10 THE 3IOItyiXG- k)REGOXIA3f, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1909. AMUSEMENTS. Bungalow Theater , 12th and Morrison. Phonwr: Main 117 and "A" 4224. TONIGHT TUESDAY WfoXEiDAI. Special Trice Matinee Wednesday. The Sensational Musical Plav. "The Soul Kiss" Evening: tt-BO to COc Matinee: tl.CO to 28c. SEAT FRITZ SALE KREISLER riDrwo Bnnr'1l'iv Tfaeater Oi'i.JNS miDAY Wednpsrlav afternoon. so. weanesaay, pPC.. an. no. $i.oo. in A TVT "": box Beats, J2.00; 1Ul rallery. 50c. BAKER THEATER Geo. Ia Baker Mgr. Main 2. A 5360. Tonight all thin -week bargain matinee Wednesday. All seats 2.1c. Georjt M. Cohan's famous Musical Comedy "45 MINCTK8 FROM BROADWAY." With Charlie Brown as Kid Burns and Kllzabeth Drflw as Plain Mary. Immense company and productions. Evening pricea 25c to $1.00. Saturday matinee 25c. sne. t Next week "The I .and of Nod." MAP B. A 1020. MATINEE EVERY DAY. 15-25-50& S.GHTS THEATER "i5-?5-5l3-75C WEEK TBC. 6 Edwina Barry In "The Home Breaker,' lav. two Coleye and Fay. the ' Brailm Quartette. Pott-er-Hartwell itw, .look McKay, larieri-a-, -j Mnng aasiuu, 1'icture.. Orchestra. LYRIC THEATER Phones. Main 4SS3, A 1026. Prices. 30. 20. 10 The Popular Athon Stork Company -In- Tempest and Sunshine" t.old Watch OlT-en Away Friday Kvenlngr Matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening at S.35. Next Week "Mr. Potter of Texas." Coming "The Squawman." Advanced Vaudeville Engagement Kxtrnonlinarv OTTO FE1CHTIH T RO T.KAN SEXTET The Original Tyrolean Warblers Top Mn1 in Every Theater of Importance in Amcrira Special Added Attraction FRED HSCHER Jr MAI KICK BIRKIIARD Instigators of Mirth Popular Prices Matinee) Daily Cnrtain 2:30, 7:30 and 9 GRAND WEEK " Bohemian Sextette Vaudeville's Prettiest Mnging Act OF DECEMBER ' Myrtle Byrne ft Co. f.ertle Everett Nat Naxarro Troape lioer v Mnzar Fred Bauer Grandascope Matinee every day. . Evening performances, 15c; lower floor, 25c; 2:80: any seat, 35c. , 7:30. 9:15; balcony, box seats, 50c STAR THEATER The New Show Great. IJFE OF MOSES. Produced under direction Rev. Madison C -Peters. and 6 Other Features 6 Including a. Japanese melodrama. OPENS TONIGHT! ARMORY BIG CHARITY" FAIR AND HOUSE BEAUTIFUL EXHIBITION Benefit People's Institute. ROSEBROOK AND HIS BAND Big Free Vaudeville. Multnomah Circus Sideshow OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY V RESIDENT. Main tM. WCKITaBI. Mala SSa. HUMANE orFKlB. Kaat 477. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE loan: Lowest rates and terms to suit, i Special rates for business properties. ' Funds loaned for private investors. M. E. THOMPSON CO. Corner Fourth and Oak Streets. .Phones. Main 6084, A 3327. Place Your Fire Insurance "With TJa. INFORMATION Reliable, free Information on all Ore iron and , Washington lands. Booklets on all counties. OreKon Lands Informntlon Bnrean. 604-6-8 Board of Trade blda;.; Portland. Willamette Heights The owner Instructs us to sell his . fine new 7-roora house regardless of cost. C'hapln Herlow. Chamber of Commerce. AUCTION SALE. ' One Hood team of hores. eet of harness and one bUBgv; will be sold at auction Mon day at 2 P. M.. at So North Sd St., to the hiKhest bidder; can be seen Monday from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. WILL EXriIASGK 40-acre fruit or chard, one mile from large Oregon town, for income or vacant city prop erty, pay or accept difference. If. lv. MOORG, St7 Board of Trade. GEORGE BLACK, PCBI.K: ACCOUNTANT. AI1 Branches , S?S Worcesler Bldff- fboMI Main S371. A 4018. XEW TODAY Beautiful eonePark Level as a floor. Cleared and clean as a garden. full-grown, bearing fruit trees. Surrounded by attractive homes. Near a new city park. Only 20 minutes' car ride. " "ar 3 blocks distant on two sides. Graded streets and water. $500 up, and easy terms, Let me tell you h.ow the first 10 buyers can get reduction of 10 per cent from list price and save in terest. V. Vincent Jones 3 Commercial Club bldg. M. 1 44 4. A 14 14. WHILE YOU ARE PAYING RENT The other fellow, who is earning the same income as you. Is paying for a home of his own at Gregory Heights, and when he gets bis home paid for you will still be paying rent unless you turn over a new leaf very soon. Now is the time to get started. There is nothing to be gained by delay. We sell the lots as low as $160 on terms of $5 cash and $2.50 per month. We also build homes for all purchasers who desire It for small monthly install ments about equal to present rentals. Gregory Heights is located in one of Port land's finest residence districts. 7Sh W i INVESTMENT CO.0 Take Rose City car at Third and Yam hill; fro to end of carline. Office on the property. LARGE FACTORY SITE On 16th street near Tlmr man, 150x100. For price and terms, CALL AT A. J. GANTNER 618 Board of Trade Bldg. Place Your FIRE INSURANCE With M. E. THOMPSON CO. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts., Henry Bldg. Phones, Main 6084, A 3327. We have Money to Loan. Tenth Street ot near Washington. Price for a fi -s, $32,000. v Russell & Blythe . Commonwealth BulldJnfc Sixth-St. Corner ROxlOO; income. Price $60,000. Fine buy. ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. b . & Co. M- 3349. SO Hamilton bid Beck, William G.. S13 Failing bldg. Birrell, A. H- Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. Chapln A Herlow, 4132 Chamber Commerce Cook. B. 8. & Co.. 603 Torbett bldg. Fields, C- E. & Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 188. 206 Oregonian. KIRK & KIRKHAM, Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Farrlsh, Wa tic Ins A Co.. 250 Alder at. Sohalk, Geo. 264 Stark t. Main or A. Sharkey. V. P. & Co., Sixth t. The Oregon Real Estate Co,. Grand ave. and Multnomah si. Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. K$L ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. SEMI-BUSINESS AND APARTMENT Site; full corner on West Side, on carline; easy walk to P. O.; under value for ten i days' time; you will have to hurry; only $12,000, one-third cash, balance eay. VANDUTN & WALTON, J 515 Chamber Commerce. DO TOIT WANT THIS BARGAIN? Waverleigh Heights lot worth $800, will sell for $5n0, close to car and close in, near 27th st. Phone 8960, or A 7574. W. .1. BAKER, 510 Board of Trade Bldg. A FEW LEFT. A few lot left near (he great manufac turing district .?f the Peninsula. Come and see us about them. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. 84 4th st. ' SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains ana Tualatin valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest ; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade. bldg. Phone Main 934. BARGAIN. Quarter block. TOO feet from Union ave., 4 feet above street grade; price $2400. Is cheap at $8000. Osburn Bros... SOS McKay bldg x IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 100x100 on E. 20thvst.; price $2650; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON snaps; cast-facing lot. choice tirmupdings, near carline: fully improved ; $1050. oay terms-. Phone East 394. HALF block of high, sightly ground with neveral trees in choice residence district, $1250. See owner. 410 Failing bldg. FOR Investments or homes near the great s factory center on the Peninsula, see Colum bia Trust Co., 84 4th st. 1 IF you own lot will build you a house on terms. Eastman Co., 303 Abfngton bldg. Main 5236. CHOICE - corner Jot. seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable for two bouses; $2000. W- H. O'Neill, 229 1 Ith St. lO $:t-50 South Mt. Tabor lots,, this week only $180 cash. 317 Abington. IRVINGTON' lots. $UOO to $1250; paved street. A. Backus. 519 cotd uf Trade bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. SIGHTLY RKSIDENC'E LOTS. 50x100 on 'Willametle Heights, located on Raleigh, between 29th and 30th sts., 2 blocks from streetcar line, restricted district and surrounded by beautiful homes; price $2500. AM 575, Oregonian. mVTNGTON-HOTXAErAY DISTRICT. 10x100, cor., near Hancock. street graded, sidewalk and curb in and contract for hard-surface pavement to be l?t at once; in neighborhood of fine home; see us at once; this won't last ; price $2700. pood terms. R. F. BRYAN'. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963 A 1 2 J 7. flAWTHORNB'AVK.LOT, $20. v 6Oxl"0 lot, 1 'blocks from Hawthorne ave. ; lies 2 feet above street, street im-r proved and paid for, east front; price $SOO; $20 cash. $20 per month. GRUSSI & ?ADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. For bale -Houses. THE A home with some individuality about it gives satisfaction to its owner. vVe . have them ready HOUSE for your occupancy, or designed specially to suit 1-ou; well built, - well located and Hire II worth ex THAT amining before buying else where. Prices range from $1600 s to $16,000. We wilt supply 75 DIFFERS per cent of cost of house and lot. Our book illustrates them, and will be furnished you at no further cost than the trouhle It takes you to let us know you want it. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Building. WB ARB BUILDING -MORB HOUSES THAN A N Y COXT R ACTOR I X T H E C ITY THERE IS A REASON: WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MOWEY, BUILD W'KLu BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN TUB LOT WE WIL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST COc. 502 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON. An elegant 10-room residence, up to date, on carline, lot 100x1 0O; this la a choice home. 7-room bouse, east front, convenient to car; look this up. ft-room house, nice lawn, near car; come and see this. AE 572, Oregoniau- EAST ANKENT ST. HOUSE. Good 8-room, 2-story house, on E. An keny et., west of 24th. a good comfort able home at a real bargain; lot Ib COxttO; price $3000, part cash and ?20 per month. iSee It before too late. ORCSSX & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. NICE HOME. CHEAP. Modern ti-room, . 2-story house, nearly new, near Anabell. 1 -block from car, cor ner lot, 40xlOO; price ?2S00, part cash, bal ance monthly. Tt will pay you to see this, as it is a nice place and a. bargain. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $10 A MONTH. HOUSE,' Ready to move into; 2- good lota; you can get it for your own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right in. Call at Gregory's office in Gregory Height-. Take Rose Cliy car at 8d and Yamhill. it off at end of carline; office on the property. HIGHLT IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, new ; nicely improved grounds, 100x100, front ing hard -surfaced sftreet ; price $20,000 Buyer see owner, 502 Corbett block. BUNGALOW AND FIVE ACRES. ' Oregon City carline; beautifnl soil; will grow onions or anything that will grow in Oregon: no rocks -or gravel; all beaverdam; price $3500, cash $10CO. bal. terms. H. Hobson, at station. Jennings Lodge, Oregon City carline. $100 CASH Buys? beautiful 5-room bungalow, "Woodstock carline; lot POxlOO; soil the best in Oregon, with full cement baaeraent. fireplace. Dutch kitchen: prettiest home in Portland: pay ment $20 per month. National Realty" A Trust Co., 326a Wash. St., room 515. FOR SALE Splendid 6-room .house on cor ner lot in best part of Sunnyside; $500 cash will handle; will take vacant lot as part first payment. Tde-McCarthy Iand Co., 425-427 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark sts. APARTMENT SITE 60x100 on tlxs Park block; lovely location and can be bought on terms; $10,000. and a bargain. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. Room 619 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 50x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses: a splen did buy at $3000 ; terms. Call at 645 Harold St. FOR SALE 5-room house, bath, all modern improvements. 31st and Eat Glisan st? ; price $4250, $750 cash. $H0 per month. Apply Mrs. Marian Mac Rae, Hood River, Oregon. $4500 BEAUTIFUL, modern home. 7 rooms, ewell location ; 10 mln. walk from center city. 5 minute car service. 74S E. Ankeny. $40t cash, $40 month. Phone Owner. B 187ft. $200, C ASH, $10 per month, buys a modern 4-room house near Denver ave., on the Peninsula; don't miss this buy. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Failing bldg. TWO 8-room modem houses', Ladd's Addition. A bargain, and easy terms. East 2725. or room 413 Merch an ts Trust bl k . Thomas Vigars, owner. $4500 Desirable fl-rooro. 2-story residence, in northwest part of city, fractional lot; will le sold n easy terms. Parrish, "Wat kins & Co., 2."0 Alder st. NEW 7-room bungalow, built for home, just finished; lot 50x150; 2 blocks from car. Price - $3500 ; $2500 cash ; balance terms. J. D. Hayes & Co., 302 Swetland bldg. $11,000 HANDLES $17,000 apartment house. Lot 50x100 ; good location ; cltfse in ; in come equals 12 Vi per cent on price. J. D. Hayes & Co., 302 Swetland bldg. I HAVE for sale one" of the prettiest bun galows in the citr for $300 cash, balance the same as rent; let me show you this; you will surely buy. AK 571. Oregon ian. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Mason and Gar field ave.; terms; also confectionery and cash grocery., Owner. Phone Woodlann ioyi . . . BUNGALOW Just completed; beautiful home; close in, ready for occupancy; bar gain. Owner, .405 Gerlinger bldg. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., M. 11H. A 39S4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irving ton. 49ti East 20th st. North. Call and see It. WOODLAWN cottage of 5 rooms, lot 50x100; this is a bargain at $1850. Call 410 Fail ing bldg. MODERN 6-room house $3000; $100, $25 monthly. Owner, . Woodlawn 1799, C 2455. For Sale -Business Property. FOR SALE: Quarter block at southwest cor ner of lnth and Couch, 100 feet from Washington st. W. E. Burke, 620 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Mlfce I lan eons. FOR SALE Business and residence prop erty, income 10 per cent ; price $6000. V ft72 Oregonian Phone Tabor 644. For Sale Frutt Lands. MT. HOOD DISTRICT A.PPLE LAND.' Easy of access to Portland oh WEST ERN foothill elope of Mt. Hood, on line of new railroad survey, SO miles distant. Be an orchard owner and secure some of this, the choicest fruit land In Oregon. o claimed , by eminent .horticulturists : best of soli, ideal elevation, over 1200 feet, good water ani air drainage, and price of land one quarter what other fruit sections nire re mote from Portland are getting. Ask for our booklet, that gives all particulars of this favored 1 ooal 1 1 y , where h un dreds o f acres ' of commercial orchard development work is now under way, supervised by a pro gressive fruit-growers' association. Call and investigate soon, as prices are advancing ; from $' per acre up. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber Commerce. SPITZENBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 30. 20. ItO-acre tracts are selling- to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad- Price $3Hi. $400. $500 per tVact. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particular. Liberal terms. McF AIRLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 310-SU Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Merritt & Palmer, Sales Agents. TOU PLANT TREES. WE FURNISH LAND. EACH OWN HALF INTEREST. ;We have client with choicest fruit land who will give you half interest if you will plant and care for one year; only SO a cres left, 10 n cres .r u p- F. W. power & Co., 225 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. 10 OR 20 ACRES. SECTION LINE ROAD. 20 acres on -Section Line road. 8 milea from f ity ; under cult! vat ion, balance easy to clear: 2 acres in strawberries small house and land that will grow any- i nine: 2-acre tracts across the road sell In? for $50t per acre ; price of this is per iyrc lor quicic saie; part casn will sell lO acres or ali of iti. ee THE OWNER. 