Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 14, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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George A. Wigg Would Be Free
. of Woman of X-Radium
Institute Fame.
Alleged Wigg Gave Wife $2 50 to
Get Divorce From Him, but Case
Was Xot Completed Thomp
son Family Is in Limelight.
Ir. Mary Talbot Wigg. prominent in
X-Radium Institute investigations,
fcjid In the trial of Ernest Heymans for
grave offense in the Circuit Court as
"Dr. Mary Iane," is being sued by her
husband, "Dr." George A. Wigg. for a
divorce. The latter is an East Side
In order to avoid notoriety, the suit
lias been filed at Oregon City, but it
was necessary to hand a copy of the
complaint to Sheriff Stevens for ser
vice upon Mrs. Wigg in Portland. Jay
Upton Is the husband's attorney.
Wigg Is said to have given his wife
J250 some time ago, with the under
standing that she was to go to Oregon
City and file a divorce complaint, he
was willing to allow the suit to go by
default. The complaint was tiuly filed,
but the suit was not carried to comple
tion. Attorney Upton was thereupon
directed to secure the dismissal of
Mrs. Wlgg's complaint, and to file one
on behalf of the husband. In this he
nlleges cruel and inhuman treatment fn
her part.
In the Ernest Heymans trial, in
Which he was charged with malpractice
which resulted 'in the death of a girl
named Golda W. Rowland. Mrs. Wigg
ewore her name was Mary Talbot, not
Mary Iane.
R. H. Thompson, Jr., bicycle rider,
candy store proprietor and director of
a. local auto agency, has filed a divorce
complaint at Jacksonville, Or., against
Mrs. Crystal Thompson. Ill treatment
is given by Thompson as a ground for
divorce. The plaintiff is a son of R.
31h;-y Thompson, who died recently at
Alameda, Cal., and a grandson of R. R.
'Thompson, an Oregon pioneer, and at
one time member of the firm of the
Thompson-De Hart Hardware Company.
He was at one time in the steamboat
business, the O. R. & N. steamer. R. R.
Thompson being named after him. A
brother of R. Henry Thompson. Sr.. re
cently secured a divorce in San Fran
Teter Taylor's Property Worth $50,-
900; Hester Randall s $5750.
The estate of Peter Taylor is worth
50.900.84, according to the appraise
ment of Thomas A. Jordan, George W.
Gordan and Martin T. Pratt, filed in
County Court yesterday morning. Lot
3, block 58, Couch' addition, is valued
at 117,000. and lots 2 and 3, block 137,
at $15,000.
- The will of Hester A. Randall, who
died November 23, was admitted to pro
bate, and Edythe M." Davis appointed
executrix. The property is wbrth
$5750. E. H. Mowery, David Creighton
And T. L. Perry were appointed ap
praisers of the property in Multnomah
County, and Paul M. French, Paul W.
Childers and J. E. Barnetts appraisers
in Wasco County.
After directing that she be buried
by her husband in the I. O. O. K. ceme
tery at The Dalles, the will gives $100
to George R. Parker, a brother in
Aurora; Ind.. $50 to Mrs. Belle Brown
of The Dalles, and all the real estate
and furniture to Mrs. Davis, the exe
cutrix, who is a daughter. Mrs. Carria
E. Sears, of Alameda, Cal., and Charles
Randall, of Seattle, son and daugh
ter, are to have equal shares in notes
aggregating $1100.
Parties Defendant Ask Release From
Grover-Hawthorne Case.
Merritt O. Collins and his wife. Cath
erine Collins, have filed a motion in the
Circuit Court that the complaint of La
fayette F. Grover against Rachel L.
Hawthorne, in which they are parties
defendant, be dismissed so far as they
are concerned. They base this motion
upon an amended complaint, recently
filed, which, they say, practically elim
inates them. Attorneys Cyrus A. Dolph
and Zera Snow filed the motion.
