THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX." SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, lDIO, TO -1 BOB KENT. Hodim. WHEN TOO MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy It judiciously and the savings will exceed vour m ovine expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of.; tn largest furniture nouses in tne city-r-in less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy - ss buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand Ave.. Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny, Montavllla and East Side line cars pass our door. R-ROOM modern house, newly painted inside an out, situated at oil F.hM Grant $:0.00 &-room modern ottage.'hot and cold watr. etc.; 1 it; East 37th st, Sunnyslrie rar 12-00 i-room modern flat, walking dis tance. West Side 22.50 THE DL NX-LAWHENtE CO., r , 24H Aider St. k CdftXKR E. 33d and Main sts. ; -30 a month for new 8-roorn bunsaiow; every convenience; out of ijx ordinary in its cozfness; take either S-S' or Hawthofe aw. cars. Inquire at 977 Madison. FOR RENT East 12th and Washlerton. 6 rnnm h onse, large, at t i. reception hall, pantry and bath, six closets, cement tubs. 'all 551 East' Yamhill, or phone East 17 Hi. A NICE, modern house should have modem furnishlnss throughout; Eastern prices and easy terms at Calef Bros., 300-370 East Morrison st. s- FOR RENT -.-room cottage; 337 Marguer et t a avenue, t w block s from carline, rent Phone Main J 4 OS, between U and 5 Sunday-.' Call East 241. i l , H M'SE, modern, 0 rooms, basement, chick-en-house. ;i lot, fruit; also cottage, 4 rooms. 2 lots", stable. Mrs. Moxley, Stearns ave., Tremont. Mount Scott. 10-ROOM house for rent. 73 1'nhn avenue, ."f.. near E. Everett. : Inquire Louis Salomon & Co., 233 Stark St., near 2d. 7 ROOMS, electric. pas. fireplace, large porch, cement wash tray, near Holladay School. Key at 440 E. th North. Phones Main 1007. A 2424.. 8 ROOMS, modern house, with gan. electric ltg!i t. rone ret e ba semen t, hot air heat ing, one block f rom carllne and school. Apply 130u E. Taylor near 41th. IN So I wood, convenient to two carlines; ft room lioii.; $12. Inquire at iOftal substa tion or 026-7 .Chamber of Commerce. COTTArjR of 5 rooms, electricity, furnace. IO05 WlDaims ave., 2o. Apply 301 De kum bldg. 5-TIOOM and nttlc-cttage, 681 Belmont St., $14 F W. lOROLKR, MHl Sherlock Bldg. HOUSE of rooms for rent. cor. 22d and r lander. Inquire N. 22d st., or phone r landers. Main hsl. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 965 East Cou' li et. ; window shades, some carpets and furniture; rent $25. Phone Main 6695. 9-RO0M residence. 700 LoVejoy St.. near 24th. st. North: $00; aristocratic neighborhood. Apply Wakefield, Fried & Co., 85 4th si. HOUSE of S rooms and bath- 69 East J!Hh st. North, near Everett- Inquire 13J th st. Main 6278. NEAT S-room cottaae. ncly papered, paint ed, bus range, shades, fruit; $12.50. 3102 East Salmon,'. WHEN movlnc call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Mula litlR. A 1084. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. 9-ROOM house in Irvlngton. 408 North loth st., $35. Pacific phone 41147. Home rfhone A H1.')H. Inquire 35 Labbe bldg. NEW S-room house. East Side; ""block front car. W illiani F. Brady, S10 Cham ber of Commerce. $1 5-ROOM modern house, bath, toilet, electricity and gas. 6X7 Corbett st. Smith Wagoner Co., Lewis bldg. 81'HI'RHAN home, S-room house. barn fruit and garden, rent $15. Owner, phone East 54 IS. VERY desirable fi-room house. 402 San Rafael st., near Union av. ; close in. Ji'o. Phone East 1685, C 1491.- 6 ROOMS, bath, gas and electric light. 430 Harrison st. Key at 428 Harrison. NEW 4-room tint, 5 minutes from Postoffice; very reasonable. Inquire 307 30th st. 4-ROOM cottage, bath. gas. shades, $10 36 East 0th st. North. Broadway car. 7- ROOM modern houe. full lot, Lovejoysar 24th. I. Vaniiuyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT lo-room house. Nob Hill. In quire 747 Glisan st. 8- ROOM houw. 160 24th m.; all modern. In quire Dr. Rimi. Tel. 375. Furnished Houses. AN elegantly furnished home on Willamette Heights, tile Nob Hill resilience district of the 'ity: has furnace, and everything mod ern and strictly Hi st class; block of car ; $7."i a moiith. , THE T1 ' A'-IiAWRENCE CO.. 24S Alder St. MODERN 0-room fui nished house, steam heated. 0M East Morrison, corner 5th mi.; Ml. Tabor and Stntnyside cars pas I ho house. Inquire Mrs. Richard L. Zel-le-. 20 East J 7th, North. Phone East 1010. N1CE1.Y-KCRN1SH ED house, with piano; concrete basement : Portland Heights; gi"e phone number when w ritlng. Address J 621, ircKoniun. FOR RENT Corner 20th and Eftst Irv ing furnished 5 -room cottnge, gas and bath; terms $25 per month. Phone B 2721. UPPER 4-ronm rurnhshed flat; very reason able; no children. For particulars phone East 5 and ask for Stephensen. $:; 'Klegam lower Mat. well furnished, in cluding piano; cement ImsemelK station ary tubs. etc. 333 Montgomery. H-roont modern furnished house; furnace, tlrepbtce. law n. llavt-iw ic & Gallagher, 320 l.umbrr KxrhaiiRe. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, furnished; gas, bath, basement. 2" per month. Inquire !t2 East Yanihlil st. . . j. : FURNISH EO 5 -room t!at, very central, ref erences requested. 'hone A 4778 or ad dress D tils. Oregonian. $2" 5-Room cottage, nicely furbished. 5uS Columbia t. WET. I. -FURNISH 11 hoise. best part lrv ini;toti. reasonable. Phone East 5Stv5. N KST S 1 1 K 5-room elegant Iv furnished flat; rent $5t monthly. 224 ISth st. North. MODERN li-rcm newly furnished flat; close in. Tel. Main 3033. Kl.KtiANTLY furnished ti-room corner flat, piano. 475i, 7lh st Houses for Kent. Furniture for Sale. , A HAROA1N If taken soon, furniture of a lO-ioom house for sale. $5o"; cash S17.V bal. $20 per month; rent $40; rooms all rented. Phono Main 7472. Fl ItNlTURE 0-rofm house for sale, bv owner ; liberal terms; good location ; low rent AE , Orofionian. NKAUl.Y new furniture of S-room, modern flat; will sc 11 oh ea p on accoun t ot lea v liiH city. 3iii 12th st. 4-ltOOM strict I ""' in ftlcm flat. low rent; part f urniPbiiigs for sale at a bargain. Call Ta boy l.UH, to S P. M.. S to 10 A M. Foit SALE i.ood furniture of 7 -room upper corner flat ; rooms rented. Price, $.;50." 