THE aiOllXIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, .JAMAKV 8. 19iO. V 15 FOB RENT. Housekeeping kooms In Private Family. TH RF'B rooms in a modern and newly fur nished flat: the kitchen, is without fault; the day room is very cozy aji.i cheerful; the n i :n is complete and the e unround ing?, neighborhood and, the distance frorn the buflmess district Is right. If you are a good tenant and want to live omonK. good people, call at 330 H Mill st., between 6tn and 7th. NICELY furnished single housekeeping room; pai for cooking, every convenience; . 224 North 16th bL LARGE suite, ground floor, private home, bath and phone; 125 per month. 414 Taylor, corner 11th. TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms for runt. 360 Benton at., 4 blocks from Steel bridge. $9 Three nioe unfurnished houskwping roomo. 743 E. 22d. Stark. Apply 1-7 B. 16th. near Morrison. LA ROE fumit?h4 rooms with board; every thing fl r-c lass ; su i tab le for o ne or t wo persona. 75 14th st. N. Main 8174. COMPLETELY furnished suite; gaf, bath, phne, heat, laundry tray. 573 Irving, near 18th. CO M FO It T AT! L Y furnished single and double rooms, use of kitchen, reasonable. 787 Gliaan st. 5 Hi 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas plate, steel range. WIS 7th at. Main 4529. XIELT furnished housekeeping rooms. 389 6th st. TWO front housekeeping rooms, modern, walking distance. 21 1 Sherman st. PARTLY f urnUhed ronm : private entrance; ground floor. Call 32S1.2 Jackson st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gas and phone. 34S Clay st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern. ?hone Main 6tt7. 140 16th st. N. WEI-L-FURNISHED two-room housekeeping suite. 3:5 Salmon st., cor. 10th. PURXISHEU housekeeping rooms, 1st and 2d iloors. 14t) 13th St., near Morrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light. 67 N. 14th st., Davis-Everett. WE hafl some very good places in line of flats and houses, furnished or unfurnished. Hart in an & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy It judiciously and the- savings will exceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses In the city In les than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers, MORG A N -ATCHLE Y FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave.. Cor. Eat Stark St. East Ankeny. MontavlllA. and East Side i line cars pass our door. FOR RENT House. 420 East 46th. near Lin coln ; 3 lots, stable, chicken-house, fruit, vegetable garden, roses; school 2 blocks west. R. A. Taylor, cor. 49th and. Haw thorne, phone ti 1316. A NICE, modern house should have modern furnishings throughout; Eastern prices and esy terms at Calef Bros., 860-370 East Morrison st. FOR" RENT i-room cottage, 337 Marguer ette avenue, two blorks from carline, rent $12. Phone Main 140S. between 9 and 5 Sunday. Call East 141. COTTAGE of 5 rooms, electrlcitv, furnace. 1005 Willuims ave., $20. Apply 301 De kum b i d g. VERY desirable fl-rontn houso. 402 San Rafael st.. near Union ave.; dlose in. $25. Phone East 165; C 1491. ON' "S" or "F" carline, 6-room house, $18, newly painted and papered. Apply Jones Drugstore, 800 Front st. FOR RBN' Modern 8-room house. fi65 East Couch et. ; window shades, some carpets1 and furniture; rent $'25, Phone Main 8695. FOR KENT Houses. 852 Front, 8 rooms; ISO Mill et.. 5 rooms. Max fimlth, S3 North 16th st. No phone. T T-ROOM house. East Side, close in; electric, gas. fireplace, etc. Key at 44 East 7th North. Phone A 2424. Main llt'jT. HOL'SE of 5 rooms and bath- 61 East lOth st.. North, near Everett. Inquire 133 Cth st. Main 0278. $27.30 Brand-new, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern, on Hawthorn- ave. Inquire 2"Jl Glenn ave. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Proa.' easy rent plan at Eastern prices. 300-370 East Morrison st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Mala 1618. A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. FOR KENT Neat ,1-ronm cottage, 122 E. LMHIi St., near Morrison; only J18 per mont h. Phone Main 8421. NEW, modern .Vroom cottage, on Union ave., 5 bio. Us from Madison bridge; $17. Phone Main 7507. 7-ROOM modern house, full lot. Love joy near 24th. I. Vanduy.-i. 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Modern cottage, South .Portland. Phono ila-n 1220. FOR KENT 10-room house. Nob Hill. In quire 747 Glisan st. IiESITtA It LE, modern, 6 rooms ; gas, elec trirlty. furnace. 012 East Market. S-ROOM modern house, tW7 Irving st. Call Lament. Main 3143. A 131 2. 5-IKhM houw, 548 5th ; bath, gas. Inquire 42 N. th nt. OOOT) IS-room cottage and yard, I'd and Weidlt-r. Inquire 331" Halsey st. FOR RENT 2V 6-room cottage, cor. East Ash inl East 16th. COTTA'IK of 5 poon AMr; ?2o. W-ppiy P. Sth and FOR RENT fi room modern house. Inquire 81 t Cleveland ave. f mr. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT -Hor.-, furnished complete, -with fuel, fur yj.y -wish r.wm and breakfast for owner; . iking .liftance; references re quired. Phone Main 10O7. evening. East ."4 s. C-KiMM 'modem uupcr flat, elecantlv fur nished : i-oll.hed f lo " s. largo bathroom ce ment bttmont, wawii-iravs, attic, 66 Ella st P.1 tone Main 404. A 4 St -4. FI'KMSHKo lower 6-room flat, bet. College and Jackson ; 2 toilets and bath, base ment, stationary tubs, large a ai d. Call 2413 lOth. PANDY 5-room furnished flat $'-.". Including Phone and Hater. Apply 761 Williams ave Ph i" n e W o v1 1 a w u 410. FURNISHED ."-room cuttage for rent, 'with, leasa, at $35 per month. Call phone Main NIKI.Y f urn t shod H-rnn cottage, suitahle fir 2 families; walking distance. Key, .":..- S Morrison st. 2 OZT rooms w ith kitchen, neatly fur p Ubed. rlsoi, porch, gas. phone, private houso; $25 to reliable couple, 468 Hall. 0Room lvuse. completely, furnished, In cluding piano; rU'gHiu district, close in. M. S. iioiiiery, Stenrr.s bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Two rnut. bath and pantry ; wood in cellar. Phone A 4017. ELEGANT furnished six -room, new corner Hat. piano. 