14 THE 3IOKMNG OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1909, REAL ESTATE. Acreage. 13 A CBKS for sale, one ana half miles from city limits. near Sfeindy Road; deep, rich soil; no gravel- fine suburban home eite; tan't b beat for an orchard; fine view of the mountains and Columbia River: could be platted; $000 per acre; will trade for gv-a nome. Hamilton blag, bee owner. 20 acres 4-year-oid Lambert cherries ad Joining the above: SIOOO per acre. This or chard will net $500 per acre in a few years. S3 ACRES, near Troutdale. adapted for cutting into small tracts for fruitraislng or gardening; this is the cheapest land for sale near this city ; only 1 miles soutn or Troutaaie; price $1 lu per acre. F. S. Atkln. 623 (.'hamber of Commerce, or A. C. Pel ton, Troutdale. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side. 20 minutes from center of city, in 1 and 2 '-i -acre tracts; this will make you & liv ing1 and pay for itself; J50 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call on Trustee, 410 waning biag. LOOK AT THIS. 5 and 10-acre tracts on electric line. adjoining station; tine rich land, no rocks or gravel; :.'o0 to $3o0 per acre. IIUFF-KLEIXSORGE LAND CO.. 41S Board of Trade. JENNINGS LODGE SNA P. S acres, with running water, 4 acres cleared, land lies level, close to canine; trade for city property or automobile. 83 otn et., room l. 5-ACRE TRACTS Only 8 miles west of city and on Portland & Hlllsboro Electric Line; prices $150 to $250 per acre; easy terms; near station. a. akiu. e3 Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads. TWO pood relinquishments adjoining, near Portland, running water and the best for Ftook raisin?; iiomesteans in Tillamook, Lincoln and Jackson Counties. Nlmmo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment in Siletz: 21 million aw timber and large quantity piling; good caoin ana supplies; $400. Owner. AJ 5110, Oregonian. LAST CHANCE If you want a Harney Val ley homestead, see us; our locator leaves i uesaay. Koom J J. an;; wash. st. 3,000.ono RELINQUISHMENT. beautiful timber, in Siletz. $300 if takvn this week, 733 Marquam bldg. Main S314. YAMHILL County farm. Improvements, build' lngs ; apple land ; termfl. 334 Mill st. For Hale Fruit Lands. BEAUTIFUL 10-acre fruit tracts in Yam hill County, near North Yamhill Station all ready for planting the trees; only $150 per acrt-; easy terms. No bv-tter or prettier land in Oregon for double the price. If you are In the niarKet ror a line 10-acre fruit tract, con venlent to Portland, let me show you 111 is mnu. eenu ior iiteratu re. J. O. ELROD, Owner, 50 C01 belt Bldg. FRUIT LANDS. We Have Recently Listed EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS 1 X HOOD RIVER BEARING ORCHARDS AND RAW LANDS. We Have Others L'MPQIA, ROCHE RIVER AND WIL LAMETTE VALLEYS. Tf you are ai all Interested in orchards or fruit lands "It will pay you to see our (IBIS. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. 6PITZKNBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD i.AiM'f) in 10. 'ii, ;;n-Hrre tracts are sell Ing to many level-headed buvers win know a good thine when shown. On I' 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price 4un, .ik per tract. BETTER tii n it 1 ana go witn us nv appointment Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. Mo FAR LAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810-3U Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Merrlt & Palmer, Sales Agents. HOOP RIVER BARGAIN ItiO acres in the li:art or the Valley; half In clover; this is a snap: can be had at the old prices; SALTMARSH & SN'ODGR ASS. 302-303 Lumbermens Bldg., 6th and Stark. 2400 ACRES FINE FRUIT LAND, close t Columbia River. KO milea fmm Pnt-rian $14 pep acre; last large tract of good land mi im pi K b on marKei. Portland ieal Es tate Co.. 217 Abington. rtfto GOOD house. 40 acres of Tine fruit land. 20 acres ready for the plow. 1 miles from town of ."oo; must have the money. Ah' o!M. Oregonian. WANT farm about 30 acre, located within ien mnejv or lortiand; let me have full par ticulars in first letter. Address S. Haya- wm, .rmisua te, nr. It. r . L. 2s o. X. For Sale -Farms. HAY, HORSE, DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH. Head This. 435 acre, all rich land- .ion hitpo black land, 375 acres of which is under cultivation, an acres green marketable timber, good orchard, 6-room house, largo nm.se- anu cow tmrns, stone dairv house, spring water piped to house and outbuildings, trout stream through land; no waste land on place ; guaranteed that L. acres more land can. be put under cul 1 1 H.t ion for not over j-jr.O. This lace Is pit 11a ted 1: miles from new towns! te and terminus of new electric line; adjoins in 1 v nix country 10 wn ana iu miles from Vancouver on good, level, graded road. Price If sold soon, only $70 per acre; one half cash. Absolutely the cheapest buy on t he market today. Suitable to tub divide. THOMPSON SWAN. Citizens National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. 110 Second St., Portland. Or. ACT yi'lCKLY. IF YOU WANT A SNAP. $2750. part cash, buys 7 acre, one mile from cit; i4 acres under cultivation; level, rich land; a acre in chicken park; shingled house, small barn, chicken houses, etc.; well, with windmill; place under fence; 1 mile from city school; R. F. D. and telephone service; on main county road and In good neighborhood. THOMPSON" & SWAN. Citizens National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash HO Second St.. Portland. Or. GODO FARM of CI ACRKS. Near Tualatin station, all choice land, fronts on main county road. 21 acres cul tivated, in acres in line timber, balance woods pasture land, lies heautif ullv, siht lv home, nice house, nearly new. good porches, wood shed, frame barn of dressed lumber; all outbuildings; if you want a c hea p f arm so near the city, see us about t his one. HENKLE HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. LOGGING OFF CONTEST. Representatives of powder companies and stump-pulling devices are Invited to participate in a land-clearing contest un der the euidancw of the Washington Logged-Off-Land Association and U. S. Bureau of plant