THE MORNING OREGONTAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1910. The Best Mail Order House All Orders Filled Same Day as , Received At Clearance Sale Prices Tea Room on the Seventh Floor Iter Meier pFraEk earaiic G3 I 14 Store s Animal Gl Begins This MoreBrng U Till - TS TH A fit! T? a . - 4 Starting at 8 o'CIock.this morning the opening of The Greater Meier & Frank Store's Annual Clearance Sale will again mark an unusual advancement in value giving Greater selling space, greater stocks, greater and better service will all tend to accomplish these results The preparations made for this Annual event The saving event of the year eclipse all previous efforts J Every section of our mammoth establishment 11 XT potion Entire Second Fl., Main Bldg. Opens tomorrow with bargains unusual Many at V2 price But wonderful bargains just the same Bargains of the sort tht have made The Meier & Frank Cloak and Suit Department so popular In this department is another tremendous expansion and now we devote double the former space to women's apparel Reductions are radical on every article This department occupies the entire second floor of the main building Come early Sale Women's Tailored Suits j j : The complete line of Tailor Suits for ladies and misses, in' plain tailored effects or the trimmed suits in soutache braid, also the three-piece suits with Princess dress and either plain or fancy coat. Colors, tan, mode, clam, reseda, olive, hunters' green, navy, light blue, royal, pink, white; gray, in both medium and light shades; black, raisin, amethyst, rose, leather and brown, walnut, fancy stripes and mixtures; the best regular $75.00 values, on sale at this low clearance price, suit S49.45 Regular $68.00 values, clearance, $43.65 Regular $45.00 values, clearance, $29.45 Regular $65.00 values, clearance, $41. G5 Regular $40.00 values, clearance, $26.55 Regular $60.00 values, clearance, $39.65 Regular $38.00 values, clearance, $24.85 RegularJ$55.00 values, clearance, $36.45 Regular $36.00 values, clearance, $22.45 ' Regular $50.00 values, clearance, $32.65 Regular $32.50 values, clearance, $19.25 Also special line of odds and ends and broken line of sizes, values to $50, for $2T.45 Sale of Women's-Misses Coats Our complete stock of Coats for ladies and misses, in velvet, satin broadcloth, wide wale serge, eljeviot, covert, bengaline silk and mannish mixtures; black, tan, mode, walnut, gray, green, raisin, rose, reseda, navy, Copenhagen, garnet, brown, fancy cheeks, stripes and mix tures styles range from strictly plain tailored, with either seini or tight-fitting and small revers slid with collar, or the close-fitting coat with standing collar and diagonal fastening; also the deep rolling collar of moire silk or satin, and the more elaborate coats for after noon' wear; trimmed in pleats, satin cording or silk soutache braid. On sale at these prices: $66.00 values, clearance sale price, $44 .oO $35.00 values, clearance sale price, $25.65 $6800 values, clearance sale price, $47.50 $27.50 values, clearance sale price, $19.45 $58.00 values, clearance sale price, $39.50 $25.00 values, clearance sale price, S17.65 $50.00 values, clearance sale price, $33.50 $22.00 values, clearance sale price, $15.45 $40.00 values, clearance sale price, $28.65 $20.00 values, clearance sale price, $13.85 $38.00 value!, clearance sale price, $26. 50 $16.50 values, clearance sale-price, $10.45 'Also a great special, line of Coats, during the clearance sale at this low price, ea..$S.85 Clearance Sale of Linens, Sheets, Etc. is represented Visit our store, plan to spend the day and avail yourself of the many bargain opportunities Start this year right and do your shopping early Our Annual Clearance Sale begins this morning wuu, acaa eaia vyuat; naa U11U TT UlbV 300 pes. silk and cotton Wash Goods, plain and fancy; regular 50c values, special, yard &t F W ' 200 pieces 32-inch fine Wash Madras, regular 25e value, at, yard..X2V2 Fancy Printed Crepes, best regular 17c values, special at, yard. .12V2? 