THE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. PRIOR DEAL DENIED Ex-Governor Moore Testifies in Coal-Land Hearing. . WORK FOR OWN BENEFIT Attitude of Glavis Was Friendly and Gave 'Witiws.s to Understand Pat ents Delayed Ponding Deal With Guggenheim. SPOKANE, Tec. 2. Denial of any prior ciemnt to consolidate claims before patent wa Issued was the predominating note struck by the defense In the Cun tilnjrham coal case hearing today. The opening testimony of the claimants was offered this afternoon before Mr. Mc Goe. special commissioner for the Gov ernment, in the Federal Courtroom. The chief witness to appear for the claimants was Miles C. Moore, of Walla Walla. ex-Governor. An affidavit was Introduced showing: that Mr. Moore made the location on coal ground for his own benefit alone. end at the time of Its location he had not contracted or in any way limited his dominion over the claim. Moorej Had Xo Agreement. Moore swore that at the time of its location be lind no agreement of any kind in unison with other claimants for the sale of the property to anyone. Referring to the affidavit obtained from him by Glavis. Moore said: "Glavls" attitude was friendly and he stated that the matter of our patents was hung up in the department on ac count of the Guggenheim nef?otlationj, but that be bad been fc-olnjr o'er Mr. Cunningham's ' hooks and had found everything all right and that we would be able to pt our patents to our claims in 60 or 90 days." Affidavit Read Hurriedly. Moore acknowledge that lie did not read the affidavit as closely as he might have done, and regretted that the real meaning was not made more clear. Taking of testimony, which was shifted from Seattle to Spokane, began this; morning before W. J. McGee, special commissioner of the Board of Law Re view of the General Iand Office. Vancouver Weddings Diminish. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Dec. 2. (Spe cial.) There was a noticeable falling ofP in marriage licenses issued last month, the total being 22, compared with 65 in November, 1908. MAILT METEOROUGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec. 2. Maximum tempera ture. 41.6 degrees: minimum temperature, .14.7 dfrrees. River reading-. 8 A. M-. 14 fe-at. Chanftfi In Jt 4 hourii. .1 foot. Total rain fall (.-. TP. M. to S. P. M., trace. Total rain fall since September 1. 1909. 15.54 inches. Normal rainfall since September 1. 13.47. inches: excess. 3.07 Inches. Total sunshine December 1. 18 minutes. Possible sunshine. 8 hours, K4 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 30. SO Inches. WEATHER COXDITIOXS. Therw has been a marked increase in at mospheric pressure over Montana, its in fluence heine noticeable throughout most of the Pacific foast states, where the weather Is slightly cooler. In the Rocky Mountain tkk1oii and over the southern portion of the Pacific Slope temperatures have fallen con siderably, the thermometer registering 20 degrees at Tonopah. Nev., and 4 degrees at Helena, Mont. Light precipitation has oc curred over most of the intermountain states, where In the higher elevations it fell In the form of snow. Fair and cooler westher appears probable in this district for Friday. . FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, cooler Fri day: heavy frost In morning. Oregon and Wnshlugton Fair, cooler Fri day, hoavy frost In morning; moderate northeast winds. Idaho Cloudy, with snow Frldav n T. F. DRAKE. Observer temporarily In charge. AUCTION SALES TOIAY. At tVilson's Auction House, corner 2d and 5amhlll sis. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. ,At Oilman's1. 12 2d -. st 10 o'clock A. M. s. I,. N . Oilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 5.1. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Friday) evening 7:30 o-clock. Masonic Temple. Work tn M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of the W. M. C. M. STEDMAN. Secretary. A -SPECIAL COMMUNICATION of Mount Tabor Lodge. No. 42 A. F. AND A. M. this (Friday) evening. 7:4. o'clock. Prompt attendance H-i-u. ors. in h -. degree. D. R. YOUNG, Sec. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. SO, O. E. S. Regular meething this (Friday) evening. 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. West side. Election of of ficers. By order W. M. SARAH B. GUERIN. -See. H ASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Work In the first degree. Visitors welcome. F. COZENS. See. NEW HALL FOR RENT. Ill 2J, near Washington. Hone. Davis Co. DIED. 8PERLING At S45 Haight street. this city. Carl Sperling, aged 07 years, beloved husband of Wllhelmlne Sperling and father of Mrs. Vena Griffis. Minnie and Martha Sperling, of this city; August and Adolph Sperling, of Harrlsburg, Or.: Mrs. Llrzie Walker, of Dallas. Or., and Charles Sper ling, of Albany. Or. Funeral notice later. BRUSH In tht cltj-i December 1. at the residence of his daughter. Mr W. B. Hutfll. 