Homesteads. CAN locate yon on 320-acre homestead tn wheat and fnilt ectlon rvear Lakevlew, Or.; land will raise anything; near survey of Oregon Trunk. You had better see roe before these claims are all gone. Location fee only $100. Phone Main 297. W. R. HARTLEr, 411 E wet land Bldg. a BELIXQUISHMBNTS. near Portland; 1 relinquishment, well Improved, In Gilliam Couniycan locate you on Government lands in "Tillamook, Lincoln, Crook. Kla math and Lake Counties. Nlmmo, Runey A Davis, IB Hamilton bldg. 01 LRTZ homestead rellnquih.mensj; we can locate two at present ; for f ull particular call at 3t3 Wash, at., office room 26. For Hale Fruit Lands. 6FITZENBERQ SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD T-ANDS in lO. 2u. 30-aCre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only -5 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price 300. $4O0. $500 per tract. BETTER HfHRY and go with us by appointment. Call Or write lor full particulars. Lib eral terms. McPARLAXD INVESTMENT CO., SlO-311 Corbett Hldg., Portland. Or. Merrit & Palmer. Sales' Agents. I For Hale 1- arm. A PLATTING PROPOSITION. 160 acres, right up against the town of Madras, no acres in cultivation, TO acres in Kail grain, 40 acres more In fine hap for seeding to Spring wheat. Pome timber on So acres; half cash, balance can be paid from future crops. Madras is the first -point where the Hill and Harri man lines come together aftej: separation In th Deschutes canyon, and is surrounded by an extensive country of unlimited re sources. No place in the Doschutcs Val ley for the coming IS months will be busier than Madras. Rotli R. R. com panies are delivering their supplies there now. All city property is controlled by the Madras Townslte Co. No other tract o favorable for an addition, and wilt be sold so nurchaser can make a. small for ' tune from first payment. B. S. COOK & COMPANY. 503 Corbett Bldg. FARMS THAT WILL RETURN FORTUNES. WWO acres, ooo acres cultivated and over ' 00 acres in Fall wheat; good houses and "barns and small orchard; school half mile; mall delivery, phone and right In , Thickly settled community ; only three ; miles to new depot on railroad now build j ins; raise crop to make deferred pay 1 ments; half cash; only $22.50 per acre. GO-ACRE farm within miles from center of Portland and 1 mile east of Oregon ity earl i ne; 25 acres all clear and level; best of soli, fine spring, no buildings; right alongside of a nice vegetable farm. Onlv W per acre if bought before option ex pires. You'll never get cold feet buying th-i place, if you'll see It once. c. F. Pflugcr Co.. rooms 4-6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HlIUiIDH FARM MO- acres. 00 cultivated. 13 nitles from Portland. 3 from Tlgard, Washington Co., bulk! tngs. fruit and per sonal property: $12. WW, $6500 cash: or 40 acres, cultivated, buildings, fruit and per sonal property, $8250. $5250 cash. No agents. "I." R. F. D. .No. J, Box 05, Heaverton, Or. UOl Cj LAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land s very suitable for platting and is at present In good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to W 1 11 lam M ac M aster. S02 Worcester block. Portland, Or. 20 ACRES, all In high "Vita to of cultivation, fine bungalow, new barn and outbuild ings, crops and tools, cows and vehicles go with the place; this is the very finest garden land to be had; only $175 per acre. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. B V OWNKR. 32 acres of best land in I'lark County, one-half heaverdam. new house and barn, loo acres almost cleared; sickness t he only reason for selling. E 010. Oregonian. -ACHB fruit ranch, 4 miles from Van couver, Wash.; 2o acres in fruit; 3-kiln dryer; good well, with windmill and good house, w. B. Kindle, pin K. Yamhill st. S.Y7.0 PER ACRE for state school land ; terms. UiiderdaUl, Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR RALE CHEAP 40 acres best cran berry land in Tillamook. AX 617, Ore gonian. fcEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free Olm stead Land Co.. Salem. Or. M iscel laneou. 100 buy 5 acres richest land on earth, and lot in town of Sanborn, nrn railroad, in Great American Colony. Old Mexico; grows greatest variety crops grown In North America: continuous cropping sea son; Ideal home; $lo cash, $10 month; no interest; let us show you this. Call rooms 401-402 Lumber Exchange bldg. Office open evenings. ' ARK you iooklng for a farm or acreage? Don't fail to call at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY." 70S and 701 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yon right. It surely will fee to your advan tage to see us before buying:. We don't publish our list. WANTED REAL ESTATE. X WANT about lO.flOO acres of good, proven wheat land In Eastern Oregon or Wash ington, on railroad, and not rough; price mutt not exceed $15 per acre; prefer to deal with owners dinect. Address, giving location and particulars, W 61 S, Oregonian. WANTED A good places on Union or Wil liams ave. that will pay fair income; 1 prefer a corner; could take 100 feet frontage if torms reasonable enough; would rather deal direct with owner" write, care of this paper, Y 615, Ore gonian. MR. INVESTOR or real estate dealer I want you to build me a stable on a. i block reasonably close In for a term of years; no objections gulch property. , Phone Main ltUS, ask for manager. I AM looking for an investment in income bearing property. What have you got? Have $23.0HH cash; must be good; answer quick, as I am going to leave here soon. AD 61 1. Oregonian. I WANT about an acre of ground with or without buildings, as close in as pos ihb on carline, for about 20tH If you have something on this order at the right price, addnes8 AL 618. Oregonian. I WANT to know about a cheap lot on edge of one of the East Side gulches will take it if cheap; might bur two together if any cheaper; am in a "hurrv. Answer Y 616, Oregonian. IK you have unimproved property, see me at once. I make a specialty " of unim proved, and have customers waiting for same. purse. SIS Chamber of Commerce. OMW CASH and lrvlngton lot- for good fruit land, from owner, in Vallev or near railroad K 61 6 Oregon I an, TO EXCHANGE. ltk AC RKS tn Southern Oregon's famous fruit belt; good building; &oo apple trees, for rood home In Portland. Nivfl home, furnished. 