Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 06, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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1 All in the market for either a H block
or a corner lot between Burnside and
GUsan sts. , West Park and 11th ; give
location and price and terms; would con
sider paying1 :,a caah and balance on terms
6 per cent Interest; -would consider prop
erty offered either by owners or agents.
W 629, Oregonian.
I H AVE a customer wishing to buy lot 50x
lOO. 75x100 or lwxlOO, in the following: lo
cation: North of Holladay ave.. east of 8th
St., couth of Freempnt and west of 2-Sth
st. You can write 'me or caU and state
In full what you have. F. E. Heed, 402
Oregonlan bids.
WANTED Client will trade $700 equity in
two 75-ft. corners, near car; value $2400;
and annual cash installments for satisfac
tory; bungalow or cottage. Ferris, 3
Washington bids.
WANTED 6-room house, with bath ; easy
terms; east of Grand ave., between Burn
aide and Thompson. F. Richet, 840
Oto amber of Commerce bldg.
IF you have unimproved property see us.
We have customers and make a specialty
of It. Purse & Co., 818 Chamber of Com
merce. I WANT to buy from 5 to 10 acres near
Portland, clone to carline; owner, what
have you? Give phone. C 631, Oregonlan.
MR. OWNER, for quick returns list your
property here. Stewart & Ztebel, succes
sors to The Stewart Co. .
"WANTED For platting- proposition, acreage
In city limits on carline. AH 620, Ore
gonlan. I WANT to buy o house for about $3000
cash; must be a snap; close In. AK 624,
Ore gonlan.
I WANT to buy lot In Irving-ton; must be
close to car and cheap ; no agents. AH
22, Oregonian.
W E can sell your property. Send descrip
tion and price. Northwestern Business
Agency, Minneapolis.
HAVE $40,000 to Invest in good Portland
West Side property, from owners only.
AH 6C3, Oregonian. .
LIST your property with. A, J. Gantner, 613
Board of Trade bldg.
60x100, Walnut Park, or Piedmont; must be
nap, cash. AJ 62S, Oregonlan.
I WANT to buy a lot, close in. for cash;
must be a snap. AK C23. Oregonian.
I AM making a change in business ; wilt
Soil you the best corner lot in Piedmont
at JlfiO less than adjoining; $700 handles,
it; would consider stock of drygoods in
$250 equity In fine lot In St. John; will
trade for automobile, stock groceries or
other merchandise; balance of payment, 3
per month. Box 235. St. John. Or.
A BFAl'Tl FULLY situated country home
near Portland, with new modern bunga
low and barn, for cheap Oregon land; no
use loading values. Address AH 627, Ore
gonian. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, with fruit,
near Vancouver. Wash., and only & few
blocks from new electric carline now
building; exchange for Portland property.
S3 6th st. Room 1.
COTTAGE and large ground. on improved 80
ft. street, near Columbia University, to trade
for place near Jefferson High -School. A J
629. Oregon Ian.
.X K Vv" modern ti-room house, corner of Ly
man and Boston stf., near Killings worth
ave., to trade for farm within 2o miles
of Portland. S3 5th st. Room 1.
EQUITY of $700 In Vs acre in Portland to
trade for anything of equal value. AN
623. Oregonian.
NO. 6 Remington typewriter. In good order,
for pair binoculars; must be A 1. B 632.
0 AORES on O. W. P. carline near Jen
nings Lodge, to trade for city home or
auto. S3 5th st. Room 1.
MUST sacrifice equity of $400 In lOO-ilOO
corner, worth $1150. AN 822. Oregonian.
FINE $6060 homo close In. for lots. Room 3
Washington bldg.
WILL trade real estate for auto, ga
launch, or diamond. 610 Swetland bldg.
TOII can trade any kind of property at
room 1019 Hoard of Trade.
I WANT a email farm, well located and in
value lip to $HHtOf within 30 miles or
Portland ; must bo worth the money; give
full particulars and lowest price and terms;
owners only. AN 627, Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT House, bam and 20
acres or more, with some machinery and
orchard, for man and famllv with three
growing sons. AC 6 Oregonian.
TIMBER lands wanted.
304 McKay bid.
C J. MoCracken.
Horse, V eh idea and Harness.
' JX)R SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, -we well guaranteed horses and
marcs. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
fir Bale. Huwthorne-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
LOOK at this bargain $233 buys team of
horses, weigh 14U0 lbs., are sound and
trua- pullers ; good heavy breeching har
ness and new Studobaker farm wagon; all
complete. 606 Washington st. Mr.
Woods, owner.
PAIR .well-matched fat young mares, weigh
11O0 each; ride or drive; gentle and
sound: price $225; also fair cheap big
grading horses and harness, price $115.
Call 606 Washington st.
N EARLY new rubber-tired runabout; will
take good horse or cow in exenauge. SOW
l-ast 28 th st. Woodstock car to Glad
ti ne ave.
FIRST-CLASS havy draft and driving horses
always on band. Sold with guarantee a
represented. U. S. Stables, 248 Front.
A LIGHT team of mules as part payment
for a team of heavy horses. Oregon Fuel
Company. 363 Washington.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies
waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front.
TEAM of farm mares for sale cheap; also
1300-lb. horse. soil East 28th st. Wood
stock car to Gladstone ave.
(MUST aiell good, young, chunky 2300-lb.
team, m arret, and new harness, $176. 289
6. Front st.
HEtAVY team and new harnesw for sale cheap -weight
3 KM. 30v Buruslue. bet. 7th and
8th, West Side.
$130 buys team, weigh 1O50 each, are good
workers every way; new heavy express
harness. Call 606 Washington st.