100 pieces best 36-ineh Percales, reg ular 15e values, on sale -at, yd..lO White Kmbroidered Swiss, best regu lar 75c values, clearance, yard.-60 Extra heavy Crocheted Quilts, regular $1.75 values, on sale at, ea..$1.49 Grand Clearance of Handkerchiefs Women's all-lineu Initial Handker chiefs, also Swiss scalloped kerchiefs,, slightly soiled; regular 35c values, on sale af, ea. r All-linen Kerchiefs, hand-embroidered also colored border and tf ( initial ; 65e and 75c values J Linen Table Cloths, 2 yards square, regular $5.00 values, at, ea. .$3.25 Linen Table Cloths, 3 yards square, regular $6.50 values, at, ca. .$4.T5 Liueu Table Cloths, yards square, regular $7.00 values, at, ea. .$5.00 Linen Napkins, 5-8 size, regular $5 values, on sale at, the dozen.. $3. 75 Linen Napkins, 3-4 size, best regular $7.50 values, on sale at, doz. .$5.50 200 doz. Hemmed Sheets, extra heavy weight, just the sheet for hard usage; regular 75c values, sale-price. .59 Sale of Women's Fine Neckwear Clearance of Laces and Emb roKsenes AT clearance of thousands of yards of rich and beautiful embroideries, on sheer swiss, batiste, cambric or dimity materials. In the lot are flounces from 12 to 27 inches wide, insertions, edges and galloons. Designs are baby Irish, blind, English' eyelet. Prices : Regular values to' $1.(5 the yard, clearance sale price, yd. .39 Regular values to $3.50 the yard, clearance sale price, yd. .89? Embroidery, Edges and Insertions, 34 to 5 inches wide; regular, values to 25c the yard; clearance price 10c Clearance of Fine Cut Glass 6-inch Nappies, regular $2.00 values, clearance price. .$1.49 5-inch Nappies, regular $1.5 values, clearance price.. $1.19 6 and 8-inch Vases, regular $4.50 values, special, each. . $3. 29 Water Jugs, worth $8.00 each, on special sale at, each.. $5. 98 8-inch Bowls, regularly worth $5.00 each, clearance. .$3.49 8-inch Bowls, regularly worth $8.50 each, .jjlearanee. .$6.18 Special values on other articles not advertised. Let us show you. Regular values to $1.25 the yard, clearance sale price, yd. . 25r Swiss and Batiste Allovers, in dainty French designs, for lingerie waists; regular values to $3.00 yard; clearance price.. $1.39 Colored Allover Laces, values to $3.50 yard, special at.. $1.49 Bohemian Glassware at V4 Off Entire line of artistic Bohemian Glassware, ONE-FOURTH OFF Brass Jardiniers, clearance sale, special at ONE-FOURTH OFF Cloisonne Ware, for the clearance sale at ONE-FOURTH OFF Slightly damaged Candle Shades, clearance ONE-HALF PRICE Smokers' Articles, clearance price, each, ONE-FOURTH OFF Five o 'Clock Tea Kettles, good assortment, ONE-FOURTH OFF Great special clearance sale reductions on Silver-Plated Ware. f The: Great Annual W White and embroidered Linen Collars, sizes 12 to 16; regular 17c values, on special sale at, each Embroidered Linen Collars, 1V'2 to 2 inches high; regular 20c values.. 12 Neck Ruehings, in white or colors, narrow width; 25c values, yard..lO ite Fair" Women 's Gowns, of cambric, nainsook or muslin; high or low-neck styles, long or short sleeves, trimmed with lace, embroi deries, tucks and ribbons; regularly $1.00 to $25.00; clearance, 69c to S1S.OO Extra sizes included in above assortment. Corset Covers, made of nainsook, lawn or eambric, trimmed with embroidery, lace, tucks, beading and ribbons; regular 35c to $6 values; clearance, 22c to $3.98 Women's Chemise, of cambric, nainsook, crossbar and lawn, trimmed with dainty Val. or torchon lace, tucks, medallions, headings and ribbons; plain or trimmed skirts ; regularly priced at 35e to $6.00 each ; clearance sale price, 25c to $3.98 Women's Drawers, of cambric, muslin, nainsook or crossbar lawn-; umbrella, ;Vassar and circular styles, trimmed with wide embroidery or lace, tucks, beading and ribbon; closed and extra sizes in cluded. Regularly priced at 35c to $10; clearance sale price, from 22c to $6.98 Women's