3 fine lots, excel lent fruit; want suburban home iu Port land. Beautiful S-room house and lot. nicely furnished ; want farm near Portland. I2i acres, some timber, fine fruit land; want rooming-house. 2 acre.s. 1 mites from town; creek. T'Clr g Mdpcd to- h ousel ; Ct acres in cultl atton. 5 acres splendid orchard, full bear ing: ail stock and implements; good A-room bouse; 2 barns, plen.y of out -range; for home in Portland. 150 acres- In 'Yamhill. 140 acrw tn culti vation. oi county road, near station, good, barn, running water. lo acres near city, highly cultivated', fine fruit. go.d house: this le desirable. 1(-OxlV fine hou; cNe to busine,:: liouse toitlt close to corner; good apart ment or flat site SQUARE DEAL URM.TT CO.. 619 Hoard of Trade Bldg. WILL exchange my 6 -room modem house and lot with store doing good business, in business district, for corner residence, for about 4to. and $40H can stand long time. V U8, Oregoiiian. phone East 774. FINE FAMILY COW to exchange for GOOD HORSK, IH0 to 1000 pounds; pav ditTer "ice In cash. Inquire room 3. Washing ton bldg. LOT. or easy payments accepted on new, -room, modern resldenoc, near Haw thorne ave. 30 7 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME property to trade for cltv home; also improved acreage. 303 Washington st.. room -4. DIAMOND sunburst to exchange fov real es tate not too far out. T 610. Oregonian. 10 ACRES, on carline. winning water, for ho usa or lots. Washington bidg . room 3. i IOU can trade nny kind of property at t room 1019 Board of Trade. TIMBER and homestead relinquishment. 827 Worcester tiiock. TWO-ACRE HOME. Level, deep black, loam, street on three sides, number bearing fruit trees, fair -room cottage, small barn, chicken-house, etc; 2 horses, cow. chickens, farm wag on, team harness, buggy and bugey har ness, plows, cultivators, small tool, etc. On Clackamas Heights, near Gladstone, close to high school, church, pojtufnce, stores, etc. Price very mode-ate; take good vacant lots in part, time on balance. E. F. Ferris, room 3. Washington bldg. IOB SALtUtrwRFR LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. bS9 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. HOMESTEADS and timber claims for loca tion in the famous Rogue River Valley, also extensive and valuable lime and mar ble deposit for sale. Call or write 4ol Mo hawk bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher, 631-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. FARMS WANTED. WE have cash to pay for Improved farm. 40 to SO acres, between Forest Grove and North Yamhill, not over 5 miles from railroad. Oregon Land Co., 248 V- Stark st.. Main SOftS. WANTED TIMBER LA3J DS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. FOB RENT. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. MUST sell fine young, sound 2900-lbs. team horses, true pullers, fast travelers, heavy double harness, $325 ; also handsome, sound, 5-year-old lliOO-lb. driving or de li vary horse, $176; 1 300-lb. team mares. 17o; saddle cheap. Call 263 North 13th st., 1 block, from Beaver Hotel. FOR SALE Horses, harrfesa and wagens. Remember, we eeil guaranteed Ijoraes and mares. If not aa represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. TO A CASH BUYER, HERE IS A BIG BARGAIN. ONE TEAM. WEIGHT ABOUT 1200 EACH. ONE SET DOUBLE HARNESS. NEARLY NEW". ONE GOOSE NECK FURNITURE WAGON. 2 TONS CAPACITY. BEST OF REPAIR. SEE "MR. TODD, 41S FEN TON BLDG.. 64 6TH ST. $jrO.O0 buys entire rig, nice horse, sound and gentle; new rubber trimmed harness and rubber tire top buggy. Studebaker make. Mill be e;dd tor bard bill at Exposition ttablesi, 19 th and Washington bus. Mr. Brown's rig. WELL-MATCHED !V0-lb. team; are sound, y.uiig and ready for work; al.oo pair weigh ing 11(150 lbs; pair cheap farm, weight C(M lbs; 3 nigh-clas drivers; 5 head de livery horses. Guti Washington U BARGAIN eldotn offered. Pair young fat chunky marts, drive single or double and ride perfectly, sound, with, new heavy har ness. All complete. Price $22o.oO. Call t6 Washington st. FOR SALE One span well-matched black mures, weighing S100 lbs., young and sound, one black mar-t 7 years old, weigh ing IriOO lbs. 220 Russell st. B A AGAIN $2:r buys pair of horses, weight 4."tO lbs.; new breeching harness and Hew farm wagon, all complete. vCall today. 6ott Washington st. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand. Sold with guarantee aa represented. U. 'S. Stables, 24S Front. HEAVY team and new harness for sale cheap; weight 3100. 35o Burnside, bet. 7th and 8th, West Side. I AM IN the market to buy horses from 4 to 8 years old, weight 1300 to ISoO; must be sound. Paul Brunzel. COO Albina ave. U. S. PEBD AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations tor travelers. Ladles' waiting-room. Prices moderate. 24S Front. TEAMS wanted, city grading. Wheeler and Krwmo. (Joe per hour, free fftable and water, feed furnished. Call Woodlawil. WA NTBD Horse, must weigh between 1 100 and lt00. not over 8 years old. Phone Wood lawn tttift, Alberta st. HUBERT HALL, S80 Front, buy sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. BKOOD MARES. 1400 to ISOO lbs. Nobby Stables, cor. 12th and Flanders sts. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lots. George R. Flora. 470 East Burnside at. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 Id st. A SMALL runabout for sale cheap. Call at 263 RusseU st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. KIMBALL piano, elegant case, nice-toned; make offer. Culver, 62- Chamber of Commerod. Birds, Doga. Pet Stork. YOU want beauty and utility; nothing beats Buff Plymouth Rocks; eggs and day-old chicks: a few choice cockerels cheap if v taken now. A.-Y.