4751 7th st. 6- ROOM cottage, modern, rieutlv furnished ; no child rou. Phone Main 3Si. FURNISH I'D h'us for rent. Kiy E. Taylor. Ph-m Talr 4i'h. NICE 4 -room cot: age. furnished ; bath, gas: no children. Call 10M) Beimont st. 7-Rt'OM Tuode-n houso. elegant lv furnished rent Suites 7 and S. 3.:y " Washington! House for Rent, Furniture for Sale. WASH INOTON-STR WET FLAT. Ntio 6-nuuu iiudirn. lint, rent $15, in cluding steam htj.t. water uixl janitor must sell quick GliUS SI & ZADOW. J17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. fTOl 'SB f. r ren t . f urnit ure for arale ; -rorm f t. firictty mp.ivrn. Tumitu- e all new ; pi-iL-rt carpets alone worth the mone H. F. l,o A: ty7 Hoard of Trade blujc. Fl'lt-NITUIIE of 5-room cottage; rnt very reasonable. 043 Overton st. In BOB RENT. HouMee for Rent, Furniture for Sale. 6-ROOM FLAT. $25. Nice 6-room fiat, close in. on "VTest Side, rent onlv furniture brand new and for sale at a snap, only $250. J vimr leaving me city, a-ua muai. dcu quiok.. . SWELL FLAT. YAMHILL ST. Modern 8-room fiat, rent J43, taking In $225 per month for board and room: fur niture Is elegant and for sale at a reason able price; part cash and balance in monthly, pavments. OR U SSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FIRST-CLASS furniture of 5-room cottage for sale; rent $18 per month; centrally lo cated. Call G64 4th st. North. Phone Main 4363. HOUSE of 5 rooms, newly papered, fine lo cality; can rent 2 rooms; furniture for sale reasonable. 434 Harrison St., corner 12th. Phone A 7721. BEST buy In the city; modern flat, well furnished, centrally located, 5 minutes' walk from Postoffice. Furniture for sale; flat for rent. Call A 7627- NEW furniture 5-room apartment for rent or sale ; owner will rent room if desired. Main 3001. FURNITURE o; 6-room modern flat rea sonable ; leaving city. Call 320 7th st., cor. Clay. 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bargain; good lease. Owner. Main 9053; 2 to 4. CHEAP Furniture of 6-room flat; party leaving city. 4 East 1-Mh st. Stores. FOR RENT A fine store building, 20x62. feet in alse, just completed, in suitable location for a small drygoods store ; full basement in connection; owner will put in shelving, partitions, etc., free of charge; in live part of Portland; low rent, long lease. Inquire of Jones, the Druggist, cor. Front and Glbbs sts. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store buUding, 100x165, 8. E. cor. Front and Pine sts. Apply C. A. Dolpb, Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT Storeroom In Seward Hotel building, opposite main entrance to Olds, W'ortman & King new department store. Inquire Seward Hotel office. FOR RENT Stores, also 26 rooms on- 2d floor, new brick building. 8. w. corner 2d and Flanders sts. inquire 291 Morrison st. ONE new storeroom. 2Sx60, left In new block. Apply at drugstore, 800 Front st. Either F or S car. MODERN brick stores, good location, bak ery, grocery,, confectionery; cheap. M 7157. FOR RENT 2 lofts, cornur location, rent cheap. 63 0th st. SMALL store for rent, near Washington st. 112. 4th st. STOREROOM, good location for grocery and meat market. 652 Thurman. Offices. FOR RENT Business rooms, recently va cated by printing establishment. Inquire of A. G. Cnurchey, 145 8d St. FOR RENT Office rooms and transient rooms. The Olive. 3036 "Washington at., cor. 5th. DESK space or private office, ground floor. Room 3 Commercial Club. Both phones 1444. , ; i FOR RENT A few offices in Couch, bids;.' Apply Room 501. DFjSKIROOM. including desk, both phones. 017 Board of Trade. DESK ROOM to rent in new Lewis bldg., with use of telephone. Y 62S, Oregonian. Halla. BALLROOM, good location. In gooA condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, 800 Front. Warehouses. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse. with elevator and large offices; 60x100; three stories and basement Corner 4th and Gllsan sts. Apply to D. Q. Woodward. 104 2d st. FOR RENT Three-story and basement brick warehouse, 25x50, Clay st., near Front; low rent. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co.. S3 4tn Et. TO LEASE. FOR LEASE Hall. 2Ox50. auttable for lodge or association purposes; heat, 'light and janitor service furnished. Inquire 711 Cor bett bidg BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HOTHOUSE FOR. SALE. Nice hothouse, fully equipped with lots of marketable flowers and plants, on a paying basi; made the owners $5000 clear last year; one-half Interest in the business can Ije bought for $1000; & snap for any one looking for this kind of business. 6RUSSI & ZADOW. 17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SALOON FOR SALE. A downtown saloon for sale at a sacri fice; everything ttrst class; good location; excellent opportunity for some one, present owner having to make a change at once. D 630, Oregonian. . HOTEL WANTED. Wanted, good country hotel.-- roadhouse or resort, not exceeding $10,000: absolute ly no notice will be taken to answers not stating name, location, price and particu lara. J 3u, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE man want sober man as partner to show land; no experience neces sary and very- little money required. Par ticulars National Realty & Trust Co S26i Washington st., room 616. CARPENTER SHOP In rapidlv growing town for sale; good woodworking shop; situated on main street; gasoline power; 3 years' ground lease; small rent. Conklin tiz Carter, Tillamook, Or. DO UIj want supplies or rent film? We are independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 itothchlld bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Partner; ?300 and service? secure half interest money-making business; ex perience unnecessary. et., room 417. 31:6 1 Washington FOR SALE $200O stock of groceries, in live alley town. This store will warrant in vestigation; stock and fixtures at Invoice. C. L. Crider, Dallas. Or. WILL sell meat market established 6 years; aaJes $45 wr day; rent 4S per month; long ieae; inventory about f 300; good paying biunness. Tabor 644. WE can locate you In paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher, 531-332 Lumber Exchange bldg. phone A 4881. CORPORATION bond issues. $100,000 up v ards, negotiated. L. N. Rosenbaum, law yer and tinanlctal agents. 