Mrs. Hawthorne and the Hawthorne
estate have tiled a demurrer to the
amended complaint, on the ground that
the Grovers should have tendered to
tli em in open court amounts admittedly
due them under contracts. In the com
plaint it is alleged by Grover that he
deeded property valued at about $200,
000 to Mrs. Hawthorne in trust, and
that when she turned it over to the
Hawthorne estate she did so in viola
tion of that trust. This allegation she
'JCondnctor Called Vnclilyalrous and
Motorman Careless.
A conductor's' unchivalrous neglect
and a motorman's carelessness in start
ing his car with a series of Jerks were
resonslble, says Sarah M. Strucken, for
en accident at Third and Yamhill
streets, last March, which has resulted
in a $20,000 damage suit against the
Portland Railway. Light & Power
Company. Complaint was filed in the
circuit Court yesterday.
Mrs. Strucken says she tried to board
a car March 16. When half way up
the steps, she was thrown backward
ty several unusual jerks. Although
standing near enough to reach her, she
declares the conductor failed to extend
a helping hand, althougn he could eas
ily see she had lost her balance. She
was thrown to the pavement, she says,
'breaking her right femur, and render
ing her a cripple for life.
Kllllngsworth-Avenue People Want
Assessment Declared Void.
Alleging that the City Engineer, in ac
cepting the work of Giebisch & Joplln, in
grading and macadamizing Killingrsworth
avenue, from Patton avenue to Willam
ette boulevard, neglected properly to in
spect and test sections of the street, W.
J. Cook and others have brought suit in
the Circuit Court to have the city's as
sessment of about $1070 against their prop
erty declared void. Besides Cook, the
plaintiffs are Jessie E. Cook, Mary E.
Clay and L. G. Brasent. The American
, Surety Company, of New York, is made
a, codefendant with the city.
f The property-owners allege they noti
fied the City Engineer of the failure on
the part of the contractors to use proper
gravel, and to do the work according to
specifications. They say,- however, that
their remonstrance did no good.
Does Not Appear to Answer Charge
of Assault on Countryman.
Bail money of Sam Boue. a Chinaman,
which was reduced from $3000 to $100 on
advice of the District Attorney's office,
was declared forfeited by Circuit Judge
Gantenbein yesterday on motion of Dep
uty District Attorney Page. Boue was
charged on two counts with having as
saulted Sing Jim, another Chinese, Feb
ruary 17. When the case was called for
trial yesterday morning, neither the com
plaining witness nor his attorney ap
peared in court.
Boue works in an Alaska cannery, it
appears, and desired to leave last Sum
mer. He was ready to be tried at once,
but the District Attorney's office desired
more time, so the bail was reduced in
order to enable Boue to meet it and re
sume his work in Alaska. '
Attorneys for Oregon Trust Officials
to Argue on Demurrers.
Circuit Judge Gantenbein tomorrow will
hear the arguments of attorneys for the
ex-officials of the defunct Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank on the demurrers to- the
complaints filed by Receiver Thomas B.
Devlin and others.
Because of the pressure of other busi
ness Presiding Judge Bronaugh" was un
able yesterday to announce his decision
on the demurrers to the Indictments
against the Oregon Trust officials. A de
cision is expected today. There are 12
A decision from Circuit Judge Morrow
upon the 5-cent fare question between
Portland and Linnton may be given this
Survey of Clatskanie & Nehalem Val
ley Said to Be Unpaid For.
Findings in the suit of J. H. Abbott
against the Clatskanie & Nehalem Valley
Railroad Company were submitted to Cir
cuit Judge Cleland yesterday afternoon
for signature. Abbott sued upwards of 40
stockholders of the railway company for
an unpaid balance of $1173.50 for surveying
the line between Clatskanie and Mist.
It appeared from the testimony that the
stockholders had failed to pay for a large
proportion of the stock to which they
had subscribed. The Judgment will, there
fore, be taxed against them in proportion
to their unpaid stock. George S. Shepherd
was Abbott's attorney.
Linn Sons Are Cut Off.