HUBERT & HALL, 8S0 Front, buy sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on Duslneas rigs.
CM ALL) delivery team for sale; 5 years old,
$73. 333 lit st.
-HORSES, mares, ngs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
iROOO MARES. 140O to lSO lbs. Nobby
Stables, cor 12th and Flanders sis.
FINE large black matched team, $300. 272
Stark st. M. 1190.
REASONABLE team of mares, weight over
3400 pounds. Apply 284 North 20th St.
Antomob Lies.
KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world;
Mollne. the best cat ifeade for the money.
W e also have a n umber of fo ur-cy lin der
car ellghtiy used but in first -claew condi
tion left here tor us to sell at real bargain
WESTERN AUTO CO.. 6S1 Alder st.
AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lots.
George R, Jflora, 470 East Burnside st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. James D. Fall, 244 2d st.
WANTED 6-ton gasoline truck. In good or
der. Box S35, St. John. Or.
Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock.
Al BLUD Andalusian roosters, thoroughbred
Ormas Spitz pups, 3 months old. Phone
Oak Grove Red 264, or S 62&, Oregonian.
FOR PALE Fine camp wagon. Cor. Cali
fornia and Macadam sts.
STANDARD sewing machine, drop head, al
most now. J1S. 3&0H Morrison, room 42.
EXTRA large Garland beater; practically
new; half price. X 62$, Oregonian.
FOR SALE A rare collection of old coins
said, currency, AJ til 5. Oregonian--
I must turn my entire stock into cash
by end of month. Have royal ermine set,
H5 skins, latest design, will sell for cost
of Bkins; also Baum marten set, several
fine mink sets, lynx, black foxes and other
desirable furs, ail at less than cost. It
will pay to investigate. A Reiner, 143
5th st.
SAFES Large assortment second-hand safes
slightly used, very cheap; new and second
hand vault doors; new safes, all sizes. Call
or write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th.
A LADY'S sealskin coat. 42 bust. 24 Inches
length, first-class condition: $200.00. Mrs.
T. J. Head, "Vancouver, Wash. R. F. D.
No. 1.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7431,
A 5443.
SEWING MACHINES 8econd hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. Ilia,.
NEW MULTIGRA PH machine goes at $105;
sent C. O. D. eipreas for inspection. Write
Leo Hunsaker, Chehails, Wash.
A FIRST-CLASS gasoline drag saw, com
plete with saws. Oregon Fuel Company,
363 Washington.
DRESS SUIT CASES, valises, guitars, man
dolins and banjos, half price, at Uucle
Myers. 143 3d.
FOR SALE Note of Joseph. R. Keep for $107,
et'eured by $500 bond in Clear Lake Irri
gation Lumber Co. Main 8427.
150 CHOICE sheep, 1 Jersey bull. 4 heifers,
1 dry cow, 1 work' horse, 1 Eureka hop
press. H. G. Starkweather, Mil waukie. Or.
300 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder Ptg,
Co., 357 Burnside st. Main 5536.
600 BUSINESS cards. $1 If you mention this
ad. Rose City Printery, 192 3d.
HAVE Tuxedo suit almost new for sale. Coat
size 35. U 634. Oregonian.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
FOR SALE-r-Sraall range;
2S7 West Park st.
good as new.
WANTED Men's cast off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 Sd st. North. Phone Main 9271.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladies' clothing. E. 1015. 94 Grand ave.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones
A 2445. Main 8951.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing and
shoes and bicycles. Main 20S0. 200 1st.
PIPE Wanted. 1550 feet of second-hand
wrought itvn galvanized pipe; sizes 1 to IS
In che . A EC 627, Oregon ian .
HIGHEST prices paid ruboer, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool. furs. phones A 7618,
Main 5198. J. Lave, 186 Columbia.
HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni
ture. Woodard's Auction House, Phone
Main S078 B 1034.
WE buy, sell or exchange anything; pay high
est price; sell for lea. Mix in 6297.
SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, mahogany or
oak. C 033, Oregonian.
WANTED A second-hand large air-tight
heater; reasonable. Phone East 5124.
WANTED Diamond earrings; must be a
bargain. Phone Main S4G8 or Tabor 1317.
YOU NO fresh cow. 211 EL 65th st, phone
Tabor 1628.
WANTED Old United States postage
stamps for cash. AG 014, Orefonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given Phone East 1067.
"WANTED insurance stock, salesmen, for
city and state. This is an exceptional
and unusual opportunity to make big
money. Address Bond Department, Union
Bank & Trust Company, 235 Stark st.
REAL ESTATE man wants sober man as
partner to show land; no experience neces
sary and very little money required. Par
ticulars, National Realty & Trust Co.,
320 Washington St., room 516.
BARBERS' State Board of Examiners will
be In session at 167 & 1st St., this city.
January lO, 11 and 12. to examine all
those holdinx permits. T. M. Lea bo. Sec
re tary.
WA N'TED Salesmen; men who can sell
real estate from plat can make big
money; I want men who are alive and
can k-iiep goinfr. Call 10 to 12, 2 to 4.
XtiO Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Jones.
health policies ; best on the Coast ; good
contracts to live men; rapid promotion.
Inquire 14 6 2d St., ground floor.
SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; food
commission ; experience unnecessary. Call
at ofhee, Gregory Heights, end of Rose
city carline.
WANTED 33 overcoat and raincoat buyers;
of 370 sample here Dec. 13 only 33 left; 25
to $30 values, now selling at $0.75 to $13.75.
Jimmie Dunn, 316 Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Experienced man who under
stands bottling and packing of olives,
pickles, horseradish, etc. Address AF 620,
MEN wanted that know how to sell. ln
' quire about cream residence real estate
proposition. 9 A. M. to 12 M.. 322 Cor
bett bldg.