317 Fern block. Seattle, Washington. FOR man and wife, swell corner grocery and new. clean stock. low rent; $100O takes, this positive snap; best of reasons for selling; be quick. Phone Main CS5I. $25 MADE 450 in seven months; $170 made mil liona ire ; complei e tory In our publica tion. "California "Oil Fields." Sample copy free. Sagar & Loomls. San Francisco, FOR SALE Finely equipped restaurant do- 1 mg business; very cneap. 775 Savler st. iKf i.ia-i. car. NINE swell furnished rooms, close in. worth sacriQced lor $4 CO, half cash. 272 Stark st. PARTNER wanted to collect, etc.; will pay enerfcotic man week; $2V ea?h required Call 417 iioard of Trade bldg. CIGAR and confectionery at transfer point; c-hean n-nt, good business; - $400 gets It. 272 Stark st. FOR SALE Small dairy, or will trade for good lot cows good condition. Call 13u7 E. Flanders' st. WANTED Neat young man with $200 cash as cashier and partner in a good paying business. Room 610 Swetland bUlg. BY owner, a good busrtness and residence In come property paying more than lO per cent prkrd JftK'OO. Ta-bor 644. DENTIST'S office, best location, fine equip ment, oheap for cash. A. 62S, Oregonian. WANT retail hardware business In a good live Valley town. X 629. Oregonian. FAMTLY hotel for sale. Excellent location. Call 533 Morrison, cor. 17th. HAVE good -rrvration for movln g-picrore show; want partner. W 633, Oregonian. $2 FOR 10O business cards; 20O. 75c. Rose City Prlntery. l'J2 3d st.. near Taylor. BITTER. ey and poultry stand, doing $60 per day; $500 handles it. 272 Stark st. PARTNER In saloon; good location: take two parties for business AJC Oresoniaa. BUSINESS OPPORTCNITTES. ICE PLANT AND COLD STORAGE BUSINESS. This business ia locatt-d in a splendid Valley town; has a daily capacity of seven ton, has all the necessary equipment and commodious grounda and buildings1 for con ducting the business; there is also a retail and wholesale meat business in connection with the plant: will be sold together orVs a separate proposition; there are two sets of buildings, including market, stable, etc., in connection with the meat business; also in cludes five acres of first-class lands adjoin ing the town; annual &aes about $40,000: price $15,000 and splendid terms; land and are alone worth, the price; this is e, first-class proposition. Far particulars adreas AM 632, Oregonian. DRUGSTORE FOR TRADE. Up-to-date city drugstore, junction of two carlines, large dance hall upstairs, all modern floor cases; no drugstore with in a mile, cheap rent, also two nice fur nished rooms over store. Owner is called East and will sell cheap, with terms, or will exchange for house, or lots. A pay ing business for anyone. Price 52500 or best offer. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. GREAT SAWMILL OPPORTUNITY. I own active Columbia River sawmill: 100.000,000 feet pine and fir, bottled up by my water right; investment of $25,000 for further improvements and equipment will return $50,000 yearly; best tie proposition on Coast. WILL GIVE PARTNER ALL PROFITS And first lien upon all assets until bis in vestment is repaid, after which we share equally; as treasurer he will handle all monev (his investment Included). Full particulars to responsible principals ' ad dressing O 628. Oregonian. STEAM LAUNDRY. Well equipped, nearly new steam laun dry, on a paying basis and with a great future ; business can be very largely in creased ; Is now paying $200 per month above all expenses. This laundrv can be bought for JG0O0, Including 5OK10O corner lot and good building; half cash, balance lonR time, or will trade for real estate. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WANTED To soli -first-class two-chair bar ber shop, good-paying bath room, city water, good live town, headquarters for Twohy Bros., railroad contractors, who are building Deschutes R. R. ; construction work will last for 12 months more. Par ticulars write Geo. G. Stark. Grass Valley, Oregon. DELICATESSEN AND GROCERY. Nice, clean stock of groceries and deli catessen goods, on the West Side; ckearing S20O per month; rent only $15 per month; In a fine business location; for sale, in cluding stock and fixtures, for $1200; this is a snap and must be sold quick, as the owner is leavins the cltv. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. DRYGOODS Good opportunity for man to open small drygoods and notion store in new building, 20x62 feet In size, with full basement; owner will make all necessary al teratlons free ; low rent, long lease ; lo cation a live part of Portland. Apply to B. F. Jones, druggist, cor. Front and Gihbs sts. Take "S" cars. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. g Reliable partner wanted to attend to business and show property. This is one of the best propositions in Portland, and will nxake you big money; bank reference. Call 2SQhit Washington St., room 612. RESTAURANT. One of the neatest and best-paying little restaurants In the city. Cost originally $3o00. Owner called East. Must sell. Price, $1000.. Fine downtown location. 210 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark. EXPERIENCED middle-aged married man will invest S10.000 or more in established business, with position. Will negotiated viwy wan principals, ana require thorough investigation. All communications confi dential. Best of ban it rererences. Ad dress Y 623. Oregonian. BARBER BUSINESS. Good paying, three-chair suburban bar ber shop; big snap on account of sickness; no reasonable offer refused. 210 Lumber men's bldg., 5th and Stark. CONFECTIONERY store, paying proposition, good lease, best of location, must sell now owing to poor health; Investigate; give ad address. AH 632, Oregonian. INTEREST in nianf. business, $250; no competition; fine money-making business; Just the thing for young man. Call 191 4th st. PARTNER wanted for butter, egg and pro duce store; guarantee $S0 month salary, a too Khare of profits, which are large. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. LONG-ESTABLISHED drygoods and drug business in Portland's best suburb, on main carline; first-class trade; good rea son for selling. A 630, Oregonian. FOR BALE Two Box Ball Bowling Alleys, little used, at a reasonable price. Good money makers if put in the right place. Address E 631, Oregonian. ONLY lunch counter and restaurant in whole sale and warehouse district for sale; bar gain; good businesw; low rent; worth $2000. S1C0O cash. C 634, Oregonian. SOLID BUSINESS. Partner wanted in business paying J400 per month, and books open for inspec tion. Call 286 Washington st., room 612. FOR SALE! A modern meat market, good trade, lease and location; I am going to leave Portland ; see theowner; no agents. AG 634, Oregonian. SNAP Dry goods, shoes- and furnishings at invoice: about $2000; yearly sales ?1 3.500; established 7 years; beat town near Port land. Addre.v 6S6 East SHark. FOR SALE Hotel in town of 1000 in Eastern Oregon; no other hotel In town; 8 stores and bank; reason for selling, other business. V 631, Oregonian. FOR SALK-A saloon In good location; will sell at sacrifice on account of ill health; a snap for right party. AH 031, Ore gonian. SAWMILL for sale, together with 7.0O0, 000 feet fir timber, near Portland, a going operation; can be bought right, direct frdm owners. D 633, Oregonian. SALE OR TRADE One of the cleanest, best-paying East Side groceries; price, $X0; will take half trade. AK. 629, Ore gonian. PARTNER wanted, have had tan years ex perience business chances, want energetic partner with $5000 as treasurer. L 628. t )reopnlon. CASH GROCERY Partner wanted; must be steady, sober man ; money secured. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar stand; good paying business; ex.-ellent location- long lease. R C30, Oregonian. FOR RENT At 145 3d st., business rooms, suitable for printing, small manufacturing, etc. Inquire A. G. Churchloy, photographer. C O XFBCT1 ON ER Y, c I gars and tobacco, a Lfo lunch counter, for sale cheap; owner leaving town. Box G32, New berg. Or. NEAT little restaurant, fine location- Just right for maa-and wife. Only $50O. 272 Stark st. Z I DELL & DE VENNEY. Room 3, Raleigh bldg.. Main 432. Real estate, business chances, collections and short time loans. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS 1 elephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 22-5 Abington. SALOON for sale, centrally located; price reasonable. Apply Gambrinus Brewing Co. SALOON for sale cheap If taken at once. Inquire at North Pacific Brewing Co., cor. 18th and Upshur sts. A GOOD offer for few days only In one of the best corner groceries; will take part real estate. AE 630, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good-paying hotel, centrally located. 3101, First, corner Clay. Phime from 2 to 6 P. M. Main S6S5. WANTED Hotel, modern, 40 rooms up : give full particulars with first letter. Addretw V 630, Oregonian. FOR SALE Delicatessen and lunch room; no competition, cheap rent, long lease; leaving city. Phone Tabor 376. WANTED A partner with $3000 to- handle a standard automobile. AH 630, Orego nian. WANTED An honest partner to start the feed and fuel business AG 631. Oregonian. HALF Interest at sacrifice in paying business Y 634, Oregonian. SHOOTING GALLERY, doing good business. Call 66?i 4th st. North, phone Main 4563. ROOMING -HOUSES. I AM going away, will sacrifice my 14-room house with full basement; rent $50; lease, best furniture, first-class location, for $50v terms, 305 3d su HOTEL. 56 rooms; clears $300 per month. If you have the cash. $2250. and want a. sure thing, write owner, AM 62S, Ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSE for sa:e; good bargain; will give Japanese iease, AQ 621. Oregoxhuu. ROOMTNG-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSE Best class in Port land, new and modern, full house all the time, anyone buying furniture can lease. $5500 cash; clears a good profit. Address P. O. Box 223. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSES If jou want to buy or sell, see us, as the bulk of the business goes through our of fice. Phones A 1321 or M- 774. H. W. OAKLAND & CO., ffl 4th St. $42fSACRIFICB $425. Fine furniture of 7-room eteam-heated flat, on Washington st.-; 4 rooms rented for $60. Call 2804 Washington at., room 612. $800 A BARGAIN $S00. Good furniture of 17-room house, fine location and a money-maker. Call today. 286 w Washington at., room 612. HOTEL ROMAINE, 147 4 Second st. ; -steam heat, running water in all rooms. LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLEN Liberal reward offered for the return or information of whereabouts of black deerhound, tan face, about 10 months old; name Tuck; gone since Friday, Decem ber 31 ; last seen in vicinity of 16th and Jefferson. T. E. Terrtll, 306-7 Columbia bldg. Phone Main 7921. IjOST Thursday evening, between Public Library and Washington St., or on 23d-st. car, a hand satchel containing watch and other valuables; return Public Library, children's department; reward. $50 REWARD For return of furs, handbag and pin left in taxlcab New Year's eve:jno questions will be asked. Address AH OF Oregonian. LARGE black and white pointer pup; bead ed collar, female license attached. Re ward Return Hill's Pharmacy, 23d and Thurman sts. LOST During past week, lady's gold cased Elgin watch and fob ettached. initials H. J. P. inscribed on back of case ; reward, Call operator. Ex. 61 or Tabor 627. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front st. Phone Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H- Metzger. . .. -1 11 - LOST Open-face gold watch, inscribed "Hex" on back, somewhere between Russell street and Hawthorne avenue, January 6. Return 830 Montana avenue. Reward. LOST A tortoise she'll back comb with gold mounting; Main street, between Park and Tenth or Tenth between Main and Aider. Reward. 