Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 15, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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Kor Sale Fanm.
4 Miles From Portland Oity
South of Lents.
Must be sold at once; has
large house, good foam. 9
cows, good team, wagon and
harness, all kinds of small
tools; this Is fine land, all in
high state of cultivation. 2
acres In orchard, 4 acres in
grapes; this is fine garden
land on the Powell Valley '
macadamised road.
Make us an offer on this
dandy little farm. It must
he sold and no reasonable
offer will be refused.
605 Corbett Bldg.
285 acres 200 in hay, plenty of water,
P-room plastered house, good barns and
outbuildings, rattle. hogs, horses and all
farm tools go with this; would make
fins dairy ranch; $45 per socre. terms.
SOO acres 3O0 bottom land, fine soil,
lots of oak timber, close to railroad; $50
acre, terms. Fine for pears.
160 acres 80 fenced; 15 In hay. 20 tons
hay goes with this; about all level land:
good for fruit : water right deeded; farm
tools, etc. ; $30 acre, H down, balance 3
100' acres Planted to Newtons and
Fpitaenberg apples; sold on easy, terms
In tracts or as a whole; no better apple
soil In Oregon.
See us for Southern Oregon fruit lands.
408 Commercial Club Bids.
5 miles from Vancouver, near Orchards,
on good road and close to new electric
carltne, now building ; black shot soil,
none better, will produce anything; place
Is fenced and cross-fenced and ail of It
is under cultivation; lo acres in orchard. 3
acres fn small assorted fruit, all in full
bearing: ; good 7-room house, barn 40 by
60 and other outbuildings, all in first-class
condition; 3 wells of fine water; one span
of 5-year-old mares and 2 or 3 dozen
chickens go with the place; also harness,
wagon, plows. 2 cultivators and all other
farming machinery; house furnished with
new oak furn iture, range and heating
stove all of which goes with the place;
pries 'J7500, $4000 caph. balance time or
will take Portland unincumbered property
up to $1500. as part payment; a very fine
farm and a sn).
324-325 Lumber Exchange.
$5 PER ACRE Great wheat country, 10n
acre farms in the. rich delta of tHe Sonora
River, near American line. In Mexico, be
tween Southern Pacific and sea; most
excellent climate, deep garden soil, corn,
wheat, cotton, beans. alfalfa, dates,
oranges, lemons; all vegetable products;
good market ; 150,000 acres now opened
to American farmers; first 10,000 acres at
$5 per acre, half cash: this is -really $10O
land. See or write us Immediately. C. M.
Wnoster Company, 702 Market St., San
Francisco, Cal.
FOR PALE 40 acres improved land which
contains enormous clay deposit; awarded di
ploma; big fortune for any brick plant; 6
acres will be planted in orchard in Spring,
four acre In Fall. 7 acres In chicken fence;
water, house, bam ; two miles from Lyle,
Wa.h.; price $3000. Paolo Bettinl, Lyle,
$50 PER ACRE for 323 acres of as good
land as there Is In Oregon; land adjoining
for sale at f 100 per acre; let me tell you
about this. W. J. Smith, 4.18 Chamber of
Commerce. Main 7967.
."WE want more farms to sell. We have
many calls for farms. . If you have a
farm for sale and price is right, we can
sell it. Call on us and talk it over, or
write us fully. M. E. Thompson & (To.,
Cor 4th and Oak sts. Phones Main 6084,
A 3327.1
WHO has a small, modern house of 5 or 6
rooms for sale or will build one for party
f laying $30 to $35 per month including
merest? Nothing down; must be within
easy walking distance. AJ 598. Oregonian.
WE have parties wanting to buy desirable
homes In Holladay or Irvlngton. If your
bouse Is for sale, call and see us, or
phone Main 6084. A K327. M. E. Thomp
son A. Co.. Cor. 4th and Oak sts.
WANTED West Side Investment property,
(20.000 to $40,000. something having In
come and located - close in wanted. I
want to deal with owners. O 597, Oregon
tan. WE HAVE $tt0O for first payment on a
am ail country home, comfortable house
and 5 to 10 acres, some clear, 20o carfare.
Phone M. K088. 248 Stark st.
WE HAVE $"2oJ0 cash to pay for not less
than 6 acres Improved, with comfortable
house, not over 9 miles out. . near cars.
Phone 8088. 43 Stark st.
WANTED To ouy full lot In Irvlngton with
modern house, corner lot preferred; about
$5000; reply at once as I wish to be lo
cated as soon as possible. C 599, Oregonian.
WANTED Waverly Heights lot, from own
er; will pay some cash; must be bargain.
P. O. Box 473.
WANTED To buy an Improved farm from
40 to 60 acres on carline, near school. See
Hughes, 809 Falling bldg.
LIST your property with us. Smith-Wagoner
Co., 306 Chamber Commerce.
C.OOO.OOO feet of yellow fir In Yamhill
10.000.00O feet yellow fir, near R. R. and
Columbia River.
10,000,000 feet yellow fir, on Trask
River in Tillamook County.
4.000.000 feet yellow fir on Wilson Creek,
in Tillamook County.-
12.000.000 feet yellow flr on Lewis and
Clark River.
The above timber - Is a bargain If
closed Immediately.
13 Hamilton Bldg.
$6S0O S6 acres timber, H mile Portland
and Salem electric line and near rter,
extra fine piling and cordwood, oak and
fir; no better land in Oregon when cleared;
lies fine will double in value in a short
time; if you want an investment see this
at once. Address J. H. Richard, Wood
bum, Or.
Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber, of Commerce,
6.500,000 feet A-l yellow fir. In township
17 south, range 4 east, cheap If taken
soon. 801-302 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Phone Main 7290.
