Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 13, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    1 L X
Agts: Libbey Cut Glass Royal Worcester Corsets Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Merode Underwr
Join Our Sewing Machine Club EasyPayments-Every Machine Is Guaranteed Richardson Linens
T5he Greater
QlglsWortiiiiiillirii Store's FridatiEcoiioiiiy
S2cl Annual CI
earance Sa
ie in All Departments o Store
lp2 Emlbroicleries Q8c
Tomorrow is Economy Day talk about it; it's an interesting subject to discuss
Lot 1 3000 yards Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edges, Bands and Insertions, in open
work designs and neat embroidery edges that will stand the laundry; regular OC
values up to 45c; for tomorrow's great Economy Sale the price is only, the yard OC
Lot 2 1000 yards 27-inch Swiss and Nainsook Skirt and Baby Flouncings'; QQ
regular prices up to $2.00; special Economy Sale price, the yard buy some OC
2 Stationery G9c Box
35c Tablets 17c
73c Papers 2jc
Tomorrow Economy Day This store has almost
boundless interest those who care to save largely,
and this Economy Day was inaugurated to interest
and attract prudent people. The Stationery Store
offers for tomorrow, Holland Stationery in boxes.
The boxes are slightly soiled, but the paper ?Q
is perfect; vals. to $2.0&; special tomorrow OJC
Odds and ends in Ink Tablets, packet, commercial
and letter sizes; all excellent quality of "I "T
linen; worth to 35c; sp'l economy price, ea. A C
Odds and ends in Eaton, Crane & Pike 's and Hurd 's
pound papers, values up to 75c a pound; QC
special economy price for tomorrow, the lb. OC
Envelopes to match this paper, if you wish them.
$1.5Q Undervests at 98c
Infants 35c Hose 19c Pair
Tomorrow's opportunity for Underwear buying will be unusual. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed
lights, sizes 4, 5, 6, in white, pink and gray; silk and lisle, silk and wool (1 A O
and all wool; regular $3.00 values; special for this Economy Sale at, garm. P 1.4o
Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Vests and Pants, part wool, sizes 4, 5, 6; regular $150 OO
values. These are the kind of garments that last two seasons. Special tomorrow "OC
A big assortment of Infants' Cashmere Hose in sizes 5 to 6V2; colors black 1 O
white, pink and cardinal; an exceptional offering; values to $35c. Special, pair liC
Sale of Austrian China
An eager and enthusiastic response will
bo the outcome of this announcement
for tomorrow's selling. The offering
deserve it. A few prices follow here:
$1.00 Spoon Trays, special price, 50
$1.10 Austrian Creamers for only 55
$1.75 Mayonnaise Bowl and Plata 88
$1.90 Salad Bowl, special price, 95
$2.25 Salad Bowl, special at SI. 13
$2.25 Sugar and Creamer at 1.13
$2.50 Tea Pot, special price, SI. 25
Also Chocolate or Coffee Pots, Jelly
Jars and Plates, Bread Trays, Chop
Dishes, Fruit Saucers, Bread and But
ter Plates, Coffee Cups and Saucers,
Chocolate Cups and Saucers; all high
grade Austrian goods ; special for fy
.tomorrow's economy sale at half
Sale of Kitchen Goods
15c Corn Poppers, special price, 10
20c Knife Cleaning Board for 12
20c Bread Knife, special price 12
23c Muffin Pan, eight holes, at 15
50c Brown Bread Mould for only 35
40c Wash Board, special price, 29
Good Clothes Pins the dozen, only 1
45c Mirror, 9x12 size, special at 2S
$5.50 Palm Clothes Hamper at $4.40
$1.50 White Enamel Covered and
Bailed Jar, the Economy price $1.15
Regular 35c Ribbons 17c
Regular Q5c Ribbons 27c
In the Ribbon Aisle you will find a big dis
play of Fancy Silk Ribbons grouped in two
lots, plain taffetas, plain satin taffetas, and
a wide range of fancy patterns in widths
from 3 to 6 inches. Priced as follows:
Values to 35c, special economy price 17
Values to 65c, special economy price 27
Cleanup of Women's
Shoes $5 Values at $1.98
Tomorrow Greatest Economy, Sale Sav
ing day Here are two pairs of Shoes for
the price of one 8 regular lines in the La
Bonte $3.50 Shoes, patent button styles,
with black cloth tops; kid tops; also Gun
metal Calf in both button and blucher;
street styles; dongola kid, calf and patents,
in lace blucher styles; all are made on new,
up-to-date .lasts; each style comes in all
sizes. In addition to these complete lines
we add 1800 pairs of odds and ends from
other lines where sizes are broken. Rmlar
$3.50 to $5.00 values; all in one great5' col-'
lection for tomorrow's selling. J- QQ
Special economy price, the pair P l0
Men's and Women's Slippers at less than
half price. Buy and save during this sale.