3o2 l'ark st. FOR S A T. E Furniture ot 5 -roo m cot tare, Includlrfc pianoand sew ins machine. $200. Main 7741V Ct M Pl.ETEEY furnished :t-room apartment; practically new. Phone A 340S. Fl" RN I T U R E of a fi-roora flat, separately or altogether. i4 Kast st. TWO stores, corner Union ave. and Knott st.; good business location, moderate rent; possession at once. JOSEPH H. J OH NSTON, S2-3 I,afaette Bldg.. Washington and 6th. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick tore bit!. dint. 100x105. S. F3. cor. Front and Flue it. App C- A. Dolph. Muhaws: bldg. MODERN brick stores, good location, bak ery, grocery, confectionary ; low rent- Main 7157. r- STORE In brick bufldinir. 3lt Oak at., oppo site Commercial Club Mdj A. H Jilrrell Co., 2n2 McKay bldg. ONE new utoreroom. 2."ixi. lr,t in Ww bfock. Apply at drugstore, $Vit Flnt st. Either F 1 r S rar. FOR RENT 2 lofts, corner location, rent. cheap. 63 Cth st- FtR LEASE Storerviom, new bufMine. 242 Madibou; xplcndtd location. Main t202. ROE. RENT. Office. OFFICES. $13.50 and up. eek room ; furnished oJTfces. Suite for dentist and physician. All-night elevator service. Best lo :atlon. 303 S wet land bldg. DESK ROOM In new Lewls bldg.; nice of fice, phone and stenographer. B 624, Ore gonian. , - FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Applv Room 50 1. FOR SALE Location for ' doctor" office, cheap Address P 61C, Oregonian. BALLROOM, gocd location, in good condl tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones. 800 Front. XV a re houses. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 60x100; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Glisan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward. 104 2d st. ALL or part of 20.OC0 square feet floor spare in 4 -story brlrk warehouse, with trackage, at 13th and Irving. Apply on premiws. TO LEASE. WANTFJl) T lea Re an electric light plant with privilege of purchasing rame at end of lease by manager of 12 years practical experience. Address AF R17, Oregon tan. FOR LEASE Hall. 2Ox50, suitable for lodge or association purposes; heat, light and Janitor service furnished. Inquire 711 Cor bett bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DO YOU or your friends need some sure eonugh excellent fruit land? Then read ADVERTISEMENT in another column of this paper entitled NEW-TODAY and reading "A legitimate snap in, 6 acres best fruit land on Pacific Coast" ; or write to CEO. CURTIS, 7O0-71O Couch building, Portland, Or. f FEED STORE, Live town, population $1500: tore build ing Rox40. lot 5uxl0. warehouse 40xl2n. lot ."voxino. eteam engine, chopping machine, elevator, scales; price $KK; invoice scock; terms. Address Dwier & Nichols, Falls City, Or. Details OREGON LANDS INFORMA TION BUREAU, dm Board of Trade bldg. GOOD little business for man and wife, restaurant, delicatessen, groceries, cigars and candles, living-room in rear; .rent $2f; sell cheap or trade on lot or Jlouse and lot; will pay difference; can have long lease; centrally located ; a snap. Easv774. R 22. APARTMENT-HOfrSE LEASE. 100 rooms; every suite has private bath and phone: line brick building on corner; Ktbom bee rent very reasonable, 5-year lease, just completed; will soil half or whole interest in lease . reasonable. X 620. Oregonian. FOR SALE for cash, or will trade for Im proved farm In Willamette Valley , up to $10,000, bal. cash, hardware, furniture and house furnishing stock, store and house ; all latest and new; good, live city. Western Washington. Owners only. X 624, Ore gonian. WANTED A man to take from U to H interest in sawmill proposition. Unlim ited timber, excellent shipping facilities, and A No. 1 location. Best proposition in Willamette Valley. Address X. Y. Z., General Delivery, Philomath, Or. -$15iK) INVESTMENT. -x of 00 rooms, most modern in oily ; the abue amount will give you a half interest and will clear $5no for us monthly ; a bargain that won't last long- V 024, Oregonian. "WANTED A young or middle-aged man who is competent and reliable and wants to make money In old-established business chance firm; nothing but a clean-cut man will be eonfidered; price $i0; clear such a man $125 mo. Call 101 4ih st. WRITE or call on xa if you want be deal on films for rent or for sale or moving-picture machines, jetereopt icons, lantern slides'. Laemmle Film Service, Pantages building, Portland, Or. ARE YOU looking for a HOME BL'ILDINO LOT or FARM ? Then see or write Geo. Curtis. 700-710 Couch building. Portland. Or., and tell him what you want, he can meet your requirements. WE have a building proposition In which ?20oo investment will yield in six months a. cash profit of $3l00. This is a ood, con servative proposition and pierlts your im mediate investigation. X 621, Oregonian. A WIDE-AWAKE and Industrious man can secure, a half interest in one of the best-v- paying country newspaper plants in the ' state; capital required. $4000. Address R G10, Oregonian. WILL sell meat market, established 5 years, invoice about $500. good trade; lent $15 per month, long lease; sale3 $40 to $50 per day. Tabor 644. WE can locate you in paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher. 531-332 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone A 4SSI. WANTED Neat young man with $250 cash as cashier and partner in a good paying business. Inquire Desk 1, room tilO Swet land bldg. ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE NEW YEAR at Bast, Nevison Realty & Inv. Co. Rooming-houees, busineo chances specialty. 31V Bo.rd of Trade. Main 3877. ARE YOU THINKING of starting a gener al store in Eastern Oregon ? Do you need the services of an honest afltl experienced man, able to take full charge, and make a success of It ? M 622. Oregonian. $15no TAKES interest in business; guaran tee of $ 150.00 per month to good sales man. It will pay $300 or better to hustler." L 621, Oregonian. CORPORATION bond issues. $100, Q00 up v ards, negotiated. L. N- Rosenbaum, law yer and nnanicial agents. 317 Fern block, Seattle. Washington. YOUNG Inventor would like reliable party or comjMiiy to assist In securing patents for part interest. Address J. D. W., 4i2 Ains worth ave., city. LITTLE cigar stand, close In, rent $20, lease; good business; snau, $350. 