THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBER 13, 1909. 5 STEER AT RECORD SALE BRINGS S325 Twenty-five Dollars Per Hun dred Pounds Is Paid for Fancy Beeves. LOCAL AUCTION SUCCESS Portland Bidders Run Vp Prices Par In Advance of Those Established at International Show In k Chicago Few Weeks Ago. The Portland "Union stockyards was the scene yesterday of the first premium eale of Christmas cattle ever held In the iKorthwcat, and the event waa marked by. the paying of record prices for fancy fat stock. Twenty-five dollars a hundred pounds was paid for a single steer. When It is taken Into consideration that at the In ternational show at Chicago two weeks .go the top price paid was $18, some Idea of the success of the local event can be formed. The bids for the grand cham pion cow ran up to J 10. 25 a hundred. This Is the highest price known to have ever been paid In any market of the world for a butcher cow. ' Old-timers who were at the sale, men who got their training In the big stockyards of the East, say they never knew of such a phenomenal sale as that held on the Peninsula yesterday. The attendance was large, over 2000 , persons, many of them women, visiting the yards In the morning and afternoon. Among the visitors was a party of rail road officials, the guests of President C C. Colt, of the Union Meat Ompany, who were taken down to the yards in automohiles. The party included Pres ident Oeorge B. French, of the North Bank road; It. M. Adams, generel freight and passenger agent, and his assistant. R. TI. Jenkins: W. E. Coman, general freight agent of the Harrlman lines, and H. A. Jackson, general freight and pas senger agent of the Great Northern. Valuable Prlies Offered. The display and sale waa Initiated by the Portland Livestock Exchange, an or ganisation principally of livestock dealers, who offered prizes aggregating $680 for the best Christmas v cattle. Shipments for the competition began arriving sev eral days ago, and the cattle came from all parts of the Northwest and from Cal ifornia. ' The cattle were judged In the forenoon by Q.- W. Gammle and N. C. Maris, of this city, and Frank Brown, of Carlton. California carried oft the principal hon ors. The awards were as follows: A. D. Goodale. Gazelle, CaL, erst car of steers, $150. A. D. Goodale, Gazelle, Cel., second car steers. $75. A. D. Goodale. Gazelle. Cal.. first single steer, $23. E. L. Wiley. Wallowa, Oregon, second sin gle steer. $15. A. L. Demaris, Walla Walla, Wash., first car cows. $150. George Chandler, Baker City. Or., second car cowi. $75. Kidwell & Caswell Walla Walla, WMh., first single cow. $25. 1 Clark. Arlington. Or... seoond single cow. $15. W. I. Dlshman, Wallowa, Or., first car" heifers. 3150. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the prize, winners were put up for sale at auction, and it -was then that the enthusiasm of the spectators was roused' to the highest pitch by the keenness of the bidding and the rapidity with which prices were forced skywards. D. O. Lively, general agent of the. stockyards company, was the auc tioneer. The first lot offered for sale was the premium car of steers from California. To President French, of the North Ban It road,' was given the honor of making the first , bid, which he made at $5.60 a hun dred. The price was soon run up to $9 amid the cheers of the crowd, and the bunch was knocked down to tha Union Meat Company. Bids Jump Rapidly. The- greatest excitement prevailed, how ever, when the grand champion steer, also from California, was put under the ham mer. The bids came thick and fast, four and five bidders raising the limits Jfl and $3 at a time until Auctioneer Llvely's abilities were taxed to keep track of the bidding. Finally, with a roar of cheers from the spectators, the extraordinary price of $25 was reached, and the grand champion became the possession of the lUrrton Meat Company. It waa a superb animal of 1300 pounds, and brought to Its owner, A. D. Goodale. of Gazelle, Cal.. the sum of $336. - The enthusiasm continued unabated throughout the remainder of the sale, and reached a high degree when the grand champion cow, belonging to Kidwell & Caswell, of Walla Walla, was bought by Stensloff Bros., of Salem.- at the record price for a meat cow of $10.25 a hundred. The sales, in detail, were as follows: Best car steers, owned by A. D. Good ale. Gazelle. Cal., average weight 1350 pounds, sold for $0 per hundred, $121.70 per head; bought by Union Meat Company, Portland. Second car steers, - A. D. Goodale, Ga zelle, Cal., average 1364 pounds, $8.50 per .hundred. $115.94 per head; bought by M. J. Gill Meat Company, Portland. Third car steers, J. H. Thlrman, Shani ko. average 1314 pounds, $0.75 per hundred, SSS.68 per head; bought by Carstena Pack ing Company, Tacoina. Fourth car steers, E. L. Wiley, Wal lowa, average 1T03 pounds, $6 per hundred, $77.60 per head. Union Meat- Company, Portland. Wallowa Stock Fancy. Best car spayed heifers, W. I. Ditehman, Wallowa, average 1096 .pounds. $7.35 per hundred. . $S0.66 per head. Union Meat Company, Portland. Best car cows. A. L. Demaris. Walla Walla, average 1174 pounds, $5.75 per hun dred, $67.50 per head, Schwarxschild & Sulzberger. Portland. Second car cows, George Chandler, Baker City, average 1144 pounds, $t.50-per hundred, $5L4S per head. Union Meat Company, Portland. Grand champion steer, A. D. Goodale, Gazelle, Cal., weight 