TIIK MOHXIXG OREGON TAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13," 1010. t ) FOK KKNT. 'Furnished Huunm. fc-KOOM furnished house. 4-10 K. 14ih st., N . Irvtugtou. Louis i-aiomon & Co.. 233 si lark street. WaNTFD Couple to Htm re with us nicely furnished 6 -room cot :.ai; e ; on corner lot, "West Side. G CIS, O r-vi; on ittn. W-KASAXT furnished cottage in suburb?; modern, with rraJe and electric lights. Address A K 032, oregonian. JOTi RENT -Comer "l!th and -U.9i Irv jnk", f-urni.-heii i-iwm eo't:ifi"; sat and bath; terms $25 per month. Phone I J 2721. rOZILT furnlflifd Luiigiilaw for email fam ily : all con veniences; L road w ay cur. Kust ::v:n. FTR RRNT-Completely furniirhed house oC s rooms a-ml iu,iKt- -deeping purr-n. and gar a K' ; prlee J75 plt nn :nt h. 3V 12 ". Ii s- lliui I nr. Rent, Furniture tor Sale. M-KoOM iU'USKJ, JOHNSON' ST, .M" ii i n ii;-r',,!n li.iti.L', . rent si:. 7. 5u ; four r i. i't-:t r ft; !'.. ), 1 1 i n ' i i u rt; i nea rly -vS ;u!.l in -t-, ; price " -o, balf t a .-n . 1;'. 'inn' T!;-nt hi v; line local mh for monitis .'ii i i..ar(i':v. U "aHU1N IT' i.-ST. FLAT. N ii i' ti-r -on i,n-."!'!i i : j 1 : : t'T'.t "4 5. Iticl ud-ii'.--; s-''a ill hi at. j;u:i t1 T v . 1 V, -in-r; ; ui ti ;: u; e niLM ar- i.cv anil n -sr -e ami ;..y sm h- at bui-i: :iin ; r or in- : L.-iipiT "-nl pi-iim; owmr Having cny and m.:-i tfv.l. (iUI'l A.- ZAUOW, ::',7 i::ir.l . r' Tr.i.ie Pic--., 4th and (.ink. Vl'lIMTI ItiO of M-r-. m f'tl" r."!V( is or I irV.ii t f r-m l ' -1 v -it i "i : t v t .. t nt -. c Ct.nif anf us--, e!y located i.'i iiituU's' y-aik J-"i; ir.u.Jt he tuid u.m if y.'U wuii t 2lo Lun i ijcrmeu's KltKi.'Kl.) s. LK A we! I-1 urnis h ed ti- room ! -;i - r;i i an :r s. 4 i in 1 1 :.s ren ted ; ma ! mo an nil'i-r. 7tl';. Washington st. Ou.ll alter in A. M. Fl'liNlTriiK of il-runin house cheap: rent 5. r.2 t., iiivjii statfun, Mount Ft" K N IT C K K of "i room s, wood in ba somen t , houye r. nt i"l7. f) rooms and bath. t iJ Thurmun si. Phoao Alain t41S. VI ' i-i S iTi ' !i -j lo' room llni; r.ew piano; must sell by Saturday. 'M Has L Joth. 5 I KiVe-room cott tnre. .';in ."o.'r.. M ission oak f urni Tli ti rm an. NJ N hZ rooms. nU- My f uriii lu-'l ; good, penna ii'iiL men rnniiiiTS. S.-c owner. 427 Sta.rk. Stores. Kt 1 i I i I". N T st . .re and has em ent, including P.'ieU inir. snitahif lor rm-i'i'y. Hi I Ohiip ii'.a n. ii'-a r Taylor s;rf A . I i. 11 ie ha nl.-.mi, LIl ( 'omniei , ial (Mtih bid,-. FOH Itl-.JT loMir-ntorv and basement brick Btoro DUi.dir.g, luuxlOa. S. ii. cor. Front and JrMuo sis. Apply C A. IJolph. Uohanlc bidg. )N l-. v si miTunin,' - "- '. left in new block. Apply at drugstore, S'JU l'lont ta. I-lfher K "i- S car. yi:i'.K toro, lu.IinL: sfeivins. counter.'', ta-h'i-.--. ejortric Iiyiu. ;iiim r lixnue.; rtaily to i n o ; lu. z: ' 1 KliHt y ; . JM N K lit"H!ion, lirst-r!;iss butclMi shop in Irvinui'in. I n on i re uscliN- J Jrna. t.Jrou ci'y, coiner 1.ih Kini ( In a d v ay. I'lHI 1 1 K N T --S , orer. at lvasnnuhlc rent, now bih-k buil.lmu. S. V. cor. 'd and Flan- o (!-.. in j u i re 'J 1 M or r h;.m . 1 1. K of the best sron'S on Cir.ind ave., it x (".it. ? i it. I ! ai i man it Thompson, Cli am ber of i im in l t'OIi Rb.V'l' 2 lofts, corn'r locatloa. rent cheap. u3 5 tli St. i'IM i; for r. ut on 1! n. near Vambill. ln lllie I'.a it M;nket. Htlili'K store, stenni heated, hirfre dry stom room nd itusement ; i i-asoiialMe. 10. S4'.' S'I'i K Klii h im, jrood tocat ion for grocery and incut nuirket. t'C2 Thurman. IKoM)-l''l.(MMi oliiee, u'esk room, includ ing Ste.liu iiiML und USe t.L pllolle. Uoulll 1. s:i r.tli it. l''Ult KK.NT ilusines rooms, recently va cated by prim i ii establishment. Inquire of A. ii. Churehey, 11.")';. .'J i jjt. KtUt HKNI' A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply J; iom .,0i. PKSK150OM to rent in now Lewis bids1-. nil u'.e of tel. plione. b2S, Orefrouian. Undo. Ii A LbiU'OM, nod iocs. lien, in good condi tion. J ca.sonab'e. H. V, Jones, bOJ Front. Wareliousea. FOll II 11 S T OU I.KASL lirlck wartdiousH. w itli. elevator and large offices ; 50x100; ttiree stories and ba-ment. Corner 4th. and (Jiitau sts. Apiiy to L. G. Woodward. 104 2d at. LOST AM) I'OUND, J'AliTV who "took mink imitT at lace coun ter of Ohis. oi lman imui-'s More Tues iiav afternoon will X'-t:!se return same to otiiee of Hunl lirm at once mid avoid ( t ou hie. KlU XI A sum of mom y ; owner ca n luive .- n tto- by statin- sum, dose rib in and jay- nm for advert i;si i; u'. Apjdy Krauk T.oh t ii son, i.. lioi iad,! v a c. .l,i'ST Kevs. Ti'fj'.iin fVviifns, bo;wx-n the he- l-ioa Apis, -i l :!:k ft., .'.nd the K . tour kevs on a rin. K-( urn tu janitor, W licohk.n A p.irt men Is k:: akd Vor return of mj -,. haiiubair niv! r!n left in taxieab N v Vear's e ; ni itte.-i ions will be re-'licil. Ail-! : A 11 (i;;;!. U'eomai. i'Ol ' N 1) 'W here hair matt rsses are reno v;Ci .i, returned sani" day. Front st. hone Main 4.4. A l.'.7i. Portland Curled 11,. If Factory. Jl. Metayer. 3LOST J-hUween K. Taylor and K Morrison, on 11. 1 i l li. lar -' -ol ia r pin. painted with foruet ti icnoti-; ret ul n ."S.i Ihist Taylor sts. !Je aid. LUST Hack comb, sieii with uold band; two teeth broken. Fir.der leave with Ore Ionian. 1AS 1' SumP. ve-o i.o, Uet memn-nmium bo-k. near Coriiand iiot-1. on Ttusday lleward 1 or re tu rn i o M !-"rom at . LOST A .):ipan A r; kcn . '"wei-t lhit A nkei:. . ink I ur, l st h and i;a-t venir.i;. Owm-r at till I "" A T' "I t and wait f r Listen for Othello. Fltl'M) lihiclx and whit,, setter dosr hi-(-uire V. F. tn ket auent. 1st j ini Aider. UL'SlN't-SS orroiiTlMTlKS. OA KIM-: NT L U s.hi'p and wod worki :-. plant Ko.xt meation; est uld isti.-d buims cheap teni This if h snap r-u- raihonFr. I'Oce. j-I.-.O. iii!l ;.r: Cnambev Com mevce. 1M U SA r.t-i(m hotel, with bar. tlear-ii-ir Sli'on per month; mus; be sold in i0 da ; price, f Lo ii,'. Write for part icu r !;u s. .luri'i'h lU' Tton. North Yakima. Wash. A 0'. l. :ive p:-..'k o; ,iVy tro od.-; i : l jn oi e about :p.Ht,i; located in ritv or .hum ; w r i take part e. Jti (7. Ore- rui. WANTim Part ir!.rs; .!; ye!v-r::l mi---ehan.l.se store ; must be tn small town : s'ale capital remu'ed. Address Frank F. Hood. Portland. Or. No ,Ul.nts JU'TTEK. Cr. S. iUHl ' t ' '. pu ta tOPS. . no "f ... o. iv .a s,oi e ; p:iy ner- K tic m n Uientn ; -,v,i requirt-d. Cail 4 1. Hoard of Tiade i. ".:... XOOAV- 11 rodir.s. modern, costly furniture, tmest IcaM.-n dovr.towu. ,..,e;tl rent, r.ne liiconu1. ;-,o c.-.s!:. Pa-ne Ma:.. 7J:c:. "I A I LOR SHOP. t:n,id J..