Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 08, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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Nice 7-room house in beautiful grove of
Jarge oak and walnut trees, with 5 acrrs
of fine level land, bf st of soil, all In culti
vation, plenty of fruit, berries, grajx'-s,
BRpa.ra.g-us bed, on corner of two mam
county roads, adjoining Hillsboro, 12 min
utes' walk to Oregon Electric and S. P.
If. R. ; a second electric line now building
will pass the door. price $3250; $325
cash, balance $10 per month, or 10 per
cent discount for all cash.
6-cr3 tracts adjoining the above, all
in cultivation. $1000: Jl 00 cash balance
10 per month- we will build you a nice
little house on these 5 acres if you de
sire; you pav on easy payments for it.
709 Corbett Bldg.
ACREAGE in large or small tracts cn car
line, close in; choice river front; BOO acres
to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher. 31
Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4SS1.
20 ACHES, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 acres
beaverdam. 4 acres orchard; house and
barn; on good dairy route; snap at $2800.
272 Stark st.
IdOST magnificent building spot within 7
miJes f rom center of city, on the Wil
lamette River; beautiful view, 5 minutes
walk to Oregon City Electric line, 2 to 4
acres of land, fine large trees.
If you want the most beautiful country
home within easy reach of Lho city, call
at The Crossely Company, 709 Corbett
0 ACRES, 1'4 miles west or North Yam
hill, all under cultivation, including 8
acre hopyard, dwelling, bam, hophouse
and small orchard ; would make a fine
dairy or fruit farm ; property is easily
worth $7OO0. hut will take $0250; this
property Is not listed with any real estate
firm. T 634. Oregonian.
5 AC'RFS finest beaverdam land, all in cul
tivation; will pay for itself first year; $300
per acre, 1-3 cash. 272 Btark st.
CAN locate you on 320-acre hotr.wteada In
wheat and fruit section near Lakevlew, Or.;
land will raise anything; near survey of
Oregon Trunk,
i You had better see me before these
i claims are all gone. Location fee only
: $100. Phone Mala 297.
W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland Bldflr.
820 acres, beautiful level land. Call or
j -write for our booklet, then secure spe
' cial location offer and transportation for
our next excursion to Central Oregon,
503 Corbett Bldg.
aiO-ACRE homestead land locations for $50;
locations guaranteed or money refunded.
Address E. I. G., Hotel Chnsman, Silver
Lake, Or.
il60 ACRES, $160; good agricultural land;
close to R. R. 610 Swetland bldg.
For Sale Fruit Lands.
LANDS in 10. 20. 30-acre tracts are sell
ing to many level-headed buyers who
know a good thing when Bhown. Only
25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price
300, $400. 500 per tract. BETTER
UUKRi and go with us by appointment.
Call or write for full particulars. Lib
eral terms.
310-311 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Or.
Merrit & Palmer, Sales Agents.
SHAVE SO acres strictly first-class Hood
River fruit land, unimproved, to trade for
Portland property. Give full description
arid price. H 032, Oregonian.
For Sale Farms.
L0 ACRES, all good land, one-half cleared,
7 acres fine green, saw timber, bal
ance very easily cleared, comfortable
4-room rustic house, good barn and out
buildings, place fenced and cross-fenced,
good orchard of assorted fruits, all kinds
of small fruit-, never failing spring water,
water piped through dairy-house; personal
property consists of good team, wagon,
harnesses, buggy, plow, cultivator, harrow,
and all email tools. 2 milch cows, 4 hogs,
chickens, etc. Price $3.00; terms on part.
This place Is situated 7 miles from Van
couver on good road, '4 -mile to sawmill,
close to fine trout stream. 14 mile from
school, 2 miles from country town, R. F.
I. and telephone service, in good neigh
borhood. 68 acres, good level land. 25 acres un
der cultivation, 20 acres fine green saw
timber, balance easily cleared, 5 acres in
assorted fruits in full bearing, new 2-story.
7-anom house, modern, with porches, hall,
etc, barn 65x60, hog and all outhouses,
good well, running stream through tim
ber land, 30 acres fenced and cross-fenced.
'Personal property: team, wagon. 2-seated
spring wagon with top;' top buggy, plows,
harrow, cultivator, all small tools. 4 milch
cows. 3-yoar-old heifer, some hogs, chick
ens, cream separator, etc. This place Is
situated 1 miles from country town and
t miles from Vancouver, in good locality.
Price 5500. Terms on part.
, Citizens National Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver. Wash.
1 Or 110 Second St.
One of the choicest farms rn Yamhill
CVunty, consisting of 2284 acres, of
which there are 70 acres under cultiva
tion ; lf acres of prairie, balance small
oak timber; would make about 2ft cords to
the acre; 200 acres are nice and smooth;
about 80 acres of that is bottom land; has
living water; buildings are of a cheap vari
ety, although new; it s nearly all fenced;
Is 2n miles from a good town; price, $7.0
per acre; terms, $4000 to J5OO0 cash, bal
ance on good reasonable time. The soil is
n iruni stone or gravel.
3 33H First H.
WPOR SALE Da 1 ry and p ou 1 try farm . 70
I acres, 30 c u 1 1 i v a t e d ; fenced ; nw 6- room
""u- new aairy earn, si 10. chicken and
lTooder-hou.-r.". two incubator?, all com
iplete. 5u0 hon 5 Jersey cows, 3 Jersey
heifers. 1 Jer.--y bull, one horse, farm im
plements. R. P. D., telephone. 114 mi lee to
live town. r.hkI road a; Yamhill County;
$3oO0 ow.-ah will hanAle. balance long time.
