7 1 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1909. REAL ESTATE. -Ixta. SIGHTLY RESIDENCE LOTS. BOxlOO on Willamette Heights, located on Raleigh, between 9th and 30th sts., 2 V blocks from streetcar line, restricted district and surrounded by beautiful homes; price f-000. AM 575, Oregon! an. XORTHRUP ACRES, close in. West Side; these beautiful acre tracts adjoin lot ad ditions whena lots sell from $300 to $800 rer lot; these tracts are only 16 minutes car ride from business center and are by far the best values offered In Portland; price $1000 per tract; buy now; in a few years It will make you independent; easy terms. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. SEMI-BUSINESS AND APARTMENT Pit; full corner on West Side, on carllne; easy walk to P. O. under value for ten dayf' time; you will have to hurry; only $12,000. one-third cash, balance easy. V A NDUYN & W A LTOX, G15 Chamber Commerce. LOOK! LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT On new B-room modern home, with flrs- f lace, near Rose City car; balance month y payments. Itl'FF-KLKINSOKGE LAND CO. 41S Hoard of Trade. DO YOU WANT THIS BARGAIN? Waverleigh Heights lot worth 00. will sell for $050, close to car and close in, near i!7th st. Phone S060, or A 7574. W. J. BAKER, 519 Board of Trade Bids:. BEAUTIFUL Hawthorne air lots. Our prioes are the best along1 the avenue; only $523 to $900; good many are buy ing this district for speculation; you can't brat these prices. M. K. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. A FEW LEFT. A few lots left near the great manufac turing diitrict of the Peninsula. Come and see us about them. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. 84 4th st. SIX Jots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for tiaie at a great bargain by owner. S10 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. LOTS 55x100, $30 cash, balance $270 at $5 per month, on Mt. Scott 6c carline; city water, graded streets. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. H4LF block of high, sightly ground with several trees in choice residence district, $1250. See owner. 410 Failing bldg. FOR investments or homes near the great factory center on the Peninsula, see Colum bia Trust Co., 4 4th st. LOT, 32d and Kllllngsworth ; $30 cash, $5 per month. Smith-Wagoner Co., 306 Cham ber of Commerce. - BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, collect ing or any kind of office work; exper ienced in banking. F 580, Oregonian. For Hale Houses. WIS ARB BUILDING MORS HOUSES THAN A NY CONTRACTOR IX THE CITY. THERB IS A REASON; WB SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY, BUILD WELL, BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN T H 13 LOT W R W IL FURNISH TI IQ MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 602 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. THfi HOUSE OF QUALITY. It's at Riverdale and has 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms with eviry convenience that modern inge nuity can deviso; the grounds are large and command an unobstructed view of the city, rivers and mountains. For further particulars apply to Tt. F. BUY AN. K05 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. WARM, COZY HOME. Only $300 down, balance $25 monthly; double floors and walls; 6 finely arranged rooms, bii somen t, attic, fireplace, book cases, buffet, seat, cabinet, etc. ; com pie to bath-room; good finish; view lot; block to car; select district. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO. 418 Board of Trade. N EW BU NG ALOW. $ lOOO. New, modern bungalow, 5 rooms; gas and electricity; full plumbing; half cement base ttitu ; on lot 45xlo0. E. 19th St., near Al berta; price $2rt00! $10K cash and $15 per month. Including Interest; better than pay ing rent. GRTTSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON. - An elegant lo-room residence, up to date, on carllne, lot 100x1 00; this is a choice home. "-room house, east front, convenient to csr; look this up. 6-room house, nice lawn, near car; come and see this. AE 572, Oregonian- 100x100 AND HOUSE. room house, with fireplace, woodllf t, pantry and fair basement; hsus a nice fruit room ; only 3 blocks from 5-cent carline, at Grays Crossing; $200 cash and $15 per month; price only $1700. SMITH-WAGONER CO., 806 Chamber of Commerce. EAST ANKENY ' ST. HOUSE. G-ood S-room, 2-story house, on E. An keny at., west of 24th, a good comfort able home at a real bargain; lot Is 50x00; price $3000, part cash and $20 per month. See it before too late. GRUSSX & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $10 A MONTH. HOUSE, Ready to move Into; 2 good lots; you can get it for your own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right in. Call at Gregory's office In Gregory Heights. Take Rofs City car at 3d and Yamhill. vt off at end of carline; office on the property. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME TN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient. nsw; nicely improved grounds, 100x10 0, front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner, 502 Corbett block. BUNGALOW AND FIVE ACRES. Oregon City carllne; beautiful soil; will grow onions or anything that will grow in Oregon: no rock or gravel; ali beaverdam; price $35O0. cash $100, bal. terms. H. Hobson, at station. Jennings Lodge, Oregon City carllne. $100 CASH Buys beautiful 6-room bungalow, Woodstock carllne: lot 50x100: soil the best In Oregon, with full cement basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; prettiest home in Portland; pay ment S20 per month. National Realty Jk Trust Co., 326 Wash. st.. room 51B. FOR SALE Exceptional buy; an all mod ern 7-room house, only block from 2 csrlines, price $3750; small payment down, balance to suit purchaser. O'BRIEN REALTY CO., 612 Abiugton Bldg. APARTMENT SITE 50x100 on th Pars: block ; & lovely location and can be bought on terms; $10,000. and a bargain. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. Room 619 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 50x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses; a spkm- " did buy at $3000 ; terms. Call at 645 Harold st. $200 CASH, $10 per month, buys a modern 4 -room house near Denver ave., on the Peninsula; don't miss this buy. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Failing bldg. TWO 8-room modern houses. Ladd's Addition. A bargain, and easy terms. East 2725, .or room 413 Merchants Trust blk. Thomas Vlgars, owner. $400 Desirable 6-room, 2-story residence. In northwest part of city, fractional lot; will be sold on easy terms. Parrlsh, Wat kins A Co.. 250 Alder at. NEW 7 -room bungalow, built for home. Just finished: lot 60x150; 2 blocks from car. Price $8500; $2500 cash; balance terms. J. D. Hayes A Co., S02 Swetland bldg. $11,000 HANDLES $17,000 apartment house. Lot 60x100; good location ; close In; in come quals 12 Vi Pr cent on price. J. D. Hayes A Co., 302 Swetland bldg. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Mason and Gar field ave.; terms; also confectionery and cash grocery. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 1006. BUNGALOW Just completed: beautiful home; close In, ready for occupancy; bar gain. Owner, 4 wo Gorlinger blag. $ 1700 6-room house, corner lot in Love- leign. vixw win nan die it. MARTIN J. H IGLEY 132, Third St. 4-ROOM modern house, furnished: bath electricity, furnace; terms. .10 Eaat Sloth North. Phon East 5974. Owner. WHEN moving "call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. jHia, a 1894; an ooverea. wagons, and experienced men. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvlngton. 496 East 20th st. North. Call and see It. 6-ROOM house in Rossmere, $2650. part cash. MARTIN J. HIGLET. 132 Third St. WOODLAWN cottage of S rooms, lot ftOxlOO; this I a bargain, at $1850. Call 410 Fall- vlar . , . . - REAL ESTATE. For Bale Houses. 8-ROOM BtHWALOW IN HAWTHORNE FOR.. $3000: ONLY $500 rOWN; $20 A MONTH. This is an exceptional buy. If you take it now wo will allow you to select the light fixtures to be in stalled. It has 5 bedrooms, 5 clothes closets, large reception hall with built-in hall seat, built-in window seats, built-in china closet, porcelain bath, wash bowl, linen closet, plate rail In diningroom, Dining-room Is Paneled; Fins large kitchen with elegant pantry, large front porch, rear porch is enclosed, double floors and walls, full cement ba&ament and ce ment floor, stationary laundry trays in basement. Th is is not a. cheap-built house, but Is well built, the woodwork all being sandpapered down and nicely varnished. The house is brand new and Is offered at a sacrifice price. $3000. RALPH ACKLET. 605 Corbett Bldg. THE A home with some individuality about it gives satisfaction to its owner. We have them ready HOUSE for your occupancy, or designed specially to suit you; well built, well located and well worth ex THAT amlnlng before buying else- where. Prices range from $1600 ' to $16,000. We will supply 75 rIFJb'ER3 per cent of cost of house and lot. Our book illustrates them, and will be furnished you at no further cost than the trouble it takes you to let us know you want it. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Building. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A beautiful home of 10 rooms cover ing a half block of ground and com manding an unobstructed view of the city, rivers and mountains. The grounds are finely improved and are worth more than the price of the house and grounds. This Is one of the few remaining desirable hom-es to be had on the lower Heights. R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. $1800 NEW, B-room modern house, Dutch Kitcneu, cement oasement, email payment down, balance $15 month; take Mt. Scott car to Milard ave., walk two blocks east to Haller Addition; owner on ground; will tint to suit. For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE Quarter block at southwest cor ner ot iwtti and couch, 1(H) feet from Washington st. W. E. Burke, 620 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. For 8a le -Fruit Lands. MT. HOOD DISTRICT APPLE LAND. Easy of access to Portland on WEST ERN foothill elope of Mt. Hood, on line of new railroad survey, 30 miles distant. Be an orchard owner and secure some of this, the choicest fruit land in Oregon, so claimed by eminent horticulturists; best of soil, ideal elevation, over 1200 feet, good water and air drainage, and price of land one quarter what other fruit sections more re mote from Portland are getting. Ask for our booklet, that gives all particulars of this favored locality, where hundreds of acres of commercial orchard development work is now under way, supervised by a pro gressive fruit-growers association. Call and investigate soon, as prices are advancing; from $30 per acre up. VANDCYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber Commerce. SPITZENBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 10, 20, 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price S300. $400. $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Liberal terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 810-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merrftt & Palmer, Sales Agents. TOIT PLANT TREES, WE FURNISH LAND. EACH OWN HALF INTEREST. We have client with choicest fruit land who will give you half interest If you will plant and care for one year; only 50 acres left, lo acres r up. F. W. Power & Co., 225 Henry bldg. Acreage. RUB? ACRES. 5. 10, 20-acre tract?, choice walnut and fruit land, level, improved, in high state of cultivation, on the Willamette, 1 hour's ride on Salem Electric; steamer transporta tion; fare 35c; fruit belt of Oregon; $150 per acre. 