16 TITIS MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, , JANUARY 13, 19lO. BIG BARK IS SOLD Poltalloch Disposed of by United States Marshal. ESCHEN & MINOR GET SHIP Ves-sel AVas Knocked Down to San Francisco Firm for $17,500. Ridding Was Slow Effort to Secure American ISeglsler. Kprlirn Mfror. tnevedorets of an Kramiwo. hid in the British bark I'ol talloch yesiiPi-d:iy for fl7,500. The money was paid over to the United States Mar shal yesterday afternoon and Captain Kschon. who represented ids firm, de parted for San -Francisco lant nigrht. The craft was sold by United States Marshal Heed to satisfy claims asainsl The vessel and way on order front ttte United State-. t'ourl. Principal libclanls of the Foltalloch were J. & A. Brown, of San Francisco, wbos" claim amounted to $h.SJ7.50, due on account of starts and disbursements. There were a number of minor claims. The 5al was on a few minutes after 10 o'clock, -with Marshal Reed as auc tioneer. Wallace .McCamant. represent ing tlie libelants, made the first bid. He offered ?!.-. oc. Captain iSsehen rained $V0 and tlie nm-lion standi. Captain Albeit Crone. Ii R. Sterling, Thomas Kerr and A. R. Black were among the Itiddeit. ItitUlinK' w"n farst until after Mr. Kerr had made an offer of ?1,500 for the craft. Marshal Reed made a good auc tioneer and made a sood talk for the owners. Mr. LOschen filially offered $17,X). Messrs. Crowe. .1 slack and Sterling in dulKeil in a ft-w cross bids of $50 and JlilO each. Captain Ksclien then came forward with an offer of S17,.r-00 ami the Pollalluoh was knocked down to him as the highest bidder. Before leavfnf,' for San Francisco. Cap tain Kscheii appointed Taylor, Youns & Co. an local aftents for the vessel. Car tain Kvans. tho mate, SkillmaUer and .steward will be retained as caretakers. The question of placing tho craft under the American flajj came up asjain witli the sale or tlie vessel. Admiralty lawyers appeared in droves. Urder existing con ditions II is the general opinion that she will be granted American register as she was sold by the -Federal Government and was in reality a seizure. Application will probably be made immediately for tho change in this?. INSPECTOR DISMISSES LEE FAT Chinese ArrcMeil as Deserter Proves t'liargcs Are False. lee Fat. a Chinese who was arrested at an early- hour yesterday morning in an Oriental lodging-house near Second and Pine streets by immigration officers. wa ' released by Inspector Barbour yes terday. Tlie man was taken on the sup position that he was a deserter from one of tlie steamships operating between Portland and San Krancisco. Le Fat was, without dm. Id. tlie victim of a conspiracy. His whereabouts was tipped off to the officials by a Celestial, who staled that I.ee Was an escaped sailor. The informant disappeared as soon as lie had pointed out . tlie room occupied by Lee. Chinese have escaped from several of the steamships of tiie Oriental line op erating in and out of 1 ortland. The most recent cases wre those of the Gor man steamship Arabia and the Nor wegian steamship T-lenrik Jlisen. The cul prits have not been caught and it was with a hope of gathering in cm of tluve that the deputies held i close watch on Lee Fat. STEAMS II VICTORIAN SOLO Vessel Ilnilt In 1'ortlaml at tost of $150. OO Rrinsrs $11,300. SUVTTLK, Wash., Jan. 12. The steam ship Victorian, built at Portland. Or.. Ill years ago at a cost of ?1."0,000, was sold at auction for ?!l..0 today by the United Suites Marshal to satisfy libels against the vessel to the -amount of $:T.vfH. John L. Hubbard, manager of Hall Brothers" Murine Kailwny & Shipbuilding Company, of L-iiglc Jlnrhor. was tiie successful bid der. The sate, which Was held on the steps of the Federal building, was attend ed by hundred. ami tlie bidding was ex citing. A protest lias been filed with tlie marshal by a creditor who declares the ale price docs not half meeL Ihe claims against tlie vessel. The Victorian is said to be worth at least JHn.'iOO. For years she operated on I'uget Sound and British Columbia waters. nonsox wn.i, t;o to v.m.dez Will Have Charac -of Engine-Room on aovcrnmcnt Vessel. ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 1 -'.I Special.) Charles liotison. ehref engineer on the Quartermaster Department's steamer Captain Anton Springer, when she was stationed at this port, will leave in a few days for Valdez. Alaska, to take charge of the engine-room on one of the C.overnment strainers making head quarters at that place. The schooner Forester cleared at the i ustom-house last evening for San Francisco, with a cargo of NOtl.OdO feet of lumber, loaded at Preseott. The schooner Churchill left this morning for Crays Harbor to load lumber for San Francisco. Sne was to be met off the light ship by a tug to tow her to Aberdeen. NAVIGATION AIDS REIl.At'EI Lighthouse Inspector Issues Formal Notice to Mariners. Commander J. At. KUicott. Inspector of tln Thirteenth Lighthouse District, has is tied notice to mariners relative to the replacing of dolphins, lights and other aids to navigation in several parts of the district. Dolphins at each end of Swan Island, which were curried away by the No vember freshet, have Wen replaced and the lights have been re-established. The Fecond-clnss nun at the entrance to Willapa harbor lias been replaced by a first-class nun. Duntze Ho k whis tling huoy. in the Juan de Fuea straits. ihs been permanently discontinued.' Several second-class nuns and spar buoys were replaced in Sound waters. WARRANTS OUT FOR OWNERS i HnrlHrmaslrr Takes Action Agaiust Owners of Hulks at Levee. Hm-bormaster Sjx'ier has caused war rants to be issued for the arrest of own ers and agents of the steamers - O. M. "Walker. I.eona and Astorian. Tiie Walker is owned by tlie Vancouver Transporta tion Company. the Leona by W. H Marshall aud tlie Astoria, by the watch man who is usingr the place as a habi tation. llarbormaster Speier charges the own ers of the respective hulks with refusing to obey the recent order to clear the levee, where the craft are moored, and permit vessels actively engaged in com merce from docking at the public mooring place. Owners of tlie steamer Capital City removed thrft boat immediately on receipt of orders and do not figure in the proceedings. The public levee is at the foot of Jef ferson street -and has been a boneyard? for disabled hulks for many years. With the increasing demand for wharfage room J on the river the space on the public levee was needed for deep-sea shipping. The hulks were ordered removed, but no ac tion was taken by the owners of the three derelicts. The warrants were ac cordingly Uisuod and arrests will be made today. Marcus Talbot A'lsits Portland. Marcus Talbot, general manager of the Alaska &- Pacific Navigation Company, of Seattle, was a visitor in Portland yesterday. Mr. Talbot came from the Sound city on a short business trip. He reports south-bound business out of Se- BTtAHER INTECI.IGKXCK. Due to Arrive. Name. Rose City Alliance Falcon Sue H. Elmoro Breakwater. . . Prom. Date. .San Francisco In port .Coos Bay In port , San Francisco Jan. . TllJamooK Tan. 1 .Coos Hay . Jan. li -San Pear?... Jan. 31 ueo. . Klder. Golden Gate. . . Kansas City . . . Tillamook.. . . .Jan. lb San Francisco Jan. 1 1. .Saiw Pedro Jan. 21! .Hoickong. . . .Feb. 1 .Hongkonc Indefl't HoanoKe. Henrlk Ibsen fcelja Scheduled to lcnnrt. Name. For. Date. Rose City San Francisco Jan. 3 4 Alliance Coos Bay Jan. 1 Falcon San Francisco J an. IS Geo. W. EMer.-San Pedro lan. IS Golden Gate. . . Tillamook Jan. IS Breakwater... Cooa Bay.... Jan. l' Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Jnn. l'l Kansas City . . . San Francisco Jan. 21 T.oanoke Pan Pedro... Jan. -" Henrik Ibsen. . Hongkong. ... Fb. 13 SeIJa Hongkong. . . . attle good, kittle is doiner in either the freight or paspnejer line north bound. The Alaska & PainnV Company hua re cently purchased the steamship Kentucky anil will operate Tier on the Alaska run in the Spring. Marino Notes. The steamship Sue H. Kimore has sailed tor Tillamook Bay ports. The steamship Rose CI ty will sail for San Francisco tomorrow after noon. With passengers and freight from Coos Bay the steamship Alliance ar rived up at 8 o'clock last night. The steamship J. B. Stetson sailed from Rainier yesterday afternoon with a full cargo of lumber for San Fran cisco. With a grood list of passengers and a fair amount of freight, the steamship Breakwater sailed for Coos Bay lust evening. The new s team schooner Klamath nailed from St. Helens yesterday after noon witli her tirst cargo. The vessel j carried more than i,uou,uuu ieet or nr. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. Jan. 12. Arrived Steams). ip Alliance, from i '.mg Bay : steamship Hani a Clara, from San Fram-isco. Sailed Ste.Lin ship K lamath. f rorn St. Hi-Urns for San Francisco; steamship preakwatfr. for Coos Kay ; steamship J. p.. Steistm, from Kainier for San Franc I set). Astoria. Or.. Jan. Condition at the mouth of the rlvor at 0 P. M-, roufh; wind soutln-ast. miles; iveat her, cloudy. Ar- riv'd down during the nieSit Steamers New port and Roanoke. Arrived at and left up at 10: 1 A. M. Steamer A lliance. from iuos Bay. rr-ivcd at S and left up at ll::u A. M. Steamer Santa Olara. from han Franclseo via Kureka. Arrived down at 10.:t0 A. M. Steamer Olympic. Sailed at 1:4-" A. M. Steamer Itoanoke. for San Vedro and way ports. S;in Pedro. Jan lli. Sailed at 2 P. M. -Steamer Bowdoin, for Portland. German jneiinier lt t ard. ashore- in Magellan Straits, has lu-tn condemned and will he sold. San Francisco, Jan. 12. Arrived Steam ers I'heha lis and Tamalpais, from CSrays Harbor; steamers President and Col. E. L.. Drake, from Seattle; I'nited States trans port Sheridan, fr;m Manila. Sailed Steam er Jilonian, for Honolulu; schooner Charles H. Wilson, for Grays Harbor. Hamburg. Jan. 12. Arrived Steamer Prinz Adalbert, from New York. Lii verpoid, J an. 1 2. Sailed Steamer Cym ri c. f n r N w Y ork. Yokohama. Jan. !. Sailed Steamer An tHochus, from liverponi via Prt Taeoma. Naples. Jan. 1 1. -Sailed Steamer Cretic, for New Yorl;. Snut hhampton. Jan. 1 1. Sailed Steamer Kron-Prlnz W'ilhtlm, from Firemen for New York. New York, -Ian. 12 S:ii ledSl ramct K roon land, for 'A ni werp ; stea mer Ad rial ic, fir Sotn bampton ; steamer AJice. for Na ples. London, Jan. 1 1. Arrived Steamer Lan calrian, from Hoslon. Yokohama. Jan. 12. Arrived previously Steamer Alinncsota, l"ron Seattle for Hiik- Havre. Jan. 1 1. Arrived Steamer Sar dinian, from St. Johns, N. B., and Hali fax, Taeoma, Jan. 1 2. Arrived British stoatn er. St rath pry 1. from Mukileto; steamer Tiver ton, from San Krmu-isco; steamer Delhi, from San Francisco. Departed Steamer Fmatilla. for San Francisco, via ports. St. 'John, Jan. 12. Sailed Montcalm, for Belfast. Tides st Astoria Thursday. Hlch. Low. 2 :r.a A. M. T.r? feet!S:21 A. M. it :t feet 2:t0 P. M. . . -!VO feet;N:r.7 P. M ...l.O feet AID SOCIETY PROSPERS IvtM-iMviiijr Homo Has Plac-ed 500 Children in Family Homes. Tho rogular monthly meeting: of the board of trustees of the Boys' and Girls A hi Society was Iiehl yesterday, in. the chambers of Judge Gilbert, when there were present Judges Gilbert and Wolver ton, 1r. T. 1j. Klfot, Robert S. 1'urrell and Frederick K. Strong. The following counties contributed to the furnishing of tlie receiving home: Clatsop, dormitory; Lane, dormitory: WaSCO. dorinitorv! "Yamhill Hnrmitnrv f Clarion, receptlun-room; Umatilla, reception-room ; Columbia, attendants' room ; Linn, attendants room: Pendleton public schools, dining-room ; Baker City public school, reading-room; Lnion public schools, attendants' room; Medford pub lic schools, attendant's cot, day use; A. L James, nurses' memorial room. Current bills for the month were $UXJP.t4. which were audited and ordered paid. One perpetual membership was added to the list by Dr. T. L. Eliot and 45 new contributing members were pro posed by Superintendent Gardner. .No child has been refused admittance to tlie Receiving ' Home who could not find refuge elsewhere. Over 500 are out in family homes and 61 on hand at the Receiving Home. PORTLAND TO SPOKANE Twelve Honrs, via the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Kailway. Two Trains Daily. Leave Passenger Station at 1 1th and Hoyt streets 9 A. M. and 7 P. M. Morn ing train provides splendid daylight trip through the scenic Columbia River forge. New equipment. All trains car ry dining cars, observation cars, stand ard and tourist sleepers and first-class coaches. Try "The North Bank Road." Morgan & Robb. 230 Stark street, can ell your real esUite for you. ii CURES "I CAN TRUTHFULLY SAY S.S.S.IS A CERTAIN CURE For Old Sores, Because it Cured me Of A Bad Ulcer, On Which other Treatments Had No Effect." This extract from the testimonial we publish below, will receive the endorsement of thousands of other persons who have used S. S. S. for sores and ulcers. . Every old sore comes from some kind of impurity in the blood. S. S. S. cures on the simple