Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 15, 1909, Page 20, Image 20

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Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order, 4th Fl Suit Cases and Traveling Bags ''Willamette" Sewing Machines, $2 Down, $1 Week
The Meier . Frank StoreMecca for MolM Stoppers
Sale Children's
Holiday Sale of
Men's Blanket
resses at
Fourth Off
In the Infants' Dept., second floor,
a gveat special holiday sale of Chil
dren's Hand-Made Dresses, in ages
6 mos. to 3 years; Mother Hubbard
and long -waisted styles; high and
lefw necks, hand-embroidered yokes
and hand tucks; values ranging from
$3 to $50 each, on sale .
at one-fourth reg. price 4 VH
French Gowns
$6.50 Vals. $3.59
Great special holiday sale of "Women's
French Hand-Made Gowns; high and
low neck styles; made of French per
cales and nainsook; new, beautiful
Night Gowns in large assortment;
regular $6.50 values at, each $3.59
Holiday Sale
Fine China
in the Basement
10,000 pieces of fancy Austrian
China, in assorted styles and decora
tions, to be sold at special prices:
Fancy Salad Sets, including salad
bowl and 6 individual fL9
dishes; $1.10 values, set J &
Fancy Salad Bowls, in assorted floral
decorations; regular 30c V
values, on sale at, each A J V
Fancy Plates, in assorted sizes and
decorations, 30c values, f
an. sale at this price, each J V
Fancy Cake Plates, in V Q)
handsome styles, 30c vals. A V
Fancy Austrian China Sugar and
Creamers; .best 35c values, at 23
Fancy Spoon Trays; loo vals., 11
1000 Fancy Glass Vases; best 35c
values;. -on sale at this low price 23
Xmas Sale of
The Third Floor Bedding Department
offers for this week six grand special
values in high-grade Down Comfort
ers, every one of them guaranteed not
to shed; silk and satine covering;
beautiful Dresden designs and self
colorings; best bargains ever offered
at the following very low prices:
Lot 1 Handsome Down Comforters,
with satine covering, full sizes; the
regular $8.50 values
special price, each
Lot 2 Handsome Down Comforters,
with satine covering, in self colors;
regular $10 values, tf 9 C
at this low price, ea. Jj C 3J
Lot 8 Fine Down , Comforters, Bilk
covered on one side; the best regular
$15 vals., on sale tf C
at special price, ( J
Lot 4 Full-size Down Comforters,
with all-silk covering and corded
edge; $30 values, A C
special price, ea. 9 m TFnJ
Lot 5 Extra fine Down Comforters,
silk or satin covering, the best regu
lar $30 values, at J
special low price 0 9 V
Lot 6 Beautiful silk-covered Com
forter, extra fine down ; the best regt-
$35.00 values, at
this special price
Wl-Ty W'JfK are able to handle this enormous volume of
VlW" in Portland this year Thi
tS-y--z4Z&i& chasing of Holiday wares Stocks are the largest
Holiday shopping is the greatest in the Store's history in every branch of the business We are
recording record-breaking sales and the best part of it all is the satisfactory way in which we
business Christmas shopping is certainly a pleasure
enlarged store affording every comfort and convenience in the pur-
and best we ever provided and the service
everything that could be desired 3Q wagons and 2 automobiles are promptly taking care of the
delivery to all parts of the city Mail and long distance phone orders filled by expert shoppers
"Toyland" on 4th Floor Santa Claus in Attendance Daily
"King" single s"hot air rifles, the best
values on sale at this very low price.
Great Christmas Sale
Stationery Main Fl.
Three great special bargains in .Christmas Stationery beau
tiful Holly and Floral Boxes, filled with the finest quality
Linen Paper. Grand variety, splendid value at special prices:
50c values at 2S 85c values at 49 $1.50 values at 9o
Complete stock of Christmas Seals, Tags, Cards, Empty Holly
Boxes and Christmas Boxes. On sale in Annex, main floor.
Special lot fancy Sterling, Filagree and Gold- fl C
filled Pens, fully warranted; $2.50-$3 vals ijj JL
Regular $1 Diamond Point Pens on sale at the low price. 49
Delineator and Butterick Patterns for January are now in.
