Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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' Wear Bradley Mufflers
Victor Talking Machines
$1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK.
Buy your Victor now before they are all
sold. Last December many customers
were disappointed. Buy now.
Artistic Picture Framing
Don't delay your framing orders. Bring
your pictures in today, later on you will
be too late.
These cold, damp, rainy days. They
will keep you warm and help make
Xmas shopping pleasant.
Toilet Ware
Selected carefully.
Particular attention be
ing given to design, qual
ity and finish, This
year's sets are truly
beautiful. Reproduc
tions of the most costly
gold and silver designs.
For Friday we offer some
most attractive specials.
Buy now. The assort
ment is complete and
the choice is almost un
limited. $8.50 Handsome Quadruple
Silver Toilet Sets, three
piece, consisting large bevel
plate mirror, brush with best
quality bristle and silver
mounted comb. Variety of
patterns in floral, Grecian
and plain designs. Special
at $6.98
Quadruple Silver Toilet
Sets, three pieces, large,
handsome mirror, good qual
ity bristle in brush and silver-mounted
comb ; large
variety of patterns. Special
at $5.98
$10.00 Quadruple Silver
Toilet Sets; very handsome
patterns; plain designs with
beaded edge, also elegant
floral: designs ; three-piece.
Special $7.98
$10.00 Gentlemen's Quad
ruple Toilet Sets, four
pieces; military brush, cloth
brush and comb; extra qual
ity bristle in brush. Special
at $7.50
Comb and Brush Sets.
Quadruple silver ; good qual
ity bristle in brush; beauti
ful patterns. Special. $4.48
$5.00 Military Brush, gen
uine ebony, with sterling
mountings; guaranteed bris
tles. Special $3.98
$1.50 Childs' Comb and
Brush Sets. Quadruple sil
ver. Special 98
Manicure Sets in. quad
ruple silver. Special, $2.48
Hand- Embroid'd
Chinese Linens
These are made of
genuine Chinese fab
rics embroidered in
designs characteristic
of that country. These
linen pieces come in
three sizes, 7, 9 and
1 8 inches. For an inex
pensive gift they are
both refined and artist
ic and one that will
surely be appreciated
by women of good
7-inch round and square.
Regular price 40c. Special
at 25
9-inch round or square.
Regular price 60c. Special
at 35
18-inch round only. Reg
ular price $3.50. Special
$2.00 German Cluny
Scarfs, Centerpieces, $1.25
The scarfs are 18 by 54
inches. The centerpieces are
30 by 30 inches, round and
$2.00 Holiday Linens
Special at $1.10
18-inch Round French
Cluny Centerpieces; hand
made, in assorted designs.
$1.25 Japanese Hand
Drawn Linens, 85c
( Japanese hand-drawn lin
(ens, bureau scarfs and
shams; the scarfs are 18 by
54 inches; neat and artis
tically made.
Spec. $1.29
100 French Seal Hand
bags in black, in the popular
8 and 9-inch sizes. Fitted
with coin purse. Double
hand strap; extra strong.
TRIMMED HATS, UP TO $5.95 AT $1.95
TRIMMED HATS, UP TO $8.75 AT $3.95
J$ ff'Wl
No Nx' '
Don't for one instant confound this sale with the everyday clean
up sale advertised by most stores. These Hats are not shop-worn,
bedraggled hats that have been reduced from one price to another in
an effort to sell them and then again reduced.
Every hat offered in these three specials are new, up-to-date, pretty,
stylish hats. Many of them not in the department over three weeks.
They are reduced only for the purpose of gaining room for Holiday
NEW $4.95 FUR TURBANS in an assortment of AO Qr
the latest models, offered for Friday special S
YOUR CHOICE of a big selection of trimmed hats 1 QP
selling regularly from $3.95 to $5!95. Special Friday. 4) I . 7J
IN THIS LOT you will find hats selling regularly at $6.95,
$7.50 and $8.75. Stylish new Fall models. Your
2 Ostrich Plumes Specials
FIFTY 19-INCH double tied Willow Plumes in the latest African
stock. Very wide and full. In white and black. (t 1 f r r
Regular $18.50. Friday, special t$ J .S J
17-INCH BLACK French 3-ply Ostrich Plumes; d? O 1 Q
long flue. Regular price $4.75. Special Friday I s
Warm Gowns, Temptingly Priced
Also Shetland Squares, Aprons and Chemises
down bath and lounging robes, satin binding and
black applique trimming. Cord loops and heavy cord
tassel girdle. Regular $5, $5.50 value, Special $4.39.
