRST-JLAeSS reliable colored chef, position,
hotel, rest, or club. Phone A 24 DO.
GOOD and clean Japanese cook wants job
anywhere. AJ 672. Oregonian,
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. 20& Everett.- Main 4659; A 4073.
A JAPANESE bov wants a situation as
schoolboy. H 666, Oregonian.
i . .
TOOL and die maker, in or out of town. N
669, Oregonian.
GOOD plain cook. Japanese, wants position
In family. N 663. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shoemaker wants position.
AH 6 70, Or:gouian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Position by lady having three
years experience In bookkeeping and gen
eral office work. AJ 667. Oregonian.
EXPERT stenographer desires position
Phone A 5209.
YOUNG- lady, first-class stenographer, wants
first-class position. AJ 670, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladies'
tailor wants work at home. Phone Main
STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine
work; references. - 529 East Mill. East
EXPERIENCED ladies' tailor and dress
maker wants work at home. M 7710.
LADIES' TAILORING, alterations specialty.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia. Apt 21. A 47O0
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326 Wash
ington st., suite 218. Main 2. A 53Sl.
WANTED Dressmaking and ladles tailor
ing. 375 Taylor st. Phone A 2W30.
NURSE would like cases of any kind; city
doctor's references. East 1308, Home B
PRACTICAL nurse, references.
Yamhill st. B. 2S92.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes to nurse Invalid.
Phone Main 7972. 509 Everett st.
HOUSEWORK by lady for hoard of hus
'band and self. Call 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.,
471 W. Park. M 7049.
A. 1 FRENCH chef, thoroughly experienced
In all branches of cooking, wants posi
tion in hotol. club or private family. Ref
erences, forelgij. Eastern and local. Ad
dress B 609, Oregonian.
LADY of 30. with experience, would take
.charge of apartment or rooming-house, 13
665. Oregonian.
WIDOW lady, experienced In rooming-house
business, wishes position ae housekeeper.
F 605, Oregonian.
WANTED Cleaning, sweeping and washing
by day. Main 92t7, room, 1S
LACE CURTAINS laundered carefully;
called for and delivered. A 7C52.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes a po
sition. F 066, Oregonian.
A LADY wants work by day or hour. M.
9:;0. room 33.
WOMAN want? work for Tuesdays and
Wednesday ; references. Phone East 2039.
RELIABLE colored woman wants day work
of any kind. A 24fKX
COLORED WOMAN wants day work as
chambermaid. Phone Woodlawn 4J0.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 40c
a pair. Phone C 105S. East 5337.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
wtsakly selling choice nursery stock ; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Ka lem, Oregon
WANTED Houses to rent; we have a rge
number of calls daily for modern houses
of all sizes, well located on either side
of the river, and owners of such houses
will ilnd it to their advantage to liat
them with us for rental.
2&U Aldar Street.
RESPONSIBLE business man wants to rent
six,, seven or eight-room furnished house,
good neighborhood. West Side, reasonable
rent ; desire immediate possession. AL
600, Oregonian.
Rooms With Hoard.
WANTED Board and room ' In private
family preferred, by young man. AG 072,
lOft RENT.
furnished Rooms.
3d and Jefferson Sis.
Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and 3d; just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms lai ge, light, airy,
single rooms or suites ; permanent and
tran ient ; $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731, M. S639.
Swell modern rooms ; new fire-proof
buiMlng, new furniture, free phones in all
rooms. $4 per week and lip ; heart of
city, 2d and Yamhill sts. ; take B. car,
Union Depot; get off at Yamhill: block
east; transient rooms. $l "per day.
Grand and Hawthorne ave.; new manage
ment, hot and cold wat er. elevator, free
phone in every room; largest rooms In city
for permanent people; en suite or single,
with bath. W. M. I-fcobinson, mgr. -
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
422 H Washington, Cor. 11th.
Steam h eat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, per week up;
transient rates, 75c up.
Corner 10 th and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or en suite; fcPEClAL low
monthly-rates; steam heat, private baths,
hot and cold water In all rooms; beauti
fully furnished; tourist trade solicited. .
NICELY furnished front room, brick build
ing, steam heat, hot and cold water, use
0 bath, right In business section ; $6 per
week for oiie or two. 422 Washington
st., corner llth.