2T.O Twelfth street. John Irush, aged 87 years .1 months. Funeral at Albany Or., Saturday. December 4. MISH Msnnie Mlsh died in San Francisco November 3 formerly of Portland: brother of Tom, Joe, Moe, Julius Mis-h, and Mrs. Rypke and Mrs. M. Holzman. Age 3 years 11 months. REIDLl'GER In this city, December 2, Charles Reldluger. Remains at Dunning, McEntee & Gilbaugh's parlors. FUNERAL NOTICES. MUELLER In Portland". December 2, Mrs: Marie Amelia Mueller, aged 70 years. 0 months and 3 days, sister of Charles and G. A Hegele. Mrs. C. A. Alisky and Mrs. Paulin Scbmeer. Funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. Saturday, De cember 4. Interment at Albany, Or.. Sunday, December 3. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. MURRAY At Cedar Mills. Washington ounty. December 1. Owen Murray, aged 73 years. Funeral will take ilace Satur day. December 4, at 10 A. M.. at St. An thony's Church, where requiem mass will be offered. Friends respectfully Invited. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Directors. B94 Wililunis; both phones; lady attendant; most modern and complete establishment in the city. Dunning. McEntee A Gllbaugti Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine, rhone Main 4X0. I.ai1y Assistant. Office of County Coroner. HOWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 2-'0 3d St. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. J. r. FINLEY PON. Sd and Madison. Ijuty attendant. I'bone Main 9, A 1599. EAST 81 DK Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. S3, B 2525. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; ladv assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 8133, A 2235. AMUSEMENTS. Bungalow Theater Twelfth and Morrison. Phones Main 117 and A 4224. Tonight. 8:15 Tomorrow night Popular prices Matinee tomorrow THE DIKE OF CONN AUG HT'S BUGLE BAND. Madame Tuiso "Brehanev. Soprano. Evenings. $1.00 to 25c. Matinee. 50c to 25c. SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY. Bungalow Theater 4 NIGHTS. BEGINNING NEXT SUNDAY Special price matinee Wednesday. The Brilliant Musical Success, THE SOUL KISS." Evenings, J1.60 to 50c. Matinee, $1.00 to 25c. PORTLAND THEATER "irSS? RUSSELL & DREW. Manager. Main 443; A 7085. Tonlsrht and All This Week, The Hit of the Town, "MR. IIOPKISISOK' with . . DALLAS WEI.FORD and entire Ivondon company. Seats now on sale at the box office 50c to $1.60. MAIN a. A 1010. MATINEE EVERY DAY. 15-25-5BC NIGHTS TH RATER '(S-G-fSt! WEEK NOV. 29 Donald Bowles and com pany in "Guilty," The Klein Family, Harry Fox and Mlllersnip Sisters tn "Artistic Non sense," The Great C'airedo. Eva Williams and Jac Tucker In "Sklnney's Finish ' George Perry and Lee White, Carl Nobel, Pictures OrcheKtra. LYRIC THEATER Phones. Main 4685, A 1026. Prices. 30, 20, lOo Week November 28. 'THE SIGN OF THE FOUR. By Sir A. Conan Doyle. Gold Watch Oiven Away Friday Evening. Matinee Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2:13. Every evening at 8:13. Next "Tempest and Sunshine." YOU'Ui LIKE THE LYRIC GRAND WEEK OF NOVEMBER 29. CARLOTTA Sydney Dfane & Co. Bmtbrn Da mm Mr. & Mr. O'Brien . Geo. II. W'oo'd Nelly Burt Fred Banrr (randascope !:30, Any Seat 15c. 7::t0-l:15. 15c. 25c. DEATH - DEFYING Looping the Loop Matinee Every Iay '. Evening Performances ADVANCED VAL'DEVT LLE Special Engagement HERBERT'S CAT AND DOG CIRCUS Deltorelli fe Glissando. Keen & Adams, Coyne & Tin Ion, Red way & Lawrence, James R. Wh ters. T.eo "White. Popular priced Matinee Daily Curtain 3:30, 7:30 and 9. STAR 'THEATER The New Show. Great. COXSVL, THE MONK. A Wonder, and the RIOGRAPH AXD SEI.IG. Very Attractive. lOrf Any Seat lO French Fete BAKER THEATER, I DEI E.MREK 3 AM) 4. MATINEE S4H KUA1, DEC. 4. PRICES NIGHT 50. 75?. iSl.OO AIATINEK 50C and 75 Seats Now on Sale at Box Office. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY I'KESIDENT. Mmln'SM. DMRJilABI. Mala 6M. HUMANE OFFICER. Em! 477. NEW TODAY. SUBDIVIDING MONEY MAKERS 4 platted tracts between the 3 and 4-mile circle, 25 to 30 50xl00-foot lots in each. Average price of $125.00 the lot. EASY TERMS A chance to easily and quickly ' MULTIPLY YOUR MONEY Chamber of Commerce. EST SIDE Fine, strictly modern 8-room house, corner lot, garage, and all modern im provements. This is high-class prop erty. Will be sold at a bargain. . W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO. 33 Alder Street. ' MORTGAGE LOAN Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private investors. M. E. THOMPSON CO. Corner Fourth and Oak Streets. Phones. Main 6084, A 3327. Place Your Fire Insurance With Us. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Bulletin sc I'Oanau Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Rlorlt. For information regarding Laurel hurst, the addition with character, call up iMain 1503 or A 1515, and leave your name and number for H. H. Urdahl. . 400-Acre Farm On county road between Dallas and Salem. Good bottom land, 3Vi miles from Dallas; one mile from store, post office and school. 1 A miles from rail road. Write for terms. P. O. Box 304, Salem, Oregon. 160 ACRES 100 acres excellent fruit land: 100.000 ft. merchantable timber; Hi miles from By.; Kllckatat County: tO per Here. haw & Locke, 420-21 Lumbermen's bldg. Mi SKW TODAY. Buys $30,000 A fine lot on 7th st., near the end of Broadway bridge. $12,500 72 feet on King St., -svith alley on sides and back; apartment site. $45,000 5 lots and 2-story frame building, 110 rooms; building cost $30,000. Near railroad yards. $12,500 100x100 on Tenth and Hoyt, across street from Hill's depot. - $36,000 50x100, on Tenth, near Stark. 