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 6 per cent; larger tracts with or without Irriga tion; don't lose this opportunity. DEAN LAND CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minutes from center of city, in 1 and 2 H -acre tracts; this will make you a liv ing and pay for itself; $50 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call on Trustee, 410 Failing bldg. ACREAGE in-large or small tracts en car line, close in; choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stamp her, 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4881, 7 ACRES' . at Crawfordsville. with bearing trees and good 6-room house; snap. 303 Washington, room 24. Homesteads. 4,000,000 FEET relinquishment on Siletz; good relinquishment near Portland; a few good homesteads left in Tillamook and Lincoln counties; relinquishment for trade. Nlmmo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamil ton bldg. SPECIAL rates for our next party for 320 acre homesteads in Central Oregon; railroads now bulldlns. Write for booklet or call and see us. B. S. Cook & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. 2 160-AC'RE relinquishments, Mudter apple belt. White Salmon Valley. 4 miles from the Columbia River; cheap. C. H. Plg gott, 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. RELINQUISHMENT, 120 acres irrigable; shallow well, best water; mile North Bank Ry. station and Columbia. Holmes, 4ol Oregonian bldg. 7.000.000 RELINQUISHMENT In Siletz, on main trail, good neighbors. $600 if taken this week. 733 Marquam bldg. Main So 14. HOMESTEADS, better, closer, cheaper than any others in Northwest. 303& Washington, room 24. For. SaleFarms. $o PER ACRE Great wheat country, 100 acre farms in the rich delta of the Sonora River, near American line, in Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate, deep garden soil, corn, wheat. cotton, beans. alfalfa, dates, oranges, lemons: all vegetable products; good market; 150,000 acres naw opened to American farmers; first 10.000 acres at $5 per acre, half cash; this is really $100 land. See or write us Immediately. O. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town ; this land Is very suitable for platting and is at present in good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William Mac Master, 302 Worcester block, Portland, or. 80 ACRES on Oregon Electric, 45 minutes from Portland : also Southern Pacific sta tion andswitch on land. 50 acres cleared, about 35 acres of which is best beaver dam land, orchard and buildings; will sell all or half. Owners, BENNETT & DERBYSHIRE, 201 Swetland Bldg. . HOYE & HOPKINS, SALEM, OR. Largest list of valley farms in the state. FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON HAND. 8 ACRES FOR SALU Most In cultivation. Vi mile east of Hills boro; price reasonable: no agents. Address owner. Route No. 4. Box 32. Hillsboro. Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying : lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co., Salem. Or. FINE FARM. Improved, only $30 per acre. 217 Ablngton. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage? Don't fail, to call at . "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. Tt costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't publish our list. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Timber in Polk Countv; give naWlnntnra In fiT- lottar a ( KTfl Ora. gonian. TIMBER lands wanted. S04 McKay bldg. C. J. McCracken, WANTED TO RENT FARMS. W H have a. client who wants to lease & hop TO EXCHANGE. 20 ACRES, 21 miles southeast of Portland, rich shot loam soil, lies level, on county road, 14 miles from Boring and O. W. P. - carline, 5 acres In cultivation, balance slashed, burned and seeded; will exchange for a good house and lot in Portland to value of $3000. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 838 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES In Washington County; good Im provements, some stock and household goods, all for $2000- or will exchange for , vacant lots. Atlas Land Co., 420 Lumber Exchange. WILL exchange eight shares stock In Unique Brick Jfc Tile Co., of Portland, value $SOO, for lot. Henry Black, - Sll Boyr, Walla Walla, Wash. 1 LOTS, 50x145, Menlo Park Sid-a. $200, to exchange for board 2 persons. C. H. Piggott, 14 Mulkey bldg. 10 'to 40 ACRES, partly improved, apple land In Hood River, for lots 'or house and lLt. N 572, Oregonian. POOLROOM at invoice, clears $200 per monia; easy terms; win taic part In trade. Cor. 3d. and Ankeny. WILL trade moving-picture machine with rheostat, arc lamp, 20 slides, 1S95 feet of film, for a. lot. Sell. 648- FOR EXCHANGE Large tract on cut-over land and some timber, very near this city, for income property. D 677, Oregonian. WILL exchange good acreage or fruit land for first, second or contract mortgages. N 571, Oregonian. WILL sell or trade steam laundrv clearing $loo per month; cause sickness. 303 Wash ington, room 24. WTLL TRAD HJ equity in Portland lot for Deacn lot, jewelry or furniture. H 677, Ore gonian. 20 ACRES in raisins, near Fresno, -Cal., ex change for Portland property. M 6S0, Oregonian. 100 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bargain, clears zuu. ooo Tillamook st. C 1132. Owner. WILL get you anything in trade for any- LOTS in country town to exchange for city property. N" 581, Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. PORTLAND West Side property, value $8500, i or country store, u oez, uregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 7960 ACRES of fine yellow pine. Lake County, cruising over 75,0 00, 000 ft. ; prioe $1.60 per M. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON, WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACE Y & CO.. Ch lcago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. SOME fine timber on the S ant lam for 65 cents per M.; tributary to both river and R. R. ; look this up. ZIMMERMAN, 21 Board of Trade Bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. KLinrley & Stampher, 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments." 