LADIES FANCY STRIPE and, plain white fleeced
flannelette gowns. With or without yoke. Turn over
collars, high military and Japanese neck. Tailored
finish. Braid trimmed. Regular $1.50 and $1.35
value, special $1.19.
SHETLAND WOOL KNIT squares, scarfs and new
ports, fancy weave, fringes or fancy borders. Colors
white and black. Reg. $ 1 .25-$1 .50 vals., special $1.10.
LADIES' FANCY TEA or sewing aprons, made
of plain and dotted Swiss, white lawn. Round or
square. Lace insertion, embroidered, beading and rib
bon. Regular 75c value, special 59c.
hand-embroidered edge and front. Eyelets and rib
bon. Values to $2.00, special $1.39,
3 Great Suit Specials
Values to $65.00 Special $31.75
Values to $35.00 Special $1 7.65
Values to $27.50 Special $1 3.45
HIGHEST CLASS NOVELTY and plain tailor-made suits in an
endless variety of newest Fall and Winter models. Made of finest
imported worsteds, broadcloth and fancy cheviots in black and colors,
including pastel shades, such as iight blue, champagne and cream.
Selling Regularly to $65.00 at $3 1 .75 ,
HIGHEST CLASS TAILOR-MADE and fancy suits of fine all
wool broadcloth, cheviots and fancy mixed materials in black and
all the leading Winter shades ; made with newest plaited skirt.
Selling Regularly to $35.00 at $17.65
WOMEN'S STYLISH TAILOR-MADE suits of fine all-wool
materials such as men's wear fabrics, worsteds, serges and cheviots,
in a large variety of popular styles. Every suit new this season; in
all the newest Fall and Winter colors.
Selling Regularly to $27.50 at $1 3.45
500 Beautiful Buckles at $1 .48
Values Ranging from $3.00 to $5.00
An importer of European novelties and dealer in
foreign jewelry exclusively, disposed of his sample
line of imported buckles to our New York representa
tive. These buckles arrived a few days ago and cer
tainly indicate the keen judgment of our New York
buyer in securing these Holiday buckles. They come,
in an immense variety of designs 'and sizes. Gold
plated, German silver, hand engraved, French enamel,
chased, engraved and set with imitation jewels. For
Friday your choice of any of these gold buckles,
special $ 1 .48.
.1 2 1 -2cF ine Percales Friday 8 1 -2c
In dark ground, small designs, in navy, cadet, gray and white, brown
and red, black and white.
Friday and Saturday
Children's Day
T his department is
ready. The stock is com
plete. Never before has
so much attention been
paid to Juvenile books as
this year. The old stories
in new dress. Fairy tales
in artistic and ingenious
additions. Hundreds of
new popular books that
will delight and charm
both boys and girls. Ev
ery book that's fit to read
will be found in our store.
Patty's Pleasure Trip OS
Betty Walls & Co 98
Little Princess Tonopah
With Pike Pole & Peary
Kit Carson in the Rockies
Captain Pete of Puget
Sound $1.18
Jack Hall at Yale. .$1.18
The School Four 98
Double Play by Barbour
Finn the Wolf Hound
Lass of the Silver Sword
..... $1.18
Her College Days. .98
Captain Chubb $1.18
An Annapolis Second
Classman 98
School Days in Camp 98
Glenbach Girls 98
His First Term . . .$1.18
In West Point Way
.. . . jL1$
In Texas With Davy
Crockett $1.18
The New Sophomore ....
Betty Vivian . . . . .$1.18
From Sioux to Susan ....
Arabian Nights, Parrish
Ed $1.98
Peter Newell Ed., Alice in
Wonderland $3.00
Pilgrim's Progress $2.50
Lamb's Tales, Shakes
peare $2.50
Rip Van Winkle, Rick-
am's $5.00
Swiss Family Robinson. .
... : $2.18
Robinson Crusoe. .$2.18
Gulliver's Travels. $2.50
Stevenson's Childs Gar
den Verse .$1.98
We ding, dong, ding,
dong, our handkerchief
stock day after day.- We
shall continue to acclaim
our handkerchief suprem
acy. Thousands of spe
cials representing the
prettiest, tastiest and best
handkerchiefs ever offered
in Portland. For Friday
we offer many worthy
specials. A few of which
we quote below.
65c Hand Embroidered
Initial 'Kerchiefs, 39c
In this lot are several
styles, but all initials are
to be found in same style.