principle of removing the cause of the sore or ulcer and allowing nature to heal the place.' When we think W a moment we realize that every portion of the body and system is de pendent on the blood; that it is the circulation which nourishes all flesh tissues, and preserves their natural health. Thus we can readily understand why impurities or poisons in this vital fluid will infect and disease the flesh at some particular spot, and by continually discharg ing impurities into it, keep the place open, raw or inflamed. It would be against every law of reason to expect the sore to heal while the blood constantly deposits into it the infectious matter with which it is contaminated. . There is a simple way to cure old sores, and it is the only way remove the cause from the circulation. External applications of lini ments, plasters, lotions, salves, etc., can never produce a cure, because such treatment does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. S. S. S. heals old sores be cause it is the greatest of all blood purifiers; it goes into .".the circula tion and removes the cause from the blood. When the blood has been purified there is no longer any inflammatory impurity or infectious matter to irritate the place, and nature causes the nat ural and certain healing of the ulcer. When S. S. S. has cleansed the blood and the place is once more well, it is not a surface cure, every vestige of the old cause has been driven out and the place is solidly and firmly healed from the bottom to the surface. S. S. S. is made entirely of healing, cleansing root$, herbs and barks, and contains no trace of mineral. It is a medicine adapted to persons of any age, and is just as effective with the old as with the young or middle aged. Under the purifying and tonic effects of S. S. S. the system is built up, and those whose health has been weakened by the drain of an old sore will be doubly benefited by its use. If you wish to know any thing specially about your case write us. We will answer you fully, and will also send our book on Sores and Ulcers no charge for either book or advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA- THIRD UNIT READY 55 New Homesteads Availa ble, in 20-Acre Units. WATER MAY BE CHEAPER Vmatilla Ueclamation Project lliglils Heretofore Have Been $60 an Acre Commutation Clause Xot Applicable. The date for tlie opening of the third unit of the Umatilla Reclafnation pro ject has been set for February 10 at 0 A. M. In this unit there are 39T2 acres, of which between 1100 and 1200 acres comprise Government land subject to homestead entries. The Government land has been segregated into 20-acre farm units, so that homesteads will be available to G5 entrymen. The total irrigable area' of tlje Uma tilla project Is slightly more than 20,' 000 acres. Water is now available for 11,000 acres, not counting the area of the third unit to be opened next month. Investigations are being carried on to extend this project. There are plenty of Irrigable lands and plenty of flood water, but as yet it has been dif ficult to provide extra reservoirs. Any citizen who has not exercised his homestead right is entitled to make en try on any unoccupied farm unit on the project. The settler has six months from the time of making entry to es tablish residence and before the end of that time he must be actually liv ing on the ground. Title to the land cannot in any case be acquired before the expiration of five years. The com mutation clause of the homestead law does not apply in reclamation projects. Under the act of Feb. 1, 1908, a person who, prior to that, date, has made and lost one homestead erUry, but who is otherwise qualified, may, subject to certain conditions, make a second en try. The law states that second entries will be permitted if the first entry was lost, forfeited or abandoned, providing the first entry was not canceled for fraud nor abandoned or relinquished for a consideration. The toxal cost of water right on the T'matilla project heretofore has been $60 an acre with an additional main tenance charge that last season was $1.30 an acre. The requirements here tofore made may be modified in the opening of the third unit. LOGGING CREWS GO OUT 1 Marslifield Company Resumes Oper ations on Large Scale. The Smith-Powers Logging Company, of Marsh tie Id. has resumed operations