327 Worcester block. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 6 or 7-room modern house, near St. Mary's Catholic Church. Albina : will pay cash. Phoue Main 8045. A 7470. FOR BAXJC Horses, Vehicles and Harness, ' PAIR of bays, horse and -marc, ages 6 and 7, weight 2400, nicely mated; pair of sor rels, mare and horse. 8 and 9. weight 2K)0; pair of black mares, S and 9, both safely with foal to German coach stallion, weight 2500; also 12 head of horses and mares, weight from 1000 to 1300 lbs.; one odd heavy horse, weight li00, 7 years of age. No. 1 Stables. Front and Market. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, frm. vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FRENCH COACH driving team, coal black, well- matched, A years old, both mares, well 'broke, good disposition, good drivers ' and make good appearance. Write or call on Rev. C A. Burris, Brooks, Or. Will be at , the Perkins Hotel, Portland, Or., Wednesday noon. FOR SALE One span well-matched draft horses, weight 29u0; two teams heavy draft horses, weight 3250; one team weight 3000. Shown East 4804. C 1477. WE buy.i sell or exchange horses, mares, wagons, buggies, harness, saddles. Washington st. I AM in the market to buy 20 head of mares weighing llOO lbs. or more. Main 8788. 1200-LB. horse, single wagon and harness; all first-class; cheap. Main 5645. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. WANTED Good cutter. Main S7S8. Antomobnea. AUTOMOBILES for sale. $350 and up. Geo. R. Flora. 4 TO E. Burnside st. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d SC Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. KIMBALL piano for sale, as good as new, $H00. half cash, balance monthly pay ments, $250 if all cash. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE New auxetophone phonograph for nickelodion; will sell cheap for ca&h. Apply Erickson's Cafe. 2d and Burnslde st. $400 PIANO cheap. S. J. Yetes, cor. 4th and Porter sts. Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock. FRESH JERSEY COW, persistent milker, t quarts daily, testing 5 per ent. Phono Tabor 1009. M lscellaneon s. S A FES 14 second-han d safes very cheap on monthly payments. We have moved from 7th - st. to 87 5th st., near Stark. A complete stock of new safes. Call or write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 6th st. FOR SALE Suitable for a Christmas pres ent, a set of books. The World's Great History, in 62 vols., nicely bound and printed in fine type; a bargain.- Call 216 Marquam bldg. SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma chines, drop head and box top, of all makes, at very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th. CASH register, computing scales, gas range, restaurant dishes. Japanese curtains, small counter, refrigerator, very cheap. 409 E. Burnside. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.. 203 2d il FOR SALE Small safe, containing compart ments; no space for books; will sell cheap; ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan. 1. AK 563, Oregonian. BEST dry flr and oak wood, either sawed or 4-f t., at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7-451, A 5443. FUR COAT, the same as new; will sell cheap ; size, 36. Mrs. Tanner, 4&H 9th st. North. FOR SALE Two Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. 2 White Leghorns. Phone Black 462. Milwaukie, Or. GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord wood and coal. Multnomah Fuel Co. Phone Main 6540, A 2116. 10O BARNEY & BERRY roller skates and electric piano. 308 W. 8th, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Wheel in fine condition, good tires, coaster brake, extras. Call East 8345 after 7 P. M. SHOE repairing, finisher, foot power. Cham pion, second-hand, and cheap. 310 Burn side. 500 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.26. Ryder Ptg. Co., 357 Burnside st. Main 5536. PEDIGREED Scotch collie pups for sale cheap. Call or address 490 Clay st. 600 BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this ad. Rose City Printery, 192 3d. iniu.r AMuhiDfld blacksmith shoix irood to wnj efir milfla from Portland. 48 2d at. J FOR SALE. Misoella FOR this month we will sell watches, dia monds and Jewelry for the amount loaned and Interest at Uncle Myers, 143 Sd st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BY PORTLAND COMMONS Men, Women and children's cast-off clothing, boots, shoes, underwear, to be given, to worthy people, not sold. Phones Main 1665, A 7420. Also odd Jobs for men. 213 North Front st. WANTED One second-hand boiler, about 100-horsepower, suitable for 125 pounds of steam; Scotch marine preferred. W 576, Oregonian. WANTED Men's castoff clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni utre. Woodard's Auction House. Phone Main 3078, B 1034. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladles clothing. EL 1015. 94 Grand ave. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445, Main 8851. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladles' and gents second-hand clothing and shoes. 290 First st. Main 20S0. WANTED To buy a second-hand bowling alleys; write or phone Columbia Hotel, Van couver, Wash. L. A. Hepburn. HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool furs. Phones A 7618, Main 5198. J. Leva, 186 Columbia. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone -East 1067. WANTED Diamond earrings, 1 carat stone or more each. AL 669, Oregonian. WE buy, sell or exchange anything; -pay high est prices; sell for less. Main 6297. HELP WANTED MALE. WE are operating In the Deschutes coun try; this is the scene of marvelous real estate activity and the Investing public is intensely interested. It is the best field in the Northwest for an active sales man and we can use a few more hustlers. Liberal commission. Ask for Mr. How land. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 200 Chamber of Commerce. COO STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted imme diately for firemen or brakexnen on near by railroads; good vision; account in creasing business; 100O men sent to posi tions last three months, $75. $10O monthly. Promotion Address, stating age, weight, height, send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th St., Portland, Or. SALESMEN for city and vicinity who want to earn big money and can sell a gllt edge public utility investment, we have the proposition and if you can dollver the goods the amount you can make is practically unlijhlted; references required. M 582, Oregonian. WANTED Men at Ios Angeles, electricity, automobiling, plumbing, bricklaying, car pentry, sign painting, trades taught in few months; no cash expense; actual contract work. Write for catalogue. Linited Trade School Contracting Co., 236 Aliso, Los An geles. WANTED Young men. honest and Indus trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi tions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc. ; thousands appointed ; good entrance sal ary, with promotions. Call or write. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg. CABINET-MAKERS who would like to have an Interest in. the business can secure per manent position in one of the best pay ing factories In Portland. Call Sunday lO to 4 or weekdays. Phones E. 409. B 113L Factory 475 East Alder st. FIRST-CLASS plumber who can Invest some money in business; must understand domestic water heating thoroughly. Call at factory office. East 9th and Alder. Range Boiler Insulator Mfg. Co. WANTED Steady man, able to check goods, etc; will pay $25 week now; can be increased with interested help; $250 required. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. CALIFORNIA. Free fare for R. R. construction men; ship daily ; the fare is "free," not taken . from your pay. C R.i HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St. HERE Is a rare chance for a young man with $250, as I am alone and tired of hired help ; duties easily learned. 6-10 Swetland bldg., 122 5th st. WANTED COO men to visit the "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg.; suits, overcoats, $30 to $40 values, $18; $20 to $28 values, $12 BIG money-making proposition for steady, sober young man; experience unnecessary; $100 upwards required. 326 Washing ton, room 417. WANTED Young man for wlrelesa and rail way telegraphy; railway wires in school; day and evening classes; investigate. Ore gon College, S3 5th, near Oak st. MOTION picture operators earn $25 and $35 weekly. Easy inside work, short hours, learn busin ess in short time, lessons rea sonable. 626 Washington st. BOYS WITH WHEEL. Wanted at once. Apply to . OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeeping, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial A-bstract Co., 40S Commercial Club bldg. FAMILY liquor solicitor; good commission - to capable man. 265 Taylor. Call after noon. AGENTS wanted to sell lots on West Side at $500; good commission. T 671. Ore gonian. SUPT. for reinforced concrete building; state experience, salary xpected and references. H 575, Oregonian. CHEF, first-class, country hotel, $110; cafe teria cook, $25 week ; others. C. R. H ANSEN & CO.. 26 N- 2d St. MARRIED man on ranch; a good proposition for right party. Address R. D. No. 1, box 38. Wilbur, Or. WANTED Man to represent manufacturer tn Portland ; small capital required to maintain office. Room 504). Imperial Hotel. WANTED Man to haul 100 cords of wood to river bank, near Oswego. Address or call Willamette Fuel Co., Portland. EXCELLENT contracts to first-class men to write health and accident insurance. Room L Commercial dub bldg. WANTED Foreman for installing power plant; must unaersiana steam machinery and concrete work. F .678, Oregonian. WANTED A man with donkey engine to clear stump lands. The Elgin Oregon Com mercial Club. WANTED Photograph and portrait agent; new, winning oner. cutoertn, Delcum bldg. SOLICITOR wanted, good Income. Call bet. 9 and 11 A. M.. 2S4 San Rafael St., cor. Williams ave. "WANTED A good cook ; satisfied to pay good wages. Appiy lew wing at. I'none Main 5214. EARN $4 per hour working evenings only; $300 for equipment. AH 663, Oregonian. WANTED An all-around man in the meat market. Address Box 361, Eugene, Or. MAN for Washington and Oregon; big money, new line. w otn sr., room o- FIRST-CLASS pork trimmer. Jones Meat Mar ket. 151 4th st. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman big wages; permanent. 215 Commercial block. COREM AKERS wanted. Apply at Independ ent Foundry. 23d and York st. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership, Y- M. C- A. WANTED A German cook mt 64 at. HELP WANTED MALEL j SWITCHMEN. Enginemen. trainmen. R. R. men, who understand signals, to act as switchmen ; wages 84c hour and overtime while trouble Is on; board and room will be advanced for any competent man accepted, who is temporarily unable to pay In advance. These men are wanted at once to fill vacancies caused by striking switchmen on the N. P. R- R- Further particulars and free transportation from C R. HANSEN & CO 6 North Second St Portland, Or. 1500 MEN WANTED. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY, CORDOVA. ALASKA. 96 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting to be let to station men at $1.20 per cubio yard; loose rock. 60c; earth, 30c. Splendid opportunity for good rockmen to make big money. Fare. $15. Shipments 1st, 5th, 8th, 16th, 20th and 24th of each month. Call or write for full particulars. M. J. HENEY, 514-15-10 Colmaa Bldg. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission ; experience unnecessary. Call at office. Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carllne. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESWOMEN. Competent and experienced. Wanted tn a number of our departments. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN' St KING. WANTED Elderly strong woman to take care ox six-montns-oia Daty at my own home; will pay good wages; German pre ferred; no letters. Call at -44 Oregon street. Take Broadway car. Mrs. Strauss. GIRLS 16 Tears of age, wanted. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN KING. LADIES at home' day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S4 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, S26H Washington St., Room 307. Main 8S3S or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. RELIABLE woman of good address and neat appearance, for permanent employment. AH 574, Oregonian. GIRL or woman wanted for general housework- Call- 628 Fourth st. Phone Main 1243. WANTED A girl for general housework; iiiuoi uo Bunti plain cuua. -A.iijr utuiu ings at- 721 Johnson st. GIRL wanted for housework, no cooking, no washing, two children, the baby 6 years old. 548 2d st. A GOOD girl wanted to assist with general housework. 56 Lucretia St., near Wash ington and 22d sts. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1131 Franklin st., Willamette Heights. Phone A 2420. WANTED Girls to learn how to branch flowers; paid while learning. Lowengart & Co.. 92 Front st. WANTED Bright young woman for tele- phone operator. Apply Wad hams & Kerr Bros. WANTED-r-A lady solicitor. good cold weather krticle. 416 Merchants Trust bldg., 326 Washington st COMPETENT girl for general housework in family of 3. 120 East 15th st. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. Apply 142 Union ave. North. 10 LADY sol ici tors for al 1 Oregon towns. Write or call 360 Stanton et., phone C 1036. GIRL -wanted at Hotel Hoyt, 10th and Hoyt sts. GIRL, second work, small family, apply or write 40O 20tn at., Portland Heights. G-IRL for waitress in small restaurant. 2SIS V Morrison et. WANTEp Girl for general housework; good wages. Call 717 Broadway. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting ; expert method. 304 12th st. Main 6S90. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL to learn dining-room work In private boarding-house. 735 Hoyt st. MIDDLE-AGED woman or girl for general housework, family two. 251 N. 26th st. NEAT, quick waitress wanted Stein's Res taurant. 2664 Stark. No Sunday work. WANTED Girl to do general housework. Call 1103 Thurman st. WANTED Capable family cook, wages $35. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039. GIRL to care for children after 7:30 in the evening. Phone Main 3070. WANTED Experienced family secon d glrL $30. St- Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039. GIRL for housework, small family; washing. 73S E. Couch. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 26U 14th. Main 3 893. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland. WANTED Dramatic and vaudeville acts, singers, comedians, etc. 526 f Wash. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. HONEST, young, single man, from she East, wants & position in general merchandise store in country town; eight years exper ience; salary no object as I wish to get busy. AG 570, Oregonian. M Iscellaneo as. POSITION as eneineer or Janitor in steam- heated building, experienced in oil. coal or wood fuel; can make all repairs. A 583. Oregonian. WANTED Management of ranch, experi enced stock, fruit, general farming; pood hand with machinery and help; A-l refer ences. D 5S1. Oregonian. RELIABLE Japanese, graduate of grammar scnooi. wisnes to wor ana learn tne art of photography in studio for board and . room. u oi, oregonian. POSITNON WANTED A-l box factory foreman, 20 years' experience, shook and city factory, bst of references. Room 6, 361 3d st. ptione A 3SSS. SITUATION as foreman or teamster, first class references as to work and honesty. P. o. 5 ox 31. uorest Grove, ur. MASSEUR German L wishes nosition In bath or springs. Dave Stabler, 515 River st, Nw Terry Hotel, Portland. MAN and wife, experienced hotel and camp cooks, want position in logging camp. C 57S, Oregonian YOUNG MAN wants position offering oppor tunity; graduate university; references. C 579, Oresonian. POSITION at once by honest, sober, married man of 25, as clerk in grocery; w-agos no ooj ect. o t o, oregonian. WANTED Position as house electrician; can run small steam or gasoline plant wages reasonable. O 581, Oregonian. MAN HANDY with tools, can do hot and cold water, also gas fitting, wants - Incfde work. 520 Mar&naii st. ss. fnone a x. YOUNG handy man with experience in many branches or mecnanics wisnes position with reasonable wages. AH 570, Oregonian. around millman. Pest of references Ad dress jwox itii. jnenans, wasn. A "M a.ll-round millwright open for ensraes- raent; new work preferred. AC 660, Ore gonian. JAPANESE cook wants situation in private family. Mam wati. GOOD sausRKemaker. German, wants no sition. Ohio Hotel, Front and Madison. JAPANESE boy wants position, cook and general ftouseworK. u t l, uregonian. STRONG young man to work for wholesale firm; references. AC 5, oregonian. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. furnish all help. Mala 4659 a, 4073. 20s iecett st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. JANTTOR or caretaker: young man and wife. no cnucren. tnorougniy reiiaDie ana re sponsible; permanent position preferred; very best of city or country references. "Temple." corner Yamhill and 7th. -Phone Main 6344. MAN and wife will cook in camp; we mean ousiivess IT wages are right. Home pbone A 1003, 7 to 7:30 P. M. For full ad dress and business talk, AH 6S3, Ore gonian. CARPENTER and builder, new or repair work. 48 Failing st. Woodlayn 1236. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. OFFICE work wanted; young lady desires cial insurance, mail order or newspaper. F 573. Oregonian. Dressmakers. GENERAL dressmaking by competent and experienced seamstress; goes to homes; references. A 490L SHIRTWAISTS, skirts, plain sewing, linen hemmed, dolls dressed. Phone Main 1S06. WANTED Dressmaking by day. Phone Main 4415, Miss Carter, 555 Yamhill St. TRAINED nurse, five years private exper ience; references; moderate price. Mala 320S. EXPERIENCED child's nurse wishes po sition; wages $30. Inquire Y. W. C. A., hours 10 to 4. Domestics. COOK. Norwegian girl, very capable hotel, . nice boarding-house, $40. St. Louis, 245Vi Wash, Main 2039. A 4775. GIRL wanted for general housework, family of three. S25 Hancock et., cor. 26th. Broadway car. GOOD, plain, Swedish cook wants general housework. 127 N. 16th. Housekeepers. POSITNON as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house; will go to country. Phone Main 72S5. between 6 and 7 P. M. or F 579, Oregonian. LADY with boy 8 wishes housekeeper's posi tion In refined family. AF 562, Oregonian. SWEDISH woman, boy 8, housekeeper. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 209. Miscellaneous. OOO ICS. housekeepers. chambermaids, nurses, washing, ironing, -cleaning. St. Louis, 245 Washington, Main 2039, A 4775. COMPETENT cook wishes position by 16th; best of references; wages $4.0. AH 681, Oregonian. WANTED Upstairs work and sewing in private family. Inquire Y. W. C. A., hours 10 to 4. A GERMAN woman wants reneral h ouse work In a fa-mllv of adults. Inquire 768 Division. Phone Main 9217- YOUNG, Swedish woman desires work by the day. Apply "Temple," cor. Yamhill and 7th. Main 6344. EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid wants work In rooming-house or hotel. Phono Main 8137. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, no half days, 25c hour; references. Phone East 860. STENOGRAPHER with one year's experience; rapid and accurate; moderate salary. A 5446. RELIABLE woman wants work by the day. Main 8398. GIRL wants general housework. 64S North rup st. WANTED Day work by capable woman. Phone Main 4394. GOOD woman wishes day work. Phone Main 6813. YOUNG LADY wishes work of any kind; will leave city. D 575, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by day; references. Phone East 6253, room 26. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c a pair, phone O 1658, East 5S37. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED. Peerless electric cleaners; absorb all dirt; wanitary and easily operated by compressed air method: sells on sight; price is within reach of every one; reliable agents wanted. Write for Information. Eastern Manufac turers Co., 83 5th et Portland Or. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. AGENTS Have some odds and ends, very cheap; good money. 522 Worcester bldg. WANTED TO BENT. Rooms. FURNISHED room, $7 per month. G 578, Oregonian. Booms With Board. YOUNG GENTLEMAN desires comfortable heated room in private family, central; at home only three nights in the week. J3S 578, Oregonian. YOUNG, refined couple desires two or three rooms, furnished or unfurnished, after Christmas, steady; pleasant location, heat, modern conveniences. K 579. Oregonian. BOB RENT. Rooms. THREE nicely furnished front rooms; fur nace heat and bath. 221 13th St.. The Hawthorne. phone Main 6302. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL SAVON, 131 H Eleventh St. NEW, modern brick building; Just opened; ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private baths, excellent location, Juert itt Washing ton st.; special rate by week or month. TUB MOODY HOUSE. 8d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 6 minutes walk Washington and 3d ; just completed ; new furnishings, hot and. cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, oonvenlent. rooms large, light, airy ; single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3, $4 and fa per week. Phone A 7731. M. 8639. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout ; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. SARGENT HOTEL. ' Nw management. Grand, Hawthorne; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone. E. 291. iij every room; largest rooms in city for permanent people, baths; transient 50c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr. HOTEL ANTLERS. ' Corner 10th and Washington Sts. Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low monthly rates; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; beautifully furnished; tourist trade solicited. HOTEL LARABEE, Larabee St.. near Hol hoday ave., east end of Steel bridge, rooms by day, week or month, steam heat, electric light, hot, cold water, free baths. J2.50 per week up. Take L, U or SU ' John car to door. Phone East 849. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water in all rooms ; very reasonable terms. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICE large furnished front room, suitable for 2 people; all conveniences; close in; $4 per week. 251 7th et. UNFURNISHED rooms. Fall-mount Hotel, quit reasonable; 26th and Upshur sts. v A 546$. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; 50o to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. THE REC Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per week. 548 1, Washington st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3, $4. $5 per week; transient. APARTMENTS for gentlemen; furnace heat; 4 blocks south Portland Hotel. 207 7th st. FURN1SHHTD rooms, Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex, 414 YaxnhUl and, 11th. ROR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof butldinf. steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; every thing first-class; rates. 50c, 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see ua 128 6th st. North. Homelike Homelike Homelike . . h NEW SCOTT HOTEL 1 seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Wlnter home at reasonable rates for those who apprecaite cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, nrst-i!lass furnished rooms, slnslo or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea ronable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large rooms for housekeeping. 