TFIE MORMXG OEEGOMAX. THURSDAY, DECE3IBER 30, 1909. 15 FLOUR PRICES RISE Experts Advance ten Cents a Barrel. PATENTS WILL SOON GO UP lomcMlc Grades Will He Lifted CO Cents AI! Around Wheat Market Has a Firm Undertone. Kxnort fktur price "w-r ad varictd 10 cent a barrel to $4. GO yesterday. Ac a riaW In rx ports In usually recard&d as a forerunner of an nd-vanee In patents, the trade, therefore, took for HKher prVoes'on local grade In the next day or two. It la undrmood the ad vance on patenti will "be 20 cents a barreL In the meantime, the wheat market in quirt. mm la to be expected In horl la.y week, but the undertone appear to ! firm. The oniy how of weakness, anywhere haa been at Se attle, whew a larg-e number of cars have beeH tied np by the strike and cannot ba moved. Soma of the holder of this wheat, who re dealers and small speculators unable to make doUvertna. have offered the grain at oonoesslon. rea 1 er s and specu Witors hold lng wheat In country warehouses show no auch weakness, Both withstanding the approach of N ew Tear a, when sttorage cnargt are d ue. Then- confidence In the future of the market 1 fully shared by fanrera, who for the pres ent have practically withdrawn from the market. The foreign wheat market hold in a very steady position. Advice? from Liverpool say M la believed there that the crop damage ! Southern Argentina will prove to be greater than was anticipated, and aa Russian chip raents are falling off and likely to cease altogether won, the English traders look for higher prices1 later. There were no new developments in the oats or barley markets. Both were quiet and unchanged. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants1 TCxchan ge as follows : Whfat Barter Flour Oats Hay T ties da v Mi 1 J -1 7 Wednesday GZ 2 3 R Ye-ir ago J7 7 2 P"R.wn to date ir3 SRA if.7l War ago ROM 1290 fif.2 Crti2 lOftS OREGON WOOL JN BOHTON MARKET. Sal a of BtAplra at- 24 and 25 Cents Lit tle Contracting Done. Tlbre and Fabric, of Bnon, aaya of the movement, of OT-gtn wool In the "ReM.: "Rarly In the wk the woolen mills cleaned up about 000. ooo pounds of Ka stern stapled Oregon wools. a,t an average price of. 24 oenta rtM 200 b ga at 25 cen ti, but since then hiirtneas has been practically at a standstill The same ta true of California. For two days qxiite a little Spring wool was bought, about 500.000 pound a, at prices ranging all the way from 21 oenta to 28H cents. Since then very tittle has been done, although one house re ports small sale of scoured middle country at 65 oenta and scoured Northern at 5S?iT0 cents. There In quite a little acimpling being done and dealers look for increased business n rtT tha mills have conrnloted their stock taking. "As noted in our report last week, little has .been done In the Western States la the nature of contracting ' for 1910 wool. The throe Ronton Iioukps that have done more or Iwis of this have withdrawn for' the time be ing. "Western growers idea are away out of reason and If they persist in asking uoh ex treme prices the chances are there will be a deadlock between them and the wool dealers that will result one way unsatisfac tory to all concerned. POULTRY ARRET 19 VERY FIRM. Orders Bant Into tha Country for Turkey Cannot Be Filled. The poultry market was very firm yes terday. The demand was good for every thing and offerings were small. Hens sold at 15 cents generally, with fancy lots bring- half a cent mora. There was a fair local nd & very good shipping demand for dreaded turkeys, and the best stock brought L'fl cents. Several dealers have sent orders Into the country for New Tear's turkeys nd received replies that but few can be had. A Roseburg shipper has been trying for several days, uiinuccesafully, to fill mall order for J5 birds. The egg market holds its own. Oregon are extremely scarce, but an abundant sup ply of Eastern agrs prevents the market from advancing. Putter and cheese are firm at last prlcea Fruit and Vrgrtnhle Trade Active. The fruit and vegetable trade is getting back to normal conditions. Receipts have been liberal for the pant two days and the market does not present the bare appear ance It did Among yesterday s arrivals war a car each of celery, cauliflower, oranges and Watsonvllle apples. Most of the cauliflower coming now is small in sUe, but it la th beat that is available- Sweet potatoes are firm In price, but no higher. No Hop BoOee Are Reported. There were no less than half a dozen dealers In the market for hops yesterday, but no purchases wore reported in this state. Oroweis present the same firm appearance i hey did before the holidays. As for the selling by Oregon dealers, none has come to light since the -business reported some time ago. About AOO bales of A'akimaa have changed hacds between dealers In the past few days at 2 and 21 cents. These are the prices being- ofTered Jn this state. The quiet pell U expected to last until the middle of the coming month. Basnk Clearings. Hank clearing of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows : Clearincs. Balance. gon. 65j5o per sack; sweet potatoes, 2o per pound. TROPICAL. FRUITS Orange. lemons, fancy. $5 ; cnolce. $5 50; grape fruit per box; bananas. 55c per pound; pomegranates. $1.50 per box. Japanese oranges, $ 1.50 1.75 per bundle; tangerines, $1.75 per box. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75e Der dozen; bari8. l(c per pound: cabbage, 1.W ifrl.B per hundred: cauliflower. Jl.T r. i-1. 