ABOUT 80OO acres near tidewater and mills,
cruising 60.000 per acre; large per cent
Port Orford cedar. Price $S0 per acre.
Zimmerman, 621 Board of Trade.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A
Stampher. 631-532 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR accessible tie timber fronting river and
n ear Po r t land, see Pit ten ger, 245 4fc Morri
son. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments.
327 Worcester block.
10' to 25 aores, within 15 miles of Port
land; at least 10 screw In cultivation; nome
peavernam rnna preierreo; must nave rair lnv
provemontsr: land -and Improvements must be
wort h p rice ask e d ; will pay $500 to $ soo
cam. lance long lime, Aaaress o9u,
IN WHEELER, Crook and other counties
Murdoch & xoung. 411 bucnanao oiog.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken.
304 McKay bldg.
EQUITY in Improved 120-acre farm, near
Baker City; cash and automobile for
equity; time, at 6 per cent on oaiance.
Jiox iii. iaKer K ity. ur. v
64 CLEA R ED LOTS In Vancouver, Wash.,
value $20o each, for improved ranch. G. R.
Percival, owner, 613 Main st. Vancouver,
0 ACRES near Portland and S to 10 blocks
from car line; good spring; will take 4 or 6-
roo m aouss w it r; i o i t or pari payment.
838 Chamber of Commerce.
VTTLX TRADE second mortgage and some
CAM a I or jtou nuii'iinR jot in wstoti'
. aaicaxnoad, tactics. Jisnxja bldx
$000 acres of land that will grow fruit
and walnuts, for $10 per acre. It's in Klick
itat County, Washington, and land along
side of it Is selling for $50 to $100 per
acre; will -exchange entire tract for city
property or an established business m in
some food town.
750 acres land near Pomeroy. 'Wash.,
on R. R., right at station, all good farm
land; 150 acres can be Irrigated, 75 acres
In alfalfa, one of the finest places in the
country for d i varsi fled farmi ng ; sp I en d i d
place to raise bogs; will grow fruit; will
trade for Portland city property and as
sume mortgage.
3500-acre wheat farm, 3100 acres under
cultivation. 2000 acres In growing wheat
that looks fine, good buildings and plenty
of water; small orchard ; 22 head young
mufcss and harness, 8 head work horses
and harness. 2 cows, 1 saddle horse, ail
farm implements to handle a farm of this
kind; hay and grain in barns for Spring
work; price $25 per acre, including every
thing; will exchange.
We have a lot of other things to ex
change. Call and see us.
304-805 Henry Bldg., City.
FOR EXCHANGH1 15" acres- orange and lemon
orchard, young trees; will increase, in value
rapidly; modern cement Irrigating -system,
16 shares of water stock in good company,
fine row of palms border place on two
sides, small house and barn, cistern and
other improvements; $15,000; exchange for
fi rst- c 1 a s acreage ; m ujt bo we 1 1 located
In good section; $3250 still due on place,
eaey payments. . What have you? J. W.
' Armstrong, Covins, Cal.
1550 acres,. 5 miles from good town In
the Valley; has fine improvement. JO-room
house, " modem, and 2 other houses and 8
barns; all fenced, woven wire; SO million
feet saw timber, 20.000 cords of wood; will
wll for $ per acre on long time or take
H in Portland property. Lincoln Invt. Co.,
312-1? Henry Bldg.
160 ACRES of fine soil, 6 miles from Bux
ton. Washington County, 40 acres under
cultivation, 4 acres in orchard, 10-room
good house, extra well built barn. 40 by
6 feet; fruit drier and other outbuildings;
close to school; living water; price $tOO0;
will exchange for Portland income prop
erty; a fine farm. Kauffman & Moore, 323
Lumber Exchange.
To eelj. or trade patent washing machine
for Portland property, house, lot or farm.
Positively the best maohlne ever invented.
"?an be run by hand, steam or electricity ;
United States and Canadian patents; a splen
did business chance for investors looking for
manufacturing proposition. Address owner,
J. G. Nichols, 181 EX Water St., Portland. Or.
CLIENT wants ranch, not over $50,000. in
Willamette Valley preferred, but will con
sider Clark County; will exchange A-l
business property in heart of good city
and two tracts of timber, 14,000,000 and
3o.000.000 feet.
S2-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and 6th.
80x85-foot lot on 17th and Terrace Drive,'
to turn as a part payment towards a $2000
bungalow, balance in cash : owner han
owned and lived on the Heights for 31
years) and wants to come down.
MODERN 6-room substantial dwelling, 4
blocks Hawthorne ave. ; $2750, terms, or ex
change good lot. 807 Chamber of Com
merce. CORNER lot and 10-room house, West Side,
take bouse and lot East Side in part pay
ment. AN 686, Oregonian.
H AVE an 07 Pierce A rrow au to for ex
change for house and lot or lots, or mort
gage of any kind. O 385, Oregonian.
WHAT business or property have you to ex-
cnange ior a lasKa joai Mining- snares t
Address H 592, Oregonian.
10 TO 40 acres Hood River apple land for
lots, house and lot. first, second or con
tract mortgages. O 586, Oregonian.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
BLACK, mare, weight 1340 lbs., true to pull.
good brood mare, little sore irom street
work, price $65; also small team, 1100
each, horse and mare, price $100; team,
weight 2400 lbs., black and bay, price
$125; express harness, price $16 ; express
truck, good stock saddle. Call 606 Wash
ington st.
BLACK MARE, weight 1340 lbs., true to
pull, good brood mare, little sore from
street work, prloe $65; also small -team,
11O0 each, horse and mare, price $100 ;
team, weight 3400 Lbs., black and bay,
price $125; express harness, price $16;
express truck, good stock saddle. Call
Washington st.