Holiday Sale of 10,000 Pairs
of Men's High-Grade Hosiery
Regular Values to 50c Pair at
Only 1 7 c Per Pair
Today and tomorrow in the Millinery Department,
Second floor, a sensational Holiday sale of men's
high-grade fancy Hosiery Importers sample lines
at prices far below their value Over 1 0,Q0O pairs
to select from iucluding lisles, mercerized silks,
and maco yarns Blacks, tans, blues, greens, grays,
burgundy, lavenders and a large variety of stripes,
plaids,' checks, and embroidered novelties Styles
to please every individual fancy All sizes Values
up to 50c per pair Buy all you want of j
them at this wonderfully low price, pair 1 C C
See Sixth-Street Window Display of These Values
On sale in the Millinery Department Second Floor
$1.50 Gloves at 95c
50c Kerchiefs at 25c
2000 pairs of Perrin's English 'Walking Gloves for women;
one-clasp in .white and the best shades of tan; pique and
P. X. M. stitched; all sizes; the best $1150 values Q C
during this sale are marked at this low price, pair J C
The Second Floor Handkerchief Annex offers an exceptional
value in "Women's Handkerchiefs 1000 dozen in all styles;
Swiss and linen scalloped and hemstitched; Amriswyle and
Madeira embroidery initial ; also plain French C
hand embroidery ; 35c to 50c values, on sale at, ea mSf C
Great holiday bargain in Children's Handkerchiefs. Also
great holiday bargains in Men's Handkerchiefs. See them.
$5.00 Veils $2.95
A holiday offering in extra large Auto Veils, made of silk
chiffon cloth, with 4-inch hemstitched border; beautiful as
sortment of new and staple colorings; size 2V2 yards by 1
yard; best $5.00 values. An advantageous fl t?
purchase enables us to offer these veils at r
Special lot of Silk and Linen Auto "Veils, 2 yards by 1 yard,
hemstitched all around; all. new colors, com- fl g
binations and . ombre effects, $2.50 values ) A 3 r
Grand Bargains Up In
"ToyIand"--4th Floor
Sale and Display of
GenuineNavajo Rugs
In the Carpet Dept., third floor, we are making a very exten
sive showing of Genuine Navajo Rugs. It is the cream of the
stock of the celebrated "Shop of the Indian Horse," of Albu
querque, New Mexico, and includes a magnificent assortment
of Rugs in all sizes, Blankets, Couch Covers, Portieres, Bath
Mats, Pillow Tops, . etc. New, attractive designs, colorings
and combinations and every piece very reasonably priced. A
splendid article for giving man or woman for a Christmas
gift. - All we ask is the pleasure of showing you these hand
some Navajo pieces third floor. Great values in Oriental
Rugs third floor. Do not fail to visit this department.
Great Christmas Sale of
Fine Suit Gases and Bags
Steamer Trunks,Etc
$10 7Q c
each & 7 vs
King" Repeating Rifles, $L25 values for only.. 99
Great sale of Toy Clothes "Wringers at these low prices:
Regular 75c values for 59 Regular $1 values for 79
Toy "Washing Sets, regular 50c values, now selling at 39
Crown Combination Game Boards,- the fl (T ff
finest game board made, $4.50 values, at 0 J
Iron . Trains, 2 cars, locomotive and ten- fl "k
der, regular $3.00 value, on sale at, each JJ fSr JsV J
Iron Dump Train, regular $1.50 value, for only $1.19
Iron Fire Engines, regular $1.95 values, for only $1.23
A handsome fitted traveling bag or
suit case makes a pleasing Xmas gift
for man or woman Our stock is by
far the best in the city and values we
know you will be delighted with 4th Fl.
Special lot of Full Horn Alligator Oxford Bags;
17 inches long; fine ebony fittings; great values:
$42.50 Fitted Oxford Bag now selling at $36.10
$45.00 Fitted Oxford Bag now selling at $3825
16-inch Plain Alligator Bag, fl fc f f
ebony fittings; $37.50 values P J JL OD
24-inch Genuine Cowhide Suitcases, leather
lined, with shirt fold ; top straps ; fl 9
well made; $9.00 values, at, each - f3 vJ
Complete line of Hat Trunks, "Wardrobe Trunks,
Steamer Trunks, etc., etc., on the Fourth Floor.