950,000 50x100, -with 3-story brick, on Wasb . ington. Look it up. S50.000 100x100 on 9th and Dvis: good im- provements. . . $30,000 50x100. on 9th and Flanders; under lease. $25,000 50x50, on Fifth and Couch. Keasey, Humason 6 Jefrery 14 Chamber of Commerce. M. 1189. A 3814. WHILE YOU ARE PAYING RENT The other fellow, who is earning the same income as you. is paying for a home of his own at Gregory Heights, and when he gets his home paid for you will still be paying rent unless you turn over a new leaf very soon. Now is the time to get started. There is nothing to be gained by delay. 'e sell the lots as low as 1150 on terms of $5 cash and $2.50 per month. We alo build homes for all purchasers who desire it for small monthly install ments about equal to present rentals. Gregory Heights is located in one of Port land's finest residence districts. Take Rose City car at Third and Yam hill; go to end oi carline. Office on the property. Manhattan Heights The onlv . The finest The sightliest The closest In River view Property In City Manhattan Heights For a motor boat ''or a swimming bath For a home by the River Walking distance VV. II. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO. 233 Alder St. Place Your FIRE INSURANCE With M. E. THOMPSON CO. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts., Henry Bldg. Phones, Main 6084, A 3327. We have Money to Loan. Portland Heights 8-ROOM STVVO MTTLE BDNBAI.OW, unobstructed view of city, river and mountains. A bargain for a home or will pay 12 per cent net as an invest ment. Price $3500. Terms. JXO. P. SHARKEY CO A 1550. 1224 Sixth St. M 550. $12,000 60x50 lot 10 feet from Morrison. Here is a money maker. F. O. Northrup 315 Couch Bldg., 4th, Sear Washtngrton. Portland Heights Bungalow Modern 8-room, with billiard-room; 8 lots, many trees, beautiful grounds: 2 blocks from carline. $10,000. good terms, or will consider exchange city or country property. ' Phone Owner, Main 34S1. WHEAT LAND I handle my own wheat land; will take small cash payment, good Port land property or secured notes for first payment, and take OSE - HALF of crop until land is paid for. J. O. ELROD, . 510-52O Corbett Bids., Opposite Poat offlce. lOOxlOO XORTH PORTLAND, 17000 worth $10,000. A. BACKUS, 519 Board of Trade 111 dir. Furniture Store In thriving Willamette Valley town. Only furniture store in town. Excellent business. $1000 cash, balance on easy terms., D 542, Oregonian. WIIX EXCHANGE 40-acre- fruit or chard, one mile from large Oregon town, for Income or vacant city prop erty, pay or accept difference. L. K. MOORE, 517 Board of Trade. $3750 IRVINGTON HOME $3750 Elegant v-room House and lot, on Eaat 9th St., for sale by owner. In quire 2T1 Kalsey st- , NEW TODAY. "The land of sunshine and flowers," where ten acres is a fortune; still selling for $125 per acre,with perpetual water right, located in the center of the great state of Washington at the confluence of the Yakima and Columbia Riv ers; Call for free booklet. Go up with us and look our project over. Richland Land Co. 4- A. W. HOVER, Mgr. 908 Board of Trade Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Main 7466. FOR SALE BYOWNER (All improvements' in and paid for.) A 5-room bungalow, just finished, in a new restricted district. Cement basement, laundry trays, hot and cold water, and full plumbing fixtures, beamed ceiling, panel dining-room, cement walks and fence around rear of lot. Clinker brick mantel and leaded glass doors to sideboard and bookcases Tinted to suit purchaser. Price $3000; $500 cash, $25 per month. Address postof fice box 42. GOOD BUY In 10 or 1 2-room house. Must be strictly-modern, between 20th and 26th and -Tohnson and Marshall. Oive particu lars. AN 570, Oregonian. GEORGE BL.ACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. A11 "Branches.! 32a Worcester Bids. Phones Main 8371 A 401S. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In EflTrt November I. 1908. Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time 13o Same ad two consecutive times 22o Same ad three consecutive times .4. 30c fcaiue ad six. or seven consecutive times. .56c - Six words count as one line on cash, ad" vertisemeDts, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement not run consecutive times the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and ait other classifica tion excepting the following; Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted. liunle. 1- or Kent, Kooms. Private F"amil les. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. The rate of the above classification is 7 cents a line each insertion. Space in the "New Todar " columns Is flifued by measure only 11 lines to the TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRON'S The Ore sronian will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of isHues is sent. Ackmiwledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge of book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing lu the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. In case box office address is required, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad.. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, k V. A Co. M. S349. SO Hamilton bids Beck, William G., 312 Falling bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real eet&te. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 00 McKay bldg. M. 049. Chapin & Herlow, C32 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B S. & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. K. & Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 188. 206 Oregonian. KIRK & KIRKHAM, Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. S'.-halk. Geo. C, 264 Stark st. Main or A Sharkey. J. P. & Co., 12Z Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah su (Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T.f 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BROADWAY and 41th st., Weiberg Addi tion, cor. lot, 50xlOO, -bargain: U block if desired. Merchant Savings' & Trust Co. Main 6494, A 2494. N. W. -CORNER 31st and(Jarrett, 1 block from cars, unusual bargain ; $475 cash, worth $700. Merchants Savings & Trust Co. Main 6494. A 2494. CHOICE corner lot, seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable for two houses; $2000. W. H. O'Neill, 229 11th st. MOUNT SCOTT line, Reeervoir Park lots. $275 to $300, 5c fare; only $10 down. 301 Henry bldg. EAST SIDE, corner. 100x100, 80-ft. street, near carline. magnificent view of city and hills; $750 cash. G 573. Oregonian. WEST SIDE lots. Improvements in and paid for, $450, terms. Room 432 Mohawk bldg, afternoons. MUST sell my lot In Irvington Park; $500, terms; it's a bargain. Address A u57. Oregonian. IP you own lot will build you & house on terms. EasLman Co., 303 Abington bldg. Main 3230. $100 CASH. $20 month, will buy 2 fine lots near Hawthorne ave. 519 Swetland bldg. IRVINGTON lots, $1100 to $1250; paved street. A. Backus. 619 Board of Trade bldg. $8000 Six lots, close in, manufacturing, stable sites. Fuhr, 387 Vi East Burnside. 6 LOTS, located in Hyde Park, to trade for home In city. Owner, 83 5tb, room 1. TWO lots. 1 block from Alberta carline, $500. Room 24. 303 Washington. 100x200 Fine building site, with natural trees. $1250. See owner. 410 Failing bldg. TWO lots in Berkeley for $225. W. J Baker. 519 Board of Trade bldg. FOR PROMPT SALES call on the Berry Real Estate Co.. 202 Swetland bldg. 50x100 ON" Overton street; choice Nob Hill location; $4000. 83 3th St., room 1. Want REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. NORTHROP Acres, only 15 minutes' ride 6-cent carfare. West Side, no draw bridges to delay you and you do not Interfere with river transportation, which is mak ing Portland. Buy an acre in Northrop Acres now. It will raako you independent in a few years. Price only $900; terms within the reach of all. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON HALF BLOCK. 100x200. Including two corners on Knott st.. 2 blocks from car; this property Is six feet above the street level and has a mag nificent view; an Ideal residence site; price $7500, terms. H- P PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Pull quarter tlock. East 13th and Di vision, overlooking Ladd's Addition; faces north and east ; a choice residence sec tion but no restrictions on this particular piece; price $2850. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER 100x100 In best part of the addition; fine view; 2, blocks from car; price $1250; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Full lot, SOxlOO. IOO feet from carline, all street improvements in and paid for; price $650, $2oO cash and balance at $10 per month. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. View lot 60x112, surrounded by fine houses; all improvements in; one block from car; price $2tt5Q. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-2-13 Commercial Club Bldg. . DO YOU WANT THIS BARGAIN? Waverleigh Heights lot worth $8O0. will sell for $.50. close to car and close In, near 27th st. Phone SIWO. or A 7574. W. J. BAKER, 519 Board of Trade Bldg. SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valtay ; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. S10 Board of Trade bldg. Phone-Main 934. FULL lot, 50x100. on East 29th at.. Kenlt worth, on carline; faces east; $370 cash will handle, balance $2r0 per month; price $675. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. SOUTH PORTLAND.' Full lot. 50-xlOO, on Florida st.. 50 feet from carline. faces north; street im proved and paid for; price $ROO. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. BARGAIN. Quarter block, 100 feet from Union ave,, 4 feet above street grade; price $2400, Is cheap at $3000. Osburn Bros., 503 McKay bldg 75x100. Corner East 2ijth and Brooklyn, street improved and paid for; price $1000. half cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. NEW 7-room bungalow, built for home. Just finished: lot 50x150; 2 blocks from car. Price $3500; $2500 cash; balance terms. J. D. Hayes & Co.. 302 Swetland bldg. 23 IOTS, 2:ixl00. Fowler and 28th sts., Hudson Addition, 4 blocks east of Irv Ington; make an offer. Merchants Savings & Trust Co. Main 6494, A 2494. $11,000 HANDLES $ 1 7.000 . apartment house. Lot 50x100; good location ; close In ; In come -equals ,12i per cent on price. J. D. Hayes & Co., 302 Swetland bldg. INVESTIGATE. 