See agent. P. O. Box 94. Amity. Or.
aorws cnoice iana on good county road. 3
miles from railroad and good town; this
land is very suitable for platting and Is
st present In good condition; price $23
per acre. For particulars and terms apply
to Will J Am M ac M ast er. S02 .Worcester
block. Portland. Or.
We have 2 of as good wheat farms as
there is in Eastern Oregon for sale; 140
acres in one. 22t0 acres in other. Address
Owners. Hawthorne ave. stables, 420
Hawtho rn e a v e.
i Reliable free information on all Oregon
I and Washington hinds. al.o Government
lands: book'ets on all counties.
1 v BURSA U.
1 B04-6-S Board of Trad BUg.
I S20 acres, all tine fruit land. 170 in
cultivation, good house, orchard, barn, 2
: miles from station, $40 per acre. J. H.
Moran, Monmouth. Or.
TffTY OWXKR. 320 acres of best land in Clark
1 County, one-half beaver dam. new house and
barn, lOO acres almost cleared; sickness the
only reason for selling1. E 61 0, Oregonian.
ffiE.ND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying; lands shown free.
Olm stead Land Co., Salem. Or.
1P2AST ERN Oregon farm to exchange for
$3000 equity in Portland property, or
would pay cash difference for larger
equity. 2J.O Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and
fiA BEAUTIFULLY situated country home
near Portland, with new modern bunga
low and barn, for cheap Oregon land; no
use loading values. Address AB 627, Ore
gonian. li3W 6-room house, corner Lyman and
Boston sts., nar Killings worth, to trade
for farm or close-in acreage. 83 6th st..
room 1.
I ACRE'S. 4 cleared, near Jennings Lodge,
on O. W. P. oarline, to trade for city
property or good automobile. S3 5th st.,
room 1.
iTTAGR) and large grounds on improved So
ft, street, near Columbia University, to trade
ffr place near Jefferson High -School. A J
629. Oregonian.
ORSE. buggy and harness to exchange for
diamond or anytning or value, 9 1 5. A c
030, Oregorrian.
MODERN 7-room house and 125x100 to trade
' for timber; well located. T 630. Orego
i iiian.
nBOM B suburban lots for part payment on
hause of 6 rooms; Alberta would suit. R
634, Oregonian.
ILL trade ixsal estate for auto. gas
launch, or diamond. 010 S wet land bldg.
WANTED To trade a good tranMent room in s
house for real estate. AG tvl3, Oregonian.
I'TOU can trade any kind of property at
: room 1010 Hoard of Trade.
J-2'KV Kuuity 750 diamond for wild land or
( automobile. AO G.i-4, OrcRonian.
OME livefork to exchange Xur -chea J,ats
-wilSM - Jtir etis6
t-ROOM good residence and 4 fine lots with
nice fruit, well located In Oregon City,
cheap at $2000; will exchange for rooming-house
of 10 to 25 rooms in good loca
tion in Portland; parties will give a lib
eral offer. Call 513 Chamber Commerce.
ERTY. 10-acre tract, 6 acres In fruit, near
Orchard, Wash.; only 4 miles from Van
couver; new electric carline comes within
mile of property. S3 5th St., roojn 1.
HAVE SO acres strictly first-class Hood
River fruit land, unimproved, to trade for
Portland property. Give full description
and price. Hrt32. Oregonian.
I HAVE a customer wishing to buy lot 50x
00. 73xlO0 or lOOxlOO, in the following lo
cation: North of Holladay ave., east of Sth
st., south of FVeemont and west of 2-8 th
ft. You can write me or call and state
in full what you have. F. E. Reed. 402
Oregonian bldg.
MR. OWNER, for quick returns -list your
property here. Stewart & Ziebel. succes
sors to The Stewart Co., 523-25 Board of
PARTY desires to purchase modern 6-room
house; $3oOO to r000; give location and
full description ; Irvkigt-on preferred. W
031, Oregonian.
WANTED One lot on East Side; price $550:
will paj cash; give location and particulars;
bargain only considered. AC 030, Ore
gmian. I WANT to buy from 10 to 20 acres near
Portland, near good car ervic&. Owner,
what have you? Give telephone. Y 633,
1 WANT to buy from 5 to 10 acres near
Portland, close to carline; owner, what
have you? Give" phone. C 631, Oregonian.
MR. OWNER, for quick returns list your
property here. Stewart & Ziebel, succes
sors to The Stewart Co.
WANTED 6 or 7-room house on corner or in
side lot, within walking distance, on West
Side. AD 033, Oregonian.
I WANT to buy a house for about $3000
cash; must be a snap; close In. AK 624,
WANTED W'est Side property; have $35,000
to Invest; will deal with owner only. K.
632, Oregonian.
WANTED Apartment-house site. 50x100
corner, close in. West Side ; give location
and price. Address Y 631. Oregonian.
HAVE $40,000 to Invest in good Portland
. West Side property, from owners only.
AH 629, Oregonian.
LIST your property with A. J. Gantner, 61S
Board of Trade bldg.
WILL buy cloee-in acreage, near carline.
60x100, Walnut Park, or Piedmont; must be
snap, cash. AJ 628, Oregonian.
I WANT to buy a lot, close in. for cash;
must -be a snap. AK 623. Oregonian.
HAVE a customer wishing to buy cottage
close In. Valdemar Lidell. 26 N. Gth.
Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney &
Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg.
TIMBER and homestead relinquishments.
327 Worcester block.
WANTED To rent for 3 years, farm of 50
acres or more, near Portland ; must be good,
with house and barn. P. O. box 4S1.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCrackea.
804 McKay bldg.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
fir sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 41iO
Hawthorne ave.
MUST sell handsome, sound. 5-year-old black
horse. 16 hands high, 1200 lbs., gentle;
suitable for any work-; $loO; also top rubber-tired
buggy and harness, 75. Ask for
Wood s rig. 281 Front st.
