THE MORXING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1909. 15 ron RENT. Houses WHKX TO MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy It judiciously and the savings wll lexceod your moving expenses. Our NO-RKNT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city in less than two years. Lookers are shown the iam courtesy as buyers, MOROAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny, Montavllla and East Side line cars pass our door 10-ROOM house, T3 Union ave North, near E. Kverett st. 7-room house, 412 Stanton St., near Union ave., Jo. fc 6-room house, 765 Toft st. (West Side) 2Q. LOUIS SALOMON A. CO., 233 Stark. St. WHY RENT T With our organization, ellmlnatlrg mid dlemen's profits we can build you auy priced houfe for cah or on easy terms and save you money; plans and et.tlri.stes tree; a postal will brin w full detail. R. BAILEY, postoffice Box 473. CHOICE, 8-room, new house. 1 block from carline, fis. H iiN KLE &. HARRISON. 5U Grerlinger Bldg. B-HOOM residence, 70 Lovejoy st., near -4 th fct. North, $55; aristocratic neigh borhood. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co. hb 4 th st. A NICE, modern bouse should have mod era ' furnishings throughout; Eastern prices snd easy terms at Calef Bros.. 3U0-3T0 Kaat Mor r:son st. IF you want to rent A house SEE ME. L you want to rent YOUR house SEE ME. That's my business. fc. L. Vincent, Rentals Heal Estate and Ins. 4-0 Lumbermen Bl. WHEN moving: call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main ItilS. A 1D84. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by CaJef Bros.' eay rent plan at Eastern price. o(JO-370 East Morrison st. FOR RENT New 8-room house at 31st ami Hawthorne ave. 4 blork from carline. William P. Brady, 81 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 1388. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath, 69 Eust lftth sc. North, near Everett. Inquire 131 6th st. Main 6278. N'BW B-room modern eottaye, fni Ejvst 20th street, near Wawhlngton. Apply 127 East lGth, near Morrison. $1 Modern 6-room cottage, walking dis tance. 410 San Rafael St., near Union ave. 8-ROOM house for rent, 48 15th st. North, Irvington. Room 34 Labbe bldg. Phone A 3100. Main 4347. $8 4 rooms, graced street, 2 block cars. Ap ply 450 Magnolia. Wood lawn. .Furnished Houses. 6-ROOM cottage, 80S Buxton, near East An keny and 2.8th -st. car, furnished. $20 month, or unfurnished. $14. Mrs. Stoop, 3 0T2 Front st.. West Side. FURNISHED residence 1n Rose City Park to rent; hardwood floors. 4 bedrooms; ev erything complete. Apply 532 Worcoster Block. 6-ROOM, house for rent, nicely furnished, piano, bath, etc.; rent $25. Phone Main 8485. 6-ROOM house, furnished, with piano, price $35 per month, or will sell furniture. Call 6 Union ave. MODERN well-furnished house. 6 rooms, furnace. 87 E. 17th. Phono East 2463., mornings. 6-ROOM house, newly furnished, reasonable, 1179 E. lOth N. Wood lawn 1O03. MODERN 6-room hou?e on E. lth St., $25. Kay at 410 Failing bldg. MODERN 6-room furnished house, furnace and fireplace. 805 East Taylor. B 2i28. Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale. T-ROOM HOUSE, BURNSTDB ST. Nice 7-room house near 10th and Burn side; rent very low; furniture Is new and . swell and for sale at $U'W on easy terms; $47 worth of rooms rented. GRUSSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FTJRNITUKE of a modern 6-room flat, all nicely furnished In 3 housekeeping suites, rent only $15 month; price $3O0. $100 cash. Full particulars at 101 4th st. 7-ROOM FLAT, 1ITH AND STARK. Modern 7-room Mat, ront only $35; $40 worth of rooms- rented; furniture only four months old and for sale at $000. FOR SALE Furniture 4 -room cottage cheap If sold at once; cottage for rent. West Side, walking distance, good neighborhood, cheap rent. AF C00, Oregonlan. BIO bargain; new and elegant furniture of fl-room house. SO N. 7th st. FURNITURE of a modern flat for sale; must sell at once. Inquire 11 -North 11th. Stores. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, 100x165, S. E. cor. Front and Pine ats. Apply C A. Dolph, Mohawk bldg. BRICK STORE, steam heated, large, dry storeroom and basement; reasonable. Main 7157. STORE for rent on 1st and Yamhill. Call Bay City Market. 13HSIC' ROOM for rent; outside room. 628 Henry bldg. STORM for rent. 206 H 4th st., between Salmon and Taylor. FOR REN T 2 lofts, corner location, rsnt cheap. 63 6th st. Of flees. OFFICES, $1.1.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physician. All-nlgM elevator service. Best location. 303 Swetland bldg. OFFICE ROOM, furnished or unfurnished ; both phones; very reasonable. 402 Board of Trade. FOR RENT Desk and use of phone In well equipped real estate office. Call 80S Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bldg. Apply Room SOL Warehouses. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 60x100; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Qllsan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward. 104 2d st. ' ; Miscellaneous, BUILDING, suitable small manufacturing business; good shipping facilities; power plant and shafting Installed; would take an interest in good proposition. Address S. B. V., O 671, Oregonlan. GARAGE) for large machine, vicinity 25th and Johnaoa. Wakefleld-Frles 4k Co., 80 4th. Halls. BALLROOM, good location. In good condl tion. reasonable. B- F. Jones, S0O Front. TO LKA8E. FOR LEASE Hall. 30x50, suitable for lodge or association purposes; heat, light and lanitur service furnished. Inquire 711 Cor bett bldg. CHOICE down-town retail business prop erty to lease for long term of years. M. K. Lee 41 1 Corbet t bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL buy Alaska Petroleum & Coal stock, name price and give mall address; prin cipals only. AN 568, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT owner wants a partner he ran depend on to be cashier, etc., will pay $150 month. Call 17 Board of Trade bldg. LADY desires to hear of a good business opportunity. AB 502, Oregonlan. BITTER, egg and poultry stand, $60 per day business; cheap for cash. 272 Stark. V 1 1.L wll scrip grodor 320 acrea Alberta wheat land for $S00. Box 8, city. $2 FOR 100O business cards; 200, 75c. Rose City Printery, 1J2Vb 3d St.. near Taylor. FOR SALE Corner grocery, living rooms; cotm; quick. 