Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 15, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Aged Monarch's Power of Re
cuperation Astounds Sci
entific Men.
Country Indifferent to Change of
Sovereigns Prince Albert, Heir
Presumptive, Different
Type of Man.
MONED. VTEWNA, Dec. 14. Ex-Crown
Prtncs Stephanie, daughter of King
Xeopold, who Is now the Countess
Ixinyay. left Hungary today for
SruBsela to see her father.
understood the Baltimore & Ohio men
ask for a 15 per cent increase.
C. C. Bent, general manager or the
Baltlmrre & Ohio Southwestern, declares
the demands are unreasonable.
The Blir Four telegrraphers have not
yet completed their referendum vote on
strike, but 90 per cent of the votes
that are now in favor of a strike and two
thirds of the total have voted.
Resumption of Work at Great Falls
Smelter Expected Soon.
BUTTE, Mont., Dec. 14. Members of
the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
In Butte, "whose action in striking
with the switchmen December 1
brought about a shutdown of the mines
here, where 3000 men were employed,
will return tomorrow.
The mines here and the smelters in
Great Falls are expected to resume
within a few days.
Portland and Canada Help Break
Switchmen's Strike.
SEATTLE, Dee. 14. The Northern
Pacific Railroad today employed 12 ex
perienced men to take the places of
striking switchmen, acording to Sup
erintendent of Terminals C. E. Mc
Mullln. The new men came from Portland
and Canada. The 'Northern Pacific now
has IS en pine crews at work.
BRUSSELS. Deo. 14. Kin Leopold to
iflav underwent a eorlous operation and
ctstounded science by the manner in which
he withstood it.
His remarkable recuperative powers
manifested themselves directly lie re
gained consciousness and the optimistic
noirit which ho had shown throughout his
Illness returned to him. lie expressed
satisfaction when Informed of details of
tho operation, which was for the relief of
a- pimple obstruction of "the intestines.
Tonlffht tlie Kins ts making a plucky
flETit for life. He was even strong
nou(Ch to tsiRn the new military law jut
passed by the Senate. But the battle
has not been completely won. It is un
derstood that the real feeling of his
physicians and household Is not so hope
ful as Its bulletins indicate. The crisis
probably will last three days.
Paralysis Is Danger.
There is a possibility that the intestine
will be gripped by paralysis a danger
that always causes anxiety on the part of
Burgeons ana, in that event, a recur
rence of the obstruction is likely and
another operation necessary.
Leopold emerged from the operation,
with a regular pulse. He was so talka
tive that the doctors wore obliged to
warn Him. after which he fell into a light
refreshing slumber. Tho condition of his
Majesty tonight is stated to be satis
The last member of the diplomatic
corps" to leave King Leopold was the
American Minister, Henri' Iane Wilson.
who was received a fortnight ago on a
Tarewell visit, preparatory to his depar
ture to his1 new post In Mexico.
The audience was interesting. The King
was in the best of spirits, greeting Mr.
vilson and his wife with great cordiality.
King Admires Tnft.
Following his habit when In good
humor, he conversed in English, and ex
pressed regret that the Minister was
loa-lng. He spoke in admiration of Mr.
Taft, referring to him as a great leader
and a great President.
He asked the Minister to convey his
respects to the President, with wishes) of
a continued successful administration.
Then he added laughingly:
"But I do. hope the United States will
rhange from her drastic attitude on the
The King complained that he was
bothered with rheumatism, but he looked
well. Wh?n alluding to Leopold's bad
foot. Mr. Wilson suggested, "like Achilles,
you are vulnerable only in your heel."
the King laughed heartily. He said he
eager to return to Paris, to resume
electrical treatment. In which he had the
utmost confidence.
The gravity of the King's illness became
apparent only a few days ago. and, while
n operation was finally decided upon, as
Imperative, the fact that the King was
unable to retain nourishment and there
by lost strength rapidly gave rise to
serious doubts as to his ability to with
stand the shock.
Heir Presumptive Another Type.