85 rttjs ; celery, 1,&0 $ 3. To crate : eggplant. fl.TD; hothouse lettuce.-l.o5 1. SO per lox ; peas. 1c lb. ; jrarllc. li b; horseradish. St. SO per box; pumpkins. lU&lc? radishes. ISp per doz.; sprouts. fi'trTc per lb.; squash. lQlktc; tomatoes. 75crg$l. ' SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. 51 per sack ; carrots. $1 ; beets, $1.50 ; parsnips. $1.60. ONIONS Oregon. $1,30 9 1-40 P?r sack. Portlnnd Seattle . Tacoma . Spokane .!.S!.S IUo.t.13 .. 1.636.14-1 21.141 , . l,04fl.7 l'4.USS 744.703 1&.74 POETLAND MAHKET8. tirmln. Tlour. Feed. Etc. W H K.T Track prices: Bluestem. fl.SO; club, Ji lO; rwHi Russian. Valley. $1.10. RARLKV Keed and brewing. J0ij.31 per ton. Kl.OX'R Patents. $6 15 per barrel; atrnJght H export, $4.60; Valley. $5.70: graham. IS SO; who wheat, quarters. $."i.7n. f "OR N Whole. $SS; cracked. $3fl per ton.1 M1LLSTTTFS Iran. SJ6 per -on; mid dlings. $33; shorts. $ 28.60 29. 60 ; rolled ha r lev. $.il. Oats N- 1 white. P3.ftA33 jer ton. HAT Timothy: Willamette Vaily. $139 per ton ; FaMern Oregon. JlSy l.r.0; al falfa. $lrtalti.&0; clover. $15316; cheat. $IA tT16. grain bay. $15 10. Ihalry sad Country IToduca. BUTTER City creamery extras. 8Ao; fancy outside creamery. 34 J 3yc per ll. ; tore. 11 -u lc. (Butter fat prices average lic per pound undsr regular butter prices. POULT RT-r-Heus, U(jli4c; Springs. 14 JUSc; ducks. 2c; gee. 1J.; turkeys, llva; nominal: dried, S4i2'ic. rXiO Fresh Oregon extras. 42 c per dozen : Uastem, 2S 30- per dosen. CHEFPK Kull cream twins. lSflSiio per pound- young Americas, liya. POKK Fancy. IO41 lOSo Pr pound. VEAL Extras, llllc per pouiui. Vegetables and FTalta. FRESH FRUITS Apple. SI ill - ' a o .ppies, (iqi Dox ; P"". j i.ow per pox; ipanisn Malaga. I?U?.$0 per barrel; Quinoes. $1.2651.50 per box craTiberrrle-a. f0 pr barrel; per- POIATUB-S Carload buying prlcea; Or Provisions. BACON Fancy, 27c per pound; standard. 22c; choice. 21c; English. ZU-rQ DUY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 15 c; smoked. 16 c; short clear backs, heavy dry salted, 15 Vic; smoked, 16 Vc ; Oregon exporta. dry salted, 16a; smoked, 17c HAMS 10 to IS pounds. 17c; 14 to 1 pounds. 17 He; IS to 20 pounds. 17c; hams, ekinned. 18c; picnics. 13 He; cottage rolls. 15c: boiled bams. 24 & 25c; boiled, picnics, ale. LARD Kettle rendered. 10s, 17 He; stan dard pure. los. 16 He; cholc-s. lus. 15 Vic Compound. 10s. llUc. , 6MOKKD BEEF Beef tongues, each, 60c; dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef outstdes. 17c; dried beef insldes. 21c; dried beef knuckles. 10c PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet. 81 3.50 ; regular tripe, $10 ; honeycomb tripe. $12; lunch tongues,, $19.50; mess beef, ex tra. $12 ; mess pork, S25. 1 Hops, Wool. Hides. Etc , HOPS 190S crop, 20 -ft 21c; olds, nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 16 & 23c. pound; olds, nominal. MOHAIR Choice. 25c pound. CASi'AHA BARK iVsc per pound. HIDES Dry hides, 18 l'Jc per pound; dry kip. 17gJlSc pound ; dry calfskin, IV -TP 21 pound; salted hides, 10Va 0Hc; salted calfskin, 154i 16c pound; green. 1 a less. FURS No. 1 skins: Goatskins, Ijc $1.2.".; badger. 254j?50c; bear, S020; beaver, $J 50(S.S.."A; cat, wild, '5c3, l.oO; cousrar," perfect hen d and claws. $3 & IO; fisher, dark. $7. 50 & 11; pale. $4. 907: fox, cross, $33; fox, gray, 6080c; fox. red, $345; fox, silver. $35(tl00; Ivnx. $SS15; marten, daik, $Sqi'12; mink. $3.50u.50; muskrat. sea otter, $100 U lioO. as to size and color; I.1ffl25c; otter. $2.r0f)4; raccoon. 60 75c; Pkunkp, r580c; civet cat. 10S(il5c; wolf. $3??S.50: coyote, 75c$1.2.: wolverine, dark, $35; wolverine, pale, $2:5 2 50. Orocerles. Dried Fruits. Ktc. DRTED FRUIT Apples. 10c per pound; peaches, 8 Vs c; prunes, Italians, 4 (& 5c; prunes, French, 4 & 5c; currants. 10c; apri cots. 12Vc; dates, 7Hcper pound. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. 2 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.90; 1-pound flats, $2.10 H; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis, &oo: red. 1-pound tails. $1.45; sockeyes, 1 pound talis. S- COFFEE Mocha, 24&2Sc; Java, ordinary, 17fi? 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. is20c; good, 18(0 ISc; ordinary. 1 2 . tj 1 tic per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 15c per pound; Braxil nuts. 12V415c; Alberts, 16 17c; almonds. 16 Vk 017c; chestnuts. Ohio, 20c; cocoanuts, ituc'a! per dozen. PPAVti Km. 1 1 ivhtla Kit-. 1 arir. nhlla 4 vie ; Lima. & 'Mc; bayou. 6 Vic; pinkf 4 He; red Mexican, SVGAK Dry granulated, fruit and berry. o.-i : beet o..r; extra C. X..4d; golden (J, $5 :t5 ; cubes (barrel). stt.35: powdered (barrel). 0.20. Terms on remittances within 35 iaysr, deduct "4 c per pound, if later man to days ana within 30 days, de duct Vfec per pound. Maple sugar, li lSc per pound. SALT- Granulated. ' $14 per ton. $1.90 per oaie; nair ground, 100s, $8.50 per ton; 60s, 9 per ton. HONE 1' Choice, $3.25S3.C0 per case. Oil; Turpentine. Etc. COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star, cases. 19c per gallon; eocene, cases, 22c per gallon; fc, lame, cases. 2Sc per gallon; extra star, cases, 22c per gallon: water white. Iron bar rels, 11 V&c per gallon; wood barrels, 15 Vac per gallon; special water white, iron barrels. lic per gallon. 