THE OKEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909. 15 GUILTY FOB FOURTH TIME Jury Convicts Restaurateur" of Selling Liquor Without License. LOUIS TRUMMER WITNESS Beer Agent's Books Show He Sold Defendant Thousand Bottles Each, Month Johnson Promises Po lice to Quit Business. For the fourth tlm. within the past yar Edward Johnson, proprietor of the notorious Delmonlco restaurant at Seventh near Morrison streets, was convicted In the Municipal Court of violating the liquor laws. A verdict of guilty was brought In by a Jury which had listened to testimony against Johnson the entire afternoon. Deputies R- A. Sullivan and Fred Grant, of the City Attorney's office, presented a mass of evidence which stamped Johnson's place as a deadfall and the proprietor Is the moBt persistent viola tor of the law with which the authori ties have ever had to deal. Judge Bennett reserved sentence until to day. Inasmuch as Judge Bennett at John son's last trial sentenced the man to $100 fine and 60 days in jail, it is quite likely that in the present instance the punishment will be at least equally as severe. Johnson was charged with selling liquor without a license. The police complained repeatedly that after ar resting and securing convictions against him in the Municipal Court the cases were appealed and taken to the Cirouit, where, for some Inexplicable reasons, all of his trials have been de layed and convictions secured in the Municipal Court months ago have still not been brought to trial In the Cir cuit Court. Lawyer Seeks Delay. Johnson had obtained numerous de lays of the case tried yesterday, and even in the face of the publicity given these delays Attorney Idleman, who represented Johnson, asked Judge Ben nett yesterday to postpone the case again. This request was curtly and emphatically refused by the'judge. The plea set up by the attorney for the postponement was that Attorney Fouts was Johnson's attorney and that be was better prepared to try It. Attor ney Fouts had represented when Mr. Idleman was absent from the city that Idleman and not he was the at torney, and on this plea had secured a continuance of the case for a week. Johnson's place was raided on the night of November 19 by Sergeant Klenlen and Patrolmen Raney and Burstow. The evidence went to show that although Johnson had been de nied a license in March, 1908, he had been doing an enormous business ever since. He kept his place open most of the night and did business behind locked doors, refusing entrance to the police when they ' applied until after he had . had time to remove the evi dence of this illicit liquor traffic. Trummer Unwilling Witness. The evidence which was most tell ing with the jury, however, was that furnished by Louis Trummer, a saloon keeper and agent for an Kastern beer. Trummer was an unwilling witness and did not want to tell on his cus tomer, but Deputy City Attorney Sul livan forced him to come to court and bring his books showing how much beer Johnson had bought within the past month prior to his last arrest. Trummer's books show that Johnson had bought on an average of 1000 bot tles of beer each month. The campaign conducted by Chief of Police Cox against Johnson haa re sulted In his being driven from the business. Trummer said that he had held a mortgage against Johnson's 'place for $2500. and because of the notoriety which had grown out of the case, said he sold it and retired John son from charge. The purchaser was Adam Hendrlckson. formerly with the K. House restaurant at Third street, near Washington. Chief of Police Cox said last night that he had been assured that Johnson would retire from the business this time in reality. SEATTLE TO BE HELPED FOR FIRST TIMB TRAIN WILL nXS FROM BAY CITY. ' Shasta Limited to Ran Through to City on Sound, as Will Two More Local Trains From Her.' Beginning January I. the Shasta Lim ited, which now operates only between Pan Francisco and Portland, will go through to Seattle. The change will mark tho first time a through passenger train was ever operated between San Francisco and Seattle. On the same date two additional local trains between this city and Seattle will be put in operation by the Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. All the details of the new service were worked out In Seattle Tuesday at a conference hold there by the leading officials of the Harriman lines. Northern Facitlc and the Great Northern in Oregon and Washington. The schedule agree ment has not been signed yet. but this formality will be attended to at a meerlng to be held at the Northern Paclfla general offices in Tacoma tomor row. It is thought that the double track road to be laid between Vancouver! Washington and Seattle will be com pleted from Vanoouver to Kalaraa by January 1. A few months later the line now used by the Northern Paciflo will be double-tracked all the way to Ta coma. and will be used by both the Harriman and H!U Interests. One Night on Train. The new through service between San Francisco and Seattle, will make It pos sible for passengers to make the entire trip by spending but one night on the train. When the new schedule goes Into ef fect, the north-bound Shasta Limited will leave