THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER SI, 1909. "- . New FurnitiireDepartment Now Open on Fifth Floor Tea Room on Seventh Floor Candies in Basement Open Evenings This Week Ihe Greater Meier ? Frank Store Ready to Supply Every Want Toy Dept. Bar gains, 4th Floor Children's Red Toy Tables, best regu lar 60c values, on sale at, each, 49 Doll Collapsible Go-Cartg, with hood, rubber-tired wheels; $4.00 values, $3.29 Doll Collapsible Go-Carts, with hood and sides, rubber-tired wheels; the best reg ular $5.00 values, on sale at, ea., $3.95 50o Toy Rockers on 6ale at, each, 29 .50c Toy Chairs on sale at, each, 29 $L25 Wicker Doll Cab, with parasol, on sale at the special price of, each, 99 .Mechanical Trains, with cars and track, bst $1.25 values, on sale at, each 08 $1.75 Mechanical Trains for $1.23 $1X0 Machanical Incline Railway, 69 50o Rubber Dogs and Cats, for 35 $1.00 White Teddy Bears for, each 79 $1.25 White Teddy Bears for, each 89 $L00-$1.25 Diablo Games for each, 49 Ives Mechanical Trains, $1.25 vals. 95 Sport Balls, 50c vals. 39c; $1 vals. 69 Automatic Rotary Printing Presses, the best regular $1.50 values, at, eaoh, 08 $2.00 Automatio Rotary Printing Presses" on sale at this low price, each, $1.49 American Jointed Circus Toys Prices: 50c values, 35 $1.75 values, $1.23 60c values, 49 $3.00 values, $2.10 75o values, 59 $4.00 values, $3.30 The best regular $1.00 values at 69 Sale Kimono and Drapery Silks Reg. 75c Values 49c Great special holiday sale of new Flor entine Silks in new coloring and designs Oriental and floral effects, in bines, tans, reds, greens; just the material for a pretty kimono or a tea gown, as well as for drapery purposes; 75c f V) values at this low price, yd. TP Z9 C Specials in Kerchiefs $6 Umbrellas $2.98 50 dozen Armenian Lace Handkerchiefs, with or without initials, plain and fancy letters; regular 65c and 75c A C values, on sale at this price, TrJ C Women 's . Hand-embroidered Handker chiefs, in Amriswyle and Madeira ef fects; embroideered, scalloped and hem-" stitched; 50 styles to select fc C from; 35c-50c values, special 4Sa? CD C $5 to $40 Handkerchiefs, HALF PRICE Great ' holiday sale of Women 's and Men's Umbrellas best frames and cov erings; large assortment, of fancy and Directoire handles for ' women ; rich, plain handles for men. Every one fully guaranteed ; regular $5 tf and $6 values, special, ij) 4Sf 9 0 S7,50Curt'ns $4.95 $5.00 Curt'ns $3.29 Holiday sale of 1000 pairs of White Brussels Lace Curtains, handsomely em broidered iu scroll and floral designs; all made of the best French nets. These curtains are all 3 yards long and 50 inches wide ; values up fl Jt Q J? to $7.50 a pair, now f Holiday sale of 500" pairs of White Brussels Lace Curtains, finely embroid ered in scroll and allover effects; 22 yards long, and 50 ins. wide; $5.00 values, pair Sale Women's New Neckwear 20.000 pieces of Women's Neckwear in fancy holly boxes, all new, pretty styles; immense variety, each 25 to $2.50 Kntire stock of Women's Real Irish Crochet Xeckwear at 4 VJll Women's All-Linen Hand-embroidered Collars, 1 to 2 inches high: best 75c val ues, on sale this low price, each 47$ Xew Gold Cord Ruching three widths -At 25 yd. At 40 yd. At SO yd! Women's Paris Underskirts $20.00 to $75.00 Values H rice In the Muslin Underwear Dept., 2d floor, a great special Women ' b French holiday sale of Petticoats, hand-em broidered, new beautiful novelties, rang ing from $20.00 to $75.00 each; take your pick at one-half price. The variety is large enough to assure a pleasing selec-' tion to everyone. Let ns show them $1.50 Crepes at 98c $ 1 .50 Silks 98c Yd. 2000 yards of fancy Silk Crepes, for scarfs, etc.; all new, pretty styles, suitable for many purposes; great assortment of pat terns and colorings for your Q selection; reg. $1.50 quality," OC 2000 yards of fancy Plaid Silks, new and pretty styles ; values up to A Q $1.60, on