V THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1910. il SCHEME -FITS BOTH Assembly for'Democrats, Then Why Not Republican? ALL WITHIN PRIMARY LAW Party of Chamberlain and Sweek Made Ready for Last Election in 19 06 With Convention, Ticket and 'Platform. Although Democrats now profeas ab horrence of tha assembly convention plan of the Republicans, they held a state as sembly of their own March 7. 1906, just before the last state election. In -which they nominated a. state ticket for the pri maries, and adopted a platform. Dele gates to the Democratic convention num bered about 150 and were self-sent not chosen by the representative, popular pro cedure that Republicans will follow for choice of delegates to the Republican as sembly this year. Active in the Democratic meeting were numerous holders of office and one-time holders of office and members of the party machinery of county and state; also many of the men who are now loud in deprecat ing Republican assembly as forbidden by the direct primary law. The assembly was held in Hibcrnla Hall, the usual Democratic rendezvous, at Sixth and Washington streets. The mo tion to put up a ticket was offered by State Senator Walter M. Pierce, of Uma tilla. A motion to reconsider was de feated, whereupon the ticket was filled, name by name, by adoption of motions Offered by admirers of each candidate. Thomaa H. Crawford, of Union, acted as permanent chairman. Alex Sweek. chair man of the State Central Committee, first called the assembly to order. Others who were prominent were Gov ernor Chamherlain. C. E. S. Wood. George II. Thomas, chairman of the Mult nomah central committee; C. V. Crallo way, of Yamhill, now State Tax Commis sioner; Walter M. Pierce and G. A. Hart man, of Umatilla; Oscar Hayter, pf Polk; B. F. Wilson and Tod Rinehart. of Union; W. H. Wehrung, of Washington; J. O. Booth, of Grants Pass; II. Lk McCann, of Yamhill: P. V. Holman, H. D. V agnon, General Killfeather. Isaac Swett, J. P. Wager, J. P. Burkhart, W. A. Munly, C. Ij. Daggett, Tom Word, N. A. Peery, of Portland. i Named on the ticket were George E. Chamberlain, for Governor; the late T. G, Halley, for Supreme Justice; John M. Gearin. for United States Senator (de feated in the election by Bourne); Paul Groat, of Marlon, tor Secretary of State J. D. Matlock, of Lane,' for State Treas urer; R. A. Miller, of Portland, for At torney-General; J. Scott Taylor, of Kla math, for State Printer; Sam Veatch, of Liane, for Labor Commissioner. For only three places on the ticket did the convention give the primaries a choice of candidates Representative in Congress, First District, C. V. Galloway of Yamhill, and P. A. Cochran, of Marion (Galloway being the "organization" -can didate); Second District, Harvey Graham, of Baker, and W. T. Vaughn, of Port land; Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. E. E. Bragg, of Union, and W. A. Wann, of Linn. For offices that Demo crats had any chanco of filling, namely. Governoi. Supreme Justice. United States Senator and State Printer, the Democratic convention was careful to name only one candidate for nomination. The platform resolutions, in reconciling the convention with the direct primary law, declared as follows: We Democrats of Oregon, in mass meet ing asBemblfrt. at Portland, Or., this 7th day of March. lUOti, declare our adherence to the purposes and principles of the direct pri wary law, and it is not the purpose of this meeting. In any manner, to interfere with. or intrench upon, the rights of the people at the primary election, of naming their candidates for the various offices to be voted for at the nesrt Reneral election, but to consult with each other and devise ways - and means, by which the true spirit and in tention of the direct primary law may be carried out and to recommend a declaration of principles. The resolutions committee was made up of the following: Cr. A. Hartman, Umatilla, e. K. S. Wood, Multnomah. G. H. Thomas. Multnomah. W. A. Munly, Multnomah. J. O. Booth, Josephine. IX J. Frye, Marion. M. Kucha. -Baker. W. H. Wehrung-, -Washington. J. A. BurleigS, Wallowa. F. G. Mlcelll, Douglas. H. L. McCann, Yamhill. O. T. K'by, Clackamas. Oscar Hayter, Polk, I R. Morse. Wasco. Herman Wise, -latsop. B. F. WllBon. Union. J. Pcott Taylor, Klamath. C. E. Redfleld, Morrow. After adoption of the resolutions, the assembly turned to nominations. The following account of this proceeding was printed in The Oregonian of March 8, 1906: "W. f. Pierce, of Umatilla, thereupon moved that the assembly "invite various men to become candidates for nomina tion.' H. D. Wagnon opposed the motion, and T. T. Struble, of Multnomah, pro posed to lay It on the table, but otruble's motion was lost. The debate was then opened, ending in the success of Pierca s motion. After Its adoption, the debate reopened on a motion to reconsider, but the motion was lost. "Pierce was aided by General K1U fcather and Wagnon by Isaac Swett. "We are not attempting to nominate a ticket," said Pierce. "But J. P. Wager, of Multnomah, took the opposite view, saying: " 'Have we any authority to make a ticket?' " The people have,' shouted a voice. ' "But how many are we here 75 or loor "The Pierce motion carried, whereupon , Pierce offered a motion, which carried, -to Invite Governor Chamberlain to be come a candidate for Governor. On Alex Sweek's motion, T. G. Hailey was in vited to become a candidate for Supreme Judge, and against Wagnon's voice: 'Is this nominating a ticket?' "J. P. Burkhart. of Multnomah, was growing restive under this semblance of t '. -ket-making. and moved to reconsider Vi-Tce's original invitation motion. John Manning, of Multnomah, sided for re f r-,..