206 13th st. phone Main 7648. FurnUhed Rooms In Private Family. A PLEASANT, homo-like room, with every convenience for one or two gentlemen, who can furnish references. No other roomers. East Side, walking distance. Phone E. l$9. YOUNG LADY, engaged during the day. wishes congenial room-mate ; one with, theatrical tastes preferred. E 575, Orego nian. NICE single room for gentleman, also large front alcove room, private familv. very central. 388 Salmon st. bet. W. Park and Tenth. NICELY furnished front room; furnace heat, free bath and phone. 108 Twelfth street, near Washington. A LARGE front room, neatly furnished for 2 or 3 gentlemen with good board at $23 each. A 3875. 549 Yamhill. NICELY furnished room, for gentleman in new, modern house; use of piano, $7 per month. 211 E. loth st. 291 (JROSBY, near Steel bridge; modern house, closo In; all conveniences. 258H 13TH ST.. nicely furnished room, new house, every convenience ; gentlemen only. FURNISHED sleeptng-room, home comforts and use of kitchen. 64 N. 20th st. FURNISH D room in private family; refer ence. 412 Main. Phone A 64S7. LARGE front room, heat, running water, close In. 214 lath. NICELY-FURNISHED sleeping room to let. 6&i!i East Morrison, cor. East 20th St. Rooms With Board. THE WEAVER. 7t0 Wash Inst -in st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the mini mum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, tall and in spect; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, 1S6 6th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, Supt. THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with, or without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th. LARGE front room, 2 clothes closets, with board. 440 3d, the Hollywood. NICE, large rooms, with first-class board. 535 Couch st The Sterling. Rooms With Board In Private Family. BOYS I have 2 rooms, with or without board, in modern flat, suitable for 4 gen tlemen; good home cooking. furnace heat, hot and cold water, bath and phone; very close in. Address 18S lath at. Main 4021. TWO or three gentlemen can find a nice board ing place in private family, all home cook ing, by calling at 464 Jeffeiwon or phone Main 862$. LARGE, handsomely furnished front room, furnace fireplace, board, all conveniences. 27 7th. BOARD and room; bath, phone parlor, piano, home cooking; 6 week. 1W1 lith. near lam hill. Phon Main 6903. ROOM and board in refined private family offering comforts of good home; business people. 712 Hoyt st. ROOM and board in private family for 2; modern; piano, gas, electric light, furnace heat, bath. Main 4294. 194 North 17th. ROOM and board. Front room, steam heat, suitable for two gentlemen, price reasonable. 653 Washington St. SINGLE and double rooms with board, in private family; strictly modern flat, fur nace, hot water. 414 Vi Jefferson. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms; break fast if wanted: home comforts. 671 B. Mor rison st. Phone East 455$; reasonable. BOARD and room, private family; best home cooking; gas, bath, phone; references. 859 Benton. Phone East 6S7. ROOM and board for 2 modern, close in. reasonable. Sd East 8th North. East 722. NEWLY furnished room, with board: East Side, near Steel Bridge. Phone C 2790. FRONT room with board, modern home. 62 Lucretia street, near Hi 11 Hotel. ROOMS and board, walking distance, phone, bath, heat. 327 W. Park st. $20 Pleasant room for. two. $40: modern con veniences, furnace heat. 470 Main st. NICE room and board in modern private home ; reasonable. 005 Everett. LARGE front room, suitable for 2, with board. 120 14th. Main 366. Apartments. THE LE1THCOOK APARTMENTS New brick. Grand ave. and East Stark ; well furnished 3-room apartments possessing every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private baths and phones; while these apartments are as up-to-date as any in the city and about as close to the business center, the prices are consid erably less; ready for occupancy about Dec. 1. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Columbia! 4 blocks from Morrison st.; new brick build ing, completely first-class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed air clean ing. Janitor service; rent very reasonable. RE -U-KAN. The most exclusive furnished apart ments in the city; three-room suits, bath and reception hall, both phones, electrlo elevator; take W or IGth-st car. 624 Marshall st. LAURETTE APARTMENTS Highest-class 1n PortlHnd; no wall beds, steam heat, hot water, flrelpps cooker, telephones, janitor service, one three-room, furnished, private bath, $r0; adults; five minutes from Port land Hotel. 11th St., near Salmon. LEAVING CITY Attractive modern 6-room unfurnished apartment for nent, lnrlud -Ing free telephone, gas, elr-ctrlc light, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor, etc. Y 571, Oregonian. FOR SALE A new and completely furnish-! 3-room apartment; very reasonable; West Side, best location. E 562, Oregonian. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished apartments, $15 up; take "S or 16th-st. cars North, get off at Marshall. THE MILNER. SAO Morrison, cor. Park; team-hcated home apartments; two or three rooms; ail conveniences. jTlats, WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 161S, A 1U84. All covered wag ons, ail experienced men. ELEGANT, up-to-date upper flat; every con venience ; adults; walking distance. Call at 32SH Mill t. MODERN flat, 7 rooms, furnace, gas and electricity 146 24th s. North. NEW, swell, modern ft-room flat, cor. 83d and Hawthorne. 7-ROOM corner f!at; all modem conveniences. Mrs. R. Stott. 268 Park st. Main 1219. MODERN 6-room lower flat to responsible tenant only. 7 S3 Hoyt at. phone A 5162. FLATS, 731 Hoyt sv., near 22d, ft rooms and bath. Inquire 1S2 6th st. Main 627$. 6-ROOM bodera flat for rent. 446 Pmrk,