Traveling Bags for women all 6izes and styles.
$8.00 Handbags $4.98 Each
$2.50 Beaded Bags $ 1 .49 Ea.
Great special holiday sale of "Women's Genuine Seal, Alli
gator, Patent Leather, Morocco and Fancy Calf Handbags,
all leather-lined; coin purses to match; German silver and
leather-covered frames;, single or double- fl A Q
strap handles; $8.00 values, on sale attTf.irCJ
Special lot of 200 new Beaded Bags, all fl A f
the latest novelties, all colors, $2.50 vals. P 1 VJF
300 Elastic Belts, buckles to match; $1 values, sp'l, 59
$ 1 1 .00 Silk Petticoats $6.85
$14.00 Silk Waists at $7.45
Special three days' sale of 200 high-grade Silk Petticoats
of superior .quality taffeta silk, with 18-inch flounce and
silk dust ruffle; made with deep pleating, tucked ruffle
and ruche or with clusters of pin tucks and four rows of
one-inch tailored bands; immense assortment of best
colors for your selection; made extra full fl Q C
width; best $11 values, on sale at, each )0.0)
Great special holiday sale of Net and Messaline Silk
"Waists, made with lace yokes and silk-embroidered me
dallions; all new, pretty styles for evening and theater
wear; white, pink, lavender, green, light blue, tan, rose,
Copenhagen and black; regular values in the lot up to
$14.00; your choice at this exceptionally low price $7.45
Great Holiday Rug Sale
All tbjs""week, unusual values in Axminster, "Wilton and Brus
sels Rugs, six sizes rags of quality and best designs, color
ings and combinations rugs that will please the housewife:
27x54-inch Axminsters, regular $2.50 values, each, Sj51.62
36x72-inch Axminsters, regular $4.50 values, each, '$3.45
9xl2-foot Brussels Bugs, regular $20 values each, $14.85
27x54-inch Wiltons the regular $5.60 values, each, $4.35
36x63-inch Wiltons, the regular $8.50 values, each, $6.35
8.3x10.6 Brussels,, the regular $18.00 values, each $13.65
Xmas Sale of Umbrellas
This week, our great annual holiday sale of high-grade Um
brellas, selling at $6.00 to $20.00 each. Fine silk coverings
and a handsome assortment . of desirable handles for your
selection. . Umbrella bargain worthy of your investigation.
Umbrellas selling regularly at $6.00 to $6.50, now, $5.00
Umbrellas selling regularly, at $7.00 to $8.00, now $5.98
Umbrellas selling regularly at $9.00 to $10.00, now $7.75
Umbrellas selling regularly at $12.50 to $20.00, now $9.75
Tabourettes $1.17 to $1.37
In the Drapery Department, on the third floor, for today's
selling, we offer a great lot of 1000 handsome hardwood
Tabourettes, dark mission finish, splendidly made in three
sizes 12, 14 and 16 inches ; all have 12-inoh tops. The prices :
12-in., ea., $1.17 14-in ea, $1.27 16-in., ea., $1.37
Bath Robes
S6.50 Vals. $3.65
In the Men's Clothing Section today
and tomorrow a great special lot of
Men's Fine Quality Blanket Bath
Robes, fancy colorings, neat floral de
signs, fancy grays, fancy dark greens,
fancy reds, blues, tans, etc.; full
length and cut, with cord and tassel
to match; grand as- fl C
sortment; $6.50 vals. &0
Greal Holiday Sale
Smoking Jackets
A complete showing of Smoking
Jackets in . every new and pretty
style, in all grades, at prices rang
ing from $3.50 up. to $25.00
Men's Cloth and Silk Lounging
Robes, in beautiful styles and at
prices ranging from $10 to $50
Great display of Fancy Vests and
Full Dress Vests, at these very low
prices, each $2.00 up to $7.50
Men's Terry Cloth Bath Slippers at
these prices, pair 38 to $2.00
Big Specials in the
Candy Store
In the Basement Candy .Store Pure
Sweets at the very lowest prices:
1-lb. boxes of the best Hand-Made
Chocolates; 65c values, C
on sale at this low price J J s
Xmas Mixed Candies, great
special values at, per lb.,
Glace Fruits in wooden boxes, with
scenes of Oregon on fl C
cover; 2-lb. boxes for Jj)
Salted Pistachio Nuts, 65c C O
values, on sale at, pound J V
Specials in the
Grocery Dept.
