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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1909)
iTTE MORXTXG OltlSGOXIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1909. 8 PORTIA NT). OREGON. Kntered at Portland. Oncoo, Postorfles as Pecond-Class Msttsr. Bobscrlptkni Rates Invariably In Advance. (By Mall.) Dillr. Sunday Included, on year ' S Pally. Sunday lncluua. six monina.... " T'ally. Sunday Included, three month!.. 2.2ft fiailv K 1 1 n .1 V 1 n i-! n i ! ll nnl month.... ' rallv. without Kundar. on year 6.00 I'slly. without Sunday, six monthi. ... 3 25 Dttilv without Similav. threa months.., 1. Dally, without Sunday, ona month Weekly, ona jesr J 50 Fundav. ona Tear. 2.&0 Sunday and weekly, ona year -60 (By Carrier.) rallr, Sunday Included, ona Ttr JJ Pally, Sunday Included, ona month.... ! How to Remit Send poeiomcs """J order, express order or perannal check on vour local bank. Stamps, coin or currency ire at tha sender's risk. Olve postofflcs sd- , -..n . Mitiniv &nit atata. Posture Rates 10 to 14 pages, 1 cent; IS to 28 paxes. 2 cants; so to u pases, a .-. 0 to 0 paces, a cents. Foreln postage double rate. Faster Business Office The S. C. Peck- -.. An-v New Tork. fOOHl I 49 SO Tribune bulldln. Chicago, rooms 010-512 Tribune building. PORTLAXO. SATURDAY, OV. 7, 1909. A RADICAL CHANGE. President Taft Is a fcood lawyer, but not really a very great one. To hlra the "enactment of the corporation tax was due; for he urged It. and brought to bear all the force he could, to cause its enactment. Tef it Is doubted by some whether It will be held a. consti tutional tax, and b- other soma whether It Is Just. No question but It will be carried up to the Supreme Court of the United States. It Is contended that the corporation tax Is not Just, because It lays a spe cial burden on all business done In corporate form: while the Individual or the partnership, doing the very same business, or a business not dis tinguishable from that done by the corporation, is exempt. The argument for the discrimination, however, is that the stockholders or the corporation have no liability beyond their paid-up stock. It Is partly so, partly not. The stockholder may quit. Indeed; but he will lose his Investment. With the In dividual or the partnership It Is not much different. The corporation, was not devised as a means of enabling men to get quit of their obligations, but as a means of combining capital for necessary operations. It is a neces sary method of industrial and com mercial life. It ought not to be pen alized. But. advancing from this position, we come to objections and difficulties of wider scope. The corporations (ex cept the national banks) are organized under state law. The right to grant corporate franchises Inheres In the states; and it Is not pretended that the General Government has the right to charter the Infinite number of corpor ations, doing business of every kind, that state law has authorized. Xow what right has the National Govern ment to tax those means employed In the exercise of state policy which are beyond its own scope and Jurisdiction? The state has the right to authorize these corporations. They are state creations. Has the National Govern ment the right to tax them? If so, it has a right to tax them to death, to forbid them to exist. On this subject the principles laid by Chief Justice ; Marshall and adhered to since his day, leave no room for doubt. The Federal corporations are but few in number, and they were created as Incidental to powers expressly con ferred upon the National Government. The dispute, then, as the New Tork Times Justly urges, "is not about tax ing corporations which Congress has the right to create, but about taxing those which it has not the right to create, to which It gives no privileges, and over which its Jurisdiction has yet to be established." - Again: It has been decided repeat edly that "the states have not the right to tax the instrumentalities of the Federal Government. The states can not tax patents, or copyrights, because they have not the right to create them, nd have not the right to cripple or de stroy what the Federal Government has created. If the case were reversed, and the states had power to grant pat ents and copyrights, it cannot be doubted that the Federal Government would not have the right to cripple or destroy instrumentalities of the state governments. The case Is reversed re garding corporations, and It is con tended that the Federal Government has not the right to destroy them, which Is part of tha right to tax. In the exercise of powers strictly related to a Federal function, the Federal Government taxed state bank notes out of existence. If it can tax corpor ations it can tax them out of existence. By assuming to tax profits it takes power to say what are profits, and whether there shall be any profits." Nor merely on the legal argument does the objection depend. The Ohio State Board of Commerce, composed of two thousand leading men of busi ness In that state, at a recent meeting adopted this resolution, towlf. That it Is tha sense of this board that tha Federal law taxing- the Incomes of cor porations will seriously interfere with the revenues of tha state by taxing a subject created by the state and upon which tha tats relies for a substantial portion of Its revenue; and that this board should use its Influence to recurs a repeal of said law; and that In the meantime it is desirable that the constitutionality of tha law should be tested. The following argument was made before the Ohio organization by Allen Ripley Foote, president of the Inter national Tax Association: A law regarding which the people h&re not been consulted, enacted by methods snd