416 Henry bldg. FRUIT and vegetable stand, Jong lease, good business. 2 72 Stark st. CLEANING and pressing rarlor: must be ' sold today. H 572. Oregonlan. I WANT a r?!iahl working partner In my business. Inquire 409 College at. FOR SALE Bakery, new brick oven, money-maker. Call 416 Henry bldg. CLEANING, pressing, repairing shop; good location; cheap rent, lease. 10O1, 1st st. BUBIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. 1 Nice, clean, up-to-date stock of general merchandise, doing $3000 worth of busi ness per month; has cleared the owner $16,000 in the last 5 years; In one of Portland's best suburbs; rent Is $40 per month. Including store, 6 nice living rooms and barn; will give you 8 or 5 years lease; stock will invoice aboutfflf 7000 ; If you are looking for a payingbuainess, this one will stand closest Investigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HERE IS A SNA 60-room hotel, with dining-room, office sxnd another room that could be converted Into a barroom; near where large number of men are employed and your money is always sure; the rent is only $10O and a lease will be delivered to buyer; price only $2&oO; terms; receipts $t50 a month. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 3264j Washington St., Rooms 201-203. POOL AND BILLIARD BUSINESS. Honest, sober partner wanted to man age the business - owner will guarantee good salary, besides profits; little money required. Call 2Stii Washington st., room 612, $350 TAKES all formula, utensils, stock printed matter and equipment and rights for the manufacture and sale of a house hold article; unlimited field for a wide awake man. We can show you. 248 Vi Stark st. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Steady partner wanted to keep office and look after agents; business paying $3u0 per month now; little money needed. Particulars 28oV Washington St., room . 612. 20-ROOM notel In live country town; gar den, fruit, outbuildings; good trade; lots of fruit and berries; tine water; good place for man and wife. Call today and we will go with you. . $1500 cash to buy. 248 oiarK si. STORE business dealing in potatoes, apples, butter, eggs, etc.; owner wants a part ner he can depend on; will guarantee good salary, also share of profits. Call 417 -Board of Trade bldg. IF you know how to hustle you can get Into an old-established real estate office without any money; must be sober, of neat appear ance, and able to make things go. Refer ences exchanged. AM 560. Oregonlan. HALF Interest in a successful real estate office; you can look this over without putting In a cent; $725; man must give good references and know farm lands. 248 Stark st. RELIARLEt real estate firm will sell a working interest to a sober, energetic man to show customers property; can make $173 monthly; very little monev required. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted In a cash business; will make you $50 per week; trial given before you buy; experience not necessary. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. SOLID manufacturing business wants office man as partner, salary $150 monthly be sides pro ats. 'which are very large; $100O required, fully secured. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. "LEST YOU FORGET." If you want to BUY. SELL or TRADE anything, SEE US It's our business. Phone M. 7481. or call 320 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark. ROOMING-HOUSE. 20 rooms, fine furniture, excellent location; big money-maker. Only $900, eaty terms, if suld at noe. See owner Thursday, at 2.8 Fenton bldg., 84 6th st. REAL ESTATE Owner wants steadv, sober partner this requires very little money and will pay energetic man $175 month. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. -CHAIR BARBER SHOP At half value; good location, good trad-e; this Is a snap. Call 226 Lumber Exchange 2d and Stark sts. $25 MADE $050 In seven months; $170 made millionaire; complete story in our publi cation, 'California Oil Fields." Sample copy free. Sagar & Loo mis, San Fran cisco. ROOMING HOUSE. Everything new; excellent location; cheap) rent; velvet carpets; 15 rooms; owner sick. Only $1600. Call Thursday. Biggest snap la Portland. 208 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE Small lunch counter, nice kca--tlon, doing a good buelnees; would sell cheap for cash. Inquire between 11 and 12 A. M., the Monte Carlo saloon, 42 N. 4th. MERCHANDISE BUSINESS. Well-established and a money-maker, at invoice. Call 286 Washington st., room 012. LIVERY stable In & good Vallev town, in cluding building, ptock, 'vehicle, harness, feed, etc. Price $5000. Terms $3000 csteh, balance time. AN 5G2, Oregonlan. CORNER CASH GROCERY doing a busl nesj of $100 dally; on account of sick ness can be bought at Invoice. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. WILL sell or trade moving picture tneater; cost $1500: all new equipment; best offer takes It; other business reasons for sell ing. Inquire J. P. Wilbur, Imperial Hotel. L. N. ROSENBAUM, lawyer, financial agent, promoter, developer of corporations, enter prises, syndicates. Bond issues $100,000 upwards negotiated. 311 Fern blk., Seattle. FOR SALE General merchandise stock, T lots and buildinga In a rich agricultural district, four miles from railroad station. Address Box 55, Sublimity,. Or. PART Interest In a business that will net you $200 per month; a few hundred only neces sary. Particulars SPENCER & CO., 102 Second St. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bldg.. Portland, Or. WE can locate you n paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney A Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg Phone A 48S1. FOR SALE A firat-class grill la connection with good hotel in the most thriving town in Oregon; doing a big business. Address K 503 Oregonlan. 28 ROOMS. A-l location, 6th st., steam heat furnished: new brick bldg.; long lease, J1000 will handle it. 320 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. FOR SALE On account of sickness, will sell ",3 interest in well established real estate business very cheap. B 571, Ore gonlan. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted, pre fer office man; pays $150 month salary, also profits. Call 417 Board of Trade fcldg. GROCERY bargain, clean stock, busy store and the price is right; best reasons for selling. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg WILL sell half Interest In good real estate business; chance to make $160 per month; not much money required. 316 Alisky bldg FOR SALE Four-chair barber shop, com plete; easy terms. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 416 A bint ton bldg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 225 Abington. GOOD opening for man with money to in vest, which will be secured; $1500 profit In 90 days. A 570, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted to check goods, etc., pay energetic man $25 week ; $250 re qulred. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg PARTY wishes to buy a motion-picture show or hear of a location. AB 3GL Ore gonlan. RESTAURANTS, cigar stands, meat mar kets, listed yesterday. Get your pick while fresh. 248 Stark st. RESTAURANT clearing $250 per month; will sell for $350; a snap. AL 574, Ore gonlan. WANTED Well located rooming house; have $1000 cash; must be good buy AE 563. Oregonlan. MCE large store rooms for rent, splendid location for delicatessen or hardware store East 28th and Glisan. B 2514. . WANTED Middle-aged lady with $500 to invest in paying business proposition AK 573, Oregonlan. CITY cigar stand to go at sacrifice, 4300 terms. Owner's health bad. Northwest Realty. 617 Board of Trade. POOLROOM at invoice, clears $200 per month easy terms; will take part In trade. Cor 3d nd Ankeny. 9 ROOMS, well furnished, paying $30 more than the rent; only $500 ; terms. 273 Stark st. WANTED A buyer for the best business In the best town In Western Washington. Ad dress AF 556. Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS show for sale, no experi ence needed: profits $20 a day. Call at show, 6th Flanders. UNUSUAL opportunity fnr goo business man viliing to leave city; little money required: so risk; big returas. 66 6th St., room 8. BUS rN ESS OPPORTUNITIES. EUROPEAN HOTEL BARGAIN. 64 ROOMS, fine BUSINESS LOCATION; NEW BRICK; steam heat, running hot and cold water in every room ; ALL LARGE OUTSIDE ROOMS; ground floor office; cost $10,000 to furnish; rent A SNAP; long lease; price $8250. This house clears over $6XK a month above all ex penses; owner can sho"w you. O. C R. ELLIS & CO., 326 H Washington St., Rooms 201-203. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Partner wanted to keep office and show property; must be neat, sober and willing to work; owner' will guarantee good salary besides profits; little money required. Par ticulars call 286 Washington st., room 612. MOVTNG picture apparatus, comprising 2 pin Edison ex-underwriter machine, phon ograph and records. 10 sets slides, 3 reels Passion Play ( colored ) . 3 i eels comedy ; outfit complete cost $900; will sacrifice for $500 If sold at once. .Inquire 248 Stark st. AN exoeptlonal opportunity for a man with business ability; established business, in vestment secured and profits guaranteed in addition to monthly salary; Investi gation solicited ; do not answer this un less you can furnish A-l references and have $3000 cash. Particulars 820 Lum bermens bldg., 5th and Stark. SHIRT FACTORY. We have for sal-e a shirt factory on a paying basis, clearing not less than $10 0 per month and can be Increased; price $1600; or will exchange for reai estate; owner must sell. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak MERCHANTS AND LANDLORDS. If you want to sell your business; want a partner; want to buy a business; want to sell your rooming-house; don't fall to see us. We have buvers waiting. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD., 286 Washington St., Room 612. MANUFACTURING. Partner wanted who can take a personal Interest In the business; will bear closest Investigation ; don't apply If you don't mean business; $2500 required. W. Law rence, 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d ana Stark sts. WANTED A MAN TO TAKE 1-8 OR INTEREST IN SAWMILL, LOGGING RAILROAD, LOGGING CAMP AND TIM BER; ALL IN OPERATION; BEST LO CATION IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. O 562, OREGONIAN. WANTED By Seattle manufacturer, men to take charge of branch offices in each of the following cities: Pendleton, Eu gene. Salem and Walla. Walla; $200 re quired for stock. Van Scoy, Imperial Hotel. PARTNER A busy man wants a partner to help him; will teach you the business: will guarantee $25 per week besides profits on the business; very little money required. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. LOCAL manufacturer "has proposition to make party wishing Investment with serv ices; factory running full time and earn ing large profits on capital. Call or ad dress R. B. L Mfg. Co.. Cor. E- 9th and Alder. OPPORTUNITY for business man with some capital, acquainted with architects, to form partnership in good manufacturing and contracting business. M 567. Orego nlan. $2500 WILL buy half Interest in growing, well-paying general store; party must bs salesman or good bookkeeper; Portland suburb; have doubled business last three months; can do better. H 559. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES. ROOMING-HOUSES. SPECIAL TWO-DAY OFFER. 42 rooms $3000 handles. Fine brick building; newly furnished ; must be sold quick; a bargain; come In for particulars. 22 rooms $ 1 500 handles. Housekeeping suites; dandy location, net ting nearly $100 a month; rent cheap; will go quick, 10 rooms $500 (price). A special bargain and a money-maker; rooms all full at $10 a month and up; owner going away soon. 9-roora Hat I only $500 A good home; can rent rooms to ad vantage; must go quick. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. Hotels and Rooming-houses. 2S6 Washington St.. rooms 406-407. Phones Main 8560, A 3475. 17 ROOMS, CLEAN, GOOD. Near Bungalow Theater, well furnished, CLEAN as a NEW RIBBON, STEAM HEAT : rooms always rented at GOOD PRICES; rent of house VERY CHEAP with lease; clears $95 a month over all expenses; price $1700. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 Washington St., Rooms 2OI-202. NEW, MODERN ROOMING-HOUSE. 