1800 pounds, $25 per hundred, sale price $325, Union Meat Company, Portland. Second best steer, C. L. Wiley, Wal lowa, weight 1600 pounds. $10.60 per hun dred, sale price $168, M. J. Gill Meat Company, Portland. Grand champion cow. bred by George Chandler and sold for Kidwell & Caswell. Walla Walla, weight 1540 pounds, $10.25 ' per hundred, sale price $168.10, StenslofT Bros., Salem. Second best cow. C. H. Clark. Arling ton, weight 1470 pounds, $6.75 per hun f dred. sale price $S3.25, Union Meat Cora 4 pany. Sale to Be Annual Event. The Portland. Livestock Kxchange pro poses that the Christmas stock sale shall be an annual affair. In the future, how ever, it will not be confined to cattle, but ..will lnoluda fat sheep and hogs. It is a 'rpart of the educational policy mapped out by the livestock men of Portland to build up a great Industry-. In-tms -city. - DAILY METBOKOLOGICAL REPORT. . PORTLAND, Dec 14. Maximum tem perature, 48.8 degrees; minimum, SS.1 de grees. River reading-. 8 A. M-, 13.9 feet; chance In last 24 hours. S root rise. Total rainfall. S P. M. to 5 P. M.. trace; total since September 1, 1909, 18.98 Inches; nor mal. IS. 30 Inches: excess, 3.68 Inches. Total sunshine. - December 13. none; possible, 8 hours 43 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M., 80.64 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The high-pressure area centers over Western Washing-ton this evening, where the barometer roads highest at Walla Walla. A "low" is approaching the Southern Cali fornia coast, but Its influence ts scarcely noticeable except for the "banking up" of a wave of air over Western California, due In a great measure to the southward ex pansion of the field of abnormally . oold air which overlies the Rocky Mountain region. No precipitation has occurred within the last 13 hours at any station from which re ports have been received, and the winds have generally been light, though Tatoosh Island reported a wind of 30 miles an hour from the east at 5 P. M. Temperatures this evening range from 24 degrees at Baker City, Or., to 66 degrees at Los Angeles. Cal. The present fair weather will continue Wednesday over this district with light north winds inland and brisk east winds over the Straits. FORECASTS. Portland and vlnclnlty Fair; light north winds. Oregon and Washington: light north wind, except brisk inland; brisk east wind over the Straits. Idaho Fair. T. F. DRAItB. Observer Temporarily in Charge. AMUSEMENTS. Bungalow Theater 12th and Morrison. Phone: Main 117 and "A" 4224. TWO PERFORMANCES TOD AT. . Special Price Mat- I Last Time To inee 2:15. J night 8:15. The Famous American Drama. "MAN OF THE HOHB." Evenings, SI. 50 to BOc: Matinee, $1.00 to 25c BEGINS TOMORROW NIGHT. ' Buhgalow Theater; Continues Friday-Saturday Night. Special Price Matinee Saturday. The Favorite American Comedian, EZRA KEXDAtL, In the Delightful Comedy. "THE VINEGAR BUYER.' Evenings. t.B0 to 50c; Matinee. SI to 25e. SEAT SALES OPENS FRIDAY. (Himself.) COHAN And His Royal Family. "The Yankee Prince" Bungalow, Dec ID, SO, 21. Prlcea 2l50. $2. $1.60. $1. MAIN 6. A 1020. MATINEE EVERT DAT. 15-25-500 NIGHTS - THEATER 15-25-50-75(5 WEEK OF DECEMBER. 1!t. Alice TJoyd Dainty Comedienne, The Me- Nanjrhtooa, The Brothers Iei inane in 'Night ingalee Mjuuiic Iot." tmM .nil Josephine In "Dytnr to Act, la Toeka, Constant Arkansas, Joe (jarza. Pictures, Orchestra. T H BATE R Main 2. A 5360 Geo. L. Baker, Manager Bargain Matinee Today Tonight all This Week The Grand Spectacular Extravaganza THE LAND OF NOD Superb Scenery, Costumes and Effects. See The Rllliken Man. Anrll Fnnl ml 11 the other famous charaotera. Beautiful Music. Matinee Saturday. Ktex wee, va uirl at the Helm." GRAND WEEK OF DECEMBER IS. ' "AMERICA'S,' . FOREMOST" ATHLETES, DELMORE & LEE Long & Cotton Pfhitehead-Oriersoa Wilson & Demon devflle Jimmy. Wall Kathleen DeVole Fred Bauer Grandascope 2:30; any seat, 15c 7:30. 9:15: balcony. Matinee everv dav. Evening performances, aoc: lower xioor, 2ac box seats, coc Advanced Vaudeville The Flnrens Troupe, the Four ATnerlean Oypey CSlrla, Schrodes A Chappel. Bin and Bang. Howard Iwis, Mile. Vlsoaya, Ieo White, Pantasresoope. Popular Prices Matinee Daily Ourtain x:3u, ?:su ana M LYRIC THEATER Phones. Main 46S5. A 1026. Prices SO, 20, lOo The Popular A then Stock Company In . Mr. Potter of Texas1 Gold Watch Given Awar Friday Evening. 'Matinees Sunday,' Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening at 8:15. Next Week "A Bachelor's Honeymoon. SEATS SELLING) AT EILERS UN Til. 7 P. M., THEN AT HALL. TONIGHT, 8 115, MASONIC TEMPLE, W. Park and YamhilL, WULLNER 1.00, S1.S0, 82.00. AUCTION SAXES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House comer Seoortd and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auotloneeer. At 454 Washington st, near 13th Hand painted china at 2 and 7:80 P. M. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. B. R. A. M. Stated annual convocation this Wednesday) evening at 7:30 o clock. Election of offloers and payment of dues. A. M. KNAPP, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. Ill, .A. P. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30. Election and installation of omcera and payment of duesL M. W. Grand Master Norrls R. Cox will be present to install the otxlcers. Refreshments will be served. Visiting brethren welcome. C. a MILLER, Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com- mx7 munication this (Wednesday) eve ning, iv.w, Kast sth ana Burnside. Election and Installation of offi cers and payment of dues. A full attendance desired. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. L O. O. F. The general relief committee will meet at the temple, 141 H First St., to day (Wednesday), at 10:80 A. M to onnihir the funeral of Brother William Sewell, late a. nrenier 01 jv&icnei uoag,, AIX o, 1. o. O IT., Miohel. iB. C. Services at chaoel. 7th uid An. keny sts., 11 o'clyoclc. Interment. Rivervlew cemetery, .an .Oddfellows invited to attend. J. C JAMESON. Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE, No. 2. X. O. O. P. Regular meeting tnls (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Seoond degree, fraternal visit of Hassalo Lodge and general relief commit tee and other good thinga A full attendance la desired. visitors always welcome. R. OSVOLD. Secretary. RIVBRVIBW CEMBTEBf ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of tne members will be held at the office of the association. 224 Worcester block, on Monday, January 10i lfilO. at 8:SO P. M. AH lot owners are mem bers and entitled to participate. A general attendance is refluestea. w. .M-, pres. ldent; W. R. Mackenzie, clerk. EUREKA COUNCIL NO. 204. K. L. of S. Members are hereby requested to at tend tbe funeral of our late brother. John Smith, 2 P. M. today, from Erlckson's fu neral chapel. 11th and Alder sts. HASSALO LODGE, NO, 15, I. O. O. P. Members are requested to meet at Oddfellows Temple this CWednesday) evening, at S o'clock to pay a fraternal visit to Samaritan Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. P. P.. COZENS. 6ec NEW HALL POR RENT. 1U 2d, near Washlagtoa, Howe, Davis Ce. 0 FUNERAL NOTICE. SMITH At his late residence, 19 Arthur St., Dec. IS, John Andrew Smith, aged 69 years. Funeral services will be held from Ericson's chapel, 400 Alder St., to day (Wednesday), Dec 15. at 2 P. M. Deceased was a member of the Painters' Union, No. 10. of Portland, and Eureka Council. 04. Knlghta and Ladies of Security. Friends Invited to attend. In terment Greenwood. 6CHIEL In' this city Dec. 14, at 6!T Wash ington at., Lena SchleU beloved wife of Isador SchleU Sr.. aged 52 years. The funeral services will he held at the First German Baptist Church, cor. Fourth and Mill sts., at 2 P. M., Thursday. Dec. 16. Friends invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. PUTNAM At The Dalles. Or., Monday morning, Dec 13, Francis M. Putnam, aged 26 years, 11 months and 6 days, hus band of Mrs. J.' Putnam and son of J. H. Putnam, of Amity. Or. Funeral at Amity, ' today (Wednesday), Dec 15. RICE At the family residence. 66 E. 8th j su. Dec 14, T&oraas Benton Rice,' aged 47 i years. Remains are at Dunniag A McEntee'e ' n, rlfiru v-hara thpr hav h,Pn bMnaml fo shipment to Coulee City. Wash. Dunning, McEntee at Gilbaugh, Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County coroner. ZE1XER-BYRNE8 CO.. Funeral Directors. 694 Williams ave.j both phone: lady attend ant: most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD HOLMAN" CO, Funeral Direct era. 220 Sd st. lady Assistant. Phone M. 507. J. F. FIX LEY A SON. 3d and Madison, lady Attendant. Phone Main 9, A 1599. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning, Inc. E. 62. B 2525. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; lady ant- 409 Alder. M. 6133, A 223S. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main SM, SECRETARY. Mate B9S. HUMANE OFFICER. East 4779. NEW TODAY. MENTONE Is growing rapidly. More houses are being erected and water is now laid- to the tract. Get your lot now while you have the choice ones to select from. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cowperthwait & Christ en sen, Agents, Lents, Oregon. 12 Acre Fruit Ranch Inside the City Limits of Ashland One of the best and most productive fruit ranches In Ashland, located ahove the frost line, affording: a grand view of tha city, 'valley and mountains ; 8 acres in orchard of the finest varieties, 2 acres in berries, 2 acres unimproved. Over 1600 boxes of peaches, 3 tons of pears and 200 boxes of apples harvested this season. First-class 6-room house, barn and carriage shed. Farm fronts on two srood streets and is connected with 10-inch water mains on both sides. Will accept Portland property or sell on stood terms. - SCLLIVAJf & OATHES, 421-422 Henry Bid-. RIVERDALE 3A Acre Perfectly level, with Improvements. House, we'll, fruit trees, shrubbery, etc Lots in this district will soon brlnfr $1000 each. Price S4750 Cash, or SSOOO Tamil. Chapin & Herlow 332 Cham, of Com. Sixth-St. Corner E Oxl 00; income. Price $60,000. Fine buy. ZIMMERMAN H21 Board of Trade Bids- West Side Homes 6-room house. 50x100 lot, only $4500. S1SOO CASH. 10-room house and full lot on carline: all street Improvements; S8000; liberal terms. HOWARD LAND COMPANY, 518 Swetland Bldgr. Maim - 7770. Alder St. Corner Between 12th st and the river,' In the heart of the retail district. Must ro today. Price will advance 10 per cent alter xooay. See HOLT A BRACY, - 27 Hamilton Bids;. Apartment Sites Over 100x100 corner S30.000 SOxlOO, fine S10.500 60x100, Park block 810,000 SQUARE! DEAL REALTY CO- 18 Board of Trade. Fine Business 60x100, prominent corner. Price $42,000. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private investors. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Real Estate and Insurance. Corner Ifourth nod Oak . Phones Main 6GS4, A 3327. REAL EST UK man wants desk room with use of one or both phones: has his own furniture; prefers ground floor, but might go upstairs In good building; state lo cation and monthly rental when answer ing. AH E86, Oregonlan. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 928 Worcester Bids. honea Main SS71. A 4011. s4 TODAY'S BARGAINS 813,000 100x100 On York st., with .trackagr. A decided "bargain, V cash. 830,000 3 1-5 lots, best apartment site in city. Only one block from Washington st. 836,000 SOxlOO on 10th st.. will be near corner of Oak when extended. 81400 4 lots on the Peninsular near Swift & Co. A real snap. $1100 cash. 87500 6-room house on Overton St., 50x100. 86500. , 60x104 on Cornell road, that beautiful view property. 84000 60x100 On Northrup St., near 24th St. All improvements in. 872SO EOxlOO with 7 -room modern house, Willamette Heights. 821,000 4 flats and 11 -room house; EOxlOO; paved street- Pays over 10 per cent. Look this up. 38 ACRES On Base X,ine road. 1S80 feet frontage. uniy iuu per acre. S28SO 2 acres on Portland Heights, 10 min utes waia rrom car. 122- KEASEYi HUMASON-SJEFFERY lip 14 CHAMBER OFCOMMLRCE. 91 1180. A 3814 Portland Heights LOTS BOxlOO on carline. lies nicely: $1250. terms. 100x100 in Greenway. fine view, al most level.. $2500. 56x100 In Greenway, splendid, view; level; $1250, terms. 66x110 in Greenway. SDlendid view. lies fine; $1250, terms. Chapin & Herlow 332 Cham, of Com. APARTMENT SITE 85 by 125 ft. corner, In good loca tion and with fine view, near 14th et.; within easy walking distance and close to cars. $ii,ooo Terms. Some income. ' A splendid Investment. KAUFFMAi S MOORE 324-325 Lumber Ehc change. Willamette Heights Home Home IS held at $7000, but want reasonable offer on it. as I need the money. - This is a thoroughly modern new Y -room nouse na u - TERMS. Chapin & Herlow 333 cnanc ox tom. Choice filt. Tabor Lot 40x117. with water and etc.: com mands a fine view of surrounding country; ifb as first payment will Han dle tnis, Daiance xiu per montru "is. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 883 Chamber of Commerce. ' Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Building Loans. Installment Loauaa. Wm. MacMaster " 302 Worcester Rloelc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1, 1908. Jau or Sunday. Per Line. One time. le Same ad two consecutive times. . Zio Same ad three consecutive times 30c Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .Sbo Six words count aa one line on cash. ad vertisemeots, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement is not ran consecutive tsmes the one-time rmte applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today' nnd all other eiasaiflca tions excepting the followingx Mtnatlons Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted. X'emale. lor Rent. Rooms, Private Pamllies. Rooms and Board, Private Pamllies. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. The rate of the above classification is T eenta m line each insertion. epace in the "New Todar columns is figured br measure only 14 lines to the inch. TO OTJT-OP-TOWJi PATRON'S The Ore gonlan will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge of book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. In case box office address Is required, nse regular form given, and count this aa part ef the ad.. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded so patrons, provided self-ad-dreseed stamped envelopes are furnished. REAL ESTATE. Kor Sale Lota. $5000 Half block, close in. stable site, owner. Puhr. 3374 East Burnside. mVINGTON' lots, U0O to S1260; paved street. A. Backus. 619 Board of Trade bldg. 510.000 Improved quarter block close in. Terms. Owner, Fuhr, i87H E. Burnside, IT Recfllohten. 100x100. 4800. Call 10 Pall ing bldg. $3000 POR corner on Kllllngsworth ava. C. R. Donnell, 838 Chamber of Commerce. POOLROOM. 4 tables, makes 12O0 a month. I60; tana HaU xk Blooh, 2SSV4 Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, S V. & Co. M. 8349. . SO Hamilton cia. Beck, William G.. 812 Palling bldg. Birrell, A H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, ato. Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. Oltf. Chapin & Herlow, S32 Chamber Co mm area. Cook, B. S. A Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Fields, C. E- A Co.. Board of Aade bldg. Jennings 4k Co.. Main 188. 308 Oregonlan. KIRK & KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex.. 328 Stark. Parrtsh, Watklns & Co., 230 Alder st. Sohalk. Geo. D., 284 Stark st. Main or A Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. , 122H Sixth St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava, and uuitnoman su (hloiiaaay Aaauion. Walker. S. T., 04 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. Por Sale ALBERTA STREET. Only 2 acres left, (1100 each. If you want the biggest snap in the State of Oregon, call at once. JOHN B. BATTHHWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND Nice lots on Hawthorne ave. are getting scarce. When the TRUST new bridge Is finished there will be a big advance. We CO. have a fine lot near East 40th, R0X12O; price tl&OO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 8. K. Cor. Third and Oak. Sts. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. 8150 buys lot. new addition on Oregon City carline. 25 minutes from business center, $3 or $5 per month; best soil on earth; good place to keep chickens and ccw. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO, 326H Washington St., Room 516. LAST CALL. Lot 60x100. west side Union avenue, near Skldmore. SiiSO; will be withdrawn after this week; cheapest lot. considering location, on the street. Do you want it? Half cash, balance at 8 per cent. QODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Btark St. i PORTLAND Irvington lot: we have just one line lot la the center of TRUST Irvlngton; ifa on 18th. near Thompson st. CO. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. NEW MAPS. 1- Lateat map of. Portland. Or.,, giving new additions, electric lines, etc. 2. VtV-mlle circle of Portland eurroundtsg giving townships, ranges and section num bers, new electric llnea and railroads, etc Pricre oO cents esch. Send stamps. The Croaaley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND Lot of ground for little , money; 92x230 that's some TRUST lot. Price only $1250; terms easy; location Woodstock. CO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. LOTS. 100x100, Greely st.. bet. Kllllngsworth and Jessup, $1300; on carline; cheap. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. Main C494, A 494. DO YOU WANT THIS BARGAIN? Waverletgh Heights lot worth tSOO, wtll sen ror soou, close to car ana close in, near 27tb St. Phone 890, or A 7574. W. J. BAKER, 619 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON LOT $1860 60x100 on paved street, within 8 blocks or car, above grade; tne best lot in Irvlngton for the money. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND West Side lot; TRUST On Glisan st.. near 23d St.; CO. 85x100; only 83500. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. FEW 10-acre tracts $125 each; J15 down. $10 per month, without interest: also 8 choice lots at Cannon Beach, Or. For particulars call 427 Worcester bldg. from 10-12 and 3-4. PORTLAND Here's a good buy. a full lot i nuai on - n.ast za, near fjnnton St., only jow; HUB is close in. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ONLY a few more -of the greatest bargains In lots left: only $30 cash, balance S270; 55x100. on the Mount Scott Co carline; get unit, ' l main Deiore too late. MARTIN J. HIOLEY. 1S2 Third St. LOT J800, 10 PER CENT CASH. Close to carline, north of Piedmont. GILMORB & RITTEB, 228 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. VERY desirable Portland Heights lot on carline, splendid north and east view and only $1000. W. J. Smith. 438 Chamber of , Commerce. Main 7967. 100x100 In Westmoreland, 60 feet from new carline, east front, $300 below real value; must sell this week,; easy terms. Phone Main 438. N. E. CORNER Bowdoin and Hoge sts.. 88 2-3x110. 1 block from cars, make offer for quick cash buy. Merchants Savings Ic Trust Co. Main 6404. A 2494. , 2 ALBERTA LOTS. $450 caea each; east front, near car. Owner. 643 Webster st. EQUITY in Elm-hurst lot, $166, balance $16 month. Owner, J. D. Hayes & Co.. 302 wetland bldg. ' ' 4i FULL LOTS. 'Po. Mf Tabor district, $175 each, cash; this week. 217 Abington: WEST SIDE LOTS POR 5O0. Improvements in, 27 minutes from 8d and Stark. Afternoon. 482 Mohawk bldg. CHOICE corner lot, seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable for two houses: $2000. W. H. O'Neill. 229 11th St. MY VERNON CORNER 2 fine lots, 17th and Going; bargain for cash; $1400. Owner, 543 Webster st. IP YOU own lot will build you a house oa term a. Eastman Co., 303 Abington bldg. Main 8236. $600 50x100, few blocks west Jefferson High School, same street; terms; trade rooming-house. Owner, Main 4480. For Sale Houses. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, new; nicely Improved grounds, 100x100, front ing hard -surfaced Btreet; price $20,000, Buyer see owner, S02 Corbett block. $100 CASH Buys beautiful 6. room bungalow, Woodstock carline; lot 50x100; soil the best In Oregon, with full cement baeement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; prettieat home in Portland pay ment $20 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 3264 Wash. St.. room 516. PORTLAND" Looking for a S-room home with a grand view for little TRUST money? We have it on East 52d st., near Hawthorne &vn. CO. It only takes $1800 cash to handle this. Price $3100. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. A GREAT BUY. Modem six-room house, finely built, best corner in Sunnyside. faces east, 2 blks. from carline; way under value at $3000; $1800 will handle; must be sold In next few days.- Call 210 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. $14,500 WILL buy corner Union avenue and Morris, lot 118'4xl20, with four modern houses, leaving corner 60x60 vacant, on which to build fine block. An absolutely safe investment; only $6000 cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St- i PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 16th and Elizabeth - sts., 7-room house; lot 60x100, beautiful location, splendid view, $6500, part cash MERCHANTS SAVINGS St TRUST COMPANY. Main 6494. A 2494. ' MUST sacrifice my new. modern. 