under conditions that prevented a free ex pression of opinion by the representatives of the states and of the people In the Con gress, is not entitled to respect when ita enforcement will make a radical change In public policy, will seriously Interfere with the taxing power of the states and will place additional burdens on the people. Not one representative of a state In the Senate, not one representative of the people In the House of Representatives of the Con gress, wss authorised by the state or by the people they represent to vote for the en actment Into law of the proposed Federal tax on the net Income of corporations. The statements are sound and true, throughout. The corporation tax Is a blow at corporate organization neces sary, not merely for large business, but for business of all grades and In nearly all branches. It held valid. It will pro duce a radical change In. our national polity, and indeed In the whole char acter of our governmental system. The income tax. falling directly on the In dividual, would be the more efficient method for revenue, and, moreover, more Just to the citizens; and It will not suppress or tax instrumentalities authorized by the states for the con duct of business rights and powers which the states have always hereto fore possessed. Payment of the cor poration tax, levied by the General Government, will be resisted, in the nrxie of all corporations; and appeals will be carried to the higher courts of the United States. If the multitude of corporations authorized by the states, and heretofore under state con trol, are hereafter to fall under control of the National Government, It will be Important to have the arguments, the reasons, the grounds of the deci sions, which are to support and Justify the change. For certainly it will be a radical change of our polity and sys tem of government. i RATIONAL REORGANIZATION. Through the assemblies, conferences and conventions there will be by far larger participation by the members of parties in the primaries than can be had through the method of self nomination of candidates. Members of parties, from all parts of the state, from all counties and precincts, will confer. There will be opportunity to know something about candidates. Candidates will be estimated by the representatives of parties and people, not taken . on their own estimate of themselves. Under the saJf-nominating plan, when the multitude of candidates are presented on the primary ticket, it is impossible for the voter to have knowl edge even of the names of the multi tude. Few can have any opinion or Judgment as to those who ought to be voted for; for they don't know the men. It is a necessity of representa tive government that parties shall be represented; and they can be repre sented only by selective and advisory assemblies. These will start with the precincts, with the small assemblies, and advance to the larger ones. No other rational way is possible. It was not, nor is it, the design of the primary law to eliminate or super sede party organizations and represen tative conventions. A political party has a right to exist; and by conse quence it has a right to organize Us forces, to hold conferences and to recommend candidates and policies. All this will be done any way whether there are dissenters or not. First of all. It Is necessary. In order that each party may control its own affairs and direct its own nominations, free from the Intrusion of opponents, bent on bedevllment, such as has been wit nessed these years past In Oregon. Never In Oregon can the Republican party recover its ground without reor ganization of its forces and concentra tion of Its efforts. No sane person Imagines this can be effected through continuation of the loose methods which have produced Its disorganiza tion and defeats. WHAT WATER COMPETITION DOES. A statement Issued by the Bureau of Statistics yesterday estimates the value of merchandise carried across the Isthmus of Panama and the Isth mus of Tehuantepec thlsyear at 75, 000,000. As an example of the tre mendous growth of the business by the Isthmus route. It is noted that the traffic of the Tehuantepec route, which is almost exclusively In freight that otherwise iwould cross the continent by rail, was between $25,000,000 and 230.000,000 In 1907, the first year of operation of the line. "Last year It was 138.000,000 and this year It will reach J50.000.000. This is the route which Spokane, in a misguided moment, declared offered no opposition to the railroads. Hamp ton's Magazine, Collier's AVeekly and a number of other Kastern publica tions have also repeatedly denied that it was a factor of any consequence in the making of rates. We shall not reap the full benefits of water trans portation until the Panama Canal is built, ,but when a single line handles S50.000.000 worth of freight in a year its Importance as a regulator of freights is entitled to recognition. A NEW SALMON EXPERIMENT. A big salmon hatchery has been es tablished at Bonneville, on the Colum bia River, by the Oregon Fish Commis sion. It is a central plant for propa gation of salmon by means of eggs taken at various stations In Columbia River waters. The eggs are to be hatched at Bonneville and the Infant salmon nurtured In "nursery ponds" until they have grown to an inch or more in length, and then allowed to find their way to sea, whence they are expected to return as mature salmon, in three or four years, to be caught for packing. Hatchery work has saved salmon of tha Columbia River from extinction. But the work has not accomplished desired results for Increase of recur ring fish supply. -It has been found that too few of the many millions of fry released in remote waters of the Mackenzie or