WANTED Steady, sober man, used to farm
produce; pay good salary, also share of
profits; small investment required. Par
ticulars. 417 Board of Trade bldg.
WANT TO LET Contract of cutting the
wood on 5 acres, 1 14 miles from Milwaukie
station, also grubbing same. Inquire Fred
Cooper, 211 Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED A first-class- machinist to take
position aa machine foreman in automobile
shop, good wages; must be in a position to
put $2oo in business. AK 62$, Oregonian.
WANTED Ambitious young men to become
traveling salesmen; experience unneces
sary, pradstreet System, Dept. 5S5, Roch
ester, N. Y.
WANTED Experienced solicitors; nothing to
seil; hueth.'rs can make $3 to $3 daily. Ap
ply between 10 and 3, room 526 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
WANTED Competent warehouse man, some
ability as salesman. State age and refer
ences. E 630, Oregonian.
WANTED Photo and portrait agents,
something good. Cutberth Studio, Dekum
MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 week
ly; easy inside work; learn business in short
time; lessons reasonable. 526 Wash.
WANTED An experienced photo coupon
a gent ; special offer. Hubner. photographer,
wetland bldg.
FINE op-sning for young man, experience
unnecessary ; small capital required. Call
3-" 4 Washington St., room 417-
W ANTED Advertising solicitors for telephone
directory. , Apply C. B. Hickman, the Pa
cific Telephone & Telegraph Co.. Beck bldg.
WANTED First-class solicitor; no other
need apply ; wagon furnished. Cascade
Dye Works, 407 E. Burnside. '
WANTED Book agents; good books, good
sellers, money-makers. A J 621. Oretso-
1 11 ian.
WANTED A flrst-class compounder and
reetifyer for wholesale liquor house. Ad
dress AG 628, Oregonian.
BOY, about 17, for light inside work one
living: at home preferred; atate wages want
ed. AN 626, Oregonian. 1
WANTED Meier & Frank stre wants an
experienced men's clothing salesman NO
TWO or three first-class real estate men
can get the best proposition In Portland.
Rabb & Pattonr 00 5th st.
GOOD tea and coffee solicitor for in and
out of town territory. Oregon Tea &
Coffee Co., 613 Umatilla ave.. SeUwood.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; good
offer Davis, 342. Washington st.
WANTED 2 boys with wheels; good wages.
Apply at once. 128 H &th st.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. T. M. C A.
CABINET MAKER. Apply Oregon Planing
uiiiM, iiu MTia B.ugan.
DELIVERY BOY wanted. 304 Macleay
HIGH-CLASS bustlirjr salesman; big wages;
permanent, 215. Cvmaierciai bldg
Copper River Railway. Cordova, Alaska,
splendid opportunity to make good money;
90 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting
to he let to statinnraen at $1.20 per cubic
yard; loose rock, tc; earth. 3)c. Fare $ir.
Shipments 1st. 5th, Sth, ICth. 20th, and
34th of each month. Call or write for par
ticulars to M. J. Hejiey, 514-15-16 Colman
Blk.. Seattle, Wash.
STENOGRAPHER and assistant timekeeper,
?i5 up; R. R. company.
Pastry cook and baker, $i& a week and
2 colored waiters, country hotel, $30.
8 rough carpenters. Inside work, 30c
hour, some tools needed.
New Orders Dally.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St.
CUSTOM-HOUSE! and railway mat' clerk ex
amination will soon be here. Begin your
preparation with us early; salaries from
$SUO u'. The waste-basket got more ap
plications than we did last year, because
they were too late. Wake up. Book No.
30 is free to you; write for It. Pacific States
School, MeJtCay bldg.. Portland Or.
WANTED Two bright boys to learn the
typewriting business; must be quick and
willing; a good future and rapid advance
ment for right parties; small salary to
1 begin. Apply in person at 11 o'clock A.
M. Thursday. L, & M. Alexander & Co,
170 5th st.
The Meier & Fran k S tores reu. u ire f r
their men's clothing department several
thoroughly compel nt saJeemen, good wages
and permanent positions to capable men.
Apply to superintendent in terson or by
MEN of fair address to represent a strong
financial firm ; proposition, of wide public in
terest, commercial success; producers will
find this an exceptional opportunity to earn
an income impossible to be obtained In any
other field; references and good character
essential. A 626, Oregonian.
1O.O0O POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert. Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler Svstem of Colleges. 34
North 4th. St.. Portland, Or.
MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire
men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac
count Increasing business; no strike; Acre,
20-30; $75-$100 monthly; promotion; 1200
men sent to positions in last four months;
send stamp; suite ase. weight, height.
Railway Association, care Oreffonlan.
ELECTRICITY, automobiling, plumbing,
bricklaying taught in few months on
actual' jobs; no cash expense; 200 students
last year. Catalogue free. Positions se
cured. United Trade School Contracting
Co., 232 Aliso, Los Angeles.
EXPERIENCED insurance stock salesmen to
sell best possible proposition; splendid
thing for the right men. Write at once,
giving reference. Address International
Casualty Company. 1006 Paulsen Bldg..
Spokane, Wash.
WANTED Night watchman; must be strict
ly temperate; good moral habits, not un
der 30 years old nor over 4S, physically
and mentally sound, with good reference;
near 6 feet tall. Give address and phone
number. Address AC 62H, Oregonian.
CLEAN-CUT young man of good address
and personality who has passed the. fool
ish age and who has a knowledge of
bookkeeping and stenography; unusual op
portunities for advancement to right
party. AN 625, Oregonian.