on a large scale and Is now preparing to put in four new logging camps and within 30 days will be operating a large mill at Marshfield, with -a cutting ca pacity of 300.000 feet in a 24-hour run. J. Dashney, an old logger with this company for 14 years, came to Portland this week from Minnesota to secure loggers fgr the new camps. After being here for a few days he picked up a crew of men whom he de clares to be the likeliest-looking log gers he ever has seen. even better SOMS I can truthfully say S. S. S. is a certain euro for Old Sores, because it cured me of a bad ulcer, on which other treatments had no effect. Five years ago a running sore came on my limb. I tried everything I could hear of, but the sore grew worse. Even the doctors could not heal it. A friend finally told me to try S. S. S., so I did and in the meantime wrote you for advice. I followed your instructions and took S. S. S. regularly. My leg began to improve, gradually the place healed over and began to look healthy, and finally the sore was cured entirely. I believe S. S. S. to be the best blood purifier one can use. I gladly recommend it as a cure for sores and ulcers. Rockford. Wash. A. S. LACY. than the hardy men from the Minnesota woods with whom he has been accus tomed to work. These men, 62 In num ber, were al secured from flic C. Ii. Hansen Employment Company and wtie sent out in the Breakwater to Marsh field last night. The wages to be paid run from $2.25 to $5 a day. PETTY THEFTS NUPEROUS Keports oF House Kobbcrics Pour i Into Police Station. Pocketbook thieves had their inning yesterday on the police records of crimes. 'Mrs. M. Duhlschneider. of 1511 East Hoyt street, was robbed of $23. 9lie was inspecting a new house at East Ninth and Siskiyou Greets and hung her coat con taining her purse on the wall. After a short absence she returned to find the coat still hanging there, but thieves had cut the pocket completely out. Mrs. A. E. Getchell. who lives at 272 FOR MEN ONLY Different doctors have different ideas in regard to cures. Some call a suppression -of symptoms a cure. They dose for drug effects and claim that nothing pi ore can be done. But the real ailment remains, and will brinr the symptoms back again, perhaps the same as before, or perhaps modified in some manner. v I claim that nothing less than complete eradication of the ailment can lie a real -cure. I treat to remove the ailment and not merely the symptoms I search out every root and fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay cured. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED I CURE ALL AILMENTS OF MEN I have treated hundreds of men who had long- suffered a gradual decline of health as a. result of ail ments, and have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that follows a thorough cure of tho chief ailment. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost spe cialist treating men's ailments. This success is due to several things. It is due to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow neg lect, I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your case is one of the few that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor' will I urge" my services upon any one. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat. CONTRACTED AILMENTS In no other ailment peculiar to men is a prompt and thorough cure so essential. Contracted ai Iments tend to work backward until tlie most vital nerve centers become in volved in the inflammation". Then follows a chronic stage that stub bornly resists all ordinary treat ment. Safety demands that every vestige of infection be eradicated at the earliest possible moment. My treatment is thorough. The reme dies employed have a more positive action than has ever before been attained, and so perfect is my meth od of application that even chronic cases yield completely. CONSULT ME FREE To STfve ailinjj men every opportunity of Investigating my methods of treatment and equipment. I offer I' REE consultation. Compare the thoroughness of mv examination and diagnosis with that of other 'physi cians, and you will readily see why my exact knowledge of the ailments included in mv specialty enables me to foretell the exact result. I refuse to treat incurable cases at any price. If impossible to call at my office, write for particulars of treatment