San Francisco at II o'clock In the morning, and will arrive tn Port land at 1:30 the afternoon of the fol lowing day. The train will remain In Portland half an hour, and then con tinue its trip to Seattle, where it will he scheduled to arrive at 9:10 o'clock ' that evening. The south-bound Shasta Limited iwlll !ie scheduled to leave Seattle at 11 o'clock In the morning, and arrive in Portland at 6:1S o'clock: In the after noon of the same day. It will leave Portland for San Francisco at 6 P. M., and arrive in San Francisco at 9:18 P. M.' on the following day. Under the present schedule the Shasta Limited leaves San Francisco at 6 o'clock in the evening, and arrives here at 9:30 P. M. the following day. Tha south bound train at present is on the same schedule to be followed by the new through train v from Seattle, ' as far as the Portland-San Francisco part of the Journey. Is concerned. Local Schedules Made. The Union Pacific trains will run be tween Portland and Tacoma over the Northern Paciflo tracks and between Ta coma and Black River Junction over the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Pu- 1 get Sound. From Blade River Junction. ' to the Seattle station the Union Paciflo will use its own tracks. For the present the Union Pacific will operate no through trains between Seattle and Chicago. William D. Skinner, who will be made general freight agent for the Oregon & Washington Railroad Company January 1, gave out the following schedule for the two new local trains to be operated after that date by his company between Portland and Seattle: The day local will leave Portland at 9 o'clock in the morning, and will arrive !n Seattle at 4:15 P. M. of that same day. The southbound train will leave Seattle at 9:30 A. M. and arrive In Portland at 5 P. M. The day local win be first-class trt equipment, carrying an observation par lor car -and a dining-car. It will do local work, by stopping at nearly all the sta tions en route. The night local, to be put on between here and Seattle, will be first-class and will carry both standard and tourist sleepers. The north and southbound trains will leave Portland and Seattle, respectively at 11:46 P.. M-, arriving at their destinations at 7:16 o'clock the next morning. The time of departure of the train now leaving at 12:15 A. M. may be changed. These local trains will connect with the arrivals and departures of O. R. & K. and Southern Pacific trains in Portland. The new local trains, as well as the through Shasta Limited, will be sched uled to reach Tacoma about one hour and 15 minutes before and after their ar rivals and departures at Seattle. It was given out recently that the Great Northern will prepare to use the new double track road between Van couver and Seattle, soon as after the double trackage system is completed. BRICKER TO SUCCEED MOTT New General Immigration Agent to Take Hold January 1. SEATTLE, Dec. 15. Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pacific who arrived here today from Spokane, an nounced tonight that L. J. Bricker, trav eling immigration agent of the Northern Pacific at Cincinnati, has been appoint; ed general immigration agent of the road with headquarters at St. Paul, vice Charles "W. Mott, resigned. Mr. Bricker's appointment becomes effective January 1. Sickness Closes Lebanon Schools. LEBANON, Or., Dec. 15. (Special.) The public schools of Lebanon have been closed until after the holidays by order of the school board on account of three cases In the city of scarlet fever and four reported cases of smallpox. All "the cases are very mild and are under quar antine. All the cases are of school chil dren. AUCTION SALES TODAT. At 454 WaeMnffton street, nar 13th. Hand-painted china sales at 2 and 7:SO P. M. Ford IBroSv, Auctioneers. At Baker's Auction House, 1B2 Park s.. furniture, etc. Js<t at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son, auctioneers. At 211 First street. Furniture sale at 10 A M. sharp. Ford Bros., Auctioneers. MEETiyQ NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERT. NO. 1, K. T. Special conclave this evening.. 7:30 P. M- Order of Rexi Cross. Visitlns Sir Knights , courteously invited. V. S. MACRUM, Recorder. COLUMBIA LODQB NO. IK, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication , thta (Thursday) evening, 7:30, M&- tty onio Temple. EHectioa of officers ana payment or dues. All memoers are earnestly requested to attend. Visiting brethren welcome. By order "W. M. FRED I OLSON, Secretary. NEW HALL FOR KENT. Ill 3d. near "Washington. Howe. Davis Co. PIBP. FRASBR Thomas H. Fraser, age 8T years, at his home at 1179 Gladstone avenue, city, Wednesday, December 16, 1909, of paralysis. Funeral notice later. BUCHANAN In this city. December 14, at the family residence, 449 Bast Ninth at.. Mrs. Margaret Buchanan, aged 74 years. 6 months. 22 days. Announcement of funer al later. FPXEBAL NOTICE. SCHIELi The funeral services of the late Lena Schlel will be held at the First tiennan Baptist church, corner of Fourth and Mill street, at 2 P. M. today. Ihura day. Frlende Invited. Interment Blver view Cemetery. DnnnJng, UcEatee GUbaugh. Funeral Directors. 7th and Pino. Phone Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. IF.LLEB-B1R.NE8 CO., Funeral Directors. 