-i juration and B. F. Wilson, of Union, fcgfln: : it. X. A. Peery, of Multnomah. roke i -tainst reconsideration: also Tod Kii-.e'sr;. of Union, and C. L. Daggett, of Mv. no'iah. The reconsideration ele ment wao aided by J. O. Booth, of Josepr.in. and Isaac Swett, of Multno mah. The Burkhart motion to recon sider wai then put to vote and lost.' - "Other nen v ere then invited to be come t-and.-'.ats as follows: "John -f. vSoarln. for United States frenator. on mo. Ion of William Foley. "C. E. S. Woot. f-r the same office, on ' notion of V. T 3l-uMe, but Mr Wood Oicllned "Paul Sroat. forKp.;-retary of State, on inotion of Sonator Pi re. "C. V. Ga;iinj , f. -- Congress. First District, on motion of r. w. Montague; P. A. Cochran, on motion of J. P. Burk hart. J. D. Matlock, for State Treasurer, on motion of Alex Sweek. Robert A. Miller, for Attorney-General, on motion of Senator Pierce. Harvey Graham, for Congress, Second District, on motion of Senator "Pierce; W. T. Vaughn, cd motion of H. D. Wagnon. E. E. Bragg, for Superintendent of Public Instruction, on motion of B F. Wilson: W. A. Wann, on motion of H- D. Wagnon." Among the delegates were the follow ing: Multnomah County AlexweeK Isaac Swett tr. J. w. Morrow Fred Horz Frank Left M. J. Kelley Robert Brady ' Bert E. Haney John Manning George E. -Chamberlain Sam Wolfe J. w. Shattuck J. H. Ryan F. V. Ho I man C. E. . Wood C. K. Henry J. P. Burkhart Fat Powers George H. Thomas George I Hutchln Robert A. Miller J. T. Milner Oglesby oung Edward Killfeather R. W. Montague H. B. Nicholas Cummin rs Merrill Bishop Barclay W. E. Wester W. T. Vaughn John Van Zante I. T. Peery N. A. Peery James Foley William Foley Harry Lane Charles Petrain W- A. Munly C. 1 Daggett Joe M alley James Gleason H. W. Parker S. C. Armitage E. Versteeg T. T. Struhlo H. D. Wagnon Harry Grafton Clackamas County H G. Starkweather T. R. "Worthlngton C, D. Latourette John Shannon Wallace -Cole O. J. Eby L. H. Klrohem lavid Eby J. E. Hedges Marion County W. N. Oatens Oswald West W. K. Flnzer Charles James P. A. Cochran I. D. Driver I. W. Berry r. C Howard Dave V. Vaughn John A. Hitter Paul Sroat Z. J. Frye J. J. Stengle Jackson County Robert Dow, Recorder; John Orth, County Clerk. County Douglas County W. W. SLiaer. Josephine County J. O. Booth. Union County Thomas Crawford B. F. Wilson, Tod Rinehart. Polk County Oscar Hayter. j. u. uj. Fmatilla County Walter. M. Pierce, J. A. Hartman, Dr. C. J- Smith. Lane County J- W. Jsaaer. Klamath County J. Scott Taylor, -vomhiii rnntv T-T. L. McCann, Illiam Galloway, C. V. Galloway, Frank Colwell, J. J. Hembree. Clatsop County Herman wise. Wallowa County J. A. Burleigh Morrow County C. E. Redfleld. Washington county W. H. Wehrung. Wasco County L. E- Morse. Kpxt dav after publication of these pro- needinea this .assembly and Its platform The Oregonian contained an editorial re view of the same, from wnicn tne ionow- ing extracts are now made: our ricrnoeratlc brethren do not let the primary law interfere with the mechanism or "run oi their party mutmnei y- c j do not permit the law to interrupt their nurtv iinpp. tiolfcv or custom. All the dif ficulties presented bv tho law tney siiD or "sidle" round, in gooa iorm. me wwtn. thov rtn f nf the bosses, bossy: they hold a convention that has all the authority of a convention of the ancient form; they call it sim-olv "a meeting," and the nominations thPv makft ta now called "invitations. it is very well done. We find no fault with them. But it is not forbidden to laugh at the smoothness of the performance. Tti their minds, however, there is undoubt edly a distinction be.tween a meeting and a convention; tor wnue tne memoers ui m convention are chosen by their fellow party mm. tb memher w a meetinir like this one are chosen by themselves; and since their device is based upon an inner conviction of pre-eminent fitness for high political func tions, the collective wisdom of a "mass meetint" must by far surpass that of a con vAntlnn. There are other differences, too. a r-oTi vent Ion "noints with pride" to the achievements of its own party and "views wifh alarm" those of the other; while a mass meeting, if one may junpe irom tne Hibernia Hall proceedings, views its own party record with alarm and points with pride to the deeds of its enemies. Mr. Roosevelt, for example, is twice commended by r.ame In the Hibernian resolutions, but cerning its own great loader. Air. uryan, the mass meeting maintained expressive si lence. The- famous "self-denying" resolu tion of tho Long parliament was blatant with spiritual pride in comparison with these meek and lowly Democratic outpour .incs In adopting a platrorm and nominating candidates the "meeting" did precisely what a convention would have done. If these nominations do not debar other candl dates, and if the resolutions are not accept ed as the party platform, what has a mass meetine accomplished? Nothing whatever. Members might as well have spent their time in incantations addressed to the moon. Republicans talked a while ago of holding a convention composed of men drawn to gether from all parts of the state, to delib erate upon the affairs of their party, to out line a platform and to recommend candi dates. But they were bluffed out of it by the scream of the Democrats, that such an assembly would be treason to the sacred primary law. As there is yet time, they possibly now, following illustrious example, may pluck up courage to hold a general meeting and extend "invitations" to persons supposed fit or fittest to become candidates. "Invitation" is just as honest a word as "nomination" : fndeed. we find it accepted by the hich authority -of the Bemocratic party of Oregon as a word of better repute. The word "meeting" is to stand for all. that the word "convention" stood for, and b cleaT of the odium; "invitation" is to super sede "nomination," and is to bear, more over. the mark . of full legitimacy and hipher respectability OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main SM. bHitRETABY, Mstn BBS. HUM AXE OFFICE B. Em t 4779. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At "Wilson's Auction Mouse, corner 2d and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At restaurant, 203 Alder Bt., sale on bloc by the Kord Auction Co.. at 10 A- M. sharp. MEETING NOTICES. I. O. O. F". The general relief committee will meet at Oddfellows' temple, 1st and Alder sts., at l :3 y. -il. today, to con duct the funeral of Brother Olof Nelson r. G.( late a, member of Apollo lxdpe No. IS... .San Francisco. services at 1 inlev chapel at i o'clock, thence to - the ere xnatorium, where the remains will be cre mated. Members urged to be present. All Oddfello-wB are invited to attend. -J. C. JAMESON, Secretary. f T- M- Joint public Installation of oTf icers or I'ortianri Hive, No. 7. Golden Uule Hive. No. 17. and Queen Elizabeth Hive, . o. 24. lad lea of the Maccabees, Tuesday evening. January 2j. Fast Side I j. . jr. Han, wast .sixtn. ana Jtast Aide: streets. Good programme. Public cordially invttea. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K. P, Hall. 1 1th and Alder streets, the second and fourth Monday of each month at t 1. M. Visitors cor dially welcomed. H" Claussenius, Jr., secretary. 123 11th st. OF1 "W. will Rive a special McKinley memo ri al Ja -" inL y . v.7. w. Hail, 11 J 6tb street. Prizes, refreshments, dancin; Wear a red carnation. Admission lo cent COMMITTEE. ..WILLAMETTE Lodge No. 2, j; r. a.njj a. jw. special com munlcatlon this (Monday t even ing ai I ijy O CIOOK. VVorK F. C. degree. Visit injr brethren welcome. w. a. w kkks Sec, HARMONY LODGE3 No. 12, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munlcatlon this (Monday) eve a T o'clock. Visitors, are cordially invuea. w. m. DHi LIN, Sec MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER No. 14. O. E. S. Stated meet lSV Ins this (Monday) evening. East 8th ana tturnsiae. . social. hv order o: W. -VI- J. H. RICHMOND Acting Secretary. MED. ULMFR In this city, Jan. 23. at 9:30 A. M., Marianna 1'liner. Omaha and New York papers please copy. ' HENDERSON At tho family residerce. Gates" Crossing on the O. W. P. line, Jan. 2.'t. 1910, Agnes Henderson, aged 20 years. STRINGER Tn San Frarv-lsro. Jan 22. WIT- ena Knight Si ring eV. beloved wif of W A. Stringer of that city, and daughter of 2& Y a.-vh;kkme-ts. SALE mmb: ?oHv CARRENO 10 A.M. " Pianist J15o! B ox Wednesday Eve. ' Jan. Beats" $3. Gal. -6 8:15 adm. 75c. Bungalow Theater PORTLAND THEATER M 443 A 7085 Florence Roberts In "OLORIA" With "White Whittlesey. The Delight fuleat of Comedle. BAKER THEATER Geo. Ij. Baker Mr.. Main 2. A 5380. Tonight, aJI week, bargain matinee Wed. 25c xast season s Greatest sensation A. play of the Canaalan woods "THE WOT-F" By EUGENE WALTER. Author of Paid in Full" and "The Easiest Way." Andrew Hobson and an Excellent Cast Evening prices 25c 50c 75c. 1.00. Sat. mat.. 25c SOc. Next Week "Brewster's Millions." St matinee evert day. 15-2S-500 SIGHTS THEATER l5-?5-50-75c WEEK JANUARY 24 Seldom Tenoo. Toby Claude. Tho Five Mowatu, Katfl WatHin-Ous Cohan & Co. In "The Hoosler Girl' Knight and Sawtelle, Lester and Kellett, Carbrey Twin Brothers, Pictures, Orchestra. GRAND WEEK JANUARY 24. The sensation of The four Melanls Columbia Comedy 4. Paulinette & Fiqtuh Roberts & Fulton. H'm. J. Coleman. Fred Bauer. Grandaaoope. European watering; resorts, NORD the diving: beauty, most beautiful fig ure m tu world. Matinee everv dav. 2:30! nnv seat. 15c Evening performances, 7:30, 8:16; balcony. ac: lower floor. 25c; box seats, ovc FTJXERAI, NOTICE. VOSLAR The funeral services of Ephraim. vosiar win De neld at his late residence, 525 leo sue., today, January 24. at 3t A. M. Friends invited. Interment Milwau kle Cemetery. . M'CARRON At the family residence, 121 rj. zwm el. is., owen Juccarron, age e years. Funeral Bervlces will be held at St. Francis Church, 11th and East Oak ets; Tuesday. January 35, 9:30 A. M. Friends respect-fully invited to attend. In terment St. .Mary's Cemetery. FRIENDLY In this city. January 22. at me lamuy rceiaence, 414 Htarlc St.. Mrs. Clara Friendly, aged 73 years 4 months 13 days. Friends invited to attend fun eral services, which will be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. today (Mon day), January 24. SILLOWAY At residence. 1072 Macadam at., Jan. -il, John G. Sllloway, aged 24 years. Funeral, will take place from resi dence Tuesday. Jan. 25. at 8:30 A. M. ; thence to St. Lawrence's church. 3d and Sherman st. at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will le offered. Interment Mt. Cal vary cemetery. Friends Invited. CLIXE In this city. Januarv 22. at her Int. resiuencH, tne nation Home. Airs. Mary Cline. aged years 11 months 17 days. rienas invitea to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapeh Third and Salmon sts., at 1 P. M., to morrow, Tuesday, January 25. Interment. Lone Fir Cemetery. Dunning & MrEstee, Funeral Directors, th and line. Phone Main 4HO. Ijulr u 1. 1. 1. i y yj., runerai directors. &94 Williams ave.s both pbonet; lady attend- u,ii-: Hiot-L iimut rn eeiaousnment in toe city. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 220 Ud st. Lady Assistant. Fhone M. 601. 3. P. HM.EV & SON. Sd and Hiduom. lsut MKnaBCK. i none Alaui V, A EAST SIDE Funeral Directors. ueeMmn to f . 9. uuuning. ino. JU. 02, B ZB26. EKICSON CO. Undertakers; lady .assist- nii l. u amor. iu. t, 1 :i :j . a X.ii. NEW TODAY. 