Extra Fancy "Walnuts,
soft shell, 2 pounds, for V
I. X- L. Almonds on sale fc C
at, 2 pounds for only V
Mince Meat, large jars, regular 65c
values, during this sale, per jar 45
Extra large Pecans, 25c vals., lb. 20
Plum Pudding at 30 and 55
Libby's Plum Pudding at the low
pirec of, per tin, 25 and 45
Griffon's Catsup, 25c val., hot. 19
Unbleached Sultana Raisins on sale
at the low price, 4 pounds for 25
Imported Smyrna Figs, the lb., 20
Xmas Sale
of Jewelry
A great Christmas sale of Solid Gold
Brooches, Scarf Pins, Chatelaine Pins
and many other useful and novelty
articles; values ranging from $1.50 to
$15 each, on sale at HALF PRICE
PER CENT OFF on all our
dWfine Elgin and Waltham
Watches, also Swiss Watches ; gold,
gold-filled, gunmetal, silver cases; all
grades; best styles; $3.50 to $85.00
values, 20 per cent off during sale.
Special lot of German Silver Mesh
Bags, all kid-lined; finest quality
mesh ; t $10 values, fl A k
on sale at this price 0 .
Regular $2.00 Whisk Brooms, with
silver handles, special, each, 98
$1.00 fancy Match Boxes, each 69
Entire line quadruple silver-plated
Shaving Sets, regular $1.75 to $10.00
values, on sale at ONE-THIRD OFF"
. ' 1 ' ' 1 ... i . , ., ,,. .
Three Trials Prove Ineffective and
Judge Bennett Orders De
fendant Dismissed.
After three trials by Jury in the Mu
nicipal Court, Dr. L. X. Scott, a dentist,
-was discharged last . night by Judge
Bennett, the third and last Jury bearing
the evidence having failed to find a ver
dict. Dr. Scott -was charged with vio
lating the dental laws In that he had
practised In thia city without bavins se
cured a license from the State Board
of Dental Examiners. Judge Bennett
i said that as both the defendant and
' the state had already been put to con
i slderable expense and that three Juries
had failed to convict him, he considered
It his duty to dismiss the case.
, Dr. Scott, as was brought out In the
trials, la A dentist of 22 years' experi
ence. He came to Portland Just after
! enactment of the new dental laws, and
i although b. applied to the dental board
for an examination to entitle him to
practice this was refused, he swore, and
the $25 which he sent In to the board
with his application for permission to
take the examination was never returned
to him.
The new law enacted in 1905 provided
that no . person not a graduate of the
National Association of Dental Colleges
would be permitted to take the exami
nation except those who had been prac
ticing dentistry In OSregon for more
than five years prior, to the enactment
of the law. Dr.- Scott and his attor
ney have contended that this was an
unreasonable and unjust provision of the
statute and was engineered by local
dentists to prevent entry Into the local
field of outside dentists. Dr. Scott de
clares he passed the examination In
Ohio and practiced there for many years
before coming here.
Attorney Fowler, who appeared for
Dr. Scott, declared that a majority of
the members of the State Board of Den
tal Examiners are not graduates of asso
ciation colleges, and that the board la
wrongfully withholding the $26 which Dr.
Soott sent In with his application for
permission to take the examination.
"W'e wish to thank the many friends
for their kind assistance and beautiful
floral offerings to our beloved Clara
in our bereavement.
Sailor Relieved of $ 1 0 -Chinese
Store Yields $2 50 Burglars
and Sneak-Thieves Many."
