Tim MORXLNG OREGOXIAX, ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1909. N 11 LICENSES OPPOSED FIRST, THEN GIVEN Council - Refuses to Instruct Chief Cox to Force Resorts to Observe Law. SIX PERMITS ARE GRANTED neMaurajtts Violate Ordinance Often Sa,T Cellars Baker Denies It,' baying Police Guard Well. . Orientals Los. After reversing Itself and ,votins to grant half , a dozen restaurant liquor licenses which It liad previously rejected, the Clty t'ouncll yesterday afternoon refused to adopt a resolution by Councilman Cellars asking Chief of Police Cox to enforce the law regarding these establishments. Mr. Ollars declared that every one of them violates the law scores of times every day, but that the police are not paying any hee$ to It. Councilman Baker challenged the state ments of his colleague, saying he thinks Chief Cox and his subalterns know more about what is going on in the city than does Mr. Cellars, who "leaves home for his office at S o'clock In the morning and returns home at 6 o'clock in the evening." There was a decisive vote against re questing Chief Cox and the policemen under his dlrectioD to enforce the law. Mr. Cellars' main contention is that the restaurant where liquor Is served do not comply with the provisions of the ordi nance, but that they serve drinks with, sandwiches or even less whereas, the law is that "they can only sefl liquor with a full meal. "I think every one of these men hold ing such licenses will admit that lie vio lates the law every day of his life." asserted Councilman Cellars. "They will ail tell you they serve drinks with a sand wich or less, which Is absolutely a vio lation of the ordinance, which specifies they can serve liquor with, full meals only." "Well. It seems to me that Chief of Pole Cox and Ills men are out over this city all night, and It strikes me they, know more about what is going on than does a Councilman who leaves his home for his office at & o'clock in the morning and returns home for the nieht at 6 o'clock," said Councilman Baker. "Of eourese, Mr. Cellars simply says that Chief Cox and his officers have not enforced the. law for the last six months and have not fulfilled their oaths of office. I am opposed to his motion, and for one do not think we should instruct him to obey tile laws he Is sworn to enforce." Licenses Opposed Before. The licenses granted by t,ie Council yesterday are those over which there was waged & bitter fight between rival 'ounrtl factions last week at the regular session. They are as follows: Barba f irc. Paul & Georges. Ill North Third street, saloon license: A. J. Bums, 27- Taylor street ; Charles Pomeror, lti.1 West Park street; W. H. Brown. 2S2 Hurnside street; Lindberg & W'ettle, 245 Taylor street, licenses to serve liquor with meals. An effort ilposbthe part of Councilman Watkins, after theSrthers had tieen grant ed, was made to grant licenses to certain Chinese restaurants, refused last week, but it met with failure. The seven Coun cilmen who reversed the action of last meeting refused to sanction any licenses for Chinese or Japanese, thus leaving the. I'ekln and Canton Grills out In th cold. Yesterday afternoon's reversal by the Council began when Councilmar. Dun ning moved that the Council reconsider lis vote on the license of Barbafare. Paul & Georges, at 111 North Third street, which had been held up pending an In vestigation called for by Councilman Dev. 1 in. Councilman Devlin, upon returning to the city late one n&ht, saw a drunken man thrown out into the street from this saloon. He said he would not give the proprietors any license until' lie was as sured the action was justifiable. Councilman Dunning said he had In-. ' vestigated, that he had talked with Mr. Devlin, Chief of Police Cox and patrol men on the beat, all of whom had au thorized the statement that they were willing for the Council to grant the license; that the place has always been well conducted, and that there is no ob jection to . it. "This seems a little milder than Mr. Devlin's statement here last week," ven tured Councilman Cellars. "I don't think It right for one Coun cilman to" question the word of another Councilman on this floor," interjected Mr. Baker. I'ormcr Objection Dropped. Councilman Devlin was absent yester day, but Mr. Dunning assured the Mayor and members of the Council that it was all right with Mr. Devlin, that It was a shame to hold up the license of the saloon where the trouble occurred. The man. who was ejected, said Mr. Dunning, "was a bully, a fellow who wanted to have bis own way in the place, and was . thrown out forcibly, very properly, too." "When that man went back to the saloon after being put out the first time, he went at his own peril, probably look ing for trouble," said Councilman Belding. "He got Just what he deserve!." After, the disposition of this license varioueneinbers of tho Council moved to grant restaurant liquor licenses to the wstablishnients named. There was very Utile discussion, the combination being sufficiently strong to carry the vote, and those opposing could only demonstrate their position by voting against the ma jority. Councilnieii Wallace. Cellars. Kllis. Rushlight. Lombard and Watkins voted aKatii&k granting the licenses, while Couii-i-ilmen Atmanii. Baker. 