sale at, the yard f O C 2000 yards of fancy Silk Waistings, in attractive styles. Three lots from which to select. Great values at thse prices: At 59 yd At 69 yd At 79 yd. 45c Ribbons at 25c 75c Mittens 50c Pair Holiday sale of 25,000 yaiMs of high- grade Kibbons, print warps, 3Va to 5 inches wide; complete line of new color ings and combinations; 35e and 45c values, special, yard Special sale of 1000 pairs of Children's rJearclotn Mittens, in both white and colors; one pair in a holly box; C f 75c values, on sale at, the pair'9 J C 25c to you In the Muslin Underwear Department, on the second floor Women's Italian Silk Undervests, beau tiful hand-embroidered novelties, selling regularly at $4 each, to " Q be sold at this low price 4 4V w O Women's, high-grade Uuting Flannel Gowns, in the very best styles and ma terials ; reg. $2.50 and (J 1 O Q $3.00 values, on sale at Jj 1 ,70 Women's and Children's Hand-crooheted Slippers ; best $1 values, on C sale at this very low price, pr. C $1.75 Hosiery 98c Great holiday sale of Women's High grade Hosiery; superior quality French lisles ; black only, with silk-embroidered boots; self and combination colorings; splendid . assortment of dainty new and attractive patterns. An acceptable Christ mas gift would be a box of these hand some hose, and you can buy 'rt values up to $1.75 at, the pair 70C SaleSemi-MadeRobes In the Lace Department, a great holiday sale of Spangled and Lace Robes in beau tiful and exclusive models ; all toew styles ; a pleasing article of apparel to give the housewife for Christmas. Don't fail to see them. The prices range as follows: $45.00 Black Spangled Robes, $33.00 $75.00 Black Spangled Robes. $"59.00 $75.00 Black Lace Robe, at, ea. $49.00 All Robes tiSw on sale at reduced prices. 1500 yards of Allover Embroidery and Tucking; pretty novelties for lingerie $3.50 values; buy all you want of it at this price, & . J Jr Men's and Youths Clothing Business and Dress Apparel at a big savings new, np-to-date garments, new materials high-grade custom-made clothing at prices of the greatest importance to every shrewd and economical buyer. men's and young men's lines. Marvelous values in both Let us show yon this line. 300 Me n's Fine Suits, in all-wool fancv worsteds, fanc5' cassimeres and cheviots ; every garment hand-tailored throughout-, neat patterns in grays, browns, olives, dark mixtures, fancy blues, stripes and pin cheeks; every suit this season's manufacture; best product of America's leading manufacturers; the regular fj f Q C $30.00 values, On sale at this price p & J Q J 300 young men 4 and youths' high-class College Clothes, in very latest cut, all-wool fancy tweeds, cheviots, cassi- " iaiicjf ivursieusj grays, Tans, smott, olive greens; all are hand-tailored gar ments ; $18 and $20 values, choice ' Special lot Young Men's Overcoats and Raincoats in all- wool materials; dark grays, browns and tans; handFoiue. .uuu kiujvn wave $12.89 serviceable garments for all kinds of T 9 & weather; regular $25 values; special I J . A J $6.00 BLANKET BATH ROBES AT $3.85 Special Tuesday sale of Men's Fancy Blanket Bath Robes, in beautiful designs and color combinations; browns, tans, blues, grays, reds, greens, etc; full cut, full length, fancy cord and tassel; best regu- fl Q C lar $6.00 values, on sale at special price D3aj.Z 2000 pairs of Men's Fancy Terry Cloth Bath Slippers in assorted patterns; Q pink, red, tans, grays; well made and finished; great special values, at, pair JO C neat 63c HAve' fl?rtc Tuesday sale of 200 dozen Boys' Semi-starched Shirts. 