-ati..n; noist sell at . u. Carroll, the Pasee, W i.i WILL parry who plck-d up the hor-e-bead put on lit i st. pit as- return to 4n : a J'OK SALE Finely equipped restaurant do ie.C business; very ihcap. 77." Savier st. 'l ake H.ki-st. car. rrojiF, for rent, tirst-cbiss location, hxtures for ? lie. Rood for u;- business. i.-ujuire CI ' . A R stand, c in er of ci t v. vci- 1 .7oo HiCi X- IV. n b. i:H5 Stark st. CLFVNlN'i; and pi?ss;n tdiop. 'Jd and '21 RaleijAii bldj.'. Hall & Hloch. -.Mid-a stark st. om. nicely f urms-hed ner. 4L'7 Stark. . F.c specialty business mukm- i dav 2..0. Hail A Hlocli, -j.-.tiv, stork it. Li s I --l.iiM v. nin;;. hohr.iil coll'e pup 7 mouths ohl; retmu to :s;; 4th st.; liberal reward. J. K. Freeman. OtbeMn. S;on! I.onk OUSINESS OPrOKlX"ITIES. M"A XI'KACTl'E i X I business paylnc S400 a month profit.-. Tor sail-; price J-i.0, cash. reo,i;l: ed .;:,oa; r eat demand for t he trooos; busliia;. will stand close inves tigation. O. C. 1L ELLIS .St CO, o'JG '-j "Washington St., ilf.Muns 2" 1-202. Dlil'OfTitRE F(H Tii-Vrft-J. L'p-tg-date ciiv drugstore, junction of two c-c:-iir.es; h.ie dance hall upstairs, all modern fi-or case: no drupstoie within a miie; cheap rent, also two nice furnL-.ied ro.mif over p;,ae; owner is i-alle-i F, and "wii" sel ! onea; . with terms, or will i x cnai'igft for houw r ?; a pavimr biiin.8 f-r any one. i'jvce -"ivi ix-.-1 offer. JIU"S-SI i ZADOW, CUT O .ard oi Tiado DI.iK.. 4ih and Oak. 1 O N " T PET.AY B A Rt J A ( X . ls-fit)M P.uuMING-HOrsiL. riuht In the m-SINES.S UiSTftiCr, tew "blocks west oi this oliiee, well furnished, all in nm. cnnt:i!i'ii und clean; linlf housekeep ing an I some transient; income, ifir.:;; rent only sijo -ai'.h lease. J'rice cut to &:iin for UUK-k sab. -ONLY Soi casn bamiies. O. r. ii. ELLIS CO.. W'ishf ncton St.. Rooms il-"ju2. FOi; S A 1 .K New centra! merchu ndise stock in t.o.C on Nntron-K la math Falls K. Ii., doiiiK' jiCiyn loisimss jter lmmtli; ood lo cal ! on ; :; yea rs' b-ax: or. .'!-a ere t raet, More, liouse, warehouse, etc.; postoffice in store more t Im u p;Lys rental ; .sei; at cost or about ?::."oit, cash; reason for selling, part Mei wis lies to ehaiiKe occupation. Ad dresei A tits, Orenoiiiuu. lioTHOFSiil FOR SALL. N-'-e li-.;h'.us.-. liiily c-iuippi-I, with lot of iiuirketnbie fl.-weit- and plants. n a p iy-!!:-: ba.is: i ide the owners .$o-- o eic-ar last year; nil' -hull' inU rcat in t'ae lniy;ii-vs ran !-; b'jLiiihr f.n- Sio.ui; a snap for au om looking for tii ,s k in-1 of husim e.-. ; ! i t " s S I & ZADOW, :'t Hoard of Trade IMdK.. 4:h and Oak. VA N Ti-;i tJond live oft ice man to jojn me in exclusive hotel bn'k.-iv.pe bu.-hi Sd. bie -intr. jellins1 and esch-iny ins, h.o'.'-ls in and out of city; it'a a man 1 want, not his money. P. L. A FSTJN", Original Exclusivt- Hotei P.roker, Suite 7 and H. yti2 W'a-hinwb .u. KXi'Kii! FN tJD middle -aged married man wil; invest SIO.Uuo or more in established bu.siness. with position. "Will negotiate only with principals, and require thorough invest i ition. All coiom un icat ion s conli tiential. itcst of bank rererencts. Ad dress V tVj,r,. Orei'on i all. SA ta OX 10-5 i lively the best location in Lilt- city; has exclusive s a i e for the state for two standard Ihiuois; Ions leas-i: mod erate rent: tins: is an A-l ))ii.ritxstiion and wil! a ppe ;il t o an y man w lio has the c:ish und wauls a saloon; iirine -SlO.noo. lar Viciih.rs, Silencer ti l-O." lo:J Second st. A. I'AHTY with selling ability w.ho can in ves sl".iti with serv ices as sales man Hir c;m Jcarn of exceptional opportunHy ! n a legitimate ma in; f ac tu rin y business ; ;l 1 i 1 e ra I con; raet will be made with t ho riji ii r pa "ty. Ad dress C H4.V trefoil ian. HOT F.L r. 'lac. nii b-m thn mahout . -J-;m i.inr.. i branny ' urnishod . bath.-. lea.-e a yriir.j; ii n: S"jr.; L'li u.iui'ifd month ly proiit ij-'bf'. i-:;isv ''rms. i'. L. ACSTIN (.)., OlIiliHl H'-tel r.P'kOI-3, Suite 7 fiiiii S, '.'' Wa.-'hmiiton. 1-2A I. KSTATK hw n-.-r wants enerRotic pa ! i ne r ; must h a ; t ute reyted help; cie:ired o er ?.iifi i'asM month; lare 11 k t of proijt.-rty; du;its easily learned; re quires very little money. Particulars 417 Hoard of Trade bid!;. :u am; facti " i; i xcj. Owner wishes responsible partner to join in manufacture of household article of i7i cri t : tine opport uni t y reo n irin e: I i 1 1 1 money; samry piiid. Call 'Jti 1 Washing ton st.. room til 'J. l K A 1 i MINING p:iys better than anything else; chance to c,'-'t in on the ground Moor; ricli ore ; miim ail paid f-ir: money needed for machinery. Write L. W. Hib )t?id, 747 Xorthrup St., or phone Main Cl'll. A oSl't). , HUL'l l) mar u fact uriag- buslne?.' wants I'-arfner to look ... fter hired liel) und di c-!Iect ; piiy siihiry Sl..o m..nhly, bet-p-g prnritjii w h:eh w iil be jruaran teed ; open to full .-t inv. .-t'tiaiion. . t'ail room '2,i Lumber J"x t han-e. OR'x'FKV. cigars aiid confectionery, close in on carliue. public school across the street; six living rooms upstairs; chea renr and 1-ase. Will sell at invoice; no agents. Owner, E iir.l, Oreonlan. CASH lil'SINPISS. Str-ndy v.i:t n with small capital can s euro estahiished bus:uess clearing SCO per week'. i "all -Stii "Wa-s hiug ton st., room ; i 2. PART N F 11 will sell his interest in merchan dise business, thriving cicy, doini; a i:toit mor.tnly taisinos; part cash needed; 'est of reasons for Kellir.j;. I ti42, Ore mmian. WILL to into partnership with party who need the assistance of another jrood man In well- stab; ished real estate business; Ttiu.st lie on paying basis; pl e particulars. Address AX ';;., Orejioruan. IMiOl"FCK Co.M MISSION Partner wanted ; .w. u iv.iiiirl; will Kuarantee promt sat a t y. h-!,. j pro it; s ; k i v you bank ref erences; prefer minn us -d to farm produce. an n": IXVKSTKJATE THIS. Positively the best openinsr in Port land in real t state business; little monev n.-f ded, ref.'renees. Call tj i.. Was bin s tnii .. room ii 1 2. " CA 11 i"t tp N A owes is prosperity to the nji in- v?:: ; our ni'-nihly paver, -'C;i 1 if -,rnia cSji Fie'dfa." fre.-. ior t':e akmtr. S;i;ir I-i.eniis. 7ln-7Ki Plielin bhl.ar.. S:-.n Fntncisco. (.!l!t C K R Y Cash trade ; owner wn nts a partner he can depend on; experience not meessary: will pay energetic man .L"u mouth. Call 417 Hoard of Trade b!dU- KSTA iiLISH Fl jfrowitifi business; netted owner $:;iihO last year; investigate fullv; i bout 5 j aim rash r-'cpiii-pd ; bona fide bar gain. "S (14 1, Orej-'onian. Ct M'NTUY -MKUCHAXDlsE. Well loc a ted : elen rimj $4iU per month; at invoice. .Call liSJC AVashinton St., room K' 1 1. A K !:avtv snail cash busi! es want? partner that will pay buyer week'y. with -small in e-imer.t, fully p-H-nrcd. Particular call ivxm -It Lumber Kxi-Jumge. OP-ROOM hotel, well furnhed; (v.vtel; uns iearf-; rem li'f: prke ?2..