HOTEL LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee st..
near Holladay ave. ; every modern con
venience, newly furnished, reasonaMe;
new management; permanent and tran
sient. ARBOR LODGE Beautifully furnished
rooms, running hot and cold water, free
phone, bath and heat; also laundry priv
ileges; reasonable prices. &0 East Sth st.,
cor. Washington st. Phone East 1390.
NICE furnished room, steam neat, hot and
coid water, use of bath, brick building,
$4.50 weekly; also good room at $3. 422
Washington ut.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posits tiie Plaza.
Washington and 17th. hrst-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047, M. 54 7
HOTEL EUCLID 18th and Washington
ibeautifully furnished room; also suite
wiin Dam.
LAItGB furnished front room, suitable for
two geatlemen ; all conveniences; close In ;
$4 week. As:er Houe, 251 Seventh.
THE EBTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
totark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE MERCEDES, 2th and Washington, ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold running
water, modern conveniences; $16 and up.
NICE, large, light room; suitable for two;
bain ; hat; reasonable. A. 523. 2ti4 V
1st st.
EAST SIDE, completely furnished, three
room flat, large veranda, high and sightly,
two carlines. Telephone Sellwood 29.
St.; 2 large front rooms newly furnianed; ex
cellent view ; rent very reasonable.
THE RANDOLPH, isd and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat: 50c to $1 day, $2 to 4 .week.
FURNISHED rooms, Eirn Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Y'amhiil and llth.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to. $5 per
Nweek. 548 Washington st.
NEWLY furnished front room for two ladies.
226 2d st.
'i'HE ANGELES. 272 6th st.. nicely furnished
2 room, bath and phone, $3 to $5.
Furnished Rooms.
8S No. 5th st., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, S blocks from Union
Depot; steam heat, porcelain baths, elec
tricity and gas. fine large office, BEST
OF IT ALL you can get a room with
steam-heat FOR $2.50 PER WEEK; $50c
and 75c per dav. JUST OPENED AND
have to hurry If you get a room here
as they are going very fast at these prices.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike.
Seventh and Ankenv Sta.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free bus Free phones.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office, on ground floor; every
thing flrst-class; rates, 50c. 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. - 128 6th St.. North.
1314 Eleventh St.
New, modern brick building: just opened
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, Juat off Wash
ington St.; special rates by week, or month.
Opened January 1 7, new and beautifully
furnished; hot and cold water in every
room. Public and private baths. Permanent
and transient. 265 Va 5th sc. opposite City
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
FOR RENT Well-furntahed room, also one
unfurnished. steam heat, bath. both
phones, modern, in small private family.
West Side; walking distance; references.
Phone A 8857.
2 NICELY furnished single rooms en suite;
gooa location; walking distance; furnace
heat. 4:iOVa (Mill, between llth and, 12th.
Alain 5490.
FINE corner room, large closet, hot and.
cold water, furnace heat, bath, phone,
strictly clean. o42 Morrison.
LARGE front room In private family; heat,
light and bat h. 546 Marshall st. Phone A
SINGLE room for gentleman, clean and
quiet, in family of two, centrally located;
modern. 171 h 16th. Main 7753.
NEWLY fumlehedl room for one or two,
modern, electric lights, all conveniences,
easy walking distance. 391 10th st.
2 NICE rooms, cor. Mill and East Sth sts.
Phone East 2263.
FURNISHED rooms, $6 up; aiso housekeep
ing rooms. 292 10th st.
13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, house
new, every convenience; gentlemen only.
4 ROOM S. partly
Montgomery st.
furnished. $10.5O.
NICELY xumisned room, modern, walking
distance. 28 N. 16th.
Diif urniabed Koorns. ,
TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi
vided. 551 M orrison st.
Rooms With Board.
710 Washington st.. near King, brand
new, elegantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telephone; the maximum
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the best
In the city for the money, call and In
spect ; dining-room in connection.
THE MAGNOLIAS Kearney St., between
19th and 20th- Large, newly furnished
rooms for-families; private bths. hot and
cold water, modern conveniences, first
class table, beautiful grounds. Also swell
rooms for gentlemen, $30.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 51 0 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, 186 5th
st. Mrs. M. E. Brethorton. Supt.
THE MARLYN, 554 Couch st., handsomely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam
heat, attractive dining-room and good
board. Phones A 3081, Main 5523.