7-room house with sleeping balcony and furnace for $3300. half cash, balance easv. one . block from two carllnes; save commission. Owner. A 598, Oregonlan. $2850 MODERN 6-room house with large half story in which 2 more rooms can be made on corner 774xlOO, opposite Alameda Park! on E. 24th St. See owner, 410 Falling bldg. POR SALE Modern &-room bungalow with large basement and attic lot 60x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses: a splen did buy at $3000; terms. Call at 646 Harold st. . COTTAGE! at Woodlawn, lot 60x100, with modem 6-room cottage, $1850. Queen Inv Co.. 410 Palling bldg. MODERN 6-room house, $3000, $100, 825 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1799. O 2455. REAL ESTATE. ' Por Sale Houses. NEIGHBORHOOD Attractive because dif ferent. PRICE Homelike, because con- . venlent. CONSTITUTE- There Is no tietter resi dence neighborhood than BARGAIN Piedmont: the restric tions 'are such as to keep out undesirable neighbors. Homes nearly ready to move into, $4500 to 750O. There are but few houses In' Piedmont for sale. Home owners there ara satisfied that In no. other locality will property enhance faster in value. Our book illus trates many such homes. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Block. PORTLAND Ready to move into; a little beauty: living-room With large TRUST window and- fine fireplace; easy to do the. work ; kitchfn Co. pleasant: dining-room and 3 nlce-stxed bedrooms, all oh , one. floor: cement porch, brick pillars, east front, full base ment, furnace; within 2 blocks of the car; price $3000; easy terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, . S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HOMESBEKER. New H-atory 6-ROOM BUNGALOW; STRICTLY MODERN: that tell it all; BEAUTIFUL FIREPLACE: 60x100 lot; PAVED 6TRBBT; Improvements all PAID; Hi blocks to car; only $4400: $1500 cash. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg., 64 4th St. PORTLAND Price $3500. . TRUST Location East Flanders St. CO. We have a buy for you if this location and price suit; 5 room house, built 190i: fire place, gas, electric light; this Is a nice home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. SWELL COTTAGE, FURNISHED. New, modern, swell story and half cot tage, etaetric lights, nice fireplace, full cement baesment. on lot 60x100, on "W W" carline, house is completely furnished and price is $3000. including furniture; a nice little -home at reasonable price. GRUSSt & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $80O0 New 9-rooni home with covered sleeping-porch, hardwood floors, large ce ment basement, furnace and every modern convenience: on a beautiful lot fronting on a splendid paved street. In Portland's most exclusive residence- district, in easy walking distance and close to carline. W. J. Mnitn, 438 Chamber o 438 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7967. IRVINGTON HOME. $6000 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet. 2 fireplaces, hot water heated, new and modern, faces east, 1 block from Broadway car. full lot, hard-surface pave ment, all street improvements paid; $1000 cash will handle It. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., JJ12-218 Commercial Club Bldg. . SOME NICE HOMES. Klce 6-room modem home, $440o. Pretty 7-room modern home $4600. Nice Irvington, 6-room house $50O0. Have many more fine homes in good locations. ' ZIMMERMAN. C21 Board of Trade Bldg. $10 A MONTH. HOUSE. Ready to mov-e into; 2 good lots; you can get it for your own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Gregory's office in Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill, wt off at end of carline; office on the propertv. !a. REAL CHRISTMAS BARGAIN. I own a beautiful new 7-room house In a choice residence district, which I will sell for less than It can be reproduced. House Is exceptionally well built, band eomely finished and has every modern con venience; will deal with principals only. V 587, Oregonlan. THIS WEEK ONLY. $2950 for full lot on Constance st., near Union .avenue.- with two nearly new four room cottages, renting for $i:4 a month; cement walks, fruit trees. GODDARD & WIBDRICK, 243 Stark St. FINE modem home. new. all Improve ments, lot 60x100. cor. 47th and Hancock sts.. Menefee Addition, $3600; terms os you desire. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. Main 6494. A 2494. EAST 20TH and Salmon sts.. In best of neighborhoods, within walking distance of West Side; fine lot 40x125, all street improvements In and paid for; good 5 room cottage with bath; price $2.",00; $t."0O cash; lot alone worth $2000. Kauff mann & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. WAREHOUSE For lease, S-story brick warehouse, lOOx 100, cor. 15th and Johnson sts.; will build to suit. MIERCHANTH SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. Main 6494, A 2494. IF IT'S A BUNGALOW you want, I can show you something very prfttty and comfortable for $1950; easy terms; be first occupant. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 82-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and 6th. MONTANA ST.. near Falling. 2-story. 6 room house, modern; lot 60x100, $3000; terms. . MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, Main 6494, A 2494. WEST SIDE. Beautiful 8-room home, furnace, fire place, 4 chambers. 2 bathrooms, good foundation; a line home; price 8SO00. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. $4O0O New bungalow with 1 large rooms, cement basement, furnace, strictly modern well built and nicely finished: on im proved street where the houses are all new and up to date. w. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7067. DON T miss this opportunity to get a 7-room house, all modem conveniences for $2000; a big bargain: worth $2500. . Phone A 284L Terms. Call 403 Couch bldg. WILLIAMS AVE. Good business lot, good 9-room house: price $6600. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. BROOKLYN. 9-room house, corner lot, bam, fruit trees and shrubbery; price $3200. 734 E Rth st. Phone Sellwood 1032. T-ROOM new modem home In Holladay Addition at $4200. If sold this week Dean Land Co., 022 Chamber of Com merce. $4O00 Good 8-room house with 50x30 feet on corner. South Portland. See us for par ticulars. Parrlah, Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder at. 8 ACRES 4 blocke from car. Inside city limits modern 8-room houee; good orchard- excel lent buy; $7000, terms. J. D. Hayes' A ro 302 Swetiand bldg. BEAUTIFUL country home near Portland overlooking Columbia and Willamette; must be sold Immediately ; .real bargain for cash. AB 682, Oregonlan. TIME to buy, not build, new 6-room house, corner lot. east Side, walking distance, leaving city, deal with owner. A 586. Ore gonlan. $000 A good 4-room house and lot 60x135. on Mount Scott carline; the best bargain to be lad on 5c fare; only $:i00 down MARTIN J. HIGLET, 132 Third St. $1700 B-room house, not finished, on Wil liams ave.. full corner lot; $;!jO will finish it complete; $1200 to handle MARTIN J. HIGLET. 1.12 Third St. BUY a home from me on easv terms. I have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, $3600. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermens bldg. 1TEW 6-room bungalow. Just completed; bui't for home; lot 60x150: two blocks from car $3500, terms. J. D. Hayes & Co.. 302 Swetiand bldg. $2250 Two beautiful lots. 100x100, with good 6-room. modern house, on carline W. J. Smith, 43S Chamber of Commerce Main 7967. PIJ3DMONT home, modem and new, for con siderable less than cost. Queen Inv. Co .410 Falling bldg. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1618, A 19S4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. NEW 2-story. 6-room residence, strictly modern. $3250: $450 cash: will give terms on balanee. Phone Tabor 644. $2.50 FOR 6 large room cottage, all modem and nicely furaidhed; good neighborhood. 779 B. Salmon. Phone 3'abor 15i0. POR SALE By owner, bungalow in Irvtnffton. the handsomest 496 East 20th St. North. Call and see It. ELEGANT tiome. Nob Hill. 10 rooms. Owner. O 508, Oregonlan. $1T"V Tms; B-room modern cottage, a&oata vllla. 807 Chamber of Commerce. t REAL ESTATE. For t-i lie Houses. BUNGALOW AND HOUSE. WKST SIDE. Nice new room bungalow, com pletely furnished new, also 4-room cot tage also furnished, and rented for $13 per mouth, on Corbett St. in a nice neigh borhood and with a nice view. Price for both houses and furniture is JS0O0; $2000. cash, balance to suit. It will pay you to see this property. GRUSSI & ZADOW, .317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WB ARE BUILDING MORES HOUStOS THAN ANY CONTRACTOR. IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WB SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL, BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OW.V THB LOT WE WIL FURNISH TH3 MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES free:. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 308-9-10 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. HAWTHORNE and 23 et.. modern, new 7 room bouse; furnaco, fireplace, hardwoM floors. 50xto0 lot, hard-surface streets, gas nnd sew-er: good terms. T. J. .Byrnes, 24549 Morrison. Por Sale Business Property. EAST SIDE. CLOSE JV. Almost tlio entire block. Some improvements. $24,000, ctutli, balance to suit. Make an offer. "It will pay you to see our list.' HARTMAN & THOMPSON. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION AVENUE. We have sold six properties on Union -avenue recently and are about closinc: out two more. We have some excelleaiL buys left. ' Remember Union avenue is the Washington street of the East Side and will be worth double in a short time. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. $7000 WILL buy two stores with full Tot on Union avenue corner; rent $56; takes $".000 cash. A splendid proposition that requires quick action. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. NORTH PARK ST, 50x100. well located; a good invest ment; price $30,000. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Acreage. 10 OR 20 ACRES. SECTION LINE) ROAD. 20 acres on Section Line road, 8 miles from city: l under cultivation, balani-e easy to clear; 2 acres in mrawberrries ; email house and land that will grow a:iv thing: tracta acrosw the roa.d peiling for $.V)0 per acre; price of thlst is .$3'V' per acre for quick sale; part cash; will sail 10 acres or all of it. See THE OWNER, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. "HERE YOU ARE'.." 5 acres, 6 blocks to station O. E. Ry., 6 miles out, $350 per acre. 5 acres, 2 blocks to sums station. 13 in bearing orchard, a real snap at $525 acre: -very sightly; come In and pick these up. but hurry. 