The will of W. T. Linn, who died No
vember 28, was filed in the County Court
yesterday for probate. It cuts three of
the sons off with $5 each, giving the bal
ance of the estate, worth about $3000, to
the daughter, Mary Bever, who is also
named as executrix. The sons are George
E. Linn, Bernard 1 Linn and Charles A.
New Phase Develops In Action
Against Man Accused of Taking
Fallen, Woman's Earnings..
The City Attorney has filed, in the
Circuit Court a motion to dismiss the
appeal in the case of the city against
Ray Elliot, charged with accepting the
earnings of a disreputable woman.
Arguments upon the motion, will prob
ably be heard today. If an order is
made' allowing the motion, it wn. make
Elliot's conviction by Municipal Judge
Bennett valid, and compel Elliot to
serve a term at Kelly Butte.
The motion tp dismiss the appeal,
thereby putting the case back, in the
Municipal Court, was made by the city
Attorney in spite of the fact that an
order has been made by Circuit Judge
Gatens dismissing the case, discharg
ing Elliot from custody, and exonerat
ing his bondsmen. This order was made
more than a week ago, upon- motion of
City Attorney Tomnnson, who Informed
the Judge that the witnesses for the
city could . not be secured. It devel
oped later that one of the witnesses
was In the courthouse waiting to be
called, and that the two other wit
nesses were policemen.
When the case went to trial before
Judge Gatens. both Elliot and his at
torney were present. Deputy City At
torney Sullivan, wjio was said to have
the case in charge, did not appear,
however. Bailiff Weinberger tele
phoned to the City Attorney's office,
according- to Judge Gatens, and was
told that Mr. Sullivan would call up
the Judge. The latter waited for an
hour, when he says he received word
to dismiss the case.
Waiter Accused of Theft of $S50
Ring and $13.
Arthur Temple, a waiter In the White
House restaurant, at 291 First street,
was arrested by Detectives Price and
Carpenter yesterday afternoon on a
charge of larceny from the person. An
information of felony was led against
Temple by M. Weice, of. 264 Second
street, who accuses the waiter of hav
ing robbed him of a $350 diamond ring
and $13.
Weice says ha went to the restaurant
Saturday night late, and after eatin
luncheon fell asleep in his chair. He
was not aroused until 5 o'clock Sunday
morning, when he discovered his diamond
an money were missing. From an In
vestigation made yesterday suspicion
pointed to Temple, and he was taken
into custody.
Furs, Neckwear. Hosiery. Gloves, Um
brellas, Silk Waists, Petticoats, Dress
Patterns and hundreds of other appro
priate gifts at this store. Let us help
you to solve that Xmas problem with
better goods and lower prices. Don't
fail to vote in the Piano Contest. Mc
Allen & McDonnell, Third and Morri
For any case of Kidney, Bladder or
Rheumatic trouble Hall's Texas Won
der cannot cure if taken in time and
f iven a fair trial. One bottle often per
ecf? . cJiro- Sold DV all druggists or
maUv V0.0,- Se"d for testimonials. Dr.
E. W. Hall. 2926 Olive St.. St. feoula. Mo.
Manila's city budget for 1901-10 fiscal year
amounts to $1,050,470. Of this $141,075 Is
for public school and $225,000 for publio
works and improvements.
Piper Heidsieck chewing tobacco is
to be found in more stores than any
other brand. Try 1C
River Steamer Blows Out Two
Cylinder Heads.
Second Willamette River Boat to
Come to Grief Within a Week.
Mascot Chartered for Willam
ette Service Marine News.
Both cylinder heads blown out and the
shaft cracked is the sum total of damage
to the steamer Pomona, of the Oregon
City Transportation Company's fleet,
which was disabled yesterday morning at
a point a short distance above Independ
ence, in the Willamette River. The Po
mona was in command of Captain Blum,
and was bound down-stream. The acci
dent occurred at 9:30 o'clock in the morn
ing. United States engineers were immedi
ately appealed to for aid, and the snag
boat Mathloma has been ordered to the
scene. She will bVing the disabled vessel
to Portland, where repairs will be made
as rapidly as possible.