45ASOL1NK Red crown and motor rcano line, iron barrels, IGc per gallon; cases, 23c per gallon; fed gasoline, iron barrels, 30c per gaiion ; cases, tit per gallon. BENZINE V. M. and naplha. Iron bar rels, 11 He per gallon: cases. 2tHc oer gal lon; eugiae distillate, iron barrels, 9c per gallon; cases, idc per gallon. TURPENTINE In cases, 78c per gallon wood barrels, la He per gallon; aroturps (turpentine substitute). Iron barrels, 3Sc per ganon; cases, 4fc per gallon. LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels. 79c boiled, in barrels. 80c; raw, in cases, M3c; DEPEND OH STEAMERS SEATTLK JOBBERS NOT ORDKK ING FItEIGHT BY KAIL. LOOK FOR FLURRY Squeeze in Money Market Is Expected. MAY COME NEXT WEEK After That, It Is tlie Belief There Will Be a Material Relaxation. Tendency of Stock Prices Is Vpward. XBW YORK. Dee. 9. The action of the stock market may be fairlj- regarded as reflecting a cheerful view .of the eutiook for values, tempered hy the restraining in fluence of the reasonable restriction of the money market supplies. Confidence in a material relaxation of money after the turn of the year diminshed the effect of the present tightness of call loans. Foreign exchange pursued a downward course. The easing tendency of discounts abroad may invite a renewal of borrowlnK through the medium of finance bills on Xew York account. The sub-treasury has withdrawn some 3,r,OS,000 from the New Tork money mar ket since the last bank statement, and some large shipments of currency to Can ada and to the domestic Interior are re ported. Taken in connection with the pay ments next week that have to be provided for and which are estimated at over 5200. 000,000, It la felt that the money market Is not secure from a flurry in the interim. The inauguration of dividends in the Lackawanna -Coal Company, the subsidiary of the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Railroad, organized to take over its ccal properties, made a cheerful impression. Belief that the project to merge the cop per companies was still being considered played a part in the day's markets. The bond market was strong, but specu lative Issues were most active. Announce ment of the quick sale of the new Chicago Grjiat Western bonds helped sentiment on the bond market. Total sales, par value. ,Ji2,00. United States s and the 4s coupon declined per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Oranges Received From California by Boat Talk or Advance in Bntter. HBATTl.S). Waolb.. lec. '-9. (SDeclal.l . Owing to traffic troubles, commission men are ordering the bulk of orangey for thi market shipped North by boat. About four carliad arrived by water touuy. Shipments have been ordered by water owing to the uncertainty of iTumpt delivery by rail. Tomatoes are about out of the market. Onlv 2" crate? airived by boat tjday. No car ihi!vmenl are expected for some time yet. l-'riL' in the produce market moved over k narrow ranjze. Traiie was fair. tine hundred tons of Manchurlan com reached here today. The corn Is held at 30. Another shipment is in transit. Kxport flour was advanced 10 cent to $4.tit. A belter dtniand for flour is reported from Japan. liny was steady. Jare quantities of California butter ar rived und further shipments will be made.i California butter commands o-S cents and fancy freli Fiut?lern Ik held at the fame price. There is talk of an advance on local brands, but sev. ral large creameries oppose- the plan. Fresh enKrf dropped a cent to 4" cents. Many froren tecs are offering. According to ad vlce received today from Oregon. Tillamook cheese will be quoted higher in the near fu ture. T'oultry was quiet and unchanged. l'-TATlOS8 AT SAX FRANCISCO. Vrioes Paid for Irodu in the Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 23. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: , Vegetables Cucumbers, Jll.TTt: string beans. lofulTHc; tomatoes, 75c iy $1.25 ; gar lic, bSjic; given peas. S-ijloC; eggplaut, 10 tfl5c. Millstuffs Bran. $2S.eO&..'.0; middlings. $;:tt.rvri Huttei Fancy creamery. ::.-,c; creamery seconds, Sic; fancy dairy, :l!o. Kggs tore. SSc: fancy. 40c. Cheese New, lTilbc; young Americas, ISSvlKc. Hay Wheat. fl419.S0; wheat and oats. JlIKil"; alfalfa. si)(jilj; stock. SS&10; straw, per bale, 60-70c. Fruits Apples, choice. 75c&$J; common. oOu tioc: bananas, SOc 41 4;i-- r limes, $4 4 l oo; lemons, choice. $.1i.1.o0: common, $1.50 4t2.&0; oranges, navels, Jl.5 DO; pineap ples, fjii ::. Wool outh rialna and San Joaquin, Sftt lOc; Spring Humboldt and Mendocino, 13'j? lie Hops lStT24c per pound. SVtatoes Oregon Hurbanks, Jl.l51.2ri: Salinas Hurbanks. $1.." 1.40; sweets. $1.50 O 1 OO. Receipts Flour. 12.74 sacks: barley, 3400 centals: bean?. 1040 sacks; potatoes. 917& sav'ks; bran,- 90 sacks: middlings, iv sacks: hay. fcO tons; wool, 34 bales; hides. 145. liiMcrn Alining Stocks. BOSTON, Dec. 29. Closit g quotat Adventure a iMichlgan Allnuez 57 'Mohawk Amalgamated .. sn.-i Nevada Ariz commercial "1 Old Dominion . Atlantic 11 H 'Osceola '. Butte 4'oalltlon. 2S S .Parrot Palumet At Aris.loi- Qulncy t al A- Hoci-Y . . . GT.'t ;arnon Centennial .1 .. . :17 Trinity , Popper Kanffe... t..'l L" Mining ... Daiy West .-i1 ft all Franklin IS Vi .Victoria 3ranby lly AVInona Ireene Car.anea. 11 V Wolverine .... tale. Koyale 7. North Butte .. 4 VC 16111, SK IO C.4 45 H 11 ; 49Vj ltAli7 l'rodnce tiy t he lant . CHICAGO, Deo. ;9. Butter Strong. Creameries. '74i'S6c: dairies. 