Snake Rivers survive their predatory enemies. Formerly the sole problem seemed to be that of hatching the eggs and setting free the infant fish; now the more serious diffi culty is seen to be that of lessening the mortality of the baby salmon. This is the difficulty that the Oregon fish authorities are trying to meet in the establishment of the Bonneville hatchery. Hatcheries elsewhere have proved quite inadequate. The outcome of the new experiment Is awaited wlth hopeful expectations. AX EVER-PRESENT PROBLEM. There Is no reason why river craft of high and low degree in Portland's harbor, moving for the convenience and by order of the relatively few, should have absolute right of way over land craft, moving for the accommo dation of the many. The War De partment, which controls the naviga tion, end of the subject, still clings to the tradition that makes the rights of water traffic paramount. With this formidable backing a little tug with a crew of perhaps three men who live aboard serenely casts away her lines, blows the signal for the draw to open, turns round leisurely (being In no hurry to get anywhere), and holds up a lino of streetcars carrying anywhere from 300 to 500 men and "women re turning to their homes from their day's work for five to fifteen minutes. Dominance of the arbitrary spirit en gendered and supported by absolute power, and blindly devoted to the tra ditions of its office, accounts for this condition but cannot excuse it. The little craft all water craft has its rights upon the river. This fact everybody is willing to concede. But It does not belong to the legiti mate exercise of this right to Ignore utterly and arbitrarily the rights of those who transact business or pursue industrial vocations on land, and in order to do so effectively must be given prompt transit at special hours of the day across the bridges which span the river. In simple truth, both land and water traffic has special rights. Necessarily ona must at time cross the track of the other. Each should be "willing to bear its share in the Inconvenience that results. There are certain hours of every day when the volume of bridge transit Is at the maximum. The "rush" of those hours is the result of fixed economic conditions. Interfer ence with this cause is in effect to hamper these conditions and to a greater or less extent place a handicap upon a fixed principle of our Indus trial system. It is manifest that the easiest way and practically the only way equitably to adjust this matter Is to fix reasonable periods, morning and evening, during which the draws of the bridges will remain closed. tifMllLDKO OREGON' DAIRIES. The dairy industry of the Willam ette Valley falls far short of supplying the demand or its product, prices of milk, butter and cheese are high and the only relief in sight is importation from states of the Middle West. Dairy ing Is an essential of the livestock industry and livestock affords oppor tunity for the most durable prosperity. Therefore, the slow progress of dairy ing and its decline In some parts of the Willamette Valley, are matters of public concern. Persons who introduce new dairy animals of high breeds, while serving their own Interests, are also conspicu ously serving those of the public. The country and the cities need more cows, more hands willing to work, and im provement of agricultural conditions for growth of herbage In dry Summer and Autumn months. The .project of Willamette Valley irrigation is working to this end; so Is the movement of Im migration; likewise importation of new dairy cows; also growth of knowledge necessary to combat the dread plague, bovine tuberculosis. This latter dis ease la a serious obstacle to dairy growth; and when its ravages are grossly exaggerated, as recently, by sensation-seeking health officials at Portland, the effect is very damaging to the dairy industry and discouraging to individuals on whom the public must depend for the milk supply. It has been asserted by one health of ficial that 50 per cent of the cows he examined were tubercular, and this has been repeated by other officials who must appear busy in. order to Justify their salaries. They did not explain that for this test herds were singled out which were known to be diseased, and that in other examinations tubercu losis was wholly absent or present in very small percentage. This misrep resentation makes many dairymen seek exit from the business and discourages other persons from entering. The truth should be told in this Important mat ter. Falsehood Injures the milk sup ply and damages livestock progress. This country needs a milk production that will enable It to export large Quantities of condensed milk, butter and cheese. At present, the plants that manufacture these products are either Idle or running short shift. H. C. Campbell, of this city, repre senting the Portland Fair and Live stock Association, will attend the Na tional Livestock Exposition, at Chi cago, In the Interest of Oregon live stock. He expects to bring back a number of purebred Guernsey cattle for a well-known dairy near Portland. This will be a praiseworthy mission. The Guernsey breed in Oregon is lit tle represented. Oregon needs It in large numbers of dairy cows. The state now can boast of but two herds of this worthy dairy breed, that of the j Ladds, near Sellwood, and that or nir. Looney, at Jefferson. The upbuilding of dairy work, espe cially In the Willamette Valley, offers one of the richest opportunities. Prog ress will be slow and most of It will be based on educational effort. Cru sades and spasms will help little and may leave much Injury. Patient and intelligent demonstrations of purity, cleanliness and profit are essential. Dairymen