16 THE MORNING- OREGOX1AX. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1909. REAL ESTATE. For Bale -Fnil t I .and, BPITZENBERO SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 10. 20. 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400. $500 per tract. BETTER Ht'RRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Liberal terms. McFARUND INVESTMENT CO.. 310-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Merritt &. Palmer, Sales Agents. AILE LAND 180 acres of Ideal apple land within 8 miles of the O. W. P. car line; v e have a price on this until Iec 15 of $25 per acre; It's a big bargain at this pi ire. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. K. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. 40 ACRES of fine apple land; 10 acre cleared; a big value at $15u0, H cash. M. B. Lea, 411 Corbeit bldg. For Sale -Farnw. 43 ACRES. 6 miles from Vancouver, near Orchards, on good l oad and clone to new electric carline. now building; black shot soil, none better, will produce anything; place is fenced and cross-fenced and all of It is under cultivation; lo acres In orchard, 3 acres in small assorted fruit, all In full bearing: good 7-room house, barn 40 by W and other outbuildings, all In first-class condition; 2 wells of fine water; one span of f.-year-old mares and 2 or 3 dozen chickens go with the place; also harness, waijon. plows. 2, cultivators and all other farming machinery; house furnished with new oak furniture, range and heating atov all of whit h goes with the place; price JT30O. $4000 each, balance time or will tnkp Portland unincumbered property up tr $1500. as part payment; a very fine farm and a snej). . K ATFKMANN & MOORE. 324-325 Lumber Exchange. APPLE ORCHARD. Absolutely the best bargain ever offered 1n the Willamette Valley; SO acres of the finest soil in The world. SO acres of which is In splendid producing. 10-year-old Baldwin and Jonathan apples. 1 acre p-aches. 4 acres good fir timber and 25 seres farm land; nearly new 5-room cot tage and large fruit warehouse. 1 miles from R. K. and good town ; prico $200 per acre; $6000 cah and $2000 per year. Four crops from this orchard will easily ray for It. Tho owner wants to sell and has put the price so it must go. l-et us show It. to you. Address Th Jack Rodman Co., Eugene, Or. Full particulars of this splendid bargain can be had at our Portland offi.e. t')4-6oS Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. SACRIFICE. 20 acres of dtp black loam soil. 12 acres in line cultivation, good 5-room , house, good barn, family orchard, good ft Ml; horse, harness, wagon, plows, culti vator, harrow and all tools; chickens; all nicely fenced and crrtss-fenced ; 14 miles from Portland, hi mile from R. R. and town ; on It. F. L. ; telephone and milk route; electric survey within 1 mile; price for 10 days only, $250O, $1300 cash; bal. long time. fee thi.s at our expense. C'HAPTN & HER LOW. 332 i hamber of Commerce. $5 PER ACRE Great wheat country, 100 acre fatms In the rich delta of the Sonora River, pear American line, in Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most excellent climate, deep garden soil, com, wheat. cotton. beans, alfalfa. dates, oranges, lemons: all vegetable products: good market; I5O.0O0 acres now opened to American farmers; first 10,000 acres at $5 per acre, half cash; this is really $100 land. See cr write us Immediately. C. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market at., San FranclBco, Cal. "ATTENTION. BITTER AND HOME SEEKER." We have reliable and accurate Infor mation on all Oregon and Washington land?: thousands of fine bargains In every country; mines, timber claims and home steads. No fee, no commission. OREGON LAND INFORMATION BUREAU. 604-006-60) Board of Trade Bldg. Portland. Or. FOR HALF 4 arrow Improved land which contains enormous clay deposit; awarded di ploma ; big fortune for any brick plant ; 5 acre.1 will be planted in orchard in Spring, four acres In Fait. 7 acres in chicken fence; water, house, burn ; two miles from Lyle, "U ajs'n.; price 95000. Paolo Bettini, Lyle, "Wash. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acre, choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for platting and Is at present in good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William M ac Master, 302 Worcester block. Portland. Or. AN elegant tf.Vacre fruit farm in the Wil lamette Valle . close to railroad station ; 10 acres in full -bearing orchard, S acres 1n cult lvatlon, balance In brush and pas ture; small house and barn ; a snap If taken now . or might trade. ERONG-STEEIB CO., 1 JO Second Street. WHKAT RANCH 320 acres In Morrow bounty, Oregon, all In cultivation, all fenced, small house and barn, running water. best- of wheat land, for sale at seine price or will exchange for Portland property. w. H. Lang Co., 414 Abing ton Bldg. LOOK HERE. How Is this ? 40 acres. Improved, 1 H miles of R. R. town, in Washington Co.. only SloP't. cash. Dubois & Crockett, Washington bldg., room 3. 2o ACRES fine rich level land; t mile to small town; price $1500. or would exchange for automobile. For particulars see O. A. Hat ton. 411 Corbett bldg. fcEN'D for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying ; lands shown free. Olmstrad Land Co.. Salem. Or. M iseelluJieoua. ARE you iooklng for a farm or acreage? Don't fall to call at "THE OROSSLEY (.'OMPANT," 701 and 70! Corbett Bldg. Tt costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan n0 tc ee v.m before buying. We don't publish our list. WANTED KKAL ESTATE. Wlio tins a small modern house of 6 or 6 roonss for sale or will build one for party paying $;; 10 $35 per month, including interest? Nothing down; must be within easy walking distance. AJ 5S. Oregonian. IV B are In touch with parties who want to purchase Improved acre tracts and acreage near Portland. What have you to offer? M. I?. Thompson Co., cor. Oak and 4th sts. Phone Main 0084. A 3327. WE have parties wanting to purchase desira ble homes on Weft Side. If your house is f"r ale, call and o 113 or phone Main i8 4. A 3327. M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4t h and Oak .t. W ANT A M ODER N H OM K ? Take choice lot at riedmont and 4 o'her lots In restricted district as part payment. $oS "Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE PARTY wanting 5 to IO acres good onion land; must be near carline and rea .onaMe; would like to hear from owners or agents. W. B. Hartley. 