604 Williams ave.; both phone; lady attend ant; most modern establishment in tbe city. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d St. Lady Assistant, Phone M. 607. t. P. KIN LEY SON. Sd and Mndlaoa. Lady attendant. Phone Main 8. A !. KAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning, Inc. E. 0. B 2525. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133. A 2Z8S. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS CHURCH, LETT BROS., wood and coal vua dealers, office and yard 13th aad Marshall. Phones Main &8L A &93L ITlm-ia'f c"ut Fiower always fresh from J; 1U119I our aw n conservatories. If art to Forbes Co, 4T Waahlnstoa at. Boca phones. Independent Coal A Ice Company. opposite City Library TRoto pbones. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE la Effect Korember 1. 1908. Daily or Sunday. Per Una. One time 12e barae ad two consecutive times X2o Same ad three consecutive times 30o Same ad six or seven consecutive times, ,66c Six words count as one line oa cash ad" yertiement, and no ad counted for lees than two lines. When an advertisement is not run consecutive tames the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to ad ter tlx n waits under "Now Today' and all other classifica tion excepting the following;. ttnattons Wanted, Male. 8ttuacions Wanted. Female. For Rent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families, Housekeeping; Rooms, Private Families. The rate of the above class in cation is 7 cents a line each Insertion. paee in the "New Todar" columns Is flftu'ed by measure only 14 lines to the inch. TO CT-OF-TOWX PATBOXS The Ore gontan will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of Issues Is sent. Acknowledgement of sucn remittance will be forwarded promptly. On hsrg of book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines anfearins; la the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. In case box office address is required, nn reular form aiven. and coast this as part ef the ad.. Answers so advertisement will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -a d dressed stamped envelopes sure furnished. AMTJSF. MT.NTS. BUNGALOW 'Phones Main lt7. A 4224. TONIGHT. PHIDAT, SATURDAY. Special price marine. Saturday. Liebler 4k Co. present EZRA KEXDALL In the delightful coined,. "THE VINEGAR BUYER." Kvenlngs. 1.60 to SOc; matinee. $1.00 to 23c SBAT SALE! OPEXS TOMOR'ROW!" Q COHAN and In Is Royal Family BUNGALOW. Deo. IS, 20. 11. "THE YANKEE PRINCE" Parquetto and logea, S2.50; par. circls, 2; baloony, $2.00. fL50: .gal., fLOO. THEATER Main 2, A G.3A0 Geo. L. Baker, Manager Tonleht all This Week The Grand Spectacular Kxtravaaranaa "THE LAXO OF SOU." Superb scenery. Costumes and Effects. Sea The Billiken Man. April Fool and all the other famous characters. Beautiful Music. Matlne. Saturday. Next Week. Start inn Sunday Matins "A U1RL AT TUB HELM." MA XX 6. A 1010. MATINEE EVERT DAT. 15-25-500 KSGKTS THEATER 15-25-SJ-TSO WEEK OK DECEMBER 18. Alice Lloyd Dainty Comedienne, The Mc "aurhtons. The Brothers Permane In "NlKlit in gales Making; LoeJ" Cross and Josephine in "Oytnsj to Act." Lav Tosksv, Constant Arkansas. Joe Carxsv, Pictures, Orchestra. GRAND WEEK OF DECEMBER 18. "AMERICA'S i FOREMOST ATHLETES," DELMORE & LEE Long & Cotton Whiteh ea d- i r ierson Wilson A Demon devill e Tim my Wall K&thleen DeVoie Fred Bauer Grandascope 2:80; any seat, 15o. , 7:30. 9:15; balcony, box seats, 50c Matinee every day. Evening performances, 15c; lower floor, 25c; Advanced Vaudeville The Florens Tronpe. the Four American YVy irl, Schrodes fc Chappel, Biff and Bnfr. Howard & Lewis, Mile. Viscaya Leo White, pantasjeacope. Fop alar Prices Matinee Daily' - Curtain 2:30. 7:30 and S LYRIC THEATER Phones, Main 468J, A 1026. Prices SO. 20, 10c The Popular Athon Stock Company "Mr. Potter of Texas f Cold Watch Given Away Friday Evening. Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening at 8:15. Next Week "A Bachelor Honeymoon." OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PBESEDEXT. Main SO. kJSCBf TABT. Mala ESS. HUM ANK OFFICER. East 477. NEW TODAY. Fifth Street Apartment Site Quarter block of solid ground. Absolutely a walking proposition. Win net 15' per cent on the invest ment. Two minutes to City Hall. Three minutes to Courthouse. Kour and a half minutes to postoffice. Fine minutes to Hotel Portland, New Heilig Theater, Corbett Building and Meier & Prank's store. Six minutes to Oregonlan building: and Washington street. Seven minutes to Chamber of Com merce and Wells Fargo buildings. Property unequalled for investment and ripe for improvement. For price and terms see Henry E. Reed 637 Chamber of Commerce. you? Fire Insurance M. E. THOMPSOX CO., Real Estate, Cor. 4th aad Oak Sts., Henry Bids;. Phones Main 6084, A 3327. We Have Money to Loan. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates swd term to salt; spe cial rates and favorable terms on in rare loans on business properties. Fonda Loaned for Private Investors. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bids:-. 