In view of the condition of the King
interest is centered upon Prince Albert
Leopold, heir presumptive, son of the late
Count of Flanders, King Leopold's
Prince Albert is a striking contrast to
Ihis uncle. He is a distinct family man,
happily wedded. He has traveled and
ctudied in America and is a great stu
dent of economics and politics, often
lecturing in public. Nevertheless he has
modern tastes and is a splendid horse
man and is interested in aviation and
motoring. He has even made a flight in
a dirigible. His frank, good-natured face
bespeaks intelligence and invites con
lliclence. The art shops in the city are freely ex
Hiibiting in their windows pictures of the
royal family above. King Leopold aged,
austere and reserved below Prince
lAlbort, young brilliant and pleasant.
Moreover, the Prince is popular with the
people, whose sympathy and respect he
Is certain to win as sovereign.
Army to Brook No Substitutes.
Today has been doubly momentous in
Belgian history. In the presence of
SPrince Albert, who has a hereditary right
to a seat, the Senate adopted, with the
concurrence of the chamber, a military
law that vitally concerns the country and
that has aroused intense discussion and
once threatened to overturn the Cabinet.
The measure provides for the service of
one son in each family, instead of gen
eral recruitment by lot, but, more Im
portant, they are forbidden to hire sub
stitutes. In the recent crisis In Spain,
outright evasion of service by the rich
through the payment of money aroused
the anger of the people.
King Leopold favors the law, and his
supporters have been most anxious that
lie should have the opportunity to attach
bis signature to it.
People Are Indifferent.
So far as the King's illness is con
cerned, there are evidences of the indif
ference of the people with reference to a
change in sovereigns. The newspapers are
restricting themselves to brief accounts
of the development of the malady and dis
creet allusions to the King's domestic
tragedies, but they make practically no
comment on Leopold himself nor the des
tinies of the country. ,
They remember also that it was King
Leopold who gave such material develop
ment to Belgium.
Reaching Shore, Castaways Spend
Xight In Woods; Then Make
Way to Settlement.
VANCOUVER, B. C Dec. 14. The
tusr Enterprise,' Captain George II.
Deighton. of Vancouver, and two
soows which the tug had In tow. were
lost off the coast of Northern British
Columbia during the terrific storm last
Friday, news of the wreck being re
ceived here today from Malespina.
Captain Deighton and two other men
who were with him on the tug es
caped uninjured.
With the scows in tow. the tug left
Nanaimo, Friday, for Vananda. At 11
o'clock last night, while near the north
east point of Texada Island, in a ter
rible gale, the tow rope caught in the
tug's propeller and stopped the en
gines. Seeing that he could not dis
entangle the line. Captain Deighton
dropped anchor and abandoned the
tug. the men Bwimmlng ashore.
During the night the anchor let go
and the tug and scows drifted onto
the rocks. They are a total wreca.
The men camped on the shore for the
remainder of the night and in the
morning made their way to the Mal
aspina Island, where they were cared
The barge Quatslno, which was
wrecked on Green Island 6ix weeks ago,
broke up during last week's storm.
Subsidiary Benefit Association to Be
Added to Department's Many
If the plans of the officers of the Po
lice Athletic Association carry, one of
the most notable entertainments of the
New1 Year will be given under its aus
pices at the Armory early in February
A committee, composed of Sergeant
"Joe" Keller, and Patrolmen Swennes
and Pressy, was last night selected to
confer with the Police Commission and
secure the sanction of that body for a
"Patrol Ball," for the purpose of secur
ing funds to increase the beneficiary fund
of the association. The "coppers" hope
to realize at least J5000 from the -ball
The meeting last night marked' the
second annual election of officers since
the athletic organizatoln of the associa
tion was formed some time ago,
Patrolman B. F. Wade was elected to
succeed himself as president. Other offi
cers elected last night were: Vice-presi
dent, W. C. Epps; treasurer, L. Madden
secretary. R. S. Flack.
It was voted unanimously to add i
benefit department to the athletic asso
elation. MeriTCers of the organization
will receive $15 as a weekly Indemnity
in the event of sickness or disability.