7 light and medium dark patterns; attached cuffs; '(y'r TT;rll weI1 made, large assortment; best $1 values, each www rw Special Christmas values in Boys' Clothing. Take advantage, Santa Claus in Furniture Dept. 5th Floor "Willamette" Machines $2 Down, $ 1 Week Suits, Coats, Capes Great special Christmaa sale of women's and Misses' Apparel, Suits, Coats and Capes. Onr entire stock is included. The fashions and the materials , the newest and best shown this season, and the assortment for your selection by far the largest and best-in the city. This is your opportunity to buy new, stylish garments for street aa well aa di ess wear at prices below actual cost. Every woman having garment needs to supply will do well to buy now, before the clearance sale, while the stock is at its best, and prices jnsKas low, if not lower, than prevail during the clearance sale Cloak Department, second floor. Note these prices: Regular $14.00 Snits, Goats and Capes, now $11.85 Regular $18.00 Suits, Coats and Capes, now 15.25 Regular $22.00 Suits, Coats and Capes, now $18.25 Regular $28.00 Snits, Coats and Capes, now $23.25 Regular $32.00 Snits, Coats and Capes, now $2725 Regular $35.00 Snits, OoatB and Capes, now $29775 Regular $40.00 Snits, Coats and Capes, now S32.75 Regular $45.00 Suits, Coats and Capes, now $36.00 Regular $50.00 Snits, Coats and Capes, now $40.00 Regular $55.00 Suits, Coats and Capes, "now $44.00 Regular $65.00 Snits, Coats and Capes, now $52.00 Regular $75.00 Snits, Coats and Capes, now S6Q.OO Regular $85.00 Suits, Coats and Capes, now $G8.QO Entire stock is included. Special sale of Furs. 2d fir. t Mm mm 1. $6.50 Silk Petticoats On Sale at $3.98 Ea. Great special holiday sale of 1000 Taf feta Silk Petticoats, made with deep flounce, one-inch tailored bands and clus ter of pin tucks; black and a complete line of colors; regular values up to $8.50 each, on sale at this re- fl Q markably low price, ea. 0 Zr Cj Real Laces at V4 Off Great holiday sale" of real Laces in Duchess, Point, Applique, Cluny, Val. and Irish Crochet; magnificent j I. ' styles, all on sale at just I VII Real Duchess Lace Berthas for Christmas gifts; beautiful novelties; at these prices: $18 vals., $14.00 $25 vals., $10.50 Holiday sale of , 2000 yards Swigs and Nainsook Corset .Covering, in eyelet and blindwork effects ; very large assortment for your selection ; reg. $1.25 C values, at special price, ; yard wJ w Ladies' $1.25-$7.50 XJndervests at V4 Off Great special holiday sale Women's Silk, Silk and Lisle and Lisle Lnderveste, with hand-crocheted yokes; all new, high-grade undervests selling regularly at prices ranging from $1.25 to $7.50 a garment. Your choice of these on salei . at one-fourth off reg. prices 4 VJII Mail orders carefully and promptly filled. $7.50 Silk Kimonos On Sale at $3.85 Ea. Great special holiday sale of 200 long figured Silk Kimonos, shirred at the waist line and trimmed with two-inch satin bands; pinks, yellows, lavenders, red, light blue, tan, brown; all sizes from 34 to 44; all new, pretty styles; $7.50 values, ea. $3.85 Xmas Sale of Women's Fine Furs All this week our entire stock of fine Fur Scarfs, Sets, Muffs, Coats, etc.. in all styles and all grades on sale at marvelously low prices; best fur bargains in town; 2d floor. Women's Fur Coats, 30 to 32 inches long, in Hudson seal, Russian pony, Russian sable, squirrel, near seal, caracuj, river mink and Astrachan-combination; all new, stylish garments. Avail yourself of the wonderful values at the following low prices: $ 60 vals., $ 39.5Q $ 75 vals., $54.50, $100 vals:, $ 68.50 $135 vals., $v 98.5Q $160 vals., $ 115.QQ $200 rals., $1G2.5Q $275 vals., $205.00 Fnr Dept., 2d floor. Fur-lined garments in black and blue broad cloth, tweeds and fancy mixtures, lined with sable, gray squirrel, river mink, etc. Collars of lynx, wolf, fox and mink. Great bargain, thus : $32.50 vals., $26.45 $ 45 vals.. $38.25 $55.00 vals., $46.75$ 75 vals., $60.00 $85.00 vals., $68.00 $100 vals., gSO.OO Fur Sets in Alaska mink, Hudson Bay sable, Silka brown and' black fox, pointed fox, Alas kan lynx, sable squirrel, Japanese and liver mink. Latest , style pillow and rug muffs ; plain shawl stoles and fancy cape effects. On sale at the following exceptionally low prices: Regular $135 Sets on sale at, set $114.75 Regular $150 Sets on sale at, set, jgl27.50 Regular $200 Se,ts on sale at, set, $168700 Regular $100 Sets, on special sale at $8500 Regular $ 95 Sets on special sale at $79. 