3d dfc Stark. GBM'IXB BARGAIN'. IRVINGTON PRICE $6000 New, large and ele gant; eight rooms and sleeping porch. No modern detail omitted inside or out. Handsome and artistic in design and color schemes. Nothing so fine to be had In the city below $10,000. $2500 cash, balance easy. Owner, Li 597, Ore gonlan. Sixth-St. Corner 60x100; Income. Price $60,000. Finft buy. ZIMMERMAN 21 Board of Trade- Bids. Fine Business 60x100, prominent corner. Price $42,000. ZIMMERMAN, ' 621 Board of Trade Bids. Union Ave. $9000 Spot Cash One of the finest improved corners, heart of business, 54x100, 2 stores and 2 flats, modern in the highest sense: rents for $S5 per month now at low ebb: 50x50 vacant. Nothing better for $12,000 on the street. Owner must go. No phone Information. J. . KESSEDV, 836 Union Ave. X. THE CHEAPEST LOT On Portland Heights, worth $3350, sac rifice for $2860. Your own terms. 50x 100 on Kim St., bet. 19th and Chapman; walking distance; level, good view; fine trees; bitulithio street; Improvements paid for; swell neighborhood. Owner, SIS Failing bldg-., cor. 3d and Wash. Some Fine Acreage for platting, close to city, on car; a rare bargain if taken now. BEONG-STEELE CO., 110 Second St. REAL EST iTE man wants desk room with. ue of on or both phonee; has his own furniture; prefers ground floor, but might go upstairs In good building ; state lo cation and monthly rental 'when answer ing. Ail 6$ 6. Oregonlan. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) tiZ Worcester Bldg. PhonesMain SiU JL sClS. V N"EW TODAT. Beautiful Homes IKVXNGTON AND HOLLADAY It will be to your advantage to see oar list. All are modern, and tre can please the most fastidious. Bead over this choice list : SSSOG--story, 8 rooms, beautiful lawn, 8 fruit trees, lot 100x100; hard-surface street; also garage. 57500 Two-story, 7 rooms, facing south; hardwood floors, large fire places, sleeping porch; one of the most attractive homes in the city. $6750 Two-story, 8 rooms, facing east; hardwood floors, beam ceil ings, large fireplaces; modern in every way; 1 block of car. $-4200 2-story, 8 rooms; an at tractive home, near carline; this is a bargain. $4000 2-story, 8 rooms, 2 blocks Broadway car. If you are looking for a house at this price, this will suit. S5500 New modern bungalow, facing west, on a lot 60x100; asphalt street, cement walks; all improvements paid; 2 blocks from car. You should see this before buying-. M. E. THOMPSON CO. Real Katate and Moirtfras;e I.onnf. Cor. 4th aad Oak Sts., Henry Bids. Phones, Main 6084, A 3327. We Have Money to Loan. MELDRUM! MELDRDM! MELDRtM! WE MADE A MISTAKE In the Name Last Sunday, but VOi; WON'T MAKE A MISTAKE if you buy a homesite in this beau tiful tract. Big heated cars give excellent service, and the fare is only 12 H cents. Nothing to equal it for ACREAGE HOMES. Ask Me. G. M. McBRIDE 250 Stark St. 72 Feet Front On King- Street, 100 Feet From Washington St. In the heart of the family boarding house and apartment district. Best revenue-producing; property in the city. Extension of Morrison street will reach Washington only ONE - HALF BLOCK from these lots. They will sell for $20,000 inside of a year. Do you want them now at $12,500 for quick sale? C.W.HODSON 8-3 BOARD OF TRADE, Tel. Main 3-181. ' 1 TREET 50x100 near Taylor street. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful West Side Homes We have a list of some choice homes on the Portland Heights carline, val ues ranging from S3250 to SIO.OOO. These homes all have the mountain views. It will be to your advantage to see us before buying:. M.E. THOMPSON CO. Real Estate Investments, Fire Insur ance, Mortgage Loans, Henry Bldg. Phones Main 6084, A. 3329. Built THIS 7-ROOM BUNGALOW bedrooms and sleeping- porch, living-room, dining-room, kitchen, pantry and bath: full cement basement; Stand ard hotalr furnace, laundry tubs, Dutch pantry, with water cooler, built-in bookcases, etc; sideboard, hardwood floors, window shades, steel range and $100 worth of light fixtures; cement walks in front and around house. S4000. TERMS. G. M. M'BRIDE, 2BO Stark St. APARTMENT SITE 86 by 125 ft. corner, in good loca tion and with fine view, near 14th et.; within easy walking distance and close to cars. $ii,ooo Terms. Soma Income. A splendid Investment. KAUFFMANN S MOORE ; 224-326 Lumber Exchange. 47 Net (On a Conservative Basis.) Let me verify the statement if vou have $10,000 to- Invest in a platting proposition. Get busy before Spring opens. S. T. WALKER, 6A4 Corbett Bldit. 34000 Cheapest close-in lot on tha West Fide. Overton St.. near "23d. Act oniric. SMITH'S AGEXC 10S Sherlock Bldy.Jj 16THS ITEW TODAT. PARK AID URBE ST. 40,000 Corner, 50x100, with 100 feet front age on Bnrnside. This is the best value on a street which is now becom ing one of the main business thorough fares of the city. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. Williams Ave. Snap Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave.. 100x100, with fine, large, S-room house. Owner must have money. Price is $8000. but we want your offer. Look at it today before someone else snapa it up. $2000 caah will handle Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andre, P. V. & Co. Id. 8349. 80 Hamilton BecH, -William O.. 812 FalHn Mdf. BlrreU. A. H- Co.. 