Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 15, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    mis jiUKaiAW OEEUUMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1910.
Washington Assessors Favor
Full Valuation.
Tax Commissioner Frost Holds Up
Weyerhaeuser Company as 'Horri
ble Example or Holding of Un
developed Wealth.
SPOKANE. Jan. -14. Sentiment ex
pressed in the State Assessors' conven
tion today shows that body to be unan
imously in favor of en adequate and de
tailed cruise of all of the limber lands
in the state, for taxation purposes and
for the"asseesment of standing timber
on the same basis of its actual or mar
ket value that other property of the state
is esseesed.
"I know that -there is much effort be
ing made by the highly-paid representa
tives of the big timber companies to
create a sentiment in - opposition to the
taxation of timber lands as other prop
erty is taxed, on the ground that it will
cause the stripping of the lands of tim
ber. "The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company
Alone owns 250,000 ecres of the best tim
ber in Pacific County, 19S.O0O acres in
T-ewia County and 250.000 acres in King
County. This company is doing noth
ing to develop the state, it is not manu
facturing any lumber except in a email
way at one mill and it is not selling tim
ber from its own lands except at the
highest prices it can get from other mill
owners. It is simply waiting for others
to make its property valuable, selling it
off if it gets its own prices, and dis
tributing the proceeds in dividends to
stockholders living in other states or in
foreign countries."
The following resolution proposed by
the "committee on timber lands was ac
cepted: '
"Your committee on timber lands de
sires emphatically to indorse the result
of assessment valuations based on m
' ber cruises and to urge that counties not
already cruised undertake such work
at the earliest possible moment."
Palouse Farmers Are Selling Hogs at
8 1-2 Cents Live Weight.
SPOKAKE, Wash., Jan. 14. (Special.)'
Meats of all kinds are higher in the
Palouse country than- ever known. Hogs
are selling for 8,i cents, live -weight,
and 10 cents dressed, and local butchers
predict a price of 10 cents, live weight,
he-fore March 1. There are few hogs
left In the country. Fat steers are
worth 4 cents to 4V4 cents; cows, 3hs
cents, and sheep, 5 cents live weight. 5
in the Pullman market, meat is being
retailed at the following prices:
Tork, from 3 2 to 18 cents; mutton,
15 and 18 cents: beef. 10 to 15 cents;
veal, 15 to 18 cents; chickens, 15 cents?
lard. 18 cents; bacon. 20 to 22 cents;
hams, 18 to 22 cents.
The cost of living has never been as
high in the history of the Palouse
country, due almost wholly to the liisrli
prices paid for farm products. Kprtjs
are selling at 50 cents a dozen; .utter
(country), 35 cents a pound: -creamery
butter, 45 cents; flour, $6 to $6.60 a
Kallroad Men and Strikers Fail to
Reach Agreement.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. An agreement
between the railroads operating out of
Chicago and their switchmen is not yet
in sight.
Conferences between the parties in
volved and the mediators under the Erd
nian act have been in progress for three
days. i
Stomach of Philanthropist May Re
veal Plot to Murder Family.
KANSAS CTTY. Jan. U. A theory that
a capsule containing- poison was given
to the late Colonel Thomas Swope, the
millionaire philanthropist, an hour be
fore his death, is being run down by the
prosecutor's office here.
One basis for this theory is that
Misses' and Child's Tailormade
xmfWl Coats and Capes
v ijmw u lu i t yews
h Divided into 2 Lots
i 1 1
1 All the
not large we urge early buying if you wish to
share in these bargains.
Coats Selling to $20, Clearance $7.85
Colonel Swope died in convulsions. His
death at the time, it was announced, had
resulted from apoplexy. The prosecutor
quoted a physician as saying: death from
apoplexy is not accompanied by con
vulsions. No arrests will be made until a re
port has been submitted on the examina
tion of the stomach of Colonel Swope
by the Coroner's physician.
Death was at first attributed to apo
plexy, but a quick succession of deaths
and illnesses among1 heirs of the Swope
estate led to "an investigation, culmi
nating in the exhuming of the body of
Colonel Swope and the removal of his
stomach' for the purpose of an autopsy.