62x100, close in; Central Rat Portland; fine location for apartments ; price low, See owner. 309 Lumber Exchange. PIEDMONT lot on Cleveland St., near Alns worth ave.. $1000. A. Backus, 519 Bord of Trade bldg. $12.000 Corner apartment site, close iry easy terms. K 572. Oregonian. For Sale eiouses. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace. furnace, sleeping-porch; just completed, new and modern In every de tail; faces eaHt. within one block of car; price $6500, terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, rvsw; nicely improved grounds, 100x10 0, front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner. 602 Corbett block. BUNGALOW AND FIVE ACRES. Oregon City carline; beautiful soil; will grow onion or anything that will grow In Oregon: no rocks or gravel; ali heaverdam; price $35o0. cash $10o0, bal. terms. H. Hobson. at station. Jennings Lodge, Oregon City carline. $2500 NEW, Atrlctly modern 8-room house; full Iot; 1 block tu car; owner going away. Terms. $250 down, balance to suit. Take Mount ScoiT car. get off at Millard ave., thfn ask for Joe Nash. Or will take lot as fir ft payment. $2450 WILL buy new 6-room dwelling, full basement, bath. large clothes closets, on Gibson et.. near R. 41 st st.; espy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. A BARGAIN. Price reduced from $5250 to $4500 for quick eale of 50x100 lot and modern house of 7 room, situated on B. Taylor St.. near 16th ; trms. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber FJxchange. COTTAGE 5 rooms, bath and toilgt, on 3tUh St., bet. Main and Madison sts., $1900: $250 cash, balance $20 per month. Merchants Savings & Trust Co. Main 6494, A 2494. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 50x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses; a splen did buy at $3000 ; terms. Call at 45 Harold st. West side home. 8 rooms, modern, fine view, one block from car; garage : price $75O0, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. $15. 0OO Improved property on 14th, Taylor. 10 par cent income. $4000 Nice home on Corbett st, I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce near 20TH AND STARK STS. 9-room house, all conveniences, new. including carpets, shades, range, linoleum, fixtures, $7500; terms to suit. Merchants Savings & Trust Co. Main 6494, A 2494. (4500 Desirable 6-room, 2-story residence, in northwest part of city, fractional lot; will be sold on easy terms. Parrish, Wat kins & Co.. 250 Alder st. NICP2 6-room Colonial house, modern; 50x 100 corner lot, 3 blocks from 2 caxlines, cn Commercial street, near new High School; $3250; terms, by owner. Phono Wood lawn 410. ARB you cold? If so. buy my furnace and tiled fireplace, fine modem bungalow thrown In. Terms easy; will take part In lt or acreage. Mum. sell; Owner, phone C 2479. FOR SALE 658 Schuyler, near 17th, mod ern 7 rooms, $5000. $500 down, balance $50 month. 6 per cent interest. c. B. Wood worth, care Ladd & Til ton Bank. I HAVE for sale one of the prettiest bun galows in the city for (300 cash, balance the same as rent; let me show you this; you will surely buy. AK 571, Onsgonian. $14.000 Quarter block and four houses on West Side; has monthly income of $90; part ca.h, balance on terms to suit. Julia Max well. 309 Chamber of Commerce. NEW, modern fi-room house In North A 1 bina. one block from Killingsworth ave.; will take vacant lots as part payment. See owner. 410 Failing bldg. FINE HpME. East BurnsWe, bet. 10th and 17th sts.; all modern improvements, $7500. Merchants Savings & Trust Co. Main 6494. A 2494. IRVINGTON 8-room residence, new and modern, on paved St.. at a bargain; let me show you. A. Backus, 519 Board of Trade bldg. VERNON bungalow. 5 rooms, lot 50x100, close to car. good terms. T. J. Byrne, 245 Morrison st. BUNGALOW Just completed; beautiful home; close in, ready for occupancy; bar gain. Owner, 405 Gerlinger bldg. MAGNIFICENT bungalow. central west, ideal location; no agents. A 573, Orego nian. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. 496 East 20th st. North. Call and see it. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1618, A 19S4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; ln wstigate plan. R. C. Young, box 4064. MODERN $-room house $3000; $100, $25 monthly. Owner. Wood lawn 1799, C 2456. house and lot. Kern 826 Board of Trade, Park, $600, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEW B VX OA LOWS. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. $500. Swell, brand new 5-room bungalow, pan elled and beamed dining-room, living-room 14 xl'S, clinker fireplace and all other latest improvements. lot 50x100. on E. 19th, near Alberta st. Price $3000. $500 cash and $20 per month. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Strictly modern 6-room new bungalow, on corner lot. 100x100. on Tillamook St.; has all the latest improvements, furnace, fireplace, panelled dining-room, beam cell ing, in fact, nothing missing. Price $5250, $2250 cash, balance to suit. EAST YAMHILL ST. BUNGALOW. . Naw 5-room modern bungalow, with all latest Improvements, street work paid. A few days' only at this price. $3250, part cash, balance $20 per month, $6 per cent. Furniture and carpets all now, can be had for $200. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. New 6-room bungalow, on E. 7th st.. near Alberta, half block from car. com pletely furnished wtth new furniture, bun galow has electric light, porcelain bath, cement basement and a nice little home. Price with furniture $2850, without furni ture $2400. part cash, balance $15 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOWl 31"Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 6-ROOM cottage, facing north pn E. Salmon St., near 20th, in w-ry bsst of neighbor hood, close to carsstnd within walking dis tance of city. House is plastered and pa-, pered and has bath and toilet. A II street Improvements are In and paid for. Price $o00. $1500 cash. A snap. Lot 40 by 15 feet. Kauffman & Moore, 325 Lumber Ex change $50O CASH buys this new, modem B room bungalow with 50x1m-foot lot. east frontage. block from carline in select residence district; remainder of $2000 can be paid sahie as rent; investigate this, it will pay you. THOMPSON SWAN, HO Second St., Portland, Or. $10 A MONTH. HOUSE, vReady to move into; 2 good lots; you can get it for your own at the price of 510 a month; order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Gregorv's office in Gregory Height. Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill, yc off at end of carline; office on the property. $100 CASH Buys beautiful 5-room bungalow. Woodstock carline; lot 5xl00; oil the best In Oregon, with full cement baemeut. fireplace, Dutch kitchen; prettiest home in Portland; pay ment $20 per month. National Realty & Trut Co.. 326H Wash, st., room 516. $1000 BUYS 5-room cottage. West Side, only 13 blocks from City Hail. An opportunity to double your money In a short time. You will do well to figure a little on this. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Mason and Gar field ave. ; terms ; also confectionery and cash grocery. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 1096. For Sale Business Property. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE. 1 OoxloO, close in, near Wash in k ton St., situate In cn of best residence and famiLv hotel district; 2 good houses on the property bring in $75 per month; price $20,000, terms. II- P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 5100 DOWN. $25 per month. Including in terest, buys corner tore building. 100 feet on carline; Bull Run Water, sanitary plumbing, lot 35x1 00 feet, with lots of fruit trees, also barn. Price $2100. M 573, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Quarter block at southwest cor ner of 36th and Couch. 100 feet from Washington st. W E. Burke, U20 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Miscellaneous. CALIFORNIA ORANGE GROVE. 12 H acres at Riverside, Cal., in full bearing orange, trees, good 9-room house, barn and out-buildings: near streetcar ; for tne last 10 years tills grove has aver aged a net yearly income of 13 per- cent on the price. $20.000 ; owner will consider Portland residence in good neighborhood as part payment. Further information on application. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bidg. Acreage. RUBY ACRES. 5. 10, 20-acre tracts, choice walnut and fruit land, level, improved, in high state of cultivation, on the Willamette. 1 hour's ride on Salem Electric; steamer transporta tion; fare 35c; iruit belt of Oregon; $150 it acre. 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 6 per cent; larger tracts with or without Irriga tion; dan't lose thLs opportunity. , DEAN LAND CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. RIVERDALE. I will sell all or any portion of my beautiful S-acre tract at Riverdale, will cut up nicely into single acres or more, tract is wooded and commands unexcelled view of river, city and mountains; secure for yourself a choice country home site In this most exclusive residence section of Portland. F. C. Graham, 827 C. of C. ACREAGE SNAP. 6 1-3 acres of very fine land, all under cultivation, on Villa ave., can be bought at a great sacrifice for a few days; owner must raise money ; part cash, balance 6 per cent. See us about it. GRUSSI & Z A D O W, $17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 12 ACRES, on carline. 20 minutes frum cen ter of city, beauLiful residence, and im provements; all in cultivation, good spring water piped to house; fine soil. If you want a home or investment, you will be pleased, when you see this place and hear the price. 602 Buchanan bldg. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minutes from center of city, in 1 and 2 -acre tracts; this will make you a liv ing and pay for Itself; $50 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call on Trustee, 410 Failing bldg. 100 ACRES, 1 mile from Collins Springs landing and station; ftna view of Columbia River and Government lakes ; a bargain. See me quick. I. G. Davidson, 81 y Cham ber of Commerce. FINE situated property, from 1 to 3 acres as desired; Oregon City car. near Courtney Station. Inquire of owner. Phone Oak Grove. Jed 2S2. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close in;. choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney 6c Siampher, 31 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4 SSI. O. W. P. LAND CO. have 2 good subdivis ion properties to sell on very advantag eous terms. W'aitlng 'room, 1st and Alder. Homesteads. INVESTIGATE 1264 miles Harriman-Hlll new railroad surveys. Central Oregon lo cations; climate, crop prospects, other chances mailed any address, $1 each coun ty. - Answer all questions; absolutely re liable facts as they exist. James J. Mears, 447 H Union ave. North. 4,00,000 FEET relinquishment on Siletz; good relinquishment near Portland; a few good homesteads left in Tillamook and Lincoln counties; relinquishment for trade. Nimmo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamil ton bldg. 160-ACRB homes teao. relinquishment, near Portland. 2.000,000 feet of fir and cedar. C. H. Piggott, 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. SPECIAL rates- for our next party for 320 acre homesteads in Central Oregon; railroads now building. Write for booklet or call and see us. B. S. Cook & Co., 5o3 Corbett bldg. KLICKAT AT County. 12 acres excellent fruit land; 8 miles from Ry.. $175 will locate you. Shaw & Locke, 420-21 Lum bermen's bldg. 6,000,000 RELINQUISHMENT in Siletz; good neighbors, good road. $5c0 if taken thi.s week. 733 Marquam bldg. M. S3 1 4. HAVE buyers for relinquishments and good claims. What have you to sell? W. B. Hartley, 411 Swetland bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. SPITZENBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS In 10. 20. 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Priee $300. $400. 500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Liberal terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merritt & Palmer, Sales Agents, 100 ACRES Orchard land, near Portland; cleared, ready for fruit trees; near a thriv ing city, on railroad, at an ?xtremply low price; will divide; part cash, balance long time at 6 per cent; good farm buildings and small bearing orchard on placa ; also other deals in farm lands. MTARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 3d Floor, Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. 160 ACRES Kliokatat fruit land. li miles from Ry, ; S.Oou.OoO ft. yellow pine ; $10 per acre. Shaw & Locke, 420-21 Lum bermen's bldg. 160 ACRES. 2 miles from R. all good fruit land; will sell at reasonablw price. Call at Hotel Eaton, room 216, today-only. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Fruit Lands. ROGUE RIVER pttzenhergs took first prize at National Apple show; we are offering 1K acres of young apple orchard near Ashland, Or., at a bargain. cai?d - for free one year from next Spring. Mossmau & McNalr. 40S Commercial Club bldg. For Kale Farms. $5 PER ACRE Great wheat country, ino acre farms In the rich delta of the -Sonora River, near American line, in Mexico, be tween Smithern Pacific and sea; moat ex cellent climate, deep garden soil, corn, wheat. cotton. beans. alfalfa. dates, oranges, lemons; all vegetable products; good market; l.VMoo acre now opened to American farmers; first 10.OO acres at $5 per acre, half cash; this is really $100) land. See or write us immediately. C. M. Wooster Company, 7 02 Market St., San Francisco, cal. SACRIFICE OF 20 ACRES. 20 acres, 16 acres in fine state of culti vation, balance easily cleared; 10 acres of fine heaverdam, fair 5-room house, good barn, familv orchard of 100 trees, living water tne year around; the place is all fenced and cross-fenced: on main county graveled road. 2 blocks from school. 20 blocks from R. R. station, on R. F. D., milk route and telephone. 1 r; miles from Portland: price $2700, $1500 cash, balance long time C11APTN & HER LOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. O. W. P. LAND CO. 4 splendid buys hi fruit land in tfc Cascade foothills district. 1 of 40 acres. 1 of 08 acres. HO cleared. 1 of : acres. S5 cleared. 1 of 1".0 acres. 5. 10 and 20-acre tracts, on or near ths carMnes. so mo partlv improved. WAITING ROOM, 1st and Alder. DA NDY STOCK R ANC H. 1076 acres on McKcnzie River: 100 acres rich bottom land, under cultivation; 20 acres second h.ttom. balance fine grazing land, with sonic cedar timber- p!ac wMl stocked cattle, hops anl horses; one ime eat tie barn, one horse barn, fair house; 7 miles Page woven wire feno-? w Hh cedar posh; price $25,000, 1 cash. RUFF-K LE I NSORG E LA N D CO.. 41S Board of Trade. 10, 20. 30-ACRE Spitzenherg Scappoose or chard tracts, on railroad, near Portland ; finest apple and pear land In Oregon. No irrigation needed; small payments month ly. Our customers are de! rhted wl'.h this prnportv at such low price? $3O0, $4h. .tio per tract. A tow n lot free in Spita enbfrn. McFA RLAND IN V E ST M EXT CO-, 3H-:11 I Corbf tt Bid:.. Portland. Or. Merritt & Palmer. Sa les Agents. A FINE FARM CHEAP. QO acres, beautiful located. 