( 18 TTTE lORNDTG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY,- DECEMBER 3, 1909. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. Good for chickens; all Mocked with poultry: farm implement! and stock, cow and horses, wagons; to pood, responsible parties on shares; good house and barns. Hotbrook, Or. Route 1. box 16. FOR RENT Furnished house. nice barn, chicken house, farm Implement, wagon, etc. IT acres. Pull Run water In bouse and' barn, located 24th aad Fremont st. En quire 527 C. O. C. bMft., phone Main 803. FOR BALE. Horse. Vehicles and Harness. $175 BUYS pair bay chunks, weight 2400; rair black mares, weight 1250 each. $ltWt; true roan team, gooj workers, for $ 135; small pair, suitable for delivery, $H0; choice 35; good farm or brood mare, $65; 1300-pound horse, work ony place. $1.; all hornes siown In harness. No 1 Stables. Front and Market. 20 H BAD of i.orses and mares, weighing? from 10O0 to 1SOO pounds. Everything sold with a guarantee as represented. U. S. Sta bles. 24 M Front. G. 1- Williams, proprietor. FOR SALE Heavy waarni and side-backer harness, suitable for brick, gravel or dirt hauling. Phone East 552. 36u Williams ave. fOR SALE A 5-year-old draft horse, 1600 lbs., or trade for real estate, or hire 144 E. 2d st. North. V5 Good express horse. 12O0 lbs. 600 Tillamook st. C 1132. FOR PALE 4 city horses cheap; will be sold at a bargain. 005 Albina ave. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. HI 4 Montgomery. HI.'BK RT HALL, 30 Front, buy sell, rent horses, vehir-les; low rates on business rigs. AntomooTTe UTOMOPILES fnr eale $:i50 anQ up. Geo. R. Flora. 47n E. Burneido at. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d st. Pianos, Organ and Musical Instruments. TWO new sample Decker Bros. upright grand risnw. one in beautiful figured mahoKany, anii one In genuine quarter-pawed dark oak. Would make a fine Christmas present. War ranted for ten years. 446 3d &t., near Col lege. S oar. 4 Miscellaneous. LADIES I have a 5a le on fine furs, seal skin, mink, man en. ermine. etc., on hand made to order which I have to dis pose of before Christmas. Having: spent my lifetime as an expert designer and fitter In furs. I promise you satisfaction. This ts no humbug, but straight honest business. Give me a call before buying elsewhere and I will save you money. A. Reiner, 148 5th st. $10,000 Worth of unredeemed pledges must be closed out at once: lease expires soon. UNCLE MYERS. 143 Third St. SAFES 14 second-hand sale very cheap on monthly payments. W'e have moved from 7th st. to 8 5th st.. near Stark. A complete stock of new safes. Call or write today, Portland Safe Co., 87 5th st. 5KST dry 4-foot fir wood delivered to resi- dence at $5.2 per cord pole; oak $7.50 per cord. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water at. Phone Main 7451, A 5445. fc SWING MACHINES Second hand ma chine, drop head and box top, of all makes, at very lew prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ft. Co 203 2d st. MOV" I NO picture machine with rheostat, arc lamp, 2n Hides. 1S95 feet of film. Sell. 548. bet. 6 and 7 o'clock P. M. DOUBLE National cash register. A and B. almost new. cost $225. for $125 if taken at once. 132 North 6th t. SHOE repairing, finisher, foot power. Cham pion, second-hand, and cheap. 310 Burn side. 1909 INDIAN. Iood frame, red, A-l con dtt Ion. Address, with phone or street address, A 550, Oregonlan. GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord wood and coal. Multnomah Fuel Co. Phone Main 5540. A 2116. 6O0 BUSINESS cards $1 if you mention thii ad. Rose City Frlnlrry, 192l 3d. FOR SALE All kinds of home-grown fruit; going away. Main 2149. TWO beautiful WHton velvet rugs, $40; mornings. 384 College st. OSTEOPATHIC; or massage table; a bar gain. Inquire 13 North 9th st. FOR sale cheap, fine furniture of 6-room house. Phone Main 1808. FOR SALE Crocker Wheeler U horse power motor. L. Mayer jfc Co., 1 4S 3d st. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.2s! Ryder Ft. Co.. 357 Burnslda st. Main 5536. MANURE for sale. Phono East 1775. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BT PORTLAND COMMONS Men. Women and children's cast-off clothing, boots, shoes, underwear, to be given to worthy people, not sold. Phones Main 1665. A 742'i. Also odd jobs for men. 22- North Front st. VA NTKD 3 experienced newspaper solici tors for out-of-town work, good salary, permanent position to right men. Call 4 to S P. M. room 130 Rainier Hotel. STENOGRAPH ER Want a clean-cut ex perienced man, about 25 years of age. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club. EXTRA gang foreman, $80; section foreman. 05; man and wife, farm. $50 and found; loggers, mill men. farmhelp. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2G N. 2d St. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission: experience unnecessary. Call at office. Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carllne. "WANTED Mens castoff clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prtces paid. Call at the "Fair Deal,"' 4 7 3d St. North. Phono 'Main 9272. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furnl ntre. Woodwrd's Auction House. Phone Main S07S. B 1034 HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. E. 1015. 94 Grand a. S ELL your second-hand furniture to the Kord Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies and gents second-hand clothing and shoes 290 First st. Main 2080. HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs. Phones A 7618, Main 6U8. J. I-eve, 186 Columbia. WANTED A second-hand set of Pacific Re ports Room 209, Calumet Hotel. ' SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED Diamond earrings, 1 carat stone or more each. AL 5t, Oregonlan. WE buy, sell or exchange anything: pay high est prices: sell fox less. Main 6297. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Photograph and portrait agent; new, winning offer. Cutberth, Dekum hldg. CONFECTIONERY at invoice. 