272 Stark st. BUTTER, egg and poultry stand ; good businesslong lease and cTTeap rent; $500 handles 272 Stark st. WANTED Partner, growing bustine. East Sine; chance to clear $loO per month; $HriO required. O 622. Oroyonian. NINE swell lurnished rooms, close in. worth $05O; will be sacrificed for $400 to dav. 272 Stark st. FOR SALE An up-to-date newspajer and plant in new live town. Add rests E 624. Ore gonian. CORNER store building, living rooms, barn, fruit trees ; $lO moyth rent ; or will sell on monthly payments. J 624, Oregonian. TWO restaurants, clieap, S150 and $2fH). for something small ; but good. Investigate those. 272 Stark St. NEW meat market for rent; take Waverly Richmond car -and call at Sanitary Gro cery, 4 1st and Division sts. 30-ROOM rooming-house. rlose in. long lease; good buy at $1700; terms. 272 Stark st. RESTAURANT for sale. 40 chairs, nioe busi ness; reason for selling, sickness. Price $:l0. AL Oregonian. LADY or gentleman to take interest In business paying 2oo per cent profit; small capital, ('all 353 Burnside st. 1 SMALL. well-established printing - plant. Cheap to a quick bu er. p 621. Oregon ian. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, lelephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher Inv. Co., 223 Abington. CIGAR STORE for sale; good location In city; for information, phone A 15-S8. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store, good location. Owner, 269 Russell. BOOK store for sale, good opportunity tor 3-CHAlR barber shop, good location and good Uusin-ssk SI N. 6;h rt. MILLINERY stock and fixtures; will sell or trade any part or all. J 623, Oregonian. $7oo BUYS Job printinB office in city; rare bargain. E 02O, Oregonian. FOR, SALE Good bnkery good location. pply 545. Washington. CIGAR and confectionery, god location at -transfer point; onl $ lOO. 272 Stark t. PARTNER wanted in a paying collection acrnr. T i;'4. Oregonian. FOR SALE Small st-vk millinery and ladles' furnihings. IK-k Box 275, Pasco, Wash. FOR SALE Bakery, including route -nd wagon. $300. C G15, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, TALK WITH FLETCHER. 1000 Alaska Pet. & Coal, treas. .. market 10 00. Almeda Con bargain 1000 Am. Differential Axel bid lfu9 Automatic Gas Light -.big snap 2000 Black Eagle (Santiam) cheap 2500 B. C. Amal. Coal bargain 20 Burlingame T. T. stock $4.00 10 Burlingame- T. T. receipts $3.00 1O0 Campbell's Aut. S. Gas B $4.75 10 0 Collins' Wireless Tel ..$1.50 500 Comstock Golden Gate ....20c 3 000 Eastern Oregon Oil & Gas. . . .see us 7o00 Electric M. & S bid 1000 Fidelitv Copper. . . , market 30W0 Freeland Con I bid 5O00 Gold Creek . 5 c 500 Gov't Standard Powder bid - 30 H. O. P-eek Auto Wheel snap 5 Marconi (England..... $rt.O0 1000 National Copper 7 'c ino Portland Coal & Dev bid 50 Portland Can. P. A E $8.75 y' BOO Portland Tel. bonds bid 500 Superior Coal &. Imp t.55c 7000 Tacnma bonds stork bonus 1000 United Copper-Gold 35c 1 United Wireless - pfd. trns $18.00 1000 Washougal G. & C 55c A II other stocks and bon d ; see us be fore buying; may be able to do better. I WANT. Alaska Pet. & Coal H. O. Peck A,uto Wheel Almeda Con N art tonal Copper , B. C. Amal. Coal Portland Con. P.- & E. Cascadia M. & D Portland TM. stock Fidelity Copper United Copper-Gold Gold Creek United Wireless 225 Abington Bldg. " READ THIS CAREFULLY. I hold a lease to a 00-room apartment house, within IO minutes' walk to business section; it is one of the most modern, equipped places in the city; I, want some one to join me with a half interest or 1 uy entire lease; I have had experienf e and will manage place on living expense basis. This place w ill clear over $500 eah month; enough applicants already to more than pay rent; this rs the best ap partmept proposition in Portland". V 623. Oregonian. OPENINGS IN WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL BUSINESS, country stores, manu facture g plants, and all lines of trade, city or country. Latest information on legitimate busi ness opportunities. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Established 1892. 41ti Abington Bldg. : ( BARGAIN IN EUROPEAN HOTEL. 64 ROOMS, excellent BUSINESS LOCA TION, NEW corner BRICK BUILDING, with LARGE GROUND-FLOOR OFFICE; steam heat, running hot and cold water in every room; ALL LARGE. OUTSIDE ROOMS ; rent a snap, long lease ; actual profits, as shown by the books, tverage over $400 a month. Price. $S250; $6OO0 handles it. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 32i Washington St. Rooms 2-01-202. SPLENDID OPENING FOR A GOOD man to enter the real estate business with an old and well-advertised office, havfng the largest list of valley farms, platted acreage and exchanges, loans, rentals, etc.; can furnish best of references; deal with owner direct; good reason for sell ing. AD 617, Oregonian. APARTMENT-HOUSE to lease and furni ture for sale;' one of the best-paying in Portland. $5000 cash; reasons or selling, no agents. P. O. Box 223. REAL ESTATE man wants sober man as partner to show land; no experience neces sary and very little money required. Par-, ticulars. National Realty & Trust Co, 326 Vs Washington St., room 516. $500 OF spare money and a little spare time will add $25 to a monthly income; ordinary business risk, and money may be withdrawn at any time. M. A. Albin, 517 Worcester bldg. DRUG store fo" ale in small town in ' Southern Oregon; only store in town; 6 miles from railroad; doing good prescrip tion business. Invoice about $1100. Must have cash. Address" K 607. Oregonian. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store for sale at inventory price, which Is rwar $15,000; annual sales average $45,000; good, clean stock. Van Dusen & Co., Agts.. Astoria, Or. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are independent, do not belong to ' the trust- Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bidg., Portland. Or. FOR SAL.FJ Drug store, small town. South west Washington ; stock and fixtures $36oO, new and clean; w"Ill guarantee this to clear $2000 yearly. H 610, Oregonian. FOR SALE Established paint and wall paper store in growing town near Port land; good reason lor selling. AK 617, Oregonian. $25 MADE $650 in seven months; $170 made millionaire; complete Mory in our publica tion, "California Oil Fields." Sample copy free. Sagar & Loomis. San Francisco. A PARTNER wanted to hanile an automo bile stajid; state agency. C 623, Ore gonian. ' . BARBERS $2500 for the finest 10-chair shop in city ; cash, terms or trade. Call S7 5th st. WILL sell business and residence, income property, net more than 10 per cent; price $6000. Tabor 644. TRST-CLASS well-equipped MOVING- PICTURE THEATER in a good location: bargain. 