'Belding, Driscoll, Dunning. Kubll and Menefee voted to grant them. The action of the Council yesterday in timates that thrre is dissatisfaction with the recommendations of the liquor license committee, which 4s dominated by the anti-liquor members. Of those voting against the liquor licenses yesterday, tuncilmcn Wallace, Cellars and Watkins are members of the committee; Council man Lombard supports, as a general rule, the committee reports. The licenses reported against by the committee were for places said by the members of the committee to be undesir able, or not law-abiding. PINKERTONS BREAK AWAY letoctii Agency Won't Work for American Bankers in Future. PinVerton's National Eetecttve Agency ha issued a statement concerning: its " iwwit troak n-ith the American Bankers' Association In -which the Pinkertons claim that the break vas caused, by The refusal on their pari, to further attend to the business of the association for which f.ie cency had been the privat detectives for L-' 15 years. A prediction that crimes of all c1ae.e against banks nilj Centrally Located Modern Imperial Hotel Headquarters "There's a Reason" Seventh and Washington PhiL Metochan &. Son, Props. Lob a- Distance Phone In Kvery Room. Rates $1.00, THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. MODERN RKOTACBANT coot om irauoH ixjuails I HOTELOREGON-i 5 CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS I Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up ; Z EUROPEAN PLAN "J WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL. CO., Props. ! A hotel In F. J. Richardson, Prea. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European flan Rate, t FamUtoa Our Baa Meeta AH Trains ample Sottas with Baths for Cammoreial Travelers. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE iiiii mt IvthM C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. THE NEW SEWARD Corner lOth and Alder f The leading; hotel of Portland, opened July 1909. Modern In every detail, furnished 1 elegance. Most beautiful corner lobby In Northwest. Commodious sample ro&ms. European plan. Hates $1.50 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. W. M. SEWARD, Prop. OPENED SEPT., 1909 HOTEL LENOX CORNER THIRD AND MAIN STS. PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Hot and Cold Water. jy ATFC Lpntf Distance Phone 1 " in Every Room. $1.00 and Up increase because of this break fs made in this statement, which says: We did not renew the contract because the one which the association tried, to make us accept was not favorable to us. Their business is only 1 per cent of the work we do in the course of a year. That our efforts for the American Bankers Association have been of great benefit to Us m tmber Is shown in that for 15 years there were but 194 burglaries and attempted burglaries of banks, members of the association, netting- the criminals only About 5147.000. as against 1062 bank. not members of the association, netting the criminals about $1X00,000. AMEND LOCAL OPTION LAW? Suggestion That c Comities Sliould Kegrulate Liquor in Cities. BAKER CITY, Or.. Dec. 36. To the Edi tor.) Referring to a recent editorial in The Qregonian on prohibition. I wish to say that the question, and even the word "prohibi tton." as applied to liquor trade, do not exist !n Continental Europe, the reason being only that the laws against drunkehnvM are better enforced in Kurope. and the repression Is stronger, and therefore no need of prohi bition is felt. prohibition would have never existed in the United States if laws had been etiforced. Proper re (filiation and re striction are the only solutions to the liquor problem. In connection with thin question, Jr would be well for the next Legislature to amend the law fclving to counties the power of reg ulating the cities, say of over 1O0 Inhabi tants, at the same time dealing- with such regulations as it will see tit. If the people want to repeal the work of the l.eniBiature, they have their initiative and referendum power, which they have al ready used in this matter, but without fully understaadlna; the consequences of their vote. It is a fact that in aome small agglomera tions of a hundred or a few hundred of peo ple prohibition may be deemed neceaaary when there la abuse and absence of police force, but the question la entirely different In 1 sra;er cities, where proper ersranieatkm exist. - N. E. I. Salem AVonien Not Indicted. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 29. (Special.) The grand Jury today returned not true bills in the cases of five women cnarsrd with conducting places, of bad repute. The Improvements $1.50, $2.00 HTU)QrRTtR8 FOR TO RJST- and (OMMERdAL TRAVELERS. Bpedal rates made to families and sin gle gentlemen. Th management will b Blessed at all times to show rooms and give prtcw. A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. lana;er. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington StsI Opened Tune. 1908. the verv heart of Portland's business ac tivity. Only hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Kvery convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern la every respect. Kates $1.00 and up. Cafe and grill; music during lunch, dinner and after theater. X,. O.. STretland, See. 45 PRICES !&R3La-iuS.J2M.- 'j I THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome," corner Park and Alder. Portland 's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and' up. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnished Rates, $1.00 and Up Special Rates for Permanent Earopeaut Flan. ''Bus Meets All Trains, M. E. FOLEY. PROPRIETOR. PRIVATE BATHS r same women with one exception, were convicted at av recent, term of court on similar charges and their cases are pend ing appeal. PROPERTY CHANGES HANDS George W. Brown and E. E, Merges Acquire Fine Lots. Two realty deals were closed yester day in. the business and semi-business portions of the city, through- the agency of Keasey. Humason & JefTery. George W. Brown purchased one lot at the northeast corner of Ninth and Inlanders streets 'for ? 30, 000, and E. E. Merges purchased a lot at the north west corner of Tenth and Davis streets for 21,000. The lot purchased by "Mr. Brown is 60x100 feet in size. It was bought from Dr. J. B. Montgomery. The property is occupied with a three-story frame Hat building which 'brings in a rental of $175 a month, or 7 per cent on the In vestment of $30,000. The lot was bought purely as an investment. The corner at Tenth and' Davis streets was purchased by Mr. Merges from Mrs." S. M. Cornell. This is also 50x100 feet in size. It is occupied by two cottages, each one-story dwell ings, and a two-story frame store building. These bring in a rental of $100 a month, or almost 6 per cent on the purchase price of $21,000. Mr. Merges has been investing heavily in Portland real estate for the last year or so. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Co a I CHURCH LETT BROS., wood and coai v1 dealers, "office and yard 13ta and MarclialL Phones Main 93 L. A. 3&S1. Klnriat Cut Flowers always fresh rrors v o our own conservatories Martia Forbes C-w a7 Washlagtoar St. Beta phonea. lentil Richmond and WaJlaend Anstrallaa. independent Coal A. Ice Conapaajr. epposite City Library. Betk phonea AMI" SKMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER TOMORROW "AND SATI BDAV. Hourly from 2 to 10 I. M. HETCHEL-JOBNSON HGHT P1CTVRES ' Popular Prices. 25 cents, any p'ace. r PORTLAND THEATER "SS Phones Main 443. Home A 70So' ONXY TWICE MORK. Tonight and Tomorrow Nieht. Set-w Yonr Seats Early. 3Jost brilliant success of the season, Julian Edwards' Comic Opera Triumph "THE Gat MrSICIAN." Wit h the original New York-Company. Miss Texas Guinan, Prima Donna. Prices Xigbts. 50c to $1.50. MAIN" . A 10?0. MATINEE EVERY DAT. 15-25-5QS HICHTS THEATER '5-'J5!7i-: WEEK ' DEfEMBFR V. Arttiro Bernard!. I'na rlaytou & o. in "His Loral Color." The f'hadwk'k Trio Preaeotins; "For Sale. WiKins Farm." Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Toelker. The Four Readings, Hopkins and Axtell in "Trolley Troubles," De-well Sisters. Orchestra. Pictures. BAKER THEATER Geo. I,. Baker Msr Main 2. A 5360. TOXIOHT ALL THIS WEEK. ."evfr Year's Mat. Sat., 2oc r0c. The Blsr Sone and Fnn Show, "(iEO. PBIMROSK'S v MAMMOTH MINSTRELS. Splendid Singers, ("harming: Music, Funny Comedians. 1910 Ideas, World's Greatest and Best. Nisht Prices. 23c, 50c, 73c. sl.uv. Xext Week. OponiPE Sunday Matinee, BERNARD JALY. 