411 Swetland bldg. BUNGALOW. 5 or 6 rooms, Sunnvslde to loth st.. $2000 to S3000: will pay $40O 1 -a mi . bal. n 1 on t h 1 y ; give locat i on an d price. A J 503, Oregoniun. WANTED To buy an Improved farm from 40 to tlO acres on carline, near school. Sea Hughes. .100 Fulling bldg. WANTED Modern bungalow, about $4000. West Side; owner only. S10 Henry Bldg. Li fT your property with lis. Smith-Wagoner Co., 3-'6 Chamber Commerce. OR 6 ALE TEVIBEB ,OrtO.O00 fret of yellow fir in Yamhill County. 10.000.ooo feet yellow fir, near R. R. and Columbia River. UVOOo.OOO feet yellow fir. on Traak River in Tillamook County. 4 000.000 feet yellow fir on Wilson Creek, In TlliHmook County. 12.Ooo.ooo feet yellow fir on Lewis and Clark River. The above limber Is a bargain If closed immediately. N1MMO. Rl'NEY DAVIS, 13 Hamilton Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Chicago. New Orleans, Seat t la. $29 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. .6 OX). 000 feet A-l yeUow fir. In township 17 south, range 4 east, cheap If taken soon. 301-302 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7200. AOl'T S0O0 an near tidewater and mills, ci 60.0(H per acre; large per cent t Oi-ford cdur. Price $: per acre, .m merman. 02 1 Board of Trade, V E are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of ail kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-533 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR accessible tie timber fronting river and near Portland, see P it ten g at, 2&b Morrl- f TIMBER and fiinn mm d TTlf n-i'ilsnntmta TO EXCHANGE- FOR EXCHANGE. A general merchandise stock, consisting of hardware, implements, dry goods and groceries, value about $28,000 to $30.0u0; two-story brick store building, value $1S. 000; located in a first-class farming town; indebtedness agaitust building and stock about $16,000; will trade for city or farm property. & wheat farm preferred. 12)0-acre wheat farm to trade for city property, notes, mortgages or bonds. This is all good wheat land except about 25 acres; there are over 70O acres in growing wheat, good house and barn, well and pumping outfit that cost $2500; purchaser gets one-third of the crop next year de livered at station. Place located aft rail road station: price S30 per acre. MOORE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 304-305 Henry Building. A. DANDY small farm, right on Vancouver Lake. 3 miles north of city, county road and R. R. crosses place, near station. 14 acres highly improved bearing orchard, ail fine tillable fruit land, valuable water front, must be turned eoon at reduced price of $200 per acre. Would consider good city property for part, balance easily arranged. CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. 100 ACRES of fine soil. 5 miles from Bux ton. Washington County. 40 acres under cultivation, 4 acres in orchard, 10-room good house, extra, well built barn. 40 by O0 feet; fruit drier and other outbuildings; close to school; living water; price $."HrO0; will exchange for Portland income prop erty; a fine farm. Kauffman & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. ROOMTNG-HOUSB clearing $55 per mfmth for sale or exchange for land; might take good homestead relinquishment, value S 1 200 ; give price, location and descrip tion. Address owner, 231 East Sixth St.. South. Portland. Or. HORSE HEAVEN LANDS. Will exchange unincumbered wheat land in Benton County. Washington, under Klickitat eanal survey for equity in Port land property. A 589. Oregonian. INCOME apple orchard. 40 acres bearing apple orchard to exchange for merchan dise stock or income city property. A J ft&4, Oregonian. J10O0 PROPERTY for grocery, cigars and confectionery. Eighty acres for house and lot; will as sume mortgage. 210 Lumbermen's Bldg. FINS furnished dairy farm, 50 acres-, 2-8 In cultivation, rest elasned; for sale or trade; owner leaving state. 30314 Washington room 24. CORNER lot end 10-room house. West Side, take house and lot Eat Side In part pay ment. AN 586, Oregonian. HAVE an "07 Pierce Arrow auto for ex change for house and lot or lots, or mort gage of any kind. O 3S5. Oregonian. WHAT business or property have you to ex change for Alaska Coal Mining shares? Address H 592, Oregonian. IO TO 40 acres Hood River apple land for lots, house and lot. first, second or con tract mortgages. O 5S6, Oregonian. WANTED To trade a pony for phonograph M flftl. Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. WANTE D SM A LL FA R M. 10 to 25 acres, within 15 miles of Port land: at least 10 acres in cultivation; some beaverdam land preferred; must have fair Im provements; land -a-nd Improvements must be worth prioe asked ; will nay $500 to $So0 cash, ba lance long time. Address F 5K, Oregonian. WANTED FARMS If you want to sell your farm, list it at once with J. M. French & Co., the Farm Specialists. We will sell It. 412-413 Ablngton Bldg. WAITED TIMBER LANDS. IN WHEELER. Crook and other counties. Murdoch & Young, 411 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 54 CLEARED LOTS in Vancouver, Wash., value $250 each, for improved ranch. G. R. Percival, owner, 615 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR BALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. BARGAIN Pair matched bays, horse and mare, weigh 2400 lbs., low, heavy-set chunks, easy keepers, sound and gentle every way; nearly new breeching harness, all complete, goes at $2-5. Call 006 Wash ington st. M. Mayhew's team. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand. Sold with guarantee as represented. U. S. Stables, 248 Front. I AM IN the market to buy horses from 4 to 8 years old, weight 1300 to 1800; must be sound. Paul Brunzel, 505 Albina ave. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Bwt accommodations for travelers. Ladles' waiting-room. Prices moderate. 24S Front. PAIR brown mares, 7 and 8 years; must be sold at once; owner leaving city. Call stables, S. W. cor. Front and Salmon sts. FOR SALE Work team, cheap. Call at 22d and Efeist Insley, Sell wood. HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. FOR SALE A pair of fine Shetland pome Call on E. B. Turner at Country Club. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. Automobiles. AI.MOST new 5-passenger touring car, in perfect condition, fully equipped with top, gla&s front, horn, 5 lighta, generator, ex tra tire, tire Chains, etc. Will sell very reasonable, or will consider suitable real estatj. V 5SS, Oregonian. 20 ACRES fine rich level land; 4 mile to fmiall town; price $1500, or would exchange f. r .utomoblle. For particulars see O. A. Hat too. 411 Corbett bldg. BRUSH runabout for sale or trade for lot; used three months; first -daea shape. Call 28 vHamllton bldg. AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lots. George R. Flora. 470 East Burnside St. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. Jaznea D. Fall. 244 2d at. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. ACOOUNT breaking up of home must sell my 425o piano; will give very substantial reduc tion. Call at (H6 Hawthorne ave., after 6 P. M. KIMBALL piano for Christmas or New Year's present for son or daughter; $25t, half cash, or less if all cash. CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. $150 ESTEY organ, A-l condition; price term s S 1 0 do wn. $3 men t h pay meats. 350 Alder st. PIANO in mahogany case, good as new, at less than half price. Room 10, Washing ton Bldg. Miscellaneous. CHEMISTRY, A-l I do all kinds of chem istry, cement work, cement iron stoves, furniture, polish furniture ; cements made to order; success guaranteed or money refurded. Adam Hoppa, The Everett. 51 North 2d. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445. GOOD No. 2 Smith Premier typewriter for sals cheap. Inquire 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4ih and Oak. MOTION-PICTURE MACHINES with arc lamp, rheostat, 3 reels, 20 slides and feet of film, cheap. Sellwood 648. WILL sell or exchange on lot. beautiful white diamond ring, nearly 1 karats. Address 33 North 3d st. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.25. Ryder Ptg. Co.. 357 Burnside St. Main 5536. STATIC machine, motor and accessories com plete. Tor saie cheap. Main 665S. 600 BUSINESS carde $1 if you mention this ad. Rose City Printery. 102 1 3d. FOR SALE Three No. 1 fresh cows and calves. Phone Tabor 1451. FOR SALE Two good fresh young cows and calves. Phone Tabor 1G09. f 125 RUUD water heater, used S months, for $65. 308 Pine st. ahrsroase tor a4k 0 FOR 3ALE. MiMeliaaeani. FOR this month we will sell watches, dia monds and jewelry for the amount loaned and Interest at Uncle Myers, 143 3d st. FURS. - FURS. . FURS. Z have on hand all kinds of ready made sets of my own design and fine work, very reasonable. Also sealskins, marten, mink, etc ; I can make to order on short notice. I redye and remodel old seaskin and mink in the Latest styles and to look like new. See me before buying lse where, as I can save you monev. A. REINER. THE FURRIER, 14S Fifth St., Bet. Morrison and Alder. SAFES 14 second-hard cafes very cheap on monthly payments. Vve have moved from 7th t. to 81 6th st., near Stark. A complete stock of new safea. Call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th st. SEWING M CHINES Second hand ma chines, drop head and box top, of all makes, at very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. lltn. LARGE fiat top office desk, nearly new, also revolving chair, a'lso large table, suitable for attorney. 610 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 493. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $30. folly guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.. FOR SALE Small safe, containing compart ments; no space for books; will sell cheap; ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan. l. -AK 5G1, Oregonian. CARD press and 1 -year lease for sale on Washington st., near th; price for a few days. $300. J. M. Kerr & Co., 26S Stark st.. room 10. MANURE Best old manure for gardens. $1.50 a load. AN 582. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's castoff clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 47 3d st. North. Phone Main B272 HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. E. 1015. 94 Grand av. SELL your Becond-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445, Main 8951. WANTED Clothing. best price paid for ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and shoes. 200 First st. Main 2080. HIGHEST prices paid rubeer, cooper, brass, p;lts, hides, wool, furs. Phones A 7618, Main 5108. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. WANTED MaJe Maltese poodle for breed ing; must be thoroughbred. V 594, Ore gonian. HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni ture. Woodard's Auction House. Phone Main 8078. B 1034. FIRST-CLASS vaudeville team and pianist for theater. Apply V BftS, Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED Scotch collie pup 4 months old. Tel. Main 2816. WANTED Diamond earrings; must be soaable; state size. O 579, Oregonian. ONE hingh-clasa phonograph for half price. Main 2712. WE buy. sell or exchange anything; pay hlgh est prices; sell for lefs. Main 6207. HELP WANTED MALE. I WANT two of the best real estate sales men in Portland at once. The proposition is an exceptional oppor tunity for high-class men large earnings and rapid advancement. Answer S 592, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED knit goods salesman, repre sent complete line of knit goods at home, m-arket