FIRST-CLASS htavy draft and driving horses
always on hand. Bold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. j Stables, 248 Front.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies
wcl ting-room. Prices moderate. 24S Front.
MUST sell good sound chunky 2300-lb. team
mares and new harness. $170. 2SI Front
st., near Columbia st.
I HAVE a well-matched teasn of geldings,
; and 9 years old, weight B2O0; will sell
cheap. 715 E. Fkxndera.
HEtAVY team and new harness for sale cheap;
weight 3 loo. 330 Bur aside, bet. 7th and
8th. West Side.
HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on ousiness rigs.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
BROOD MARES. 140O to 1800 lbs. Nobby
Stables, cor 12th and Flanders sts.
FOR SALE One span well-matched Jet black
mares weighing 3100. 226 Russell st.
REASONABLE team of mares, weight over
3400 pounds. Apply 2S4 North 20th st.
KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world;
Moline. the best car made for the money.
We also have a number of four-cylinder
cars slightly used but in first -class condi
tion left here for us to sell at real bargain
prices. ,,
WESTERN AUTO CO., 531 Alder st. '
NEARLY new Studebaker 7-passenger auto
mobile to trade for home or close-In acre
age. Room 1, S3 5th st.
WILL exchange contract for good 2d-hand
automobile, 6 or 7-passenger car. P 632.
AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lota
George R. Flora. 470 East Burnslde st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. Jame D. Fall. 244 2d st.
Birds, Dogs. Pet Stock.
FOX TERRIER puppies, thoroughbred; $10
and $15; black and white and sable and
white; they are fine. 1923 East Irving st.
Take M V. car to 76th st. ; walk 2 blocks
Pianos, Orpins and Musical Instruments.
HOB ART M. CABLE upright grand piano,
cheap. 446 3d st. Main 3733.
I must turn my entire stock into cash
by end of month. Have royal ermine set,
rr skins, latest design, will sell for cost
of skins; also Baum marten set, several
fine mink sets, lynx, black foxes and other
desirable furs, all at less than cost. It
will pay to investigate. A Reiner. 148
5th st.
A LADY'S sealskin coat, 42 bust. 24 inches
length, first-class condition; $200.00. Mrs.
T. J. Head. Vancouver, Wash. R. F. D.
No. 1.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451
A 5445. ,
SEWING MACHINES Second band ma
chines, drop head and box top, of ait
makes, at very low prices. Whits Sewing
Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th.
IXREPS SUIT CASES, valises, guitars, man
dolins and banjos, half, price, at Uncle
Myers, l4i 3d.
TWO flat-top desks, revolving- ohair, large
office te-ble. air-tig-ht wood stove, almost
new, very cheap. Tele-phone Main 4&3.
NEW and second-hand bicycles bought and
s-ild. Uniuc-ave .Repair Shop. 055 Union
ave. North.
311'S H ROOMJS You del !c loua morsel. can' t
lvk you from the meadows now ; can be
ad 613 Main st. Phone (Mala 3 ".".
FOR SALE Good, clean planer shavings;
good bedding. Ward Bros.. Union ave.
North. Phone Woodlawn 2163.
&OO BUSINESS card $1 if you mention this
ad. Rose City Printery. 102 3d.
OFFICE for rent, furniture for sale, all new,
liffbur used; cbeap. p. 33, 0resoxuaa.
200-horsepower motor, generator set. belt
ed unit. complete with circuit-breakers and
panels, alternating and direct current ma
chines; iflaul -drive for industrial plant : com
plete information furnished at room 201 Ore
gonian blag.
150 CHOICE sheep. 1 Jersey -bull. 4 heifers,
1 dry cow. 1 work horse, 1 Eureka hop
press. H. G. Starkweather, Milwaukee. Or.
500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1-25. Ryder Ptg.
Co.. 337 Burnslde st. Main 5536.
SAFES Large assortment second-hand 'safes
slightly used, very cheap; new and second
hand vault -doors; n?w safes, all sizes. Call
or write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th.
TENT-HOUSE and furniture for sale at
Frierwood. near Oswego; must be sold. soon.
A. E. Simpson.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
WANTED Men's cast oft clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 $d st. North. Phone Main $872.
FULL SET, 40 large volumes. "The World's
Great Classics," new, perfect condition; cost
$84; will exchange for first -class typewriter.
G 632. Oregonian.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladles clothing. E. 1U15. 94 Grand av.
WANTED To buy one or two second-hand
pool tables in good condition; state price.
W 630, Oregonian.
SELL your second-hand furniture to th
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get lessj Phones
A 244. Main S95L
WANTED Clothing. best price paid for
lad i en" and gents' second-hand clothing and
shoes and bicycles. Main 20S0. 200 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, cooper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A 7618,
Main 5198. J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia.
HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni
ture. Woodard's Auction House. Phona
Main 8078. B 1034.
WANTED Cheap fiat-top desk. Apply 403
Corbett bldg.
WE buy, sell or exchange anything; pay high
est prices; sell for less. Main 6297.
SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, mahogany or
oak. c 033. Oregonian.
WANTED Diamond earrings ; must be a
bargain. Phone Main 8458 or Tabor 1317.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
COMPETENT young man stenographer, at
Eugene, Or. ; one with practical office
training, and generally posted on Oregon
preferred; tact and intelligence required ;
position guaranteed one year to party
making good. Send samples machine
work, hand-writing and references. D. C.
Freeman, mgr. Commercial Club, Eugene.
REAL ESTATE man wants sober man es
partner to show land; no experience neces
sary and very little money required. Par
ticulars National Realty & Trust Co.,
326V4 Washington St., room 616.