THE MARLYN, 554 Couch St., handsomely
finished rooms, single or en suite, steam
heat, attractive dining-room, good, table
board. Phones A 801. Main 5523.
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th st.. cor
ner Morrison. Select familv hotel; reason
able rates.
NEW addition to private boarding-house,
just finished ; steam heat, modern, near
carline. 735 Hoyt st. ,
NICELY' furnished front room with board ;
reasonalle, easy walking distance. 178
Ella st., 1st south of Washington.
ELEGANT large front room, suitable for 2,
' In an up-to-date private boarding-house.
374 Park st.
GOOD board and warm rooms for $6 a week,
easy walking distance; free phone and bath.
The Lindeil, 269 Market.
THE MANSION, cor. 5th .and Jefferson
Large, elegant room, open fireplace; suita
ble two or three; also single room.
BY January 1, fine front suite, also single
room. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
'THHJ CALVARD" Suites or single, veith of
without board. 452 Morrison, car 13th.
ROOMS with first-class board. 635 Couch
st., cor. 16th. The Sterling.
' Rooms With Hoard in private Family.
ROOM and board, one room with sleeping
porch. Phone A 3828. 515 Morrison st. cor.
RtKM and board, ail conveniences, furnace
heat, walking distance ; reasonable. 41
. Ella st., iblock north" of Washington.
ROOM with board ; home comfort. 89 E,
. Sth et. N. Pnone East 722.
FOR RENT Room with board for three
gentlemen, reasonable. 569 Everett st- -
BOARD and room. 149 15th St., between
Morrison and Alder; also single room.
NEWLY furnished room with alcove. 593
East Oak, cor. 15th. B 2619.
NICELY furnished room In private family;
breakfast if desired close. 9 N 9th.
CHOICE table board. 712 Hoyt et.
Brand new 4-room apartment West
Side, on two carllnes; every convenience;
kitchen cabinet, gas stove, front porch,
sleeping porch, halls lighted and cared
for. separate furnace or stoves, $25. Call
for key 417 Fenton bldg.. or phone Main
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in i, s and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; janitor service; rent reasonable.
THE KING-DAVIS Corner of King and Davis
sts., new brick building, high clase ; most
convenient and complete 3 and 4-room apart
ments in city; satisfactory references re
quired THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-room
apartment, ali conveniences, walking dia
tftnve, only $20. 20th and Washington sta.
STANLEY APARTMENTS, furniture for sale
and apartments for rent. 701 Washington.
A 3647, Main 7653.
NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large
rooms; East Side; $35. Main 5501, Tabor
FIVE-ROOM .-itenm-hrated. splendidly fur
nished w-partmcnt, ckse in. Inquire Lamont,
2.H Chamber of Commerce. Main 3143.
A 6-ROOM steam-heated apartment, partially
basement, best in the city for the money;
$.1o. . Apply Janitor, 21st and Kearney
THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1,
4-room unfurnished apartment. Refer
ences. Apply Suite 2.
3-ROOM apartment for rent, new furniture
for sale. Phone A 7395.
5 LARGE rooms, Iris Apartments; gas range,
hot and cold water, steam beat; $45.
NEATLY furnished 2-room apartments. 5
minutes to Postoffice. 304 Montgomery.
THE DAYTON Fine six-room apartment;
heat, hot ater, etc inquire 65b Flanders.
and College; make reservations now. Best
in the Northwest; deposit vaults; phones,
hot water, steam heat, electric lifts in
each apartment. FREE CLUBROOM.
First-class janitor service. Call at apart
ments or phono
FIDELITY ADJ. CO.; Main 9014.
417 Fenton Bids.
FOR RENT 3 and 4-room apartment, mod
em, furnished and unfurnished apartment:
steam heat and both phonrr. East Ank
eny car; two fine storerooms. Kentucky
Apartments, 28th and East Giisan.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 1018. A 19S4. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
MODERN 5-room furnished flat for rent
reasonable, walking distance. S12 Jack
son st.
6-ROOM modern flat. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire
132 6th st. Main 6278.
FURNISHED 3-room fiat. 410 12th. Call aft
ernoons or evenings. Phone M. 4925.
MODERN flat, 102 Vi McMillen st. Inquire
18.S McMillen. Phone Main 1806.
THREE-ROOM unfurnished modern flat.