'ANTAGES Advanced Vaudeville Mr. Arthur HuMon ' Roosevelt In Africa." Zinka Panns, Kiernan, Wallers & Kier nan. JsMobs & Sardel. the Orpbeu Coined y Four. Cora Hall, X.eo White. Pantis;etcoie. Popular Prices Matinee Daily Curtain 2:30. 7:S and 9 GRAND WEEK OF DECEMBER 27. 190. MICKEY'S Kay r'ern, COMEDY CIRCCS. 1-e Bruo (imnd . Opera Trio. Traloor A Dale. Matinee every day Gertrude Van Dyek. Kobisi'b & Children Bros. Whitman, Fretl Bauer. Grandascope. i! :S0 : any seat. 1 Sr. Evening: performances. :30, 9:15; balcony. 15c: lower floor. 25c; box seats. 50c. LYRIC THEATER X Phones. Main 4685, A 1023. Prices 30, 20. lOo The Popular Athon Stock Company j IN . CHISPA 99 Gold Watch Given Away Friday Evening. Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening at 8:15. Next Week "The Squaw Man;' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 1908. Daily or Sunday, v Per Uue. One time 12o Same ad two consecutive times o Same ad three consecutive times .30j Same ad six or seven consecutive times, .fifto Six words count as one line on cash atl" vcrtisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement is Dot run consecutive times the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advert Isements nnder "New Today' and all other c las silica tions excepting the following: Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted. Female. For Rent. Booms. Private Families, m Rooms and Board. Private Families. Rtousekevping- Rooms. Private Families. The rate of the above clasaittcatlon is 7 cent a line each insertion. Space la the "New Tod nr colmns it flern'ed br measure onlj It lines to the inch. XO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore Cnian will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance fur adefUiite number of Issues is sent. Acknowledgement of such romittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge of book advertisements the chares will be based on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. AUCTION SAXES TODAY. Auction sale today at Baker's Auction House. 152 lark street, furniture, etc Sal at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auctioneers. Residence sale furniture carpets, etc.. at 587 Washington street, at 10 A. M. by the Ford Auction Company At residence 5S7 Washington st.. near 19th. Sals 10 A. M. by the Ford Auction Co. MEETING NOTICES. T. P. A. Annual banquet Thursday evening, Dec. 30, at 8 P. M.. Portland Com mercial Club. Bring your ladles. Election of officers 1:30 P. M., convention hall. Commercial Club. . ' JOS. C. GIBSON". Sec WILLAMETTE LODGE XO 2, A. F. AND A. M.-f-Special com munication will bel held on Fri day, Dec. 31, at 9:30 A. M. for the purpose of conducting the funeral Services over the nmnin. i-f deoeaced brother. George L. Sto.ie. lar of K ana wan a Valley Lodge Xo. 3t. Buffalo, W. Va. Services at Finley's undertaking parlors. Interment Multnomah Cemetery, Lents. Pull attendance desired. Visitors invited. w. S. WEE3KS, Sec. NEW HALL FOR RENT. Ill fid. near Washington. Howe. Davla Co. DIED. . CLARK Tn this city, Dec. 29. at residence, 515 Villa ave., James M. Clark," aged 72 T-aara 9 months 27 days. Remains at Hemstack's parlors, corner East 13th and Umatilla ave. Funeral notice later. STONESrIn this city, December 29. at 271 Eleventh street. George T. Stone, aged 47 years. The remains are at Flnlev's par lors. Funeral notice hereafter. 1TNEBAL KOTICES. BURTON The funeral of the late Leigh H. Burton will take place from his late residenoe, corner of 10th and Burnside streets this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment pri vate. FUNERAL services will be held over, the remains of Florence Storz from the fam ily home, 471 Williams avenue, at 1:30 P. M. today and at Third Baptist Church, corner Vancouver avemfa! and Knott street, 3 P. M. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. Friends invited. GATL1N In tills city. December 'JS. at St. Vincent's Howpital, Juie Viva Gatiiu, aged 21 years, wife F. E. GatJin, sister o Elmer E. Evans" Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at MOimBn s cnapei at Z F. M. tomorrow, Friday, December 31. Interment Green wood Cemetery. STAHLT In thfB city, December 29, Jennie Stahly, aged 24 years. The funeral serv iep will be held at Flnley's parlors at 2 P. M. Friday. December 31. Friends in vited. Interment Riverview Cemetery. Dunning, McEntee Gllbaagn, Funeral Directors. 7th and Pme. Phone Main 4o0l Xady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. . --EXXER-BYRXES CO., Funeral Directors. 594 Williams ave.; both phones: lady attend ant: most modern establishment in tbe pity. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 503. J. P. FIN LEY SON. 3d and Madison, Lady attendant. Phone Main. , A 1510. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning. Inc. . 53, B 2525, ERICSON CO. Undertakers; ladv asaist aoU 40 Alder. M. 61S3. A X235. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PREStDEXT. Mala IM. EtKETABT. Mala SM. HUMANE OmCSBt. Baat 471. XEW TODAT. $3500 choice vacant corner for apart ment, paved street, walking distance. OVl XKH, Seventerath and Belmont. 3 NEW TODAY. L Corner 50 100 One of the most desirable apartment-house sites on the West Side; close in; present income .$4o per month. Price arid terms are ri-rht. Smith & Everett Failing Building: VESTMENT EXTRAORDINARY Paying Ten Per Cent Net and in the Cen ter of Activity on , Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce Division of an undivided ownership has forced sale at sacrifice price of 22 large lots directly on.carline within three-mile circle. .$.5900 cash, balance favorably terms.- For interview ad dress Owner, X (510, Orogonian. FOR QUICK SALE PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT 50 feet wide, near carline; good view. Cheapest lot on the Heights. WJ lAStl. TWO IKAKS. V CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Cham. Com. Two stories, brick building:, 100x100 each, well llg-hted, with or without store on street. Splendidly adapted for light manufacturing- purposes. All cars to and from Union Depot pass this point. Frank Bollam Phone. Main UUS. 128 Third. Williams Ave Snap Cheapest quarter block on "Williams ave.. 100x100, with fine, larfre 6-room house. Owner must have monev. Price is $8000, but we want your offer. Look at it today before someone else snaps it up. J2000 cash will handle. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids., iAh and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS Loneit rates and terms to salt; spe cial rates and favorable terms on lari; loans on business properties. Funds Loaned for' Private Investors. A.H.BIRRELL. CO. I'Oi: McKay BIdic., 3d -ft Stark. 7 Wanted Money to Loan We have a number of applicants for very desirable mortg-agre loans, ranging from $500 up. TV'e can place your money on well-secured mortgages at 7 and 8 per cent net. Our 22 years' ex perience In mortgage loans is at your service. M. E. THOMPSON CO.N -Fourth nnd Oak Sts..Maln 64)84. A 3327. SACRIFICE SALE On account of sickness have to sell my home 8 rooms with beautiful bil liard room, nice lawn, paved streets, twenty minutes' walk from heart of the city on the East Side. This is built for a home and not, to sell, Thor oughly modern in -every respect. Ad dress AC 615, Oregonian. . A BARGAIN Business calls me East. My new, modern. high-c!ass home of nine rooms and sleeping porch is offered $1000 be low value. Located in the finest re stricted East Side district. Walking distance. Furniture for sale. V 617, Oregonian. KINGS HILL x Zor Sale jsidence, 712 " The Bly: West Main street. Two lots. RUSSELL BLVTH,' 'o UKinnralt b Blday. Choice Apartment Site 50x100 on Twenty-second street near Love.joy. Price, $5500. Term Owner,' O 015, OreRoniau. ' For Lease NEW TODAY. GEQRQE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 3?3 Worcester Bldf. Phones Main S371. A 401S. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Afflrt., E V. Co. M. 3349. 30 Ksmtltoa told. Beck, William G.. S12 Falling bids. ' B'rrell. A. H. Co. 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortsases. loaoa. etc. Bruhakar & Benedict. S02 McKay bids. M. 649 Chapln & Herow, XXZ Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. B. A Co.. 003 Corbett bids. i Field, c. E. ft Co., Board or Trade bids. Jennings & Co.. Main 1SS. 26 Oresonlan. KIRK & KIRK-HAM. fcumber Ex.. K! Stark. ParDsh, Watkins Co., SS0 Alder st. S'.-haUc. Geo. D., 24 Stark st. Main or A Sharkejr. J. p. A Co.. 1224 Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and. Multnomah st. llotadav Addition) 3. E. Thompson Co.. cor. Fourth and Oak sta. Walker. (. T., 60t Corbett bids. REAL ESTATE. l-'or Sale Ixits. CHOICE VACANT PROPERTY FOR TO DAYS ONLY. $!.-r.O 90x100. facing Atlantic ?t. on the east and Willamette boulevard m th? went, overlooking the Willamette River; splendid view for fine residence; no ob struct ion f viewing river ; st reet improved. $7" rtOxinn. "COO fet from Killings worth ave.. facing east on Wilbur St. - OTTO & HARKSON, First St. PORTLAND Here ts a money maker: A little tract containing 11 lots. TRt'ST Rose City Park district, all cleared. platted. Price $:t0O CO. per" lot must be sold as a whole. These will sell for $iO0 this Spring. See us for term.. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, f S. E. Cor. Third and .Oak Sts. 8K YOUR OWN perpetual Santa Clauv by buying thl fine lot of ours in Irvine ton. Within walking distant, near Thompson ft. All improvements tf and pai'l for ; nice arc light in front. Only JloOO. rtpli down. This will present you with a. nice Increase every Xma. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. rooms 4-t Mulkcy bldg., and Morrison sts. PORTLAND Hawthorne ave. lot. 50x120, near East 40th. Remember, TRUST all property along Hawthorne will advance when the Madi- CO. son bridge is finished. Price ?4500. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and" Oak Sts. FOUR daVidy lots & on Alberta carline; one is a choice corner on 17th and Going sts.: 2 blocks car. at $S0O. and an inside lot ad Joining, at $t50; one on 3th St., block Alberta, car. at $700; on on P.lst. block Alberta, at 550. All CjOxIOO; best loca tions. Address or call T. M. Kellogs, Ooing st. Take Alberta car to 17th. CREAM OF 1RV1NOTON. 75xl0t, 10th and Knott, sts. ; .'t-minute car service; ten min utep ride from basiniia section ; cement sidewalks, hard-surfate pavement, gas. water and sewer all iu; $lrW0; small pay ment down, .balance per cent. AL - Oregonian PORTLAND West Side corner lot, ou Vaughan; improved street, TRUST'' nice view. Price jat)00. PORTDA N D T RUST COM PAN Y, S. K. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 1RV1XGTON Don't forget thart Friday is the last day that you can get Irving ton lots at $1100. A few beauties left, with full view of Mount rit. Helens and Mount Hood. Paved streets. A. Backus, 5iy Board of Trade bldg. LOT 60xHM, fully Improved, near 3Sth and Thompson, restricted district; $50, -on easy terms; this is the cheapest lot in the distinct and the only one left at the price, rtione at once. Tabor 431, B 20SO. 8 FULL LOTS, fine view, cioae to car. small cabin, all for $1400; lots beside this sell for $2CV0; fine place for chicken ranch; as investment this cannot be beau Call 513 Chamber Commerce. ACPT3 TRACT 'West Side, lays fine.-onlv 13 minutes' car ride, 5-cent fare; good specu lation at .SlOftO; verv easv terms. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. LOT $300. 10 PER CENT CASH. -Close to carline, north of Piedmont. GILMORE" & RITTER. 226 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR HALE Several desirable lots, fine view, one block to car; 4 per cent discount for cash; terms eay ; no agents. James B Hopkina, Quimby Hotel. TWO lots, &0xl0O each, mtuated just two blocks from Portland Heights car. facing Canyon road; price $5o0 each, terms to suit; this is a fine buy. 510 Henry bldg. FULL LOT on Mount Scott. "c carline. 40 cash, balance $360, ou easy terms; level, cleared. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. BARGAIN S1500, i down. 3 lots. cor. E. 4:td and Grant, block east Richmond School. Richmond car. p 617. Oresonlan. HIGH-CLASS suburban place of 7 acres at a bargain; "-cent car f a? e. 32. 'F. Fer ris, room a, Washington bldg. IF YOU own lot will builo you a house oa terms. Eastman Co.. 303 Abingtoa bldg. Main 3236 MOUNT TABOR For choice lots on the west slope of Mount Tabor see James Wil son, end of Hawthorne carline. Tabor l.t0. WEST SIDE LOTS FOR $5O0. Improvements In. 27 minutes from 3d and Stark. Afternoon. 432 Mohawk bldg. 100X100. two fine 1 lots, choicest residence district. Sell wood ; price f ItiuO. V 616, Oregonian. CHOICE comer - lot, seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable for two i houses; $2000. W. H. O'Neill, 229llth at. pioOxlOO AT Woodstock, only $550; cheapest ouy on me marKet. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. OOR.VER IOOteIOO, cement sidewalk, on car line; this is a snap; jrjrvoO. terms. Phone A 4.(47. 1RVINGTON lot at sacrifice; I need money at once; no agents. R 615. Oregonian. $500ij Half block, elope in, stable site. Own er. Fulir, 3S7 East Burnside. $i25 FOR a $500 lot. on 14th, near Ains worth. AF 615, Oregonian. iVrr Sale Houst. WILL sell my Creston home at a sacrifice; modern 7-room house; electric light, bath, etc.; lot Mix 100; one block from carline. Ownpr. 207 Fenton bldg. SNAP One factory site fronting on rail- i oaa; one moaern. i - room modern bunga low, just finished," clone tp carline. 303 vv as 11 in g ion si., room -4r $1700 ti-ROOM house, not finished, corner, full lot, on Williams ave. ; a beautiful home: photograph in office. MARTIN J. HIGLEY,, 132 Third St. EAST WASHINGTON St. bungalow, mod ern. 5 rooms, all tinted, fixtures all in ; $3000; terms. T. J. Byrnes. 