54750 Large 10 - room house, very cnoice corner, 60x70, on the West oiae. uooa view. $5000 6-room modern house, walk. ing distance. S15.500 Fine income oronertv. in mo lur uis increase. one of the Desi Duys on the west Side. M. E. LEE 4ti Corhelt Bldg. Decided Bargain jviy nne private residence, new and modern, close in on East Side; best residence district; all improvements Offered away below cost. AD 670. Ore gonian. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property B 1 1 din a; Loani. Installment . Loans. Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Blfwlc. Teratli Street FOR SALE, Only a. few days longer, then to be taken offmarket, a lot between Stark ana curnsiue streets. Frice,' $32,000 ni SSKLL A BLYTH, .Commonwealth Building:. Willamette Heights New 6-room house, all modern lm. provements. hardwood floors rnii it with fine view. Price 14250, on easy RFSSGtL A BTjYTH, Commonwealth Baildingp. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS '&QCZtf Buys that fine 7-room bui UUOUU e-alow. No. 1126 Thurman street; hardwood floors and all other modern conveniences; beautiful and commanding view; 2 lots in area and pavea street. or terms see owner, 21 NOB HILL RESIDENCE $7600 a fractional lot with 9-room house, furnace, fireplace, two toilets bath; in fine residence district. Good ilia. .luvcHugcLLe, 315-ie Swetland Bids;. Snap on Portland Heights Desirable building lot must be sold joo casn, Daiance on easy terms. AM 673, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS ISAAC L. WHITE 331 Sherlock Bids. 3 O-YEAR LEASE Want a lessee for a line vacant quar ter block, close In, near Morrison. Lj 667, Oregonian. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids'. Phones Main 8371. A 4011. . H. KPLErSEX, the fue!m?in. Chamber of Commerce, sells best coal; anthracite, cannel; also cheaper grades and dry wood. NEW TODAY. Interesting Story Now Is coming- the time when you are thinking: of that little Iruit farm, where you can have plenty of fruit to use and sell. Have your fresh Jersey cow milk, plenty of cream, milk and but ter and cacklingr hens, laying 60-cent eetgs, and raising; everything in your garden, and be independent. We have just such & place in a nice 25-acre Willamette Valley farm. All the beat of rolling; land, 10 acres of bearing orchard, 8 acres in cultivation, balance in brush and pasture; old buildings; only 1 mile of railroad station: 4 miles of good town of 6000 people; might trade It for unincumbered Portland property. BRONG-STEELECO. 110 SECOND STREET. KINGS HILL FOR SALE 50x100, with fine 10-room residence: also 60x100 vacant and adjoining above. A fine site for residence or apartment house- in this exclusive neighborhood. For prices see Russell & Blyth Commonwealth Building. 1RVINGTON Owner will sell his handsome home of 8 big rooms and plenty of closets; corner quarter block; hard-surface paveThent and surrounded by nice homes; nice lawn and a roomy side and front porch; also upstairs sleeping porch; everything modern and nothing-lacking- to make tho house comfortable; two Dig nrepiaces; nne interior nnisn; $11,500. includlns: camets. linoleums. oilcloths, shades, fixtures and hard-sur face pavement paid for. S. D. VIXCEST A CO. 420-421 Lumbermens Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, Largce Amounts Preferred. GODDARD A WIEDKICK, U43 Stark St. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. & Co. M. 3349. 80 Hamilton bldg. BAIRD & BROWN, 812 Henry Bids. Beck. William 312 Falling bldg. Birrell. A. H. Co., 202-8 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict. E02 McKay bldg. M- o4. Chapin ft Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. ft Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. ft Co., Board -tffTra.de bldg. Jennings, ft Co.. Main 1S8. 20s Oregonian. KIRK ft KIRK-HAM. Lumber Ex., 220 Stark. Parrlsh. Watklns ft Co.. 2,50 Alder at. SHEFFIELD ft RIELY Real estate, 23 mussel blag., 4th and Morrison sts. Schalk,' Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main or A oaz. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Walker, S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS Beautiful home sites, the choice of Jen nings Lodge: 85 feet front. 248 feet d3D. all planted to the eholcest fruits that money could buy; fine tillable garden land; keep your own cow. chickens, etc.; onlv one short block from the station; over 7 lots; price, So2&; easy monthly pay ments. Take Oregon City car to Jen nings lvoage ana ask at grocery tor TWO BLOCKS $20,000. Two blocks at East 28th street and Sandy road: the paving of the Randv road. the opening of the 2Sth-street concrete bridge and the building up of Laurelhurst are some of the things which make this property, .which is suitable for business, one of the best buys on the market; price H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SKIP. View lot 50x100. bAtlt1ful1 v Wnud oi. blocks from carline. all Improvements in; pnc ww. Aaaress owner, w 6712, Ore gonian. $1500 Two lots. No. 1 and 2. in block 3. -arK view Addition. 36 Harrison st. F.ast. half down, balance on time; would prob ably take good span of horses and some farm machinery, such as plow, mowing machine, wagon, havraka. In nnrt us v- ment and balance cash. Address Home Land ""n llu lTi. - ' M IRVINGTON HALF RIWW 1kx200. including two corners on Knott street, one block from car: this property Is above grade, is level and has a magnificent view; an ideal residence site; price (mo, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Adjoining Irvington. high ground with u.uuiiiA.uo m tui city improvements carline; easy terms. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. 