Inquire 225 Market. Phone Main 516.
$16. MODERN 4-room flat with basement;
adults. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
NEWLY furnished six-room flat, rent reason
able. Phone Main 7712.
NEW, modern upper 5-room comer flat, with
furnace and attic. 475 fe 7th St.
Housekeeping Rooms,
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water,
bathH, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best In city for money; short distance from
Union Depot, S' or 16th-st- cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ON TO NT A. 187 17th. near Y'amhiil :
W. car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4
roora housekeeping suites by week $5.60,
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
batbs and phones free. Main 4697, A 4739.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
$8 month, 3 for $12; cottage, $16; lower flat,
4 rooms, $16; unfurnished houses. $iO, $13.
364 26th North. W car from depot, 3d or
Morrison to 26th, block north.
FOR RENT Nioely furnished 3 -room apart
ment; steam beat, private bath, large closet;
best location in olty; furniture for sale; rent
. $35. Phone A 7008.
$1.25 TO $2.60 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms. Laundry, bath. -phone, gas,
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
SPINNER to operate a 240 spindle jack;
guaranteed $2 per day; write at once.
Bandon Woolen Mills, Ban don. Or.
VERY nice large modern housekeeping
rooms. 403 Second st.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U oar.
$1.50 week, large, clean furn, -housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas, 184 'Sherman.
461 East Morrison, cor, Sth rfjompletely fur
nished housekeeping suites; reasonable.
THE MILNE R. 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, J14.00.
63m Washington St., cor. 20th.
CAMBRIDGE bldg., 3d and Morrison; fur
nished housekeeping rooms. Apply room 86.
Housekeeping Rooms fcn private Family
3 SWELL front housekeeping rooms, newly
furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath,
laundry, free cooking gas, walking dts-
" tance. also room suited to lady with kitch
en privileges. 656 Giisan. Main 8073.
TWO well-furnished rooms, furnace heat,
gas range, free phone and bath, $15 per
month or 3 rooms $22.50. 509 Johnson st-,
near 15th.
MODERN furnished housekeeping-rooms;
steam heat; walking distance. 93Vi Union
FIVE furnishesd rooms, bath, gas, etc.;
cliesD to reliable parties. Phone Main
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath and phone, 2 rooms for $14 or 3 for
$18. No children. 528 Market st.
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms;
gas. bath, phone. Woodlawn 190U. , 1029
Garfield ave.
THREE nicelyfurnished housekeeping rooms
in modern brick building. 563 Irving.
Phone, M ain 8135.
THREE furnished housekeeping-rooms, 5
minute walk; light free; gas, hath; base
ment; $16; no children. 526 Kearney.
THE connecting modem housekeeping
rooms, range, water and light. 246 Jef
ferson st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
fine location near steel bridge ; free bath
and phone. Apply 350 Benton st.
FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms, nicely
furnished; running water In kitchen. 4oo
1st st.. fiat K.
TWO housekeeping rooms, partly furnished,
gas, bath, separate entrance, cheap, phone
Main 3GG9.
FRONT parlor and kitchen, completely fur
nished; walking distance. 146 N. 16th.
Main 5173.
HOL'REKEEPING rooms, furnished com
plete. 149 13 th St., near Morrison.
NICELY furnished room complete fdr
housekeeping. 472 Taylor.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, East 6th st.
North and Burnslde; house No. 20.
8 FURNISHED rooms and bath, light and
pleasant; rent reasonable. 429 7th st.
MODERN housekeeping rooms in private
family. Phone Sellwood 3.
SINGLE housekeeping rooms ; gas, phone,
bath, $10. 163 10th st. N.
NK'ELY furnished housekeeping suites, two
and three roomsj. 389 6th st.
TWO housekeeping rooms furnished ; close
in., 315 East 6th st. South.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable; bath,
phone. 30S 13th sU
$5 PER week, front suite of housekeep
ing rooms, walking distance. 294 llth.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; bath
yard; $12.36 month. Inquire 692 Front st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modem.
reasonable. 13th st.
FUKKISHED housekeeping and bedrooms;
good light. 526 Columbia st.
1 ROOM with alcove, bath and phone, no
children, $12. 372 tith.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 426 East
Ash. Phone Eost 107.
FRONT housekeeping rooms for rent. 405 1st
st. Flat L.