76 rooms, fine location. West Side, close to (business center; new building and fur nishings; modern conveniences ; rooms al ways rented; a big money maker; 5-year lease; rent $450 par month. AG 545, Ore gonlan. 11 ROOMS BARGAIN. Good furniture and carpets; nice dwell ing, 7th st., few blocks .south of Morri son, very cheap to good tenant; rent of house $45, with lease; you can make all family expenses renting rooms; price of furniture $700. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 326 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. 16 ROOMS A BARGAIN. Near LaMd School, fine modern dwell ing ; furnace heat ; oak furniture. Iron beds, velvet and Brussels carpets; rent only $5; receipts from rooms $170; price $1100. O. C. R. ELLIS A CO., 326 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. WE will guarantee this to be the best buy in a 10-room house in the city; modern; furnishing, location, etc. all that could be desired for a fine home; will be sold today for what It is really worth; hurry." 320 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. BETTER SEE THIS. 30 rooms, close-in location; all in house keeping suites, well furnished; rent only 65, with lease; receipts from rooms $176. Price $15O0. $1000 cash down O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 Washington St., Rooms 2O1-202 A MONEY-MAKER. New furniture of 8-room transient house; fine location ; clears $75 monthly; pnee $500, easy terms. Call 286 Wash ington st., room 612- A SNAP. Rooming-house of 12 rooms; furniture fine ; swell location ; rooms always full Price $850. terms. Call 286 Washington st., room 612i ROOMTNG-HOUSB. 10 rooms, furniture all first-class and clean; nice modern house close In. West lde, rent only $S0- no trouble to keep rooms rented; price $650 Apply 1B1 4th st. WANTED Rooming-house, 25 to 35 rooms; must be steam or furnace heat; owners only; would like some terms, a 572, Ore gonlan. 26 ROOMS, well furnished, close in, lease; $150 net profit per month. $2D0O cah. W M. Dlllenbeck, 316 Commonwealth bldg. MY rooming-house must go; other business will trade for real estate or make terms. A H 562, Oregonlan. MUST leave for California at once will sacrifice 10 rooms good furniture: furnace heat; only $600. 407 Stark st. NINE rooms, clean, close in; only $375; cheap rent. 47 Park N. FOR SALE Furniture 16 rooms roomlng house. 3S7 Taylor. Owner. No agents. 10- ROOM house, all occupied; furnace heat $40O catfh. balance installments. 388 6th. 11- ROOM transient house; must sell at once. X01 3d St., cor. Taylor. , LOST AM) FOUND. LOST At Woodburn, Aurora or Can by a bunch of keys; owner's name on tag. Re turn to box 115, Portland, aisjl receive re ward. E. Willis. LOST Two checks by Pet Zouxas, Bank of California. $3980 and $3963. Return to 332 1-, 3d. Reward. 73 LOST Portland Heights car, Tuesday, hand s-achel, money, keys', glasses. Reward. Main LOST English bull terrierv all white, has collar on with name of owner. Phone Sell wood 923. Reward. LOST Female Boston- Bull Terrier: no questions asked. Return, to 81 Fourth st.; liberal reward. LOST Lady's gold watch and fob. with monogram L. A. P.; reward; return, to Oregon ian office. LOST Gold class pin, with Greek letter 'S In black enamel. Phone A 2522. Re ward. Hlckox. 689 Irving st. LOST English patter, male, license 1795. Re ward. 270 East 23d at. East 2930. FOUND On wiut. bulldog. Phone Main 793 LOST AND FOrrXD. LOST Lady's brown pocketbook in business district, near 3d and Morrison, containing money, keys, etc; re turn, to 149 3d st. ; reward. LOST Coral stickpin, between 21t and Flanders and 6th and Morrison sts. Re ward for return vto 691 Flanders St., or Mr. H W. Fries, 65 4th st. LOST Lady's gold watch, hunting case; has the following engraved on inside back lid: "Josephine Haxlewood, from C. E. Leltxel." ( Liberal reward. Return to Telegram of fice. No questions asked. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front st. 'Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsgor. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES OREGON STATE INSANE ASYLUM. The board of trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum hereby invites sealed proposals for furnishing supplies to that Institution for the six months ending June 30, 1910. All bids must be inclosed In sealed envelones and directed to C. N. McArthur, clerk board" of trustees Oregon State Insane Asylum, Salem, Or., and plain ly marked on outside of envelope, "Bid for for Oregon State Insane Asylum." A!! bids must be accompanied by a certified check In a sum of not less than 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The -name and address of the bid der and class of supplies to be furnished, the total amount of bid and the amount of the certified check muBt be indicated on sheets furnished by the undersigned, x and attached to the bid. In order to avoid confusion, the name of the bidder should also be plainly written on each separate sheet of the bid. Lists of sup plies upon which bids are Invited may be obtained by addressing the undersigned. No bid will be considered unless made on blanks furnished by the undersigned. The board reserves the right to reject any or a 11 bids, or to aocept or reject any part of a bid. Bids will be opened at the Capitol, at Salem, December 20, 109, at 2 o'clock P. M-- By order of the board of trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum. C. N. McArthur, clerk of the board. Salem, Oregon, November 8, 1909 NOTICE OF SALS OF STATE LANDS. Notice Is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 10 o'clock A, M., December 14. 19o9, for the following described echoul lands, to-wlt: Sectioas 16 and 36, T. 81 S., R 7 E. Sections 16 and 38, T. 34 S., R, 28 E. Sections 16 and 38, T. 84 S., R, 29 E. Sections 16 and 86, T. 35 S., R. 28 Ev Sections 16 and 36, T. 35 S., R. 29 B. Sections 16 and 36, T. 85 S-, R. 80 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 S., R. 29 E. Section 16 and 36, T. , 37 8., R. 30 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 87 S., R. 31 E. Sections 16 and 30, T. 38 S., R. SO E. Sections 16 and 86, T. 38 S., R. 31 E. All bids must be. accompanied by a regu larly executed application to purchase and by cash or postal money order for at least one-fifth of the amount offered. No bid for les than $5.00 per acre will be considered. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be addrensed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board, Salem. Or., aad marked "Application and bid to purchase state lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 28th day of September. 1909. ADVERTISEMENT for bids for construc tion of Receiving Wharf and Jetty at the mouth of the Siuslaw River: Florence, Oregon, November 9, 1909 Sealed pro posals for furnishing materials and con structing receiving wharf and jetty at the entrance to Siuslaw River, Oregon, will Ids received at the office of the port of Sius law until 11 A. M., December 18, 1009. and then publicly opened. Amount of money to be expended, one hundred thou sand ($100,000) dollars. Plans and specifi cations may be seen at our office, and in the United States Engineer office at Port land, Oregon, and also in the United States Engineer office at San Francisco, California. Port of Siuslaw. By E- P. Waite, secretary. BIDS FOR CUT FUEL Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Port of Port land, City Hall, until -4 P. M.. of Thurs day. December 9. for supplying cut or ground fuel for the dredges of the Port of Portland, for a period of three years from March 1, 1910. Specifications and information may be had upon application. The Port of Portland reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Clerk of the Board. Miscellaneous. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Paclflo Builder A Engineer. 401 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL. A LIMITED amount Oregon Trust accounts taken inexchange for furniture, etc., or all cash paid if preferred. Cohn Bros., ISO 1st st. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY to loan on improved Portland prop erty or for building; long time, with privi lege repaying all or part of loan after two years. STRONG & CO, Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved- property. If for building purposesh. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to S years time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav - ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark st. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhene in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, 316-317 Lum bermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL A CO., 30U-31O Abington Bldg. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. H. Mc Kinzie Co.. 514-15-16 Uerllnger bldg. TO LOAN, large and small amounts on good city real estate at 7 per cent interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co., rooms 4- Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. MONEY to loan Terms very reasonable on satisfactory security. Henry. C. Prud homme Co., 66 Chamber of Commerce. In surance. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loanfy lowest rates. W. G. Beck, O-li 411 ling DiUg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands. E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 86 6th il MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl. room 9, Washington bldg. 4th and Washington. $1000, $2000 and other amounts to loan, real estate security. Equity Investment Co, oX8 Gerlinger bldg. WILL loan $3000 or less, real estate. 6 per cent. Farringtdn. 416 Commercial Ciub bldg- WILL loan on Improved real estate amounts $4000, $3000. $200. $1500; no agents. Ad dress B 573, Oregonlan. $30,000 to lend on business property at 6 per cent; will lend as one sum or in small amounts. AC 562. Oregonlan. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If consult ed before building begins. 502 Henry bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E .Thom as, state agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. C $500 TO $2500 to loan, real estate security. W. S. Moore, 403 Corbett bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or cor tracts. W- H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on East Side property; no commission. See attorney 2J.O Alisky bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pal let t, 304 Fenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages, H. MUey, room 204 Gerlinger. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Fraxy &. Seitjx, X32 5 th at. tfiONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wm. MacMaster, 802 Worcester blk. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans. Lewis & Co., 251 Wash sU MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO.. 251 WASH ST. PRIVATE funds on city property. Call 410 Failing bldg. - Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. M. Delovage, Jowelsr, 269 Wash ington st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries $$$$$$$ $$$$ ARB YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY 7 If you knew bow easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debt; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies. Horses, Jewelry and Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, oa easy weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. All Business Strictly Confidential. V- S. REAL. ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., . 12 Hamilton Bldg, 131 3d. Main 2084. $$$$$$$$$$$ HUTTON CREDIT CO., We are the only company in the city of Portland organ ized and Incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon loaning money on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal; storage receipts, real estate contracts, salaries ; also confiden tial loans made to ladies; no inquiries anywhere. Loans of $10ito $100 may be obtained from us on short notice, and at a very small cost to the borrower. It will pay you to investigate our new credit plan. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 J)ekum Bldg. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATES. LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. WEt LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO., 318 FAILING BLDG. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment . loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTO. CO., 416 Abington Bidg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 6d principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and easy to pay. F. A .Newton. 