Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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By Majority of 215, Commons
Line Up for Constitution
al Struggle.
Premier Heaps Ridicule on Lords
and Party Followers Are Elated.
Labor Leader's Speech Encour
ages Hopes of Liberals.
LONDON, Tec. 2. By a majority of
215 the House of Commons today re
corded Its claim to exclusive control of
the nation's purse a claim nerer be
fore challenged In modern times.
The vote was taken on a resolution
offered by Premier Asqultli, which de
clared "that the action of the House of
Lords In refusing to pass Into law the
financial provisions made by the cham
ber for the expenses of the year was a
bresch of the constitution and an usur
pation of the rights of the House of
The resolution was passed by a vote
Of 349 to 134.
FVorccs Kuw in Battle Array.
By this vote the opposing- forces of
the Lords and Commons are placed in
battle array for one of the greatest
constitutional struggles that has come
before the country for centuries. Scenes
of enthusiasm which accompanied the
voting of Mr. Asqulth's resolution were
In marked contrast to those wttnessed
In the recent debate in the House of
Lords. No prominent members of the
ffovernnif n side arose. In the House of
Commons to utter solemn warnings
against the course the ministers were
The Ministerial ranks were closed In
a complete unanimity of protest against
the action of the upper house.
Asqulth Loudly Cheered.
Mr. Balfour, leader of the opposition,
evidently was suffering from the effects
of hie. Indisposition and his speech lacked
the ring of sincerity and conviction that
characterized the Prime Minister's. TVie
latter had an easy task in pouring ridicule
upon what he described, amid the rous
ing cheers of his supporters, as a ''new
fangled Caesarlsm." this- "arrogant
usurpation" of the Lords.
The Premier's Ironical reference to the
"instinct of divination" of the Peers on
reaching manhood dissolved his hearers in
laughter. He quoted with trenchant ef
fect the speech of Mr. Balfour less than
a year ago. In which the ex-Premier de
scribed himself as a "House of Commons
man," and said:
Liberal Chances Excellent.
"Tt is the House of Commons, not the
House of Lords, which settles, uncon
trolled, our financial system. If the
House of Lords eotild touch the money
bills the whole executive machinery of
the country would be brought to a stand
still." The amazement with which the Liberals
listened , to the quotations from Balfour
against himself was only equalled by the
chagrin depicted on the faces of Mr. Bal
four's followers. Altogether Mr. Asqulth
surpassed himself and his elated follow
ers declare that he never made a finer
or a more effective speech.
Mr. Henderson's speech for thw Labor
party also has given the Liberals great
encouragement for the coming election,
as showing that the whole party Is of one
mind. In the lobby, after the sitting was
adjourned, election prospects were dis
ri!scd by the Liberal members with the
Greatest satisfaction.
Commons' Work All Undone,
Premier Asqulth's first words, as
he arose amid the wildest demonstra
tion of enthusiasm to move the resolution
of which h-s had given notice Tuesday
we re:
"tVe are meeting this afternoon under
circumstances without example in the his
tory of the-British Parliament."
The- Prime Minister pointed out that in
opening Parliament the King had Invited
tiie House of Commons . alone to make
provision for the heavy additional expen
ditures, in view of the necessities in the
iway of social reform and national defense.
Tiie budget represented, he said, in
a greater degree than could be said
cf any other j measures . of "our time"
the deliberate work of an overwhelm
ing majority of the representatives of
the people. In the course of the week
that whole fabric had been thrown to
the ground by body which, admitted
ly, liad no power to increase or de
crease a single tax.
With much emphasis Premier Asqulth
declared that the House of Commons
would prove unworthy of its traditions
If it allowed days to pass without mak
ing it clear that it did not mean to
brook this grave indignity and arro
gant usurpation of its rights.
Have System of Loaded Dice.
He contended there was not a single
clause In the budget bill not relevant to
the matter of raising revenues. If the
contention of the Lords that in rejecting
the budget they were only referring it to
the people held good, no Liberal govern
ment would be safe. They might have to
refer all taxes to Jhe people, and the
Lords would have power to adviee
King to dissolve Parliament.