The Pomona was owned by the Oregon
City Transportation Company, owners of
Dim to Arrive.
Nam. From. Date.
Roenoke. ......San Pedro... Tn port
Rose City San Francisco In port
Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay.... In port
ue H. Elmore. TillamooK. .. .Dec. 15
Falcon San Francisco Dec 15
Alliance .Coos Bay.... Doc. 16
Geo. W. Rider. .San Pedro... Dec 19
KanKi City. . . San Francisco Dec 19
Henrlk Ibsen. . .Hongkong. .. Jan. 8
Sella Honskonc. ...Indefl't
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
Roanoke San Pedro... .Dec 14
Breakwater. .. .Coos Bar. Dec 15
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Deo. IT
Rose City Ban Francisco Dec. IT
Alliance Coos Bay Dec. 18
Falcon Ban Francisco Deo. 20
Gee W. Blder. .Ban Pedro. . Dec. 21
Kansas City. .. Son Francisco Deo. 24
Henrlk Ibien. . Honikone. . . Jan. 12
Sella Bonckoni. ...
Cleared Monday.
Falcon. Am. steamship (Senate),
with general cargo, for San Fran
cisco. the steamer Oregona, which was wrecked
last Wednesday evening in the Upper
Willamette. The Oregona was bound up
stream, and struck a snag at Coffey
Chute. The steamer Mascot, belonging
to the Vancouver Transportation Com
pany, has been chartered to take the
place of the Oregona and until either
she or the Pomona has been repaired,
will be the only boat operating oh the
Upper Willamette River.
During the time that the Mascot is
under charter to the Oregon City Trans
portation Company, the steamer Undine
will handle the traffic on Lewis River.
Pilot Schooner Makes Trip to Astoria
for Supplies.
ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 13. (Special.) The
pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer came inside
today after water and supplies. She has
not picked up a vessel for over 20 days,
although she has been kept close to the
mouth of the river during the succession
of severe gales. The Pulitzer will go out
side again within a couple of days.
The steam schooner Shoshone, which
sailed Sunday for San Francisco, has a
cargo of 403,000 feet of lumber loaded at
Portland; 80,000 feet loaded at Kalama;
300.000 feet loaded at Prescott, and 72,000
feet loaded at Oak Point.
The steamer Breakwater, arriving this
morning from Coos Bay, brought 1000
cases of salmon from the Kyle Cannery
at Sluslaw. The gasoline schooner Gerald
C. will leave tomorrow for Tillamook
after a cargo of canned salmon.
While dropping her anchor in the lower
harbor yesterday, the British ship Neots
fiald broke the pawls on her windlass and
the capstan bars, in swinging around,
struck two of the men. bruising them
quite severely. The windlass will be re
paired before the vessel proceeds to sea.
The lighthouse tender Manzanlta will
sail tomorrow with material for repairing
Lincoln Rock lighthouse, and she also
will take, supplies including Christmas
turkeys for the ligrht stations in South
eastern Alaska.
The lighthouse tender Armeria will sail
tomorrow morning with reserve mooring
chains and anchors for the Umatilla Reef
and Swiftsure lightships, which she will
discharge at Port Angeles.
Lighthouse Tender Takes Supplies to
Coast Lightships.
With supplies for the several light-vessels
along the coast north of the en
trance to the Columbia River, the Urflted
States lighthouse-tender Armeria, Captain
Gregory, left Astoria yesterday for an
extended trip. After delivering provisions
and coal to the lightships, the Armeria
will set buoys on Puget Sound.
Carrying building material and stores
for the Lincoln Rock light station, the
steamship Manzanita sailed at the same
time. The light on Lincoln Rock has been
kept burning, but the buildings are in a
dilapidated condition. The storm of No
vember 27 wrecked most of the houses
and destroyed a large part of the Winter
Jordan-frill Finishes Lumber Cargo.