$185 BUYS pair blaek mares, work single.
aouoie ana rme, weignt Z4k, sound, fat
and ready for work; 110O-pound delivery
horse, $75 i pair geldings, good workers, but
thin, $90; choice for $50; bay gelding, age
6, weight 1426, price $135, or will buy mate.
Call No. 1 stables. Front and Market.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawtnorne ave.
WANTED To buy 1 mare or horse, 1.100
jos. or up: must be active and kooq trav
eler; I also want to sell or trade well
matched team mares, 800 lbs. each.; I
aiso nave one extension brougnam tor sale,
price $300. Mr. Roderick, 508 Alder st.
Home phone A. 4282.
BARGAIN Pair matched bays, horse and
mare, weigh 2400 lbs., low, heavy-set
chunks, easy keepers, sound and gentle
every way; nearly new breeching harness,
all complete, goes at $235. Call 606 Wash
ington si. M. Mayhew's team.
FOR SALE Fine big mare weighing about
120O lbs., suitable for city or country use;
a fine brood mare; several other horses
for sale. Kramer's New York Stables, 15th
and Alder sts.
FOR SALE 3 teams heavy valley horses,
weighing from 2800 lbs. to 3250 lbs.
Sound and true. Phone East 4804-C1477;
226 Russell st.
PAIR matched mares, both In foal to im
ported stallion, good workers every way.
new breeching harness; price $235. Call
606 Washington st.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and drivinar horses
always on hand. Sold with guarantee as
representee, u. as. staoies, Z48 Jrront.
A VERY fine set of double coach harness.
has been used three times. Kramer's New
York Stables. 15th and Alder sts.
I AM IN the market to buy horses from 4
to 8 years old. weight 1300 to 1800; must
do sound. Paul Brunzei, 60S Albina ave.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies'
waiting-room. Prices moderate. 48 Front.
LADY will give partial use of her saddle horee
for part expense of keeping same. Phone
excaonge oo.
PAIR brown mares. 7 and 8 years; must be
soia at once; owner leaving city, call fit a b lea.
a. vv . cor. -ront ana fa aim on sxat.
HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy sell, rent
norses, venicies; low rates on business rigs.
FOR SALE A pair of fine Shetland polnea.
Call on E. B. Turner at Country Club.
HORSES, mares, rrgs and harness of all
Kinds tor sale. 294 Montgomery,
"The Story of the GUdden Tour." If you
are contemplating buying a car read this
booklet first. It gives you a detailed
description of the course and each day's
performance of the different cars, noting
tne penalties each receivea auring each
day's run.
Upon request we will mall this booklet
to you rree.
C31 Alder St.
ALMOST new 5-passenger touring car, in
perfect condition, funy equippea with top,
glass front, horn, 5 ligUts. generator, ex
tra tire, tire chains, ere. Will sell very
reasonable, or will consider suitable real
estate. V 688, Oregonian.
BRUSH runabout for sale or , trade for lot;
used three months: first-claes shape. Call
z& Hamilton bldg.
AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lota
Oeorge R. Flora. 470 East Burnside. st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d St.
Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.
KIMBALL Tjtano for Christmas 'or New
Year's present for son or daughter; $230,
nair casn. or icss ir an casn.
CULVER, 623 Chamber Commerce.
STATIC machine, motor and accessories com
plete, for sale cheap. Main 6H5S.
COO BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this
ad. Rose City Printery, 192 '3d.
MANURE Best old manure for gardens,
LOO load, S4 Oregonian. J
FOR this month we will sell watches, dia
monds and Jewelry for the amount loaned
and Interest at Uncle Myers, 143 3d st.
I have on nand all kinds of ready
made sets of my own design and fine
work, very reasonable.
Also sealskins, marten, mink, etc ; I
can make to order on short notice.
I redye and remodel old seaskln and
mink in the latest styles and to look like
See ro e before buyin g elsewhere, as I
can save you money.
I4S Fifth St., Bet. Morrison and Alder. -
FES 14 erond-hnrt xafM vur phoan rvn
monthly payments. We have moved from 7th
m. iu t oin st., near stars.. a complete
stock of new safes. Call or write today.
Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th at.
SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th.
LARGE flat top orfice desk, nearly new.
ajso revolving rnair, aiso large table,
suitable for attorney. 61 0 Chamber of
Commerce. Phone Main 493.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 520 to $60. fully
giiaranteea; easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery ft Ptg. Co.,
2u3 2d il
FOR SALE Small safe, containing compart
ments; no space ror dooks; win sen cneap;
ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan.
1. AK 501, Oregonian.
CARD press and 1-year lease for sale on
u asnmpton st., near 6th; price for a few
days. $:t00. J. M. Kerr & Co., 26S Stark
st.. room 10.
BEST dry flr and oak wood, either sawed
or -i t., at lowest posstoie prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7461,
A 5445.
GOOD No. 2 timlth Premier typewriter for
sale cneap. inquire 317 Board of Trade
bldg., 4th and Oak.
s rheostat, 3 reels'. 20 slides and 18&5 feet of
in in, cjieap. seuwooa 00.
umes, by Warner; make offer. B 596, Ore
gonian. WILL sell or exchange on lot. beautiful
white diamond ring, nearly 1 karats.
Address 33 North 3d st.
FOR SALE Live cougar, 12 months old,
measures 7 feet from tip 4.0 . tip. In
quire Fred Cramer, Rainier. Or.
CASH register, computing scales, gas range,
small counter, dishes and sundries, cheap.
409 E, Burnside.
600 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.2. Ryder Ptg.