-,o; must i-td! 1'. L. ACS'lIN. Suite 7 arid t ."It;" W'ti.- h : nt: : n. DO VU ' ' warn supplies or rcntfilm ? We are Indcwiulcnt. do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co.. Sua Rothcaild b.dj., Portland. Or. N A I'.AKK opportunity In a paving )ushicss r i stoadv man with a small amount of money. Particulars, Spencer it Co., loir Second at. YK can locate you m paying- business. Be fnie buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stamoher, $3 1 -532 Lumber Exc nance bids. Phone A 48SL - COHT'oraTJON bond issues. 8 loo, 00 i:p v ards, r.esi'bate;!, L. N- Rosen baum, law yer at d hnan ieial agents, o 1 7 F-ern block, Seatl le, Wasiiin-jtou. FOR SALE 11- te! in town of 10iO in Eastern Or.';v.n; no other boifi in town; S stores itti,i bank : reason for cliing, o;her business v ti;;i. Oreg..uii.m. $L1-tii Imys business clearing- $;iOf per month. T!i ,s will l.e jiroven before you purchase or make deposit ; account sickness, must leave city. J 0t4. Oregon! an. WANT to buy hulf interest, in movinst-pic-ture bu- ii.es in port In nd. State particu lars In first letter, j: i;4'., Oreonian. ilALF interest in manufacturing business; no com petRi "ii ; a money-maker; ir.ice $2."i0: Call lill 4th st. ro R SALE Half interest in printing busi ness ; rood income; no soliciting. V tJ7r OreKonian. BAKKKY and lunch parlor for sale, and 7 room upstairs for rent. Inquire 174 (..;r;ind avenue. IOiiv store to- sale, ood opportunity for one with $i:..OOn. AD ":0, Oreoniau". NE AT restaurant at a bargain. $roo ; just the thtmr for man and wife. J72 Stark st. LITTLE 5 :;,. rii-nr stand downtown .'72 Stark st SAL n ' N t. reasonable sa le, centrally located; price Apply tiambriuua lirewing Co. J 'Ci M.itOOM. 4 tables, makes .irJo per mo., jr-oou. nan i ioc:i. -,t. -. s tark &t. 1 E N T 1 ST' S of rice, best local 1 on, tiae equl-i-meniT clieap for cash. A CIS. OreKonian S2 FOR nnwt business cards; 200, 75G. Rose ! City Prmtery, Sd St., near Taylor. NINE rooms, nicely furnished, ccd pcrma- nent men roomers. St e owner. 417 stark. CENTRAL STOHK. S;oo: can ckMr J:';,0 per j month. Call Ji7 .Board of Trade bids. j ONE-CHAUi barber shop for sale at Come- ! ln:-s. Or. Atiiress "L. K. Fiske. ; RESTAURANT lease for saie. 307 y3 First. BISINhSS OrrOKTlMTIKS. - MERCANTILE F.VSi X ESS. A bu.sir.es7s that wiil star-d u-trieTest invrs-t-Kati.-ii; 1. if ciean busi r;ess. whi- h made r h.e owner Ki clear m- ra y l.st year ard. arrow it; s : sToi-k and tixt u res will invoice about S:'ont; no boni:3 anktd; you .s-tep Into m business nmkir.ft n 't l-'ts than per mon t h clear: in v -s 1 iza te . GRFSSI 1 7. A DOW, .'U7 B'-tard of Trade Rbii;.. 4;h and Oak. SELLERS BCYER-S. Do you want to sell your business? Do you want a partner in your business? Do you want to get into business ? Call and sc-e me, or write. W. Lawrence. 31." Lumber Exchange bids., 2d and Stark tsts. Tioth phones. RE L ESTATE man wants sober man as partner to show hind; no experience neces sary, and very little money required; par ticulars National Realty Trust Co., HtlVz Washington st.; room 516. CASM GROCERY, nrpminen: nt corner.. Sad per dav business no l.t!or 'hiiv in the cit $ 1 di Mi cash L't'ts it. See us and waieh ! for "4 hours and you will be convinced.' "'72 Stark st. REST buy of cleaning and dye works; tine location, two years established, great many customers, year lease, rent cbean. every thing new wagon and horse alone worth :s4un. AH M4, oregonian WANTED Steady man"? nble to- chcvk goods, etc. ; pay SlTi w-ek- average now ; can be increased; Ajuo custi r-.(iuir-d. Call 417 Hoard of Trade bid. " OH EA P for fju ick sa le. ciua r and con f ec t ionery st ore ; tin e loc a r.i.jn ; downtown ; ' good business; no a -rents. AB 043. Ore gonian. - FOR RENT At 14-" 1. ;id St., business rooms, suitable for prin ting, small m:t nu f u ct uri n g, etc. lniiui'e a. (1. Churchley. photographer. Z I DELL )E VENN FY. Room 3, Raleigh bldg.. Alain 4".2. Real estate. business chances, collect a nsi and short time loans. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL, STOCKS, lelephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 223 Abington. SALOON' for sale chap if taken at once. Inquire at No-lh Pacific Brewing Co., cor. of lsth-Vpshur sts. WANTED Neat you n-man with S00 cash us cashier nnd partner in a good pa-ying-business. Room t'.lO Swetland bidg. BY owner, a sool bti.-iine:-s and residence in-c-nio pr-Terty p-iying more than 10 per cent; price Jp-mo. I'abor tU4. STEAM laundry, good Valley town; clears over $Ja vveok ; lot, building and ma chlnery, all for SiT-oo. . . o. Hayes 'c 1 'o.. ::n'J Swetl and bidg KOOMING-lIOl'BKS. D I ETZ-XI L" E L LE R C . SL-:jHi-17 Abingum Li I tig. HE A I ?T 1 F UL X K A" A PA 1 1 T M E X T ilOCSE. M rooms, fine new MOltKHX CORNER P.lilOK HC1 LD1 NO. exquisit idy fiirnisiied. .PRIVATE MATHS; 2 and H-ruoni suites; RE-LNT iXLY Slut ier month nnd a F1VE YKAR LEASE. This is a SNAP; MIST HE SEEN to be a pprcei at cd AX AWI-TL1.Y GOOD IIUY. rooms, line new MuDFRX I'.l'ILD 1NC ek.-.giiritlv furnished; HOT and COLD WATER IX ALL LOO.MS ; steam heat. PRIVATE HATtlS; r y J K ASt JN A H LE lent and a LO N ( 1 L E A S E ; t ii : s is a n 1111 -usually good house and a JIKJ MONEY MAKER. Call and set: us for price and terms. A LIT TLE SXA I. I S rooms, nice, mod ern b oiise ; very well furnished and an exeeiUmt location: 5 years' b-asf; rent ONLY fl05; makes a good income; ONLY SuO for quick sale. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIRST CLASS HOUSE, SEE US BEFORE MAKlX'l A DECISION V E HAVE THE BEST! Di ETZ-M FELLER CO.. "l.i-U10-Sl 7 Abington Hldg. HA RO A 1 N, PiAHO A IN. Owing to ill health, 1 am advised to offer tiie furniture and furnishings of u moil ern ho el located on one of the very best business corners,, payimr big prolits; the price is red need for this week only 1 roni ? ;r, oa to ?:!tK. hut you must act quick, for it will not last at this price, i -2 1 JiOXTilLY PROFIT. 1'2 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold -water 1n every room, nicely furnished; big bargain; tifice. jaito, terms. ?H0 PROFIT. 10 rooms, 1 block from Washington, all housekeeping; rent. Slo; H-year lease; new and tdetiunily furnished; $700 cash handles it. PRICE f::rn TODAY. ' 8 rooms, f urn is lied in housekeeping suites. blocks from Washington. Call today. -p7 I-'urhtman cbij. M RS. LENT'S AGENCY. 2S01" Wash., St.. Rooms -100-7. LOOK OVER THESE 'BEFORE EUYCXG. fi ;:ud 7-room hats, nice furniture, il'rJ to ?roo. s-room house, good furniture; price a.",o. 1 4-roton ht, (me furniture ; pric $ I 4ih. "14-room apartment, new f urni lu re ; price .f'7... 