317 Board of Trade BId.. 4th and Oak. RUBY ACRES. 5. 10, 20-a c-re tracts, choice walnut end fruit lend, level, improved, in high state of cultivation, on the Willamette, 1 hour's ride on Salem Electric; steamer transporta tion; fare 3oc; fruit, belt of Oregon; $150 per acre. 1-3 -rah. balance I and 2 years, 6 per cent; larger tracts with or without irriga tion; aon t lose this opportunity. DEAN LAND CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. 24 ACRES. $150. 2 V acres at Courtney Station. all cleared, and the finest kind of land, a fine place for a suburban home, or & good speculation; price $1730; $150 cash, $10 per month. GRUSSI Jfr ZADOW. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minutes rrom center or city, in and z v. -acre tracts: tms win ma ice you a li Ins: and pay for itself: $50 cash will start you; price to suit alL Call on. Trustee, 410 -. f alling bldg. 10 ACRES, close In aad near car: a bargain at $i50 an acre; surrounding land brings kkiu. s. xj. vincent, -j jjumoermen s bid. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car line, close Irt; choice river "front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney afc Stampher. 31 Lumber Exchange blug. A 4bsi. Homesteads. 4.000,000 FEET relinquishment on Slletz good relinquishment near Portland; a few good homesteads left in Tillamook and Lincoln counties; relinquishment for trade. Nimmo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamil ton bidg. SPECIAL rates for our next party for 820 acre homesteads in Central Oregon; railroads now building. Write for booklet or call and see us. ts. to. Cook & Co.; o03 Corhett bldg, 2 ISO-ACRE relinquishments, Mudter apple belt, Wlfite Salmon Valley, 4 miles from the Columbia River; cheap. C H. Pig gott. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. 7.000.000 RELINQUISHMENT In Slletz, on main trail, good neighbors. $600 if taken mis ween. . Aiarquajn mag. Aiam &314. For Sale Farms. $5 PER ACRE Great wheat country. 10O- acre farms in the rich delta of the Sonera River, near American Vine, in Mexico, be tiveon Southern pacific and sea: most ex eel lent climate, deep garden soil, corn, - wheat. cotton, beans, alfalfa. dates, oranges, lemons; all vegetable products; good market- 150,000 acres now opened to American farmers: first 10.000 acres at $5 per acre, half cash; this Is really $100 iana. feee or write us immediately. J. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market st San rTaaciBco, Lai. 80 ACRES on Oregon Electric, 45 minutes irom i-'orttana; also southern Pacific sta tion and switch, on land. SO acres cleared, about 35 acres of which is bst beaver dam land, orchard and buildings; will sell an or nair. nwners, BENNETT & DERBYSHIRE, 201 Swetland Bldg. IIOYE & HOPKINS, SALEM, OR. Largest list of valley farms in the state, a FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON HAND. 8 ACRES FOR SALE. Most in cultivation. 4 "mile east of Hflls boro; price reasonable; no agents. Address owner. Route No. 4. Box 32, Hlllsboro. Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Olrastead Land Co., Salem. Or. FINE FARM, improved, only $30 per acre. 217 Abington. FOR. SALE TDTBEB LANDS. 79R0 ACRES of fine yellow pine. Lake County, cruising over 75,0 00,000 f!t. ; prioa $1.60 per M. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON, WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACET & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle. S29 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. SOME fine tinber on the Santiam for 65 cents per M. ; tributary to both river and It. R. ; look this up. " ZIMMERMAN, x 621 Board of Trade Bldg. WE arSR headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Timber in polk particulars In first letter, gonian. Count v ; AC 570, give Ore- TIMBER lands wanted. -C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WII-L exchange eipht shares stock In Unique Brick & Tile Co.. of Portland, value $S0i, for lot. Henry Black. 811 Boyer, Walla Walla, Wash. 2 ILOTS. 50x145. Menlo Park Pldo, $200, to exchange for board. 2 persons. C. H. Piggott, 14 Mulkey bldg. 10 to 40 ACRES, partly Improved, apple land in Hood River, for lots or house and ljt. N 572, Oregonian. POOLROOM at invoice. clear. $2X) per month; easy terms; will take part in - trade. Cor. 8d and Ankeny. WILL trade moving-picture machine with rheostat, arc lamp, .20 elides, 1895 feet of film, for a lot. S1I.,54S. WITJj exchange good acreage or fruit land for first, second or contract mortgages. N 571, Oregonian. 20 ACRES in raisins, near Fresno, Cal., ex change for Portland property. M 680, Oregonian. WILL get you anything In trade for any thing you have. 322 Hjnry bldg. LOTS in country town to exchange for city property. N 5S1, Oregonian. T OU can trad e any kin d of property at room 1019 Board of Trad a PORTLAND West Side property, value $SoOO, for country store. C 582, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Morses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR S-ALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons i or saie. Jiawuiorno-Ave. btaoies, 4'J Hawthorne ave. FOR ciALE One span well-matched draft hoees, weight 2100; two teams heavy draft horses, weight 3250; one team weight 3000. 