After quoting authorities ir favor of his
Contention that the Commons had the ex
clusive right to determine the matter of
taxation and expenditure, AsquitU con
cluded: "We are living under a system of false
balances and loaded dice. When democ
racy voted for a Liberal government, the
dormant second chamber awoke from Its
slumbers and nullified the work of the
llmwe of Commons.
"We shall ask the House by this vote
and we shall ask the constituencies at the
' earliest possible moment to declare that
the organ, the voice of the free people
of this country, is to be found in the
accredited representatives of the Na
Ivacc track Men "Seek Writ of Habeas
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. Attorneys
for R. B. Herrlman, E. C. Moore and P.
W. Brown, members of the Maybray
gang of alleged racetrack ahd prize
fight swindlers, argued for the issuance
of a writ of habeas corpus today before
Judge Van Fleet, of the United States
Circuit Court to prevent the removal of
the accused men to the Omaha District
of the United States Circuit Court for
The matter was taken under advise
ment. The petition for the writ is based
.n the ground that the conspiracy with
iwhifib the men are charged was not com
Need Just This Tonic Treat
ment to Build Them Up.
The first thing to do when threatened
with nervous trouble is to stop the cause
of it, if possible, whether it is irregular
living, worry, or whatever it may be.
Then the nerves must be given special
nourishment and the blood must be kept
pure and rioh. This is the mission of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsand this is why
the pills have been used with such great
success in nervous trouble that did not
yield to ordinary methods of treatment.
These pills are a tonio for both men
and women but are especially adapted
for girls arid women of all ages, and give
health and strength to the nervous and
exhausted as is shown by the experience
of Mrs. H. J. Bradford, of No. 1614
Bpurgeon street, Santa Ana, Cal. She
says :
"A few years ago I began to lose flesh
rapidly until I weighed only about 100
pounds. Before this I had always been
well and quite fleshy. I also became
very nervous and would lie awake all
night long. I had frequent crying spells
which I could not seem to help and
which the least little thing would bring
on. Excitement or noise made me very
nervous. I had a craving for sour
things but my appetite was variable.
At times I would feel very well but this
would be only whea I kept very quiet.
"The doctor pronounced my trouble
neurasthenia or nervous debility. I was
under his care for over two years.
Sometimes he would treat me regularly
and then he might not have to call in
two months. I did not get well under
his treatment and was finally advised to
try Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills by a friend
who had used them for nervousness.
After taking a few boxes of the pills I
could sleep better and I began to im
prove gradually until I was cured. I
haven't been troubled . with nervousness
in some years now and oonsider the
benefit I received from Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills to be wonderful."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills contain the
elements necessary to make new blood
and, as the nerves get their nourishment
from the blood, have been found invalu
able in a wide range of diseases of the
blood and nerves, such as rheumatism,
aftereffects of the grip and fevers, neu
ralgia, nervous debility, St. Vitus' dance
and even partial paralysis and locomotor
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold bv
all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid,
on receipt of prioe, 50 cents per box; six
boxes for $3.60. by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenecrartv. X. "V.
mitted within the Jurisdiction of the
Omaha district.
Xoted Prima - Donna Takes Karl
Brandenburg, of Pasadena,
Vnder Her Wing to Tutor.
PASADENA, Cal.,Dec. 2. (Special.)
Fifteen years oldand four feet tall,
wearing the soubriquet of "Shorty,"
Karl Brandenburg, a newsboy, is to
become a songster under the tutelage
of Kllen Beach Yaw, the prima donna.
"Shorty" has been nourishing an-am
bition to go on the stage. He called
today on Miss Yaw and ashed to see
her. Ushered into her presence he
stammered, "I I heard you were a
a friend of the newsboys. I want
to sing."
"Well, you may sing. If you wish,"
replied the prima donna, winningly.
"I should like to hear you." .
Karl sang. "I will teach you my
self." cried the celebrated singer, sur
prised. In the future Karl will make weekly
visits to the home of Miss Yaw, where
he will receive Instruction.