2i's30c. Kkks Firm. Receipts. 4:122 cas-a at mark, cases included. . 24 $j 2i sc; firsts, 32c; prune firsts. Sic. Cheese Steady. Daisies. lfitGfleic; twins. 1643-ltlc: TToung Americas, 16.c long horns, Ifitc. NEW YORK. Dec. 2. Bntter Steady, cheeso Firm, unchanged. Kggs Strong. Western extra firsts. 344. 3vc; seconds, 29ij31c. Wool 1st t. Inuis. I.OlIK, Dec. "9. Wool ITnchanged. Sales, pf 2on . . . 49,aoo High. .14 SKvs Closing iw. 3in. 400 l.MXi - 21 1 2iH noo a.t Si0 1X) :,40o 4BT4 4SI, 25i.j 18 iM'i. J04i 11214 12.1 142 fi 38 ii" 03 122 lio:-i 138' 117-s 5114 S9H SIT 71 u AS "A 47-; 2.1 "4 174 r.9 111;)S 123 142V4 38'i" 53 Vi 1214 losri 130 317ft 79 V, 18fTi 181 4S 4,-)S loS', Hj8',-4 sow, '! 181V. 158 "49 53 V4 SlVi 158" 185 51 Ti 84 37 33 VJ SOU, H 159 143 )T4 148 24 02 110'i 23 874 67 37-t, 181 1-58 "6ii 53 Vt 81H ieV ' 185 Vt 51 84 37 34 BH4 lOuVi 143i 80 V4 148Vi 25 2 117 52 51T4 43 Vi 71 ir.7 r3.i 139 71 48 Ts iii" ' 8H 1 '1 fiO'4 M 144 i:":fii 61 U. 170'Tri K'4'i S8 5ft s4 11 7ft' Territory nnd ct flu 4ud!uraa, 212 medium?. Am Agricultural Am Beet Suyar . Am Can pf Am Car & Foun . Am Cotton Oil . . Am Hido & Lead pf Am Ice Securi. . . Am I,insee3 CHI . . Am Jxcjmotive . . Am Smelt & Refin. 33,8-0 ao pi lioO Am Siigur Refining 2M Am Tel & Tel . . . l,2oO Am, 1VbaccQ pf Am "Woolen lOO Anaconda Mln Co. . 19,rii-0 Att-hison S,'-k:0 do preferred .... 1,000 Atlantic C"oa..t Line 3''0 iait & ohm do preferred : . . . Reth!ehim Hteel . Brook Ra-pld Tran. Canadian Pacific Central Leather. . . do preferred Central of N". J. . Ches & Ohio Chicapo & Alton . . Chi Creat West... Chi & Northwest. Chi. Mil & St. P. C. C, C & St. L. Colo Fuel Iron. Colr & Southern . . do 1st pf do 2d vt Consolidated Gas Corn Products Iela Hudson, f Den & Rio Grande do preferred .... Distillers Securt . Krie do let pf do 2d pf Ge.nera-l Klecirir . . Gt Northern pf . . . (It North Ore Ctf. Illinois Central ... Intcrberousrh-Met - do preferred .... Inter Harveater .. Inter-Marine pf . Inter Paper ..... Inter Pump Iowa, Central .... Kan Ctt flouthern do preferred .... Louis & Nashville. Minn & St. L M. Ft. P & S St M Missouri Pacific . . MiB, Kan & Texaa do preferred . . National Biscuit National Lead . N Ry of Mex 1st pf N Y Central N Y, Ont & West. Norfolk & Went . North American Northern Pacific . Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Gas P. C. C & St. L. Pressed Steel Car. Pull Palace Car. . Ry Steel spring . . Reading Republic St(l . . . do preferred .... Rock Island Co pf St. L tfc S F i!d pf St L Southwestern do preferred ..... Flo-Sheff leld Southern Pacific- . Southern Railway. . do preferred .... Tennes.fee Copper. . Tex & Pacific ... To I. St. L & AVest. d preferred .... fnloii Pacific .... do preferred .... IT S Realty 1 S Rubber i; S -Steel do preferred .... ft ah Copper Vir-Carotlna Chem do preferred .... "We.- Maryland .. A estJnshouse Blec Western Union Wheel & L TDi-ie. Wis Central- . , . . . PUt-sburur Coal . . . I'nited Drv Goods. Am Steel Fdy Total salee for th BONDS. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Closing quotatlont I! S ref 2s reff..l01li'N Y C G S'bI 01 M .in rounun 11 U North Pacific 3b. U S 3s reg 11 ! North Pacific 4s. 102 Vi do coi.non ...H1 I nion pacmc 4S.ituv C S new 4s reg . 1 14 H 'Wlscon Cent 4s. B?.4 do cooipon . . .ll-"." Japanese 4s ..... a D & R G 4s 03 i Money, Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. Dec. 29. PrbiKs mercantile imncr. F nx 5 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual busi ness la bankers bills at $4.S4'&4.S4 25 for 60-day bilis and at 4.s i lu for Qemanu. Commercial billf. 4.SS 4.8S4. Par silver 52 c. Government bonds weak; railroad bonds strong. Mon-?y on call firm. 5!i?&"r2 per cent; ruling rate. S i per cent; closing bid. 5 V per cent; offered at 5 per cent. Time loans easier; 60 davs. 44 per cent; 90 days. 4 hi par cent; six months, frc4 per oent. LONDON, Dec. 2. Silver Steady 24i,id per ounce. Money 42 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills i 3 pr cent; thre months bills. 3Vi""j3-a per cent. Consols For money. 82 13-16; for account, S2?. S VN FRANCISCO, Dec. . 2. Sterling, 60 days. $4.8 4 ; sii?ht, $ 4.S7 V. Silver bars- 52 He Mexican dollars. 46c Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 3c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Standard copper v as tirm and higher today. Spot, Decem ber and January, closed at 13.37 13.6J v.c; February, 1S.37H i13.75c; March. 13. iKKo) j:i.8TH-c. London closed steady; spot. 61 5s, and futures, 62 7s tid. Local dealers report a firm market, and quote lake at 13.62 H 14c: electrolytic, 13.25 13.75c, and casting, 13 .2:" -& 13.5UC. Tin was firm; snot and December, 3S.8714 q H4.12e: JaJiuary. r.3.S7H 34c; Februarv. :i,'t.ftti :U.10c : March, 33. ft." 34 25c. and ApriL 33. y5 q. ,34-3(c. TjOndon Was steady; spot at, and futures nt l.v ls. Lead steady; fi,ot. 4.7H 0 4.72 c New York, and at 4.Vc askect Kast St. Louis. 1T.don wax higher at 13 R ftd. Spelter was quiet, 6.10j0.30c New York, 4.9O0 1.M0O 3,2c) 3i.'0 G.7O0 1 2lM b.'x 6.400 2tW 2UO 12..''V 7' to 1.4ftO 800 2oO 2.H0O l,7Wr 34.'0 aoo fiOO .S O fiK 6)0 "966 L3O0 BOO 700 1.O00 5i"H 6,300 5 '6 10.7' 0 1.7-0 3S. 1 OO 6 trO iM"M 3.400 V.OOO 2,6'0 .V'O 2,2'0 Ot'O 2'X) 1.0Ot ,f0 1,9 aoo lft.H'ft 3. (MO 3oO 4. H0 30,600 6.2O0 5. IOO 3. POO 10O 79.1O0 rw 7.ft 0.6"O li.rtoo 6.4iO 1.7O0 0OO soo 4X 2..f0 1H 200 he day 44 71V. 157 54 1401 72 4U lis" 61 12Vf, 40 W sr. 145 137 ii 11. "it 9S:4 51 171 46 104'. ii 31', 70-; S7',j 1S4 32 r-; 73 41 K4 si S4 bsv; oiiv; 12-.; -"-; r.