could profitably give lessons to milk officials on the practical sides of dairying. Some officials are even more ignorant than dairymen. for'kign trade increasing. Foreign trade for the month of Oc tober was of almost record-breaking proportions, the exports for the month falling but a million short of $200, 000, 000. the highest figure reached since January, 1908. The increase over the totals for October, 1908, was nearly $27,000,000. Imports also made an excellent showing, the total for the month being $126,949,005, a gain of nearly $25,000,000 over October, 1908. The extraordinarily high prices at which the cotton crop is being moved are responsible for much of the in crease in the export figures, the gain in that great staple alone being $30, 000,000 over the figures for October, 1908, although the increase in the quantity shipped was not large. There was a decrease In the amount of breadstuff's exported during the month, and also In the meat and dairy prod ucts. The decrease in these commodi ties is due to the high prices at which they can be marketed in the home markets. The excess of nearly $72,000,000 In exports 6ver imports is the best in crease scored in this item for many months, and will assist In restoring our balance of trade to a more atlsfac tory "basis. The extent to which this balance has been dwindling Is shown In the figures for the ten months end ing with October. For this period the exports of $1,359,535,399 exceed the imports by only $164,000,000, nearly half of which was made up In the Oc tober business. Naturally, where our trade balance is so small it has become necessary to supplement it with ship ments of gold, and for the ten months we exported, $68,512,679 more of the yellow metal than we imported. Even this balance, added to that of the ex ports of other commodities, will hardly pay for the new indebtedness incurred abroad by our tourists, or for other purposes. Fortunately, the November move ment of both cotton and grain has been unusually heavy, and, as prices are high, this balance will be brought up to very satisfactory proportions when the November returns are all in. The advancing tariff schedules have undoubtedly checked the importation of many foreign goods that we could have used to advantage, and this also will tend to Increase the balance of I trade In our favor, although it is ques tionable whether an apparent saving of this nature is advantageous. American Consul McNally, who has been 'stationed at Nankin, China, is the latest of our foreign representa tives to complain about the alleged lack of enterprise of our manufactur ers. According to this eminent au thority, "most American manufactur ers seem to send their men over here when they can find nothing else for them to do." Mr. McNally ia of ti.eA opinion that the Germans and the British are more enterprising in their efforts for business than the Ameri cans. This complaint of foreign Con suls Is heard so frequently that there may be some justification for It. If there Is, the Pacific Coast business men should not be included in the same class with those of the Eastern trade centers. The big exporters of Pacific Coast products do not "send" their men over there. They keep them over there the year round, and succeed in selling the Chinese about all that they are able to pay for. The wonderful possibilities for In dustrial exploitation in Alaska are re flected in the railroad building now under way in that land of gold and mystery. The first fifty-four miles of the Copper River & Northwestern Railroad, which will be in operation December 1, cost $5,770,000, and the entire road will cost $20,000,000. This road is being built by Eastern capital ists who have made a thorough exam ination of the field and are perfectly familiar with the resources that will yield the returns on this enormous ex penditure. Railroads which cost more than $100,000 per mile In new terri tory are not very plentiful, even In lo calities much more thickly settled than Alaska, and the greatness of the un dertaking Is a high tribute to the terri tory that possesses natural resources of sufficient quantity and value to war rant such an enterprise. All persons who are patting Insur gent politicians on the back, "will find there Is no "Insurgency" against pro tectionist policy in the United States. That policy never was so firmly estab lished as now. The Oregonian Is and has been its opponent, this many a year; but realizes fully that the people want It and will have and will con tinue it; and Oregon, moreover, is one of the strongest protectionist states f the forty-six. Joe Cannon could carry it by a majority equal to any obtain able by Teddy Roosevelt. "Mother Roberts," whose methods of reaching and treating wayward boys and girls, have attracted wide atten tion, has opened a mission in this city where she will carry on her work. Upon the basis that every child is an asset to the community and the state that Is well worth developing and turning to good account, the work this good wo man Is doing appeals at once to the humanitarian and the political econo mist for Indorsement. It is not con ceivable that in this community the appeal should be in vain. That old railroad crossing sign which cautioned the drivers to "Stop, look, listen," may have caused a loss of a few seconds or a few minutes of time that was not always valuable, but no lives were ever lost 'in obeying it. A similar sign, properly heeded, would have prevented that fearful Los Angeles tragedy by which almost an entire family was killed. We are liv ing in a fast age, but even automo bile drivers should find time to slow up. In an article entitled "The Sale of Calumnies," the New Tork Times deals with the Matthews