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loan, eta. BrubsLker & Benedict, COS McKay bids. M. . 649. Chapla & Her low, 832 Chamber Commerce Cook. B. S. A Co., 503 Corbett bids- Fields, C IS. & Co., Board ot Trade bid. Jeunlnsi & Co, Mala 188. 200 Oresonlaa. KIRK A KIBKHAM. Lumber Ex., SCO Stark. Parrlsh, Watkine & Co.. 250 Alder at, fichalk. Geo. 264 Stark et. Main or A Sharkey. J. p. A Co.. 122 Vi Sixth at. The Oregon Heal Estate Co., Grand ava. aad Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). Walker, S. T., 604 Corbett bid. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. laAST CALL. Lot 50x100, west aide Union avenue, near Skidmore, $2750; will be withdrawn after thla week: ' cheapest lot, considering; location, on the street. Do you want It? Half cash, balance at 6 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. PORTLAND Irvington lot; we have Juet one tine lot In tbe center of TRUST Irvington; It's on ISth, near Thompson at. CO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E- Cor. Third and Oak Sts. DO YOU WANT THIS BARGAIN? Waverlelgh Height lot worth SO0. will sell for 1550. 'close to car and close in. near 27tn at. Phone 8960, or A 7574. W. J. BAKER, 519 Board of Trade Bids. IRVINGTON LOT $1250 50x100 on paved street, within 8 blocks of car, above grade; the best lot in Irving ton for the money. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bide. FEW 10-acre tracts $125 each; J15 down. $10 per mon-th, without interest; also S choice lots at Cannon Beach, Or. For particulars call 427 Worcester bid, from 1012 and 2-4. MUST SELL. Rose City Park lot, 50x100; Improve ments all paid; li blocks to car; will . sell at a great sacrifice. Phone M. 906, or address AJ 62, Oregonian. OMAHA AVE., cor. Holman at., 60x100; $400: a bargain. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. Main 6494, A 24t. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine view lot for $1500 on easy terms. R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. 49TO ST.. bet. -Market and Mill Sta. Sd.Sx 100, Newport Addition; any reasonable of fer accepted. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO., Main 6494. A 2494. PORTLAND West Side lot; TRUST On Gliaan St.. near 23d at-1 CO, 35x100; only $3500. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor.- Third and Oak Sts. PORTLAND Here's a grood buy; a full lot TRUST on East 22d, near Clinton at., CO. only $750; this la close in. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S- E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. $1000 BUYS a fine aere tract on the West Side, only 15 minutes' car ride, 5-cent fare; easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bids. " 100x100 In Westmoreland. $0 feet from new carline. east front, $300 below real value: must sell thla week; easy - terms. Phone Main 4398. ONLY 9 LEFT Tha greateM bargain in lots 65x100; $30 cash, balance $270, on Mt. Scott carline, 5c fare. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third at. $1700 6-room bouse, not finished, on Williams ave.; full corner lot; $350 will finiah it com plete; $1200 to handle it. MARTIN Jk HIGLEY 132 Third wt. FTNE 100x100 near Hawthorne ave.; lies about 2 feet above the atreet; a fine buy at $1600. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON lot. highest elevation, beauti ful view, paved streets; only J1100 for a few days. A real snap. A. Backus, 619 Board of Trade bldg. ALDER St., feet, flth and 10th, Bast Side, quarter block $10,000. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST CO.. Main 6494,-A 2494. BEAUTIFUL North Mount Tabor lota. $550 up; easy terms. ;hapln & Her low, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ALBERTA LOTS. $450 cash each ; east front, near car. Owner. 643 Webster et. BEAUTIFUL North Mount Tabor lota, $550 up; easy terms. Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. EQUITY In Elmhurst lot, $166. balance $16 month. Owner, J. D. Hayes & Co., 302 wetland bldg. 46 FULL LOTS. Fo, Mt. Tabor district. $175 each, cash; this week. 217 Ablngton WEST SIDE LOTS FOR $5O0. Improvements In, 27 minutes from 8d ' and Stark. Afternoon. 432 Mohawk bldg. BEAUTIFUL North Mount Tabor lots. $550 up ; easy terms. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE corner lot, seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable for two houses; $2000. W. H. O'Neill, 229 11th at. MY VERNON CORNER. 2 fine Iota, 17th and Going; bargain for jcaah; $1400. Owner, 543 Webster at. IF YOU own lot will bulM you a house oa terms. Eastman Co.. 303 Ablnston bids Main 3236 BEAUTIFUL North Mount Tabor lota. $550 irp; easy terms. Chapin A Herlow, 352 Chamber of Commerce. $900 (-room bouse, lot 00x185, om Mt. Scott line: $30O cash. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third at. 6 60x100 LOTS at Mt. Tabor; a snap at $2100; owner needs the cash. M. E. Lee 411 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL North Mount Tabor lots. $."7i0 up; easy terms. Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. GOING FAST Beautiful Reservoir Park, Mount Scott line, 5c fare; $300 lota for $10 - down. 301 Henry bldg-. f&OOO Half block, close In, stable atte. owner. Fuhr, 387 H East Bumside. $10.000 Improved quarter block close la. ? arm, owner, jrunri )fc-El .Buriuu-ae. REAL EST ATS. t or Sale Lots. IRVINGTON, a beautiful 4 block close to Union ave., on Thompson at.; hard surface pavement on one aide. Can. be bought for only $4O00 if taken at once. You can't lose on this as an Investment, but its great future won't benefit you. unless you own It. c F. Pfruger & Co., rooms 4-6 Muikey bldg.. 2d and Morrison aus. PORTLAND Lot of ground for little money; 92x230 that a some TRUST lot. Price only $1250; terms easy; location Woodstock. CO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. NOB HILL. Full lot on Johnson at., close In. The earn ins capacity of thia lot for apartment house or flats Is superior to aitea ottered at higher prices. Good terms. R. F BRYAN, BOS Chamber of Commerce. Main 19S3. A 1337. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $130 buys lot. new addition on Orejron City carline, 25 minutes from business center. $3 or $5 per month; best soil on earth; good place to keep chickens and cow. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO., 826 Vs Washington St.. Rbom 516. PORTLAND Nice lots on Hawthorne ave. are setting scarce. When the TRUST new bridge la finished there will be a bis advance. We CO. have a fine lot near East 40ih. 60x120; price $1500 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta LOT $300. 10 PER CENT CASH. Close to carline, north of Piedmont. GILMORE A RITTER. 226 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Starke -4 For Sale Houses. IRV1.NOTON HOME, 6000 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, a fl replaces, hot water heated, new and modern, faces east, 1 block from Broadway car, full lot, hard-surface pave ment, all atreet Improvements paid; $1000 caeh will handle it. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 313-313 Commercial Club Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW, $1000. New modern bungalow, 5 rooms, gas and electric, full plumbing, half cement hasement, on lot 45x100, E. 10th st., near .Alberta; price $2600. $1000 cash and $15 per month. Including Interest; better than paying rent. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND" Looking for a 6-room home with a frand view for little TRUST money? We have tt on East 52d St., near Hawthorne ave. CO. It oniy takes $1800 cash to handle this. Price $3100. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S-- E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta A REAL CHRISTMAS BARGAIN. I own a beautiful new 7-room house In a choice residence district, which I will sell for less than It can he reproduced. House Is exceptionally well built, hand somely finished and has every modern con venience; will deal with principals only. V 5S7. Oregonlan. THIS WEEK ONLY. $2950 for full lot on Constance st.-, near Union avenue, with two nearly new four room cottages, rentinsr for $24 a month; cement walks, fruit trees. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. EAST 20TH and Salmon sts.. In best of neighborhoods, within walking distance of West Side; flne lot 40x125. all street improvement In and paid for; good 5 room cottage with bath ; price J2500; $1500 cash; lot alone worth $2000. Kauft mann A Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. N. W. COR. 20th and Stark sts Modern 9 room house, every convenience; lot 67x100, Sunnyslde Addition; price $7500. Including carpets, shades, range, linoleum, fixtures; terms to suit. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO., Main t4'J4. A 2494. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, new; nicely improved grounds. 100x100. front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20,00(L Buyer see owner, 503 Corbett block. $100 CASH Buy beautiful 5-room bungalow, Woodstock carline; lot 50x100: soil the best In Oregon, with full cement basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen: prettiest home in Portland; pay ment $20 per month. National Realty ft Trust Co., 826 Wash. st.. room 616. $14,600 WILL buy corner Union avenue and Morris, lot 118x120. with four modern houses, leaving corner. 60x60 vacant, on which to build fine block. An absolutely safe investment; only $)O0O cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. PIEDMONT corner. 100x100. 7-room house, bath and electric lights, fruit trees and small barn; building restrictions; fine view; only $3600 if sold this week; owner needs money. A. Backus, 619 Board of Trado bldg. ATTRACTIVE Sunnyside bungalow, 5 rooms, full basement, wood lift, wash trays, pan eled dining-room, beamed celling, plate rail, tinted throughout, combination fix tures and curtain-up; a real bargain at $2850. easy terms. Tabor 431, B 20S0. EAST GRANT, near 7th 10-rooiu house, new; lot 44x66, J3S00; $500 cash, balance easy terms, or will trade for business cor ner lot in suburbs. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO., Main 6494, A 2494. MUST sacrifice my new, modern. 