6hown East 4804. C 1477. . FOR .SALE A 6-year-old draft horse. 10O0 lbs., or trade for real estate, or hire, 144 E. 2d -St. North. HOUSES, mares, , rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. Aq tomobDra. AUTOMOBILES for sale $.150 and up. Geo. R. - Flora, 470 E Burnslde st. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d St. Pianos, Organs and Musiral Instruments. FOR SALE New anxetophone phonograph for nickelodion; will sell cheap for cah. Apply Erickson's Cafe, ad and Burnside st. Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock. FRESH JERSEY COW. persistent milker, 16 quarts daily, testing -5 per cnt. Phone , Tabor 1609. JIB lscelian sons. FULLY" equipped blacksmith shop. good town; 60 milea from Portland. 40 2d t. 2 SECOND-HAND box ball alleys, good as new 11 OS Hawthorne ave. CHEAP Winchester carbine. .TO-30. Bristol steel fishing rod. 225 West park at. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR this month ws will sell -watches, dia monds and jewelry for the amount loaned ana interest. at uncle jiyera, 143 3d at- SAFES 14 second-hand safes very cheap on monthly payments. We have moved from 7th st. to 87 5th st.. near Stark. A complete m iock or new saxes. ra il or write today. i oi nana aie to., i . otn St. BEST dry 4-foot fir wood delivered to resl dence at $5.2 per cord pole ; oak $7.50 per cora. .KirK Hoover. ji Water st. fhone Main 7451, A 5445. SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma chines, dron head and hoi too. of all makes, at very lew prices. White Sewing aiacnine oioro, zu wasmngton, cor. nth. CASH register computing scales, gas range, restaurant dishes. Japanese curtains, small counter, refrigerator, very cheap. - w r. xurn8iae. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 10 tn ft niw guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. $3 iivr niunin.' racmc stationery & Ft. CO., 203 2d si. FOR SALE Small safe. 'containing compart ments; no space ior books; will sell cheap; ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan. . Ah. oi oregonian. TIWD TUIt! ii t , . . , j""" j iio iuuiuu vw win ecu watcnes, aia monds and Jewelry for the amount loaned miu. incci cai 0,1. iYlJrB, X- AH St. GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord wood and coal. Multnomah Fuel Co. Phone Main 61.40. A 2116. FOR SALE v heel in fine condition. grod tires, coaster brake, extras. Call East dd-ij arter i m. SHOE- repairing, finisher. 'foot power. Cham pion, second-hand, and cheap. 310 i Burn side. 50O BUSINESS CARDS. $1.2-5. Ryder Ptg. 600 BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this an. i-tose jity printery,J92 3d. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BY" PORTLAND COMMONS Men. Women ana cnuaren s cast-off clothing, boots, shoes, underwear, to he civen t wnrthv peopler"not sold. Phones-Main 1063. A 7426. uuu joob ior men. .North. Front st. WANTED One second-hand boiler, about vv-u-ji ocjsu wri, ouitttOlO iOT pOUH CIS 575. Oregonian. WANTED Men's castoff clothtng and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the 4Fair Deal. ' 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272 HIGHEST prices paid for second-band furni utre. Woodard's Auction House. Phone HIGHEST price nald for RAftnnd.hon ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's muiea ciocning. Hi. 1U15. 94 Grand ave. SELL your second-hand furniture to the ordt,Auctlon Co-t or you'll get less. Phones WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and shoes 230 First st. Main 20SO. WANTED To buy a second-hand bowling niun or j none oiumoia .Hotel, V.n- tuu v ur, vvaan. u a. Hepburn. HIGHEST prices paid rubber, cooper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs. Phones A 7618, Main 6198. J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt WANTED Diamond earrings, l carat stone intM rnen. j ;h;i, oregonian. WE buy, sell or exchange anything: pay high est prices: sell for less.. Main 6297. WANTED TO BUY A peep level. AL 658, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN for city and .vicinity who want to earn big money and can sell a giU edge public utility Investment, we have the proposition and if you can deliver the goods tho amount you can makw is iittciicajjy unlimited; references required. M 682. Oregonian. WANTED- Men at Ixs Angelew. electricity autoinobilinK. Dlumbine. hriolcl vine- rr. pentry. sign painting, trades taught in few months; no cash expense; actual contract work. Write f.r catalogue. United Trade jcnooi contracting Co., 236 Aliso, Los An Keles. WANTED -Young men. honest and indus trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi tions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc.; thousands appointed; good entrance sal ary, with promotions. Call cr write. Pa cific States School. McKay bldg. CABINET-MAKERS who would like to have' - an interest in me ousiness can secure per manent position itf one of the best pay ing factories in Portland. Call Sunday lo ' to 4 or weekdays. Phones E. 409. B 113L B'actory 475 East Alder st. FIRST-CLASS plumber who can Invest some money in business; must understand domestic water heating thoroughly. Call at factory office. East th and Alder. Range Boiler insulator Mfg. Co. HERE is a rare chance for a young man with $250, as I am alono and tired of hired help; duties easily learned. 