article on Sec retary Ballinger, In Hampton's Maga zine. The Times shows that the arti cle was written in total Ignorance of the facts, and probably with malice, and asks, "Is it not about time that the inventions of calumnies and fabrica tions about Mr. Ballinger should cease?" It certainly is time; but the muckrakers must have stuff to sell. A woman committed suicide In this city Thanksgiving, owing. It Is said, to despondency caused by separation from her husband. Since she was the decampings party and he desired her to return to him, her preference for suicide as the way out of her de spondency is not easily explained. A Pendleton paper says of W. J. Furnish, who has moved his home to Portland: "Pendleton can 111 afford to lose such men as W. J. Furnish." This is rather tardy appreciation of a man who has done big things. for Umatilla County. Perhaps Mr. Fur nish should have moved sooner. Twenty thousand dollars will be ex pended to get a plan for "a city beau tiful." It's a small sum of money, and Its expenditure may give pleasure to the promoters. The net results will be, or ought at least to be, some hand some diagrams and blue-prints. Five are dead In one family from collision between an automobile and a streetcar at Los Angeles. The speed maniac has never yet been able to drive his automobile over a railroad crossing fast enough to miss every thing. The Republican advocates of "State ment One" there are not many of them are working hard to elect an other Democratic Senator. It can be prevented by their defeat. The "holy statement" has given Ore gon one Democratic Senator. Pursued successfully, it will give the state an other. But that might be an improve ment on J. B., Jr. Gatens, who gets the reproof for letting bunco-steerers escape, was ap pointed Judge, In payment of certain political and personal debts of George Chamberlain. One result of the assembly system will be stoppage of the Interference of one party in the affairs of another, supported by perjured registration. Colonel Hofer reiterates that he is not a candidate for any office. Per sons' who have had most to do with him commend his judgment. Nat Goodwin has once more gone back to the stage, and the barrooms lose a shining ornament, at least part of the time. " Some persons are slurring "Beauti ful Willamette." But every beautiful creature occasionally goes on a ram page. This has been the best year In his tory for the pigskin game. Never be fore has there been so much mud. The Multnomah football team could still get a game with one of the lesser colleges. The oldest living inhabitant is with us yet. There was once a worse flood. The turkeys that still live have cause for thanksgiving too. CHIPS FROM THE WORKSHOP. Slap at Portland Attorney. Albany Democrat. A Portland attorney while taking a bath got 110 volts of electricity. That wouldn't have any effect on the hide ot the average attorney. Portland has a few lawyers who wouldn't . be phazed by 2000 volts. This Rule Works One Way. . Dufur Dispatch. . When a father doesn't marry the sec ond time to please his daughter, she leaves home; but when she doesn't marry to suit him, not only is that retreat de nied him, but he has to let the new son-in-law come and live with him. Prehistoric) Architecture. Cbrvallls Gazette-Times. The older buildings show that the fool architect who put 20,000 unsightly bay windows, cupalos and spires on Portland business houses was copied at Eugene. It's too bad that fellow didn't get switched to the North Pole before he landed in Oregon. Mighty Unequal. Newberg Graphic. Over at Lebanon, a girl of 17 has mar ried two men in less than 12 months, while here in Newberg we have girls who are twice 17 who have not yet landed one man. A more equal distribution of nature's products is one of the demands of the Socialist which might properly be invoked in such instances. Dangerous Man for Governor. Tacoma Ledger. Colonel B. Hofer, of Salem, is wise at this time In denying that he is a candi date for Governor of Oregon. He it was who last Summer came oat with a strong editorial counseling the people of Ore gon to pray for rain. Now ee what has resulted. A man of Hofer's abilities and inclinations would be dangerous in the office of Governor. Just Ginarcr Cp. Hillsboro Argus. If you are dyspeptic and prone to look on the dark side of things Just ginger up and make a resolve that you'll quit whimpering. When you are making an eternal scold of yourself, and see nothing but bitterness in this "vale of tears" you are only advertising your ills, and being laughed at for your pains. Face the world with brightness don't cry all the time like our contemporary down the street. Self-Help. Newberg Graphic. The Weston Leader says Weston has better schools and more business since the Normal School closed than before. The Normal was supported by state funds and possibly Weston had been content to depend on this, the -ame as some county seat towns drift along and grow hoary with age, the citizens showing a woeful lack of public spirit, as they rent content in the possession of the perquisites com ing from the county ' business. The Assemblies. Gervais Star. The Assemblies that are going to .be held all over Oregon the coming Spring will be a body of representative men aligned with the Republican party. There will be no foolishness. It will be a quiet, orderly body to perpetuate the Repub lican party for further usefulness and best good for all people concerned. Every earnest working Republican is expected to affiliate, and they will. The assembly will be no man's convention, but com posed of Republicans. The Prodigal Son. Yakima Republic. According to a dispatch from Spokane, "Senator George Turner, who Is no