-.i. '4 49 692,7X Sl4 .18 35 sr."!, 704 201 1031 5 ftl XI .'..- ") 82 v4 ' 4S share. 64 48 4fiVt b2 47 17 K4 lis 14 13 142 37 53 122 117 181 47 31S 87 i 66 3i 181V, IS.Si BO 14 M SO 22 '1 84 'A 36 a-, Oi 40 1(19 24 62 1161 24 .29 43 1 1 ir.6i(, as y. 140 71 "4 49 73 14 31.. 9I 61 84 341 4: l.T nr. IS!) 170--S 14 90 31 79 S7 134 4f :i6 .13 '11 71 l3l4 IMi. 8.314 91 12ru (VOVj rci Oou, r.4H 82 , 9 6(i and 6-O54?6.10c Eajt St. Loui. London mar ket was unchanged. ine .neiisn iron marxei was lower at oia lVid for Cleveland warrant.. Locally no chaneo waa reported. Tmmrr Stacnnent. WASHIVOTON". Dec 29. The condition of the Treasury at the beirinnini? of business today was as follow: Trust funds Gold coin Silver dollars Silver dollars of 1890 Silver certificate outstanding General fund Standard silver dollars in general fund Current liabilities . . 1OS.00O.481 Working balance in Treasury of- Hces LW,42,uif In banks to credit of Treasurer of the United States S6.49.237 Subsidiary silver coin 15.4iVo.4fll Minor coin 1.025.BJ7 Total balanoe In g-eneral fund.... SO. 454,724 . .K73.14S.S60 . . 4S7. 763.000 3.93o.W . . 487,763.000 OFFER LESS WHEAT Country Sales Reported to Be Smaller. CHICAGO MARKET IS FIRM Coffee wd Sugar. NEW TORK. Dec. 2- Ooff closed steady at a net advance of 6 Q 10 points. Sales, 6500 bas. Including: January. 6.70c; March. 6.90c; May, 6.95c ; July, 7.05c: Sep tember, 7-0537. IOc. Spot steady; No. 7 Rio. 8&SVc; No. 4 Santos, 9c. Mild quiet; Cordova. 9fgll4c. Sugar Raw steady; Muscovado, .89 test. 3.52c ; centrifugal, .96 test, 4.02c ; molasses sugar, 9 test, 3.27c. Refined quiet ; crushed. 5.65c; granulated, 4.95c; powdered, 6.05c. HOGS ARE HIGHER AGAIN SALES A FUG MADE AT 0CE MORB. $8. Market Has tost None at Its Strength No F.usines in Other Lines. Business at the stockyards yestorday was altogether in the hog line. Nothing else was offered for sale. That the market for hogs "has lost, none of its strength because of the holiday spirit was demonstrated, by the sale of a bunch of 38 head of fancy stock at $8.75. This price had not been realized for several days. The other offerings were of poorer grade. The receipts for the day were 56 cattle, 55 calves, 53 sheep, 293 hogs and 22 horses. Shippers at the yards were W. B. Kurtz, of Huntington, with one car of hogs; F. W. Ball, of Condon, one car of cattle, calves and hogs; Kiddle brothers, of Imuler, one car of hogs; J. C. Uavis, of Shedd, one car of hogs and sheep; Jackson & Connor, of Weiser, one carf of horses, and C M. Lister, Shaniko, two cars of cattle and calves. The day's sales were as follows: Weight Price 30 hogs 38 hogs 4 hogs 2fi hops , 30 hogs 4 hogs 15 hogs Prices quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Best steers, $4.504.75: fair to good, t4&4.25; medium and feeders, $3,25 5 P.50; cows, top, $3.5047 3.85; fair to good, $33.25; common to medium, $2.50 3.75; bulls. 45.25-tjcn.50: reavy. $4ffr4.75. HOGS Best, S.5058 75; medium, $7.50 8.25; Blockers. $6.-50a 6.75. SHEEP Best wethers. $5.50&5.75: fair to good, $ 4. 50 5 ; ewes, "ic less ; yearlings, best. $5 fa 5.25: fair to good, $4.50 S 4.75; lambs, $0 6.25. Receipts, However. Are Liberal, the Recent Severe Storms Not Having Interfere! With Deliveries. Corn and Oats Strong. CHICAttO. Dec. 29. Firm cables gave the market a strong start, but prices soon re acted in consequence of selling, inspired by liberal receipts in the Northwest, where It was thought recent severe storms would Interfere with deliveries. The market was inclined to drag, but became strong later in consequence of reports from Kansas City that country sales were decreasing. The market closed at almost the top, with De cember at $1.17 and May at $1.11 30 1.11. Renewed liquidation caused considerable weakness In corn during the early trad ing, but a firm tone developed later and the market closed at the top, with prices unchanged to c higher. Oats were Inclined to be weak during the first "half of the session In sympathy with other grains, but rallied in, the final hour and closed with, prices lower to lHe higher. Provisions closed unchanged to 10c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows : WHEAT. apsinifi H 1 h tin m mm m OLDEST BANK ON TTrfE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $500,000 OK110KRS. "W. M LADD, President. EDW. COOK INGHAM. Vl-Presideut. W. 11. DUNCKLET, Cashier. R. 8. MOW.VRD, JR., AM't Cashier. L. W. LADD, Assistant Cashier. WALTER M. COOK, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS. KDWARD COOKINCHAM. HENRY L. OORRETT. WILLIAM 51. I.Am. CHARLES B. LADD. .1. WESLEY Trr. S. B. 1.1XTH1CI M. VREPEHir B. PRATT. THEODORE B. WILCOX. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers Checks 12.1 $7.75 217 8.75 122 8.01) 93 7.50 134 7.50 !5 5.00 71 6.25 Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Cattle Estimated re ceipts, 18,000. Market, steady to strong. Beeves, 4.208 00: TexaS steerB, $4.10iffl 4.90; Western steers. ?4.106.25; stockers and feeders. $3.105.30: cows and heifers, 2.105.W); calves. 