515 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. MONEY TO LOAN. Quick loans made In sums from $20 to $500 for 80 to 90 days, on furniture, pianos or other good security. Room 320 Lumber men's bldg., Gth and Stark EMPLOYES LOAN CO., 821 Abington bldg. Money on Installment plan. MONEY loaned salaried people; easy payments; no publicity. Room 427, Henry bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. LOAN-WANTED We have a number of ap plications for loans on improved city property and farms In sums of $500 to $10,000; No. 1 security; Interest 6 to 8 per cent Gibson & llolliday, 304-5 Geriinser bldg WANTED A loan of $45O0 on gilt-edge West Side income property, worth $12,000, for 3 years; will pay 6 per cent Interest, but no commission. AC 561, Oregonlan. $860 WANTED; 9 per cent, on unimproved business property worth 8 times the loan. C 673, Oregonlan. LOAN of $8000 or lees, first mortgage on real estate: agents not considered ; will pay 7 per cent. AG 562, Oregonlan. $6000 FROM private party: security. 120 acres Mount Scott. AL 571, oregonlan. WANT $6000 on farm security. Main 1902. PERSONAL. DR. C S. CARTER, suite 401 Merchants Trust bldg., corner 6th and Washington. Practice limited to diseases and disorders of women. The doctor's advice is free) consult him in absolute confidence, pri vate sanatorium if desired. Hours: 10 to 1; 2-4; 6-8. Sunday, 10-L "THE JAHN." 384 Yamhill st.. cor. West Park Selected ladies' hair goods, stylish puns awl tones. artistic n-ijri. toupees. transformations that defy detection; the. very latest French system of hair dyelngf saves time, money and disappointments; our system of dermatology will cure the worst kind of scales, tetter and dandruff; experienced French wigmaker and Marcel waver in attendance. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children ; surgery; chronic and nervops diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928; A 5607. EXPERT hand and electrlo vibration treat ment and tub bat lis for ladles and gentle men for stomach trouble, rheumatism and nervousness; given by Madame HilppA Teraa, the Finnish graduate from Helsing fors. 143 11th st., corner Alder, Portland, Or. DR. D. L. LEWIS, Diseases of women and children. Ladles, you can avoid surgical operation by con sulting me; electric treatment for nervous diseases; private hospital accommodation. Rooms 605-606 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. Phones, Main 4047. A 2411. HAIR GOOD3 at factory prices; French and German hair switches, 95c and up; Paris styles in halrdressing; scientific face and scalp massage, dermatology, hairdressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Rlbbecke, Grand Leader, 5th and Alder sts. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heislngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous ana loin ach disorders, under physician's directions baths. No. 7 East K'evcnth street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone Eat 260, Home B ltoOJ. "THE JAHN," 384 Yamhill St.; phones Main 5174, A o544 High-class ladies' Turkish and electric batha ; removing of super fluous hair, moles, warts, etc., by the elec tric neede; painless and permanent; the oniy system indorsed by all physicians. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women snd children exclusively ; private hospital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047. A 241L 506 Commonwealth blug., 6th and Ankeny. PORTLAND CHIROPODY PARLORS Electricity used ; most sanitary treatment for the fet; no cutting; no soreness; sat isfaction. 302-303 Ores on ian bldg. Main 4645; hours, 1 to 5 P. M.; Sunday, 10 to ft. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chi cheaters Diamond Brand Piila. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills , are sold by druggists everywhere. SKILLFUL and scientific treatment of all diseases peculiar to women; cures effected In every cast, without operation, pain or danger Dr. pierce, all Alisky bldg. COOK Gentleman, wants lady partner in a well established cafe doing good busi ness; must have $5oO cash. Address O oOl, Oregonlan. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring. Co., 309 SLark. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are positively the best. Ta'te no other. Price, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 811 Alisky bldg. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 170 3d st. Main 8770. BAKE-OVEN treatment for rheumatism and all kindred diseases. Swedish Sanitarium, 433 Market, cor. 12th. Phone Main 7033. CANCERS, tumors, paralysis, spinal and all stomach trouble cured ; natural way. 771 Alb-erta st. Mrs. D. Allersou, healer. Mme Courtwrlght. sktn and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 50 -.2. MEN ONLY SEXOID PILLS cure ail weak ness. Price $1. Money refunded if It fails. T. J. Pierce, 811 Alisky bldg. DR. LOR ENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, Taylor Druse Co.. 289 Morrison st SWEDISH lady wishes some nice family to take her 6-year-old boy and rear him as their own. AE 661, Oregonlan. JOHN LIMNELL, Swedisji graduate, mas seur, mechano-hydrotherapeutlc treat ments 417 Oregonian bldg. Main 7757. ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any color. 428 E. 9th. E. 2211. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bdg. M. 3473. B-V,M OF. FiG? ;ema' diseases. 6iM Gllsan st. Main 9213. Aeents vums, PERSONAL DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ul cers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 181 1st st., Portland. DR. ISABELLA MACK IE. Private hospital for women. 300 E. 50th St. Tabor 8S9. BUSINXSa DIRECTORY. Accountants E, H. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block Phone Main 6507. H- A. MOSER, accountant and auditor; business or corporations, estates, counties, municipalities solicited. 250 3d. M. 2484. Assayer and Analyst. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 5080. FOOD, commercial and drug analysis Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., Portland, Or. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chen ' lsts and as Bayers. 2U4 Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labaratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. Attorneys at Law. S. 8. HUMPHREY, 737-739 Cham. Com. Interstate Adjustment Co., collection dpt. H. H RIDDELL. attorney-at-iaw. 730 Chamber Commerce. Main 4764, A 8531. Collections. COMMERCIAL, probate and real estate law, bonded representatives everywhere. Na tional Adjustment Co., 020-127 Board of Trade. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., S- W. cor. 2d and Al der. Phone Main 130L ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist; bunion skeptics invited. 167 Park st. A 2573. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, Tilford bldg.,R. 204, 10th and Mar. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bidg., port Ian. . SUN SOON HUIH CO. Silks, suitings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th. Dancing. FOUR DANCING LESSONS, $1. Prof. Wal Willaon's Dancing School. 25o per lesson, including teachers, music with each leason every morning, afternoon and eve. Guarantee to teach anyone to dance or refund money. Selling-Hlrsch Hall. 380 Wash, st., near loth. st. RINGLKR'S DANCING SCHOOLS Positive guarantee; classes, private; orchestral mu sic; beautiful hall for rentA first-class af fairs only. Phone Miss Gran strom, dancing teacher. Main 92121 Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S-, D. C. M. Office 824 Flanders st. Main 4086, A 4086- Klectrio Motors, PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 218 2d st. Feed Stores. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 481. Oiass and (iliulng. GLASS and glazing. Tlmms, Cress A Co., 145 1st st Main or A 2023. Halrworkers. SPECIALTY, scalp diseases, ladles homes to give treatment and shampoo. Phone E. 6056. Janitor Supplies, TUB WESTERN Sales Co.. 44 2d st. Jaal tor and building supplies. Phone Mala 6753. Leather and Findings. CHAS. I. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mrra nnaings. J. A. BTROWBRIDGfl LEATHER CO. tablishod 1S58. 189 Front sr Messengers, HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th St. Main 52. A 21-53. Johnnie On the spot. Musical. BAND and orchestra Instruments, musical sun dries, Victor talking macnines, records. Seiberiing-J-.ucas alusio uo., ?a st. EM XL THIBLHORN, violin teacher, pupil of cevctR. a 4J.tu. rmo os. Alain su-fto. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon st. Main 73-40. conservatory course. Osteopathia Physicians, DR. R, B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sts., Main 849; res. East or B 1028 LoRoy Smith, graduate Klrkaville, Mo., 1898, post grad 1907. 818 Swetland bldg. M. 1987. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUS SEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. pa-tent and Pensoou Attorneys. R. C- WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt paving Company, 404 Worcester bldg.. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO- Factory and office near 24th N. and York sts. Main 3489. Platers. PORTLAND - PLATING & MANUFACTUR ING CO. P II ONE MAIN a 4 3. PLAT ING IN N K :KK I,, GOLD. SIL V E H, BRASS AND COPPER ANTIQUE, POL ISHING. BUFFING AND LACQUERING; MANUFACTURERS OF METAL NOVEL TIES AND SPECIALTIES. 22D AND . THURMAN STS. LET US ESTIMATE ON YOUR WORK. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, office statloneiy, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag ruga, silk por tiere. 153 Union ave., near E. Mor. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offloe and commodious four-story brick ware- house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vauits for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d .and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 610. A 10U6. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed i lor shipment. 209 Oak st., bet. Front and 1st. Telephones Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO. established 1870. Transfer axid Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 310 lloyt St., between 6th and 6th Phoney. Main 69. A 1160. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main lbl8, A 10S4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Sales at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase. Rank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Kapids Showcase Co., 6th and lloyt. R. Lutke, Mgr. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110 614 Front Taxidermist and Farrier. OREGON'S best taxidermist; expert in all branches. C. M. Harris, 405 Washington st Typewriters. WE ARID the exchange for" the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 2S7 Washington st. SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold re paired. "P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Wood and CoaL BOX, planer and cord wood in any quantity. Standard Wood Co., East 2315. B 1095. Wall Paper. I ERNEST M1UL.ER CO.. 172 1st. Wall paper. I A Uncrusta. room moulding. tc P GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Rose burg Passenger Shcsta Limited . Silverton Passenrer 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m, 6:20 p. m. 7:45 p. m, 1.80 a. ro 7:20 a. m 4:00 p. m, 8:50 a. m, 1:00 p. nu 5:40 p. no, 7:30 a. m 10:4O p. in. 5:30 p. m. 11:00 a. hi, 9:30 p. mi 9:30 a. in. 6:20 p. m. 10:30 a. m, 8:00 a. m, 11:50 a. m, 4:40 p. m. California V.mwcim- San Francisco Express" west tiiae Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger.. ... ., ForAHfr r.rnA 1. U.V. i MDiTVUSDl ...... Forest Grove Passanger. . . . . . . Arriving Portland regon Express Roseburg Passenger "..V-.V.l'" Portlnnsl rr. Shasta Limited .""1111! nverton Passenger Corvallis Passenger UD"ii rtusenger ....,, Forest ri;,i rr:rr Forest Grove Passenger N ort hern Paclflo, North Coast Limited via Puget Sound North Coast Limited via" North Bank Atlantic Express via Puget Sound Atlantic Express via North Bank Twin city Express via Puget Sound ' 10:00 a. m, 00 p. m. 15 a. m. oo a. uu Twin City ExDreVi Vlk " VjAAth 1:00 p. xn, 7:00 p. ra 2:15 a. m, U:u0 a. m. Bank Eastern F!v ri mam vln t.. v. f ,1 ... -. UBk CXJ UUU pastern Express via North Bank . i.ei jjLiKa via .ruget Sound m Missouri River Express Via" North Bank Portland, Tacoma and fiVatti 00 a. xn 00 p. m. 15 a. m 00 a, m, 00 p. uv 00 p. in . 