Bists and Pedestals
dnderfilly Low Prices
The most beautiful and artistic line of Marble Busts, ever shown in the Rose 1
City will be on sale tomorrow in the Third Floor Crockery Store at one half l2
"Rtl 9YUS 4T5-$15 values, S 7.50 $25 values, S12.50
$42.00 values for S21.OO-$70.0Q-aluirf35:O
PpH fif rl S $14-80 values for. .S 7.40 $19.50 values for. .$9.75
" $21.00 values torTmUoTfZ
RgjgjjTaluensale for SlS.OttRegular $30 valuesnerS15QO
13C Alarm N excuse for beinS late t0 rk or missing the train.
Tomorrow, the Third Floor Crockery Store offers a line
SOJ.OC1LS39C f dePendable Nickel Alarm Clocks; regular 75c q
values, at the Economy Sale price of, each ""C
In tHe Millinery Dep't
For the sake of a speedy clearance of
Winter Millinery we quote economy
prices for tomorrow's selling which
mean but a smaOTportion of the first
price. Hatters' PlusjDressHat shapes,
values to $10.00 each; Dress Hat shapes!
French beaver, worth np to $8T00jrur
Turbans and Dress Hat shapes, values
to $15.00. These 3 great spe- Qg
cials for tomorrow, only, ea. ipO. O
25 Trimmed Hats, values np to $57 a
strong statement, but a true one. For
tomorrow's Economy Salegtp rf
the price is for your choice P"vJ
Women's 65c Hosiery at 27c Pair
2Qc Handkerchiefs for IQc Each
Tomorrow, 3000 jairs Ladies' French Lisle Hose go on sale at less than half 0T,
price ; silk-embroidered, boot lace and fancy designs ; reg. vals to 65c ; special C
Sheer Linen, linen cambric and embroidered corner Lawn handkerchiefs, also 1 (
-4-nch hemstitched borders; reg. values up to 20c each; special economy price AVJC
Women's $35 Suits $11.98
Tomorrow Economy Day The
big garment store, 2d floor, offers
another marvelous saving oppor
tunity in Ladies Suits Sturdy and
consistent growth of this depart
ment can be attributed to the fact
that it has always merited the con
fidence of its patrons This offer
ing of $35 Suits at $11.98 bears the
"O. W. K. Stamp of Honor Ma
terials are serges, ctxeviots, wor
steds, broadcloths and mixtures
Medium or long jacKets, pleated
sRirts, regular sizes, also a line of
junior suits, all wanted colors,
blacR, blue, gray, rose, tan and
green Greatest economy offer for
tomorrow Values up j n f Q
to $S5 Special, each tPll.vO
See 5th-Street Window Display
T. .
In addition to this most important economy item we offer
liberal reductions throughout the department; in fact, the
whole store abounds in bargains. The most fashionable
Winter Suits ever on sale in Portland at sale prices.
The most notable values of the season. Misses' Suits and
Coats, Purs, Capes, Evening Gowns, Dresses, Waists, Pet
ticoats, etc., are offered at greatest clearance reductions
during this sale. Avail yourselves of this economy sale.