822 Corbett Building. TWO beautiful lots, srlvlna- wnndarfnl n.n. orama of the City of Portland and entire surrounding country; on fine car serivce. near big school, in a dlstrlot soon to be paved; tor immediate sale, $1600 cash. HALF-ACRE tract close in on the West Side, only 15 minutes' car ride, $600: with the development a-olnir on in thin Mtinn this is bound to double In value. M. Br Lr., 4ijl uoroeit -oiag. CORNER lot. 50x71 feet, at Northnut --. ner -3d and East Salmon: very desirable for flats or residence: street Imnrovpmpnn paid: price $2500. Owner. Phones B 1799 or oou. $4O00 CORNER, suitable for flats, on East Harrison and 10th sts.. size of lot. 60 by o-a nBn, watKins st CO. FOR SALE Some elegant lots at a bar gain, on carline, all the city Improvements hard-surface pavement; easy terms. Ad- ureas oof, ureuninn. FOR SALE by owner, fine lot in Irvington t 11 n . uii- m location; ail cleared ready for building. It would pay you to Investi gate this proposition. X 673, Oregonian. FOR SALE, lots Quarter block southeast cor. 33d and Schuyler. This property for tine m a. iww vnce tor tne next lew days. IF YOU own lot. will build you a house oa icrun. cMitaaji duo Jh.Dinsr.oii bids. A CHOICE hair acre on Portland Heights, eunuuimeu uy met nomea, Auaresi OWU' er, f. j. uox bu. FOR SALE Two lots Willamette Station ovxiw ea.cn. rnona a. iJ.jtMi. LOTS lor $35. You can secure Knmo ir, town where men are needed; $5 down, $5 LOT 40x100. Kast 19th, 50 ft. north of East avereii, irjmi. rnone owner, FOUR best lots In Dover Addition for sale cneax. iwd jsowq or iraae bldgr. CHOICE Vernon, Ina Park, Richmond lots term, uwnor, jua lirana ave. North. FIVE-ROOM houae and lot for sate or trade ror land- oow racoma ave.. Sellwood. 80x100, u BLOCK to car. house, woodshed $S00: terms. Washington bldg., room' 3. NEW 5-room bungalow, one blxk from raV line. tTniverwlty Park; 250O. Woodlawn 20fi2 8-ROOM roomtnt-houie; erica reasonable. a iwK u i BAX ESTATE. For gale House. HOUSE BARGAINS. 2 5-room modern homes, lot 60x100, In Sunnj'side; $So00. 2 6-room modern homes, lot 50x100, Jocsup St., near Patton ave., 350. 2 6-room modern homes, lot 50x100, E. 16th at. N., near Albina; f350O. 2 7-room modern home, lot 40x100, B, 16th at., near Alberta; $:i7G0. 2 7-room modern homes, lot 00x100, B. 16th st., near Alberta; SliHoO. 1 8-roocn, with good barn, lot 100x100, corner Dover and Ughur: SAOO. This list comprises some of the best bar rains to be found in Portland, and will interest you if you will investigate. Call on JR C. Chism, 015 Couch bldg. PIEDMONT HOME Two modern houses. 1240-1244 Cleveland avenue, six rooms each; Btreet hard surface, 50x100 lots, al leys; beamed ceilings, paneled dintng rooms. combination fixtures, tinted walls, fireplaces, waxed noora, No. 1 ' plumbing, outside walls and floors are double: Just completed, easy terms. F. O. Warner, owner. 1275 Williams avenue. Phone Wood lawn 1S39. WSJ ARB BUILDING MURBJ HOUSES THAN ANT CONTRACTOR IN THE CITT. THERE) 18 A REASON: WD SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BU1L1 WELL. BUILD TERMS TO 6UIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WIL FURNISH TH2I MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 808-8-10 Henry Bids.. 4th and Oak. . BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. J250 New 5-room bungalow, electric lights, fine fireplace, full cement basement, stained wood finish, on lot f0xloo. in E. 46th and Thompson sts.. Rose City Park; price is $3100 and a bargain. $20 cash, balance $20 per month. GRUSS1 ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE 7-room - dwelling, one of best locations in jfieamont: narawooa noors, large rooms, two fireplaces, steam heat, gaa and electricity; perfectly appointed; lot 100x100: S1500 rash, balance terms. Our booklet illustrating our houses will interest you. Free. . PORTLAND BUILDISO ASSOCIATION. 212-213 Commercial Block. FRONT ST 7-ROOM HOUSE uood. 7-room house on Front, near Whit taker, good location and easy walking distance; house in good order throughout and a bargain at $3000, part cash, balance long time. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON HOME, $5500 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, aleeplng porch, Just completed, new and modern In every detail; faces east, on car line; price $o50O; terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. IRVINGTON" HOME, $6."00 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, 2 fireplaces, heated by hot water, new and modern, faces East. hard-surface pavement ; all street Improvement paid; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, new; nicely improved grounds, 100x100, front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner, 502 Corbett block. SNAP ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Dwelling on Portland Heights, near car, overlooking city and mountains; snap if taken now. BRONG-STEKLE CO., 110 Second St. A RARE BARGAIN. 8 -room bung-alow. fireplace, woodllft, modern, with 12 lota. 3 mlkfS from Morri- son bridge, 3 blocks from Woodstock car. 7Z m-1 ' Bintw uerrieo, cuw, io cnic&eiis, Prioe $5000. Phone Sellwood 1398. BEST 6-room modern bungalow for price asKea ; cement basement ; furnace and. lirenlaoe ; beamed ceilintc. paneled dining- room, bookcases, buffet, laundry trays, line kitchen and bath. Restricted districts' Terms. E 669, Oregonian. 7-ROOM cottage. 60x100 lot: in Sellwood 14 Diocks to car line; is modern and well Duut; a bargain for $2200; $600 down. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. &us ueriinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. HOLLA DAY PARK HOME 6 rooms, new. modern, furna.ee. fire place, full corner lot; price $4750; terms. il. P. PAlMEK-JOMSS CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. IRVINGTON Charming new 8-room home, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 2 fire- place. 2 toilets. Illuminating fixtures, ele gant location on bltullthlo street, $CS00. $3500 MODERN. 