WANTED A No. 1 young "man to take posi
tion as salesman with automobile company;
good chance to get into the business; good
. saJary; must be in a position to invest $200
in business. AK 626, Oregonian.
ESTIMATOR -wanted; an experienced man
in taking off quantities In general con
tractor's office; state age. -experience, ref
erences and salary wanted. Address box
G 634, Oregonian.
BARBERS' State Board of Examiners will
be in session at 167 1st st., this citv.
January IO. 11 and 12. to examine all
those holding permits. T. M. Lea bo. Sec
retary. SOLICITORS for FRANKFORT accident and
health policies; best on the Coast; good
contracts to live men; rapid promotion.
Inquire 146 2d at., ground floor.
CHEF, small first-class cafe, $100.
Head waiter.
R. R. field draftsman, $00 and expenses.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2fi N. 2d St.
300 MRX wanted to put their legs into my
sample pants; values up to $4.50; price
$2.rr0 and $3. Jimmle Dunn. 315 Oregonian
WANTED A young man to work nights in
confectionery and lunch counter; one who
understands the business. Apply 54 North
3d st.
WANTED Steady, pober man used to farm
produce; pay good salary, alio share of
profits; email investment required. Particu
lars 417 Board of Trade oUig.
PRESSMAN, Marlon County, $40 to start,
including board and room; two-revolution
Babcock, Optimus presses; also Chandler
& Price. 306 Goodnough bldg. Main 555S.
WANTED Job printer or two-thirder as
second man tn country office; month guar
anteed and permanent if satisfactory. Ad
dress Independent, Hillsboro, Or.
SALESMAN wanted to sell real estata; good
commission; experience unnecessary. Call
at office, Gregory Heights, end of Rose
city carline.
WANTED 33 overcoat and raincoat buyers
of 370 samples here Dec. 13 only 33 left; $l'5
to 30 values, now selling at $9.75 to $13.75
Jkmmie Dunn, 815 Oregonian bldg
ALL of our salesmen
. of our salesmen made big money last
Jnth selling "Hillman." We can use 3
re live-wire men. Apply Cooper &
lylor. 206-7-8-9 Henry bldg.
WANTED -A first-class machinist to take
poit ion as mach Ine foreman in au tomobile
shop, good wages; must be In a position to
put $2oo in business. AK 028. Oregoniaa.
SHOEMAKERS wanted; 1 want men to bot
tom logging shoes, nailed work. Addre.-s C.
R. Johnston Shoe Co., 4111 I et.. Eureka,
Cal. .
W ANTED Bright office boy. Apply iidlers
Piano House. Ask for Mr. Winters. 353
Washington st.
A MAN who can sell; a! money-making
proposition for a high-class man. Call
9 A. M. to 12 M. 822 Corbett bidg.
YOUNG MAN for bookkeeping work; stenog
rapher and typewriter preferred. 339
Sherlock bldg.
WANTED -Active, honest collector, perma
nent position for right party; give 'ex
perience and references. X 03 4, Oregonian.
I WANT an experienced general merchandise
man for country town. Call Home phone
C 1571 after 1 P. M. Saturday or Sunday.
WANTED Young, man to learn real estate
and share profits; little money required
32614 Washington St., room 417.
WANTED Photo and portrait agents,
something good. Cutberth Studio, Dekura
MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 week
ly; easy Inside work; learn business in short
time ; lessons reasonable. 526 Wash.
YOUNG- men for telegraph service; easily
learned; day and evening clases; investi
gate. Oregon College, 83 5th. near Oek.
WANTED Steady young- man who under
stands cutting meat and selling groceries;
retail trade. 971 Williams ave.
WANTED An experienced photo coupon
aj-f nt ; special offer. Hubner, photographer.
Shetland bldg.
WE have a good position for a first-class
advertising solicitor. Call The New West
Publishing Co., 817 Henrv bldg.
WANTED Neat young man with $200 cash
as cashier and partner in a good paying
business. Room 610 Swetland bldg.
THREE salesmen (City for family liquor
house. Brown, 7th and Burnside. Phone
Main S431.
WANTED Good upholsterer, mattress mak
er and carpet man; steady situation. Ad
dress Campbell Fellman Co., Eugene, Or.
GOOD tea and coffee solicitor for in and
out of town territory. Oregon Tea &
Coffee Co., 613 Umatilla ave.. Sell wood.
PHOTO couoon and portrait a gents ; good
offer. Davit, 342 Vi Washington st.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. Y- M. C- A.
HAT solicitor; a good opportunity; com
mission basis. Hat Box. 233 Morrison st.
COOK wanted, good wagee, for short orders.
2284 Morrison st.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big; wages
permanent. 215. Commercial bldg.
EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wantefl. Sam
ple Shoe Store Co., 142 2d st.
WANTED Hominv and horseradish ped
dlers at 4S7 Hoyt st.
BOY wanted. Call Carman Mfg. Co., 1 Sth
and Upshur -sts.
BARBER waotedm.t First ft :
Copper River Railway. Cordova. Alaika.
splendid opportunity to make good money;
96 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting
to be let to stationmen at $1.20 per cubic
Sard; loose rock. V.c; earth. o'c. Fare $15.
Shipments 1st. 5Th, 8th. 16th. 2th and
24th of each month. Call or write for par
ticulars to M. J. Heney, 514-15-16 Colman
Blk., Seattl Wash.
CUSTOM-HOUSE and railway mall cierk ex-s-mlaation
will soon be here. Begin your
I- reparation with us ea rly ; salaries from
S00 up. The waste-basket got more ap
plications than we did last year, because
they were too late. Wake up. Book No.
80 is free to you: write for It. Pacific States
School, McKay bldg., Portland Or.
The Meier & Frank Stores require for
their men's clothing department several
thoroughly competent salesmen, good wages
and permanent positions to capable men.