longer a radical Democrat," is mentioned as one of the gentlemen from Eastern Wash ington who may be a candidate for the Republican nomination lor United States Senator at the next primary election. There is jiothlng strange about the fact that Senator Turner should be reported as about to come back to the Republican party. He left the party because he couldn't get an office. He trained with all the other parties from time to time when there was a chance that he might be elected. The Democrats and Popu lists gave him six years in the Senate. Now Populism is dead and Democracy is in a hopeless condition. The Senator still wants an office. We may be sure he will get back' into the Republican party if conditions continue as they are. A SILLY MEASURE." Tha Denominated by the Sage of Eastern Oregron. The Dallas Optimist. At the last election a law was passed as follows: "That we, the people of the State of Oregon, hereby Instruct our Rep- j resentatlves and Senators In our legisla tive assembly, as such officers, to vote for and elect the candidates for United States Senator from this state who re ceive the highest number of votes at our general election." What is the penalty for non compliance with said "law?" Would the member be liable to prosecution if he failed to vote as thus instructed? Sup pose the member from a certain county was called upon to cast his ballot for Senator and could show that three-fifths of his constituents wanted him to vote for the' Republican candidate, but the Democratic candidate had secured a. ma jority of the votes cast at the election; what course would the member take? Why, of course he would have to fol low the Instructions of the law; but if the Republican should get the- majority, why, that Would be a subject for further consideration by our Democratic breth ren. The law was made to elect non descripts like Bourne,' Democrats like Chamberlain, and to defeat Republicans like Fulton. And it may work out Just as the framere hope. But we doubt it. We believe the Republican members of the next legislative assembly will vote as the majority of the party dictate. SOMETHING ABOUT CRIMES. And the Confusion of Ideas About What Crime la. OAK GROVE. Or.. Nov. 28. (To the Ed itor.) The Oregonian's reply to Brother Cline seems to make the impression that The Ore gonian thinks prohibition or the law forbid ding the sale of liquor was a failure becauee it did not slop the sals of liquor at Lebanon. Are we to infer that all laws are a failure because they do not stop crime ? i J. Y. Aliirv (jK. It seems difficult to make this subject understood. To sell or to drink liquor, to eat or to wear k thing, to observe Sunday or neglect the observance and a thousand things more, not "mala in se" but only "prohibita," are not crimes. Nor will the "generality of mankind in general" so regard them. It can no more bo a crime to -sell or drink beer than to sell or eat onions no matter what anybody may ay about It But all man kind agrees that it is a crime to steal or to kill, or to violate the sanctity of your neighbor's household. No fiction of law can make a crime of that which is not a crime. Dropped In the Slump Harper's Weekly. First Wall Street Office Boy Hello, Chimmy! Takin' any filers dese days? S-jcond Office Boy Naw! Since I dropped two bones in de slump I bin atlckln' to me legitimate business. TRAINS ADDED TO SCHEDULE Special Service for S41verton, Ash land Gets Local. Additional trains and extension In the present schedule on both the main and branch lines of the Southern Pacific sys tem are provided in the new time card announced at the Harrlman offices yes terday. The new schedule will become effective tomorrow. Provision has been made for a special local train between this city and Stlverton and an additional train on the Sheridan division. Other changes have been arranged, so as to provide an uninterrupted local train serv ice from Portland to Ashland. It was originally intended by the Har- rtilian 6sieiii iu iuii uiin ui no ic e 1 line motor cars between this city and I Silverton. but it was found that the car would not meet the requirements of the travel on that branch. Consequently, trie motor car will be placed on the run be tween this city and Oswego in a few duys. A special local train will be operated on the Silverton branch. It will leave Silverton daily at 7 A. M., arriving in Portland at 9:30 A. M. Returning, it will leave this city at 6:20 P. M., and arrive at Silverton at 8:50 P. M. This train will make one round-trip daily. Advices have been received at the Harrlman offices that the other motor car, which is run Qng between Dayton and Wallula, Wash., is giving satisfactory service. Beginning tomorrow, the Cottage Grove train, which has been reaching Portland at 10:40 P. M., will start from Ashland, leaving at 7:S5 A. M. Its time of arrival here will be the same as under the present schedule. The Southern Pacific now op erates a local between Roseburg and Ash land and the extension of the service of the Cottage Grove train to Roseburg will give the people, between Cottage Grove and Roseburg a local train. Train No. 19, which now leaves Portland at 8:15 P. M., hereafter will depart at 8:30 A. M.. 15 minutes later, and will reach Ashland at 12:15 A. M. instead of 11:30 P. M., as at present The Cottage Grove local will continue to leave Portland at 4:15 P. M. and will run through to Roseburg, arriving at the lat ter place at 1:10 A. M. On the West Side division, Train No. 2, which leaves Cor vallis at 12:45 P. M., will leave that city at 1:30 P. M., arriving in Portland at 6:20 P. M. instead of 5:35 under the present schedule. By the addition of another train on the Sheridan branch, patrons of the company