75 Regular $ 55 Sets on special sale at $46 Regular $ 40 Sets on special sale at $34 Regular $ 25 Sets on special sale at $21.25 Reg. $ 20 Sets on special sale at $17.00 Reg. $16.50 Sets on specialsale at $1400 Regular $10.00 Sets on special sale at $7750 All Novelty Sets in Russian Pony, Hudson seal and Russian sable sauirrtl. all rnp' All Misses' and Children's Fur Sets in Angora, Thibet, Chinchilla, . Conev, Muskrat, River Mink, Opossum; flat collars, plain, fancy and square muffs at these low prices Regular , $3.60 Sets, special at $3.12 Regular $7.00 Sets, special at $ 6.28 Regular $4.00 Sets, special at $3.57 Regular $ 8.50 Sets.' special at $""7753. Regular $5.00 Sets, special at $4.48 Regular $10.00 Sets, snecial at S sToa .75 1 1 K W Regular $6.50 Sets, special at $5.78 Regular $15.00 gets, special at"$T3T38 Xmas .Sale of New French Tabriz Rugs This rug comes nearer to the genuine Oriental than any rug tribes placed on the market. Beautiful, rioh designs and colorings, made in all sizes, and prices nnnsually reasonable. Let ns show you. Size 28x56 inches, ' 1 1 A 9 $13.50 values, for tj) 1 1 Size 36x63 inches, fl 1 I C reg. $20 value, for J 1 0jO Size 55x79 inches, J f $35 value, forJj4& 0 reg. Size 5 ft. 9 in. bv 8 Sie 6 ft. 7 in. bv 9 ft. 3 in., $65 Valued -JHP.O J ft, 10 in., $97 value j?0 1 . J Size 8 ft. 3 in. by 11 J 9 ft. 6. in. $122 value j)7 C .O Size 9 feet 10 inches by 13 feet; the regular $155.00 fl I g value, for, each 1 J . O Men's House Coats and Lounging Robes In the Men'B Clothing Dept second floor,.! a complete, showing of Men'B House Coats, Smoking Jackets, Bath and Lounging Robes, in every good style; a pleasing and useful article of apparel that makes a sensible Xmas gift. Prices range all the from $3.50 to $50.00 Great Xmas Specials in Women's Hosiery 300X) pairs of "Women's Fina Imported Lisle Hose, in ' plain colors and black, with silk embroidered boots; a superior quality of fine lisle hose, in all sizes and selling regularly at 65 a O O pair. Buy all you want at, J C Great values in "Women's All-Silk Ho siery in a complete line of colors; wide double tops; reinforced heels and. toes; also the new Italian Silk Ho?e ; all sizes, all grades ; best values. Inspect these. Women's Fancy Supporters in novelty holiday boxes, made of shirred satin elastic; all new, pretty shades JT regular $1.00 values, at, pair 3 J C Grocery Dept. Specials, Basm't Best ' Soft-Shell "Walnuts, pound 18 Paper-Shell IXL Almonds, special 18i Mammoth Pecans, on sale,, pound 20 Best Western Corn, three tins for 25J Log Cabin Molasses, sp'l, the tin, 12 Best quality Pumpkin, sp'l, the tin 12 Franco-American Plum Puddings, at the very 'low price, the tin, 30 and 60 Imported Lebkuchen, pkg., 25c to $1 New Fruits,. Figs, Dates, Fresh Fruits; new Canned Vegetables; all kinds of fancy Groceries and Provisions at the very lowest prices. In the Big Basement. Complete line of Candies sold here at popular prices. On sale in the Basement store, ennsrmas candies at a savinar. BACH bLUUKS BAD CATCH Hoarding-House Keeper Saves Inno cent Man From Jail. Arrested at 7 o'clock yesterday morning for having stolen two loaves of bread from a grocery store. Graham street and I'nton , avenue. Charles Wensel an East Side apartment-house Janitor, was dis charged later in the Municipal Court be in one he proved that he had been sent after the bread by Fred Bach, of 6 Union avenuje. keeper of the boardinr faouse. vhere Wensel duelled. Complains received from the grocery - man that a bread thief had been visit ing the breadbox at this corner for more than a wek led Patrolman Evert to lay In wait for the man. When Wenzel came along the policeman seized him. After Wenzel had been