With, a full cargo of lumber for the
United Kingdom, the British bark Jor
danhill. Captain Kennedy, finished at the
Inmaiv-Poulsen Mills yesterday.. The ves
sel has on board near 2.000,000 feet of tim
ber, and will leave down the latter part
of the week. The Jordanhill will be the
first of the foreign-bound vessels to get
away during December. There are a num
ber in port loading at the present time,
and the total will run well up for the
Heavy Fog Holds Up Steamers.
Fog on the river delayed shipping to a
great extent yesterday. The steamships
Rose City and Breakwater, which crossed
in at 9 o'clock in the morning, were
caught in a fogbank at Astoria, and were
not able to leave up the river until after
2 o'clock in the afternoon. The steam -ship
Falcon left down at 4 o'clock, but it
is doubtful whether she got very far
down. The British steamship Knight of
St. George, from Puget Sound, arrived off
the mouth of the river at 9 o'clock in the
morning, and did not cross in until late
in the afternoon. Fair weather is prom
ised for- today.
Mathloma Pulls Snags From Harbor.
Harbormaster Speier, acting? in conjunc
tion wita me united estates engineers.
trusaeea yesreraay. in removing
The Best Cough Syrup Is
Easily Made at Home
You can make a full pint of
cough syrup in five minutes by
this recipe enough to last a
family a long time at a cost of 9
only 54 cents. It is not only
cheaper, but better, than the
cough medicines you buy. Its
taste is pleasant children like it.
It stops obstinate coughs in a
hurry, and is splendid for other ,
throat troubles.
Granulated Sugar Syrup. .13H oz.
Pinex 2 hi oz.
Put 2 oz. of Pinex in a pint
bottle and fill up with granulated
sugar syrup made as follows: a
Take a pint of granulated sugar,
add pint of warm water and
stir about 2 minutes. Take a
teasponful every one, two or
three hours. , 9
This recipe will not work with
any of the weaker pine prepara-
tlons. Use the real Pinex Itself,
which is the most valuable con-
centrated compound of Norway T
White Pine Extract- All drug- a
gists have it, or can get it easily
on request.
Strained honey can be used in-
stead of the syrup, and makes a ?
very- fine honey and pine tar a
cough syrup.
from the harbor. The Government snag-
boat Mathloma. Captain Graham, pulled
a snag from the river off the Oak-street
dock, which, it is stated, is the largest
ever lifted by the Mathloma. The log
was six leet in diameter ana more than
60 feet in length. The vessel was unable
to take It on board, and was forced to
tow it to shallow water near Ross Island.
Marine Notes.
The steam schooner Fairhaven, from
Portland, passed in at Tatoosh yesterday.
The steamship Roanoke is scheduled to
sail for San Pedro and way this evening
at 8 o'clock.
The steam schooner Tallac. from San
Francisco, is due to arrive at Astoria to
morrow morning.
The British ship Glenalvon will shift to
the Portland Mills this morning to re
ceive a lumber cargo.
With passengers and freight from San
Francisco, the steamship Rase City ar
rived up late last night.
The steamship Breakwater arrived last
night with passengers and freight from
Coos Bay. She is one day late, but will
sail on schedule tomorrow evening.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTIAND, Dec. 13. Arrived Steanv
nlp Rose City, from San Francisco; steam
ship Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Sailed
Steamship Falcon, for San Francisco.
Astoria. Or., Dec. 13. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. smooth;
wind, northwest, 8 miles; wather, cloudy.
Arrived at 10 A. M. and left up at 2:10
P. M. 6teamer Rose City, from San Fran
cisco, and steamer Breakwater, from Coos
Bay. Arrived down at 7 A. M. French
bark Neuilly. Left up at 2:30 P. M.
Schooner Fred J. Wood. Arrlwed at 3 and
lefV up at. 3:40 P. M. Steamer J. B. Stet
son, from San Francisco. Arrived at 4 p.
M. British steamer Knight of St. George,
from Punt Sound.