21 mils frm town and rier. and only is miles front Portland: 40 a.cre cleared, includ- land lies leel. wl:h shot soil: on 2 county road; line improvements; must be sett to he appreciated; $i2oU. owner, b3 ."jth St.. room 1. BE.- VEK DA M. r acres of extra tine beavrdam, all in fine cultivation. 12 miles from Portland, risrht on electric, line on . fine grave'.ed road; one year s crop of onions will pay for this pluce'; ' price $J."0O, $3 cash, balance long time. CHAPIN & IIERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. BOW OOES THIS SOt'NO? 200 acres, eood soil, fine water. 3 good houses. :t barns, 3 acres orchard. I.0OO.00O feet saw timber (.can sell logs banked on river for $4.7."), stock and implements; half mile across river frni rail road f las: station. miles from mill town: $:5 per acre. Write owner, 1 ,"7:t, Oregonian. $od PER ACRE 40 acre.. on railroad, count y road, near Columbia River; 1 ies fine, no rock or gravel ; terms. $200 rash, balance monthly or yearly payments, loij Board of Trade bldg. HOYE & HOPKINS, SALEM. OR. Largest list of valley farms In the state. FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON II AND. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying ; lands shown free. Olnistead Land Co., Salem. Or. A P.ARGA IN 20-acre tract, fine for fruit, only per acre; lo per cent cash, balance $!." per month. 101S Board of Trade bldg. $3 PER ACRE, SO acres, near pood Eastern Oregon town; snap for some one. AL 570. Oregonian. GET a, home In Kruit Valley; land for only $:i per acre; easy terms. Columbia County Investment Co.. 10l?i Hoard of Trade bldg. I HAVE some snaps in farms and fruit land ; som dandy ranches. V. B. Hart ley. 411 Swetland bids1. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE t-- ORTLAND PROP ' ERTT, ?I0 acrv-s of g'.. ... soil, facing good county road, miles from Eugene. '20 'f acres cleared. l.'JO of which arc in cultiva tion. r0 acres sowed to grain now. Place Is fenced. L'i'o acres being valley land, bal ance hill land. Kino water, S acres in orchard. 6-room houf. barn and out - . buildings, all In good shape. 3 horses, t colt, 1 - head of cattle. goats, chickens and t urkrys go w ith the place, al&o all farming machinery Hnri tools ind -." inns of hay. Price $40 per acre. A- very fina place. K A T'FFM A N & MOORE. 3 . 1-3J5 Lumber Exchange. 240 ACRES, 65 In cultivation, balance pas ture. In Decatur County, Kansas; pries $6000; will exchange for Port land prop erty, farm, valley business hotol or rooming-house. Kauffmann Ac Moore, 33 Lum ber FZxchange. LOT In Fairvlew, 4 Rase Line Road and 2 Coeur d'Alene. What have you near Ore gun City 7 H 573, Oregonian. 12 ACRES, close to Vancouver and only 3 blocks from the electric car. to trade for auto or city property. sr 5th st., room 1. MY rooming-house must go; other business; w ill trade for real estat i or make terms. A H 502, Oregonian. 40 ACRES of land to trade for lot or of fer. 519 Swetland bldg. 30- ROOM rooming-house 10 exchange for lots or acreage. tark t. 160 acres hay land. Idaho Write for de--script ion. Box 55, Oakedale, Wash. WILL get you anything in trade for any thing you have. 322 Hjnrv bldg. YOU can trade any Icind of property at room 1010 Board of Trade. W ANTE II REAL ESTATE. I WANT to buy a 5-aero tract suitable for nursery ; must be close to electric Una and close to River ; no Im provements necessary. C 570, Oregonian. WANT 40 to 80 acres fruit or walnut land, mostly cleared, for income-bearing prop erty and cash; give full particulars. P. O Itox 557, city. WANTED Real estate Investment on West Side, close in. from ,10,000 to $50,000; must bring some income; give particulars. W 564. Oregonian. WANTED If you havf 10 or 20 acres near car line, suitable f-r platting, I will buy r, if price h reasonable ; write particulars. .7 570. Oregonian. W ILL in t?t $ 1 0. N. O to S20. 000 i n good n -vide pro pert y ; would prefer some improve ments; Rive location. H 574, Oregonian. WANTED Building lot. not over 20 minutes out ; give location and cash price. AD 561, Oregonian. I HAVE 57O0O for a house on West Side, walking distance. AF 561, Oregonian. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LA-CEY & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Scat tie. fc.'J Chamber of Commerce, Portland. SO ACRES, ".20O.M0O feet A1 vetlow fir. $1700. terms; 44n acres, 1 7.000. 000 feet A 1 yellow fir and lurch. $ 1 .000. terms ; all well located. AM 5til, Oregonian. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney Jk Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. A SNAP 160 acres timber land; will cruls 0, 000.O00 ; good transportation ; title clear; near Chinook, Wash. AH 558, Oregonian. 425,000 TIES worth 40 cents each ; $1.50 stumpage; owner. P 5G5, Oregonian. TIMBER and hbmestead relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. FARMS WANTED. HAVE cash buyer for farm land; if vnu have snaps, submit them. W. R. Hartley, 411 Swetland bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracksn, ' 304 McKay bldg. )