7-room house with sleeping balcony and furnace for $3500, half cash, balance easy, one block from two carlines; save commission. Owner, A 598, Oregonlan. A BARGAIN. Price reduced from $5250 to $4500 for quick sale of 50xlOi lot and modern houe of 7 rooms, situated on East Tavlor st , near 16th ; terms. W. O. Waddell, 309 Lumber Exchange. FINE, new. five-room bungalow, fireplace, attic, cement basement, steps and wal ks. East Side, restricted and Improved dis trict, near streetcar: $200 cash, balance monthly. Owner, L 598, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern cottage, corner lot, highly improved, one block from car; will sell stoves, carpets, wood and fruit; will take lot as part payment. Phone owner, Ta bor 48. . THIRD and Baker 9-room house, good con dition; lot 57x81, $5000; part cash, bal ance term?. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO., Main 6494. A 2494. PENINSULA Streetcar man! Do you want a nice new, modern bungalow cottage near the carbarns? If so, see me and I will show you a good buy on terms to auit Owner. 410 Failing bldg . FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 60x126 feet; good lawn, flne variety of roses; a splen did buy at $3000; terms. Call at $45 Harold st. BROOKLYN. 9-room houso, corner lot, barn. " fruit tres and shrubbery; prlre $3200. 734 E. Slh st. Phone Sell wood 10;t2. 7-ROOM new modern home in Holladay Addition at $4200, If sold this week. Dean Land Co.. 622 Chamber of Com merce. LOT 60x100 and a 3-room house, on St John carline; price $800; $2o0 cash, bal ance $10 month; owner needs money and must be sold. Call 191 4th st. S ACRES 4 blocks from car. Inside city limits; modern 8-room bourn; good orchard; excel lent buy; $7000, terras. J. D. Hayes 8c Co 302 8 wetland bldg. BEAUTIFUL country home near Portland, overlcoklns Columbia and Willamette; must be sold immediately; real bargain for cash. A3 682, Oregonlan. TIMB to buy. not build, new 6-room house. corner lot. east Side, walking distance, leaving city, deal with owner. A 686. Ore gonlan. BUY a home from me on easy terms. I have a dandy S-room bungalow, hard wood floors, $3600. S. D. Vincent. 420 ' Lumbermens bldg. NEW 6-room bungalow. Just completed; built tor home: lot 60x150: two blocks from car: $350O, terms. J. D. Hayes sc Co., 302 bwuana otag. $2250 Two beautiful lots, 100x10 with jrood 6-room, - modem house, on carline. W. J. Smith, 4S Chamber of Commerce. Main 7967. PIEDMONT home, modern and new, for con siderable less than cost. Queen 'Inv. Co , 410 Falling bids. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer o , -M. it its. a. jy4; an covered wagons, and experienced men. NEW 2-story. 6-room residence, etrlctly modern, $3350; $450 cash; will give terma on balance. Phone Tabor 644. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvlngton. 4i6 East 20th at North- Call and aee It. MODERN 6-room house. $3000, $100, $25 monthly,, fhone Woodl&wn, X793W Ct 2466. REAL ESTATE. For bale Houe&. A. SNAP fHAT HAS NO EQUAL. 5-room house and 25x100 lot, close ta on tbe WEST SIDE, can be had if taken at once, for $500 LESS THAN IT 13 WORTH ; good income property ami values In this neighborhood are increas ing rapidly. For price and full particu lars, call. DIET35-MUELLER CO.. x 816-316-317 Ablngton Bids. PORTLAND Ready to move into; a little beauty; living-room with large TRUST window and fine fireplace; easy to do tha work; kitchen CO. . pleasant ; dining-room and 3 nice-sined bedrooms. all on one door; cement porch, bricK . pillars, east front, full base ment, furnace; within 2 blocks of the car; price $3000; easy, terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta PORTLAND Price $3500 TRUST Location East Flanders St. We have a buy for you If this CO. location and price suit; 5- room house, built 1007; fire place, gas, electric light; thla la a nice home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E- Cor. Third and Oak Sta BtTY Don't buy in a neighborhood WHERE every house has a "for sale" VALUES sign on it. IN ORj ASH e where the man who got ihere before you is satisfied wiua hU Iocs. ion. Uet a home that la different. Inquire for our tlllustrated book. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Block. W53 ARB BUILDING MORO HOUSES THAN" ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITT. tti-.ttj la A ItttiASt'N; VVH SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MOWET, BUILD WELU BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WIL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 308-9-10 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. HOME ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. F.fteen dollars monthly and interest, witnout payment down, for a new 6-room and bath moderu bungalow on carline. shingled finish. Bull Run water, electrlo wiring, bath equipped complete. To man. w-ho is reliable and has steady position we offer this chance to be his own land lord. PouUen-Ratcllffe Realty Co.. 2u Lumbermen's Bldg., Fifth and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very rozy cottage of 6 rooms on cor ner lot and commanding a flne view. This Is close in and in the neighborhood of flne homes and is offered at a low price oa .very good terms. R. F. BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 19i3. x 1217. EAST ANKENY ST. HOUSE. Good 8-room 2-atory house, on E. Ankeny st. west of 24th; a good comfortable home, at a rea.1 bargain- lot Is 50xii0. price $o0in, part cash and $20 per month; aee tt be fore too late. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $10 A MONTH. HOUSE, Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you can Set it for your own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right in. Call at Gregory' ofCiee in Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill, st off at end of carline; office on the propsrtv. FOR home comfort, e thia new 7-room house In Rossmere, 1 block from car; -seeing is believing; when you see It you'll say It's worth the price. $4250. It is well built, artistic and convenient. JOSEPH H, JOHNSTON. 32-3 Lafayette Bldg., Washington and 6th. HAWTHORNE and 23 t.. modern, new 7 room house : furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, oOxloO lot, hard-urface streets, gas and sewer; good terms. T. J. Byrnes, 245 Morrison. A 8ELLWOCD HOME. $1250, $100 caah. $15 monthly. 6 per cent; 6-room cottage and pantry; full lot, good location. Call 640 Douglas ave. (Sellwood). FORCED to sell beautiful bungalow, f rooms, liew. strictly modern, situated on Kagt Yamhill St., best offer gels it: must $1000 cash. T 50U. Oregon. an. BUNGALOW If you want a well-built home, modem, pretty and in a good location, fir $28H. we can. suit you. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. NICE home on Borthwlck; i?ovrn rooms, mod ern; cement walks; for $31 50; this Is $;50 below value. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. For Sale -Business property. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION AVENUE. We have sold six properties on Union avenue recently and are about closing out two more. We have some excellent buys left. Remember Union avenue is the Washington street of the East Side and will be worth double In a short time. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $7000 WILL buy two stores with full lot on Union avenue corner; rent 56; takes $5000 cash. A splendid proposition that requires quick action. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. NORTH PARK ST. 50x100. well located; a good Invest ment; price $30,000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Acreage. 18 ACRES for sale, one and half miles) from city limits, near frtAXidy Road; deep, rich soil ; no gravel: flne suburban home site; can't be beat for an orchard; flne view of the mountains and Columbia River; could be platted; $600 per acre; will trade fo good home. 28 Hamilton bldg. See owner. 20 acres 4-year-old Iambert cherries ad Jolnlns the above; $1000 per acre. This or chard will net $500 per acre in a few years. 2 ACRES, $150. 2i acres at Courtney Station, all cleared and the finest kind of land; a fine pla- fr a mburban home or a good speculation; price $1750. $150 cafh, $10 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 12 ACRES, on carline, 20 minutes from cen ter of city, beautiful residence and im provements; all In cultivation, good spring1 water piped to house; flne soJL If you want a home or investment, you will be . pleased when you see this place and hear the price. GO 2 Buchanan bldg. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side. 20 minutes from center of city, in 1 and 2 H -acre tracts; this will make you a liv ing and pay for itself; $50 cash will start you; prico to suit alL Call on Trustee, 410 Failing bldg. ACREAGE in large or small tracts cn car line, close in; choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney A Stamp her. 31 Lumber Exchange bids- A 4S81. HALF ACRE. Mt- Scott district; good soil, no grave); cleared and in garden; 5c car fare, $400. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 BUYS a fine acre tract on the West Slue, only 15 minutes car ride, 5-cent far; cay terms. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bids. S6 ACRES 8 milee from center of Portland. $250 per acre. Has orchard and buildings. Queen Inv. Co.. 410 Falling bldg. 9 ACRES on Base Line Road, near Monta villa. $0000. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Falling bldg. A BEAUTIFUL, sightly, 40-acre tract at Mt. Scott, for sale at half Its value. Phone at once to Main 2611. $750 PER ACRE 5 acres near Argyle Park; terms. J. D. Hayes & Co., 302 Swetktnd bids- SNAP 10 acres flne land, close in, carline and water running through it; only $150u y cash. Room 3, Washington bldg. 17 ACRES near car, land. 334 Mill at. of 60th at.; level 24 ACRES, cultivated loam. Bull Run wa ter; bargain, phone A 4U70. Homesteads. Tffl7A trnnA fs 1 1 n rwr, I -h m an t m sdlninlro. Portland, running water and the best for stock raising; homesteads in Tillamook. Lincoln and Jackson Counties. Nimmo. Runey A Davis, 13 Hamilton bldg. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT of a homestesd to yourself can be obtained in Harney Valley. Let us tell you our proposition. Room 24. 303 Vi Washington at. YAMHILL County farm, improvements, build ings; apple land; terms. 334 Mill st. I 'or Sale Fruit Lands. 150O ACRES. $11 PER ACRE. Fine fruit land, at Rose burg, if sold at ones. 217 Ablngton Bldg. WANT farm about 80 acres, located within! tea miles' of Portland; let me havs full par ticulars in first letter. Address S. Haysv- hV Hillsdale On JA, ,R,-t, 'o JU,