Tatoosh. Dec. 13. Passed In Steamer
Falfhaven. from Portland, for Port Lud
low. San Francisco. Dec. 13. Sailed last night
Steamer Tallac, for Portland. Arrived
at 2 V T fn fian4. xi .
Eureka. Dec. 13. Passed yesterday
Steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, from Columbia
River, for San Pedro.
-. icuiv, xec. Amvea yesterday
Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday -Higrh.
2:1S A. M 7.3 feetJ7:48 Ai M 3.7 feet
1:35 P. M 9.0 feetg:28 P. M -l.O foot
Hindu, Hospital Patient Objects to
Beard Cutting.
Sant Singh, a Hindu patient at the
Good Samaritan Hospital, prefers to die
rather than permit the shaving of his
face. Owing to his limited knowledge
of the English language, it was difficult
to discover whether it was a matter of
caste or religion that was tne obstacle,
but probably the latter for, by leaving
India. Singh has lost caste already. The
hospital has not much faith in his re
ligion, for he is rated as "heathen."
Singh has tubercular glands in his
neck, and with the many dressings and
the continual infectious matter emitted,
both physicians and nurses use the ut
most precautions in handling the case.
But Singh wears a heavy beard which
takes away, say physicians, 25 per cent
of his chances of recovery.
From his entrance as an inmate of the
The First Step
in banking is to select
your bank. We invite you
to call and let us tell you
the advantages we offerv
We are equipped to fur
nish every banking con
venience. Our savings
department pays
interest, computed twice
each year. One dollar
will Btart the account.
Oar commercial depart
ment buys and sells ex
change, issues letters of
credit, certificates of de
posit and invites check
accounts. Open 8 A. M.
to 5 :30 P. M. Saturdays,
8 P.M.
No More Dosing the Stomach Cure the
Skin Throua-h the Skin.
When you have a scratch on your
hand you wash it out and cleanse it
and then the skin cures itself.
The best skin specialists today are
agreed that the only way to cure the
skin is through the sVin. For statistics
show that nearly all eczema sufferers
are perfectly healthy in all other ways
except as to their skin. And if the
eczema patients were really suffering
from an internal malady, the entire
body and not only the skin would be
You can prove Immediately the relief
of a true skin cure by using oil of wln
tergreen as compounded in D. D. D. pre
scription. This liquid kills the disease
germs, while toning up the healthy part
of the skin.
We have now handled this meritori
ous and thoroughly scientific remedy
for so long and have seen Its reliable
results so many times that we freely
express our confidence.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Skldmore
Drug Co.
The doctor GUESSES.
The doctor TREATS.
The doctor relieves the
A good doctor has SOME
instruments and equip
ment for all ailments.
? hye treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of physical and mental energy as a
result of special ailments, and have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that follows a
thorough cure of the chief disorder. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the
foremost specialist treating men's diseases. This success is due to several things. It is due to the study I have
given my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and the original, distinctive
and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ.
To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow neglect,
I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspbndence. If your case is one of the
few that have reached an Incurable stage. I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services upon
anyone. I tra.t curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat.
Free Museum
Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Mu
seum of Anatomy
Now Open. .
OBSTRUCTIONS My treatment Is
absolutely painless, and perfect re
mits can be depended upon In every
Instance. I do no cutting or dilat
ing whatever.
Office Honrs 9 A- M. t P. Bf.
Dalryi Subsist. 1 to L
hospital. Singh has protested against be
ing shaved, and yesterday when a phy
sician was trying to make the matter
even more urgent to him, the Hindu
sat np on the stretcher, gripped the
silky, black beard with both hands and
distinctly said "rather die first."
Singh Is well educated, bears every evi
dence of Asiatic culture and is by pro
fession a singer.
Street Railway 'Company Begins
Construction of Clubhouse Also.