Short Skirts, best materials, beautifully trimmed with lace, embroid ery and hemstitching; regularly from 65e to $5.00 each; clearance, 43c to $3.98 In the Baby Departm't, Infants' Dresses regularly worth from 60c to $50.00 each, on sale during clearance,' 43c to $39.00 Baby Skirts, regularly worth 65c to $18, clearance prices, each, 43c to $12.50 Combination Suits, in two or three-piece styles, also a complete line of Princess slips. Made of best" quality nainsook, lawn or cambric, trimmed with embroid ery, lace, tucks, insertions, headings, me dallions and ribbons. Regular prices from $1.50 to $18.00 each, for 98c to $13.50 Women's Long Pettieoats of cambric, " nainsook or lawn, with wide flounces, trinWed with embroidery, or lace edges and insertion, beading and ribbons; sep arate dust ruffle, fitted waist bands ; reg. $1.50 to $35.00, special, 98c to 22.00 Italian Silk Cndervests and combinations in plain or embroidered effects, on sale at clearance prices. Let us show you. Great Animal Clearance of Fine Tailored Waists 1 , Tailored Waists, in linen, madras, pique and rep, made with large or small mirks, embroidered or with side pleats. Clever models, decidedly under priced for this great Annual Clearance Sale. See them on second" floor. $2.50 values, clearance, ea., $1.92 $5.00 values, clearance, ea., $3.92 $3.50 values, clearance, ea.. $2.69 $6.00 values, clearance, ea., $4.72 $4.50 values, clearance, ea., $3.38 $7.50 Values, clearance, ea., $5.87 Messaline'and Chiffon Waists 1 Vols, to $11 for $4.45 Wouieu's Waists, of messaline and chiffon cloth, made with fancy yokes of net, silk braid, embroidered effects or stain-band trimmed; colors are white,' light blue, lavender, Copenhagen, brown, green, yg Jt gray, rose, navy and black; regular values to $11.00, ea. & Great '-Annual Clearance' ress ooas an Fancy Silks that sell regularly up to $1 yard, in Clearance at, yd. .59 Regular values to $1.25, yard. 69 Regular values to $2.00, yard, 98 $ Colored Taffetas, regular price 75c yard special clearance price.. 59 Regular $1 .50 Silk anil Wool Dress Goods, Clearance price, yard. .79 Regular 5()e Mixed Dress (roods. 011 sale during clearance sale, yd. -33 Great Annual Clearance Sale of Men's and Boys' Suits Great Annual Clearance Sale Men's and Boys' Overcoats Our Great Annual Clearance Sale of Children's Clothing Tremendous Clearance Sale Bargains on All Underwear Remarkable Clearance Sale Bargains in Women's Hose Clearance Sale Bargains in Leather Goods and Jewelry Don't Miss the Clearance Specials in Grocery Department Many Good Clearance Sale Specials, in Shoe Department Clearance Sale of All 1910 Calendars at Just Half Price Clearance Prices on Pictures, Picture Framing and Frames Clearance Sale Prices on Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Etc. Clearance Prices on Blankets and B edding Fourth Floor Clearance Sale Women's Kid and Knit Gloves First FL Clearance Sale Linens, Sheetings, Wash and White Goods Clearance Sale Prices on All Sorts of Kitchen vNeeds Clearance Sale Prices on Stationery, Perfumes and Toilets Clearance Sale Prices on Men's and Women V Umbrellas Clearance Sale Specials in the Busy Lining Department Great Clearance Sale Bargains on Laces and Embroideries Splendid Clearance Savings on Our China and Silverware Clearance Men's Goods $1-$1.25 Underwear 79c Men's Underwear, in worsted ribbed; colors are gray, blue, silver gray; shirts" and drawers; $1.00 and $1.25 values, at & W Men's," women's and children's Mufflers, made like the "Phoenix"'; come in all colors pink, blue, red, green, black, white, navy 9 and gray ; splendid values buy all you want of them at, each 3. Boys' Union Suits, gray ribbed; regular price 65c ea.; clearance. -37 500 dozen men's Four-in-Hand Ties, handsome patterns and Ki an endless selection ; regular 25c grades, special, THREE FOR. V Men 's Cashmere Hose, in black, gray and oxford ; regularly 1 25e thepair; clearance sale price, 3 pairs for 50c, or 1 pair for A ft s Men's 50c Four-in-Hand Ties buy all you want of them at, ea..28 CurtainClearance Notion Clearance 2c white Wire Hairpins, pkg..lf? Regular 3c paper Washington Pins on sale at, special, the paper.. 