Apply to superintendent in person or by
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; toots free-; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 24
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire
men or brake-men on nearby railroads; ac
count Increasing business; no strike; Age.
20-3O; $75-$100 monthly; promotion; 100
men sent to positions in last four months;
eend stamp; state age, weight, height.
Railway Association, care Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Railroad r wholesale ex
perience; about 25 years of age.
man woh can take charge of office.
407-8-9 Commercial Club Bldg.
WANTED Salesmen throughout state to. sell
the richest land on earth at the lowest
price; climate ideal; for the Great American
Colony on Isthmus of Old Mexico. Par
ticulars at rooms 401-402 Lumber Exchange
ELECTRICITY. automoblllng, plumbing,
bricklaying taught In few months on
actual .1obs; no cash expense; 200 students
last year. Catalogue free. Positions se
cured. United Trade School Contracting
Co., 232 A 11 so, Los Angeles.
Wanted R. R. construction laborers. S.
P. R. R.. new work. Ship daily, free
transportation, not taken from your pay.
C R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED A man in every city of Oregon
of 2000 population, ambition, integrity
and character all the requirements. We
personally Instruct you. Call 7 :30 to 9
P. M. or write 210 Com. Club bldg.. Port
land. WANTED Planerman. one machine, $3.00;
head donkey engineer. $3.2. up
Main Office, 12 N. 2d, St
Two men who can sell Peninsula property.
We have some of the very best stuff In that
section. See Mr. Hick ok. Columbia Trust Co.,
84 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Insurance stock salesmen for
city and state. This Is an exceptional
and unusual opportunity to make big
money. Address Bond Department, Union
Bank & Trust Company, 235 Stark st.
COOK, road house. $50; cook, country hotel,
Sf); one $40. . .
Chambermaid, country. 525.
2 waitresses, Marshfleld, fares here.
2 girls for labeling cans, $1.2"t a day.
345"i4 Washington st., cor. 7th, Upstairs.
First-class hands wanted. Apply at once
WANTED Ladles for telegraph service; easily
learned: good wages when competent; In
vestigate. Oregon College, 83 5th, near
BOO WOMEN to buy sample suits $10. $15
and $20, and save half. Worrell's Sam
ple Cloaks and Suits, 134 6th st., cor.
Alder, opposite The Oregonian.
WANTED -2 girls, competent cook and gen
eral house maid ; also reliable girl for
2d work and care of 2 children. 7i4
Irving st. Phones A 1182. Main 8235.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,"
family of three; good wages. 600 Thomp
son st., corner East 15th. Take Irvtn&ton
GIRL for general housework: must be good
plain cook: wages $30; good home and first
class treatment. Call at residence, 690
Tillamook st.. in Irvlngton.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
GIRL for genera! housework ; fond of chil
dren; small family. A fl24!i. 592 Madison
$43 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs
Phone Main 2602.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted. middie-age; good
home ; widow woman preferred. Y 632, Ore
S2G& Washington St., Room 307.
Main 836 or A 3266.
SALARIES paid to a few ladies of refined ap
pearance for information. Call room 14 El
weil Hotel, 7th and Alder, after 2 P. M.
WORKING landlady, rooming-house. $30;
2",th and Upshur sts.. Fairmont Hotel.
Call after 8 o'clock.
WANTED Saleslady for ladies' cloak and
suit department. Apply Gevurtz Bros.,
Union ave and East Burnside. -
COMPETENT girl to do general housework,
f a m 1 1 y of two; good w ages. 195 24th st.
-North. Phone Main 5262.
LA D Y solicitors wanted ; all Oregon towns.
Call or write 360 Stanton st. Phone C
' 1036.
WANTED Young lady to act as cashier on
Sundays only. Meves Lunch Room, 105
6th st.
WANTED A capable girl for general house
work; family of three (3) adults; no wash
ing. Apply mornings at 721 Johnson st.
WANTED A lady to help in a boarding
house for her and husband's room and
board. 1214 Russell st.
WANTED A young woman for general house
work; Tagea $25. Apply mornings. 176
overton st.
WANTED looo ladies' suits and coats. $30.00
vaiues. ?y.&; 3.40. w values, $14.98. Mrs,
Bert, 203 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash.
GIRL for general housework and rook in?-
three in family. 734 Main St., bet. King
and Ford. Phone, A 4836.
PRIVATE? lessons, shorthand, typewriting;
expert method. 304 12th. Main 'JS90.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93.
COMPETENT general housework girl with,
references; enmll family. 693 Marshal st.
FAMILY COOK. $"5; housekeepers, nurses.
St. Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
S2S Kearney st.
WANTED Girl for general housework; small
family; good wages. Apply 569 Johnson st.
WANTED A girl to keep books; wages, $3
per week. AH 634 Oregonian.
GIP.LS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL for general house work ; small f am 1 1 y ;
good wages. 586 Tillamook st.
WANTED Waitress to work from 12 to
o'clock. Newport Restaurant. 53 3d st.
WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers.
Ideal Candy Co., 110 North 4th st. M. 6450.
GIRL to assist with general housework; $5
per week. 360 13th H.
GIRL v for small family adults, general
housework. Call mornings. 321 6th st.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 709
Kearney st.
GIRL or woman, housework; family of 3.
068 Broadway st.
GIRL, general housework; good home, good
wages. 4ol Rothchild "bldg.
WANTED Stenographer In law office, $6
per week. Box 42. McMlnnville. Or.
WAJLXiOiSa .wantfO. 2Z Aides
sitions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent and
reliable. 10 years' experience accounting,
typewriting and general office work, age
28. desires a position with opportunities;
capable of taking charge of office. AJ
618. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and strictly up-to-date
bookkeeper and stenographer. AE 6G.