and surrounding territory Chae. H Levitt & Co., 310-312 Church St., New York City. ANY PERSON, male or female, interested in commercial, railroad .or wireless teleg raphy, please address A. E. M., 414 Taylor et., city. WANTED Steady man, able to check goods, etc.; pay $25 week now; can be increased, with interested help; ?250 required. Par ticulars 417 Board of Trade Bldg. CITY SOLICITOR to sell household fixtures direct to builders and homeowners; $6 com mission on each sale. Apply at salesroom, 861 Alder st. WE want two or three good real estate salesmen for subdivision work; auto trans portation ; special inducements to work ers. Rabb & Patton, 90 5th bL WANTED Experienced solicitors; nothing to sell; hustlers can earn. 5 daily; references. Apply between 10 and S, room 526 Lumber Exchange bldg. DRUG LABEL and pillbox salesman for Northwest ; give reference and experience; exclusive or eide line. Box No. L 590. Ore gonian, SOLICITORS for FRANKFORT accident and health policies; best on the Coast; good contracts to live men ; rapid promotion. Inquire 146 ' 2d St., ground floor. WANTED Office and messenger boy for steady position; good chance for promotion; state age and salary expected. G 592, Ore gonian. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission: experience unnecessary. Call at ofnee, Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carline. WANTED 500 men at "Knew" Sample Suit Store, 315 Oregonian bldg. Special sale men's overcoats and suits 112 and Slo, $20 to f30 values. FOREMAN to take charge of warehouse and shipping department; must know ail ship ping points in Oregon and Washington. AK 50. Oregonian. WANTED --Neat, honest young man with $250 as partner in fine paying real estate business. Room 610 S wet land- bldg. , . r BIDS for clearing 20 acres of land 3H miles from, Reedviile, Washington Countv. Ad dress E. A. Utidlebrooks. 302 Couch bldg. NO experience, short hour, fine opportunity, $200 month; $375 required. AH 691, Ore gonian. 1 : , SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Ab - stract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Experienced glazien?; permanent employment. Apply W. .P. Fuller & Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED Men to take contract to clear 30 a ores. . Shoenbaeh ler. Routs No. 4, Sherwood, Or." WANTED Young man. steady and sober, learn real estate business; small capital re quired. Call 326S Washington st.. room 417 SOLICITORS In all parts of Oregon to sell concentrated food flavors; good proposi tion. AL 5S3, Oregonian, or phone A 1002. FTNE opportunity for two first-class solicitors to c-all on real estate men. Call 212 Henry bldg. $1o TO 100 dailb made in the moving pic ture business; $100 will start you. Partic ulars 52iJa Washington st. WANTED Photograph and portrait agent; new. winning offer. Cutbertb, Dekum bldg. WANTED Man. does not drink, for a alt uation of trust, 25 weekly salary paid. Apply room 10, 146 First st. MOTION-PICTCRB operators earn $25 week ly; easy inside work; learn business In short time; leauons reasonable. 526 Wash. BOY to run errands. Call Anderson & Dun- niway lo, 2Vs Aiaer at. BOYS with wheels; good pay; steady Jobs. 392 Morrieon st. MAN and wife, farm; ?50 and found. Pioneer Employment. 16 North 2d. WANTED First-class pork cutter. Jones' Meat Market, 151 Fourth st. LADY TO SELL to stores and demonstrate; g ive phone number. M 590, Oregonlaa. "WANTED Man to clear 2 acres of land: W4U pmj 30a Call at 63 Jforth fid, HELP WANTED MALA. 1500 MEN WANTED. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY, CORDOVA. ALASKA. 96 miles of heavy solid rock side catting to be let to station men at $1.20 per cubic yard; loose rock, 60c; earth, 30c. Splendid opportunity for good rockmen to make big money. Fare, $15 Shipments lst, 0th, th. 16th 20th and 24t.h of each month. Call or write for full particulars. M. J. HENEY, 514-15-16 Col man Blag., Seattle. Wash. I HAVE ready for the market the best seller among all the subdivisions recently plat ted In Portland: I want to sell this quickly, so as to handle another propo sition; in order to do this I have de cided to offer a better commission than any one is now paying to first-class men; I will engage two such men and give them my personal assistance; prices and terms very attractive. V. VINCENT JONES. 3 Commercial Club Bldg.. 9 to 10 A. M. BOO STRONO YOUNG MEN wanted Imme diately for firemen or brakemen on near by railroads ; good vision ; account in creasing business; 1000 men sent to posi--Uon last Lhree months, $73, $100 monthly. Promotion. Address, stating age. weight, height, send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. SWITCHMEN, ENGINE FOREMAN. $5 a day, free transportation, for the N. P- R- R., taking places made vacant by striking switchmen; regular ecaJe 84c hour; write or come at once. C. R. HANSEN & CO., EMPLOYMENT. 26 North Second SL, Portland. WANTED An interview with a practical stenographer; one with conversational abil ity; also a limited amount of executive abil ity, charcter the very beet, "sunny" dispo sition, not too young nor yet too old, either sex, preference a man. a resident of Port land preferred. Address A, E. M-, 414 Taylor St.. city. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks, heln to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 34 North 4th st., Portland. Or. WANTED Men at Los Angeles, electricity, automobtling, plumbing, bricklaying, car pentry, sign painting, trades taught in lew months; no cash expense; actual contract work. Write for catalogue. United Trade School Contracting Co.. 236 Aliso, Los An geles. WANTED Man who can make good in the real estate business; no money required, but must furnish references and be able to handle outside business. THE STEWART CO.. 523-5 Board of Trade. Main 9340, A 7422. WANTED at once, experienced salesman for gents' furnishing department. AJ 691, Oregonian. WANTED Young men, honest and Indus trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi tions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc.; thousands appointed; good entrance sal ary, with promotions. Call or write, Pa clflc States School. McKay bldg. I NEED a few good hustlers to sell a. line of household goods on the Installment plan; liberal commissions; no former ex perience necessary. J. D. Sherman, 89 Grand ave. WANTED Traveling salesman, one who un derstands selling stoves, tinware and house furnishing goods for large jobbing house located in Portland. B 582. Oregonian. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C- A. HELP WANTED HALS OB FEMALE. GENTLEMAN or lady who wants to get into good paying business. Call at 16 North 6th. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good po sltions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESS (out of city), $25 fare paid; 2 chambermaids. $25 and $20; 2 second girls, $26; housekeeper, $20; family cook, $35; clerk for bakery. $8 week and board. Hausen's Ladies' Agoncy, 346 Washing ton st. Main 2692. THE MEIER & FRANK OO.. require a large number of young girls, some for office work, others to sell and some for wrappers. Apply to superintendent. 6th floor at 8 A. M. WANTE D A cap ah le worn an t o care for Infant 6 months old at our home; must be trustworthy and reliable- no letters, call; $30 per month. Mrs. Strauss, 434 Ore gon st. GIRLS 16 years of age, -wanted. Apply at once to OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Saleslady of experience and a-bility, by a cloak and suit house; state experience and city references if possible. Address J 594, Oregonian. LADY solicitors having large circle of ac quaintances in Portland, easy, pleasant work; liberal pay assured to persons of ability Address W 590, Oregonian. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. LADY teacher to teach evening school at M. E- Chinese Mission. Apply 2264 Mor rison st. WOMAN .wanted for general housework; good permanent home. Main 4916. 70 Cornell st. WANTED Experienced nurse to take care of children and assist with second work. 835 Lovejoy st. Phone Main 750. WANTED Good woman, under 40, house keeper widower's family, country. St. Louis Agency. 245 H Wash. Main 2039. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43 V Washington st., cor. 7th, upsfairs. Phone Main 2692. EXPERIENCED salesladies for coats, suits and millinery. Apply 8:30 at 875 Wash ington st. STENOGRAPHER, lumber business; state ex perience and salary expected. S 593. Ore gonian. WANTED Two girls who can teach waltz, two-step, etc. Willson's Dancing School. 386 fci Wash. st. WANTED First-class girl for general housework. No washing. Apply 783 Flanders st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. $264 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8826 or A 3266. WANTED An experienced housemaid; ref erences required. Apply 731 Everett st., bet. 2 and 4 o'clock. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of three, 825 Hancock st.. Cor. 26th ; take Broadway car. WANTED Experienced eecon girl in family of two; good wages. Phone a 525G or Main 8339. GI RL for general housework ; small family. 526 Weidler. Take Broadway car to 11th. NEAT young girl for general housework; good home. Apply 817 Irving st, GIRL wanted for waiting on table. 312 Burn side st. Good wages. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert, $5 a month. 269 14 nh- Main 3893. GIRL wanted for general housework. 735 Glisan st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, $30. 395 Haasalo St., cor. Grand ave. WANTED Good girls for general house work. 725 Weidler st. LADY- solicitors wanted, all Oregon towns. Call or write. 360 &taaton st. Phone ,C 1036. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Tayldr. WANTED Young girl to assist In light house work. 601 Jefferson at. GIRL to assist in housework; small wages, small family; good home. Tabor 1372. WANTED Girl for housework. Apply morn ings, 305 11th sr.. top flat. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers said Clerks. BOOKKEEPER or assistant auditor, age 86. 14 years experience and Al references (Eastern) denres permanent position. Ad dress with details L E94. Oregonian. OFFICE MANAGER, experienced bookkeeper and honest, upright hustling young 4ut cesa man wants position - unlimited rf- SITUATION W AN TED mat.k. Bookkeepers and Clerks. THOROUGHLY experienced specialty sales man with best of references wants position for coming year In local territory ; only salary or guarantee considered. 11 590, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY capable bookkeeper with fair knowledge of stenography wants position with good prospects; experienced in mercan tile, manufacturing and tow boat lines; ref ences. N 594, Oragonlan. Miscellaneous. COOK, good all-round, steady, sober, eco nomical, wants Immediate employment; ' six months in last place; camp preferred, or country hotel or restaurant. G. N.. 331 GUsan st. A YOUNG man wishes a position in a whole sale house where there ie en opportunity for Advancement; can give references; lives with parents. L 59S, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED m&n wants position as watchman, warehouse man or otherwise ; references and security. R 596, Oregonian. COOK and helper (man and wife) wants po sition, city or country ; good experience; no had habits. AH 592, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN attending business college would like place to work for bomrd, and room. G 594. Oregonian. YOUNG man of 21 wants position, good character and references. O 678 Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter, finisher, at liberty; guarantee satisfaction, phone G. Moore,- Main 3507. EXPERIENCED camp cook, well recom mended by several local firms; steady and sober. O 593. Oregonian. MARRIED man wants work as porter or Janitor, or any kind. AL 595 Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes work all day for room and board and small wages. AH 593, Ore gonian. BARBER, just out of college, wants