TWO furnisbed housekeeping rooms, mod
era. Phone Main 6067. 10 N.16th'st.
HOUSE, lots fruit, 1 Vi acnes, good for cow,
chickens, ga rden. East Side suburbs. 5c
fare, ?10 month. Snap. Apply 3o4 N
26th, "W" car from depot, 3d or Morrison
to 26th, block north.
A NICE, modern house should nave modern
furnishings ' throughout; Eastern prices
and easy terms at Calef Bros., 3GO-S70
East Morrison st.
8-ROOM modem house, with "gas, electricity,
furnace, concrete basement, on block from
carline And school, cor. E. 50th and Ta f r.
Apply 246 Washington st.
NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW Every conven
ience; corner of East 33d and Main sts. In
quire at 977 East Madison.
ON "S" or "F" carline" C-room house, 918,
newly painted and papered. Apply Jones
Drugstore,. 800 Front st.
UNFURNISHED houses be furnished
complete by Calef Bros.' easy rent plan at
Eosteru prices. 360-37O East Morrison st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Wain 1618, A 1984. All covered wag
ons, ali experienced men.
5-ROOM house. 69 East 19thkst. North, near
Everett. Apply 132 6th L Main 627S.
7-ROOM modern house, full lot, Lovejoy near
24th. I. Vanduya, 515 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT l-room house. Nob Hill. In
quire 747 Giisan st.
4-ROOM cottage, $15. Apply at 292 Stanton
street. .
FOR RENT House, stable. 3 lots, R. A.
" Taylor. E. 49th and Hawthorne. B 1516 ,
HOUSE. 5 rooms, bath. 1S9 Mill aU Max
Smith. SS N 16th st.
WHEN you mow you'll need new furni
ture. , Buy It judiciously and the savings
will exceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-SENT PRICES made us one of
the largest furniture bouses In the city
In two years.
Lookers shown same courtesy as buvers.
69-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
, East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carlines
pass our door.
MODERN flat, five rooms, on second floor, and
two finished rooms in attic splendid light,
large room; furnace, lawn in front and
rear: $3n month; no children. 5471j Sixth
st. Telephone Sundays end evening?. Main
4380 or during business hours. Main 8795.
MODERN 4-room cottage, near good carline,
$12.50 per month. Keys at 41'te Failing
Furnished Houses.
FOR RENT Well-furnished modern nine-
room nouse ; most desirable residence dis
trict on West Side rent reasonable. Ap
85 Fourth st.
NEATLY furnished 7-room modem house
ror rent cheap. 704 Mississippi ave.; 'L"
car. Phone Woodlawn 33 or East 4754.
A NEATLY furnfshed 5-room cottage, mod-
em, no emmren, 6U3 west Main, rnoni
Main 8382.
THR EE-ROOM house. furnished.
East 75th. Call 35 North lSth.
FURNISHED 5-room bungalow. Portland
Heights. O 676. Oregonian.
Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale.
Good 7-room house in Yamhill et.; rent
only $27.50, with 3 rooms rented for $30;
completely furnished with good furniture,
for sale at a bargain, only $500.
6-room Flat. Couch St
Modern 6-room flat, on 16th and Couch,
rent $33 ; fine place to rent some rooms;
furniture Is swell and for sale for $600,
half cash, balance month Iv.
317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and OaJc
FOR SALE Furniture of 9 rooms and bath.
best location in the city for rooming-house,
may be seen any afternoon after Sunday.
No agents. Phone A 3781.
FURNITURE S rooms complete; $75. 1?:;0
Hall at
HOT'S K of 6 rooms for ren. fine locality;
furniture for sale, $L50. 434 Harrison.
25x65 feet in new brick building for rent ;
suitable for meat market; also 2 rooms
on second floor, suit able for doctor's of
fice. Inquire of Lind & Swanman, 919
Union ave.
FOR RENT 4-stors and basement brick
store building. 100V165. S. E. cor. Front
and Pine sts. Apply C. A. Dolph, Mohawk
TWO-STORY brick building with elevator
to rent. 10S Front st. Apply 374 Taylor
or M. 2681.
ONE new storeroom. 25x60, left In new
block. Apply at drugstore, 800 Front st.
Either F or S car.
LARGE store. Including shelving, counters, ta
bles, electric lights and other fixtures; ready
to move in. 231 First st.