RA ILROAD accountant. 20 years' experi
ence, wants position with business house;
competent claim man. AL 628, Oregonian.
W'ANTED-i Small set of books as evening
worn ; rename; reterences. au b.4, ere-,
- manufacturing concern, up to fhe minute
in modern business building methods, ex
ecutive ability for systematizing office,
good correspondent, plenty initiative and
years of practical ' experience in Europe
and United States, would consider high
grade proposition offering broader field
and advantages of advancement; age 37;
unquestioned references. Address F 633,
W ANTED By ex-U. S. Deputy Marshal, a
position as night watchman for some re
liable firm; age 47 years, height 5 ft. 11H
in., weight 172 lbs.; do not use alcohol in
any form or manner; married man; sound
physically and mentally; member of some
of the higher fraternal orders; can give
any and all kinds of references, .bank or
otherwise. H 633. Oregonian.
HARDWARE MAN with several years ex
perience wants position in or ouf of city;
good bookkeeper, glazier and key man :
might Invest some money; references. AL
27. Oregonian.
EX-NON-COMMISSIONED officer of the
Hegular Army, with Al references, sober
and industrious, desires position of any
kind AM 622, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work together in or
out of town ; man first-class with stock;
woman first-class cook, and laundress. P
630. Oregonian.
BOY, ageii, wants home; will work for
board and school. Phone East 4420. or
address Mrs. R. Rynbergen, 50 Union ave.
BUTCHER, all-around man. capable of run
ntng business, wishes position, city or
country ; OK in every way; best refer
ences. V 633, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with two years' experience in
retail meat shop, also some experience in
butchering, wants position out of town. AD
61 8, Oregonian.
H.DI CAT ED Japanese boy wants position as
helper to sign painter. H. M-, 261 Mi Ever-
POKITION as collector or any light work;
can furnish cash bond and A No. 1 refer
ence. AM 627. Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese wants situation in retail
grocery store; has had 3 years In whole
sale. T 632. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS Janitor or porter (white) wants
work; steady and Industrious; references. H
63 1 . Ore gon i an .
YOUNG man attending- business college wants
place to work for room and board. N 627,
WANTED By a man past middle age. a
position as cashier in restaurant, market
or store. Phone Sellwood 3S2.
A YOUNG married man. strictly temperate,
wants a position of any kind. Inside work
preferred. AD 632. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants a position in private hotel
or office work; 9 months; references. T. E.
Main S313.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as
S'-nooiboy or thousework. AG- 632. J Ore
gonian. YOUNG MAN would invest $200 with serv
ices in. some reliable business. V 634, Ore
gonian. MAN and wife, no children, would like po
sition, man as .lanitor or night clerk; have
references. AM C30, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLA-SS tinner and fnrnace man; able
to take charge of shop. Phone Tabor
1715. or B 1564.
HONEST Japanese boy wishes situation In
family to assist with any work. X 631,
BUTLER and valet desires position; first
class references. B 631, Oregonian.
IF you want an experienced and reliable
chauffeur, call ur A 7460.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERT stenographer wants position where
ability will be appreciated and paid for;
will substitute. Address AM 631, Ore
gonian. YOUNG- lady with business college educa
tion wants position as bookkeeper or office
assistant; best references. H 630, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted by young lady stenographer;
5 years experience in general office work;
A-l re f erences. East 1915.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law of
fice; good education; moderate salary, p
63!, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Eastern stenographer; mod
erate salary. F 63o, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER First-clasu references. M.
BY experienced ste'nographer ; salarj. 550;
very accurate and rapid. Phone A 5446.
EXPERIENCED ladles' tailor and dress
maker wants work at home. M. 7710.
STYLISH dresses, 5 up; waists. $1 up; fine
work. 529 East Mill. East 5256.
DRESSMAKING by the day. Main 8193.
PRACTICAL NURSE will give best of care
to invalid or aged person at her own
home; reference. 434 Harrison. Phone
A 7721.
NEAT, refined', capable woman desires care
of Invalid or aged. St. Louis, 2454 Wash.
Main 2039. A 4775.
NURSE would like confinement cases or
any kind of sickness; doctor's city ref
erence. East 130S, Home B 2748.
A PRACTICAL nurse wants position; will
do some housework. F 631, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE, refined couple. without
children, would like opportunity to share
home of refined widower or single gentle
men, the wife acting as housekeeper; ex
perienced cook ; good home for both, in
stead of wages, object; competent to care
for children. J 631. Oregonian.
WANTED By refined young Norwegian
lady, place as housekeeper for widower's
or bachelor's home, city or country. G
630. Oregonian. ,
EASTERN widow, unincumbered, seeks io-
sition in widowers family; would leave
vv o,,. uregoniHn.
NEAT widow lady desires situation house
keeper widower's home; could leave city.
St. Louis. 24514 Wash. Main 2039.
TWO experienced ladies wish position as
housekeeper in rooming-house ; salary of
one. AM 634, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook and housekeeoer de
sires position good family. East Side. 685
East Alder.
POSITION wanted by young girl as second
girl. G 631. OregeniAn,
EXPERIENCED woman would like washing.
Ironing or cleaning by the hour. 586 Petty
grove st. Phone A 4681.
WANTED By good colored woman, day
work or chambermaid or cook. Main
MIDDLE-AGED German woman wants posi
tion for general housework. AL 623, Ore
gonian. WOMAN wants work by day, 25c per hour.
Phone East 4420.
WANTED A local agent to represent us In
Oregon: small capital required ; good men
make from $25 to $100 ier day handling
our proposition ; If you mean business, call
and see me today. Hotel Oregon, room Sot.