-P. winning ytoclc. B. F. Williams. The Maples. Milton, or. FOX. TERRIER puppies, thoroughbred, $10 and $15; black and white and sable and white; they are fine. 11)23 East Irving st. Take M. V. car to TGth st. ; walk 2 blocks north. ENGLISH setter dog. H months old. Room 14. 211 1st st. South. t'OH SA LE A cinnamon bear, 6 months old. 359 E. 51st st. Miscellaneous. SAFES 14 second-hand cafes- very cheap on monthly payment. We have moved from 7th at. to 87 6th st., near Stark. A complete stock of new safes. Call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 6th st. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4 -ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water st. phone Main 7451, A 5445 LARGE flat-top desk, revolving chair, large office table, almost new; verv cheap. Phone Main 4!i:A 3363. 010 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 HAVE a scholarship for a full courwe in a business college of Port land that 1 will sell cheap on account of leaving the city. Phone Main 320. FOR SALE Good, substantial office furni ture, safe carpetp, etc.; may be moved or rent two rooms, $25. Apply 304 Lumber Ex change. SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma chines, drop head and box top, of ail makes, at very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th MOTORCYCLE. h- P-- U0fl model. Thor fU tings and motor; guaranteed tirst-class, SI lO. AN 615, Oregonian. GOOD No. 2 sVnith Premier typewriter for sale cheap. Inquire 317 Board of Trade bldg . 4ih and Oak. DRESS Sl'IT CASES, valises, guitars, man dolins and baujos, half price, at L'ncle Myers, 143 3d. 8-ROOM hoiwe. :tr,0 Taylor, to be sold and moved. Address B. Lee Paget, Portland Trust Co. SI X show cases for sale. 304 Washington at., near Park. 500 BUSINESS cards $ IT vou mention this ad. Hose City Printtry. 1024 3d. HANDSOME eal coat, little -used. No. 36, half price. X 616. Oregonian. 300 BUSINESS CARDS. J1.25. Ryder ptg. Co.. 357 Burnside st. Main 5536. BARGAIN Typewriter and desk, J45. Call at 410 Lumbermen's bldg. HAY FOR sale. $14 per ton. Phone Hast 146. WAN TED M1SCELLAN EOC8. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A 2446, Main S851. WANTED Clothing. best price paid for ladles' and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycle. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST prices paid rubeer. copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs Phones A 7613, Main 5108. J. Leva. 136 Columbia. W ANTTD Tn buy a nw Cnderwood No 5 typewriter or one slightly used. Goddard & Wiedruk. 243 S:ark st. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture. Woodard's Auction Houae. Phone Main 8078. B 1034. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone Kast 1067. WANTED A Christian home for a beautiful infant girl, in perfect health, of good b'rth ; full relinquishment given to par ties with Jatlsfactory references. AB 615, Oregonian. WANTED Men's castofl clothing and shoes; we aiso buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d St.- North. Phone Man 9272. TO BOARD OUT Young girl. 6 years old. would like a nice home; will pay reasons ble orice for her board. Address Willam ette Dye Works, 26 3d st. Main 7322. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. E. 1015. 94 Grand ava WANTED Pool table, to buy or rent;" must be cheap and in good condition. 313 2d st. WE buy, sell or exchange anything: pay hlgh C6t prices; sell for less. Main 6207. HELP WANTED MALE. "WANTED 6 millwrights. $3.50 and $4; mill tallyman and grader, $2.75; woodturner, $;:.50; sanders, $a.50 to $4; 2 lumber pliers. $2.25. Pile-driver man, $3.50 up; woodcutters, $1.25 cord. Large list of work for loggers at good wages. New work every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 North Secand St. 1500 MEN WANTED, COPPER. RIVER RAILWAY, CORDOVA. ALASKA. 96 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting td be let to station men at $1.20 per cubic yard; loose rock, 60c; earth, 30c. Splendid opportunity for good fockmen to make big money. Fare. $15 Shipments 1st, 5th, 8th. 16th. 20th and 24th of each month. Call or write for full particulars. M. J. HENEr, 514-15-16 Colman Bldg., Seattle. Wash. 0OO STRONG YOTJNG MFN wanted imme diately lot firemen or brakemen on near by railroads; good vision; account in creasing business; 1000 men sent to posi tions last three mmw, $75, $100 monthly. Promotion Address, stating age. weight, height, send -stamp. Railway Association, care OroKoniaa. CUSTOM-HOUSE and railway mail clerk ex amination will soon be here. Begin vour preparation with uj tarly ; salaries from $Si K up. The waste-ba sket got more ap plications than we did laet year, because they, were too late. Wake up. Book No. 30 la fre. to you; write for it. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland Or. WANT 10 D Salesmen of exceptional Ability to well hlgh-clatia securities; liberal contract'and a guarantee to men of exierience who can produce resulu?: a fine opportunity for men who have absolute confidence in their abil ity. Apply Bond Department. Union Bank & Tnift Company, 2d and Stark stf. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in - eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weeklv; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th St.. Portland, Or. V ANTED Men at Los Angeles, electricity, automobiling, plumbing, bricklaying, car pentry, sign painting, tradea taugnt in few months: no cash expense; actual contract work. Write for catalogue. United Trade School Contracting Co., 236 -Aliso, Los An geles. AY ANTED A real live, sure-enough sales man, well dressed and good mannered, who would appreciate an opportunity to make $000 a month or more strf riclently to give oii.a proposition his entire time. Call between it and 10. V. Vincent Jones, 3 Commercial Club bldg. sA Lfc.s.M EX. real estate: We have a good me proposition on the market and pay liberal commission ; need a few good men. See Mr. Jones, 200 Chamber of Commerce. AjLN that are hustlers can make big monev by selling my line of household goods on