GRAND AVE. Bent location near East
Morrison. Buchtel & Kerns, 360 East
FOR RENT Stores at reasonable rent, new
brick building, S. W. cor. 2d and Flan
ders. Inquire 291 Morrison.
FOR RENT 1 loft, corner location, rent
cheap. 63 5th st.
FOR RENT Brick warehouse rooms at 31
N. 5th st., 2 floors, 50x00; ground floor,
25x50; basement. 50x50. Inquire 29 N. 5th.
FOR RENT Business rooms, recently va
cated by printing establishment. Inquire
of A. G. Churchey 1454 3d st.
FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bids;.
Apply Room 501.
DESKROOM to rent In new Lewis bldg.,
with use of telephone. Y 62$, Oregonian.
DESK ROOM in pleasant outside room. 406
Henry .bldg.
DESK room in No. 428 Lumbermen's bldg.
BALLROOM, good location, in good, condi
tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, 800 Front.
FOR RENT OR LEASE. Brick warehouse,
with elevator and large offices; 50x100;
three stories and basoment. Comer 4th
and Giisan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward,
104 2d st.
12th st.
-Private garage.
Apply 25 7
Partner wanted to show land for a re
liable real estate firm, experience not nec
ceesary. will teach you t he business ; you
can make $150 to $300 per month. Call
room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
Stark sts.
PRINTERS Complete job printing plant,
forced on mortgagee, must be sold imme
diately regardless of price. Four presses,
good location, low rent. Fine opportunity
for two or three printers who want to get
into good business. For full particulars
address B 674. Oregonian.
PARTNER with $250 and services in good
substantial business that is paying well
and will improve rapidly ; experience un
necessary; guarantee $100 monthly; monoy
secured ; will stand thorough ''investiga
tion. AC 669, Oregonian.
WANTED Man to act as director of a new
bank-close to Portland; big opportunities;
only bank in growing town ; investment
required. $5006 to $10,060; only best bank
references considered, p. O. box 435,
CIG AR and confectionery store in one of
the best business towns in Oregon; with
f Irst-class soda fountain, stock and fix
tures up-to-date in every way. For sale
cheap. AF 674, Oregonian.
A SNAP Skating rink equipped. In town of
6000 ; no competition ; snap if taken at
once. Write to A. C. Brown, 309 West
K st.. Grants Pass. Or.
FOR SALE Dry goods and clothing store
in one of the best irrigation towns in Cen
tral Washington. Oreat opportunity. $25.
OO0 stock. AG 665. Oregonian.
WE want a man who has $5000 or $10,000
cash to enterain a project for the build
ing and selling of houses. AN 64 7, Ore
gonian. FRUIT and confectionary A genuine snap
at $1000. Cigar store on Washington st.
for $1400.
SPENCER & CO., 102 Second St.
CORPORATION bond issues. $100,000 up
wards, negotiated. L. N. Rosenbaum, law
yer and finanicial agents, 317 Fern block,
beat tie. Washington.
FOR RENT At 145 3d St.. business rooms,
suitable for printing, small manufacturing,
etc. Inquire A. G. Churchley. photographer.
FOR SALE Old-established wood yard.- fine
trade; reason for selling bad health. Y
64S, Oregonian.
DRUG' store for sale; will sell for cash or
exchange for real estate. Inquire N GOO.
LITTLE restaurant, just the thing for man
and wife ; stands thorough investigation ;
sacrifice for $500. 60 Board of Trade.
GROCERY AND MARKET doing $75 a dny;
rent $25 ; near High school ; at invoice.
Hall 6t Bloch. 266fe Stark.
1 elephone and other bor&s bought and
' sold. Fietcher Inv. Co., 225 Abington.
HALF Interest in fish and poultry market;
cash business of $4000 per month; $1000
gets this. 506 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Sawmill! very cheap; 10.000
capacity; plenty timber; will consider
trade. Address J 663. Oregonian.
THREE partial lots and 3 small 'houses In
T aroma to trade for Portland property ;
25O0. Hall & Bloch. 26 V Stark.
. . 1
LIBERAL discount on stock of groceries: in
voice about $3000; good location and busi
ness 506 Board of Trade.
LITTLE restaurant, just the thing for man
and - wife; stands thorough Investigation ;
sacrifice for $500. 50t Board of Trade.