Co., 857 Burnside st. Main 5536.
FIVE showcases for gale. 364 Wash st.
WANTED Men's castoff clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272
WANTEfD 50 to 100 million feet of red or
yenow nr stumpage; must, be cheap; state
price and terms in first letter. O 675, Ore
gonian. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladies' clothing. E. 1015. 94 Grand awe.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones
.A 2445, Main 8951.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents second-hand clothing
and shoes. 290 First st. Main 2080.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, cooper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool, furs. Phones A T61S,
Main 5198. J. Leve. 186 Columbia.
HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni
ture. Woodard's Auction House. Phone
Main 8078. B 1034.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED Scotch collie pup 4 months old.
WANTED Good second-hand toicvcle. Bar
ber shop, Bth and Washington sts. .
WANTED Diamond earrings; must . be rea
sonable; state size. O 579, Oregonian.
WE buy. sell or exchange anything; pay high
est prices: eell for less. Main 6297.
WANTED Thoroughly competent searcher
and abstracter; married man preferred;
reference. Douglas County Abstract Co..,
Roseburg, Or.
health policies; best on the Coast; good
contracts to live men; rapid promotion.
Inquire 146 2d st., ground floor.
SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good
commission; experience unnecessary. Call
at office. Gregory Heights, end of Rose
city carline.
WANTED 500 men at "Knew" Sample Suit
Store, 315 Oregonian bldg. Special sale
men's overcoats and suits $12 and $15,
$20 to $30 values.
MAN AND WIFE, suburban home, man take
care of stock and do chores, wife to do
cooking; references required; give phone
number. O 577, Oregonian.
WANTED Neat, honest young man with
$250 as partner in fine paying real estate
business. Room 610 Swetland bldg.
BIDS for clearing 20 acres of land 1 miles
from Reedville, Washington County. Ad
dress E. A. Lid die-brooks, Su2 Couch bldg.
BOY wanted, aged about IS. with some ex
perience, for Jewelry store; steady posi
tion. 121 First st.
SALESMEN, all lines-, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial Ab
stract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Office manager for steady posi
tio ;n; chance for promotion ; state age
and salary xpected. G 692, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced glaziers?; permanent
employment. Apply W P. Fuller & Co..
12th and Davis.
To lay special desigrn of fireplace. Call
800 Henry bldg. M. 3463.
WANTED Men to take contract to clear
10 acres, c Ehoenbachler, Route No. 4,
Sherwood, Or.
COOK wants a partner; small capital re
. quired; good proposition. 413 19th North;
take 'S" car.
WANTED Young man, steady and ober,
learn real estate business; small capital- re
' quired. CaJl 3264 Washington en., room 417
SOLICITORS In all parts of Oregon to sell
concentrated food flavors; good proposi
tion. AL 583. Oregonian, or phone A 1002.
WANTED Photograph and portrait agent;
new. winning offer. Cutberth, Dekum
WANTED Man. does not drink, for a sit
uation of trust, $25 weekly salary paid.
Apply room 10, 145 First st.
MOTION-PICTURE operators earn S25 week
ly; easy inside work; learn business in short
time- laoivinB raiittintihlA r.9li T' v. 1
WANTED Two carpenters to build concrete
forme. Apply at 7th and Couch with tools
this morning.
WANTED A barber for steady work. 226
j?"irst st.
WANTED Man to clear 24 acres of land;
win pay juv. au at tkt isorm d st.
WANTED First-class varnish er. Oregon
Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road.
WE secure positions for onr members.
Special membership. Y. M. C. A.
EXPERIENCED grocery shipping clerk. Ap
' ply Lang & Co., 1st and Ankeny.
MAN with $40O to take half interest big
paying business. al osh oregonian.
WANTED A-l watchmaker; steady posi
tion. 121 1st St.,
I POLE laborers wanted at the Independent
o unary Ml aoa &otj au
P6 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting
to be let to station men at $1.20 per cubic
yard; loose rock, 60c; eart4i, 30c. Splendid
opportunity for good rockmen to make big
money. Fare. $15 Shipments 1st, 5th,
. . 8th, 16th, 20th and 24th of each month,
-. Call or write for full partlculara.
- . M. J. HENEY,
f SI 4-1 5-16 Col man Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
I HAVE ready for the market the best seller
among all the subdivisions recently plat
ted in Portland; I want to sell this
quickly, so as to handle another propo
sition ; In order to do this I have de
cided to offer a better commission than
any one Is now paying to first-class men;
I will engage two such men and give
them my personal assistance; prices and
terms very attractive.
8 Commercial Club Bldg.
9 to 10 A. M.
5O0 STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted Imme
diately for firemen or brakemen on near
by, railroads; good vision ; account In
creasing business; 10OO men sent to posi
tions lact three months, $75, $100 monthly.
Promotion Address, stating age. weight,
height, send stamp. Railway Association,
care Oregonian.
$5 a day, free transportation, for the N.
P. R. R., taking places made vacant by
striking switchmen ; regular scale 34c
hour; write or come at once.
26 North Second St.,
, Portland.
WANTED An Interview with a practical
stenographer; one with conversational abil
ity; aLfift. a limited amount of executive-ability.
charcter the very bet. "sunny" dispo
sition, not too young nor yet too old, either
sex, preference a man. a resident of Port
land preferred. Address A. E. M., 414
Taylor st., city.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $2o weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34
North 4th st.. Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCED furniture salesman, local
man preferred. $ 1 On.
Hand and machine steel s-harpener for
construction company, $75 and board; free
fare. 5
2f North-Second St., Portland.