00 p. xn, 00 a. m. 00 a, m :35 p. m. 00 p. m. :00 a. m, :ou p. zua .30 p. m. Express, Grays Harbor, Oly inula and Smif ii u i Portland-Vancouver special! ! I " rufiet bound Limited, Grays Har bor n "I SZm.fV. L ,1 , i Yacolt Passenger "vmu .foruana North Coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited, via Pugetf Nortnern Paclno Exure&s vi Northern Paclflo Express " " vial Paciiic Coast Express" via North! Bank 1 c Paciiic Coast Express via Pugeu Westwi-n lUprebs via North Bank! 8 A fiCI 1.' , . - I . . . O ,) , Missouri Klver .Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Pugetj Sound For tland-Tacoma-Seattle Exp Loss aud from Ulympia, South Bundj :00 a, m, :00 p. xn. :00 p. xn, :35 p. m, :30 p. in, :00 a. in. Puget Sound Limited vaucouvei -x'ortiana special. . . . Yacolt Pasatmgar. ............... Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton passtiuger . ...... v.iilcao-portlaud Special . . Oienou-Washington Limited Soo-Spokane-pur tiand ....... lastern Express Arriving Portland Fast Mail Oregon Washington Limited Crvgon Exprus ............ Soo-spokane-Portland ....... Local Passenger Chicago-Portland Special .... 8:00 a. m. llO:o a. xn. b:o p. in. 7 :U0 p. nu 8:UU 1. m. 7:50 a. m. 8:uu a. m, 8:40 a. III. K:uo a. in. tl:15 p. Hi. tt:lK p. m. Astoria a Columbia lUver. L.avlnc Portland Seauicto .fc,xprtius ................. .Etorla Express ................ Kainler Passenger Kalnler Passenger - .............. Arriving Portland Portian-1 Express .............. Portland Express Rainier and Portland Passanger. Kainler and Portland Passentior. 8:00 a. mi tf:UU p. in. 1:1a p. in. tf:lu p. m, 112:15 p. m, lu .00 p. m, ilu:25 a. m; I 5:0 p. in. Canadian Iacino Kail way Co. Leaving Portiaad C P. K. fahort l.iuo via Spokaael 7:00 p. mi Via Seattl. ,12.16 a. m Arriving; Portland C P. R. Short lAa via Spokansl 0:00 a. m Via Seattl. 7:00 a.m. Ji-Fl'KKSON STREET STATIOX. Southern Pacillo. Leaving- Portland Dallas paasenser ..... Dallas Passenger .... Arriving- Portland Dal-as Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger ...17 :40 a. rai .. .1 4:uo p. m, I . . .110:15 a. mi . . . 5:56.p. in. KIJEVKNXH AUD HOYT BTRJKKTS I' AS- (.tM-Kll PXAT1Q.N. Spokane. Portland its Seatli. Railway ct Deavlns Portland Ialand Kiuplre Expres. . . . a. m. I'or Cliicauo. tit. Paul. Oxnaba. Kanaka City. Su Douis, BillinKS. Spokane. Cliemjv, Damon t. W ashtucna, Kanlotus. Pasco Roosevelt. Oranddalles, Dyle, White Salmon, btevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate sta tlons. Columbia River Local. ........... .9:00 p. m, North Bank Limited . M .......... ..7:00 p. nu For Chicago. t. Paul. Omaha. Kausai City Su. Louis. Billings. Epokane. Cneney. Lumont, Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt. Oranddalles, Lyle. white Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate sta- Uors. rrlvln Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago. BL Paul, Omaha, Kansas Lamont. Washtucna, Kalilotua. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle. Goldendale. White Kalmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local. .......... .12:25 p.m, Inland Exnplr. Express. 8:16 p.m. From Chicago, bt. Paul. Omaha. Kanaul City, tit. Louis, Blliings, Spokane. Cheney, Luuont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle, Goldendale. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electrlo Railway Ca Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations tS:3u. 7:40. 9:So. ll:ii A. M. ; 2:O0 8:45. 6:20. 11:00 P. M. Limited lor Tualatiu and Salem 8:00 A. M. Local lor Wilson, vllle and Int. stations 6:15 P. M. Dally except Sunday for points on the Salem. Palls City & Western Ry. via Salem 8:34 A. M-. 2:00 P. M. Sunday only 9:55 A. Id- Leaving Portland for Forest Orov. an. Int. stations 6:45, 8.V0, 10:10 A M.; 12:15. 2:15. 3:oU. 6:U5, 8:5. 11:15 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and ins stations U:0O. ll:Oo A. id.: 1:05, 1:15. 3.04. tt:lo. 8:20. 10:40 p. M. Limited from Salem and Tualatin 6:05 P. M. Local from Wll. sonvllle and Int.. stations 3:55 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:bo. 9:35, ll:u A. M.; l:3Ub 2:55. 4:35. 5:25. 8:10. 11:00 P. M. Portland Railway. Light & Power Company. Cars Leave. Ticket OHlce and Waiting Room. First and Alder and iast Water and la.s Morrison struets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City l:oo, 6:30 A. M. and .very 80 minutes to and including- 0 P. Al.. then 10:00. ll:O0 P. M. : last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 6:55, 7:45. 8:45. U:45. .10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45, 8:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:35 P. M. Falrview and Troutdale 6:55, "7:45 8:45. 9:45, 10:45 A. Id.. 1:1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:41. 5:45. 6:45 P. M. . Cazadcro and Intermediate points 6:55. 8:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:15. 4:45. 0:45 P. M. For Vancouver Tlckft Office and Waiting Room. Second and Washington Streets. A. M. 6:15 6:5u. 7:23. 8:00. S:35 9:10. 9:50. 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30, l:lo. 1:50. 2:30 3:10, 3:50. 4:30. 5:10, 5:50, 6:30, 7:05. 7:40. 8:13. :25. 10:35. '"11:45. On third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Monday. TIME CARU IXITliD RAILWAYS CO. Leaving Portland lur Burlington and Int. stations: 6:15, 7:15. 8:15, 0:15. 10:15, 11:15 A. il. 1:15, 2:16. 3:15, 4:15. 5:15. 8:15 P. M. For LInnton and Int. stations only: 8:10. 10,00. 11:45 P. M. Arriving Portland rrom Burlington and Int. stations: 7:60. 9:0O. Kp:0i, u :0o A. M. 12:00 noon. 2:00. 3:uo. 4:00. 5:0". 0:0o, 7:00. S:iH p. M. From Linnton and Int. station, daily, except Sunday: 7 ;0o A. M. From Linnton and Int stations, daily: 9:50, 11:3, P. M. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Fortland Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Jl.500.000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS, TF.ANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL i'ITIES OH THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE- 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. 4