Sheer grade. Hand-embroidered
35c Initial 'Kerchiefs
Special for 1 9c
Several broken lines,
any initial in the lot. Pos
itively good values at 35c.
Special 19
$ 1 Fancy Box
"Kerchiefs at 83c
500 Fancy Swiss Em
broidered Handkerchiefs,
scalloped or hemstitched
20c Box Childs
'Kerchiefs 12c
1000 boxes Childs' Plain
Hemstitched Handker
chiefs; 3 in a pretty Holi
day box.
25c Box' Childs
Colored 'Kerchiefs 17c
2000 boxes Childs Col
ored and Plain Hemstitch
ed Initial Handkerchiefs;
all initials.
50c Pure Linen
'Kerchiefs 27c
For Friday, we offer
1000 dozen all pure linen
and Swiss Embroidered
Handkerchiefs in hun
dreds of patterns to select
Friday at Our Furnishing Department
Economical Yet Worthy Merchandise
Vals. 75c-$l
200 dozen men's new four-in-hands;
figures and stripes ; light and dark colors ;
flowing ends and French fold; every con-.
livable pattern. Value 75c and $1 each.
' A Q Men s Dent Gloves J 1 A 7
.ipT'. J Friday's Specials . 4 ' "
Men's Dent style English walk
ing gloves. All the newest tan
colors and best fitting glove made.
25c Men's 'Kerchiefs
Special, 6 for . . . .
200 dozen men's all pure Irish
linen handkerchiefs, with hand
some embroidered initials; all
$6.00 Men's House
Coats, Special .
Men's house coats, made of fine
double-faced cloth; cord edge;
three pockets anc well-tailored
$1.25 Mens Fine O.Q
Suspenders . . . OG
Men's fine mercerized suspen
ders in beautiful new colorings;
handsome buckles and kid ends.
200 dozen men's hemstitched handkerchiefs of fine cam- jr
brie, a fourth or half-inch hem. Regular 12 l-2c each. Special. . . VJC
Men's all pure Irish linen handkerchiefs; full size, 20c. i
Special for Friday Bargain Sale, 3 for 50c I OC
Men's fine quality pure Irish linen handkerchiefs; (h AC
regular 25c. Friday Bargain Sale, special, 6 f on f) I .TvJ
Men's fine sheer Irish linen hemstitched handker- C O fC
chiefs; regular 35c each! Special for Friday, 6 for tj) Z)J
Men's Irish linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, with neat small initials.
Put up in half-dozen boxes, at $1.40 for box of six. d 1 A C
Friday . . q I .lU
Men's extra fine Irish linen hemstitched handker- d O 7 C
chiefs, with hand-embroidered initials. Boxes of 6 CpZit J
Christmas Ribbons The Best
Ribbons of quality only; not a bit costlier than cheaper grades are
offered. Every shade, every width on sale. Fancy bows tied without
extra charge. Below we catalogue some of our best sellers. Buy now.
Baby Ribbon O
Special at . OC
No. 1 satin ribbon; all pure silk
in all colors.
25c Pure Silk
Ribbon Special
No. 1 1-2 all pure silk extra
quality satin ribbon; any color.
17c Novelty Dresden
Ribbon Special . . .
1 and 1 1-2-inch
Dresden effects; many
tions to select from.
$1.25 Silk Ribbons
Special at
Excellent line of 5 to 9-inch
fancy and solid sash effects in best
grade silk ribbons; in many pat
terns to select from.
50c Taffeta Ribbon
Special for
Full , 6-inch best grade taffeta
ribbon in black, white and all the
leading shades.
25 c Moire Ribbons
Special at
5000 yards all pure silk Moire
ribbon, 5 inches wide, in black,
white and all shades. V
20c Babv Ribbon 1 rt
Snerial at..... I C
L - - - - -
No. 1 extra grade satin ribbon,
full width; comes in any shade.
30c Satin Taffeta O 1
Ribbon Special . '
No. 2 satin taffeta ribbon in any
shade; extra grade.
20c Fancy Dresden 1 C.
Ribbon Special . . -J
2 1-2-inch fancy Dresden rib
bons in all the light coloring de
signs. '
85c Dresden Ribbons Q 7
J i C
Special for
Thousands of yards of pretty
Dresden effects in, popular light
coloring effects ; just the thing for
your Holiday fancywork.
$2.00 Ready- to
Wear Veils . . .
Odds and ends in ready-to-wear
veils; many shapes in all popular
colors. Values to $2.00.
75c Fancy Mesh
Veilings Special
Several thousand yards of fancy
mesh veilings; short cuts from a
busy season's business. .