will be able to make a round trip dally between Portland and Sheridan. Under the present schedule only one train is operated on this division. The sched ule for the additional train has not been finally determined. A further change in the schedule affects the Dallas local, which hereafter will leave the Polk County metropolis daily at 2:10 P. M., arriving in Portland at 5:55 P. M.. instead of 5:05 P. M. "We have considered that we were giv ing the people of Western Oregon an en tirely satisfactory train service," said John M. Scott, assistant general passen ger agent of the Harrlman lines, yester day, "but with the enlarged service which is provided for in the new time card, cer tainly no complaint can result. We be lieve the improved sen-ice will prove ade quate for the accommodation of all pas senger business offered on the main line between Portland and Ashland, as well as on the branch lines running Into this city." CITY TO MEET JUDGE LOVETT Informal Reception Arranged for Tonight at Commercial Club. Judge Robert S. Lovett, head of the Harriman system, yesterday telegraphed from Seattle his acceptance of an Invita tion to meet the business men of Port land Informally tonight. Accordingly ar rangements have been made for a recep tion to Judge Lovett and his associates, Julius Kruttschnitt and J. C. Stubbs, at the Portland Commercial . Club, at 8 o'clock tonight. There will be no speech making and the function Is intended merely to give the new head of the Har rlman system an opportunity to meet per sonally the business men of this city. Judge Lovett and party spent yester day Inspecting the Harriman properties in Tacoma and Seattle. They will return to Portland some time this afternoon, ex pecting to leave about midnight for San Francisco. GREAT NORTHERN TO ENTER Only Obstacle to Portland Service Is Spokane Franchise. V With the completion of a two-mile branch from Spokane south to a connec tion with the Spokane. Portland & Seat tle, the Great Northern will be ready to inaugurate a through train service to this city. Included in the construction of this short branch Is a tunnel 2120 feet long. Porter Brothers, the Hill con tractors, are doing the work, whiijh will be finished early in December. When this has been done, the Great Northern will be prepared to begin its service to Portland. The only obstacle yet in the way is a franchise from the Spokane City Council covering that por tion of the track within the city limits. The railroad company has made applica tion for the franchise. TWO PERSON'S HAVE COMPLAINT Railroad Commission Asked to Trace Up Lost Freight, Stolen Suitcase. SALEM. Or., Nov. 26. (Special.) J. E. Henkle, of Philomath. Or., has advised the Railroad Commission that he had cer tain goods lost in transit from tho East and that the Southern Pacific has made no effort to straighten the matter out, although the loss occurred a year and a half ago. Herman Meyer has written the Commis sion that on November 7. 1!9, while en route from Omaha to Portland, and while the conductor and porter were out on the d$pot platform, a man entered the car and stole his suitcase and an over coat belonging to another passenger. The Commission has asked the Pullman Com pany whether It intends to reimburse Mr. Meyer. , Missouri Pacific Must improve. TOPEKA, Kas.. Nov. M. The state board of railroad commissioners today Issued an order to the Missouri Pacific to put its lines in Kansas in standard condition by the close of the year 1910. This order followed the conference be tween Stubbs and officials of the Missouri Pacific and is based on letters written to the board stating the intended improve ments. ' Railroad Personals. H. M. Adams, general freight and pas senger agent; J. Russell, general super intendent: E. E. Lillie, superintendent of car service, and C. M. Fowler, traveling freight agent, of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle, left yesterday on an Inspection trip over the North Bank and Astoria & Columbia River Roads. H. A. Jackson, general freight and passenger agent for the Great Northern, yesterday was advised from the Seattle offices of his company that the Great Northern train service had been restored completely, after a temporary interrup tion on account of unfavorable weather conditions. Benage S. Josselyn, president of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Com pany, is expected to return today from the East, where he has been' on business connected with the company's large in terests here. W. R. Mclnnes, traffic manager of the Canadian Pacific, and W. B. Langan, as sistant traffic manager of the same sys tem, with offices in Montreal, were in Portland yesterday. TOURIST TRAVEL. IS SOUGHT Scott, of Harriman Lines, Returns From Trip to Canada. John M. Scott, assistant general pas senger agent for the Harriman lines, returned yesterday from a business trip to Winnipeg and other Canadian cities between that city and Spokane. He was accompanied by W. R. Skey. trav eling passenger agent for the O. R. A N. at Spokane, and their mission was to Interest Canadian tourists In the at tractiveness of traveling via Spokane and Portland and the Sunset route to Southern California Winter resorts. At the present time the bulk of this travel goes via Kansas City to Florida. Those who do visit California make the trip via Kansas City. "We believe we accomplished re sults," said Mr. Scott yesterday, "and are satisflwl that considerable of this travel hereafter will he diverted from the Eastern roads via Portland and the Sunset route to California. After an absence of 24 years, I was surprised to note the remarkable development of that section of Canada I visited. The people generally are prosperous and many of