7.258.30. - Hoss Estimated receipts. Market, strong. Light, 8.108.5S; mixed. tS.2nj 8. TO; heavy. $8.358.75: rough,; good to choice heavy, $S.50f(? S.7.; pigs. $7.1-5 &8.15; bulk of sAles, $8 40(8.60. , Sheep Estimated receipts, 15,00(7. Market, strong to 10c higher. Native, n.flo 1,5.75; Western. iF3.80 5.t; yearlings. $8.50(a7 50: lambs, native, 5.7S8.40; Western, $5.73 S.35. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 29. Cattle Receipts. 90O0. Market, steady, slow. Native steers, $4.807.25; cows and heifers. 2.300.25; stockers and feeders. $3. 255. 25; bulls, $3.00 '4.75j calves, $4.00-8.50; Western steers, $4.0otff!6.25; western cows, $3,0014.75. Hogs Receipts. 80OO. Market, strong. Bulk of sales, $8.aOS.G5; heavv. $S.45S.0; packers and butchers. $8.35 8.55; light, $8 208.50: pigs, $6.25!PT.60. Sheep Receipts. oOOO. Market. steadv. Muttons, $4.505.85; lambs, $5.50 8 25; fed Western wethers and yearlinirs, $4.757.10 fed Western ewes, $4.505.4o. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 29. Cattle Re ceipts. 2500; market, steady to strong. Na tive steers. $4&8; native cows and heifers, S35.25; Western steers, J3.50iS6.25: West ern cows and heifers, $2.804.4O; canners. $2.25 3. 25; stockers and feeders, $3.75 5 10; calves, $3.5Og7.50; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.754.40. Hogs Receipts, 4700; market, 5 10c low er. Heavy, $s.308.40; mixed, $8.25a8.30: light, $S.20&8.35; pigs, $G.75&7.75; bulk ot sales, $S.25ig.8.35. Phcep Receipts. 30OO; market, strong. Yearlings, $5.757; wethers, $55.60; ewes. $4.500-50; lambs, $7i. Dried Fruit at, Nnr York. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Evaporated apples Inactive. Spot, fancy crop, 104llVaC; choice, SH&Wc; prime, 7Tic: old crop prime. 7Hc,-. common to fair, aijpTc. Prunes Firm; California up to 30-40s, 2. 9c; Oregons, 6-9c. Apricots Firm; choice, llllc; extra choice, llt412c; fancy, 12&13'Ac. Peaches Firm ; choice, 67c; extra choice, 7 & 12c; fancy, 7a48c. Raisins Firm; loose muscatel. 45c; choice to fancy seeded, 5(&c: seedless, 3Ht&5c; London layers, $L171,fe :'1.30. few York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Cotton futures closed strong. December, 15.63c: January l.6c; February. 15.S2c: April. lff.OSc: May 16.24c; June, 16.09c: July, 16.22c; August. l.81c; September, 14.77c; October. 13 95c. Spot closed quiet. 10 points higher Mid unlands, lo.95c; mld-Oulf. 16.00c. No sales. DOG IS CAUSE OF ARREST Criminal Prosecution Results l-'roiu Trivial Incident. ALBAXY, ft-.. Dec. 2ft. (Special.) Because one man's dog followed another man down the road, both will face prose cution on criminal charges. James Crock ett, a. 19-year-old boy, residing at Crab tree, is already under arrest and will have a hearing tomorrow on an action to put him under bonds to keep the peace, and Crockett's friends say they will cause the arrest of C H. Undeman, a Crab tree farmer, on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. Lindeman's dog followed young Crock ett when the latter was passing the Lindeman farm on his way to this city. Crockett asserts that he called to Linde man twice to call his dog back, but the latter replied the dog would return all right. The canine followed Crockett to Albany and became lost. Last Saturday Lindeman and Crockett met on the Lebanon -Crabtree road and. so the story runs. Lindeman accused Crockett of stealing his dog. A quarrel followed and, according to those who witnessed the trouble, Crockett pulled oft his coat to fight and Lindeman then drew a knife.. The other men who were present interfered and prevented a fight. Open. ' High. Low. Close. Dec $1.18 - Jl.lS $1.16'i $1.17 May 1.106 1.114 54 1.10H 1.1 14 July l.Olfe 1.02 1.01V4- 1.01 CORN. Dec .62 .62i .62 .62 May 66 , .66 .66 K .66 July 66 .66 .66 -661,1 ' OATS. D?C 44 .44 .43?; .44 May 45V4 .45 .45', .45 July 4H4 . .43 .43", .45 MESS PORK. Jan St. 55 21.62H 21.55 Il.fiO May 21.62H 21.72", 21.62 4 21.721, July 21.56 LARD. Jan 12.25 12.30 12.26 12.27i May 11. 85 11.90 H.82H ll.S7 July 11.77ii 11.85 11. 77 " 11.85 BLOW AND FALL SERIOUS Logger "Long Unconscious After Sa loon Fight In Aberdeen. ABERDEBX, Wash., Dec. 29. (Special.) Suffering from concussion of the brain and unconscious) since Friday, Charles Conley lies- on a cot in a local hospital as the result of a blow received in a fight in the Oapltal saloon. J. F. Dawson, a bartender, is accused of striking the blow. Conley is a boom man in the employ of the Wishkah Boom Company. He be came involved in a quarrel with Dawson and the latter struck him on the jaw. Oonley went down, his head srikin$; the floor violently. He is stUl dazed. SHORT RIBS. Jan 11.35 11.3714 11.30 11.324 May 11.35 11.40 11.324 11.35 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2, 794S0c. Barley Peed or mixing, S861c; fair to choice malting, 6672c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.86; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.96. Timothy seed $3.75. Clover $9. 50 13.50. Pork Mess, per barrel, $22S22.2S. ' Lard Per 100 pounds. $12.40. Short ribs Sides (loose). $11.25 11.62 V4. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $11.75 12. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and ftour were equal to 247,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 573.000 bush-sis, compared with 311, 000 bushels the corresponding day a ' year mko. .estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 47 cars; corn, 308 cars; oats, 190 wi uog tt, d,uuu neaa Flour, barrels... Wheat, bushels.. Corn, bushels.... Oats, busiiols. . . . Rye, bushelB... . Barley, bushels.. Receipts. . . 