GENERAL AGENT For Oregon, to handle
very finest imported goods of their kind;
used by all ladies. For particulars &d4xess
B, Warmuth. Clielialia, .Wash
WTDR-AWAKE AGENTS to sell Laird &
Lee's publications in ail cities, towns and
rural district"-, write today for special
prices and terms: It may mean a fortune to
you. Ij!rd & Lee, publishers, 263 Wabash
ave., Chicago.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
WE have a client who wants a good un
furnished house for one year, with 6 to S
rooms; must be possible to house an auto,
' must have a good furnace: will not pay
over $43 and will expect the house to be
worth $45.
Rent Dept.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
WANTED to rent or buy furniture of a well
furnished house In good location. V 632,
Oregonian. .
WANTED Two or more unfurnished house
keeping rooms, ceneralty located; West Side
preferred. AC 631. Oregonian.
Booms With Board.
WANTED Room and board by gentleman
on East Side In vicinity of Steel bridge
with refined family. S 630, Oregonian.
ROOM and board bv single "man ; stata
price. J 634. Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
SS No. 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building. 3 blocks from Union
Depot: steam heat, porcelain baths, elec
tricity and gas, fine large office. BEST
OF IT ALL you can get a room with
steam heat FOR $2.50 PER WEEK; T.Oc
and 7oc per day. JUST OPENED AND
have to hurry if you get a room here
as they are going very fast at these prices.
Homelike Homelike Homelike
seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, reflttln
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who apprecaite cleanliness
and comfort. ' Free Bub Free Phones.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof buildtnf, steam
heated, hot and cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and It doeso' t cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing firat-cLass: rates. 5oc. 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 Oth St. North.
3d and Jefferson Sts.
Away from the noise; fi minutes walk
Washington and 3d; Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electrto lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy;
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3, $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731, M 8639.
131H Eleventh St.
NEW, modern brick building; Just opened;
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT private
baths, excellent location, just off Washing
ton st. ; special rates by week or month.
New management. Grand, Hawthorne;
modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone, E. 291. in every room; largest
rooms In city for permanent people, baths;
transient 50c-$L W. M. Robinson, mgr.
THE BARTON, 13th and Aider, new man
agement; cewiy renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.60 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or ea sufte; SPECIAL low
monthly; steam heat, private baths,
hot and cold water in ail rooms; beautiluiijr
turn b&hed ; tourist trade solicited.
Corner 11th and Washington.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
finely furnished rooms from $3.50 per
week up; single or en suite.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing
ton, brmnd new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water iu all
rooms; very reasonable terms.
6th and Oak: large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $8 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
THE LANDORE APTS-. 288 lOth st. ; one
large front room; 1 single room; all con
veniences. TH E ESTES Good rooms, reasonable ; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Kates.
between Jefferson and Columbia; one room,
newly furnished; all conveniences.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. The Rose, 1894
3d. st. AE 62j. Oregonian.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE REX Modern rooms. 2.50 to $5 per
week. 548 Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient.
WARM furnished rooms, bath, gas and
phone free. 389 3d st. Phone Main 5223.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat: 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
WARM furnished rooms, bath, gas and
phone free. 3S9 3d st. Phone Main 523.
Furnished Rooms In Private Fasiiily.
Nice large furnished room suitable for
2 people: use of the bath, parlor, piano
free. TeL Main 7461.
WANTED Gentleman and wife to share
expense of elegantly furnished home, Irv
ington; Wood free. East 3445.
NICELY furnished room, bath, free phone
and use of piano. 640 Union ave. N.
(House next church.)
VERY comfortable rooms in good family;
bath, heat, phone, walking distance; $7, $10.
430 Jefferson.
y 213 13TH ST. Nice furnished rooms: Rood
1 heat, modern conveniences; suitable one
1 or several persons.
FRONT alcove room; very central; house
modern; private family. 388 Salmon, bet:
West Park and 10th.
305 12TH Good room for the price, $12 per
465 ALDER has . nice room for two young
men ; heated. Call.
NICELY furnished, large room In private
family. 405 1st St., flat K.
$10 3 furnished housekeeping room; gas
plate, steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4529.
ELEGANT furnished rooms to let. 115 23d,
corner Glisan.
ELEG. FT.'RK. room, fireplace, all conv. ;
- gentleman. 3024 Park st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO new, sunny, f ron t, reasonab le, at
368 N. 17th- I6th-st. car.
TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi
vided. 651 Morrison st.
Rooms With
THE MARLYN, 554 Couch St., handsomely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam,
heat. attractive dining-room and good
board. Phones A 3081. Main 6523.
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
HH E MANSION, cor. Sth and Jefferson
I-arpe. elegant room, open fireplace; suita
ble two or three; also single room.
BY January 1, fine front sufte, also single
room. 4& Morrison corner 13th.j
. Rooms With Board.
THE MAGNOLIAS Kearae v st.. between
l.Uh and 2th. Large, newly furnished
rooms for families; private baths, hot and
cold water, modern conveniences, first
class table, beautiful grounds. Also swell
rooms for gentlemen, $30.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
. wita board, use of sewing-room and li
MrAr J tFlallers st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 6th,
u Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt.
E1'Kt; --iNT Quarters for gentlemen, with
board; best the market affords. Very
reasonab. e. 374 Park st.
TiIiS,JP"L'yARr"r-S.UItes or single, with of
without board. 42 Morrison, cor 13th.
ROOMS with first-class board. 535 Couch
St.. cor. 16th. The Sterling. X
Rooms With Board la Private Family.
FIRST-CLASS board and large furnished
heated room and bath, new. modern home
ith home privileges. 188 East 12th st!
GOOD ROOM ahd good board; everything
modern; easy walking distance. 549 John-
LARGB front room, closets, phone, bath'
piano, home cooking. 446 3d, the Holly!