Adjoining Irvington, high ground with,
mountains in view; all city Improvements;
carline ; eaav terms.
322 Corbett Huilding.
WANTED Salesmen throughout state to sell
the rich em land on earth at the lowest
prices; climate Ideal; for the Great American
Colony on Isthmus of Old Mexico. Particu
lars at rooms 401-402 Lumber Exchange
Wanted R. R construction laborers. S.
P. R. R.. new work. Ship dail free
transportation, not taken from your pay.
C R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED A man in every city of Oregon
of 2000 population, ambition, integrity
and character all the requirements. We
personally instruct you. Call 7:30 to
P. M. or write 219 Com. Club bldg., Port-
Two men who can sell Peninsula property.
We have nome of the very best stuff in that
section. See Mr. Hickok. Columbia Trust Co.,
84 4th St., Board of Trade bkiiy.
WANTED A No. 1 young man to take posi
tion as salesman with automobile company;
good chance to get into the business; good
salary; must be in a position to invest $200
in business. AK 626, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for housework
and cooking; no washing. 687 Pavis, near
21st st.
WANTED Girl for general housework ;
small family, good wages. Apply 569
Johnson st.
LADY solicitors wanted; all Oregon towns.
Call or write 360 Stanton st. Phone C
WANTED A capable girl for general house
work; family of three (3 adults; no wash
ing. Apply mornings at 721 Johnson st.
WANTED Competent nurse for young baby,
1100 Franklin St., Willamette Heights.
Phone A 3584, or Main 8384.
GIRL for sreneral housework and cooking;
small family, grown people; good wages. SIu
Hoyt st.
WANTED A young woman for general house
work; wages $25. Apply mornings. 776
Overton st.
COMPETENT sirl for general housework.
t-none a z-io. xidi ran Klin St.. Wil
lamette Heights.
GIRL for general housework, small familv.
Apply 526 Weidler st. Take Broadway car
to 11th st.
WANTED 1000 ladies' suits and coats. $30.00
vai uw, -. iro ; vv v luuev. ALTS.
Bert, 203 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash.
COMPETENT girl for general housework; 3
adults; good wages. 581 East Taylor.
East 2157.
A WELL -educated young lady wanted for
office work ; no experience required ; small
salary. AF 623, Oregonian. '
GIRL for general housework and plain
cooking; good home, good wages; 3 in
family. L'o4 Park st.
WANTED Girls to make shirts and over
alls; steady positions'. Apply at Mount
Hood Factory, 2l and Couch sts.
GIRL for general housework and cookfng-;
three In family. 734 Main St., bet. King
and Fonl. Phone A 4836.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work ; family three adults. Call mornings,
69 Hoyt.
GOOD home and wages for young girl in
family of 3. 329 Oak.
GIRL or woman to assist with general
housework and children 696 Everett st.
WANTED Millinery makers and appren
tices. Apply 142 Fifth st.
WANTED At once, .experienced waitress.
The Hill, 265 I4th st.
GIRL for general housework: good, plain
cook; two in family. 801 Marshall st.
WANTED Girl to asMrt in general house
work. Call mornines. 651 Love joy st.
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Cull at 323 East 12th st. North.
A GIRL to assist in general housewortc.
Call forenoons. 747 Giisan st.
GIRL for general housework, family of two.
Call mornings. 89 21st st. North.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework; good wages. 1135 Thurman st.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting;
expert method. 304 12th. Main iS00.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. f5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93.
GIRL to assist with housework. 553 Joh
son st.
HOUSEKEEPER. $20; family cook, $35. St.
Louis. 245 H Wash. Main 2039.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
S2S Kearney st.
WANTED Competent girl to care for chil
. dren. 794 Lovejoy st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL, general housework; good home, good
wages. 401 RLhchlld bldfr.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
Adults. 651. Hoyt w near 20th.
Flrst-class hands wanted. Apply at once
600 WOMEN to buy sample suits 910. $16
and $20. and save half. Worrell's Sam
ple SJoakg and Suits. 134 6th su. cor.
Alder. VpposUe The Oregonian.
GOOD wages to flrst-class woman to cook
and do general housework; small family;
Portland Heights; references. Phones
.Main 566 ana A i531.
desk room; machine and telephone free, in
Lumber Exchange . bitig. AD 620, Orego
nian WANTED Lady bookkeeper and stenog
rapher; country bank; must be good pen
njan and accurate. Address AJ 627, Ore
gonian. LADY stenographer who has typewriter can
secure dwkroom free in exchange for 4ight
servicee. Apply 329 Chamber of Com.
merce bldg. .
WANTED Good glr! or woman, light house;
two in family; easy place. Call 1069 iiist
Morrison, 3Gth st. Phone Tabor 126; Sunny
side car.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $1.50 dox. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
$43 y Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
MIDDLE-AGED lady for housework, good
heme; 3 in fern 1 1 y. 1661 E. 1 3th st. or
phone"" Sellwood 424.
WANTED 6 energetic business women to
represent an old-established instltui; good
money, easy work. V 62S, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for housework ; family of
f; good wages. Apply 1461 Vancouver
OO LOR ED woman for cookinjc and general
housework. Call 515 Tillamook st. Phone
East 4801.
S26 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8836 or A. S26&.
GIRL, or -woman for housework; family of 3.
568 Broadway.
jCOOK wanted. 633 Johnson St.'
WANTED Vaudeville artist who can play
piano; state qualifications and salary ex
pected In first letter. Address AM 626,
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
SCIENCE teacher, $100 per month. 611
Swetland bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent and
reliable, 10 years experience accounting,
typewriting and general office work, age
28. desires a position with opportunities ;
capable of taking charge of office. AJ
618, Oregonian.