233 10th st. LOST A fox terrier, white with, brown spots, or strayed from B95 East 15th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 117. Reward. LOST Bunch of keys containing the name of Hilburt Mercantile Go. Return to Ore gonian office'. ELDERLY lady whd took umbrella from Postoffice please return same to P. O. to save trouble. LOST Black fur throw. Grand ave., "between Oregon and E. Buraside. Return to 390 Oregon St., reward. LOST Fox terrier, license 1734. Return to 731 Savier st. Reward. WILL THE gentlemen who loaned $10 on a watch Friday evening Call A 5661. SPECI AL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the United States Reclamation Service, 501 Beck building. Portland, Ore gon, until 2 o'clock P. M., January 28, 1910, for furnishing one boat, either new or second-hand, in first-class condition, as follows: Length, 38 to 20 feet; beam, not less than 6 feet; the boat to be fitted with center-board and small sail; it must have a good free-board and be a staunch sea boat, not too heavy to row. Full description of the boat proposed to be furnished, together with the price, should be submitted with the proposal. BIDS WILL BE received until February 1, lino, at the office of Newell, Goasett & Walsh. 32 Washington building, Portland, Or., for the grading, bridging and tracklay Ing necessary in the construction of the ex tension of the Portage Railway from Big Eddy to 'The Dalles, a distance of 4.05 miles. Specifications and profiles showing approximate quantities can be obtained from the engineers at the above address. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. State Hoard of Portage Railway Commission, Jan uary 5, 1910. M Ucellaneoua. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Hoppe Bros, have purchased the restaurant at 1686 East 13th St.. formerly owned by James Mallet, and will take possession January 1, 1910. THE following firm, Schrey & Goldbloott. has this day dissolved partnership. Adolf Schrey Is successor and will continue to conduct the business at 307 1st st. REMOVAL NOTICE V. Kaspar, ladies' tailor, has removed from 109 11 th st. to Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washing ton sts. HORSE for sale after 10 days unless owner, R. Frazler, pays $30 board bill due. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Iteal Eat ate. PRIVATE MONEY Large amount private funds on hand for Immediate loans. Amounts .$200 up. No delay. Reasonable rates. Also some Eastern money to loan at 6 per cent. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., 630 Chamber of Commerce. Fire insur ance. MONEY" to loan on improved property. If for building purposes, interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 8 years time; liberal in payment privileges; money advanced s building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark st. HAVE a first mortgage on close-in city prop erty, drawing 7 per cent, to run nearly 3 years. I desire to sell same. The security is first-class and abstract goes with mort gage. Address AE 632, Oregonian. I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or seller's equity in real estate in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, Lum bermen's bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY, 309-310 Abington- Bldg. $300,000 ON Improved city or farm prop erty, building ur small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. Mc Kinzie Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and second montgages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 86 6th St. IMMEDIATE; loans from $5 to $500, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. I HAVE some 8 per cent money fp loan on good real estate eecurity. W I Green 406 Lumbermen's bldg. Phone Main 87S7. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 02 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. . s WILL loan $5000 or less, per cent, real estate. Farrington, 416 Commercial Club bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G Beck 812 Falling bldg. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. C. MONEY loaned on rea4 estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nurm. 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 Washington bldg., 4th and Wash. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton. $2000 TO loan at 7 per cent cn first mort gage. Call 301 Henry bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages. H. Miley. room 204 Gerllnger. MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Frary & Seltz, 132 5lh st. HAVE $ lO.OOO to loan, on good security no agent need apply. AC 633, Oregonian. $20,000 or less to loan on real estate; lowest lates. a 27, Oregonian. MONEY to loan on improved city property. Wm. MacM aster, 302 Worcester blk. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans. Lewis A Co., 251 Wash. st. MONEY loaned, building purposes, if consult ed before building begins. 309 Henry bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO., 251 WASH ST. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get &&y, to pay. F A. Newton, 513 Henrx bid. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DON'T WORRY. Is your landlord waiting for his rentt Is your grocer waiting for his bill? Is your life Insurance- company wait ing for its premium ? Is your furniture store waiting; for its payments T Hau: you'been out of work or had sick ness with all its extra bills? If so, you have worried enough without worrklngfbout money. But you say the landlord must ba paid and others will not wait. Don' t worry ; let us do the waiting1. We have money and nothing to do but wait that's our business. Get out of debt. Get your mlud off your money troubles. You will be able to work better and eet out of debt sooner. Come and get the money from ns from $10 upward. We will loan you on your furniture, piano, fixtures, storage receipt or any . personal property; also on your salary. We w4Jl give you 3 to 12 months in - which to pay it off. Easy weekly or monthly payments. See us first when in need of money. We offer a better proposition on loans of this kind than can be found else where. BUTTON CREDIT COMPANY, G13 Dekum Bldg. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you would know how easy our ferms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate. Furniture and pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry and Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We buy First and Second Mortgages. All business Strictly Confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 2084. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SALARY LOANS. The best proof of our merit Is the steady Increase in our business which we are having. OUR SALARY LOAN BANK under strong competition, has been gain ing utitil wo are now recognized as the leading loan institution at .Portland. "THERE'S A REASON." Wo make salary loans exclusively, therefore- give better satisfaction. Our improved payment plan is a feature our liberal rebate If paid before due the privacy with which we operate our low rates and easy terms. STATE SECURITY CO., 303 Failing Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN &: MTG. CO.. 416 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 17 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note-; return it in easy pay ments; strictly confidential; lowest rates. See us and save money. 427 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. EMPLOYES LOAN CO.. 321 Abington bldg. Money on installment plan. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short - time. A. M. Deloyage, Jeweler. 269 Wash ington st. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums from $25 to $5oO, on good chat tel security. Room 120, No. 422 Washing ton ft. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WANT to borrow $1:000 for 3 years, 7 per cent, first mortgage, close-in business property. Call 513 Chamber of Com merce. LOAN WANTED $3000 on Improved real estate for two or three "years; will pay 8 per cent. AD 634, Oregonian. ' WANTED$130O for 8 years at 7 per cent on close-in West Side house and lpt , private parties only. Call at 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. WANTED Loan. $3500, 3 years. 6l per cent ; gilt-edsed securitv : nrlncipals only. Address AF 631, Oregonian. - $2500 WANTED on Portland Heights Improved property; no commission. AM 633, Ore gon lan. $400O at 6 per cent, close in, real estate se curity; valuation $10,000. K. 630, Ore gonian. $4600, 8 Per cent; security a $62,000 build ing quarter block. S 633, Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $300 on unimproved real estate valued at $700. AE 631, Oregonian. PERSONAL. "THE JAHN," 384 Yamhill st.. cor. West Park Selected ladies' hair goods, stylish puffs, switches, artistic wigs, toupees, transformations that defy detection; the very latest French system of hair dyeing; t saves time, money and disappointments; - our system of dermatology will cure the worst kind of scales, tetter and dandruff; 'experienced French wlgmaker and Marcel ' waver in attendance. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children; surgery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to .the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 392S; A 5607. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children. Ladles, you can avoid surgical operation by con sulting me; electrical treament for nerv ous diseases; private hospital accommo dation. Rooms 505-506 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Phones. Main 4047, A 241L "THE JAHN." 384 Yamhill at.; phones Main 5174, A 3544 High-class ladies' . Turkish and electric baths; removing of super fluous hair, moles, warts, etc.. by the elec tric needle; painless and permanent; the only system indorsed by all physicians. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hellsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260, Home B 1803 MEN CURED QUICKLY. Modern electric treatment lor nervous debility, chronic and nervous diseases of men and women. W. I. Howard, M. D., 304-6 Rothchild bldg., 2S7Va Washington. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters Diamond Brand pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand pills are sold by druggists everywhere. LADIES Sanderson's Cotjton Root Pills are positively the best. Take no other. Price, $2 per box or 3 boxes, $5. Address T. J Pierce. 311 Alisky bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and Skin diseases, sores, ul cers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 181 1st, Portland. DR.' ISABELLA MACK I E. Private hospital for w.jmen --30O E. 50th st. Tabor Jsii'J. Mme. Court wright, kin" and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M 5042 DR. T. J. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women; all Irregularities corrected; no ex posure. Call or write 311 Alisky bldg. MEN ONLY SEXOID PILLS cure all weak ness. Price. $1. Money refunded if it falls T. J. Pierce, 311 Alisky bldg. BAKE-OVEN treatment for rheumatism and all kindred diseases. Swedish Sanitarium. 433 Market, cor. J2tn. Phone Main 7033. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 1704 3d st. Main 8770 - JOHN LINNELL, Swedish graduate, mas seur, mechano-hydrotlierapeutic treat ments. 417 Oregonian bid. Main 7737. DR. PHILIP tTbaLL, naturopathic phyaTclan Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington." MRS. K.. ALLISON positively cureer cancer 771 Aiberta st. Phone Wood i awn 119. BALM OF FXAS for all female diseases. 543 East Wash. Agents wanted. East 2498. ENDLESS HAIR ROLI-Any thickness, any color. 428 E. 9th. JS. 2211. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42! Fliedner bldg. M- 3473! FINNISH mawseurs. Mr. and Mrs- Jurva. 196 Union awe. N, ' East 602, C- -175& PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS at factory prices; French and German hair switches, i5c and up. Paris styles in haifdressing; scientific face and scalp massage, dermatology, halrdressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecke. Grand Leader, 5th, and Alder sts. DR. LORENS NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay lor Drug Co.. 2S9 Morrison st. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. -Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. B. H. COLL13 & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Ulock. Phone Main 6567. H. A. MOSER, accountant and auditor; business or corporations, eMates, counties, municipalities solloittd. 250 3d. M. 244. Assayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 690. FOOD, commercial " end drug analysis. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., Portland. Or. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assay era. 204 Washington st. Attorneys at Law. '. S. HUMPHREY, 727-739 Cham. Cora. In terstate Adjustment Co., collection dept. H. H. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law. 735 Cham ber Commerce. Main 4764, A 3531. Builder and Contractors. CONCRETE, brickwork, underpinning and repairs. J. Wempe, 1!S7 East 32d at. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only sclentilic chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. . Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, rqom. 423 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and sclp. Mrs. - Dunton. Tilford bldg., R. 204. 10h and Mor. ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist; bunion skeptics invited. 32tVa Stark. . A 2896. Coal and Wood. HARD COAL. Clean coal, coal that burns and pro duces heat, keeps fire all night. It's coal you are getting, not mud. If you are using soft coal, you are wasting; money. G-et wise and phone Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 101 S. A 19S4. One ton hard coal will outlast 3 tons soft coal. Try it. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Foot of Bancroft ave., good dry box wood. Inside wood, ?labwood, cordwood; coal. Mala 5540. A 116. AUSTRALIAN COAL CO. All kinds Of coal ; prompt delivery. Main 547, A 2247. Collections. COMMERCIAL, probate, real estate, law, bonded representatives everywhere. Na tional Adjustment Co.. 926 Board of Trade. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Curios. SUN SOON HU1B CO. Silks, suitings, rugs, fancy goods. TO 6th. Dancing. FOUR DANCING LESSONS, $L Prof. Wal WiUson's Dancing School, 25o per lesson, including teachers, music with each It-son every morning, afternoon and eve. -Guarantee to teach anyone to dance or refund money. . Selling-Hirsch Hall. 3Sei Washington St., near 10th st. Dos: and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S-, D. C. M. Office 324 Flanders t. Main 4oS6. A 4086. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors f jr rent or sale. 213 2d st. Furniture Finisher. Feed Stores. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Class and Glazing. GLASS and glazing. Tlmms Cress St Co., 145 1st et. Main or A 2023. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN 9ales Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies. Phone Main 6753. Leather and Findings. CHAS. I. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189- Front st. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 Sth St. Main 53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot. BlAND and orchestra Instruments, musical sun dries, Victor talking machines, records. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 134 2d ot EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of Cevclk. A 4160, Pine 334. Main 3045. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon St. Main 7340. Conservatory course. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. Phone, office. Main 319; res. East or B 1028. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirkville. Mo.. 1898, post grad. 1907. 318 Swetlund bldg. M. 188T. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glasa, sash and doors. Oor. 2d and Taylor. , Patent Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreten pat ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Paving;. TH E Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 404 Worcester bldg. Oscar Huber, Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD TIPE CO Factory and office near 24th N. and York sts. Main 3489. Rubber Stamps. ALSO sl9. stencils, office stationery, etc, Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS- Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs , silk port lets. 153 Union ave., near aft Morrison. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Sales at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault. for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596, A ll96. OLS EN-ROB TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for salpment. 2o9 Oak St.. bet. Front and Isu Telephones Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage Otfice 310 Hoyt st., between 6th and ttlh" Phones Main 69, A 1169. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 161S, A 19S4. All covered wagons, ali Experienced men. Typewriters. WE ARB the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Court; investigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 287 Washington st. NEW. rebullts, second-hand, rentals at cut rates, p. X. C. Co., 231 Stark, M. 1407. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Typewriters. SPECIAL OFFER ON FACTORY-REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. L. C. Smith Visible. $42.50 and up; Un derwoods, No. 4 and 5 models, $47.50 and up; Remingtons. No. 6 and 7 models, $27.50 and up. All other makes at proportionately low prices; all machines fully guaranteed an-.l sold on approval; terms. Pacific Statlone"rj' & Printing Co.. 203. 205. 2o7 Second st. Sole agents for the , Rebuilt Typewriter Com ran y. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE) LUTKB MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co.. 6th and HoyU R, Lutka, Mgr. Wall Paper. Ernest Miller Co., 172 1st St., wholesale and retail. Samples mailed free. GKAND CENTRA, STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ..... Roseburg Passenger .. Shasta Limited Stlverton Passenger .... California Express . . . San Francisco Express . West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited Silerton Passenger West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger ... h oresr f!rn-. n 8 : 30 a nrv, 4:15 p. m, 6:00 p. m.. 6:20 p. m. 7 :45 p. m. 1:30 a. m-, 7:20 a. nu 4 :00 p. m. 5 :50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. m 7:30 a. iru 10:00 p. m. 5 :30 p. m. 11:U0 a. m-, 2 ,:0 p. m. 9:30 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11 :50 a. m. 4:40 p- m-, . Forest Grove Passenger fcorest move Passenger Northern Pacific Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound yt North Coas.t Limited "via " North! 0:09 a. nv, nanK 1 7. 00 p. m. a.i -xpresa via Puget Sound 12: Atlantic Express via North Banki 9 1 win City Express via Pugetl Sound . 