them annually, during the rigid Win ter season, seek more pleasant regions. "Among the places I visited was Med icine Hat. a city of about 10.000 inhab itants. An erroneous impression pre vails concerning this place, which is reputed to be the coldest city on the American continent. That belief orig inated from the fact that the first weather bureau established in Canada was installed at Medicine Hat, and In the reports. which were sent out from that place the city itself was credited with having furnished the reports of 15 and 20 degrees below zero, although such reports came from points 600 miles distant. "Medicine Hat has never been able to live down that reputation. As a mat ter of fact, weather conditions there are much more mild than In any other Ca nadian city within many miles. While I was at Medicine Hat the thermometer registered only a few degrees above freezing, while it was 15 degrees below zero at another town less than 20 miles distant. This remarkable difference in temperature is explainable from the fact Medicine Hat enjoys natural pro tection from severe weather conditions that other sections of Canada do not have." Hr. Scott formerly resided at Mon treal, and In 1885 served as a member of an artillery organization during the Riel rebellion, which occurred in the vicinity of the cities he visited on this trip. He met several of his old com rades and numerous friends he had not seen for a quarter of a century. YOAKUM WANTS FRISCO LIX13 New York Believes Control Will lie Turned Over to Edwin Hawley. NEW" YORK, Nov. 2tf. In responsible banking circles- it was intimated today that negotiations for the sulo of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad to Benja min F. Yoakum, chairman of the execu tive committee of the Chicago, Rock Island &. Pacific Railway Company, were In process. The St. Louis & San Francisco sys tem which was organized in large part by Mr. Yoakum, is controlled by tho Rock Island Company through ownership ot the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail way Company. It is believed Mr. Yoakum will turn con trol of the St. Louis & San Francisco over to Edwin Hawley, with whom he Is already interested in various ventures. Mr. Hawley. however, controls the Chica go & Alton and Missouri. Kansas & Tex as, both of which are in a sense com peting lines with the St. Louis & San Francisco. Spokane to Go on Excursion. Under the uspices of the Spokane Cham ber of Commerce the yearly , isonolly conducted Inland Empire excursion to Los Angeles will be given in January. This excursion will leave Spokane on tha night of January 17 and the party will spend the following day in this city. The excursionists will travel in a special train, on which accommodations will bo limited to 250 persons. Included In the party will be a number of prominent people from the larger cities in Western Canada. MRS. GEISER'S FILED Grandchildren Got $1000 Ench; Children Remainder of $7 5,00 0. BAKER CITY, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special. The will of Mrs. Geiser. just tiled here, disposes of property valued conservatively estimated In the petition for probate at J47.C00 and generally believed to be worth fully J75.000. The family home at Second and Madison streets and the household effects are bequeathed to a daughter. Miss Louise Gelser, and the decedent's per sonal effects are divided between Miss I,ou1ee Geiser and another daughter, Mrs. Emma Pollman. The remainder of the estate, after be quests of J1000 each have been paid to five grandchildren and all debts and funeral expenses have been discharged. Is ordered to be divided equally between five children, Albert Geiser, of California; Edward and Frank Geiser, of Portland, and Miss Irfjuise Geiser and Mrs. Emma Pollman. of Baker City. The daughters are named as executriies, with full power. William Pollman, John Sclnnitz and Walter Fernald were named as apprais ers by the Court. SPINSTER CALLED TO COURT Heir and Executrix to Estate Must Show Cause. Lydia Rodney, a spinster 73 years old, was recently appointed by County Judge Webster executrix of the estate of Clem entina Rodney, her sister, must appear in the County Court at 9 A. M., Decem ber 4. to show cause why alio should not be removed. Sanderson Reed, upon whope petition she was appointed, filed objec tions yesterday to lier continuance as executrix of the will, raying that she is incompetent. It consists of 14 tracts of land, and seven outstanding mortgages. Miss Rodney is the solo heir of the de ceased, who died October 13. Dayton Secures Electric Lights. DAYTON, Or.. Nov. 2fi. (Special. The electric street lighting system now being installed on the streets of Dayton bv the Yamhill Electric Company, of Newberg. is rapidly nearing comple tion. Lights were first turned on Mon day night. The city has entered into a ten-year contract for street lights, paying $750 per year. Several thousand dollars has been expended by the elec tric company in building the Dayton svstem. it having been necessary to build eight miles of transmission line between Newberg and Dayton. Saturday Half Holiday Ended. All of the city offices will be open for business this afternoon up to 5 o'clock, as on all other business days. The new ordinance takes effect, and all municipal employes will therefore have to work, instead of enjoying a halt-holiday, aa they have done for the past few years. Portland Tailor Is Sued. Abraham Lippman, a tailor living at 70J First street, is being sued in the Circuit Court by D. L. Gee and V. Westerlung. He has- failed, they say, to pay them fot excavating his basement and an alley way. and for putting in cement work. Thev demand $401.50. $100 of which is for attorney's fee t