610 Swetland bldg.. 122 5th st. WANTED 500 men to visit the 'Know" Sample Suit Shop. 315 Oregonian bldg.; suits, overcoats. $30 to $40 values, 18; $20 to $28 values. $12. . BIG money-making proposition for steady, sober youns- man ; experience unnecessary; $100 upwards required. .126 '.-i Washing ton, room 41 7. . WANTED Young man for wireless and rail way telegraphy; railway wires in school ; day and evening classes; Investigate. Ore gon College, 8:i 5th, near Oak'st. MOTION picture operators earn $25 and $35 weekly. Easy inside work, short hours, learn business in short time, lessons rea sonable. 526 fa Washington st. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission; experience unnecessary. Call at office, Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carline. BOYS WITH WHO EL. Wanted at once. Apply to - OLDS. WORKMAN & KING. SALESMEN, all lines, .bookkeeping, stenog- rapnera, city ana country. commercial Abstract Co., 4Y08 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED A first-class spindle carver. Washington Parlor Furniture Co., Tacoma Wash. - . AGENTS wanted to sll lots on West Side at $500; good commission. T 571, Ore gonian. . SALESMAN wanted to sell paintings on satin ; some crimp new. M . l. Mo ran. 61:1 Bid well ave.. Sell wood sta. A SPLENDID offer for photo coupon agents; you can t neat it anywnere; investigate. , Houghton, Xotografer, Selllng-HIrsch bldg. STUDENT to tend hot-afr furnace morn ing, evenings, small apartment house. 514 Jefferson. MARRIED man on ranch; a good proposition ior HRiit party. Aoaress . iJ. o. 1, box 38. Wilbur. Or. , WANTED A man with donkey engine to clear stump tanas. Trie Elgin oregan Com mercial Club. WANTED Photograph and portrait agent; new, winning orrer. cut berth, Dekum bldg. WANTED A gd cook: satisfied to pay gcod wagee. Apply M King st. Phone Main 5214. MA-CHINIST. must be first-class man; out or town. -Call 222 Commercial Jtub bldg. EARN $4 per hour working evenings only; 5;ivu ror equipment? ah att. oregonian. WA NTED An all-around man In the meat market. Address Box :.l. Eugene, Or. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages; permanent. 21j Commercial block. COREM AKERS wanted. Apply at Independ ent f oundry. 2oa ana i ortc st. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership, Y- M. C A HELP WANTED MALE. 13 0O MEN WANTED. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY, CORDOVA. ALASKA. 06 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting to be let to station men at $1.20 per cubic yard.; loose rock, 60c; earth, 30c. Splendid opportunity for good rockmen to make big money. Fare. $15. Shipments 1st. 5th, 8th, 16th. 20th and 24th of each month. Call or write for full particulars. M. J. HENET, 514-15-16 Colman Bldg. WE are operating in the Deschutes coun try; this is the scene of marvelous real t estate activity and the investing public Is Intensely interested. It is the best field In the Northwemt Ior an active Bales man and we can use a few more bustlers. Liberal commission. Ask for Mr How land. ' AMERICAN TRUST CO., 200 Chamber of Commerce. 500 STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted Imme diately for firemen or brakemen- on near by railroads ; good vision ; account In creasing business; 10OO men sent to posi tions last three months. $75, $l0O monthly. Promotion Address, stating age, weight, height, send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. 10.O0O POSITIONS for graduates last year: men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th st., Portland. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESWOMEN. Competent and experienced. Wanted in a number of our departments. Apply at once to OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. GIRLS 16 years of age, wanted. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. DEMONSTRATORS. -Miss May Henderson, Miss Helen Jonn . ston. Please call Perkins Hotel. i W. v. ALVORD. WANTED- A Eirl to do upstairs work and help take-eare of littl girl. German girl preferred. Phone M 5843. 82 N. 23d. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward; attady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. ,MNSEN'S SADIES' AGENCY. Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY, 3-6 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836 or A 8266. A KIND motherly lady in town, to care for my 4-year-old boy. $3 week. X 574, Ore- W ANTED Refined, capable woman for re- sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th arid Washington. GIRL wanted for bouse work; no .oooklnir small washing; two children, baby 6 years old. 548 2d. X. RELIABLE woman of good address and neat appearance, for permanent employment. AH 574, Oregonian. iIRL to assist in housework. Phons morn ings East 4111 or call morning, 681 Schuyler st. WANTED A girl for general housework ; must bo a good plain couk. Apply morn ings h t 721 Johnson st. WANTED lady cashier for ball rack. 273 ,ouch. - inquire 11 and 12 A. M. $1.50 WANTKDA good cook: satisfied to pay good 6214 -vviy -icif ivmg sr. i'none Main WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family of 3, good wages. Port- iana neignts. t an Main 715, A 4258. 