tho installment plan; liberal commissions; no former experience necessaiv. J jj. Sherman, 89 Grand ave. HA E contracts which will net $3000; want partner to invest $"".0 in tools, which he may hold as security; no xislis. AM 618, Oregonian. COOK for bachelor mess; Vancouver Bar racks; good wages; permanent position to right party. Apply to Lieutenant Budd. $o0 INVESTED In process and outfit with personal instructions to do work needed in every home, hotel and restaurant: make ?a to $10 per day. Call 314 Jackson st. SOLICITORS for FRANKFORT accident and health policies; best on the Coast; good contracts to live men; rapid promotion. Inquire 146 2d St., ground floor. WANTED Neat young man with $250 cash as cashier and partner in a good paying? business. Inquire Desk 1, room 610 Swet land bldg. WANTED Reliable man. used to farm pro duce; will pay good salary, also share of profits; small investment required Par ticulars, 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED office man, book keeping and stenography; capable of han dling large work out of town. V 619 Oregonian. WANTED 5O0 men at the clean-up sale! Knew" Sample Suit Store. 315 Oregonian bldg. buits. overcoats. $0.75 to $1C. worth 20 to $35. WE want a live man or woman to sell our high-grade coal; a hot proposition . to the right party. star Coal Co, 4o Second st. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate good commission ; experience unnecessary Call at office. Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carline. SWITCHMEN. $5 day, while strike is on N. p. R. R. ; 34c regular schelude; free fare. '. R- HANSEN & CO.. 26 N. 2d St. STRONG young man who can invest $100 for permanent position paying S3 per day; give phone. AN 616. Oregonian TWO newspaper solicitors, special propo sitton.Call room 616 Perkins Hotel, after MANUFACTURER has exclusive territorr open; splendid proposition. C6 0'h t -room 8. WANTED Bright office boy at wholesale house; address in own writing. AC 016 Oregonian. LEDGER-KEEPER, wholesale house- bookkeeper-stenographer for country 3l"ii. Washington St., room 18.' LIIL clerk In wholesale grocerv house; mupt be familiar with the line. Answer stating experience. B 61 . Oregonian I CAN use 6 more real estate solicitors no money required; liberal commission' MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. BOOKKEEPER Jn wholesale house- answer stating age, experience and salary expect ed. B 617. Oregunian. . WANTED First-class solicitor for electric light and power in Oregon. AD 601 Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS machinist, all-round man Bldgf town Cal1 Commercial Club WANTED Photograph and portrait agent new, winning offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. ANTED Experienced- stenographer, whole sale house; reference required; state salary expected. Address P. O. Box 131.- MOTIOX-FICTfRR operators earn $25 week - ly; easy inside work; learn business in short time; levns reamable. 526 Wash. BARBER for Friday and Saturday "66 st. FIRST-CLASS upholsterer wanted. I. G. Mack & Co., oth and Stark sts. WANTED Structural Steel draftsmen. Apply Northwest Steel Co., 420 X. Front st. MANAGER wanted for Realty Department of Company. Address N TJ1 Oregonian. ALL-AROUND salesman. freneral store. Eastern Oregon. 313 H Wash., room 1. FIRST-CLASS saddle-maker. Cronin Co.. 12'J First st. Th P. J. WE secure posit lens for .our members. Special-membership. Y. M. C- A- SHOEMAKER wanted. 100 East 2Sth st. N. Chance to buy interest in shop. WANTED Mandolin player l-r caf-. work; good faker will do. AM f.lo, Oregonian. KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife, country (cplace; man care horses, cows, .'hfekens. garden ; wife good cook and laundress; good wages with board. D G10, Oregonian. PISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sition to A-l instructors. 611 S wet land. WANTED Energetic ladies of good ad dress and prepossessing appearance to take up a lucrative employment; ex perience not necessary; permanent em ployment and good salaries to those who demonstrate ability. Address an swers. AL 617. Oregonian. WANTED A midle-aged woman to dd gen eral housework in family of two; good I wages and home to right partv; must be good cook and furnish references. AM Bid, Oregonian GIRL wanted to assist in cooking and gen eral housework for a family of three. Ap ply 24K Cornell road, bet. Marshall and North ruj sts. WANTED A lady to help care for small flat and cooking and household duties; good home. Call 30 North loth, between 11 A. L and 2 p. M. COMPETENT cashier, who must also be fair stenographer. Please give details of your experience in reply. L 616. Ore gonian. WANTED A skilled cook for-prtvate family: good wages, no washing; partlca able to furnls-h references' as to ability. Address J 616. Oregonian. 500 WOMEN to buy sample suits $10. $15 and S 20. and save half. Worrell's Sam ple Cloaks and Suits. 134 6th st., cor. Aider, opposite The Oregonian. NEAT, bright. irl or boy to answer phone and do billing on typewriter; good chance for beginner with knowledge of stenogra phy, if good speller. V 615, Oregonian. WANTED Several1 young ladies for ticket sellers, etc.. Dreamland Dancing Pavilion., commencing Fridaj'. and Saturdav night. See Merrill, 7th and Oak. afternoons. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.60 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 269Z. GOOD girl for cooking and housework: city references; second girl kept. S22 Johnson bl WANTED GIkI for general housework in small family. Apply 325 East 3!th St., cor. Clinton. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, S26 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836 or A 82 66. WANTED At once, good girl for general housework, 2 in family. Call- 774 Irving st., mornings. GIRL for general housework In family of 3; wages ?1S. Address 340 No. 2IUh. Main $503. GIRL, general housework, small family, good wages. 16 Spring st., Portland Heights. WANTED Experienced drapery sewers; none others need apply. Drapery Dept. Tull & Gtbbs. 