THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13, , 1910. 13 V AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER, 12th and Morrison Phones: Main 117 and A 42S4. . TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY. Matinee Next Saturday. BAILEY & AIST1N , Tn the Musical Comedy Success, "THE TOP O THE WORLD" Prices. S1.50 to 30c. Seats selling. SEAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW Bungalow Theater WarfiftJD January IT, IS, 10, 20 Mat. 1. Lower Floor, $2.50, $2.00. Balcony, $2.00, $1.50. Gallery (no reserve), $1. 1V& PORTLAND THEATER Saturday Mat., Tonight and AH Week. "THE MAX FROM HOME." Liehler & Company's Great Production. You will regret not having seen it after It has gone next week. Starting Sunday. Jan. 16. Sam S. & Lee Shubort (Inc.), present FLORENCE ROBERTS Supported by WHITE WHITTLESEY IX 'THE TRANSFORMATION.' Seats now on sale. 5oc to $1.50; Wednes day and Saturday mat. 50c to $1 The ARMORY Tenth ami Conch Street. Matinee and Night Only Monday, Jan. 17th William Morris (Inc.) presents the World-! Famous Scotch Comedian, ana Entertainer, airy Lauder And Company of Celebrated Associate Players, Including Julian Kit in ere and Special Lauder Orchestra. Seats on sale Sherman, Clay & Co.'s lO A. M. to 6 P. M. dally.. Prices 50c, $1, $1.50 and $2. Can be reserved by telegraph from out of town with money order or check. Extra heat. THEATER Main 2, A 5360 Geo. L. Raker, ' Manager TONIGHT ALL. WEEK. First time in the West. Geo. Barr Mc Outcheon's beautiful romantic play BEVERLY. ' Dramatized from "Beverly of Graustark.1 Superb company and scenic production. K venings, 25c. 5Uc, 75c, $ 1.00. Sat. Mat., 23c, CUc. Next week, nooning Sunday Mat. "SIS HOPKINS." MAIN fi. A 1020. MATINEE EVERY DAT. WEEK JAN. 10TH J nil us Sleper and his ontpany in "The Fifth Commandment," ViluioH UKtnny, timid and Fannie Usher presenting "Fagiin's Hcision," Veronica and JIurl-KallH. (ii) Brown, Cook and Stevens in "No Chechee-No Wahhee," Love and Love, lectures, Orchewt ra. GRAND w EFK JANUARY 10. rhe greatest laughing lilt of two eunti nents, .JOE ItOi ; ANN V TROl I'E Of I CN- ATIC RAKERS. Spec in 1 import a t ion for Sullivan Jfe (on Nitllne Circuit. Gordner, Rankin & Grill in. Frank Marckloy. Four Oaiuing Bells. Murle Kitzgihhons. J. C. Treinayne & Company. Fred Bauer. 4Jrandacope. B:3o;. any seat. 15c. 7:110, 9'15; balcony, box sett, 5tc. Evening performances, 15c; lower i 1 o o r , 25c; Advanced audevllle M ii 1 ott le Ma er. World a Woman Cham pion Kwininn-r and Diver; Wills & Hasten, I'nyne & Lee, Senor G:lgiiiie, MacLenn & 11 ry tint, IVarNUi & Gurtieid, Leo White. J'untagcsi-ope. 1'opular Prlce Mai Inee Daily Curtain 2:30, 7:30 and !. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Effect November 1, 1905. Uaiiy or buiiday. Fer XJne. One Hme 12c Same ad two consecutive times 2-o Same ad three consecuiive times 3U Same ad mx or tteveu consecutive times. . 50c Six words count as one line on cash, ad Vrli(,ementJ. and no aU counted for less than I wo lines. When an advertisement is ml run consecutive time the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to ao vertisements under "New Today" and all other elastii;ca lions excepting tiie following; Sit nations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted. Female. tor Rent, Room:, Frlvute Families, Room and Board. 1'rivate Families. Ifr.usv keeping; Konw, Private 1-audit a. The rate of the above classification is 7 cents a line each insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN l'ATROXS The Ore gonian will receive copy by mail, provided Mill'lcient remittance for a d-:iulle number of F-Ntien is sent. Acknow ledgement of tuch remittance will be forwariled promptly. On charge of book advertisements the eharge will be based on the actual number of ilnes appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In euch line. In case box otriee udilren Is required, use regular form given, uud count this as part of the ad.. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. Space In the "New Tod;-" columns Is rignred br measure only 1 & llue to the Inch. NEW TODAY. Williams Aye. Snap Uuiiranteert cheapest quarter block on Williams ave.. 100x100. with fine 3ar,re 6-room house. Owner must have money. Price Is JS000. Vacant cor ner across the street owner refused 10,000 for. $1'000 cash will handle. Grussi & Zadow 3tV Board of Traile BUIk., 4th nn.l Oak. $973 Vs acre of groun.l on W. W. line, close in. streets Vrndcd. walor piped, rich, deep soil; will grow anything; Slno -Hsh, balance easy monthly payments ecuro this spier did buy. RABB & PATTON !X1 5th Street. Wood! Wood! Wood! You can buy tin- best dry line 4-ft. fir wood, delivered, at $'..50 por cord from IIOOVKII. at 313 Water St. I'honra Main . 