2 10c package Majestic Kid Curlers, Nos. 4 and 5, at, the package.. 5 "Inanout" Collar Supporters, in assorted lengths; special, card.. 5p Star Safety Pins, nickel or black, card of 1 dozen pins, special.. 3 ("Regular 5c spool Basting Cotton, on special sale at, the spool.. s 5c Spool Silk, special, spool. .3 5c card Hooks and Eyes at. -3 35c Tapered Hair Rolls at.. 15 50c 24-inch Hair Rolls at..28J 20c Setwell Skirt" Markers at.. 8 25c Memo Hose Supporters. .15 Marvelous bargains obtain in the Curtain Section, and shrewd pur chasers will do well to look care fully over the assortment. Irish Point, Nottinghams, Brussels and latest novelties in ivory, white or Arabian color. On sale as follows: Nottingham, Cluny and Antoinette Curtains, $3 val- C? 5 ues, clearance, pr. f5t Clunj's, Scrims and Renaissance Curtains, regular tf? $3.50 .values, pair &tOU Brussels, Point de Arabe, Duchess and Scrim Curtains, regular .flO.OO values, special at, the pair.Sj58.00 CREMATORY IS NEARER BIDS I'Oll 150-TON PIM WILL, BE OPENED TODAY. Death Hale, Already Low, AVill Be Decreased. It Is Believed, by Xew Incinerator. HiUs for Portland's new 150-ton par ae crematory, which will be erected on the site of the present .15-ton cre matory at Guild's Lake, will be opened by the City Board of Health this mom inK. The electors of the city voted a bond issue of $100,000, but the bonds have not been sold, and It is tfelieved that this sum win be provided from he general fund. With the new crematory it is planned to burn all the rubbish which now sroes on the dump near eiuild's Iaje. This has continued to accumulate until it Is regarded as a menace to health. As there is considerable combustible mate rial in It, the authorities believe that with a new crematory of modern type it will be unnecessary to purchase much fuel, "Portland's death rate Is given now as seven in every- 1000 of population, which is very low," said City Health Officer Wheeler yesterday. "Neverthe less, we desire to reduce this if possi ble, and believe the new garbage incin erator will be a means to that end. We now burn only house garbage and dead horses. With the new incinera tor we shall burn all the garbage of the city. The city has five acres on Guild's Lake, where the new crema tory will be situated. The one now jn use lias been in existence since Mayor Pennoyer's administration, between 12 and 15 years. "I believe the 150-ton incinerator will destroy the garbage of the city for six or seven years, when it probably will become necessary to erect another one on the East Side." It is pointed out that two crema tories will materially lessen the haul ing distance. ; After the crematory bids are opened this morning it may be necessary to refer them to H. AI. Napier, superin tendent of the crematory, and to Citv Engineer Morris before the contract is awarded. The members of the Board or Health are Drs. Alan Welch Smith, George L. Storey and R. J. Chipman. FRATERNITY HAS BANQUET Forty Members of Sigma Xu Attend v Annual Dinner. A-'orty members of the Sigma Nu fra terniay attended the annual banquet at the Hotel Perkins Saturday night. C. N". McArthur, Speaker of the House at the recent session of the OregonJLegis lature and now secretary to Governor Benson, was toastmaster. Short talks were made by E. W. Taylor. Jr., Dr. Fred J. Zieg-ler, Ralph Dodson, Frank Templeton, O. C. Beck, Oliver Huston, of the Oregon chapter: fc. B. Knapp, of Indiana, and George Alexander, of California. HERMANN'S TRIAL NEAR 1909 over the year 1908 was 49.8 per cent. The total receipts for the year ending .December - 31, 1909, were $3535.91; ending 1908, they were 230.14. ATTORNEYS FOR BOTH HEAD THIS WAY. SIDES Tracey C. Becker Here, Heney Com ing Today Defendant's Coun sel Due Tuesday. Attorneys for the prosecution and defense of Binger Hermann, whose trial is set to begrin in the United States Court January 10, will all be In Port land by nexf Tuesday. Tracey C. Becker, who secured a conviction here in the Los Angeles conspiracy case, reached Portland last night. He will be associated with Francis J.