"There is not a particle of doubt in
my mind," continued Mr. Atwood, "that
both- Thomas and Christian Swope were
The alleged murder plot, said to have
been planned with great deliberation, had
for its supposed end the extermination
of all the Swope heirs. It is stated that
shortly before Christian Swope died on
December 2, just xme month later than
that of his uncle, ColonefSvope, a man
visited the office of a. well-known bac
teriologist in Kansas City and secured
some typhoid germs. With these dread
bacilli, it is asserted, the man hoped to
inoculate the members of the 9wjpe
Baby Makes Goo-Goo Eyes at Ias
Angeles Judge When Divorce
Suit Is Being Tried.
XiOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. H. (Special.)
"One day ho caught me by the throat
and tried to choke me to death, and I
grabbebd his wooden leg thcLt was stand
ing by the dresser and I hit him over
the head with it. He let go." The
speaker was a nervous little, woman,
Eugenia Wilson, plaintiff in an action for
divorce from Frank J. Wilson, on the
ground of cruelty.
Mrs. Wilson denied today that on one
occasion she had taken the wooden leg
and hid it, so that her husband was un
able to go to work and was compelled to
remain in bed.
Wilson formerly was in the employ of
the Texas & Pacific Railway and met
with an accident, resulting- In the loss of
part of his left leg.
Mrs. Wilson, who had an 11-months-old
child in her arms1, looked daggers at her
one-legged spouse, while the baby made
goo-goo eyes at Judge Houser, The case
was continued.
Millionaire Campaigner's Train Sur
rounded by Police at Border.
NOG ALES. Ariz.. Jan. 14. Don Fran
cesco y Madero, millionaire citizen of the
State of Coahuila, Mex., passed through
here today on his way from Chihuahua.
Don Madero is making campaign
speeches against the re-election of Presi
dent Diaz and Vice-President Corral at
his own expense. On his arrival at the
border, the train was surrounded by
police and he was not permitted to leave
the train.
Madero then crossed to the American
side and spoke briefly from the Pullman,
saying that he could not stop here and
make a speech as he feared the same
humiliating treatment that he had re
ceived In cities of his own pountry.
Accompanied by his wife and private
secretary, Don Madero left at once on the
train for EJ Paso.
Bay City Turns Down Purchase of
Spring Valley Company, Too.
SAN FRAXCISCO, Jan. 14. By a vote
of 32,876 to 1607, San Francisco, at a
special election held today, authorized
a bond issue of $45,000,000 for the
acquisition of reservoir sites at Lake
Kleanor, in "Hetch Hetchy Valley in the
Sierras, and a comprehensive distribu
ting system for a municipal water sup
ply. The second proposition, on the bal
lot, the voting of J35.000.000 bonds for
the purchasing of the Spring Valley
Water System, which is at present sup
plying the city, was lost by 1234 votes.
Oregon Xnrsery Company Sned.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 14. (Special.) W.
W. Newton. John Walker and H. N.
Good today began an action against
the Oregon Nursery Company for $2077
damages for an alleged breach of con
tract. It is claimed that the nursery
company failed to deliver a large quan
tlty of trees purchased by plaintiffs.
L.KJ 1 I. sin assortment oj warm,
Well tailored, girlish cut coats and
capes in a variety of youthful
styles that sold regularly to $8.00.
Clearance $3.98
season's best styles, in the
finest imported and domestic mate
rials, in models that are at once,
exclusive, refined anal stylish. Cut
in girlish nobby styles. In this lot
are many sample garments, only
one of a kind. The assortment is
Men's Economy Club
Makes Great Savings
in This Feature Sale
Great Feature Sale Today in
Because of the money you can save this Feature Sale will interest you. At
this time we take right, hold in a resolute, determined manner to dispose of our
surplus stock in the men's furnishing store. Superiors-well made, well finished
furnishings at prices thai hold good Saturday only.
Earl & Wilson r
Red man Collars -C
500 dozenCollars in all
shapes and-sizes. Sold every-
where for 12jc. -
shirt made 79
NEL NIGHTSHIRTS, well made, large and
roomy 98
2500 Shirts,
samples and surplus left-over stock of one of the finest shirt makers in America.