Bargain in Women's Coats
$28.5Q Valxies for $4.98 Each
50 Women's Coats in broadcloths and mixtures, in this season's colors; some are fancy
trimmed and lined full length. This reduction is so great that one .might suspect
exaggeration on our part. But seeing is believing. The values are here QQ
for tomorrow's selling. Regular prices up to $28.50. Special economy price ViO
en's Fine hoes
eg'. q6 Values
On Sale at $2.4Q
For tomorrow's Economy Sale the Shoe Section offers one of
the greatest chances yonwill ever have to get acquainted with
the kind of Shoes we carry, and learn why yon should trade
here. We are cleaning np on our odds and ends at less than
half price. A special line of Men's Shoes, in gnnmetal, dongola
kid, vici kid; in tans and browns; full dress, semi-dress and
street styles; regular values np to $6.00. Economy A
Sale price for tomorrow's selling for only, the pair pxs
Great Values in Men's Fine Slippers
$3.5Q Blankets $2.65 Pair
Reg'. $4.5Q Comforters for $3.6Q Each
Friday lucky for you Tomorrow the big Fourth Floor Store offers Fancy Plaid
Fleeced Blankets, extra large size, very fluffy and warm; the best regular C
$3.50 values. Special price for tomorrow's Economy Sale at, the pair.S00
Laminated Cotton Comforts, with sateen tops and silkoline lining, very rich Q lf
colorings in floral designs, extra large sizes; reg. $4.50 values; special at PJ.OU
Alligator -H and basts
33.5Q to $35 Values
At V2 Regular Prices
Tomorrow's Economy Sale offers an extraordinary oppor
.tunity for securing high-grade Alligator Handbags
Everything in the line smajL jnediainand large sizes;
round or donble-strap handles, fitted with coin purses,
etc. Yon can fismre the Ravin ir with mstkomihV.l
i.aam,y, nunest w. w. iy. vames; regular prices $3.50 f
Tomorrow at the economical saving of
to $35.00.
$1.75 String Bags $1.19
Enormon3 economy offering of Draw-String Bags.. They
are popular, and, oh, so handy; large size; tf- f
black, tan and brown; $1.75 values ; tomorrow P A A
75c Gingham Aprons 59c
5QO Crochet Shawls 98c
Sale of Children's Dresses
For tomorrow's selling the Apron Department, second floor, offers a Mother Hubbard
style Gingham Apron, and large white Square Aprons; our regular 75c values. PQ
Special for this great Economy Sale at this exceptionally low price, each C
500 Crochet Shawls in white and black ; indispensable these cold days. There Q Q
is axbig range of prices and kinds. For this Economy day sale are marked at 70C
Children's Dresses Short Mother Hubbard, Buster and French Dresses; skirts are
trimmed in lace and embroidery; for children aires to 4 years. Note the great savin"
for tomorrow s great Economy Sale and supply the wants of your little ones. Prices':
$1.00 valnes, special 69 $2.00 values, special $1.3Q $3.00 values, special S2.19
$1.50 values, special 98-$2.75 valnes,' special $1.87 $3.50 values, special 2.49
1000 cans of Tooth Powder, assorted pop El
II nlar brands; regular 25c values: 1 A II
,i ., . . . . : .. i - K n ., .
10,000 Yds. Percales
12V2C Quality 8c Yard
Tomorrow in the Domestic Aisle will be displayed 10,000 yards of new Percales in
light and medium and dark colors; an excellently finished cloth in attractive and
pleasing patterns. Lay in your Spring supply tomorrow. It 's Economy Day and Q
means much to you. Regular 12y2c quality; Economy Sale price, the yard, only
8QQO Yds . Fancy SilKs
85c, $1 Values
AA 47c Yard
Tomorrow s Economy Sale
The big silK store offers one of
greatest silR items ever held
otxt to the Portland people It's
Economy Day with us and
will be with you if you partaKe
of the special offering's 8QOO
yards of Fancy SilKs suitable
for many purposes, such as
waists; entire costumes Shirt
waist suits Children's dresses
etc. No end to colors or com-
binations of colors
Every desirable
pattern 85c. $1 -vals.
5 -
it fctsmiKss-n
X- . .1 . ) U. I II UlUWU i-taM
47c Yd
Mens Gray Cashmere Sox
25c Values 17c 35c Values 23c
The Men's Section, Sixth-street entrance, abounds in economy offerings for tomorrow.