1010 Board of Trade FOR SALE Restaurant in good location, good trade; will- sacrifice on account of sickness; no agents. AK 6J Oregonian. POOLROOM. 8 tables, downtown; cheap rent; money-maker; cheap if taken at once. 801-302 Lumber Exchange bldg. , Z I DELL & DE VENNEY. Room 3, Raleigh bldg.. Main 432. Real estate, business chances, collections and short time loans. FOR SALE Lease and small stock of Jew elry and fixtures, first-class location; price $5)0. Applv-223 Front st. FOR SALE Drus business, about $3000; pays $250 a month. Call 632 Imperial, or address Condon, Or.. Eox 66. .v BARBER shop. 4 chairs, good location, cheap, easy terms. AM 612, Oregonian. NICE restaurant; good location ; cost; ac count of sickness. Owner, 203 Alder st. $2 FOR 10OO business cards; 200. 75c. Rose . Cfty Printery, 1922 3d st., near Taylor. FOR SALE Cash' grocery store at Invoice. Phone owner, Woodlawn 1070. ROOAIIVG-HOUSES. ROOMING-HOUSES. Rl rooms, new brick, thoroughly modern ; handsome furniture. central, long lease; $4ot) csh handle this, some terms, some trader get buey if you want something good. 45 ooms, central, gtod lease; Email amount of cash handles this; $275). 25 rooms, - central, best of furniture, lease, reasonable rent; this is one of the money makere. W have 42 good rooming-houses that have good leases and are good buye; can be han dled on terms, some on trades. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 619 Board of Trade" Bldg. WISHING all our customers and Xrieods a prospe'rous and HAPPY N EW YEAR. And soliciting a continuance of your pat ronage for 1910, we remain. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 510-511-512 S wetland Bliig. WANTED ROOMING-HOUSE OR HOTEL. ' I want to buy direct from owner well located brick rooming-house or small ho tel ; must be modern and located in best West Side district. If price is right am ready to do business; no agents. B 621, Oregonian. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSEN. If you want to buy or etell, see us. Oldest established busmes chance nnn in citv. Phone A 1321. M. 93P3. H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. V 10-ROOM house for rent. .73 Union ave.. X-. near E. Everett. Inquire Louis Salomon & Co., 233 Stark St., near 2d. FOR SALE or lease, Tillamook hotel, 46 rooms, furnished complete, cheap; easy terms. Address p. O. Box 233, Tilia npok. Or. SMALL rooming-house downtown, can't be beat for the price; good lease. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. FOR SALE cheap by owner, good apartment-house. 20 rooms, in good locution; no agents wanted. Phone A 4396. NICELY furnished IS rooms for sale; must be sold t once. Phone Main 1193. FOR SALE Furniture of 12-room rooming house 241 5th at-, cor. Main. Term. FINAJiCIAZ. Money to Loan Real Estate. PRI-VATE MONEY Large amount private funds on hand for immediate loans. , Amounts $200 up. No delay. Reasonable rates. Also some Eastern money to loan at 6 per cent. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., 636 chamber of Commerce. Fire insur ance. ' MONEY to loan on improved property. If for building purposes, interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Libexal repayment options. Co lumbia Lif-j & Trust Co., 214 Lumber a Exchange bldg- ' ' MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, 316-317 Lum- bermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to S years time; liberal re 1 payment .privileges; . money advanced as building progresses. " The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark st. PLtTNTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent- on real estate i&ecurity. ED W. P. MALL COMPANY, 309-310 Abington Bldg. $500,000 ON improved city or farm prop erty. building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J."il. Mc Kinzie Co.. 514-15-16 Gerlinger bldg. MONEY to loan on city and suburban prop erties, real estate securities purchased. E. J. Cowlishaw, 513 Commercial blk. FIRST and second montgages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands E. L. Devereaux. Fen ton- bldg., 86 6th st. IMMEDIATE loans from" $5 to $500, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. MORTGAGE loans on city propertv; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co.. 2U2 McKay bldg-, 3d and Stark. MONEY loaned on timber claims,' long or short loans on city property. Room 5 221 Morrison street. I HAVE some money to loan on 'approved real estate security. W. A. Powell 922 Board of Trade bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. "W. G. Beck, 312 Failing bldg. I State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 AND 6 PER CENT. THAD SWEEK, S WETLAND BLDG. WILL loan $3000 or less, real estate, 6 per cent. Farrington, 410 Com. Club bldg. - MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOU Id SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton. PRIVATE mone loaned on real estate mortgages. H'. Miley, room 204 Gerlinger. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Frary &. 'teelts, 132 5th st. TO LOAN on first mortgage security up to $10,000. 301 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city property. WE BUY bank acVounts. securities', foreign money; loans. Lewis & Co., 231 Wash, stf .$0500 or $5000 at 6 per cent. Must be Ira Tnoved. Al property. N 624 Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO., 251 WASH ST. MONEY loaned, building purposes, if consult - ed before building begins. 502 Henry bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries DON'T WORRY. Is your landlord waiting for his rent? Is your grocer waiting tor his bill? Is your life Insurance company wait ing for its premium? Is your furniture store waiting for its payments? ' Haw you been out of work or had sick ness with all its extra bills? If so. you have worried enough without worrking about money. But you say the landlord must be paid and others will not wait. , Don't worry; let us do the waiting. We hae money and nothing to do but wair that's our business. Get out of debt. Get your mind oft! your money troubles. You wilT be able to work better and get out of debt sooner. Come and get the money from us from $10 upward. We will loan you on your furniture, piano, fixtures, storage receipt or any personal property; also on your salary. We will give you 3 to 12 months in which to pay it off. Easy weekly or monthly payments.' See us first when in need of money. We offer a better proposition on loans of this kind than can be found else where. BUTTON CREDIT COMPANY, 512 Dekum Bldg. $$$$$$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOltlNG FOR MONET? If you knew bow easy our terms are you .would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lob of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Red Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry and Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We buy First and Second Mortgages. All business Strictly Confidential U- S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO 12 Hamilton Bdg.. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $ $$$$$$$$$$ SALARY LOANS. The "best proof of our merit is the steady increase in our business which we are having. OUR SALARY LOAN" 'BANK under strong competition, has been gain ing until wo are now recognized as the leading loan institution at Portland. "THERE'S A REASON." We make salary loans exclusively, therefore give better satisfaction. Our i m proved payment plan is a feature our liberal rebate If paid before due . the privacy with which we operate our low rates and easv terms. STATE SECURITY" CO., 3 OS Failing Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Inst.ellment loans on pianos, furniture, wnrenouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN &. M.TG. CO., 416 Abington Bldg. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return It in easy payments; strictly confidential; lowest rates. See us and save money. 427 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums from $25 to $500 on good chat tel security. Room 320 Lumbermen's "bldg., 5th and Stark. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abington bldg. Money on installment plan. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelrv at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. M. Delovage, jeweler. 260 Wash ington st. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and easy to pay. p a. Newton. 513 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. LOW rates; we loan monev on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st- A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 4r4Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WE have a building proposition in which 20uo investment will 3-ield In six months a profit of $3000. This is a good, con servative proposition and merits your im mediate investigation. X 621, Oregonian. WILL give rent of new modern bungalow tor six or 12 months for use of $lv a.rne length of time; worth $33 per month; good security. S 617. Oregonian. PERSONAL. DR. T. J. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women; all irregularities corrected; no ex posure. Call or write 311 Alisky bldg. WE deliver your lunch for 15c Call uo Main SS31. , ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any color. 428 .E. 9th. E. 2211. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fliedner bldg. M. 3473. INN'ISH masseurs. Mr. and Mrs. Jurva, 193 Union ave., N. East" 6042, C 1758. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560 Gas an st. iain vmz. Agents wanted. PERSONAL. "THE JAHN." 384 Yamhill st., cor. West Park Selected ladles' hair goodsy stylish puffs, switches, artistic wigs. toupees, transformations that defy detection ; "the very latent French system of hair dyeing; , our system of dermatology will cure the worst kind of scales, tetter and dandruff; experienced French wigmaker and Marcel ' waver in attendance. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children; surgery ; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods. . up-to-date electrical appliances., private hospital"" accommodations ; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room IO. Grand Theater b!dg. Main 302S: A' 5607. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of omen and children. Ladies, you can avoid surgical operation by con sulting me; electrical treament for nerv ous diseases: private hospital accommo dation. Rooms 5O3-5O0 Commonwealth bid g:, 6th and Alike ny. phones. Main 4HjJ. A 2411. I AM In woman of middle age and pleasing personality; I am a practical nurse; 1 am going East and I want to travel with some one who wants the company 'and services of such a person as myself.. I am willing to pay a share of my passage. Ad- . dress AN 612, Oregonian. HAIR GOODS at factory prices; French and German hair switches, 5c and up. Faris styles in hairdressing ; scientific face and scalp ' massage, dermatology, hairdressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecke, Grand Leader, 5th and Alder sts. THE JAHN," 3S4 Y'amhill st. ; phones Main 5174, A 3544 High-class fttdies Turkish and electric baths; removing of super fluous hair, moles, warts, etc., by the elec tric needle; painless and permanent ; the only system indorsed by all physicians. SWEDISH TRAINED L'RSE Hetlsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carliue. Phone East 260. Home B 1S03. LADIES -Ask your druggist for Chichesters Diarrtond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. YOUNG man, 30, wltngood position, $20,000 Insurance and 213 acrts irrigated land, de sires acquaintance girl suitable age. who would assist financially for title to land; object matrimony. Y 617, Oregonian. COMPOSERS Revision and preparation of MSS. for publication; songs written, etc. Send me your MSS. for opinion. L- W. Lewis, care Reed-French Piano Co., Port land. Collaboration with good writers. PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY 3910 annual "Planetary Daily Guide" now ready, 50 cents. Monthly "Astrological Bulletins,"ir cents per year. Box. 573. PortlandOr. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liverles. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. WANTED to buy combings. Switches and cornet braids to order, nothing but human -hair used. Mrs. W. Bequeath. 551 East Yamhill st. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ulcers,- swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 1S1 1st, Portland. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are positively the best. Take no other. Price. $2 per boxw or 3 boxes, $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 311 Alisky bldg. EXFERX hand and electric vibration treat ment and tub baths given by Madame Hilppa Teras. the Finnish graduate from Helsingfors. 