303 Wash ington St., room 24. . , , j BARBER wanted for Saturday. 2H8 Burn side st. EAR .V $4 per hour working evenings only; $300 for equipment. AH 663, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. SWITCHMEN Fnglnemen, trainmen. R. R. men. who understand signals, to act as switchmen ; wagea 34c hour and overtime while trouble is on; board and room will be advanced for any competent man accepted, who Is temporarily unable to pay in advance. Tnese men are wanted at once -to fill vacancies caused by striking switchmen on the N. P. R.- R. Further particulars and free transportation from C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 North Second St., Portland, Or. lfiOO MEN WANTED, COPPER RIVER RAILWAY, CORDOVA, ALASKA. 96 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting to be let to station men at $1. SO .per cubic yard; loose rock, tUic; earth. 30c. Splendid opportunity for good rockmen to make big money. Fare, v5. Shipments 1st, 5th, 8th, 16th. 20th and 24th of each month. Call or write for full particulars. M. J. HENEY, 614-15-16 Col man Bdg. WE are operating in the Deschutes coun , try; this is the scene of marvelous real estate activity and she investing public in intensely interested. It is the best Held in the Northwest for an active sales man and we can use a few more hustlers. Liberal commission. Ask for Mr. How land. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 200 Chamber of Commerce. 600 STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted imme diately for firemen or brakemen on near by railroads; good vision; account in creasing business; 10XH men sent to posi tions last three months. $75. $100 monthly. Promotion. Address, stating age. weight, height, send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. PRINTER First-class job man. must be quick and thoroughly competent. Call r-adv for work, Rose City Frintery, 192 Third st. lO.ono POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $23 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th St., Portland. Or. WANTED Young man for general office work; accurate in taking dictation, ac curate in figures and with some knowl edge ot bookkeeping: a desirable propo sition with opportunity for advancement to the right man; references required. Ad dress in longhand. AK 574, Oregonlan. WANTED Two men to handle high-class proposition, must be hustlers, good talkers and capable: can clear $500 per month above expenses; no bonds reoulred or capi tal invested. See me after 10 A. M-, Im perial Hotel. J. p. Wilbur. WANTED Young men, honest and indus trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi tions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc.; thousands appointed; good entrance sal ary, with promotions. Call or write, Pa olflc States School. McKay bldg. CABINET-MAKERS who would like to have an Interest in the business can secure per . manent position In one of the best pay ing factories in Portland. Call'Sunday 10 to 4 or weekdays- Phones E. 409. B 113L Factory 475 East Alder st. COLLECTOR experienced In collecting delin quent accounts, managing and soliciting business for collection agency ; good oppor tunity for competent man: state experience, reference and salary. F 569, " Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS plumber who can Invest some money in business; must understand domestic water heating thoroughly. Call at factory office. East 9th and Alder. Range Boiler Insulator Mfg. Co. WANTED by Seattle manufacturer, man to take charge of branch offices In Pendle ton, Eugene, Salem. Walla Walla. Spo kane. $200 required for stock of goods. 500 Imperial Hotel. WANTED Assistant bookkeper in a large establishment in nearby city, one accus tomed to handling a large number of ac counts preferred ; excel lent opportunity for advancement. AL 555, Oregonlan. MOTION picture opera-tors earn $25 and $35 weekly. Easy inside work, short hours, learn business in short time, lessons rea sonable. 526i,i Washington st. SOLICITORS at onco to sell Kost gas heaters at $1.50 each; fite on any gas Jet; the great et fuel saver on the market. Apply S. M. Cronk. 032 Worcester bids. WANTED Steady man, able to check goods, tc.. pay $25 week now; will Increase with interested help; $250 required. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. WE can use several salesmen for subdivision work. We show our property with auto mobiles and help you in every wav pos- . sible to sell. Rabb & Patton Co., 90 5th st. WANTED Two young men as bellbovs. Apply Commercial Club, 5th and Oak sts., superintendent's office, bet. lo and 11 A. M. WANTED Cook and helper; man and wife preferred : for ranch boarding-house. Ad dress L 672, Oregonlan. HIGH -CLASS cloak and ladles' goods man. Call between 8 and 9 o'clock Friday, 375 Washington. BOOKKEEPER Must be first-class, whole sale house. State age, experience, refer ences, phone number. K 570, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED solicitor wanted bv print ing firm, salary according to ability to make good. Address AM 570, Oregonian. DENTIST wanted, good plate worker. App!y at once Chicago Dental Parlors, Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. WANTED Competent stenographer with wholesale or railroad experience., salary $75. Apply Wad hams & Kerr Bros. GOOD salesman who to willing to leave Port land can find exceptional opportunity: big n.uney. 66 6th at., room 8. WANTED Man who can run machine lathe and has some knowledge of machinery. Apply J. Simon & Bro., 244 Front st. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog rapher., city and country. Commercial Abetract Co.. 4s Commercial Club hjdg. WANTED A man with donkey engine to clear stump lands. The Elgin Oregon Com mercial Club. WANTED First-class Japanese cook and wife to leave the city. Call at room 42 Elton Court. 11th and Yamhill. SALESMAN Experienced In paper line. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. FURNITURE FINISHER wanted. Carmen Mfg. Co., 15th and Thurman. WANTED An all-around man in the meat market. Address Box 361, Eugene, Or. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership, Y. M. C- A. WANTED Live man to help make deal; no money. Oheuvront, 389 Alder. BOY wanted with wheel; good wages. Applv 332 Alder st. WANTED A solicitor and ' a dyer. Apply The Reliable Dye Works. K ITCH EN man wanted, one who can flre furnace. 53 N. 18th, corner Davis. FIRST-CLASS atlckerman. Oregon Planing Mills, 19th and Vaughn t. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman: Mg wages; permanent. 215 Commercial block. BOY or young man to set type. 231 Stark street. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-l Instructors. 614 Swetland. WANTED Dramatic and vaudeville acts, singers, comedians, etc. 526 Wash. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 2 JANITRESSES, $35. 2 country hotel cooks, $40. Competent waitress, $20; 2 family cooks, 2d girL $25. Chambermaid. $20; waitress. $20. Housegirls for housework. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. R43H Wash. St., Cor. Tth; Upstairs. WANTED Typewritists for copy work: fair wages; must be accurate and fair speed. Private Ex. 65; A 656 L SALESLADIES who have had experience in ladies' cloaks, between 8 and 9 Friday, 375 Washington st. vVAMbD A competent woman to take charge of 2 children during the day Phone To Kn. -J on " GIRL wanted to do light housework in small family. Apply 737 E Madison at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED ONE HUNDRED YOUNG LA DIES FOR DEMONSTRATORS, BEAUTY SHOW, MILKMAIDS. BLARNEY. CAS TLE HOUSE. BEAUTIFUL EXPOSI TION ROOM. 409 MERCHANTS' TRUST. OA. M. TO 6 P. M. TWO ladies, intelligent, of neat appearance, to call on business men to sell best Xruas novelty for men on market- Call at room 62. Merton Apartments, 2. to 4 P. M. today. WANTED Young lady assistant in office who can Invest 4100; good position and in come assured to right party. Address AN 571, Oregonian. GIRLS 16 years of age, wanted. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Ladies to solicit for a refined proposition ; nothing to sell ; liberal com pensation. Apply between 10 and 3,' room 526 Lumbermens Exchange bldg. STENOGRAPHER wanted for law office; must be rapid and accurate; permanent Wkiace; state salary required. Address AL 6 73, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer with practical knowledge of bookkeeping; give age, experience, with whom, and salary received. D 574, Oregonian. LADIES at home day or ewnings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. $4S Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GOOD home or girl between the ages of 15 and 18. who would like to attend ochool. Apply 226 Et 37th. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 326s Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. BULGARIAN or Hungarian woman to cook for"4 Bulgarian men; wagea $20. Call at room 1, 2X Morrison. WANTED A girl for general housework ; must be good cook. 941 Hawthorne. Tabor 1320. YOUNG woman filing clerk, wholesale house ; state age, experience, references, phone number. J 571, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED second girl in private fam ily, outside of city; good wages, good nome. inquire x. W. C- A., nours lu to COMPETENT cook and general housework; recommendations required; two in family. 61 North 21st at. GIRL for housework; no cooking, small washing, two children, the baby 6 years 4 old. 548 2d St. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 351 32d st., Willamette Heights. Telephone Main 5850. WANTED A woman or girl, white or col ored, to take care of small child at night. Room 3, Stratton Hotel. Third and Pine. WANTED A housework. Heights. girl to assist with general 401 Aspen, Willamette GIRL for housework, or girl attending school, to work morning and night, family 3 grown people. 647 fci. Everett. GIRL wanted far general housework; small family, no children ; 7-room cottage. 6S4 El Alder. Phone E. 2774. GOOD girl for general houeework; good place. Apply 4l5 Multnomah. SIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted. In quire Y. W. C A., hours lO to 12- YOUNG LADY as cashier for shooting gal lery. Call Monday afternoon. 72 N. 4th st. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting; expert method. 04 12th st. Main 6890. FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicure. 90 7th st., Rosenthal Sisters. GIRL wanted for general housework. 1619, B 1886. East GOOD girl for general housework, 3. 446 E. 17th. North. family of GIRL for housework; good home and good wages. 401 Davis st. WANTED Dramatic and vaudeville acts, singers, comedians, etc. 626 H Wash. GIRL to assist general housework. small-f family. 745- uverton st. 'let. Main 5-0O3. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert. $o a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. GIRL to assist daily with housework. 269 14th st.. near Jefferson. WANTED A colored girl for dining work. Hotel Euclid, 18th and Washington. STRONG, willing girl for general house work. Tabor 479- EXPERIENCED girl for housework and children ; no cooking. 606 Everett st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, a young mar ried man, wants situation as bookkeeper in grocery, hardware or lumber business. Bet of references will be presented to nrst-elaea business man: no othera need apply. Address Victor Schneider, Linnton, Or. WE WL-EDUCATED, energetic. ambitious Easterner, aged 21 . wishes to secure po sition with firm where ability and hard work will win promotion ; office experi ence; references. C 574, Oregonian. BANKING BUS1NDSS 19 years old, graduate of commercial college; want to learn the banking business from bottom to top: salary no object to start. Can give good references and furnish bond. AL 563, Oregonian. POSITION In or out of office; experienced; speak German ; know city ; age 32 : willing to work up; best references. AJ 561. Ore gonlan. YOUNG man wants clerical work; 1 experi enced : can handle figures accurately. E 574. Oregonian. POSITION as clerk by honest young man. references. .G 571, Oregonian. M isc eilaneous. YOUNG man 21 years of age, graduate of university, wishes a position offering oppor tunlty foi advancement; references furnished. C 572. Oregonian. ALL-ROUND sawmill man wishes posftion as sawyer, millwright, planer man or fore man; can give best of references; married and sober. S 563. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN attending Portland Business College wants place to work for board and room; industrious and willing. Phone Main -564. YOUNG man wants steady employment in city; salary no object; strong and willing to work. H 572, Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants position as , chemist; has had 4 years experience in steel foundry. F 571. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants place to run elevator, or place as watchman. Call 435 Main st. Phone Main 3507. A. J. Mumby. MA RRIED man wants position as carpet, rug or linoleum salesman ; 6 years expe rience. F 570, Oregonian. JAPANESE couple want position in private family as domestic servants. Tana. i!68 Everett st. AN all-round millwright open for engage ment; new work preferred. AC 566, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN, well qualified, desires connec tion with real estate . firm. G S70. Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS organist and successful choir director wants position; acquainted with any church service. O 572, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, strong, handy at anything, wants job $1.50 day. A 571, Oregonian. JAPANESE desires position as cook in family. D 571. Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes to work for room and board. K 573, Oregonlan. . YOUNG married man wants position; good education, steady. H 570, Oregonian. I JAPANESE want position as housework or any kind. AM 671. Oregonian. STRONG young man to work for wholesale firm: references. AC 564, Oregonian. HOU8EJ and window-cleaning: floors rewaxed. Main 6673. evening, 8. Thomas Given. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4078. 268 Everett st. JAPANESE wants position Main 9361. any kind work. KOREAN schoolboy wants position after school hours. S 664, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. ADVERTISING man. window-trimmer and card writer of exceptional ability and years' practical department store experi ence, desire to make change after first of year; capable and hustler; competent to conduct sales successfully; understands merchandise, how to display It artisttcally and advertise it cleverly. Are you inter ested in bright, original, up-to-date money getter and money saver? L. E. Baker, i22 West Pine st., Missoula, Montana. WANTED Petition for strictly temperate man who has had 37 years experience o hotel steward, or can take fuil charge of able. Act as watchman. Would be In valuable to men's club. Have wife and two little children, and need work. What can you offer me? AL 561, Oregonian. EXECUTIVE position wanted by responsi ble, live, master mechanic with 20 years of varied practical experience In manufac turing and construction in the states, Canada and South America; first-class ref erences. Box 514, St. Johns, Oregon. SANITARY milker and dairyman wanto posi tion ; thoroughly understands care and han dling of cows and young stock. Single, middle-aged; temperate and reliable. Add rests AL 604, Oregonlan. CARPENTER and builder, new or repair work. 4 8 Failing st. Wood lay n 1236. SITUATION WANTED FEMALB. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. OFFICE work wanted; young lady desires position general clerical work, commer cial insurance, mail order or newspaper. F 573, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as stenograph er; 6 years experience; best of references. Phone Wood Lawn 1372. SITUATION wanted, office or clerical work, permanent; can use typewriter. AN 66U Oregonian. BY INEXPERIENCED stenographer, low sal ary to begin; have Underwood typewriter. Phone East 2609. PUBLIC stenographer wishes two hours dic tation eacn aay. ab ow. wegontan. l STENOGRAPHER with one year's experience; rapid and accurate; moderate salary. A 5446. Dressmakers. WHO is Madam Brown? The best and cheapest dressmaker in Portland. Prin cess gowns $10 and up; style and work manship guaranteed. 203 Alisky bldg. Housekeepers. WIDOW, refined, thorough housekeeper, wishes position in modern, respectable home. City preferred. References. AM 574, Oregonian. WIDOW lady wishes situation as house keeper for elderly gentleman, city or country. G 572, Oregonian. COMPETENT, experienced lady desires po sition as housekeeper, hotel or rooming house preferred. M 570, Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or room-ing-houtfe; city references. Phone Main 7285. LADY with boy 8 wishes housekeeper's posi tion In refined family. AF 562, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow would like house keeping place. W 560, Oregonian. TRAINED NURSE would liloa few more cases, city; doctor's references. East 1308. TRAINED nurse has private room, best care helpless invalid; references. Tabor 951. COMPETENT nurse wishes position; city ref erences. Main 9514. Domestic. COMPETENT cook and second girl, would like position together; would leave city. H 571. Oregonian. COMPETENT girl wishes housework. Call at 314 N. 20th st. POSITION as cook in small botel or camp. Particulars, address AK 563, Oregonian. POSITION, cook, lady, hotel or camp; ref erences exchanged. Houlton Or., Box 6. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted as assistant In doctor's or dentist's office. Address Lindel! Hotel, 328 Fourth St., room 62; phone Main 5561. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, no half days, 25c hour; references. Phone East 860. WIDOW, in need of work, wishes day work. Main S927. GIRL wants chamberwork, experienced. Call at HOI N. 16th st., cor. Petty grove. POSITION desired by experienced teacher; holds state papers. D 572, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS boarding-house cook, $40. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039. CHAMBERMAIDS. child's nurse. house keepers. St. Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039. WANTED Work by day; references; no half days. Woodlawn 3 61T. GIRL wants work by day. Call at 821 N. 17th st. Main 5808. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly "selling choice nursery stock: out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. SOMETHING new and the beat thing to come out In years, for good canvassers, man or woman. Come and talk it over. 66 6th sL, room 8. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Small store or office room; down town section. West Side; state location and rent. AD 563. Oregonian. MODERN, furnished. 5 or 6-room house or Hat, suitahte roomers; piano preferred; good location. L 570, Oregonian. RLFINED couple would rent furnished house or flat and board owner: references. L 574, Oregonian. MODERN cottage or bungalow. 4 to 6 rooms. West Side preferred. O 570, Ore gonian. WANTED Five or six-room modtern house, furnished. L 573, Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED 8 to 3 2-room unfurnished flat, near business center, suitable for tran sient; must be modern. E 570, Oigonian. Booms With Board. YOUNG man wants room, breakfast and dinner In refined modern home on East Side, walking distance Grand ave. and E Morrison. K 571, Oregonlani. TWO young men of good family wish board and room with elderly French family; state prices. AN 572. Oregonian. BOB BENT. Furnished Booms. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms; heat, electricity, baths, close to (business center; $2.50 per week and up; front alcove suite for 2 or 3 persons. HOTEL BDSKMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea ronable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable ; permanent and transient. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water la ail rooms ; very reasonable termi. THREE nicely furnished front rooms for one or two people. 221 13th st. The Haw thorne. Phone Main 6302. THE EST ES Good rooms, reasonable- new furniture, telephone and baths free 3274 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 Der week. 548H Washington st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern cen tral. $3, $4. $5 per week; transient. TWO good rooms. $3 and $10 per month. 380 1st st. THE BUTLER Large. nicely furnished rooms; close in. low rates. 409 1, Wash. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th. BOB BENT. Furnished Booms. HOTEL RAINIER. 14) ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof buildinf. steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground f loos; every thing ti rst -class ; rates. 50 c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th st. North. Homelike Homelike NEW SCOTT HOTEL Homelike seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole yeaa: of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for vour benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter hme at reasonable rates for those who apprecaite cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventn St. NEW, modem brick building; Just opened; ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water in all rooms; STEA.M HEAT, private baths, excellent location, Juet off Washing ton st.; special rated by week, or month. THE BUCKINGHAM UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Special low rates bv the week or month; STEAM HEAT, PRIVATE BATHS, hot and cold water in all rooms, elegantly fur nished: directly opposite Portland Hotel, 330 Yamhill st. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $10 month up ; suites with running water, $J2.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. SARGENT HOTEL. Now management. Grand, Hawthorne; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone. E. 291, in every room: largest rooms in city for permanent people", baths; transient 50c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr. HOTEL ANTLERS" Corner 10th and Washington Sts. Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low monthly rates: steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; beautifully furnished; tourist trade solicited. THE MERCEDES 20th and Washington; elegantly' furnished outside rooms, modern conveniences, plenty of heat, $12 and up. Furnished Booms In Private Fnmlles. LARGE, well-furnished room, running water, furnace heat, all conveniences, suitable for one or two persons. 223 West park, near Salmon. NEWLY furnished front room, Jefferson car at door, 12 minutes' walk from P. O., heat and bath. 323 Chapman st. phone A 5450. NICE bay window room, furnace heat, gas, bath and phone, suitable for two; walking distance. 415 7th, cor. Hall. $3 WEEK, newly furnished front room with bay window, bath, phone, suitable for 2, walking distance. 294 11th. LARGE room, well heated, hot and. cold water, convenient for two gentlemen, fine location. West Park. Main 9000. FRONT ROOM, modern, suitable for two gentlemen. 31 Park st., bet. Burnslde and Couch. NEWLY furnished front suite, heat. bath, phone, 1 block from Washington ajid 17th, $0. A 7605. 064 Couch, apt. . 2 ROOMS, private family, choice location, , modern. 388 Salmon, between West Park and 10th. $10 PER month, pleasant corner room, suit able for 2; also smaller room. $8. 473 Clay st. NICELY furnished room for gentleman in new. modern house ; use of piano, $7 per month. 211 E. 6th st. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen in new, modern house ; use of piano. $7 per month. 211 E. 16th st. LARGE, furnished room in private family. 