74.M. A. R."i. MORTGAGE LOANS I.arfce Amount Prrferred. t.OllKI WIKUK1CK, 2411 Mark M. Ji.. r. KDTJIFPKX, the fuelmnn. Chamber of timmTi.'e1 selia host col; anthracite, cunuui; also tlieuper grades and dry wood. NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON The best and cheapest close-in exclusive residence district. Has all modem street improvements. Asphalt pavements Cement walks and curbs Sewer, gas and water mains Building restrictions Cost of street improvements and sewer bonded for ten years and to be assumed by the buyer. I Lots $1250 and Upward EASY TERMS Ten minutes' ride from Fifth and Washington streets. Take Woodlawn or Alberta car to Knott street and walk one block east to our Irvington offiee. ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 2-11 Stark Street, Corner Seeond. LOTS Are 40 per cent cheaper than lots the same distance out in any other part of town. In one year they will double. There is a reason. INVESTIGATE. ' 4fc 5. F V. VINCENT JONES, 3 Commercial Club Bldi?. M .1444. A 1444. . TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE f 75x100 J On 14th, near Washing"ton ; best buy in the city. Today's price, $ $46,000 Tomorrow 's price, $50,000. f Portland Trust Company j S. E. Corner Third and Oak. i 100x100 CORNER 21st St., 4 blocks north of "Washington St. Very choice apartment site, exclusive neighborhood. $20000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. For Platting Beach Property ' AVe have the best proposition for platting a beach resort on the Coast, at an exceptional low figure. Will be a bi;jr moneymaker. See Mr. Jones, 200 Chamber of Commej-ee. Choice Mt. Tabor Property no full-size fine residence lots near Iaurelhurst will sell all or portion at great reduction in price. Don't miss this opportunity. Will double value in one year. Apply TUB PAt'IFIC t'OM'L CO, 24ft WaNhlnKtwn. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and tfrmi to ult; ape clal rntea and favorable terms on larse lonui oa bubinesi properties. funds Loaned for Hrivate Investors. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 10- McKay Ultfc., 3d Stark. 14th Near Belmont Siglitly residence. S rooms, new and modern. Very cheap, $5500. Ross English Investment Co. Mohawk Bide $15,000 $20,000 To lend at 7 per cent on improved cen tral West Side property. Axidress N 640, Oreg-onian. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids. Phones Mala 43 iL A 4013. NEW TODAY. occupies a stratesic position between : the City of Portland and that boiling; rvaldron of activity on the Peninsula. Tt's the middle between two great , centers of commercial supremacy.. ! Going: either way, you must step on it. ' Still a few lots left at lowest prices. , t tV 4- J . J - Columbia Trust Company 84 4th St., Board of Trade Building. Modern Residence? YES!; You Can Depend on It. Will, Bear Investigation. as built by one of Portland's best architects for his own home ; 6 rooms, with outside steeping porch. Design, material and finish in all its details are perfect. Located in an exclusive, high -class resident' district. Hard surface street, best of car service. Must be sold in a few days; party must leave for California next week; $2500 cash, balance on terms. A. VESTER 201 Oresontan BulliliuK. ' ' WEST SIDE LOTS Sixteen people looking at East Side property last week. Heard of our West Side lots. They were so surprised to know they could buy West Side lots so cheap, $350 to. $450.. Easy terms. Fine view. Call me up and ask about them. Ask for Morrin, M. 570, A 7570. OLMSTED PARK is inakinp; history in the sale of highest -class home-site property. The coming few months will see many homes spring up on every side. Is yours going to be one of them? OLMSTED PARK is the Port land Heights of the East Side it's genuine view- property. CoIumbiaTrust Company 84 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. On 17th, beautiful, new, modern bungalow, B rms., sleeping porch, pantry, fruit room, paneled dining-room. polished (double) floors, fireplace, duplex shades on house, street Improvements all In, cement cellar, combination Royal furnace, with hot-water coil. laundry tubs, gas and electric fixtures throughout. This is the most beautiful homo anyone could build: For prices and terms, A. J. GANTNER 618 Board of Trade Jiuildlnc. BURNSIDE STREET Corner 50x100 leet. at Park' and Burnside Sts.: faces on park blocks the best value on the street either as an investment or for a quick turn Only 16,500 cash required to handle it. H. P. PALMER JONES CO. 1-13 Commercial Club Headquarters for Stump Land and Wheat Land Oregon Land Co. 248 Stark St. $3300 Splendid up-to-date 7-room house only a few minutes' walk from the Courthouse; $1200 cash will handle this modern home. R ABB & PATTON 90 5th Street. $7500 Fine apartment site on 12th Street. S15.000 Corner on 4th St. $15.500 Very choice income prop erty on 12th St., one of the best buys on the West Side. M. E. LEE 411 Cor bet t Bid?. MODERX NOB HII.I, HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. Furnished or unfurnished, 0 minutes walk to P. O.; will vacate at once If desired, or rent for a few months; will accept as part payment desirable lot in Irvington or Holladay. G 645, Ore-gonian. H H IRVINGTON NEW TODAY. INVESTORS TAKE NOTICE We have 13 lots situated at in tersection of EAST 28TH AND KNOTT STS; 671.55 per lot. $8200 for 13. Half Cash. WILL BRING $14,400. SEE US TODAY. Columbia Trust Company 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldr- New Irvington Home Swell, brand new 7-room house, just finished, gas and electric, furnace and nrepiace, z sleeping- porches, cement wash trays, water coler, cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors; in fact, it is strictly modern and up to date, with al 1 the latest improvements, on a lot 50x100, east front, on 18 th St. near Brazee; a bargain at $6000; $1000 cash, balance terms to suit. Grussi & Zadow 317 Hoard of Trade Hldit.. 