CIGAR STAND Down town; long lease;
money-maker; $700. Hall & Bloch, 266i
HALF Interest in fish and poultry market ;
cash business of $4000 per month; $1000
gets this. 506 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Tailoring and furnishing busi
ness, $2000 stock, located on best corner
In town of 8000. F 662 Oregonian.
A first-class meat market, fully equip
ped with all necessary tools and butcher
ing outfit, including good horse and wa
gon; a line location in Williams ave.; this
is nrii; of the best markets in the city
and is clearing over $jOt per month: in
a nice store builrtinc with a lease of 4
years, and rent oni. stands owner $1 i per
month, including good barn, new smoke
house, etc. Price is $lriM and will stand
closest Invest iga t ion.
317 Foard of Trade Bldn-. 4th and Oak.
HOT EI proprietor wants a partner to take
care of cash and financial affairs, owing
to Increasing business: J40OO cash re
quired : profit over $2. "WO year assured:
. only part ies with clean record ami good
references will be considered. AM 666.
HAVE rubber proposition that well -organized
selling company can make half mil
lion dollars In two years ; must be in po-
sition to invest few thousand dollars;
None but we II -organized brokers wanted.
V. H Henderson, Mapas tepee, Chis.,
PA Y I X i big In good Valley town. Lane
County, Jt"'t00 stock general merchandise,
clean stork, no clothing : expenses ligh t.
Payroll town. Age 7 0 and must retire. We
court investigation and ca ti give refer
ences. If you want a good business ad
dress G 679. Orfgor.lan.
SALOON Positively the bst location in the
city, has exclusive sale for t he stat- for
two standard liquors; long lease, moderate
rent. This is an Al proposit i-n and will
appeal t any man who has the cash and
wants a saloon; -price $10,000. Particulars
Spencer &. Co., 102 2d st.
God restaurant and oyster house. toiJ!y
receipts clearing $ 1 4 per month ;
chonp rent wit h lese ; owner is sick and
must leave the city, therefore must sell
quick, a-t a sacrifice, only $ V0 .
317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
LA WY ER owning good library, with over
1 0 years' experience In M lddle Western
States and who can furnish Jest of refer
ences, desires to correspond with attorney
familiar with Oregon practice with view
to association for practice of law in Port
land. G 80, Oregonian.
A first -class proposition In a country
town ; owner retiring, part cash, balance
good securit y ; books and business open
for a thorough Investigation. W. Lav.--rence.
313 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
Stark sts.
Reliable man wants partner In cash busi
ness; you can make $36 per week out of
business ; experience not necessary ; will
teach you the business ; 156 required.
Call room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d,
and Stark sts.
WANTED Partner, worth $600. I have op
tion on Portland office for California cor
poration. We can make $3000 annually.
Takes two to run business. Address for in
terview, giving phone number, 1S04 E.
10th st. S.
FOR SALE Butcher business in full run
ning order, stock. fixtures, horse and
wagon. lot 50x100. hop 16x32, barn 20xiS,
on corner of main streets. For partic
ulars, address box 173. Milwaukee. Or.. R.
F. D. No. 2.
$100.000 FOR an investment of but $1000
is all any reasonable person should ask ;
most popular and profitable manufactur
ing enterprise in city; Just getting readv
for business. Address first letter to K 671,
Tills place is clearing over 52O0 per
mnt h. 40 rooms, ail full, low rent. Par
ticuiars, room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.,
2d and Stark sts.
FOR SALE Newly erected 60,000 feet daily,
sawmill. $30,000 worth of timber, on Orand
Trunk Railway, vicinity Prince Rupert.
Splendid opportunity. Owner, Box 272,
Vancouver. B. C.
$6(0 BITS my business, paying $125 to $150
a month; if you have no experience I will
teach you fill "details; man or woman.
Give your address if you want to hear
from me. R 669. Oregonian.
FOR SALE, easy terrrs Gotvl foundry and ma
chino s-hon. on main line Northern Pacific
Railway, in best city between Puget Sound
and Portland. For information. Address
Citl zens Club, Oh eh al ! s , W ah .
BAKERY and confect ionerv ; this is the
best paying; bakery in the city, clearing
o er $2u0 a month ; cheap rt-nt ; lease.