WANTED Men at Ios Angeles, electricity.
automooiiing, plumbing, bricklaying car
pentry, sign painting, trade taught In few
months; no cash expense; actual contract
work. Write for catalogue. United Trade
School Contracting Co., 236 Aliso, Los An
geles. WANTED Man who can make good In the
real estate business; no money required,
but must furnish references and be able
to handle outside business.
F23-5 Board of Trade.
Main 9340. A 7422.
WANTED Young men, honest and indus
trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi
tions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc. ;
thousands appointed; good entrance sal
ary, with promotions. Call or write. Pa
cific States School, McKay bldg.
the -services of A-l experienced furniture
salesmen for their new department to
be opened at an early date. Apply to the
superintendent at once.
WANTED Traveling salesman, one who un
derstands selling stoves, tinware and bouse
furnishing goods for large jobbing house
- locate a ln.foriianu. js 00J, oregonian.
ANY PERSON, male or female. Interested in
commercial, railroad or wireless teleg
raphy, please address A. E M- 414 Taylor
st., city.
CITY SOLICITOR to well household fixtures
direct to builders and homeowners: $6 com
mission on each sale. Apply at salesroom, 361
Aiaer st.
WE want to secure the services of a srood
young man who is willing to work; must
te neat in appearance and honest and over
in years 01 age. R. AL 698, Oregonian.
WE want two or three good real estate
salesmen for subdivision work; auto trans
portation ; special inducements to work
ers.' Kadb & patton. 0 Gth st. .
WANTED Two salesmen of ability for city
worn; permanent position, steaay advance
ment. Call 10 to 12, SOS Lumber Exchange
mag. ee Mr. wyman.
WANTED Steady man able to check roods.
etc.; pay $25 week now; can be increased
wnn iniereMien neip; requirea. rar
ticulars 417 Board of Trade Bldg.
WANTED Experienced solicitors; nothing to
sell ; hustlers can earn $5 dailjr: references.
Apply between 10 and 8, room 526 Lumber
-fjxenange bldg.
WANTED Solicitor, good wages, man or
woman, uaii iwa 4tn st.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
- sltlons to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
WANTED Capable young women to enter
training scnool tor nurses. For particulars
wru xiotjuifciTii uenrrai xiospitai, noquiam,
w as 11.
WANTED Saleslady of experience and
ability, by a cloak and suit house; state
experience and city references if possible.
Address J 694, Oregonian.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
iransiers on porcelain, si.ou aoa. upward ;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg,
WOMAN wanted for general housework
good permanent home. Main 4916. 70
Cornell st.
848 Washington-st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2693.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
1131 Franklin st., Willamette Heights.
Phone A 2420.
BUSINESS firm desires a woman, not under
so, wno is trust worthy and energetic; ex
perience not necessary. P 587, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth-
cnna oiag.. tn ana Washington.
WANTED A middle-aged woman for een
eral housework, family of 2. 502 East 23d
st. is. pnone t;ast 513U.
CHILDREN'S nurse. housekeooer. countrv
second girl, $25; general girl $30.' St. Louis
Agency, Z4o wash. Main 2t39. t
GIRL for general housework; must be -good
cook; xaxnuy two ;. au. xsb iN ortn 2 6 th
cor. Johnson.
WANTED -Middle-aged woman housekeeper
for man and five children; small wages, good
S264 Washington St., Room 807.
Main 8836 or A 8266.
w a vrwn a mi.AmAa. e m v j 1
dren. Apply to Mrs. Burrell, 828 Hawthorne
WANTED An exiperlerrced housemaid : ref
erences required. Apply 731 Everett st.r
oet. z ana 4 o ciock.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
family of three. 825 Hancock St., Cor.
2uth ; take Broadway car. .
WANTED Experienced second srirl in famllv
of two; good wages. Phone A 5256 or Main
GIRL for general housework, family of 4
aouits. Apply oo3 Hast 6tn, cor. Ellsworth,
Brooklyn car. ,
EXPERIENCED ffirl for general housework;
gooa wages, f none tt,ast-wzi.
GIRT, for genera housework: small famllv.
526 Weidler. Take Broadway car to 11th.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
experts 0 a montn. -hw i4tn- main
GIRL wanted for general housework. 735
Gllsan at.
WANTED Good girls for g en eral house-
woric. 7Zo weioier st.
LADY solicitors wanted, all Oregon, towns.
Call or write. 860 Stanton st. Phone C 1036.
WANTED A- trustworthy nuree. Call Main
GIRL for general housework. 243 i Wash
lngton street. Phone Main 2039.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
rso. , urana ave. and East Taylor.
LADY teacher at M. E- Chinese Mission
Apply 226 Vfc Morrison st.
A RELIABLE girl for general houeeworlc and
assist with children. J East 1511.
WANTED Olrl for housework. Apply mom
Jngs, 305 11th t-, top flat.
JL DLNINO-ROOM fflrl wanted $0- Noctb. 3UU2u
STENOGRAPHER, with lumber experience,
by firm In Everett, wash.; begin January
1; salary $75 month; preference given to
one having some knowledge of bookkeep
ing; reply, stating -experience fully. KL
f94, Oregonian. v
GJRLS wanted to make shirts. Mt Hood
Factory, Second and Couch.
THE MEIER & FRANK CO, require a
large number of young gins, some ror
office work, others to sell and some for
wrappers. Apoly to superintendent, 6th
floor at S A. M.
GIRLS 16 years of age, wanted. Apply at
once to
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
THOROUGHLY experienced specialty sales
man, witn nest or reierenees wants position
for coming year in local territory; only
salary or guarantee considered. H1 690,
BOOKKEEPER and office clerk, Q3 years
of age. familiar with publicity work and
hustler, desires position ; best local refer
ences.' T 598, Oregonian.