4 7.900 . 41.2(10 . .371,600 , . 8,000 ..184,501 Shipments. 16.400 56.800 157.10O 217,600 " 4'2,5O0 Grain and Produce at Xew York. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Flour Steady, with a quiet jobbing trade. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red. $1.27 ele vator domestic and $1.2GV-; f. o. b. afloat nominal to arrive;- No. 1 Northern, Duluth, $1.25, and No. 2 hard Winter, $1.25 nom inal f. o. b. afloat. Wheat was nervous and prices declined after a firm opening, only to rally in the afternoon. At the close, prices were c to c net higher. December closed -.$1.25)4 ; May, $1.18H. and July, $1.01)14. Receipts, 21,600; shipments, 40,732. Hops Quiet. Hides Dull. Petroleum Steady. Wool Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. Wheat Firm. Barley Steady. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.952; milling, $1.95. Barley Feed, $1.47 14 (g: 1.50 ; brewing, $1.50. Oats Red. $1.67 a1.80; white, $1.72V4 S1774; black. $2.252.50. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley May, $1.4 bid, $1.-E014 asked. Corn Large yellow, $1.75ij;l.S0. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 29. Close: Wheat December, $1.10 ti; May. $1.10 &1 11. Cash No. 1 hard, $1.11,(81.12; No. 1 Northern, $1,111, & 1.12 : No. 2 Northern. $1.0! 1.10 ; No. 3 Northern, $1.07S 1.09. Flax Closed $3.0:!. Corn No. 3 yellow7-08 Oats-rNo. 3 white, 4242"i. Rye No. 2, 7473. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Dec. 29. Cargoes quiet but Bau. nana nana, ror snipment, at 40s. English country markets quiet but steady; French country markets steady. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 29. Wheat December, 8s 2d; March, 8s; May, 7s Kkl. Weather cloudy. f Grain Markets of the Northwest. LEWISTON. Idaho. Dec. 29". (Special.) aiarneis uncnangeo; Oluestem, $1.05; forty- itjiu,; ciud ana lurat-y rea, 9tc; red Rus sian, ssir. Oats, $1.35. Feed barley, $1.22. TACOMA. Dec. 29. Wheat Bluestem, $1.19; club. $1.09; red Russian, $1.07. SEATTLE. Dec. 29. Milling nn.irgllnn.. Bluettem, $1.15; club, $1.11: Fife, $1.11: red nuian. i.vw. ji.xpoi-c wneat, bluestem, $1.13; club, $1.(18; Fife, $1.08; red Russian, $1.06. JUDGE FAVORS LEWISTON Council May Jo Ahead Xow and Construct Xew City Hall. LEWISTON", Idaho, Dec. 29. (Special.) Judge E. C. Steele, of the Second Judicial District of Idaho, has denied the applica tion for an order restraining the City Council of Lewiston from proceeding with the construction of a city hall and paying for the same out of the general funds of the city. The action of the Council was attacked on the grounds that the city charter provides for all questions of such improvements be sub mitted to the people for a vote before the Council has authority to enter into contracts. , The evidence introduced during the trial and which contention was sustained by the court was to the effect that the work being performed is little more than remodeling the old City Hall building, that has been condemn: that by such expenditures the city will be provided with a building of sufficient capacity to accommodate the city offices, police sta tion and centra fire station, while under present conditions a monthly rental of $100 is paid for the city offices. The building will be completed within the next 30 days. Idaho Teachers- Assemble. MOSCOW, Idaho, Deo. 29. (Special.) Dean Elliott, of the Agricultural Col lege of the Tniversity of Idaho, left yesterday, accompanied by a majority of the teaching staff of the college, for Southern Idaho. They will take part in the meeting of the State Teachers Association this week at Boise, and will hold a series of farmers' institutes in Ada and- Canyon counties. The THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. - It insures against elipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. I assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious "workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. Ebb UUBSmBWKBBSBttB&ngBa Offer the unsurpassed, in Luxurious and Comtortable Ocean I ravel I 6 C .1 . on AAA . . iiy vac glow a;u,uw ku hcoiu-cii J? "CARONIA" Jan. 8, Feb. 19 CARMANIA Jan. 22, Mar. 5 i . : . . l: .i.- wl J 4 "SAXCNIA" Feb. 5, Mar 19 4C Twiii-Screw, 14,300 ton tP FaJt Pmrttcnlart and Reservations apply ta K THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd. Knr Tort. Boston. Cniomoo, if lnns.pol!a. Philadelphia. St. Louis, Sao Franotaeo, Toronto and Moacreal. or l.oca.1 amenta. professors -were accompanied by James A. McLean, president of the State Teachers' Association, and County School Superintendent Catherine Bry den. Professor Elliott and his . staff will be absent three weeks. SHAFTS TO HONOR CHIEFS I'loneers Plan to Erect Monuments in Memory of Friendly lleds. LEWISTON, Idaho, Dec. 29. (Spe cial.) A reunion of the pioneers iden tified with the early history of what is now Central Idaho, Southeastern Washington and Northeastern Oregon has been planned for early in Febru ary. Then a fund will be raised to erect monuments to the Indian chiefs who extended protection to the white settlers during the pioneer days. The reunion is planned by Tom Beall, one of the early Idaho settlers and hero of the battle of Stepto; F. B. Prine, pioneer and founder of the City of Prlneville, and other Northwestern pioneers who are residents of