10 LADY solicitors for all Oregon towns Write or call 360 Stanton st.,' phone C 1036. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 55 Johnson st. GIRL, second work, small family, apply or wrilo A(f Vf V. a, Tl . .. 1 J r I 1. . YOUNG LADY as cashier for shooting gal lesy. Call Monday afternoon. 72 N. 4th st. GIRL wanted for light housework. 308 13th street. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting; expert method. 304 12th st. Main 6890. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED A competent cook; small family; best wages. Apply morning. 145"N. 22d. GIRL for housework, must be good cook Phone Sellwood 310. COMPETENT girl to assist, -with housework. 610 Spring st.. Portland Heights. WANTED Experienced s-hirtmaker. 120 5th. A. Lipman. . Steady work, good wage.s. GIRL for general housework; small family. 526 Weidler; take Broadway car to 11th. LESSONS InNShorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a mouth. 269 14th. Main 3893. EXPERIENCED girl for housework and children; no coqking. 6fl Everett st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good po sition to A' 1 instructors. 6! I Swetland. WANTED Dram at te and vaudeville acts, singers, comedians, etc. 521 1-, Wash. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MARRIED COUPLE with no children, posi tion in good hotel, capable workers; man to act as lerk, watchman or general over seer. " good bookkeeper; woman have charge of linen-room can be useful in many ways, a good housekeeper, or would take position with company; man can act as timekeeper and foreman, woman as cook and housekeeper; none but reliable parties meaning business need apply. Box No 522, Albany, Or. HONEST, young, single man. from th- East, wants a position in general merchandise store in country town; eight years' exper ience; salary no object as I wish to get busy. AG 570, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with business college educa tion and one year's experience, desires po sition as bookkeeper ; good references. Phone Main 1232. Sunday ca-ll E. 2600. M Iscel kaneous. POSITION as engineer or janitor In steam heated building, experienced in ol 1, coal or wood fuel; can make all repairs. A 688, Oregonian. WANTED Management of ranch, expert - hand with machinery and help; A-1 ' refer ences, d 5S1. Oregonian. WANTED Position as house electrician; can run small steam or gasoline plant; wages reasonable. O 581. Oregonian. MAN HANDY with tools, can do hot and cold water, also gas fitting, wants inside work. 526 Ma rsli a 11 st . N. Phone. A 1 26. YOUNG handy man with experience in many branches 0 of mechanics wishes position with, reasonable wages. AH 57o. Oregoniark. YOUNG man from the East, well educated, sober and industrious, etranger in th.e citv, wants work at once. AJ 570. Oregonian. ENGINEER. 7 years experience, in Minne sota and Dakota, wiwhes position. W. S. Owens, route 2. Camas, Wash. PROFESSIONAL Japanese house-clcanors, cooks, work by hour. M. Taka, Sellwood 1122. FIRST-CLASS circular sawyer and filer, sll around millman. Best of references. Ad dress Box 164. Chehalls. Wash. COLORED man as good cook, city or coun try; good references; ail-rouna man. 68 E. 6th St., N. East 5221. EXPERIENCED young man wants irosition in grocery store ; low salary to start. r 573, Oregonian. AN all-round millwright open for engage ment; new wo;k preierrea. ac 560, Ore gonian. COM POSITOR Se t r i n g En pi ih . Germa n and French. Address G. 11.. 619 Powell st. STRONG young man to work for wholesale firm; references. AC 564, Oregonian. v W A NTED Steady posi t ion a m m ilker on dairy farm- cr.aris I'ctersn. jumpier, Or. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. furnish all help. Main 4659. A 407.1. 268 Everett st. KOREAN schoolboy wants position after school hours. S 564. oregonian. CARPENTER and builder, new or repair SITUATIONS WANTED MA LE. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED as logging superin tendent, camp foreman or cruiser, capable of laying out and building roads, run ning lines and handling any kind of logging proposition ; 14 years experience ; best of references. Address "154 E. 2Sth at. North. JANITOR or caretaker: young man and iflfe, no children, thoroughly reliable and re sponsible; permanent position preferred ; very best of city or country references. "Temple," corner Yamhill and 7th. Phone Main 6344. MAN and wife will cook In camp: we mean businoss If wages are right. Home phono A 1003. 7 to 7:30 P. M. For full ad dress and business talk, AH 583, Ore gonian. JAPANESE boy wants position as - cook helper or dishwasher In any place, hotel, boarding-house or restaurant. 121 N. loth. Japanese Mission. SITUATION as foreman or teamster, first class references as to work and honesty. P O. Box 321. Forest Grove. Or. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work and help cook. A 5S4. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, with one year's experi ence, rapid and accurate; phone Monday. A 5446. WANTED Position by an experienced stenographer; good references. R 574, Ore gonian. POSITION as bookkeeper by experienced bookkeeper. R 571. Oregonian. 