MALE stenographer and bookkeeper wants
olxlce work of some kind; bank and news
paper exoerlence. Address H 694, Orego
nian. COMPETENT law stenographer: five years'
experience, accurate an d careful. C 696,
HOTEL M AN, experienced, desires position.
Li t . oregonian. v.
M Lscellaneous.
MAN and wife, competent. economical
cooks, with hotel and camp experience,
would like positions at once; best refer
ences. J. W. N. 224 N. 16th St.. Port
land. Or.
GOOD, all around, sober economical cook.
camp preferred. G N 331 Gllsan st.,
Portland, Or.
JAPANESE, evening school student, wants to
00 any kind or work in day time; speaks
English. H 587, Oregonian. .
YOUNG MAN attending business college
wants work for room and board, T 674,
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as
watchman, warehouse man or otherwise;
references and security. R 596, Oregonian.
WANTED From 1 to IOO acres of land to
clear or grui. What have you got? Take
pay in land or cash. G 593. Oregonian.
YOUNG- MAN attending business college
wo u Id like pi ace to work; for board a nd
room. G 694. Oregonian.
YOUNG man of 21 wants position, good
character and references. O 678. Orego
nian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter, finisher, at liherty;
guarantee satisfaction, phone O. Moore,
Main 3507.
MARRIED man wants work as porter or
Janitor, or any kind. AL 596 Oregonian.
help. Main 4659, X 4073. 263 Everett st.
JAPANESE boy wants position, cook and
general housework. 595, Oregonian.
PAPERING or tinting done, $3.50 per room.
Phone Main 8274.
JAJPANESTO boy wants housework, porter or
chamber work. J 591, oregonian.
BARBER, Just out of college, wants Job
anywnere. m 591, oregonian.
L JAPANESE boy wants position; schoolboy
F 592.' Oregonian.
EXCELLENT Japanese cook and house
cleaner, work by the hour. Sellwood 1122.
YOUNG Japanese wishes any kind of work
at night. K. 501. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, first-class cook wants position
to ao cook in g, gooa ramuy. jviain a-itti.
ELDERLY gentleman wants a situation
janitor; steady and reliable. Main 6638.
JAPANESE young boy wants to do house
work or any other kind. S 595, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FrRST-CLASS stenographer who has been em
cloved 7 months with a lead in a: firm in the
city desires to make a change; salary $60 or
$so. ir 94, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer. Underwood
operator; gooa unicago ana peruana ref
erences. C 696, Oregonian.
BY experienced stenographer; rapid, accur
ate and good speller. A 6446.
VERY expert en ce d girl cashier, re staur ant .
St. Louis, 245j Wash. Main 2089.
PLAIN, fancy dressmaking, alterations a
specialty; win accept engagements by day.
M. 4621, A 1644, room 33 M liner bldg.
WANTED Dressmaking toy the day. Phone
Main 441&, Miss barter, 666 l am hill st.
DRESSMAKING, $2.25 per day; excellent
ntter. 1 zozu.
TRAINED nurse wishes to care for invalid
for Winter; massage treatments. Inquire Y
.W. C. A.
NURSE or governess, German, wishes position
in private family zor one or two emioren.
inquire x. vv. j. A.
NURSING- by experienced, middle-aged lady.
Phone Main 4302.
POSITION aa housekeeper in hotel or room-ing-bouee;
will go to. country. Phone Main
7286. between 6 and 7 P. M. or a o, ore
COMPETENT woman, place as housekeeper,
small family. A 6323, or Main 2728.
POSITION by girl, 1 year in America; was
governess, seamstress and ladies' help In
(iermany; can cook; gooa wages, ij ouu,
COOK (first-class) and second cook (mar
ried couple) wants position, city or coun
try; no bad habits; state terms. H 597,
COOK?, housekeepers, chambermaids, nurses,
washing, ironing, cleaning. St; Louis,
Z4fti6 Washington. Main 'oaw. a 77o.
STRONG German girl wants day work,
washing, ironing, cleaning. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED Norwegian woman wants day
work washing, ironing, housecleaning. Main
WORK, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sat
urday; references; no half days. East 2039.
WANTED Housewqrk by the day or hour.
Phone Sellwood 1452.
START IN BUS IN ESS ; be independent ; I
started aa an agent; am now big manufac
turer making household necessities; have
Siundreds of agents worKing: ill start you
won't let you fail; agents of ability wanted
o open branch onicea and employ sub
. agents. Write me fully and frankly. C. E.
Swartzbaugh, Toledo, Ohio.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock ; out
fit free. capital tJity nursery company,
Salem. Oregon.
AGENTS covering.outside territory to handle
patent coin bags on liberal commission,
as side line; references. AL 680, Ore
Business Places.
SPACE, or building for machine shop, on
the West Side. Call at once. Main 6769.
Furnished Rooms.
THE REX Modern rooms, V2.B0 to $5 per
week. o4i wasnington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3, 4. o per weea; transient.
NICE furnished rooms, heat, gas and bath.
3S9 3d st- Phone Main oi.
THE BUTLER Comfortable rooms; close to;
kw rates. vvasn.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
;uon Cvurt Annex. i xamniu and 11th.
Furnished Rooms.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof bulldinf. steam
heated, hot and cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates. 50c. 76c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th st. North.
Homelike Homelike
Seventh a.nd Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who apprecalre cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones.
131 H Eleventh St.
NEW, modern brick building; just opened:
water in ail rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, juet off Washing
ton st. ; special rates by week or month.
892 East Stark, cor. Grand ave., snodern
furnished rooms, telephone, hot water,
steam heat, electric lights, bath and ele
vator service for every room; rates, tran
sient, 75c to $1 per day, $3 per week up.