This is a snap. See owner, Laurelwood
Bakery, Mount Scott car.
Thia place is doing $ir0 to 250 per day;
owner retiring ; will sell at invoice ; inves
tigation solicited. Call room 3 1 5, Lumber
Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark st.
FOR SALE Foundry. machine shop In
Southern Oregon. For partiou lars Inquire
Helser & Unden, 250 GliBan st, Portland,
We 11 -located market, cash trade, mupt
sell on account of health; leas. cheap
rent. See owner. S 673. Oregonian.
WANTED To buy general merchandise
Mock, li'e town with future; give full
particulars. Room 425, Princess Hotel,
Portland. Or.
FOR SALE yO-room hotel, with bar, clear
ing $1200 per month; must be sold in 60)
days; price. $20.tHK. Write for particu
lars. Joseph Dalton, North Yakima, Wash.
STEAM laundry, doing $350 a vreek, making
money, situated In one of the best towns ,
In state. For particulars call 1163 Haw- '
thome ave.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We
are independent, do not beloag to the
trust. Pacific Film Co.. 803 Rothchlld
bidg., Portland, Or.
WE can locate you In paying business. Be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney
& stamoher, 531-532 Lumber Exchange
bldg. Phone A 4SS1.
MILLINERY department in one of the best
dry goods houses in N. Yakima, Wash.; to
lease on a commission basis. Address P.
O. Box 223.
HERE is a rare chance for honest young
man with $250 cash as partner in a good
business. 2J5 5th St.. room 8.
R EST AI RANT and dairy lunch, everythinir
new and up to date, fine location, rent
low; one of the finest in town 626 Wash
ington. Real em3te man wants soDer man as partner
to sho wlaml: no experience necessary, little
money required. Particulars National F.eaUy
Co., 3264 Wellington st., room 516.
WANTED Drugstore, - eabl'iehed business,
suburban or Valley town preferred; n-t over
$2i hx) to invert; no agents; owners only. N
664, Oregonian.
WA NT suitable location for woolen mills ;
pood water, cheap fuel; employ 100 peo
ple; cloae corpora t ion ; no stock for sale.
Address J. P. Wilbur, Union, Or.
FOR SALE Blacksmith tool stock at in
voice prltvs. or so much for it all ; on ly
shop In town. Call at once. P. O. box
60. Canby, or.
FOR SAT.E 10.000 capacity sawmill; best
looal market; plenty of timber; will stand
investigation ; buyers only. S 663, Ore
gonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED hairdressing and
dermatology parlor. complet e equipped
to do ali branches of work. . including
chiropody. AE 072. Oregonian. !
CALIFORNIA owes Its pro.-perity to the oil in-duft-y;
our monthly ra-I-t-r, "California Oil
Fieids." free for ti.e aeklng. Sagar A Loomia.
710-713 I "helm bldg., Sn Francisco.
LIBERAL discount on stock of groceries; in
voice about ysoOO; good location and busi
ness. 506 Board of Trade.
HOTEL barroom for rent; $50 per month. In
quire Ttrminus Hotel, 96 Knott ft. Take L
car. f
$25 a dav : corner; at in voices Hall &
, Bloch, 266 Mr Stark. ',
SALOON for sale cheap if taken at once.
Inquire of North Pacific Brewing; Co.,
corner lfth and Upshur sts.
M 1 1 -LI N ER Y department, with flrs-lass suit
h"i;se. in San Francl. Owner now in
Portland. E 672, Oregonian.
MACHINE shop for sale. For particulars
address M. Grad!. Aberdeen, tVbsh.
t2 FOR 10OO business cards; 200. 15c. Rose
City Printery. 192 3d St.. near Tiyior.
SALOON for sale, centrally locator ; price
reasonable. Apply Gambrinus Brewing Co.
SMALL rooming-house downtowr; sacrificed
for $300. 60S -Board of Trad.
DENTIST'S office, best location, fine equip
ment, cheap for cash. A ti. Oregonian.
SMALL rooming-house downtown ; sacrificed
for $300. 506 Board of Trade.
RESTAURANT dointr M0 a dav; lease; $ik0.
Hall & Bloch. 2661b Stark.
FOR HALE Cheap, small restaurant and
lunch counter. 22 Burnside st.
TWO box ball alleys; good as new; goo a '
money makers. N 647, Oregonian, i J