Forgery Charge Placed Against Los
Angeles Broker.
IXS ANGELES, Dec. 2. Harper E.
Bennett, the real estate dealer, whose
recent trial on a charge of wife murder
ended in a disagreement of the jury and
the dismissal of the case, is being sought
by constables armed with warrants al
leging forgery.
Bennett is accused jointly with C. O.
Laraber, a real estate dealer, of having
forged the name of M. E. Geer to a bill
of sale of stock in a local corporation,
which he sold to Mrs. M. A. Mintier.
Bennett has not been apprehended. Lamb
was arrested late today and released by
Justice He declares he acted mere
ly as a witness.
Bennett's wife died some months ago
after eating canned chill con came, and
he was charged with poisoning her.
Lamb was arrested late today and re
leased by Justice Long. He declares he
acted merely as a witness.
Blaze Starting Near Origin of 100 4
Conflagration Causes Big Loss.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 2. Fire broke out
tonight in a building In South Sharp
street, within a block and a half of the
point of origin of the great disaster of
In its spread the fire Involved the es
tablishments of many shoe dealers and
house furnishers. The flames jumped
a narrow alley and gained a momentary
foothold In a big building occupied by a
dry goods firm.
The total loss was estimated at J500,
Congressman Rnrker, Home From
Philippines, Praises Government.
SEATTLE. Dec. 2. Congressman A. W.
Rucker, of Colorado"; arrived today from
the Orient, on the steamship Minnesota.
Congressman Rucker investigated condi
tions in the Phillppipnes as a representa
tive of the committee on insular affairs,
of which he is a member. He proceeded
tonight direct' for Washington, but will
be unable to reach the Capital before the
second day of the session.
Mr. Rucker states that the insular gov
ernment is self-supporting.
Elk Herded With Cattle.
IIOQL'IAM. Wash.. Dec. 2. (Special.)
Five elk raised on K. Olsen's elk farm
at Lake Quinault were driven into this
city today with a band of cattle. The elk
are for the park at Seattle and are valued
at $1000. Shipment will be made as soon
as equipment can be obtained.
Full Value for Your Money
At these stores of GOOD VALUES together with
the largest and best assortment of READY-TO-WEAR
apparel in the city so -
When you ask your friends to make their
purchases here you are simply doing them
a kindness and if in addition you TRY for one
there is no good reason why you cannot obtain one:-
We are going to give FIVE of them away and no boy or
girl has any great lead as yet. So begin today
and enter the contest in REAL EARNEST and you may yet
have the pleasure of riding 10 miles an hour at our expense.
Warrant Accuses Woman
Poisoning Husband,
Erder's Death Traced to Arsenic.
Wife Collects Insurance, Then
Keturns to Her Former
Spouse in Nebraska.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2. The issuance here
today of a warrant charging Mrs. Dora
EJ. Doxey, of Columbus, Neb., with the
murder of "William J. Erder, was the third
charge which Erder's sister, Miss Kate
Erder, has had Issued against the woman,
who is alleged to have been Order's wife.
Today's warrant alleges that Mrs.
Doxey caused her husband's death by ad
ministering arsenic. Yesterday, a docu
ment accusing Mrs. Doxey of bigamy in
marrying Erder was sworn to in St. Louis
County, and on November 13, Dr. L, B.
Doxey and Mrs. Doxey were 'arrested on
a statutory charge.
The warrant charging murder followed
the report of a chemist that arsenic had
been found in the vital organs of Krder.
The body was exhumed ten days ago at
the request of Miss Erder after she had
caused the arrest of Dr. Doxey and Mrs.
Doxey in Nebraska.
Erder was married in St. Louis County
In April. Mrs. Doxey, to collect insurance
amounting to S3200, made an affidavit that
Bhe was Erder's widow.
Miss Erder has been Mrs. Doxey's
nemesis. Almost single handed she
worked up the evidence on which the
warrants were issued. She has filed suit
to have set aside the action by which
Mrs. Doxey' obtained the Insurance.
Erder was ill only a few days and had
convulsions at frequent intervals in tire
48 hours Immediately preceding his death
in July.