405 First, Flat K, upstairs. LARGE alcove room, suitable for two. 777 Kearney st.. 23d car. FURNISHED, modern, suitable 1 or S, walking distance. 624 Flanders. M. 7815. MODERN front room at 334 Harrison; tele phone Main 2205. LARGE, nicely furnished parlor, suitable for two; also small single room. 227 7th st. NEWLY furnished rooms, heat, bath, phone, close In. $3. A 7605. NICELY furnished room In modern, flat, 12-th and Taylor. Phone Main 3909. NEWLY furnished front room, private fam ily; free phone, bath; $1.75. 212 Hall. $10 PLEASANT front room, modern. Call after 6. 371 12th st. TWO nice rooms, cheap. 63 Park St., North. N Ice location . PLEASANT, light rooms; furnace heat, bath and phones. 405 Stark, near 10th. LARGE, well-heated room, suitable for two; every convenience. .- 361 10th st. 258 H 13th st. Nicely furnished room, new house, every convenience; gentlemen only. ATTIC ROOM. $3 per month; good bed and bath. 1S6 14th st. TWO pleasant furnished rooms in private family of two. Phone E 5939. Unfurnished Booms. TWO nice unfurnished rooms, with private family. 312 San Rafael st. Rooms With BorcL THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished ; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the mini mum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and in spect; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders fit. Mis Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman s Exchange, 1&6 5th st. Airs. M. i-i- ijretnerton. bupt. ELEGANT front rooms, well heated, fine table board; beautifully located. Main 2940. 374 Park st. THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. ELEGANTLY furnished room with private bath, excellent meals. Hotel Euclid, 18tU and Washington.. "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or without board. 402 Morrison, cor 13th. ROOM and board in family of two. Call be tween 5 and 7. 288 loth-st.. Apt. 3. LARGE front room, 2. clothes closets, with board. 446 3d, the Hollywood. NICE. large rooms, with first-class board. 535 Couch st. The Sterling. Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE nicely furnished room with board for two girls or married couple. AH con veniences. No other boarders. East An keny carllne. 1 54 East 28 th st. North. LARGE, light, well-furnished rooms, with good table board, very reasonable rates to employed people. 120 ISth st. North. FURNISHED room in private family, mod ern home, board if desired. Woodlawn 644. . NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms, with board.,' near Washington High School. 695 East Oak st. Phone B 2619. NICE room, suitable for two, best home rooking. 595 East Taylor. Phone East 2006. BOARD and room, bath, phone, parlor piano, home cooking, $6 week. 191 llthr near Yamhill. Phone Main 5963. ROOM and board In private family for 2; modern ; piano, gas. electric light, furnace heat. bath. Mains 4294. 194 North 17th. ROOM and board, suitable for lady, con venient and reasonable; walking distance. 210Vs 14th st. COST, warm room, with board, suitable for two; comfortable home in modern house. Phone Main 6485. NEWLY furnished rooms, good board, steam heat, bath, hot and cold water. 549 Wash ington, flat B. CONNECTING front rooms, suitable for 4; heat, piano, laundry privileges; $5 per week. 68 12th st. LARGE front room with alcove; all modem conveniences; first-class table board. 75 North 14th. Main 8174. $22 Pleasant front room for 2, $40; modern conveniences. 470 Main st. FURNISHED room and board. 355 11th St., A 1636. BOB BENT. Rooms With Hoard In Trivete Family. 241 N. 22D ST.. cor. Marshall; well-furnu-hed, newly tinted front room, suitable for vwo; alfo smaller room; board reasonable; one block to either 23d or Morrison-jrt. car. Phon& Main 2071. ROOMS and board, walking distance, phone, bath, heat. 327 W. Park st. $20 Pleasant room and board, modem con veniences, furnace heat. 470 Main st. Apartments. THE LEITHCOOK APARTMENTS New brick. Grand ave. and East Stark; well furnished 3-room apartments possessing every modern convenience. Including steam heat, hot water, private baths and phonos; while these apartments are as up-to-date as any in the city and about as close to the business center, the prices are consid erably less; ready for occupancy about Dec. 1. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st.; new brick build ing, completely first-class, furnished In 2. 3 and 4-rooni family apart menus; private bath, reception hall jsteani heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed air clean ing, janitor service; rent very reasonable. RE-U-KAN. The most' exclusive furnished apart ments in the city; three-room suits, bath and reception hall, both phones, electric olevator; take W or lOth-st car. 024 Marshall st. $30 West Side steam-heated apartment. 4 mall rooms: modern, hardwood floors, in g'Od condition ; furntohed with bedstead and spring, d re seer, dining-room table and gas stove. Janitor, 454 11th st. Take Mont-gomery-st. ca rs. LAURETTE APARTMENTS Highest-class In Portland; no wall beds, steam heat, hot water, fireless cooker, telephones, janitor service, one three-room, furnished, private bath, -?50; adults; five minutes from Port land Hotel, 11th st., near Salmon. VERY nice, new, modern, furnished 2 room apartment, steam heat, hot water, private bath, janitor service ; reasonable. 325 11th st. 448 CLAY ST. Three-room apartment, nice ly furnished: steam heat. Jiot, water, pri vate bath, telephone, reasonable rent ; adults only. FOR SALE Am leaving tho city and must ell my beautifully furnished three-room apartment; be&-t location. E 562. Ore gonian. WILL sell my furniture of three-room apart ment, $250; party can rent apartment; price $40. Laurette Apartments, 11th, near Salmon. A LARGE modern 4 -room apartment, bath and telephone, water, steam li-at, $J7. East 2SUi and Gllsan. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished apartments, $15 up; take "S" or 16th-st. cars North, get off at Marshall. APARTMENTS for gentlemen; furnace heat; 4 blocks south Portland Hotel. 267 Tth at. NICELY furnished four-room modern apart ment: desirable location. Main 4212. Flats. FOR LEASE to desirable tenants, handsome exclusive five-room flats; extra servant's ruom in basement with each flat; beauti fully paneled dining-room, large, old-fashioned fireplace, polished floors, separate au tomobile garage with each flat, tc, etc. ; every conoeivaole convenience ; cloe in. In best residence section. For particulars ap ply W. M. Conkl'n & Co.. Inc.. 4o7 Wells Fargo bldg. A 1?47. Main 2b59. FOR RENT 5 and 6-room flata, just com pleted; porcelain baths and all modern con veniences; shades supplied to all windows; gas and electricity; cooking range will be in stalled for good tenant; on two streetcar lines; rent $20. Apply to B. F. Jones,, cor ner Front and Gibhs sts. FOR KENT 7-room corner flat, all modern conveniences. Inquire Mrs. R. Stott. 268 Park st. Main 1219. WHEN moving call up "Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. MODERN flat, 7 rooms, furnace, gas and electricity. 146 24th st. North. $16 MODERN upper 4-room fiat with base ment; adults. 780 Williams. ELEGANT up-to-date upper flat; every con venience; adults. Call at 328i Mill st. PLEASANT 4 and 2-roomcd flat, modern, easy walking distance. 233' Hall. FIVE-ROOM flat, new. modern, close in, all conveniences. 528 Flanders st. FLATS, 731 Hoyt si... near 22d. rooms and bath.. Inquire 132 6th st. Maiu 6273. Housekeeping ltooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water baths. laundry, reception-room, all free ; furnished apartments $13 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; b;st in city for money; short distance from Union Depot. "S" or lGth-st cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. ONEONTA, 187 17th, iear Yamhill; take W. car at depot; furnished 2, 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5.50, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water. Laths and phones free. Main 4697, A 439. WELL-FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, 2 $H month. 3 tor $12; cottages. $16, $27. 50; ' flat, 4 rooms, $16; unfurnished houe, $lv. 364 26th North; "W" car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, both outside, light rooms, rent $15 month; kitchen, hot water and sink, new linoleum, and newly .papered; wood range. Apply lul 4th st. NEATLY furnished rooms, one large house keeping suite; location good. Plea.s call and see. 189 'a Third t. Main 7787. NICE newly furnished 3-room housekeeping suite. The Barton Hotel, corner 13th and Alder. JEFFERSONIAN New 3-room, completely furnished apartment; modern; $30. 514 Jefferson St. 461 EAST MORRISON. Cor. East 8th, com pletely furnished housekeeping looms, reasonable. TWO unfurnished outside first-floor; furnace heat, gas stove. 561 Everett, 17th. THE MILNER. 350 ft Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $1.00 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 134 Sherman. Two desirable front unfurnished housekeeping1 rooms, walking distance. Inquire 392 6th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin gle rooms. 532 Williams ave. C 1533. NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14,00. 631 Washington St., cor. 20th. Housekeeping Booms in Private Family. SUNNY 3-room suite, heat, electricity, cook ing gas, bath and phone; references ex changed. 695 Glisan st. TWO-room house furnished; light and water free; on East Ankenv carline, $12. Call 154 East 28th st. North. FINE 2-room suite in Nob Hfll home: steam heat, hot water, bat h, phom laundry, $22.50 Including cooking ga-s. M. 87 4 S. LIGHT, sunny suite, Tirwt tloor. modern bou?-, privilege of kitchen. 447 Mont gomery st.; references. Phone Main 739. TH REE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, rang-, bath, piano, lieht. water included. 630 E. Madison fit., near J 6th. ELEGANTLY furnished front housekeeping suite in newly furnished modern i!;it. 355 Sixth st. PLEASANT suite of housekeeping rooms; light, phone, heat, laundry trays. 573 Irving st., near lth. walking distance. THREE nicely furnished modern rooms; private bath, hot and cold water, heat and lights. 2:0 J 2th st. TWO or three nicely furnished house-keeping rooms; no children. 410 Market St., afternoons. 4S2i WASHINGTON ST. Nicely furnished housekeeping suite, suitable for 3 persons. PLEASANT suite of housekeeping rooms; also single. 255 11th, near- Main. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, $15; also single room. 307 Harrison. Main 7353. THREE housekeeping rooms. 1st floor, on 2d floor. 34! 13th. near Morrison. NICELY furnished single housekeeping room ; every convenience. $9. 224 N. 16i h. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished, close in: $3. 5ft aulNt. SWj 4th wt. 4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th. L desirable suites, $16.5i and $22; furnace heat. TWO LARGE rooms, can be further subdi vide. 551 Morrison st. SLEEPING-ROOM, kitchen privilege; clean quiet place; $14 month. 528 Morrison. FOB RENT. Housekeeping; Booms in Private Family. NICELY furnished suites or single rooms, nice location overlooking river and city. East or West Side, walking dlstancei bath, phone, gas and wood stoves, $12 to $13.50. phone Sell. 1109. ONE or two furnished rooms in steam heated flat, with kitchen, modern, walk ing distance, near 3 carllnes. 567 m Glisan St. " FOR RENT One large. clean. pleasant room; would rent for housekeeping to -me- f on employed days. 547 Morrison st. Phone Main 44tl. FOR RENT Three new unfurnished house keeping rooms, two furnished sleeping rooms; licht. phone and bath free. For particular phone B 1 530, 83 1 E. Eve re 1 1 . COM PORTABLE single housekeeping rooms; furnace heat, phones, bath and laundry; every convenience; close in. 405 Stark St. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy it iudiclousl v ami the savings will exceed vour moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city in less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny. Monta villa, and East Side lino cars pass our door. lu-KOOM house, 73 Union ave. North, near E. Everett st. 7-room house, 412 Stanton St., near Union ave.. $20. !-room house, 703 York st. (West Side), 20. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 233 Stark St. WHY RENT? With our organization, eliminating mid dlemen's profits, wo can build you any priced, house for cash or on easy terms and save you money; plans and estimates free ; a po.stal will bring full details. R. BAILEY, postofflce Box 473- IF YOU want to rent a house SEE ME. If you want to rent YOUR house SEE) ME That's my business, s. D. Vincent. Rent als, Real Estate and Ins., 420 Lumber men's bldg. 9-KOOM residence, 790 Love-Joy st., near 24th st. North, $55 : aristocratic neigh borhood. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 4th st. A NICE, modern house should have modern furnishings throughout ; Eastern prices and easy ternus at Calef Bros., 360-370 East Morrison st. VERY desirable 6-room house. 402 San Ra fael st., near Union ave.; close in. $25. Phone East 16S5, C 1491. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 East 19th st.. North, near Everett. Inquire 13J 6th st. Main 6278. $12 4-ROOM cottage. 325 Schuyler st. J. .1. Ocder. corner Grand ave. and East Ankney. $16 NEW 5-room cottage, 501 East 20th st., near Washington.. Apply 127 East 16th, near Morrison. $16 Modern 5-room cottage, walking dis tance. 410 San Rafael su, near Union ave. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1618, A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Bros." easy rent plan at Eastern prices. 300-37O East Morrison si. S-ROOM house for rent, 408 13th st. North, Irving ton. Room 34 Labbe bldg. Phone A 3150. Main 4347. FOR RENT Modern S-room house. 965 East Couch ex.. ; window shades, some carpets and furniture; rent $23. Phone Main S6i5. FOR RENT 774 Everett st., modern 9 room house, partly furnished ; garage. In quire 527 Chamber of Commerce. M. 803. $20 ; acres, lots of fruit, 9-room house; Milwaukle Phone Tabor 374. HOUSE for rent, Iiall. $16. 426 10th at., cor. $Jt 4 rooms, graded street. 2 blocks cars. Ap ply 450 Magnolia. Woodlawn. 4-ROOM house. Including gas stove. ln ciuire 952 Cleveland ave. FOR RENT 5-room bouse. 1437 East Everett. phone Tabor 801. 6-ROOM house, near in, near Upton ave., $J0. S26 Board of Trade. $25 6-ROOM modern house, San Rafael St.. n?ar Union ave. Phone East 5271. GOOD 7-room cottage. West Side, walk ing distance, $25. 332 Grant; call today. lurnished Houses. COMPLETETLY furnished house of eleven rooms, all modern conveniences, tiled bathroom, largo grounds and beautiful view of the city. Apply 794 Glisan st. between 5 and 6 P. M. FURNISHED residence in Rose City Park to rent ; hard wood lioors. 4 bedrooms ; ev erything complete. Apply 032 Worcester Block. THREE-ROOM flat, all conveniences, partly furni?hed. $30. References. 821 NonJirup. Main 1612. MODERN well-furnished house, 6 rooms, furnace. 87 E. 17th. Phone East 2463.. mornings. VERY desirable furnished house, complete; 6 mouths; reasonable. 541 4th st. Phone M. 6732. 6-ROOM cottage, completely furnished. In - quire 405 Dekum bldg. FURNISHED cottage, 284 4th. Apply 349 Haxrison. Main 8OI0. &-KOOM lower flat, thoroughly mod furniture brand new. Imjulre at 402 P; lern, 'ark. Houses for Kent, Furniture for Sale. 6-ROOM flat; very best residence district; modern house; first floor, elegant furni ture, good as new, could not be replaced lor the price; $700, half cash; rent $40. 6-room flat, on Clay, near W. Park, a splendid bargain in choice furniture, in i. t-ozy home ; a sacrifice at the price, 325; rent 35. it rooms, well located, good furniture, good as new; rnt $60; clears from $50 to $60; price $1250. $0OU cash. 12 rooms, just off of Wash. ; furniture fair; rent 50; rooms all full; some house keeping: clearing $50 a month; price $7u0. 13 rooms, cI"sh in. on 7th st, good prop osition ; rent $01; expense Hffht, from $-0 to $60 a mo. sure; price $850, terms for part. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY, HOTELS AND R OOM ING-H OUSES, 2ti'i Wash. St., Room 407. Phones Main 8560; A. 3475. 9 ROOMS. EVERETT ST. 9 -room house, rent ?3l'.50, $K1 worth of rooms rentod, furniture is good and for sale at $6uo, part cash, balance monthly, fine place to rent rooms. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, 12TH ST. Swell, modern, 6-room flat, close in, rent $37.50, is newly furnished with good fur niture and for sale at $650, good location, for renting rooms. GRUSSl & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HERE IS A BARGAIN. 7-room flat, good furniture, close In, and will soil lor $3o0. rent onlv $::5. LINCOLN INVT. CO.. 312-313 Henry Bids;. FURNITURE "f a 7-rooin flat for sate 'heup if taken at once; party going away. No. 9 North ll'h ft. IF YOU want to buy or sell rooming-house or modern flat, sen us ; we do the busi ness. II. W. Garland &. Co., 191 4th st. BIG bargain; new and elegant furniture of 9-room house. 3o N. 7th st. Stores. FOR RENT Four-story and basement briclc store building, 100x163. S. E. cor. Front and Pine sts. Apply C- A. Dolph. Mohawk hldg. BRICK STORE, steam heated, large, dry storeroom and basemen'.; reasonable. Main 7157. STORE f.r r.-nt on 4th and Yamhill. Call Ray City Market. FOR RENT 2 lofts, corner location, rent cheap. 63 5th st. Offices. OFFICES, $13.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. Suite for dentit and physician. All-night elevator service. Best location, :;3 Swetland bldg. OFFICE ROOM, furnished or unfurnished; hot h phones ; very reasonable. 402 Board, of Trail. DOCTOR to share office with dentist. Third and (Touch. DESK ROOM for rent; outside room. Henry bldg. 523 FOR RENT A few offices Jn Couch bide Apply Room 601. i