by mail. Cor. 2nd and Morrison Sts. Horn IS YOUR BIPOD TAINTED? I Master Blood Diseases in One Month I Do Not Patch Up I Cure Forever BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, BOILS, ERUPTIONS, SPOTS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, ALL SYMTOMS OF THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE CURED BY MY NEW SYSTEM OF TREATMENT And Entirely Itrmnved From 1Ur Sylpm. Not "Locked In" I.Ike Ordinary I'reatmentM anil i'titent Medici new, to Amln lteappear. My Treatment Overcome All S-mtonix In 1! to SO Day,, ho Yon Nor Anj One Would Know You Ever Had the Trouble. TO CUIUS BIXJOD DISKASE it must be entirely removed from the system treatment I give you acts so quickly by neutralizing the disease that you can almost feel it being cast out every day. and creates fresh, pure blood cleansing and building up the system, so there can be no come back to it. Your advantaffe in treating with me is that when you are cured you will stay cured, and the treatment does not injure your stomach and cause bone pain and aches like strong mineral mixtures. ONE-HALF THE FEE CHARGED BY OTHER SPECIALISTS Nervous Decline A PATIE.VT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS SAYSi "I was troubled with Nervous decline for many years. I lay it to indiscretion and excesses in early youth. I became very despondent and- didn't care whether I worked or not. I Imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my trouble. Mv back ached, had pains in the back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, etc Numbness in the fingers set in, and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class physicians, wore an electric belt for three months, went to Hot Springs for baths, but received little benefit. I was induced to consult Ore gon Medical Institute Specialists, though I had lost all faith in doctors. I.ike a drowning man, I commenced the New System Treatment, and it saved my life. The improvement was like magic I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally ami physically. I have sent them many patients, and will continue to dot so." IV'O NAMES ISKI) WITHOIT WIWTTK.V CONSENT. MY MOTTO IS: Reasonable Prices, Quick, I Charge Nothing to Prove My Methods Will Cure You Expert Medical Examination Free Whether You Take FREE! ..St J J? , s specialists for cures are less than those charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicin. urnished from our own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from $1.50 to $6 50 a c t ou cannot-call. write for our KItEE self-MAMImatiok BLANK Al BOOK. Manv cases can be cured at Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Evenings. 7 to S. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. only. HE OREGON MEDICAL 29112 Morrison Street, Between Fourth and Fifth Sixth stroct, reported the los-f of her pocketbook containing $65. letectives Tiehenor and Howell traced the criino to one of the -boarders In the house. Airs. Getchell refused to tsign j a com plaint again-st the man. Mrs. K. n. Cias'iio, of 681 Washington street, returned to her rooms to And that her pocketbook containing $50 had been taken E. E. Hamilton, another lodger in tlie house, passed a man in the door way and description of the unknown has been given tlie police. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Chamber lain's Stomach, and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you require their aid. These tablets change weak ness into strength, listlessness Into energy, gloominess into joyousness. Their action is so gentle one don't real ise they have taken a purgative. Sold by all dealers. PILES CURED IN 6 to il DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any I case of Itchinsr, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudfng plies in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c I FREE MUSEUM All men visiting Portland should see Er. Taylor's Free Museum of Science. As far ahead of -all other advertised museums as the Dr. Taylor methods of treating men's ailments are su perior to the old, haphazard and guesswork treatment. 