200 dozen Men 's Fine Gray Cashmere Socks in medium and heavy weights ; reg- 1 T
ular 25e values. Special Economy Sale price for tomorrow only, the pair 1 C
250 dozen Men's Medium-weicht Half TTnsr. an ovr.ollonf ni;f ,.,
J ..v '"' i J taonuicic, Ul
superior yarn. Our ambition is to maintain the most popular men's store in Port.
land and such offerings as these will do it. Regular 3re values. Special 03
tomorrow at, the pair take advantage
lor this exeat Economv splli
Our Economy Day Sale offers great clearance values in Children 's Hosiery
Paris Buckles V2 Price
For tomorrow only 100 beautiful Parisian
Belt Buckles, no two alike, all exclusive
importations; patterns that belong more to
the realm of art than to jewelry commerce.
You'll want them if you see them; values
$2.50 to $15.00 each. Economy day J Z
the price will be reduced to just half 2
Ladies' Gloves at 98c
1000 pairs extra quelity Out-Seam Cape
Gloves; the best shades of tan; one clasp;
an excellent glove for street wear; QQ
Regular $1.50 value, economy price OC
500 pairs Misses and Children's Golf Gloves
and Cashmere Gloves in a good long assort
ment of colors ; regular values up to 1Q
35e; to be had at economy price of.G
Regular $9.QO Couch
Covers on Sale at $Q.75
Rich Oriental Tapestry Couch Covers in
very fine, heavy quality; a broad range of
patterns in shadings that will match up
with the room; regular $9.00 valdJ "7C
ues; economy price tomorrow. P D O
Great values in Lace Curtain, Portieres,
Couch Covers, etc., etc., tomorrow's sale.
Buy now.
$0.5O Suitcases
On Sale at $4.Q5
Heavy Cowhide, Suitcases, fitted with
straps or bolts shirt fold and linen
lined; a full 21-inch case;
our regular $6.50 seller, spl.?,0"
83.5Q Hat Pins
On Sale at
200 Novelty Hat Pins, everything you
can think of in those wonderfully new
things that come only from ACk
Paris; values to $3.50, at ? Tf
All Laces 'A Off
Sale of Tassels
The Lace Dept. offers unusual, savings
for tomorrow's economy sale: All
overs, Laces, Lace Robes, Point Gaze,
Chautilly, V'eniee, Applique Laces,
Edges, Lagoons, etc., etc., all at 1 ,
reduction; for economy day save. A
Tassels in gold, silver and jet, also
fancy button ornaments; all this sea
son's numbers, Tassels iy2 to 6 jyU
in. long; 15c to $1.50 vals at only 2
500 Women's Waists
9 Vals.
500 Women's Waists, embracing a very choice col
lection of styles that will appeal to fashionable
ladies. The materials are "nets sillr-a laooa 1-.'-nn-AV'A
", wvi,o, LilfiCl ID
Thisremarkable offering for
and tailored waists.
tomorrow's economy sale will create a lot of"
est and bnying will be brisks Those whocome early
will find good choosing. Remember this we are
building a great new store on a foundation of fair
ness; therefore, can't afford to exaggerate in the
of this sale. These
Waists are economically priced at, each
75c Neck wear, Belts 29 c
There is a magnificent assortment and the savin"
means you can have three for the price of one. "Way
Mufflers in black or white, silk Elastic Belts. Lace
Stock Collars, Croat Stocks, Rabats, Jabots and nov
elty !Neek Pieces; regular values up to 75e ; OQ
tomorrow, during the economy sale, at. ea.
Great Friday Specials in
Notions and Small Wares
Rolls, regular length, large OP-
and fluffy, reg. 50c values, special
Barettes, shell or amber, plain or carved,
oesi 01 lasteners,, every one guar
anteed, 5Uc values, special price
Back Combs in shell or amber, "3C
plain or carved, 50c values, special Ji'C
Wood Coat Hangers, gives the coat aQ.
Tooth Paste Ingram's Zodenate, that
nice, lasting paste that keeps the 1 O
teeth young; reg. 25c tubes, special XSC
Hazeline Snow, melts on the skin, making
it soft, smooth and white, prevents chap
ping or roughness, delightful for QQ
shaving; special economy price JC
, ' j n