TK Greatest Shirt Bargain Ever Offered in Portland
en s rure Ins
Linen Handkerchiefs
In quarter and half - inch
hems. Our own importation
and received before the raise in
the tariff. At regular they are
cheap. At the reduced prices
they become . great bargains.
Shrewd men will avail them
selves of them.
12jc quality 10 each.
20c quality 14 each
25c quality 19 each
35c quality 23 each
50c . quality 37 tp each
Pajamas $ 1 .45 Suit
Fancv strine anrl fimr!
ished with military collar and
large pearl buttons. Val. $1.75.
. Delicate enough for the softest skin.
yet efficacious In removing; any
stain. Keeps the skin In perfect con
dition. In the bath gives all the de
sirable after-effects of a Turkish bath.
Jt should -be on every washstand.
mens ri
75c Men's White f Q ,
Ni-ht Shirts . ... UC
Night Shirts
White Muslin Nightshirts,
with collar or "V' shaped neck.
Nicely trimmed.
$1.00 MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS, plain or
plaited, with attached or detached cuffs. . 79
SHIRTS, plain or plaited bosoms, attached or
detached cuffs, special. . . . ; Sjsl.15
Values to $2, Clearance 85c
2500 Fine Shirts at 85c
We use the word "FINE"
advisedly. The man who
made them makes nothing that
is not fine. Shirts of imported
fabrics, latest colorings, finest
J-1. - r . r. ti
moaeis, perreci nt. i tie
White Madras
Pajamas $ 1 .45 Suit
Made with "V" shape neck,
la"ge pearl buttons, splendid
fitting. Regular value $1.75.
Men's Colored o O
Merino Socks ADC
Fancy Colored Merino
Socks. A large variety of col
ors and black. Reg. val.' 35c.
Men's Fancy Lisle
Thread Socks at .
Men's Fancy Lisle - thread
and ' Cotton Socks. Every new
pattern verticals, checks and
stripes. Reg. price 50c a pair.
$ 1 .25 Mens Shirts
and Drawers, each
piain or derby ribbed, extra
staying and perfect fitting.
pains stop when you use
'Prtemm, 3 Sc. SOc. antt tt.OO.
Men's Economy Club
Makes Great Savings
in This Feature Sale
Men's Wear
Men's White Muslin
Night Shirts
Extra Fine White Muslin
Nightshirts with collars or
French neck. Nicely trimmed.
V 3rz vt
$1.00 Mens Natural
Merino Shirts 75c
Good medium weight 3A.
wool, well made, best fitting.
Men's, Fancy Silk
Imported silks, selected
styles. Patterns that men prid
ing themselves on being good
dressers would wear. You'll
not find the flashy, showy kind
that look pretty through glass
but wear poorly. Open-end
Four-in-Hands, French Folds,
Tecks and Bows; selling regu
larly to 75c and 85c each.
Work While
You Sleep
Millions of people have CAS
CARETS do Health work for
them. If you have never tried
this great health maker Get a 10c
box and you will never use any
other bowel medicine. " u
CA9CA.RBTS loc a box for a week's
treatment, all druggist. Biggest seller
in the -world. MiXiioa boxes a month.
New Butterick Patterns
Announce for Saturday v
A Special Feature Sale in
Neckwear, Laces,
Ribbons, Gloves
It is scarcely probable that those who see the above an
nouncement will purchase elsewhere before seeing these
specials. Women are competent judges of the values ad
vertised. Their enthusiasm will be expressed in the most
practical way BY THEIR PURCHASES. Lot after lot
of pretty, dainty, stylish articles have been assembled and
marked for final clearance. In the entire offering today we
are positive in the assertion that there is not an article,
offered that is not bright and new this Fall.
50c Neckwear I 2c
M any styles of Tabs,
Jabots, Collar Effects and
Bows in wash and novelty
$1.00 Neckwear
Hundreds of dainty styles
of Ladies Neckwear in
many styles to select from
Tabs, Jabots, Dutch Effects.
$2.00 SVles 67c
Many pretty styles in
Fancy Collar Novelties
Jabots, venise and beaded
styles. Must be seen to be
35c Linen Collars IT '
I c
Extra grade all linen, rich
ly embroidered stiff collars.