143 11th st., corner Alder. MEN ONLY SEXOID PILLS cure all weak ness. Price. $1. Money refunded if it fails. T. J. Pierce. 311 Alisky nldgc" DR. ISABELLA MACK I E. Private hospital for women. 300 B. 50th St. Tabor 09. Mme. Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 223 Fliedner bldg. M 5042. BAKE-OVEN treatment for rheumatism and all kindred diseases. Swedish Sanitarium. 433 Market, cor. 12th. Phone Main 7033. DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay lor Drug Co.. 2R9 Morrison st. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours, y A M. to 5 P. M. 1704 3d st. Main S770. JOHN LIN NELL, Swedish graduate, mas seur, .mechano-hydro therapeutic treat ments. 41 Oregonian ptd. Main 7757, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE - DISTRICT COURT OF THIS UNfTED STATES, for the Western Dis trict of Washington. Western Division in the matter of Morris Josefowitz, bank rupt The undersigned will receive' sealed bids at his office. 600 H Main st., Van couver. Wash., up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday. January 6. 1910, for the follow ing property belonging to said estate, to w-it: A stock of merchandise consisting or ciotnmg, snoes, furnishing goods and dry goods, and a lot of store fixtures lo cated at 319 Main sL, Vancouver, Wash., a 1 of the Inventory value of $4051.78; also stock of merchandise of the same character, and lot of store fixtures, lo cated at 231 First st., Portland, Or., all of the inventory value of $3601.03. Said stocks of merchandise will ba sold either separately or togethor; cash or a - -certified cneck for 10 Der cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the rignt is reserved to reject any and all bids, said sale being made subject to con firmation by the court. Copies of inven tory of ail of said uronertv are on file at the office of the undersigned and at tne ornce or K. 1 tab in, 7 First st.. Fort land, Or., and the said property may be Inspected upon application at either of said offices. F. W. Tempes, Trustee, 000 Main st., Vancouver, Wash. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. We have the rock; now is the time to get our figures ready to submit bids to tne u. . .h-neineers tor the next rock con tractfc to be let for the Columbia River jetty. Our quarry is located near Fisher's, Wash., on the Columbia River. MURHARD EST. CO., 361 Stark St., Portland, Or. NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS. OR AGENTS OF CEMENT WORKS Bids will be received until January IO for the furnishing of 3501) or more barrels of ce ment of standard specifications, either . foreign or domestic. Delivery to com mence about June 1 next, at Weiser, Idaho. State brands. Crane Creek Irriga tion, Land & Power Co., Weiser, Idaho. Miscellaneous. GEORGE ANGELAKIS succeeded his part- uci, -t 11 a ucumraKiKes, or tne mens bar ber shop. No. 304 Burnside st. ;. ;f any legal bills or debts of said Gus't-tnitra-kikes are up to date, creditors must re produce them on or before 6 days from this date. Dec. 20. lftfK). . GEORGE ANGELAKIS. Proprietor. THIS IS to certify that "will not be re , sponsible for any debt my wife, Mrs. J. T. Carlson, contracts from this date. OOHN CARLSON. 3ec. 30. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Stanley Gulon- Jewett has this day become associated with this firm as a partner. Hc-nrv- Hewett & Co., Portland. Or., Jan. 1. 1910. NOTICE is hereby given that Stanley G. Jewttt has this day become associated with this firm as a partner. HENRY HEWETT & CO. WATT! IX & ELEVENS have this day dis solved partnership. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Thursday between 3 and 4 P. M., on Alder st., from 4th to 7th or 7th 'from Alder to Public Library, lady's gold watch, marked "K" in enameled ring on back at tached to silver chain and cross and lady's belt. Notify assistant housekeeper. Hotel Portland. LOST Coral necklace, about 2 weeks; val ued on1 account of- keepsake. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to Harry O'Bryan, room 602 McKay bldg., city. - LOST Silver purse containing two valuable rings. $15 in cash -and several calling cards. Finder please return to Mrs. J. L. Schuyleman, 15 East 14th st.. North. Phone East 5452. Liberal reward. , LOST or strayed from 302 Cast 2d, North, male fox terrier, with tan harness, biack and brown bpots over each eye and ear. Pjone East 4976. Reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front st. Phone Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. IOST Thursday evening, a. gold beauty pm. in or going from the Portland Thea ter. Return to 452 Morrison st. Reward. LOST A ear-claw brooch, gold "-mounted Return to P. A. Staples, Jeweler, 1st and Morrison and receive reward. I LOST Brown fur. Return rux Mnrri, s or call 'up East 2300. . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. B. H. COLL1S & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and. Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 324 ' Worcester Block. Phone Main tk67. H. A. MOSER, accountant and auditor; y business or . corpora tioru?, estates, counties, ' municipalities svlicited. 25o1s 3d. M. 24t4. Assay er and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 1m Morrison st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bidg., 3d and Oak. M. 5w6o. FOOD. commercial and druc analysis Clarke, Woodward Drug Co.. Portland, Or. Wells & Pmebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and. a,stsayerW. ,204 Washington st. Attorneys at 1 J w. 3. S. HUMPHREY. 727-739 Cham. Com. In- H. H. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law. 735 Cham ber Commerce. Mr in 4764. A 3531. McCAXTS STEWART, Abington bldg. attorney-at-law, 221 Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Dev en y. the omy scientific chiropodists . in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.- S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and s lp. Mrs. Dunton, Tilford bldg.. R. 204, lO.h and Mor. ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist; bunion s-keptics invited. 326 & Stark. A 2SJQ. Coal and Wood. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Foot of Bancroft ave., good dry box wood. Inside wood, siahwood, cord wood. coal. Main, 5540. A 211G. Collections. HAVE room fox a few more accounts; doc tors' accounts preferred. 