4th and Oals. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. : Co. M. 334U. 30 Hamilton bldg. ... BAIRD & BROWN. SI 2 "Henry Bid?. Beck. William G., S12 Falling bldg. Birrell, A- H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortErapt'fl, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 54J. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co., 503 Corbctt bldg. Fields, C. E. & Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 1SS. 206 Oregonian. KIRK & KIRKHAM, Lumber Ex., 226 Stark, Parrish, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder St. Schalk, Geo, r., 264 Stark st. Main or A 592. Sharkey, J. p. & Co., 122 Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bide. REAL ESTATE. For gale Lots. AN APARTMENT CORNER. 100x100. on 6th st.. easy walk to Post oftice, partially improved, income now $143 per month, and if further improved with an apartment on corner will produce big income on the investment. Price $'6,000; terms. Vandqyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. A FEW SELECT BUYS. Fine corner on KUHngsworth ave.; need money; a snap at $HtK). AINSWORTH AVE. , 2 lots on corner; fine location north and east front ; $4."K; a pick-up. E. R. MARK HAM, .20. Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. StTN'SET PARK ADDITION, $6r(0. Corner, 50x114, at East 57th and East Burnside sts., between two carlines; ad joins right of way of Mount Hood elec tric road; cheap for cash; price, $050. , H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. HALF ACRE. Near SSth st., city water. IO0 feet of street Improvement, and cement walks; , luys high; resident district good homes building; a striking investment, only $1."U0; easy terms. Phone at once Tabor 431, B 20SO. PROVE THE CONTRARY IF YOl! CAN. Client offers THE ONLY 30x100 on Pip pin st., on stockyards carline, that can be bought for $800. Ferris, a Washington bldg. MOUNT TABOR LOT, $550. 40x1 17, 7 feet from carline. east face ; can be handled with $55 cash and hal. $10 per month. 'R." A 4770, Main CHAPIN & HERI-OW, :-I2 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP Near E. 31st and Ankeny car, BMJx JO0. only $1200; $120 down. bal. 6 per cent; single lots adjoining $1000 and up; high-class residence property ; excellent opportunity for investment. Jas C. Logan, :i2iH Washington st. Room 4o4. BEAUTIFUL lot, n0xl5ti, close in, Mt. Tabor district; excellent car service; price. $3."0; terms, lt per cent down, bal. $10 per month. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER ICOxlOO. SILVER SPRINGS. 2 lots, 5uxl4X) each, comer in Silver Springs tract, one block from car and a nice place to build; a snap at $3.o. GRUFISI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 11TH-ST.- SNAP. 40x100. with 5-room cottage, nominal rent; all oermanent street improvements in and paid. price for a days, only $5000. VAXDUYS & WALTON. 515 Chamber Commerce. SEE ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irvington, high ground with mountains in view; all cliy improvements; carline; easy terms. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, 322 Corbett Building. GOODWOOD. , Best buy In Portland, lots $GT0 and up; easy terms; 12 minutes ride on Sellwood car. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gtr Unger Bldg. FOR SALE Three choice lots adjoining Irvlnyton and Alameda Park, will sell these lots on easy terms and price is 25 per cent cheaper than surrounding prop erty. R 641, Oregonian. SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN Corner, r0xl00, one block from w3ll located : price $3250. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 21U-213 Commercial Club Bldg. $300 BUYS B0xKOO-ft. lot on the Wan Side only 15 minutes' ride, 5-cent fare; terms casn, naiance ; per month. M. E. Lee 411 Corbett bldg. I HAVE several good bargains In Council Crest Park property, both citv and valley views. W. J. Baker, 519 Board of Trade ""bldg. $650 Fine building lot on 46th at., near Haw thorne ave.; lies about 2 foot above street; terms can ue arrangea. xi. it,, iee. room 4U txrDet.t Diag. BET snap in Woodstock, ltKxlO0. ;t blocks from the car. in best residence district jsw, tiuu casn, Dai. z years, f; per cent. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 3d St. CHOICE apple land, 2 to 20-acre tracts; $12.".. . easy terms. See Well, room L Worcester bldg. FOR SALE A little over a full lot, ready to build on, 15 minutes ride; very easy terms. AC 64t, Orejtonian. NEAR Jefferson Hiftrh School, 50x10 0. $550 cash, or $so down and $15 or 20 per month. 24Si.i Stark st. Main 80SS. A BARGAIN in Kenton, 2 lots, S200 cash, baL monthly; UK) feet to car. Gilmore & Rlt ter. 226 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE 2 choice lots In Waverleigh Heights. Will sell one or both at a bar gain. AK 630, Oregonian. IF TOU own lot will build you a bouse oa terms. Eastman Co.. 3o3 Abington bids. Main 3236 MOUNT TABOR For choice lots on the west elooe of Mount Tabor see James Wil son, end of Hawthorne carlina. Tabor 1560. WEST SIDE LOTS FOR $500. Improvements In, 27 minutes from 3d and Stark. Afternoon. 432 Mohawk bldg. CHOICE V block in Woodstock, with sev eral trees, $1250. See owner, 410 Falling bldg. - CHOICE residence lot, beautiful restricted district; $650; worth $1000; terms. AE 644. Oregonian. LOTS and acreage cleared at lowest pos sible prices. 7 70 Comm-ercial st. TWO good lots at Portsmouth, on easy terms. 1019 Board of Trad. luOxlOO. corner Fay and Hafght Fts., AI bina Second Add. Phone Main S6S2. $3500 Choice vacant corner. 17th and Bel mont. Owner, 165 East 17th st. W A TCH and wait for Othello. Stop: Look! Listen for Othello. REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Lots. IRVINGTON HALF BLOCK. 100x200, including two corners on Knott St., 2 blocks from car. -mis property is six feet above the street, levc and has a magnificent view; an ideal residence ' Bite; price, $7500; fermi. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bids. SNAPS In BELLE CREST Lots $525 to $650, for home or for investment ; others $s0o up; block to Roe City Park car, 5'txlOO. graded street, cement walks, curbs and water paid; fine view; electric lights, both pnones; easy terms; building re strictions; new homes building all round. 'a!l today. JAS. C. LOGAN, 326-'i Wash- lngton st.. room 404. LAURELHURST We havo some of the best lots and quarters in-this beautiful addition at first price, which are sure to increase in value within the next six months; right now is the time to pick out one. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME, $5500 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, sleeping por;h. Just completed, new and modern in every detail ; faces east, on carline; price. $"i500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., v 212-213 Commercial Cub Bldg. $1500 Two lots. No. 1 arii- 2. in block 3, Park View Addition, 36 Harrison st. East, half down, balance on time; would prob ably take good span of horses and soma farm machinery, such as plow, mowing machine, waon, hay rake, in part pay ment and balance cash. Address Home Land Co., 145Vi First sU RIVERFRONT property, 1 1-3 acres near golf links, on carline; would make 12 line lots; $7000, terms. J. D. Hayes Si Co., 302 Swetland bldg. For Sale Houses. $6MH) A very desirable home. 2 stories. 6 large, pleasant rooms, con venient ly ar ranged; full cement basement, furnace, toilet, bath. best of plumbing, double floors; Btreet improvements all paid; larse spacious lot. 75x100; beautiful lawn and flowers; rea! comfortable, pleasant home and surroundings, in an ideal neighbor hood on Weidler street. between 21st and 22d. one block from Broadway car; imiiroved lots alone are worth. $a.".o; terms, half cash, balance 6 per cent. This property will please vou. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Fourth and Oak sts.. Henry Building. Main 6084. A 3327. A NICE HOME. $3150 50x67 ; modern (i-room house, on East Yamhill st. ; good neighborhood, close to ear; must soli, and any reasonable proposition accepted. . - 2. ACRES $4500. High state of cultivation, 5-room bouse, near Mount Tabgr; $1000 cash; balance long time. FRED C. KING, 506 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. StB. WB ARB BUILDING MUREi HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE) CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WB SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY, BUILD WELL, BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WB WIL FURNISH THH MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. SO8-9-10 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. E. ANK EXY-ST. HOUSE. New 6-room 2-story house, gas and elec tricity; full cement basement, natural wood iiniwh. No. t plumbing, south front, on a lot 4txlll. on H. Ankeny, near 2Mh; a bargain at $380O. part cash, balance in years; will take good lot up to $20m) sst part payment. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IT'S VACANT. ft-room strictly modern home and lOOx 314. on the southwest cor. East 20th and East Ash; owner has left city and in structed us to sell; we will make price and terms that will surely suit you; this place must be seen to be appreciated. EDW. P. MALL CO.. ' 300-310 Abington Bldg. HAWTHORNE LINE Close-in home. on choice corner, among nice new homes; stylish designed house of 6 plastc-red, tint ed rooms, concrete basement, gas and gas range, electric lighted, bath, sink, toilet, lawn and room to build another house if wanted; worth $2S0O; we will tako $2350; $XoO down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Mor rison st. FRONT-ST. 7-ROOM HOUSE. Good 7-room house on Front, near Whit taker; good location and eaey walking dis tance: house In pood order throughout and a bargain at $3000; part caeh. balance long time. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Blcg... 4th and Oak. - IRVINGTON HOME. $6500. 1 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffet. 2 fireplaces; heated by hot water, new and modern, faces east, hard-surface pavement; all street improvements paid; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IF YOU want a first-class bungalow, near new Jefferson High School, see block south Ktllingsworth ave. on Minnesota ave. Piped for furnace, fireplace, modern, full lot. Small cash payment, balance $60 quarterly, interest 7 per cent. E. M- Pit tinger, 1095 Maryland ave. DO YOU WANT A HOUSE? Two corner lots, with view, new 6-room .-bungalow, fireplace, large porches, furnace, everything modern; am leaving city and must sell ; price, $5800, terms. Phone Main 76I4. LEAVING th-a city; 6-room house, strictly modern and up to date, on best carline in the city; 15 minutes ride from 3d and Morrison; paved street; home built only a few months; from owner; reasonable terms. X 64, Oregoniau. . $6800 IRVINGTON HOME $6S00. New, 9 rooms, large sleapfng-porch, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets. choicest location, on bitulithic street. K. t.ii. uregonian. APARTMENT-HOUSE, close in, corner lot 50x100. income over 10 per cent net on price. $1 7,000; $11, 000 cash will handle, balance 6 per cent. J. D. Hates & Co., 3D2 Swetland bldg. LARGE, new. modern bungalow. Sunnyside, one block- off Belmont, with big fractional corner lot ; ail improvements in and paid ; $4250, about 15." cash. Culver, 623 Cham ber of Commerce. MUST SELL, 074 Elliott ave.. Ladd's Addi tion, lot uiixu, new s-room house, mod ern !n every way. fine lawn and flowers; no reasonable offer will be refused; terms If desired. Phone East 4300. FOR SALE by owner, new 6-room house, lot ooxiw, cnina closet, gas. oath, basement, half block from Mississippi ave. carline. Price $2100 If taken at once. Address C. Ai. iaie, .Micnigan ave. BLi tins ir you want to .make money or maae a nome, iovxiu, on i-iast 14 tn St., 7-room house, fruit, etc. ; close In $2250 - MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 3d SU BEAUTIFUL Mount Tabor bungalow, mod ern in every respect, lot 6dx91, a bargain- Equity Investment Co., 508 Garlinger S26O0 f2."0 cash, balance 25- ner month- buys 6-room bungalow, rear 2th and East Mark; lot &ox io; you win have to hurry to get this snap. Owner, B 17S3. lOOxlOO. WITH 6-room house and jrood barn ; fine sightly corner on Clinton st.: $35oi Call 41U Failing bldg. INCOME buy, $137.50 per month, on Clay St.; pan casn. ttoom 3 V1 ash- ton mag. $1000 GOOD 50x100 lot with 4-room house, $250 cash, balance to suit; ask at Miller's Sollwood car to 640 Harold ave. ' HALF block to car. 2 lots, house, wood shed, only $SOO; terms. Room 3 Wash ington bldg. RV owner, new. mrictlv modern 2-mrtrv t-i dence; good location. East t$ide; $;t250; $1250 flown, Dttiance it?-nii xituur u-4. HOUSE of 9 rooms In the choicest residence district oi irvington. us isortn 15 th $6300. Inquire room 35, Labbe bldg. "MODERN 7-room house, corner lot. 5W7 all improvements, 2 blocks from Union ave. ; price Ti.wu. iu Druaaway t. WHEN movin call up Van Horn Transfer CO, M. ioio. a iaa; an covered wagons. ana experiences meu. COTTAGH of 5 rooms and sleeping porch, on lrt .wxiou, .itm near tJimton i $1700. Call 410 Failing bldg. WILLIAMS AVE.. 6-room house, full ner lot. not finished; $1700; a snap. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 3d St. HOUSE or bungalow, 5 or 6 rooms, 15-min-ute car service; cash. Owner, O 642, Ore- K uiicti 4. 5 AND 6-ROOM houses, on easy terms or " Hlveral discount for cash. Take Mount Scott car, get off at Millard ave. See Jje Nash.- FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 496 East 2vtix st. North. Call and see It. 8-ROOM rooming-house; price reasonable. - 421 Stark st. REAL ESTATE. or Sale Houkch. l CHARMING, new, 9-room residence, every convenience, hardwood floors, elegant base ment, furnace. A very fine, ikw, 7-room, exceedingly modern, convenient, choice lo cation; must be seen to be appreciated. 347 East 15th and Broadway cars, phon-a East, 273, C 1S66. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient. iew; nicely improved grounds, 100x100. front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20-. 000 Buyer see owner, 602 Corbett block. FOR SAI.Efc $1550, a new. modern 4-room -oungaiow ; gooa location, near canine ; $t.H cash, balance to suit. 421 Henry bldg. BUY a home from me on easy terms. I nave a dandy 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, $3600. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumbermen bldg. 3H-ACRE HOME At Milwaukie. and desirable. Ferris. 3 Washington bldg. BARGAIN in 8-room house on 33d st. ; your own terms. M. E .Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. MODERN home on Kearney St.. 8 rooms; a pleasant nome; imm; terms to suit, wueen Inv. Co., 410 Failing bldg. , 6-ROOM house, near Knott st., close in; you can't beat this buy ; only $:;0OO. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 3d St. SMALL house with large lot on cnrlie ; price $125o. Young Bros, 502 Gcrllnger bldg. BUNGALOW Just completed, close in. de sirable home ready for occupancy; terms. Owner, 405 Gerlinger bldg. Miscellaneous. FORT GEORGB. last grea't metropolis of I North America, will be one of the larg est cities in the West, and the lareest In British Columbia, except Vancouver; Fo-t Georire Is the peographical and stiatt io commercial centur of British Columbia, and present supply point; Fort George is on main line of Grand Trunk Pacific (transcontinental Railway, now building, and terminus tor on line) of six other railways projected and buildHig: Fort George Is at Junction of loyf miles of navigable waterways, on which 3 lines of steamboats now ply; millions acres tin est agricultural land, coal, timber and mineral, are tributary. The immense ton nage from waterways will be transferred to railways at Forth George; one hundred million dollars (9 100,0o0,00) will be spent in next three years in vicinity building raHroads alone; tirsi. offering of butlne. lots $1 50 each for inside lots and $200 each for corners, payable $10 down and $10 per month, no interest; no taxes until 1111; 10 per cent discount for cash; title insured and guaranteed by the govern ment, which owns cne quarter of the lots. Write quick for maps, plans and official data. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd.. 412 Winch bldg., Vancouver. B. C. A REAL SNAP BUNGALOW. Six rooms, reception-hall and den, 2 fireplaces and furnace, corner lot. south ern and eastern exposure, 2 blocks from carline, sightly location; must be seen to be appreciated; $3600. $300 cash, balance easy payments, or will take in part pay ment; good building lots up to $lSoo. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 41 S Board of Trade Bide. Main !W)6 Telephones A 7352. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage? Don't fail to call at "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yoa right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't publish our list. A SNAP. One-half block vacant business property, located heart of St. John; will take a good residence for part payment; price, $tM)0. E 64S. Oregonian. 5 ACRES on Barr Road, cheap; easy terms; long time. 504 Goldsmith st. Acreage. 10 OR 20 ACRES. SECTION LINE ROAD. 20 acres on Section Line road. 8 miles from city; u. under cultivation, balance easy to clear ; z acres in stra w berries ; small house and land that will erow anv- thing; 2-acre tracts across the road selling lor oMO per acre; price of this is $3O0 per acre for quick sale; part cash; will sell 10 acres or all of it. See THE OWNER, -317 Board of Trade Hldg.r 4th and Oak. CLOSE-IN ACRES. 10 acres near city limits on Sandv Road all cleared, fine view, house, barn, alt kinds fruit and berries; fine suburban home; will net $200 per acre in berries and garden truck; need the money, will sell cneap. Phone to owner. Main 3340, or call 28 Hamilton bldg. 40 OR 80 acres fine fruit land near Sandy Mount Hood district, for sale, or will traae lor lots. fc-quity investment Co., 508 Gerlinger bldg. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close in; choice river front; 50o acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stamp her, 31 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4881. FIVE acres line soil, all in cultivation. T miles from Portland, near electric line; $50l acre. J. I- Hayes &. Co., 3J2 Swet land bldg. 5 TO 20-acre tracts, well improved and unim proved, on carline. Call at First State Bank, Gresham, Or. 160 ACRES of good apple land, near Hood xtiver, (-room nouse ana some improve ments. 410 Broadway st. 10 ACRES, 9 miles from Portland; will sell or trade for lots. Equity Inestment to., ius uerunger blag. Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENT 80 acres, all fenced 17 acres in clutivation, young orchard 4-room house, horse and cow barns, chick en-house, 1,000.000 feet saw timber, 1000 cords wood, school R. R. and river 1 mile; R. R. station 3 miles; phono in nouse; county roaa inrougn place; neigh bors all around. Relinquishments. 2 joining good homes ana t,uuo,ouo reet ceaar, nemiock and fir close to R. R. and river. 