Warm Underwear for Cold Days
Extra The weather man is looking for another cold snap. This
one will last longer, too. It is due to arrive. Never a better time than
now to save money on first-class, finest quality underwear; the kind
that washes and wears.
50c Ladies Fleeced O O
Underwear. Snecial 3 3 C
Ladies' fleeced vests and pants ;
long sleeves, ankle length; ecru
63c Ladies Fine A 7
Fleeced Underwear i C
Ladies' fleeced vests and pants ;
fine ribbed ; white, ecru or natural
color, at 47c each.
75c Ladies Fine Cotton f
. ... . -J7C
Forest Mills
Cotton Suits
c Ladies r me Cotton
Union Suits .......
Ladies' fine cotton union suits,
white or ecru; well finished; all
1.25 Ladles Ribbed Ci
Union Suits . ODC
Ladies' fine ribbed fleeced union
suits ; silk tape and well finished ;
all sizes.
Forest Mills rf 1 Q C
Union Suits P I J
Forest Mills union suits; made
of fine wool and cotton ; posi
tively best fitting union suit made,
at $1.95 a suit.
Forest Mills cotton union suits,
medium weight, long sleeves,
ankle length.
Ladies Vests
and Pants, Each
Norfolk and New Brunswick
vests and pants ; two-thirds wool ;
either white or natural; good
heavy weight ; $1.25 per garment.
Munsing Union
Suits at
Munsing's union suits. We al
ways have on hand this celebrated
make of ladies' union suits. Mix
tures of wool and cotton.
Munsing Union
Suits, Each . . .
Munsing union suits, made of
fine mercerized cotton ; fine lustre
and beautiful finish; all sizes.
Globe Union J 1 C f
Suits Each . M I J yJ
Globe union suits, made of fine
sea island cotton, perfect bleach
and form-fitting.
More popular than ever. A
greater assortment, greater
variety of styles, r"ore sales
people to wait upon you.
Thousands of pretty articles
in this fascinating work at
special prices. Buy now
when the assortment is
greatest and when you have
time to make your selections.
The following specials for
$2.50 Pyrography Outfits
at $1.GS
39c Book Racks 27
65c Tabourettes 49
25c Whisk Broom Holders
at 19
65c Waste Paper Baskets
at 49
$2.00 Tabourettes . .$1.48
39c Pipe Racks 27
15c Glove Boxes 10
15c Handkerchief Boxes,
at . 10
50c Panels 3S
12c Panels 9
Picture Sale
Values to $5:00.
Special $1.95
-t When we wonder how the
manufacturers can produce
pictures to sell at this special
price the customer must cer
tainly appreciate the enor
mous values of these pic
tures. We are certain that
many of these pictures, are
offered at prices less than
the cost of the glass and the
frame, to say nothing of the
picture itself. For Friday
we offer 250 framed etch
ings, carbons, pastels, sepias
and gravures in gilt and
mission frames.
Every picture is a model
of artistic excellence. . .Val
ues to $5.00. si
Stationery in
Holiday Boxes .
Containing a quire of pa
per and a package of envel
opes in the latest fashionable
linen fabric finish, in beauti
fully decorated boxes, In an
assortment of Holiday de
signs. 500 BOXES AT 23c
Box Paper, selling regu
larly at 35c, in many differ
ent highly decorated Holi
day boxes, containing paper
and envelopes in the latest
society size and fashionable
BOXES AT 1 0c, 20c
Christmas Stationery for
Children in pretty juvenile
sizes, containing a quire of
paper and envelopes; dec
orated in many designs.
$1.50 Ladies' Dress C H
Kid Gloves . . . . y -s C
500 dozen only, 2-clasp,
real dress kid gloves; over
seam sewn; in tans and
browns only.
$2.00 Ladies'
Gloves for . .
100 dozen Fownes, Gib
sons and Relsem's famous
cape gloves.
65c Boxes As- A Q
sorted Ruchings . -C
1000 boxes best grade chif
fon and net assorted neck
length ruchings. Come six
lengths in a box.
35c Embroidered 1 7
Linen Collars Sp'l I C
For Friday we offer the
best grade embroidered linen
collars, in all sizes.
Notion Specials
Congress Playing Cards, gilt
edges, fancy backs. Per
deck 45
' Best quality playing cards,
fancy backs. Per pack 25
Good quality playing
cards, assorted backs; reg
ular 20c. Special 10
Plain paper chips, assort
ed colors. Per box, sale ,39