In the two and a half months they lived
together. Mrs. Dora Erder induced Erder
to transfer to her $2700 of life insurance
on which his mother and sister were the
original beneficiaries.
The hearing of a statutory charge on
which Miss Erder secured Mrs. Doxey's
arrest is set for tomorrow at Columbus,
but will probably be dismissed, Dr. and
Mrs. Doxey having been married at Bur
lington. Ia.. in 1906.
McKinley Guard Reduced.
CANTON. O., Dec. 2. Orders abolish-
i,?J-ffi Lane Piano Go.
There is no Xmas Gift more
appreciated than a piano.
iBush & Lane Piano Co.
386 Washington St, Between West Park and Tenth St.
3d &
1st &
1st &
Ing the standing guard of one company
of regular Army troops at the tomb
of the late President McKinley have
been received. Secretary Dickinson has
decided to reduce the guard to two non
commissioned officers.
Try to Blow T7p Panama Track and
Steam Shovel.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. Efforts to
wreck with dynamite a portion of the
track of the Panama Railroad Com
pany and a large steam shovel were
made or .-- night of November 3 last.
This fact was made known here at
the offices of the Isthmian Canal Com
mission, through the offer by the Gov
ernment of a reward for information
leading to the arrest of the person or
persons who were implicated In the
Petitions for Licenses Dismissed by
Salem Court.
SALEM. Or., Dec. 3. (Special.) Late
today the County Court dismissed the
petitions of T. B. Riggs and Guy
Sears, who asked for liquor licenses in
Horeb district, this county.
Last month the precinct voted dry, but
attorneys for the wet interests alleged
irregularities and filed notice of a con
test. Action by the court today signifies
official sanction of the election.
Extra Deputies Are Summoned
Scene at Wheeling,
WHEELING, W. Vftf, Dec. 2. Shots j
were exchanged today between strik- i
ers and the men who yesterday vol- I
untarily returned to work In the mills :
of the American Sheet & - Tinplate '
Company, a subsidiary of the United
States Steel Corporation. One man
employed in a factory adjoining the I
mills was slightly wounded.
Extra deputies have been sum
Former Soldier Taken as Menace to
Health in Washington. .
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. John R. Early,
an ex-soldier, alleged by some authorities
to be a leper, appeared in Washington
last night and today circulated freely
about the city. .
This afternoon he was arrested as a
menace to public health.
Bushel From Sherman County
Gets Award of $100.
Nearly Every County in State Rep
resented In Grain Exposition.
Delegates to Close Session
With Banquet Tonight.
THE DALLES, Or., Dec. 2. (Special.)
A two days, convention of the Oregon
State Threshermen's Association "was
opened at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon in
the Commercial Club rooms, with a
prayer by Rev. D. V. .Polingr. Mayor E.
M. Wingate delivered the address of wel
come. William Fletcher, of McMlnnville,
president of the association, responded.
Nearly ' 100 delegates registered today,
there "being 12 from Portland. Benjamin
K. Heidle. of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, talked on "Highway
The convention will close tomorrow
and the delegates will attend a banquet
Selling the
Better Kind
Tailored Suits and Cloaks at a Big REDUCTION
Just 33 1-3 per cent off of original prices. That's what they all say (the
stores) ; some give that kind of talk at all times with very little reduction at
any time. But when we make a noise that sounds like the headlines above,
listen! COME AND ACT.
It has the right kind of tone; it's truthful; it's pleasant to the ear, and not
bad for your purse; for instance:
Suits at
Suits at
Suits at
Suits at...
Suits at
Store open6 at 9 o'clock this morning. Come early and be convinced of
GENUINE REDUCTION SALE. No Shop-Worn Goods in Our Stock.
San Francisco
"Half the. Store Gloves the Other Half Umbrellas and
Silk Hosiery Sale
8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M., Today Friday.
Pure Thread Silk Hose at These Remarkably Low Prices.
$1.50 Values for $1.75 Values for $1.95 quality for
98 c $1.23 $1.48
a Pair. a Pair. a Pair.