1 re tw makers. GENERAL dressmaking by competent seamstress; will go to homes. Woodlawn " 9S4. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day or at home. Main S193. Housekeepers. LADY with boy 8 wishes housekeeper's posi tion In refined family. AF 52, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes engagemext to nurse invalid. 394 Salmon ft., or Tele phone Main 7025. Domestic. EXPERIENCED woman will Iron or sweep by the day or hour. Main 6842. . POSITION, cook. lady, hotel or camp; ref erences exchanged. Houlton Or., Box 6. Ml scrtllaneous. LADY, competent to fill any position In hotel or rooming-house, would like work; also good cook. A' 575. Oregonian. COMPETENT cook wishes position by 16th; best of references; wages $40. AH 61. Oregonian. COMPETENT, neat housekeeper would ex change services for room or board. Main 0395. YOUNG, Swedlfh woman desires work by the day. Apply "Temple," cor. Yamhill and 7th. Main 6344. EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid wants work in rooming-house or hotel. Phono Main 8137. WILL do the extra work In the home; best vf care f r the children, day or night. Homo phone A 1003. Call 7 P. M. YOUNG lady would like position as assistant , In doctor or dentist's office. A 579, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman, J day work, no half day 3, 25a hour; references. Phone East S60. GIRL will take care of children by the hour. Main 6936. LADY wishes day work; beat of references. Main 0099. , LACE CURTAINS washed ajid stretched, 40a a pair. Phone C 1658, East 5337. A WOMAN wishes cleaning and laundry work 1 by day. Call East 6253. room 10. ( WOMAN wants day work. Phone B 106S, i WAN TE D AG ENTS. AGENT WANTED. 1 Peerless electric cleaners; absorb all dirt; i sanitary and easily operated by compree& J .air method; sells on sieht; pries Is within, j "reaeh of every one; reliable agents wanted, j Write for information. Eastern Manufac turers Co., S3 6th st,, Portland. Or. ' SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash, weekly selling choice nursery stork: out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT. Rooms AWth Board. TWO young men wish board and room In a refined, modern home within walking dls- I tance of 3d end Washington; stats prices, i A 581, Oregonian. ROR RENT. Rooms. THREBf nicely furnished front rooms; fur- , nace heat and bath. 221 13th St.. The ' Hawthorne. Phone Main 6302. . t Furnished Rooms. Homelike Homelike Homelike . . . NEW SCOTT HOTEL - seventh and Ankeny Sts "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY" One whole year of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. ST EA M H EAT IN A BUN DANCE. A delightful Winter horn at reasonable rates for those who npprecaUe cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free Thones. HOTEL SAVON. , . UilVj, Eleventh S:. NEW, modern brick building: Just opened; ELEGANTLY' FURNISHED; hot and coM water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT private baLbs. excellent location, juet off Washing ton st.; special rates by week or month. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise : 5 minutes" waJk Washington and 3d ; just completed: new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large. light, airv ; single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3, $4 and $0 per week. Phone A 7731. M. S639. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout ; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $10 month up ; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and. baths free. SARGENT HOTEL. Now management. Grand, Hawthorne ; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, frB phone, E. 291. in every room ; largest, rooms in city for permanent people, baths; transient 50c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts. Rooms, single or en sufte; SPECIAL low monthly rates: steam hat, private baths, hot and -eold water in all rooms; beautifully furnished; tourist trade solicited. HOTEL LARABEE. Larabec St.. near Hol laday ave.. east end of Steel bridge, rooms by day, week or month, steam hnt, electric light, hot, cold water, free baths, 52.5U per week up. Take L. U or tt. John car to door. Phone East 849. HOTEL BI'SHMARK, Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences ; $3 weekly u p. A 2647. M. 564 7. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea ronable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished: running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cor Washing ton, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water lu ali rooms: very reasonable terms. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and barns free 327 V Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Kates. TKE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. THE REX Modm rooms. $2.i week. 548 1 Washington st. s. $2.50 to $5 per m st- THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Airier Modern, cen tral. $3, $4. $5 per week: transient. APARTMENTS for gentlemen: furnace heat; 4 hi-nM; south Portland Hotel. 2rt7 7h st. FURNISHED moms. Elm Place, formerlv Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.