'An exhi bition prepared at a great cost of time and labor. No charge to see museum, which is entirely apart from medical offices. CURES Private Entrance 234 Morrison St. Portland, Or. SI. TO P. M. SUNDAYS. lO A. M. Old ' Lasting Cures, flonest Dealing, Guaranteed Cures Don't Let Money or False Pride Prevent You From Being Cured MUSEUM FOB MEN ONLY IT SHOWS PLAINLY HEALTH AND DISEASE NO MINORS ALLOWED fcdiirIri-H'iifti nlriJ"iin' iMiilrbJII ffrl-nr'i'r'-ht- 'ht1 ' fliT i ''MliVtl wli'i ii LTONIGHT 1 DR. TAYLOR The Leading? Specialist VARICOSE VEINS This most prevalent of all ail ments of men is also the most neg lected, either through dread of the harsh methods of treatment com monly employed, or through, igm ance of the grave dangers that ac company the ailment. As varicose veins interfere directly with the cir cu lation and process of waste and repair, the necessity of prompt and thorough cure cannot be too forci bly emphasized. I cure varicose veins In one week by an absolutely painless process. My cures are thorough and absolutely permanent, and are accomplished without the use of knife, ligature or caustic TO 1 P. M. I AM FOR MEN PRICKS ALWAYS KKASO.VABLK I will give the poorest man a chance, ass well as the rich, to receive a cure from me at a small cost. THERE IS NO MAN TOO POOR TO CUT MY BEST OPINION FREE. Call if in trouble. Bladder and Urinary Ailments . Peculiar to Men Burning Pains, Tortures, Misery, Straining. Cystitis, Stone in the Bladder; Gravel, Blood, Mucous and all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases which you do not care to trust to the family doctor. I am a specialist, . and am prepared to give you quick relief and a speedy cure. Chronic Cases If you haye an old case that has been hanging on for weeks or months, and which medicine from doc tors and druggists can't seem to cure right, there is some reason. 1 have a scientific cure, and will cure you quickly and cheaply. Don't let any disease drag you down and weaken you. I KEEP MY PROMISES WITH MV ptikvt' the Treatment or Not FREE es are course- home. INSTITUTE Portland, Oregon THAT ARE AILING, NERV OUS AND RUN DOWN Come to Me and Be Cured Pay When I or pay me an yon cot '-ta the benefit of my THE DOCTOR ' treatment. THAT CURBS. FEE Koit A CUBE is lower than any specialist in the city, half that others charge you, and no exorbitant charse xor medicines. I am an expert specialist, have hed 30 years' practice in the treatment of ailments of men. My offices aro he best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up-to-date. My cures are quick and positive. X do not treat symptoms and patch ud. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, re move it and thus cure the disease. I CURE VarieoKe Velnn. Contracted Aliments, I"Ue and Specific Blood Poi son and all Ailment of .Men. SPKCIAL, DISEASES Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and inflammation stopped in twenty-four hours. .Cures effected in seven days. THE GREAT FR EACH - ELECTRO -MEDICATED CRAY OX insures every man a lifelong cure, without taking medicine into tho stom ach. MEN" Vls,t Dr- 1 n d s a y-s private Museum of Anatomy and know thyself in health and disease. Admis sion free. Consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. LINDSAY 128 SECOND ST., COR OB ALDER, POBTLAiVD, OR, E. Rlnehart. of Boise. Idabo. writes: "Dra. Tee and Torlc cured my kidney and stomach troubles, from, which I had suffered 12 years, after doctoring all tha time and petting no benent, be sides spending thousands of dol lars. For the good of the pub lic, I write; If you are a slclc person, call on or write x lee & York Chinese Medicine Co. 142 .First fet.. Cor. Alder. Toons; Ming Chinese Medicine Co. Wonderful remedies from herbs and roots cures all diseases oC men and women. Consulta tion and puljse diagnosis free. If you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank. 247 Taylor U, bet. 2d and 3d. FOR Sour Stomach hy c 'inplptely and promptly digesting all tho foot'. :,". j at. stops Dyspepsia and Indigestion and -niikes the stomach sweet. It is guaran tee' t' relieve you, and If It fails, your money will a once be refunded by your denier from whom you purchased it. Every tablespoonful of Kodol d'trcsts tlA Pounds of food. Trv It. Inflammations, Irritations or ulcerations of all mu cous membranes, unnatu ral discharges from nose throat or urinary organs. f u i -n - t x , or in plain wrapper ex press prepaid, on receipt of $lt or three bottles. $2.75 Booklet oa request. fell- lift ICodol IT fj Cmtmrrh. ColdaU I Tbe Ens GienkalCa.