This sum will He aside from the pay
ment of $10 made by the Police Mutual
Aid Society.
Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Op
erators' Demands Also Opposed.
CINCINNATI. Dec. 14 Railway teleg
raphers employed by the Baltimore &
Ohio Southwestern Railroad, in demand
ing a new wage scale and a rhange in
working condition, are meeting with the
same opposition from the company as are
tha Big Four telegraphers in their de
mands, It was announced today. It ia
Uncle of Missing Louisville Girl Ex.
pects Demand for Coin.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 14. To scat
ter the clouds that have gathered about
the possible motives behind the disap
pearance last Wednesday of 8-year-olo
Alma Kellner, Frank Fehr. millionaire
brewer and undo of the child, today said
flatly that kidnapers were entirely re
Mr. Fehr has been active In his efforts
to restore the child to her parents, and
through his offices, the family of the
child has refused to offer a reward.
Mr. Fehr's statement today quieted ru
mors of skeletons in the Kellner family
"Money is what the kidnapers want
and that is why they will not harm Alma
and why we are trying not to be unduly
alarmed," said Mr. Fehr. He said at
the time the kidnapers thought proper
when excitement, abates somewhat -he
expected a ransom proposition. Mr. Fehr
believes that Alma is held in Louisville.
Today brought no further clews and
neither the state nor city offered a re
ward that had been forecasted.
Business Men Accused of Importing
Women Unlawfully.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14. Nathan
Landsburg and C. E. Mulvey, charged
with the illegal introduction of women
into the United States, were arraigned
today before F' leral Dictrict Judge
Wellborn. They pleaded not guilty
and were released on $1000 bonds for
trial next term.
' Landsburg Is a merchant at CaJ
exico. Cal., and Mulvey is in business
at Mexicala, just across the Mexican
Poolroom Boat Partner Dies.-
CHICAGO, Dec. 14. Harry A.' Perry,
widely known-in Chicago as a partner
in the Smith-Perry-White combination
that operated the poolroom boat, the
City of Traverse, died today.
Toy land, Fourth Floor Red Cross Stamps, First Floor Gift Certificates, Any Part of Store
Put a
Stamp on .
Every Xmas
$t K tng
$1.00 Down
and $1.00
Per Week for
This is the time of the season when stock rooms are disgorging their
contents and department managers are kept on the run to keep our
tremendous stock of Holiday Merchandise ever oiy the move. People
are shopping early, in the week, as well as in the day, much to their
advantage and to the comfort of salespeople. The happy Christmas
season is coming on in all its splendor, suggestive of good things to
wear, good things to eat and jolly times around the festal boards.
Things for the table, the comfort and delectation of Merry Xmas folk.
$5 Housecoats and $2.85
ljciiii roues
This will please tho
men folks as 'well as
the ladies who are
racking their brains
to know what to
give to them. Our
entire stock of $5.00
House Jackets and
Bathrobes is offered
for sale Wednesday
at the very special
price of . . . .$2.85
Take a glimpse at
our splendid line of
Christmas Neckwear
for men; beautifully
boxed and very ap
propriate for a re
al e m b r ance. Then
there are Glove Certificates for some, fancy Suspenders
and a thousand and one other things.
A. very complete and attractive line of Silk Handker
chiefs for men is offered for Wednesday. They are all
sreeiallv priced for the occasion. Look at the prices.
examine the quality and you will appreciate the significance of the sale:
25c values, 17 50c values, 35 75c values, 48 $1.00 values, 69
Lace Curtains
In Single Pairs at
$2.50 to $15.00
We have picked, out a limited
number of single pairs of cur
tains, regularly priced from
$4.50 to $30 specially priced
from $2.50 TO $15.00
Also about 50 pairs of single
Lace Curtains, special for
75c to $2.50
O. W. K. Gift
In every department we sell
Gift Certificates, allowing
the recipient to select any
thing in the store to the value
of the certificate. When in
doubt, there can be nothing
more appropriate than one of
these. Very prettily printed
and attractively arranged for
holiday time.