Work has been started on the big
carbarns and clubhouse on the block,
bounded by. East Burnslde, East Twenty-eighth
and East Ankeny streets for
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
rra lAlllH nerves, gloomy, hopeless
Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Benefited
KinyrTBD VUWS . rN. cored In a tew weefcs. Im-
oored by absorption: no $ '" provement from the start,
pain. The enlarged vedps jL ' If TOVL Batt or from loss of
are dns to mumps, bicy- vfe fey J energy and ambition, feot
cle or horseback: rtdtng. " ff 3 tired when yon arise n
disease, etc. In time It TfM N J the morning. lame back,
weakens a msm mentally V 7 . disslnees, spots before
as well as physically. We , $ A the eyes, and feel you are
win rure yon for life or "It not naan yon o n o e
make no charge. - were, we will c O r o you
WTUL, CHARGE Ksotted Veins. Dan irtu, CHAJM9B
. oanvr obrtInoMI - s dsts osxt
. , VMmltty SO Its.
fiy THE Blood ASXtamtMtm OO Days THE
FEE To obtaln tlvese milck results yoi FEE
Of OTHER must come to the office, as it oannot n nTmrD
toe done by mall. Do not forget this other.
nYkXMAULSm fact. I Blnrays do as I -advertise to do. SPECIAUVM
JMentlflo treatment only should The seQuela of these- afflictions
srlrnnemilaounr? g&J0- J?"' TOU"
ease by Nuclue-Atoxyl Specific. I a Painful conditions. My treat-
Introduce it Into the blood, which ment and success are the result of
il?r?2L8ra5ll."r-n5,ltraii5,in5 "id xr years of experience. I cure piles
pelllng disease. Mr treatment - , , .
drives the taint out Instead of cutl"- I cure yo with-
gB m. Dorrt wait until too psun or aetention from basl
B cured in time. nests under srnarantea.
ru.,, "With these diseases you may have
OOSeaSl more complications than are pre- Mssmm
eented by any other diseased organs. ;
ausj-uo bladder I determine accurately the IOr XQ8
disease and by microscopical exsxn-
KUH'.atttia ln.a??n and urinalysis I, make Krriir-atirm
doifbtr smi re the condition of the -baoCAHOn
of Man. kidneys, thos laytna- foundations -
" for oolerjtlflo treatment. Of Men.
rnnwt ioor. ootnvxmmox ftreb. ousVtodat.
Th Oregon Medical Institute
aCKTRA- A- M. TO 8 P. XL STXKXfcAYS lO A. H. TO 1 r. N.
B W fi 11 II. 11 iflV T II 13. FTC tf3
The specialist KNOWS.'
The specialist CUBES.
The specialist goes farther
and removes the cause.
A good specialist has ALL
scientific mechanical aids
for his specialty.
Every case of contracted ailment
I treat is thoroughly cured; my
patients have no relapses. When I
pronounce a case cured there is not
a particle of infection or inflamma
tion remaining, and there is not the
slightest danger that the disease
will return to its original form or
work its way into the general sys
tem. No contracted ailment is so
trivial as to warrant uncertain
methods of treatment, and I espe
cially solicit those cases that other
doctors have been nnabie to cure.
Consultation- and Diagnosis Free
Company. The building will cover
more than a block, as East Twenty
ninth street Is not opened through the
The clubhouse will face East Burn
side street and will have a full base
ment. Excavating Is now in progress
for the foundation. The building will
be of reinforced concrete construction.
The cost of the building with its
equipments will be about $60,000.
The clubhouse will be used as offices
and for the general, use of the men
employed on the lines centered at these
carbarns. It will be equipped the same
as the clubhouse at Piedmont. The
present carbarns on the block north
of the site of the new building will be
retained and repaired.
The peculiar properties of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy have been thor
oughly tested during epidemics of in
fluenza, and when it was taken In time
we have not heard of a single case of
pneumonia. Sold by all dealers.
Soothes and Heals Raw
Spots.and Cures All
Catarrhal .Troubles
DO not apply violent snuffs, sprays, douches to Irri
tate, smart and burn the inflamed mucous mem
brane. Remove thA rnilCI. H patarrh
cannot live when Kondcm's Catarrhal Jelly has
f upp.iea to ino raw. anectea surfaces. Soothes,
heals, prevents abnormal discharges cores.