NEW YORK MAN Years of experience,
now superintendent of one of Seattle's
largest dry goods stores, would like to
make a change, same capacity, larger
field. H. J aneway, Seattle, Wash,
GRADUATE High School of Commerce, 3
years' office experience, desires position as
general office man; excellent Eastern refer
ence. AN 628, Oregonian.
WANTED Position in grocery or general
merchandise store by experienced man;
best references, city or country. N. S.
Berg, Portland, Or.
COLLEGE student, late, first-class machin
ist, U. S. Navy, desires position out of
school-house. Office work preferred, but
anything is acceptable. D632, Oregonian.
HAVE you a small business? I will keep
your books N at small cost; accurate, re
liable and confidential. AM 623, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED and strictly up-to-date
bookkeeper and stenographer. ,E 625,
RAILROAD accountant, 20 years experi
ence, wants position with business house;
competent claim man. AL 628, Oregonian.
YOUNG narried man. experienced, with
large Eastern mail order houses. AM 620,
ASSISTANT bookkeeper wants position;
bst references. F 023, Oregonian.
HARDWARE MAN with several years ex
perience wants position in or out o city;
good bookkeeper, glazier and key man;
might Invest Borne money; references. AL
627, Oregonian.
EX-NON-COMMISSIONED officer of the
Regular Army, with Al references, sober
and industrious, desires position of any
kind AM 22 Oregonian.
EDUCATED Japanese boy wants position as
helper tosign painter. H. M., 261 1 Ever
ett st.
YOUNG man. experienced, age 22. desires
position aB all-around assistant in studio
or kodak store. AC 625, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, cooks, with hotel and camp
experience, would like positions as cooks
or cook and helper. AD 625, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN with team desires permanent
engagement, reliable firm. AM 629, Ore
gonian. MAN AND WIFE (no children) want work
on farm; wages shares or lease. AN 629.
POSITION as collector or any light work;
can furnish cash bond and A No. 1 refer
ence. AM 627, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position any kind of
job; family, hotel. R. Goto. 262 Everett
YOUNG MAN, 21 years, willing to work ;
can give good references. Address Y 629,
JAPANESE couple wishes poeltlon for family,
wife as cook and man at housework, R 627,
YOUNG man attending business college want;
place to work for room and board. N 627,
TWO bakers, first and second, wish posi
tions. , city or country. AN 620, Ore
gonian. WANTED By a man past middle age. a
position as cashier in restaurant, market
or store, phone .Sellwood 382.
BL'TLER and valet desires position ; first
class references. B 631, Oregonian.
JAPANESE desires situation, cook or house
work. E 633. Oregonian.
WANT situation as cook ; first-class refer
ences. E 634. Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants position In private
family. Main 9361.
IF you want an exrperienced and reliable
chauffeur, call ut A 746-0.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced In law and
general ofiice work, desires position; city
references; moderate salary. A. 632, Ore
gonian. POSITION as bookkeeper; best of city refer
ences. AG 622, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER First-claas references. M.
YOUNG LADY wishes position as office
clerk. Residence, phone B 1165.
BY experienced stenographer; salary, 550;
very accurate and rapid. Phone A 5446.
Dressm ak ers.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
. ments by the day; remodeling a specialty.
Phone Main 739.
GENERAL dressmaking by competent
seamstress; " will go to homes. Phone
Woodlawn 984.
PLAIN sewing, children's clothes, wanted
by the day; prices reasonable. Call Main
DRESSMAKING by the day. Phone Main
4415. M-i6H carter. 553 Yamhill st
EXPERIENCED ladles tailor and dress
maker wants work at home. M. 77 IO.
STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine
work. 529 East Mill. East 5256. .
PRACTICAL nurse; reference. 1273 East
Yamhill st. Phone B 2802.
CALL Main 9514 for engagement competent
confinement nurse city references.
NURSE would like connncment cases or
any kind of sickness; doctor's city ret
erence. East 13U& Home B 2748.
NURSFX much experience, nursing invalids,
maternity, infants, ali kinds. A 4775., Main
EXPERIENCED middle-aged practical
nurse; best references. A 2013.
BY experienced practical nurse, more cases;
any kind; reasonable. Main 4469.
WANTED By competent woman with girl,
14. a position as housekeeper for wid
ower In respectable home; state wages.
100 E. 16th st., Portland. Or. -
MIDDLE-AGED widow desires position as
housekeeper in small family in the city;
capable and neat; best references. Ad
dress box 143. McMinnville. Or.
CHOICE BUYS along carline to SWIFT'S;
easy terms. They'll grow dollars. Ferris,
POSITION as housekeeper for a middle-aged
gentleman, no children. AB 625, Orego
nian. REFINED woman housekeeper, widower's
family. St. Louis. 246 Wash. Main 2039.
POSITION as housekeeper, lady of 35. B
634, Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl as cook in small family.
Phone Main 11G3.
YOUNO GIRL wants ge.ieral housework. 81
East 28th st. North.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants engage
ments by the day or to do housecleaning.
Address 624 East Davis st. Phone East
WANTED To read to Invalids or elderly
people afternoons by a reader of ability ;
experienced as a public reader. AM til5,
A NEAT colored woman would like a posi
tion as chambermaid. Phone Main 8360.
Call mornincs or evenings.
MIDDLE-AGED German woman wants posi
tion for general housework. AL 620, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED Norwegian woman wants
day work, washing, ironing, house clean in;.
Main 1133.
HOTEL cook, child's nurse, housekeeper. St.
Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
RELIABLE woman wants day's work by the
hour. Main 839S.
GRADUATE gives two piano or mandolin
lessons, 7 cents. F 625, Oregonian.
WANTED Situation in- doctor's or den
tist's office. Address A 633. Oregonian.
EXPERT masseuse gives massage at your
home. Jl.ftO per hour. Phone B 2520.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free Capital City Nursery Company,
Sajem, Oregon
WANTED A furnished cottage for the
Winter months ,on East Side, near car
line. D 031, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room furnished
house for 2 or 3 months. Phone Main
3413. W. B. Smith.
NEATLY furnished 4-o-room cottage or flat.
Phone Main r,7!)l this morning.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED, for two months, small furnished
apartments or house; strictly modern; ref
erences exchanged. Address AJ 625, Ore
gonian. BOARD and 2 nicely furnished rooms (2
adults, :t children) In Jewish family.
Phone Main 5791 thT morning.1
Business llaces.
A storeroom or part of store for first-class
lunch-room. Address Stein's Luitch Room,
266 Stark. ,
Furnished Rooms.
Homelike - Homelike Homelike
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and tefurnlshing. al for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who apprecaiie cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones.
hotel rainier.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof buildinf, steam
heated, hot ad cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
indney can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates. 50c. 75c and $1
Der day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 Oth st. North.
3d and Jefferson Sts.
Away from 'the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and "3d ; just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electrio lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory,, convenient, rooms large, light, - airy;
single rooms or suites; permanent id
ransient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731, M 8639.
131 Eleventh St.
NEW, modern brick building: Just opened;
water :n all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, just off Washing
ton su; special raets by week or monto.
Now management. Grand, Hawthorne;
modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone, E. 291. in every room; largest
rooms in city for permanent people, baths;
transient 60c-$L W. M. Robinson, mgr.
THE BARTON, 13th and Aider, new man
agement; newiy innovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates; steam hat, private baths,
hot and cold water in all rooms; beautifully
furnished; tourist trade solicited.
THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cot. Washing
ton, brand new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water la all
rooms; very reasonable terms.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
, reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; id weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. The Rose, 189
3d st. AE 627, Oregonian.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE REX Modem rooms, $2.50 to $5 per
week. 548 Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral $3. $4, $5 per week; transient.
WARM furnished rooms, bath, gas and
phone free. 3S9 3d si Phone Main 5223.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, beat: 50c to $1 day. $2 to 4 week.
Furnished Rooms in Private Families.
FURNISHED front room, furnace heat. 30
16th st., near Washington st
WELL-FURN1SHED rooms, $6, $S, $10.
month. 311 Main st.
SOS 12TH Good room for the price, $12 per
NICELY furnished; front room; rent very
reasonable. 472 Taylor, near 14th st.
NEWLY furnished front room, with board,
for two. 4G9 Taylor st.
NICELY furnished, large room in private
family. 403 let-St., flat K.
ELEGANT furnished rooms to let. 116 23d,
corner Gilsan.
Furnished Rooms In Private Fasnily.
BEAUTIFUL, well furnished, well heated
rooms, stylish, new house, central. West
Side, quite reasonable; men only. Main
TWO coxy rooms, with kitchen, neatly fur
nished; large closet, porch; private home;
2- to reliable couple; gas, phone. 46S
Hall st.
FOR RENT Laige alcove room for two or
th ree gents., modern and heated ; five
minutes' walk; call or phone after 6:30
P. M 230 a lOth. Phone Main 82U7.
FOR RENT Suite of nicely furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, desirable lo
cation; references. 498 Mill st. Phone A
NEWLY furnished front foom. porch, mod
ern conveniences. 723 1 Kearney. Refer
euues. Main -viort.
S UNN Y f ron t room, for gentlema n . private
family. Nob Hill district; reference re
quired. Phone Main 4134. 777 Johnson st.
.ELHGANT furnished room ; balcony : gentle
man; all conveniences; good looatlon. 3j2
Park st.
NEWLY furnished room; hot and cold water,
furnace heat. 215 13th st., cor. Salmon;
ideal location.
WANTED Gentleman and wife to share
expense of elegantly furnished home. Irv
ington; wood free. East 3445.
FRONT alcove room ; very central; house
modern: private family. 388 Salmon, bet.
West Park and 10th.
$3 PER WEEK; large bay-window room,
electricity, furnace; gentleman preferred.
187 16th, near Yamhill st.
213 13TH ST. Nice furnished rooms; good
heat, modern conveniences; suitable one
or several persons.
2C8 y 13TH ST Nicely furnished rooms,
house new. every convenience; gentlemen
448 TAYLOR ST. Nice large furnished
room, suitable for 2 people; use of the
bath, parlor, piano free. Tel. Main 761.
Cnfurnished Rooms.
TWO new, sunny, front, reasonable, at
308 y N. 17th- lOth-at. car.
TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi
vided. 551 Morrison st.
1 u
Boom Wltb. bora.
THE MAGNOLIAS Kearney St., between
19th and 2ota " Large, newly furnished
rooms for families; private bths. hot and
cold water, modern -conveniences, first
class table, beautiful grounds. Also swell
rooms for gentlemen. $30.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, 186 5tu
st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt.
ELEGANT quarters for gentlemen, with
board; best the market -affords. Very
reasonable. 374 Park st,
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
THE MANSION, cor. 5th and Jefferson
Large, elegant room, open fireplace; suita
ble two or three; also single room.
BY January 1. fine front suite, also single
room. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with o
without board. 452 Morrison cor 13th.