7-room house, with 4) by u reet ot gruuna. on .tiast mth. near tiarrison street. i nis is a bargain. Par- rian, waiKins c i;o., ;u Amer st. f x v us nvii uujinaiuw, ' it; trom car; lot 60x100: nrlce. i;-Uio S5(iO r:fi Kuion.,a J. D. HAYES & CO.. 302 S wetland Bldg. $2500 COTTAGE. 5 rooms, with 40 by 100 t't gruunu, on casi iiarTlson, near lOtn street. bee us fr terms. Parrlsh, vv miuaB k to., kj Aiaer st. $1900 6-room house, nearly new, double iioor, Gouwe waii. oatn, toilet, electric lights, cement basement one Mock to car at Anaoei. bit Lnamber Commerce. BUY a home from me on easy terms. nave a aanay -room Duneaiow. hard wood floors. $3600. S. D. Vincent, 420 j.umoermen s oiug. ON E. MORRISON ST. Lot B3 1-3x100. witn moaern o-room cottage, it has fruit. flowers and berries; easy terms; $2500. au io r ailing oiug. EAST AXKBN'Y ST., modern 7-room home with good barn, in the heart of a choice residence section, $4000; terms easy. Call ior iuii lniormation at 4iu Failing bldg. $2000 COTTAGE. 6 rooms, with HO by 100 leet oi grouna, on rasc narrison, near jutn street. see us ior terms. parrlsh, vvaunns fc to., sju Aiaer st. . 6-ROOM house and lot. 60x160. full base ment. bath and toiiet, cheap for cash. i-none s ::ouy; o,a st. FIVE-ROOM cottage, corner, full lot; miFt sell immediately; price $lsOO. Phone Sell wood 1203. FOR SALE 7-room new house, ready to move into. inquire on premises. corner 2rth and iast oaic WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer co. m. loia, a an covered wagons. ana exfvneauEu ziicu.. FOR SALE By owner, -the handsomest bungalow in irvington. 4WU East 20th st. worm. tan ana see it. Rli" 1 TTT ITT'ITT. hmiM In Trvln crtrxn 1 good terms. East 3151. 66 Tillamook st! IRVINGTON 7-room modern house, cheap terms. Hiaai nui. ino agents. 5-ROOM cottage, hath, electric light, toilets, for sale bv owner. nil i T."bat l9tK mt M lroellaxiHnia. WEST Side investment, $12,60(. lot 50 too with fi" modern flats, renting for 12, per cent on nie invevuiiem. xtigntiy nana led. would rent for 15 per cent; hoJf cash, bal ance terms to suit. This is a bargain. Call rooms aio-itt, swetiana iag. "WILLIAMS AVENUE. Income property, near Ruwell price. casn, income a Duy with future. CARTER-DUGAN CO., 8'20 Chamber of Commerce. 35 ACRES, Willamette River -front, on main county road,- just south of Oak Grove, $26,500. Risley & Starkweather, Risley fetation, uregon ity cuxiine. Acreage. HALF-ACRE tract close in on the West Side, only 15 minutes' car ride, $iuO: with tne development going on in this section this is bound to double in value. M. E. ACREAGE In large or small tracts en r.ir line, close in; choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. ivinney & stampher. Lumber uxenange oiag. A 11 ACRES lying between Base Lin and Villa ave., house, barn, orchard, good piattmg propusmon ; ctjeatp, easy terras. ajj oou, uregonian., FOR SALE Close-in acreage. large or small tracts ; 5-cent fare ; also farm of ju-s acres, near Oregon .:ity; price low; terms to suit. Call room 314 Henry bldg 10 ACRES, water and car running through it. oeu or iraue. w asmngton bldg. TWO acres at Woodstock t a. reduced nrir. or divide and sell one acre. 317 Chamber commerce. ACREAGE on 34th St., ready for platting, ca?n or lerma. uwner, aj I'arK st. Mai; IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 10 acres -excellent looation, a big money REAL ESTATE. Acreage. AINSWORTH-AVE. ACREAGE. Half mile from carline, 19 acres, $12 per acre; terms. C A KT rJ K-L L -i A i U. , S20 Chamler of Cuminerre. ' ACRES, South Mt. Tabor, within city limits. Owner. 334 Mill st. Homesteads. E have 3 homesteads 5 miles from a gd town on the Nrth Bank Road, 4 hours' ride from Portland, in a vicinity" of im proved farme. Good oil and no irrigation required. One tract of 32u acres fenced on 2 sides, worth per acre. j nis one will cost you $150O. This Is a snap and you must act at once. Spencer & Co., Iv2 Second et. WE can locate you 'on 6 -homestead! of IflO acres each, from 2 to 4 miles irom town, "with high school ; 2 on county roads; others from H to 2 miles; nearly all level. . DAVIS & BUITKAMP, 510 Dekum Bldg. 20-ACRE homesteada , in Christmas Lake and Fort Ronk valleys (Southeastern Ore gon), on R. R. survey. Call today. 11 g gott & Robinette, 14 Mulkey bldg. cor. i!d and Morrison sts. CALL' Monday and arrange to Join our party jeavmjr i uesnay, Jan. :., to select ao-at-re h-mesieadi in the fertile Chr;tmn.s Iake Valley, Central Oregon. Ppeoisl rate. B. S. Cook. & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. GOOD Siletz homestead relinquishments lor sale cheap; 3 fine timber 'homcstedi in Southern Oregon; location reasonable. 303 Waeh., room iJ6. HOMESTEAD locations on Coast. $100; home stead lotjations on .tzo acres m entrai re gon. $73; six relinquishments, from $2T0 up. Nimmo & Kuney, 13 Hamilton bldg. WE are locating 3 20-a ere claims near Lake- view, ur., close to railroad, investigate. V . B. Hartley & Co.. 411 S wetland bldg. HOMESTEADS in Central Oregon, for free information call or write K. iwrebs, ioo Raleigh st.. Portland. Or. GO ACRES. $160; good agricultural land; close to K. R. 610 Swetland bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. BPITZENBERG SCAPFOOSE ORCHARD IANDS in 10, ZO. ao-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-beaded buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300, $400, $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go witn us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810-11 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. Merrit & Palmer. Sales Agents. FOR SALE by owner, 80 acres of land about i miles south of Greaham, Or., in Clack amas Co., enough wood on place to pay price a?ked; will make a fine apple or chard when cleared; $65 per acre. S 650, Oregonian. MOSIER APPLE LAND. Owner offers 20 acres, on good road, 4 miles from station; cleared, plowed and fenced. John Morgan. Phone East 6165. Formerly Morgan Wall Paper Co. 340 ACRES of Mount Hood apple land, anour ,u miles soutneast of .Portland, only few miles from electric line; $i per acre. This is the only really cheap fruit land in thLs vicinity. M. A. Coy, box 354. For Sale Farms. A CANADIAN FARM INVESTMENT. Appl 1 cm. t ions wi 1 1 be rece I ved AT $9.30 PER ACRE for any portion from Sec. to 6oOt ACRES on the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY . IN SUNNY CENTRAL ALBERTA, CANADA. Adjoining land selb for $12. 