Industry. A tract of land is set aside for experimental purpose, the work will be paid Tor, at a price similar to the cost of clearing bv donkev engine and ponder now in operation. The land is located within three miles of. Seattle. Parties delring to participate should ad rirM Geo. E. Boos, secretary Logged-Oft-Lajid Association. Seattle. $3 PER ACRE Great wheat countrv. IOO acre farms in the rich delta of the Sonora River, near American line, in Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most excellent climate, deep garden soil, corn, wheat. cotton. . beans. alfalfa. dates, oranges, lemons; all vegetable products; good market : 150.000 acres now opened to American farmers; first lO.OuO acres at S5 per acre, half cash; this is really $100 land. See or write us Immediately. C. M Wooster Company, 702 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. "ATTENTION. BUYER AND HOME- ' SEEKER." e have reliable and accurate infor mation on all Oregon and Washington lands: thousands of rine bargains in everv country; mines, timber claims and home steads. No fee. no commission. OREGON LAN D 1 N FORMATION BUREAU. 604-600-608 Board of Trade Bldg. Portland. Or. aN elegant 2.1-acre fruit farm in the Wil lamette Valley, close to railroad station -10 acres In full-bearing orchard, 8 acres in cultivation, balance in brush and pas ture; small house and barn; a an an if taken now. or might trade BKONG-STEELE CO.. 110 Second Street. FARMERS LOOK HERE. The best farm near New beri?. Or !0 seres, for $MM0. S35H cash, balance eav. Too good to giv ail particulars in tlie paper, F. FUCHS. 221 'i Morrison St. farms before buying; lands shown free Olmstead Land Co., Salem, Or. ATTRACTIVE) 14-aere home, exce'lent soli close In: low price, term. Consult owner bo agentm. AM 390, Oronlan. ner. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -rrn. FARM MUST BE SACRIFICED. 80 acres. 3 miles from Camas, Clark County. Washington; 50 acres in fine state of cultivation, 7 acres of fine orchard, balance in meadow; good buildings; two good horses and wagons, 2" cows, modern machinery; everything goes with the . place. This Is a snap. Price, $3500. Write us for information. THE CAMAS REALTY COMPANY, Camas, Clark County. Washington. WILL exchange my Valley ranch, 25 miles from Portland, consisting ot, over 6 acres of finest bottom and upland, for un encumbered Portland property bringing in come; ranch is worth $35. 0OO complete ; good buildings, running water, about half cleared and balance good pasture; 20 mile f rora Portland. Owners only need apply. Main 1652 or AF 590, Oregonian. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acre choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable tor platting and Is at present in good condition: price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacM aster, 302 Worcester block, Portland. Or. XtJOOO FARM, 16 miles from Portland, near Sherwood, will take- house and lot as , part. 'J 20 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO EXCHANGE- FOR EXCHANGE. fiOOO acres of land that will grow fruit and walnuts, for 10 per acre. It's in Klick itat County, Washington, and land along side of It is selling for $50 to $100 per acre; will exchange entire tract for city property or an established business in some good town. 750 acres land near Pomeroy. Wash., on R. II., right at station, all good farm land; l."0 acres" can be irrigated. 75 acres in alfalfa, one of the finest places in the coun try for diw?rsirted farming ; splendid place to raise hogs; will grow fruit; will trade for Portland city property and as sume mortgage. 3.r.00-acre wheat farm. 3100 acres under cultivation. 'Z0i)0 acres in growing wheat that looks fine, good buildings and plenty of water; small orchard; Zi Head young muk?s and harness. 8 head work horses and harness. cows. 1 saddle horse, ail farm implements to handle a farm of this kind; hay and grain in barns for Spring work: price per acre, inciudiug'every- thing; will exchange. We have a lot of other, things to ex change, ('ail and see us. MOORE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 3t4-305 Henry Bldg., City. FOR EXC11 A NG E. A general merchandise stork, consisting of hardware, implemenif. drv goods and groceries, value about $2S.lMK) to $.10,000; two-story brick store building, value $Ls. ont; located in a first-clas.s farming town; lndhteoness against building and stock about $16.0o0; will trade for city or farm property, a wheat farm preferred. 1 200-acre wheat farm to trade for citv property, notes, mortgages or bonds. This is all good wheat land except about 25 acres; there are over 7oO acres in growing wheat, good house and barn, well and pumping outfit that cost $2,"iOO; purchaser gets one-third of the crop next year de livered at station. Place located at rail road station; price S3o yer acre. MOORE INVESTMENT COMPANY, :it4-;(i5 Henry Building. WE have a splendid six-room Enst Side home, on a corner lot, with all improve ments; close to two carlines; not more than 15 minutes out; incumbered for $i4im payable at $25 per month : wi'l trade equity of f 1600 for $500 cash and will take city lot for balance. Also have two South Portland houses, north of Meade street, 540 monthly in come, to trade for vacant property. Also have business block $25.U0A to trade for farm land or vacant tUy prop erty; 5200 pt-r month income and can he greatly increased at the termination or the present lease. Also have splendid" wheat ranch to trade for city property. JDE-iri'AItTHV LAND COMPANY, 42;-426 Lumbermen's Bldg. TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. SO acres beautifully located, close to Portland, with 40 acres Improved, includ ing 14 acre of apple trees. 9 years old; place lies on two county roads, close to town and river. Room 1, 83 5th st. HORSE HEAVEN LANDS. Will exchange unincumbered wheat land in Benton County, Washington, under Klickitat canal survey for equitv in port land property. A 5S&. Oregonian. INCOME apple orchard. 40 acres bearing apple orchard to exchange for merchan dise stock or Income city property. AJ 694. Oregonian. 