Job anywhere, E 691, Oregonian, JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 26S Everett st. HANDY man, sober, industrious, wants steady situation. Fred Hullman. Gen. Del., city. YOUNG Chinese boy wants position, cook or general housework. V 590, Oregonian. JAPANESE desires situation as cook or housework. AG 594, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants situation as schoolboy, well known, cooking. T 592. Oregonian. JAPANE50 boy wants housework, porter or chamber work. J 591, Oregonian. TOUNG Japanese wishes any kind of work at night. K 501, Oregonian. ELDERLY gentleman wants a situation Janitor; steady and reliable. Main 6638. SITUATION WAVTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. J FIRST-CLASS stenographer who has been em ployed 7 months with a leading Arm in the city desires to make a change; salary $60 or $65. F 594. Oregonian. CAPABLE business woman employed during day desires employment evenings and Sun days; anything, office, store, household. M 693, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with business college educa tion wanta position as bookkeeper; best references. O 590, Oregonian. BY experienced stenographer; rapid, accurate and a good speller. A 6446. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position; moderate salary. East 4246. Dressmakers. PLAIN, fancy dressmaking, alterations a specialty; will aocept engagements by day. M. 4521, A 1644. room 33 Milner bldg. GENERAL dressmaking by competent seam stress; will go to home. Wood lawn 9S4. GRADUATE nurse traveling to Minneapolis would look efter invalid for part fare. S 690, Oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes to care for Invalid for Winter; massage treatments. Inquire Y. W. C. A. Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house; will go to country. Phone Main 72S5. between 6 and T P. M. or F 579, Ore gonian. WIDOW with small boy wants position as housekeeper In widower a home. N 692. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman, place as housekeeper, small family. A 5323, or Main 272S. Domestics. COMPETENT woman wants general house work ; good cook. P 600, Oregonisvn. SITUATION wanted, Danish glrU small family, wages $30. Main 2039 A 4775. VERY experienced girl cashier, restaurant. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039. Miscellaneous. I AM prepared to care for a few children "between 2 and 8 years old; board, room, washing and mending, $ 15 per month. 446 East Harrison St., Mrs. M. Paynter. COOK (first-class) and second cook (mar ried couple) wants position, city or coun try; no bad habits; state terms. H 597, Oregonian. COOKS, housekeepers, chambermaids, nurses, washing, ironing, cleaning. 8t. Louis, 245 Washington. Main 2039, A 4775. GIRL wishes work as Janitress, delicatessen or housework by the hour; swift worker. T 593, Oregonian. WANTED Housework by the day or hour. Phone Sellwood 1452. wanted Agents. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT. MODERN 5-room cottage or bungalow In good neighborhood; steady tenant; state rent and location. V 91. Oregonian. SMALL cottage or bugalow; must be mod ern, with dry basement; references. T 591, Oregonian,. Rooms With Hoard. ELDERLY woman wants good home, willing to help with light services as part pay ment: middle-aged people preferred. O 591. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wants board and room private family, close in; use of parlor; state par ticulars. N 590, Oregonian. ROOM $1.50 a we2k. Washington, Alder, Stark or Morrison streets. T 694, Ore gonian. Business Places. DESK room fey engraver, good north light, heated office. O 592. Oregonian. SPACE, or building for machine shop, on the West Side. Call at once. Main 6769. BOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new. handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water in all rooms; very reasonable terms. HOTEL Bl'SHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 8d and Main sts., furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. THRBB nicely furnished front rooms; -furnace heat and bath. 221 13th 6U, The Hawthorne. Phone Main 6302. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICE comfortable rooms, $1.50 and $2.00. Free phone. Both lights, etc. No. 2 North 14. THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per week. 648 Washington st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral. $3, $4. $5 per week; transient. NICE furnished rooms, heat, gas and bath. 8S9 3d st. Phone Main 5323. FURNISHED rooms, Sim Place, formerly jbHozt vwiw- jnnsa jamnm na. iitruj FOR RENT. Furnished Boon HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof buildlnf. steam heated, hot and cold running water In all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; every thing first-class; rates. 50c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and no per week. Call and see us. 128 0th st. North. Homelike Homelike Homelike . . . NEW SCOTT HOTEL seventh and Ankeny Sts TN THE HEART OF THE CITY" One whole year of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE A delightful Winter home at reacopable rates for those who apprecalie cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free .Phones HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh St. new, modern brick building; Just onened ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT private baths, excellent location, Just off Washing ton st.; special rates by week or month. THE GAYOSA. 892 East Stark, cor. Grand ave., modern furnished rooms, telephone, hot water, steam heat, electric lights, bath and ele vator service for every room; rates, tran ' 5lnt' 73c to $1 per day. $3 per week up Private Exchange 6405. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly innovated throughout; 76 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. THE OCKLEY. 390 Morrison St.. Cor. lOth. Neatly furnished rooms, steam heat, lectric lighted, running hot and cold water, free hath and phone; $3.50 per week and up. SARGENT HOTEL. 