13, Ox) acree sold since Oct. WRITE FOR LIST OF PORTLAND MEN WHO HAVE PimrHASKD AND ASK THEM IF THEY ARE SATISFIED. Easy payments covering 6 years. PROFITS ABOUT fn PER. CENT EACH YEAR. FRANK LANE, COLUMBUS, OHIO. TROPICAL MEXICO LANDS. Land of perpetual growth. Land for the rubber man. Land for the citrus frultman. Land for the farm and cattle man. Land for the poor and rich man. Land with perfect title, low taxes. No Irrigation necessary. In tracts of 100 to 10,000 acres, at $7 per acre, on easy payments. G. W. POSSELL. S10 Henry Bldg. "THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME." 6. 10 or 20-aere tracta read v to nlant. sightly, level, rich black sandv loam, on the Willamette River, very desirable for fruit and vegetables, water and rail trans portation, one hours ride from Portland. This means something to the man who wants a nome, wants to bo independent and edu cate hiat family. Price $160 per acre, easy term; larger tracts for colonic a specialty. jjfciArs ia:.d to., 622 Chamber of Commerce, -Portland, Or. FOR SALE 160-acre farm, 2 miles north of SprlnKbrook: 80 acres in cultivation. Also 373-acre farm. 2 miles north of Lafayette, 10O acres in cultivation. These places are both in Yamhill Coun ty, in the foothills, and the character of soil, the drainage and elevation mak them first-class for fruitrafsing. Price $75 an acre. W. E. BURKE. 620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 20 ACRES. 'REAL SNAP 20 acres of nne land, lo acres under cultivation, small house and barn, not far from electric line and railroad, Sunnysido, Clackamas county; surrounding land sell ing for 2 50 per acre; our prico for quid sale. $TTfO per acre. If you want it, conn quick, it won't last. GKL'SSl &. ZADtOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 80 ACRES, IB miles from Portland on Salem Electric, Southern Pacific has station and switch on land, r0 acres cleared and cultivation, 35 of which is best beaver dam land In state. All fenced, fine barn house. 2 acres apples, half aero straw berries. For gardening, subdividing o any other purpose for which land can be used, this is the best buy In the state. Owners, zvi swvjtland bldg. INFORMATION. Reliable free information on all Oregon ana vvasninton lanas, aieo liovemtnen ianas; oooKiets on an. counties. OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 604-6-8 Board of. Trade Bldg. WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE. We have 2 of as good wheat farms as there is in Eastern Oregon for sale; 1400 acres In one. 'J"J0 acres in other. Addres: Owners, Hawthorne ave. stables, 420 Hawtnorne ave. I CAN sell you improved or unimproved farms, large or small, best of dairy and fruit land, on main line railroad; daily Doat 10 roriiana, mnes. frices right terms easy. Thos. H. Blackstone, Ridge neia, w asn. WHEAT a dollar and a half a bushel wneat land 5u to sjo an acre, writ M. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Or., for his lis or zarms. AGED party desire to ?11 their 5-acre tract 1 mile east of Vancouver near carline; ex cellent opportunity for right party. X 604 oregonian. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley a it 1 11 VS ueiuro nuyingi tanas snown zre. uimweaa uina uo.. oaiem. ur. 41 ACRES, 1H to town, Washlrrgton Count, $1500; H cash. Room 3 Washington bldg WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO LEASE . Apartment Bite, West Side, with th rrii!ega of purchasing the same, at thi expiration 01 lease. Principal or agents. Give as man xacts as possiDie. Ai esi, oregonian. FROM 500 to 2000 acres nf plow land adapt ed to fruit. Must be near transportation fa cilitles and choice land. Give full particu I WANT a .home, 5 to 9 rooms and reasonabl distance from heart of city ; mut be goo ouj, unucio uiii. ot,, jresonian. LOTS in Irvinarton Park: Klve. lot nnl Kin. number: also price for cash or terms In iirat :ei.i.trr. r ou, uregoman. IF you have a vacant lot for sale, see W. J Bakr for Quick sale. 619 Board of j. raae oiug. WB HAVE cash buyers for unimproved prop erty close in. Spencer & Co., Xvz SeconU at. TO EXCHANGE.. WI LL exrhango choice alley s'c-k am dairy fus-iii of lltS'arts IJ.'iO aem fine tfmber' at: joint'-.;, eitrn'r it boil pieces for o-,i pnvii,i iiii hni nt'ss," apart, ment or closv -in acn ap pr 'jmrt y. A Ls several small pt-.ipert s f r A tnail Valic; farm or city property or liisli-ciasa 5 T-passenRtr tounTu t-ar. .'all A. J. .oliron. room 40, Sartjn! Hotel, city, during' wt' i. SACRIFICE Nearly 14 acres inrleau'd land. Idaho on railroad: good soil; porp-tnal wuIp: ripht; 5siNt; my equity. Sil'j.v;. for sni:t ranch in alley, or city property. "U il pay stmail difference. AF Gtio. c re gonian II AVE a ." -passengor auto. lO a--res in Chaster Co.. Cil. , a I Li - room room it". house to ox-hftiige. ".Vhat have you.' Joi Pcard of TraiL bldg. EVEN-pa psrnsev t mring car. splendid cm 01 1 ion. f uily t'ntii pped. a car you will proud to i vvn : would trade for good r:al estate. AD 7 i, Oregonian. X elegant 7 -passenger auto, as good af new. t ty trade tor 1 'or t laud property. AH K6S. Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property a) room JUiy lioard of Trade. BEATTTIFt'r, bun gn low liorno. clo In. fot sale or trade. Koom 3 Washington bid. 0 ACRES, some Improvements, for anythir.3 auie vaiut-, '..i'u. b'... Uregonian. WTTL trade mortgages or auto for lots. ,AJ FOK SALE TLM&i-li LANDS. GOOD BUYS IN TIMBER. $1200. DoiiKlas Co.. 3. 000,00a. neai OI lala. so acres;. ?1M'H. Skamania C,., on Wind River, 3, ."oo.iioo. $32, 0O0. on Siusiaw River, 33.000.oo0. $i;r.oo. on South Fork Nvlialem l:iver, I0.uoo.ooo feet. $5500, fully equipped mill and 2,000,000 feet. $16,000. Douglas Co., 21.OO0.no0 feet. S5HOO. Tillamook Co., 4,50o,uuo feet tide water. $5500. Tilhiironk Co., 5.0DO,fMlO fort. - Full particulars on the above ami others may be had at 4lt Failing bldg. F YOU hold land scrip and want to locate good tiniDcr, write- or cull. M'FAKLAND INVESTMENT CO., oil Corbett LMk.. I'oiihintl, Or. WE are head quarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher, 531-532 Lumber cCxchango bldg- 2,000.000 FEKT timber nar Forest firov, $12.0K. part ca-di, halaiu e 1 or 2 ear.4 at 0 per cent. AL' OOT, ov-Konian. FOB KENT F ARMS. 46 ACHKS. 2-a niiky from Wil.wnvillr. and ir.- gon etect ric, 2. acres pi w in no, . creek bottom. goKi orchHid add Iuitl.l!i:.-: terms Su. ou4h. Addrvt? A. v, VJoa, Gallon, Or. R. F. 1. No. 1. WANTED TIMBEU LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. Mc Crack cn. 304 McKay bldg. FOK SALE. Horse, Vrliiides and HurneM. FOR SALE Horses, "harness and wagons. Remember, we foII puarantoed horses ami mares. If not as represented tliey can he returned. We also have on hand .'. veral delivery, farm, vegetable, and milk wagons for sale. HawUioriiO-Avu. Stables, 4-vk Hawthorne ave. BUGGIKS, CARRIAGES, WAGONS. If you want a buggy, carriage or ligh t wagou, cheaper than factory prices, call 3"l East Oak St., two carloads to select from. FIRST-CLASS heavy craft and driving horses aiways on nana. t-ua witn guar.ir.iee a represented. U. S. t.tablt:, 24 & Front. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STARLES. iiet accommodations ior travelers. Ladles wiiltlnR-rooin. kJrices moderate. 2-43 Froat. 4 GOOD teams and harness. Inquire E. 6U1 St., between Morrison and Aldvr. HORSESl mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. Zl't-l Montgomery. BI'OOD MARES. 14oo to 1SO0 lis. Nobby tames, cor. J - th and r lana.irs sts. HUBERT fc HALL. SS0 Front, buy. sell. rent. horses, vehicles; low rates on uuinetu rlati. AL?IOST new rubher-tfre eurrey f-r ali at bargain. Call at M'J K. halmon st. DA PPLE GRAY team, 5 years old, weight :SU04 Linpire Stau.es. 1 1 0 ltU st. SMA delivery team will ride or drlv single; so.i. lbt st. Automobiles. KNOX, zho fastest stock car In the world; Mollne, the best car maoe r r the money. We alo have a nunwr of four-cy liiuler cara elightiy u.d but in flrFi-cl:u3 condi tion left here fur us to sell at real barg;Ua prices. WESTERN Al'TO CO., 531 Alder st. PACIFIC AUTO CO. New anil second-hand automobiles bought, sold and exchanged. If you are looking for a good ear at a bargain, touring or runabout, call and look over our stock. Cash or terms. 2tit 11th St., Fort land. WANTED Runabout: imiHt bo go-.d and firM cla.ss condition and clieap. At! titW, Ore gonian. CADILLAC touring ear. overhauled and In line condition; buying a larger car. 670, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES New ami second-hand. Geo. H. Flora, 470 E. iturnsiue st. AUTOMOBILE and marine Kan engines re paired. James D. Fall. U44 ;M st. Flan o 8, Organs and Musical Internments, PIANO bargain for cash or diamonds, near ly new. value $4."J. Pee Scot t, room 1 . .41-- Morrison St., 0 to IO A. M.. or U to 3 P. M. FIN Fl piano, stight'.v used ; n wreat bar gain. Room 12. Hamilton bldg. Birds, Dug. IV t Stock. W OODBUR X F A It M K R S " ANNUAL HORSi-: f? A L. K. The largest bunch of tine horses thpy have ever offered at the annual horso eiule. Saturday. Jan. 9. D. M. ItatciilL'e, manager and auctioneer. FOR PALE An extra good family milch cow. 4 years old. with calf by her Fifie. Jerpov and Holhlt'in. Address B 0t7. Ore gonian, or inquire room .'100 Orogoniati bids. AI RD ALE PUPS, "Mntlock Bob" and "Hrlar wood Second" stock; no bettor blood in,' Portland. Phone C 1050 or AD 671, Ore gonian. SELLING out my aviary of flno Kin dies nntl , t'anary Birds; singers and femab s, chap. '. Phone C 7C. E 6titl Oregonian, . FOX TERRIER pups for sale; prettily t marked litle fellows. 4! N. 4 til st. ' M i acellan eo us. FURS All kinds of Tine furs selling at gr at re auction. It will pay you to call in and Re- me before purchasing elsew hero. A. Reiner. 14S ."ih sr. SAFES 'Large assortment second-hand safes slightly used, very cheap; new and second hand vault doors; nw safes, all sizes, fail or write today. Portland fcafd Co., i7 fa:h. A COMPLETE massage outfit, including electric garment, shower bath. tub. etc., at a great bargain. Room 12. Hamilton bldg. . 1 FOR SALE Conn pormsr. late model, in good condition; a bargain. N 00 J. Ore gonian. 50O SHARES In good unmined coal land, cheap : need cash : samp le of coal can be produced. AG t7. Oregonian. WANTED Freh -gallon cow. prcf.rablv Jersey. Phone Main WU. Write .Mix ior, Ramapo Hotel. SCHOOLBOOKS bought, anid and exchanged at Hy land's. 211 2d t, near Sainton. l'il 5th St., opposite Postoffice. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St Main 140 7. VAJ.UABLE and uprful rw.rently Issued -patent for sale. F 6t;i. Oregonian. LA RG B f la t - tor dek . Phone M.i in 403. d ra x f n, c heap. 50O BUSINESS CARDS. $1.2.". Ryder Ptgj Co., 357 Bxnside St. Main 5336. SPRAYING barrel pump' for Fal cheap; la good condition. J ti7.". Orponian. 600 BUSINESS cards 1 If you mention tbla ad. Rose City Prlntery, 102 3d. MAN UKii for kUc. Phono- Kast J. 77 V irn 1 r7 o T