64 CLEARED LOTS ln Vancouver. Wash value $250 each, for improved ranch G R Percival, owner, eis Main st., Vancouver, wash. TO TRADE FOR HOUSE. 5 beautiful acres, near Courtney Sta tion, in one of Portland's finest suburbs. Room 1, 83 5th st. CORNER lot and lO-room house. West Side take houe and lot East Side in part tav ment. AN 5Sfl, Oregonian. SIGHTLY fi-room modern residence near Hawthorne ave., $2700; terms or lot first payment. 307 Chamber of Commerce. WILL take new or second-hand automobile as fl rs t payment 00 new D - r 00 m house. Phone Main 8064. Call 414 Couch bldg MOSIER fruit land; 40 acres all cleared and partly set to trees, for Portland nasi dence. 706 Cascade ave.. Hood River. Or. H AVE an "07 Pierce A rro w a u to for ex change for house and lot or lots, or mort gage of any kind. O 3S5. Oregonian 10 TO 40 acres Hood River apple land for lots, house and lot. first, second or con tract mortgages O R86, Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property at - j uuai u ui 1 due. 6 ACRES convenient to carline, would trade for Improved property. 412 Marquam bldg. WA.NTED To trade a pony for phonograph M 591. Oregonian. " WANTED REAL ESTATE. I AM In the market for inside acreage- some thing that will do for platting purposes; am able to invest anywhere from SaoOO to $10 -OnO. but want to leave as much on mort gage as pobslh!e; give full description, loca tion, terms, etc. Address AE 5y2, Ore gonian. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Is In the mar- kl ior ptatiing proposition, in or close to the city, in area from 5 acres and up. See Mr. Ferris. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED At once. 8-room house, com paratively new; must be modern and bar gain; Nob Hill or Willamette .Heights dis trict preferred; will pay part cash. R 692. Oregonian. 6 OR 7-room house; must be bargain; new, modern and clean; west of E. 40th st., bet. Hawthorne and Holladay; will pay $500 cash, balance $20 per month and in terest. R 691, Oregonian. WHO has a. small modern house of 5 or 6 rooms for sale or will build one for party paying $30 to $35 per month, including Interest ? Nothing down; must be w'thin easy talking distance. AJ 318. Oregonian. WA N TED Lot on West Side, from $300 10 tuin cusn; eiaie location. A. tJU4. Oregonian. FIVE to six-room, modern new bungalow, from $2000 to $3000; terms. AC 5iM. Ore gonian. WANTED 10 or 20 acres on or near tne Base Line road, this side of Rockwood preferred. AN 593, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 160 ACRES, about 3 million feet, $10oO; 560 acres, about 2 million feet. $1200. Both in section 22, T. 3 N-, R. 9 E.. 1 mile from Cook's, on North Bark Rail road ; fiiie view up and down Columbia Kiver and of Mt. Hood. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY & -CO., Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 8-9 Chamber of -Commerce. Portland. 6. 500.000 feet A-l yellow fir. ln township -n Boutn, range 4 east, cheap if taken soon. 301-302 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7290. ABOUT 300O acres near tidewater and mills. cruising ou.uuu per acre; large per cent Fort Orf ord cedar. Price $80 per acre. Zimmerman. 621 Board of Trade. aro headquarters for timber and luxn- ut-i en icrprjses ot an Kinds. Kinney & Stampher, S31-552 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR accessible tie timber fronting river and 11 rvruana, see .fuienger, 245 Mom- T1MBER and homestead relinquishments. FARMS WANTED. WANTED FARMS If you want to sell your 11. .. unvo witn j. ja. Yencn A Co., the Farm Specialists. wa will aU it slS Ablutftoa Bids. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT IO acres 9 miieo out. on East flue; house, barn and chicken-house; 6 acres In cultivation ; - all level. See WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCrackeo. 304 McKay bldg. FOR SAUL Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we jeil guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 4-0 Hawthorne ave. NEW. nrst-clasj? express outfit for sale ; camel-back wagon, new harness, two 4-year-old horses weighing 27oo lbs., for .sale or trade for real estate. ;;0O Pippin s.. St. Johns line. Glenwood station. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand. Sole with guarantee as represented. U. S. Stables, 248 Front. I A M IN the market to buy horses from 4 to S years old. weight 3300 to 1800; must be sound. Paul Brunzel, 005 Albiaa ave, U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers. Ladles' waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front- FOR SALE Young team of horses, har ness, new wagon, good for delivery or express. Price $200. 410 Broadway, city. FOR SALE One carload heavy Valley horses, weighing from 2tO0 to 3250. Phone East 4804. 22t Russell st. WANTED Mare or horse. 1300 pounds or up; must be active and good traveler. Mr. Roderick, 50S Alder st. A 42S2. WANTED A good, young driving .team, lono to 1200 lbs.; give lull description in 1irst letter. Y 512, Oregonian. FOR SALE Work team, cheap. Call at 22d and Eta-sa lnsley. Sell wood. HUBRRT & HALL, 380 Front. bu7 sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. HORSES, mares, rigs and names of all kinds for sale. "94, Montgomery. WHAT have you to trade for tine horse and buggy. AL 590, Oregonian. Automobiles. BRUSH runabout for sale or trade for lot; used three months; first-claes ahape. Call 28 Hamilton bldg. AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lots. George R. Flora, -170 East Burnside St. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d st. Pianos, Organ and Musical Instruments. PIANOS and pianola player repaired, clean ing, tuning and polishing; work guaran teed. V. Kretschnar, 4S8 Wash. st. Phone ACCOUNT breaking tip of home must sell my $250 piano; will give very substantial reduc tion. Call at 966 Hawthorne ave., after 6 P. M. PIANO in mahogany case, good as new. at loffs than half price. Room 10, Washing ton Bldg. Birds. Doss, Pet Stock. JUST RECEIVED The finest lot of 1m- ported canaries. St- Andreasberg rdllers, Haity Mountain, Norwisko, Yorkshire and domestic; full line fancy birds, pets, fancy pigeons, pheasant's, etc. Phone East ;U1. Portland Bird Co., 91 Union ave. WANTED Male Maltese poodle, for breed ing; must be thoroughbred. V 5i4, Ore gon ian. FOR SALE Very fine imported male Jap anese spaniel, 1 year old., email; $50. 