"Onyx" Brand pure thread Silk Hose double foot, toe and heel
not the thin, flimsy kind, but a pood, durable stocking-, that our
customers buy. right along. Black and forty different V Q
colors; $1.50 values, pair tOC
"Onyx" Brand pure thread Silk Hose, reinforced lisle foot, lisle
heel and toe; black and all colors; $1.75 value, ff OO
pair A
Women's pure thread Silk Hose, with 6-in. lisle gar- rf o
ter top, lisle foot; black only; $1.75 value, pair . P X ad
"McCallum" make guaranteed pure thread Silk Hose wide dou
ble garter top, reinforced lisle foot; a reliable, unnsually good wear
ing hose; all colors; sold always for $1.95. Sale rf i O
price, the pair if) X Tt'O
We are headquarters for Kayser's Italian Silk
Hosiery gl. 50 and 2.00 pair
Headquarters for Kayser's "Wonderfoot." Silk Hose $2.00 pair
Great assortment of "Onyx" Hand-Kmbroidered Silk Hose
from . S2.50 to $10.00 pair
Silk Hosiery Put Up in Gift Boxes.
Glove find
Ordern Grow
More Popular.
Each Year.
Nothing Solves
(he Gift (location
More Iasily.
gri'en in their honor by the Business
Men's Association in the evening:.
iUxniDits -were on display irom nearly '
every county in the state at the wheat
exposition, a feature of the convention.
The prize of $100, donated by Secretary
Philip S. Bates, of Portland, for the best
bushel of wheat raised in Oregon during
the year, was won by Ira F. Hill. The
wheat was grown in the northern part
of Sherman County. Mr. Hill also won
the prize cup offered by the Pacific
Northwest, as he threshed his own grain.
Other awards were a follows:
J. D. Cromer. Springwater, $25; F. T.
Thayer. Sclo, $10; C. P. Darst, Shaw, $5;
J. B. Peyree, Macleay, $5; H. L. Hagley,
Dundee, $5; J. W. Hicks, Dufur, $25; F.
E. Mason, lone. $10; Charles Hein, Con
don, $5; W. E. Brown, Heppner, $5; D. S.
Barlow Eight-Mile. $5. ,
Southern Pacific Will Refund Excess
Rates on Lumber.
Southern Pacific Railroad Company an
nounced yesterday that it was prepared
to refund to lumber shippers all rates
collected since November, 1907, in ex
cess of the rates prevailing up to that
time in order that California shippers,
who failed to protest against the In
crease, might stand on the same foot
ing as did Oregon and Washington
shippers who did protest successfully
before the Interstate Commerce Com-
Considering the
of Quality, is in a
"... .$25.00
$75.00 Coats
$48.50 Coats
$35.00 Coats
$27.50 Coats
$22.50 Coats
amid CLOjyic siiL-ij.j
We Mean Just What We Say
409 Washington Street.
mission. The gift to the California
lumbermen will exceed In all $100,000.
Court Holds Blame to Both Colum
bia and San Pedro.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. In fixing
the liability for the wreck of the
steamship Columbia, which collided
with the schooner San Pedro, Judge
Dehaven, of the United States District
Court, decided today that both vessels
were equally to blame for the acci
dent because of their mutual failure
to reduce speed in the thick tog that
prevailed at the time.
The liability of each for damages
is limited to the actual value of ' the
vessels at the time of the wreck and
the value of the freight they carried.
These values are to be decided by
United States Commissioner Brown.
Lots Sold on Bed of Sea.
BALTIMORE. Md.. Dec. 2. On a
charge of obtaining money by false
representations three New York men,
who gave their names as William
Eastwood, John H. Dixon and John
McKnight, are being held here. The
men have been sellmg real estate that
is alleged to be some thirty feet under
the waters that surround Long Island.
T.eaf and twig diae&ftes. difficult to com
bat, are ftradually lessening India's annual
production of coffee.
High Standard
Class by Itself
at $50.00
at $32.50
at $23.50
at . $18.50
at .... .$15.00