Private Exchange 5 465.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement ; newly nan ova ted throughout; TO
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $2.50 to J30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
390 Morrison St., Cor. 10th.
Neatly furnished rooms, steam heat,
electric lighted, running hot and cold
-water, free -bath and phone; $3.50 per
week and up.
New management, -Grand, Hawthorne;
modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone, E. 291. in every room ; largest
rooms in city for permanent people, baths;
transient 60c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates: steam heat, private baths,
hot and cold water In ail rooms; beautUuliy
furnished ; tourist trade solicited.
PRINCESS HOTEL East Third and Burn
side streets; outside rooms, with steam
heat, hot and cold - water, long distance
telephones, electric lights and elevator
service. $14.60 a month and up.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing
ton, brand new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water in all
rooms; very reasonable terms.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. Sd and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
ronable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
THREE nicely furnished front rooms; fur
. nace heat and bath. 221 13th eu. The
Hawthorne. Phone Main 6302.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICE comfortable rooms. $1.50 and $2-00.
Free phone. Both lights, etc. No'. 2
North 14.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat; u0c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
ONE furnished or two partly furnished,
single or en suite, carpeted, bath, toilet.
washbowl. Take W-W car or W-R car
498 E. 16th.
$9 A- MONTH, front room, upstairs, light,
heat, bath. Phone 380 1st st. Call after
1 P. M.
WELL-FURNISHED room in comfortable pri
vate nome. ror iaay or gentleman, employed
references.- Main 875.
BEAUTIFUL furnishd alcove In large private
home suitable lor 1 or gentlemen, reason
able. Phone A 6723.
FRONT alcove room, very central, house
modern, private family. 388 Salmon, between
West Park and Tenth.
CHOICE furnlehed rooms, new house, beat
apartments West Side; walking distance;
reasonable; men only. Main 2219.
LARGE furnished room; running water; all
conveniences; suitable for one or two. 223
West Park.
NICELY furnished rooms, $5 up to $12; gas,
furnace heat. 292 10th st.
FRONT room $13. side room $10 month. 425
Taylor st. Main 4144.
A NEATLY furnished room for rent, reason
able. 405 First et., flat K.
$2.50 PER WEEK, newly furnished room,
bath, phone, walking distance. 294 11th st.
258 13TH ST., nicely furnished room, new
house; every convenience; gentlemen only.
THE beat rooms in the city for $10 and $12;
heat, light, gae, phone. 575 Couch st.
NEWLY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen. 27 hi 16th, near Washington.
LARGE front room, 2 closets; will board.
The Hollywood, 446 3d.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO or 8 rooms, fine location, near Wil
liams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1035.
Rooms With bora.
710 Washintjn st., near King, brand
new, elegantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telephone; the. maximum
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the best
In the city for the money, call and in
spect; dining-room in connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5tu
st. Mrs. M. E. Brethertom Supt.
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
"THE CALVARD"-Sultes or single, with or
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
ROOM and board at Sterling. 5o5 Couch st.
Rooms With. Hoard in Private Family.
ELEGANTLY furnished front- alcove; every
thing new and strictly up to date; walk
ir.g distance. Phone mornings, Main sol 5.
3-JU Harrison st.
FURNISHED room suitable for two; flrst
class table board ; private family. Main
8174. ?ro North 14th.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, steam heat,
parlor, piano, f6 per week. -191 11th, near
FOR RENT Room and board for two gen
tlemen ; iin table board; beautiful location.
294 Clay st.
LARGE, nicely furnished front room, ex
cellent -board, modern house. Call 549
Johnson st.
ROOM and board for business people In pri
vate family. 712 Hoy t st.
NEWLY-FURNISHED room, 595 East Oak
st., cor. 15th. . Phone B 2619.
ROOM and board for two young men, home
cooKing, warning distance. Mam 6S4o.
ROOM and board for gentlemen, near Steel
bridge, 249 Halsey. Phone East 4311.
LARGE front room, suitable for two, with
board. 129 14th- st. Main 3266.
FRONT room, suitable for two; heat; piano;
laundry privileges. 268 12th st.
FINE home in private family for two; good
board, reaeonab l. 355 G rant st .
REFINED home, splendid room for couple,
choice board. 761 Marshall st., 23d car.
ROOM and board at 294, Clay st.
ELEGANT L Y furnlehed 3-room ap artme n t ;
fine view; every modem convenience. In
quire St. Croix, on Washington end 6t.
Clair ave.
FOR RENT Three-room Inside furnished
apartment. A 8408.
FOR SALE Newly furnished three-room
apartment, very reasonable. Phone A 3408:
FOT.1R-ROOM steam-heated flat, gas and leo
trioity ; modera. Co ttel Dru Co,
A part men tM.
lira nd ave. and East stark; well furnished
3 -room apartments possessing every mod
ern convenience. Including steam heat, hot
water, private baths and phones; while
these apartments are as up-to-date as any
in ihe city and about as close to the busi
ness center, the prices are considerably
less; now ready for occupany. Phone East
3uO; no children.
HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison et. ; new brick build
ing, completely first-class, furnished In 2,
8 and 4-room family apartments; private !
. bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water,
e'evator, free phone, compressed air clean- l
ing, janitor service; rent very reasonable. I
APARTMENT-TIOUSE to lease and furni- .
ture for sole; one of the best-paying In
Portland. $5000 cash: reasons for selling;
no agents. P. O. Box 223.
930 WEST SIDE steam-heated apartment.
4 small rooms, modern and all outside,
furnished with the following: one gas
itove, 1 dining-room table. 1 bedstead and
spring, 1 dresser, shades and light fixture.