329 Jackson, or phone East 6391. PEDIGREED pointer bitch. 1 V years old for sale. - 848 Clackamas st. E. 6216. Miscellaneous. FOR this month we will sell watches, dia monds and jewelry for the amount loaned and inteiest at Uncle Myers, l-i.i 3d st. SPECIAL OFFER ON FACTORY-REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. L. C. Smith Visible, $42.50 and up; Un derwoods, No. 4 and 5 models, $47.50 and up; Remingtons, No. 6 and 7 models, $27. !0 and up. All other makes at proportionally low prices; all machines fully guaranteed and sold on approval; term. Pacific Stationery Printing Co.. 203. 2o5, 207 Second st. Sole agents for the Rebuilt Typewriter Company. OFFICE FURNITURE FOR SLE. 12 feet of office rail, with gate and posts, 10 feet of counter, with doors and shelves; 6-foot office counter, with posts all in first-class condition, with necessary Iron braces. Address M. L. Graves, 615 Beck bldg. Main 7020. SAFES 14 second-hand jEafea very cheap on monthly payments. We have moved from 7th st. to 87 5th st., near Stark. A complete stock of new safes. Cal4 or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th st. SEWING MACHINES Second hand machine-, drop head and box top, of all makes, at very !cw prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th. FOR SALE Small safe, containing compart ments; no space for books; will sell cheap; ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan. 1. AK 5C1, Oregonian. FOR SALE, CHEAP New White drop-head sewing machine, will sell cheap if taken at once; parties leaving town. 430 Vi Washington, room 1. ATTENTION CEMENT MEN. Can absolutely guarantee information how to save frozen cement work, at small T.cimc. .iuureas 1 ow. uregonian. BEST dr fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk -v,.., 01. x-none Mam 7451. A o44o 5UITABL"E for ChriPtmas present, hand print ing press; price $1j, with stand. 028 Ever ett. FOR SALE One 35-horsepower, portable boiler and engine. Call, room 209. Hotel Lenox. PRACTICALLY new furniture of 8-room apartment. reasonable. Apartment 14 Heir.ze Apartments. MOTION-PICTURE MACHINE with arc lamp rheostat. 3 recl 20 slides and 185 feet of film, cheap. Sell wood 648. BEAUTIFUL diamond., lv karats, pure white, for sale cheap. AM 509, Oregonian. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.25. Rvder Ptg. Co., 357 Burnside st. Main 5536. SEALSKIN COAT, s i ze 38. worn 2 y e a rs -price $125. Phone Main 7H83. FINE fresh cows for sale at 248 Front st U. S. Stable. Xmas trees and Oregon grape, delivered. Phone Milwaukle Black 443. FOR SALE Bicycle, coaster, m good con dition; cheap. 529 Taylor st. SCO BUSINESS cards $1 if you mention this ad. Rose City Print ery, 19214 3d. $125 RlTD water heater, used 3 months for $o5. 30S Pine st. SHOE stock, machines and tools for sale 12 N. 6th st. WANTED MISCELLAXEO CS. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; wo buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. E. 1016. 94 Grand av, SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445, Main 951. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and shoes. 290 First st. Main 2080. HIGHEST prices paid rufoeer, cooper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs. Phones A 7618. Main 5198. J. Leve. 1SG Columbia. HIGHEST prices paid for econd-hand furni ture. Weodard's Auction Houee. Thone Main S07S. B 1034. FIRtST-CLASS vaudeville team and pianist for thea.ter. Apply V 592, Oregonian. SPOT cash, paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Pnone East 1067. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's castoff clothing"- and shoes: we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED Delivery horse for grocery. Call at 34 4th st. WE buy. sell or exchange anything: ray high est prices; eel I for lea Main 6297. WANTED -A Victrola in mahogany, for cash. Address R 590. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALI. 100 MEN WANTED. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY, CORDOVA. ALASKA. 96 miles of heavy solid rock: side cutting to be let to station men at $120 per cubic yard; loose rock, 60c; earth, 30c. Splendid opportunity for good rockmen to make big m oney. Fare. $ 1 5 S h ipmen ts la t. 5th. htix. 16th. 2oth and 2iT of each month. Call or writ for full particular. M. J. HENEY. 614-15-16 Col man Bldg.. Seattle, Wash, 5O0 STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted imme diately for firemen or bra k em en on near by railroads; good vision ; account in creasing business; 100O men sent to posi tions last .nree months, $75, $10O monthly. Promotion Address, stating ager weight, height, send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. - SWITCHMEN. ENGINE FOREMAN, a day, free transportation, for the X. P. R. R., taking places made vacant by striking switchmen; regular scale 34c hour; write or come at once. C R. HANSEN & CO.. EMPLOYMENT. 36 North Second St.. Portland. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks, helo to secure positions; graduates earn from ?15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor: tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 34 North 4th st., Portland, Or. WANTED Men at Los Angeles, electricity, automobillng. plumbing, bricklaying, car pentry, sign painting, trade taught in few months; no cash expense; actual contract wo rk. Wr 1 te for cb t a logoe. U ni ted Tra de School Contracting Co., 236 Aliso, Los An geles. YOUNG- men to learn automobile business by mail; prepare for positions as chauf feurs and repair men ; we. make you ex .pert in ten weeks; assist you to secure po sition; pay big. work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for par tucnlars. sample lesson. Empire Auto mobile Institute, Rocnester, N. Y. WANTED Man who can make good in the real estate business; no money required, but must furnish references and be able to handle outside business. THE STEWART CO.. 523-5 Board of Trade Main 9340, a 7422 WANTED Young men, honest and indus trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi tions; clarks, carriers, railway mail, etc. ; thousands appointed ; good entrance sal ary, with promotions. Call or write. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg. I WANT two of the best real estate sales men in Portland at once. The proposition is an exceptional oppor tunity for high-class men large earnings and rapid advancement. Answer S 692, Oregonian. WANTED Competent bookkeeper with qualifications of first-class office, man capable of handling books and corre spondence. Applicant muet state age, salary expected and experience in detail. Address Box 137, city. EXPERIENCED specialty salesman wanted, Portland and Wtatern Oregon, by Eastern manufacturing company for coming year. Address A. E. Yeoman, 2421 Orlean et., Bellingham, Wash. YOUNG man. with some experience in gro ceries to learn tea and coffee business; op portunity to advance; salary small to start: references. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washington, st. WANTED High-grade investment company is desirous of securing the permanent services of a man competent to handle sales division ; must furnish security. 219 Commercial Club bldg. I NEED a few good hustlers to sell a line of household goods on thfc.-installment plan ; liberal commissions; no former ex perience necessary. J. D. Sherman, 89 Grand ave. FOREMAN to take, charge of warehouse and chipping department; must knw all ship ping points in Oregon and Washington. AK 590. Oregonian. TEA and coffee wagon man; must be fa miliar with city and have good references; good position for a, live one; give phone number. X 592. Oregonian. E want two or three good real estate sales men for subdivision work; auto tra-nspnrta-tion ; ppeuial .inducements to workers. Rabb Patton. 90 5th et. WANTED For railroad work, a ten-tea.m out lit ; good wheeler work. See Hanley Emploment Co.. at 2Si North Second st. Cal Main 727, A 2290. ANY PERSON, male or female, interested In commercial, railroad or wireless teleg rapny. please address A. E. M., 414 Taylor St.. city. CITY SOLICITOR to sell household fixture aireet to- builders and homeowners; $g com mission on each sale. Apply at salesroom. 361 Alder st. DRUG 'LABEL nd pillbox sales-man for .Northwest; give- reference and experience; exclusive or side line. Box No. L 590. Ore gonian. SOLICITORS for FRANKFORT accident and health policies; best on the Coast;- good contracts to live men; rapid promotion. Inquire 146 2d at., ground floor. WANTED Office and messenger Xjy for steady poeition; good chance for promotion; state, age and alary expected. G 592, Ore gonian. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission : experience unnecessary. Call at office. Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carline. tVANTELWSttady, sober man to help in store; owner will pay good salary. also share profits; small investment required. Particu lars 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED 500 men at "Knew" Sample Suit Stori, 315 Oregonian bldg. Special sale men's overcoats and suits $12 and $15 $20 to $30 values. YOUNG men to usher at theater Saturdavs, Sundays. Inquire Mr. Metzger, 142 4tii st. 10 A. M. WANTED A boy to work In grocery and drive team; one living on East Side pre ferred. Apply 333 Grand ave. WANTED Neat, honest young man with ?2CO as partner in fine paying real estate business. Room 610 Swetland bldg. ANOTHER good picture framer wanted The Rose City Art Store. 42 Washington street. YOUNG MAN for office work; stenographer and typewriter preferrd. Apply 339 Sher lock bldg. BIDS for clearing 20 acres of land iu miles from Reed vi lie, Washington County. Ad dress E. A. Middlebrooks, 302 Couch bldg. NO experience, short hours; fine opportun ' Ky ; $375 required ; worth $1000. Y 593 Oregonian. WANTED Two first-class coatmakers. Ap ply to the Crown Tailor Shop. 4th and Stark sts. A GOOD sashmaker; none but a good one need apply; steady work. Medford Sash & Door Co. WANTED Men to take contract to clear 10 acres. 0. Shoenbachler, Route No 4 Sherwood. Or. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and countrv. Commercial Abstract Co . 408 Commercial Club bldg $10 TO $100 daily made in the moving pic ture business; $100 will start you. Partic ulars 5262 Washington st. WANTED Photograph and portrait agent new, winning offer. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 week ly; easy inside work; learn business in short time; lessons reajr;able. 526i Wash. WANTED 2 boys with wheels: good wages. Apply 128 5th. BOY about 18 to wash bottles. Apply 91 Front st. CARPENTER wanted at 15th and Thurman Carmen Mfg. Co. AGENT wanted for Home Vacuum Carpet Cleaner. F. Wilson, 567 Second st. WE secure positions for our member. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. BARBER wanted for Saturdav 165 N. 6th st. good man. BOYS with wheels; good pay; steady job: sl 392 1 BAB-BEB Steady Job. 260 ImX, W HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALE SWOM E N. Thoroughly ex peri en '.-ed and competent, wanted in a number of our departments. -Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, WANTED Investment company of high sianuinft wants permanent services of a high-grade saleswoman to develop to man aging departmen-t; must furnish security. 211 Commercial Club bldg. GIRLS 16 years of age. wanted. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO. LADY solicitors having iarge circle of ac quaintances in Portland, easy, pleasant work ; liberal pay assured to persons of ability Address W 5V0, Oregonian. WA NTED Young lady telegraph operator; also one who can help on telephone ex change. WrUe J. A. Howerton. llwaco. Wash. NEAT, capable woman, hotel cook. $40; also middle-aged. reliable housekeeper. St. Louis. 2-45 u. Washington. Main 2039. WANTED Girl for cook and general house work. Apply 7SI Marshall. Friday, 4 to . 6 P. M.. or any time Saturday. YOUNG lady to assist in butter stand, all of Saturdays and at noons. F. S. Burn, Washington Market. LADIES at home day or evenings, applving transfers on porcelain. 51.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. y Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED First-class girl for general housework. No .washing. Apply 783 Flanders st. WANTED A good child nurse; must have reference. Apply at 145 18th si.. North. Call morning and night. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl for general housework; understands cooking; good wages. 714 Tillamook st. MRS. HOWE'S LA-DIES' AGENCY, S2ti Washington St., Room S07. Main 8S26 or A 8266. WANTED Girl for general housework. 68 S Love joy. LADY TO SELL to stores and demonstrate; give phone number. M 590, Oregonian. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Girl for addressing. C. C. Chap man Co., 3d and Oak. GIRL to assist general housework. 702 Marshall, near 22d. Apply forenoons. HOUSEKEEPER who can cook, honest and reliable, family two. B oo, Oregonian. WANTED at once, girl for general house work; two in family. Apply 774 Irving. GIRL to assist in housework of small fam ily, phone Tabor 1372. ' EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, $30. 395 Hassaio st., cor. Grand ave. CAPABLE housework girl. $30. St. Louis Agency. 245 Washington. Main 2039. LADY solicitors wanted, all Oregon towns. Call or write. 36o Stanton st. Phone C 1036. GIRL to help In family hotel. $20. 533 Mor rison, cor. 17th. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply 181 N. 24th St. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. REMABLB nuiwj girl- for 2 children. 585 Marshall mt., near 18th. WAITRESS wanted, 385 East Morrison st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAKE money writing stories or for news papers; big pay. Send for free booklet; tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man wants posttion with contractor or builder, used to draughting, time-keeping and construction; references. X 59L Oregonian. COMPETENT salesman, 10 years" experience; best reference, city or country. A COl, Oregonian. Mlscel laneons. COOK, good all-round, steady, sober, eco nomical, wants immediate employment; six months in last place; camp preferred, or country hotel or restaurant. G. N., 331 GM&nn st. WANTED By man and wife, man as jani tor or watchman, or night clerk in a hotel, and wife to be as chambermaid or do housework; have references. AK 59S, uregunian, A YOUNG man wlshee a position ln a whole sale house where there is an opportunity for advancement; can give references; lives with parents. L 593, Oregonian. YOUNG man. 25. wishes to buy working in terest in Job printing office or photograph gallery, to learn business. Address AC 592, Oregonian, or phone Tabor 1307. YOUNG MAN attending business college would like place to work for board and room. G 594. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position, hotel, boarding-house, $55 up. A 000, Oregonian. COOK and helper (man and wife) want po sition, city or country; good experience; no bad habits. AH 592, Oregonian. CAPABLE chef and second cook, hotel or restaurant; references. B dOl, . Ore gonian. MUSICIAN, married, would like a situation as pipefitter or moving picture operator in city or small town. W 502, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants work as porter or janitor, or any kind. AL 595 Oregonian. BARBER, Just out of college, wants Job anywhere. E 591, Oregonian. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett st. WANTED Position of trust; $200 and other security. F. Tracy, general delivery. GOOD penman wants work of any kind; good references. AB 592, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and btenograpbers. YOUNG LADY bill clerk, desires position, using Elliott Fisher or Under wood ma- chine; 6 years experience; references. P 693, Oregonian. . CAPABLE business woman employed during day desires employment evenings ar.d Sun days; anything, office, store, household. M 593, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with business college educa tion wants position as bookkeeper; best references. O 590, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer wants a position, lumber office preferred; will go out of town if necessary. W 593. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, wants po sition ; will substitute. AF 591, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER desires position, ft years experience. W 594, Oregonian. Dressmakers. PLAIN, fancy dressmaking; alterations a specialty. 350H Morrison St., room - 33, Phone Main 452L A 1644. GENERAL dressmaking bv the day. 195 loth st. Phone Main 8437, A 22G0. . NURSING by experienced middle-aged lady; maternity preferred. Phone Main 4302. Housekeepers. RESPONSIBLE, refined, middle-aged wo man desires posttion as housekeeper for elderly couple or small family; exper ienced cook, practical nurse, good home chief object ; references exchanged. AK 591, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or room-ir.g-houee; will go to country. Phone Main 7285, between 6 and 7 P. M. or F 579, Ore gonian. NEAT woman housekeeper, girl -3. Louis, 245 Washington. Main 2039. . St Domestics. GOOD, reliable women wishe day work fhona aialA 390 Miss -Smith. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Misoellsuaeooa. I AM prepared to car for a few children between 2 and S years old; board, room, washing and mending, $15 per month. 446 East Harrison st., Mrs. M. PaVnter. COOKS. housekeepers. chambermaids, nurses, washing. Ironing, cleaning. St Louis, 245 Washington. Main 2039. A 4775. GERMAN lady wants work "by day. Main 642T. Room 29. SHIRT waists laundred, 10c apiece. H 591. Oregonian. SWEDISH lady wants day work any kind. Phone Main 7315. room 21. -AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT. UNFURNI-SHED flat. 5 or 6 rooms, modern, close in. on West Side, no children, ref erences. AM 59S. Oregonian. WANTED A clean, comfortable, furnished modern bungalow or cottage, not over 5 rooms, by Jan. 1; rent reasonable; no old or far-out places considered; best of ref erences; no children. Phone B 1744. SMALL cottage or bungalow; must be mod ern, with dry basement; references. T 501, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. REFINED couple with child 5 years old de sire rooms and board oh Eait Side, vicinity of Willlams-ave. school; give phone number. AM 591, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room with board for young married couple; must be close in. AO 591, Oregonian. YOU NO man 'wants room and board, on the West Side preferred. Send particulars to AC 593, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Euraished Rooms. HOTEL RAINIER. I-IO ROOMS. t 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New; modern, fireproof butldinf. steam heated, hot and cold running water In all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house: nice large office on ground floor; every thing first-class; rates. 