brought Into court, how ever, it was ascertained that Wenzel was not the thief and that his story was true. The groceryman sent word that he and Bach had made arrangements for the lat rer to get his bread from the box before the store opened. Have you a weak throat? If so. you cannot he to careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another and the last I always the harder to cure." If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedv at the outset you will be saved much trouble. Sold by all dealers. TRAINING SCHOOL IS PLAN Evangelical-United Brethren Chnrch Outlines Xew Project. At the meeting of the Evangelical United Brethren Ministerial Association yesterday In the Kirst English Evan gelical Church, East Sixth street. Rev. C. C. Poling brought up the matter of conducting a Summer interdenomina tional training school In Portland for one week In 1910. for the instruction of ministers and laymen. The project has been under consideration for some time. Rev. Mr. Poling explained that such training school would have' the benefit of a number of prominent men i ' who will come to Portland next year. Rev. R. S. Showers, of the First United Brethren Church, and Rev. N. Shupp, of the Milwaukle Evangelical Church, spnke in favor of the movement. It was reptb-ted by the' ministers of the three denominations represented that all expected prominent men to come to Portland next year, and from these lectures can be heard. The asso ciation indorsed the movement provid ed that it be found practicable. Rev. H. C. Shaffer, Rev. Theo Schauer and Rev. C. C. Poling were appointed to look into the matter and report at the next meeting of the association. It was decided to meet twice a month hereafter-the second and fourth Tues days, at 10:30 A. M. In the Y. M. C. A. building. The association voted to make the next meeting, in January, one for the discussion of educational matters. In the absence of Rev. H. C. Shaffer, the president. Rev. H. A. Deck presided. Alone la Saw .Mill at Midnight unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms ,or cold. W. J. Atkins worked as night .watchman, at Banner Springs. Tenn. Such exposure gave him a severe cold that settled on his lungs. At last he had to give up work. He tried many remedies but all failed till he used Dr. King's New Discovery. "After using one bottle," he writes, "I went back to work as well as ever." Severe Colds, stubborn Coughs, inflamed throats and sore lungs. Hemorrhages. Croup and Whooping Cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glorious medi cine. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, guaranteed by all druggists. CARS BUMP; GIRL VICTIM Miss Caroline Dlpple Injured Near Bridge Approach. Miss Caroline Dlpple, 287 Hancock street, was the victim of a streetcar col lision yesterday morning at the west ap proach to the Steel bridge and sustained painful internal injuries. She was on Upper Albina car 317 and was in the act of stepping from It on the grade of the approach to the bridge, where the car had come to a stop for the passengers to alight for Gllaan street. Car 248 of the Mississippi avenue line coming In the. rear, slid down the steep grade and struck the other car with great force. The motorman of the first car was thrown off his feet to the floor. Brakes had been applied to the rear car but the wheels had slipped down the slippery tracks. Miss Dlpple waa thrown to the ground, the hand-rail striking her in the side. She received injuries in the head and chest. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made Is Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you require their aid. These tablets change weak ness Into strength, , listlessnc-ss into on.rtrv fflnnmlnci, Intn lAnm.. Their action is so gentle one don't real ize iney nave iftKen a purgative, by all dealers. Bold Elegantly fitted bags and suit cases at Harris Trunk Co., Sixth and Alder.