All sizes.
1 0c Neck Lengths Q
Ruching, Clearance DC
10,000 neck lengths of
Chiffon Ruching. All new
and dainty styles. In white,
pink, blue, black and com
bination effects.
$2.25 Crepe Scarfs
Clearance Price .
cb 1 27
G old- dotted crepe and
fancy Dresden designs, in
scarfs in white, pink and
blue and lilac designs.
50c Embroideries 1 7c
General clean-up event in
fin e-grade Embroideries in
Swiss and nainsook, from 2
to 15 inchesWide, in a great
variety of patterns to select
from. In edges and insertions
20c Values at 5 c
' Odd Insertions in a large
selection of pretty patterns
in swiss and nainsook, in
open and blind designs.
$2.50 Hand Loom y q
Embroideries, for JC
High - grade hand - loom
Embroideries in wide flounc
ing, rich bands, galloons and
all overs, in swiss nd nain
sook. $1.50 Laces at 67c
$2.25 Laces at $1.27
$3.00 Laces at $1.67
At the above prices we
place on special sale many
extra bargains in 27 to 45
inch Allovers and Nets. In
plain, figured and novelty
silk colored effects, in a
large selection..
$1.50 Laces at 25c
A large selection of
Venise, Irish and Novelty
Oriental designs in edges,,
bands, galloons and novelty
256 Laces Vc
10,000 yards of Oriental
Net Laces and Insertions in
white, cream and ecru, in
many new designs.
15c Odds and -o
Ends of Laces D C
Thousands of yards of
odds and ends in broken lots
of Piatt Vals., Cluny and
Torchon Laces in widths to
four inches wide.
65c Face Veils 1 O
Clearance Price C
Short lengths from our
regular stock which we do
not wish' to carry over, in
most all colors.
$1.25 Princess 7 Q
Veils, Clearance OC
Dainty Princess Veils in
white and black and white
effects. Always popular as a
and Fashion Books on Sale
$1 .50 Dress Kid n r
Gloves, Clearance JC
1nri , II . ;
100 Jo.zen dlcs 2'clP
Dress Kid Gloves in black,
brown, tan, white and slate.
Not all sizes in all colors, but
all sizes in the lot.
$1.50 Cape Gloves
Clearance Price . .
Extra grade one-clasp
Dent Style Cape Gloves in
all shades of tan. Every pair
fitted at our counter. .
$1.75 Ladies
Gloves, Clearance
Two and three-clasp Dress
Kid Gloves in black, white,
tan, slate, navy and green;
also one and two-clasp Kas
sam Cape Gloves in all sizes.
85c Scotch Wool
Gloves, Clearance
Scotch Wool Golf Gloves
in black, white and colored
35c Childs' Golf
Gloves, Clearance
-A clean-up sale of Child's
Golf Gloves in combination
$3.50 Auto Veils at
' $2.87
Our extra heavy one by
two yards hemstitched Auto
Veils in any color.
$2.25 Chiffon
Veils, Clearance
Our best quality lJ4-yard
square hemstitched Chiffon
Veils ; also button-top hood
effect Auto Veils.
- Ladies 'Kerchiefs
85c Values at 47c
$1.25 Values at 87c
$1.75 Values at 98c
Hundreds of pretty em
broidered styles of Ladies
Handkerchiefs in. hem
stitched effects, slightly
crushed from Christmas
rush handling.
35c Ladies' Initial
Handkerchiefs at
Ge n e r a 1 clean - up of
Ladies' Initial Handker
chiefs in several styles of
pretty initial effects.
65c Handkerchiefs
Latest styles of hand-embroidered
effects in Ladies
H a n d k e r chiefs. Come in
many designs.
Odds and Ends at 5c
Hand-embroidered initials,
corded styles, colored and
satin finish border.
35c Values at 1 1 c
Many pretty embroidered
effects, slightly soiled from
holiday rush.
25c Col'd Ribbons
Thousands of yards of 5
inch Moire, Satin, Taffeta
and Messaline Ribbons in
black,, white and all shades.