6th Moor. NEAT girl to wait on table and assist with housework; no cooking. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th st. GIRL for general housework, small familv. Apply 520 Weidler st. Take Broadway car to 11th st. AN experienced pantry woman, out of city, good wages, fan advanced. Call room 1, 20v'- Morrison st. WANTED Ladles to learn telegraphy, good positions, day and evening classes; inves tigate. Oregon College, s:; 5th., Cor Oak. COMPETENT woman for general house work; wages $20. Barbour, 1074 East 41st at.; Woodstock. COMPETENT girl for general housework; family -2; German preferred. Call morn ings. 5S0 1st st. .A FOREIGNER wants private teacher to teach him English; read and write. T 610, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework and cooking: small family of grown people; best of wages. 5TO Hoyt st. , GRL for general housework and cooking ; 3 in family. 734 Main. Bet. Ford and St. Clair. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must? be good plain cook, two In family. 434 Salmon, cor. 12th. WANTED irl to learn machine washing. Apply superintendent Yale Laundry, 500 Kast Morrison. GIRL for general housework; 3 In famllv. 734 Umson ave. Portland Heights car. Gwt off Patton road. YOUNG MAN would like to have a private lady teacher, to learn English. Address 304 Burnside st. WANTED Saleslady for dry goods; city references required. Alexander, 23d and Thurman sts. WA nTEd Com petent woman cook, 403 Yamhill st., private family; can go home nights if preferred. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave, and East Taylor. A GOOD cook; family of 3; state wage de sired. AM 614, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for housework. 617 E 17th N., near Stanton. East 1359. NEAT, quick girl wanted. Stein's res taurant, 266 Stark. No Sunday work. CHAMBERMAID wanted; one can serve at d inner. 53 North 1 8th st . . cor. Daviw. WANTED Lady compositor. Albany .Her ald. Albany, Oregon. SECOND girl to sleep home; family of S62 Third st. WANTED A competent cook at The Marlyn. t54' Couch L, cor. 17th. GENERAL housework, familv of two. Ap ply mornings. 447 West Park. WANTED Experienced cook, good wanes call 103 N 22d st. PRIVATE lessons shorthand, typewriting ex pert method. 304 12th et. Main 6S90 YOUNG girl to assist with housework; 4 in family. 449 E. 20th North, Iningion, WANTED Woman for general housework. Apply. 574 East Morrison. Phone E. 150S. GIRL for general housework. 1200 Haw thorne ave. OIRL to assist ge'neral housework.' 702 Marshall, near 22d. Apply forenoons. GIRL to assist with, general housework. 6J6 Everett st. GOOD, clean cook for general housework. 274 North 23th, corner - Overton. YOUNG lady wishes position as waitress. Phone Main 8l02. TWO expert young -girls for chop house. 34-3H Morrison st. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with house work in smaJl family. 862 Savier st. nill Nl-RSE girl. Uh experience. Phone Main 44S9. 585 Mrarshall. WANTED--Teacher for private Ies-on. night or day; foreigner. T 617, Oregonian. GIRL for general hcgsework, $30. 395 Hassalo, cor. Grand ave. GIRL to assist with general housework, $5 per week. 360 i::rh. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. W ANTED Position in grocery or- general merchandise store by man thoroughly ex perienced; best references; city or coun try. N. s. Berg, Portland, Or. WANTED By an expert accountant, posi tion with large wholesale house or manu facturing concern; best of references. Ad dress N 610. Oregonian. MAN of 24. 6 years", varied experience aa bookkeeper, fair stenographer, wants po sition with prospects; references. M 617, Oregonian. BY COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man. age 36, good experience and refer ences : reasonable salary with prospects M 618. Oregonian. WANTED -A New York man would like an office position with a first-class real estate house: bsst references. W 615, Oregonian. YOT'NCi law student wants position, moderate .salary to tart. to meet expenses. S 616, Oregonian. GOOD stenographer with experience desires position at reasonable salary. Phone A : YOUNG married man deanrea position. arcv.i t tetura! draftsman. 5 years' experience. T 618. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 22, business college graduate, wants position. Address Geo. Smith, Sher wood, Or- Route 1. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and general office man, are 28, ten years practical experience, desires position with oppor tunities; best of references. a. 616, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED, energetic salesman of character and ability wishes to represent reliahle firm. Oregon -or Washington. X 617, Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeping work of any kind; books posted, statements made out by ex perienced man. Home phone A S762. WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper; - experienced and good references. AN 614. Oregonian. POSITION by experienced bookkeeper-stenographer. AB 617. Oregonian. M iscei laneoos. FIRST-CLASS electrician wants position, manager or installer of electrjc plant, or chief electrician with mining company; familiar with hydro, steam plants, storage batteries. Heber, O706 Columbus at.t Spo kana Wash. YOUNG MAN, 20, experienced in private investigations and reports, offers sen-ices for position -sequtring secrecy, confidence and ability; satisfactory references. AN R1U. Oregonian. AN experienced lumberman qualhied to fill any position from accountant up desires to engage with large lumber manufacturer or wholesaler; best of references. Address V 617. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants steady work for contrac tor 3 years experience as cabinet maker, 2 years at general carpenter work. Au-dretw Jens Therklldaen. Paterson. Wash POSITION wanted by responsible young man and wife; man as chauffeur or helper, wife as nurse; wages reasonable. L 615. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN 40. no Children, desires position as janitor In office or other building : very best ref enences. Address 343 Yamhill st., room 9. Main 6344. EXPERIENCED greenhouse man wants po sition In or out of cltv. AK 619, Ore gonian. CHINESK1 COOK wishes- to get a position for family, cook or pantry work. Call Main MAN and wife want position aa cook and helper, or work of any kind; first-class workers. Y 618. Oregonian. GREEK BUY. 20 years old. wants any kind of work; can talk Knglish. AN 611. Ore gonian. i CARPENTER wants employment on inside or outside work; good mechanic. AM 61l, Oregonian. FIRST and second "cook and helper want work together in boarding-house or camp. R 618, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants Job as cook, helper or dishwasher. Address 1064- N. 17th st. BY professional licensed embalmer. Ad dress AB U16, Oregonian. A JAPANESE boy wants place es schonl boy or other. W. S. Ishimcri, 121 N. 15th. YOUNG Japanese wants position at house work. Address K 619, Oregonian. WOULD attend to furnace mornings In re turn for room. X 618. Oregonian. IF you want an experienced and reliabl" chauffeur, call up A 7460. SITUATION WANTED FEMAJLX. . Bookkeepers and Stenographers. AN educated young lady stenographer, ex perienced in law, desires position. O 617, Oregonian. LADY stenographer desires position the 1st of January; own Remington No. 30; refer ences. Main. 826. FOR stenographer, good beginner, willing worker and good speller, poone A 0446. WANTED Young lady Wishes position as of fice clerk. B lloo. FOR an experienced law stenographer. No. 1 references. Phone M. 6US4. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING In families, children's work. Phone Main 2Tui; call for Miss Cooper. Housekeepers. CAPABLE woman, housekeeper, rooming house, widower's faanily. Main 2039. A 4773. Domestic. TWO strong girls Want general housework; good plain cooks. 301 North 16th, cor. Pettygrove. Miscellaneous. HONORABLE woman wishes situation in family of two where she would be treated with due consideration. AL 619. Orego nian. AN experienced saleslady and demonstrator is rady to accept position. AB 618, Oregonian. COLORED woman wants any kind of work Phone Main 6390. ask for Mrs. Smith. WOMAN wishes work by the day or hour. S 615. Oregonian. A LADY would like work by day or hour. Phone Main 4674. AS assistant in doctor's or dentist's office; salary no object. N 620, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Good agents, male or female, to sell an article never before offered for sale In Portland. Call room 334 Sherlock bldg.. corner 3d and Oak. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock: out fit . free CRpital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon WANTED TO RENT. A LADY wants to subrent a small fur nished apartment or room on the West Side for 2 or 3 months; references given. W 610. Oregonian. Houses. 4 OR 5-room furnished home or flat; state rent and location; responsible parties. J 619. Oregonian. WANTED- -Well-furnished house or 5-room fiat where vocal practicing is allowed. Room 20, Washington bldg. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow by January 10; state rent and location. A. Jackson Detsch, 1110 East Lincoln st. Rooms With. Board. WANTED Room, plain board, private family. S 618, Oregonian. - YOUNG man wants room with board refined Jewish family. F 619, Oregonian. FOB KENT. Furnished Booms. SARGENT HOTEL. New management. Graud, Hawthorne; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone, E. 291. In every room: largest rooms In city for permanent people, baths; transient 60c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newiy renovated throughout ; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.60 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and batbs free. THE MERTARPEH, 128 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water in all rooms; very reasonable term. THE LANDORE APARTMENTS, 328 10th St.. between Jeffereon and Columbia One large front room and one single room, newly furnished; all conveniences HOTEL IRVING. 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat.; reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. HOTEL BISHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; ail modern con veniences; X3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647 B E AUT1 FU LLY f urn I shed rooms, hot and com water, cesiraoie location, central 1S1 11th st.. cor. Yamhi'l. A 35S0. a c ti,s i uooa . roomi, reasonable; new - iurniture, teiepnone and oaths free 327 Vs Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eaten. . THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week. 548 Washington st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen- irs.1, , o per weeit; transient. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly -twu tu Aiuias, A xsmniu ana nth. Furnished Rooms. NEW SCOTT HOTEL Seventh and Ankeny Sts "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting and" Tefurmshing. all for vour beneflt. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who apprecai;e cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof buildmf, steam heated hot and coid running water in all rooms, richly furnished, tlnest beds that money can buy. and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; every thing tirst-class: rates. 50c. 7."c and $1 per day; 3.50 and up per week. Call and see as- 128 h st. North. HOTEL SAVON. ' 13H Eleventh St. NEW, modern brick building; just opened ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water in ail rooms; STEAM HEAT, private baths; excellent location, just off Washing ton st.; special raits by week or month. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sta. Away frm the nolfe; 5 minutes' walk Washington and 3d; Jtu?t completed; new furnishings, hot and cold wat-r, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy; single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3. $4 and $o per week. Phone A 7731, M 8639. HOTEL ANTLERS, Corner 10th and Washington Sts. Rooms, single or en sufle; SPECIAL low monthly rates; steam hat. private baths, hot and cold water In ail rooms; beautifully furnished; tourist trade solicited. CHOICE furnished suites in Burkhard bidg., ,ir-.i.jy rioiuij, waiKing oisiance and on car lines. SKti East Burneide st. Inquire on premises. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; tatn. neat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. Furnished Bourns in Private Family. BEAUTIFUL sleeping-room. newly fur nished, select private house, privilege of light housekeeping; swvill locality; steam heat. Main 8073. DESIRABLE single rooms, running water. lunijw'e iiea. i, otner conveniences, . ii-it Hall st. NT 'ELY furnished front suite and single room, modem conveniences, good heat, reasonable. 213 13th st. CHOICE furnished rooms, new house, best reasonable; men only. MsJ 1219. FRONT alcove room, very central, houee mod em, private family. 38 Salmon between "VSest Park and Tenth. ROOM and breakfast, for two young men. iw. i ia.iiin ; reiurences. to'a .Mis souri ave. DOUBLE front room, also single room, for Knut;men; warm and comfortable; hot and cold water. West Park. Main OuOO. GEN'TLEMAN having a pleasant front room wants a roommate ; reasons ble rent. 472 Taylor st. PLEASANT front room for one or two gentlemen, central, modern, bath, furnace heat. 292 12th st. LIGHT, warm room, kitchen privilege, to lady employed ; walking distance. 712 V Washington st- TWO single rooms, fiat, swell furniture, hot irmiiiiS u au;r, lurnace neat, uatti, phone, walking distance. bi 7 Yamhill. NEWLY furnished room, furnace heat, $8 jAiuiiiu. n .wain, oeiweeu otu and 6th. $9.00 MONTH Nice warm mom. bath, splendid location, close in. 452 ttth. FU RNISHED rooms, suitable for ladies 263 i th et. Main 5254, A 3143. FURNISHED front hall room (new), phone, bath. 434 3d. Flat C. ROOM suitable for two -young men. mod ern. 31 N. Park, near Burnside st. 416 TAYLOR ST. Small sleeping room; modern. $10. FURNISHED room for rent. 332 Larrabee. i aunt) v . joj. NICELY furnished front room ; very rea sonable. 130 North 16th st. NICELY furnished rooms, well located, close in. cheap. t 533 Washington st. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED large front room. new building; phone, bath. 434 3d, Flat C. TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdl- iucu. vi jiurrison si. Booms With boar a. THE WEAVER. 710 Washlng-tm st.. near King, brand new, elegantly f urniahed ; every roum has a pri vate bath, telephone; the maximum of con venience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and inspect; dining room in connection. THE MAGNOLIAS Kearnev St., between 19th and 20th. Large, newly furnished rooms for families; private baths, hot and cold water, modern conveniences, first class table, beautiful ground. Also swell rooms for gentlemen, $30. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange, 166 5th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. 590 COUCH, bachelors halL will room and board party of 4 working men at $20 per month; walking distance, home cooking. THE MARLYN Moved to 554 Couch st.. will reopen January 1, 1910. Reservations may be made now. Phone A 30S1. BY January 1. fine front suite, also single room. 452 Morrison, corner 13th. FIRST-CLASS board and room, strictly modern, choice location. 374 Park st. LARGE front room with board. 46 3d The Hollywood. "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or Rooms With Board tn Private Family. FINE accommodations in private familv for a couple of young men; price verv reason able. Phone Main 5770. 335 Montgomery street. PRIVATE room, board, laundrv; best care, helpless Invalid; city references. Thone Tabor 951. BOARD and room. bath, phone, steam heat use of piano; $6 per week. 191 11th, near Yamhill. PLEASANT. weil-fumished rooms, good board, reasonable, employed people. 120 N. 18th. Fl'RNISHED rooms and board. 1.SS East 32th st. South, between Yamhill and lay lor. COZY warm room in refined home, suit able for 2; 2 meals; reasonable; modern and homelike. Phone Main 64 S5. LARGE, nicely furnished front room. A 1 board, strictly private, modern, reasonable. 521 Couch. ROOM and board for young man; home cook ing; walking distance; 353 Lincoln; Mala 6S43. LARGE comer room, well furnished, suitable for two. reasonable. Main 2u71, West Side. BOARD and rooms in private house for gen tleman. 574 Gllsan, cor. 18th. GOOD board, cozy rooms, to business people 712 Hoyt st. NICELY furnished front room, with board. o&5 East Taylor. Phone East u06. 168 10TH, pleasant room with or without board; suitable for young men. REFINED home, splendid rortm, choice board, on Sod st. carline. 71 Marshall st. ROOM and board ; central, convenient, fea- eonaoie, i:io3 ltn m. SINGLE room with board, close In, for gen tleman; references required. A 2618. NICE, warm rooms and board at 561 Irv ing st. THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1, 4 -room unfurnished apartment. Refer ences. Apply 4uite 2. $25 5-ROOM up-to-date apartment, every convenience. Main 7112. low steam-heat ed a nartm nte; 4 large Z-AaJi I CliM. JUS in OOVJ.. ISOOT ldl. Apartments. ORDELE1GH APARTMENTS New. brick. Grand ave. and Fast Stark; well furnished 3-room apartments poiielns every mod ern convenience. Including steam heat hot water. nr. me baths and phones. whil these apartments are as up-to-date as any in the eiry and about as close to the bui: center, the prices aji considers bh eA; now ready for occupancy. Plione Eat 3M; no children. READY January 1. THE ALTAMONT, Bth and College; make reservations now. Best in the Northwest ; deposit vaults; phones, hot water, steam heat, electric lifts In each apartment. FREE CLUBROOM. First-class janitor service. Call at apart ments or phone. FIDELITY ADJ. CO.. Main 8014, 417 Fenton Bldg. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4 -room family apartments, pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone; some unfur nished ; janitor service; rent reasonable. TO LET Fashionable apartments now ready for occupancy. E. ilst and Haw thorne ave; 6 rooms and bath and extra servant's room; nothing comparable to these fiats in Portland ; will give tease to desirable tenants only. Ring up E. , 1314 or come direct to apartment. RK-U-KAN. The most exclusive furnished apart ments Itr the city; three-room suits, bath and reception hall, both phones, electriu elevator; take W or lGih-st car. 624 Marshall st. FOR RENT 5-room apartment, steam heat, an modern conveniences. Brain tree Apart ments, corner 12th, and Columbia, phone Main 7741. 5-ROOM. furnished inside aiartmrnt. Helnts Apartments, Htb and Columbia sts. Ap ply apartment No. 14. ST. CLAIR. 715 Wayne St. Modern six-room apartment; nil conveniences, walking dis tance, phone Main 4130. MODERN 4 rooms, fireplace, hot water hent. gas range, refrigerator, outside rooms. 15 East 15th. near Yamhill. FOR RENT Furnished 4-rootn flats; fur nace heat, bath and pantry: walking dis tance, god neigh borhood. Wood lawn 042. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everest, 3 and 2 unfurnished suites. Flats. 5-ROOMED strictly modern new flats with fireplace, cabinet kitchen, furnaco and large porches, overlooking the I Add Tract, 1 block south of Hawthorne ave cor. E. 12th and Clay sts.; rent $30. Phone WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer o., iain a ium. au covered wag ons, all experienced men. BRAND NEW. up-to-date flats, with either st. Either F or S car. A MODERN 5-room fiat for rent. J25. 490 East 12th and Division. Inquire 48S or phone A 33S3. $16 Modern 4 -room flatw, wtth basement; adults. iM A ill lams ave. Woodlawn 426. FLATS. 731 Hoyt su. near 22d. rooms oaui. inquire 133 bth st. Uaitt 6278. 5 AND 0-roorw upper flats. 730 Belmont near East 20th; new building. Housekeeping Rooms. $1.50 week. large, clean furn. .housekeeping ruuiiia, launuij. cam, gas. Ssnerman. SEVERAL desirable rooms-. 551 Morrison st. inquire ihw. upstairs. NICK furnished housekeeping-rooms. $14.00. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12 tn and Marshall sts. ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water baths, laundry, reception -room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up; best in citi for money; short distance from Union Depot. "S" or loth-st cars north, get oif at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. ON EON T A, 187 17th, near Yamhill; take W. ca r at de jt ; f urnUdied 2, a and A -room housekeeping .suites by week S5.5o. by month $2t and up; hot and cold water, baths and pnonew free. Main 41507. A 473d. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, 2. s montn. a tor ia; cottages, $16, J27-50; lower flat, 4 rooms, $11; unfurnished house. $10. 304 20th North. W car from, depot, :td or Morrison to 20th. block north. TH E MI LNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished. Phones, heat. 194 14th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 482 Washington st. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. Houek eep 1 n g Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished 2-room housekeeping; suite, rooms are connecting with free phone and bath, central part of city and I no children in the house; all married couples; rent $18 per month or $4.50 per week. 342 Clay St., cor. of 7th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Private family, parlor, kitchen and bath, connected; well furnished, close to caxllne and Ladd School. Inquire 533 Montgomery, after noons. TWO large flnely furnished front housekeep ing rooms; new Mission furniture. 2 beds, all conveniences; first floor. Main S643. 353 12th st. SUITE ' of 2 completely furnished rooms, sink, gas range, hot water heater, bath, free phone; nice place; no children. 34 Park st. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms in nice residence near Killingsworth and Wil liams aves. 1212 Moore st. Phone Wood lawn 1254. 3 NICE unfurnished rooms, first floor, gas. water. 119 ; good neighborhood. 4 48 Co lumbia st. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite' or 2 rooms, modern, walking distance. 3S7 Mill st. 2 WELL-FURNISHED rooms; furnace heat, gas rangvs. free phone and bath; $16 per month. 500 Johnson st.. near 15th. ONE front furnished housekeeping room, with kitchen, gas. large closet. 511 Ever ett st. $10 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. CSS nlate. ra1 ru n KlU rrt t. t SUITE housekeeping-rooms, free bath and - - ..v, ma ami mil, near jo. TWO nicely-furnished housekeeping-room. J14 East Yamhill st.;. $12.. ONE large, clean, well-furnished housekeep ing room, $12. 334 Park st. ONE large room furnished for light house keeping. 311 Main. bet. &th and 6th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite. 38 6th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 7 N. 14rh at., between Davis and Everett. $2.75 per week, furnished room. 251 6th st. house keeping- GOOD housekeeping rooms, well located. cheap. 5:13 Washington st. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences; rent $16. Phone Main 7773. PLEASANT housekeeping suite. 255 11 th, st., near Main. SINGLE housekeeping room, furnace heat, fcvery convenience. 405 Stark st. TWO basement rooms furnished for hous keeping. '.'ifl 1 4th st. Til REE f uniished housekeeping rooms, cheap: walking distance. 5ol East Oak. 3 R furnished housekeeping rooms, bath $12.50 a,nd u;. oy2 Front. MODERN 8-rootn dwelling, southeast comer of 24th and Marshall sts. Martin Sc. Camp bell. 301 Worcester Block. Main 731. NEW 4-room fiat, 5 minutes from Postoffice very reasonable. Inquire 367 10th st. 8-ROOM house. Inquire 256 12th st , near Main. 4- ROOM cottage, bath. gas. shades, $1q 386 East Oth st. North. Broadway car. 5- ROOM cottage, nicely furnished, at 40S College st. Call at 414 College st. T-ROOM modern house, full lot. Lovejoy near 24th. I. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 10-room hjue. Nob Hill. In quire 747 Glisan sc. DESIRABLE modern rooms, gas. electricltT furnace. 512 East Market st. EIGHT-ROOM, modern house, r7 Irving st. . Call Lamon. Main 3143. A 1312.