6-0, Ore- gonian. COMMERCIAL, probate. real estate. law, bonded representatives everywhere. Na tional Adjustment Co.. 926 Board of Trade. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission merchant. . Sherlock bldg. SUN SOON HF1E CO. Silks, suitings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th, Dancinjr. FOUR DANCING LESSONS, $1. Prof. Wal Wil Icon's Dancing School. 25o per learon, including teachers, music with each leon every morning, afternoon and eve. Guarantee to teach anyone to dance or refund money. Selling-Hlrsch Hall, 3S64 Washington st., near 10th t. Dor and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S., D. C. M. Office 324 Flanders st. Main 40S6. A 4086. Kducational. PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY. DISTINCTLY AN EDUCATIONAL INSTI TUTION. ESTABLISHED EIGHT YEARS. Lessons, books, printing and supplies. Catalogue free. Publishers of the "Plane tary Daily Guide," annual 50c; monthly bulletins 10c per year; sample copy free. Box 573, Portland, Or. FRANCIS DE LAUZIERES. Ph. D.. orofes sor of French at the Allen Preparatory School, gives individual and class lessons. Address Hotel Barton. Alder and 13th sts. 1 Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d at. Feed Stores. ZIGLER & MISNER. hay, grafi, feed, cs rnent, shingles. 2&4 Grand aveJ E. 482. GlaM and Glazing. GLASS and glazing. Timing Cress & Co., 145 1st eL. Main or A 2U23. - Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Steles Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies. Phone Main 6753. Teather and Findings. CHAS. I. MA STICK & CO., 74 Front, leather or every description, taps, mrr. nndings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed 1858. 189'Front st. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO.S 128 5th st. Main 53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot. Musical. BAND and orchestra instruments, muelea! sun dries, Victor talking machines. records. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co., 134 2d st. EMIL THIEJLHORN, violin teacher, pupil of Cevcik. A 4160. Pine 334, Main 3045. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon st. Main 7340. Conservatory course. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. Phone, office. Main 319; res. East or B 1028. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirkevllle, Mo.. 188, post grad. 1907. 318 Swetlund bldg. M. 19S7. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEX & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patents. J. S. ALLISON. Patents and shop draw ings. 54 1st st. Phone Main 1235. Patent Attorneys. R, C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 604. Dekum, Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 404 Worcester bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24h N. and York sts. Main 34HU. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils. ; office stationery, etc. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, eilk portiars. 153 Union ave., near East Morrison. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Sales at factory prices. Second-hand safea. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vauitd for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ste. Pianos and furniture movpd and packed for shipping. Maip 506, A 1096. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Generdl transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture rafoved and packed for snipment. 29 Oak St., bet. Front and lsu Telephones Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established aS70-f rran sier an j or wara i n g Agenu s toruge. Otnce 31 o Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th Phones Main 69. A 1109. WHEN' moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered wagons, all experienced men. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. L,utke, Mgr. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110 614 Front, , Typewriters, SPECIAL OFFER ON FACTORY-REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. L. C. Smith Visible, $42.50 and up; Un 'derwoods. No. 4 and 5 jnodels, $47. 50 and up; Remingtons, No; 6 and 7 models, $27.50 and up. All other makes at proportionately low prices; all machines fully guaranteed an-.t sold on approval; terms. Pacific StatloncTj & Printing Co., 203, 205. 27 Second st. Sole agents for the Rebuilt Typewriter Company. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type wri W;r concern on this Coart ; i n v est 1 ga te ; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 27 Washington st. NEW, rebuilts, second-hjwd, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co. 1531 Stark. M. 1407. Wall Paper, Ernest Miller Co., 172 1 -t st., wholesale and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRA, STATION. Southern Pacinc Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ........ Koseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express ...... West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger . . Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ..... Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland FussMiger ......... Rosenurg Passenger ' Port lno V. Tnrci.. S:30v nu , f 4:13 p. m, 6:00 p. m, I 6:20 p. rru 7 :45 p. m, I 1:30 a. m 7 :20 a. rru 4 :00 p. m. 8:50 a. nu 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. nx, I 7:30 a. m, ;iO:Ot) p. m. 5:30 p. m. 11 :00 a. nu 2:30p. ra, 9:30 a- m 6:20 p. rru 10:30 a.m. SKOU a. m. 1 1 : :h a. nu 4 ;40 p. m Shasta. Lmr.ied . . Silverton Passenger " 1 ! I '. ! I ! Ii V .--,1(1 est S!id Corva 1 1 f m La Sheridan Passenger forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Passenger ... oresi Grove Passenger ... Northern pacific. Leaving Portland I North, coast Limited via Puget bound . 10 North Coast Limited "via" North k , . . -- j 7. 00 p. m, 15 a. m. ,u express v:a Puget Soundjl2 Atlantic Expre-s via North Bank! U lwin City Express via Pugetf iound l o express a Northl naiiK v. 00 p.m. 15 a. nu 00 a. nx, 00 a. nx, 00 p . m. Eastern Express via piiget" Sou'nd 13: 1.1. fonn iauKi u; Missouri River Express via Puget und i0. Missouri River Exprs via North! Bank ; 7" Portland, Tacoma and" Seattle Express. Grays Harbor, Olympial and South Bend branches j 7: Portland-Vancouver Special jlO' Puset sound Limited, Grays Har-f bur and .south Bend branches. 