17-room apartment, new furniture; price 47-room house, good furniture; price The above can be bought on may terms anrl many others to select from. Call js.j --..j Washington st t Buchanan bidg. ), room Gl 'J. Y O U WILL LO O K NO FART i I E R - rh en y o u s e e this K LEG A N T 1 ."--ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. all MODERN and FURNISHED NEW, with the BEST FUR NITURE of any house of its siz- in Port land. Rent only iido. with lease '1 years; receipts from rooms $1;:: ; tilled with fine class of p.-nj.le. Price, $10'o; terms, $1000 cash, balance ti per cent. O. C K. ELLIS & CO.. SL'O A aching toil St., Iiooms 201-202. VEST IN T4TS CITY. 40 ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS, THOP.Ol'GH LY I'l'-To-UATIl RoOMlXG-HOl.SP;; new r-orn':,- brick build in?. CHOICE LOCA TION, private ba t hs, steam heat, running hot and cold water in even- room, fur niture and carpets nil new and ihe VERY 1 . EST ; must be seen to be appreciated ; clears $4uo a month; 4r0(i cash, balance monthly. ' r O. C. R. ELLIS .t CO., .Ufi1 Washington St., Iiooms 1-202. obllOUM 4 1 OX'S E UNIoX AVE " FmniUire uf ."!l i-oom.-. ali 0:1 oue floor and neiit-.y all hous-eket ping rooms-; clearing id". ut $11" per month above ail expense rent only SI0-'. wi: h ever- , vears' lea.- in a brick build ing ; a-iop at SitiK. a.h. balance Jfa per month, or will take S'jod lot up to iM in exchange. GRUSSI & ZADOW. "IT P.oard of Trade Hldg., 4th andOak." NEAT TR A NSI ENT 74 OUS E. 1 2 rooms, good brick building, in sood "Yrt-t Side business location; furnished in quartered. Brussels pnd velvet carpets, all nearly newr and c lean ; clears $ Io0 a month; rent only with lease; price O. C. R. ELLIS CO., :i2t1t: Was bins ton St.. Iiooms 201 -20U. . 12-ROOM boupe. part housekeeping. ole,is -?.iS above expenses. rooms for yourself, Kui:able for man and wife; r.ow owned 1-y lone man ; war.t to exchange for larger bous;. or will Sell; terms. ,Oir0. loir, Board of Trade. Main Sp-Ja ' APARTMENT-HOUSE Best class in Port land, new and modern, full house all the time, anyone buying furniture can lease. .vr.;o0 cash: clears a good profit. -Vd dress P. O. Box 2l'o. VAN 1 p.O Grod 1-a to Mo-room rminr bouse; furniture mu.vt be pood and clean a:nl In Good k.,Mti,at. with le-.? on buih. mg: owners or.lv. ALin.-s XX GT.O Ore gonian. 11 liOOMS. fins..- in. modern house, all fine furniture and Iviidinir, carpets eood- will sell: worth the money; d -U with owner u t M2 Gt. rlingcr b Li sr. Main 7tl7:t. ' ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 io.nns. beautiful modern hat. rent 4: price, all complete ' m; West Side; walking distance Call T.t 4th st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 romns. nice, modern place; rent on'y -Pt; pri'-. .s,;r(0. 1. cash; furniiurtr ail new six weeks iiiro t"-ci T.'l 4;h st. " v M I ERN ti S-room house, doing well cen tral; lone leae; no agentsf S-o0 ill handle It; low rent. AG Lia. Oregonian. 1S-ROOM roominsr-bouse, " 2u board era. sac riiife ; sick ness ea i:e sell in k- C 11 '.',2. ROOMING-HOUSE, income $".0. rent i6t jeasv.; terms; note hjcation. 17 t;th st. ' J NINE rooms nicety furnished nent m en roi .mers. Se ov j coo.?, perma et 427 stark. I'IN'ANTIAL. STOCKS GUARANTEED. Letritim.it" corporations can facilitate niacin g stock through our plan, obtain ing bank guarantee, insuring safety of purchaser's investment. Address, f.r 'par ticulars. R (i4o. oregonian. EASTERN miist bc a pit alibis seeking invesrments- give 1 olt oetatia. Au- tircaa AM t"ti, care Oregonian. FINANCIAL,. Money to Loan Lieut Estate. MONEY to loan on improved property. If for bui Id inn purposes, interest does not . commence until actual disbursement ot i funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life 6c Trust Co., i:i4 Lumber Exchange bide;. WE have 100 shares of Wasco County .Elec tric Ar Water Power Company for sale; also 10 bond cert incaiea in same com pany; no reasonable offer rejected. 43' Stark 1. I'd one M. b OSS. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to S years time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav in gs i-e Luan Association, 240 Stark st, PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate securitv. KDW. P. .MALL COMPANY. ot-3 10 Abington Bidg. SPECIAL. ATTENTION. OITCK RESULTS j yiO.'.O, 1 loan, real estate 4-ecui i;y. larj.1 I t.; n 1 sma 1 1 Jeii ns, ti p t r cen t to is per cent;, floutd, ", Kwctlanu. I I EUY for cash either iirst -or second mort i gages or s.-IUrs" eo.uity in contracts of I sale on re:il estate in (.ircm or Washing ton. II E- Noble. Lumbermen's bidg. SO'tti.000 ON improved city or farm prop- crty. building or small loans ut lowist ra teS lainat toa n 1 n Kin-cin In- 1 -: .1 .. Kmzio Co., ,il4-lo-Hi .;trlinger bid?. ITRSr and second montgagrs and contracts purehustd on Oregon aaid Washington lands E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bidg.. Stl tit 1) st. $ lri.on-o to loan for ;t client, on inside bu-si-juss property. ;i :j Henry hldg., 4th and IMMEOTATEVoaus from ?a to $300. on all securities. XV. A. Hathaway, room 10, XVashii.e.ton- bldg. Phone Mam 302 MORTG AO E loans on city property . lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., uj Sic Kay bldji.. iid and Stark. $200,000 TO LOAN. large loans a specialty, buihillig loans, lowest rp.tes. X'. G. Beck, 12 Failing bldg. LOANS made on wheat lands at 6 pr cent. I-,. K. Moore. 51 1 Board of Trade, Port land, Or. HON E Y" TO LOAN First mortgage securi ty. Equity In est men t Co., oON Gc-rlinger P.ldir. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, staLe agent, Multnomah. Co.. 400 C. C. MONEY loaned on renl estate mortgages or eonti -at t XV. H. Nunn, 4-1 S.ierlj.k bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to S per cent. Kiary &c Seit z, 1 Z h st. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wip. Mac-Master. 302 Worcester blk. $1000 and S.;:iim to loan on ra 1 estate. E c.M".. ( ire go 111a 11 . "-. V i I II ' Y bank accounts, securit ies, foreign money; loans. Lewis i Co.. I'ol Wash. st. :5 1'-'') t-i :;nou on improved farms. See owner. ;;02 Swetland bldur., J. D. Haes. MONEY loanotl, building purposes, ir consult ed before building begins. 309 Henry bldg WOin GAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO-. 201 WASH ST. MON EY to I fan on city property ; no 00m niirt-4iun charged. Call 410 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan; mortcrages bought. XYm. Holl, i) Washington bldg., 4th and Wash. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 23 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallet t, U04 Fen tutu PRIVATE money loaned on real estate ' mortgages. H. Miiey. room 204 Gerlinger. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. DON'T WORRY. Is your landjord waiting for his rent? Is your grocer wait ing for his bill ? Is your life insurance company waiting- for its premium? Is your furniture store waiting for Its payments ? Havo you been out of work or had sick ness with all its extra bills? If so, you have worried enough without worrking about money. But you say the landlord must be paid and others will not wait. Don't worry; let us do the waiting. We have money and nothing to do but wait that's our business. G?t 'out of debt. Get your mind off your money troubles. You will be able to work better and. get out of debt sooner. Come and get the money from us from $10 upward. XV e will loan you on your furniture, piano. lixturerts, storage receipt or any personal property; also on your salary. We will give you 3 to 12 months la which to pay it oft. Easy weekly or monthly payments. See us iirst when in need of money.. We offer a better proposition on loans of this kind - than can be found else where. BUTTON CREDIT COMPANY, - 512 Ddtum Bldg. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY'? If you would know how easy our terms are you wouid not be short oi" money. Don't be bothered "With lot of sma.U ti-b(.s ; let us furnish the money settle them:. WE LOAM ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos ( with out removal.). Storage Receipts, Life Insurance-Policies, Horses, Jewelry and Dia monds, and aii kinds of securitiis, on cwy weekly or monthly payments. We buy First and becond Mortgages, All business Strictly Con fid "r. tia.i. L". S. REAL. ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., 1 Hamilton i.;Idg., 131 ;:d. Main iios.4. SALARY LOANS. The best proof of our merit is the steady increase in our business: which we are having. OUR SALARY LOAN BANK under strong competition, has been gain ing until we are now recognized as the Itadiiig loan institution at Portland. "THERE'S A REASON." We make salary loans exclusively, therefore give better satisfaction. Our improved payment plan ia a feature our liberal rebate if paid before due t lie privacy w ttii which we operate our low rates and easy terms. STATE S E C V K1TY CO.. :06 Failing Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, wareinjiise receipts, hurses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from $KW0 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO.. 4H Abington Bldg. MON E advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easics-t payments; offices in Gti principal cities; save yourself money by gettng my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums from $25 to ,5o0, on good chat tel security. Room 12o, No. 422 "A Washing ton st. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return it in easy pay ments; strictly confidential ; lowest rates. See us and save money. - 427 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. XVE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. M. Delovage, jeweler. 2UU Wash ington st. L-OXV rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. F. A- Newton, 51a Henry bldg. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abington bids Money on installment plan. Loans Wanted. WE have several applications for good loans on first mortgage; good real estate securit y ; for 7 and S per cent net. No better investment for your money. If you wish to p'ace some of your sur plus funds on absolutely safe security, call on - OTTO & HARKSOX REALTY CO., lSil1; First SL LOAN WANTED We have a number of ap plications for loans on improved city property and farms in sums of $500 to $n-.uOO: No. .1 security; interest G to S per cent Gibson & Holiiday, 304-3 Gerlinger bldg WISH to borrow J2oi fcr 3 years; will pay 7 per cent and furnish abstract; Iirst mort gage, good business property. In Portland. Address AB i42. Oregonian. WILL pay 10 per cent for $400 on suburban real estate worth $luo0 for 2 years. B 0.47. Oregon ian. LET us place your monoy on 1st mort gage real estate security. Equity In vestment Co.. Gerlinger Buii, " XV A N'T ED To borrow ?20O for 5 years on first-class country security; will pay 8 per I ceiti. iinerest. 1 oregonian. 1 GILT-EDGE 0 per cent farm mortgagee for ea!e. Address S tS3J, Oregonian. I'INAMLVL Loans Wanted. WANTED -$3 31) for 3 years at 7 per cent on c!ose-ui West Side house and lot; private parties oulv. Call at iil7 Board o Trade bldg , 4th and Oak. SMALL loan wanted on A I preferred mining jtook ; wiil pay good bonus for short -time loan. B t'.4.", - Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. TH E undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchand ise located at Day ton. Wash., consist ing principally of shoes. d r goods. hard ware, f urn isb inns, etc.. of the inventory valuation of $7721. ti 4, together with fixtures of the inventory valuation of $.M1.25. up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday. Jan. l?2. 1110. An inventory of s:oeknay lr seen at my ofiice ami the property may br inspected a- Dayton. Each bbl m usr. be accompanied by cer titicd" TTTk for ID per cent of amount ob'ered and the -right is reserved, to reject any and all bids. Dated Portland . Or.. Jan.- 13. 1910. R. L. SAH1X. 7 lsl St. Master yioiievs. A N D R E THEODORE. Kren-h Ship, from Newcastle A Neither captain nor under signed, consignees of above -named vessel will be le-.-poasible for any debts that may be contracted be crew. KERR. GILFORD & CO. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL NOTICE. Notbv i i hereby gi veil that the Ore gon tV t li'ifomla Raiilo.ia Com pi. ny, corporation of Oregon, jiixa lileu in the oftne of the Secretary of State of Ore gon. in the of rice of the Clork of the t'ounty Court of Multnomah County, and in its own ofiice. supplenmntary articles of incorporation dau-d November 10, aim tiding art ick; III of its articles of in corporation by adding thereto the follow ing additional paragraphs, to-wit: . Twenty-Iirst 1 o purchase. construct, equip, own and oporate railroad, telegrapii and tek-phone lines, wit ii aii the ivjcos sary branches, sidetracks, llxiures, build ings, depots, stations and appurtenances from station O plus OO eu.ua! to stat '.on 60 plus 5 2.2 of constructed line, the same being a point in the soul Ii east quarter of section 10, Tp. 12. south of range 2. west of the Willamette meridian, at the City of Lebanon, l-inn County, Oregon, which pointy is the southerly terminu thereof, thence northeasterly to station 41S jdus M.S. oniiid to 1H43 plus 49. 1 of constructed line, thi same being a point in southeast quarter of se ction 11. Tp. 11. S. R. 2, W.W, M . . which point is the north erly terminus: thereof, a distance of 7.1 miles; and to main lain and opera t-"- such railroads, tele graph and telephone lines and to ca--ry past-engers and fre ich t on said railroad llns and receive tolls therefor. T wen ty-sr-cond To aband- m that por tion of its line betwoen Woodburn and Natron heretofore constructed and oper ated betwon station lt4 3 jdus 4U.1 and station I if. 2 plus CiO of constructed line, at 'fa I Im a n. T weuty-1 0 ird To adopt ;is a part of the line bet wi- n - Wood bu rn and Xa iron the line descri bed lii sub-ui vision 2 J st afore s:t'd. together wi'.h the already construct ed lint: bet wi;cn Lebanon and Tu llman. and to op. rate the same as a main line betwt-en Woodburn ami Natron via Leb anon to iniei sect ion at Tall man-. Linn County. Oregon. Twenty-fourth To purchase or acquire hinds or lots, whether adjacent or con tiguous to such railroads or not, and to hold, possess, lease, mortgag-'! or other wise dispose of said lands as may be deemed hi. . Twenty-itfth To do all other things convenient. necessary or proper to be doiK for the accomplishing of carrying out of any or all of the objects and en terprises -1 hove specified. OREGON CALIFORNIA RAILROAD COMPANY. By .1. P. O'Brien. Vie-President. W. W. Cotton, .Secretary. TO THE PUBLIC All persons are warned not to give credit to Mrs. Melinda Potts m my account, as I wiil not be respon siole for any debts contracted by her. Signed. Thomas Charles Potts. I WILL not be responsiI.de for anv dbts contracted by my wife. Xeila Burtis. Signed, Jesse Burtis. HORSE for jale after io davs unless owner. R. Frazier. pays $::0 board bill due. 1-EIiSONAL. "THE JAHN." aS4 Yamhill .st., cor. XVest Park Selected ladies' hair goods, stvlish puffs, switches, artistic wigs, toupee, transformations that defy detection; the very latest French system of hair dyeing; saves time, money and disappointments ; our Fystcm of dermatology wiil cure the worst - kind or scales, tetter and dandruff; experienced French wlgrnaker ana Marcel wavi.-r ir. attendance. DR. A LI C E A. G Ii IFF. Diseases of women and children; Biirgeiv; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations ; confinement . eared for; consultation free. Room 10. Grand Theater bldg. Main 3!'2S; A 5U07. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children. Ladies, you can avoid surgical operation by con sulting me; electrical trt ament for nerv ous diseases; private hospital accommo dation. Rooms fi5-50ti Commonwealth Lidg.. 6tji and Ankeny. Phones, Main 4047. A 2411. "THE JAHN," 3S4 Yamhill st.; phones Main 0 174, A ;i54 4 High-chLsa ladies" Turkish and electric baths; removing of Buper lluous hair, moie.s. warts, etc., by the elec tric needle; painless and permanent; the only system indorsed by all physicians. HAIR GOODS at factory prices; French and German hair switches, 05c and up. Paris styles in haird reusing ; scientific face and seaip massage, dermatology, hairdressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecke, Grand Leader, 0 th and Alder sts. SWEDISH 1 RAIN ED NURSE Heilsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny cariine. Phone East 2oo, Home B lis03. M E N C U R E D QUICKLY. Modern eleciriu treatment for nervous dead In y. chronic, nervous, skin and blood diseases. W . I. Howard. M . 1. . 3'4 - ti Roth eh I Id bldg.. 2S7 i. Washington st. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known -as the best, safest. Reliable, Take no other. Chichfesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. LA DI KS Sanderson's Cotton Root pills are posi lively the peat. Thkc no other. Price, S2 iter box, or a boxes, $5. Address T. J. Pierce. ;;i 1 Alisky bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month kteps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed.. Prompt calls and de liveries. Umtiue Taildring Co.. aO'J Stark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and akin diseafes. sore ulcers, swollen gianuu, kiuiiey, bladder and piit-s' IM let, Portland. DR. ISABELLA MACK IE. Private hospital for w.meji. oW E. 50th st. Tabor tyy." BUILDINGS appraised. 35 years' experience Room 411 Swetland bldg. Phone Main M me. Court wright, kin and scalp treat ments, lacial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 22a FUedner bldg, M 5042. DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; all irregularities corrected ; no ex posure. Call or write 311 Alisky bldg. MEN ONLY SEXOID PILLS cure all weak-r.L-s:. Price, $1. Money refunded if It fails T. J. Pierce. 311 Alisky blug. BAKE-OYEN treatment for rheumatism and all kindred diseases. Swedish Sanitarium, 4;13 Market, cor. 12th. Phone Main 7033. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours, A M. to 5 P. M. KOH -3d st. Main 6770. JOHN LINN ELL. Swedish graduate, mas st? ur, mec h ano-h yd ro therapeutic treat ments. 417 Oregonian bid. Main 7757. DR. LOR ENS NERVE TONIC TAB LETS. 25c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay inr Drug- Co.. 2S9 Morrison st. ' BALM OT FIGS for aU female diseases. -U-2'J Belmont. A gents wanted. East 241 tS. DR. PHILIP T. BALL, naturopathic phvjcirian Merchants Trcet b;ug., Uta and Washington." ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any color. 42 E. 'Jth. E. 2211. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed M rs. M. D. Kill, 424 Filed ner bldg. m. 373. FJ N NISH masseurs. Mr. and Mrs- Jurva. 195 Union ave., N. East t;0l2, C 175A. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayer antl " Analj ?t. MON T A N A A SS A Y OFFI C E Laboratory and ore-teming work. Ifeti M'VrUsort at. POP.TLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY ti22 Worcester bi ig., 5d and Oa k- M. SbSu'. Wells & Proebste!. mining engineers, chem isu amA anting ihm. "if4. 5 ar.ington. BUSINESS DlKLtTOaY. Awsayer and AiiuIjmL FOOD. Clarke. eommereln.1 and drue anal sis. Woodward Drug Co., Portland. Or. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Xlur.i.'ipal. Auditing, Investigating nnd SysM-matiainf. 324 XN orcester luck. - Phone XLa.n 0007. A. MOSER, accountant and auditor; ciunties. M. 2464. ess or corpora tina, estates, cipaliiic? so.ici:ed. 25t.--i 3d. Attorneys at Law. H. H. HIDDKLL. r.ttornev-at-law. 735 Cham ber Cornn, ere. Main 4704. A SW1. Ituilderti and, ontnictors. CONCRETE, bri-kwork, underpinning repair. J. XVnioe. Iv7 East ;;2d st. Cliiriody. WX1. r. STEELE and Flossie Devon y, the only scienLiiio chirop-uiisLs in the city. Parlors '.o2 tienipgei bhig.. S. W cyr. 2d and Alder. Phone IIjui Lul. Ci.intpoc.y and Pe. room 42f Fliedn. i cur Ing. r btog. Mrs. M. D. 11 ol. 1 noil a Main o-73. CIllKul'ul'L manicuring and scilp. Mrs. Dunt.m, T.iford bldg., IL 2e4. K'.h und Mor. Coal and Wood. HA R D CO A L. i Clean coal, coal that burns duces heat, keeps tire all night. nnd pro p's coal you getting. mud. I f you at e i'.ng soft cai, you art; wasting m uey. G-et w ise and phono Van Horn Trar.si.ef 'o. Main Els, a. lbs. one ton hard coal will outlast o tons soft coal. Try it. MULTNOAIAH FUEL 'CO. Foot of Bancroft ave., k-kju dry box wood. Inside wood, elabwoud. cordwood. coal. Maia .V.4o. A 2110. Coal. Cl' A L. if you want good coal, prompt delivery, at right prices, call uo GEO. B. RATE CO., Olfb e, 12 Madison Street. Phones J a in 1. A '.'.' 1 . Yard. East :,"li and Division Sts. l'hor.e B 1 102. Oollectiun. COMMERCIAL, probate, real esta'.e, law, ber.ded re; reseii talivus every w her.'. Na tional Auju.-tmeuL Co., 620 Board of Trade. Commission Merchants. TA YLOR, Y. iLXO & CO.. whip broker, com mission merchant. Sl:er:o.;k biUg. Coileei "umi. B. B. EVANS, 4oa Couch bldg. Current or delinquent bills, ports. Intelligent service. Main GG22. Prompt lv- SL'N SOON H C1E CO. suitings, ruys, fant:y goods. Dancing. FOUR DANCING LESSONS, 1. Prof. Wal Wids-ui's 1-Jancing bclnxil. 21V. per ej-ori, incHudug tf-icneis, music with each li sK.n every morning, af:ernoon and e vt-. . Guarantee to teach anyone to tiJUivO or refund money. Sell ing -II irsch Haii. SO",- Wa.sidr.gt. .11 gt., near loth at. iJNGLER'S Dancing School, special terms this month. LtsM-ns 2ac. Private 50c. Grand ave and E. Morrison. Instruction daily. log and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. X'. S.. D. C. XI. Office 24, Fiandeirt s,t. Main 4ott. A 4oht. Electric Motors. PA i T FI C ETECTIi IC EN GIN EE RING CO. Mcttus fur rent ur sale. 213 2d st. furniture. HOOHFELD BROS., fctt Grand ave.; before buy ing your furniture give us a call; we can .save you from 20 to 40 per cent on all fur niture ana houtrhoid goods; one trial will convince you. Come over and see us at once. leed Stores. ZIOLCR & MISNER, hay. grain, feed. nient, shingles. 2L4 Grand ave. E. 482. Glass und Glazing. GLASS and glazing. Tiinms. Cresa & Co., 145 1st et. Main or A 2o2 Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Sales- Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies. Phone Main 0753. Leather and ITmlings. CHAS. I. MASTIC It & CO.. of every description, taps. 74 Front, leather mirs. findings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER- CO. tablished 1.S5S. L-U Front at. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th st. oU, A 2153. Johnnie 011 the spot.. BAND and orchestra instruments, musical sun dries, Victor talking machines, record. Seiberiing-Lucas Music Co., 134 2d at. EM IB THIELHO RN, violin teacher, pupil of Cevcik. A 41 Go, Pine 334, Main 3045. C. SMITH, teacher piano. 452 Salmon t. Main 7;:40. Conservatory course. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R . B . NORTH R U P. 415-1G-I7 Dekum Bidg., Third and Washington Sts. Phone, office. Main 3iy; ie?. East or B 1028. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirkstville, Mo.. 1-Sua. post grad. 19o7. 3iy SHvetlund bldg. M. 1&S7. I'amts, Oils and GXass. RA ? MUSS EN & CO., jobbers, paints, oile, glaea. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. R. C. W R IGHT, domestic an d fore ign pa t ents, iniringe'ment casea. tio4 Dekum. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 404 Worcester bldg. Oscar Huoer, Portland. l5ipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and office near 24th N. ana York sts. Alain Rubber stain ps. ALSO seals, stencils, oftlce stationery, mtc Cunning ham's, 2.'1L Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers, NORTHWEST RUG XYORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs. Bilk portier. 153 Union ave.., near East Morrison. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st. at factory prices. Second-hand -safest Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offl- and jnnr.odbiLa four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and firepi oof vault.) for valuables. N. V". cor. 2d and Pine a:. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 5UG, A luytf. OLS EN- RO E TR AXSFER CO. ' General trans; erring and morage; safes, planes and furniiure moved and packed for shipment. 2- y Oak St., bet. Front and 1st. Teiephor.es Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established lh70. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office aio Hoyt st., between 5th and 0th Phones Main 09, A 1109. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1019, A 18S4, All covered wagons all experienced mtn. STOVES connected "-and lily. 014 Front. repaired. ilain Typewriters. SPECIAL OFFER ON FACTORY-REBUILT L. , C Smith X'isible. $42.50 and up; LTn voo'ls, No. 4 and 5 models, 47. 50 an-i "erw up; R ming ton No. 3 and 7 mode is. S2i.50 ar.a up. All other maks at rroportlor.ate'y Ion prices: ail machines fully guaranteed ana sold on approval; terms. Pacific Stationer & Printing Co., 2e3, 2oa. 207 Second st. S"le ag- nts for the Rebuiit Typewriter Company. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this, Coa?t ; Investigate ail make, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2o7X Washington st. NEW, rebulits, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Showcase, Rank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids tfnowcast Co.. Gth and, Hoyt. R Lutke. Mgr. " Wall Paper. Ernest Mi'.ier Co., 172 1 t st., w holesal retaik Samoles mailed free. GRAND CENTK-l-; STATION. Southeni I'atitic. Leavin- Portland Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger aajsta limtted Si ! vert on passenger ......... California Express Situ Frar.ci-.o Express Wesrt Side Cor allts Passenger Sheridan passenger torest Grove l'ussoiser ture.t t;r,v3 l-assenwr .forest Grove I-'as-tciiftir Arriving Portland Oregon Exprt- . . . A.-h land 1-asscnger ."..""II Reset urg Patfeuger . 4'ortta 11 a li: press Shasia. LIm;-ed . bil.erion Paaseuiicr ... V est Sid.; Corvadis passencer Miej-alaii Pitsse:it-.or S:3 a, m. 4 : i T p. m. tjioo p. m. 0:2t p. m. 7 :4. p. m. 1 130 a. m. 7:-0 a. m. 4 ;'0 p. in. 5 :aO u.. lii. 1 : 00 p. m. j 5:40 p. VU. . . -I 7 :?0 a. m. ltpoo p. m. . . . i 5 :3it p. m. . . . l :UO a., m- Ii::; o p. m. y :50 a. nx. 0:20 p. m. . . . 10:3v a. m. . . . I S :00 a. m. . . . 1 1 : r.O a. m. . . . I 4 :-iO p. IU. t.rovo i'a-i, r-er Clovo l'assener 0:0 ye i'asseiiijer Fove. For- Nuribern Pucillc. Le iviiiu Portiand North coast Lu.i.ted Suund Ner in Lulbl Limited .Lank via Pugotj , 10:00 a. m, via Noitiij ! 