the Lew iston country. Within the next few days a temporary organization will be effected, and letters addressed to all sections of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, asking surviving pioneers to participate In the reunion. BIG FRUIT UNION OPPOSED Clarkston Growers Favor Smaller Combines Instead of One Body. ASOTIN, Wash.. Dec. 29. (Special.) Clarkston fruit-growers are dubious as to the reorganization of a strong fruit growers' co-operative union, as existed last year. Owing to the partial failure of the union to net the desired returns, the union will probably be replaced by small combinations of fruit-growers, who will ship on a- small scale. The majority of the fruit-growers own a large packing-house, with a pre-cooler, built . at heavy expense, and steps will be taken -to obtain concerted action on the part of growers for the union. The union will not be totally extin guished by the withdrawal of several growers, but it will be greatly weakened. Hprlngfleld Xmus Hush Great. SPRINGFIELD, Or.'. Dec. 29. (Spe cial.) The local merchants here report the biggest holiday trade In the his tory of the city. One merchant says his Christmas sales were three times those of last year, -while another re ports his as double. All report better business than last year. A noticeable feature was that shopping began early, some saying they had four weeks of the Christmas rush. The increase is considered remarkable, as many took advantage of the streetcar line to Eu gene, where a greater variety could be found. portlaa Spoataae Downing-Hopkins Co. BROKERS Established 1S93. ROOMS 201-204 COUCH BLDG. STOCKS AND BOSDS GRAIJV PRIVATE WIRES TRAVELERS' GUIDE. All Modern Safety Devlcrs (TVlreless, etc.) Ixindun I'aris Hamburg. PrPs Grant, Dep. i!."i Pres l,ln., Jan 29 -IKais Aug. Vic Ja.i 5!Pres. Grant, Feb. " Pennsylvania. Jan SitAmerika Feb. 13 G Waldersee Jan. 15;Pennsylvania Feb. ltf tRItz Carleton a. la carta Restaurant. Hamburs direct. Omits Plymouth. Italy c"?Y Nil REACHED B5T OUR MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE The splendiU. large steamships CINCINNATI. AOLTKK, & MAMBURO, aii January ti, 29, etc., Gibraltar Naples and Genoa (with occa- sional. calls at the Azores and Madeira Is- j lands). Excellent connections wltn steamer of Hamburg fe Anglo-American Nile Co.': erviees up the Nile through KGYTT. j Tou-'ist Iept. for Trips Everywhere. j Ham ttnrir American line, 160 Powell St. fcan "ranciic. anil Local Agents, AortUnl' a new world cruise to south America! Ttstttnc n tbe Interesting eoaatrt 1st trt f its kind erer undertaken. Lrarri New York. Jan. 22. 1910 BY 8. 8. BLIIECHER (12. SOO tooa.) j 81 Dsn' Deration. Coat S3KO a 1 ! I4e trip can be arranged at all porta. ; Also eralses to tbe West ladles and Orient. ' 'i BAMBURG-AHERICAK LINK. 160 POWELL ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. AUSTRALIA NFW 7FAI AND Kew b vi Tahiti, i HLiff LtLUXUrXLW rtiliehtftil South Kpa To lira . for Rest, Health and Pleasure. New Zealand, the World's Wonderland. (Jeysera, Hot t Lakes, etc. The favorite S. fcj. Marlpoaa, sails from Sail Francisco Dec. '2$, Feb. '2, , Mar. 15, etc.. connecting at Tahiti with, ijnion Line for Wellington, N. Z. The only , passenger line from V. S. to New Zealand. Wellington and back. $2U0; Tahiti and back. $12r, 1st class. SOUTH (SKA ISLANDS (all ' of them), three months' tour, f 400. Boole now for sailings of Dec 28 and Feb. 2. Line to Hawaii, $110 round trip. Sailing' every 21 days OCEANIC S. S. CO., 673 ' Market street, San Francisco. , I NORTH PACIFIC STKAMSHFP COMPANY, S. S. .Santa Clara sails for Eureka and t-ai Francisco Jan. 1, 15, ;!!; Feo. 1, -0. at 4 P. M. i?. S. Klder sails for ! Eureka. San Kranciero i and Los Anelt-s, Jan. 4, IS; Fob. 1, 15. at F. M. 1 . S. Rnanoke sails for I San Francisco and Las Angeles .Jan. 11. IT.; . Feb. 8, 22. at 8 P. M Ticket office 132 3d , st. Phones Main 1314, A 1314. H. Youngs, AgU j COMMERCIAL EXCURSION ! Winter Cruise To PACM'IC PORTS AMI THE PRINriPAIij CITIriS OF THE INTERIOR OF MKX- . ICO AND CENTRAL All fcRClA j Via JEBSEN LINE --5.S. "Erna' ictorla Jan TRAVELERS' GLIDE. SAN FRAN. PORTLAND S. S. CO. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 4 P. M. SS. Rose City. Dec. 31, Jan. 14. SS. Kansas City. Jan..". 21. From Pier 40, San Francisco, 11 A. M. SS. Kansas City. Jan. 1. 15. es. Rose City, Jan. 8. 22. etc. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A., 142 3d St., JF. W. Ranmrm, Dock As;ent. Aimnrmih Ioek. Main 402, A 1492. Phones Main 268, A 1234. jtlinff from Seattle Jan. 4, San Francisco Jan 11. San 1 Pedro Jan. 14, the trip to be of eight weeks' a rlnrotlnn 1 Rate $200, which includes rail and steamer transportation and meals and berth, i on steamer. For. particulars and -reservation, JEBSEN & OKTRANOEK, (ieneral Ageuls, SEATTLK. FOR TILLAMOOK STEAMER OSHKOSH j Will receive freight at Couch-street dock. commencing vveanesaay, uecemuer 2 it. Mer chandise, Ct.OO per ton. Sails every Saturday evening. Telephone' Main SGI. . ' COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREA K. WATER leave Port land every Wexlneitj.y. It P. M., from Aiu worth dock, for North Rend. Alartditield and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class. $7. including brtx , end meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third ' and Washington street, or Ainswortb dock. Pbons Main . J