According to the reports rendered the
police, crime has been on the Increase
during the past 48 hours. Holdups,
burglaries and petty thefts are among
the things complained of.
Archie Gillies, a sailor of the steamer
Bannodtiurn, was held up on his way
to his vessel near the mills of the East
ern & Western Dumber Company on
Monday night. .The thug took 10 from
hkn and allowed him to proceed.. No
revolver was shown, but the robber was
leading-a bulldog by a string. He was
about 32 years old, 5 feet 6 Inches tall,
dressed roughly, and wore a dark, soft
hat. He was of light complexion and had
a light mustache.
Burglars broke Into the store of Song
Chong. 107 North ' Seventh street, on
Monday night and stole $260 In cash. An
entrance was effected through the base
ment of a Japanese store next door.
Morco Modungo. of 294 Sheridan street,
says that he has been held up three
times within the past two months at
Sixth and Harrison streets. The last
time was on Sunday night, when two men
searohed him and took J5 from him. They
had knives and rasors, and with these
weapons pressed close to his body in
timidated him while they went through
his pockets. Modungo works in Solly's
pool room.
Sneak thieves entered the room of Jo
seph Kelley at 264 First street and
robbed the 'place of a suitcase and
Kelleys best clothes, valued at J75.
Mrs. M. Cummin gs. who lives at Wl
berg lane and the the Barr road, was
visited by a thief. Some prowler entered
her dwelling and stole a small amount
of money from her purse. ,
Shipment From Elgin Tops Portland
Market for Season.
J. B.' Thorsen and H. H. "Wltherspoon.
owners of the Sprlngdale fruit farm at
Elgin. Or., have shipped to Portland two
carloads of potatoes that topped the Port
land market. The potatoes are of un
usual quality, and are a sample of the
season's crop at 3 gin.
The country around Elgin is taking its
first stride In potato-raising this year, ac
cording to Mr. Withefepoon. The crop
ran from 100 to 200 bushels to the acre,
and yielded about 24,000 bushels from the
260 acres planted. Next year, it Is ex
pected, 1000 acres will be planted. -
The Springfield fruit farm contains 300
acres. Two hundred acres are planted
to apples of the King, Delicious. Winter
Banana and Spitzenberg varieties. The
potatoes are raised between the rows of
apple trees. .
"We harvested the largest crop of pota
toes in the state this year," said Mr.
Witherspoon yesterday. ' "Oft of 85 acres
we obtained 19,000 bushels'.! This is con
siderably larger than the Medford crop
which was claimed as the largest."
and will pay as follows for good, fat
stuff we never charge commission
on anything:
Veal under ISO pounds lie
Large veal less according to size
and quality.
Dressed Hogs '. te
Hens and Springs, alive i4o
Hens and Springs, dressed 10c to lee
Turkeys, dressed 23Vie
Geese, dressed I6e
Ducks, dressed aoa
"fighting the Beef Trout,"
Portland, Oregon,'
At Any Smith Marke
The finest kind of tirisket
Boiling Beef ' ... 7
Choice . Short Ribs of Beef
to bake 8
Breast of Lamb .... ... Sd
Best Pot Roast Beef. . . 10
Shoulder of Lamb 10
Round Steak 10
Sirloin Steak 10
Breast Veal '. . . 10
Veal Stew
Tenderloin Steak 12Vi
Small Porterhouse Steak.. X24
Shoulder Roast Pork,
shank end 12Va
Shoulder Roast Lamb .... 12V2
Whole Front Quarter
Lamb ,.' 12y2C
Shoulder Roast Veal 12V2
Shoulder Veal Cutlets 12y2
Shoulder Pork Chops 15?
Loin Veal Cutlets 15V
Veal Steak 15?
Best cut of Sholder Roast
Pork ; 15
Smith's Kettle Rendered
Lard 15 ?
Smith's Sugrar-Cured Hams 18 Q
Loin Pork Chops. . '. 187
Smith's Sugar - Cured
Breakfast Bacon 22V2
Frank L. Smith Meat Co.
" ' 22 Markets,