Sample Line of One Hundred
Ladies9 Handbags $2uoj
ONE HUNDRED of these bags
reduced startlingly.' A fine sample
line from the best manufacturer in
New . York. All are guaranteed
perfect. Among the lot are genu
ine seal, walrus, sealion, alligator,
fancy calf; beautifully lined, and
handsomely fitted; single or double
strap handles; new novelty shapes
and a wide range of color selections.
$3.85 to
Bags worth to $6.50 for. $3.85
Bags worth to $10.00 for $5.35
Bags worth to $15.00 for. ... .$9.45
Bags worth to $20.00 for. . .$13.85
Most Bewildering, Entrancing Exhibition of Toys Ever Seen in Portland
Take All the Little Folks to the Fourth Floor Without Delay
German, French
and English Toys of
every kind and de
scription are shown
this season for the
first 'time. Our
stock is the most
complete ever
shown in Portland.
Toyland Is on the
Fourth Floor.
And a hint. If you are going to give undressed dolls, in
tending to dress them before Christmas, buy now, time flies
Full Jointed Body Bisque heads, sleeping
eyes and having eyelashes and long
curly hair, sewed wig. ilegular $6.00.
Special only $4.75
Full Jointed Body With sleeping eyes
and sewed wig ; 25 inches long. Splendid
value. Regular $2.50. Special only.$1.95
Swing; Rocking' Horse Unusually splen
did value at $5.00. Special only . .$3.95
Child's Rocking Horses Nicely painted,
with mane and tail. Splendid toy for
small boys. Regular value $2.75. Spe
cial only $2.25
Hardwood ' Tool Chest Size 4x6x12
inches, with variety of tools. Regular 60c
value. Special only -48
Tool Chest Larger than above ; measures
5x8x15 inches. Regular 85c value. Spe
cial only i.63
Ostrich Feather Boa
Reg. Up to $20 at $5
Regular values up to $20. Two
yards long ; some slightly soiled
on display. All of the very
best. Special only $5.00
$2 Elastic Belts 95c
Silk elastic belts, fitted with
novelty buckles and plain de
signs. Long range of colors
for choice. Regular values up
to $2.00. Special only... 95
Alexandre Kid Gloves
These are the genuine Alex
andre Gloves in all the leading
seasonable shades. Best of
skins and skilled workman
ship. All guaranteed perfect.
Prices from $1.50 to $2.25
$1.50 Kid Gloves 95c
Two and three-clasp Glace Kid
Gloves; not all sizes in each
but, all sizes in the lot. Regu- Q Cp
lar up to $1.50. Special Odu
Tan Cape Gloves, all sizes, Dent
styles. Regular $1.25; spe- QCn
cial only OJu
Jet Trimming at Half
Just the thing "to touch up the
gown for holiday wear. Allover
jet and spangled bands. These are
regular, $1.00 to $5.00 values and
are offered special at this time for
Startling Reductions
Are Now Offered in Portland's Best Stock of
Fine Hair Goods
Now that this department has moved to the Second Floor, near
Washington-street elevator, its advent is marked by a splendid sale
of these goods at very unusual prices.
This is the largest and finest stock of Hair Goods in Portland.
All convent cut. The stock is about to be closed out at era
marking prices. The whole stock goes. Here are a few prices,
to illustrate: .. .
French Natural Switches, 36 inche3
long. Extra value . $18.00
Gray Switches, naturally wavy, 30
inches long. At cost $30.00
French Wavy Switches, three separate
strands. Regular $50; spl...$25.00
French Wavy Switches, three separate
strands. Regular $37.50; spl.$17.50
French Wavy Switches, three separate
strands. Regular $35; spl... $15.00
Rare Shade French Switches. Very
special at , $25.00
French Gray Pompadours. Comb in
with your hair. Regular $35.$lS.OO
Sanitary Wigs of French natural wavy ;
finest wavy hair $18.00
French Wavy Transformations. Regu
lar $25 to $35 $12.50
New Idea Pompadours. Regular
$9.00 $4.50
Regular $12.50 for ..$6.00
Regular $15.00 for $7.00
Regular $18.00 for... $8.00
Best German Natural Wavy Switches.