ROOM and board. 635 Oouch st. Sterling.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
WELL-FURNISH ED rooms, good board, very
reatnonabie; employed people preferred. 120
X. 18th. .
COSY room, with board, suitable for two. In
refined home. Furnace heat. bath, phone,
pianos; reasonable. Phone Main 6485.
FAMILY of two In modern private home
have one room to rent, board it desired.
Woodlawn 644.
ROOM and board in private family for two
gentlemen; also one single room. 195
11th st.
LARGE furnished rooms with board, every
thing first-class, suitable for one or two
persons. 75 14th st. N. Main 8174.
LARGE furnished room, with board: home
cooking, all conveniences. 107 16th St.,
near Flanders. Phone Main 5513.
GOOD ROOM and good board; everything
modern; easy walking distance. 549 John
son. LARGE well-furnished roQms, suitable for 2
men ; home cooking. 595 East Taylor.
Phone East 2006.
LARGE front room, closets, phone, bath,
piano, home cooking. 446 3d, the Holly
wood. .
SINGLE room with board, close In, for gen
tleman; references required. A 2618.
ROOMS and board, heat, bath, phone, 327
West Park St., walking distance.
NICE rooms and rood home cooking for
gentlemen.- 574 Glisan, corner 18th st.
GOOD board, cozy rooms, to business people.
712 Hoyt st.
FURNISHED room with board,
st. A 1636.
WANTED Young lady to share apartment
with three other young ladies. Main 8105.
ROOM and board in private residence,
strictly modern. 750 Lovejoy, near 23d.
BOARD and room in private family. 545
Yamhill st.
Grand ave. and Etfst Stark; well furnished
S-room apartments possessing every mod
ern convenience. Including steam heat, hot
- water, private bat ha and phone; while
these apartments are as up-to-date as any
in the city and about as close to the busi
ness center, the prices are considerably
less; now ready for occupancy. Phone
East 3O0; no children.
and College; make reservations now. Best
In the Northwest; deposit vaults; phones,
hot water, steam beat, electric lifts in
each apartment. FREE CLUBROOM.
First-class janitor service. Call at apart-
ments or phone.
FIDELITY ADJ. CO., Main 9014.
417 Fenton Bldg.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; janitor service; rent reasonable.
$30 WEST SIDE, steam-heated apartment
of 3 rooms, on first iloor and corner; -nice
building, furnished with gas range, bed
stead and spring, dresser, dining-room
table, light fixtures and shades. Call
janitor. 454 11th. Take Montgomery-st.
FRONT rooms, nicely furnished in mahog
any, home cooking, first-class service;
price reasonable- 10 minutes' walk from
Postoffice. 178 Ella, 1 block south of
FOR. RENT 4-room furnished flats with
bath and pantry; well located, in good
neighborhood, walking distance. Call
Woodlawn M 942.
st. One 3-room apartment; rent reason
able. THE LAN DOR E APARTMENTS, 288 10th St..
between Jefferson and Columbia; one room!
newly furnished; all conveniences.
WELLINGTON COURT 15th and Everett;
furnished 4-room suite and S-room suite,
3-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for
sale, reasonable. Call lo tov 12 after 7,
Apt. 3, Madison Park Apts.
THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1,
4-room unfurnished apartment. Refer
ences. Apply Suite 2.
THE CHETOPA. 18th St., FlandVsra 4-room
modern unfurnished apartment. Apply to
ST. CLAIR,, 713 Wayne St. Six-room, mod
ern apartment; all conveniences, walking
distance. Phone Main 4930.
FURNISHED apartment for rent. The Mor
ton, Washington and King..
FOR SALE New 5-room furnished apart
ment; all conveniences, phone Main 3395.
NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large rooms;
East Side. Main 5601, Tabor 131.
MODERN 6-room flat; beautiful view; Wil
lamette Heights. 101 0 Savier st. Phone
A 2S.jO.
NEW 4-room flat. 306 Montgomery, near
6th; 5 minutes to P. O. ; very reasonable.
FLATS,' 731 Hoyt su. near S2d. C rooms
and bath. Inquire 133 6Ux st. Mali; 27$,
FOR RENT 10 minutes out. on East Side,
in a beautiful section of handsome homes,
are now ottered for rent the most de
sirable 6-room fiats In the city; flats nave
larjre. old-fashioned fireplace. beautiful
paneled dining-room with built-in book
case and china closets, handsome lighting
fixtures, hardwood floors, living-room and
dining-room finished in imitation Flemish
oak and walls in leather brown, bed
rooms, kitchen and bath white enamel
and buff, or will tint to suit; large porches
and beautiful view of mountains and cltv.
Must be seen to be appreciated. Smaller
and less desirable flats farther out than
these on the West Side would cost one
third more than ara asked for these. Se
me at once, as there are only two left
Main 6974. 822 Board of Trade.
FOR RENT East Side, close in : very hand
some 6-room flat, built-in china, closets,
laundry trays, large porehet. every modern
convenience; this is the only one left and
ehsuld go to;Iay; rent $25; would cost $45 om
the West Side. Call up Main 6974.
FLAT Modern S-room flat, with heat, bo
water and janitor, at 565 !j Glisan sts.
Phone A 5251.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 161S. A 19S4. All covered wag
one. all experienced men.
BRAND NEW, up-to-date flats, with either
5 or 6 rooms. Apply drugstore, 800 Front
st. Either F or S car.
MODERN 3-room upper flat, furnished or
unfurnished ; strictly first class. Phone
Main 1612.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water
baths. laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rootr.3. $2.50 week up;
best in cit for money; short distance from
Union Depot. 'S' or l6tu-st cars north,
get off- at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
O.NBONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; tak
V . car at depot; furnlhed 2. 3 and 4
roora housekeeping suites by week $5.5o,
by month $2u and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phones free. Main 4697, A 4739.