168 Va 10TH. Large, nicely furnished front
room, with or without board, suitable for
NEATLY furnished front room, with board
in nice family. 5i5 East Taylor. Phone
East 2006.
WELL-FURNISHED rooms, good board, verv
reasonable; employed people preferred. 120
N. I Sth.
87 E. TH ST. Room and beard. 4 blocks
from EL S. High; desirable for 4 men or 4
ROOM and board in private famllv for two
gentlemen ; also one single room. H5
11th st.
ROOMS snd board, heat, bath, phone. 1
West Park St., walking distance.
GOOD board, cozy rooms, to businea
712 Hoyt st.
ROOM and board in private residence,
strictly modern. 750 Lovejoy, near 23d.
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 355 11th st
A 1636.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 475 Morri
son st. Phone A 7405.
REFINED home. Splendid rooms, choice
board; 23d carline. 761 Marshall st.
BOARD and room la private family.
Yamhill st
and College; make reservations now. Best
in the Northwest; deposit vaults; phones,
hot water, steam heat, electric lifts in,
each apartment. FREE CLUBROOM.
First-class janitor service. Call at apart
ments or phone.
FIDELITY ADJ. CO., Main 9014k
41T Fenton Bldg.
Brand new 4-room apartment. Westi
Side, on two car lines; every convenience ;
kitchen cabinet, gas stove, front porch,
sleeping porch, halls lighted and cared
for, separate furnace or stoves. $25. Call
for key. 417 Fenton bldg.. or phone Mala
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; Janitor service; rent reasonable.
$30 WEST SIDE, steam-heated apartment
of 3 rooms, on first floor and corner; nice
building, furnished with gas range, bed
stead and spring, dresser. dining-room
table, light fixtures and shades. Cell
janitor. 4Vi 11th. Take Montgomery-iu
FRONT rooms, nicely furnished In mahog
any, home cooking-, first-class service;
price reasonable; 10 minutes' walk from
Postoffice. 178 Ella 1 block south of
Washington. .
FOR RENT-r-4-room furnished flats with
bath and pantry; well located, in good
neighborhood. walking distance. Call
Woodlawn M 942.
THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-room
apartment, all conveniences, waiking dis
tanve, only $20. 20th and Washington sts.
THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1.
4-room unfurnished apartment. Refer
ences. Apply Suite 2.
STEAM-"HEATED. elegantly furnished five
room apartment, close in. Apply Lament,
200 Chamber of Commerce.
FURNISHED apartment for rent. The Mor
ton, Washington and King.
FOR SALE New 5-room furnished apart
ment; all conveniences, phone Main 33U5.
5 LARGE rooms. Iris Apartments; gas range,
hot and cold water, steam heat; $45.
NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large rooms
East Side. Main 5901, Tabor 131.
Flat a.
FOR RENT 10 minutes out, on East Side,
In a beautiful section of handsome homes,
are now offered for rent the most de
sirable 6-room fiats in the city; flats have
large, old-fashionod fireplace, beautiful
paneled dining-room with built-in book
' case and china closets, handsome lighting
fixtures, hardwood floors, living-room and
ummg-room nnisnea in imitation Flemish
oak and walls in leather brown, bed
rooms, kitchen and bath white enamel
and buff, or will tint to suit; large porches
and beautiful view of mountains and city.
Must be seen to be appreciated. Smaller
snd less desirable fiats farther out than
these on the West Side would cost one
third more than ana asked for these. See
me at once, as there are only two left.
Main 6974. 822 Board of Trade.
JUST completed, modern, up-to-date flats,
wide front, back porches; large rooms. 5
to th suite; all conveniences. Apply 307 C.
of Commerce or 265 E. bth, cor. Multnomah
5-ROOM flat, fireplace, built-in bookcase
and buffet; cor. East 13th and Belmont.
Inquire upper flat. Phone B 2621.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co., Main 1618, A 1US4. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
BRAND NEW. up-to-date flats, with either
5 or 6 rooms. Apply drugstore. 800 Front
st. Either F or S car.
MODERN 3-room upper flat, furnished 01
unfurnished; strictly first class. Phone
Main 1612.
MODERN 5-room nearly new apartment
cheap. 464 Hall. Main 7112,
NEW 4-room flat, 306 Montgomery. - near
6th; 6 minute to P. O.; very reasonable.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.-
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up;
best In city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or ltth-st cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ONEONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; tak
W. car at depot ; f urn ished 2, 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week 5.50,
by month $20 and up; hot and cold wter
baths-and phones free. Main 4tii7. A 473tt.
CHOICE housekeeping rooms In new con
crete building. Call Woodlawn 2370, C
2 AND 3 very nice. large, modem housekeeping-
rooms, first floor. 580 2d st.
THE M1LNER. 8504 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
NICE furnished ho use keeping -rooms. $14.0,
631 Vt Washington st.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 134 Sherman.
FOUR or five nice furnished rooms for house
keeping. 333t. Market st.
SEVERAL desirable rooms, 651 Morrlsom st.
Inquire 5494, upstairs.
Housekeeping; Rooms in Private Family.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, all
conveniences, very reasonable; adults
only. 164 Grand a-e. North, near Holla
day. Phone East 49S0.
TWO large, nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, everything new; no children. On
- East Ankeny carline. 154 E. 28th st..
ELEGANT suite furnished housekeeping
rooms at 526 Kearney it. Gas, basement,
bath. 5-minute walk; no children;
TWO house keeping rooms. with cooking
apartments, use of piano, gas, bath, elec
tricity, both phones. 282 Park st.
FRONT alcove room for housekeeping; aisa
two -rooU 4rt floor. 4o0 Y&rniaiU