Regular , $18.00, 30-in $9.00
Regular $15.00, 27-in $7.50
Regular $12.50, 26-in $6.25
Regular $ 7.50, 21-ih.. $3.50
Hundreds of Other Specials in
Hair Switches from SI -SO Up
Irish Crochet
Neckwear at 95c
Real Irish goods Jabots, Coat Collars, Coat
Jabots, $1.50 to $2.00 95
Jabots and Collars, $2.50 to $3.00.. 91.95
Collars and Revers, $3.50 to $5.00;. $2.95
Collars and Revers, $5.50 to $7.50. .83.95
Ladies9 All-Silk Hose
All silk, plain colors. Plain black lace and
same with embroidered ankles. One of the
best values ever offered:
Plain Silk, $1.25; special 95 $
Black Lace, $3.00 ;. special 95
Extra quality Black Silk Hose, embroidery
at instep; regular $3.50; special ffO 1Q
price, only ,tlu
Four Money-Saving
Ribbon Values
These are among the best values ever shown
in our Ribbon Department. Dresden, Per
sian, complete assortment of fancy ribbons,
3Va to 7 inches wide.
Regular up to $3.00, only 98
Regular up to $1.25 only 79
Regular up to 75conIy 48
Regular up to 60c, only 39i
Hose Supporters 48c
This lot includes side elastic and round gar
ters, in black, white, pink, sky, cardinal,
yellow and lavender. All fitted with fsncy
elastic webbing, buckles and bows. . MQr
Regular $1.00, Special only H0l
Sample 79c to $2.50
This is one of the most successful sales of Slippers ever inaugurated by our shoe depart
ment; 7000 pairs in all. The stock has dwindled considerably. Plenty of sizes, sfyles and
opportunities for selection. Better buy early to participate in this sale of Sample Slippers.
$4.00 grades for...$2.50
$3.50 grades for...$2.10
$3.25 grades for...$2.00
$3.00 grades for. .. $1.90
Women's Felt Juliets and Low Slippers,
in black, brown or gray ; value $1.50 . . 9S
Women's 90c Velvet or Leather Slippers,
at the remarkably low price of only. .40 $
$2.75 grades for... 81.85
$2.50 grades for. ..$1.75
$2.25 grades for. ..$1.60
$2.00 grades for. ..$1.50
$1.85 -grades for. .
$1.50 grades for..
$1. o grades for . .
$1.19 grades for. . ,
Women's $1.75 Felt Juliets, black,
brown, red or green; in all sizes
We will show you twice as many
as you ever saw in one assortment.
$6.00 Umbrellas
for Men at $3.95
Silk and lisle, union taffeta and
all silk materials; rain proof;
fitted with very large assort
ment of handles. Note these
Reg. up to $ 6.00 only $3.95
Reg. up to $10.00 only $6.45
Reg. up to $16.00 only $8.45
Ladies'. Silk Taffeta Umbrellas.
Good quality silk, rain proof
and fitted with fine frame and
handles. Good colors.
Reg. up to $6.00 only.. $3.45
Sale of Two. Hundred One-Piece gg
Dre sseSy Regular to $28.30 at
Portland has never seen a greater offering in dress values than
this. Such values are unusual anywhere and those best acquaint
ed with this stock pronounce this sale the biggest event of the
season. The lot includes serges, broadcloths, taffeta silk and all
come in a variety of styles, but all of them are strictly this season 's
.make. All these dresses are deliberately taken from our regular
stock and placed on sale together at special price. ttr ) f q
Priced regularly as high as $28.50. A big value at
tr Is
These wonderful values. They
come in Panamas, cassimeres
and lancy plaids. Ages 6 to 14.
Kegular $3.00 val. spcl.
Regular $4.50 val. spcl.
Kegular $6.00 val. spcl.
Regular $7.75 val. spcl.
French Gowns V2
We offer hand embroidered
French gowns, made of fine
nainsook or batiste. The reg
ular prices of these gowns have
been from $8.00 to $37.50.
Special offering now for ONE