3 Tw,in City Express " via" No'rthf Bank 17 Eastern Express via Puget" Sound 13 pastern Express via North Bank 9 Missouri River Express via Pugetl 15 a, O0 a. m. 30 p. m, 00 p. m. 15 a. m. OO a. in-, 00 a. nx, 00 p. m. rnr"S a;:--- -10 mver express via North Bank Portland. Tarnma ""Vh VVil Express, Grays Harbor, Olympia and Soutn Bend branches rortiana- ancouver Speclul ..10 Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har-f 30 p. m. O0 p. bl, Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland " I North coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited via Puget, bound Northern Pacific" ' Expre'sa' North Ban Northern Pacific Express viai Puget Sound Pacific Coast Express via Nortlil :15 p. m. :30 a. m. O0 a, nx, 35 p. nx, :15 p. m. :30 a. in. :15 p. in, :30 p. nx, :00 a. nx, :00 p. nX( iiank ' Pacific Coast Express 'via Puget! Sound v Wt stern Express" via" North Bank western Exuress via Puset Sound 10 u,,'n" rtv er express via Northi Bank Missouri River Express via Puget Sound . Portland-Tacoma-Seattlo Express iium uiympia, aoutQ senu and Grays Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special Yacolt Passenger 00 p. nu 35 p. nx 30 p. nx 00 a.m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger . . . . , Chicago-Portland Special . Portland-Chicago Limited Soo-Spokane-portland Eastern Express Arriving Portland Fast Maii . ... Portland-Chicago Limited , Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Local Passenger Cnicago-portland Special .. 8:00 a. nx 10:00 a. m, 6:35 p. nx. 7:00 p. nx, S:0u p. nx, 7:50 a. nx 8 :00 a. 111. 8:40 a. in. 9:o0 a, nx 6:15 p. nx I 8: 00 p. m. Astoria Ht Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express .......,...,,.. Astoria Express Rainier Passenger Rainier PaEseiier Arriving Portland Portland Express i... Portland Express . , . Rainiei and Portland passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 8:00 a. nu 6:30 p. nx 1:15 p. nx, 6:lu p. nx 12:15 p. nx 10:00 p. nx 110:25 a. m. 5:20 p. nx Canadian pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p. ra. Via Seattle )l2:13 a, nx, Arriving Portland I C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a.m. Via Seattle 7:00a.m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. Leave Portland Seattle Passenger . . Shasta limited Owl : Arriving Portland Owl "N,. Shasta Limited Portland Passenger ... 9:00 a. nx . . .; 3:ouj?. in. . . . ll;4i p. nx . . . I 7:15 a. m. . . . J 6:1:0 p. nx . . .j 5:0O p. nx JhtltKaON STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger ... Dallas Passenger ... Arriving Portland. Dallas Passenger ... Dallas Passenger .., . . . 7:40 a. nx . . . I 4.30 p. nx . .10:15 a. ra. . . 5:55 p. nx LLLYLMH AND HOx'T tel KLL IS PAHr Sr-NGFR STATION. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Liupae Express 9:00 a. m. For Cnicago, tit. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. St Louis, Billings. Sponanc. Cheney, Lamoni, V ashtucna, Kaniotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Grandualles, Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate sta tions. Columbia River Local.., 4:30 p. nv North Bank Limited 7:00 p. nx For Chicago, St. Paul. Onaha, Kansas City. St. Luuis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney, LamonL, ashtucna, Kanlotu. Pasco. Roosevelt, Grandualles, Lyie. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. Arriving Portland - x North Bank Limited 8:00 a. nx From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamout, Washtucua, Kahluius, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalies, Lyie. GoldenUale. W hile Salmon, fate venaon, I Vancouver and mteiinciiiaie stations. Columbia itiver Local 12:25 p. nx Inland Empire Express. 8:15 p. m. From Chicago, tot. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, bL Louis, Billlnas, Spckane, Cheney. Lamon t. W asn tucna, Kaiilulua, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalies. Lyie, Goldendale, W hue toaimon, Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electric Hallway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. nations 6:30, 7:5o, ll:O0 A. 2 ;Oo. 3:5o. 0:30, :40 f. M- Limited lor Tualatin and Salem u : 1 .7 A. M. Local for Wilson vlile ana int. stations 5:lO P. M. Dally except Sunday for points on the Salem, Falls City & Western ity. via Saiem, 6:3 A. M-, 2:Ot p. M - Sunaay only, lb:00 A. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations i":0o, 8: JO, 10;20 A. M. ; 12:1U, 2:10, 3:30, 5:30, 6:25 P. M. Saiuraay only. 11: JO P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations i:40, 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15, 4:00, 6:00, &:6, 10:50 P. M. Limited from Salem and 1 uaiuiui jr. ai. tiucdi irom w iison ville a'nd Int. stations 1:40 A. M Daily except Sunday, 7:5 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and, Int stations 8:OV, 9:50, 11:40 A. M. ; 1:30. 2:50, 5:20, 8:H P- M. Saturday only, ll:tHA p. M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. ' Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room. Fust and Alder and East Water and East Morrison streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4. go, 6:20 A. M. and every 30 minutes to and including 9 P. M.. theu 10.00, 11:00 P. M-; last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 6:55, 7:45, 8 45, 9:45. 1U:43 A. M., 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45. 5:45, 6:45. 11:33 P. M. F-alrvietv and Truutaale 6:55, 7:45. 8:45, 9r40. 10:45 A. M.. 12:40, 2 45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45. 6:45 P. M. Cazaaero and intermediate points 6:55, 8:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12:4, 2:45. 4:45, 6:4a P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Oiiice and Waiting Room, Second and Washington Streets. A. M. 6:15, 6:50. 7:::5. 8:00, 8:33. 9:10. 9:50, 10:3u. ll:lu, 11:50 P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30, 3:10. B-50 4:30, 6:lU, &:-0. ti:30. 7:u5, 7:40, ;16 8:i5 10:3it ll:45. On third Monday In every month tho last car leaves at 7;o P. M. Daily except Sunday. Dally except MoatLay