Call on janitor at 454 11th st.. corner
Jack sen.
The most exclusive furnished apart
ments in the city; three-room suits, bath
and reception ball! both phones, elect rln
elevator; take W or lOth-st car. 624
Marshall st.
LAURKTTE apartments, highest claws In
Portland. 11th St., near Salmon, 5 minutes
from Portland Hotel; steam heat, hot
water, tireless cooker. Janitor service ; one
choice front furnished. 3 rooms, f55.
St., bet. Jefferson and Columbia. 1 three
room furnished apartment, also one large
front room and single room ; all conven
iences. 4 ROOMS and bath; steam heat, hot water;
partly furnished : walking distance. Phone
A 1961; Main 6946.
CLOSE in on East Siflo; very desirable 6
room fiat, modern conveniences, built-in
buffet, handsome mission finish living
room and dining-room; rent $25. Call A
3;: S3.
3-ROOM flat. Piedmont Addition, St. John
car, 1212 Moore Bt. Phone Woodlawn
1 035.
ELIiGANT, up-to-date upper flat ; every
convenience; adults; walking distance. Call
at 32SJi Mill st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co., Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered wag
ons, ail experienced men.
NEW, swell, modern 6-room flat. cor. 33d
. and Hawthorne.
$16 Modem 4-room flat, with basement;
adults. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
MODERN upper flat. - 936 East Main.
Phone East 4S62.
S-ROOM furnished flat, steam heat, bath
and phone; close In; $30. Main 4404.
FLATS, 731 Hoyt su. near 22d. room
and bath. Inquire 132 6th st- Male 627ft.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, lL'th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up;
biEt in city for money; short distance from .
Union Depot. "S or Jtjth-st cars north. '
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 '
$S month, 3 for $12; cottages. $16, $27.50;
lower flat, 4 rooms, $16; unfurnished
house, $10. 364 26th North; 'W" car '
from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 36th.
block north.
ONEONTA. 187 17th, near Yamhill; take
"VVV. car at depot; furnished 2. 8 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50.
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
taths and phones free. Main 4697, A 4731)1
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms;
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 3
' room apartment, all modem conveniences,
reasonable. 20th and Washington.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison,- cor- Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton, TJ car.
TWO unfurnished outside first-floor; furnace
heat, gas stove. 661 Everett. 17th.
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping)
rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 134 Sherman.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin
gle rooms. 5o2 Williams ave. C 1523.
207 6TH ST.. 2 nicely furnished rooma for
housekeeping; near Postofnce.
WELL FURNISHED housekeeping room,
489 Va Washington st.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14.00,
631 Washington st., cor. 20th.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
W A N T ED Someone to sh are housekeepln g
rooms with couple employed during the
day, everything clean and convenient, close
In, separate rooms, $10 per month. 26 N.
11th. Call bet. 11:30 and 12:80, or after
6 P. M. References.
THREE furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing; toilet and bath, with hot and ccld
water; - alw gaa and woodshed;- $15 per
month. 490 Market at.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, near
Steel bridge; fine location, bath, phone and
nice yard. Apply 850 Benton st.
THREE completely furnished rooms, modern
conveniences, running water, reasonable. 412
Tenth et.
SWELL front suite, newly -furnished, lovely
home, steam heat, hot water, bath, laun
dry, cooking gas free. Main 8748.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable; residence 13 East 7th st. Phone
East 1929.
FINELY furnished rooms, with or without
housekeeping privileges; elegant location
off Washington. 46 N. 21st st.. $2.50 up.
$13 PER MONTH 4 furnished housekeeping
rooms, with water and chicken park. 338
Eaert Second, end of gravel pit.
TWO or 4 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; no children ; references exchanged.
068 Knott st.
2 FURNISHED rooms; light housekeeping.
Phone Tabor 505. 1567 E. Stark st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also sleeping room.
194 North 15th st.
NICELY iurnished housekeeping rooms. Call
at 269 7th st.
4 MODERN unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, lower floor. Inquire 554 Yamhill.
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, well
furnished; bath, gas and phone. 421 6th st.
854 SALMON, 2 desirable, cozy rooms, parlor
iloor furnished for housekeeping.
VERY desirable '.'-room suite, all conven
iences. 42 7 Salmon st.
HOUSEKEEPING suit. modern, piano; $20
month. 427 Columbia bt.
3 ROOMS, completely furnished for houso
keeplng. 541 6th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; mod
ern. Phoae Main ti067. 140 North 16tli st.
2404 5TH ST.. suite of furnished housekeep
ing rooms, also single sleeping room.
NK.'E light housekeeping suite for rent. 651
Everett st., bet. 16th and 17th.
NICE L furnished housekeeping suites. 3S9
FLEASANT. comfortable, cheap housekeep
ing; phone, gas. 32 N. 11th.
FOR RENT 1 housekeeping rooms; $10 mo.
Call 285 Salmon st,
ROOM with board, modern, close In. East
722. 89 East 8th st.. North.
THREE housekeeping rooms furnished com
plete. 149 lath st., near Morrison.
FURNISHED room and housekeeping room. 31
North Park st.
GOOD 3-room house. 750 Rally St., near
Porter, for rent, $S.
7-ROOM: modern hous full lot. Love jo v near
24th. I. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce.
$ 10 5-room modern, close in. 329
humoer ftscnange, i-iaverstic &. (iaJlaghcr.
NICE 5-room house, large lot. near in near
Union ave.; $20. 826 Board of Trade.
MODERN 5-room cottage, cor. 7th and Clay.
Call. $22.50.
4-ROOM house. 3S6 B. 9th st. North Take
Broadway car.