2 miles from electric R. R. survey; fine roads; 15 miles to bay; fine black soil, S5 acres could be tinea or tne leo. H-eunquisnments. , joining, lfiO acres eacli, z i mtius from Portland, some Im provements; 120 acres could be tilted plenty of good out anee. We will locate you on 3 20 acres in Crook or Lake County for $75, all good iana. NIMMO & RUNEY, 13 Hamilton Bldg. CAN locate you on 3 20-a ere homesteads In wrseat and rruit section near Lakeview, Or.; land will raise anything; near survey of vjregon i runic. , You had better see me before these claims are all gone. Location fee only iuu. rnone Alain zvi. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland Bldg. HOMESTEADS HOMESTEADS. S20 acres, beautiful level land. Call or write for our booklet, then secure spe cial location offer find transportation for our next excursion to Central Oregon. B. S. COOK & COMPANY. . 503 Corbett Bldg. L0 you want a homestead? I have one and can locate you on one, ,.Ooo,oo4 to ;,O00, Ot'O feet of timber; good stock country. Southern Oregon, near "the coast. Call and see mo at plumbing shop, 452 East Burnside. Forenoon. Phone B 2266, East 5932. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale; S miles from R. R. ; 2S miles from Van couver, Wash.; some timber; good propo sition. C. M. Smith, Dole, Clark County, Wash. 320-ACRE homestead land locations for $50; locations guaranteed or money refunded. Address E. . G., Hotel Chrism an. Silver Lake, Or. HOMESEEKERS desiring small farm near city better see mine; deal with owner; no agents; terms. E 645, Oregonian. TWO 6,000. OOO homesteads, adjoining; $600 each If taken at once; first come, first served. 733 Marquam bldg. Main &314. TWO good homesteads very cheap; also some good relinquishments in Siletz. Call 303 Wash., room 26. SNAP 10 acres, car and water through It, $1500; terms. Room 3 Washington bldg. 160 ACRES. $160; good agricultural land; close to R. R. 610 Swetland bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. SPITZENBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS In 10, 20, 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400, $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 810-311 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. Merrit & Palmer. Sales Agents. LOOK AT THIS. 3r00 acres of the best of soli, no rock. A No. 1 apple and walnut land, is worth at fair price $30; 80 per cent tillable; quick sale; 2 hours fcy boat or rail from - Portland; price $14 per acre, half cash. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO., 217 Abington, C K. DeBurgh, Manager. REAL ESTATE. for Sale rrult Lands. 5 OR l-acre apple orchard; $H0 down, jio per mo. zr Stark. Fhones A 1473, Mam, 1190. For Sale Farms. "LITTLE FARM A" 11 acres onion land, on Oregon Electric, Tualatin River bottom : buildings, etc. 48 acres garden ; lease for 5 years. 5 acres, in clover, cleared. N no build ings. 0c car faro; to see it is to bus. 10 acres, on Section Line Road, neat car. house, part cleared. 10 acres, 4 cultivated, good house, cow and calf, mare and colt; alt implements; cheap. ss1! acres, Columbia River frontage: vsiy cheep. 8 acres, all cleared, on O. W. P.. only $6r.O down; splendid soil. We have .about 50 of these " little farms" listed, all near Portland. We- raise ur own vegetables and fruit and work ui the city. High cost of living don't bother us. Come in and we'll tt-11 you now it's done. LOOK AT THIS! a acres, house, garden, water, finrst soil, electric and steam railroads', few miles out RENT FREE for clearing one acre. OREGON LAND CO., Phone Main SOSS. 24S Stark st. 0 A OR KS. all good land, one-half cleared, 4 acres fine green saw timber, balance very' easily cleared, cnif'-rtable 4-noin rustic good barn an J ouibui Mings, Pla-e renoed and cnit-f.-nced, good orchard of h.--sorted frulb". all kinds of smail fruits, never failing spring water, water piped through dairy-house; personal property consist of good team, wagm. harncfsw, buggy, plow, cultivator, harrow and al! small tools. milch cows. 4 hogs chickens, etc.; price ?35oo. terms on part. This place Is sit uated 7 milts fr-m Vancouver, on good roa i, Vi mile to fc-awir.tll, ?lost to line trout .str.?nm. nulo from ,chir., mib-.s from country. -. town. It. F. D. and telephone service. In. good ne gh b'.rhood . -: THOMPSON" & SWAN. CiUzens National Pack Bldg,, Vancouver. Wash., Or 110 Second St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, Portland. Or. $3O.000 TAKE NOTICE $30,000. One best ranches Eastern Oregon; has 3 barns; 2 miles from station, on R. R. ; -106 acres in grain, 240 acres to sow in Sprine; 70 acres better part in alfalfa, with ditch past all; ioo acres pasture; 2 high-Krado cattle, registered Jersey bull, S young horses. 