THE MERCEJ)KS Nicely furnished 2 -room,
apartmen t, all convenience!, waiking dis
tanvo, only $20. 20th and Washington sts.
THE MILKER. 8o0& Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
NICE furnished ho use keeping -r-ooms. $14.00,
631 H Washington st.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
FIVE nice furnished rooms for housekeep
ing. 3331s Market st.
FRONT room, furnished for housekeeping;
$3.50 per week. 59 hit N. 9th st
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 134 Sherman.
1, 2 AND 3 very nice, large, modern house
keeping rooms. 5&0 2d st.
SEVERAL desirable rooms, 651 Morrison st,
Inquire 549, upstairs.
Housekeeping; Rooms in Private Family.
THREE clean, well-f urnished housekeeping'
rooms, with bath, telephone and water, !
in a private home; cheap to a neat, re
liable ouple. Phone C 1173. Located, t
165 Morris st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suit, all f
conveniences, very reasonable; adults (
only. l4 Grand a-e. North, near Holla- ;
day. Phone East 4980'. :
TWO large rooms, furnished,, clean, gas.
wood ranges, pantry, sink; reaesonable. 5u5 '
ELEGANT suite furnished housekeeping
, rooms, 526 Kearney st.; 5-minute walk.
Gas, bath, basement; $17. 50; no children.
$9 Three nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
743 E. 22d. Stark. Apply 127 El 16th. near
270 MONTGOMERY Furnished and unfur
nished housekeeping suites of 3 rooms (
central; reasonable. Main 4469.
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
' range, bath, piano, water and light In
duced. 60O East Madison st.
TWO front housekeeping rooms, every con
venience, walking distance. 211 Sher
man st.
COMFORTABLY furnished single and double
rooms, use of kitchen, reasonable. 787
GUsan st.
LARGE housekeeping room, with pantry;
gas, phone and bath free. 194 North 15th
street. -
flO 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas
plate, steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4-529.
TWO-ROOM housekeeping suite; gas; $16 .
per month. 41 7th st.
SLEEPING-ROOM, kitchen privilege; clean,
quiet place. 528 Morrison, near 16th.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern. Phone Main fcH67. 14t 16th st. N.
WFILIFCRNISHED two-room housekeeping
suite, 305 Salmon st., cor. lOth.
2 NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms,
cloee in. 830, 2d st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, also
sleeping-room. 456 Yamhill.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
heat, light. 67 N. 14th st., Davis-Everett.
SUITE of 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms, first floor. 515 Yamhill.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 215 10th, corner Sulmon.
THREE large, modern housekeeping rooms.
736 Raleigh St.
2 OR 3 nice comfortable rooms completely
furnished, convenient, reasonable. 412 loth.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite. 389
6th st.
FOR RENT House, 420 East 46th, near Lin
coln; 3 lots, stable, chicken-house, fruit,
vegetable garden, roses; school 2 block
west. R. A. Taylor, cor. 40th and Haw
thorne, phone B 1516.
A NLCE. modern house should have modern
furnishings throughout; Eastern prices
and easy terms at Calef Bros., 360-370
East Morrison st.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 337 Marguer
ette avenue, two blocks from carline. rent
$12. Phone Main 1468. between 9 and 5
Sunday. Call East 14L
8 ROOMS, modern house, with gas, electric
, light, concrete basement, hot air heat
ing, one block from carline and schooL
Apply 1390 E. Taylor near 49th.
COTTAGE of 5 rooms, electricity, furnace.
1005 Willaims ave., $20. Apply 301 Be
kum bldg. "
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 965 East
Couch st.; window shades, some carpets and
furniture; rent $25. - Phone Main 8695.
7 ROOMS. near Holladay School, gas and
electricity, fireplace. Phone A 1'424 or
Main 1997. Key at 440 East 7th North.
NICE large 5-room cottage with gas, bath,
cellar and garden; walking distance; rent
$14. 726 Division St.. near E. 21st St.
$17.00 Modern 5-room bungalow at 105$
E. 13th st. N-, near car; walls tinted,
shades. Gunderson & Hunt.
FOR IvENT Houses. 352 Front, 8 rooms;
1 89 Mill St., 5 rooms. Max Smith, 88
North 16th st. No phone.
HOUSE . of 5 rooms and bath, 69 East
19th st. North, near Everett. Inquire 132
6th st. Main 6278.
$27.50 Brand-new. 7 rooms, strictly mod
ern, on Hawthorne ave. Inquire 291
Glenn ave.
UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished
complete by Calef Bros. easy rent plan at
Eoitern prices. 360-370 East Morrison st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 1618, A 19S4- All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
VERY desirable 6-room house, 402 San
Rafael at., near Union awe.; close in. S25.
Phone East 1685, C 1491.
5-ROOM house. 648 5th St., January IO. Call
42 N. 6th st.
7-ROOM modern house, full lot, Lovejoy near
24th. I. Vanduy.i, 615 Chamber of Commerce.
DESIRABLE, modern. 6 rooms; gas. electric
ity, furnace. 512 East Market.
6- ROOM modern cottage, responsible par
ties only, $16. Inquire 925 East Park st.
FOR RENT 10-room house. Nob Hill. In
quire 747 Glisan st.
7- ROOM modern house, close to car, $15.
Call 513 Chamber Commerce.
GOOD 5-room cottage and yard, 2d
and Weidier. Inquire 331 Halsey st.
FOR RENT 6 room modern house. Inquire
Sll Cleveland ave. LT car-