1 New management. Grand, Hawthorne; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone, E. 291. in every room ; largest rooms in city for permanent people, baths; transient 60c-$L W. M. Robinson, mgr. ' HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington eta. Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low mon th ly rates ; steam h eat, prt vate baths, hot and cold water in all rooms-, beautifully f umlfihed; tourist trade solicited. PRINCESS HOTEL East Third and Burn side streets; outside rooms, with steam neat, hot and cold water, long distance telephones, electric lights and elevator service, $14.50 a month and up. HOTEL IRVING. 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. THE BUTLER Comfortable xooms, close in; low rates. 409 Wash. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. ONE furnished or two partly furnished, aingle or en suite, carpeted, bath, toilet, washbowl. Take W-W car or W-R car 49S El 16th. FRONT bedroom, walking distance, Jeffer son car at door; bath, heat and phone, $10. 32S Chapman st. A 5450. BEAUTIFUL furnishd alcove in large private home suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, reason able. Phone A 6723. THREE furnished rooms to desirable ten ant; rent $12 a month. 140 E. 28th St., cor. Hoyt. phone East 4163. FRONT alcove room, very central, house modern, private family. 368 Salmon, between West Park and Tenth. GOOD comfortable home is offered to two working girls, very reasonable. S 591, Ore gonian. , CHOICE furnished rooms, new house, best apartments Weet Side; walking distance; reasonable ; men only. Main 2219. LARGE neatly furnished front room; bath, gas and phone. 428 Second at, near Hall. Main 2288. ROOMS Heat, bath, fuel, use of kitchen and laundry room. walking distance. Phone 8397 Main. 265 Lincoln st. LARGE furnished room; running water; all conveniences; suitable for one or two. 223 West Park. $7 MONTH Pleasant, neatly furnished room; gas, bath, phone. 475 Clay st. FRONT room $3 3. side room $10 month. 425 Taylor st. Main 4144. ONE furnished sleeping-room, reasonable; res idence 13 East 7th et. Phone Rawt 1929. A NEATLY furnished room for rent, reason able. 405 First st., flat K. 58 13TH ST., nicely furnished room, new house; every convenience; gentlemen only. THE best rooms in the city for $10 and $12; heat, light, gas, phone. 575 Couch st. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO or 3 rooms, fine location, near Wil liams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1035. TWO LARGE rooms; can, be further subdi vided. 551 Morrison st. THREE unfurnished rooms; bath, light; de sirahle parties only. 273 21st st. North. Rooms With L-oard. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange, 186 5th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th. LARGE front room, 2 closets; will board. The Hollywood, 446 3d. ROOM and board at Sterling. 535 Couch st. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ELEGANTLY furnished front alcove; every thing new and strictly up to date; walk ing distance. Phone mornings. Main 80 15. 349 Harrison st. LARGE, well furnished front room, also single room, with 2 or 3 meals. 241 North 22d street. Phone 2071. BOARD and room, bath, phone, steam heat, parlor, piano. $6 jer week. 191 lith. near Yamhill. . FURNISHED room suitable for two; first class table board; private family. Main 8174. 75 North 14th. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, ex cellent board, modern house. Call 549 Johnson st. ROOMS and board, private family; steam heat, modern, home privilege and cooklnx A 4536. NEWLY furnished rooms and board if de sired; hot air. 173 loth st. ROOM with board, modern, close in, reason able. East 722. 89 Eat Sth st. North. ROOM and board for business people in pri vite family. 712 Hoyt st. NEWLY-FURNISHED room. 595 East Oak st., cor. 15th. Phone B 2619. FURNISHED room with board. 355 Elev enth st. A 1636. ROOM and board for two young men, home cooking, walking distance. Main 6S45. ROOM and board for gentlemen, near steel bridge. 249 Halsey. Phone East 4311. FIN B home 1 n private f am i 1 y for two ; good board, reasona b le. 355 Gran t st. ROOM and board at 294 Clay st. A partment s . $30 WEST SIDE steam-heated apartment. 4 small rooms, modern and all outside, furnished with the following: ono gas etoA-e. 1 dining-room table, 1 bedstead and spring, 1 dresser, shades and light fixtures, call on Janitor at 454 11th u, corner Jackson. RE-U-KAN. The most exclusive furnished apart ments In the city; three-roum suits, bath and reception hall, both phones, electrio elevator; take W or lGth-st car. 624 Marshall st. THE LANDORE APARTMENTS, 228 30th t.. between Jefferson and Columbia One large front room and one single room, newly furnished; all conveniences. ELEGANTLY furnished 3 -room apartment; fine view; every modern convenience. In quire St. Croix, oi Washington and St. Clair ave. FOUR-ROOM steam-heated flat, gmsj and eieo- tricrqr tnooeos ot AJrug- 4jo FOR RENT. Apartments. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS New. brick. Grand ave. and East Stark; well furnished 8-room apartments possessing every mod em convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private baths and phones; while these apartments are a up-to-date as any In the city and about as close to the busi ness center, the prices are considerably less; now ready for occupany. Phone East 30O; no children. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st.; new brick build ing, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 8 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed air clean ing. Janitor service; rent very reasonable. 4 ROOMS and bath; steam heat, hot water; partly furnished: walking distance. Phone A 1961; Main 6946. Flat. CLOSE in on East Sids; very desirable 5 room flat, modern conveniences, built-in buffet, handsome mission finish living room and dining-room ; rent $25. Call A S3 S3. ELEGANT, up-to-date upper flat; every convenience; adults; walking distance. Call at 328 Mill st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. 