2454 Morri son st. NEW 5-room bungalow, 1404 Rodney. Pied mont: a gem; it's a treat to see it. whether , you Intend to buy orybulld; $2600. BUY a home from me on easy terms. I have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors. 3600. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermens bldg. BY OWNER My two-story 6-room rsi . dence, strictly modern, furnace heat; price :i2o0, $1150 down, balance - terms. Tabor 644. SACRIFICE for quick sale. 6-room strictly modern, new. up-to-date' bungalow. Mount Tabor, furnished or unfurnished. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerlingor bldg. k GENUINE PNAP Must sell at once, my strictly modern just completed 8-room bunga low and two lot; $3fiOO. Owner Hans Therk elsen, E. 4Cth and Francis. Woodstock car. fi-ROOM cottage, new. cheap, $17.50 ; your own terms. See owner, 58 West Alns worth ave. Phone 4Woodlawn 1516 FOR 6 ALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Jrvington. 496 East 20tn 8L North. Call and see It. 5-ROOM bungalow, 34x100; $1200 cash; worth $2000. F. A. Nobes, 142 4tb st. IRV1NOTOK Attractive modern home, built for owner; must sell. Phone East 304. $2 700 Beautiful bungalow ; $300 cash. $2S monthly. 343 East 51st., Dr. Darling. REAL tSTATE. A SNAP THAT HAS NO EQUAL. 5-room house and 25x10. lot. close in on the WEST SIDE, can be had if taken at once for $rOo LESS TH AN IT IS WORTH; good income property, and val ues in. this neighborhood are increasing rapidly. Fcr price and full particulars cs.il D1ETZ-MUELLER CO.. Sl.V316-ol7 Abhigtou Bidg. - NEW 1RY1NGTON HOME. Swell brand ik-w 7-room house, just finished, gas and electric, furnace and fireplace. sleeping porches, cement wash trays, water cooler, cabinet kitchen, hard-, wood floors, in fact it is strictly modern and up to date with all tho latest im piovemems. on a Jot 50x100. east front on t ;h sr.. nar Bra zee ; a bargain at Si.ooo ; $10"0 cash, balance terms to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 31 T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NO FIRST PAYMENT. No first pjvment: all 1 want is good ref erences and 3t a month this includes in terest l. or pay $2iK down and $25 a moiith ;. modern Ti-room cottage large size), every convenience: double floors, cement basement, fireplace, set-in book case, etc.. etc.; full-size lot in restricted district. ' blocks from car. v Price $2350. or for JTut will turn in extra lot. My houses are stylish and they are bargains. A. N. S L'arle. Montavllla. Take "M. V." car. pet oft at . 7ith. Office open every day. including Sunday. PORTLAND Just nice walk on East 14th st.. bot ween Hawthorne and TRUST Alain: fi-room home. Yes. the tit reet is improved ; sewer, gas CO. and electric lights: -s. A-l plumbing and facing . eai. Price $4 500. See us about terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. K. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. SWELL COTTAGE. FURNISHED. New. modern, swell story-and-half cot tage, electric lights, nice fireplace, full cement .basen?nt. on lot 0x100. on "W W' carline, house Is comp.e'eiy furnish 4 and price is $3000. including Xurnitur. A nice little home at a reasonable price. GRUSSI ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bidg., 4th and Oak. WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR. IX THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON; WE SAVE OUH CUSTOMERS MOWKY, BUILD WELL. BUILD T FIR MS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THH LOT WE W1L FURNISH TH 3 MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 30S-9-10 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak- TWO houses. 4; and 7 rooms, rented. $39 month; 50x100; e. 12th. opposite Ladd Addition; $3stK; $1000 cash. Hwtxioo. E. JOth and Stark, will divide either way. for part $4000, whole $75(K; terms. W- have the best buvs on East Side. CAMPBELL A- SANDERS, 312 Merchants Trust Bldg. 4-ROOM cottage, beautiful lot. 4rl Me chanic St., near Union avenue and Xili ingsworth. $14hi; must be sold quick. 7 rooms, modern house, 036 East 9th st.. near Prescott: full lot and basement; fruit trees; exceptional bargain, $2500; terms. See these. CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch bldg. SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP. 1 50 cash, balance like rent, buys new 6-room bungalow and KTxl 20 feet, right on carline. 25 minutes out, has stone base ment, best plumbing. Dutch kftcheu, stone fireplace, all conveniences, sightly loca tion; price SL'dr.O. See owner, 171 Third St.. near Yamhill. $10 A MONTH. HOUSE. . Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you can get it for your own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Gregory's office in Gregory Height. Take Rose City car at 31 and Yamhill, it oft at end of carline; otTo on the p.operfv. MO.)H"TiJ 'l-ronio l.Otiao fU .-ni-nax t,.fr . rt r. ished in California redwood: set of venti lators, front and back stairs, stationary tubs, full basement; street improved; 'r, minutes' walk from p. O. ; worth S750O; will take $G2oo net if sold at once; terms. See owner. 593 East Salmon. MODERN 7-room house, full basement, elec tric and gas; corner lot 50x75 feet, two blocks from Union carline; price $450O. ' ICO acres of good apple land with a new 7-room house, some improvement. Also other property for sale. 410 Broad- HIGHLT IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient. nw ; nicely improved grounds, 100x10 0, front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20,000,. Buver see owner, 602 Corbett block. 7-ROOM STONE BUNGALOW. A VERY MODERN HOME. $5500. I know you will like my home; I do, but must sell; it has hot water .furnace, hardwood floors, etc. Phone C 1218, owner. Can give possession at once. CORNER. ROxlOO. with modern C-room home on E Yamhill et. All street improvements made. Property In flrst-clasa condition. "Will be -sold to wind un an estate. See Attorney, 410 Failing Bldg. MODERN COTTAGE Every convenience. On high and sightly lot, 5ixliO feet. Owner must leave citv ; no reasonable offer turned down. X:all 4i0 Failing Bldg. , . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. If you want a nice new house., with a fine view, on carline, away below cost tcoet $71300 j , see me at once. E. .F. Fer ris, room 3 Washington bldg. FOR SALE Modern 'fc-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 50x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses: a splen did buy at $3000; terms. Call at 645 Harold st BUNGALOW at a sacrifice this week only ; 6 rooms, modern. $2000; $300 cash, easy terms. Owner. $ West Alnsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 1516. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co , M. 101S. A 1984; all covered wagons, and experienced men. $1S00 7-ROOM house.' Montavllla cash; balance G per cent. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St Acreage. W'REAGE ACREAGE. ' 5 v miles, as the crow flies, from the Courthouse. 2 1i acres, cultivated, Jl 250. 5 acres, uncultivated, 51750. o acres, cultivated, $2350. IO acres, small stumps. 63500. S3 acres, improved. J500. 2O0 acres, improved. $75,000. Most delightfully situated, with macad am road tothe city, fine school, and in the midst of an industrious community of little homes; nothins like above for pric for suburban homes. ' B. S. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. PRIMROSE ACRES choices acreage on the Oregon HI. line. 20 minutes from center of city, at prices am low as $560 per acre. If you harTe $SO to make a Mart teo the Trustee at 410 railing Building. It will pay you. FIVE beautiful acres. 0 blocks from station on Oregon Electric; 1 miles from city limits; price greatly reduced; $:25. 5 acres, 3 blocks from same station. s bearing orchard; beautiful home site; $525 ; your wn terms. CLODFELTEft BROS., 414 Couch bldg. HAVE 4o acres best fruit and dairy land, about CO miles from Portland; would sell at very low figure and easy terms. For particulars, write owner, AB 610, Orego nian. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close in; choice river, front: 60O acres to subdivide. Kinney & Sampher. :H. Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4S1. 1008 ACME. 45 hp. car. run 4O00 miles, in good condition, to exchange for cash or good city property; price $15O0. Hes--Menzies Auto Co. , :J."0 Da v is s t . 53 ACRES, station on land, clos? to Port-" land, fine land, good for platting, onlv $200 per acre. Call 513 Chamber of Com merce, v 20 ACRES. 16 acres in cultivation, 10 acre heaverdam. 4 acres orchard ; house a nd barn; on good dairy route; snap at $2SH 272 Stark at. 5 ACRES finest beaverdam land, all in cul tivation; will pay for itself first year; $:,i; per acre, 1 -ii cash. 272 Stark st. Homesteads. HOMESTEADS HOMESTEADS. 820 acres. ..beautiful level land. Call or write for our booklet, then secure spe cial location offer and transportation for our next excursion to Central Oregon. B. S. COOK & COMPANY, 503 4'orbett Bldg. 30-ARE homentoad land locations for $0; locations guaranteed or mon-y refunded. Address ET D. G., Hotel Chrtaman. Silver Lake, Or.