Kondon'8 (in snnifnrv fnKo I hrlno,
from every catarrhal complication Hay Fever,
Asthma, Catarrhal Headache. Sore Throat. Deaf
ness. Stomach Trouble, etc Tt ha itnntd m.-n4A.
it will cure you. Write today for free sample or
Ask Your Druggist or Doctor
and procure a 25o or 50c tube for constant.'
- 'J . .. tnjw, m Bpeeai, oer-
manr n ,.(. .... ruvk -i . .
. . . ' " wum. J.WU UrUKKlStS
eu it ana recommend it because it cures
cum uuimtiDs no narmrui arutj if
your dealer hasn't it. write for 25c or
" ixi yie. postpaid, from
Kondon Mfg. Company
Minneapolis, Minn.
The L a dins Specialist.
Without using knife, ligature or
caustic, without pain and without
detention from business, I cure
Varicose Veins in one week. If you
have sought a cure elsewhere and
been disappointed, or if you fear
the harsh methods that most phy
sicians employ in treating this dis
ease, come to me and 1 will cure
you soundly and permanently by a
gentle and painless method. Don't
delay. Varicose Veins have their
dangers and bring their disastrous
results. If you will call I will be
pleased to explain my method of
dangerous minerals to drive the
virus to the interior, but harmless
blood cleansing remedies that re
move the last poisonous taint.
Ailing; Men Oat of Town Who Osn
mot call. Write for DIa-nosla Charts
234V2 Morrison Street
Cor. Second, Portland, Or.
Delicate enougrh for the softest skin,
and yet efficacious In removing; any
stain. Keeps the skin In perfect con
dition. In the bath trlves all the de
sirable after-effects of a Turkish bath.
It should be on every washstand.
Come to Me
and Be Cured
M s ii i : r with
M F! 11 I , IVF AItrt 2
free OK .
( h 1 r r r. I cliBrflr.
far o,... nnW ..V. SeJ
me nn you Ret the
benefit of my treat- THE DOCTOR
FEB FOR A CURE is lower than any
specialist in the city, half that others
charge you.
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice in the treatment of
ailments of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up-to-date. My cures
are quick and positive. do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the -cause, re
move it and thus cure the disease.
I CURE Varicose Veins. Contracted
AllmentK, Pile and Specific Rlood l'oi
iob and all Aliments of Men.
CUltIS OR IV O PAY I am the only
Specialist In Portland who makes no
charade unless the patient In entirely
satisfied ivllh the results accomplished,
and who gives a written a-uarautee to
refund every dollar paid for services if
a complete and permanent cure Is not
TLTEN" Vlsit Dr- Lindsay's private
x Museum of Anatomy and know
thyself in health and disease. Admis
sion free. Consultation free. If unable
to call, write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Tomorrow A. M. too late. Take
CASCARET at bed time; get
vp in the morning feeling fine and
dandy. No need Tor mickneem
from oeer-eafiRfr and drink
ing. They surely work while yon
leep and help nature help you.
MilKont take them and keep weB.
CAeCAXUXTS xoe a box for a week's
tresrment, all drnjpHsU. Biffgsst Mllor
la the world, kULUoa boxes a SMStte.
Inflammations, Irritations
Big GS I or ulcerations of all mu-
vuua mtuiuioiucs, UUUdlU'
ral discharges from nose.
Hay Ftvtr throat or urinary orgaas.
teoZfiS Sold by Druggists ,
.S. JL 7. ror m Plam wrapper, ex
press prepua. on receipt
of $1, or tb ree bottles. $7.76
xrooitiet on request. -
Youojr Mlngr Chinese
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases of
men and women. Consulta
tion and pulse diagnosis
free, if you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
247 Taylor st.. bet. ad and
0 X PAi. 1
Do if Mow