20 head horses, lO brood mares with foal, big jack. 3 sows with pis. chickens, all tools, header, plow, harrow, harness, cream separator, all for $30,0'.m. or ranch without stock $25. OOO; will take good part Portland property, pay differ ence or give time at fl per cent; iione but principals need answer; state what you have and where situated. AB 041, Orego nian. "THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME." 5, 10 or 20-acre tracts, re.ddy to plant, eightly. level, rich black" sandy loam, in the Willamette River, very desirable for fruit and vegetables, water and rail trani-. portation. one hour's ride from Portland. This means something to the man who wants a home, wants to tie indejemlent and edu cate hia family. Price $150 per acre, esy terms; larger tracts for colonies a specialty. DEAN LAND CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. CHEHALEM VALLEY FARME. Farms in the Chehalem Valley, all sizes, ' from 15 to 295 acre. ' all improved land; this is the finest fruit and farm land in " the state. Call and let me tell you about" these. Thov are all on easv terms?. WELDON DARLING, 61b Board of Trade. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for platting and la at present in good condition; price $25. per acre. For particulars and terms apply -to William MacMaster, 02 Worcester block. Portland, Or. WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE. We have 2 of as good wheat farms as there is in Eastern Oregon for sale; 140u acres In one, 2200 acres in other. Address Owners, Hawthorne ave. stables, 420 HawLhorne ave. INFORMATION. Reliable free Information on all Oregon and Washington lands, also Government ; lands; booklets on all counties. OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 604-6-8 Board of Trade Bldg. I CAN sell you Improved or unimproved farms, large or small, best of dairy and fruit land, on main line railroad; daily boat to Portland, 20 miles. Prices right; 'terms easy. Thos. H. Blackstone, Ridge--field. Wash. SMALL place near city, fine house, well, fruit, horse, wagon, good soil; rhubarb, small fruits. lOc fare ; $KUrO down, long time on bal. ; worth $5:i more tha 11 asked. Oregon Land Co., 24S Stark si. 80 ACRES bottom land, on R. R.; electria line surveyed across place, 1.1 head stock. . all implements, orchard; $5o per acre; any old terms. Oregon Land Co., 24S 1 s Stark st. JUST THINK 6fS0 acres, some improve ments, in Washington County, on lv .t 1 1 per acre. Dubois 6t Crockett, Washing- : ton bldg.. room 3. 40 ACRES-", improved, near Forest Groe. . $1750; $750 cash. Room 3 Washington" bldg. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown, free. Olmstead Land Co., Salem, Or. 400 ACRES finest range in Oregon; btiild it ks and cultivated. $10; very easy terms. Oregon Land Co., 24S J Stark st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOME in Irvington wanted by out-of-town huwr; price must not be over $45iui, and I do not want to pay ail cash; I would' rather saye some to put into business; am stranger and will buy from owner or . agent. 1$ 64S. Oregonian. WANTED For client, one or two lots, either improved or unimproved, south of Morrison, north of College, west of 4th st. Nothing- but bargains entertained. Vanrliivn A. Walton Sir. Chaml.cp merce WANTED 6-room modern bungalow and good Jot, not over 2 blocks from car line. In 30 minutes of Portland; must for cash. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-olJ-I w i s bldg. WANTED TO LEAS E -"1 to ; a c res. with buildings on place; suitable for gardontup; with option to buy on reasonable terms; 1 or 2 miles from Vancouver. Address. A. B., Oregonian agency. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Good lots In Rose City Park, PZlmhurst. Merlow or Rossmere; must bargain; I have the cash; full particulars in tlrst letter,- as to price and location. D 639, Oregonian. WANTED House and lot in pood locality : about $3000 can pay $2.0 aown and $"; per month. Balrd & Brown, 312 Henry bidg. HAVE buyer for bungalow or good 6-room house, north of Ho! laday, not over $:j5 't. $15u(t cash. 226 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. WANTED TO BUY From owners only, Kood income property; value from $20lM to $15, OOO. Address G 046. Oregonian. WANTED ."VOxinu lot, with good house, be tween Jefferson and Sherman. Baird is Brown. 312 Henry bldg. WANTED 1 to 5-anre tract with house and fruit ; near city; state terms. Buchanan, 745 Hoyt st. 6-ROOM modern house or bungalow, not over $3500; JlSlld cash. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-31:! Lewis, bldg. WANTED Several good vacant lots at low price for cash. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311 312 Lewis bldg. IF you have a vacant lot for sale, see w. J. Baker for quick sale. 519 Board of Trade bidg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent for 3 years, farm of 50 acres or more, near Portland; must be good, with house and barn. P. O. box 4S1. WANTED TO RENT Dairy ranch, 20 to 40 cows. H 04O. Oresronfan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LAND. 20 acres, cruised. 24.0o.- 0OU feet, within 3 miles of Portland. Fur particulars call on Young Bros., 512 Ger linger bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. C J. McCracken. FARMS WANTED. WANT to buy farm between Portland and Forest Grove. Trefry & Allen, 511 B. of T. FOR RENT FARMS. FARMS for xent. E. W. Kimble, 132 0th st.