- Heney and District Attorney John McCourt in the prosecution. Mr. Heney has engaged a suite of rooms at the Portland and will arrive this afternoon. He -will be accompanied by Mrs. Heney. Offices have been 'fitted in the Federal building for the Vse of the Government officials. Attorney Worthington will arrive in Portland Tuesday from Washington, D. C. He conducted the' defense of Mr. Hermann in the District of Columbia in the Blue Mountain case. . His asso ciate will be Ex-Senator Gearin. Postal Receipts Increase. SPRINGFIELD, Or.. Jan. "(Spe cial.) The increase of the postofflce receipts at Springfield during the year 231 WASHINGTON ST. PORTtANO ORC60N. MAKER OF MENS CLOTHES west side:. 21at and Johnson Adjoining; FraKei Grocery. lOth A Davis, ndjotning; Ryan'n Grocery. 11th. and Mortgomery, Adjoining: Barn's Grocery. Sd and Jeffc-iKon (Meat and Groceries). 18 GlhbR Street. 41 F"lrt Street. 224 Sheridan Street (Kosher Market). 226 Alder Street. ASTORIA. 253 Taylor Street I niontonn). Commedclal street SEASIDE: Brtdgre Street. The best and cheapest meat in' the UniteJ States Smith's meats. Butter, eggs, flour, clothing, shoes, rents have all gone in the air but you still have cheap meat Smith 's meats. The Beef Trust is charging exorbitant prices in the East, and would be doing so here, but Smith is holding the price down. Pass up the Beef Trust and its markets (especially the markets of the Beef Trust on Alder street). When you come to Alder street, see that Smith's name is over the door, and then you are in the right place.. ' . FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust" 22 MARKETS EAST side;. 512-514 William Avenue. Union Avenue and Tillamook Street. 352 Ernst Burnside Street. 6U4 Alberta Street. 701 MisMivHippi Avenue. Grand Arc Near Hawthorne Ave. Cor. Grand Ave. and EaMt Morrison St., Adjoiuinj? rtellalier's). - 33d and Belmont Streets. Milwaukie Ave. and Frankfort St. 13th Street and Tenino Avenue ( Sell wood . Jersey Street (St. Johns). Smith's prices for Corned Beef are only , - 6 and8 Beef to boil, to stew, ete. .6 and 8 Best Round Steak 12y2 Rib Roast Beef -'.10-1212-15 Shoulder Roast Beef.. .. ...10 Tenderloin Steak 15 Small Porterhouse Steaks ..J.5C Legs of Lamb .15 Loin Lamb Chops.. 15 Shoulder Lamb Chops 12V2 Shoulder Roast Veal 12I.i Whole Shoulder of Lamb XO Lamb Stew ' 8 Lamb's Liver -. XO? Veal Steaks ......15 Loin Veal Cutlets. .15 Rib Veal Cutlets 15 Shoulder Veal Cutlets 12V-' Shoulder Roast Veal lS1 Breasts of Veal 10 Fresh Eggs, the kind to eat, per I dozen 35C Smith's Sugfar-Cured Hams.....l8 Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast Ba con, by the piece 22V& The same sliced or center cuts. .25 Smith's pure Lard, kettle r rendered, per pound . 15 Fresh Norway Butter, not cut from '"tub" butter Smith's - is abso lutely fresh creamery butter; per square . . . . ..85 Fresh Columbia River Salmon 121- Fresh Rogue River Salmon. . ..12'2 All the above meats and the following groceries at 3d and Jefferson streets. Phone Main 8751, Automatic A 4418: 2 quarts Cranberries 25 Golden Dates, lb 10 5 lbs. Sultana Raisins Z5(& Triscuit. pkg lO 3 glasses Jelly 25d 25-oz. can K. C. Bakinp Powder. . .20C I-lb. -can Ghirardeiii's Ohocolate. . .30C Salad Oil, qt. Hour Pickles, qt Sweet Pickles, qt . . . . Olives, impc-rted. qt. 3 pkgs. Corn Kiakes. Extra Good Brooms.. 3500 Parlor Matches. All Cookies, per lb... . . . f . 20S 20c .20c .30 25c 25C 16 6 loaves Bread-. , 4 lbs. Popcorn 3 cans Salmon :-. . 3 cans Corn . . 3 cans Tomatoes , 3 cans String Beans. . 3 cans Pumpkin Mincemeat, pkg 2or 25 25 25 .....25c1 25 25c IOC