50c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per wee;. Call and see us. 128 6th st. North. Homelike Homelike Homelike - NEW SCOTT HOTEL Seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IS THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting: and lefurnishing, all for your benefit. SrTEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who apprecaiie cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free phones. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eieventn sr. NEW, modern brick building; Just opened ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT,' private baths, excellent location, juet on Washing ton at.; special rates by week or month. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. THE OCKLEY. 390 Vi Morrison St., Cor. 10th. Neatly furnished rooms. steam heat, electric lighted, running hot - and cold water, free bath and phone; $3.50 per week and up. SARGENT HOTEL. New management. Grand, Hawthorne; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone, E. 291. in every room; largest rooms in city for permanent people, baths; transient 50c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sta. Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low monthly rates; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; beautifully furnished; tourist trade solicited. PRINCESS HOTEL East Third and Burn side streets; outside rooms, with steam heat, hot and cold water, long distance telephones, electric lights and elevator service. $14.50 a month and up. THE MERTARPER. 126 13th, cor- Washing ton, brand new. handsomely furnished; very modern convenience; hot water in all rooms; very reasonable terms. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5047. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modtsrn conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. THREE nicely furnished front rooms; fur nace heat and bath. 221 13th st.( The Hawthorne. Phone Main 6302. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 327 14 fatark, cornea 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE BUTLER Comfortable rooms, close in low rates. 409 Wash. THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to Jfo per week. 548 Washington st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place," formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. Furnished Rooms in private Families. NICELY furnished front suite and single rooms, good heat, use of phone, bath and gas. centrally located, reasonable. 213 Thirteenth. FRONT bedroom, walking distance, Jeffer son car at door; bath, heat and phone, $10. 328 Chapman st. A 5450. FRONT alcove room, very central, house modern, private family. 3S8 Salmon, between West Park and Tenth. TO elegant rooms in flat; electric light, bath, phone, steam heat, walking distance. 547 ii Yamhill st. CHOICE furnished rooms, new house, best apartments Weet Side; walking distance; reaonab!e; men only. Main 2219. ROOMS H-aat, bath, fuel, use of kitchen and laundry room, walking distance. Phone S3&7 Main; 2t5 Lincoln st. LARGE neatly furnished front room; bath, gas and phone. 428 Va Second St., near Hall. Main 22?S. LARGO furnished room; running water; all convenience; suitable for one or two 223 West Park. CULTURED young woman to sharo room with lady student; good neighborhood, clofee in, on West Side. A 603, Oregonian. LARGE front room, suitable gentlemen, with or without board; walking distance, block from car. Phone East 6b7. A. NEATLY furnished room for rent, reason able. -it-5 First st.. fiat K. NICELY furnished room, steam heat. 471 Jefferson St., flat B. Main 40feJ. $7 MONTH Pleasant, neatly furnished room, gas, bath, phone. 475 Clay st- $2.50 WEEK, newly furnished room, bath, telephone, walking distance. 294 11th. NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat, free bath. 714 Washington St., near 22d. NICELY furnished front room, modern, very reasonable. ISO 17th St., cor. Yamhill. NICELY furnished sleeping-room for rent. 54 N. 20th. 258H 13TH ST., nicely furnished room, new bouse; every convenience; gentlemen only: Unfurnished Rooms. TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi vided. 551 Morrison st. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE front room. 2 closets; will board. The Hollywood, 446 3d. THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or without board. 452 Morrison, cor lath. ROOJ4 -and boaxd-at-4StexUL$v 63 Couch, st. ROR RENT. Rooms WUh bosfcrd. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders St. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt- Woman's Exchange, 1S6 6th, st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. THURMAN HOTEL. 35 N. lyth st.. nicely furnuished rooms with or without table board at reasonable prices; Scandinavian trade solicited, E.' '1 orngvist. 1HE COLONIAL, 165 and 16? lOtrt St.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. Rooms With Board In Private FaLmily. ELEGANTLY -furnished front alcove; every thing new and strictly up to date- walk ing distance, phone mornings. Main 6015, 34'J Harrison at. LA RG E, well furnished front room, also single room, with 2 or 3 meals. 241 North 22u street. Phone 2071. BOARD and room in private home for two or three gentlemen; $25 a month. Phone East 60-6. FURNISHED room suitable for two; first class table board ; private family. Main i 1 7 4. 75 North 14th. ROOMS ar.d board, private family; steam heat, modern, home privileges' and caoking. A 4536. NEWLY furnished rooms and board It da sired; hot air. 173 lOih st. ROOMS, with or lthout board; all new pricey reasonable. 