11 acres right at TIgard Station; nearly all cleared: less than $350 per acre. CLODFELTER BROS.. 4 14 Couch Bldg. ' 18 ACRES for sale, one and half miles from city limits, nt-ar -findy Road; dep, rich soil; no gravel: fino suburban home site: can't, be beat for ail orchard; fine view of the mountains and Columbia River; could he platted; $600 per aero; will trade for good home. TS Hamilton bldg. See owner. 20 acres 4-year-oM Lambert cherries ad Joining the above; $iOHO per acre. This or chard will net $500 per acre in a few years-. 12 ACRES, on carline. 20 minutes from cen ter of city, beautiful residence and im- s provements: all in cultivation, good spring water piped to house; fine soil. If you want a home or Investment, you will be pleased when you see this place and hear the price. 602. Buchanan bldg. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minutes from center of city. In l'Ji and 2M.--acre tracts; this will make you a liv ing and pay for itself; $50 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call on Trustee, 410 Failing bldg. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close in; choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher, 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4881. 58 ACRES on the Oregon electric line, be tween Portland: and Hlllsboro. It is all cleared and In high wtate of cultivation; $11,700. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Faif-ng bldg. 9'j ACRES on Base Line Road, near Monta vllla, $0000. Queen Inv. Co.. 410 Failing bldg. ACREAGE on Oregon E'ectric for a modern home: location of acreage ideal. A. 509. Oregonlan. A BEAUTIFUL, sightly. 40-aere tract at Mt. Scott for sale at half Its value. ' . Phone at once to Main 2611. $750 PER ACRE 5 acres near Argyle Park: terms. J. D. Hayes & Co., 302 Swetiand bldg. . 17 ACRES near car. west of 60th St.; level land. 334 Mill st. Homesteads. TWO good relinquishments- adjoining, near Portland, running water and the best for stock raising; homesteads in Tillamook, Lincoln and Jackson Counties. Nimmo, Runey A Davis, 13 Hamilton bldg. YAMHILL County farm, improvements, build ings: apple land; terma 334 Mill st. For Sale Fruit Lands. SPITZENBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 10. 20. 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many levei-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400. $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write , for full particulars. Liberal terms. j McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Merrltt & Palmer. Sales Agents. ' APPLE LAND IflO acres of ideal apple land within 3 miles of the O. W. p. carline. -We have a price on this until Dec. 15 of $'J5 per acre; it's a big bargain at this price. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. SPLENDID 10-aere fruit tract. Yamhill Coun ty, near station of North Yamhill, all readv for the trees: only $150 per acre; easy term.-: an Income forever. J. O. Elrod, owner, 620 Corbett bldg. 1 WANT farm about T,0 acres, located within ten miles of Portland: let me have full particulars- in first letter. Address S. Haya ehl. Hillsdale, Or. R. F. D. No. 1. For Sale Farms. 649 ACRES, wheat ranch, 675 acree under cul tivation, orchard, fine house, good bar.n,' good fences, plenty of water ' piped to tho house. In the famous rain belt, earn of Con don: $22.50 per acre; $6000 or $7000 will handle this. HO acres- of good farm land, 10 mile .from Oregon City; 70 acres in cultivation, balance in timber; li-i acres in orchard; good house and barn, on county road. " SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. Room 610 Board of Trade Bldg. AN IDEAL HOME or a splendid investment. IS" acres, 130 in fine state of cultivation, 40 acres of timber, balance of land is seeded down to pasture: all kinds of fruit, 940 rods of new woven wire fence; extra good house of 10 rooms besides pantry, closets, bath and toilet; nice glas. con- servatory. good barns and outbuildings; on splendid county road, and 2 miles from good town: price $10,000. W. J. Smith, 4:",8 Chamber of Commerce. Main 70B7. "ATTENTION. BUYER AND HOME SEEKER." : We have reliable and accurate infor mation on all Oregon and Washington lands; thousands of fine bargains in every country; mines, timber claims and home steads. No fee. no commission. . . . ' SREOOX LAND INFORMATION BUREAU, 604-006-608 Board of Trade Bldg. Portland, Or. HERB IS A BARGAIN. 1550 acres. 5 miles from good town In the Valley; has fine improvements, 10-room house, modem, and 2 othe- houses and barns; all fenced, woven wire; 30 million e feet saw timber, 20.000 cords of wood; w ill ell for $40 per acre on long time or take H In Portland property, Lincoln Invt. Co.. S12-13 Henry Bldg. $0 ACRES, near city, situate only 8 mllel south of heart of city and 1 mile cast of Oregon City carline; land contains best of soil, is all level, has nice spring and an idea-t location for a vegetable farmer; fine vegetable ranch right alongside: only $300 per acre if sold now. c. F. Pfiuger & Co.. rooms 46 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. 314 ACRES 150 acres in cultivation, balance pasture: good 8-room farmhouse, laro barn $8i0 dryer; water pipes in. all build ings; ,' acres bearing orchard: 4 miles from town, on S. P. R. R.. good roads. Addren Hemenway &- Lockwood. Cottage Grove. De tails at the Oregon Uniiji Information Bu reau. 604-606-608 Board of Trade bldg SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free, Oimstead Land Co., 6aiem. Or. BARGAIN Improved dairy farm, stock. Im plements, close ia. 303H Washington. IJ 108.2