8-ROOM fiat. Piedmont Addition, St. John car. 1212 Moore st. Phone Woodlawn 1035 . NEW. swell, modern 6 -room flat, cor. SSd and Hawthorne. WEST SIDE, 6 rooms; rent $35 monthly. 24 N. 18th st. MODERN upper flat. 936 East Main. Phone East 4862. S-ROOM furnished flat, steam heat, hatb and phone; close In; $30. Main 4404. $16 Modern 4-room flat, with basement ( adults. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn. 426. FLATS, 731 Hoyt st-. near 22d. roomt and bath. Inquire 132 6th st. Malu 6278. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; best in city for money; short distance from Union Depot. S'' or 16th-et cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, t $8 month. 3 for $12; cottages, $16, $27.60: lower fiat, 4 rooms, $16; unfurnished house, $10. 364 26th North; "W car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26th block north. ONEONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; take W. car at depot ; furnished 2, 8 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5.50. by month $20 and up; hot and cold water taths and phones free. Main 4697. A 47S9, 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. THE MERCEDES EH eg ant ly furnished 2 room apartment, all modern convenleooesv reasonable. 2uth and Washington. THE MILNER. 850 Morrison, cor. Park home apartments, all conveniences. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooma heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. TJ car. $1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 134 Sherman. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin gle rooms. 632 Williams ave. C 1523. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping room. 489 hi Washington st. NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14.00. 6314 Washington st.. cor. 20th. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. THREE furnished rooms for light housekeep ing; toilet and bath, with hot and cold water; aLo gas and woodshed: $15 per month. 490 Market St. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, centrally located, rates reasonable. 229 Fifth st. 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping basement rooms; light and dry. with large range in kitchen; $11. 188 14th. Main 1299. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern conveulences; rent $16. phone Main 7773. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 North 14th st., between Davis and Ev erett. HOUSEKEEPING suite, furnished, modern, reasonable, adults only. 164 Grand ave.. North. Phone East 4980. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, nar Steel bridge; fine location,- bath, phone and nice yard. Apply 350 Benton st. THREE completely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, running water, reasonable. 412 Tenth et. SWELL front suite, newly furnished, lovely home, steam heat, hot water, bath. Laun dry, cooking gas free. Main SMS. FINELY furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges; I elegant location off Washington. 46 N. 21st St., $2.6u up. FRONT housekeeping suite, hot and cold water, fireplace. 163 N. 16th st. Main 3734. TWO or 4 nicely furnished housekeeping : rooms; no children; references exchanged. 368 Knott Bt. NICELY furnished housekeeping room a Call at 269 7th st. TWO and three very nice large modern housekeeping rooms. 680 Second st. 4 MODERN unfurnished housekeeping rooms, low er floo r. Inquire 654 Yam hi 1 1. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, well furnished; bath, gas and phone. 421 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, piano; $20 month. 427 Columbia st. THREE completely furnished 'house keeping) rooma. S 594, Oregonian. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; mod ern. Phone Main 6067. 140 North 16th st. NICE light housekeeping suite for rent. 651 Everett st., bet. ldth and 17th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. 389 6th st. FOR RENT 4 housekeeping rooms; $10 mo. Call 285 Salmon st. FURNISHED room and housekeeping room. 81 North Park st. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy it judiciously and the savings will exceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city In less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave.. Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny. Monta villa and East Side line cars pass our door. A NICE, modern house should have modem furnishings throughout: Eastern prices and - easy terms ' at Calef Bros., 860-370 East Morrison st. MODERN new 8-room dwelling, southeast corner of 24th and Marshall sts.; rent $55. Martin & Campbell, 301 Worcester block. Main 7391. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Bros. easy rent plan at Eastern prices. SCO-370 East Morrison st- FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 965 East Couch et.; window shades, some caroetja ni ) furniture; rent $25. Phone Main 8695. 9-ROOM residence, 790 Lovejoy st.. near 24th st. North : $50: aristocratic neighborhood. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 4th st. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 East 19th st. North, near Everett. Inquire 133 6th st. Main 6278. VERY desirable 6 -room bouse, 402 San Ra fael St., near Union ave ciose in. $23. Phone East 1685. C 1491. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. -ROOM house, nicely furniRhed; Nob Hill district; $75 a month. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumbermen's bldg. GOOD 2 -room house, 750 V4 Kelly st., near Porter, for rent, $8. 7-ROOM modem . house, full lot, Lovejoy near 24th. I, Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. $10 5-room modem house, close in. 329 Lumber Exchange. Haverstlc & Gallagher. NICE 6-room house, large lot, near in near Union ave.; $20. 826 Board of Trade. MODERN 5-room cottage, cor. 7th and Clar. CalL $22.50. t-ROOM house. 86 &. Aik.a. . ITaket