75 Union ave. North. ROOM nrd board for two. employed. $20 each. Nob Hill. 695 Everett st. NEWLY-FURNISHED room. 595 East Oak st.. cor. loth. Phone B 2f.l9. FURNISHED room with board. 335 Elev--enth st. A 1036. ROOM and board at 2'M Clay st. Apartments. FOR RENT Most desirable five-room flats, , with extra servants' room, away from the; main body of tlie apartment, are offered 1 on E. 21st street, nest to the corner of: Hawthorne ave. walking distance, or Si minutets out on best carline in the citv; ; nothing in Portland comparable to these : fiats; artistic in tor tors, surpass many of i the finest homes; large firepla.ee. blc ; porches, etc.; come direct to fiats or ring;! up M.' i64 for further information. OKDELK1G11 APARTMENTS New. brick, ' Grand ave. and East Stark; well furnished! 3-room apartments possessing every mod-; ern convenience, including steam heat, hot ' water, private baths and phones-; while ' these apartments are as up-to-date as any t in the city and about as close to the busi- 11 ess center, the prices are considerably j less; now ready for occupancy phone East 3O0; no children. - HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Columbia. ' 4 blocks from Morrison et. ; new brick build- 1 ing. completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and -roora family apartments; privata I bath, reception hall, iteam heat, hot water, j elevator, free phone, compressed air clean- ' ing, janitor service; rent very reasonable. JANUARY 1ST Attractive unfurnished five-i room apartment, with bath and all mod- j ern conveniences, gas range, refrigerator, j steam heat, hot and cold water, gas, elec- ! trie light, telephone, janitor service, etc, 1 Phone A 1133. RE-U-KAN. i The most exclusive furnished apart- ' ments in the city ; three-room suits, bath and reception ha ij, both phones, electrlo elevator; take w or lOth-st car. 624 Marshall bl THE LANDORB APARTMENTS. 22S 10th St., between Jefferson and Columbia -One large front room and one single room, newly furnished; all conveniences. SNAP 60-room apartment-house, near cen ter of city; 1, 2, 3 and 4 -room suites each ; house full, clearing $300 a month. AF 594, Oregonian. 4 ROOMS and bath; steam heat, hot water; partly furnished; walking; distance. Phone A 1961; Main ff946. 8-ROOM unfurnished apartment for rent at the Stanley, first-class service. 701 Wash ington st. ' THE CHETOPA 4 rooms, modern, unfur nished apartment; $35. -ROOM furnished apartment, every con venience, close In. $40. Main 44i4. lats. CLOSE In on East Side; very desirable K room fiat, modern conveniences, built-in buffet, handsome mission finish living room and dining-room ; rent $25. Call A 6-ROOM flat, all large, light rooms, modern, rent reasonable, 09S Union ave. North, near cook ave. Inauire at store. BRAND NEW. up-to-date fiats, with either 5 or 6 rooms. Apply drugstore, 80O Front st.; either V or S car. WHEN moving call up "Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1018, A 19S4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. ELEGANT, up-to-date upper flat; every convenience; adults; walking distance. Call at 328 Mill st. FOUR-ROOM modern flat for rent. Phone Main 2100. 407 Columbia st. WEST SIDE. 5 room; rent $35 monthly. 224 N. 18th st. MODERN upper flat. 936 East Main. - Phone East 4f62. $16 Modern 4 -room flat, with basement; adults. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. A NICE 5-room flat, furnished; easy walking1 distance. Apply 23o Hall st. FLATS. 731 Hoyt su. near 22d. room and bath. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278, FIVE-ROOM, modern flat. 466 Park st. Housekeeping; Kouliis. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta. Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water bat lis. laundry, reception -room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; best ln city for money; short distance from U nion Depot. S"' or 16th-st cars north get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1 $S month, 3 for $12; cottages, 16, $27.50; lower fiat, 4 rooms, 16 ; unfurnished house, $10. 364 ::0th North: "W" car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. ONEONTA. 1S7 17th. near .Tarahlll; take W. car at depot ; furnished 2, 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5.50, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water laths and phones free. Main 4697. A 47391 HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS. WEST SIDE. The "Wapello," housekeeping and fur nished rooms; heat, clean, reasonable. 5oa Alder. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 3 room apartment, all modern conveniences, reasonable. 2uth and Washington. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry. ' bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeplnj rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 1S4 Sherman. VERY nice furnished housekeeping suite, central location. 4S2 Washington st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin gle rooms. 532 Williams ave. C 152v$. NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14.00. t31Vfe Washington St.. cor. 20th. Housekeeping- Rooms in Private Family. SWELL front suite, newly furnished, lovely home, steam heat, hot water, bath, laun diy. cooking gas free. Main 848. FINELY furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges; elegant location, off Washington. 46 N. 21st St., $2.50 up. 235 12TH ST. 2 housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, walking distance, good loca tion. FtHXlSsHED alcove; also single housekeep ing rooms. 450 Yamhill st. 354 SA LMON, 2 desirable, cozy rooms, par lor floor, furnished for housekeeping. THREE nicely furnished rooms, light, cosy, ground floor; gas. bath. 672 Belmont. . FRONT suito of housekeeping rooms. Apply &IV2 1st st. Room 11. 2-ROOM housekeeping suite, also one room for housekeeping, reasonable. 421 7th st. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. 889 Oth st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, phone. :-i Clay st. TWO rurni.-hed housekeeping rooms- mod ern, phone Main 6067. 140 North 16th st. TWO rooms for housekeeping, heat, light and watr, close in. 214 13th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 6T . Horth, 14th, W bet iavis and. Everett '