7:00 n. m Atlantic Exi,;-. v.a Paget Sound, 12: 15 a, itu fl""-u'i; r.-vpie-i viu North j :oo a. m. Cl ::-::ti t tii t-ouim Twin citi Ban it . . . E.p; fas via North) j 1 : w p. in. 1 'id I'u.-.tt b!)U!Ui,l;:lj &. m. vi 1 North GutiK.; U.00iilu. E.i-i-tsd via, I'uyct, ,10:ff0 a. rn, L.4j:c3 via Northl n Ex pre r. a y 1 i .Olfl'l l.l.uT Sound M 'S:- o 1 l;i t:' L; it nk j 7:0t p. m, oma and Seattle .: liaroor. Olyuiumi Purthtnd, an. 1 ,nou. Dena br.i:iem.-a j 7 :00 a. m. 1 oi nana- S aucuu vcr tpe.-ial . . . . j lj;u0 a, m. 1'uet round Limitt-d, Grays llur-i bt ana toii'11 B'ciiu biaucucs. ., 3:30 p. m, it l assen,.;cr : j:uu u. iu. la-.- Arriving Portland No. in t.oat Liinucd via North; - ; i ,S:lo p. no. N-- .oa t via i'ui.'uti Sound 30 i Ul. ruiem Xorth i-acmc hxprcsa viut Bam 1 S:00 a. no- -"o:Lnt-iU I'acilic Express viaj Pugtit Sound s:35 p. m. la:.ie ija.st Express via Norlhi . 'i 1 S:15 p. in. Pacinc Coast Express via Paget; 1(i I 7:20 a. m. W j'-xi'i-ess via. North Bank, S:lop. m. Lx a'u.d via. I'L-iJt tuurnl lu;30 u. nx. Wcjstei- jii.-iotui i;ati- v ij. North' Bank j s :00 a. Missouri Liar Lxj.ro via. Puget fcound j 4 ;00 p. CO. Port aad-Tacoiiia-.-eait'e Express aj.a 110:11 Ui) -aiJia. Soutli Benui ana ukds Har.-or 4:00 p. m. 1 uget .scLii.a luritil t m,;o p. Mitou, er-foriPvuti. iiocial ii:.,o p. nu. Yacuit Passeii4-t;r . 7 a:uo a., iu.. Oregon iiadroad dt Navigation Co. mg peruana - ' Oil I'aBsfllSlT j - I'uri 1.1 lui f-pt-c ial l-Li.iua,,, l.iutitcd Uauu- i'.,rt .and . . . . I Expi-e. m-i j. oriianu 1 i :0 a. m 1 lo :oo a. nu I 0:35 p. iti. i .on p. nu, J MOO p. n. I 1 7:.".0 a. m- j fe:v0 a. nu 1 8:40 a. m. j 9 :oo a. 111. 1 0:15 p. 10. 1 ;00 p. m. l oi ilaua-Ciiic.,KG Liiintcd -Portland 11 gcr , U..11J bpccial Local (.iio-a- Astoria & Columbia. River, Leaving Sea.MUo AslolliX Portland . jllfiS ..... , t 8:00 a. nx, , O :. p. iru . 1: 15 p. in. , I 0:i0 p. in., i . i 1 2 : 1 5 p. m. , ilOiUO p. m. . 10:z6 a. nu . i 5: 20 p. nu Rainier l'uxm&ur ACa-imer Pa-A-iiacr Arriving Portland Poitiaild Express, t'oi't.and Expi'u-is . ............. Rainoji. ana ruriiaiid pussenger. itaiiiici aud. poitiniia i'njasener. ( anuuiati Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland 1 C. P. it. Snort Line via Spokane; 7:00 p. m. Via scuttle -,12:1a a. au. Arriving poruand C. P. li. Snort Line viaSpokanc; 9:00 a.m. Via Seattle j 7:u0a, uo. Oregon A: WnshingLon iailroud Company. Leave Po; tiund labieiit;,-k- I 9:00 a. m. , 3:uo p. in. ...... I i l :-4o p. 111. 1 7:15a. m. ......( 5 ;0 p. 111. 1 o;uj p. ni. siiciia liio. owl Arri ing ui'tland- owi iaaasta Iiuiited .... P01 Liana A-asiieiigtr JLFLi!.liGN SHfct;X STAliOJ"!. Souiiietu l'aciilc. Leaving portiand--Udn.u Jr' .Seieiiger ........ A 1 llVliiK i'oi Liailii - Daiis pu.i3tjitat.r uui.ds i'a.jiJiit.;tr .... . . 1 . . 1 7:40 a. m. . . . 1 p. m, l . . . 1 0 :1a a. in. . . . 5;.o p. nu fcLL LN'Ali AND ilOVT SI if BE t"S Spokane. Portland teat tie Railway Co. Lfa ing Portland -In let .1 a .u.j"pii o jjiyrtss, 0: 00 a. m. For cnicago, tt. raul, Omaha, iaataa City, SU i-ouis, jjilluis, Spoau-j, Cnciivy, Liiiuuiil, in, ajatuuna, kuuluiua, PaMCu, P.ooiicv ; t, Orauaaal.es, L is, liite ' Salmon, sitvtiibuu, v iiiitwuv cc aii a nii.cuntuii.0 Aiet. tions. cu.uiiibia River Local 4:JU p. in. North Bank Liimieu t;uop. in. r'or cnicago, l. i'uui, o nana, imusij City, Su ijouis, iiiiiiiits, Sioa.it5, c.ieiiey, iaiiiout, w itsliLuciit,. Ivaaiut us, r dacu, i -Loose v cit, tti'itauujiiui, L to, nad SlxiuioIi. fciti eiisoit, ancouv er uua mlvi invUiaiu t.-x lions. Arriving Portland Noitii bd.ik Linnu S:00 a. m. i. ro 111 Ciiicuao, fct. Paul, Omauu, ivansai Clt , i!)U i-oui-j, iililitiij, Spolx uric, (lit;ii.-y, ailiOtll, Vt u-is.lrt. uC.i.l, IWHlolUS, rSCU, ttouac vt;ltT Oru-iiuudUfs, i. .0. fjotueuaaos, s liuu taiiiibn, otuuauu, v micouvti- ai.a, 111 LiJl llltJUla lii bUUUUa. Coiumu.d. c-r ...... ....12: 25 p. m. in 1 una Empire Express. ..........aiiop. iu. Pi uin CiiicugOj i'.. Paul, Omaha, Kansas Cny, tt j-ouia, Biiiliii.s, Spouaiie, Cuciici, j-ajx;onL, W ajiilucua, Ku.iiot.us, Buaco. iiouiui ci t, ui'itaauaues, ti 'JiUeiiaaic, V lilte Bdimou, L v wil Son, v ailCJu una liiifi'incuuLc -stations. Time Card Oregon l-.lci-tric Railway Co. Leaving Portiand ior cialem and. Int. tatuvn 0 ;3o, . o. 1 1 ;ou a. m.; 2 :tAf, 3;ur 0;u0, o:40 p. M,- i-ia.Hca ior J. ua.ia.uu ami t a it; m o : 1 o A. M. Local lor v, iiauuuihj itiio. Hit. ;t.uL;oii 0:10 : M. Daily excc esuiiduy for puints on tlio fcalcm, i; ulis !ic cilci'l'l i. j . Via CuiulU, 0 loO .V. Al., m .Jt x'. M aumiuy ou.y, Al:uo A. M. Leuvuiii Puiiiaha ior roust Grove and Int. stations i :oo, 6:Jo, lo;o A. ja. ; l2;J.u, 2:lo, d;3U, 5:30, b;2o P. ja. iaiuruuy wniy. H.oO P. M- Ai m iug at 1'ortland from Salem and Int. stations a:-i0, li.oo a. m.; 1:15, 4:uo, ti;vo, s:-0, 10:50 -li. i-iinitoa from baicm and l udtuun 4:u0 P. M. Local ii wm v llsou vuitt a lid. in i.. stations. o iilO A. M.. uaiy, cxt-iit aunaay, 7:35 A. M. Arriving portiaua nuiii Forest Grove and Int eta tiouji a ;oo, 'j ;3o, 1 1 :u A. ai. ; 1 : jo. 2:00, 5:2-0, a: lo P. M. Sa turuay omy, ll:vJ( p. M. tounday only, 4:40 p. AI. Portland Railway, Light .Si Power Coiupuny. CUr Lea ve. Ticket Oitice and Wailing Room. Fust ana Alder ana Lu Wattr and East. Ioit.sju stieets. CAKa iE.v v E iasi ,'A Lt,n AND 2u.OKRi.20N SXLLiii'S. Oregon -u -4 :oj, 5 : "i u v. M,. and every 30 minuLes to am-l including tf P. a., luu lo:uo, iliod P. i. ; last car midnignt. Gi sham and in lci mtaiaie pomLs G;55, 7:45, &:45, Ij.-ior- IO:45 A. 12;45, i;4o, 3:4, 4:45. 5 :4.i, 0:4.. iL:ii5 P. M. i jjairviuvv,' ana Trouludii 0:5, 7:43, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 A. M. 12:45, :4o, 3:45. 4:4, 0.4.1, 0:45 P. M. Caiuatao and intermediate points 6:55, 8:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12;4a, 2i:45, 4.5, ii:4j P. AI. L or Vancouver Ticket oitiuis and Waiting P.oom. Second aud WasniUoLon Streets. A. M. 0:i5, 0:50, V :i:5, 8:00, 8:35, U '10, 9:o. iu:30, i.l:lu, 11:5U. P. M. 12:30. l:lo, 1:00, 2:30, 3:10, a. 50. 4:3u, ;1U. 5:od, b:JJ, i :uo, 7:40, a:15, 1U :3J, 11 :4u , On third Monday in every month, tiio. last car leaves at 7:u5 P. M. La.iiy except Sunua. 'Laily except Monday. BAN lisi. FIRST NAllOX.U, BANK. , . Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND BUIIPLUS l,jO0,0(XI. UKR1IAX AMKKK.'AN HANK COH. hlXTIl AND WASHINGTON' STS TKANSA.JTS A OKN-iS1;ai, BA.NKI.nJ Bl.-SINBSS. IS.-TiJri U1IAKTS AVilL ABLK IN A I'L. l-jt IN'CJ PA I. 'UTIKS Oi.' TUB UN1TKD STATUS AN-O hUKUl'E" t PKK CNT 1XTKHE.VP i'A I O OX s VV- ixgs accounts; sAi-Jii if jjueuie .VAULTS. 1