3: Yacolt passenger j' Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via JCorthl Bank j 8 North Coast Limited via Pugett Sound 7 Northern Pacific Expresk vial'- North Bank 8 Northern pacific Express vial Puget Sound J S Paciiic , Coast Express via Northl Bank ; s Pacific Coast Express via Pugetl Sound 7 Wt-stern Exuress via Vonh Rank-' s 00 a, m. 00 &. zn. 30 p. m. UU p. cu. :15 p. m. 30 a. m. 00 a. m, 35 p. m. : 15 p. m. :30 a. m, ; 1 5 p. m. ;3o p. m. :00 a. Western Express via Puget Sound'lo ",r"'" iiiver liixpress via. Northl Bank s Missouri River Express, via Pueetf I :00 p. zn Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express, and ironi olyiupia. South Bend and Grays Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special. Yacolt passenger :00 p. m, :35 p. m. :30 p. no. :00 a. m. Oregon Railroad Jfc Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger . . . . Chicago-Portland Special , Portlana-Chicagr. Limited Soo-bpokane-Purtland Eastern Express Arriving Portland Fast Mail Portland-Chicago Limited . Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland t Local passenger , Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:00 a. rh, 10:00 a. m. 6:35 p. m. 7 : 00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 7 :5V) a. rru 8 :00 a. raw 8:40 a, m. u:oo a m. 9:15 p. nu, 8:00 p. zn. Astoria Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside' Express ............... Astoria, Express Rainier passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Portland Express . Portland Express Rainiei and Portland Passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 8:00 &. nu. 6:30 p. nu 1:15 p. in. 6:10 p. nu 12:15 p. m. 10:00 p. m 10:25 a. in. 5:20 p. nx. Canadian pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland L C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane! 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle .jl2 :15 a, m. Arriving Portland- j C. P. K. Short Line via Spokanel 9:00 a.m. Via Seattle 7:00a.m. JL1FFRSON STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland I Dallas Passenger I 7:40 a. m, Dallas Passenger .............. .( 4.30 p. m. Arriving Portland Dallas passenger . ... ... . . .10:15 a nu Dallas rasstiiiter 5:55 p. m. fcUbYKNTli AND HOYT STREETS 1A KLNCEH &I AT10N. Spokane, Portland A Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland .Empire .Express. .9:00 rru. For Chicago, fct Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lain out, Wushtucna, Kanlotua Pasco. Roosevelt, Graudualles, Lylu, White Salmon, Stevenson. VJcouver ana intermediate . sta tions. Columbia River Local .4:30 p. nu North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago, tot. Paul, O.naha, Kansas City, St. Luuis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, W ashtuciia, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Graudualles, Lylc. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver ajiu intermediate sta tions. Arriving Portland Korth Bank Limned 8:00 a. rru ' From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Chene, Lainont, v ashtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roost: v It, Granddalles, Lyle, Goldendale. White salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local. ......... .12: 25 p. zn. Inland Empire Express. :15 p. in. From Chicago, at. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, v St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, V ashtucna, Kan lot us, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyie, Goldendale, White a'almon, atevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Klectrlc Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. nations 6:3u, 7:50, ll:v0 A. M. ; 2:oo, 3:5, 6:30. s:40 P. M. Limited tor Tualatin and aalem y : 15 A. M. Local for W ilsonville and Int. stations 5:lo P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem, Falls City. & Western ity. via Salem, 6:30 A, M., 2:UO p. M. Sunday ;oniy, 11:00 A. M- Leaving .fort tor Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:05, 8:oO, lo:20 A. M. ; 12;lu,. 2:10, 3:30, 5:30, b:2j P. Ji. Saturuay umy, ll;oO P. M. Ai riving at Portland from Salem and Int. stauons :iu, 11;UU A, M-; 1:13, 4:00, 6:oo, ;-0, lo:5u P. Jd. limited from balein and Tualatin- 1 :50 P. M. Local irona w ilson vilie and Int. stations 6:40 A, M. JJaUy except Sunday, 7:35 A. M. Arriving fort land iroiu Forest Grove and Int fctatioms 6;oo, t:uU, 11 :4 0 A, Jd. ; l:3u, 2:50, i:2U, fc:10 P- &u Saturuay only, H:uOt V. M. Sunday only, 4:40 p. M. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Fust auu Alder ana Bust Water and East Aiorrison streets. cars lBavu iasx water and morrison streets. Oregon City 4 : uo, 6 : no A. M.. and every 80 mmutesHo ana including 9 P. M... thtu, IO :uu. ll :u0 P- Ai-: lasL car midnlgnt- Greshum and intcrmeuiate points 6:55, 7:45, t:45, U:i5, lo;-io A.. Al., 1:45, 2:45 3:4o, 4:45, 5:45. 6:4, 11:33 P. M. air vie ana Irouidale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45. 9:45. 10:45 A. M-, 111:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:4u, 5:4j. 6; 45 P- M. Gitzaaero and Intermediate points 6:55, 8:45. Iu:-i5 A- M.. 12:45, .45, 4:45, 6:4a P. M. , For Vancouver Ticket uiiice and Waiting Room. Second ana asliinuton Streets. A, M. 6:j.5, 6;5U, i:25. 8:00, 8:35, 9:10, a:io,-j.o:3u, li:lu, l:5o. f. M. 12:3U l:lu, 1:50, 2:30, 8:10, 3:50. o :lu, o :su, i:Jw, 1 :uj, 7 :4u, ft :16, l:i&, ;3i, "11 :4a. On third Monday in every month the last car leaves at i :uj P. M. Daily except &unuay. Daily except Mouuay- TIME CARD VMTfiD RAILWAYS CO. Leaving Portland tor Buxiuitou and Int. stations: 6:15, 7 :15, b:li, 9:lo, lu:15, 11:1.5 A. M., 1:15, li:15. 3:15, 4:15, 6:15, 6:15 P. il. tor Linuton and Int, stations only; 8:lu lu:00, ll:4a P. M. Arriving Portland from Burlington and JjiU stations: 7:50, :0O, 10:00. ll:oo, A. Al., 12:00 noon, 2:OU, 4:00, 6:00, 6:00, 7:0 0. 8:00 P. M. irom Llnnton and Int. stations dally, except tiunuay: 7:0o A. M. From Linnton and Int. muttons, daily; 9:50, 11:35 P. M. ' BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000, GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS TRANSACTS A GENERAL 'BANK1NO BUSINESS, ISSUES DRAFTS.' AVAIL ABLE JNALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SA INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT